HOW TO CRAFT the WORLD’S OLDEST MINECRAFT SWORD! (Minecraft 1.13 Crafting Recipe)

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Legend has it that there is a sword so all’s in Minecraft that everybody who plays minecraft has forgotten how to craft it it’s known as the world’s oldest Minecraft sword but today ladies and gentlemen I am going to craft that sword right here right now

And if you’re as excited as I am to craft the world’s most so short in my crap you better hit that like button down below and subscribe to the channel I personally have never seen the oldest minecraft sword ever but I’ve heard so many different stories about it from so

Many different Minecrafters but like we said people have forgotten how to crap the world’s oldest sword in Minecraft so I’m going to be reminding you guys how to do it and even kind of reminding myself how to do it so as you can see right now I’ve got the Ultra useless

Modern sword we’ve got to change that we don’t want this ultra useless modern sword and check it out guys I’m like in this random jungle area and everything here is so dark and what the crafting bench is talking to me what are you doing here this is the middle of a

Jungle why are you carrying around this ultra-modern sword okay that’s a great question I don’t know why you know I have been placed here about 2,000 years ago what that’s older than my grandma the life of a crafting table if you could craft something on me I would be so happy

Wait I just got an idea what would you say about crapping the world’s oldest sword yes that is perfect so let’s start here behind this wall there’s a set of Gators take them and gather resources to craft this thing Oh ladies and gentlemen we have our first graphic recipe to

Craft the world’s oldest sword oh my gosh people have died apparently look there’s blood and skeletons people have died trying to craft the world’s oldest sword I better be careful holy moly look at all these items we’ve got shovels axis pickaxe eye sword we’ve got quartz dust and even diamonds

Ladies and gentlemen this is crazy so the first thing we have to make wait what the heck is this in jest alter what does that mean we’ve got a smeltery over here whoo-hoo this map is becoming crazy on us look at all the plants over here – man this map is

Crazy okay sorry guys I’m getting off focused so this sword like look at the things that this can break it can break all kinds of things but I mean obviously the most important thing right now we need a lot of wood we’ve got to make

Ourselves a bowl and oh my gosh this is a fast axe so we’ve got a craft for ourselves a a bowl we’re gonna need a little bit of wooden planks over here and you know what I’m gonna do guys I’m gonna come over here to this crafting

Bench I’m gonna go and craft those sticks and let’s craft ourselves some bowls while we’re at it we need to put it like this like this like this and you can’t blame a wooden barrel holy cow this thing is cool you’re successfully constructed the wooden barrel now go to

Canyon and mine some iron for the bucket you will need to fill the barrel with water by the way there are some paths try them explore the jungle you might find something interesting but don’t go too far away so you don’t get lost well thank you mister crafting bench I

Will say this I think this may be the nicest crafting bench I’ve ever met but I need to go fill this barrel with water I also need to go to the canyon and I need to go get myself apparently some iron to make a bucket so over here in

The smeltery what do we got oh I just found ourselves some water ladies and gentlemen hold on can I fill this up I need to feel this barrel up dadgum it so it looks like the barrel is unable it says can be grace on oh I’ve got to

Place this down so if I place this down on this grass block right here I now need to go get a bucket to fill up the barrel that makes so much more sense now what is this Bailey there’s a head and chest over here I don’t even know if I want to go

Down there right now that sounds dangerous there’s an altar this way whoa that my friends is one of the coolest looking minecraft altars I’ve ever seen but where the heck is Kanyon maybe it’s down here is it down here now I know this is gonna be the

Secret chest okay well it’s not so secret if there’s a big sign pointing to it in fact I just found iron I don’t even need to mine iron I’m just gonna go ahead and take this iron back over here to the crafting bench craft ourselves a bucket we’re gonna get some water and

We’re gonna put in that barrel Bam’s KaBlam bucket acquired okay now it’s telling me to fill the bucket with water and then it’s telling me to drop a piece of rotten flesh into it i swear that i remembers like ancient ones were hiding a chest which it’s somewhere

Nearby cave wait I just found that cave so what that means all we have to do is KaBlam fill this bad mama-jama robber with some water which for some reason I don’t think I’m able to collect this water source can’t I gleich this water so I’ll there

We go and then I’ve got it put this in the barrel and then drop a piece of rotten flesh inside of it this is weird oh my gosh okay now I’m going to drop the rotten flesh holy cow that was awesome what the heck it just gave me slime

Wait this isn’t slime it’s called jell-o isn’t it’s magnificent dot-dot-dot and now after the short moment of distraction mix this thing in barrel filled with water obviously pimp and gel what so now I’ve got to use my sword to go collect some hemp and then mix it with this is freaking crazy man

Okay so now I’ve got to mix the gel with him and then I’ve also got to go get more water over here to put inside the barrel guys I’m not gonna lie I’m a little bit scared right now like I know we’re about to crap the world’s oldest

Sword but this is just getting a little bit too bizarre for me so I’m gonna throw the gel in here okay and then damn this is crazy man this barrel is literally magical okay what’d I just get oh I just got him pope oh my gosh this is so weird

Okay and now craft this and drop the hemp pulp on top of it so it can dry so now we’ve got to build a hangar guys this minecraft world just keeps getting weirder and weirder but am I having so much fun playing it okay so here’s what we gonna do we got to

Make ourselves a little bit more sticks because edition the fire stocking stuffers I’ll show you what’s inside these amazing stuff brand-new distressed fire t-shirt yo-yo metal and KaBlam we just made a hangar I don’t think I’ve ever made a hangar and minecraft in my entire life so this is

Kind of a first we’ll put it over to your next to the bucket our side next to the barrel so there’s the hangar and then now I have to drop the hip pulp to hang this is so crazy oh my gosh okay it must be dry now okay

What already written piece of paper at this point I’m guessing that you are wondering why do you need to make all of these things yes I am wondering that basically we need to craft runic stones to make them you need to drop on pedestals in the altar temple three

Things stone paper and an ancient Jim first – you already have so the last thing is the ancient Jim there is the recipe the only thing that we are missing is Sofer to get sulfur you need to – swamp soil and then smelt it and then smelt it again piece of cake don’t

You think I mean I can you know I guess baby not so much where the heck am I going to find swamp soil whoa this is the coolest recipe I’ve ever seen in my entire life so we already have the piece of paper I just have to go mine swamp soil where am

I going to find swamp soil get somebody please tell me we’re gonna find swamp soil is it over here wait it’s this swamp soil oh my gosh it was literally right here the entire time okay I’m gonna get as much swamp soil as I can

For now so what I’ve got to do now is I’ve got to smelt it and then smelt it again I remember seeing a sign over here yep smeltery so if we go straight over here this way we’re about to go into a new section of the map not gonna lie

I’ve got it scared what the heck is this is the smelting pot well I don’t even know how to get up here okay I guess we got to go this way and then this way I’m so confused right now do I just drop it in here what if it takes my subsoil away

From me okay I have now deposited my swamp soil what the heck is going to happen guys I’m so confused I just put all my swamp soil in the giant smelter and nothing’s happening like look it’s just sitting inside of your but it’s not about take take it

Do I have to power this thing I mean it is kind of huge I just don’t know what to power it with guys I don’t think that big smelter thing is working so we’re just gonna go ahead and build ourselves our own smelting furnace thing I mean

Technically if we think about it we’ve got more than enough wood probably more wood than we will literally ever need which means we’ve got some pretty dadgum reliable fuel sources oh the canyon was this way the whole time oh my gosh I never even saw this this is amazing what

The heck whit guys I even see diamonds down there okay I am really really looking forward to eventually getting down there I actually don’t know how to get down there though like out oh oh oh there’s vines uh what the heck is this guys this is the coolest Canyon I’ve

Ever seen okay sorry I should not get too distracted we need to build ourselves a furnace so I’m gonna go ahead and you know why we’re at it we’ve got a pretty fast pickaxe we might as well go ahead and make two of them you know what I’m saying I should probably

Get some coal while we’re at it and you know I feel like maybe I didn’t even grab some of this gold but I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself you know what I mean and I keep saying this like glowing white thing is this thing of

Teleporter oh my gosh it launches you back up to the top that is sick all right mr. craft have been trying aid you to crap me a couple of these bad mama-jama thank you so much crafting bench let’s put down some of these fern eyes we’re gonna put one right here okay

Jake cave we got to put it on open grass we’re gonna put both of these bad boys right over here right we’re gonna put the swamp soil in here and then some zoil and then now we must wait and once we smelt it we’re not done we have to

Smelt oh my gosh guys it’s smelting so flippin fast holy moly I don’t even know if this is legal but this thing is smelting so now we’re gonna smelt it again alright taking out the rest of the swamp soil now put it in there look at it ladies and gentlemen we now got

Ourselves some flippin dipping dipping rip it sulfur man life is crazy in Minecraft oh I’m getting a message down below and now combine all the ingredients in the ancient gym and drop it with stone and paper on top of separate pedestals and the altar temple goodness gracious this is a craziest

Thing I’ve ever done in Minecraft oh wait I totally forgot to make this we need a diamond before we can even make the ancient gym I’m such a dweeb so right now guys we’ve got the written piece of paper but for the runic stones we need that plus we need whatever the

Heck this thing is and then we need that thing over there too I knew I should have grabbed myself a diamond while I was down there dang it we even need a piece of redstone too and sulfur of course and then I think we just need

Quartz dust and that’s the only thing we need so we’re gonna go down here I’m gonna grab myself just a couple of diamonds you know I don’t want to get too much just in case somebody or something rather gets mad okay so we should have everything we need to craft

The ancient gym we just need to put a piece of quartz right here and WHAM KaBlam we’ve got the ancient gym this is so cool guys guys why am I so nervous currently right now I’m literally heading to the altar so what we have to

Do is you have to place a piece of stone and then the paper and then the ancient gym whoa whoa whoa what the heck is this oh my gosh nine runic Stone’s we are now on the last straight take a look at this MOT what the heck am i holding right now

You need to construct this move in front of the smeltery then drop into its sulfur coal iron ingots and the smeltery will automatically make an alloy out of these materials and cast it into the sword you’re so close come on get to work aye aye captain I’m on it so right now

Guys I think I’m missing coal but we can easily go get some more of it I think basically what we’re gonna need guys is we’re gonna need a lot of stone and we’re gonna have to smelt some stuff so we’re gonna need a pretty good amount of

Stone guys I’m gonna get ourselves a pretty good chunk over here and don’t forget we’re also gonna need coal not only to power the furnaces but on top of that apparently we’ve got to place it inside of this giant thing that we’re about to like look at this mold man this

Mold is insane but I’m still so excited to finally have the world’s oldest sword in Minecraft you have no idea how excited I am to hold that thing in my hands and to test that bad boy out I might even make it on the History Channel okay I might even become famous

Or something like that the news will talk about Preston the man who crafted the world’s oldest sword in Minecraft and then I could finally buy so much chipolte oh it’s gonna be great oh okay guys I’ve just melted all my stone I should have way way way way way

Way more than enough wait I might have to craft some more runic stone because I just realized it’s 9 on the top and I think it’s also oh man do we have to craft more runic stones are you kidding me oh boy they never said it

Was gonna be easy but holy moley I knew it was too good to be true man whenever something seems very easy in life usually that means something is wrong but that’s okay we have tons and tons of backup materials at supplies which is not a big deal so I’ve already

Got the ancient Jim made which is you know easy-peasy and I’ve got this stone made but I think I do need to make myself another piece of paper and boy okay I got to remember everything we need for it I know what I’ve got to do is get ourselves some water put the

Water inside the barrel of trying to remember without cheating okay do we put a hemp inside of it now I think we put hip inside of it I can’t remember no I think I just did it out of order wait maybe I did it I think we put the rotten

Flesh in there and that’s how we get yeah there we go there we go okay let me get this bad boy back out here I kept getting to what I feel like a slave right now to the world’s oldest sword I’ve been working and working on the

Farm every day and I’m gonna chitchat Oh much pork all right put that back in there I think there’s already some hemp in there and now I’ve got a place and there’s a gel take that gel aha now I’m going to collect myself some hemp Pope

Throw it over here so we can drive then once it dries it is gonna become paper then we can throw this the Jim and stone back on those altar pieces over there and then we should have every piece required to craft this crazy-looking thing wham-o shmoney Wham uh cooks KaBlam okay

And AH take that kit disgrace just this minecraft animation it’s scary it’s so cool it’s scary but I love it anyways give me them runic stones boy okay we should have literally everything if not way more than what we need to craft this bad boy

It told me to build this mold it told me to build it right here guys so if I’m not mistaken it’s just eight pieces this should be pretty easy to build just like so yes yes okay and then we’re gonna put the stone over here just

Like that and then here we go and it’s been crafted okay now that we’ve done this it’s said that we have to put sulfur coal and iron ingots it never said how many iron ingots though so I’ve got it confused okay so we’re gonna put in oh I don’t even

Um okay whoa whoa what just happened okay okay um we need coal we need coal guys I forgot the colon the furnaces how could I do this up such a bleb okay okay I’ve got the coal I’m coming back I’m coming back smelter wait up wait up bro

I just gotta put some coal inside of you okay I’m sorry about that here you go there’s a ton of coal hopefully this makes it up to you it’s still guys it’s not working I put sulfur I put coal do I have to put more iron ingots than here I I took what

The heck do I do please accept this iron oh no nice 2,000 years later okay guys I found out why it’s not working so what I’m supposed to do is put another one down here okay there we go oh boy okay what just happened whoa this

Is it oh my gosh you have crafted the world’s old this sword quickly you need to cool it with water so that you could use it just drop it into a water source um okay okay I gotta go drop into a water source I’ve got a bucket weight

Guy drop it into it though I can’t drop it in here oh my gosh oh my gosh okay hopefully this is okay whoa what the heck just happened what the heck guys guys hold the sword in Minecraft pum okay so the world’s oldest sword finally has been crafted so if you guys

Were ever curious how to craft the world’s oldest sword in Minecraft well here you go now you got it ladies a gentleman with the world’s oldest sword we have saturation infinitely infinite jumpers three infinite speed four infinite strength infinite regeneration and infinite resistance not to mention guys but look at these particle effects

I’ve got like this ancient looking trail effect it’s like purple and like white numbers and letters it’s crazy and not to mention but look at this whoa what just happened what just happened what the heck did I just do I did not mean to do

That oh okay um guys I just blew up all the signs right here so uh that’s probably not a good thing okay so I went back into the previous part of my video apparently q.f and shift all do magical things I’m pretty sure yeah oh my gosh

If you throw the sword it’s like a giant explosion like let me do that again just so you guys could see oh my gosh no I just heated everything in my way and then if you hold shift what happens oh wait a second whoa I’m flying I’m flying

I’m flying okay this is freaking awesome oh man this sword oh you don’t even have to hold it you just press it down and I’m literally what happens if I throw this sword whoa holy moly okay okay there’s a fireball in the freaking air right now I’m gonna smack it

Whoa okay I don’t think I’ve press the F key yet what the heck just happened I just spawned in I think it just broke my minecraft no wait wait wait wait wait I think we’re good maybe we’re not my minecraft is literally frozen from the awesomeness of the oldest sword in Minecraft

Holy cow we’ve got beacons we’ve got spawners what the egg and it doesn’t even tell me guys it literally doesn’t even tell me how much damage the sword does that’s how much damage it does but we’re not done yet guys we’re gonna summon the minecraft wither oh

There it is we’ve gotta kill it let’s go boys let’s go ah come in with it Oh Oh his 1-shot is 1-shot come in with us dang it you won’t escape me buddy gah we just killed the weather ladies and gentlemen that’s oh great this sword is

Whoa what just happened what was that I like just floated for a second so I a bet this is just crazy man I’m loving this sword wait how much damage does it do if I throw the sword down okay oh it does a pretty good

Amount of damage but not as much as I thought it did come here with her gut there whether we’re taking you out yeah that’s okay but we’re not done yet we now need to spawn the dragon of endo Oh boys let’s go we’re gonna take this wait um why did

The drip okay I think this is happening because we’re not supposed to spot him in the overworld um okay you know what I’m just gonna leave these rackets here guys ladies and gentlemen this was how to crack the world’s oldest sword in Minecraft I hope you guys are galets

Enjoyed this video if you did please leave a like down below subscribe to the channel comment down below what sword I need to craft next in Minecraft and I’ll see you guys in my next video

This video, titled ‘HOW TO CRAFT the WORLD’S OLDEST MINECRAFT SWORD! (Minecraft 1.13 Crafting Recipe)’, was uploaded by Preston on 2018-11-17 19:15:01. It has garnered 9584669 views and 186049 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:48 or 1308 seconds.

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    Join God Ishant's 24/7 SMP Server FREE! 🔥 #Live #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Smp Public Smp 24/7 Java + Bedrock + Pe 🥵 FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by God Ishant on 2024-03-17 23:34:14. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:27 or 4887 seconds. Minecraft Survival Smp Public Smp 24/7 Java + Bedrock + Pe 🥵 FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraftlive @GOD_IV @adarsh_bahi @veepiplayz ╔═══━━━◥◣◆◢◤━━━═══╗ ꧁ ♧︎︎︎ GODISHANT ♧︎꧂ ╚═══━━━◥◣◆◢◤━━━═══╝ ╔═══════ ∘◦♧︎︎︎◦∘ ═══════╗ 『 』 POCKET – IP: ​​ PORT – 8185 『 』 JAVA – IP: ​​ 『 』 Dɪsᴄᴏʀᴅ Sᴇʀᴠᴇʀ:- discord -… Read More

  • Get FREE Robux NOW with Matthew Mayhew!

    Get FREE Robux NOW with Matthew Mayhew!Video Information This video, titled ‘Free Robux Stream’, was uploaded by Matthew Mayhew on 2024-07-13 03:36:54. It has garnered 1135 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:28 or 6268 seconds. asmr mrbeast sidemen lofi music skibidi toilet nba ufc andrew tate mr beast ukraine xqc markiplier minecraft wwe ksi dhar mann taylor swift pewdiepie shakira penguinz0 destiny ishowspeed study with me asmongold ign phonk starfield blackpink songs а4 valorant f1 one piece tanmay bhat cocomelon bts eminem arsenal hamza study music song msa world affairs cnn sssniperwolf ludwig bad bunny diablo 4 cupid movie reaction beta… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Records BROKEN by Glockey

    INSANE Minecraft World Records BROKEN by GlockeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Setting the DUMBEST Minecraft World Records’, was uploaded by Glockey on 2024-07-28 21:00:06. It has garnered 1284 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:05 or 365 seconds. In this video, I took on the challenge of finding the most unique and odd speedruns. The goal is simple, find records that are so odd that noone would have attempted them, therefore making me the #1 speedrunner for these challenges. This was definitely fun and overall a pretty funny experience. let me know if you want more of these! My community discord:… Read More

  • “Dragon Gaming builds insane Minecraft creations – REAL or FAKE?!” #viral

    "Dragon Gaming builds insane Minecraft creations - REAL or FAKE?!" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build testing Real or fake? #music #minecraft #viral @Gwm_Santosh’, was uploaded by A Dragon Gaming on 2024-05-06 04:16:43. It has garnered 3503 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Real or fake? #music #minecraft #viral ‎@Gwm_Santosh @Gwm_Santosh #minecraftshorts #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftBuilding #MinecraftArchitecture #MinecraftCreation #MinecraftInspiration #MinecraftBuilders #MinecraftBuildIdeas #MinecraftBuildChallenge #MinecraftBuildTutorial #MinecraftBuildShowcase #MinecraftBuildCommunity #MinecraftBuildingTips #MinecraftBuildProject #MinecraftBuildGuide #MinecraftBuildingInspiration #MinecraftBuildContest #MinecraftBuildSeries #MinecraftBuildCreations #MinecraftBuildDesign #MinecraftBuildProgress #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftCreative #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftWorld #MinecraftCrafting #MinecraftArchitecture #MinecraftSecretBed #SecretBed #MinecraftMysteryBed #BedMystery #RealOrFake #MinecraftBed #BedDiscovery #MinecraftSecret #MinecraftRumors #MinecraftMyth #BedConspiracy #MinecraftSpeculation #BedTheory #MinecraftSecretDiscovery #MinecraftBedSecret #SecretBedDebate #MinecraftEnigma #BedMysterySolved #MinecraftSecretRevealed #MinecraftBedQuestion #shortsfeed #newminecrafttrends… Read More

  • Insane live Minecraft animation in Blender #shizo

    Insane live Minecraft animation in Blender #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Live animating minecraft animation blender #minecraftanimation #live’, was uploaded by Ender extra on 2024-06-15 07:00:06. It has garnered 19 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:22 or 1042 seconds. DOSTON COMMENT KARNA NA BHULE! LIKE TOH KAR HE DIYA HOGA SUBSCRIBE TOH KAR HE DO Follow On Instagram :)) Join My Discord If You Want To Talk To Me :)) SMP MEMBER’s Special Thanks To Video Inspired By – Thumbnail Inspired By – Contact Me Here For Any Sponsership :- ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ ⚔️TAGS (IGNORE) :- #loyalsmp #loyalsmpapplication #lifestealsmp #vrminecraft… Read More

  • Minearchy SMP Minigames 1.21.1

    Welcome to Minearchy SMP! We launched Minearchy SMP last week, and it’s already off to an amazing start! Join us in Minecraft 1.21.1 with awesome features like Chest Shops, Auctions, Grief Protection, a live Dynmap, custom player warps, an economy system, mcMMO for RPG-style leveling, quests, and special events. Don’t miss our dedicated PvP and PvE zones for different combat experiences! Start your adventure today at and join our Discord community at See you in-game! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Comin’ in hot: The comeback plan

    Minecraft Memes - Comin' in hot: The comeback planI guess you could say this meme is really racking up the points! Read More

  • Bedrock Battles: 2067 Warfare Beta

    Bedrock Battles: 2067 Warfare Beta In the world of Minecraft, a new update arrives, 2067 Warfare, with surprises and dives. Beta version 0.8, ready to play, Check out the changes, don’t delay. Find the full list on Telegram, Discord, VK, Explore the new features, in a fun way. Download the zip, MCaddon, MCpedl too, All versions available, for me and you. Support the creator, with a donation or two, Keep the updates coming, that’s what we do. Join the VK group, or Discord server bright, Stay connected, in the Minecraft light. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, with… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • KFC Coup Chaos! Minecraft Crash Landing ft. Deadpine

    KFC Coup Chaos! Minecraft Crash Landing ft. DeadpineVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Kentucky Fried Coup | Minecraft: Crash Landing ft. @Deadpine #16’, was uploaded by Largely Unemployed on 2024-08-06 13:45:29. It has garnered 948 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:01 or 2341 seconds. #minecraft #moddedminecraft @Deadpine and I team up once again to tackle the endless, dusty wastes of the infamous Crash Landing scenario! We’ll need to battle thirst, heatstroke, (a lot of) spiders, and our own insanity as we try to find a way off of this godforsaken planet! Minecraft version 1.6.4 Check out @Deadpine here: Here’s the playlist… Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Terrifying Seeds

    Uncovering Minecraft's Terrifying SeedsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Solving Minecraft’s Most Scary Seeds…’, was uploaded by Epicx Gaming on 2024-02-25 08:30:03. It has garnered 3447 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:45 or 525 seconds. Solving Minecraft’s Most Scary Seeds… ❤️SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE❤️ Instagram:- / epicxgaming24 @TechnoGamerzOfficial #technogamerz Techno Gamerz #minecraft #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftBut #ad Join this channel to get access to perks: Read More


    HEROBRINE IN MINECRAFT?! 🥶👀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I call herobrine🥶🥶#minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #herobrime’, was uploaded by See me -minecraft on 2024-07-24 06:27:29. It has garnered 10419 views and 681 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. I call herobrine🥶🥶#minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #herobrime Read More

  • Master Minecraft with 4 Insane Redstone Tricks!

    Master Minecraft with 4 Insane Redstone Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beyond Basics: Elevate Your Minecraft Gameplay with 4 Advanced Redstone Circuits!’, was uploaded by Jupiterian Gamerz on 2024-01-16 02:30:21. It has garnered 236 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:53 or 233 seconds. Welcome to Jupiterian Gamerz! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Redstone with our comprehensive guide! 🌐✨ “Beyond Basics: Elevate Your Minecraft Gameplay with 4 Advanced Redstone Circuits!” is your ticket to mastering intricate contraptions and taking your gaming experience to new heights. 🔧 In this video, we break down four advanced redstone circuits, unraveling the secrets behind… Read More

  • Insane Lake Explosion in Minecraft! 💥 #shorts

    Insane Lake Explosion in Minecraft! 💥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploding Gegegadi TNT in Minecraft 😎 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Lake on 2024-05-12 09:41:18. It has garnered 32313 views and 792 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Exploding Gegegadi TNT in Minecraft 😎 #shorts #minecraft In this video I will show you Exploding Gegegadi TNT in Minecraft 😎 #shorts #minecraft! Inspired by: @LannShorts 🔔 SUSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR MORE 👍LIKE THE VIDEO IF YOU ENJOYED! 🌐SOCIALS🌐 📸 INSTAGRAM ► 🔥 TWITTER ► 📜 EMAIL ► [email protected] Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Day 3: CRAZY Adventures!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Day 3: CRAZY Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rec SMP: Day 3’, was uploaded by MrCeaser on 2024-08-04 04:06:24. It has garnered 144 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:48:52 or 17332 seconds. SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, AND USE CODE ‘MRCSR’ ON Rec Room Support Me On Rec Room: Rec Room User: Discord: Applause to Chubbiersnail and Cole on making this project! Read More

  • 🔴 Live Minecraft BEDWARS! Fun, PVP Madness!

    🔴 Live Minecraft BEDWARS! Fun, PVP Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] Minecraft BEDWARS!⭐- 🟪Fun! + 🟪PVP + 🟪Come Watch!’, was uploaded by Blitz Craze gaming on 2024-07-16 05:01:51. It has garnered 22 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:18 or 978 seconds. HI, I’M Arush AGE-19 instagram- nirwan_jatt820 GAME-VALORANT , THE FINALS ,mineceraft , GENSHIN IMPACT, Free fire, BGMI, Clash of Clans AND GTAV #live #valorantlive #valorantindia #live #valorantlive Welcome To My Livestream! Like & Subscribe To Show Your Support! 🙂 In today’s stream I’ll be playing valorant live all day. #avtunited #avtcc Ignore : fortnite, fortnite fashion show, fashion… Read More

  • Insane Villager Hospital Build – Minecraft Ep 6

    Insane Villager Hospital Build - Minecraft Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘I built an Incredible Villager Hospital – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 6’, was uploaded by EmmyTater on 2024-04-08 20:51:59. It has garnered 872 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:55 or 1375 seconds. In today’s #minecraft Hardcore episode, we build a villager hospital. Not only is it a very #minecraftaesthetic build but will also prove to be extremely functional. We also build a really easy and extremely handy little redtone contraption courtesy of @MrMattRanger@MC_Oda to help us break down some of our mining materials. The idea in this entire hardcore series is… Read More

  • EPIC GAMER REACTS: Minecraft Logic #shorts

    EPIC GAMER REACTS: Minecraft Logic #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic Be Like…. #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2024-03-25 06:19:30. It has garnered 10076 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft Logic Be Like… #shorts #minecraftshorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @yashgamer2.o764 Hashtags #shorts #minecraft #gaming #minecraftshorts #gamingshorts #minecraftshorts #ytshort #alex #steve Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing…. Read More

  • Original SMP factions modded whitelist

    Welcome to the ❛Orignals❜ SMP! [java] [limited openings] [15+] [application] please be aware this will contain many mods and be very overwhelming for a PC with lower Ram ORIGINALS SMP Welcome to the Originals SMP! A world filled with endless mods and endless possibilities. Become gods based and choose a custom Origin. Many building opportunities, adventures, and community. Starter Town A hermitcraft like area for everyone’s starter bases and shops. Build relationships, participate in events, adventures, and group boss fights. LORE The Originals are gods who have been sealed away for an unknown reason. They awaken in a new world,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Craft or die

    Minecraft Memes - Craft or dieLooks like this meme is not just popular, but also has a high score in the meme Olympics! Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Victory

    Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Victory In the world of Minecraft, where dragons soar, I set out on a quest, ready for more. With hardcore mode on, the challenge is real, But I’ll face the Ender Dragon, with nerves of steel. Gathering resources, crafting my gear, I’ll conquer the dragon, without any fear. Exploring the world, in search of the portal, I’ll face any danger, I’m feeling immortal. Through caves and mountains, I’ll journey on, With determination, until the dragon is gone. With sword in hand, and armor strong, I’ll defeat the dragon, right where I belong. So join me on this epic quest, As… Read More

  • Spicy Nether Memes: Minecraft Edition

    Spicy Nether Memes: Minecraft Edition “Why did the Enderman bring a map to the Nether? Because he didn’t want to get lost in another dimension of course!” #lostinthenertherdimension #minecraftlogic 😂🗺️🔥 Read More

  • Sand Layer Challenge in Minecraft

    Sand Layer Challenge in Minecraft Minecraft But The Layer Is Sand… – YXClassic Embark on a unique Minecraft adventure with YXClassic as they tackle the challenge of playing in a world where the layer is solely sand! By customizing the superflat world settings, YXClassic sets the stage for an exciting and sandy gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details of this intriguing Minecraft challenge! Customizing the Layer YXClassic demonstrates their creativity by customizing the superflat world settings to create a layer consisting entirely of sand up to layer 8. This modification adds a new level of difficulty and excitement to the gameplay, offering a… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Education Hack

    Sneaky Minecraft Education Hack Minecraft Education Edition: A Journey Through Minecraft Versions Introduction Embark on a thrilling adventure as VAX Marin, a seasoned content creator with 9 years of experience, delves into the world of Minecraft Education Edition. Join him as he navigates through various versions of Minecraft to bring this unique survival experience to life. The Adventure Begins VAX Marin takes on the challenge of creating a Survival world in Minecraft Education Edition, but it’s no easy feat. Follow along as he travels through each version of Minecraft to make this endeavor possible. Exploring Minecraft Elements Discover the rarest armor in Minecraft,… Read More

HOW TO CRAFT the WORLD’S OLDEST MINECRAFT SWORD! (Minecraft 1.13 Crafting Recipe)