How to Create Basic Layered Terrain for Conquest Reforged 1.18.2

Video Information

Hello everybody welcome to the first video on this channel today i’ll be showing you guys how to make some simple but nice layer terrain wall painter so a lot of people have been requesting this already for quite a bit now i’ll be putting it off but i’m finally doing it so yeah

But uh what you’ll need today is wall painter a height map and some basic knowledge of how to use wall mold painter but that’s pretty much it so let’s get started all right so here we are in the world or the congress reforged website not the world paints website um

And this has this is important because it has a guide on how to actually do commentary forge layers in world painter it’s a bit vague but the first two steps are vital pretty much because they actually explain how to enable world painter to use them so go through the first few steps and

Design the code into the vmware options and then come back because yeah you need that so once you’ve done that what we’re going to do is well let’s actually i’ll show the piece of terrain we’re working on today it’s a pretty basic piece of terrain

We’ve got a nice lake we got some rocky hills and we’ll have some forest as well a bit of marshland but this will be covered in the next tutorial i plan doing another tutorial after this one explaining how to do um a bit more like advanced stuff so for instance how to do

Erosion lines uh yeah how to do like varied grass depending on the elevation how to do marshes all this kind of stuff so today’s video is more about just how to do basic terrain and giving you the basic tools to actually make kind of proper maps of it but yeah

So let’s get started first off you want to go to layers actually uh add a custom layer add a ground cover layer and once you follow the guide this box will pop up and this basically allows the layers to transition from one block to the other

Like in a smooth way wow who would have guessed so yeah click that and let’s call this grass because we’ll be doing a grass book layer um let’s give it like a nice green color and it’s edited so you want to click custom write conquest in this box

And then we’re going to do the grass block layer so enter grass underscore block underscore layer and then click this lego brick looking thing this will give it a custom property which you want to call layers now it’s very important that you don’t type any capital letters because this will actually break it

When it exports it it will kind of come out as if it’s carpets only so yeah you don’t want that always make sure you spelt it right unless that’s all lowercase then click ok and type 8 then click ok check everything’s all right okay now let’s do

Fill with layer grass only on land because we’ll be having a different ground cover layer uh for the water we’re gonna have an actual waterlogged layer which i’ll explain how to do now so again add a custom ground cover layer smooth let’s call this lake bed

Uh let’s give it like a blue color i guess normally yeah let’s edit it and we’re actually going to do a complex layer this time so let’s do custom yeah once you’ve written conquest one time it should show up here uh let’s do like a let’s do gravel so gravel underscore layer um

I’ve been doing this for a while so i kind of have memorized a lot of the ids but it’s i completely recommend looking in game just to make sure that uh they enter layers and then again eight press okay let’s add another one this time custom conquest and then this time we’ll do

Small let’s move the mouse uh small stones layer this is like a nice kind of bigger stone rubble kind of texture let’s do layers again eight okay ah the important part though which i forgot is since this is gonna be underwater if you don’t add um the waterlog

Property then it will actually still have air often in it and you get these really weird air pockets in your lake it just doesn’t look good so in here type what logged it just well locked actually and then true like that then okay let’s do the same for the other one water logged

And true click okay okay so it’s actually also edited so we have much more gravel let’s do like 10 gravel and like okay why did it do that 10 gravel and let’s do like four actually so okay check everything that’s right i’ve got this you should always check if this is checked

Just in case um click ok and let’s do global operations the command for global operations is control g so fill of layer lake bed only on water and go and now so now let’s do the rock faces and we want to do is actually create a custom terrain because

On a slope this steep you’ll actually see the blocks underneath the layers so in this case would just be dark and if you have like a nice rock layer with dirt underneath it it will look really weird so let’s create the corresponding terrain so create custom material

Uh let’s see like a dark stone so let’s do conquest weathered endocyte it’s just a nice dark rock uh again i actually know this time you don’t need to do any properties because it’s just a full block so it doesn’t have any let’s get rid of this

Uh let’s also give it a custom color something like that then yeah click ok and let’s also create a slightly darker one so create custom material custom whoops conquest and let’s do weber basalt and it’s called assault uh yeah let’s give it a color as well and get rid of that and okay

Let’s do this i want this to be kind of a bit alpine so like a lot of rocks uh let’s do a slightly lower angle this is more rock so fill up terrain type let’s do lighter ones first above let’s say like 35 degrees yeah that’s good

And also let’s do remove layer grass only on terrain custom rivet and site since we’ll get rid of it and let’s also do fill of terrain type uh rabbit basalt whoops above it’s like 40 actually maybe 45 might be good yeah that’s good and now let’s make the corresponding layers to that

So it’s the custom ground cover layer smooth let’s call this one weathered and the site i like to give them the same names so it’s much easier when you’re doing with the global operations from give it the same color as well edit we don’t need to do complex because it’s only one block

Custom conquest revit and the site slab now it’s slapped because all of the kind of harder materials have slab instead of layer so yeah it’s something you really have to keep an eye on when you’re in game look at the ids so let’s add the property layers equals eight okay

Check everything that’s good all right and let’s create the other one add a custom yarn cover layer smooth whoops weathered the salt color let’s give it the same color dark let’s edit it custom conquest weathered underscore the soul underscore uh slab let’s give the custom property layers equals eight then click okay

Check everything alright okay then global operations fill those layer grab it on the site only on terrain custom revved under site and let’s do the same to the other one fill phillips layer with a basalt only on terrain custom basalt go so this way you have your nice grass you

Have your rock faces and your lake bed so let’s export this and i’ll meet you guys back in game oh yeah um one more thing before you go uh well we what i really recommend doing is generate structures off peaceful as your difficulty allow cheats on gamer creative

Uh yeah if you turn generated structures on they’ll actually often spawn in the air which will look yeah pretty bad this doesn’t really matter i just like to turn it off but uh for the board i also really recommend doing void and then endless because this way your

Terrain will just be like a chunk in the void and just look much nicer than having a wall of water around it so check the name all right let’s export it all right so here we are in game i’ve teleported to this corner because i think it would look a bit more dynamic

And kind of show off each part of the terrain bit better but uh yeah as you can see we got some really nice looking rock faces a pretty nice looking lake but uh the thing is you will probably notice a few weird things happening but don’t worry these are all really easily fixed

And for now we’ll start with this so basically this is caused by like uh the block underneath basically this because it isn’t the blocks don’t act in the same way as layers they kind of cause different light levels and yeah they kind of clash like this just creates these weird shadows so what

You want to do is get your weld one uh well edit one position one it’s got like position two over here uh you do slash slash replace uh dirt then the up error conquest uh let’s do grass block layer and then the square bracket layers equals eight and square bracket and this way

You can see in the place you’ve selected it’s removed all the shadows so this is just a really quick way of kind of getting rid of that and what you want to do is basically go like here position one and then like here position two and just do the command again and

Now just fix all of it you might also wanna do it for the rock but it doesn’t really show up as much but yeah and for this there’s also a bit of a longer command but it’s still really simple so what i do is i break the layer go on top

With like a block i have a look at the coordinates which is 47 in this case then do your position one i’ll fly over let’s see like over here usually i do again in the same selection of the whole map and then we’ll break here do position two slash slash replace conquest gravel

Layer square bracket again water logged equals true n square bracket so this is basically this is selecting all of the gravel layers which have water in them and then comma conquest small stones layer square bracket layer wood log equals true again n square bracket and then up error conquest gravel

Layer square bracket waterlogged equals uh false yeah and square bracket and this way you can see it fixes it and you also with this method you also get a really nice looking beach and depending on how kind of steep of the angle you’ll have a

You can have a much wider beach or like a much kind of shorter one like this which is i guess pretty realistic but yeah that’s basically how you fix all this stuff and the next step is adding stuff like uh grass and trees so let’s do that

First off we want to do at least what i like to do is go in here and just select the palette of like what kind of glasses you want first i give the tutorial for now i’m just going to let you use these two it’s just a nice simple kind of yeah

It’s a very simple palette but it looks good enough so we’ll go with that and i already have the trees selected in world painter so let’s jump back into world painter so in here you will see where we left off and let’s continue to add the foliage so add

Custom layer let’s do the grass first add a custom ground cover layer now it’s very similar you also still do smooth let’s call it uh stomach grass uh let’s give it a bit of a lighter green color this is good and the only change is this you want to do a

Thickness of two instead of one and this stuff i don’t think really matters at all um and let’s edit it so let’s do complex because we have two types of grass and if you go in game and you hover over each block you can see underneath the

Name is the block id so in this case it’s conquest literally just grass so let’s do that one first custom conquest brass you still need to do the layers thing because you are placing them on them uh layers equals eight okay add material custom conquest uh common matter

Grass this is the other one layers equals eight and now i want much more of this type of is like 30 and then okay and let’s do this one it’s like 10. oh let’s do like 14. okay now let’s fill that fill with layer summer grass only on terrain

Bare grass except on water because the thing is it’s not acting like normal kind of uh grass like in minecraft this is acting as if it’s a full block so actually we’ll place in water but the thing is because we haven’t added the water like property it will kind of

It will have air around it so we just have these really weird kind of pockets of air and you’re like it would look really bad so make sure it’s only on the grass and we also didn’t do on the rock faces because it just they look much better when they’re clear what you

Can do is add around the edges or like just a bit of this and that will actually look pretty good but i would recommend shoulder grasses but for to say the tutorial i’m not going to go into that that’ll take kind of it takes a bit of time and i want to

Paint this quite a short tutorial so next is the trees let’s do a custom object layer let’s just call this like pines uh and let’s add them so the trees i’m using in this tutorial are from diamond’s tree repository which i’ll link in the in the description um

Currently at the time of this release or the release of this video there are only two trees coming like packs one from me and also one from diamond uh which i’ll both link but yeah these are the only ones at the moment which is a bit of a shame yeah

Just add those two and spruce as well i think that’s good yeah so we want to do then is click the last one and also the top one by pressing shift to edit them all and let’s click to edit and you want to turn off random mirroring because this will

It will kind of ruin the trees so don’t do that random rotation still works though so keep that on let’s click okay and now we have to do is edit each individual one with the offset and turn it to two up this will basically allow it to place on top of the graphs

The only problem is that it will have often a bit of a gap underneath but the grass mostly covers it up i haven’t actually found a proper way of doing this yet where there is no gap because if you do only one below then it just doesn’t spawn on top of the

Grass because the grass occupies two blocks so yeah the thing is if you have no grass or any village like that and you want to just place on bad layers do one above only and that will work so yeah do this for all of them and also i

Recommend doing the least blocks should not decay but yeah i’m gonna do this full of them and then get back to you guys all right so i’ve gone through all of these and edited all the heights and one thing i forgot to mention is if we

Reselect all of them and do edit one thing you really want to do is turn off random mirroring because this will actually kind of break the trees often um random rotations still work but i would turn off this it just yeah it breaks them so turn that off

And now we want to do is edit the density so in real life forest actually pretty dense especially pine forest so i’m going to go saying like six blocks which is i think a pretty decent uh density let’s also change the color to a nice dark green and that’s looking pretty good let’s

Click okay and now the next thing you want to do let’s actually let’s edit the name let’s call it pines tool and the next thing we’re going to do is do like a kind of forest periphery style oops Add a custom object layer let’s call this one uh pines short let’s give it a bit of a brighter color that should be good um and now let’s add our scams so let’s do spruce more Ah yeah you want to press ctrl so i’m using in this case also some of my own trees which i will be releasing uh pretty soon hopefully so that should be good and let’s again edit them all with shift and then edit don’t have random mirroring and leaf blocks should not decay

So now i’m gonna go through these again and meet back with you guys all right so i’ve gone through all of these trees uh just now and now what i’m gonna do is uh edit the densities let’s do around four blocks because this is gonna be basically the forest edge where you

Have much more much smaller trees and like bushes and all that stuff so this kind of yeah they’re often much more dense than actual like uh forest itself so four blocks i think is a pretty good density for that uh everything looks good so far nice density

Uh let’s hit okay and now what i like to do is go over here in the case brush i think this is from the evman brush pack which i’ll try and remember to link the description but what i like to do to kind of simulate this realistic

Uh kind of forest placement i guess is intensity to 100 and we want to do is also only on bad grass this is very important so you don’t get it on the rocks which will look kind of bad but let’s do just like a little blob over here i

Guess would look pretty good it’s maybe however that follows this flow line and it goes over here a little bit more it’s not looking bad yeah all right sure and now we want to do actually give it a little more here they want to do is give

A kind of a border to fill in with pine’s tool so i’m going to right click and just leave like a a decent amount like roughly this thickness it can be quite varied that’ll look good but if you have it too thin it will look a bit weird in game so

I recommend having it quite varied let’s just do that it’s looking good and next we want to do is accept unplanned short let’s go with pines tool so the reason we’re going to accept on plane shorts because if you don’t do that then they will actually overlap when you try and

Draw them next to each other and from my experience they often they go it often breaks it where they don’t spawn nearly as much for some reason so yeah i recommend doing that and it should be that they spawn pretty normally it’s also good to have it

Overlapping a little bit in some places or not overlapping but where it reaches out like this because it just looks cool in game that’s it so let’s fill this in now i’m gonna actually try and uh do most of the map already with this stuff and i’ll meet you guys back in

Game when that’s done well here we are in game and i went through with all that and ran all the commands like replacing the beaches and all that stuff but uh yeah as you can see we have our trees in and they are looking really nice

So you can see in some places where it’s a bit thicker doesn’t look as good but it still looks absolutely fine and you can also always okay well i feel like a rifle of them but uh yeah this is really nice there and as you can see

In some of them because of the way i do it they do float yeah like this they do float a little bit because if you place it only one above i think i already explained how it just won’t spawn because it’s actually occupied by a grass block so yeah

I haven’t really found a way to fix that yet but if you guys do please tell me it’d be nice to know but yeah thanks a whole lot for watching you guys hope you definitely learned something new make sure to like and subscribe and comment as well

But yeah i’ll be seeing you bye

This video, titled ‘How to Create Basic Layered Terrain for Conquest Reforged 1.18.2’, was uploaded by Nekso on 2022-08-28 19:31:53. It has garnered 3538 views and 159 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:40 or 1480 seconds.

Hey! Welcome to the first video on this channel! In this tutorial you will learn everything you need to start creating your very own layered terrain using for Conquest Reforged using World Painter and World Edit!

Links: – Trees:

– Conquest Reforged Guide:

– Brushes:

– World Painter:

– Conquest Reforged:

– Shaders:

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    Enter the Chaos – The Ultimate Anarchy Minecraft Server Server IP: Java Version: 1.20.4 Bedrock Port: 25565 Why Enter the Chaos? True Anarchy: Experience pure Minecraft anarchy with no rules or restrictions. Endless Possibilities: Explore a vast world and unleash your creativity. Intense PvP & Raiding: Engage in fierce battles and conquer your enemies. Griefing Encouraged: Protect your creations or watch them fall to rivals. Alliances and Betrayals: Form alliances but beware of betrayals. Bedrock Support: Play on Java or Bedrock with the same server IP. Join the Ultimate Chaos Today! Dive into a world where rules don’t exist… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper IQ: 200

    Minecraft Memes - Creeper IQ: 200Well, I guess this meme needs to go back to school and study up on how to be funny! Read More

  • Crafty Kitten’s Wine Shed: Modded Minecraft Madness

    Crafty Kitten's Wine Shed: Modded Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With Kittenish by my side, we’ll build and win. Exploring mods and new biomes, the possibilities are vast, Creating our own story, having a blast. The wine shed build, a project so grand, With enchanting areas, we’ll expand. Learning the Create mod, step by step, In this modded world, there’s no need to fret. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we discover new things, day and night. Subscribe and like, if you want to see more, In this modded Minecraft world, we’ll explore. So grab… Read More

  • “Accidentally summoning chaos in Minecraft” #oops #meme

    "Accidentally summoning chaos in Minecraft" #oops #meme When you accidentally create a masterpiece in Minecraft and you’re just sitting there like, “I have no idea how I did that, but I’m a genius.” #minecraftmagic #oopsiecreations Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Hardcore Final Boss Fight!

    Sneaky Minecraft Hardcore Final Boss Fight! Exploring the Epic Boss Fight in Minecraft Hardcore Season Finale! Introduction In the thrilling conclusion of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, players are faced with an epic boss fight that will test their skills and teamwork. The stakes are high as they navigate through challenges and obstacles to emerge victorious. Agalarla Hardcore Season 2 Map The journey begins with the Agalarla Hardcore Season 2 map, a meticulously crafted world filled with surprises and dangers at every turn. Players must strategize and work together to survive and thrive in this unforgiving environment. Key Players – Guapoins(Kadir): A seasoned Minecraft player who… Read More

  • EPIC Texture Upgrade for Minecraft Animals!! 😱🔥 #shorts

    EPIC Texture Upgrade for Minecraft Animals!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TEXTURA QUE MELHORA TODOS OS ANIMAIS DO MINECRAFT! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Jackcraft Gameplays on 2024-05-22 18:30:10. It has garnered 845 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. In this shorts I show you a texture pack that improves many animals for your Minecraft PE, with new, much prettier visuals, seeking to improve your game. ADDON DOWNLOAD: I hope you enjoyed the video! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to the channel, as well as *activate the bell* to receive new videos! To the next! #Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bathing Tub Hack 🔥 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Bathing Tub Hack 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘BATHING TUB IN😱 MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK😰 TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMING’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-02-14 13:50:15. It has garnered 5742 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. BATHING TUB IN😱 MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK😰 TOK HACK #MINECRAFT #SHORTS #VIRAL #TRENDING #GAMING #GAMING #TREND #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft: I Got Stuck as Spiderman!” #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes

    "EPIC Minecraft: I Got Stuck as Spiderman!" #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tôi Vô Tình Trở Thành Người Nhện Trong Minecraft #spiderman #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Stickman Đại Chiến on 2024-05-28 05:06:20. It has garnered 116 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:53 or 533 seconds. This video follows the journey of a Minecraft player in hardcore mode, where the player dies permanently. Players transform into Spiderman and must face many challenges to become an Avenger. Beginning: The player begins the game as a normal person, but is quickly bitten by a spider and gains superpowers. Then he meets Iron Man, who… Read More

  • LOYAL GAMER BOY – Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide!

    LOYAL GAMER BOY - Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to start a survival series in minecraft in mobile #minecraft #trending #survival @GamerFleet’, was uploaded by LOYAL GAMER BOY on 2024-04-22 08:30:13. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:31 or 451 seconds. LOYAL GAMER BOY LIKE..! SHARE…! SUBSCRIBE….! COMMENT…..! Click the 🔔 Bell Icon next to the Subscribe button Discord link = Instagram link = MINI MAP MOD :- For business enquiry 📧 :- [email protected] [My Computer Specs] Processor ➤ Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7020U CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz RAM ➤ 8 GB DDR3… Read More

  • 🔥Mr Warden’s INSANE PvP Texture Pack Survival FUN!🔥|MCPE 1.20+1.21

    🔥Mr Warden's INSANE PvP Texture Pack Survival FUN!🔥|MCPE 1.20+1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Best survival+pvp texture pack mcpe|Best texture packs for minecraft 1.20|pvp texture pack 1.20/1.21’, was uploaded by MR WARDEN PLAYS on 2024-04-24 03:48:21. It has garnered 306 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Best survival+pvp texture pack mcpe|Best texture packs for minecraft 1.20|pvp texture pack 1.20/1.21 My PVP Texture Pack For Minecraft pe/bedrock edition! Download Link in comment: Search related Tags: Texture pack minecraft pe 1.20.51 best survival texture pack mcpe minecraft pe texture pack download best 32x pvp texture pack MCPE 1.20 fps boost texture pack mcpe 1.20… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Challenge! Survive 100 Days in Prominence II Modpack

    Insane Hardcore Challenge! Survive 100 Days in Prominence II ModpackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Prežil som 100 dní v HARDCORE! | Prominence II Minecraft Modpack | Cwortex’, was uploaded by Cwortex on 2024-05-26 14:00:15. It has garnered 526 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:28 or 2368 seconds. I survived 100 days in Minecraft HARDCORE on the Prominence II modpack. Discord: Instagram: My PC: CPU: Intel i7-12700KF (12 Core Processor) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 (12G) Motherboard: Gigabyte B760M Gaming RAM: 32GB DDR4 SSD: Kingston NV2 (2TB) OS: Windows 11 Pro Monitor: AOC U2879G6 3840×2160 ( 4K) Mouse: Glorious Model O Keyboard: HyperX… Read More

  • EveryLunaEver: My Minecraft Boyfriend Reveal! 😍🔥 #AmICoolYet

    EveryLunaEver: My Minecraft Boyfriend Reveal! 😍🔥 #AmICoolYetVideo Information This video, titled ‘ICH HAB ENDLICH EINEN FREUND (in Minecraft) 😎 Bin ich jetzt cool?’, was uploaded by EveryLunaEver on 2024-05-11 13:00:40. It has garnered 1092 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:36 or 696 seconds. A new experience in Minecraft! We get a really cool pickaxe owo AND our very first good friend Berndt! Guys meet Berndt he is my BFF! He is a villager and now unemployed! Edited by: My links! LIVUUU ↪ VOD Channel ↪ React Channel ↪ The little bird also chirps regularly (°ー°) ↪… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Ship Building Speedrun! | X Cross Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Ship Building Speedrun! | X Cross GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | | Projekt Schiff Part 3’, was uploaded by X Cross Gaming on 2024-05-19 01:00:04. It has garnered 81 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:48 or 3828 seconds. ► Support is not murder ✔️❤️️ ⇩ ♨️ You can find more information in the description ♨️ ⇩ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 General information about me: ➡️ My Discord ➤ ➡️ Partnerdiscord ➤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📝 Did you like the video? 🔔 Subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss anything 🔔 👍🏼 Feel free to rate the video, I would… Read More


    Hxdrii - INSANE NEW FNAF MOD UPDATE!Video Information This video, titled ‘THIS NEW MINECRAFT FNAF MOD UPDATE ADDED SO MANY ANIMATRONICS’, was uploaded by Hxdrii on 2024-06-09 16:00:18. It has garnered 4925 views and 211 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:31 or 1231 seconds. In Today’s Video, I check out a Minecraft FNAF Mod / Minecraft FNAF Addon for MCPE. THIS NEW MINECRAFT FNAF MOD UPDATE ADDED SO MANY ANIMATRONICS #minecraftmods #minecraftfnaf #fivenightsatfreddys Enjoy! THE ADDON ▼ DISCORD SERVER ▼ FOLLOW ME HERE ▼ Instagram: TikTok: MUSIC ▼ Chill Day by LAKEY INSPIRED Read More

  • FlyKitz

    FlyKitzFlyKitz is a F2P Random kits server, each death you get a new COMPLETLY random kit. You can earn rewards by voting/linking your discord account with minecraft account. Read More

  • UneasyVanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 EU No Hacks No Reset

    Welcome to UneasyVanilla Welcome to UneasyVanilla, the vanilla Minecraft server you’re looking for. A server where you can unleash your creativity in a tight-knit, relaxed community. Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Authentic Gameplay At UneasyVanilla, we stay true to Minecraft’s original vision, offering a blend of anarchy and survival gameplay while still having some rules. Join our community today and explore a 4+ year old world where imagination knows no limits. Fair and Enjoyable Environment While we embrace a sense of lawlessness, we have straightforward rules in place to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Accidents happen, bugs yk.

    Accidents and bugs in Minecraft are like unexpected guests at a dinner party – they always show up uninvited and cause chaos! But hey, at least this meme is sitting pretty with a score of 20, so it’s definitely not a total disaster. Read More

  • Python’s Hidden Gem: Jessica Tegner’s Tech Tale

    Python's Hidden Gem: Jessica Tegner's Tech Tale In the world of Python, a hidden figure shines bright, Jessica Tegner’s story, a beacon of light. From Minecraft modding to Python maintainer, Her journey in tech, a true entertainer. Playing games led her to code and create, Even with vision loss, she doesn’t hesitate. Maintaining Pypandoc, a Python gem, Her superpower? Reading twice as fast as them. Accessibility in tech, a cause she champions, Making tools more inclusive, breaking down the barriers. Speaking at conferences, sharing her insight, On AI, ChatGPT, and coding with might. Minecraft, a game that’s truly accessible, An example for all, truly commendable. Traveling,… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Steve’s Shenanigans

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Steve's Shenanigans “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

How to Create Basic Layered Terrain for Conquest Reforged 1.18.2