How To Download & Install Thaumcraft in Minecraft 1.12.2

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to the breakdown today I’m gonna be teaching you guys how to download and install bomb crafts in Minecraft 1.12 dot – now I know one Doug 12.2 is let the most recent version but thaumcraft got so many requests for a tutorial that I had

To do it even though it’s not updated to the most of a recent version of Minecraft so here it is here’s our tutorial for thaumcraft in 1.12 dot 2 but first a message from our sponsor which is game servers go to the first link down below the breakdown XYZ size

EMC server to get an awesome 24 hour detox protected minecraft server for just $1 per month we personally use game servers and absolutely love them again go check them out that is the first link down below the breakdown ton XYZ says UMC servers nonetheless let’s go ahead

And get Thawne craft installed here so the first thing you want to do is go to these second link down below and it’s going to take you here which is the thaumcraft basically information page yours are gonna be able to find the download here but you get all the

Information you need for thaumcraft including how to get started and all sorts of stuff but the first thing we want to do is click on files here and that’s gonna take us to where we can see all of the previous files and inversions of thaumcraft and we want to download

The most recent version here for 1.12 dot 2 however if you’re installing this for a different version that’s fine just we’ll select that version over here instead of one dot 12.2 but for us we’re selecting the most recent version for one dot 12.2 here by clicking that little gray download button now it’s

Gonna download here in the bottom left and you’re gonna notice that it’s going to ask you to keep the file is it safe is it safe to keep the file yes it is this has been downloaded by over 13,000 people this specific version of thaumcraft and thumb craft itself has

Been downloaded by over eleven million people right there see that that is absolutely insane so yeah this is definitely down here in the bottom left safe to keep just give me one second to let it download there we go it is now asking us if we want to keep this file

And up we do want to keep it now we also need to download a dependency mined it before thaumcraft basically bomb crime needs this mod to work and that dependency mod is I’m not bible’s boobles I don’t know how to say this but nonetheless it is going to be the third

Link down below its gonna take you over to here where you want to click on again files and we want to download the most recent version for 1.12 2 which is right here click on the little grey download button and this one has been downloaded 4.7 million times so I

Guarantee you it is safe to keep right there because that many people wouldn’t downloaded it if it wasn’t safe so save there now we still need to download one more thing and that is forge you go to the fourth link down below it will take you here which is our tutorial on

Installing forge however all you want to do is click on the green download button here which will take us off to the minecraft forge website where we want to find the version of Forge that we want now in our case 1.12 dot 2 is the most recent version so it’s automatically

Selected however if you want an older version you can find it over here but as we can see MC 1 dot 12.2 is what we’re downloading for and we just want to go under download latest here and click on the installer button once we click that

It will take us out to add focus where you don’t want to click anything on this page click absolutely nothing on this page until you see a red skip button up here in the top right it’ll take about 6 seconds and then a red skip button will

Appear in the top right click on that red skip button and it will download for it’s down here we can keep this file probably over 100 million people have downloaded forge but at least millions upon millions of people have now once that’s done we can minimize our browser

And on our desktop here we have three things we have thaumcraft we have a babbles and we have forge if these are new desktop don’t freak out all we need to do is click on the windows icon which is in the top left for me probably the

Bottom left for you and open up this which is our Start menu and all we want to do in our Start menu is type in downloads write the word downloads exactly like that as you can see file folder and windows the Downloads folder click on that and we just want to drag

All of these to our desktop just for ease of use once you’ve gotten everything on your desktop go ahead and right click on forge select open with Java TM platform SC binary now if you don’t have Java team platform AC binder no worries all you need to do is go to

What I believe is the fifth link down below I’m losing track at this point but it’s like down below and it’s this which is the Java JDK download right this is our tutorial on installing the java jdk john the everything you need to know to make sure you get

The right version and everything like that so go ahead and just click on the yellow download button all the tutorial and you’ll be good to go now if you still can’t open with Java TM platform as a binary you need to run this right here which is the jar fix you can check

This out again link down below I think it’s the sixth link down below if you scroll down here you want to download the jar fix by clicking this little blue link right here don’t play the big blue download button click the little blue ring link right there and it will

Download the jar fix run that and you should finally be able to open up forge nevertheless once you’ve got four jump in here all you want to do is click on install client and click OK it will then automatically install forge in boom successfully install client profile

Forge go ahead click OK there now we need to focus on installing thaumcraft and we Abbey apples for it to work I do not say that word well doing that is pretty simple again you want to click in the top left for me bottom left of your

Screen on the windows icon here and it will open up again our Start menu this time though we want to type in run argue in you would then have a desktop app called run click on that program and it will open up just like that you only

Have like a little thing that says open here with like a search box next to it in that search box just type % AP PD 88 % % @ data % exactly like that and go ahead and click OK it’ll then open up our roaming folder

Here where we want to go into our dot minecraft folder now in here you should have a folder called mods if you don’t don’t freak out it’s very very simple to fix that just right-click create a new folder and title it mods M ODS all our

Case exactly like that and now open up your newly created mods folder or the one that you had originally it doesn’t matter open up your mods folder into your mods folder just drag-and-drop Dom craft and bambbles into it I cannot say that word drag those in there and now we want to go

Ahead and open up our minecraft Launcher now what’s your in your minecraft Launcher here you should have a little green arrow next to your play button go ahead click on that and you’ll probably have this a profile titled forge you know no worries click on the three lines

Up here in the top right it will open up this then go to launch options and then add a new profile here right click that and then I’m just going to title this play top breakdown craft dot-com why would I title it that oh that’s because that is our server for

Minecraft 1.13 plus it’s an awesome server it’s got survival on it right now we’re expanding to kit pvp factions all sorts of stuff as voted by the community in the near future so uh go play on that feeling for an awesome 1.13 server nevertheless once we’re in here we want

To select the forge version right next to where it says version right so click this it’ll open up this big drop down menu scar to the very very bottom and you will see release 1.12 to – forge you’ve got multiple of these just select the one with the highest number at the

End for example if we had one that was twenty seven hundred and fifty and this one was twenty seven hundred and fifty eight we would click this one because it’s the highest number at the end click that and then you can click say I got to change my resolution real quick though

You don’t have to change your resolution unless you want to I just need to so you guys can see once we start to getting in the game once you click Save there go and click on the news tab and then next to the play button click on the little

Green arrow again this time you want to select the profile you colore ate it in my case played off breakdown craft comm and we can see that it is in fact four 1.12 two – forged click on that click play now it’ll go ahead and open up minecraft when Doc’s 12.2 with

Thaumcraft installed as well as it’s a dependency mod a yubel’s my apples who knows but no less let’s go ahead and it gets on into game here where I’m going to show you that thumb craft is in fact installed this is such an in-depth mod guys that doing an entire showcase of it

Would take its it would be a two hour long video so I’m not gonna be doing that I’m just gonna be getting into the game here and showing you it does work we click on mods we will have the apples and a thumb craft installed go ahead and

Click on single-player here these are all newer worlds I don’t want to back convert them so I’m just gonna go ahead and create a new world real quick to showcase a thumb craft however I’m not going to really be able to do that because I forgot to make it to where I

Could go in to create it so that’s kind of a fail but nonetheless once this world is opened up I will see you guys it’s like world is open and again we can’t do anything let’s go ahead and lose a little trick here we’re gonna open this tool and and allow cheats here

That way when I start the LAN world I can just do /gamemode creative boom and now we can go in here click the arrow over and here’s everything that thaumcraft adds to the game as you can see very big mod very extensive that’s

Why it would take me so long to do it a true really high quality good showcase on this mod but yeah nevertheless that’s kind of weird these like glitch out of the screen huh that’s pretty cool nonetheless that is how you can get bomb craft enjoy it guys

If you’ve got any questions post them in the comment section down below be sure to give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel you haven’t already for more awesome content exactly like this nearly every single day of the week we make tons of awesome minecraft

Content so you won’t regret liking and subscribing and oh my guys my name is Nick this has been the breakdown and I’m out guys peace

This video, titled ‘How To Download & Install Thaumcraft in Minecraft 1.12.2’, was uploaded by The Breakdown on 2018-08-28 03:30:00. It has garnered 19837 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:29 or 569 seconds.

How do you download and install Thaumcraft in Minecraft 1.12.2? Well, this video shows you how to do exactly that! From downloading Thaumcraft to getting it installed, everything you need to get Thaumcraft in Minecraft 1.12.2 is covered in this video. Thaumcraft is an incredible magic based mod for Minecraft adding a TON of new stuff to the game.

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Download Thaumcraft: Download Baubles: Download Forge:

Download Java: Download Java Fix If Needed: ——————————————————– Get Lucky Blocks in 1.13!: Let’s Play Minecraft 1.13!: ——————————————————– Subscribe!: Our Website: Facebook: Twitter: Email: [email protected] ——————————————————– Get your C920 Webcam► ——————————————————– Get your Minecraft Server ——————————————————– Get your Blue Snowball► ——————————————————– Music From EpidemicSound:

About this video: In this tutorial, I show you exactly how to download and install #Thaumcraft in Minecraft 1.12.2. Thaumcraft is an incredible magic mod that adds so much stuff to Minecraft it is hard to keep up. From extra potions to wands and so much more, Thaumcraft really does add everything that you could ever want when it comes to magic in #Minecraft. And the good news for you, is that in this video, I show you exactly how get Thaumcraft up and running!

Before we can install Thaumcraft, we need to get it downloaded. You can find the download link in the description above. Once you’ve got it downloaded, we need to download the dependency mod for Thaumcraft and that is Baubles. This is need to make Thaumcraft run and can be downloaded above. We aren’t done downloading just yet though! We still need to download Forge for 1.12.2. Again, the link is the the description above. Just make sure that you download the 1.12.2 version of all of these mods.

Once you have everything downloaded, getting it installed is pretty easy. We will be starting off by installing #Forge. To do this, just right click on it, select ‘open with’, and then click ‘Java TM Platform SE Binary’. That will open up the Forge installer. Make sure that ‘Install Client’ is selected and this click ‘Okay’. Forge will now install in Minecraft 1.12.2. On to installing Thaumcraft.

This is very simple just open up the ‘Run’ program and type ‘%appdata%’ and hit enter. Then, go into your ‘.minecraft’ folder, and finally, open up your ‘mods’ folder. If you don’t have a mods folder, create one! Now, just drag and drop both Thaumcraft and Baubles into your mods folder. You have now installed Thaumcraft in Minecraft 1.12.2.

We aren’t done yet though. We still need to select the Forge version when we open up the Minecraft launcher. Doing this is super simple. Just click the little green arrow next the play button. Select the ‘Forge’ profile, and click play. Minecraft 1.12.2 will now open up with Thaumcraft installed!

Nevertheless, if this video did help you out, please give it a thumbs up and be sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. It really helps me out, and it means a ton to me. Thank you very, very much in advance!

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    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – –~– DONT CLICK THIS – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: Ready for a gaming revolution? Join and redefine your adventure! Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Called it! 😂

    “Looks like someone’s Minecraft predictions are as on point as a creeper exploding in your face!” 😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit When you spend hours meticulously crafting the perfect texture pack for Minecraft, only for your friend to say it looks like a potato threw up on the screen. #fail #minecraftprobs Read More

  • Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft

    Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always around the corner. In this virtual universe, players can unleash their imagination, build incredible structures, and embark on exciting adventures. Let’s dive into the enchanting realm of Minecraft and discover what makes it so special! Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft One of the key features of Minecraft is its sandbox gameplay, allowing players to create anything they can imagine using various blocks. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is… Read More

  • 100 Days Survival in OneBlock EXTREME Mode

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  • EPIC NEW ISLAND DISCOVERY!! | Funcraft Minecraft Survival Ep 17

    EPIC NEW ISLAND DISCOVERY!! | Funcraft Minecraft Survival Ep 17Video Information This video, titled ‘Blaze Cloud Islands – Funcraft Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Episode 17’, was uploaded by KHR Arts on 2024-06-14 12:00:03. It has garnered 19 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:05 or 11045 seconds. Blaze Cloud Islands – Funcraft Minecraft Survival Let’s Play Episode 17 We build up our Swamp Homestead and do more exploring, including taking on the blazes on the Cloud Islands! 💖 Be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to help my channel grow! 💖 🎮Twitch: 📸Instagram: khrarts 📸Instagram: littlealice06 🐦Twitter: LittleAlice06 🎥 YouTube: Alice the Author Mod Packs:… Read More

  • Haunted by Herobrine: Episode 2

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  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Cave – Insane Freefire Gameplay

    Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Cave - Insane Freefire GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘We survived in 100 days in cave and world in Minecraft hardcore I #freefire #trending #viral #video’, was uploaded by Lord Gamer YT125 on 2024-01-13 14:46:19. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:24 or 1344 seconds. Read More

  • MASSIVE UNVEILING: Mildlywarm’s Epic Tech Adventure Begins!

    MASSIVE UNVEILING: Mildlywarm's Epic Tech Adventure Begins!Video Information This video, titled ‘Technological Journey – 01 – The start of something new’, was uploaded by Mildlywarm on 2024-01-12 14:00:41. It has garnered 8421 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:55 or 2635 seconds. Cowabunga Gamers, Join me on this new adventure! Pack: Read More

  • Unraveling Secrets: Into 1.18 Caves! – PinguPongu.Merlin.VIP

    Unraveling Secrets: Into 1.18 Caves! - PinguPongu.Merlin.VIPVideo Information This video, titled ‘⚫ INTO THE CAVES OF 1.18 ! – Minecraft Public 1.18.1 SMP – PinguPongu.Merlin.VIP’, was uploaded by Merlin on 2024-01-11 18:12:23. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:52 or 13252 seconds. Minecraft 1.18.1 SMP Server on the NEW 1.18 update! YOU CAN JOIN ! Come play Survival Minecraft to Build, create and explore the 1.18 survival world. Survival Multiplayer (SMP) allows you to JOIN and PLAY ALONG while I stream. The server stays ONLINE while I am not streaming so you can KEEP PLAYING round the clock…. Read More

  • Insane Demon Slayer Drawing – Must Watch!! 🤯 #shorts #trending

    Insane Demon Slayer Drawing - Must Watch!! 🤯 #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kyojiro Rengoku Drawing | Demon Slayer Drawing | #shorts #trending #god #GTA #minecraft #anime’, was uploaded by Vuddi11 on 2024-01-14 08:50:34. It has garnered 66 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

How To Download & Install Thaumcraft in Minecraft 1.12.2