How to Farm Cocoa Beans! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 83]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide hope you guys are having a good day today we’re back over at the industrial area got a couple of farm designs to show you today and we’re going to be covering some dye again much

Like the ink farm we did in the last couple of episodes thank you guys so much for the support on those episodes we did have a little bit of confusion in the comments though a few people were like why exactly do you need 5000 ink in

The first place let me show you for a start up here right now I have a full chest of dark prism ring which I’m so happy about because dark prismarine is an amazing building block I really really like the texture of this thing even in the new texture update I think

It looks fantastic not only that but now as of the 1.13 update it can be made into slabs and stairs I can’t remember for certain but I think there may even be a dark prison wall coming in 1.14 so it’s kind of useful as a building material it looks great on roofs it

Looks good for walls we can do a whole bunch with it so I have actually used about two full shulker boxes of the ink just making this dark prison ring because remember one ink and eight prism ring shards makes a single block of dark prismarine meaning you need a stack of

Ink to produce a stack of this block so it’s really good to have a supply of ink for that so I put 2 2 full shocker boxes into that I actually only have about 2/3 of the ink that I had left I’ve got this much in a shelter box here and there’s

Another full shelter box of it waiting back at the Guardian farm to be turned into more dark prison rain when I inevitably use up this entire chest of it I’ve also been making some black concrete powder which we’re going to be putting to good use over at the ravine

In founders Forge I can die basically anything I want to black at a moment’s notice which i think is kind of great I have some black glass in here but I also have a ton of black glass now over at the ravine ready to be turned into that

Kind of fog effect that we’re talking about I might use grey glass for that instead I haven’t quite decided on the effect that I want yet but once again that grey glass can be made using grey dye which is made by combining bonemeal and ink and that’s kind of really useful

To have at a moment’s notice there is probably a flower out there in the world that gives you basic grade I know there are a bunch that give you light gray but I’m pretty sure there is one that just gives you regular gray as well but even flower farming is not as

Fast as having a ton of ink a ton of bone meal which we have from our various mob spawners and skeleton farms and then just being able to craft it whenever you like so that’s kind of important to me and at this stage in the game I know I

Like having a decent supply of gray and having the squid here in the river I don’t need to kill these guys anymore it’s just great I can just let them for aaalac in the river to their heart’s content I’ve also turned all of the sheep in my

Sheep farm blanks so that we can harvest some black wool and let me tell you that took a little while and there are about 64 of them in here so a full stack of die basically dies all the sheep in here and that’s a stack of ink gone instantly

And that would be a stack of ink that I was very much looking forward to using on dog prismarine before but now I can rest easy knowing that I have a decent supply of ink in general so yeah just just to kind of address some of those

Concerns about exactly why I needed that ink I’m almost out already basically like I’ve left like I said I’ve left a shelter box of it over at the Guardian farm but that ink in there is basically all I have left after crafting a ton of stuff ready to do some

Projects so after we’ve been to bed and the Sun has risen we’re gonna take a look at cocoa bean farms today and those have been conspicuously absent from the die phones I have done previously and that is because they are made in a kind of a different way oh yeah I have

Something can here as well just as a kind of reserve so I can fill up this die chest but anyway cocoa beans is what we’re gonna be looking at today these things are an interesting prospect when it comes to farming mainly because there isn’t really a way to automate the

Farming of them right now there are some you know redstone assisted ways of farming cocoa beans but it can’t be fully automatic so what we want to do is showcase a couple of manual cocoa bean farm designs today and some of them yeah are gonna be going to include a little

Bit of redstone trickery here and there but for the most part it’s only really possible to farm cocoa beans if the player is around to replant them cocoa beans cannot be planted by dispensers which is one of the only ways that conceivably a redstone mechanism could place an object

In the world so it kind of relies on players being there to plant them which is why the manual element of this comes in now I’m gonna come out here to the industrial area which we haven’t really done a great deal of stuff to lately it’s looking like a random assortment of

Farms but that should be fine for now I’m actually going to do a live stream or have done a live stream at the time of this video where we’re going to be messing around with a few decorations for some of these farms and making the industrial area look a little bit

Prettier but first of all let’s take a look at cocoa bean farming cocoa beans require jungle woods to grow you’ll find them naturally attached to pre generated jungle with trees the kind of stuff that spawns in with the terrain but it does not have to necessarily be a jungle wood

Tree in order to grow cocoa beans in fact you can grow them basically anywhere jungle logs are found like so and you can grow them on all four sites of a jungle Locke therefore the most efficient farm design for this kind of stuff in terms of space efficiency

Maximum cocoa beans per floor area the surface area of the floor is gonna be the same designer that you have for sugar cane so if you plant them in a kind of pinwheel formation like so move the blocks over one and down one and then you can plant cocoa beans basically

In every available space like this so over one down one like so and then you can plant cocoa beans here for example and that’s that’s gonna be the best way to maximize the amount of space of course this setup is going to be pretty awkward to farm if you go through and

You’re smashing cocoa beans I think the most effective tool to use on cocoa beans is an X and that’s also the most effective tool to use on woods so you’re probably gonna be chopping down a lot of these trees by accident of course that

Could be what you want to do if you want to get all those cocoa beans back all you need to do is break down all the jungle wood and just replant everything from there but unlike sugar cane it doesn’t just grow back from a single piece of sugar

Cane in the same way likely once you’ve taken the cocoa beans off of the tree they’re not going to grow back automatically or anything so when it comes to making these farms a little bit more automatic one thing you might want to consider is using some observers and

Pistons to create a shifting wall of jungle wood and that’s gonna be a fun little project to do here so I’m gonna grab some redstone dust gonna grab some observers and I think we should just need one of those and we’ll make a redstone repeater as

Well so let me craft one of those I’ve been clearing house some of my shell code boxes so if I have the occasional random items like water bottles in my inventory just ignore that that’s not there for any kind of purpose grab a little bit of stone from the surrounding

Neighborhood so we can make some repeaters okay that should be enough actually one other thing that we will need for this is glowstone oh good I do have something fantastic because glowstone is really useful for making pillars of pistons I’ve found at least it lets light through and it lets

Redstone wire travel through it at like on a corner as well so for example if I put some redstone on these blocks here like so we’ll take out the block underneath you can actually have redstone dust travel up the glowstone and through it like that like if I press

A button at the bottom here then it’s going to activate whatever mechanism is at the top we’ll do this with an observer and a piston just to show you but if I place the observer facing that way and then we place a block in front of it piston activates right then it’s weird

Because normally if you put a solid block here that would cut off the redstone signal with glowstone it doesn’t do that and we’re going to use that in just a second to set up a shifting wall of jungle wood to use as a cocoa bean farm we’re not going to set

This thing out permanently but let’s just say we wanted a four block high wall of jungle logs so let’s make one two three four and let’s go along in rows making it all that high here we go we’ve got a four by six wall of jungle

Wood logs which means we have a four by six wall on which to plant all of our cocoa beans and cocoa beans will grow pretty quickly but they’ll grow somewhat randomly you’ll see the pod sizes start off as this small kind of greenish one they will develop into a stage two pod

Witches that sort of color and a little bit larger there you go they actually look really nice as lanterns hanging on the outside of a building if you want to build it in a kind of more Chinese or Japanese style those are pretty cool but anyway once they grow to full size they

Look a little bit different do I have any bone meal on me I don’t I think I’ll grab some from over here because it might not be obvious but cocoa beans can actually be grown using bone meal even though they don’t look like the traditional grown in the ground

Kind of crops bone meal as a fertilizer will actually grow them stage by stage until they grow into their final stage which is this and this will allow you to harvest more cocoa beans from them you’ll get three cocoa beans every time you one of these large pods and that is the

Essence of farming them essentially like used plant one you get three back that’s what happened so in theory we would wait for this entire wall to grow into a bunch of size three pods we can even actually grow some on the back here as well if we wanted to

Now we’re not using all four sides of the block here so it’s not exactly making the most efficient use of the jungle wood itself but at least we’re growing the cocoa beans on two separate sites so we’re going to get a decent yield out of just this one wall here now

It comes to harvesting these cocoa beans all we really want to do is have this column of pistons here push these blocks over one block and the jungle would moving will actually shake the cocoa beans off of it they’ll just pop off nice and easily and then with this

Second column of pistons here we can either have it pushed back after we’ve replanted or if we want to do it a slightly more automatic way we could just have the wall returned to where it was before you could even kind of dress this up and put blocks around it so that

The pistons themselves were disguised and it would just like look like the wall kind of shifts very quickly and then the cocoa beans are ready to be replanted so that will need a couple of very simple things I’ve got an observer and some redstone dust and a repeater on

Me I think we might need a little bit more it’s don’t dust and that should be enough for the time being so let’s go we’ve got a few building blocks on us as well we’re going to put an observer facing this way so it’s looking at this

Block here and then we’re going to build up I think I’ll use some jungle wood for this as well jungle planks rather we can build up like so and then we can build outwards to the side and then place a glowstone here like so so that way we

Can run a redstone signal from this observer into this whole system in fact why don’t we put the observer actually against that block that makes a little bit more sense there we go so observer is facing into that block now and we place some redstone dust as a wire

Heading up like that now if you’re building this on Minecraft bedrock as opposed to Minecraft Java you might have to do a little bit of different stuff here with the pistons because the piston here in the middle this third piston from the ground is actually being powered diagonally by this piece of

Redstone dust in a mechanic’s we call quasi connectivity this is a bit of a bug in Minecraft Java Edition that is widely accepted as feature now and that’s what’s causing this piston here to be powered despite the fact that the glowstone being a transparent block I’ll actually transmit power let me give

You a quick example if it were possible to transmit redstone power through a block of glowstone it would happen with this repeater let me give you a quick example with a solid block I’ll press that the repeater transmits power through the block it becomes strongly powered and then the redstone dust on

The opposite side can actually light up whereas if we do this with a block of glowstone you’ll notice redstone dust on this side it doesn’t light up so the block itself does not transmit power however thanks to quasi connectivity the redstone here is actually going to be

Powering this piston observe there we go so just putting a button on this observer registers that something in front of the observer has changed which sends a redstone signal into this wire and activates all four of the Pistons even though like I said that glowstone block isn’t capable of transmitting power

Kwasi connectivity that diagonal connection is what does this now if we want this set of Pistons to push back in the opposite direction all we really need to do is use that repeater and actually fill in this block here because that’s really annoying that that’s their

Use this repeater to take a signal out of this block here and then transfer redstone dust down the line here to where we’re going to be powering the other four Pistons and the fact that the repeater can be put on a delay means that these Pistons can just push the

Wall back again into position after the other Pistons have already fired so let’s create another very simple Tower here using once again a little bit of glowstone this time we’ll put the glowstone there and there and that should power all four of those Pistons as well this is also the type of piston

That feed tape style thing that I use in tree farms when I make those but we’ll get to those in a future episode so for now there we go it pushes the wall back into place and you’ll notice the wall pulse twice then it kind of shifted back

And forth twice and that’s because the observer is putting out a signal every time that button actually changes at all so anytime it gets pushed in it outputs once when it comes back out it outputs once as well so one of the things you may want to do is set up something that

You can either toggle once or something that you can place and break or anything like that for example even if we if we wanted to we could trigger this using a cocoa bean so by place of cocoa bean here like so that actually triggers it if I remove

The cocoa bean that triggers it as well if the cocoa bean grows a stage that would trigger it also so we could almost use the cocoa beans as a timer except the only thing it would be timing is the growth of the other cocoa beans on here meaning we wouldn’t get the highest

Possible yield from this wall one way you could do this is actually by putting a lever in front of the observer here and attaching it to the observer Bloch faces even an option now of course it’s going to shift the wall as soon as I place this because the observer has

Changed but now the observer has a giant nose and also if we move this lever at all like so you can flick it on you can flick it off that will move the wall once and that’s a meet way of having this farm trigger as far as an automatic collection

Mechanism for this stuff goes it doesn’t have to be super sophisticated just a row of hoppers along the bottom side here of the cocoa bean wall will be fine I think I imagine that would pick up most of the cocoa beans you could probably widen the area of hoppers if

You thought they were going to exceed that single block in front of the farm it shouldn’t be too difficult one of the other things you can do is harvest cocoa beans using water streams now of course just placing a single water stream on top of a log will mean that it flows

Down on all four sites because the water just chooses the path where it is easiest for it to flow the path with the lowest blocks around it and on a single log that’s all of them so all we need to do is well that’s not how you plant

Cocoa beans I just left them all on top of the log all we need to do is place cocoa beans on all sides of the logs like so you can even do this in your pinwheel style farm if you wanted to although placing the water sources themselves might be a little bit more

Difficult now let’s piller back up here to reclaim the stack of cocoa beans that I left on top of there there we go and in theory all you would need to do is place one water bucket at the top of there or have it dispensed by

A dispenser and the cocoa beans all fly off ready to be harvested by the same token you could probably do that with a large wall of these and you could even have water flow down diagonally if you wanted to place a diagonal wall for

Example if we put a wall like so and all we need to do is set up a simple staircase style thing up here that would split the water going in different directions and placing a water source here would mean it flows down over the sides of all of these jungle logs

Breaking any cocoa beans they had planted on them build this to whatever size specification you want the water will just flow down and eventually a single water source could farm the entirety of your cocoa beans for you if you want a nice high yield of cocoa beans in a short amount

Of time and you have some bone meal to spare look no further than a really neat nano farm design like this one it’s very compact very simple much the same as the crop nano farm that we discussed earlier in the series but this one works for cocoa beans and it works using the

Principles that we’ve already discussed here we’ve got bone meal being applied to the cocoa beans bite dispensers remember I said cocoa beans can’t be planted by dispensers but they can be bone milled by them if you’ve got a decent supply of bone meal at least all

You need to do is place a cocoa bean in here The Observer will detect that it’s been planted the dispensers will fire applying bone meal to it growing it to its biggest size and then on a bit of a delay a piston in the middle there is going to push down basically breaking

The cocoa beans because it moves the jungle log in there it kind of pushes it and then retract it one more time I’m gonna tear this one down and show you guys how to build it from scratch because it is nice and simple and it’s a

Farm that you can set up quite easily in your world if you want to I’ll bring it over here to our cocoa bean farm and we can set things up so for a start we’re gonna want to have a place where the cocoa beans are being planted and I

Think it’s probably best to have that at player head height so we’re gonna take out a block underneath there it’s also important to have a space underneath this block because the piston in this design is going to be pushing it downwards so you need to make sure that

It can be pushed downwards and it’s not going to get stuck on a block underneath it or something like that so up here we want to place another couple of logs and we want to have a piston in between these two like so we’ll take out the

Space there we’ll place a sticky piston it does have to be a sticky piston because it’s going to be retracting this log it’s going to be pulling it as well as pushing it now for the surroundings of course you want the observer to be facing down here which of course means

That you have to place it from above because that’s how observer placement works there you go on the side of the piston there place the observer facing down towards the place where you’re going to be planting the cocoa beans so it can detect that a cocoa bean has been

Planted there next up what you want to do is expand this to either side with some stone or whatever building blocks you have to hand and then place the dispensers facing inwards like so you can fill these up with bone meal whenever you like I’ll put a few in each

Of these and then around the outside here we’re going to cover this with stone and having row of redstone dust going from the observer to the blocks either side on top of the dispensers is what’s going to allow them to activate so when we place cocoa beans here there we go they grow

Them instantly and you only need two dispensers for this because there are only three stages of cocoa bean growth and it starts at stage one so click-click is enough to have it grow to full size now you might think oh that would be easy we can just run a redstone

Dust up here and the piston will activate at the same time that produces a couple of problems actually the first of which is that the observer only gives that a one tick pulse meaning that the sticky piston will detach its block from it and the jungle lug will just end up

Down there meaning we would have to pulse the observer again to get the log back into place that’s not what we want secondly the piston triggers so fast that the dispensers don’t even have time to bonemeal the cocoa bean and it just removes it from the block you only get

One cocoa bean back which is not what we want to we want to be farming these things so what we’re gonna do instead is a little bit awkward and it’s the reason the footprint of this farm is a little bit larger than you might expect we’re

Gonna place a repeater here give it a little bit of delay it doesn’t have to be a huge amount and then place two pieces of redstone dust there and there and this block here is actually the one that’s going to be powering the piston now it’s adjacent to the back of the

Piston and that’s going to activate with a little bit of delay meaning that the piston moves after the dispensers have already fired and the amount of delay also means that the observer pulse lasts a little bit longer and the sticky piston can retract that piece of jungle

Wood now the reason we have that log up there in the first place is that sometimes when you place the cocoa beans and the new ones grow the piston when it pushes that down can actually pull the cocoa beans back up with it like they actually get stuck in the piston

Mechanism and pulled up through the block so occasionally you might spot a couple of cocoa beans popping out on the top of this thing but having a block above that in the middle there make sure that that doesn’t happen and as you can see all we need to do now

Is stand here and hold down right click and we can get a higher yield of cocoa beans basically and doubling our cocoa beans in a matter of about a minute or two and I’ve already come out of this little farming session with an extra stack of cocoa beans and probably a few

More as well so why do we need a cocoa bean farm in the first place it’s kind of the same thing we didn’t Inc farm for really it’s for dye because if you want to dye anything Brown cocoa beans are the way to go there is actually one more use of

Cocoa beans which I don’t think we’ve really covered in this series before so I’m gonna hop down to the wheat farm and we can have ourselves a snack because a single cocoa beans surrounded by two wheat in a crafting table will get you eight cookies and you can buy these from

Farmers as well a cookies only restore like half a hunger point each they’re not exactly the most efficient food to have around but they’re just kind of nice it’s nice to have cookies in a game so if you want to make a huge batch of cookies then a

Huge batch of cocoa beans and wheat will be required but really yeah having a cocoa bean farm is like having an ink farm effectively all you want is a bunch of dye and cocoa beans are the only way to dye anything brown in the game right

Now so it’s it’s worth having them now having said that it’s not going to be quite as necessary as ink because like I said ink can be made into gray and light gray as well as used in black and it’s also possible to craft dark prison marine with ink whereas cocoa beans are

Really just for making cookies and dyeing stuff Brown and there isn’t really any variations on Brown that you can create as a result you can’t combine it with any other dyes it just is what it is so I’m not gonna go crazy for cocoa bean farming it like we did with

Ink I’m not going to make a massive farm but hopefully this episode has taught you a little bit about cocoa bean farming and how it can be made a little bit easier thank you guys so much for watching this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide my name has been pixel

Ribs don’t forget to leave a like on the episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘How to Farm Cocoa Beans! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 83]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2019-02-25 11:00:09. It has garnered 229914 views and 4759 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:48 or 1308 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! Today we work on a slightly less intense way of farming dye, as I showcase a few different ways to farm cocoa beans!

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

Watch the full Minecraft Survival Guide playlist here:

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939

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  • “Boss Rajputt Steals Hearts in HeartSteal SMP 🔥” #clickbait #trending

    "Boss Rajputt Steals Hearts in HeartSteal SMP 🔥" #clickbait #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heart Steal SMP 💔 ( Official Trailer ) #viral #minecraft #heartstealsmp #trending’, was uploaded by Boss Rajputt on 2024-03-17 13:44:28. It has garnered 109 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Heart Steal SMP 💔 ( Official Trailer ) #viral #minecraft #heartstealsmp #trending I Hope U Enjoy This Video 😍 Hi Gamers ! I am Boss 😊 150 soon ❤ I am from Hyderabad My device Mi k50i 📲 Dream Become a best YouTuber 🥰 Subscribe for : funn and Entertainment ☺ Achievements : ) 1 sub -… Read More


    EPIC SPIDERMAN CAR vs HOBGOBLIN in Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘BINIGYAN kami ng BAGONG SPIDERMAN CAR at SPIDER MOTOR para LABANAN si HOBGOBLIN sa Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-03-08 08:02:00. It has garnered 26553 views and 636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:49 or 1309 seconds. Maizen,cash,nico Parody Maizen Tagalog BINIGYAN kami ng BAGONG SPIDERMAN CAR at SPIDER MOTOR para LABANAN si HOBGOBLIN sa Minecraft PE FOR SPONSORSHIP AND COLLABORATION : [email protected] Minecraft Minecraft Pocket Edition Minecraft Bedrock Omocraft Minecraft Tagalog Oneblock Minecraft but Minecraft Pinoy Minecraft Java Minecraft Filipino Minecraft RP Minecraft SMP Minecraft hardcore Minecraft 100 days… Read More

  • Intense Bedwars Game: Insane Solo Run RUINED!

    Intense Bedwars Game: Insane Solo Run RUINED!Video Information This video, titled ‘1200 star prestige game RUINED (proximity mines are OP) (insane 3 am uncut solo bedwars)’, was uploaded by Ciz_z on 2024-01-13 20:05:52. It has garnered 190 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:00 or 1320 seconds. subscribe JOIN MY DISCORD: Tags – Ignore! #Minecraft #Hypixel #Bedwars #Skywars #Feather Client #Solo Bedwars minecraft, hypixel, skywars, minecraft manhunt, pvp, minecraft mods, minecraft challenge, minecraft mod, handcam, mousecam, mouse cam, keyboard asmr, keyboard sounds, mouse asmr minecraft, keyboard and mouse, keyboard & mouse, keyboard and mouse sounds, keyboard & mouse sounds, keyboard and… Read More

  • “Insane Herobrine Chess Battle! New Minecraft Animation” #viral #meme

    "Insane Herobrine Chess Battle! New Minecraft Animation" #viral #memeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine chess mei mei in normal speed | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 06:30:24. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine chess mei mei in normal speed | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you… Read More

  • Mitzitime takes the Minecraft Server to the Nether! You won’t believe what happens next…

    Mitzitime takes the Minecraft Server to the Nether! You won't believe what happens next...Video Information This video, titled ‘THE COMMUNITY MINECRAFT SERVER MUST ENTER THE NETHER!!!!!!! (JOIN US!!!!!!)’, was uploaded by mitzitime on 2024-03-12 00:14:50. It has garnered 111 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:08 or 12608 seconds. YOU SHOULD JOIN THE DISCORD: Minecraft Server IP in the discord (join) ((now)) ^^^^^^^^^ #jjk #anime #fyp #animememes #girls #gojo #deathnote #light #lawliet #ldeathnote #animememe #minecraft #vtuber #envtuber #minecraft #minecraftserver #smp #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #twitch #twitchstreamer i’ll take a potato chip and eat it playing minecraft with viewers ♥ tiktok: ♥ twitch: ♥ discord: Read More

  • “Insane Mob Battle – Royalblade vs. Herobrine!!” #minecraft #shizo

    "Insane Mob Battle - Royalblade vs. Herobrine!!" #minecraft #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mobs vs Mobs #minecraft #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-09 11:17:28. It has garnered 31821 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Mobs vs Mobs #minecraft #shorts #herobrine #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft spawner minecraft 1.20 public server power worker minecraft speedrun minecraft manhunt minecraft dream minecraft speedrun vs hunter minecraft speedrun world record minecraft challenge minecraft best seed minecraft best seed 1.20 minecraft best pvp hacks minecraft best tiktok hacks minecraft best sword build hack minecraft best tnt cannon minecraft… Read More

  • Ahmed the Ultimate Gamer: Music, Love, Covers, Minecraft Madness

    Ahmed the Ultimate Gamer: Music, Love, Covers, Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘#song #music #love #singer #cover #gaming #tharmanzer #musicgenre #minecraft #thargamingxyz’, was uploaded by Ahmed gamer on 2024-04-25 02:17:11. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • Moonlight Field

    Moonlight Field﹒Moonlight info Moonlight field is a server dedicated to both a twitch space, and minecraft server! We offer people to connect with similar interests. Along with safe spaces for others with a accepting community with many people to befriend. Read More

  • The Bagelverse Modded SMP Greylist Cottage Witch Recast

    Join the Cottage Witch Recast Server! Get access to the Cottage Witch Recast server here: The Bagelverse now offers a whimsical Cottage Witch Recast server! Modpack and Server features: Pack version 1.5.3 (Latest) on Forge 1.19.2 Over 250 mods including magic mods like Ars Nouveau and Hexerei, decoration mods like Fairy Lights, and Create for automation. Explore the Ghibli-style spawn with shops and mobs dropping coins for in-game goodies. Access /rtp /back /home and /tpa commands. Chat through Discord and enjoy proximity voice chat with Simple Voice Chat. No pay-to-win, only donations for support. Join the Bagelverse Discord server… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –

    me when I f**ked up my gear by forgetting mending

    Minecraft Memes - <p>me when I f**ked up my gear by forgetting mending</p>Looks like my forgetfulness is really racking up the points in the meme game! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations in Minecraft

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news that will open your eyes. From new updates to crafting tips, I’ll share it all in rhymes that flip. So grab your pickaxe and join the fun, As we explore the world under the sun. From building castles to mining ores, I’ll bring you stories that never bore. So stay tuned for more Minecraft delight, As we journey together, day and night. With Fangkuaixuan leading the way, Let’s dive into Minecraft, come what may! Read More

  • Noob roasted by Pro! 🔥 #minecraftfunny

    Noob roasted by Pro! 🔥 #minecraftfunny "Noob: dies from falling into lava Pro: casually builds a bridge over the lava Hacker: teleports to the end and claims victory God: creates a whole new world and starts from scratch because why not" Read More

  • The Ultimate Weapon in Minecraft (Mace)

    The Ultimate Weapon in Minecraft (Mace) The Best Weapon in Minecraft: The Mace (Buzdygan) Welcome to this episode where a new weapon added in the 1.21 update, the Mace (Buzdygan), takes center stage. If you enjoyed the video, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel! 🎉🎉 Chapter Breakdown: 0:00 Introduction The video kicks off with an introduction to the new weapon. 0:11 Gathering Items Watch as the player collects the necessary items to craft the powerful Mace. 3:38 Trial Chamber 1 The player enters the first trial chamber to test the capabilities of the Mace. 5:14 Trial Chamber 2 Explore the second trial chamber and… Read More

  • 1Aidk & Gogibtw – The #1 Secret to Transform Your Life in 7 Days

    1Aidk & Gogibtw - The #1 Secret to Transform Your Life in 7 DaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why you should do this for the next 7 days’, was uploaded by 1Aidk & Gogibtw on 2024-06-11 22:10:53. It has garnered 2260 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:07 or 247 seconds. My discord: tags (ignore) : #hypixelskyblock ​​ #skyblock ​​ #hypixel #minecraft #investing #skyblocktips PLEASE SUBSCRIBE: Read More

  • JermsyBoy Unlocks Magic Academy! | Minecraft LIVE

    JermsyBoy Unlocks Magic Academy! | Minecraft LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Nearly finishing the Magic Academy! | Minecraft Survival 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-03-15 21:02:00. It has garnered 2195 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:35 or 9035 seconds. Subscribe! Donate to the channel: Join this channel to get access to perks: Links: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Second Channel: @Jermsyy Patreon: Twitter: Discord: Instagram: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Datapacks: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ My Worldgen Datapack: Invisible Item Frames:… Custom Roleplay Data:… Custom Nether Portals, Armor Statues:… Climbable Chains: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Resource Pack Downloads: ————————————————————————– Jermsy’s Vanilla… Read More

  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Survival on Bedrock!

    EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Survival on Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore survival Episode 1|Bedrock edition beta’, was uploaded by M.Hussain Abbas on 2024-05-08 13:57:17. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:31 or 1651 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Stream with MackGall!!

    INSANE Minecraft Stream with MackGall!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live stream’, was uploaded by MackGall on 2024-04-09 11:24:23. It has garnered 52 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:40 or 9880 seconds. #live #minemen #hypixelbridge #minecraft #bridgescrims Read More

  • Bukkit Mod Gone Wrong! EmilyTheDemon’s Crazy Minecraft Adventure Ep 17

    Bukkit Mod Gone Wrong! EmilyTheDemon's Crazy Minecraft Adventure Ep 17Video Information This video, titled ‘Bukkit Misadventures – Minecraft 1.20.4 Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 17’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-04 22:00:11. It has garnered 55 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:25 or 9805 seconds. It is with a heavy heart I share this video in which I make far, far too many mistakes herding frogs. Enjoy my cringe. XD Huge shoutout to Nitro for being a very patient BAMF. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: Complementary Shaders: Texture Packs from [Feel free to… Read More

  • Insane 1v1s & Epic Events with Fenwo – JOIN THE STREAM!

    Insane 1v1s & Epic Events with Fenwo - JOIN THE STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zeqa 1v1s & Events! (JOIN!) (stream)’, was uploaded by Fenwo on 2024-05-17 01:17:15. It has garnered 818 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:47 or 10187 seconds. Minecraft hive or zeqa or cubecraft live stream NEW STICKERS Pack is my classic mash I have a video on it Read More

  • Get Fit Fast: 1 Push Up for Every Subscriber

    Get Fit Fast: 1 Push Up for Every SubscriberVideo Information This video, titled ‘1 Sub = 1 Push Up’, was uploaded by razmoose on 2024-04-11 23:32:20. It has garnered 1387 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:41 or 3281 seconds. -Socials- discord: (subscribe if you read this) This minecraft hardcore series is inspired by Wadzee, Luke TheNoteable and sandiction Hardcore Minecraft Series, as well as Mumbo Jumbo and Grian on the Hermitcraft server. However, instead of it being Wadzee, Luke, sandiction, Mumbo Jumbo or Grian, it’s actually just razmoose LOL. this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft… Read More

  • Maizen: Epic Pro vs Noob Minecraft Chunk Duel

    Maizen: Epic Pro vs Noob Minecraft Chunk DuelVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: CHUNK BATTLE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Maizen on 2024-05-11 11:00:09. It has garnered 3416616 views and 10157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:02 or 902 seconds. Today, we’re playing PVP! One of our islands is made or dirt, while the other is made of fabulous and valuable materials! The first person to break the other’s beacon wins! We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Maizen Merchandise ► Read More

  • Insane Surprise! Watch Shadow Lefty in Minecraft!

    Insane Surprise! Watch Shadow Lefty in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Shadow Lefty plays: Minecraft P.E. “Normal” World (Read description) #1’, was uploaded by Shadow Lefty on 2024-05-28 22:30:05. It has garnered 116 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:09 or 1869 seconds. Disclaimer: Any music used in this video is not mine, and by all ©️copyright goes to the original song owners/artists. Question: What should I name my 1st dog? Put down in the comment section, please ( -_・)? Read More

  • theravenAU MC

    theravenAU MCWelcome to theravenAU SMC Creative Step into the thrilling world of theravenAU SMP and Creative, where survival pushes limits and bonds are built to last. Dive into an unparalleled Minecraft adventure, where every choice matters and challenges pave the way to lasting friendships. Dare to experience the ultimate game – where only the strong thrive! Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla, Just Opened, Whitelist, Nice Community!

    Join the Discord Here – Hey! A few days ago with my friends and after the success of season 1.19, we decided to make a season 2 in 1.20! The server is entirely vanilla and the community is insanely chill 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this adventure! Just join my Discord and I’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “15 Years of Crafting Chaos!”

    Minecraft has been around for 15 years and this meme only has a score of 14? Talk about getting creeper-blocked! Read More

  • POV: Minecraft movie ending – it’s lit! 🔥

    POV: Minecraft movie ending - it's lit! 🔥 POV: You finally defeat the Ender Dragon in Minecraft and the credits start rolling, but then you realize you forgot to save and your game crashes. #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Joining a Fish Cult in Minecraft Mega SMP

    Joining a Fish Cult in Minecraft Mega SMP Minecraft Mega SMP: Exploring the World of Siro and NeyuQ Join Siro and NeyuQ in their latest adventure in the Minecraft Mega SMP world! In this episode, the duo delves into the mysterious realm of Giáo Hội Cá Nóc, encountering thrilling challenges and exciting discoveries along the way. Unveiling the Secrets of Giáo Hội Cá Nóc Giáo Hội Cá Nóc is a hidden gem within the Minecraft Mega SMP universe, filled with unique landscapes and formidable foes. Siro and NeyuQ must navigate through treacherous terrain and outsmart cunning enemies to uncover the secrets of this enigmatic location. Teamwork and… Read More

How to Farm Cocoa Beans! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 83]