How to Make Minecraft Interiors Builders Academy!

Video Information

One of the trickiest parts of any minecraft build is the interior but it is also one of the most important and functional parts of the build and today that’s what we’re going to be talking about today i am back guys with the long anticipated builders academy topic

Minecraft interiors and if you know me i don’t do a lot of them but when i do i have a lot of fun and they are some of the most difficult parts of building in minecraft and i do apologize it’s been so long since i’ve recorded a video but

Hopefully doing the interiors video will make up for it some of you may remember this building right here this is the house that we used for our detailing video in the builders academy series and we are going to be using this house’s interior to demonstrate how to make a

Good minecraft interior and there’s probably only only going to be one level and then maybe an attic we’ll see what happens guys but we’re going to get into some of the first tips of building a minecraft interior right now the first thing that i like to do is designate my

Layers and as we can see right here i think we’re gonna make this the floor and then we’re gonna have it go up and maybe right here will be the start of our second floor that gives us four blocks which i think is enough and if we

Want we can actually raise it up to five and then have the attic be a little bit smaller so that we have a taller roof on the bottom the next thing we want to do is go ahead and put in those floors don’t do any checkered patterns the

Checkered patterns are so 2012 and really really boring but i’m sure you can come up with a cool design or just go with something plain and flat because it’s going to be covered up for the most part anyway so this is what it looks like when i have both floors and now we

Need to move on to the next step and it’s a very very important part of building an interior and that is to split up your area into rooms don’t just start piling stuff around you know chest over here and craft table furnaces split it up into rooms and then designate them

With a purpose so i’m going to use my a different block we’re going to create some walls here we’re going to wall off some different rooms based on you know the size that i think i might need for them another thing you can do if you don’t like your exterior material as you

Can see this stone is the same stone that is on the outside it’s just one wall you could double up your walls and make it too thick like this so leak is a different type of block on the inside and i might try doing that here just to demonstrate it

So as we enter this house you can see i split up the rooms right here i have a little wall off area where i have some plans here it also opens up and connects over here to our other room which is going to be our staircase upwards and

Then behind us there’s another small room right here with a paneled wall over here which actually leads to our little raised platform that we’ve got right here so see how breaking it up makes it feel it makes it feel smaller but it does make it feel like more of a home

And more of an interior and obviously we will get to the upstairs area in a bit the next thing we need to do guys when you are making your interior is plan what you want each room to be you can’t start decorating until you have at least

An idea of what that room is going to do this little raised platform over here seems like it could be our little kitchen furnace cooking area over here i want this to be maybe our storage area it seems like it’s got enough room for that and then over here we’ve got

Obviously it’s gonna be our staircase over here and then all the way across the hall right here maybe this will be our crafting room and our other tables room you know stone cutters and things like that or i could make this the storage room and this the crafting room since this

One’s a little bit smaller so let’s start here with the crafting room and what i’m going to do for the entrance is just put some stairs here to make a little bit of an archway and then what we can even do is take our trapdoors and

This is a little trick i like to do is do something like this and it looks like a nice little archway let’s close the front door we don’t want any unwanted visitors as for inside the room where i like to start is adding in some of the corner

Plants i always like to have some plants in the corners so we’re gonna do two plants in each of these corners and then what i’m gonna do is actually put a stair just like this and then connect a little bit of a shelf just like that and

Because this is the crafting room the crafting table is going to be right smack in the middle and then the other things i want to have are a smithing table a loom and probably a stone cutter somewhere in here maybe just on top of the crafting

Table would be okay and this is what you have to do when you set up a room guys you have to put your essentials in first and you see now i have my essentials in and now we decorate the way i’m going to do that is we’re going to cover up some

Of these plants right here maybe add a little bit of a sign right here just to keep it up a little bit it makes it look a little more sturdy makes it look really nice though i also want to add in my lighting so we’re going to hang a

Couple of lanterns we’re going to do one there and then maybe one right here and then you could always use an iron bar to put it right next to a chain split it up a little bit make it look different otherwise we’re gonna do that i think

That looks good good lighting and it looks cool another great way to add some details in your interior is plants like this potted plants the azalea looks so nice in these pots maybe i’ll add another one just on top of here but we won’t go with the azalea we’ll do

Something different maybe this the blue orchid my favorite flower beautiful and we can also use some item frames to add a little bit of detail maybe two right there we’ll put some random things in that and then maybe we’ll create just a few more shelves up here using some of

These trapdoors just one more shelf all the way around like that and maybe we do have to move that lantern we’ll just put the lantern instead of being hanging up we will put it on top of the shelf if we can put it down a

Level it’s it’s not going to let me is it well we’re just going to have to do that and then lantern on it and then bring the shelf back up perfect and maybe we’ll do that over here too just to have some some more symmetry in

Room and i like the way that looks now we just need to finish off a couple of these shelves a couple more details and it should be a totally complete room and with just a few more touch-ups you can see that i just messed things up a

Little bit changed a few of these shelf heights i put some bookshelves in a couple more signs added some things to our item frames and a couple of barrels here and there and i think this room is almost completely done as for this corner right here maybe we could add

Some plants but i kind of like the way you can back up and use everything in here and then leave i like the way it is sort of open like i said guys maybe you want to add a couple of shelves here put another plant like this or something

Like that it could spice up the room a little bit actually maybe it would look better if we did something like this on the sides of it i think that looks pretty cool and you know there’s just you have to experiment and get into the groove of it but here is our crafting

Room totally done and now what i want to do is come over here and do the room to our stairs and how i want to do that is similar to how we did this side it’s going to put a little bit of a stair there but then it would look weird coming in

From this side so maybe we will just put a trapdoor there make it you know universal nice and easy to get into and we need to think about how we want to get up into this next floor right here that’s going to clear the area and

Obviously we’re going to have to go some kind of either spiral or pretty weird staircase so i got to figure this out i think i’ve done it it looks a little weird right now but i’ll show you what it what it actually is supposed to do

There we go we’ll put our little archway in there but look you can approach this staircase from both sides of the entrance and you just come here and it’s a little spiral straight up you have to crouch a little bit just to make it a little bit nicer looking we could open

That up and have a nice smooth ride but i like having it as closed off as it can be and then we hear we are here up in the top and obviously we have to make entrance through to the other side but we will worry about that in just a

Minute but let’s go back down here and we have to finish decorating this room so as for the corners i think it would be nice we put a barrel in each of these corners with some plants on the top of that i think that looks pretty nice and

Maybe we just need a little bit of lighting up here maybe one lantern there and then maybe we can do just a little bit of a shelf here another lantern or lantern over here and a potted plant right here obviously in azalea because of the way they look in their pots and

There we go this room is fairly simple but it’s complete now the stair room is done you can also add more details by doing things like this or just changing it up a little bit adding some more details maybe buttons or things like that on the walls it’s totally up to you

But here’s our interior we have two rooms done and now let’s take our attention over here to the storage room obviously the most important part of the storage room is the actual storage so i’m going to bust out these stairs and then put in some barrels right there and

Then on this back wall we’re going to have our line of chests and then back in this corner we’re probably going to put it up on a little bit of a pedestal but we are going to have our ender chest right there and once again two more

Chests on either side and this is fairly simple but this is how we’re gonna do it for now this is just my initial placement we could also raise these up on shelves but we have an idea of what we’re doing here now what i want to do

Is make some hanging shelves to put more chests on and the way we’re going to do that is basically go ahead and place our chest put a little bit of the trapdoor action under here and then we can do that and let’s grab our chains and just attach it very

Simply like that onto the chest and we can do this over here in this corner as well and this is just a super simple weird little trick that you can do to just hang some shell hang some chests and we could even do that make it a

Little bit easier on ourselves and do that there we go and let’s remove this and let’s put our under chest up here i think it’ll look a little nicer if we do it up on this shelf right beautiful that’s really cool like that now we’re just gonna have to add

Plant life actually let’s keep that there where it was let’s make it a barrel and let’s add in a little plant we can use our signs right here to add a little bit more detail into the barrel so they’re not all the same then even maybe some item frames on some of these

To differentiate what we are actually storing in these chests and maybe you know we have you know some changes we’ll put some signs on some of these make it a little bit different but guys this is basically what we’re going for add a little bit more detail and the only

Thing this place is missing is a little bit of life to fix that i added some more items in the item frames and a couple of hanging plants right here and this place is looking really cool maybe one more lantern will help light it up a little

Bit better but i think for the most part the storage room looks pretty cool and this is a very uniform storage room that’s usually what i go for but you could have yours a lot more random you got barrels all over the place and plants and bookshelves and all sorts of

Stuff mixed in but i like to have mine super organized so obviously iron is not going to be just like yours but here’s a few interior ideas for that and we’re going to swing our attention over here to the furnace area or the kitchen which is going to be just a fairly simple

Design and here we go i made our little archway i put in a shelf here using some trapdoors obviously some plant life in the windows we have a trash can back here and then we have our blast furnaces with the smoke stacks going up through the roof and then we have our smokers

Over here with a little bit more plantage over in the corner i like the way this little area looks and the last piece that we have to decorate is just this center hallway and there’s not a lot we can do with it but there are a few things

Obviously we need to add some lighting so we’re gonna add some really cool lights and this trick is basically really simple you just surround a little lantern or whatever it is that you’re using as lighting up here with some trapdoors very simple two little cool things right there and the last thing we

Can do is maybe add a little carpet or something if you want to carpets are kind of boring or you could change up the floors because the floors in all the rooms are the same but maybe we want the center hallway to have a different color floor but let’s do that real quick

Beautiful i like this floor a lot the last thing i want to do is add some supports on the ceiling just like this it’s pretty simple but it’s kind of a cool trick that helps the rest of the room look nice how far away do they separate these

The blocks should be fine or something like this is even better honestly so just like that and then we can even rotate once again we can run our trapdoors if i can find them let’s grab those trapdoors the spruce ones and run them down the wall just like this to

Actually make it look like it is you know supporting something and it’s holding on to it and there we go the supports are in and i think they look beautiful so we’re gonna go over here head up the stairs and i hope you guys have been getting a lot of ideas and

Build hacks from what we’ve done downstairs and upstairs attics are fairly simple there’s not much you can really add into these what i’m going to do is just do one side up here just to show you guys typically what you should do with an attic and obviously this is a

Pretty big attic so we’re going gonna be able to do a little bit more which means i’m gonna add a little enchanting setup and then obviously we have to make it look like an attic you know some cobwebs and some things like that so i’m gonna get decorating so we’ve got our little

Enchanting setup right here and then what i want to do is add a couple of shelves here maybe add oh a little bit of storage something like this should be good up there that looks cool and then what i want to do is obviously add a

Little lectern and then all we need to do is probably decorate this staircase a little bit and what we’re going to do for that is just something super simple like this add a little bit of a entrance way because obviously you have to be able to see where you’re going down the

Stairs and this should be a very good way to do that close that off right there beautiful a cauldron is also a great base for your plants something like that goes a long way just cauldron and then it’s holding up some plants and there we go that’s

Our little entrance right there and now for the cobwebs here we have our beautiful little attic we have our reading station and the enchantment area with some storage up top for our lapis and all that a little bit of decoration a brewing area and some cobwebs because obviously it is in

And now we head downstairs down our little pathway right here we go to the right and we can do some crafting or use our stone cutter our smithing table and then we turn over here we do some cooking we toss some stuff in our furnaces and while we’re doing that

We’re getting stuff out of our storage room over here and guys this has been the interiors tutorial for the builders academy i hope you enjoyed the video i hope this interior will give you some inspiration obviously i am not a master at interiors i haven’t showed you everything there is to see so

I suggest checking out other videos maybe or looking up some pictures online of some build hacks for your interiors guys but here is my video on it i hope you enjoyed i hope you’re glad to see me back and let me know if you made it to

The end of the video let me know if you want to see me start on your day hardcore series i’ll see you guys the next video there’s got there’s going to be some fun stuff coming soon guys peace out i hope you enjoyed

This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Interiors Builders Academy!’, was uploaded by Lemonslice on 2022-01-17 18:00:11. It has garnered 26310 views and 897 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:28 or 868 seconds.

IM BACK! Welcome to another amazing builders academy! I am getting back into recording so im open to any tips to help improve my videos! I hope you learn a lot and enjoy, I know people have been asking for this one! – Did I earn your Subscription? – ALL LINKS- – #minecraft #minecrafthacks

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    INSANE Minecraft Generator - Get unlimited items now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator with Command Block’, was uploaded by Pixelator8627 on 2024-09-27 17:44:16. It has garnered 92 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:15 or 1035 seconds. 🌟 “How to Make a Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator in Minecraft!” 🌟 🎮 Welcome, Builders and Redstone Engineers! 🎮 In this exciting tutorial, we’re diving into the mechanics of creating a versatile generator that produces sand, gravel, and anvils—all using the same ingenious process! Whether you’re looking to stockpile resources or just curious about advanced redstone contraptions, this video has… Read More

  • Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers

    Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie WhispersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-06-23 18:00:09. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Production I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before. Let’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

    Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live - Gather SpruceVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Mission to Gather Spruce | JB/drag 2 Live’, was uploaded by JB / dragmotoxboss 2 on 2024-08-08 05:31:24. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:15 or 17175 seconds. Starring JB / dragmotoxboss, minecraft Warning: There may be yelling in this livestream! Sorry, no links available for now! Tags: #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftjava I would appreciate if you would subscribe, it’s free, easy, and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

    UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 17 Hearts Left and Helping with V4 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-07-04 18:20:01. It has garnered 212 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:34 or 15214 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: Zainny Discord: check out: Roblox group :!/about TikTok : twitch : Discord: Mods: Itrealzainny: LJ… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

    🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89's LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [Live] SLEBEW SMP – MINECRAFT SERVER’, was uploaded by Akidn89 on 2024-01-12 07:45:30. It has garnered 229 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:34 or 394 seconds. because of lag Move to Stream 1 again :v Yoo Welcome to this quiet channel :v help subscribe and like :V Legion 5 Cross Minecraft Server device that allows Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock to play in the same world. Server Info? Java 🖥️ (1.17-1.20) IP: *enter all Bedrock 📱(Latest) IP: PORT: 25568 Join our Discord DC: GC:… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT mit BESTER GRAFIK😍’, was uploaded by benGx on 2024-05-19 13:42:13. It has garnered 28517 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:02 or 7862 seconds. 💸JOIN ► 🗝️MMOGA ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ⚡ARGONPADS ► ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ —————————————– Socials: 🗨️Discord► 🎥Twitch► 🐦Twitter► 🎬Kick► ————————————– Setup: Mouse ► Roccat Kain 100 Aimo keyboard ► Rezon x Drexler mouse pad ► Ovenbird topographic map CPU ► AMD Ryzen 5 3600x GPU ► RTX 3070 ti —————————— ———– ⚠️My content is freely available, it just cannot be re-uploaded!⚠️ Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] [Discord] [Twitter] ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: Discord: Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!Looks like someone didn’t get the memo that we don’t need any more DURING Minecraft Live! The score of 36 just proves how much this meme is overplayed. Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 In Minecraft, things can be quite bizarre, Like floating trees and pigs that drive cars. But fear not, for I’m here to explain, All the strange things that may cause you pain. From glitchy mobs to blocks that disappear, I’ll shed some light, so have no fear. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, As I take you on a Minecraft lore-filled stride. So buckle up, and hold on tight, As we delve into the mysteries of the pixelated night. From Endermen to Creepers, and everything in between, I’ll unravel the secrets, like a storytelling machine. So join… Read More

  • Parotter’s Minecraft Meme Madness

    Parotter's Minecraft Meme Madness I guess you could say this parrot is really “winging” it with his Minecraft dubbing skills! Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE TRANSFORMATION! A HUGE HOLE | Minecraft City Build Pt. 15Video Information This video, titled ‘A BIG HOLE | Minecraft – Building A City Pt. 15’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-08-28 15:55:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:05 or 13565 seconds. Earlier stream today, starting a stream later tomorrow instead!! Read More

  • Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps – Minecraft Ep.12

    Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps - Minecraft Ep.12Video Information This video, titled ‘💥 What’s inside a Creeper? Cartographer Maps, Zombie Horde, Wrong Directions! – Minecraft 1.21 Ep.12’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2024-08-14 19:00:29. It has garnered 2055 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Modded Minecraft CasualCraft 1.21 gameplay / let’s play / playthrough with Waffle! CasualCraft is modded Minecraft 1.21 more relaxed – no big challenges / hardcore / 100 days. ▶︎ Be sure to LIKE the video if you enjoy! 👍 ▶︎ Join the 🧇 Syrup Squad to get your name in my outro, access to our… Read More

How to Make Minecraft Interiors Builders Academy!