HTG George – How You Can Make a Minecraft Custom Main Menu Panorama Background – Change Title Panorama Tutorial

Video Information

Hi i’m george and i’ll be showing you how to do a minecraft custom main menu panorama background like i have right here this is my bastion remnant space and i’m building in the nether right now if you like this video hit that like button click on share click on subscribe hit that

Bell icon for notifications of my new videos i’m trying to reach 100 000 subs so every single subscription counts i also want to do a shout out at the beginning of the month here to everybody who’s watched and commented on my videos this past month including these great youtubers

I also want to give a special shout out to crystal who just did a new patreon pledge now to do this kind of background panorama it’s actually very easy if you know the right settings okay let me just back out of this and we’ll talk about what you need to do

To set up to do one of these panoramas now there are a few things you need to make sure are set up before we do this first off this is most easily done if you’re in creative mode and you have cheats enabled it can be done in survival but it’s a

Lot more difficult they need to pick a spot to do this and we’ll be using this spot right here as our main panorama spot i’ll be doing my main house there and that portal right back there and just some more background around there it’s a pretty good spot for

This we’ll be doing this with a custom resource pack and i have mine already set up here for the panoramic yes at the beginning i’m going to show you how to get to this point first off we need to have the basic information for the resource packs so

Open up any file window and then type in percent app data percent go into minecraft and then come down to versions and find your version of minecraft you’ll find it down here someplace mine right here is 16.2 that’s what i’m playing right now go inside that

And you want to find the jar file right here now we’ll be putting this into a new folder on our hard drive and i have mine right here i just made a new folder that i call title screen and i’m building it in this location okay just take this just right drag that

Over here and copy we’re just using this just to get just a few files and also for reference let me just close this down we’re done with that and i’ll get rid of these we’ll bring those back in in just a second i’ll show you where those come from

Okay so in here make a new folder called assets and just leave it at that for the moment let’s now take this jar file and make sure you’re seeing where it says dot jar if you’re not seeing that go up to view and click on fondant extensions

Right here you then should see that dot jar now change that dot jar to zip and say yes it’s now just a regular zip file we can now open this thing up i’m going to right click and open in new window and here we go there’s the contents

Of that zip file right here okay so we have our assets folder right there let’s go inside of assets inside of minecraft inside of textures right down here and the inside of gui right there and then here it says title go inside of title and then inside a background in here you’re going

To see five files from zero through five we’ll be replacing those files and we need to have this file available so we’ll take care of this in just a second but first take a look over here at this folder structure we have assets minecraft textures goi title and background

We need to set up this folder structure over here in our brand new assets now i’ve already done that let me just walk you through how i did this i just put this one right there like that so i can see that list up there there it is so my assets folder

Inside of that i made a minecraft folder that’s right there inside of that i made a textures folder that’s right there inside of textures i made a gui folder that matches that inside of gui i made a title folder that’s right there inside of title i made a background folder that’s right there

And inside of background that’s where i put in my screenshots right here the only file that you need to bring at this point this will be empty for you all that you need to bring in is just this one here says panoramaoverlay.png just right drag that in here and do a copy

And mine’s already sitting right there so you need that one file we’ll be making these ourselves so ignore that okay so that basic folder structure is set up for our title screen right here now we need to have the pack.mcmeta and the pac.png files so go in here back to the basic

Zip folder location this is the contents of our zip there’s the assets they have all these class files right down here just scroll way down on this list down to the ps it’s down of course way way way down and here we go you’ll find the pac.mcmeta and the pack.png

Let’s just grab both of those and right click and drag them over here and copy there we go okay we’re now done with that zip folder you can even delete this if you want to you might want to hang on in this case you want to do anything else with the

Resource pack later on all that information is in there i’ll just delete this right now just to keep things clean okay inside of the pack that mcmet open this thing up here’s where you put your description right there it’s whatever you want to call this thing that’s fine

I’ll just call my new panorama and pack format should be six and then file save that one is done the pack png can be anything you want i normally use a 256×256 png this can be anything you want as long as it’s square that’s all that matters and

This is just what shows up inside the list of resource packs in the game okay we’re all set right now now let’s talk about the basic setup that we need to use and for that let’s go back into the game just for a moment now here’s one or two spots i see

Everybody wildly guessing on on what this should be and there’s no guessing involved at all now if we’re doing a panorama and that’s looking straight forward going clear around like that and clear back to the same spot that’s a rotation of 360 degrees we’re using four photographs to encompass all of that

Rotation so 360 divided by 4 is 90. no guessing involved it’s not 91 it’s not 87 i’ve seen both of those in other videos it’s 90 exactly always is so our field of view for our image here has to be at 90 degrees let’s just hit the escape key

Go into options and right here at the top it says fov that’s your field of view and normal is the middle point we’ll come back to that once we’re finished with this whole process but for now just pull this to the right until it says 90 and that’s the exact number you need

And that’s when you will always need is 90 right there okay back to game okay now let’s set up the whole program to give us the right size for taking our screenshots so for that hit the escape key and then save and quit it’ll quit out of the game okay here we

Are now i’m playing in 6.2 right now going to installations and that should be my top one there it is now over on the right hand side just the right of play you’ll see this little icon right here three dots on it click on that and click on edit this allows us

To edit the resolution which is right here we need this to be square because our screenshots have to be square now the default size for this is 10 24 and 10 24. now my screen right now is at a 1080 height so i can fit the 10 24. so if your

Screen is smaller than that you may need to bring the size down a little bit to fit onto your screen so look at the vertical height of your screen resolution on your computer and make sure this is smaller than that so you’ll see the whole thing

Choose save and that’s all set to go let’s go back to play click on play it’s going to reload this and it’s going to be square on our screen and there we go nice square image okay we’re all set now to take our screenshots let’s go back into single player

Now make sure you give it enough time to render all of your chunks in here all of your images so you’ll give it a minute or so so that everything is properly rendered once it’s all rendered we can then take a nice clean screenshot okay it’s all set to go

Now here’s where being in creative mode with cheats enabled makes this a lot easier we need to get an exact position and then hold that height clear around and then go to the exact coordinates you know the west east north south coordinates for our screenshots it’s a little hard to do

Here by hand you can get close but it’s a little hard to do i’m in creative mode right now which makes this a lot easier now do a forward slash and tp this is the teleport command a space and then you want at p that’s at player and a space then you

Want three tildes so it’s a tilde space tilde space and tilde space now a zero and then a zero the first one here is your rotation that’s around you know left to right and the second one is looking up and looking down so this is zero rotation and zero up or down hit

The enter key and it moves to that very specific view right there if you want to you can get rid of all that stuff down below there just hit the f1 key to clean that out hit the f2 key for a screenshot okay once your screenshot is done we can

Then move to our next position that’s going to be a forward slash tp and then once again the at player that’s at p space three tildes 3d space tilde space tilde space and then we want to have a 90 for 90 degrees a space and a zero hit enter

That’s our next rotation and then an f2 key for the screenshot let’s move on forward slash tp again at player that’s at p and the space and then tilde tilde tilde and then for this one we want to have 180 space and zero hit the enter key there’s our next move

Once again the f2 key there it is screenshot’s done and then one more time here forward slash tp again it’s at player and then tilde space tilde space tilde space and this one is going to be at 270 a space and zero enter key here’s our last spot

And then f2 okay we’ve recorded all four of our shots around we now need to record the up shot so four space tp again it’s at player and again our three tildes there there’s one there’s two there’s three a space and this time we don’t want to be rotating left or right

We want to have 0 and a space and then negative 90 and enter and that’s looking straight up f2 key now once more forward slash tp again at player at p the three utilities space space and a space like that and this time zero no rotation and then 90 enter key

That’s looking straight down and the f2 keyboard shortcut there we are let’s put things back the way they should be and we’re back up to our normal view right there okay so all of our screenshots have now been taken we can now back out of here and let’s

Get the game set back up the way it should be so let’s hit the escape key save and quit let’s quit the game right here let’s bring the launcher back up again and we’ll set our resolution back to the proper setting there we go back up to installations

Back to the latest release and click on the three dots right there and edit and then change the resolution here back to auto and save that’s all reset we now need to go back in and change the fov the field of view so let’s launch our game again we should

Be seeing the correct ratio once this launches okay right from the screen click on options and here’s the field of view just take that slider move it to the left until it says normal there it is choose done that’s all set and quick game okay it’s all back to normal again

Let’s now bring our folders back up all right here’s where we’re building our resource pack let’s go into assets minecraft textures gui title background there we are now these are these six shots i did for my opening title before i’m just going to delete all that

Stuff that’s out of there so there we go that’s what we need to be sitting at right now there is the panorama overlay that we copied over here from the resource pack zip file let’s now go back over to just a regular window like this file

Window i want to do percent app data percent go into minecraft and come down to screenshots right there and you should see your six shots we just did there’s that one here i’ll hold the control key down i’ll choose all six of these shots and then i’ll just right drag over

Here and copy there you go there’s the panorama now the first one here we’re going to rename this one just click on that rename it’s going to be panorama underscore zero there it is the next one let’s just click slowly twice there do a rename here this one’s underscore one there it is

Same thing underscore two this one right there underscore three so there’s our first four that’s the rotation zero one two three number four has to be the sky and that is underscore four and number five has to be the ground and that one also is underscore five and that’s all set to go

Okay let’s back up to our working folder right here everything’s done we can now zip this up into a new resource pack let’s just select all of those i’ll go up here to share and i’ll click on zip puts in the zip like that let me

Just call this one panorama or this new panorama there we go there is our new panorama okay back over here just back up one level here to the minecraft folder and we’ll go into the resource packs right there and take this one and i’ll just right drag this in let me just put

This over here so you can see that right drag right in there like that and copy and there we are we now have that new panorama all set to go okay now we’re ready to go into the game and check out that new panorama okay here we are open title screen go

Into options and resource packs and there’s what i’m running right now a custom title panner i’m just going to remove that one and let’s find our new panorama and that’s right there there it is hit the arrow bring it over here choose done it’s going to load that one in and we’ll

See how that looks just choose done again okay there’s the house beginning to come in and that all looks fine i’m not seeing any line in there straight ahead right now that’s where we’d be seeing a line between those two screenshots and there’s no line at all showing

So that’s working out perfectly and there we go okay so a little bit of a long video for this thing but once you’ve done it a couple times it’s actually pretty fast and pretty easy to do as long as you have those specific numbers down all right if you like this

Video make sure you hit that like button click on share and subscribe hit that subscribe bill icon for notifications of my new videos check out my channel for a bunch more minecraft videos and i’ll see you next time

This video, titled ‘How You Can Make a Minecraft Custom Main Menu Panorama Background – Change Title Panorama Tutorial’, was uploaded by HTG George on 2020-09-01 15:15:01. It has garnered 106822 views and 2857 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:47 or 827 seconds.

🔴 If you enjoy this video show your support by clicking on the Thanks Button How to Change Minecraft Panorama Background. How you can Make a Custom Minecraft Main Title Panorama Background Using Your Own World. Having a Minecraft Custom Main Menu really helps to give your game a personalized look. You can have a lot of fun with making a custom Minecraft main menu by changing the panorama background. It lets you give the title screen a look matching your current game or the biome you are usually playing in.

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00:00 Minecraft Custom Main Menu Panorama Background Intro 00:26 Great YouTubers List 00:49 Things to check first 01:02 Pick your spot for the panorama screenshots 01:14 Set up a custom main menu resource pack 01:26 Finding the .jar file 02:08 Set up the main menu resource pack folder structure 04:04 Find pack.mcmeta and pack.png 04:42 Edit pack.mcmeta description 04:56 About pack.png 05:16 Getting the correct FOV 05:49 Set the FOV 06:17 Set the Game Resolution 07:20 Set the positions and take screenshots 10:13 Reset to default settings 10:50 Add the new screenshots to the new resource pack 11:28 Rename the screenshots 12:08 Compile the new custom resource pack to zip 12:27 Add the custom resource pack 12:28 Activate the new Custom Main Menu Panorama Background 13:32 Like, Share, Subscribe ________________________________________________________________

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video and description copyright 2020 George Peirson all rights reserved

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    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE 1.21 – FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY STREAM!! – DAY 3’, was uploaded by Robotic Crafter on 2024-06-22 20:56:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:30 or 10050 seconds. Join my Discord server: Sub to my friend from real life! TheGrayEmerald: My sister’s channel: Tweet me! Follow me! Read with me: Reddit: Pinterest: Spotify: Outro made with Panzoid (Outro came with music) NOTE: This video and its content is intended/directed towards a “general audience” or “family-friendly”, which is… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel – The Minecraft Prodigy

    Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel - The Minecraft ProdigyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How He Became a Minecraft Legend’, was uploaded by DeadPixel on 2024-09-27 18:42:36. It has garnered 260 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. We talk about FitMC and how he became a Minecraft Legend. From 2b2t to QSMP FitMC has seen and done a ton in the Minecraft world! If you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe for more! – – – – – – – – #fitmc #minecraft #2b2t fitmc, minecraft, minecraft youtuber, 2b2t, qsmp, 2b2t historian, anarchy server, fitmc 2b2t, fit 2b2t, fit… Read More

  • Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshorts

    Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘sigma baby villager | pillager is good | they kill villager to survive# minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by New Generation of gaming on 2024-05-10 17:37:18. It has garnered 4251 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59’, was uploaded by Freezn Gamer on 2024-04-17 04:53:26. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59 Join this channel to get access to perks: Instagram- Discord- Facebook- Twitter – Pc Specification processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.11 GHz ram-4.00 GB Graphics-Intel Hd 620 product-laptop ——————– ——————— 😅Please Ignore… Read More

  • Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!

    Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Age of Engineering: Old but Gold Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by Max Fox on 2024-07-29 02:26:54. It has garnered 167 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 07:20:23 or 26423 seconds. Well, what do we have here? A pixellated Fox on an adventure in the world of Minecraft, but this time not in just any old world. We’ll be diving into Age of Engineering, an expert mode tech-focused modpack with a couple extras! Modpack: Age of Engineering (davqvist) Additional mods: Realistic Terrain Generation FastLeafDecay Diet Hoppers MoseTweaks Texture pack: Sphax 64k Follow… Read More

  • 🌴 PinkpalmPuff’s Preppy Beach Love💖

    🌴 PinkpalmPuff's Preppy Beach Love💖Video Information This video, titled ‘#preppy #viral #aesthetic #happy #love #beach #subscribe #blowup #like #onthisday #viral #shots’, was uploaded by I♥️PinkpalmPuff on 2024-07-09 22:10:24. It has garnered 10 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #aphmau #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmods #minecraftaphmau #aphmaupranks #aphmauminecraftpranks #aphmaugaming #aphmaugames #aphmauplayingas #normaniwildside #normaicardi #cardiwildside #wildsidemusicvideo #normaninewmusic #normanimotivation #cardiup #normanicardileak #normanilive #music #webdev #appdevelopment #lesson #tutorial #bertrandchameroy #fabienroussel #jeans #lfi #lorrainsénéchal #mohamedbouhafsi #nfp #alliances #dbillions #kidssongs #songsforkids #kidsvideos #sing-alongsongs #dance #daysoftheweek #gracescorner #letterd #letterrecognition #dsound #learning #6×1 #seisaum #cruzeiro #notíciascruzeiro #seisaum #notíciasdocruzeiro #gremio #cruzeirogremio #gremiocruzeiro #cruzeiroxgremio #cruzeirogremiogols #crazyfrogaxelf #crazyfrogdance #crazyfrogcover… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Best Survival Builds so far! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-02-16 22:00:00. It has garnered 196 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. A snapshot in to our little survival world. My 4 best builds so far! Enjoy 🙂 Song: Today Is The Day – Mark July Read More

  • Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘#hindisong #bollywood #song #dance #funny #duet #music #bhojpurimusic #sasbahunokjhok #minecraft’, was uploaded by TJ Viral Shorts on 2024-10-02 01:27:57. It has garnered 507 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Rewards

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2 In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia focusing on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and preferably 18+, creating a chill ambiance. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” experience with mods like “Ars Nouveau” and “Mystical Agriculture” for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to useful commands like /home and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community building through town creation. The Server Life: Admins add scripted Dungeons with rewards, regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!"Falling in Minecraft be like “Oops, I guess I’ll just respawn and try not to embarrass myself again!” Read More

  • Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life

    Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life In Minecraft, a life from child to adult, Growing up, getting married, it’s a result. The journey is long, with adventures to find, In the pixelated world, let your imagination unwind. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, the future is bright. Explore new realms, with Super Ngao in tow, Minecraft stories to share, let the creativity flow. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, To Super Ngao’s channel, where Minecraft vibes thrive. For updates and news, stay tuned in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun begins. Read More

  • “Herobrine’s Hot Date Night” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Herobrine's Hot Date Night" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend so much time playing Minecraft that even Herobrine is like, “Dude, take a break.” #minecraftaddict #herobrineconcerned Read More

  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

    Sonic's Yellow Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the secrets of the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? Join the adventure as we explore this exciting feature in the game! What is the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? The Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal is a unique portal in Minecraft that allows players to travel to a special dimension filled with new challenges and rewards. By following specific steps and crafting the portal correctly, players can unlock this hidden gem in the game. How to Create the Super… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers players the opportunity to explore, build, and survive in a vast virtual world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join a community of like-minded gamers and embark on epic adventures together. With unique features and regular updates, you’ll never run out of things to do on Minewind. So why wait? Join the fun today by entering the Minewind server… Read More

  • Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG!

    Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG! Minecraft Create: NO LAG Cobble Generator Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance their gameplay experience. One such exciting addition to the Minecraft world is the NO LAG Cobble Generator created using Minecraft Create. This new schematic promises to revolutionize the way players generate cobblestone in the game. What is Minecraft Create? Minecraft Create is a mod that introduces a variety of mechanical elements to the game, allowing players to automate tasks and create complex contraptions. With the NO LAG Cobble Generator, players can now efficiently produce cobblestone without experiencing any lag, ensuring a… Read More

HTG George – How You Can Make a Minecraft Custom Main Menu Panorama Background – Change Title Panorama Tutorial