HYPD Plays Minecraft Chaos Mode – Let’s get HYPD

Video Information

Thank you thank you thank you six for pinning that foreign Foreign out there foreign foreign Foreign foreign Foreign let’s get started shall we also Mario LOL Hello all and welcome to game bounce plays Minecraft once it loads I have Steve today everyone low Mario in the chat please hahaha everyone go from just everyone LOL and chat put your Flopper away yeah Mario put your Flopper away foreign There we go oh sucker full screen resolution current that’s fine fancy everything on maximum because I’ve got everything I can do blurp Let’s put the Cherry in the fridge oh you sound very quiet by the way There you go hello clicks Oh wow need to talk louder enunciate more it’s Arsenal’s running by the way I can’t see if it’s actually loaded yet oh my God oh looks like it has no it’s not ah why is the server not run that’s it yeah oh God here we go let’s start apparent events because the event

Handler is null there we go I finally got in they can’t hear you oh I bet it’s because you go over my headphones one second have a chat again not working okay uh uh audio output oh it’s because audio outputs going through the TV not through my headphones let’s move that to headphones

Let’s move all audio to headphones boom that should be better can we tie him out with hype live for spamming hope live gets uh gets turned off so for anyone that’s not aware by the way you are hearing yourself about your face comes over the uh twitch event so it is

It just spawned a flying machine sorry no idea I think it’s because that’s how I started the the land when I’m doing the raining so uh right let me just pause this for a second and move my face cam around I think I’m getting attacked by a skeleton not even know where you are I’m just still at that spawn area oh I ran away from a spawn area that’s probably a good idea this this skeleton has the aim of a stormtrooper and I was nowhere near my Minecraft game just now

And he didn’t hit me a single time okay I’m gonna it is laughs have you turned on deep inventory uh oh no I didn’t um I do it’s on the Arsenal server somewhere yeah Steve’s just gonna sleep you can also type it in Minecraft uh what’s the option in Minecraft

Like do you know what the code is the Commanders thank you without the dog so slash game rule I don’t like it I’m just getting attacked while I’m waiting do you have up on the Minecraft server probably not no one has right let’s respawn again let’s have a look

Bring this up here so everyone else can see it there’s my server only white list some people can go in there though sorry guys I’m getting attacked again I think oh rainbow [ __ ] affecting you as well then I don’t see the event like on my screen but like I know what happens if

Something’s Frozen maybe like I can see a jet on tour oh okay oh that’s cool okay what wool drops when you kill it hahaha um white keep inventory true there we go game were updated I’m just gonna attempt to get better as soon as possible because yeah I hate the night

Might not be a bad Shout right uh where are you though so I decided to press F3 let me know your chords um mine actually I’m just gonna head to zero zero yeah heading to zero zero yeah yeah okay oh well I see the pink sheep I mean not in

The rainbow sheep that you spawned in the Philippines I thought you’re gonna zero zero I’m going the wrong way um this way oh that won’t help oh god there you are I’ve got Mouse drifting on now it’s the most annoying one ever I don’t get master oh that’s unlucky

Yeah but that’s fine because it affects me that’s the main thing no did you cut the tree yeah bloody right we need trees there ain’t got any bone Mill to grow the tree because when I killed that um skeleton for bone milk I didn’t keep inventory on sorry I’m level one

There you go ah thank you right let’s sleep dreams there we go this is head what did you have for oh cause because I was sleeping oh oh dear right let’s go find a village I believe there was one over this way because I started going towards it when

I was testing out the stream yesterday so you’re cheating a little bit wow everyone everyone reporting no it was this way I think you don’t even know the way to your village on your own world no oh that’s that’s trees get some trees let’s get I’m gonna get the birch oh God

I’m now running inverted controls back to go up down to go up there we go up down back to go forward sorry even my speeches inverted affect me no you’re lucky running on inverted controllers I don’t understand how anyone ever does this at least it doesn’t stay for long it’s

Like a 30 second countdown yeah I want to see credits being rolled oh that’d be funny see clicks a fixed player vitals that sounds too General uh uh what’s it generous so you know I don’t think anyone’s gonna pick something like that where’d you go I went in the trees

Um I’m actually like kind of kind of mining ah Stone Age oh there you are see ya oh My overall credits bear with me unlike GTA I can’t actually do anything when I um have roll credits on no I run out of food I see the player you mean gamer bars

Oh that’s it just turn the music down because it’s way too loud That’s better that’s better there we go right I need to get wood whoa right pickaxe nice a good a good coal Vine oh oh that’s good um oh it does affect you as well when you’re near me we’re on the moon it’s called to the moon so it sent us

All the way up I’m assuming we’re at the highest point no I think I was also teleported with you we’re just so close always just connected ah yeah 320 up well uh I’m alive dead I’ll keep inventory didn’t stay on what maybe you have to save it but keep inventory true

It’s why is it saying it’s set to false now said to True okay false false and then my chords yeah I did it on the last one I didn’t I wasn’t tabbing through properly um uh four nine and minus 52 okay It’s fine it’s only wood entry and and salmon wait where did I pick up salmon I don’t know I just see it in the water oh that’s just salmon and generalizing they’ve probably just died oh yeah me it’s in the middle of the water it just feels like it’s scattered like the yeah

There you go I’ve got a salmon where’s my where’s my stone is it still in the tree my Stone’s still in the tree oh yeah because you died to it yeah I died on the Birch oh farewell citizen bear Blade the Beyblades was Beyblades I don’t know what Beyblade is

Mario put your Flopper away I don’t know what Beyblade is oh hyper slow oh why does that affect me [Laughter] so that it’s fun to learn what ones affect you as well yeah what is Beyblades no idea obviously in GTA Beyblades was every car spins like a Beyblade but there’s no

Maybe it was mobs but we’re not seeing any Bobs around here because they’ve not spawned yet I don’t know I’m getting there guys don’t worry there we are was that what that did I can’t see actually where’s the Albright option yeah sorry I’m using Luna clients I can

Just put on Fulbright without using torches oh nice it does mean that creepers will just come up behind me yeah you have no light level oh endomites all right let’s see if we find out if I die and keep inventory they came to be yeah I kept inventory though

Right let’s go back to you again why are they going for me because you’re a bot I have to do everything [Laughter] oh someone’s Discord chatted me I’m guessing it’s Mario probably Mario I’m so used to play my other version of my game that I keep trying to double

Space to get in a light trip I don’t have one proper away on the Stream that’s the after dark stream on the only fans Channel no attacking allowed I can’t even mine oh get on your level that’s six ah yeah it’s fine well I can’t attack anymore so you know

Where are you guys no I said I killed six and the lights and oh you killed yourself I love it sorry um Mario we are at the coordination coordinates of uh 49 and minus 52. my y level is 69. oh we need to build a base at 4 24 20.

Yes that needs to be a thing now oh oh God let’s go to 4 24 20. no no I can’t John Cena I have extreme pogo stick I love it right I’m off to 4 24 20. don’t mind me I still see a flying machine that’s my flying machine it’s gummy

Oh God am I affected by the chaos as well holy some of them not all of them right there’s like some spawning mobs on you then yeah but there we go right 4 24 20. I’m gonna minus if it’s roll credits and you’re safe stop hitting me

Only a bot attacks other players hey hey that’s mean see only a bot attacks on the players are you asked oh look there’s a fly machine where that’s coming from would have been over a village at some point I’m on the plane oh God who spawned that um mods wow

I I I I I have to move with it oh God six look up it’s a lot of me oh God what it’s raining chicken Hallelujah it’s raining lag it’s raining like sorry Arsenal server for doing all of this you said there’s a village the way the

Flying machine was coming from okay well goodbye I’ve got a full 24 20. I’m going to Village and then and then I bought working in chat by the way is actually generating links oh my God another flying machine yep wait that’s right but she’s gonna go into the wall

Did you guys also get flying machines I turned around at the wrong time oh the robot died to a creeper oh my God the floor where they went back oh it also picked up some dirt the slime blocks of the leaf actually picked up dirty GPS

Six come back six come back no six six Me oh my God only a bot can’t get in the boat oh that’s mean ow why did I get hit because he’s bought and can’t aim also by the way did you guys all spawn a flying machine then yeah well so that does work no matter how far away I am

Also the Flying Machine I’ve completed of complete uh Minecraft twice now in the last 30 minutes yeah yeah yes I assume I can’t see yes well you already cheated so you should probably not yeah I can’t that is not a village that is a villager Alchemist

No it’s past that I don’t know how long the flying machine was going for well it wasn’t that high so I wouldn’t say it was well build it out first please do not okay they saw me I saw you yeah oops that’s awesome never mind I just I just watched the fly

Machine hit the mountain and go back again so they’re literally gonna there’s gonna go forever basically possibly know where you are for 20. foreign hello from Facebook did you say hello on YouTube yeah I said did you yes I was like OMG or something like that

Ah well I didn’t see you so try again [Laughter] oh God don’t worry if you die you keep your stuff yeah I have keep inventory on Mario I’m in stream snapped by a spider ban the spider can we uh can we ban the spider for stream sniping please

I don’t know if it is a village I just saw the ocean Um are you where you look at the right flying machine because obviously we spawned some more sense I was working on this flying machine oh God yeah but there was a there was a particular flying machine that spawned first back when I did the testing and that’s the one that went over the

Village you really want to try don’t you spider you really want to try it come on all right I’m gonna fall 24 20. well I don’t think let’s go oh that’s also not correctly it’s this way oh really bro I should have I should have made a boat

That was a boa you could have picked what he hasn’t picked up my boat yeah but I didn’t oh bro this skeleton bro bro off we go to 420 420 420 69 420. sorry I’m going to x420 why is 69 instead fourth one oh that works yeah oh I got shot

There we go swimming along that’s super slow oh really hyper slow yeah that also does affect you guys I love that one drowning I like it there we go I’m just eating some um rotten flesh don’t mind me I don’t even know where you guys even are we’re good 420 69 420 yeah

Who’s gonna get there first meal six not me I’m mining this is a mining game well since half the game is called mine I don’t know I think it’s called Mincecraft wow yeah I’ve stood up yes I’ve still not seen it yet and all the time I’ve played it yeah XP rain

Let’s go at me um why is there like one every time this one would work if we had like mending on items I know this would be oh basically what I want to do by the way today guys is just get as far as I can in game and all the advancements

Including an actual end of credits by killing the dragon inside well I’ve had the end credits twice so yeah go for it you don’t get the achievement Ah that’s fine I could always just steal the egg off you and respawn him he just kicked me out a lot of second no

Oh imagine no I’m so lost that’d be hilarious be like oh yeah last kill and it’s gone disconnect foreign You by turning off the server though because you can just turn it back on well I’m literally going to 424 20. well I um and I don’t see you

Um the downside is it’s not gonna be 69 we’ve got a like flat on a mountain are you sure well at least where I am currently where I am currently it’s perfectly for 26 tonight 420. it’s actually yeah oh that’s amazing were you Mario well I found 69 but

I’m like yeah that’s the y-axis we don’t want that one yet I’m like nowhere near you you see the pigs because my texture pack is the pixel Tech nobody pigs where am I oh I can’t see very well because I’ve I had blue I had blur on oh foreign [Laughter] I love it

Right we need to put this here oh now you’ve ruined it but this is the center pose the center point of our um oh yeah our land I like how our land is next to a massive Mountain yep if you set it as spawn um oh God oh my God

I was a fake teleport oh [Laughter] no a fake fake teleport oh dear is there a fake fake fake teleport no okay okay Maria you always have to protect me I’m literally [ __ ] half a heart there you go oh fish cool I’ve got some chickens I got seven eggs ow

Imagine not having a Minecraft cape I imagine couldn’t be us no definitely not I’ve run out of food I can’t Sprint anymore there we go oh my we’ve deleted a whole chunk or something oh my God you’re just in the middle so are you oh you’re right okay

Um let me just yeah build out dude yeah but we don’t want to be down there we want to get to force 2069 where are you oh you went you out of that way cool what was that yeah so this is the kind of stuff we’re

Looking at for when it comes to the mods I love it much more interactive than the GTA version still both that’s just that’s that that’s gonna be the the thing we don’t want happening or the water yeah oh God yeah well when it pops up on my votes I’ll let you know

Yeah and we’ll just make sure we vote away from that thing exactly leave the game if we all leave the game will it not spawn um no it wouldn’t um oh yes yes let’s go that’ll be get that’ll get us there quicker also kirsty’s in the chat hello Kirsty oh more XP creeper

Ah Mario’s a creeper [Laughter] oh are we oh no my horse disappeared my horse disappeared I died thank you I know they disappeared because the timer ran out right I really just want to get somewhere that oh now kirsty’s starting to vote so we need to let her know

Doctor can vote for Warden she’s voted for teleport all nearby entities to player oh no get ready for the lag I might place my bed [Applause] oh God [Laughter] that was kirsty’s fault uh wow ban Kirsty now I’m making a Kirsty a mod for that because she killed Mario why [Laughter]

Why I mean [Laughter] she’s vote for slippery blocks now so mean bro bro I have reached the Cobblestone pillar you don’t know what you’re doing it’s you’re doing fine don’t worry you’re all good um and the one you’re not gonna vote for is the warden when it pops up yeah then we’re [ __ ]

Yeah or vote for the warden and let the chaos go oh God there’s so much XP in the water wow what’s up bro ban the creeper honestly you’d even die still I find it funny that um I didn’t die to any of the creepers that spawned

Next to me I had like four on me at one time still haven’t died I died into the end of mites I would have thought I doubt it nah the difficulties really low so you can literally be right next to a creeper and you wouldn’t die well exception when you’re me yeah

Crispy just donated 20 quid via just given thank you mate whoa that’s amazing come on also slippery blocks just makes everything feel like you’re walking on ice I’m not getting has it been on yet because I’m looking it happened and went again oh it happened for that short

Yeah but it was 30 seconds but it took me ages to kind of realize that it was actually running well I’m still at first donator so [Laughter] there we go I’m back at the 420. took me long enough I’m here right spawn point set I’m gonna go build a house on this

Island over here oh no not know what to do nice nice here we go we take that ice and lava nice how do I do Skyblock Um there we go what I’ve just done is I’ve just grabbed it if you break the ice so place the lava down randomly anyway it doesn’t matter where I know I just want to I want to please we can’t because that’s literally it no the Sky Block doesn’t work like this

You can make a cobblestone generator bye for now oh um it’s gonna have to be like seven blocks away roughly generator there you go review because you’re too you spawned further away because we spawned near to 69. where oh you’re further it’s further away from

Me I can’t see it yeah it’s from the distance as well well I’m gonna go I’m gonna go mine some cobblestone I’m gonna go drop down see you later let’s see if I can nlg clutch I didn’t need to literally where I landed with water my Sky Block broke yeah because you’ve

Got sinkhole now nothing you’re not playing there you are yeah if you if you start scrolling down it it made us it makes a sinkhole at some point or another there’s gonna be laughing oh um there’s water [Laughter] it’s right over on of beds it is watch it

And done we now just have to Sky High waterfall come from nothing serious Mario’s missing out everything he is I mean I could just teleport Amir can’t I because I’m I’m op yeah like I’m like I’m ready for it bro why is that now wherever you look it’s glass oh my God Oh this is our new base oh my God this is laggy as hell we’re making a bridge oh yeah oh sorry I can no longer move every time every time I kept trying to walk I kept putting glass in front of me right force field oh this one’s gonna sound fun yeah right uh oh if it gives us like armor oh yes please give us some armor

Hey um did you teleport to him I did I didn’t he didn’t need to be teleported anyway I could see him because I see our massive waterfall he was right here or is that you’re wearing waterfall I know he made his own waterfall there we go

Uh so what’s how do I do the teleport um I think you have to do his name to you yeah because it says location to Destin well person to destination oh so that there you go I made it also we have horse food on but I don’t know what it does I

Assume if it’s anything like the other version in GTA if there was a mobs near us it would have just push them away I’ve been quicksand oh God okay oh God no lag Galore coming up because it just comes out now on purpose to get rid of this land now

The place you wanted to build at home oh well yeah yo I think to that hey [Laughter] you succeeded but still missed okay Karen just donate a 10 pound fire just given thank you hey that’s my bed yeah there’s no point sleeping because you can’t do anything um guys oh wait I’m dead Oh my God wait I got TP uh teleport yeah I got teleported I don’t know where I’m at no not my precious bed s again yeah I did it wrong there we go the game I just felt the game was alive yeah I teleported back to the location

I’m in the middle of nowhere that’s fine I’ll get you guys back in a second I just can’t believe that bro you said you said it was going to come here um so six to gamer Barnes foreign we’ve also got some drowned near us somewhere

I’m taking back my my events we gave him a bombers that well it’s now gone that’s about you made me so well no it was actually given to you so it’s now yours now under the legal ownership without third person [Laughter] hey I like how I love it I like how the bed

Isn’t burning oh do I turn fire spread off I didn’t think I did I thought six was further away so I was gonna teleport them away from me foreign guys wait for it oh God oh look at that Tower I love it I almost died oh Mario did that’s um Kirsty has killed Mario twice now I love it [Laughter]

Well she donated to the just giving for five pounds so she paid to kill Mario hahaha Mario are you good Mario’s not good Mario good he’s now back It was the last Comic command so I could just do up arrow and bring him back ow [Laughter] jokes are new I spawned next to the lava said that he got slapped and he died I’m here I left your but no I I I died because your sword broke when I literally had

Half a heart left resistance four resistant I give resistance to players yes I’m gonna be um if you guys want to go into chat and vote three why why fly machine it’s a flying machine yeah hahaha record mining will the flying machines would a well-whereless one

Kind of just spawns where you are I think so it’s just gonna break into the whole cave yeah ow perfect that is not a key there it is mind the Mario is having a race Wrong Turn did it oh yeah there it goes ah because I don’t want to strip mine okay

Hold the flame of your flying machines are racing backwards now hello yeah they’re coming back with that I love it um there he goes Mario you were never gonna win that one well the thing is I’ve got um a special move oh what’d you leave the game for Mario

Oh oh they spawned bees not the bees finally found the game that game evolves it’s not what sorry angry bees whilst mining trees now they’ve picked up more dirt and they go back the other way now right anyway you could get numbers start wins challenge oh God someone’s voted

For the Vex attack no [Laughter] so is Mario vote for the Vex attack so he’s now gone to Twitch chat rather than play the game why Mario that only means one thing that the wooden will be Sports definitely oh so just because I killed him he’s now

Voting for everything to make my life worse it’s all for charity where’s the vexus I don’t want them yes he’s he’s spawning Warden they did spawn but they spawned over the water so nowhere near us please remove heart one picture remove heart only have two I thought they meant like you actually

Like lose a heart so you only have like 18 Health instead of 20. oh maybe right I’m running this way just because I don’t want to be into the tough place when it spawns actually I want us both to experience that at the same time yeah it’s gonna be about five seconds

I don’t know what tough Blaze is is it like a super creeper type thing I believe that’s tough I’ve got a bucket of water ready for any spawns hmm I killed him what’s your goal 500 pounds your Blaze is still alive how is he died sorry no it’s not it’s started flying

Okay now you’re gonna die there’s no way you’re gonna die you’re alive I was there it’s coming down all right come on now it’s attacking me do you need to need oh and I’ve got a place rod for it well from your one you didn’t get a bass Rod no

We needed to make like an uh potion table now oh slime period would be awesome Kirsty please vote too Sky book Skyblock one ah there we go again what’s the game Mission um to basically kill the end of the Dragon you know did I spawn again let me do that first

What are you doing nothing boys don’t mind me I’m living up here now got my pickaxe I like how you said you’re gonna live there dang it like one like if you get quick yeah that’s true right no attacking allowed oh not actually now get this tree bloody there we go yes

All right now they’ve select teleport to heaven no yes Cactus I’ve got 10 obsidian we can make another one Cactus we can make another Pool right um try and stay here if you can yeah but I’m just putting water down here so hopefully we can land in the water

When we teleport to heaven come on oh there we go in the water perfect see I’m so tempted to remove the sauce blocks I was watching I’m just like there with empty bucket going go on let’s go six [Applause] [Laughter] you knew what I was thinking didn’t you the intrusive intrusive thoughts one

Don’t worry oh because it says Hey six in the chat hello hello well say hello but maybe happier how are you doing today hi Tina gaming how are you in the Facebook chat they didn’t meet you Ryan yeah I don’t know if I’m running this way underneath a tree to protect myself

Fire charges Oh my God oh my God my God what’s happened here ah on fire this is loud Oh my God uh one second guys let me just double check thank you guys for over yeah wow let’s go why anonymous I I can’t talk because mine was anonymous yours was too bad just to be first yeah yeah there was a donation thank you guys for whoever donated that that was very

Nice oh I wonder where this I wonder where our Sky Block was I wonder what the Sun oh yeah one heart I’m sorry please don’t we both looked at each other like what I’ve just got a water bucket that’s all I’ve got I’ve got ice ice baby

Would you do if you can’t find the right sort of friends right set of friends keep looking um have you got a pickaxe it has 14 durability but I have 12 cobles there she got Stone pickaxes it yeah if you want it there’s some copper in here oh Copper’s the worst oh imagine

To be fair it’s literally just the building uh ore isn’t it you can’t do anything else with it yeah I’m not and this is our world which if you build one thing it’s broken instantly so yeah there’s no point trying to attach yourself to anything what we want to do really is

The one thing we want to make is ender chests and get an enchanting table and we just need a diamond we need Diamond so I need to I need to do stop messing about and actually get some Stone and get a decent pickaxe I’m I have I have half a heart

Nice and then that smells do we make oh yeah but what if you don’t have a way of doing so um well then you kind of screwed if you yeah online friends so basically there’s always way to find friends you know it depends on how sociable you are I mean obviously for me

It’s easy because I just go online and talk to people but it’s just there’s different ways of doing it you know if there’s um multiplayer games you’ll have people on there you have chats with out and about go to a pub also I currently have what is happening

Running so I can’t even see what people are voting for what what is happening exactly I don’t know oh I did a fake a fake teleport unlucky oh no spawned fish silverfish yeah I help thank you there you go I was trying to make it what’s going on here we go let’s make

It’s like a shovel me Shield you want a shield I wouldn’t say no to a shield yes please there you go thank you offhand now you’re feeling sad right now I mean Tina if you want to have a chat with us feel free to I mean we’re here for anyone

That wants it I’ve got an upgrade I picked up your old stone pickaxe and got an achievement for it let me go get that one bit of coal with the one durability I can’t because now I can only move sideways I cannot walk forward anymore I can only walk sideways

I can crab walk I can’t help you with the creeper because I can’t fight uh marriage just vote for infinite lava what marry a veteran for that lover could be used all right I’m gonna stand in this little hole that I just made and see if the

Lava spawns in here I’m gonna I’m gonna go in water oh that works but you’ll be covered in obsidian okay I’m right above water let me sway I’m scared I swear to God what does infinite lava mean that just come like where does it come from it doesn’t tell you

You just have to wait um but it’s not spawned yet so I don’t know what’s happening I’m worried you lava just above Venus on that alarm yeah I would be laughing my head off if that was the case oh no ruffle you don’t know that huh you don’t know that

What rolling on the floor laughing no no it doesn’t literally lava coming down right now [Laughter] okay I come back to that place with us zombies now any clone how to get back confidence when it comes to content creating uh well personally I have done that

Myself and I had to I took a break for a little bit mostly I got into games I loved playing rather than just games I play for the sake of it Fire trail uh there we go I’m just standing in the water so every fire I do is just extinguished straight away

I’m just I’m just going for it right I need to contract it for a second to have a chat with Tina so Tina I’m assuming that you um make videos as well on online uh when it comes to burning out from content creating it’s literally the case

Of just take time off just go away from it for a second review what you want to do for your Channel and then come back to it but don’t think don’t make yourself think you have to do it constantly you know don’t don’t fight the YouTube thing and you

Know have to put out videos daily do what you like you know I don’t do daily I do once a week and for me that’s enough sometimes it’s still too much and still sometimes I take times off but I have everything around me the option web there we go spawn to you

I don’t know anymore I’m just running around yeah we just need to um we need to get into caves yeah and get get iron armor let’s go Cave Diving oh that’ll do oh that works It’s only down to 46 though so we can’t quite get uh diamonds yet but caves is there Cliffs I’m attacking him with a arrow this is bedrock so we’re now down to um we’re gonna own a sinkhole right so sinkhole works because we’re down to what we want to be in my opinion

Yeah I don’t have Fulbright so it’s going to be very difficult for these people what if people think your content is too strange what is your content if you don’t mind me asking let’s do bright mode does that is that better for people on stream I don’t know I need to make a

Crafting table oh I completed the game again real credits I I I hate uh thanks you hate the caves and cliffs yeah yeah is that even active on this one because I thought I was a bit behind it is oh 1.20 is there’s like camels and then there’s

Like armor plates and stuff like that and then there’s a new uh getting naborate it’s like completely different oh okay because we’re on 1.19 aren’t we yeah right sideways movement thanks guys I have to crab walk again you have this YouTube channel that has lots of videos but I’m not sure of anyone

Truly like them what’s are our views good I mean are you getting quite a few views personally the main question for me is do you like the videos because that’s what matters end of the day if because if you’re not enjoying the videos then it’s actually going to come across

In the video that you’re not enjoying it and therefore others won’t enjoy it because they can feel that you’re not enjoying it does that make sense sorry do you say scripted by the way yeah I mean you’re not wrong it would sound like it’s scripted you’re just going through the motions I found a golden apple oh nice I’m still down in the cave I can’t a spider ah am I down to about zero now my minus seven only backwards movement are even worse that’s it I’ve I’ve decided to make torches even though I’m on full right huh oh I found a cave

Lizzy’s here and Milo is here as well Milo’s in chat hello Milo not that Milo can type to say hello if I get my cat to sit on the chair there’s a few counters being here yes okay oh I didn’t pick up gold iron let’s go

Oh vertical screen oh I can do Tick Tock videos now okay my cat’s here hey what’s your cat’s name again huh oh awesome now you’re on my keyboard now you’re exploring my my desk so we’ve got toffee and Milo in chat yep oh but now you’re licking yourself

And Steve is on my camera that’s the best I’ve got for a pet well I can’t really bring Lucifer out because he won’t sit still end up doing the street uh half the stream of chasing Lucifer around B2 my cereal which to anyone that doesn’t realize I’m talking about a hamster will

Think it’s really weird I’m talking about a guy called Lucifer oh my cat got bored on the Stream wow okay too Fair it doesn’t take much for a catch to get bored five minutes max on anything and then they’ve given up it’s like yeah cool see you later no jumping allowed

Uh I won that and that phone has gone through that end also uh Lizzy curses and chat and says hi beautiful Lizzy Kirsty she said uh Lucy says hi sorry Kirsty when are you due Lizzy’s asking what platforms are you streaming on Richard all of them I’m streaming on Facebook YouTube and

Twitch at the moment no that’s like there’s three of them literally icon math s I can single math yeah just the one math not not to don’t count on me why I’m on a skeleton I don’t know why can I I was also on a skeleton I was in a wall

I was suffocating to death in foreign yes where do you do Kirsty I died where do these chickens come from the chicken reins [Laughter] all right I’ll spawn next to you I I did have a furnace going where I was with um with iron in it but I don’t know where

That was now so I can’t go back to it there we go I’m gonna kill the creeper I have my own iron you have Iron Man but you can have that thank you I was taking it anyway I got flung I put my four iron in with your lock

Yeah I know feel blessed Willow uh because she’s got seven weeks left Lizzy due on the 15th of October sorry your your game is so dark compared to mine because mine’s just full bright yeah I need to get the Fulbright mod I just I just downloaded

Because this is I’m using the in games um Fulbright I’m literally at bright mode on the video settings and it’s still not enough let’s go We’re not gonna get outward rain we’re gonna get no interacting allowed I love it during that time period we can’t talk to each other

Because no interacting allowed also I’ve got your bucket of lava it’s instantly quiet well I thought that was a bit interacting aloud oh I can’t actually access the furnace either that’s what it means being interact interacting oh dear uh what other games are you playing today no

This is it Kirsty I’m literally playing Minecraft for 12 hours straight nice I have a bucket of water and a bucket of lava I have everything I need for a cobblestone generator wow 137 pounds raised up 500 pound Target 37 already yeah thank you guys for all the donations

Yeah we’ve had three donations so far Lizzy whilst on stream Cohen donated 10 pounds uh Chris B donated 20 pounds uh and an anonymous person donate a hundred pound at speed yeah yeah look at the speed we’ve got Zoomies just call US Flash we oh I lost connection I did that badly

Um oh fine I could not play for that long also because you’re on the TV and the kids are amazed they asked if you could say hello to sorry Liz can you come read the names for me please because they are way too far away for me to read them properly [ __ ]

Uh middle of the screen also I’m in quicksand I’m going right down the bottom miles and Langley hello miles and Laney hello I’m also in quicksand see I was I was looking at chat too much I couldn’t do it I blame Kirsty for distracting me forecast his fault report yeah ban Kirsty

How many people are gonna get banned this street just everyone only you and I are allowed to stay right quicksand’s turned off that’s fine oh you got your armor yeah voice oh here’s here’s your poor iron that oh I threw away on the ground there’s a foreign

I have iron I can make boots all right see you tonight uh come over you can you can make a camera appearance for a second come on Come here come here come here please come here come here and I’ll give you a drink that I bought for you 150 pounds donated come here and I’ll give you two drinks I bought for you I bought them for you foreign so this is in camera there she is no

No right come here okay um even in case you’re saying Lizzy Lizzy Lizzy in chat hand reveal yes you guys got to pay for that hand model yeah that’s fine [Laughter] see you later beautiful love you beautiful we’ve got more speed not hyper speed but still speed Jeb um also to the guy asking about donate a quid per finger go on then donate five pound s you didn’t mean to did you there you go yeah yeah I don’t know I got the achievement for it so I’m happy with that you gave it to me on purpose you need to

Give me advance when that’s what it was you’re just being kind yeah yeah Very nice also I made some shares here you go yay you give me the rainbow I think that rainbow oh my God we’ve got vexes we’re being vexed They’re laughing at us that’s not very nice cube of x you killed your Vex nice um to the guy asking for my Minecraft IP

By the way I’m afraid you’re not having it because I have locked it down to whitelist only sorry it’s just because I couldn’t really control the the stream otherwise uh what’s that down there oh got more stuff okay also I’m on version 1.19.2 because that’s the version this mod works on

No it’s 1.19.4 four that’s it why do I keep getting that part of the version wrong I don’t understand right disappearing for a little while because we have a family fun day to attend we’ll be back in a couple of hours no worries guys thank you for joining now and uh

Enjoy your fun day also Tina don’t worry about what to say if you have something on your mind say it you know I don’t for a start if it’s going to be something you think might offend me it won’t 100 you can take it from these guys here uh

Six will back me up on this nothing can offend me and I write sex yeah [Laughter] most of them are offending can’t hear you guys what do you mean you can’t hear us How about now sounds gone sounds gone apparently okay ah how has sound gone sounds working on my side let me double check oh no not Blaze now I’m dying Okay so yeah I can’t hear the sound either that’s annoying right let’s go let’s have a look at the sound um you can’t hear sound either okay I’m going back to title screen for a second uh you can say in the game obviously if you want to because the votes will

Affect you for the moment just we’ll have a look at the sound well let me turn on x-ray and find out okay what what uh you didn’t hear anything sorry x-ray I mean what was x-ray what are you talking about um I’m definitely not going to turn on x-ray

Who’s asking you to sell an x-ray oh whatever the conversation with yourself that’s what I do in my free time to talk to myself fair enough I don’t sound my sound’s not working report bonds uh failing the Stream the thing is I’m saying that then no one

Can hear me so it’s like no exactly not gonna hear me saying it either be um being quiet enough willy willy is that you’re testing no I could just say what I want now oh yeah where it’s come back but we’re there we go um I’m confused because what’s come back is

Not our voices yeah but it’s like high pitch also of course it came back at me saying poo poo bum bum willy willy that’s when it came back that was really annoying I wonder if there’s a problem with streamlabs today well if that’s like that’s like your diamonds

But yeah we’re talking like we’re sucking on helium that’s really random I’ll keep an eye on that just in case because we haven’t slept oh no Phantom Squad it thinks we’re still spawning well I found diamond I mean I found one diamond uh TP that’s why just confirm is it

Location as in if I want to teleport to you is it my name followed by yours or other way around so it’s uh the first name is who you want teleported and then the second name who you want them teleported to so it’s Destin uh location so person goes to a person

So I go to you okay good if you yeah I still want to do is do that wrong and teleport you to me yeah but I found the beautiful cave oh wow that’s lovely so I don’t know why you’d want to teleport back no I didn’t that’s what I was to say I

Didn’t want to don’t want to teleport you to me I hate getting diamonds it’s slightly impossible well like but no they’re like common but they’re like not common because you see in these big caves you can find a lot of diamonds where you can only there’s only like one vein yeah sorry

Oh I picked the wrong time to pick on an Enderman it wasn’t so much that I started fighting him and then roll credits happened so I couldn’t fight back on the diamond well it’s gonna pull back to six again I can’t jump up I’m going no no

There we go I don’t know about you I’m just getting diamonds oh I mean yeah yeah do you even have an iron pickaxe no you can’t even mind them anyway no I can’t no I’m getting Diamond picker uh iron pickaxe now diamonds I’m getting yeah see in this slope in this version

It’s kind of broken like that yeah to be fair is only five still decent though it still gives you um another sword if you want it why didn’t last place lava I died to Lava Lava spawned on top people need to stop moving me away from my stuff

What are those things called uh what they called axolotes yeah oh you got an axolotl yeah there’s another one oh awesome there’s another one that you can get um where is it in like water ah there he is orange one yay orange you cute orange man I Choose You huh

Ah for God’s sake oh you’re already struggling pick up pick up I’d try to pick up a source Block it’s not working yeah you need to get water and then you have to get the Axolotl in the water yeah I kept trying to do that but I kept

Placing the bucket rather than picking them up how you but I did I’ve bought everything away and about there we go God that took forever oh we have the I can’t mine anything we’re in adventure mode that’s not fair yeah that’s what that’s what’s just happened pain

What what is Adventure Mode exactly I’ve never really played in that it’s like survival mode but like you can’t break blocks or like police blocks oh it’s literally just like looking around basically yeah or it’s useful and always useful like adventure maps and like certain things you can listen break like depending like

Or some maps they tell you that are not a certain like we’re saying iron pickaxe it can be used to break like uh wooden planks or something it’s like oh okay that’s why I move CC thingy Adventure Mode being used no one is using adventure mode in a survival game no

Right let me just ping Mario for a second what’s going on no why is everything become gold Midas Touch hey oh I’m such an idiot I’m such an idiot so I have a gold pickaxe now I’m such an idiot can I pick up gold with the gold no

That’s the problem that’s why gold sucks gold is the worst thing ever you can’t even pick up gold stuff with gold that’s just stupid how bad it is I literally just broke two of the blocks that just spawned for me all my Arbors gold or your armor of course everything’s cold

Except right everything you’re holding so um my sword isn’t gold because it wasn’t in my hand at the time yeah you know what is gold though my salt my shield just became a gold nugget did it yeah yeah I know you won’t be having a nugget I know my armor called

I don’t even have armor to go gold Get Wrecked I killed him he died already get owned oh huh how did the wooden die because I killed him yes it is what’s the stream back I watched it I killed him sorry I think my wooden died where I

Just ran away and now it’s done oh no I actually killed one in two swipes of a stone pick a stone sword so you’re not saying it has one HP it seems like it does yeah I’m not scared of you anymore unless I’ve been controlled pardon unless you’ve absolutely trolled

Me I’m no honestly like I say you can watch it back on stream uh I literally hit it twice and it died you see the problem is the wooden if you run away from the woods nothing it just it defaults or it goes into the ground oh I’ve got Mouse drifting again

Oh no right come back here come here damn it you know what I kind of want to try it because remember there you go here you go Apple can’t even pick up that how much food you need I’m feeling very yellow you know what he’s a potato thanks an avocado thanks oh Blazers

Go I Choose You that’s a lot will do something that’s a little attack why are you not doing anything oh God there’s there’s useless as a Magikarp there we go it was not effective where’s my one down here oh for God’s sake there we go well that wasn’t too bad

I don’t need Moss carpet go away oh Anders need to sort out my inventory get rid of that get rid of that if you get murdered such a Quinn yeah yeah did you you’re not cooking the um well don’t mind me my w key stuck with NPC ever

Are you calling me a bot before everyone calls the airport Fair can’t pick up that lapis either I’m getting rid of this gold pickaxe no you’re not my distrust touch go away actually everyone vote three actually I’m I’m keeping my stuff on that everyone vote three three please vote three

Mario’s getting left or something ow you see a gold sword is worse than a wooden sword I’ve not got a gold sword I’ve got a stone sword I didn’t have much health left after fighting the um Blazers I need to get more wood ow I’ve now got a face cam view I’m now

Basic like I’m literally a YouTuber I’m talking to the camera well oh my well I can if I see myself let’s go into this little area here where there’s light there we go Hello wall and I am a YouTuber playing Minecraft ow if I could see where you are I’d attack you you’re

Now coming towards me you’re now coming towards yeah you got darted on [Laughter] oh dear you’re a weirdo place from this side I appreciate it now we can make a dirt golem [Laughter] though because you need to still touch a fire got him I see the iron for a second there the

Ice Golem was a redhead there you go the your ice block just broke oh yeah oh it’s still alive it’s not crying of course it is his head just melted to cry too right I did get out of this cave what’s so sweet fair enough ah creeper hey ah creeper

Creeper killed the zombie also I find it funny that currently since our voices are high pitched my ah creeper high-pitched voice gets even higher I want to go to the sport there’s literally five skeletons there we go have you gone to spawn yeah there you go I’m at Spawn Two wow that’s

Weird I wonder how you did that [Laughter] definitely don’t look at the chat oh look we’re back at the um so sweet it’s getting down sweet berries I we did we I’m getting sweet berries because they’re good for food for Hunger you’re getting what sir eating cows oh that works

See I’m going um vegan so oh you know no because I I already failed that by eating rotten flesh at the beginning of the stream that’s kind of the complete opposite to vegan yeah we are actually at one of the spawn points because this is this will be Mario’s one

Because that’s his Sky Block up there yeah okay I love it I think the voice is doing this now is because of the um I’ve got some lag by the sounds of it I think things are cutting out every now and then like internet wise oh I had a fake teleport

Quake fov Quake Ah now wonder if I set my fov to the wide screen if I’ve now set mine to Quake Pro I wonder what will happen afterwards like will it go even more Quake Pro let me just see sorry chicken The creeper just killed us a horse and a zombie you know what we need gravel and well we need Flynn yeah we’re going oh you’re gonna make a um yeah okay that’s fine of me I’m gonna die with Scrabble oh get wrecked I didn’t die

Oh and I got Flint first oh my God look at the Stream look at the stream in a second Oh my God what the hell [Laughter] he died oh look at you on there oh man everything’s so stretched out so yeah in a second when you appear on screen you get to see that you go like proper wide I’m gonna die oh yeah I tried to save you as best I could I wanted oh we’ll come over here then to the skeleton oh you blow my creeper I literally tried all I could to stop you from dying so where are you I’m here all right um so it’s um

Have you not got enough to do a full portal I can but I just uh you’re cheaping out on purpose yeah right let’s go diamond armor wait what oh randomized armor nicely done mate I did nothing before that and I got a diamond armor okay I’m in another I can’t go in the

Nether there we are geez that took forever I have so I have um thorns on my chainmail helmet projectile and blast protection on my iron chest plate Swift sneak on my golden leggings and projectile protection on my iron boots mending and Protection One in my chest plate projectile protection floor of my

Leggings and protection two and phones one of my golden boots nice oh God pigments there we go we can do training with them with these guys yeah because we’re in Gold we’re fine yeah so if we just get tons of plain nuggets oh I could drop my nugget he’s attacking you yeah

No he’s attacking you yeah that’s what they always do but then if you distract them with like you know you need gold ingots to get like items back because gold nugget they look at it and then they just throw it back ah it’s like useless where’s my

There you go where are you where is my crafting table did you leave it behind I picked it up okay are you sure I am not sure actually oh yeah I have raw gold I can smoke that Joe furnace yes nice I got one gold ingot have you yeah in my

Upgrade random gear just got selected oh that was you that’s why yeah up read you’re just taking all the gold see if you can grab before me no you have a macro no I don’t ah oh let’s go oh wait no I got Diamond ax nice

You got Diamond chest plate I got a diamond even better I’m fine with that put some food on the floor oh yeah I need to smoke some food there you go yeah no I don’t have a macro what I’ve got though is um on my mouse I actually have a double click button

No reading what do they give you why’d you pick them up away he ran off crying obsidian there you go pick up these who’s cutting onions why running away hit you just run off hey oh it’s because we’re on slippery blocks There we go he’s now there forever we can stand there and collect everything from him for a second oh I could then collect that damn it it’s like an enchanting book S the soul Sands like the speed boost all the soul speed stuff yeah yeah soul speed and what else have I got Soul Sand what we need is like and we need Ender pose from the pigments yeah all right let me just get out of here for a second stupid baby oh yeah

I’ll get 12. you’ve got resistance as well oh my friend landed yes join the height live stream everyone joined the hype live stream yeah I’m telling you let’s get hyped live stream after he landed from he landed what he’s just landed as in on holiday or back from holidays

Are you telling him to join that stream straight away yeah I love it I’ve got some leather bricks literally everything I got was completely pointless really all we need is like Ender poles and then fire resistances pretty nice to have yeah cooking a potato yep one solitary potato

And what I’m gonna do now I have 32 chicken eggs I want all of these events let’s get off those 32 chicken eggs I spawned two chickens also Beyblades is the mobs they spit well look at him yeah yeah oh great I’ve now I’ve now I’m now

Choosing to flip mobs upside down even though I want haunted chest and five times for time oh no we need to do haunted chests you you can change it you can press seven instead and it will change your vote there you go I also voted seven

The thing is we’re not next to a chats it’s spawned one wouldn’t it that’s what I thought um like I just put a chest down in the comments to life I know I don’t think it does spawn it so yeah put place the chest down then

Is it just that it opens on its own yeah it opens on its own that’s it sure it did that wasn’t as good as I thought beeping it okay but I stole your meat so I chose sinkhole because the last side I’m sorry I thought I saw nothing okay

Sword the chunk is not loading oh okay and I thought that was that another Fortress ah glass site one I wonder where you’re running to I can’t see you but I can see there was all the glass you’re leaving behind [Laughter] now I’m going to make a run for the trail

There you are see ya no what I would have done it had I have more time I would have literally just made a penis with it he would have right what are we doing here by the way because we can’t get back out of it now because I don’t know where the nether

Portal was I can make another level how can you okay that’s right then huh go on what what strike you got oh it’s double Skyblock we got Skyblock in the nether wait are we above the wait we’re on top of the uh we’re at 233 on the Y wait so we’re on

Top of the the nothing are we on top of the Bedrock yeah but how do we get down because we can’t get down then can I have some wood please by the way no just like literally one oh thank you let me just throw away that golden pickaxe I’m gonna

Dispense some stuff off the side with boat clutching are you gonna boat clutch or or like thingy yep we’re on for that drop away oh quick place a place a portal there then the sky book made a hole I got down Play support or what top because we need

That we could add that for doing farming no no but there’s a hole there’s a hole that goes through the Bedrock yeah but we still could do a portal up here just in case no oh that’s the wall it looks like obsidian okay this is this is neat you know which is cool

All right so how I just washed them up there what’s the boat clutch then by the way oh yeah I didn’t really I got on the boat yeah I started going down and then like every like second or two I got out and then instantly went back in it

Oh okay oh God this is gonna be awful for me to try and I see oh and you’re going down oh I’ll see you again now let’s see if this works no no no I messed up right at the end I did typical there I am

So you got like halfway and messed up oh well that’s not correct so two of the piglens wait what if that’s water and then never look down where I don’t have the such a large field of view that you do yeah I can’t see it but let’s left

There’s water from the left never I love her I have a oh yeah that’s an upgrade I suppose it must be because they can do water without having to drown yeah do you mind placing a portwap here then we’ll go back to the the other side Let’s have a look oh that’s awesome I can’t believe we’ve got water in the nether and the boat was in it when you took the photo that’s even funnier okay yeah I’ll go back through that was that was an experience it was right so we need to make wherever we pop

Out of that needs to be our location for going to as and that’s where we’re going to build our place from yeah what is this the [ __ ] the love wait how this is Lizzy’s back we’re on top of the Navajo and we spawn below zero would you forget

Ah oh mine were Donuts my Donut’s in there how wood okay all right love you love you yeah I don’t understand how we spawned under here that’s a bit random I don’t understand that either that was funny wait I have no more water buckets I’m jumping for no reason I’m jumping

Come here zombie oh no doubt water bucket it’s got my act slow in it that’s why you got six uh standing outstanding yep what what did the Scarecrow get voted for six what what the Scarecrow get his award for because he was outstanding in this field

Sorry I’m not scared are you are you outstanding in your field are you yeah oh my god I’ve got Quaker V again fov sorry because English oh yes I forgot oh my God I just remembered you can this this is called soundboard it’s called soundboard there’s a soundboard on Discord is it [Laughter] I love it so that’s like six like automatically given ones and then you can add some um so I added the fourth one oh I love it that’s hilarious okay I do the drum roll one for mine because you might have bad jokes I make

Yeah but I won’t do it today that’ll be for my other streams I found I found a gamer bonds era six yeah come back what the hell happened uh we just got a drop inventory which literally just unequips everything as well that’s not mine that is

Uh did you have gold boots or iron boots gold there you go I’ll see if I’ve got the turtle hat one second I think you picked up the turtle hat there you go and I’ve got your diamond chest plate or is that my diamond chest plate ah there we go

Did I pick up your own boots again yeah a gold boot sorry there you go uh that one that one oh God someone’s voted to spawn killer bunny we’ve got the eye we’ve got the red-eyed bunnies going back under quick teleport with me if you can these bunnies are

Right it’s teleport oh Mario’s back six to game of bounds go I think he died did that in time how about that for a clutch teleport I feel like I’m in Monty Python I feel like I’m in there we go lucky blocks Lucky Blocks I wait let me do the game of bonsara [Laughter] no you need like Windows shutdown or something I don’t have that sound on it I think this is yours that one I gave you back your gold Apple because I could swear that was yours oh yeah why’d you try to swim and lava for because I was looking at the Discord

Soundboard oh and I was like you should know better than to start looking at things like that whilst on mods I have one heart left I still have a heart left you did no damage oh you have thorns oh [ __ ] I died attacking you oh dear I am filthy

On the power Lucky Block snap well how about Mario you join the Discord and you see what special events I have come up with that was Diamond definitely a manly scream diamond me so I didn’t hear that’s right then I still keep my dignity oh God silverfish run away run

This is just run away hello and welcome to the runaway stream what is this this case looks massive I don’t know if we’ve been here already but I’m going down to this cave instead there we go I think we’re in the same cave I’m just in a different area

Donate the Flopper put your Flopper away Mario join the Discord VC I had an explosion was that you yes okay all right I’m gonna die on purpose he said he’s good by the way he doesn’t want to join the Discord so you don’t want to hear apart I mean he still can

Because it’ll play back no yeah this is a new Mario we’re witnessing he he woke up and chose chaos I need sticks first um that Why voicey.network what these are the random sounds I have okay I chose to bring chaos to the river I chose to [Laughter] oh dear that takes me back some yeah I don’t even know you’re a bot you’re a bot that’s Mario claiming that one right I need to really sort this out now so what’s the next achievement I can do That scared the crap out of me I don’t have a puff move yeah scary movie let’s just do Minecraft obtain a block from obsidian dog I got a dog a dog disappeared out of nowhere oh yeah oh I’ve got a tame dog as well oh my dog’s like Gray

It’s not a white dog he’s like a gray dog sorry no spawned on land weird oh well go get him dog no because it’s raining so that’s why it’s great is that a thing yeah if it’s in shelter it will get the get rid of the Ring I

Didn’t know they actually added that into it that is amazing guitar much I keep up on the patch notes of uh Minecraft updates can’t you I don’t but I just know that’s what I used to do back in the day in Minecraft because I know everything ah now now you know nothing

I understand uh well no I playing as much of a used to now it’s like now it’s like there’s a face where I play Minecraft and then I get bored about these I’ll see I’d never get bored of playing Minecraft I used to have a whole series on my YouTube channel

Oh yeah he’s just gone white again that’s awesome I made a series on Twitch oh did you I was streaming like the whole Minecraft world and then I gave up ah I might start doing that more often now oh you know another non-modded one oh okay that’s sort of high actually

It was just to get out of the cave The problem is my dog is not appearing um jump to you yeah have you killed your dog already no as in if you swam in the lava as well I wouldn’t tell you would it it would tell you if he teams that it would oh I’m now on full sneak mode

It’s cool because I can no longer jump off sides that was a loud fart oh I feel like when Mario is gonna fight he’s just gonna be you start right I’m gonna drown not on purpose oh there we go oh that was lucky so I forgot I had four sneak mode on

Which obviously makes you think and I jumped in the water has marriages one joined voice chat or if you just left there he is Mario join back into Minecraft Why I don’t want to okay you’re too busy voting for things I’m too busy bringing chaos to you fair enough you got mad at the bot killing me did say he’d regret it when he died when he died for the blaze I thought yeah yeah he regrets ever killing me now no regrets

No no Rugrats lovely Ricky I can just delete them yeah yeah but I couldn’t I can just add more things don’t forget though by the way guys I don’t really want to get struck with copyrights on a charity stream oh [ __ ] you do anything I thought I will be copyrighted no I meant that the other

Ones like that audio just then the voice over oh what the um goofy one in fact I felt like Mario Mario for a second now all right come here doggo Stop Standing in the water come over here please don’t I never I’ve said nothing about actually using no no wink wink

Don’t be winking at me [Laughter] oh dear so you say you’re going to chase up on that um yeah donation yeah I’m gonna say stuff on that [ __ ] that’s fine um do you want to announce how much it is just so people are aware no no

Because I got asked to that’s why I thought I’d ask you about it because Matt wants me to say it oh does he um yeah I’ll I’ll chase that up though I’ll find out how much food we’re giving thank you All I’m gonna say is it’s X so you’re not doing it

Uh already talking in Roman numerals which means he’s donating 10. donating 10. in place of the number 10p I’m talking I’m talking algebraic algebraic oh okay we’ve got soul for X you have to solve for x yeah okay okay um 1.3 1.3 no I don’t care 4.12 no I I just did pie

There you go thank you ah entities entities no why are the salmon so big what why do they look through mosque entities thank you number one until the first ever so that would never change yeah okay five foot yeah good job good job good job 20 20 quid plus five

Um gifted yeah nice gift hey hundred well done I don’t know I am the first you are also fun fact um typical entities near player ah sorry uh also includes um Minecarts so I must be near a mine shaft at some point because a minecart with a chest in

It just spawned next to me I now have rails as well time to get railed wait what okay guys give him a bomb please uh getting uh getting banned getting bad for uh oh because I was getting railed on stream [Laughter] sorry guys I also need to take a pause in a second

To go to the toilet and play us a Samaritan’s video I don’t know what the video is oh there’s a few oh I got them on random so in I have this thing on GitHub that gives me the option to choose random videos to play as soon as I select the source okay

Cool I’m gonna go find another Fortress okay enjoy I need to catch up on a few chat things one second got an extra year oh right let me just do that for a second there we go got my dog looking at me at the same time uh that’s sorted that’s sorted

Awesome and let’s go that sorted oh nice Return to Sender Elvis Presley song wow so I need to do a few things about the chatting on here so um one thing I’ve not really mentioned in a while by the way guys is we are doing this as a charity stream for Samaritans

For anyone that’s not aware Samaritans is a charity a base around Mental Health and basically they’re they’re a call center that takes calls takes your emails whatever you like takes letters uh just to have a chat about how you feel at any given time a phantom Squad

Oh um Paul sorry if you want to vote if you move over to the twitch the link should be in the description on the channel um you can actually vote by pressing a number or typing a number sorry into the chat God that’s a bit laggy uh yeah sorry so

Yeah for the twitch for the Samaritans thing let me just give them a quick readout got on the Discord here somewhere I’m definitely professional don’t worry about me let me just go to is that under events I can’t remember I put it where’s the events thing that the Mario put up earlier pardon

Yeah but whereabouts in the Discord is I can’t see the channel um oh there it is thank you than a wolf oh lovely how have you killed both your animals already oh God yet give a chance um sorry so yeah uh for anyone that’s aware uh Mario put the event on

Uh Discord for us and it’s given me an idea of how to really talk about it so yeah um gamer bands will be streaming 12 hours for Minecraft Chaos mod raising money for Samaritans for those don’t know Samaritans is a non-profit charity focused on Mental Health reducing suicides Etc uh every 10 seconds

Samaritan’s response to a call for help they are here day or night for anyone who’s struggling to cope who needs someone to listen to without judgment or pressure uh Samaritans is not only for the moment of Crisis they are taking action to prevent crisis so yeah for anyone that

That needs to have a chat go to Samaritans it’s a quick Google search but I could also bring up the number before you guys and it’s just yeah they’re there for us when whenever we need them and that’s what all our money is Raising towards at the moment so for anyone

That’s in the UK at the moment I believe if you call the number one one six one two three it’s a free number no matter what you’ve got uh in regards to mobile phone landline whatever call that number you’ll get through to someone quite quickly and they can have a chat with

You for as long as you need them basically they’re there for you you can also write them an email write them a letter have they have a self-harp health self help app that’s the word that you can have that can keep track of your mindfulness as well and they will have

Online services when it’s available as well but in the meantime I am going to pause this there for a second and get a charity video running just so you guys can see from them themselves uh what they’re talking about all right I’d say the main thing I’ve learned from

Being a Samaritan is what it’s really like to listen so I think it’s quite easy to go through life and thinking you’re really listening when someone’s speaking to you but often you’re thinking about what to say next or what do they mean and what they’re saying

Um rather than staying in the moment and being present and just hearing the words I’ve become a much better listener I’m a lot more comfortable with silences now because I think before I used to kind of have this need to fill them but now actually especially with the experiences I’ve had

With Samaritans that space is actually a really important time for people to reflect and think about what they’ve been talking about one of the toughest parts of being a Samaritan is actually getting through the training when it opened my eyes to that I learned a lot about myself in

That time not all of it nice some of it great not all of it nice um but I’m a big believer that that’s how you grow as a person that’s how you move forward so it opened my eyes to to what mental Wellness was and my mental well-being and gave me much

More of an awareness of what I’m feeling and why I’m feeling it which is something I really needed unbeknownst to me at the time I get a lot from volunteering because it gives me a lot of perspective and it helps you to kind of slow down and look at the world in

Different ways and also I get a chance just to to volunteer and work with you know a broad variety of people that I wouldn’t necessarily um know or work with on a day-to-day basis it’s really nice to hear someone say you know I feel I can go on today at all

Um thank you so much that’s really helped people often say is you know how do you do it it’s a really selfless selfless you can do and it’s absolutely not it’s it’s not a selfless thing at all because I get so much from it in terms of my learning and

There are times we have really tough conversations and there are times where emotion is really tough um but there’s also a massive support network across across my Branch across across Samaritans as a whole that means you can deal with it and talk about it Foreign I think living in the rural community there is isolation that there’s no two ways about it you you know there’s guys out there on farms that probably not seeing anybody different for you know weeks at a time possibly problems do come and yeah you can try and talk it out with

Your partner but sometimes it’s you need somebody that’s got a different perspective on things my own Journey with mental health um it kind of starts really like suicide attempts up to that point I didn’t think I had any issues any problems it’s just hard to put into words how each day it was

Each that was dark there was nothing to look forward to but yeah yeah as soon as you talk to somebody your problems have uh straight straight away you’ve opened up your problem’s not yours anymore you’ve shared it with somebody and and that makes life so much easier

And it makes it easier to go and get go get help talking about your problems it’s probably the hardest thing that you’ll ever do um probably the previous thing you’ll ever do there are people around that you can talk to and will just listen like Samaritans foreign And I’ve there we go so yeah that’s a few videos for you guys as well just to get an idea of Samaritans they do a fantastic job and I think we we’re all going to be happy having listened to that and uh you know donating if we can

Let me just put this over here and I also by the way I have still been playing this whilst that those videos are working and it did a lot I had a creeper spawn that blew up I’ve now got entity magnet which means it’s just pulled out a salmon from the water

You guys still in Discord by the way I am you are I’ve just I’ve read it an entire what’s that uh uh nice and what’s it but I got Midas Touch at the same time oh yeah all my arm is gold yeah but I found two Diamond Pickaxes one had

Fortune one and one had efficiency ball nice uh can you blend them together at all in in the um you need an angle Anvil yeah that’s it okay that’s not too bad then do you get a very decent pickaxe out of that yeah not good oh yeah I took all my armor off

At the end after all that because I realized it was all gold but also whatever I had in my hand at the time tended to three gold blocks everything around me became the never called oh yeah I mean at least it works for what’s it Trading thunderstorm

Me and my two pets are all struck by lightning I thought I would say fair turns out I wasn’t there is a new place where you can see here now I am safe because the Thunder standoff there we go and the dragon appears oh God imagine

Uh also I have just seen the curses on YouTube now uh not in the chat over here just throwing it to the TV via YouTube so we can all see it kids have taken over voting now on Twitter on my phone oh fair enough please be uh

At the same time I die oh no that’s bad um so yeah please miles and Laney please be uh nice to me when you vote you know don’t vote for anything horrible please please please please no drops don’t get it alternatively you can vote for everything that’s really

Bad just to make this game even more difficult one of those two [Laughter] Mario oh no no I’m trying to start getting getting on Discord same boat but ah okay maybe a good thing there’s an option where I can mute the sound mute for myself

Oh I’m fine with it I’ll keep it going I don’t mind but there is one thing I want to talk about while I’m here for anyone that wants to listen who’s moving the microphone just then not me it was you then okay [Laughter] have you guys heard of splice police yeah

Splice with an L how is that yeah no so think space and place put together oh God becomes place that’s not my thing so basically it’s something I got told about uh where it’s a social media platform that’s been set up by the guys that um brought us Angry

Birds and cut the rope okay the original two guys so they’ve they’ve put this social media thing together they’re going to be doing where basically think like Google Maps you know we can go around that thing it’s almost like a social platform that you can see where other people have been because they’ve

Checked in and you know done photos that kind of idea uh the plan for space is to do a similar thing but with games so think to yourself like like this game like like Minecraft for now we’ve got an open world event haven’t we’ve got map on it and everything

Imagine if you could take a photo and put that on this social media platform so people can see where you are in like live time second track here and you can do it GTA online at the moment they got it with um what’s the other game they’ve got it with

I think Elder Scrolls was on there the oh far Trail there’s Ted vital off so it doesn’t burn my chest sorry so yeah So the plan is sorry one second can’t let myself think well far Trail was running uh so yeah the plan is for them to just make a social media

Platform of games so one space for everything literally that’s the the Pan behind the name but it doesn’t have to be just Earth either they even do Moon ones so you can have like pictures based around the Moon which would be more fun so yeah just thought I’d let you guys know

Uh currently that was only on Android on your Apple so I can’t get the app currently but I want to ah be careful guys you get all explosive pickaxe explosion if I punch if I break grass explodes the loud noises I’m breaking everything I’m making a hole a whole walk

Oh ho ho yeah ho ho ho it’s good now that’s a shame that was actually quite fun for a second there also at some point I had a um at random drops thing and what it randomly dropped when I broke a gold uh block was lingering uncratable potion which had no effects

So what was the point of the potion uh I’ll let you know in the next starts just break everything see what comes up Cinco did you get sinkhole then six you didn’t [ __ ] oh that’s just me then that one so that’s only me affecting thing I don’t even know where you are

You are I’m now forever in a hole I’ll give you the coordinations uh coordinates if you want but yes so minus three eight eight uh I’ll give you just x and z minus three a a and minus one five two I don’t know I think I spawned her at some point it just kind of stayed a I got distracted by all the um talking basically I can’t multitask I need to go up need to go up to 14 roughly 14 is normally where diamonds spawn in in seven minutes you are okay

That’d be good for him sorry that’ll be good for you being a quarter of the way through yeah and I’ve got more energy drinks as well so whilst I was starting the stream you know I had the um stream starting video music up yeah yeah I went across the shop to across

The road from me and bought three energy drinks in preparation why couldn’t you have done that before you started streaming that would have been this well I have to wait for it to start anyway so yeah well the thing is the that stream thing that starts you know the whole please

Wait we’re starting I have to leave it there for a good five minutes anyway to make sure everyone joins in there’s no point I do it for two minutes oh 95. give us enough time to get everyone ready and anything I need to think of afterwards you know any last minute

Things I can change at that point what’s the coordinates again uh minus 69 for 2069. yeah that’s it can even do a 420 in in the y-axis I thought it was like I imagine you can but you can’t build up to it oh you can use commands to get

There oh okay you can’t like use survival Minecraft to get there because I wonder if that’s where it gets us in Sky Block I need to see if that works again 300 or something three three that’s that’s what I think it is it’s like 300 just thinking 350. yeah yeah uh so 350.

Uh so minus three a eight and minus one five three by the way six that’s a random number I know it used to be cool because well that’s in that’s in hell and in the end no but it used to be before oh okay yeah because it’s now minuses I could

Swear you couldn’t go minus previously now it’s like it goes like minus 60 or something it goes yeah minus 69. hey hey okay great meteor rain no not my boat I’m fine because I’m inside a cave so all it’s doing is hitting above me yeah where are you again

Minus three eight eight and minus one five six I think I said yes the whole world this week I see your place yeah I see your bed you see my bed yeah yeah and I’ve got a chest next to it and a furnace and a crafting table

I also made a a drowned punches me in um oh and I’m like so I am no longer near that section because uh part way through sinkhole happened so I fell down even further I’m just getting enough Stone I can come back up again I just don’t know how far down I fell

First oh a donkey donkey right sorry horse but you can’t come with me because there’s no way of me getting you up from this sinkhole yeah without any food or anything like that bro imagine bye horsey see you later I bet he’s got exit through a cave he

Can get somewhere and get some stuff I threw them from sweet berries he can live off those for a bit [Laughter] there we go what’s the laughter no I put lava over him oh did you was that you oh I wonder what it was I thought it just spawned ah that means you formed you’ve put lava over my horse

Right there as well I was literally near the top that’s that’s annoying dude you’re gonna hate this one so we got lucky there I’m almost dead oh God oh God gone Phantom Squad I’ll say that again no the filter manhole good sake item rain oh let’s go back outside

Not yeah it’s going to in a second oh God and the robot just died again rain on me please I’m making a platform oh why that’s boring now you literally just died and put your thing down at the same time I love it everyone stuff is falling from the sky it was

Slain by Phantom yeah yeah no surprise a block up yellow I had a I had a block of gray concrete block oh I killed a phantom a bow a poisonous potato what we did is more um walls so you can do a second bed oh we’re all fine now I’ve got an acacia

Door a crimson door sorry put into my bed I don’t know what happened to your bed I got two bits of white wool but not three obviously oh because of the shuffle inventory you picked up my bed I know oh yeah that’s what is your bed so you did steal my bed [Laughter]

Called the police you could say it was Grand Theft no way I got the brake blocks and all my chests avoid sight I’m gonna go digging Um Down the bottom I’m at minus 31. I hope it’s okay I’m gonna stay here till I drown oh that’s not nice I have half a heart I can’t do anything about it what do you want him to do my chests broke okay and exactly who cares sucks for you no no Will this work or does it need to be the same color same color that’s annoying uh Beyblades we’re gonna have some spinning Phantoms I can’t re-die wall that’s annoying have you got any blue dye on year six Wait let me up let me up my DPI this is seizure I’ve had enough of seizure out [Laughter] right uh let me double check something yeah sorry do you have any blue dye on you I have no oh that’s annoying did you get some blue dye because if we get two more bits

Of blue dye I can make who’s that doesn’t say Letty girl sorry my eyesight is awful I I Thai girl Mario sent me I Thai girl oh hi Thai girl how are you I’ve got pumpkin View I’ve got pumpkin view without the pumpkin that’s annoying not very fast are you

I could offer you a golden shovel straight line and then we’re gonna get suffocated Yep and then we go back down ow ow stop step on my pickaxe no oh my pickaxe broke that’s what I give laughs oh dear oh that was my only pickaxe I have to go back down now go back down these janky stairs I mean who built stairs like this honestly oh

Um you might want to check your gear I love it oh no yeah you’ve got curse random gear just came up E.T like an alien oh okay E.T girl I like it thank you I like this I like it Picasso I like this uh uh amazing

It’s a great staircase you know it’s the best staircase ever chef’s kiss to that staircase like down and not and I was going back this way I mean staircases are known for going up and down yeah of course question um do you think that a curse of Vanishing

Will work if I have keeping with Teresa one awesome Vanishing means that when you die it disappears you forgot keep inventory on it shouldn’t disappear I’m gonna give it a go I’m gonna find out I’m gonna take up your janky stairs We’ve got bulldoze on Um I’m ruining your stairs sorry your home my home yeah I haven’t got a house in in real life in my in real life okay you’re gonna dox me are you fair enough what happened to my stairs um me find me hi me I’m dad wow I made a staircase and now you’re

Stuck in the middle of the of the hole oh God there we go uh E.T Girl by the way feel free to start pressing numbers in the chat because if they correspond with what’s on the screen you can vote for something to happen which currently could be creeper and

Killer bunny okay I’ve created okay I want to see what happened to my staircase oh we got x-ray have you not got x-ray oh I do have a look at um Twitch in a second I have a resource pack which gives me X-ray oh I just I literally have everything invisible yeah

All the uh oh now visible to me I’m not staircase I can’t find the staircase now though because that’s invisible to me oh there we go X-Ray’s off now and I remember none of where and if that was the weird we just bring some blocks of me to make a better staircase

I could bring my one Decent Block nothing definitely it’s fine does that sound genuine if I make a penis just literally the sentence if I make a penis You realize that’s gonna go literally on the Discord [Laughter] why what happened to my staircase and I’m dead um mega explosion happened yeah and all my staircase is broken oh no what we’re gonna do my what I’m clean don’t quit please okay as I was saying

There we go I made your stairs back again I’m doing what I was trying to do what are you doing uh I don’t care if you get like oh you’re making a penis wait um oh we need some spider webs to put at the end what is this what happened to my

Staircase but I never died this much um I had to redo it and I didn’t know how you had it so oh bloody Mouse drifting this is the worst one no that one’s fine I can deal with that because it’s part of the game mechanic

But this one just makes it feel like my mouse is broken I’ve got constantly move left mama has liked the stream thank you Mama that’s a weird sentence to say it is I tell you what the amount of things I’ve said on stream that I never would have said in my life before

It’s me what’s your profanity I made it to the top yay Warden oh you actually summoned a warden dang Warden died the warden is weak as hell literally two hits from a stone sword oh no I just saw what I just saw something wait no is that an

Iron sword iron sword I’m scared of the Pole right now oh God yeah me too oh I’m fine with that one yeah that one’s actually not a bad one oh Skyblock I’m I’m a good count yourselves lucky I didn’t I didn’t pick drop inventory that’s exactly what we were both worrying about lucky

I was literally about to put myself on a hole so I didn’t have to drop my inventory how many levels you only have 27 I have 34. all right get good scrub okay good kid who’s this guy you watch him change from Skyblock to drop inventory at the last second no right hey

Skyblock hello neighbor hi Hi friend not very nice I’m still alive so who’s ET girl then uh Mario I will answer just give me just give me a minute yeah it’s fun one two not literally a minute oh my God will it be faster because time lapse is selected so

Therefore I only give you 30 seconds oh like not not literally a minute I’m literally around a fork knife at the moment so how long do we literally give you uh you you give me till the end of the match or until I die okay one one minute then

Fortnite is the new fortnite Season’s terrible is playing a match apparently oh he’s probably not doing season though are you no no there you go through like a 1v1 or something or a creative um There You Go creative doesn’t count that’s that one’s fine yeah craves not BR so I don’t know

Because I had less Health anyway s oh no you’re you’re smarter than Mario in terms of Minecraft PVP who’s this guy honestly bro cracked got him oh my God oh my God pick number one number one pick number one pick number one pick number one oh someone has whoever dealt with

I picked number one oh okay also fun fact when you die the curse of Vanishing doesn’t work on us on our travel when you have to keep inventory on but I want number one to appear yeah it will do now doesn’t mean we get elytres no we get creative flying absolutely insane

Yeah we’ve got creative flying just double space I didn’t oh I did I don’t like this game anymore that’s it oh we can add a heart prepare to fight prepare to fight what I don’t know if it’s just he’s prepared to fight are you prepared flying no that’s why

I’m freaking prepared to bite because I only got iron sword there though iron sword I’m prepared I’m prepared I have a keep so at least you got enchantments on your on your armor okay the insurance are car stuff binding and soul speedfully oh I’ve got sneak speed

It’s a nice one you got a swift sneak Swift sneak that’s it where is prepare to fight I’m not it’s coming it’s coming I’m preparing to fight to fight me too but not you oh oh raid ers yeah but My Librarian took away my bloody bed I got no spawn point now

Check your Discord boys we can’t we’re in a raid yeah we’re give us give us give us a minute and not literally you have 30 seconds no no there’s no time lapse you can’t do that yeah it’s not time lapse right now we’re at 0.5 timer speed so therefore

You’ve got to give us at least two minutes yeah yeah yeah I I’m talking so my rules so can we get as long as we want My Stream my rules hey guys hey One You’re Gonna Hate what I’ve selected as well you’re gonna hate me for it

It’s gonna be like it’s Phantom Squad I see it that’s not good no Wait that’s not a good there’s a lot of people are getting the lava pool right now come on come to me ow um get them to the lava too and then you can win but I can’t because that should actually get distracted by the Phantoms Mario’s unknowingly helped us with the raid

By spawning the Phantoms he’s distracted the Raiders thanks Mario I wouldn’t swear why are you voting six six why six guys okay are you just voting your own you vote yourself are you yeah for one one time one time only but I wanted one punch I don’t know what is one punch

I’m assuming one punch to kill something we gotta remove hunger yay when I was in we’re not hungry anymore I think I knocked one of the people down yeah I knocked one of the people to our base oh really yeah one there’s one more at

The top and then that’s and then the one down the bottom is the last one yeah let me get the one down the bottom first I was already here oh nice you’ve got voluntary exile I got ominous banner and now we’re gonna place it there as a special how how obviousness Numbers oh that reminds me of a tick tock video watch once called um there’s this new uh confirmed medical issue out where you can’t sleep because you want to eat and it’s called insomnom Nom Nia [Laughter] it’s a complete joke but I just love it uh not yet come here Raider

Now it’s happening ah yeah at least we’ve got loads of is it concrete though yeah it’s concrete you can’t actually jump down it um every time you jump up it makes more yeah you can make rainbow stairs going up I’m making rainbow floor oh no I messed up

There we go it stopped now where’s the last bloody Raider going he keeps running away he doesn’t want to fight coward there he is way more off this oh yeah but I wanna I wanna do the raid I’m happy with that oh this is going to spawn that big guy though in it

It’s on easy right so me I think there’s only gonna be loud one oh okay it’s not so bad then and there’s only gonna be like Are you back up here or are you down the bottom still uh I’m gonna get the voluntary Exile I’m gonna kill this guy with the flag oh my God inverted Colors oh that’s bright has that worked for you or just me I feel like easy mode has actually just

Made them not attack us they’re passive mods mobs it’s either where the way they were spawned has made them passive or pow der oh there we go that’s that’s off now nice sharpness I come here that was funny we both met him in a bit of a tree

That’s the last one down there yeah there you go there must be the next one then when the other guys spawn because surely out of this we should get some emeralds as well as um you got one emerald and we should get the undying terms as well that’s the

Thing I don’t think on easy mode you can you get them oh really because otherwise it’s literally too easy oh yeah Fair Point you could never die basically yeah if you die you’re you’re more bothered yeah like I’ve died many times we both have died many times

Oh sorry ow you’re not you’re not a Pillager oh there he is let’s go get him why is he running I like I say I think it’s how they spawned in they’ve not spawned in as angry mobs Maybe Maybe he kicks me off have you have you got the ravager

I think some guy with a crossbow oh you’ve got molly shot crossbow yeah yeah I might have some in my chest I don’t know I have arrows in my chest but I can’t oh I’ll go I’ll get them for you because I’m right down here I see aperture there’s a skeleton

That was a good song skeleton when he released in the album I got killed by Zeus I don’t know where I am where did you spawn at spawn yeah ah so we don’t know where that chest that raid and all that was anymore um there you go we just need to go quick

In the minus oh yeah it was minus three three eight eight wasn’t it I’ve got loads of food by the way if we need it minus three a eight and minus one five six I think I said yeah Jesus all these chickens look at all those chickens

I didn’t need to get the Minecraft sorry the chaos mods working again on GTA because I did one on there that I wanted Mario to look at so you know the um the spawn whale rain no but in GTA you can do spawn whale rain so obviously it literally rains whales

On you yeah you can rename the mods they’re like the titles of them and I think I called it put your Flopper away but obviously I’ve not been able to have um GTA working since to see if that worked or not oh the rate’s still up are you back there are you ready

Nice yeah I think the ravage is halfway down oh you killed him yeah nice then got struck by lightning oh there’s another rapid shot oh my man’s destroying every single uh that’s my mind he gave up and now he’s stuck oh he’s gone back to this ring wow

I don’t know I’ve not got a single bloody crossbow from any of these kills either he died to the floor at the bottom I love it Oh we can now get some decent discounts on the um Librarians on the bottom I have such a stinky Frost Walker oh why you got frost Walker the Villager is Trading oh okay and that’s terrible you don’t perched anything yet have you because if we break the librarian uh

Things the whatever they call it what they’re called now they turn off their Village and then redo it they’re they’re trading also if you just leave them they also do that as well yeah that too but that means we can then choose what we want them to spawn that I didn’t complete

I very much approve of it right let me just share the stream out to everyone Jesus it’s 1 30. oh yeah geez that’s gone quick I just need to share my stream out to people won’t be long come on share two a team share two are you drowning I don’t know

Someone’s drowning I’m drowning huh I placed a cobweb so did I I think you’ve got string from it you’re welcome um no oh bad spawn point set behind us a bed if you want to set your spawn you know what let’s check out Mario’s whatever he sent what he sent IET gold which

I’ll twitch oh it goes twitch yeah Oh okay that’s cool I would join but I can’t at the moment because I’m streaming A6 stream no yeah but six six stream hey guess what guess what oh so you picked up one of the black turns the lactose intolerant

Yes elected intolerant I’m not I’m not lactose intolerant you don’t lactose I have toes but um you don’t hate people that don’t have toes I’m not having a house all right that’s it 360 time did you did you do a 360 no scope yeah and then my crossbow broke oh no

Oh let’s put some more of these up there you go six behind you I like him for Castle RR why are pirates pirates watch out I turned on glass side well let’s get out of here quick let me get up these very fast stairs let me just turn that sauce block off

Oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no there we go I was trapping the lava because I end up making it move foreign stop there we go

Now one of your wood stairs is glass by the way yeah what happened to these stairs my stairs going up have holes missing in them was that you you digging straight down or saying on my stairs I yes it was okay I actually don’t know

I mean it wasn’t me if it wasn’t me it must have been you nah did you just select prepare to fight again yeah are we doing more raids yeah okay I want to get the advancements done why not I’ve got another Village another librarian villager yeah yeah efficiency five

Well don’t let me hit you in a book nice so we just need emeralds yeah let’s just kill ravages oh what is this why is there such a massive holders in the whole middle where’s the Raiders I am hungry I might go get something to eat after this

I’ve got some apples on me if you wanna I mean I know you meant it’s fine okay these ones are not passive oh has expired yeah we’re no longer in passive mode oh six horsepower stream [Laughter] oh yeah that’s an achievement where if you I think if you shoot a crossbow at a

Pillager you get an achievement like something like that that’s uh I’ll do yeah Because it spawned because of the raid where is the Reed The Raid Shadow Legends or you know what can I have some apples oh I see them I can not anymore uh missed you I tried to get him on the way down but I missed hey game take game nice Let’s Take Aim

Oh if you kill a Pillager with this it’s you you get the thingy oh okay I need to find a Pillager oh someone’s spawning killer bunny we don’t want killer bunny during the raid quick vote two I don’t know what vote two was um randomize armor it could have been

Any worse what you’ve currently got oh no oh go okay my the game is lagging or something because I’m pressing okay button and it is not shooting it wasn’t reloaded now it’s shooting it started shooting no I I was like oh no on my screen you were still

Reloading you’re still pulling it back well for me it was already ah ah there’s a hole there I found that hole you were talking about randomized armor oh my oh yes have you got some netherite you are never right yeah I got that I’ve got another right helmet and they’re the right boots

Nice and my boots are mending as well let’s go Diamond chess play oh Mario’s left again Mario’s gone oh the big big it did not be right back come here oh this doesn’t mean the ravages now um Angry actually the ravager is still passive oh you still alive there we go got him

Yes who’s the Pillager now Is she done have you got any more crossbows that you gave me oh thank you I don’t think I need to do anymore kill two Phantoms with a piercing our Union mama mama uh that one there there we go Herobrine removed oh yeah it’s a it’s a scary it’s a weird

One it makes it look like you’re playing um Slenderman or something no damn it can’t shoot to save my life don’t hit him though please Take Aim that’s fine if you spawn down the bottom you just really go again can ya bloody Pillager come back here oh that’s fine I’ll kill another one

What I do is I make it lower well I did that’s the one I was chasing [Laughter] there’s there it is that’s right there’s only one Pillager left Bullocks of it it’s got like in like the middle of like in between area there’s like a rabbit ah I’ve got no more bloody arrows

So have you got the Herobrine view or is that just me oh yeah look at back on Twitch then for a second you might better see it it’s dark it’s dark and it’s making like sound effects and it does damage over time yeah that’s that was part of it

Come on damn it missed I’ll keep going don’t worry let me just get this one I’ve got a couple of saddles actually as well oh bloody lagged now one that’s just lag yeah that’d be actually quite funny drop multiplier wow there we go who’s the Pillager now I’ll break wood oh yeah

That’s awesome oh yeah we won the race shame we could have got that drop multiplier when we were getting the emeralds or diamonds all diamonds yeah like 40 59. Oh yeah villagers they give you like random like items yeah one of them dropped a load of seeds to me at one point give me one of them gave me a cookie oh nice right so I need to look at another enchant another uh advancement I am you’re not gonna have apples

I mean an apple work a day you know exactly do you not know that saying it’s a very famous saying hey hey I love it okay I am watching some 80 plus stuff right here what is going on what’s up oh are they oh let’s leave them too oh God oh no

The fact that it’s got low low pitch as well does not help I’m just hearing in the background it really sounds odd right let’s see the next advancement um hop stuff ice bucket challenge obtain a block of obsidian fish I’ll catch a fish I can do as well I just need some string

Yeah animals I do have to breed all of them or just one animal breed one animal there’s another one but that’s really difficult there you go what else there you go parrots on the bats successfully trade with a villager Simon and iron golem to help defend a village two words

I mean how much how much um how many emeralds have you got you could do the trading now yourself oh okay zero John has liked the stream thank you John zero what Eros ion oh yeah I literally picked up none during any of those kills King I don’t think I’ve screamed sugar

I was like what I could have made paper I’m not gonna throw the paper my netherright helmet now has cursor Vanishing on it because we had curse random gear not that it doesn’t work though does it we test that on this on the shovel um what can I do now

I want to do a bucket that’s what I wanted to do a barrel of whatever it’s called cauldron that’s the one food I can eat okay because I I’m going to start with that I’ve eaten one thing and it was like really that don’t work got a horse

Ladies and gentlemen I want a horse let me drip Stone I don’t have you got any drip Stone you don’t either that’s nine I’m gonna have to go get some drip Stone strip Stone you can make other items with either items you can make a lava spawner yay

Again by the way guys if you want to donate please feel free to do so it’s going towards this great cause of Samaritans uh the link is pinned so please get involved if you can actually perhaps you’re trying to kill myself now so I can go back to spawn foreign that’s amazing

Don’t die just collect the slime pyramid that’s literally what slime pyramid is I honestly thought slime period would have been literally a pyramid of slimes you know slime blocks but no apparently not apparently it’s like a slime jockey basically diamonds I don’t know what whether I should just like make food

Yeah but what have you got my food or I don’t know get take away yeah what do I just go on my bike and then get go too soon then get big I mean you got choices what are you fancy I’m too late for that no for me it’s too late

I’m already fat yeah I don’t wanna feels like effort that’s the problem I’m fine with it I’m happy all right uh I’ve got enough now to do that okay that’s good by the way when the Slime pyramid goes in water the slime’s just drown today so if you look

At it in the water oh you basically got like a little slime farm going on where they’re just dying I’m killing them for you don’t worry okay that’s fine there we are is it a fake fake teleport yeah ah that’s fine I’m gonna go back to Swan don’t worry

It’s because I had never had armor on I couldn’t die so quickly there we are and I picked up my lava sauce block before I died as well okay foreign I think it’s do something like that just as a test so I can put that ah that’ll be the netherrite block

That’ll be the netherite block oh okay let’s do that for now okay there we go that works now I’ve got a hole right through the cave love it pick up all the stuff while I’m in here let’s say yeah feel free to get involved guys go over to Twitch uh twitch is

Hyped Live Links should be in the description and vote along you know do what you need to do but like I didn’t bulldoze anything himself though that’s funny right now to make this location for my drip Stone um let’s make it here well I guess I’m being fat

What are you what are you getting then frozen pizza oh fair enough so it’s not looking good I mean frozen pizza is not that bad just depends on what type of pizza pepperoni oh okay not the healthiest of meats oh shoot it’s qualifying for F1 oh watch that where are they dressing today

Netherlands ah there we go this is like the first Grand Prix in like three weeks why are they taking three weeks off it’s not my break oh it’s in seven minutes oh okay you’re still what I’ll probably still go watch it like can you not put it on whilst you’re playing

Um no because I want to watch you on the TV Ah that’s fair oh nope oh I just set that all up properly oh it’s a oh it’s a rainy session oh sorry it’s a rainy session it’s a white day oh nice that’ll be fun then okay I’ve been in the industry

Are you still looking at stream or at least on Minecraft so it did Shuffle inventory which meant andesite became my head block yeah yours was fine that one and I had a pickaxe as my legs for some reason I think I’m gonna come on like after after the qualifying after qualifying yeah

No rose I’ll still be here I’ll still be like saying the voice chat and everything as well because there’s no point no sense in trying to move back and forth I don’t want to do that right all right I don’t know I don’t know a couple hours maybe for like an hour or

Two no rose enjoy the qualifying mate cheers [Applause] I know your chest broke that won’t work because it’s not uh oh more diamonds I know I’m hearing arrows behind me as well but it’s fine come on there we go now we’d have to worry about that

Yeah all of this stuff is down here that is not good I’ve got four chests though so that’s fine hello from Facebook there how are you thank you further up foreign because they’re completely useless put some more chests down sorry Flags but you’re no good I’m not having fun with flags

I just want to put all the stuff back in here so we’re not losing it there we go same with that back down the bottom we go collect all this stuff with that slime period would spawn assembly spawned nowhere apparently um what’s that a gold Apple which is better than andesite

Shears are better than I understand d right die right sorry Annie there we go golden apple peonies and dear diorite can disappear we lost all of our stuff again that’s a shame oh well uh putting all this back in here and this one was that a purple block

It was a prepare block I love it right so next on my mission obtain an obsidian block over there need to get over there though so cobblestone Poor chickens won’t be long guys talk about yourselves there we go ice bucket challenge love it next is enchant an item and enchanting table I need more obsidian for that I believe for obsidian and a book I’ve got the books I think but it’s just the obsidian I need now other

Release the buckets I’ve got more lava thank you oh and more over there even better foreign X attack no there’s this board too far away that’s fine there we go put your back in there for now oh there they are that was my own fault there I did just

Jumped off for no reason come on come at me bro got you both boom right that’s fine carrying on with this one our death sites next the death site mean it kills whatever I look at that’s the case that’s funny who’s joined my voice chat who’s joining your password maybe maybe

You should think about who created the channel hello I almost drew that match of fortnite I almost prefer it yeah why I still won but I almost threw it I was I was in a really shitty spot but I still uh there we go four blocks of obsidian that’s fine um

Yeah by the way I can’t sorry they’re just trying to do a um achievement I was enchant an item or chanter book got an item okay uh I need lapis Yeah I thought I saw some down there earlier wherever you picked it up or not no I don’t I think I did infestation I wonder what that is there it is there’s some lapis it’s taking lapis sorry ELO’s in chat hello emo I know I know I was not on for no I

Wasn’t on br ah fair enough yeah I I wouldn’t be playing VR are you sure totally sure [Laughter] there we go we’ve got an enchanted pickaxe now got an efficiency one pickaxe right we can and then cure a zombie villager follow an Eye of Ender and go to the end

Oh God these are going to be some awful ones to try and do oh God lord K really looks like someone’s mask I am not mad [Laughter] I am dead though I got distract and fell down a hole oh dear yeah I totally did not get this from

Winning VR I did not even play VR nudge nudge wink wink don’t you wake up let your minds I died yeah yours is definitely better six your efficiency four pickaxe but don’t worry I’m not stealing it off yeah um what’s next of you look apart for a spyglass

Up into the ground below it disappeared there you go did you get deep hit or something yeah another deep pit happened oh God also I see Lord K laughing in the group chat thanks Lord K in the twitch chat sorry The killer mob near a skull Catalyst oh I’ve got some Scott cat listen I put your Flopper away this I would have if I didn’t if I didn’t get ah I got teleport to Heaven don’t worry yeah Lord K put your Flopper away [Laughter] that’s it let’s see if he gets the joke

Again we want to explain Emo’s Emo’s voting against me emo why hahaha Um you’re doing random vote yeah [Laughter] bruh put your Flopper away enjoy the um is it qualifying today it is qualified today yeah Netherlands yes that’s why six has gone enchant random gear whatever it against me reported wow uh oh I’ve got Swift sneak three Protection One and mending on my iron

Leggings love it and what I don’t have is a way out of here I’m still stuck in my hole no interacting Allowed no no I want to interact foreign there we go there’s some Minecraft Legend gaming right here then you get an epic gamer right here where I’m talking about me that’s why I said where I can’t interact anymore I can’t place my water down so I can’t go up any higher emo why

Because she wants to oh God I just broke my leg in game I was gonna say in real life no I wouldn’t I wouldn’t do that [ __ ] in real life Wow that’s a spawner yes what’s this spawn skeletons okay oh is that 691 not working I thought I thought explanation Rock 69

Was fixed oh bloody silverfish oh that’s right they can’t get through my defenses I don’t think I’ve got enough silverfish around me Jesus all these silverfish come on Foreign Bloody hell all of those silverfish just said take one of these with me uh I’ll take it back there we go thank you go away silverfish I’m gonna kill you Brothers won’t be long what they’re probably just trying to defend their siblings no yeah nah yeah nah nah they don’t get a chance

To okay they do get a chance to because I I another deep pit spawn so I have no chance chess broke again uh okay okay I am not gonna be able to do chess anymore those deep pits are breaking everything constantly no they’re not they are they are no they’re fine

I’ve got another right armor look if you’re not careful yeah but it took like 20 of them to kill me oh shh you’re right I’m hoping I’ll be all right actually I need I guess I need to get a better gun and kill that kid

Oh bloody hell I need to die from here and see where I spawn foreign guys there we go back at spawn yeah I’m back at spawn cool that’s fine I’m gonna make sure that guy gets banned back to here there we go Come on there we go right all the XP are we spawning a raid oh raids don’t spawn another that’s fine five timer speed that’s fine yeah probably Yeah it’s all good it this will take it the machine’s powerful enough that it won’t affect it on here it’s my it’s GTA that breaks it because she tastes more intensive well if I just restart the server that’s fine gandu it won’t affected me either I wouldn’t actually restart server

Ah it’s all good free fall from the top of the world to bottom of the world and survive okay sneak near a skulk sensor a warden to print it from detecting you it’s a fresh skin give me some C4 out of that ice bag honestly five timer speed here we are

Curse random gear that’s fine foreign machines finally stopped Arrow rain that’s okay should be nice just gonna stand there for a second while that rain happens give me something good C4 Epic does okay I can’t pick up the arrows that’s a shame [ __ ] how did it break is that why it’s no

Longer moving dude some of them right it’s because two joined each other that’s fine there we go I broke the block I’m literally I’m [ __ ] pinned because of this [ __ ] thing bruh mind the swearing whilst we’re on a charity stream please keep forgetting it’s a charity streamer I’m such a bot

Yeah you are I know I embrace it I don’t you don’t see me saying that she fought it I’m gonna go back crash pads okay right let’s just go this way so you keep going this way until I find a village I think I got rid of it right

Right actually about let me do the let’s get this son of a gun don’t need the white concrete don’t need andesite don’t need that dirt don’t need that don’t need that don’t need that oh or C4 don’t need the oh I could take the gold

Um don’t need the music disc of cat I don’t need that got him um oh God Emos voted for spawn Warden no I’m looking for something good sneak charge shotgun no the entropy’s vegan no I’ll just take the Chug let me see if this works ah yes sneak does work I love it

He really dies to two hits he does not tank anything he’s a noob he is he’s worse than a bot talking about yourself exactly I mean I don’t I don’t die the two hits not in game anyway maybe in real life no way bro yeah way I would die with two hits in

Real life bro right so let’s keep going this way oh creeper there we are another creeper I just I’m just gonna go away let’s just go away spawn a craft table spawn make a crafting table basic crafting table down make a boat make a chest I love it like Lily

I would have killed him bro no I meant that you used a beeper food’s ready it sounded like a microwave just then we did three of them oh [Laughter] no oh my God someone donate some money I’ll stop saying it don’t do it so we can stop [Laughter]

Someone someone donate so we can stop saying stop it bro foreign oh my God [Laughter] hey Carl how’s it going screaming you’ve joined the ewu part of the Stream [Laughter] Hey Mario don’t you dare Mario no Mario no Mario no Mario Mario stream no what do you think I was gonna say anyway oh my [Laughter] God stop saying what no stop saying oh my God you know what I’ve not done though that I I could try I promise I was gonna do

It for you at some point but coming for what the stipulation was but that um no the other one of can I get a oh God can I get a ho yeah that’s the one yeah but why what did I say I had to do for that to work

I I had to donate oh that was it so you did you better say it you haven’t donated yet though uh well I did because I said when you were still in debt to me I said that forgo the rest of it you can just donate it oh yeah that’s true that was

Like I’ll be that was instead of the other thing so you better say it can I get a oh yeah you kind of cut out oh that’s a shame no I’m not saying it again unless I donate again yeah all right all right say that there you go I say less

I’ll Chase it up [Laughter] but if when you find out how much it is feel free to announce it just circling around this island at the moment till I find somewhere to go that’s just another reminder for everyone feel free to um drop us a follow on Twitch or at least

Just come over to Twitch if you’ve got an account you can vote for things to happen in game so the stuff you see in the top corner will happen to me in game if you vote for it if you don’t vote for it the top one happens So currently I’m

Gonna get quicksand unless someone says otherwise also I think the voice assist itself now on Twitch oh no I’ve got inverted colors instead that’s annoying that’s bright hang on robot robot is in standby mode oh my God imagine brah can I come out and stand by mojit well you already have

You already have so it doesn’t matter hahaha what happened by the way did you die oh no I hate to see it fair enough yeah but are you streaming yes Mario stream oh Evo how did you how’d your stream get on the End by the way yesterday because

Obviously I joined for a bit but couldn’t stay forever just could have to go to sleep for the Stream what the hell is that what the hell is a sassy bucker answer that that’s not mine no it’s not foreign that was you robot that one what was that one I can’t hear anything

Oh that one was definitely you nah not wet enough [Laughter] welcome to the uh farting part of the street I mean it’s better than the other part of the stream just now oh God what the [ __ ] oh God you said it oh God I got a bit of lag there

All right I need to all I need to do is try and find a village why I was gonna say why is that oh I wonder what’s gonna happen bro who’s this kid oh Emo’s just obviously letting us know that she appreciates us stopping by for a stream yesterday what

What bro streams not that shocking stream’s not extreme yeah it was very much an enjoyable stream there for your emo I enjoyed it make sure that kick gets you’re loving that beep noise aren’t you is that built into Discord or something you got your own soundboard for that

I mean you’re a link to the same oh yes please thank you because I do like those kind of things oh um open up Twitch chat Mario oh God [Laughter] Do you see Emo’s message I’m not gonna say it no I’ll tell you because I read out all the chat emo said oh my God thank you emo for letting me say that because Mario dies a little bit inside every time I say it [Laughter] how is my impression of that emo how

Would you rate that out of ten you think it’s crap okay understandable [Laughter] I’ve got a tick tock screen again [Laughter] so guttural that one isn’t it it’s like all the force was inside that oh God welcome to the emo emo says my impression was 100 out of ten

Well I mean emo would say that she got you to say it she didn’t think I don’t think she knew I was gonna say it she just said it so therefore I read it I love it oh my God welcome to the part of the Stream

The fart part where we just have a soundboard of a fart thing is need to look at your how your sound shares though because I’m just about hearing I think through the speakers of yours whereas when uh six did earlier it was integrated into Discord yeah I need to I

Need to work out here integrate oh I don’t know pass I’m sure it must be some sort of plug-in or C4 perfect I don’t see that’s a vote on my thing moving in this is now just the rowing part of this oh my God Emo’s vote for jump scare I don’t even

Know what that is because I’ve not seen that one yet uh if I had to guess that’s probably gonna be the Elder Guardian you think yeah because yeah what’s the other Guardian one was uh oh maybe yeah maybe you’re right the older Guardian has a has a job is that

The mining fatigue jump scare yeah that could be that could be the one well soon find out what the [ __ ] what the beep I don’t I didn’t fully say it so oh stop it you know what I’m gonna I’m gonna kill this guy oh God if you kill him I’ll stop saying it

Yeah it was the it was the Elder Guardian knew it didn’t actually give me the jump the fatigue but it gave me the the visual thing foreign people may not realize on stream by the twin I did a tent slightly when I saw it it did actually scare me a little bit

Even though I knew it was coming how am I not find a village yet I don’t understand let’s go did you kill him yes I got him okay and then I’m gonna stop then I’m gonna stop saying it yeah you better I promised therefore I deliver 20 hp

But if someone puts it in chat I have to read it out but I’ll read out in default as in like this not in that pitch is that fine with you is that a good Fine yeah what’s it called not comparison I don’t know compromise that’s the one thank you because I can’t English yeah um and then emails just put ooh oh God you knew it was coming literally since I said I can only read out and chat you got hiccups yeah [ __ ] hiccups

Dude oh no I hate that I’m gonna I’m definitely gonna die I can already tell I can guarantee that it is it’s gonna happen also I feel like I might make a blurb sound of my uh sound effect of that oh God what do you think I think it’d be funny

It does mean I have to crawl back through uh this twitch stream to find it and grab the audio but it’ll be fine my business Toyota p Eep say again I placed down a business tour which is one of the new things within this season oh okay what’s that do then uh basically

If you’re in if you’re in the area any enemy that goes within range the business turret will shoot um oh wow okay so it’s kind of it’s kind of cracked it’s kind of cracked honestly yeah uh oh I’ve got invert gravity fine by me

Great view for up here oh get in I love it I got it I got one of the um advancements from doing that you do ever vote for that one oh emo thank you emo for give me that achievement that’s perfect Just grab all of it might as well and then grab that I can I can pick this up as well uh what should I get rid of get rid of obsidian block I don’t need it because I can make those get rid of the helmet I don’t need the pressure plates

Too far I don’t need any of that um uh keep all that perfect give resistance to players the Viva La Resistance I failed that completely that’s it oh another business turret oh you can actually pick up multiple business turrets that’s actually good oh I wonder how the hell they actually stack yeah

They actually stack oh I wonder how many that you can actually have though I wonder what the limit would be what are you thinking like maybe three is the limit or do you think they actually walk up two they were two they wouldn’t want to make it two op yeah

That’s true I could I could see it getting enough day one I’m not surprised yeah probably would everyone else has already found the exploits everyone else just I think already found the matter yeah right I think yeah if I I think if I pick this up again

And then drop it again it might it might be fully healed oh God Ultra zoom’s coming up seems like it is so it seems like you can oh no you can constantly pick up and throw down the business turrets and it will always have full HP

Oh that sees a bit of a oversight yeah I think that’s definitely that’s definitely going to get nerfed yeah 100 it must do yeah oh yeah and Mario’s drum guns made a return so drum gun yeah there’s a drum gun drum guns back in the game nice what the recipe was for the

The problems with the drum gun is it is stupidly broken it is op oh okay so I’d have silk touch do I no I don’t open this again see if I can oh more shot waves nice nope ah run away someone is here that’s one of these box no I’m playing Minecraft

I don’t mean you it’d be it’d be very easy to kill you within fortnite I’m glad you had it within fortnite [Laughter] yeah within fortnite it would be so easy to admit yeah not surprised I wouldn’t be great I wouldn’t be great no run away I can’t hear a thing I’ve got a

Thunderstorm going cracked cracked this one guy oh do you know what so I if this is actually um BR now you’re doing isn’t it yeah yeah are you soloing or are you in a group ah so I’m nowhere near good enough uh um build mode or no build mode zero

Zero build okay I can’t build the [ __ ] so I’ll be neither although remember that when we did that time I actually was quite a good rep to build in the cut in the creative match we did oh God don’t remind me I actually got good at that one I

Actually was able to build quite quickly you got really lucky what would the creative build when it came to actually beating me in the 1v1 oh yeah it was the literally the only time it happened and typically I don’t think I recorded it so therefore never got proof

Every other time I’ve been you knew oh hands down definitely I think but but didn’t warm up enough did these stretches [Laughter] yeah I was at the time where I actually had like um I used I was using the PlayStation triggers to plant the things down I was doing the

Pro stats so like L2 was a slab L1 was stairs that kind of idea That’s it yeah like each one was was assigned to one button and yeah I got quite good at the building on that one but never really enjoyed it no I I don’t like building at all no I literally prefer the rebuild it’s the editing that I struggle with

Oh editing I can’t do it all no no I wouldn’t be definitely not any form of editing no oh so someone’s chasing me I mean I can edit but it takes me forever to get used to it hang on hang on hang on hang on also just want to state that um

In chat emails put ooh oh no oh got him I was because imagine if that was the last thing your character basically heard before he died oh wait actually how many how many how many strings can I can’t drop more than one business turret oh I guess uh

So you can hold more than one but you can’t use more than one yeah yeah that’s what it is what it looks like that would make sense I suppose would make it somewhat balance yeah wouldn’t be so bad but it’s I think it’s still really strong oh yeah definitely

Oh Saints is kicking off soon gets QPR more shock waves but I can’t carry them what’s in here the slap splashes on a Flopper I’m not even gonna pick it up oh God tamed cat oh look at that I need to get him named at least I’ve got no more mobs to worry

About then I can’t wait don’t worry about Creepers because I’ve got a cat I don’t know what my next play is I think it’s too try and get back to try and get into Zone um I’ve got six shock waves so nice oh I said breacher why is that

You’re still in the game you can stack shock waves up to six in one go yeah you can have it for six for some reason I thought it was like three or something I thought they were less uh they actually nerfed the minis one time because you could have a you could

Stack up to 10. oh God yeah I could see that getting abused very quickly they’re actually dick abuse back in chapter one I’m not surprised but now it’s like uh six I believe oh okay still I wonder what still quite good I do wonder what kind of quality testing that stuff goes through

Oh more shock waves oh um I think play why come on yes I kind of I feel like I kind of oh God oh God oh God probably one more business sir I’m jumping in the water because Emo’s voting for creeper oh God at least in the water doesn’t do so much damage

Is that a business to it oh that is let’s go that’s none of your business turret someone was someone’s behind me somewhere ah huh friend her friend I mean I mean that’s what you say in it when you spot it out I always say I don’t know yeah

There we go didn’t get much damage off me that’s fine I’m not entirely sure how I should um is it yeah I think I have to shock me up I think that’s what I have to do I think I have to use the wave uh I need two more two more spiders

It’s a string whoa what’s new pussycat whoa whoa whoa come on business chart kill him go away Mini Me Zombie let’s go I survived he’s he is certainly mad he is how many kills you got at the moment now I’ve got voice how many remaining uh four for ten

Oh not too bad then I could take a dub I’m really hoping this is the accelerant shotgun if you get the win I’ll donate five pound to my own charity okay say less there you go what do you sell ah full shield you know what I’m actually gonna buy two of them crap

There we go Shockwave just to get in so when are you streaming next then uh emo I thought you were talking to me then um well Andrew when are you streaming next you don’t know I think it’s just it’s just a whenever thing fair enough you haven’t got a set event

Thing have you no that’s that scheduled due to no mental health that’s fair I mean that’s why I’m doing the Samaritan’s uh charity stream you see yeah because everyone everyone every now and then must suffers with mental health so it’s always nice to have that you know someone to talk to kind of

Thing yeah oh I’ve got a horse more shock waves nice I’m gonna take them uh take this I’m gonna take this car take the pickle Apex Legends pew pew I love it I’ve got a drowned here with a fishing rod I didn’t drop the fishing rod that’s annoying

Uh get rid of those don’t need them you’re lagging I’m lagging yeah I don’t I don’t think I’m gonna We’re not gonna get the win I don’t think so oh no the only thing I can do really is tighten the bush and just wait for my

Ping to go down so I’m playing on na servers oh what are you doing that before we’re not we’re not used to stream fortnite it was easier for me to play on any servers just like a Vibe or chat more ah fair enough I thought I used to um solo Duo Nae servers

I was I wouldn’t be winning all my games but I’d be dropping 10 to 15 kills really quite frequently fair enough just shows I’m sort of cracked at the game but I’m not that’s good uh the only thing I can do really is just trying it to Ultimate High Ground

But the problem is I’ve got any long-range weapons longest range I have is the scoped for a SMG oh okay not good then I could do it for doing it if they see me doing it it’s basically lights out well because I could take out the bottom of you can’t I oh God

Oh my God how did that guy not how did that guy not hear me he’s not he’s not he’s not even wearing headphones I don’t know how that guy did not even hear me oh thank you for the hill I think now is the time for me to

Actually use the shocks oh God there’s so many humans here uh the only thing I can do is drop down and then go straight up that’s like the only thing I can do and then oh cause I can’t I can’t Shockwave up there I have to like try and

I I don’t know exactly what the right play is here cannot be there I can’t see what you’re doing I can tell you whereabouts I am I’m so send Central Northeast Mega City oh okay it’s it’s a 1v1v1 at this point oh fun oh God uh business turret on this guy get him

Oh he has a rocket Ram bro Here’s a rocket ready he’s got a rocket Ram I don’t know what that is a battery around but it’s powered by Rockets oh okay oh fun that thing will definitely get nerfed at some point does it is that like useful like taking out buildings kind of thing then

Things like that or they can ride it I genuinely don’t know what to do now I genuinely have no idea what to do at this point can’t help you I know you can’t hey cause you’re in a Solo and B because I’m not very good at fortnite

And see you don’t and see you don’t know what the right plays are well there’s that too in a lot of situations yeah so yeah you can only stack two two business targets yeah did I say two business turrets I’m pretty sure I did you I think you might have said three at

One point but I think you’re gonna change your mind back to two what I’m so dead I am on the moon did you die fighting each other oh [ __ ] teaming I hit it when it happens oh my God oh my God imagine teaming could not be me

I’m gonna I’m gonna make sure he gets banned oh that’s dropping let me go to God’s sake just giving I’m gonna make sure that guy gets banned like I’m actually gonna I’m gonna go out of my way to make sure he gets banned teaming is literally against xtos so I’m

There will come a time robot where I’m just gonna lose all my skill at that time our 1v1 via at least I might have a chance back to Mickey Mouse what’s Mickey Mouse oh you men hopefully men do is laugh fair enough see because Mickey Mouse means something different to me in it

Does it mean no there’s literally a cable oh rainbow path that’s cool um sorry yeah there’s a there’s a cable that we call a Mickey Mouse cable it’s literally like a three pin thing that plugs into PCS SKS effect it’s technically called a Cloverleaf all right so it’s about nothing like this though

Not quite no yeah so when you say Mickey Mouse that’s exactly what I think of first and Mickey Mouse traps on me at this at this stage yeah no that’s not happening don’t worry I don’t even have fortnite installed anymore so you’re good oh did you retire from the game

No just save space because I had different games to play well it’s cyberpunk and grandfather yeah my granddaughter is on PC we’re outside Punks on PS4 bs5 so yeah I’ve had to kind of split it up but I might do cyberpunk on PC at some point it depends

But I currently put that series on hold while I wait for the DLC to come out well uh cyberpunk yeah so they got they got one bit of free DLC coming out for it before they stop supporting the game altogether basically and it’s got Idris Elba in it

So that means nothing to me I don’t really understand I’m very much but no the actor called Idris Alba um if ever you watch uh any like Marvel movies no he’s the guy that runs um what’s it called the big bridge in it on Thor or is the main character in Luther the

BBC show he’s also a DJ he doesn’t just do acting he’s also got a music career as well all right yeah fun fact in fact my Tick Tock video today that I put out to advertise everyone I’m streaming today was um his one of his songs called vroom vroom

Was actually someone else but he appears in it yeah I I don’t even know what’s going on with my game at this point I cannot be there I’m also getting cinematic camera next I wonder what that’s like I’m still running to find a village how

Have I not found a village yet oh it might be deep pit instead then I’m gonna restart my camera damn you’ve been going for almost five hours there we go I protect myself deep bit one by the way just so you know yeah I had a feeling you’d appreciate that

That was definitely me yeah I saw it in the chat wow I mean when I was a look at chat exactly that yeah so how was everyone’s day going at the moment in in tree uh stream chat sorry YouTube Facebook twitch all chats me see what tell me what you’re doing today

A shuffle inventory and wait for me to howman got p13 in qualifying oh how it is about eight Emo’s day is uru I’m not lying that’s literally what she said [Laughter] I’m gonna react okay you did by tutting I have a lava bucket on my head wait what

Have a look at the Stream someone voted for um switch inventory so I put a lava back up my head rather than the actual helmet that’s probably quite far behind at the moment [Laughter] I love it oh my God and yeah and yeah yeah never right helmet yeah as my leggings

Yeah I love it the switch of a shuffle inventory is one of the funnier ones for him it’s a shocker what’s the rest of the lineup looking like at the moment six feet it’s a funny robot sorry what’s your profanity what’s your profanity hey what oh them fighting words

Sticks and chat has just said better than you Mario I don’t actually know what that was aimed at and to be honest I don’t care it’s a red flag because who Sergeant crashed yeah yeah he did he did oh did he yeah he crashed quite badly or

Um I don’t know let me check unless and the six happens to know anything about it we’ll see if he says it before you see it yeah my shit’s quite slow easy sport oh spawned into a tree it was a normal crash okay so he’s fine then that’s not too bad

No that’s right so some of these people I’ve never even heard of good thing it’s not a street circuit fair enough he’s okay that’s good Dad I’m glad he’s okay what in Formula One all right oh it’s probably changed a lot since I last watched it yeah yeah okay

Our OverWatch Formula E at some point I’d love to see how that goes I’ve got a spider jockey uh posted on X Logan hits the wall unfortunately that’s just quite over he reports it he’s okay and he’s out of car it’s still a top 10 start for our American tomorrow okay

So he’s fine then yeah so I suppose he’s okay yeah that’s good then at least he’s okay that’s the main thing just remember that one I want to say it was like a couple of years ago where the guy wasn’t okay that was a qualifying one if I remember correctly

I don’t know I can’t remember what the driver’s name was sadly but which one I remember um I want to say it was like two three years ago the driver that literally disintegrated his car oh I don’t and he he passed away because of it it may have been even further ago six

May know about this one yeah rainbow chief huh what do you mean skill issue over here on his last flying lap so he couldn’t get a good time oh well that’s yeah that’s a skill issue yeah skill issue [Laughter] foreign yeah but the one I was thinking the one I was talking about

Um six was I want to say it was in the last like two three years I mean again unless that’s happened frequently in the last two three years which if so awful but oh was he that’s not so good time lapse it’s daytime It’s evening it’s night time oh God this morning it’s daytime it’s evening it’s night time morning daytime nighttime ah back to night time again okay you don’t remember seeing any crappy drop here oh bro that’s just even worse I need to look it up in a second because it’s really bugging me

I don’t think there’s anyone will be able to do the C4 meme oh I’m still can um Antoine Hubert was the one I was thinking of there six oh yeah grosjon always finds the best ways to crash it was 2019 it’s the one I was thinking of have I finally found a village

I finally found a village yes love it let’s go let’s go to bed set a spawn point there we go there we go he’s dead that’s fine oh God that’s four years ago yeah I got confused by dates XP rain get in leave it just a Smither left

Oh my God right that’s that fine okay so I mean I’m in danger I’m in danger I I’m in danger oh I love Ralph he’s funny uh the only [ __ ] do is try and twin Magnum pass because he lands [ __ ] water there we go that’s fine uh I need to

Then turn this into tweet and turn that into bread oh cinematic camera is just like zoomed in mode okay six is back in the game sorry why am I drawing got him don’t know why you’re drowning oh because everything’s disappeared do you want me to teleport you to me mate yeah

Um another one of those deep things happened so it destroyed your chest somewhere further down in like one of the minus levels Hey robot I now have another business turret nice I have some emeralds cool Sean thank you for liking the Stream it’s always appreciated uh if you do want me to teleport you to me six I’ve found a village uh not but I’ve literally been running for the

Last hour to get to it so I doubt you’ll be able to get to me in time otherwise sorry oh yeah I did drop one of them there infinite lava kids Charleston I’m done mice is stronger catch Shockwave um oh is it for that lava one of those

Things where you drop the lava sauce I bet it is oh God put that there for now steak he has some more business turrets I’d have enough time dang it why are you playing fortnite when you said it cheers for that for what just go ahead so what’s happening with the qualifying

At the moment there’s a red flag because they need to fix the barriers oh he’s actually proper wiped out on the barrier no no no he’s fine he he’s he’s already out the car’s out he’s dead it’s just he hit the barrier so hard that they like dented or something

Oh okay it’s not like safe for racing oh fair enough oh I’ve got pogo stick foreign you can teleport me now are you done are you cool um easy I want amethyst give me amethyst and then I want Copper and I’m making a spy gloss and then boom

Let me know when you’ve got the stuff you need and I’ll spawn you something I mean I can get coffee easily so yeah I’m done you done you got your amethyst yeah so it’s your name followed by mine isn’t it yeah there you go and this is my house here this is the

One I’ve just started in nice house make sure it doesn’t get killed by a meteor shower well that’s why I’m not staying near it too often I’m going there during the time up just to drop some stuff off then leaving it again just so I can um

Not have any issues of blowing up very any Shockwave grenades I have shock waves anyway yeah you can stay there because it’s safer foreign get the rain uh raid one whilst we’re actually in a village and that works as an achievement well we’ve already got an achievement

No but there’s another one for the doing the raid in the village because you can get the Golems involved yeah yeah there we go if you come to me there’s a there’s a villager here that does um bricks for one brick uh Emerald so to your left

He’s in the house at the moment but he does uh one Emerald for 10 bricks did it and then threw it away there you go so yeah it was just something just to get you the advancement oh uh oh I don’t have any more bugger I did have an enchantment table at one

Point but I’ve I lost it during the explosion rainbow sheep I do have some more lava though I think I’m gonna go back cool I appreciated one did you know all right I’m going to go to the toilet in a minute so I’m gonna have it set

Some more Samaritans videos to run in a second I need to get some more chests up because I can drop all my stuff off how are you oh really who’s this kid why are you playing fortnite because he can yeah 36 36 got him what’s going on why am I getting bad this whole time sorry I mean you’re quitting me

I mean I’ve been asking Mario this whole time and my guy has not responded to me at once no he’s ignoring you for some reason well I’m trying to concentrate that’s the thing uh if it’s not a top five you don’t need to continue and also it’s not ranked

Right there we go so I have left all my stuff in my chest for now I’m going to go stand in a hole for a second I’m hopefully not get booted oh I actually have some copper down here where I am do you remember where my house was again

Yeah are you in the village oh because right next to where I am was a cave and literally at the entrance of the cave was some copper I’ve got loads of that in my house too I need drop multiplier I need to take height a drop more play would help that’s why

I’ve got so much wood it would be good oh should I make a I’m gonna make my home in the cave oh you’re not gonna actually steal one of these homes no I should still finish home I like I’m okay man yeah fair enough oh all the mob drops are down nice

Oh and South Africans kicked off right I’m gonna move this over to a um Samaritan’s video for a second because I need to go to the toilet right enjoy the video guys That was to the chat gold science pistol yeah thank you same time I’ve used Samaritans myself many many years ago I was in a very very dark place it was frighten them picking up that phone but it was my lifeline you know our service is just vital for so many

I think people think that you just have to plod on in life but you don’t you don’t have to sit there in silence and it’s okay to not be okay whoa foreign I would say when it comes to my own mental health I probably struggled the most with it

Um from my late teens into my early twenties often as a younger worker in agriculture you’re expected to work very long hours you’re at the beck and call of somebody else which makes holding down a work-life balance the starting relationships maintaining friendships really quite difficult so when you go

And have a blow out and have a few beers sometimes you can um end up in situations that you probably ought not to be in I was making myself worse and worse through drinking and not talking to people and isolating myself mine’s insane there was this realization

That I was in a self-destructive pattern of behavior you just need to sit down with somebody and you just got to let it out you kept on it don’t think about it you’ve just got to sit down and do it Jesus people will listen and they will help

Things got better it’s not necessarily straight away every day things got better and I’m so pleased they stopped me before it all went too far if there’s any doubt in your mind anything you need to get off your chest anything you’re thinking about you just need somebody to lend you an ear

Definitely call Samaritans on one one six one two three oh bro I think living in the rural community there is isolation that the there’s no two ways about it you you know there’s guys out there on farms that probably don’t see any anybody different for you know weeks at a time possibly

Problems do come and yeah you can try and talk it out talking about your problems it’s probably the hardest thing Foster father as well I’ve also got chickens that they’ve been a godsend doing their lockdown and sometimes the only things you can get any sense out of my hands so

I will stand out and chat with my hands in my pajamas oh my goodness what maybe during the Samaritans was I was aware of difficulties people have of mental health especially in this country you tend to close down and not talk about things I come from a job as a

Nurse where you’re very kind of solutions focused where you think I want to fix everything well you can’t do that as a Samaritan listening and getting the person to talk which is great I have found it to be quite an inclusive experience and a middle-aged gay man I’ve been through quite a bit

Um I’ve got quite an individual kind of aesthetic if you like I’ve got quite an individual kind of aesthetic if you like you have to have lived a life to understand a little bit of what that person is going through I mean on a purely selfish field I’ve

Met people that I wouldn’t normally meet and I’ve developed great relationships great friendships I do feel a full member of the branch and I enjoy volunteering the hardest hardest part of being a Samaritan is I absolutely feel supported there’s a shift leader you will need to support the volunteers

My name is Robert and I’ve been a Samaritan’s listing volunteer for about three and a half years now a while ago I’d used the service myself so I ran the Samaritans um and just sort of found it to be just amazingly helpful and uh supportive you’ve been able to be there for someone

Even though you’ve not necessarily sold their problems that you know at the end of the call perhaps the things they’re experiencing they will still be experiencing however long that call lasts a person has been kind of metaphorically held I think by um by us and by Finance Americans yes really rewarding thing

Thank you for just over two years right and I’m back and I was dead have I got gear I dropped all my stuff off everyone’s still there yeah six what is this guy doing like why did he just Why six why is this guy doing

Like why did he just Why is he just rocking my six is online anymore I just want that I think Steve I think six did go because he’s he’s left the game no that was on the last game well I’ve already won so well you lost the last game though

Yeah let’s get the name boy it was a one-game donation no it was for that one game honestly oh man I’ll offer again later when you do another game or something oh man oh when you joined back into Minecraft foreign say what oh messages I’m standing around in chat

By the way it’s very much appreciated that you keep voting for me well what’s up and got pulled obviously oh you’re back yeah what happened oh what a surprise yeah is that why you left him because the game carried back on did it yeah it sounds like everything into like

You know like when silverfish spawn out of like Cobblestone and everything oh okay yeah so I was building so I was trying to like clear up the stuff in my house and then oh no I have now decided to claim a house okay I thought you might yeah after that yeah

There you go [Laughter] in my house uh I’m not looking at Discord sorry one second it’s in chat which is even worse for you oh what do you think then what that’s supposed to mean what if uh basically if he gets one of those deep noises one second no he got top three

So you you would have had to donate 25 pounds yeah and okay so so if you win five pound okay there you go one two three four five exactly yep perfect all right oh God that 20 kills is not happening I’m not getting I’m not getting a 20 volt or what

What’s a sweaty server oh God that’s not happening I’m not playing either yeah top 25 and you have to pay so well not payers in paying me but pay isn’t donate yeah so on that person say less huh the CD place there we go got some farming up

Got some carrots and some wheat growing in that field is that an achievement it is [Applause] yeah you have test plate sorry six all my stuff of course I’ve got loads of clay grab mine actually oh yeah I got bricks I haven’t used them send you that much there you go all right I’ve got to work out a good strategy to get 25.

So is this for an achievement of the flower pot thing or just because you want to I’m just decorating my home yeah fair enough I’m gonna do the same I’m gonna put a dandelion in my home I’ve got a yellow bed with a yellow flower next to it um oh my XP rain

We’ve got some nether stuff to do I’ve done something husbandry to do breed all animals oh God uh getting a boat and Float with a goat tame all cats oh they downgraded my eye I’m dead yeah they’re downgraded something yeah the downgraded my actual wood oh no just please don’t die off spawn

Um if you need another ax if back in my chest I’ve got a iron one that was given to me bollocks of it oh your original home you’re one with all the silverfish yeah yeah I’ve decided to move oh just to let you know emo and Mario conspiring to spawn killer bunnies

Okay well then I um not a fan no you’re a human aren’t you if I just leave um I wish I could do that there I’ll let you know once his spawn team come back in yeah I’ll let you know if it’s a bad one you’re gonna tell it

Looks like the best one what a name I just killed back to work 61. oh that that is definitely an AI you better get back to work then no that’s an AI I have to work out what the right play is now win right um I mean you’re not wrong

Well I’m trying to get top 25 uh right I need to get some more lava I have because I need to do um and with me being surrounded by these AIS I don’t think it’s gonna happen I have one lava bucket what do you use uh well I won’t get the enchantment

Table for us for your achievement oh yes we need five four lava or four obsidian basically I’ve got one lava bucket you’ve got one I need to get a couple more okay we can just find a lava pool well yeah that was the plan but wait I think I know there’s a word

Oh sorry guys oh is it yeah I saw a tree or something Lacross like on fire oh okay yeah it’s always funny like that why is that on fire oh bruh I’ve got one obsidian block so far so we’re part away there well um I need to transfer my stuff to

My I hit my microphone I lost my mine cart with the chest in it that’s annoying Sean have I got diamonds I got diamonds so diamonds I need a book as well is there a librarian around here did you see during the village no what that happened okay okay my house is

That Bloody deep pit one’s annoying it is funnier to a degree but it’s also a little bit annoying right so go for that my home is like half like it’s like it’s like weird oh I have left of my house is the um you could have told me there was a bad event

Happening I they wasn’t voted for so I didn’t see we’ve got infinite lava coming now not that ever does anything all right wow I don’t know what to say what can I say except get out of my bed I’m punching you off I don’t care well I’ve had enough I’m angrying all the

Villagers I had to do you’re at growing am I yeah okay have fun there’s a bell no interacting allowed is next okay I’m gonna interact with a bell just keep pressing until you can’t anymore okay oh that I I keep forgetting what bloody infinite lava is I know what it is now

It’s literally the option to give yourself infinite lava sources so if you had two infinite lava buckets less sorry two lava buckets you could make an infinite lava sauce like you can water I don’t think you have to donate anything because on Discord it says

I need to go fishing hi my friend talk to me I am talking to you hello how are you oh I can’t interact anymore damn it I also wondering why I couldn’t pick up the bloody water you’re from the Philippines oh hello there thank you for liking the Stream how are you doing

Someone in the Facebook chat whoever you are uh hi from the Philippines I’m I’m my name is not uh from the Philippines so if you call me not from the Philippines I’ll gladly appreciated you are not from the Philippines are you was that your new Discord name my house the old house

Right my house is now at the bottom of this um deep hole basically oh no oh God oh dear how long until my event is for them to come down there oh yeah it doesn’t disappear let’s go thank God that’s what I’ve just been spending the

Time doing I’ve just made another HS and put it all in there oh that’s your house I love it it’s like you got a mope I love it but if you look from if you look from here it’s perfectly fine and it’ll be good to the other side let’s have a look

Oh yeah it’s just um open scenery you know it’s our open plan uh if I did if you do me a favor come come out to me if you can for a second rainbow sheep more bloody Jabs so you see over here what a nice house you know that’s that’s all that’s left

Just down there is what it is now diving board now that’d be cool what’s that just like an uptown upside down step and a few planks I wonder what the 1950s is there we go a diving board nice ow oh and end of March again and I might

Have just gotten me down to the bottom of my thing and for some reason there’s some weird cave what is this can you get back up from your drop yeah I might have well I have to lose my bucket Oh no that’s fine I can help you then one second coming over to you I won’t be long I just went down to my little area and just grabbed a load more water where’d you want your sauce to go just somewhere on the wall I’m almost there like if you see the water

Um oh there you are foreign yeah go get him that’s what you get yeah stupid it’s weird well same with tropical fish we’ve got haunted chests again okay because I was nowhere near any chest just then it was still making noises I’ve already got one bit at the moment

Okay I was I couldn’t find the other I couldn’t find your lava sauce you were talking about oh okay well you know where the door to or to your house was yeah basically straight forward well I didn’t if I were to leave my imaginary house and carry on yeah yeah okay

If I if I get a sign I’m gonna name my house in quotation marks oh wow get in we’ve got death site death site what does that be as in look at something and it’ll take damage okay sorry I ain’t Golem die how far see it was pretty close it was yeah ah

Right here we go oh I just need free sugar cane and some leather well leather I’ve got for you as well if you need it anything even though that’s probably gonna take it’s probably gonna be less time consuming yeah I’ve got two white warning to kill one

More white sheep and I can do another bed again because I forgot my cannot be there I found it oh okay that’s right all right I’ll go back this way a bit of lag there I’m gonna I’m gonna rub your diamond okay enjoy thank you all of them

Okay actually six because I feel nice right I’m sitting in water for now because one of the options could be teleport to heaven you might want to do the same no okay don’t it’s probably just setting my spawn point here then oh yeah I might do the same

I’d have any wood where’s my wood all my days I need lapis oh yeah respawn Point set there we go I need to eat night vision okay that’s fine well yay no happened oh that’s Mario gone I think he he raced too hard on fortnite

And he got like wow what happened to my did I drop my pickaxe at some point and not realize I dropped my sword I think I might have dropped my pickaxe without realizing oh that is I no longer have a diamond pickaxe oh well I can get over

I mean oh no I lost my diamond pickaxe of efficiency one what am I gonna do be or not to be 1950s I want to see oh can I beat oh it is 1950s what does 1950s do black or white boring laughs it’s string and I need I’m robbing you with uh

Can you make two fishing rods please if you’re making one for yourself I’ll go back down now see you later no no no I’m gonna die oh wait I’m following you I wouldn’t sit there then I honestly thought I was in a special in a safe location but obviously it wasn’t um okay fishing rod inside my left tracker inside my right chest at my

House if you want me thank you I think they’re like three fishing tasks Axolotl and I think collect tropical fish no it’s four yeah there’s four there’s catch a fish collect the puffer fish collector axelot and I think collect tropical fish chocolate there’s collecting our acts a little there’s fish

There’s fish without a fishing rod I’m gonna win a fight with an axle then there’s catch a tactical in a bucket but oh a tadpole oh we gotta find frogs then frogs are 1.20 apparently not yeah wait what am I doing yeah wait what am I doing I need to

Fish for thingy uh well that’s not a mod because that was that’s not an option I’m saying well that’s not a mod because that was that’s not an option I’m saying real life oh oh that one of those in my area you need to go my level okay okay okay no

Also I am at six hours of a stream wow you’re halfway there whoa charity stream there you go chickens just quacked is that you it is that really threw me for a second there are there other bloody Bells still going Haha thanks Why are you bro Oh God finally what’s up he wants to get it’s just Mouse drifting now all I’m doing now is currently digging down so it’s fine it don’t make a difference all right ah don’t die I need to get more iron that’s the main thing now I think no wait no achievements

Would build another portal I’ve dropped all my nether down there again because I sorry my obsidian down here because I completely forgot because I am an idiot that’s one obsidian 15 obsidian flint and steel upgrade random gear let’s do that for him I should have stayed in the chat six

Thank you very much emo for voting for that as well [ __ ] thank you oh another right pickaxe get in this stuff can go upgraded though but at least got another eye pickaxe that’s awesome I should have moved it to my um to my sword x-ray that works itchy hand

All right so if I do that down there yeah that’s cool they show as a non-x raid that’s quite funny any diamonds within the vicinity no dimes are in the vicinity that’s a shame right one two three that one there we go got me another portal down here now even better

But my nether achievements ah bloody sinkhole really all right oh I’m back and I’ve got a donation sorry one second sorry I got excited I had donations Spartan for 10 pounds thank you very much I always went to an into the nether again as soon as sinkhole happened you should have stayed in game though mate I’m I’m right but no because um there was an upgrade gear option I’m still right it turned my pickaxe into a netherright one I’m all right

I know I pickaxe are you saying what right now no it happened it went you missed it oh no um now Midas Touch just happened and I lost my nethero pickaxe or gold pickaxe so not so good but on the bright side we have water in the nether on the dark side

Thunderbolts and lightning yeah is it very very frightening nah nah okay a zombie pig just went through my portal back to our hometown have fun with that you’re gonna die okay okay well you’re not getting it though you haven’t donated as far as I know yet no anonymously needed exactly

That group could almost donated but I gave proof forgot about that what’s your thing how about married and win um he’s already donated how well he’s sending a check check yeah wire Chuck so one second huh would it just be easier to just do it like normally however

Just because that’s the way his parents want to do it oh well I need to go make another diamond pickaxe there we go the diamond pickaxe hahaha because I need to do some bits oh we’ve got Adventure Mode yep I can have I can have fights that’s about it

I just got a zombie piglet that moment you sword breaks when you’re attacking someone I survived let’s leave the nether again and get another bloody sword I’m bringing it a crazy person hello thankfully I was in the water so I didn’t do anything about it yeah oh how did it free

Too why do you want to get a chicken nether for because I why not there’s already one in there yeah but why wouldn’t yeah who is that oh and in the Never that was awful I know it’s safe come on abused my keyboard good day Right I’m running away from you that’s fine I’m just looking for a Bastion now I already found one yeah I need for another iPhone oh imagine so this one looks like it’s been raided oh time you’re also very in trouble bye because it’s very difficult but ah there’s a chance that never

Writing ingots can and never write armor is isn’t that where um well I think it’s in 120 not 119. so I could swear there’s a wow I got that one yeah it’s like confusing exactly it’s like here’s everything you knew about netherite armor now forget it I just remember speed no interacting allowed nice I can get three things nicely done I think too I’m gonna die in a bit because I found um some of those big ball thingies whatever they’re called auckland’s asset at the same time I’ve barely explored it okay I think I’ve explored it there is

Nothing here oh it is quick I actually figured that was unfortunate I’ve ever seen must be made by me huh two lines and then an extra line and then that’s it oh really it’s not even a police one it’s not even a chest oh wait what is the point then uh

Get an achievement and that’s it oh fair enough yeah that makes sense so my possible two Two achievements Tick Tock out on the one two possible down to one guaranteed because you got it yeah no not guaranteed because I might because yeah you got it because he got the Fortress one

Yeah but there’s still one more line yeah which isn’t guaranteed I haven’t found anything yet I’m still running about oh Ender mites dead I did it on purpose I literally had half a heart left so I I start from scratch by going back to the beginning fight

If I can get an ender pearl and that means I can get I have Ender I’m gonna go for the end and then win okay so we are we have made baby steps that’s good yeah definitely oh I found fashion you found a Bastion yeah yeah oh man this fashion looks raided

Ah that’s a creeper yeah I vote for it without telling you see this is why I can’t trust you [Laughter] I don’t know what flashing this is it I I mean what is it oh it’s a treasure treasure have something on our hands oh I’m dead ow

I went into my room with like the op inion oh man it’s just a society good they’re not like their passive Brothers and they hear so hard as well and I have no food ow yeah that’s not good oh I got booed same no I didn’t wait I got teleport a few meters

Nah got teleported out of the nether in the middle of nowhere yeah me too no no no no no no no what okay wait wait wait I don’t think it’s that was it is because it’s the basically this is where it would have been in the nether oh that’s stupid yeah I’m drowning

Myself on purpose I’m I’m uninstalling I don’t even know where um wait I can’t even drown because I have respiration oh yeah oh no I literally get my my I get we got to get yourself hungry or something first instead then well it’s night time so creeper okay we’re not sugarcane thank you

There you go yo I actually yeah let’s go thank you you asked for it you didn’t even get my fishing rod from the chest oh no I’ve not done that yet I was I got distracted by the nether okay well now I have to go back to the nether back to my

I don’t even know where it is well that’s a big problem how’s our raw chicken oh yeah loads of chicken died in my pit okay time to try and find my way back what a Bastion okay a hot tub hot tub oh now now the network is so cool

Yeah so it’s my little area never hmm I don’t know where to go let’s not go this way there we go never mind they need no that’s not how we’re meant to do it yes yes no that’s not how you’re meant to do it that’s how I’m meant to do it okay

I hear a ghost oh God and I’ve got Herobrine Vision which means I can’t see a thing no well don’t try I did knives I think it is the best the best oh really yeah yeah that’s annoying to be found I’m the type to get my Midas Touch and it’s just too cold oh yeah here’s all the netherite by this touch oh yeah yeah these ones spawn so the air doesn’t count

Literally like next to the hotel next to who’s hot tub we’re like not not next to it but it’s like there’s like a Ravine and then below but next to the hot tub that I did very thin because I just want to wear my skull isn’t that an achievement

The thing is there’s not even a single River skeletons warning no they are really random at the moment and weird for the spawn rates yeah okay we have a thunderstorm in the leather ah that is one more gas come here okay I think your hot tub is literally sleeping onto the night

Is that yeah oh because I keep water coming out and it’s like right next to the airport I killed the ghost at least though right back in the nether okay did you see the hot dog my one all right so Matt I’m at the entrance of your hot tub basically

Okay okay I’m approaching hello right helmet oh yeah go randomize armor I have another oh you’re hot behind behind yep there you are my draw distance is awful on the server okay well we now have Greenery in the in the nether that’s fine oh there he is

Oh there it is cool right I’m going to take the elevator down okay thank you I’m gonna try and find you’re gonna try and find what story The Bastion again um there we go we’ve got terrible Fortress Fortress I know right why is it so terrible I don’t know

I also found a Wither since I got in there what yeah literally the first enemy I find is a weather is a Wither he didn’t drop any skulls that’s it yeah because I’ve got a server running with my best mate at the moment from my wedding and we even upped the rate by

Having a mod that says drop more enemy heads and it still doesn’t happen oh bloody I don’t I’m yeah yeah you give up yeah Tommy thank you for the vote you vote for Help by WQ is stuck and emo voted for spawner tame dog and six try to swim in lava

And someone else go went for round of events six went for a random event yeah foreign yeah I’m getting on fine thank you how about you I’m six and a half hours into a 12 hour stream so you know going great not to mention the amount of money we’ve already raised so

Um is there anything up here I’m hoping for a some sort of if you want to get on the vote six there’s one for upgrade random armor I thought you might yeah just Spam The One it did hey I got aqua infinity on my diamond helmet now I got a number right sword

Nice I’ve got another right sword too get in Tommy wants an X attack number six he’s voting for we’ll let him out of that one I’m fine with Dex attack jump scare you want jump scare jump scares I don’t know what jumpscare is um have you ever done the

Uh Elder thingy Elder Guardian you know the mining fatigue thing or was it the sound it the sound and the visual oh but it doesn’t give you mining fatigue it just does the noise and the visual thank you yeah it’s not really that good that one

So I voted with X attack with Tommy to let him have it there you go um things with these attacks have been quite vexing where’s your drum roll was that your drum roll was it oh yeah there you go thank you very much ah put your Flopper away bruh foreign

No I feel bad for hitting you now so no what happened tomorrow I don’t know is he still in the voice chat yeah he is he’s still muted everything he’s just muted he started I don’t know died on fortnite oh we teleported to spawn six huh we teleport to spawn I don’t know

There it is we use this one instead it might be better ow oh um if you kill an enemy now around here or any entity I think so I think he will work as well but it’s ridiculous this way basically so you know where this thing is at least here if nothing else

I mean the Villager will work it’s basically something that gives you and now I can help with this seb’s number one hater has donated five pounds thank you very much steps number one hater you done worse to Lord K on his chaos My Stream

Oh are you back in the one or not yeah because he was quite he was close just then when he’s run off again damn it let me see if I can kite an enemy through for you why is his number one hater I don’t know sir what is your number one hater

He’s not shooting them once he’s been too busy yeah that happens doesn’t it right are you here are you at the shulker he’s coming to you there you go and if you if you get this stuff you can um get XP not the big shulker one but the ones

Underneath it if you’d mind them XP I have 43. I have 54 so I don’t know except why do you hate Seb no I didn’t realize the name shows up on the hyped page ah he’s just he’s just a silly guy fair enough can’t argue with that

Yeah I know you’re a silly guy that’s it because that’s not nice he’s a donator be nice to him sorry huh okay that’s just it no ah a yeah I I jumped off something like I found one of your the lava things oh that’s the sky plot oh yeah

On the SkyBlock and then the swimming pool Lord have mercy Brothers we must stay focused so I jumped I just watched I jumped down and oh you know how like the water it like spreads for a bit and then because it was something yeah it was obsidian I somehow hit the obsidian and

Oh no I don’t know oh can you break the ice but ice please oh I didn’t they removed the source block oh man put your Flopper away do it I dare you see what happens foreign happened as soon as I got flung in the air we have actually been

But it’s not unlikely unlucky I think you have to get it down here just to get your stuff and you have to go big fat [ __ ] off yeah so now if you get teleport to hit thank you what happened there oh yeah the speed run world record

I could cheat and get the dream world record all right I’m from here you’ve already been here oh okay bruh I accurate all the piglets that’s nasty that’s nasty gasped on me Oh nothing what’s up what’s your what was your stream that like like Square oh could someone voted for the DVD what was that uh I think it was TNT oh it was exploding nearby entities oh so basically my dog’s Dead everything you can blame Tommy for that because he voted for it

I was in the water so it didn’t affect me it killed all the chickens above me and broke some of the ice that’s about it my chests are broken all my stuff is on the good enough no don’t give up stay no stay fun one wait for quicksand yeah

Quick sound more chest and more uh barrels and there you go and go on do that one yeah there he goes ow oh oh turned off well it looks like we have to end this in the most professional way possible to fight Tommy it’s all your fault why not oh well

Ah there that’s funny assistant foreign oh God someone’s voted for creeper anxiety so it just makes the noise wait so a creeper does appear huh now now even the the the the another Fortress is blown up another for another portal wait by the original one this was the

One I started with I’m literally stuck here are you still stuck in that little area yeah I don’t want to do that wait where is the original the OG flying machine where is it um you need to go back to the original original ritual spawn yeah I did you did

Okay well okay the flying machine’s no longer working yeah the the fly machine exploded coming okay well I’m just holding dirt the clock the clock yeah don’t put your clock in your hand not on stream you don’t know what I mean by now it’s quite big

Let’s not just to go comparing clocks uh 51. 50 never thought I’d hear it called Hefty I don’t know where the spawn was now I’m lost again there were spoilers because I moved away from Spawn okay just go zero sorry oh I why’d I just go back to the village

And just tell you where it is from the ex from the coordinations the quarters nah yeah okay so where is it I’m going back there don’t worry ow so go towards 55 and 300. scam because right enough is it next to water it is good because I’m I’m taking a boat

Okey dokey is it oh I found another oh if you find a broken nether oh it’s near there me too oh no it’s on the moon okay same thing okay same thing I was in the middle of a river and I landed on my boat right so

Where are you going you’re going the wrong way I don’t know you’re going the wrong way no you’re not going much quicker oh there you are yeah it’s not those ones up man what happened oh I got teleport to a random location oh there you go

Okay well I can’t do that oh yeah aqua affinity or whatever it was and uh breathing Cool now we’re gonna find it this way sorry guys are you sorry Tommy really could you say sorry but then you’re laughing cook cows for a reason exactly [Laughter] it’s all good okay I want to know if this never Fortress has been looted pass oh I’ve been to it

I was gonna say it is your portal so probably have five TNT you good oh um yeah that way six come here please six come here please you can see the village now at least no I can’t you’ve lined are you okay oh yeah you got the um ice walking

Right now back here again yay now I’m gonna set my spawn quickly in one of these beds oh there we go I’ll hit the iron golemen I have dropped into a random hole and it went to minus like Wi-Fi uh sorry the name disappeared now I’ll say bottom belly or something one second

Oh damage clear items spotted by tour Genie hey buddy how you doing I’m doing good thank you how are you mate no damage dang it I want to find the Thief ah hey yo I’m gonna back up I’m going back up oh so I’ve got another follow thank you

Very much for the second follow for the other person almost bloody hell where are these photos coming from thank you very much God there’s four follows in like one minute I got that one [Applause] [Laughter] yeah I’ve definitely got Bots Follow Me by looks of it I suppose it works for the engagement

But I’m now getting constant noises in my ear don’t close the door on me there’s always a thing called uh called what turning turning the sound off oh yeah but that feels like effort that feels like effort but you know it’s playing video games for 12 hours it’s not exactly difficult for me

Is it ah though this is uh a breeze for me because I’m normally used to doing 24 hour streams I found a jungle there’s Georgia now wow nice where’s where are you can I can I do that even please huh no ah okay oh okay this is being muted for so long Yeah we’re going to escort mutin for about 30 seconds creeper oh man I thought you were gonna teleport to me but me oh yeah I forgot about that okay well no no no no no no no no no no no there you go not go on Minecraft wow

I wasn’t gonna go on Minecraft but why is that not counting I could see the parrot there we go thank you I mean the gas is easy enough to do yeah yeah what we’ve got to do is go back to spawn aren’t we yeah I can’t be able to do that because

I’m low on health well go back to spawn I mean the 100. oh come here I’ll kill you even kill me it didn’t work let me try come here oh yeah I got money fatigue I couldn’t even break the Box blocks because I got mining fatigue damn you Tommy for voting for that

Huh no no stop it no well I keep jumping in water yay also I think I broke something off your armor when I did that yeah you broke you broke like my legs oh sorry you just broke my legs I broke your legs not the armor I broke your actual legs

What that that’s a report yeah let’s report Mario for Mario hey how many reports stuff that has happened extremely okay I’m gonna have to report Mario for strange hey [Laughter] I’m driving in the smallest well possible by the way I’ll come to oh I can just come to you there we go

Can I have the spy glass please mate I’m coming back this is a balloon no nah it’s a bit too there you go cubic Cupid you have two yeah what about the end of the monzo I have two two eyes you know okay I have two eyes

All right we need to get blaze rods then don’t we be under one and if you break down the blaze rods dang it we are literally at this moment under a bit of a rain shower oh yeah oh I had a six had a um thunderstorm earlier oh [ __ ]

Is it is this the same one that’s come from music oh I don’t know where’d you live Mario um over there consider I know six is sort of Three Counties way uh about an hour or two oh okay so it could be the case then oh [ __ ] 20 minutes

Yeah so it could be on its way down to win then oh gosh it’s not gone to me yet though because I’m too far south yeah because you are too Fair it may have already been here and got up to you guys and I didn’t even notice because I’ve got my headphones on

Dog I would not be possible how would it go left and right uh can do that because of the wind direction ah there you go depending on where the the wins are that’s right why am I always getting streams now oh you’re staying by Enderman how is someone scream sniping when

You’re not sure but that stuff is nine Euro 2017 fortnite thing ever ever imagine this kid oh go horse I’m on a horse yeah I don’t think it’s one phone call will work because I it took me it took me a solid 10 emails to get my account recovered

That’s because you’re a bot anical I love that one where’s one this one so are we looking for more Enderman than six no well I died so I can’t ah I am the Ghostbuster remove hunger thank you guys oh guys spawn number one oh number five should I say what

What the warden oh God Tommy wait no Mario ah I thought it was Tommy yeah you and Mario you and Tommy have the same same color name clean your pants [Laughter] what I just now we’re just making some crap jokes but they would never understand [Laughter] yeah messed it up I know

I got it There it is 10 points if you can guess what this meme is no no no no I was gonna guess why Putin but I’m trying to oh okay he was asking about the point system oh my God Oh my sniper oh my God this guy’s getting banned I’m gonna I’m gonna have a spas in a second watch for the emote watch for the emote in a second because he’s got a remote he’s got a remote he’s going to remove if he does he if he does he’s he’s Fury

Stream sniping that’ll be that’d be basically if we if we pull up with like hello so Mario Druid fortnite like approximately 2019 2020 is foreign at least three emotes have been put on them [ __ ] yo if he’s If he if he’s not good how did he kill you

Oh because he stream sniped yeah you went over on YouTube where you were but not anymore yeah I was thinking fortnite yeah you quit before quitting was cool thank you for not choosing Chimes by the way emo Oh no randomized armor we might get gold you don’t have armor why what what happened to your leggings exactly let’s not clip that they’re actually here right baby Jesus no hashtag copyright I know hashtag fake stream snipers oh sorry Asha real stream starters they’re getting banned #donate to my channel no

Okay you both said it in unison as well that was quite funny because I think lost That’s not guys pick thunderstorm because I don’t know what that is you’ve gone random event this is basically all I want to do now is go for the dragon the best way to think wrong actually it means I gotta go mining for gold and it’s gonna take forever

And there they’re a Bastion defined one way to go yeah but that kind of way to go breaks your armor you know I just want to try and have the move tell you what hit yourself with an arrow that’s the fun way to die escape to death by

Um sorry approach that by Sweet Berry bush whilst trying to escape a bee yeah that’s fair ah that was a creeper ah to yourself well we should have killed the Ender Dragon with it oh man imagine that the Iron Golem to kill me but instead I made him knock back and die instantly

Also thank you very much don’t get high Europe I love how how overused that actually is becoming did my dog die no it didn’t okay good yeah they spawned a dog for us every time spawn companion doggo comes up emo votes for it because I swear there’s normally lava spawning around here

Now now we’re hogland okay you’re really trying to collect it oh aren’t you oh instead of getting the achievement or killing everything it’s we’re dying to everything well that was fun I just did explosive pickaxe um Lava that’s annoying Oh no I got it I’m an idiot ignore me

Better Chris was fighting a hocklin thank you does crying obsidian still work as a no portal no it doesn’t no that’s annoying yes the current portals oh my God killer Buddies my wolf was killed by killer bunnies who is and emo stored them emo giveth an emo taketh away there we go

Why’d you do but that was short-lived hit the ground too hard while trying to escape the killer bunny love it don’t forget your voting accounts want six yes it does oh my God Mike why are we not getting the water why are we because we lost some magic instead why

I don’t know boring who was cutting onions all kind onions you’re a pop okay guys no you’re not a boy take it back there you go I’ll Sky Block number five yay I’m gonna play Skyfall my name Jeb I wasn’t fighting for everything but Skyblock yeah you’re not you’re not having Skyblock okay

Can I have slippery blocks no okay jokes on you I didn’t want it anyway good fine I want Mouse drifting instead yeah I’m not [ __ ] for it you’re not falling for something that’s stop quitting no oh God what’s up he just left the call oh he actually just left

He probably he probably left the game as well no he’s still in the game bro yeah imagine imagine leaving the call couldn’t be me hey Samson they said I’m still in the bloody cool so yeah might as well just might as well just mute himself there he is [ __ ] back boy missed you

I didn’t he thought he thought he thought I’d say I didn’t and then left yeah I love it oh that’s my strategy bro I don’t imagine all the people okay oh so I’ve got swap inventory again oh for God’s sake I forgot sake I’ve got a music you got music ahead

But we’re getting X-ray next everybody could never who claimed that one good more shock waves no I’m playing Minecraft yeah yeah no I’m gonna yeah yeah I’m gonna Rob the kitchen yeah it’s all shotgun [ __ ] you can have it thank you oh God at least I can one pump I’m still online

Sounds like Lizzy’s home well I can’t hear anything hey Lizzy you’re right yeah ready go food sorry I had to let out six keeps farting on stream yep yeah Lizzy so that’s gross if it’s artificial he says artificial yes it’s just noises it’s not actually farting it’s just soundboard

No way you can buy an idiom in this game you can buy an alien and an airplane they’ve got thunderstorms ah I did wonder I just missed it because I had my headphones on go yeah you see the backpack for them it’s like no John Cena won

The championship belt was not his it was the rocks and for the upper one where is it oh ah right on fortnite GG there’s so much stuff in the shop why are you not playing Minecraft okay did you not like it in the end

You know I’m gonna go for a 10 minute on that so I’ll be back in uh 11 minutes I’ll be back in four hours and 30 no 24 hours and 27 minutes 45 what when when the stream finishes yeah yeah after the stream finishes he farts and leaves

Oh I forgot to say bye bye bye and I bought you some Cheetos whoever’s quacking duck off okay bye oh my God where even are you bro it kind of does this pops up when you kill the Ender Dragon that effectively is the end brochure TP meeting sorry brush your teeth

Oh my God do you join just a fart again and bugger off I made it a lower sound I don’t know sorry I don’t think I stole this one hey do you want to hear a joke no I don’t care how do you Yoho bombs beat Minecraft no way you

Know what I mean do you wanna hear a construction joke um too bad I’m still working on it diamonds seven hours you thought indeed still grafts in seven and a half hours in not bad what’s up what oh yeah it was yeah I was looking for something for Lizzy oh teleport to heaven

Uh no please uh location destination and why do I now have raw gold as my helmet and my boots because good bombs living so this guy just has to play games for well you just random stuff go robot so you beat me bro no I didn’t

Know no time as well it didn’t work how long will this last probably five seconds one two three four to be to go a little oh dead well done got the energy clutch I’m here anyway because I died on top of the house I don’t know what I’m doing

Wait was there like a downgrade gear item or something yeah oh so that makes sense you still playing again and was that a room on well it’s it doesn’t have efficiency and then my another right sword is now gold oh the gold thing was the Midas touch

But it had enough of this game I’ve got a lot of I’ve got a lot of gold ingots I’m gonna go trade it for some um ender eyes it’s just stupid Midas from chapter that’s it I’m gonna that’s it because because I don’t like him I’m gonna go on

Fortnite play a game as minus and die of Spawn instantly yeah already today I’ve taken enough of that to last me the entire chapter is a player other than that old clown that’ll count my closest one currently is a is a uh chicken it’s another running away

I I need to find something pretty [ __ ] Lou that’s the problem what’s up give him a big fan of number three avoid sight yeah what’s that exactly I don’t know but I’m assuming it breaks like gold pickaxe broke that’s a skill issue yeah how was the gold how is gold

How is gold weaker than what uh wood that’s true he’s helped you with x-ray you did yeah thank you no why are you picking four that’s not nice who picked four yeah oh what what the yes it’s voice site yeah I like this one you just kill yourself on purpose from a

High ground I want to break bedrock it’s not even though I died yeah no I didn’t break it I was mine no I didn’t either oh why mine is oh what I ended up doing was accidentally breaking my bed so I have no way of getting out now oh there are blocked

I’m making a fortress you know what because I’m not making an attempt at this game here’s some ender pearls and here’s some later oh thank you yeah because I have given up for the as you can see I’ve just been building stuff around yes it’s beautiful I don’t know who’s catch

That mine your heart my cat’s alive your cat’s dead that’s disgusting it’s only disgusting if you say it I say it is it’s disgusting exactly [Laughter] all right is it this way or that way it is this way okay cool that one broke okay GG

Oh I can find you the end yeah I don’t know how to find a seed slash seed that was it yeah yeah there you go um one second then there you go foreign does that work for you yeah yeah gold nugget oh it’s you oh I don’t know either

Yeah I couldn’t see it okay so where where are coordinates right now yes uh yeah oh God that what’s up who’s got blindness who’s done that uh emo wow wow bam minus one two seven three okay email your band um I’ll get my revenge sorry yeah what was the other option again I’m

Gonna go take a nap so goodbye ah hello creeper come here bro goodbye mate hey creeper don’t run away oh I don’t even care though it’s not even oh [ __ ] it’s not even it’s not even one of my cats so it doesn’t really matter oh we all had a cat it spawned in I I guess I joined to uh because mine suffocated in the wall

You want to come to me or are you doing your own thing uh where are you I’m going towards the um end portal nah I’m too weak I’m too weak for that oh so am I but I’m still gonna do it you can I still need to find creepers

What are you getting creepers for no reason because it’s you oh God I’m being [ __ ] up by a ton of mobs I know nice one spider you can come and die Oh God I got the um what’s it telescope off him I’ve I’ve [ __ ] her mobs on me be good no oh um oh I land on a sheep I mounted a sheep almost there come on 200 XP away 200 XP 200 away for that I think my stream’s just dropped off

Again I wonder if the um stream just died can you check it for me please it’s almost like there’s almost nothing I can do I’ve got a ton of mobs on me bro that’s fun don’t forget we got keep inventory on still all right oh that’s all right then

Yeah there’s no risk to death in this one still I still need to find and kill creepers let’s show anything oh is that you’re doing that from an achievement or you’re doing it for the TNT neither then why’d you want to kill creepers because I do fair enough

Well well there is another creeper but I’ve got [ __ ] apparently anyway don’t don’t look at him oh that’s weird so multi-stream dropped but not for twitch bye zombie I don’t understand how that happened just like one connection dropped there’s a creeper I don’t know [ __ ] creepers bro Enderman oh dang it bloody creeper

Right so I’m at the right location now according to what six gave me so let’s have a look let me just plant that there oh there’s two of them why spider are you still coming after it’s daytimes um but yeah uh there we go okay oh I didn’t notice that one sorry

Listen I didn’t realize you um you donated 20 pounds nicely done thank you very much for that we are currently at 132 pound in total raised not Creepers on me I think if I can get lucky enough and kill them have one go from it at a time [ __ ] language English mine too

Everything again close I killed that one creeper but now I think I’ve just lost its gunpowder oh no no oh no I’m gonna die I’m possibly gonna die too I think I’m set on fire by me on trail we trailed set my spawn set that uh no

You have no Gunpowder the only thing you’ve got is full length you’ve got Carl your iron and that’s a bad wow fair enough sorry I thought I had some that’s what I’m trying to kill it I don’t think I even managed to get one right that that

There we go right let me just get some Stone now for a stone pickaxe there we go Stone I’m gonna get down to the end portal now I’m gonna run some more adverts in a second for the Samaritans foreign cinematic camera and that one that’s that one that one that one that one

ATP meeting I’m underground at the moment but I can if you want me to yeah just do it bro it shouldn’t kill me okie dokie all right I made it right we’re in a we’re in an End Portal now end port area I can’t find you there you go

It was an iron pickaxe which I grabbed you’re gonna grab the apples if you want them yeah I’ll take the apples I’ll take the one more bread as well I’ve got some bread oh my God bruh what’s up what I wasn’t gonna say why should I not

There’s another chest here as well yeah they’ve got some it’s got some iron leggings in there grab those there you go get some more bread you’re a tour have you got some torches I don’t no I I’ve just been um I’ve kept my my brightness up on settings here I’ll grab something

August of books normally there’s chests in here I think normally chest yeah see if you can sometimes it’s up in the bookcases but there’s one oh where is teleport is gonna give me nightmares tonight you’re right two of the uh what’s it and uh cart

Chests have come to us as well oh my God you good she recovered I don’t [ __ ] do that again that wasn’t me it was random all right so carrying on if I find the um that’s another yeah I found a chest there’s nothing in there no well it was it was okay

But you don’t need torches for her Calm down there we go just remember I don’t remember why I don’t play mine why I’m not even at all oh God well on tour it’s just fine fair enough oh got some more under eyes nice yeah well ender pearls but you know I’ll make them into eyes uh oh that’s cool

I’ve got four but nine stuff yeah yeah that that kind of one affects everyone nice so it seems to be a lot of positive ones affects all of us do you want to come help me do that uh I literally haven’t no or pickaxe or whatever so oh TP to me one second

Right one second and let me just create one of these silverfish watch out yeah all good uh crack crafts and torches crafts and torches I don’t have any coal there you go nice we don’t need the spawner so uh um barrier back here pick us put a sword on the floor for you

Nice ditch that one um okay so I don’t actually have enough to complete this thing which means we need to get some more I guess we just die and go back I should I should have brought my bloody bed down here that’s annoying um you could just use mine to set your

Spawn it’s not a problem uh all right come on back to the top of the stairs and jump there we go effect down we go there we go on my way back up right I’ve I’ve got some oh God good oh my God rainbow sheep what chess I don’t have a chest

Yes you do in your house don’t spawn there anymore I set a new spawn point what’d you put in the chest um in one of them I did a little bit of a meme is it LOL no oh I’m I’m just [ __ ] with you yeah it

Is team I’m like it’s gonna be LOL all right can you TP me I’m just finding out where the end port was again I’ve already lost it try and bring as much as possible really oh oh fake teleport wow okay oh fake fake teleport um good thing I set my spawn uh

Are you back in the sky again yeah yeah there you go oh God have you got any torches um I only have one there you go cool fine right I’ve got a chest here if you want to dump some stuff off right now I need to go Enderman hunting basically

Right I need to go back upstairs now basically so if I just go this way oh bloody more fish oh silverfish oh God bye thank you how’s that for teamwork okay hmm I mean you’re just carrying that makes a change exactly oh my bloody silverfish down down down

Down down down down down down down is it just that one yeah but that’s why I said come back down because if I stood there next to all that stone it had turned loads more oh it does it still anyway damn it is that there we go is there a spawner up there

No is this the it’s um infestation oh you just broke a torch I didn’t mean to sorry it was um I was trying to attack the thingies no you can replace it here we go oh for God’s sake oh my God so yeah with infestation mod active

Every now and then it has a chance of dropping a silverfish I’m hoping that’s it fingers crossed because there’s no time Scouts no it’s not yeah there’s no time Scout infestation because it could be forever I’m gonna die in a bit I know I am bloody infestation go away right I’m

Gonna head I’m all the way down and come back watch watch your watch your ass as well I killed him uh no no we’ve got skeletons somewhere oh uh I’ve got two torches on me oh what are you doing where is where the thing is I’m not seeing any skeletons

Oh I’ve got roll credits I can’t because I’ve got real credits I’ll be coming from behind foreign I was gonna ignore the silverfish now oh sorry it’s good can’t catch me woohoo I think I think they’ll like the watermelon thing they can still swim they’re not gonna spawn anymore either there they are

All deaded there we go all right uh get off that there we are right so about now I’m gonna start my next Samaritan’s video I’d say okay I might need to um no you you just got given us a load of iron stuff no no yeah

And some more bread I believe as well yeah it’s a starter pack as it’s called right so what I’m gonna do is I’m just gonna bury myself into a hole for a second uh and then I’ll come back out in about uh three four minutes okay I’m probably gonna do the same things

We say what silverfish oh no yeah it’s annoying right I will be back within about five minutes give or take right I’ll see you guys in a second once we’ve watched some more Samaritan’s videos as soon as I find out where my buttons are there we are right back in a bit Listening we’re saying um rather than staying in the moment and being present and just yeah but I’m a big believer that that’s how you grow as a person that’s how you move forward um so it opened my eyes to to what I really needed unbeknownst to me at the time

It’s really nice to hear people often say is you know how do you do it across across my Branch across across Samaritans as a whole that means you can deal with it and talk about it I’ve used Samaritans myself many many years ago I was in a very very dark place

It was right and picking up that phone but it was my lifeline you know our service is just vital for so many I think people think it’s okay to not be okay I just knew that they support people no matter what I think that’s all I really knew about Samaritans

I think we should all be some artists I’ve always brought the children up to know that they’re okay so mom’s going out to take care of people they needed a little bit of help I raise money for the Belfast Branch they said you know we’re always looking

For volunteers here so what was that it works sometimes people can go weeks without speaking to someone the social creatures felt safe pretty much instantly I felt that trust I was clever at the time and I had someone to talk to I think it’s important that they’re there 24 7.

At night is when your mind can take you to places that you didn’t need to go see my own struggles I kind of appreciated the value of talking it’s all about that connection people need people you know what Drive Assist our emotion and feelings second that you put the phone down

Another call comes in work it is powerful there’s no few ways about it yeah the donations that people give are incredibly important to keep the centers running it’s everyday people talk continue Everyday People I suppose Thank you Samaritans I think we should all beat the mountains I’ve always brought the children up to know that they’re okay so mum’s gone out to take care of people they need a little bit of help anyone can call with anything you’re never ever judged I raise money for the Belfast Branch

They said you know we’re always looking for volunteers here so what was that they don’t give advice they don’t tell you what to do for me that’s one of the biggest reasons that Samaritans works sometimes people can go weeks without speaking to someone with sociable creatures you know we’re not meant to be

Alone I tried to save my own life a couple of times previous ly felt safe pretty much instantly I felt that trust I was clever at the time and I had someone to talk to not everyone sleeps in at night it’s when your mind can take

You to places that you didn’t need to go through my own struggles I kind of appreciated and feelings the second that you put the phone down another call comes in it’s really a privilege the donations that people give are incredibly important to keep the centers running I’ll reach the weather that’s going to

Schools or prisons it’s everyday people talking to My name is Robert and I’ve been a Samaritans listening volunteer for about three and a half years now a while ago I used the service myself so I rang the Samaritans um and just sort of found it to be just amazingly helpful and supportive you’ve been able to be there

For someone even though you’ve not necessarily sold their problems that you know at the end of the call perhaps the things they’re experiencing they will still be experiencing um but for however long that call lasts a person has been kind of metaphorically at held I think by

By us and by Finance Marines yes yeah really rewarding thing the volunteer listener with Samaritans what I do for fun well I’d like to be going for walks going on holiday um I’ve got oh the dogs as you can hear in the background I apologize for that

I’m a nurse and I’ve been Foster father as well I’ve also got chickens but they’ve been a godsend doing lockdown and sometimes with my hands so I will stand out and chat to my hands in my pajamas oh my goodness these people have a mental health especially in this country

You tend to close down and not talk about things I come from a job as a nurse where you’re very kind of solutions focused where you think I want to fix everything well you can’t do that as a Samaritan is just about listening getting the person to talk which is

Great I have found it to be quite an inclusive experience and a middle-aged gay man I’ve been through quite a bit um I’ve got quite an individual kind of aesthetic if you like you have to have lived a life to understand a little bit of what that person is going through

I mean I’m a purely selfish look I’ve met people that I wouldn’t normally meet and I’ve developed great relationships great friendships I do feel a full member of the branch and I enjoy volunteering the hardest part of being a Samaritan is not knowing what happens

When that call is over we’ve got a 20 minute half hour maybe an hour’s glimpse into someone else’s life you don’t know what’s happening after that I absolutely feel supported there’s a shift leader purely between somewhat an ease in a bit of pressure which is great Use Samaritans myself many many years ago I was in a very very dark place it was frightening picking up that phone but it was my lifeline you know our service is just vital for so many I think people think that you just have to plod on in life you don’t you don’t have to sit there in

Silence and it’s okay to not be okay often as a as a younger worker in agriculture you’re starting relationships maintaining friendships really quite difficult so when you go and have a blowout and have a few beers sometimes you can end up in situations that you probably

Ought not to be in I was making myself worse and worse through drinking and not talking to people and isolating myself there was this realization that I was in a self-destructive pattern Behavior you just need to sit down with somebody and you just got to let it out you can’t

Plan it don’t think about it you’ve just got to sit down and and do it and the people will listen and they will help things got better not necessarily straight away but every day things got better and I’m so pleased they stopped me before it all went too far if there’s

Any doubt in your mind anything you need to get off your chest anything you’re thinking about and you just need somebody to lend you an ear definitely call Samaritans on one one six one two three I think living in the rural community there is isolation that the there’s no

Two ways about it you you know there’s guys out there on farms that yeah you can try and talk it out with your partner but sometimes it’s you need somebody that’s got a different perspective on things my own Journey with mental health um it kind of starts really

With my suicide attempt up to that point I didn’t think I had any issues any problems it’s just hard to put into words how each day was there was dark there was nothing to look forward to that yeah as soon as you talk to somebody your problems have

Uh straight straight away and you’ve opened up your problem’s not yours anymore you’ve shared it with somebody and and that makes life so much easier and it makes it easier to go and get go get help talking about your problems it’s probably the hardest thing that you’ll ever do um

Probably the previous thing you’ll ever do there are people around that you can talk to and will just listen like Samaritans I’ve had family members who’ve suffered with their own mental health friends as well and it’s something I never really understood so I saw this as an opportunity to really understand it and

That was seven years ago and I haven’t really looked back it was probably the best thing I ever did was volunteering both for my career and personally as well when someone’s speaking to you then I’ve become a much better listener I’m a lot more comfortable with silences

Now because I think before I used to kind of have this need and think about what they’ve been talking about foreign one of the toughest parts of being a Samaritan was actually getting through the training when it opened my eyes to that and I learned a lot about myself in

That time not all a bit nice some of it great not all of it nice um but I’m a big believer that that’s how you grow as a person that’s how you move forward so it opened my eyes to to what mental Wellness was in my mental well-being and gave me much

More of an awareness of what I’m feeling and why I’m feeling it which is something I really needed unbeknownst to me at the time I get a lot to volunteer and work with you know a broad variety of people that I wouldn’t necessarily know or work with on a day-to-day basis

It’s really nice to hear someone say you know I feel I can go on today or um thank you so much that’s really helped people often say is you know how do you do it there are times we have marathons as a whole that means you can deal with it and

Talk about it foreign Volunteer for just over two years now someone took their own life he was a really big part of the community and my hometown that I’m from and it was a massive surprise a really amazing young man and so I just wanted to really do something proactive and practical and

Just be there for people who feel like they don’t have anyone to talk to or maybe just don’t know who to talk to Thank you Thank you Thank you my name is Robert and I’ve been a Samaritan’s listing volunteer for about three and a half years found it to be just amazingly helpful and supportive you’ve been able to be there for someone even though you’ve not necessarily sold their problems that you know at the end of the call

The things they’re experiencing they will still be experiencing but for however long that call lasts a person has been kind of metaphorically at held I think by by us and by exists yeah really rewarding thing I think living in the rural community there is isolation that there’s no two

Words about it you you know there’s guys out there on farms that probably not seeing anybody different for you know weeks at a time possibly problems do come and yeah you can try and talk it out with your partner but sometimes it’s you need somebody that’s got a different perspective on things

My own Journey with mental health um it kind of starts really with my suicide attempt up till that point I didn’t think I had any issues any problems it’s just hard to put into words how each day was a each day was dark there was nothing to look forward to that

You’ve opened up your problem’s not yours anymore you’ve shared it with somebody that you’ll ever do um probably the previous thing you’ll ever do there are people around that you can talk to and will Foreign I’m a volunteer listener with Samaritans what do I do for fun well I’d like to be going for walks going on holiday I’ve got the dogs as you can hear in the background I apologize for that I’m a nurse and I’ve been Foster father as well I’ve also got chickens

But they’ve been a godsend doing a lockdown and sometimes the only things you can get any sense out of my hands so I will stand out and chat to my hands in my pajamas oh my goodness What maybe during the Samaritans was I was aware of difficulties people have on Mental Health especially in this country you tend to close dining room I want to fix everything well you can’t do that as a Samaritan it was just about listening and getting the person to talk which is

Great I have found it to be quite an inclusive experience and a middle-aged gay man I’ve been through quite a bit um I’ve got quite an individual kind of aesthetic if you like you have to have lived a life to understand a little bit of what that person is going through

I mean I’m a purely selfish enough I’ve met people the hardest part of being a Samaritan is not knowing what happens when that call is over you get a 20 minute after you need to support the volunteers but I feel that I am in what a very difficult times worldwide and I’m

Contributing someone in ease in a bit of pressure which is great I just knew that they support people no matter what I think that’s all I really knew about tomorrow’s I think we should all beat the mountains I’ve always brought the children up to know that they’re okay so mom’s going out to take care of people they need a little bit of help

Anyone can call with anything you’re never brunch they said you know we’re always looking for volunteers here so that was that Experience works sometimes people can go weeks without speaking to someone with sociable creatures you know we’re not meant to be alone felt safe pretty much instantly I felt that trust I was clever at the time and I had someone to talk to not everyone sleeps at night it can be a

Really lonely time so where do people go what do people do who do people talk to I think it’s important that they’re there 24 7. at night it’s when your mind can take you to places that you didn’t talk in it’s all about that connection people need people you know what Drive Assist

Our emotions and feelings the second that you put the phone down another call comes in it’s really a pretty the donations that people give are incredibly important to keep the the centers running Let’s go into school s or prisons it’s everyday people talking to Everyday People I suppose I’ve had family members who’ve suffered with their own mental health friends as well and it’s something that I know you look back it was probably the best thing I ever did was volunteering both for my career and personally as well I’d say to go through life and day to

Day than staying in the moment and being present and just hearing the words I’ve become a much better listener I’m a lot more of the experiences of habit Samaritans that space is actually really important time for people to reflect and think about what they’ve been talking about

One of the toughest parts of being a Samaritan was actually getting through the training when it opened my eyes to that know or work with on a day-to-day basis it’s really nice to hear someone say you know I feel I can go on today or um you so much that’s right a selfless

Thing to talk because I get so much from it in terms of my learning and there are times we have really tough conversations there are times where emotion is really tough um but there’s also a massive support network across across my Branch across across Samaritans as a whole

That means you can deal with it and talk about it foreign Volunteer for just over two years now someone took their own life he was a really big part of the community and my hometown that I’m from and it was a massive surprise a really amazing young man and so I just wanted to really do something proactive and practical and

Just be there for people who feel like they don’t have anyone to talk to or maybe just don’t know who to talk to I’ve used Samaritans myself many many years ago I was in a very very dark place it was frighten them picking up that phone but it was my lifeline you know outside the plot on in life but you don’t you don’t have to sit there in silence and it’s okay to not be okay

The most with it um from my late teens into my early twenties often as a younger worker in agriculture you’re expected to work very long hours you’re at the beck and call of somebody else which makes holding down a work-life balance a starting relationships maintaining friendships really quite difficult so when you go

And have a blow out and have a few beers sometimes you can um end up in situations that you probably ought not to be in I was making myself worse and worse through drinking and not talking to people and isolating myself there was this realization that I was in a self-destructive pattern

Behavior you just need to sit down with somebody and you just got to let it out you can’t plan it don’t think about it you’ve just got to sit down and and do it and the people will listen and they will help and I’m so pleased they stopped me

Before it all went too far if there’s any doubt in your mind anything you need to get off your chest anything you’re thinking about and you just need somebody to lend you an ear definitely call Samaritans on one one six one two three yeah so I’m Shanique I love being a

Samaritans volunteer for just over two years now someone took their own life he was a really big part of the community and my hometown that I’m from and it was a massive surprise a really amazing young man and so I just wanted to really do something proactive and practical and

Just be there for people who feel like they don’t have anyone to talk to or maybe just don’t know who to talk to Hi I’m Simon I’m a volunteer listener with Samaritans what do I do for fun well I’d like to be going for walks going on holiday um I’ve got the dogs as you can hear in the background apologize for that I’m a nurse and I’ve been Foster father as

Well I’ve also got chickens but they’ve been a godsend doing their lockdown and sometimes the only things you can get any sense out of my hands so I will stand out and chat to my hands in my pajamas oh my goodness What made me join the Samaritans was I was aware of difficulties people have of mental health especially in this country you tend to close down and not talk about everything well you can’t do that as a Samaritan is just about listening getting the person to talk which is

Great I have found it to be quite an inclusive experience I’m a middle-aged gay man I’ve been through quite a bit um I I mean I’m a purely selfish enough I’ve met people that I wouldn’t normally meet and I’ve developed great relationships great friendships I do

Feel a full member of the branch and I enjoy volunteering the hardest part of being a Samaritan is not knowing what happens when that call is over we’ve got a 20 minute half hour maybe an hour’s glimpse into someone else’s life you don’t know what’s happening after that

I absolutely feel supported there’s a shift leader you will need to support the volunteers but I feel that I am in what a very difficult times worldwide and I’m contributing somewhat an ease in a bit of pressure which is great I’ve had family members who’ve suffered with their own mental health friends as

Well and it’s something I never really understood so I saw this as an opportunity to really understand it and that was seven years ago and I haven’t really looked back it was probably the best thing I ever did was volunteering both for my career and personally as well

I’d say the main thing I’ve learned from being day-to-day thinking you’re really listening when someone’s speaking to you rather than staying in the moment and being present and just hearing the words I’ve become a much better listener I’m a lot more comfortable with silences now because I think before I used to

Kind of have this need to and think about what they’ve been talking about one of the toughest parts of being a Samaritan is actually getting through the training when it opened my eyes to that and I learned a lot about myself in that time not all of it nice some of it

Great not all of it nice but I’m a big believer that that’s how you grow as a person that’s how you move from mental well-being and gave me much more of an awareness of what I’m feeling and why I’m feeling it which is something I really helps you to

Kind of slow down and look at the world in different ways and also I get a chance just to to volunteer and work with you know a broad variety of people that I wouldn’t necessarily um know or work with on a day-to-day basis it’s really nice to hear someone say

You know I feel I can go on today or um you so much that’s really helped people often thought you can deal with it I would say when it comes to my own mental health I probably struggled the most with it um from my late teens into my early 20s

Often as a youngerbody else which makes holding down a work-life balance a starting relationships maintaining friendships really quite difficult so when you go and have a blow out and have a few beers sometimes you can um end up in situations that you probably ought not to be in I was making myself

Worse and worse through drinking and not talking to people and isolating myself there was this realization that I was in a self-destructive pattern of behavior you just need to sit down with somebody and you just got to let it out you can’t plan it don’t think about it you’ve just

Got to sit down and and do it and the people will listen and they will help things got better not necessarily straight away every day things got better and I’m so pleased they stopped me before it all went too far if there’s any doubt in your mind anything you need

To get off your chest anything you’re thinking about and you just need somebody to lend you an ear definitely call Samaritans on one one six one two three I’ve used Samaritans myself many many years ago I was in a very very dark place it was right then picking up that phone

But it was my life I think people think that you just have to plod on in life but you don’t you don’t have to sit there in silence and it’s okay to not be okay Thank you Thank you My name is Robert and I’ve been a Samaritan’s listing volunteer for about three and a half years now a while ago I’d used the service myself so I rang the Samaritans and just sort of found it to be just amazingly helpful and supportive you’ve been able to be there for someone

Even though you’ve not necessarily sold their problems that you know at the end of the call perhaps the things they’re experiencing they will still be experiencing um but for however long that call lasts a person has been kind of metaphorically held I think by us this yeah really rewarding thing I think

Living in the rural community there is isolation that there’s not two ways about it you you know there’s guys out there on farms that probably don’t see any anybody different for you know weeks at a time possibly problems do come and yeah you can try and talk it out with

Your partner but sometimes it’s you need somebody that’s got a different perspective on things my own Journey with mental health um it kind of starts really with my suicide attempt up to that point I didn’t think I had any issues any problems yeah literally right and we are back in the game

Let’s see if a video capture is working oh a video capture’s not working no on the audio one second can you hear it all on Twitch Mario can you double check it for me please see if you can hear the Minecraft noise sorry Minecraft fortnite music oh yeah Fair Point

It’s working it’s just quiet that’s fine perfect right we are ready to go were you playing a game at the moment are you yeah fair enough and just log it in now won’t be long you’re excused still logging in there you go I can hear that in the background whatever that is uh

Oh okay why am I not surprised okay yeah it is loading slow in it taking forever today I’m going to quit and try again come on at least Steve works better than nothing did you remember that I’d have to be so close on my microphone anymore either I can FIFA’s mouth now

Previously I’d have to be like right here scratch mustache against it no I don’t I can lean back in and still be heard what I keep doing I keep leaning forward and therefore shouting I might still technically be shouting now because I’ve got headphones on so I can’t really hear my volume sorry

No rose I’m re-logging back in because it was just bugging out foreign for you as well for us that’s why there’s three left need to wait for a second mate because I’m looking back in again yeah it popped up already but I’m ignoring it

For now just to wait till I get to the lobby because it crashed earlier on the fov it couldn’t even let it wouldn’t even let me skip it ah dear [Laughter] no right here we go the video is now playing yeah I don’t want to got it pixelated yeah everyone but me

It’s got there we go by the battle pass no I can’t okay together did it did it uh I last played with you 21 weeks ago that’s about what I near enough half a year 52 weeks in a year 26 would be half a year I said near half

A year so I wasn’t wrong but I can’t join you Mario also I’m going back to my original person where is he down here Annie there he is King Flamingo known as Steve uh actually wait I’ve got that on the load Darius yay cancel Mark that one as red I got my Flamingo

Back all hail Steve yeah the little mango oh God Mario’s tended to refurry Emo’s back in chat hello demo I think I said eat Nemo for a second air rather than emo but I meant emo sorry I said Nemo ah oh God all right are we zero build are we cool

Yeah Fair Point what’s that I don’t know what I normally play and I suppose I normally play in Europe do I I mean what’s in that one is it sweaty or is it not oh okay then I’m happy to do that cool uh by the way that whole agreement of me

Not doing that other voice was only during Minecraft I’ll only say it in that voice if someone typed it in the chat oh it’s not me I’m just saying what chat says now that’s boring yeah God I’m laggy as hell at the moment what is that okay uh

Oh okay Fortnight or do you not have it installed yeah exactly as if I had a thought of that I should have installed Apex yeah I played it back in the beginning when it first got released and I actually liked it exactly I’m good at being bad what are you all about okay

Someone at the moment that dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it well I’ve got two kills no it’s just horrendous I had one of those that was a place that was a test one practice run that’s it yeah this is a practice room all right

I was lucky when I was shooting I was having to compensate for where they weren’t to be able to hit him also the guy that killed you has got 69 on the back which is funny and we got a rip in chat from emo don’t forget emo I’ll say whatever you

Put in chat hint hint just saying you’re a trash kid oh they got a suppressed sniper rifle ah it’s a single shot though um should I quit should I quit out okay let’s go to Sanguine Liz you might like this one because it’s a new map again I’m assuming shops and all that

That was a good map I like that map ah there they go then yeah that map that was Lizzy’s favorite you think was it a good map was it was a H okay uh pass oh okay where did I join was that it was that you one though zip line or someone else

Okay they are probably on our level Osa spots is AI no they shoot too good for that Jesus that was hey the fact he said I’ve got I have a decent aim is and nice enough already then you don’t normally say that is that what that suitcase is it ah

Oh okay and I’m assuming blue means it’s friendly because the one you had is red which was wasn’t for that makes sense red versus blue oh yeah uh got one GG nice someone downstairs I think I saw some footsteps from over that direction oh I can’t start then need a heal up though

There’s a twin mag there if you want one ah okay the business turret I’ve got a business start on this left yeah right uh I’ve also got remote explosives but I’m not using them yet what’s that over there that’s purple business turret oh then I’ll grab this instead that’s fine

Fair but they can’t really oh nice legendary pistol I was gonna say there’s no floor there oh yeah they must be this wall here so that that pre-damaged wall is where it would be is it okay you come back down there were some down there I just wonder

If they would do the same job but I wasn’t sure oh they do it perfect that’s good to know what’s this is this this actual Vault fault requires a key oh coming to you where are you oh it’s unlocked nice got him no C4 in this chest doing the DMR

I am slowly dying opening Mida strong gun yeah cool ah what’s a slap effect oh okay oh that kit medkit that’s fine are we on one tick at the moment oh that’s fine then how long does it take to do it that’s right well I’ve got I’ve got three Med kits

I don’t have any shock waves but I’m trying to climb I climbed I’m fine I’ve got six seconds left and done with four Health left two more help I’m here we’ll say it again for getting Square hey what’s what’s the left oh there’s a chest there special chest okay

Oh well right here this is only there tell you what though this car’s slowing it oh yeah loads of room there you go ah well I was just wondering if it was worth doing the slap splashes but they probably don’t do so much do they but I’ve only got two kits now

Yeah and my my man picked it up automatically I forget some of that stuff I had set up was Auto pickup on certain things that’s it yeah I also have my um my extra shotgun in this one yeah that’s what I’m using at the moment gain slap effect when using Vines rails

Zip lines and ascenders or flat or fast Fischer Sprint lines first assault and medium ammo there we go I’ve done all my orgs do you want one purple oh is that what you got went for is it a Shockwave at least I remembered way to ped and stuff pink stuff rather

Oh if you could if you can pop them go for it be there in a second I’m going the long way down are those keys oh that’s awesome nice I just got myself a purple shotgun coming to you I’m using a zip line oh it’s okay ah

Yeah I thought my purple shotgun would help but apparently not rip well while you try and survive I’m gonna eat my McDonald’s burger that Lizzy brought in for me yeah she’s lovely like that that’s fine carry on we’ll do a trio can I invite him to your cable or is it locked down

Invite the party there you go I think you did yeah yeah foreign and again oh yeah again wait is that mud what’s my do though I’d have like a slow heel or something but I didn’t understand it because I’ve never I’ve never seen mud as a mechanic the mind for me is

Um the movie Predator when Arnold Schwarzenegger covers himself from mud to the Predator I can’t see him I’ve got motorbikes in this now I’m learning so much yeah do it that’s good yes well done oh let’s get hyped yeah I got five Battle Stars

No I can use them because I have a power pass no no because technically it’s not watershed because I’m streaming across the country across the world so there is no warshed moment you get me I had that problem first I had to restart the game as well emo says second place not bad

But yeah email second place for my second game definitely not bad and I’m assuming that’s Matt using the hype live to talk to us and yes I think I think I’m getting square eyes at the moment yeah um I think listen said him and his brother will be joining in at some point

That’d be good hopefully don’t know if Lord K can jump on at all that’ll be fun foreign yeah but uh to be fair technically there’s no such thing as watershed moment on a charity stream that’s kind of where I’m stuck at is because it’s charity well beep

See I can do it too I can I can mute myself yeah we got I knew that was going to be the case I literally knew it as soon as you took a break I was like he’s gonna do the fart noise yeah every time oh six is joined

Lord K is that his sister’s graduation party or he would have been on ah fair enough I don’t know it was graduation party well that’s good for her thanks for having fun obviously it’s a bit difficult at the moment for people to donate with what’s going on in the world but hey yeah

Well without just everything going on you know even like high prices and things like that but we’re not going to talk about it that’s all we’re gonna say yeah exactly yeah everything everything helps all donations help but I know that obviously donations are still coming I know that Mario’s getting

Things sorted when he’s going to donate as well my mother-in-law but I don’t know when yet because I don’t think I’ve not seen her today myself because obviously I’ve been streaming what’s up what’s up oh okay where we go six pick a drop okay oh nice got it I killed the camera

You tripped it didn’t you I got him there he is yeah go for it what was that you grabbed oh nice oh there you go suppressed sniper over for you nothing in there no got one we’ve been voted right we’re close no guards I was up here that’s where they were got him

I think we’ve got another one around here somewhere though for six then I don’t know why is someone shooting I don’t know that’s why I asked you responded no some of them are a bit too sturdy I’m going outside it’s fine I found a way out yeah

The back where you shock waved if you went left instead it’s right outside no yeah business turrets would be good right now foreign still got people on me I got I didn’t get him I cracked him but didn’t kill him oh I hate the rocket Ram already

It’s two in a bot I think it yeah that’s it yeah the other person isn’t oh you dropped to Crown six so just to confirm so I know I am what is your best gun would you think six fair enough well to be fair but I don’t like the shotguns because

They’re a bit slow shooting for me sorry oh that is then I’ll be going for that at some point because that’s my favorite one oh did he uh well that’s fine I mean if he used it that’s okay I don’t like the sniper rifle because it’s single shot I mean yeah probably actually

Take a pound towards us which is very nice of them very much appreciated thank you very much for that one yeah that’s fine like the thing’s going to be up to the end of the year pretty much I think so we got time because obviously I’ve still got then go

And edit this and put it back on YouTube it’s like best bits sorry oh yeah it’s going to be happening I might do some 60 second bits and put one down as shorts as well or put one Tick Tock or whatever but I had to restart I had to start the

Recording again because as I moved from Minecraft to this my C drive filled up because I had 58 gig fire one there sorry for all video footage yeah exactly I’m glad I had storage I’ve got like four hard drives on my laptop in my desktop so I’m fine for space

Yeah they’re worse for me I think exactly those guys hit worse than that somebody what oh yeah I feel bad though you need us I don’t think even register that I was stood there I can’t get bloody up there we are I hate the bloody hurdle sometimes underneath us

I’ll tell you what I’m loving the silent pistol because it has constant shooting really oh they’ve got the upgrades have you got any shock waves there’s a broken wall here yeah yeah there you go he did it be Shockwave we’re in it yeah we’re we’re in it already yeah

No can you shock me through he’s dead done thermal DMR see I prefer the DMR for that kind of thing I prefer the multi-shot and this time all right I’ve got people on me well the AI this one I got them all three dead my silent pistol making me look like

James Bond over here it didn’t activate oh we need to get out storm coming upstairs the manual way nice yeah I can’t hit that okay we’ve got to go up again then so through this camera upstairs again cool okay clamber in clambering 60 good obviously here as well it’s not too bad

Yeah I’m pretty much there out I got extra ammo on kills okay to grab it okay cool works for me oh bloody pick it up change weapon pick that up there we go I’m dropping a shotgun because I’m not a fan of it that was a green pump in a match

I’ve done two out of three oh right a Bastion I could never find one of those in Minecraft could I still probably find it better than the other one at least there’s no Pig lens here there’s a chest over there though uh I have no space unless six one wants to take it

Uh either if you need any help or you’re both good 500 fine just cause I had a slap truck next to me oh bloody thing uh there’s some chests around I’ll look up there but I don’t know if it’s good good uh what color purple oh I’ll take that if that’s okay

Because I’ve got the Green version oh that must be a new thing as well then was it oh I don’t think I played season nine though up tooth infiltrator there we go bug Warrior regenerate health and partial Shields while covered in mud might as well grab that

Oh I found some dug some Berry chests uh another Bloody Business Terror then the storm stops fine I do love the Crouch slide down I remember that being a feature what was that your pinging uh what’s up next to you now you got him actually I’m fine now suppressing fire nice

I love that I’ve got the um audio visual audio back on another purple one from what I had there we go yeah I’m looking at out for the sound can’t believe that happened at least you got some spray in here though uh it was uh around 120. I think it’s over this way

Jesus he did not miss a shot right I’m near the business turret yeah but I’m worse oh well the other guy can raise me as well I’m good thank you didn’t know the um AI could res ET Mario come here I got a slap for you okay I’ll use some

Eliza oh better okay uh 46. no got ya I came to the rescue was it yeah jump me onto a Vine it actually gave me a chance to help Mario wow got one he landed behind the tree got him yes can’t believe I’ve got that last kill I’m not sorry

Uh to be fair I do actually have on record that I saved Mario Redemption red bot Redemption two no this time with realistic horse testicles no wait wait wait what foreign 24 7 to help take phone calls emails and even letters for those that want to get

In contact with them if you want to contact them via the phone it is one six six one two three to contact I’ve got it right yeah exactly see uh six one six one the last game no you did ah you carried how’s your back after that Carrie

I’ll go to the slap Factory I didn’t realize that oh I’ve got one kill what’s that Poker Face yeah it’s like I’m almost professional I said almost because cameras are everywhere surveillance you could have him well I’ve just got three having a nice day it’s just a nice day out for you

Kidding me out Mario bloody drop nice I said this flat slaps he there’s some single slaps of here if you want to heal up oh there’s a barrel slap here I don’t sadly but hopefully they’ll have one in here I do right okay do you mind if I grab the DMR sweet what

By the stairs there you go [Laughter] I just tagged a blue Shotgun If You Want It a blue Auto you sure oh yeah I’m gonna grab those uh oh Mario I was being genuine this time oh dear come on Hunter pressed pistol three suppressed pistols and some more um slap splashes

Right I’m not driving with six anymore it’s gonna get me killed yeah I’m just gonna try no it’s like that time I fell you knew that was coming didn’t you know since I started saying it you’re like here we go locks up here was there an AI over here as well

Wait is that the guy from tick tock you know you’re silly basically you’re stupid type videos that’s awesome he’s in fortnite Jose oh awesome I like how the lights have turned The Kills have we had as a team because mine says four but I think mine’s out of date

How many kills you got Mario oh have you not got any yet though I thought you had one oh craft I know right right I need to remember to not reload my SMG right I’m with you there’s one down to our left I think around though the 140 marker got one

Nicely done Mario I don’t know I had a drum gun I lost not that says much just you Mario really you got one A6 I’m coming to you oh you died that works yeah I like that actually been a good idea for the business rifle oh God oh straight on yeah

That’s a good thing because there’s people on the ground that were just shooting at Mario then run I think you’re about to die oh you you healed did you nice very nicely done but like I’m well you’re downed you’re dead even mind as you’re looking at them there you are no

I like those odds Mario can do that okay maybe not okay I won’t say anything anymore [Laughter] literally as soon as I said it basically just jinxed Mario though to change skins because we did that as a challenge didn’t we like whatever skin you got you had to have that Rarity of weapon

Uh just to be okay to do it but when we were when I was a bit better did it but I don’t think we ever got a win out of it I think it was actually yeah no the one because of you the best one because of you was pacifist remember that one

That was amazing married yeah I think you were literally on the last version of the storm because it was the one that was moving like the one that small circle oh really oh no really oh really that’s nice sir to Fair there was um one the only time I’ve played

With two people I’ve never played before autofill oh nice oh really and it’s still good though yeah exactly nice I know that Lizzie and I did get a few Duos at one point back when we first started playing my best kill one was the

It wasn’t in a normal game it was in a 50-50 one that’s good obviously is that what it’s called is it ah yeah that’s team Rumble was it I’ve got a boss on me ah and I’ve got the key card too depends on what it is you can have it if

It’s not one that I like oh you can have it oh there’s a maven if you want it there Mario no that was awful no I meant that he meant down in the vault sorry we we had five chests in there and not a single one had a turret in it

In fact not single one of those weapons don’t worry yeah I don’t like my I don’t like the shotguns yeah but I tried it and still didn’t like shotguns get your Sprint back yeah I’ll keep an eye out we’ll just play without it that’ll be your new challenge oh the purple maven

Do nothing better than nothing right after this match I really need to take a quick 10 second break to turn the did it work so wait to detected it wears out to splashes it keeps getting some slaps don’t make a difference at least it’s not as bad as the occasional

Spawn with one HP Doug what’s that oh slap plant nice oh hey that’s my line bounce what’s up oh yeah I did that as well and took some damage coming off of it who’s lucky who’s locking oh no that’s Game of Arms [Laughter] no debt ow I’m not very good with names

Mate so I could pick a controller tomorrow for the first time ever and I would better beat them you have done my best kill in fortnite was with a pistol but mine was a long distance one I believe Mario clipped it for me back in the day when I first started like over

100 meters away and it was a pistol kill yeah that’s my best kill I do for actually saying that yeah probably my my best kill now is probably the one I did today where I just slide tackled killed someone with a shot dealer they are but I love them killed low card

Six you can’t build in this game stuff over there yeah it looks like it’s a key card over there as well from the dealer oh yeah but it’s burst oh slope juice what sleep juice you can hold down jump wait did the bot just teach the carry how to do something

I like that [Laughter] wait no you’re not the carry or the sweat if we’re doing nicknames it’s Mario the carry therefore he keeps the he keeps the name yeah but you’re the sweat hurry up shall we say Mario what are you doing what’d you get oh you killed FL pancakes

Pushing on some Trio I killed their AI did he kill the trio nice well I’ve not I’ve not lost six’s voice but you keep cutting out every other every other word sometimes yeah no you don’t oh anyone got a key you have it’s here but we’re all next to each other so

They’re on all of us um wait bro I’m going down to Mario one second you good okay well that Gage gives you some time because that doesn’t that doesn’t kill does it Shockwave there you go all right flies well mid kids could help oh another slap juice slap juice right

Everything’s covered in here uh someone’s coming back up left hand side yeah there’s two I’ve got one here near me crack the shield one just you’re kidding me how am I the last one standing you’re there yeah I downed him bro I’ll do what I can but I can’t promise anything

I can’t believe I survived this long I don’t think we’re gonna be able to get married get the crown if you want it oh okay I’ll get there then oh I’m gonna die I’m gonna die in a storm I got oh there’s a llama what do we say about Philip I’m gonna die

There is yeah oh yeah bloody are you near enough ground yourself with it yeah I’d hold out if I were you just in case oh no oh you get to go in the storm but apparently not right I’m gonna ready up while I go turn the light on won’t be long

Also I have an hour left I’d rather say on this if that’s okay just in case one of the guys from Hope join in because they won’t want to do creative down to the side down could you down what I miss oh is it still buggy Euro box no okay [Laughter]

There we go that one so I’m now a party leader apparently I need to get some more feedback so I can actually get the battle pass or that’d be fair probably no point because I’m not gonna play it for anything after today’s stream foreign useful for anything else nowadays or

It’s still just in-game stuff so upgrades and purchasing and such still yeah okay fine that works for me awful just annoyed that streamlabs failed for me for the other um sessions both Facebook and YouTube died but twitch stayed active all right let’s join Mario oh I tried to accept it but it didn’t

Work oh there we go has anyone still got um music turned on in their game what’s that why is it a scam oh okay I’ll hurry to go through kind of more normal games but I could always do another day I mean I’m not literally playing fortnite now and deleting it forever

I’ll happily play it again one day it’s still gonna be what when you cut out oh yeah definitely I’m never gonna be good I’m always going to be crap where else we got I’ve got Outlast 91 more players for some extra XP well I’ve outlasted 409 of them so far

Since out of 500 so I mean if we do a team and end up second place that is me outlasting nine of them 91 of them so that would get it and that’d be all the Kickstart request sorted already nice language yeah cream crackered yeah Korean crackhead

I’m not gonna lie so all I heard was cream crackered with a pause in the middle there was nothing else in there you need to talk louder it’s not in my programming what server are we in as it what actually does that mean though what server EU okay

Okay so I’m not I’m not going to get my Outlast people then [Laughter] hey what we got blue weapons I’ll take a blue AR beep beep beep [Laughter] that’s my language that’s why it made it that’s what I said the other day when um what was it I was

I think it was yesterday when six put beat boot oh I didn’t get one they’re all over here Trio or double I got downed by anime and finished off by John Wick I think fully crashed now or is it just paused on my screen thank God for that everything on you

Why did you move to EU servers are we changing server or are we carrying on foreign are we staying staying six get ready oh I don’t think I’d ever make it into someone’s make a wish personally yeah there we go return to Lobby Mario because that’s what six did read it up

Put your Flopper away Europa Europa also what did Stars sorry exclamation mark 69 used to do on the bot chat noise that was it yeah I need to check that to be fair I did move back because we went to um nightbot I forgot about that one here

I wonder if there’s a way of setting up auto replies like that occasionally pushing out crap like that ah there must be a thing for that also six ready up please thank you how are you level eight you’re cheating because I’m a bot and mine’s an easy enough response you’re about

Yeah I need to look into an AI bot that’s the next thing six why are you not talking huh why is that sus enjoy Apex it does mean Apex because she’s an apex pew pew earlier in which case I ignore him all the time [Laughter] we’re going to purple are we

Six why are you not talking you just talked that was talking who’s that popped into chat yeah me too uh matey in the chat how would you like you to be called yes no we were going to then we went back because we were just waiting for you to ready up yes

I get you’re a local the Bots are playing up the Bots are being Bots they haven’t had their Windows updates yet right I definitely have a squad on me by the way just to let you know and I got killed by a Jonesy running away running away

I got killed by an anonymous anonymous I don’t know you can’t sleep you just eat food instead that’s fine oh that’s why he said he needs to talk more the more you talk the more you shoot yeah there was an arranged and a recent announcement in medical journals

Um of this new term for not being able to sleep because you want to eat called insomnom nomnia ready up let’s go to the next one quick I’ve got 40 minutes left of this stream and six picks the next drop yep yep yep if you pick the next drop I’ll put some

Money into just giving five pound I don’t know where there is well you no you have to add a marker on the map you know what I meant is that where we’re going yeah yeah so leave it marked on the map we’ll go there I could do it when I’m falling because I

Can let it auto run again I never would have done the how you thought on that kind of thing not when it comes to Cherry play it I like zero build if you set a fire to the place have you set fire to the house I won

You might as well carry both save me doing it no Shields you can still hold six mini Shields can’t you go I’ll carry those DMR are you using the microphone that I um mentioned to you to buy you might want to check any cables that

Are around it because you get a bit of white noise feedback at the moment sounds like you’ve got a bit of electrical interference it’s not nothing too bad it’s not noticeable because it turns off as soon as you stop talking but it’s just a bit of white noise

Right where are we going next I’ll follow six we’ll go towards the futuristic cyberpunk looking place oh six I’ll tell you my cyberpunk stream will be coming back soon I told you already I told you earlier I said it’ll be coming back as soon as the DLCs were um

Released I just stick with Alba DLC to come out because otherwise the way I want to end it won’t work basically foreign yes oh there’s another turret yeah I’m sorry I’ll be there in a second to help you guys oh I like oh yeah my thing just went through away you’re fine

I’m just purple I’m keeping myself moving for the next two minutes and 50 seconds thank you foreign literally not a single one of my shots I did I don’t actually remember how much HP popped off I’d have to look back on the screen to find out

Well I’ve got a I’ve got a turret near me that you can pop up if needed and I say grab oh they had to take my they had to take mine if they need to hack to win then that’s up to them that’s not good enough are the real actual way of proving

They will do yeah maybe hold off until you can get a turret or thank yourself to help you out huh okay don’t oh well worst case if nothing else happens tonight at least it’s still got one win right near the storm pretty much I don’t think anyone’s there consuming

That flag’s not been claimed you ready Mario no I meant ready to be rebooted I was half expecting it right Storm’s gonna start moving shortly foreign ER okay and slap juices as I use them to heal up me to safety so you either die on your own or die

With sex which you prefer it there for you marry if you yeah I don’t know where to though away from us we’re fine oh except for that third one no they’re all going away from our slate they are rifted yeah they were going the other way yeah you’re fine legendary sharptooth oh yeah

Um yeah it’s under here right all right I’m now 100 health wow 250 percent deck uh what I think it might have been yeah I think it was twin mag legendary it sounds like it was them so our Fabs all on one stream incredible job today rich thank you Matt um

Can we do one more if that’s okay put us over the 12 hour mark awesome Mario let’s do a ready up let’s go back to Lobby then no I don’t do those no I do it on Discord that’s about it I don’t do it like this laughs no I really don’t

I just want to get the last 20 minutes done ninja uh ones ninja warrior ones Mario oh let’s do that then I’m happy to do one of those those are actually quite fun normally huh sorry you have to restart again yes to both it depends though

Um if you’ve got experience as in the Nvidia experience it auto updates oh do you know I have yours turned on for that oh yeah because you can’t do that you can have it set to either auto update or to download or don’t do any I don’t have experience installed at all

Because experience is what was breaking slobs on um GTA 5. because of the huh that’s what I said slops yeah so the uh the overlay that came with the Nvidia experience was breaking um my normal overlay basically because I had chaos mod overlay the OBS overlay and Nvidia overlay there’s too many

So I uninstalled one of them exactly that yeah chaos mod went oh you’ve got two overlays no but now it’s fine well it looked like it was fine because obviously chaos mod worked on Minecraft for what was it eight hours so that was more like nine hours

Found your Ninja Warrior one of you ah okay but if you’ve got one lined up that you wanted to try cool either one you made the one you just found okay that’d be cool but we are getting there Matt you may have not seen by the way um Matt as in

Matt Flint I put in some I put in five pound as well it came up as hyped gaming but technically it was me I donate it to make six do something wait that sounds wrong um wait what [Laughter] that came out wrong [Laughter] oh dear such fun eh there we go seven eight

No I may be public eh so I’m okay then because I’m a bot no comment I know you’re a furry you’re okay laughs I’m a bot you’re a fairy he’s the only person therefore he says he hates himself ah yeah sorry things like followage and watch time

Don’t actually work until they fix the Bots sorry yeah the mini Bots are still on Windows Emmy Windows Vista yeah that’s it the the worst off the os’s but you know Windows XP was definitely better Windows Vista just had loads of um it had loads of visual changes which

Therefore caused a lot of lag and a lot of issues Windows XP was a much more scaled back version fun fact up till recently Windows XP is what was on the um cash machines like if you went to like a bank for instance and draw money out those machines

But yeah it was funny because um some of the I.T lot that did the ATMs didn’t turn off the auto update so every time someone’s trying to put a pin their pin code in it was popping up asking to update to Windows 10. which one easy difficulty that works for me

Mantle climb notice if Madeline becomes bugged brakes manually spawn yourself from the menu and should fix the issue okay oh we went to the first one Suzuki four yeah left hand side as you look at the uh it’s like a huge a u-shape of them oh they are no that’s someone else

Or is it you oh you are Commander okay as you where’s the where’s the red foreign oh that red bun okay because I saw the thing about being bugged ah let’s try again oh my oh it fixed itself it’s fun way does that thing move on its own then the rolling log yeah

Why are you going again what about me yeah I’m about to go because Mario skipped ahead he jumped the queue that’s because I was doing the camera view for Eugene left up no I’m going again I’m going again that wasn’t fair exactly what I meant he did it in what time

34 seconds left or you did it in 34 seconds right try again not like that just keep following down to the bottom there you go now jump looks like your feet are bugged his feet are bugged you got to respawn mate are your feet still sparking are you good now okay

It says we take off that roll if you fail on the roll you get the the buggy feet no his feet are still bugged his feet are still bugged he’s using it to his advantage yeah now we didn’t try again almost keep watching respawn it’s it’s like late I think

Now you want to be Pixel Perfect with a jump no he’s got it because he did he has done it a couple of times Finish Line I’ll then carry I’ll do the next one doubts feet are bugged again no he’s not he collected the orange thing and it was

Still bugged that’s why I said it okay there you go nicely done yeah click that that’s scroll and actually turn off your feet it doesn’t go on how’d you get 26 remaining okay let’s have a look I think that means you won you because you’ve been you’ve replaced Mario at the top

It says Course Champion sixth that’s why Mario jumped the queue there we go you’re going damn it you can play that as well why are you running again and no because you you’ve always been quite centered with it you actually got lucky with it previously yeah because it flipped for Mario once

But it’s rare I thought you let me run that’s why you stood there you go no yep one technically oh okay you did it in 29. nice you guys put it this way I’ve got all my ninja stats I’ve got five fails and between you guys you have 41. 20 what on the

Left-hand side or right hand side yeah so you failed 20 times I failed five who’s the bot now me [Laughter] oh you were off to the left-hand side a bit there answer it 32 so yeah you did it 28. nice nope try again oh for God’s sake

Left-hand side it shows you the stats 19. you didn’t collect the second squirrel yeah all right go yeah no it’s not neither of the Scrolls were there for me I don’t mind doing this one I’ll do it once more because I’ve not had as much to go on this as you guys have

I’ll do it till I get 10 fails which is literally the next fail and then I’ll go on to number eight but it all done the Stream all right I’ll move on to number eight where do I go for that the second easy one yeah cool now over 12 hours

Can you climb that yeah then it’s the role which is normal but it’s just longer than the last one then it’s a ball which is normal that’s fine yes this one 12 hours ah there you go over the top that makes sense remember we’re in course eight yeah

Now you kind of lost your remote uh you did there you go you got it onto the mantles now this roll is longer than the last one and your feet do not turn off on this one they stay on now to the rest of it nice jump over the pole there

Just jump on that and then onto the ramp oh nice good save that’s fine yeah back up up the ramp oh you can’t oh he needs the momentum okay I’m happy just to cam this one until you guys finish it 12 hours uh three minutes ago oh no oh

Try again you saved it kind of yeah you need the momentum to follow you down with the with your feet yeah oh not quite oh oh sorry yeah so yeah keep them sparking no he just slid off so if you come to where I am if you come

To navigation three I’m so one of the two to slide down straight up and then you mantle this thing so you have to bounce off that and on top of the net the left just then yeah this one’s more like a skate ramp but you need to keep your speed going

From that jump ah so there you go does that make sense now six no on the ball yeah yeah because your feet are still sparking kind of on the downslope you jump off right yeah oh yeah almost yeah so you could do two three four and then one that’s fine oh

You’re not mantling you’re broke yeah that’s fine is there actually like a spectate mode where would that be on here I’m not seeing the spectator mode it’s fine I’ll carry on as I am I just thought it makes more sense if I could do floating camera rather than seeing myself

And now on this thing you need to make sure you get enough speed you may not do it first time but you should be able to do it on the second one if you jump up at the end of this extra oh that was good but a bit too much to the left

You see what you mean now that’s what Mario was doing to get the speed The Warrior no was that no good enough impression wow that’s a nice boulder go on up yeah go on yes go on halfway up go on six elite so Ronnie has got to do it that is it

It’s literally that slide then it’s the jump the rope jump again and then that’s it ah too much you slow down a bit but not too much yeah you kind of have to have that perfect balance you jump you’re too good you need to you need to Skip Leg though here he comes

It feels weird that thing doesn’t actually roll it just statically moves down that’s it yeah yeah nice no oh he did nice what was that then there you go six one to beat you’ll get there but I only have one attempt and then I’ll do my sign out because I’m going to bed

Oh I didn’t realize how slippery they were that was random okay I’m definitely doing more than one because that went way too quick that no this would be this literally made one more game again isn’t it like one more round nope one more round how many times can six and I fail within

One minute what thingy ah yeah to the slopes oh is that what that is okay that little sticky outfit in the middle phrasing what a little hole wait what oh I over jumped ah damn it you’re bugged huh go on six she got this by the way Mario behind you what’s the

Best time actually ever sat on this course ah foreign for the top player where are you Mario oh you’re there yeah it was over here yeah yeah what did you do literally do that should say some seconds off then Mario you should give another go again

I’ve got 12 000 XP for just being in creative yeah oh too much you kind of bugged forward yeah I saw that as well thank you foreign place for basically 12 hours oh unfair [Laughter] no you uh oh good safe go on try again no right and I’m gonna leave it there so

Thank you guys for watching we have been doing 12 hours and 18 minutes now of a stream and we have raised over 120 pounds I think when I last looked so it’s going great so far but keep it coming in because it’ll all go towards a great cause for Samaritans uh but for

Now I’m gonna go and until next time everyone can say six right tatibial

This video, titled ‘HYPD Plays Minecraft Chaos Mode – Let’s get HYPD’, was uploaded by HYPD Live on 2023-08-26 21:56:20. It has garnered 29 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 10:07:44 or 36464 seconds.

LET’S GET HYPD! Streaming Minecraft Chaos Mode The HYPD Stream Team relies on support from the gaming community and our team truly appreciates all interactions. A like, follow, share and/or even donations via ’s. Like what you see? Drop a follow and turn your HYPD page notifications on. (!Notify in chat). Join The Hub our BRAND NEW gaming community – www.HYPD.Live/The_Hub You can also connect with the HYPD team via our Discord: https://discord.gg/rUcKJPt6Ba PS. I’m no PG streamer. Beware of the cursing. #!•% Connect with HYPD here: – Facebook: @HYPD Stream Team @HYPD – Twitch: https://bit.ly/2QqCdNr – YouTube: https://bit.ly/3to1sPq – TikTok: https://bit.ly/32e4o5e – Instagram: https://bit.ly/3a8bpZm

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft

    Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft Minecraft Crimecraft: Operation Rob Peaches The Heist Begins In the latest episode of Crimecraft SMP, Archie O’Grady sets out on a mission to reclaim his stolen doubloons from the elusive OPPeaches. Armed with determination and a plan, Archie delves into the world of heists and thievery in the modded multiplayer Minecraft server hosted by Finn Sowle. A Phantom’s Deception Discovering that Phantoms like OPPeaches cannot see buried barrels, Archie strategizes to Phantom-proof his future stockpile. With alliances formed and plans in motion, Archie embarks on a quest to outsmart his nemesis and retrieve what is rightfully his. The Comedy… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: https://youtu.be/r4mUGIJV_3k In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2Oy06iP 💀 Discord! https://discord.gg/XwVraKYRTQ ✨TikTok! https://www.tiktok.com/@riverrain123 👻 Twitter! https://twitter.com/RealRiverrain 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: riverrain.oplegends.com Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: https://oplegends.com/2024/06/15/skyblock-announcement-2024-05-15 Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

    Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiantVideo Information This video, titled ‘[XDEFIANT] Ini gimana cara mainnya? #xdefiant’, was uploaded by Kyo Lectio Ch. on 2024-06-07 04:39:03. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:31 or 8191 seconds. #minecraft It’s time to do 2 weeks of minecraft then forget it for 6 months. ⭐ Support me ⭐ 『 Trakteer 』https://trakteer.id/kyolectio 『 Saweria Mediashare 』https://saweria.co/kyolectio Discord :3 https://discord.gg/Xg63CYkAca ————————————- ◊『 Rules 』◊ ENG • NO BACKSEATING, unless requested. • No spamming or harmful words please! • No hateful content, and no racism! • No sensitive topics please! • Please be mindful and respectful…. Read More

  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

    Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-04-10 17:00:09. It has garnered 14689 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:00 or 12660 seconds. CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun. #blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft Read More

  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/4342044275/profile ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@AyushMore2?sub_confirmation=1 REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

    "INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro started headshoting creepers 💀 #music #musica #remix #memes #funny #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by xardsp on 2024-04-09 22:00:37. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► https://youtu.be/Y5FV3J5gdcA ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/spookyyuki7472 TICKETS: https://www.tiktok.com/@spookyyuki7472 Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: terrashift.net Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

    CrossFireMC - Comp Factions 1.8.9IP: [​CrossFireMC.com]discord.gg/crossfiremc RELEASE DATE: [​Thursday July 4 @ 3pm EST]1.8.9 Version▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬PAYOUTS:🥇 $200 to “charity” or 10,000 Gold🥈 $50 to “charity” or 5,000 Gold🥉 2500 Gold▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[​CrossFireMC] – [​Murder Map 1]MAP LENGTH: [​3 Day Grace/4 Day TNT]FACTION SIZE/ROSTER SIZE: [​5/10]SHIELD LENGTH: [​20 hours]BUFFER SIZE: [​15c]CANNON SPEED: [​3s]ECO: [​RaidOutpost/DarkZone/Fishing/SugarCane]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Anarchy – Minecraft Realm- Do /server anarchy- no rules, cheats are allowed on this realm. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

HYPD Plays Minecraft Chaos Mode – Let’s get HYPD