I Beat Skyrim in VR with 500+ Mods

Video Information

In this video I tried to beat Skyrim VR except I downloaded a few mods [Applause] Look at me look at me son yeah yeah you’re gonna be my flesh suit I can’t see your face young man there aren’t all you find yourself someplace unknown somewhere out of time and space baby Mike knows many things others do not you know your soup is cold

I hate soup with fire oh no oh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry your name’s Mike right yeah it’s time to drop the mike well there’s no witnesses in orbit so choo-choo let’s see what kind of gear we can make here for our great adventure Yes oh my god this is this is so bad I know can I yeah why is it like a loud I did not realize what I would craft so please take my iron shaft hello they don’t like me that much here so it’s time for Plan B but I think these

Crystals are all different starting spots so so so number to be sure I have no idea where I am and yet I know that I have chosen poorly as cold as an iron [ __ ] out here don’t you agree cockadoodledoo Oh make like your textures and get lost

Yo e chopping some wood out here I got some for you was the first person I bet this playthrough and he’s dead because of my slippery fingers and my fat so none of those three noises was a chicken did you know most farmers don’t keep their roosters they toss their

[ __ ] thank you you’re welcome okay did I install too many mods was that the simulation it looks scary over there what’s happening over there Wow okay I see like six more wall ride buddy you’ve got to tell me what the [ __ ] going on whoa okay it’s just about the

Murder cuz I don’t know about the murder what murder I didn’t do it oh you caught me I’ll pay off my bounty Yeah right smart man what I’ll come along with us oh hey Kenny stolen I didn’t press anything did you see me I did you see anything I Guess it’s better than Jail that’s a lot of Horrors this place blubbers to fix I’m bouncing right off you got that one oh no a kiss I locked eyes with him that means not gonna strike I got a strike it I got a run you were asked i I think you’re a

Mammal so give you this level hey so just a heads up you got a little problem over there you might want to call God is he that okay you’re safe silence this threat is holy dude where’s the exit to this labyrinth what the hell is oh well

We’re off to a good start I can never come back here again this is too many walruses Wall row what are those glowsticks big glue sticks you guys raving without me their lightsabers they why don’t you sit this one out can you play the Dragonborn comes he’s me oh the dragon morons coming alright lightsaber is the best way to get materials win sort of a windmill

Technique what that’s been depleted for like five minutes hasn’t it that was funny oh my god what the [ __ ] is that there’s nothing quite like nature that’s a big oh hey buddy fetch oh look at that I’m actually getting covered in a in something I’m gonna try and find the

Next town that isn’t overrun in wall row maybe some place to the shelter hey buddy oh yeah he vanished him to the ground at Skyrim that is not a glitch he’s trying to lure me in and he’s an ambush predator hey here’s my dildo we gotta be very quiet

What is Satan’s army doing out here what are those please don’t come near me please I’d like steek level 1 ok hello chicken shoo I don’t know what mod that was but you’re probably in danger let me guess someone stole your sweet roll what’s

This do not sleep in the bed what do you think I’m scared of a good eight hours think I’m scared of a nice healthy sleeping schedule hang on this isn’t sleeping music this is super mario Preview oh oh well I’m terrified but there’s no way back so oh geez it’s a Goomba I know for my years of gaming I have to jump on him I have to I can’t do it cuz there is it mushroom is this how Mario feels how does this work

Does this work bonk bonk bonk listen could be the war crime prepare for battle oh god let’s equip the dov’è kiss well time to make out with Bowser it’s the King Koopa I’m gonna suck your face let me ball this isn’t kissing this my boss I see you there mister Goomba

And now it’s time to meet your doom boss I’m never gonna get used to that death sound the music really makes me feel like I’m gonna rescue a princess I think this one is from Mario Party you’re a lucky little show where’d he go he’s

He’s in the walls it’s a being so long in these tunnels I don’t remember the Sun I love coins don’t even know I don’t know what they’re for I don’t know whether I need all these coins pop Russ you cave there you are I know how to beat you yeah don’t get

The bb8 that’s just screaming if I didn’t want you to do anything I would have installed the c-3po mod epic Star Wars bird [ __ ] ah yes classic Mario villian angry ball whoa [ __ ] wait why do you have hands inside you I mean I guess anyone can but ok bye bye funny ball the rice what the hell is that whoa I don’t know how we’re still alive cuz that Sun is

Way too cool you suck man you look like pickle Rick now face the girth of my iron dick oh god why does it make that noise why is that making that noise what’s happening up here Oh bye-bye Luigi I’m getting some readings Oh God there’s a man there’s a man trapped in

There I’m gonna get you out I’m gonna get you out I’m so sorry I’m going in there is Oh God I’m going I’m going closer I see his face I see what the hell is this place we have to get out of here prepare for battle oh god oh god it’s waluigi time

Instantly guilty Waluigi your time is at an end you can just kill me this time my defenses are impregnable oh but I’m pregnant look at you handsome man look at those chompers level-10 Dragonborn vs. level 100 waluigi Why is it playing Scottish music this time what the literal [ __ ] is happening in this god – wait invincibility have I had this this entire time I know there has to be an exit but I don’t know where I think I’m on the last world I’ve got a good feeling about this one

Well good the thing I’m a Luigi there’s no one ever notice is immediate come up up up up up we’re in bum bum bum nicely the cool place to join I say Luigi oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] This is awesome I love the platforming parts they’re so fun they’re so fun in VR okay I just want to be playing Skyrim I just want to find some dragons I want to fight them I want to learn some shouts and that’s too much to ask

Cuz I’m stuck in Mario for six hours and I’m look at me I’m mama Luigi occupy station of princess nice afoot boughs okay so long gay bowser mama mia pizzeria it’s finally you Mario should have done this a long time ago you I think your fire bask in the

Breaking my defenses nice ass bro come here come here you big [ __ ] Don’t [ __ ] bro me I’m here for you Princess Peach huh I’m glad you’re safe can I ask you a question was this all a dream Mushroom Kingdom is indeed a real place the next time you sleep you will know what the [ __ ] does that mean oh oh

That was the worst dream I’ve ever had oh that was the worst dream I’ve ever had in my entire life it’s finally over I’ve never been so excited to see a grey sky and regular stone buildings what the [ __ ] I’ve been looking for you that’s something I’m supposed to deliver

Your hands only haha letter from the yarrow moving up in the world eh looks like that’s it got to go That’s why our leader is Ron is reestablishing they’ve done real serious vampire I just need to get inside and sit down I I can’t I can’t right now no I’m good everyone are you twelve or 400 [ __ ] losing it this bed and desk are yours so why is there an x-man in it I think she’s dead why is it so bright up and why why is the Seinfeld theme what is happening Elsa what happened to your face yeah yeah dawg keep up give me your stuff

Yeah that thought we’re gonna cut away to Danny DeVito now here you can have my waluigi mask seven days I’m gonna kill someone Oh perfect abandoned camp whoa whoa okay okay chill have there always been this many people who just hit me with a fart road dude killed her this is her Elsa I’m almost inside this [ __ ] fortress I’m whoa watch where you’re going Superman wait what

Another magnet is squashed beneath my boot okay tone it down just a little boy he’s fast and he’s gone good thing Superman showed up I’ll Sahay what are you trying to pull hopefully those arrows out of you Elsa beige light beige light mug a light

Beige light oh my god did my light just come out proud of you buddy yes I’m gay thank you Father in gay I enjoy men are you seriously making that sound that’s coming from you come here it’s coming from you oh we had a green one he had a

Green one what this is definitely average you who is cooking spit a delicious shovel that’s not supposed to be food bum bum bum bum yum-yum time to eat drum looking to make something sharp you know the joke it’s a knife each carrot tight mace oh yes it’s okay this carrots gonna improve your

Vision and you’re gonna need that to see this [ __ ] carrot coming out to try and hit me try and hit me I blocked it but let’s turn the tables the veg tables I don’t care where you’ve been you’re mine oh [ __ ] it’s fine he didn’t see me

Hey you didn’t see the yeah that’s right I’m a guy in my room speeding fake skeletons with a carrot it’s really sad this is a really good carrot well who is the wait who’s that wait who is that who is that what is what what ha ha ha what is he holding

For us to show Leo your vegetables hello one eat your greens I died dude shut the [ __ ] do you guys hear that even a death the song plays in his bones hey idiot follow me over here little does he know there’s a trap right here

Oh no how am I gonna hit him he’s over there and I’m oh my god my actual real life real life just flashed before my [ __ ] eyes dude holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] hell oh my god oh my god yeah no no no watch this watch this

Whoa Oh what’s going on what’s going on room-scale whoa okay okay okay come on come a little closer bye bye oh there’s another one right this way right over here sir right over here I think this is the last room okay there’s gonna be some tough ones in here

Drag or whit Lord Oh Shh oh hey hey buddy buddy you’re running you’re gonna it’s another one it’s another one is his power he’s he’s he’s oh my god is this a bit you a dragger bit Lord now you’re gonna make like that hand and get the [ __ ] out of here

Only seven value for an SSB Waluigi trading card are you [ __ ] kidding me what kind of [ __ ] controller do you have to listen to me my controller I I’m never going back here here we can just take all of this out yeah okay hello master gate one lockpick let’s do this ready

Those are either the biggest elephants I’ve ever seen or that is just the smallest mammoth you just look at you’re like the size of a dog head but but but hey talk to my husband do you leave these chunky cheese tokens lying out or just loose yours all the same to you you

Can buy a sticky in with these a sticky hand I have sticky hands okay bye I had a look at that boneyard the other day hello Wow the chicken stop stop chasing me geez what why are you eat it’s just a chicken it’s just the horse where did you come from

Where did you come from this is dog now jeez right you guys got it [ __ ] me a snail Oh oh this is so fun what is that what is that I can’t tell what it is and a horse Oh No Oh Oh God I really don’t want to fight

That thing but I’m more scared of what happens if I leave it alive please don’t see me please don’t see me oh he’s so good he’s so fast yeah there’s this man in it but it’s like a man it’s like a what do you do you can’t see me it’s

Just you all right it’s right up there but I’ve been having a lot of trouble with the man myths and the bandits so we’re gonna try a different or interesting new out so blast off all right we blast to a target location so I want to go there blast off

Please make it stop oh I’m sorry I’m gonna make it start make it start start came for the water aim for the water in the water oh my god Shrek where am I where the [ __ ] am I I don’t hear the explosions anymore do I

Open my eyes can I open my eyes am i dead is that you god I used to be an adventurer like you then I took an arrow in the knee hey does that happen a lot Tron man yes she come from Tron you come from a computer you come from the people

Good DVD VHS get the [ __ ] out of here well done thank you off me out I cannot say the same to your mother there is another thing you could do for me suitable for someone of your particular talents girl ball in the cheese grater told me the dragons were coming back and

The only way to learn war was to get the Dragons stoned and the only place I’d find that much marijuana was in the dankest dungeons Whiterun more like white hover 10 feet off the ground please do look around I’m sure I have something you want sure buddy what was that sound oh where the [ __ ] did you what the [ __ ] just happened my clothes yeah everything’s for sale my friend well I guess that’s why they’re

Not called Rhino walkies they’re called Rhino Soros bye-bye Rhino bleak falls Barrow is our next quest but oh god how am I gonna get there with these stupid little legs trick question legs are stupid and little time to go motorcycle it’s supposed to stop right okaywell edition guard please don’t scare please don’t

So that was a terrible accident what happened up there and it’s safe to say that insurance did not cover it did they even does this even work oh here we go I guess it’s not it’s not the same it’s not the same as it was before and that’s okay We’ve got a lot of problems to iron out [ __ ] this bro I summon my car in Attack Position you can’t charge me with vehicular manslaughter no one else knows what a vehicle is I’m pretty adoring it your [ __ ] holy [ __ ] a bow and arrow that’s not fair good well these guys are [ __ ]

Hard dude take me deep down and we’ll see I don’t know what the [ __ ] he’s talking about Pikachu you’ll see Oh what happened I don’t know it’s a little bunny whoa you better be careful buddy that woman is very naked Pikachu I swear I don’t know how this one got installed

Where did that lightsaber come from there’s only like two options okay guys I got the Dragonstone and turns out it was a stone I wasn’t actually supposed to No after this random woman had given me a solid argument for gun control I remembered what someone told me one time at some point that there was a big mountain and on it there were old people that shouted really good and I needed to go there the mountain looks like this

Old people look like this let’s go I feel like things are just getting more and more in comprehensible what even was that Thanks x-men whoa stop thanks to Professor X you got guys you can’t do this where’d she go you’re scary bro go away you’re scared

Bro go away try to run try to run oh it’s my Pikachu you can’t run from a trainer battle oh god what is that it doesn’t matter I’m gonna grasp victory from the jaws of death oh hey the jaws of death you can go trun but you can’t go to hide

Pikachu use fly bees every time I enter a new town guys seriously this is what they do they all band together and kill the chicken and once it’s dead then peace kind of do the part of the game where you go up all steps gotta go

Up all it steps gotta go up all steps running up steps we ran up stairs going really far walk up steps walking [ __ ] this oh that’s big Road I finally made it to the top time to learn the ancient words of power no it’s not

I gotta get all the way over to Austin Grove that’s forever away fully I should’ve come okay Piper drug blast and that’s why you don’t do a bye and I’m high as [ __ ] or did I just find the fourth dragon ball what is that I can’t really tell but please don’t Any last words that bearer has a helmet Bears do not wear helmets that’s a mod oh he’s bringing back the Dragons I forgot this was happening go back into your die hole you suck you suck bro you man hey [ __ ] you maybe I will i slurp that dragon like noodles stop

Coming closer you’re gross you’re gross all right I tried to warn you nice ass this place kind of gives me the heavily Ghibli’s a little bit give me a little bit of Lily oh [ __ ] the trick is to set a trap like this Pikachu you [ __ ] dumbass that thing

Will instantly obliterate me if it gets close that’s why I’m hiding me here we gotta go find Pikachu we gotta get outta here ready alright that’s our window gamer move we’re home free I’m coming to find you thank you – well I think I just found Pikachu no it’s

Funny sometimes there’s this glitch where to sneak you have to get lower each time so I have to just be completely [ __ ] prone in it down oh [ __ ] that’s a big ball oh nice a big boy but not for long reality is collapsing reality’s collapsing I’m too small

Cheese no cheese oh jeez oh jeez some cheese oh jeez oh oh that hurt bad that hurt really bad hey buddy we’re gonna blow off some steam wow my skin the bigger they are they’re smaller they aren’t until they are and then they’re small bah blah blah blah it’s funny cuz

He’s baby but if he hits me with one of his little tiny arms I will instantly die and fly across the mat oh my god there’s two more Pikachu we got to get out of here before they more oops I made him as small as my chances

Of survival get em Pikachu you can just eat them at this point oh no Pikachu I went too far I went too far there’s no turning back now baby shirted where’s your hitbox I know it’s here somewhere probably come son come see the mark we have left depart this way no creature

Can challenge us now but no matter how big I make anything it pales in comparison also he has a son now how does this always happen at every bar I enter and you two look exactly the same stop stop clapping okay I’ll see you in solitude it sounds good

Be careful keep keep keep keep yep yep keep by it wasn’t me officer the bear did it Isis right bear it was the bear what dragon oh [ __ ] good thing I’ve got my men in the skies too I don’t know where your ass is but I’m

Gonna beat it it’s just it’s just your ass it’s not your ass oh I dropped it I dropped just hold on timeout for one second it’s timeout for one second yeah don’t look at me like that I’ve always lived here in your house steal from the

Chicken chest it’s just too easy oh wait that was bad stealing is wrong isn’t that right chicken and speaking of chicken I sense some foul play and I knew who would have some information on the return of the Dragons the Thalmor embassy they might not allow weapons but everyone allows rubber

Chickens and I knew what I had to cock-a-doodle-do yes I’m quite fancy and not are put in there it’s just that was a wall I’m sure you didn’t come here for a lecture on high politics their guard was down they thought I was stupid but I knew I was

Stupid and that was the time to strike now as long as I don’t blow my cover I’m in hello is this the way to the party also my arm is a gun damn it my cover’s blown I forgot I had my gun arm surgery right before this and might now my arm isn’t

Good because of that what are you gonna do about my arm gun huh okay so they have actual guts but I still have my rubber chicken not as a dragon priest why is there a dragon priest haha rock beats scissors chicken beats gun okay it’s time for me to run slow down

Time throw the chicken disarmament with the gun and keep running a light saver an elegant weapon for a more civilized time like my rubber chicken winner winner nears a chicken you sinner that is a gun you are not a wizard get these from one document down oh we got a

Bone get out of the way get out of the way he’s reloading mr. chicken we’re only gonna get one shot this will slow time oh we only had a steel dagger the whole time I have to [ __ ] you hey what’s up what’s happening les

I’ve got what I need we’re out of here I don’t know what the hell the noise is but it probably got the gun oh he’s blocking the way hey someone away I have to make him so big I could go through his legs oh god what have I done

He’s everywhere he’s I’m really lucky they had an appointment open for gun arm surgery usually it’s an arms race know what you’re doing with those flames there these aren’t flames you want to see what these – yes that’s what you get for talking [ __ ] about my magic you’ll

Never enter a building again where are you going need something my friend yeah remember is that roblox is that Batman Batman that’s a flamethrower you should be using that Batman Batman that’s all the guards for this city Batman are you trying to kill all of law enforcement right now

Batman you just killed another one bet don’t fart at me Batman that’s so funny stop killing them Maxim that okay that’s another one isn’t this like your thing is to not do this catalyst you should be dead Batman you leave me no choice I’m sorry your cheese my friend died Alfred

You won’t stop killing people I’ve got to turn you into Alfred doe elf is okays Alfredo like a cheese thing or like a cream thing like what’s the dude doesn’t matter I found the second Dragonball disregard some of those other notes we got a head down here Rifton and pick up

Some son of a [ __ ] I am desperate That’s right we beat him you and me we can’t let that monster live can we hedgy go get him face him King bite his nuts off fight him in the polls edgy you got this you can do it expert you down here are these like little rumbas when I came

Down here I didn’t expect there to be so much treasure a completely ordinary treasure chest I better open it okay I got to get out of here scary down there about nevermind I’m going back down oh it’s much better down here whoa hit me I’m blocking I’m blocking

Hit me hit me just take just one swing just take a swing just Cup Khan do it do it oh and now I huh defense is the best offense unless it stays cool ass sword and then in that case it’s the best offense because it’s really guy said everything wood fire oh

God invisibility potion well I don’t see I also found this shotgun man this mod lets me cook and eat anything that’s so silly Tabasco leather strips and hits fruity who would ever eat those I guess I’m not good enough let’s be off that’s good to hear us burn we got to get out

Of here doors over here you senile son of a [ __ ] so Esbern seems a little bit unreliable hey bear I’ve made sure that I will not lose him s bird look I’m surfing on a car whoa good job as Byrne serpentine confuses the Predators s burn there’s something

In the road will you go clear it for me hey don’t look down on me it instantly killed me as bird you’re on your own what are you doing why are you going feral calling it an airstrike on my positions it’s good to see you this one she’s gonna go through the

Doorway that is so disrespectful Thanks Oh I guess we’re doing this again oh yeah you got a big mouth let me get it back let me do you floss hey good to see you want to trade talk hey stop swearing now kiss your [ __ ] mother with that mouth

But it’s so inappropriate stop someone else another one this is really starting to drag on are the Dragonborn of prophecy oh my god eze Bern we already did this you are completely senile Oh try using my blood if you need help drawing some blood let me know no I’m

Good please you go in first also I’m dying okay so we learned that the only way to defeat Alduin is hang on a second Bob okay so we just have to go What the hell what who are you huh how’d you get up here part the Knux it’s you tell me how do I defeat all the wheat years you are so wise go stay this is for you go Snape not this time what the [ __ ] I see second mice all out

We have the killer and we have to kill her with the spell i’m swaggin let’s go buddy you and me your breath stinks bro and you’re ugly oh my god get out of here I don’t want to fight you gonna fall person fall the person’s person fall so this is Paul’s

Lair where the Elder Scroll is I really don’t like this place hey I’m no geologist but I think we are screwed come here buddy I’m gonna turn you into rocks where’d he go oh my god he turned into rocks hey big guy you know where

The Elder Scroll is oh this is why we sneak this is why we stay low and pray there’s many bad things here there is this is why we stay aware of our surroundings we’re just gonna crawl all the way I hate this place I hate this place so much

You are objectively the scariest thing here I am going to push buttons randomly until this puzzle solves itself look she’s stuck in the puzzle she’s puzzled OOP what there it is the Elder Scroll what’s the name of the game well this looks like a good place as any to read it

Slime Stickle it’s your best pal I’ve died and I’ve joined Elsa bob ross and waluigi here in the afterlife if you want to join us too you’re gonna have to find the seven dragonballs what why what where who what screw it let’s go find the seventh dragon turns

Out the radar says one of the dragon balls is actually in this unknown house in Whiterun so all I had to do was buy it oh god my radar is saying you have a dragon ball how could this possibly go wrong oh wait never mind it was over here

Alright that’s I do not comprehend what this is the other dragonballs are out there somewhere and since we can’t fly we come on everyone let’s go find some Dragon Balls it says the next point is right here actually oh okay oh my god he hit me so hard the textures

Turned off I could really use some help here Goku oh [ __ ] Goku catch me next time on Dragon Ball Z that’s the joke I felt that’s look at me I’m the hand and I have hands the Dragon Balls right there hey try dragging these balls this

Is it the five star J the fifth Dragon Balls in this city wait a second I feel like I’ve been here before Oh dragon balls in there dragon balls in there dragon balls in there dragon ball something I wouldn’t have expected the sewers do you know where it is oops

Turns out it’s in our favorite place Paul’s lair everyone loves this everyone loves this place I love this place it’s just right there We got another one we got another one we got to get the [ __ ] out of here we’re almost there were almost there we’re almost there there’s another one right behind this door [ __ ] you Lex Luthor I’m gonna get the biggest sticky hand ever what’s wrong what’s wrong what did something happen

Catch Wizards guard resisted mas anca did he though started the pursuit that’s the quest I can get into the house and there’s nothing in my way a dragon do not I’m in the middle of something People boo boo yes yes finally oh my god you would not believe how long this is taken come here come here delet your daddy’s coming daddy’s I can’t my arms are too short okay everyone these are frost rolls they’re very very deadly so please be careful all right

Everyone here has done a great job today especially you you’ve been Crillon in the last dragon ball is right through that door everyone uh it’s barred from the other side look at dinosaur okay he’s completely in the way of where I have to go why don’t you take it down

A notch buddy it’s look it’s the guy from the blue people movie James Cameron hey welcome to chuck-e-cheese need some tokens here’s one here’s another say cheese [ __ ] okay back to college of winterhold war the last ones in this dungeon Vegeta here it is the final dread oh [ __ ] maybe

It’s in this chest come here come here come come hold me hold me for cheetah I’ll leave it to you David she just thought you just–just–just I paused it a weird time huh could someone explain what these are about to do Oh keep doing that keep doing that

I’ll also help a little yeah that’s it Vegeta the last one is right there that means that all I have to do is pick this lock need something I have all seven dragonballs that son of a [ __ ] I can’t wait to just summon a dude in a green dragon suit

Let’s go are you just making those noises with your mouth I have summoned you Shenron my wish I should [ __ ] you Frieza get stressful by an elephant so anyway I found all the Dragon Balls but now I think I’m strong enough to beat all the wheat I know you’re guarding the portal but I’m gonna all move ouch Ali crossbred a vision that should know big bad Bhima all right he’s dead so are my eyes why would anyone just kill this dungeon with tiny spiders you’re dead dabbe that’s the portal to the afterlife right there

And do you think you can stand in my way [ __ ] I found diamonds yeah you don’t like minecraft well then you won’t block Minecraft well that’s the portal and we go what what do we have to do they’ll do your speech wasting the world eater

What so how are we gonna beat this guy that is not remotely an answer okay I guess we’re doing this I fed you well this is for hedgy this is for Elsa – you’re scaring me ro we can do this with friendship and also a shotgun mikachu thicket you get down from there now you’re about to put the die is diamond the son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] crowd we

Need backup Pikachu heck jeez whole family you all showed it come on guys let’s get our the games that you had G are you finally going to unleash your true power I am just waving a hedgehog around what’s going on also I’m go stay into battle go stay into the

Between Jesus man it’s brutal out there we’re taking heavy hits oh my god it was real I have everyone on my side and there’s only one of theirs – wait wait how many I don’t know how he’s pulling this off but it’s gonna take more than that to stop

Away from being paid crash looks like Gary I think I killed the ball ghost crab Pikachu are you so worried here no it can’t be they summon Tim I knew you’d come back I’d never let it go look out there’s only one way to stuff I need everyone everyone the Hey you finally awake walked right into that Imperial ambush yeah that’s right it’s me the video guy I really hope you guys enjoyed the video definitely the biggest one I’ve ever done when I decided to do this video I did not realize it was going to take a

Couple hundred hours but I’m really really proud of how this came out so it was easily worth it which is why I’m declaring war on kooky crazy carbide too long as it’s added the peak with ten million views it’s not even a good video it dude if I let kooky crazy carbide be

My legacy I will cook it I will commit some kooky crazy crimes please help me make this the one that beats it I can’t take this anymore thank you guys so much for your continued love and support I’ve been working on this for a while straight so I’m gonna hit the hay

This video, titled ‘I Beat Skyrim in VR with 500+ Mods’, was uploaded by Slimecicle on 2020-06-14 19:00:48. It has garnered 11026188 views and 384248 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:18 or 3318 seconds.

I beat Skyrim in VR with hundreds of the most insane mods you’ve ever seen. This is my journey.

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  • Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft

    Scute Loot: Armadillo Breeding in Minecraft In Minecraft, armadillos are quite a sight, To breed them and get scutes, follow this guide just right. Find them in the wild, bring them back to your base, Build a farm for scutes, at a steady pace. With patience and care, soon you’ll see, Armadillos multiplying, happy and free. Collect their scutes, for dog armor so fine, In Minecraft, the possibilities always shine. So breed those armadillos, gather scutes with glee, And enjoy the game, as far as the eye can see. For in this world of blocks and pixels so bright, Adventure awaits, day and night. Read More

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cübbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft Pocket Edition Survival Series? If so, you’ll love the latest episode of “Bluey Kingdom” where the challenge is to complete full Diamond Armour. The excitement and thrill of completing this task are truly captivating. If you enjoyed watching the video and want to experience similar adventures, then you should definitely check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us at Minewind today by entering… Read More

  • Spidey’s Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again!

    Spidey's Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again! In the world of LEGO, we build and create, With Spiderman swinging, it’s never too late. Dream Box brings joy, with blocks in hand, Entertaining all, across the land. Subscribe, like, comment, and share, Support the channel, show you care. LEGO city, Minecraft too, Dream Box brings fun, just for you. So join the fun, let your imagination soar, With LEGO and Spiderman, there’s always more. Dream Box, the master of block building art, Bringing joy and smiles, straight to your heart. Read More

  • Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft

    Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of its young audience. With a focus on originality and humor, 方块轩’s channel offers a variety of entertaining videos that aim to spread joy and laughter among viewers. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated environment. From crafting tools and weapons to constructing elaborate structures, the possibilities are endless. 方块轩’s channel showcases the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you looking to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a thriving community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities, all while connecting with like-minded players from around the globe. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable journey through the world of Minecraft. Who knows what adventures await you? The only way to find… Read More

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

    Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Animation vs. Minecraft Exploring New Episodes Join Animation vs. Minecraft for 60 minutes of thrilling adventures in their latest episodes. From facing off against dragons to navigating through challenging landscapes, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Minecraft. Exciting Moments Experience the adrenaline rush as the characters dive into action-packed scenarios. From intense battles to unexpected discoveries, each moment is filled with suspense and excitement. Voices by Dippidd Listen to the talented voice acting by Dippidd, bringing the characters to life with their unique personalities and emotions. Each voice adds depth and authenticity to… Read More

  • Automagic: Industrial Foregoing’s Machine Melodic

    Automagic: Industrial Foregoing's Machine Melodic In the world of Minecraft, machines and magic collide, Industrial Foregoing, a mod to provide. Automating tasks, making life easier, But beware of the challenges, they can be a teaser. Peagasp, our fearless news reporter in rhyme, Bringing updates and facts in no time. With a grin and a spin, crafting stories with glee, Engaging the crowd, setting their minds free. Join the live streams, full of laughter and fun, As we explore new mods under the sun. Peagasp, the narrator, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing the gameplay, like never seen. So leap into the verse, let the… Read More

  • EPIC FAILS in Minecraft Ep 3

    EPIC FAILS in Minecraft Ep 3 Welcome to the Exciting World of Minecraft! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and survival skills are put to the test. In this episode, players will discover new challenges, exciting features, and endless possibilities. Exploring New Horizons As players venture into uncharted territories, they will encounter a myriad of biomes, each with its own unique characteristics. From lush forests to scorching deserts, the world of Minecraft is teeming with life and surprises. Keep an eye out for rare resources and hidden treasures as you navigate… Read More

  • Dragon Eggstravaganza: S5João’s Minecraft Quest

    Dragon Eggstravaganza: S5João's Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, dragons roam free, Mother dragons protecting their eggs, you see. A fierce battle ensued, with fire and might, But in the end, we emerged with an egg so bright. Golden dragons and caves, a sight to behold, Adventure and danger, stories untold. With each new discovery, our excitement grows, In the world of Minecraft, anything goes. So join us on this journey, full of wonder and thrill, Subscribe to our channel, for more adventures to fulfill. Let’s explore and build, in this pixelated land, Minecraft, a game that we all understand. Read More

  • Hotter than a Creeper in a lava pit

    Hotter than a Creeper in a lava pit Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?” which challenged viewers to find the difference in a changing Minecraft world. The video showcased the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players, highlighting the endless possibilities within the game. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy exploring new worlds, then you’ll love Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just… Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay

    Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay Minecraft Survival Adventure: Building Fortresses and Exploring the Unknown Building Challenge: Today’s episode: Our adventurers tackle the monumental task of constructing a massive fortress at the peak of the challenge! Through skilled building techniques and strategic planning, they strive to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Forest Expedition: In search of rare resources: Deep in the forest, our team delves into efficient techniques for gathering wood and other essential materials to enhance their survival skills. Peril in the Dark Caves: Discovering dangers and rewards: Venturing into the depths of dark caves, our team is prepared to face… Read More

  • LIVE: HUNTING GHOSTS in Minecraft Error 422?! ft. @Prodiggie

    LIVE: HUNTING GHOSTS in Minecraft Error 422?! ft. @ProdiggieVideo Information Halo sobat Pro kita malam ini akan loh Apa ini jadi malam ini kita akan ng-live bermain game J terkenal banget sebenarnya Iya jadi bang brigis mengajak kita bermain Minecraft yes benar tapi yang gua engak ngerti kenapa tampilan minecraftnya enggak jelas saja nih weh gak tahu Bang ini harus Cobain sih Aku penasaran reactionnya sih jadi kita tiba-tiba nih tiba-tiba kayak datang Bang Bang Ayo main bareng Bang main ini gitu kan Terus kayak gua mikir Minecraft biasa kan kita ada penah main kan I gampakah itu easy lah easy tapi yang kali ini k beda gitu… Read More

  • Exploring Trial Chambers in Minecraft 593

    Exploring Trial Chambers in Minecraft 593Video Information what what I just loaded in and I was like what on Earth am I going to do today I already know we have trial Chambers in the breeze what is this why is there Trail ruins showing here maybe it’s fixes to that I’m assuming maybe there isn’t a 30 Block Gap in between the structures armadillos and wolf armor oh my god let’s get started although I should probably back up my world first cuz I’ve done a lot it is good to be back home I need a silk touch book oh oh wait we… Read More

  • Mike Shorts 2.O – Insane Challenge with Sister!

    Mike Shorts 2.O - Insane Challenge with Sister!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing With Sister’, was uploaded by Mike Shorts 2.O on 2024-05-08 23:42:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. if you like this video pls subscribe #minecraft #minecraftop #minecraftpe #asia #africa #america #afghanistan #ahmedabad #surat … Read More


    CRIO UMA BASE DE SEGURANÇA INCRÍVEL no Minecraft! 😱Video Information nesse vídeo Eu e meu irmão vamos ter que fazer uma casa 100% segura inclusive um Bunker debaixo da terra porque o mundo tá acabando tá caindo meteoro do céu tá tendo uma tempestade com vários tornados e até mesmo um tsunami será que a gente vai conseguir sobreviver ao fim do mundo Assista o vídeo até o final para você descobrir Carlinhos o mundo tá acabando tá caindo meteoro tá chegando Tsunami A gente precisa fazer algum Bunker alguma casa 100% segura ai meu Deus Tinho olha al na frente Parece que vai ter um tornado Nossa… Read More

  • Become Invincible with Heart-Boosting Secrets in Minecraft!

    Become Invincible with Heart-Boosting Secrets in Minecraft!Video Information Minecraft but running gives me hearts so I’m sprinting right now and check it I’m slowly generating a heart which means if I run long enough I now have 11 Hearts but we need a faster way than this so I bought a treadmill that goes up to 100 mph and it broke but we now have 16 Hearts applying this speed 1,000 potion gave me 200 hearts and accidentally punching this Iron Golem gave me 400 Hearts wait what we need 10,000 Hearts to win that’s going to be impossible there’s no way I’ll get it in… Read More

  • Dytolan – CRAZY LIVE TEKKIT with heart rate tracker! #shorts

    Dytolan - CRAZY LIVE TEKKIT with heart rate tracker! #shortsVideo Information say I’ve got to press the go live button e okay I’m live now okay so YouTube is now live oh my God not the here here I need to remake that okay I don’t have my watch on know I might as well just jump in a well because holy [ __ ] reings YouTube thank you T okay I am do I get a drink I got the YouTube notif awesome the heart rate is not tracking yet I would love if it did what do I have two heart treking apps okay you’re live thank… Read More

  • Ultimate Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Pixel Art!

    Ultimate Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Pixel Art!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,409’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2023-12-24 11:05:14. It has garnered 307 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,409 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profiAle, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Uncover the SECRET Minecraft tip you didn’t know! 🔥

    Uncover the SECRET Minecraft tip you didn't know! 🔥Video Information so many girls in there where do I begin I see this one I’m about to go in then she says I’m here with my friend she got me thinking and that’s what I see well girl girls Where Them Girls Girls Where Them Girls girl so don’t get down we can always WI hey bring it on baby all your friends you the [ __ ] and I love that body you want the ball that I swear you’re good I won’t tell nobody you got to b f i want to see that girl it’s all… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dead by Daylight! Watch Now!

    Insane Minecraft Dead by Daylight! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dead by Daylight in Minecraft | Teaser #1’, was uploaded by Crepo777 on 2024-02-26 16:42:13. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. The popular Dead by Daylight game in Minecraft? Yes! This map is a parody of the original game. The map is under development! Soon… #deadbydaylightsurvivor #minecraft #minecraftmaps #multiplayer #crepo777 Read More

  • AfterBeyond Networks


  • The WACE server: SMP, Semi-vanilla, Whitelist, No resets, 1.20.4, Australia

    WACESMP Minecraft Server Welcome to the WACESMP! I’m GoneVegan, a member of this Australian Minecraft server. Currently running version 1.20.4. Brief Overview Approaching 6 months old Various quality of life datapacks Dynmap: https://map.mc.wacesafe.xyz/ DiscordSRV for Discord/Minecraft chat integration Various administrative and QoL plugins Simple Voice Chat Survival gameplay Whitelisted server Hard difficulty setting 6GB RAM allocation Java + Bedrock crossplay support Vision The WACESMP is for survival Minecraft enthusiasts who enjoy detailed builds and large-scale projects. Join us for a classic survival experience! About Owner Blockbuster206 is a long-time Minecraft fan, setting up this server for like-minded players who appreciate… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Meme: omg

    Wow, this Minecraft meme is really crushing it in the meme Olympics! It’s got a higher score than my math test last week. Read More

  • Land Shark Survival: 200 Days Hardcore Minecraft!

    Land Shark Survival: 200 Days Hardcore Minecraft! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 200 days as a LAND SHARK in Hardcore Minecraft! I was immediately attacked by a Mutant Husk. Soon after I was pushed into the water…. Read More

  • “Redstone Romance: Hot and Heavy” 🔥😎

    "Redstone Romance: Hot and Heavy" 🔥😎 When you’re trying to send a signal to your friend in Minecraft but end up accidentally setting yourself on fire instead 🔥😎 #minecraftfail #epicmemefail Read More

  • New Minecraft Bedrock Server Launching Soon!

    New Minecraft Bedrock Server Launching Soon! Exploring the Enchanted Dragon Minecraft Bedrock Server Are you ready for a new adventure in the world of Minecraft Bedrock? A mysterious server known as Enchanted Dragon is on the horizon, promising unique gameplay experiences and exciting features. Let’s dive into what this server has to offer! Discovering the Enchanted Dragon Server While exploring the Minecraft Bedrock preview, a new server caught the attention of gamers – the Enchanted Dragon. This server, still in playtesting, is shrouded in mystery but holds the promise of groundbreaking game modes and never-before-seen features. Unveiling the Future Map One of the most intriguing… Read More

  • Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server!

    Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “Minecraft Characters in Real Life! 🌍✨ | Minecraft vs. Reality #videogames #quiz” that got us thinking – wouldn’t it be amazing to see these iconic Minecraft characters come to life in a different way? From the fearsome Enderman to the friendly Villager, and even the adorable Axolotl, the world of Minecraft is full of unique and fascinating creatures. Imagine exploring a server where you can interact with these characters in a whole new… Read More

  • Minecraft: Mastering the Clone Command

    Minecraft: Mastering the Clone Command How To Use Clone Command In Minecraft Building structures in Minecraft can be time-consuming, but with the /clone command, you can easily duplicate your creations. Follow these steps to master the clone command: Step 1: Enable Operator Mode Before using the clone command, make sure you have operator mode enabled in your Minecraft game. Step 2: Note Coordinates Press F3 on your keyboard to display the coordinates. Note the coordinates of the lower corner of the structure you want to clone and the upper corner of the structure. Also, note the coordinates of the desired space where you want… Read More

  • Aphmau turns into Medusa and takes over Minecraft!

    Aphmau turns into Medusa and takes over Minecraft!Video Information guys I’m going to grab this iron we can check out the other part of the mine okay yeah I’m excited I already got the diamonds hey guys I found a spotter oh no way oh well don’t mind if I do oh jeez hey spider get out of the way hey get the spider wait what what’s you what’s this that’s in the chest is that a treasure map it looks like it that’s awesome oh we can find some awesome treasure sorry AAU but uh Finders Keepers in now wait what wait what’s happening yeah you… Read More

  • LazyWhiteBean’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

    LazyWhiteBean's Wild Minecraft AdventureVideo Information hello hi what shall is there to do now beat the game where’s G is Gavin tell Gavin to join the call Gavin join the call oh let’s see my iron farm my iron farm okay okay for [Music] okay all right oh you’re here give me a second have to Tri my V need some emeralds Gavin Gavin that’s a naughty boy Gavin what was that so delayed it’s because it’s because I opened my stream called stream delay that’s because I have my I have my stream open on my phone so I can see chat… Read More

  • Unbelievable X MENGAME Reactions – Minecraft Madness

    Unbelievable X MENGAME Reactions - Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘what a bunch of people ?? Minecraft’, was uploaded by X MENGAME on 2024-02-15 23:00:40. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. SUBSCRIBE FOR MINECRAFT WELCOME X MEN GAMING —–‐—————————————– MY CHANNEL. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ my game AMON US ROBLOX MINECRAFT PIXE GUN 3D CRAFTSMAN D OTHERS ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #Xmengeme #mobile #minecraft#redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorttags: Minecraft, Dream SMP, Manhunt, Speedrun, Hardcore, Mods, HermitCraft, Update, Snapshot, Netherite, Caves & Cliffs, Axolotls, Warden, Build Battle, Skyblock, Hypixel, Bedwars, Parkour, Redstone Tutorial, Farming Guide, Enderman Farm , Raid Defense,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mario ‘1Up’ Doorbell Stream! #Mr.NIRO 🤯🚪

    INSANE Minecraft Mario '1Up' Doorbell Stream! #Mr.NIRO 🤯🚪Video Information [Music] th This video, titled ‘Mario ‘ 1Up’ Doorbell #minecraft #Mr.NIRO ☺️☺️’, was uploaded by Mr. NIRO STREAMS on 2024-01-04 14:24:56. It has garnered 5861 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bobby & Max DESTROY Minecraft Myths!

    Unbelievable! Bobby & Max DESTROY Minecraft Myths!Video Information im Jahr 2010 veröffentlichten die Entwickler die erste Version von Minecraft Hardcore seitdem haben die Spieler jede Regel von Hardcore gebrochen indem sie Totems verwendet automatisierte Farmen gebaut und sogar Glitches ausgenutzt haben es gibt nur eine Regel die von Anfang an gleich geblieben ist wenn du stirbst wirst du nie wiederbelebt aber was wäre wenn jemand dieses Gesetz brechen würde das ist der Mythos von Player 13 und an der Stelle erstmal vielen Dank an opera GX die das Video unterstützen denn wir benutzen jetzt den neuen Gaming Browser Opera GX der ist extra für uns richtige… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Vanilla+ Gameplay by Ursa UMi Ch.

    Unbelievable Minecraft Vanilla+ Gameplay by Ursa UMi Ch.Video Information [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi guys I’m I’m not going to lie I like I held the mouse for like a few seconds and was wondering where my burst was says alive yeah he is he is how are you guys how is everything does the does the audio need to be bumped up a little bit I um what is it I had to like lower Minecraft on my end because like my ears are kind of being like Sonic blasted right now you you… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPD

    SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPDVideo Information [Music] bag um the CV gave a description of a female black with long with white what classes did I steal from M CL Mommy I know who it was what classes did I steal thank you stop recording it now you should not be recording it without our permission my safety thank you my aunt don’t glasses and what her do she have a [ __ ] white t-shirt on no no no my leave my mother alone I don’t have this is crazy my dad father she don’t have nothing K somebody [Music] in the face… Read More

  • JustAxstler’s EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraft

    JustAxstler's EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Did He Rage Quit? #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #pvp #minemen #minemenclub #bedfight #fireballfight’, was uploaded by JustAxstler on 2024-05-09 21:07:57. It has garnered 9649 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft's Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Historical minecraft meme #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-29 06:27:14. It has garnered 701 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Historical minecraft myth #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft @Reedop_Gaming Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ 😱🤯 #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Reedop Gaming 1M Likes 20,209,364 Views Feb 24 2024 Share with your friends🙏… Read More

I Beat Skyrim in VR with 500+ Mods