I built an entire cottagecore world in Minecraft Survival! 🌷🌹 | FULL MINECRAFT MOVIE

Video Information

Hello recently I’ve been really inspired by my friends Brooke and block to make this Mega movie of our entire Survival Series in our 118 Cottage core world this is a really long video of our entire Journey so it’s the perfect thing to put on in the background whether you

Want to sleep or study or just chill whether it’s your first time here or you’re reliving the journey again I hope you enjoy hey everyone welcome to the first episode of my first ever Survival Let’s Play series we’re in the Minecraft 118 update and we’re about to begin

What is what is happening what is this this is ridiculous you know this isn’t really the perfect start that I’d hoped for it just keeps going I don’t know well we’re finally out of that and this is our official start on four hearts and a dream I guess we’re gonna start by

Punching a tree and grabbing some wood let’s make our crafting bench and craft up our first wooden pickaxe then we’re going to grab some Stone and make a set of stone tools and now it’s time to actually start our adventure but first we are going to grab

Some of this precious Spruce Wood and hopefully get at least one sapling perfect and sorry Mr sheep but I need your wool sorry so one thing I really want to do in this episode is find a really awesome place to live we are going to make this the

Minecraft 118 caves and cliffs update but it’s Cottage core let’s grab that sugar cane and those pumpkins over there too wait that guy has a trident but I have two hearts um not gonna do it not gonna do it I think I’m just gonna stay safe and I’m

Gonna grab some fish because we have no food in the early game these pumpkins will be useful later sorry Mr Pig oh wait is this is this a flower Forest oh my gosh this could be perfect finally found another sheep and two let’s quickly craft a bed and then we

Can finally sleep away the first night survived in Minecraft let’s go and you know this actually might be a perfect start after all the flower Forest is one of my favorite biomes and I would love to actually live and build here in this series and I think it would be great if

We could set some goals for this episode but first let’s check out that abandoned portal really quick I would not turn my eyes away from a golden apple or an enchanted one but some iron would also be nice and yeah we we didn’t get much but we still

Will take it we still will take it there’s also almost enough obsidian here to finish this portal so in the future when we want to go into The Nether this is actually a really good start we can just go from right here yeah only a couple pieces left

Now I’ve been walking around for a few minutes and I actually think I found a place I want to build and this mountain is just so incredible and the forest is so awesome and cozy I really really love this whole place so much but I’m thinking right here we’re

Going to build now let me jump over to show you we’re gonna build a cottage core hobbit hole right here against this mountain I can’t wait but we’re gonna need some resources first specifically some food so after a relatively terrifying encounter with a creeper I set out to find hopefully a village

Before we head into the caves I really want to get at least more than these four pieces of cooked salmon that we already have and eventually we did find a village but it was kind of small and there were no hay bales unfortunately and barely

Any treasure kind of a waste of time I did manage to flex some carrots and potatoes and on the way back I found a sunflower Plains and yep it’s time some mining all right so goals I really want to get enough iron to make a full set of

Armor and tools and I’d love to get a starter base up and running today in this episode and the flower force is kind of unique in that so many beasts spawn there so I’m thinking maybe we can use some blocks like honeycomb in the build we’re gonna need to grind some

Materials but first a mine shaft okay just gonna keep lighting up oh a chest nice oh is that is that actually a second one okay not only have I been lucky enough to find two Minecarts with chess but I actually found a bending book inside one

Of them the other one only had a golden apple and some rails and stuff but still mending I was hoping to find some more treasure but the rest of the visit to The Mineshaft was actually pretty uneventful so I grabbed some string find some coal I actually got into another

Fight with a creeper and I was so scared because I was hitting him with my pickaxe why would I do that I decided to grab a little bit more iron and make my way back home on the way out my shaders picked up a shiny block in the distance

And when I went over it was actually a raw copper block I didn’t know that they spawned like this so pretty cool back at the temporary base it was finally time to craft up a full set of armor one two three and four and now we’re fully protected let’s go

I also took the time to craft up the rest of our tools put our old tools away and organize my inventory and now I feel so much better the next day I went back to the Village because I really really wanted to get a cat and this cat well I

Chased him all over the place I really thought it was going to go on forever we were back and forth and finally I trapped him up against this mountain while he was climbing and now we have a cat he’s so cute I looked around the village for another

CAT but I think it was only the one and I decided maybe one cat is enough for me right now so I headed home and when we got home we had a really wholesome moment I mean look at him he’s so cute okay it was such a good idea to actually

Spend time to go get a cat look at him this is the best thing ever now though it’s back to work and I’m going to be cutting down all of the trees in front of the location that we picked for the hobbit hole I mentioned earlier that I

Thought about using honeycomb blocks in the build but I also want to incorporate other natural elements of the flower Forest into the build like Birch and Oakwood quickly at the end I’m going to grab some leaves to use this decoration and that’s going to end out our time

Lapse while we were chopping down those trees I uncovered a beehive and it actually has a couple of bees over here so I’m gonna place a campfire and some trapdoors so hopefully the bees don’t fly into the campfire hopefully that produces us enough honeycomb that we can

Get a couple more bees nests and get a small farm going while we’re waiting to see how that produces I’m gonna shift Focus onto flattening out this mountain where we’re gonna put our hobbit hole I think when we actually start building it’ll be a lot easier if it’s all one

Flat area rather than trying to build around multiple different levels and I’m gonna also remove all of the Stone High chicken and that’s just going to let us tidy up this area even more and get it ready to build okay well my tools are basically almost broken but the area is

Flat and I think it’s a good start the terrain is a little bit uneven around here so I’m gonna do a little bit of terraforming as well when we’re ready to build I’m gonna temporarily remove all the flowers and the grass and later we’ll replant them when we’re all done I

Want to keep the kind of sloping Hill vibe that this part of the mountain has because I feel like that’s more realistic but I want the entire area to be a lot smoother to give us more space to work with and I’m going to cover up

This hole down into this bit of death as well I just saw that there was some honey dripping from The Beehive so let’s go grab it and hopefully we don’t anger the bees all right well the bees weren’t mad thankfully and now we have some honeycomb let’s go and while we’re

Waiting for more honey gum to produce I’m actually gonna run over to this Lake nearby and plant all of our sugar cane that way we can start collecting a bunch of it for later I’m also starting to stockpile some Woods especially the Oak and the birch wood for the base build

When we start because I feel like we are going to need a lot of it something I noticed while I was grinding resources was that it takes honeycomb a really long time to get produced by the bees so I’m gonna take some honeycomb that we already have and make some Venus and I’m

Also going to make some more trapdoors and I’m going to set up two extra beehive harvesting stations right next to the first one so hopefully we can get honeycomb a little bit faster because it’s been going extremely slow now to just breed up the bees a few times and

Get enough bees to fully fill all of the hives and we should be good to go okay at this point I have to admit to myself that I didn’t add any torches and I really need to light up this area I just kept thinking to myself no I’ll sleep oh

Oh a creeper oh no okay wait maybe we can get a music disc here okay wait wait I just need to get one hit on the creeper okay okay now the skeleton has to finish him okay this could be it all right oh okay that was easier than I thought I

Don’t know why I thought that was going to be harder and stall nice I’m gonna go to sleep before anything else spawns and tomorrow for sure I’m going to light up this area spoiler alert the next day I absolutely did not slide up the area because I got really distracted by

Breeding up the bees and collecting some more honeycomb and I’ve decided that it is finally time to get the rest of the resources that we need the texture pack that I’m using makes Granite is super super pretty so I mined up some more to use in the build I’m really looking

Forward to getting this space built together so let’s go do it the first thing I wanted to do was mine out the area where the hobbit hole was going to go and I went with a 13 by 8 area inside the Mountain Mining this with an iron pickaxe took absolutely forever so

Diamonds are definitely a priority after this but at least it’s super satisfying to watch I did a little bit more terraforming in this area just to make it a bit more even and then it was actually time to start building I went with a granite foundation and then I

Added honeycomb blocks around the door to add some visual interest my friend rofo suggested the composters on the top so I just want to give a big shout out and thank you to rofo and blockdown for helping me make this build actually look good I’m going to include both of their

Links in the description if you want to check them out at this point I started adding details to the build and let’s not talk about how many times it took me to remove those trap doors when I think of cottage core I think of warm and cozy Farms beautiful landscapes with lots of

Flowers and Greenery and soft natural colors the granite is so warm against the Birch slabs which make this old looking white wood with the mizuno’s texture pack and it’s just so pretty and it adds a lot of character to the build of course the epitome of cozy to me is a

Nice warm fireplace so at this point I’m going to build up a tower and then build a lovely Granite chimney I’m gonna do the interior next and then we’ll walk through the entire Build Together okay I just finished the interior and I love it so are you ready here it is I

Added a small window and a farm over here for wheat it’s simple and small for now but at least it’s a reliable source of food the course dirt path as you’re walking up really feels like it completes this whole area and when we walk in we have a

Small simple kitchen area with a smoker Under the Stairs is the cat and on the left side of the room we’ve got some storage and a fireplace filled up with furnaces upstairs there’s a small hallway before you walk into a very simple bedroom but I really love it I

Framed my first wooden pickaxe of this world here and over here I set up a special desk with a book to track all of our milestones for 2022 here and that’s going to be the end of our episode today thank you guys so much for watching I

Hope you had as much fun watching as I had making this episode I’m really proud of the base I love that we use some uncommon blocks to help finish it up and of course we got our full set of iron as well like I mentioned earlier this is my

First time ever making a survival series on YouTube so let me know if you have any feedback I would love to hear it I cropped it up a fishing rod and I’m gonna spend some time in between episodes trying to get a name tag so leave a suggestion for the the name of

The cat in the comments and the most like comment will be the name welcome back to episode 2 of my Minecraft 118 let’s play series before we get into it today I just want to say that right before I started recording a Pillager Patrol spawned and yeah

We sort of have bad Omen now so the very first thing on our agenda is going to be to go and find a cow I’m not really anticipating going to any Villages but you never know thanks so much better you’re the best cow ever thank you so much Legend anyways while

We’re back on the way to our base let me tell you in between episodes I was finally able to fish up a name tag out of the river honestly it felt like it went on for years but it was only like four hours and now we can finally name

Our cat just need to make an anvil with our iron and well that’s actually not that much iron I don’t want to waste all of our iron in case we need it later so we’re gonna go caving first instead oh my gosh a donkey so cute we need to get

One I’ll be back for you just stay right there don’t leave I’m coming back anyways I saw a little cave over here on the other side of this mountain and yep okay just gonna drop in here with the water bucket I think yeah that’ll be pretty safe obviously

One of the main things I want to gather today is iron but of course I also want to get a bunch of coal as well I’m really lazy and I don’t want to have to come back down here for a while so we might be busy for a little bit

Some of these caves just have the weirdest generation oh oh okay okay spawner that could be nice but is it skeleton or spider bye please thank you oh it’s spider no sir sir please maybe we’ll at least get some good Lube um saddle’s nice the rest uh I’m gonna Mark these chords

And maybe later we can come back and make an XP farm and speaking of XP Farms this could actually be really useful for that I love when you find geodes and they’re open they look so cool I’m just gonna drop a couple of torches down hopefully nothing bad spawns here and we

Can come Harvest some of these crystals later at this point I’m just taking whatever resources that come by gold will be useful right I’m gonna grab some more iron I’ve been venturing deeper and deeper into this cave and I’m officially lost but it is so cool oh is that diamond that’s that’s

Mizuno’s diamond I think bridging over is gonna be the way over this lava uh oh my gosh there are always some mobs when you don’t want them like please go away all right this is it ah our first diamond let’s go I don’t know why I decided to

Come into my mine shaft when my inventory is full and I’m lost but here we are and that is two chests with one floating and tag fantastic this is embarrassing oh another one I should have just come down here to find the name tags instead of fishing for four hours

Oh my gosh okay the amethyst I’m gonna mine out here I think that way we at least keep kind of the area where the amethyst yeah it is and I just want to get out I just want to get out my inventory’s full yes dirt please oh thank you

Well we made it and we’re right near our base now to smell up all of that iron that we picked up in the mind let’s actually focus on naming our cat you guys submitted so many awesome names but of course only one was the most like

Comment a big round of applause to Dio rods with the name honey cat thank you so much let’s grab all of our smelted iron craft up our Anvil plop it down and finally write in our name foreign your name now is honeycat and you’re a honey cat that lives in a honeycomb

Hobbit Hole Please Don’t Judge Me too much um anyways I read your feedback on the community pool and I saw that most people wanted me to make a windmill and crop expense in this episode so that’s what we’re gonna start doing I’m gonna convert some bones into bone meal and

Try to get as many wheat seeds potatoes carrots and beetroot seeds as possible that way we can make a full crop field with all of the crops I cannot resist the fact that we got a saddle and horse armor so I kind of want to go get a

Horde I’ll be really quick it’ll be just like right before we make a windmill okay I promise I promise anyone seen any horses around here no that’s a shape cow horses okay love me oh I’ve rejected already love me please come on rude okay I’m starting to think that this

Horse will never love me finally oh my gosh all right let’s put the saddle on and find out how fast you are honestly this horse doesn’t even feel that fast oh honestly this makes me feel a little bit bad but I’m gonna try this horse please please Mr horse

Okay this is the last one this is the last time I’m trying please okay it worked hopefully you’re faster feels faster you know I have a couple of leads that I got through legitimate non-murdery ways and I think I’m gonna bring this horse home too you guys will

Feel better with some friends right almost there And now to hit you to a fence post there we go nice and safe both of you I’ve been smelting off some stone for the build later and I want to add a little bit extra because we’re also going to need some stone brick so add a little bit more cobblestone in here

And now we should actually talk about the build so I’m thinking about putting the build over in this area over here where we like started out obviously there’s probably some terraforming we have to do and then of course we have to chop down all of these trees

But the very first thing I want to start with here is actually removing this little Hill between The Hobbit hole and where we’re going to build material wise I’m thinking about sticking to a similar theme without the honeycomb because all of my bees are gone in 118 there’s apparently a glitch with these

Disappearing and I haven’t moved up into 118.1 yet but I probably will after this in any case I’m thinking about Granite Stone Cobble Stone brick polished granite and probably some Birch and some Oak thrown in there as well I’ll probably collect some wool for the blades as well and this is taking

Absolutely forever so I’m gonna finish it and then I’ll see you guys in a minute this was possibly the easiest part but it’s done and now let’s get into chopping down all these trees while we’re quickly chopping down on this trees I just want to thank you guys

So much for watching the first episode all the support has been so phenomenal and motivating I’m super motivated and inspired so I hope you’re excited and ready for the rest of this series jumping right into the next step I’m gonna grab all of this dirt that we got

From digging up that small hill and we’re gonna start right away with the terraforming I’m not the best at terraforming but what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna start by simply filling in all these holes I just want to have a really level area to start from when we

Actually start making big strides in transforming the land I’m gonna focus on making this pill as soft and gentle as possible I think just a nice steady lowering slope will look good with the idea that I have of course when you’re making artificial land you have to try

To make it look a little bit realistic but not like Minecraft made it so that’s what I’m trying to achieve here and unfortunately for me it requires a lot of dirt placing and dirt removing and this is the problem with not having a plan for your terraforming because I

Just placed all of the stir and now I really don’t like it so I have to remove some of it a lot of it I really wonder how many dirt blocks at this point that I’ve mined last few blocks and removed I really wish I had an enchanted diamond shovel right now

Because I think this needs another small slope down well I’m not gonna bore you guys I will be back when it’s done okay I’m thinking windmill over here and the terraforming on this part is done yeah I think that can work out I think it’s a nice slope

Yeah this is this is gonna be good the next item on my to-do list is to get as much Granite as we possibly can for the roof of the windmill I think we’re getting to the point where we’re almost ready to start building you know while

We’re down here I just wanted to see if we can get a couple more diamonds maybe to make a diamond pickaxe honestly I might be getting lost again but it’s okay because we’re gonna find so many diamonds down here well nothing yet but I think that’s some that’s Diamond there

There’s also a horde of creatures there so I guess I’ll be fighting for my life again Get Wrecked and they just don’t stop coming I think it’s finally time where I can mine this diamond in peace and let’s just check behind some of this oh dinosaur nice oh

Dude oh my gosh this is enough diamonds to make a diamond pickaxe I’m so excited we have three and I know I want to focus on building right now but since we’re already down here I’m gonna try to find a couple more diamonds so we can hopefully make an enchanting table as well

I will not look away from another two diamonds and maybe there’s gonna be a couple of extra ones hidden under there no no okay okay well two is good well I think my luck’s running out I haven’t found any more so it might be time to head back wait

Did I see oh my gosh another one okay we will take it oh another let’s go this is amazing let’s just check oh my gosh no way no way I am so lucky well I guess there’s a bright side to being lost and that’s that I keep

Finding diamonds oh my goodness but my inventory is pretty full so I’m gonna get these the last couple and then I’m gonna try to get out of here oh four nice okay I finally found where I originally started mining down and let’s just say I’m going to make a strip

Mine all right now it’s the time you’ve all been waiting for we are finally going to start building our windmill in our crop Fields let’s go I started off by doing some course dirt Pathways to match the rest of the area oh and if you see a pink shape with no

Explanation I blame obs then it was time to actually build the windmill so I started out with a stone base and then added some little accents on the top and then I went up with some Oak and birch wood building this windmill was terrifying and it actually ended up leading to my

First death in the survival world I thought I could make this jump I don’t know what I was thinking my levels no barely recovering my composure from that it was time to finally start the tower roof building this shape is something that’s relatively new for me but I think

I’m getting better at it and I was a little bit faster at it this time than I’ve been before something that I’m learning as I keep building is that there are really no mistakes in Minecraft and you can always just remove something if you don’t like it

Unfortunately for me with this roof that means that I removed things a lot but at the end I think the result was really really nice then I added a door onto the front because I was really procrastinating making the blades of the windmill I thought it was going to be super super

Hard and I just didn’t even want to try and honestly so far at this point I thought it was coming out really really good but eventually I had to make the windmill blades and because the dirt was covering them for the first two I’m just

Going to show you the last two this was the process that I did for making those and it looks really cute after that it was time to slam some oak leaves all over like it was the only thing we knew how to do in Minecraft

And while I didn’t want it to be too overgrown I just wanted it to have a little bit of spice from there I started to detail the pathways with some fencing some lanterns and some bushes all around and then I started filling in the crop Fields I tried to keep this relatively

Simple but still matching the one in front of the hobbit hole and honestly I think the end result is really really stunning and it really matches the entire area adding little bits of grass to the pathway really helps make it look a little bit more realistic

And in the crop beds I added some tulips with the potatoes some rose bushes next to the beetroot because they’re kind of a similar color right and some bushes with the carrots this one was hard and on the other side of the pamphlet next to the ledge of the cliff I added

Some flower lines just to have something there to make it more interesting to look at and I really like how simple but how pretty this came out now to head inside we’re gonna actually start to replace before finally I’m gonna stick with the polished Granite double slab to stay consistent

With what we have inside The Hobbit Hole also I just think it’s really warm against these materials I wanted this windmill to have a function besides just looking pretty so I installed on automatic bone meal machine and I figured you could never go wrong with

Some storage set up in the area that way I can store all of my crops and my bone meal and my seeds and all of that stuff in the windmill there’s also something extremely magical in cottage for about a well-placed hay pile you know lots of hay bales aesthetically

Overall I just wanted to make this area look functional not too empty not too full but lots of plants and different accents that made it feel homey and bright and still like a windmill and here it is okay I I love it the blades came out amazing it looks cozy without being

Overly busy here and the crop fields are my favorite part of this entire build amazing the inside came out so Lush and cozy I added some extra leaves some extra chests for some more storage and in the middle I added a crafting table surrounded by this beautiful carpet over

Here we already have some bone meal being produced by the bone meal machine and I added a small sink station over here to wash our veggies in I did leave the top open still because I’m not sure if I want to add anything up there but

We’ll see in the future if we add anything I just really think that this came out so good unfortunately though that is all I have time for today so I thank you guys so much for coming with me on this journey to build our Windmill

And our crop fields and of course all of our mining Adventures as well do you ever just start playing Minecraft and all of the things that you wanted to do you don’t actually do yeah that’s what’s happening to me right now oh thanks to this guy in our last

Episode we built up this beautiful Windmill and made all of these crop fields and at the end of the recording right after I finished I noticed in this Ravine there is a cat how did he get there who even knows but I’m going to save him I built him a

Small dirt bridge and then brought him over to the windmill just for now and now I can focus on what I was actually going to go do you know before all that I was heading into the caves to grab some more materials truthfully I just

Wanted to get some XP after I died so horribly in the last episode I was taking as much as I could to smell but also grabbing lots of redstone and Lapis just for the actual XP gains and I even found a baby slime but you didn’t see that while I was

Lighting up a huge Cavern I ended up finding a zombie villager and even though I didn’t plan on doing anything with villagers in this episode I thought to myself one Emerald mending could be incredible so I brought him back up my mind entrance and then I had to put him in a

Boat and wait for night time and it’s finally night so I’m going to yep thank you let’s get you safe come on zombie please a little bit faster a little bit faster come on buddy we are almost home almost there we have just a little bit further in the boat in the boat

And now I thought the perfect name for you is going to be mendington because you’re going to give me one Emerald mending luckily I stole this from a village a while ago so let’s set it out and how do I make a passion of weakness again um one quick Google later

All right mendington I’m going on an adventure to find some brown mushrooms I haven’t seen a dark oak forest yet but I’m gonna head north because I’ve not been this way yet while we’ve been exploring this world I really do not trust the snow I’m gonna go another maybe 500 blocks in

This direction and then if I don’t find one I’m gonna head back home and I’ve been grabbing some leather on the way so I’m sorry Mr Cow this was necessary I want to enchant eventually these caves are wild oh Moss I’ve got to go down there just a little

Water bucket down nice and safe I don’t feel very safe but we made it just gonna borrow some of this Mossy Azalea goodness thank you so much Lush cave and I’m absolutely getting out of there before I get destroyed by a creeper we almost have enough to enchant and I’m

Gonna take these sweet berries I’m sure we can build something aesthetic with them later I was gonna turn back but I’m glad I didn’t because there’s some dark oak trees so let’s go for a potion of weakness we need to make a fermented spider eye so we needed to

Get some of these brown mushrooms so here I was just breaking all the mushrooms I decided to grab some of the red ones too in case we would need any for a build later in the flower Forest I’m thinking we can definitely incorporate some of these into our style

While I’m here I’m just going to also take some dark oak for later in case we want to incorporate some of that into the builds oh wow another Lush cave oh I kind of want to go down there and see if there’s any axolotls if we die now this will be

Really unfortunate because it’s far away but in the meantime I’m just gonna light up this cave and collect everything that I can there’s so much dead fish here oh that’s a little come here oh baby another I’m going to get you hi and now mine is blue we have both of

The other colors that we needed and honestly that’s enough adventuring for one day for me we need to cure that villager you know all I really wanted to do in this episode was build an animal barn and this is where Minecraft brings us to complete chaos and since I want to

Do some enchanting at some point I’m sorry cows sorry sorry sorry finally back at the base all right now to brew the potion get the water bottles in put the spider in oh blaze powder I forgot about blaze powder we have no items in our nether chest

Because we haven’t been to the nether so I guess it’s time to round up some of these diamonds and then craft up a diamond pickaxe there is a lava pool nearby so I went over and grabbed the last few pieces of obsidian we need to fix up that portal

I’m a bit afraid about going into The Nether with only iron but it’s worth it okay here goes nothing let’s walk in I’m really scared and here we are oh and that is a lot of lava and fire over there well well we’re here gonna get some XP for mining up this quartz

Hopefully we can get to 30 levels so we can work on enchanting soon all right and now to find a fortress and oh my gosh that’s a fortress right there like right right where I spawned all right torch means this is the way out and

Jump oh my God okay okay any blazes in the chat you know I could have just got brown mushroom from here if I had remembered okay that’s that’s something you don’t see every day that’s kind of interesting Mojang kind of interesting I’m not gonna question it I’m I’m just

We’re not even gonna talk about it where are all of the blazes at oh okay there’s one also some wither skeletons no big deal oh oh no this is probably bad let’s just eat a golden apple we’re gonna be fine just get that Blaze on get down here please get down here

Very much yeah he plays Rod oh oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no my levels my stuff oh no oh no oh no oh no well I just got back to my stuff and yeah this is all that didn’t go into

The lava at least we got our bed and our diamond pickaxe thankfully now I want revenge I have 10 pieces of bread I have two pieces of armor and I have a half broken ax but I can do this luckily we still have the other ax because all of my iron went

Into the lava and now I have nine pieces of bread give me a blaze rod e okay I just got back I find some more quartz and I found another war on the way out and this is my last piece of bread I hate the nether let’s make this

Some blaze powder to put in the brewing stand I’m also gonna grab some Gunpowder and we’ll make that a splash potion and we have our golden apple already this has been quite the ordeal for this villager but now it is time one Emerald mending is gonna be so worth it

I have been watching this villager for at least five minutes and I am just oh thankfully hi mendington are you ready all right I’ve got him quarantined on this side of the hobbit hole and I’m going to start rolling the books this is a sped up process it took me about an

Hour to get the right trade and I just included a little bit here we had some looting we had sharpness we had silk touch we had so many different books but I was going for that one Emerald mending and there it is finally after what felt like hours one Emerald mending I’m gonna

Lock him in with some paper and I’m gonna level up his trades and I’ll see you guys in a bit alright he’s fully leveled up with the one mending trade and I’ve got him stuck in the wall near by the kitchen in The Hobbit hole and we

Have all of these mending books I am so excited thankfully that’s Trust of dealing with that villager is over all right now let’s get to the good stuff let’s build so in this episode I really want to build a barn for our ever-growing population of animals but

I’m not 100 sure where I want it to go in the meantime I’m just going to smooth out this area by removing some dirt and fixing up this little slub going down to the edge of the water here and as you guys know there’s nothing more I love

Than placing a million dirt blocks in a row oh oh no no I missed sir yes you know and every single episode I am just digging up dirt from this nearby Plains I think that there’s going to be nothing left by the time I’m done and here I’m just gonna quickly grab some

More wood and some more resources because we’re going to be building pretty soon but honestly using these iron tools is a little bit brutal so I think after I collect all these leaves we’re gonna make up a quick enchanting table and just see what we can get

Luckily we have all of the stuff all ready and we can just make up a quick bunch of bookcases and just temporarily prop this down somewhere off camera I’ve been trading with my villager to get up to 37 levels and now I’m gonna grab the

Rest of my lapis and all of my diamonds to make up some diamond tools I really want to try to get efficiency on my gear that way resource Gathering goes a lot faster alright so temporary setup for enchanting table is going to be right here in the middle of the floor but down

All 15 shelves all right efficiency for and Fortune 2. nice and silk touch on the shovel okay good and Unbreaking three frequency four on the ax let’s go I grabbed the bending books and now I’m just gonna quickly put mending on all of the gear that we just

Made because it’s one Emerald mending so why not and now to tear down all of the bookshelves like it never happened because next episode we’re gonna be building something for that oh this is so nice to have a silk touch shovel while you’re picking up gravel for some

Coarse dirt before all this Flint kept dropping and now it’s just pure gravel oh Bliss I’m thinking a really overgrown but simple Barn is going to be good and that is a man with a trident oh my shield is gonna break but let’s see if we get lucky sir

One oh no my shield sir I’m gonna drown okay one moment please I’m getting some air oh no no no oh no way I tried it no way let’s go what we are so lucky this episode that is the first time I’ve ever gotten a trident without a looting sword I only

Had an ax wow okay let’s see how we look with this thing oh yeah we look cool no one will dare mess with us now this is awesome oh well okay that was embarrassing never mind see you at the back of the base should we test it out oh it’s so cool

Let’s go I cannot believe we gotta try it I am so hyped right now I’ve got to put mending on this right away okay we can just quickly walk over to the end Bill and put mending on that and then we’re gonna go over to this

Little area I have over here where I’ve got some villagers I got another one we’re gonna do some Trading and try not to throw it at that guy’s head but all of that XP should hopefully heal up and it is it’s already working so let’s go in there and get some more

XP for our Trident our Trident is fully fixed up and I am so ready to actually start building this animal Barn so let’s go the first thing I always do when I’m adding a new building is to connect it with a pathway to The Hobbit Hole so

That way all of our builds in this world are extra connected to each other just feels a little bit more personal a little bit more realistic that way I struggle a bit at first with the entrance of the building but I think I finally got something that I really like

We’re sticking again to the theme of oh granite and the Birch double slabs I wanted this Barn to have one main room and then two small Stables on the side for chickens and for horses and here I’m just adding some quick details to the entryway to make it look a little bit

More cozy and homey and I really like how this came out but unfortunately just like everything we’re gonna have to add a roof onto this and I kind of struggled with the roof I don’t know if I 100 like this shape I am not gonna lie but but I

Think that it works for the style that we’re going for I think maybe in the future I might try to make it a little bit more rounded maybe between episodes but this actually works for now and it was a really fun shape to make it once I

Figured out what I was doing and while I’m placing all of these slabs and full blocks here you can see there’s a very very large area that I’ve already cleared out in terraform to the right side and I think in the future in the next episodes we’re going to be adding a

Bunch of stuff over there and this is sped up really really fast I do apologize but this was a long and very very difficult process for me I did not know how I wanted the back windows to look I just wanted it to look cool but not the same as the front

And of course a bunch of people to respond as I was making this stable area on this side so I had to go off to the side there and kill them and find some milk and this part here this is my favorite part I actually really like how

The little roofs on the Stables came out it’s very very cozy on this side I added some trap doors to these Stables so that way the chickens on this side couldn’t get out of the one block Gap and back out to the front I was just adding some last details around the path

Adding some lighting and some bushes and now to do the interior together I want to add a couple of hanging lanterns from the ceiling so we’re going to do that really quick and repeat that same thing on the other side and the two in the middle I think I want

To make a hang a little bit lower than the other two on the ends we’ll just add a little bit more and then yeah that looks good now I want to start separating out the pens I want at least three and I think three would be enough here because we’re

Gonna have the horses outside and the chickens so we only really need sheep and cows and pigs this corner of the corn I’m thinking to do a storage area so a bunch of barrels some chests some shelves um that way we can store all the stuff

That we need to breed our animals maybe add some other stuff over here as well I don’t know if this Barn is big enough to actually do like an upstairs area with a bunch of hay bales and all those things that you normally see in Barns

But we can at least make it a little bit pretty by adding some leaves and some lighting up here throw down a sink and fill it with some water and let’s remove this now I wanted to add some little details to the pens as well with some hay bales and

Then later on some hanging plants take those into little flower boxes with signs and that looks nice add a flower and then I want to add in a new floor I want to add some podzel and some rooted dirt to make the floor look muddy and

Lived in for the animals I think that’ll look really cool oh yeah those textures together are nice and then maybe some bushes kind of looks good and now I’m gonna go look for some animals so I’ll see you guys in a minute okay I’ve got all the

Animals gathered and I added a few extra details to the barn and I’m so excited to show this off it looks so amazing are you ready I’m so ready let’s go see it together now really looking at it on the path it looks so good it looks like it

Belongs here I love it the horses have a stall on the right side and then look at how happy they are I love it do you guys like it I hope so I love how much detail we were able to get into this thing and inside it is so

Cozy we added some troughs here with the brick stairs and so far the sheeps and the cows and the pigs really seem to love it I also added some more shelf storing as well as started putting some things in the barrels well out not yet actually I’m gonna put those in there

Now and that way we have some stuff to breed up our animals I really love it the other stable has the chicken so they’re trapped in there and that chicken has laid some eggs so let’s see if we’re gonna get lucky nope oh baby oh you’re the chosen one

This is episode four and in the last episode we built up this Barn together we had a lot of fun we got a bunch of animals and they all seem to be liking it in there I think but today’s episode is going to focus on something else

Something we need I have been debating on what I’m gonna do with this cave pretty much since we made the crop field so what I think I’m going to do is I’m going to mine all of this out keep the Ravine River type thing and put our enchantment table in there but first

There’s a visitor let’s go see what he has it makes me nervous when they spawn over here by the crops because I’m always afraid that they’re gonna trample my crops anything useful no well the trainer had to go to his next town but he did leave

Me some leads because he was so useless so thank you wondering Trader thank you very much since we don’t have an official XP farm I have been trading emeralds for glass with my Librarians turning that glass into glass panes and then training it with my cartographers for more emeralds and more XP

I’ve also been smelting every single resource that I’ve been Gathering From the mines in order to get a bunch of XP that way we can try to do some enchanting today this is mainly due to the fact that I need silk touch before we can actually build our enchantment area so I’m going

To craft up a new pickaxe and then I’m gonna try to get at least silk touch on the pickaxe all right first try efficiency no time to grindstone and try again gorgeous oh that’s pretty good that is we will take that I’m gonna grindstone the

Fortune 2 pair hex now and try one more time I’m breaking no silk touch you already know into the grindstone it goes now we have one Emerald mending so I’m going to put mending on our new Fortune a three pickaxe which is amazing um and then we’re only missing

Efficiency five which we can always get later also I did make a little map of the area I forgot to in episode one unfortunately but now we’ve made one and we have it here so we can see how it evolves over time I love it I’m gonna keep trying to get

Silk touch off cam I’m training with the Villagers but the villagers take a long time to reset their trades you have to wait in game Minecraft days for them to reset so sometimes gaining XP with villagers is a little hard when you only have a couple of them

And moving on to the cave and how I want the enchantment area to be I’m thinking very very overgrown kind of like maybe abandoned like magical ruins Vibe but inside the cave I don’t know how we’re gonna do that yet but we oh oh no oh no oh my torches

But all of this is because I would like to get a full set of enchanted diamond armor today the game is set to hard mode and the enemies are hard the mobs hit hard so better armor is one of my biggest priorities but first i’m going

To do a couple of things I’m gonna get some moss and I’m also gonna build this small vine farm setting this up now is going to give us some passive Vine growth for Mossy Cobble and also just Vines to add onto the build later and now just to wait

I also think I want some Azalea and flowering azalea leaves for inside the cave so I’m going to do some Azalea trees and bone meal them and then grab all the leaves from them all right now just to bone meal all of these and then we’re going to collect all of those

Amazing leaves that one did not want to grow up neither did those just a quick stop here drop a chest for when we grab those Vines later and now to grab all of these amazing leaves here we go oh this is so satisfying I love the noise that the leaves make

Oh yeah that’s that’s good that’s this is so many leaves I think this will be enough for the cave maybe even too many but we’re gonna take all the wood too we’ll need some oak wood for the cave yeah I’m really excited about this and now just to spread this Moss really

Quick all over the place so we can collect a bunch of it and now to the collecting part of the Moss and this is so nice and satisfying honestly using a hoe on these blocks just makes the brain do the happy all right and here is our completed haul

Of materials that we got a bunch of moss almost four stacks and we even done some rooted dirt from the trees and a bunch of leaves as well I am looking forward to building so much I’m gonna start with some oak leaves here on the edges to try to give that

Overgrown like Cliffside feel I basically want it to look like leaves and Vines have grown over the edge of the cliff here and then kind of into the opening of The Cave over time I will try to spread the leaves as naturally but also as randomly as possible to get this

Kind of effect on this side and on the opposite side I’m gonna do like an old support system we’ll see how that looks for now I also really want to add a bunch of blueberries and Vines hanging down from all over around up here um it’s gonna help give it that like

Viny overgrown Lush feel I do like that support beam there so let’s take it all the way down into the water and then directly opposite let’s continue that same pillar down all the way down into the bottom of the water now I’m going to take some fencing I

Want to give the impression that this is like maybe like old lattice that has kind of decayed over the entrance of the cave and here we’ll just fix the bottom of the supports on both sides and then let’s go ahead and remove all of this wood and see what it looks like

I’ve got to fix that oh my gosh that’s so much better sorry glowberry I will replant you right there all right we’re going down to grab some amethyst crystals because I finally got silk touch on a pickaxe I don’t really need to take more than like four of these but I’m just gonna

Grab a bunch of them just in case I want some more for later designs and I think that they are going to look really really cool and how we’re gonna use them in the enchantment area okay if there’s zombies I’m gonna go another thing that I really want to go

Get is some lily pads so I’m going to be searching for a swamp now and some food on the way see the swamp yet but I did see some ocean on this side and I’m just gonna keep boating until hopefully I find something no matter how long it takes or

How empty this ocean is this is just taking forever it’s taking forever oh my gosh there’s some land over here oh wait that’s a shipwreck on on land I’ve never seen that before anything good oh okay we’ll take all of that not a bad chest for a shipwreck

Let’s hope for some good luck for the next one oh I mean we’ll take it it still wasn’t the best though another door another chest honestly I didn’t even know that there could be three chests on a shipwreck um and I’m gonna take this very treasure map so yeah

Let’s go find some loot oh okay this looks like a swamp finally found one ah some lily pads I will quickly complain though that this is the smallest swamp I’ve ever seen it’s like 200 blocks and this is the only Little River with lily pads this should be

Enough but not a Vibe on the search for another swamp can we just talk about how pretty this Minecraft sky is wow no swamp yet but we did find a jungle so let’s grab some bamboo and some melons we are gonna need these if we want to keep doing villager stuff

While I’m here I’m also just going to grab some of this jungle wood because maybe we’ll use this in the future I don’t really know parrot I’m so happy we got a new friend to of course of course it has to make baby zombie noises now the search for a swab

Continues with our new Parrot friend and hopefully he doesn’t make any more mob noises because I will leave him behind some more land finally oh well I that was cool how the the mountain came out of the fog like that that’s a lot of coal as well

I’m just gonna take all this coal out of this Windswept Savannah Biome Cole is one of those resources you can just never have enough of in the early game so you know what let’s stack this all up and of course I meant stack it up literally because I want to see it all

As a tower before I use my fortune 3 pickaxe on it and I have to admit this is very very satisfying but we have no time to waste and this is going to take a long time so let’s get into actually removing all of this dirt

And stone here in the cave I think what I really want is kind of like a small shallow Hill receding downwards into maybe in eroded Shrine or something like that and I think it’ll be really easy to do in this space but now we have to actually dig it all out

So I’m going to voice over this entire part I’m going to take you guys on my thought process while we are building this little area and I hope you guys enjoy so at this part I was just still mining out all of this area here for where the different levels we’re gonna

Go down into the cave and of course you’ve got to light up your cave because it is dark and mobs are scary I Got This brilliant idea to use TNT Maybe and then here I am mining out just a little bit of the area so that we can light the TNT

Oh no that Enderman I really thought he was coming for me I jumped straight into the water first attempt was kind of underwhelming so let’s go again and not that great and the third one honestly I should have just mined It Out by hand but I really thought it was

Going to be a good idea I thought it was going to be fun and give me a cool like shape to go off of it it did not give me any of that and honestly I kind of got a little bit stuck between wanting to do a

Natural cave and a hand carved cave so I went with hand carved I think it’s really interesting to mix organic with a little bit of man-made features so the outside of the cave or the entrances is a little bit more organic and then this is obviously more of a hand sculpted

Hand carved man-made part of the cave which I really like as I kept changing the inside I also kept changing the outside and the entrance to the cave as well just to make it match and look a little bit better after that I wanted to add in the enchantment table and the bookshelves

But I realized for it to be exactly even on both sides I needed one more and at this point I used some of my remaining honeycomb that I had to make some candles then I was thinking about what colors we could make the candles and I

Realized that we have no green dye so now we are on an adventure to go get green dye luckily I know the exact location of a desert because earlier when we were traveling around I saw one near the jungle and I thought this was really interesting this is like the

World’s smallest uh Coral Reef in Minecraft I didn’t want to waste too much time though I just wanted to grab the cactus that we needed and just a little bit extra so we can make a cactus farm hopefully in the next episode that would be cool I smelt it up the cactus

And then I used the new green dye to make a couple of green candles for the enchantment room then it was time to change up all of that stone and add some details to the entrance and to the cave itself I think a lot of people call this

Texturing but I don’t know if it was even texturing because it was just adding a bunch of different blocks and hoping that they all looked good together this took me absolutely forever I wanted the top point where the chests are to be moss and grass and then in

This middle bit I thought it would be cool to incorporate some stone with the Moss as well kind of give it that like overflowing feel as it goes downwards and as I’m sure you guys noticed I like to use slabs for transitions between blocks instead of stairs I just find

Slabs more fun and soft to use but this all stone slab was not working for me so I added some Cobble in there as well I also spread the Moss onto the bottom step I thought giving it the Moss and maybe some Cobble down here as well

Would give it that feel that had been abandoned for a long time and really old and here we are continuing on the journey to change up the textures of the blocks a little bit and not just have all of that stone I added in some stone bricks Cobble masu Stone throughout this

Process I also brought in lots of variants of those blocks like stairs and slabs to add some more shape to the build I also wanted to make the dirt look a little bit more natural on the top instead of it looking so minecrafty I guess I don’t know much

About that though I’m still learning how to landscape in Minecraft I wanted to bring in a little bit more structure in here as well with a Cross Beam right in the middle going through the opening and then it was time to add some more leaves to give it that overgrown vibe

That we’re going for all throughout the rest of the cave I wanted these to be completely different from the oak leaves that I’m using all over on the outside so using these azalea leaves with these flowers gives it some texture and some personality some character plus I just

Think that they’re really pretty on builds like this I have a really hard time focusing on one thing in particular because once I start adding something in one area I’m always checking the rest of the areas to see what else I can add like the sport blossom

And then I decided to finally add the candles but I didn’t want all of the candles to be just sitting on the bookshelves I wanted to add some floating in the air like they were being held up by Magic if this is an ancient Shrine that was abandoned long ago I

Feel like there would be just magic suspending everything in the air and holding all of the different pieces together and that was really really cool to experience in this cave it looks so cool with the candles lit up and then I decided to start working on

The walls and the floor in here and changing up the texture on all of those blocks I kind of did this in stages where I started with the floor and then I started with the walls but I did all full blocks first and then added everything else like the stairs and the

Slabs later on also 10 out of 10 recommend hiding light sources underneath Moss carpets I picked these purple flowers to match what we’re gonna do with the amethyst crystal in a moment and I got this idea from my friend block down build I’ll leave a link to his

Video in the description he’s a great Creator and this idea I knew I had to steal after that I realized that I had not finished the walls or the ceiling of the cave so I went back with the same variants that we were using before on the outside and started filling in the

Walls of course no build is complete without covering it with leaves and then I added some more leaves and different spots around the cave as well a little bit more to finish off camera and I’ll be right back okay I finally finished and now I am ready to show you so ready

Let’s go I haven’t removed the vine farm yet but I probably will in the next episode and I’ll move it somewhere else but we have a nice little pathway down to our cave area and honestly I really love the way that it looks it’s so overgrown and Lush I

Use these lily pads to make this little bridge and then you can come in and you can see a beautiful beautiful cave full of magic and mystery and of course the enchanting table I added the chest there for some lapis and we have a grindstone on the wall as

Well but it is time we came here to make some diamond armor so let’s craft up our full set of diamond armor and then get to doing some enchanting and I’m just gonna take whatever we get so protection three protection four protection for again okay and Unbreaking free protection three

That was so lucky now it looks super awesome and we’re definitely way more protected against mobs I feel so much better I managed to catch another zombie villager and I have the perfect perfect name for him and it’s thank you guys so much for 5K here on YouTube I really

Really appreciate all the support lately whether it’s here on YouTube twitch Twitter Instagram I appreciate you guys so much and see you next time in the last episode we built up this beautiful enchanting cave but I realized we forgot something we can use an armor stand to display our old armor

And now it looks even cooler in here in this episode I have a couple of things that I want to get done but the first thing I want to try to do is I want to try to make a sword with looting on it and I have just enough levels to

Try to make that happen let’s grab some lapis and oh not not bad as far as swords go but not what we want moving on in today’s episode we are going to be working on setting up an automatic cactus farm why a cactus farm you ask well I’m gonna

Be needing some dye and also I figured it could be a good source of XP if we smelt some Cactus up in our base honestly I’m just not 100 sure where I want to put this thing I don’t necessarily want to build an extra building for it outside so I have the

Idea of kind of making a hallway here near the bedroom upstairs a small edit to the staircase should leave us enough room for a two by two right here We’re Not Gonna know until we try and we can always put it back if we don’t like it so

Let’s just see what we got going on how how do we like that I’m gonna go buy this out and then we’ll see what kind of space we have left over to work with let’s go first I focused on expanding the little hallway that we made and potentially adding some room

For later Farms as well then it was time to actually move on to the cactus farm room the cactus farm itself is 11 by 11 in design so I tried to make the room a little bit bigger to accommodate Extra Space on the sides with enough room to

Walk around the cactus farm of course and while I was mining of course I had to pick up all of the coal and all of the copper as well from all the different areas and fill those holes back in I want to start building the room but I’m actually pretty low on

Resources so for now it’s time to collect some wood and some Granite I want to keep these rooms that are upstairs similar to the downstairs in theme and materials so that means we’re gonna need so much Birch Oak and granite I still really need to do a mining

Entrance here with a staircase because every single time I run into this spot where I start hitting my head and it’s just annoying me so much why haven’t I done this already it’s episode 5. These double polished granite slabs are going to be perfect for keeping the floor

Upstairs similar to the one downstairs and I think that’s what we’re going to start with up here is just immediately putting the floor in this is right above the chest as well downstairs so I accidentally broke our Lantern but we can just set that back there we go

And now back to placing the floor I really love all of the colors that are in this floor they are so warm and cozy and they just feel like home I think in the future I’d love to use these bricks as a foundation for a building out in the flower Forest

Somewhere that we end up working on maybe for our villagers at some point we can build them like a cozy Brownstone townhome type Village inside the flower Forest now that would be something interesting to see for now I’m gonna try to focus on one project at a time I have

So many ideas for this world and they all always want to come out at the same time but that’ll be another point in this episode a little bit later on we’re going to make something to keep track of all of our projects Also let’s throw down some torches make

Sure no bad guys spawn so what I really want to focus on here is getting the design of this room down this is a somewhat smaller space than I’m used to working with especially given that we can’t expand anymore in One Direction so I’m gonna have to be a

Little bit creative here and I’m just going to start that by trying to make one wall look okay once we get one wall then we can kind of focus on the other ones and I’m still following the same pattern that I followed downstairs with the oak the granite and the Birch and

Now that I’m actually voicing this episode over I just wanted to apologize about how long this episode took to come out truthfully it was a combination of three things I was a little ill at the beginning of this month still left over from last month and trying to recover

And of course February was the month for the one shot SMP on top of that I also launched my community SMP for my Discord so all in all February has been an extremely busy month for me I don’t want to draw out this apology anymore than it

Should be but I just want to say thank you guys so much for still sticking around and still watching the videos even though I’ve been gone for a little bit So yeah thank you very very much and my humblest apologies but back to the building can we agree

That this is the ultimate way to place these slabs and I don’t know why I wasn’t doing it earlier now this room is a little bit awkward to build in just because I couldn’t really go any further because on the other side of one of the walls is the bedroom I’m

Gonna do my best here to create the same vibe in this room as you have in the rest of the house you know in this a limited amount of space it was at this moment that I realized that I did not plan out anywhere for the lights to go

So I thought about putting inset lighting into the walls and at first I didn’t know if I was going to like it but then once I actually put it into the bigger walls I realized that I liked it a lot this beam here is going to be in

The back side of the room and what I’m going to do with this is add an area for potential Farm expansion so this will be another doorway into a potential new room in the future where we can add more Farms I’m thinking something similar another Auto Farm possibly sugar cane or

Melon and pumpkin those kinds of farms but for now I’m just gonna seal it with granite I think more than anything I want to use this video as kind of a thought dump on what goes through my head while I’m building something and hopefully get a little bit more

Confident didn’t what I’m doing so I can explain better in the future at this point in the video I was a little bit sick of seeing this Birch texture so I think for the collection room for the cactus we can use a different block that is similar that

Will also look good and I really don’t want a mini mob farm happening while I’m back here so some more lighting was definitely needed at this point I went and counted how many spaces we would need for the cactus farm and laid out a basic outline I introduced a new block

Here which is this cut copper unoxidized and I thought it was really cool I just didn’t want to do any more out of granite but I didn’t want it to be too wildly different still very warm tone for this Farm also apologize about the game audio I don’t know what happened

But it was like really really buggy so instead of having game audio you just have me right now moving on I used a tutorial for this farm and I’m gonna post the link in the description it was really really easy I thought it was actually going to be much harder and

This Farm actually produces quite a bit of cactus over time as you’re just chilling in your base and I really thought that was going to be super helpful for upcoming projects and while I was filling my water ew gotta fix that now I know the question is gonna be but frog what are

You gonna be using so much Cactus for green tie is going to be so useful for us in the upcoming projects that I have especially to make green glass but also to make concrete powder I have a couple of ideas that are going to be coming up

In the next couple episodes that we’re going to be working on together and while I don’t want to give too much about those builds and those projects away now I do want to say that I think that having this much Cactus on hand will be helpful when the glass barrier

Was done then it was time to start the collection area earlier I mined a little bit of a line here and I wasn’t sure how far away it was so I tried to count some spaces here to see if I could find it and finally did from there I just tried

To expand the room so it can look really really nice and aesthetic so we could collect a lot of cactus in a very pretty room and once again don’t forget to light up because we are in survival this room will be a little bit different than the pattern upstairs with the oak

Beams and the other materials that are in the room and can we talk about how constantly in this episode I just keep placing the oak Vlogs the wrong way before I strip them I just I’m doing it constantly anyways then it was time to place some

Ladder so we can climb in and out of our new little collection room very easily while I was mining out the area we created this little spot that needed some fixing in the ceiling and to add some interest underneath the chest I’m going to match up that copper block I

Didn’t really know what kind of pattern to go for in here I wasn’t going for anything in particular in terms of how I would set up the different beams and the calcite here but at the end of it all I really liked how this area turned out

It’s really cool and here I had to mine out some more space to add a floor and instead of going for the double Granite floor I just thought about alternating polished and regular Granite there and this wall here is an odd size so I was

Trying to fit in where I would put beams and lights and finally settled on something that went like this and I think it came out cute this wall was also kind of another problem wall because of the odd size so I thought I was going to add just some

Lighting in the middle there however because of the odd size it kind of looked weird so I thought about the idea of a built-in shelf and I grabbed a flower pot from downstairs and tried to put a cactus in there because I thought that really went well together but the

Cactus really had no room to grow so I thought maybe we could make this a little bit more open and then I had the idea that maybe the calcite was a little bit awkward looking so at the end of it I decided on some stripped Oak here just to match the rest

Of the room and now it looks a lot better after that I added the rest of the beams to the room and messed up the beams every single time I tried to place one before I stripped them after that it was time for some basic decorations so I

Thought about a hanging plant over here and then adding some composter Planters and then I realized I had no composters in my inventory so I had to go up and make some then when I came back down I added the composters but I didn’t really like that one that I placed underneath

The hanging plant and I really love how that room came out it looks so different than the stone box we started with and now it’s time to fix up this hallway I’m gonna quickly take care of this off camera so that way we don’t have like a 45 minute build video

And I will see you guys in a moment all right so I’m done and the first thing I have to say is that I had to move a lot of staircase and now my villagers are kind of even more cramped in here so I think in the next episode it might be

Time to make them their own house but after I fixed everything up the hallway is done on the left side as you know we have this beautiful cactus farm and it has been producing a lot and here I left another spot for us to potentially expand later quickly skipping over this

I just really like how this area came out with the seating and the plants but now this is another room that I last minute decided to add but the purpose of this room is going to be very very important and almost all of my worlds I add a

General to-do list whether it’s a to-do board or a room where I place signs and that helps me keep track of all the progress that I want to make in the world this side is for the General Building tasks that we need to do and like we said earlier

We’re gonna build my villagers their own space somewhere else outside of my staircase also I forgot to color code these so I’m going to add the dye and the glow ink really really quickly I just like to keep everything you know different colors so that I can see it

Easier now the next task that I think I want to add on to this is to add some custom trays around the General Forest Area on the farm project side I would love to create an automatic honeycomb farm so that way we can have some more honeycomb to build with

And I also think that at some point we need to build a villager breeder we also just need in general a better way to make emeralds right now I’m currently trading glass and it’s annoying after that I would really love to name the flower Forest I think we’re missing

A name for our area and it would be really cool if we named it and then I still would like to get a looting sword because we still have not managed to get one this episode I love having these tasks written out but I think that they’re still missing a

Little bit of glowing so let’s add that here now a little bit easier to look at honestly I feel way more productive when I have little signs in my world telling me what to do or I leave notes for myself and this is one really cool way

That YouTube can get involved as well because you guys can give me ideas for buildings or different projects to work on I really really love this one other thing we need to do quickly is name our parrot and I just want to say thank you so much to Leah for your kind comment

And the name of cinnamon for the parrot it really really is so cute and now we get to move cinnamon to their new home cinnamon I think you’re gonna love this new area it is so natural and beautiful and you are going to be here to give us

Good enchanting look well if I can get you to get get up get in there cinnamon get up there get there we go we do have enough levels to try to get looting again and maybe get something else knocked off our list so let’s try ah you know unfortunate

The next project for today’s video is working on the results from the community poll and building up some villager houses here in the flower Forest I actually chopped down some trees right before I started recording I thought it would be a really cute idea to have three little Huts here

In this clearing another thing I just want to mention is that I finally found a skeleton spawner not that far away from my base when I was mining I don’t know if we’ll have time to get to it today but there it is way down there and

Earlier when I was trying to make a pathway down to it well this happened I don’t know why I was trying to ladder from the top I should have just went to the bottom and laddered I should have and on the way there’s a huge amethyst

Geode which is pretty cool I am so happy to be back in this world again and I am so so ready to start doing all the things that we have to do today the first of many tasks being grabbing some more netherwart and you’ll see why later also please don’t judge me that

This is in the project boardroom I had no other space but I have been updating the project board with lots of ideas from all of you here on YouTube so I just want to say thank you guys so much for all of the wonderful wonderful ideas

That we’re going to be working on during the time in the series and before we mess with this guy we’re gonna have to go to the nether honestly I think this might be the first time in my Minecraft career that I’ve gone to the nether with the intention of

Mining up netherag this should be interesting every time I see a skeleton with an enchanted bow I’m like I need one of those and then I simply forget then when I got back I started the painfully long process of rolling this villager to hopefully get some silk touch bugs and

Before I trapped him it was very very annoying at one point it became night time and he wouldn’t do any more trades so then I went and shared all my sheep for something that we’re going to be doing a little bit later but then it was right back to actually breaking the

Lectern over and over and over again hoping that one time we would be lucky enough to get silk touched finally about 45 minutes later the Villager had the silk touch trade and I didn’t even realize it was silk touch at first I was about to break the left turn

Now we can start Gathering materials by adding silk touch to our ax and in my chest I found a feather falling book which I didn’t even know I had might have saved my life earlier luckily we have most of the stuff already that we need for this project but we do need a

Bunch of red and brown mushroom blocks and we’re going to take the stems as well I didn’t even know you could bone meal mushrooms for the longest time and all you really need is a pod sole so this was actually pretty easy I thought

I was gonna have to go to a dark oak forest the last thing that we need to get really quick is some Acacia and look I know what you’re saying frog it’s a horrible horrible block but listen in mizuno’s it’s very very pretty well we won’t be stripping it we’ll be using it

In the plank form okay but listen reserve your judgment until we use it I brought over a test full of materials that we can use to start building and I’m going to set my spawn really quick that way we can sleep and start clearing out some of these flowers

I am so excited to start building and I just want to jump right into it this tree also has to go I’m sorry I’m sorry tree please just go away now for the base of our villager houses we’re going to be using a circle and I’m

Going to make the outline of it with these Acacia planks it’s going to be very simple very small very cute yeah I think that’s a good size next we’re going to be using the Birch slabs to make this four tall total so the one Acacia and then the three Birch you know

I’ve been getting a lot of comments asking why I use slabs as opposed to full blocks I just really like the mizuno’s feature that there are special textures that are really pretty for the double slabs a doorway maybe a spot for a window yeah that looks good I like that I’m gonna

Use these red mushroom blocks to make a roof and around the entire little Hut I’m gonna make an overhang by one on the outside at least to start with then we can come around here and finish this off and then I’m going to fill in this part

I don’t know why we didn’t fill that part earlier now it’s time to shape the roof and I want there to be a window right in the middle so I’m going to go up by three on the sides of where the window would be and add one on either side just for a

Little bit of shape and then in the diagonal go up by two and continue that all the way around and we’ll see how that looks when we are all done for a little bit more shape I’m going to add a plank and then mushroom blocks on top of it and then

I’m Gonna Fill the entire roof at the top with the mushroom blocks technically you can make this a little bit rounded on the top if you want to by adding a section in the middle we’re going to do that on this one but I’m not going to

Make it too high just so that it stays kind of small to scale oops well we can just replace yeah there we go now playing with Nether Bricks this is something that I normally do in survival however I really love the color of these Nether Bricks from the mizuno’s

Pack I think it would really make a nice chimney here so we’re gonna try it and I like it but it’s a little bit too tall thankfully we have silk touch on our ex and we’re gonna just remove some of this height and edit the way that it

Looks really quick I think just a little bit shorter would be much much better for the way it looks I’m gonna try out Birch trapdoors here I don’t normally use those and maybe a wall yeah yeah I think I really like this I think it’s looking really cool and just gotta

Add the last one there we go perfect I should probably sleep before it gets any later and wow okay perfect that looks really cool actually I like it yeah I really like it thankfully we live in the flower Forest we can get unlimited light gray stained

Glass and that’s what we’re going to be using for the windows in these I really love this glass texture in Mr nose as well it’s just so pretty now I’m gonna dig up the floor on the inside of the Hut and in this one in particular I’m

Thinking of just a very light floor kind of matching the walls maybe maybe Oak yeah I think Oak is going to be probably the best bet here maybe a combination of planks and stripped that is something I’d like to get better at in the course of this series is actually just making

Better flooring choices because I feel like I always go for the easy option which is uh stripped in regular planks I can’t help it though it just looks so good I really like it in this house as well okay now out on the roof we’re gonna add some leaves and you know you

Know my policy on leaves we’re just going to spam some leaves around not too many we’re we’re still wanting the main emphasis to be on the mushroom Hut but enough to make this look a little bit overgrown and mystical that that’s really the vibe that we want to go for here

Oh yeah I really like that really like that and quickly at a door I forgot perfect the next two mushroom hunts are going to be in a time lapse form just because you kind of get the idea of how I already built them and like I said I

Wanted to try out some different floorings I’m using some green glazed terracotta here this is my favorite mushroom Hut It’s a combination of spruce mushroom stems and then the brown mushroom block and I just think it came out so so nice the specific mushroom to

Me is very very cozy it’s very warm it’s the epitome of comfort builds in Minecraft the next mushroom I wanted to make into a moss mushroom so I used the same glazed terracotta on the bottom and the walls are made of smooth Sandstone which is really really interesting because it

Is similar in texture and color but just slightly different I also made sure to add the chimney and bone meal the top of it as well to give it a little bit more of an overgrown Vibe then I wanted to connect this new area to the main Hobbit

Hole area and I had to do a little bit of terraforming I also added a couple of basic Gardens and some fencing with some lights to light up the pathway and then to finish off this little time lapse I added some mushrooms trained in with a Wandering Trader and just really was

Happy with how this whole area is starting to come together honestly it might be time to start adding wool Farm to the top of our to-do list because it is getting very crowded over here I just came over for some wool and I’m basically getting entity crammed

But we’ll aside I think I’ve got everything else that we need to start working on the interior of the mushrooms and we’re gonna Jump Right In we’re gonna start with the brown one first because that’s going to be for the librarian villagers and I really love

This like bay window kind of thing that we’ve added and I think I want the villagers to go on this wall here normally when I play with villagers when I make a trading Hall I usually make it underground because it’s a little bit easier to trap them when you don’t have

To build around them so making an aesthetic area for them is something that’s kind of new to me I normally just kind of shove them in a hole I want something that fits the theme of the rest of the builds that we’ve done in this world so far but maybe just

Slightly different and I’m just gonna be 100 honest with you I think it was mostly that I hadn’t played Minecraft in a couple of weeks because I was on holiday once I placed my trapdoors I quickly realized that I did not have enough space for the villagers to be locked in somewhere

Chopping everything down my beloved and then rebuilding from the beginning I didn’t plan this design in here either in advance I just kind of went with it and just tried to make something that I would like on the Fly and this is why I normally plan because I changed my mind

A million times but the end result is something that I’m really really happy with even though it took me quite a while to get there I won’t lie though this is kind of an awkward space to build in just because there’s like a little indent part and there’s a lot of

Heights but you’re not really sure how high you want to go and you don’t want to cover a window I think it’s kind of underrated how hard the Interiors are sometimes and they are something that I still want to get better at in general I’m pretty happy though after I add a

Little couch maybe a bookshelf area and then some plants and some hanging storage those are all kind of my favorite things to add to an interior oh and we cannot forget adding a flower pot with a sapling I don’t always slap down leaves everywhere inside these houses

But I think that in such a mystical kind of magical design you have to you have to put a little bit and after a couple of final details this room is finally ready for a villager but honestly I swear this was the longest part of this video it was so

Frustrating I had to take at least 400 breaks if you guys follow my twitch you know that I usually do villager stuff in my hardcore worlds and it’s never my favorite thing but for some reason I don’t know why it was just so annoying moving them from my base over into the

Flower force and it’s not even that far away it was just the worst not the moving part although I could have used powered rails I just used regular rails because I’m lazy this was the worst part trying to get them into the little area that I made for them for some reason he

Kept teleporting out and then I was trying to get him back in the mine cart and usually he was good about getting back in the mine cart but then he kept teleporting out and if the Villager wasn’t teleporting out of this spot for some reason he was

Just able to walk out from under the trap door which I’ve never had happen where the Trap tour is in my entire time playing Minecraft this was like attempt number five he was running away back I guess to The Hobbit hole I don’t know where he was going

After he went back inside I closed off the door and then finally got him back in the mine cart and I really thought this time that I had him I was going to block him off with the leg turn and then break the car and then he just

Teleported over it and then I was so annoyed that I was just placing blocks everywhere as I was pushing this man and I was like you are not getting out no matter what happens you’re just not getting out and finally he was in mendington only went slightly faster

Um he was still horrible to try to get in here I don’t know why I had so much trouble with these villagers they were just doing things that villagers are never normally doing in any of my Minecraft worlds I seriously cannot understate how long this took it really took about two hours

For two villagers and after this I stopped for the day when I come back online I started to play around with a carpet for this area and I thought that the Moss looked really cool I actually really like how this entire thing came out and then I wanted to add

Up at the top a little kind of chandelier but I forgot chains so I just used fences it came out really cool okay I’m finally done in this room and I’m going to quickly well maybe not so quickly go to the other mushroom and move the villagers I’m gonna pop back in

Once it’s done so see you in a moment what felt like several years later I’m still feeling the exact same way I felt before about villagers they are so good but they are so annoying and thankfully the mushroom looks really cute so let’s go see it extra details on

The front of the house and the little gardens out here are so adorable and I just really like how this came out this one has our cartographer villagers and even though they’re trapped in here I wanted to add them like a little desk and a sleeping area the bed is

Functional even if it’s a little bit weird there’s some storage in here for glass and emeralds and the other mushroom is currently empty just because I don’t have any more villagers and I was using it as storage for all of the stuff that I’ve been using in this area the main

Hobbit hole is actually kind of full right now and doesn’t have a lot of storage so temporarily I may just use this area for storage instead of going to find more villagers however I was thinking ahead and I did add a couple extra spots for some mushrooms right

Here and over there and the only thing I really want to do left in this area is this middle part but I have no idea what to add there yet so I’m gonna think about it let me show you how the bed works you can easily sleep and it’s totally fine and then

Your head is blocked so you wake up in such a weird spot it’s just so funny looking hi everyone I was thinking about adding a tree here but I think instead I’m going to dig out the area for a pond we haven’t added any ponds into our world yet and I like the

Idea of this area just being a clearing in the middle of the forest rather than having you know a ton of trees I’m not the best Pond Builder out there I’m not gonna lie but I’m just gonna go with what feels right and then we’ll see

How it looks at the end hopefully good okay the basic shape is made from Stone but now I want to add some depth so I’m gonna add different heights inside of the pond I wanted to kind of flow downwards and I’m going to do that by adding some full blocks slabs and stairs

This is definitely a good start though we just need to shape it a bit more if you do want to make your ponds in your own worlds I would just say don’t overdo the slabs that way you can still bone meal the majority of the pond

And I don’t like my pawns to have all Stones so I like to add in different varieties of Mossy and regular Cobble and I do this both around the outline and on the interior of the pond as well I just feel like it gives it a better

Look it doesn’t all look like the same block with a very very light hand in it I’m going to also bring in some stone bricks just to make it look like at one point somebody was building this Pond and then maybe it got kind of run down I

Also like to use different blocks on the top using stairs slabs buttons things like that to kind of make a retaining wall on the outside of it of course this would not be an overgrown frog build if it didn’t have a bunch of leaves and flowers and everything else

As well and I think all of these Paces do something unique that bring a lot to the build all the way at the end I’ve thought a lot about bringing cits into this world for the small details but I still haven’t done it yet I wonder what you guys were thinking would you

Like the ccits in some of these builds Oak fences my beloved overgrown areas with broken down fences and lots of flowers and Wildlife now that is a dream and because we’re playing in survival we have to add tons of lights so that way you know no creepers spawn if a creeper

Blows this up I will cry okay now maybe something that was a little bit worse than doing the villagers is filling the pond in survival you have to make sure that every single block is a source block and this is going to take a while so I’ll see you guys in a moment

Finally putting in the last water buckets and it’s so beautiful just gonna bone meal the bottom here a little bit and add some lanterns for light foreign touches on this area by adding some flowers and some grass in this area I really enjoyed matching up some tulips

With some Azure and some red rose bushes filling up that hole and then finally we’re done and you know this episode is a perfect reminder for myself that even if I don’t feel like I got a ton done look at everything we accomplished in this episode this area is absolutely breathtaking and

Now I love that our villagers have their own place to live now I think the mushroom Huts are definitely just a step up from living underneath the stairs in my house this area is just so full of life and beauty and I think that there’s

Only one last thing that I want to add before we end today I’m also already thinking of new ideas for the other two mushrooms maybe an amethyst mushroom and possibly a prismarine one the last thing I want to add is just a little camping area with a campfire

Ah so so cozy in the last episode we built up this mushroom area for all of our villagers and spring has finally come to my region and to Minecraft a lot of you pointed out in the comment section however that the pond would be a great place to put the axolotls that we

Have because we haven’t actually made an area for them yet so I’m going to take your advice and now this last very very special one who is named tadpole by someone in the comments there you go tadpole they look so cute today we’re going to be making a

Skeleton XP farm and it’s a project that I’ve needed to do for a while but before we can start we need to get some more amethyst and some deep sleep the skeleton spawner that I found is that negative 51 in the world I’m thinking it’s going to be a cool idea to keep

Some of the deep slide in there and also some of the other 117 and 118 blocks like amethyst calcite copper all that kind of stuff and luckily on the way down to our spawner we actually have a exposed geode and I can Fortune all of those beautiful crystals the stuff I’m

Actually going to use for the spawner itself I already had except for getting a little bit of extra Moss so I think with all of this in my inventory we’re finally ready to go down and start building actually on second thought I don’t want to come back up once we start

Building and we only have 14 steak so just in case anything happens I should probably get more food I think I left it and yep there it is it’s a long time down those ladders so I will see you in a second I had to go back up again but I think I

Finally have everything we need down here except yeah we need some lava and luckily there’s some right here there’s the spawner right over there but before I actually start mining up there’s one extra thing that we need and that is a slab to put on top of the spawner perfect

Now to make a spawner the most efficient you’re going to mine out a 9×9 area around the spawner so four up four down and in all directions I think this left side is the better side to funnel all the skeletons into so I’m going to dig out a three deep hole

For them so that the water will carry them there and then they will go down then they’re going to get shot up a bubble elevator that we’re gonna build a little bit later on but first we’re gonna have to seal up this hole but nothing else is down there

So not like we’re missing anything always worth a look though you know in case any diamonds are there before we go too far with actually building the farm I want to change out all the walls and the floor and the ceiling in here so here’s another time lapse you know at

The beginning of the episode when I was mining all that deep sleep I didn’t have to do that I could have just come down here and mind all this deep slate but as you can see I tried to keep the theme pretty true to a regular spotter room

Just a little bit more upgraded with the stone bricks added as well all right now time to actually work on the farm we’re gonna grab some water so we can start working on the water stream and every single block on this back wall needs to be a source block I’m gonna

Grab this one here and put it down yep and some more water there and now we have the Infinite Source I can just easily fill all of these along the back wall all the way now at the end of that tunnel we dug earlier we’re gonna put a fence

That will force the mobs to go up and then this will be a Soul Sand with the elevator that will shoot them up and then here we’re gonna add three signs to stop the water and just a note to subscribe to frog crafting now digging a tunnel upwards for the

Bubble elevator to go no I didn’t have to go count again because I forgot how many blocks that’s not what happened that’s not at all what happened now we can put the water down and follow it down and now it’s time to actually place our kelp to make the bubble elevator

Almost done I’m gonna run out of Hearts oh no we made it okay hopefully bubbles fly when we break this yeah there we go we did it ah the small things are so enjoyable in Minecraft now we need to dig a small tunnel to funnel the mobs down so that they can

Fall and then be one hit at the bottom I think this is long enough that it’s directly center of the room that we’re going to be building later this sign is going to stop the water that’s going to bring them from the other side with the bubble elevator

Like so and now the water won’t fall so they take damage now the only thing left to do is to dig down all right I have an idea for this spawner room but I need to mine out a ton of the Steep slate and I’m not gonna bore you guys I’m just

Going to quickly do it off camera and I will see you in a moment a little bit of mining magic later all right got it all mined out and here’s what we’re working with obviously this wall has the shoot for our bevel elevator and I have changed out this entire wall

For tinted glass but I really need to fix that on the roof I’m thinking for the roof that we’re gonna do lots of deep slate and deep slate bricks the tiles and the bricks together look just so interesting and cool I really really like them Deep’s like kind of underrated

I’m thinking something kind of interesting for the floor kind of funky something I wouldn’t normally do but since we’re down here what if we made a geode inspired floor we can just place down all of this amethyst and then on the sides on either side we

Can do some calcite just kind of like a normal geode yeah that looks kind of I really like that that’s clean now do I want to stick to the Geo theme and do some smooth Basalt on the edge or do I want to do kind of deep slight

Bricks and towels like we did up top maybe tiles and then the basalt yeah that’s kind of nice I had some lighting on the floor but now it’s gonna go in the corners because I can’t deal with it anymore actually I kind of really like this floor I haven’t mentioned it yet but

Something I really want to achieve in this episode as well is to make a collection area with a bubble elevator for all of our drops from our mobs however for that to happen we need a ton of Hoppers a ton of Chess and all these random Redstone bits that not even sure

What they all do but hopefully we’re going to learn first it’s time to make a line of Hoppers going from where the skeletons are going to fall into the wall where the chests are going to be now um what do we do or very frustrating hours later okay

It’s been about four hours I’m so over this and I just realized I built it in the wrong place again this area right here is where I’m intending for the chest to go for the items to go into and I didn’t leave enough room for the chests unfortunately so I’m gonna start

Removing all of this glass and we’re gonna have to rebuild it again I’ve been staring at this for a few minutes this repeater was the wrong way now that I would hopefully not have to move anything in the back anymore I started making an area for the chest to

Go in I wanted it to have a small frame and Spruce seemed like a good option I wanted the wall here to match the wall on the other side but I was confused on which block I would use but I tried calcite and I’m really glad I did it looked really clean

And then it was time to start placing the chest in and while I was placing them I realized that there was no way to open the chest on the top with the current layout of the frame so I quickly jumped up and started to break the wood

And make it just one block taller and later on I’m gonna add some stairs in there I actually went with the cut copper stairs because I think that they look really interesting once they get oxidized and then it was time to of course strip all of that beautiful

Spruce Wood after that it was finally time to fill in the rest of the wall with the calcite blocks and on the other side too I realized at this point that I’d never tested if the bubble elevator in the back was working so here was a quick test

And it does look like it’s working thankfully I’ve only got this one wall left to finish in this place so I’m gonna jump out and come back when it’s all done hopefully we have a really nice spawner at the end okay before I show you the

Room it’s time to take the Torches off of the spawner and make sure that it’s working correctly I haven’t tested this yet so I’m a little bit nervous but it should be I think I think it’ll be fine just gotta reach around and get that last torch there we go

And oh one already spawned okay okay um backing up all right close up that hole and we can pick up all of these blocks and hey Bill Let’s Go oh yes I’m so happy it works as for the rest of the room and the design I kept it pretty simple added

Some leaves you know my complete signature in Minecraft there’s an anvil over there in case I want to combine any of the bows that I get from the skeletons and this will have the entry and exit and it’s right over here by the windmill so we’re gonna build a cute

Little build on top of this but now I think it’s time to start repairing my tools with this awesome Farm I really really need to get sleeping Edge on my sword also if you’ve ever used mizunos before and you’re noticing the glass looks a little bit different I edited it

This is what it looks like in normal mizunos with and without shaders and it wasn’t my favorite look I’m not gonna lie I use Photoshop to edit the vanilla texture and here it is without shaders it’s borderless and it doesn’t have the streaks anymore and I think it really

Fits the vibe but I’m gonna quickly heal my pickaxe and my tools and then I’m gonna dig out the bubble elevator and now this project is finally done we have a drop shoot and a bubble elevator to get all the way back up to the top now all that’s left

To do is to finally build up our little house on the top and I think I have a design in mind after testing a couple things in Creative I think I have enough materials now to finally make the build before we can start building though I really need to remove this tree farm

Behind me because it’s really messing up the area I don’t know if it’s just me but I genuinely enjoy Gathering resources in Minecraft like collecting logs mining stone it’s just so relaxing I also really genuinely enjoy building especially these small little Cottages I kept this one pretty similar to our

Other buildings but a little bit different and every time you’re building there’s always one creeper that tries to ruin it I really wanted to bring some more honeycomb blocks into the area and that’s exactly what I did with this roof combined with the Cozy Granite Oak mushroom stem and Birch textures and you

Have something that looks really really cozy and really adorable at the end after that it’s time to spam some leaves around and then fill in this roof area up here that I totally forgot about while I was originally building the cottage from there I started placing flowers and

Using this texture pack that rotates the sunflowers I place them all so that no matter where you were looking at them they were also looking at you from there I started the floor on the inside and I went with an alternating power of granite and Polished granite

Then I wanted to add the door frame in for the bubble elevator and the drop shoot but after I placed the doors in I realized I didn’t like how tall it was I needed to add another space on top so then I had to remove it and rebuild it

Once again honestly I was really unsure about this part but I’m really glad that I kept it because it looks cool from the inside but I added some honeycomb and then I did a trim on the edge of the area with some trapdoors and some slabs

At that point it was time to start adding some lighting and I wanted to do some hanging lighting with fences and I also added some Greenery on the inside with some leaves hanging down as well then I added some stripped Oak to add a little bedroom area into this Cottage in

Case we need to sleep at night then I played around with a couple of different designs for our carpets here and I really like this one it kind of reminded me of the honeycomb and then it was just a few quick details at the end like adding some shelving lighting and

Some more plants up top this Cottage is super small so I didn’t want to overdo it on the details then to finish up we did some terraforming removed a bunch of dirt and connected the pathways over by the windmill I brought in more of the fences lanterns bushes and flowers to

Finish off this area walking along the path from the main base wow it looks so cute sitting there I really really like it I think the honeycomb blocks as the roof are definitely the right choice here and even though it’s really subtle and you don’t notice it without zooming I really

Like the mushroom stem as well it adds a lot and it is very very tight in here it is a little bit of a small build but that’s totally fine we have our drop shoots and our bubble elevator here I really like this little area we made for some storage now let’s

Go down and see the farm that’s a really long crop our copper hasn’t fully finished oxidizing but I’m really really happy with how this area is also looking usually my XP Farms are a bunch of Cobble I’ve been grinding up some XP levels as well to keep

Enchanting and we have so many drops I’m so happy we have a stress-free way now to fix up our Tools in good XP in the last episode we built up this amazing XP farm with the skeleton spawner and I just love it in here so much we are

Getting so many drops from bows to arrows to armor I have some plans for this later on but look at how much we already have it is wild I’ve been grinding some levels and we’re at level 46 so hopefully we can get a looting sword but

Maybe also we should try to get a sweeping edge sword we’re only hitting one skeleton at once coming back upstairs I just really love how this little house came out on top of the spawner it’s so warm and cozy I hope you all like it as well

You also May notice a few extra things that are different around here like the Gazebo and the trees and that happened in the Q a video if you’re interested in watching all right let’s try to put these levels to good use hopefully it gets some good enchantments on our sword

All right goodbye old sword and let’s get a new one that was the same sword that’s the same enchants that we just had let’s try again oh no why do I feel like this is gonna take forever alluding too close but we have one more try so let’s try one more time

Oh finally looting three let’s go it only took all of our levels but we have it it did kind of hurt my feelings to grindstone that sharpness four sword so maybe some more villagers are gonna be in our future and we’ve got a couple of things that we

Can scratch off of our project board here that we’ve already finished there we go that one too we did one over here right the skeleton Farm as well awesome of course that brings us to this episode and we’re going to be working on a better storage system because my chests are a mess

These few chests that I was keeping as a dump chest as a joke in episode five yeah they’ve evolved into these chests down here too it’s it’s bad and I’m thinking the perfect spot is over here where we cleared out all this land so long ago I’m thinking that’s going to be

A great spot for our new storage area to go as always we just need to grind a little bit of materials first we’re gonna be going for a little bit of a palette switch up in this episode and yeah I’m getting a bit to die right I

Just climbed up this mountain oh my gosh look how cool it looks we did that our village everything looks so good okay let’s see if we can get down without removing all of our flowers all right I’m really proud of us we did it let’s go

All right I think I have everything I need but I quickly want to drop everything over at a chest before we start building and in a moment you’ll see that I’ve added some temporary pathway blocks with a shovel just to let me know where I want to connect it later

Okay temporary storage is getting set up let’s place down our bed and then we’re gonna put all of our materials in these chests you know what actually looking at this I don’t think that we have enough Moss luckily we have a bone meal Farm spread a little bit of moss around here

And I just made this diamond hoe with efficiency and now we can collect so much Moss while I’m over here I’m just gonna grab up a couple of stacks that way we definitely have enough I mined so much Moss that this entire Hill is almost basically gone and it’s

Dark so we should head home all right we’re the last bit of moss collected I think we’re finally ready to start building we’ve got everything we need to make a really cool build here and I’m super excited let’s go time lapse time you know it never really occurred to me

Until I was making this build that I had not used Spruce yet in this world and that seems like a crime honestly for the storage I really wanted something different than I’d ever done before I didn’t want to just do a basement storage and I wanted it to be very

Fantasy-like and also resemble The Hobbit Hole In some ways to tie this entire area together using the Moss made it feel really cozy and overgrown in a way and then I wanted to add a little tower on the top as well but I built it the wrong height because

I wasn’t counting I was just vibing does anyone else ever do that you’re just listening to some music and then building and suddenly you know now it’s hours later and you have no idea what you’ve done or if you counted correctly luckily it wasn’t ours I actually had to build it back onto

This one no no hobbit hole in a mountain for for this build and the back came out decently kind of mirrored the front and added some windows and then it was time to add some leaves and some details everywhere and even though we’re not done yet what a great start onto this build

Just need a little bit more leaves right here maybe on the other side as well yeah that that is looking much better much better also over here we’re going to replace some of this Moss with green concrete powder it’s just gonna make it look like a different color of moss and

I think it Blends pretty well we can quickly do the same thing on the other side just to give this a little bit more texture yeah I like that a lot Moss is such a wonderful block this build is really different but I really think it fits I like it a lot

Someone suggested to make a fountain in this world and I thought that this could be a really good place for a fountain but once I started building it I wasn’t sure of the location so I built it up anyways and then after I stepped back to look at

It I decided no that is too close to the build it looked a little bit weird so instead I replaced it with a little garden okay I went a little bit bone meal wild um used a bunch of it and now there’s so many plants everywhere I love it here I

Do want to add some plants to the roof and also out front so I’m going to start with some lilacs but we’re gonna finish that up later I’m thinking to start the interior now I want the floor to have a similar Vibe so we’re gonna go with these double

Polished diorite slabs and they make these beautiful bricks yep that looks amazing now ironically for being a storage building this isn’t the biggest build that I’ve ever made and I’m thinking adding all of these barrels up here will give us some extra space crafting up some chests because I think

The next thing I want to do is figure out where I want all of my double chests to go I think that area there would be really great for bulk storage like stones and everything and maybe some on the other side as well I placed two chests and

Then I ran out so I had to make some more yeah I definitely like the idea of bulk storage being there and then maybe along this wall we could have some more double chests yeah that that would work maybe we can make a little workstation area too with

Some barrels and in the middle a crafting table maybe a couple extra we can add some trapdroids to the inside to make it look like a big like shell I would look probably yeah I love that and then let’s add a couple of extra chests too on either side

Let’s swap out this Lantern on the workbench and add the stone cutter and we can just move the lantern up I added a couple of extra chests around the door and I’m thinking it’s time to actually start sorting everything in here I’m not gonna bore you guys so see

You in a bit too many hours later okay quick status update I have moved so much of this over already I would say we’re about halfway through and wow it looks magical I’ve got some stuff sorted by type like all of these different Woods over here wait while I

Was just sleeping I think I heard a zombie villager I did there is one down here somewhere there he is I’m gonna capture him come on up into this boat up and yep there we go perfect let me just light up down in this little cave

Also what are all these blocks I believe this is all Enderman damage well we can seal up this floor now and I guess that just leaves the question of what to do with him in the meanwhile let’s grab a name tag and throw it on him another problem that’s what you are

Another problem for this Minecraft world I’m gonna handle this guy later but for now let’s continue on sorting on this side we have our bulk stone and Cobble and all of that but I’m trying to figure out an aesthetic name for them let’s see do I like this

Yeah that’s kind of cute I like that will it be annoying to look at in more than one spot though that is the question no no actually I like that all right let me get all of these named and finished sorted and then we can come check out the finished

Results okay update time I think I have everything moved over except for this mob loot chest I have to put those all in their individual chest still like this but I have some extra free space over here a little workstation want to add some blast furnaces

And then maybe a little area over here for some Nether wart just so we possibly have some growing all the time yeah now I think it’s about time to cure this zombie villager so we’re gonna splash him an apple and now now we wait all right well I’ve been thinking and I

Think making him into a farmer is the right move now just take the job you know composter job all right finally oh potatoes and carrots let’s go okay we can go outside really quick and grab some of our carrots and potatoes I’m really hoping that this guy gets

Pumpkins and melons for trades and we can level them up until we find out hopefully he has both did you know that you can actually use Fortune when you’re harvesting your crops to get more drops beet roots and wheat will only drop seeds but carrots and potatoes actually

Drop more carrots and potatoes pretty cool all right and now time to do some trading you can start out with just our potatoes to level them up to Apprentice journeyman I don’t know what the next one is Apprentice right and he didn’t get pumpkins unfortunate but hopefully he will get melons

Oh okay at the tournament level he did get melons of which we have zero so this could be a potentially good project to work on for the base I just realized that I have no idea where my Minecarts and my rails are and maybe they’re in wait where’s the door

Where did the door to this mushroom go is it I’m confused honestly I forgot that there was stuff in here but there is a door and I found all of the Minecarts in the rails so let’s replace the door over there really quick and then we’ll move this villager

I’m still not 100 sure how this happened but possibly zombie attacks no clue I don’t see the zombie anywhere or the door I’m gonna sort the stuff in the other mushroom between the episodes because I don’t want to drag this on anymore all right let’s try to get him in the minecart now

Hopefully that was surprisingly easy okay now I’m gonna lay out a track for him to get over into the mushroom Village and I’m just gonna cut through all of this grass that I just placed now we’ll give him a little push hopefully it starts going down the track we’re

Gonna pick up all of this place the door back down and continue to pick all of this up so we don’t have a mess okay for some reason he’s stuck there so let’s push him around there we go and you know what picking up more rails while we’re behind him that’s that’s the

Name of the game I think one more little push off into here will get him in hopefully perfect yes all right clean all that up all right I’m gonna make him a temporary box to sit in so that later on I can make this into like a farmer’s mushroom

Once I have another villager but for now sorry buddy you’re sitting in the basalt and like I said later on we’re going to be switching this up but for now I’m gonna grab some more stuff to bring over I will bring over the rest off camera

And sort it all I also just want to thank everyone who guessed what the build was going to be from the community post here are all the correct guesses on the screen even though it doesn’t feel like we did much of this episode we still did so much and I just want to

Thank you all so much for coming in the last episode we built up this amazing storage area so far I really love it in here and I’m wait please go away anyways it looks amazing thank you all so much for the positive feedback and now we

Have to decide what we’re going to do today I think we’re going to focus on making an automatic honeycomb Farm today because I don’t have enough blocks to build with also I updated the map again and look how good it’s looking this was before in episode three and this is up

Here now and it looks so amazing it’s looking so cool I want to expand into the flower Forest a little bit more and I think this area is going to be the perfect spot to build something for our bees maybe a greenhouse but I’ll be right

Back I’m gonna take away all of these trees and then we’ll continue working all right trees are gone now it’s time to get some grass and let’s get five Stacks that should be enough we’re just gonna smooth out some of that unevenness and when I’m smoothing things I just

Like to put kind of an outline of maybe where I want my blocks to go and then slowly fill in over time I never really plan how I’m going to smooth until I’m actually doing it so this step is really important just to make sure that I don’t

Overdo it and then have to tear it all back up once the majority is filled in then you can focus on the small details on the sides like fixing up this to make this look a tiny bit better at least we hope so now I’m trying to plot out potentially a

Path to where our pathway is going to connect to the greenhouse yeah I think something like this and then having the greenhouse sit back there will probably look really good there is only one small problem we have no Bees before I updated my world there was a small bug where bees would die

Once they would go into their hive and never come out again I’m gonna search the rest of the flower Forest hoping to find some bees there are none in here this is an old Hive that we took down we’ll just take the tree too okay that one has potential and it has

Honey maybe there are bees over here oh false oh my gosh another bee how many bees are there all right Darlings come with me we’re going over to our home and we’re gonna put you in a greenhouse it’s gonna be great trust me all right follow the flower a little

Tulip for you just a tiny bit further right around all these trays and temporarily I’m just gonna leave you guys here so I can go find some more bee friends if possible I want to grab that high from earlier and there’s another bee okay and the

Hive is right behind it so I will grab this guy when we come back grab the hive total B location wait isn’t that the advancement for having a full beehive doesn’t that mean it has three well we’re back at the base and we got a couple of extra hives we have

Three extra ones now and that’s pretty incredible I’m gonna put these over here by the other bees and we’re just gonna leave them for later on when we make the farm I think that sounds pretty good oh my gosh they are so cute look at them just fluttering there oh my gosh bees

Since we’re gonna be building a greenhouse I went and got a bunch of sand and I’m gonna smelt all of this up now and try to get the rest of the things while it’s melting that we’re gonna need for the build I think I’ll have enough Oak for the next like five

Builds but I definitely need more spruce no one mentioned that I just got rid of this little tree farm that I had over here and I replanted this spruce tree because the pencil is already there okay no one mentioned that even though we have feather falling we’re still gonna safely chop this tree

I learned this tree topping method actually from YouTube originally and it is so nice to get these big 2×2 trees and get down safely especially in hardcore and then to go down just hold shift and swing your mouse around while you chop it works better with a beacon and

Another right ax oh another egg could be something we do soon we can upgrade our tools next on our list we are just gonna bone meal this blueberry to get a bunch of blueberries to use in the greenhouse we’re gonna add some color and some light time to make some white dye

After I tested a couple of different glasses in Creative I think that white is going to be the one that gives us the best Vibe and the best look for the greenhouse and another spruce tree grew so it’s time for some more chopping we’re going to be mainly using Glass Oak

And Spruce for this build but a lot of spruce accents and here is the entire process of cutting the tree by using this method that I learned on YouTube and it is incredible and so fast and so easy I love it all right it’s finally time to start

Building and the only difference today is that I won’t be doing a time lapse my first goal here with any build is to lay out a basic frame and shape for the build I’m using Spruce and oak logs and later on I’ll be stripping the spruce

Logs to make them look like the worn oak logs when you’re creating a frame I think it’s super important to make sure you give yourself enough room in the build so here I’m just adding a little bit of extra space for the bee farm I’m gonna make this make this build

Rectangular because I don’t want to do a square Greenhouse so I’m going to do two sections instead of three on this side after that I’m going to strip all of this Spruce in here to give it a worn look so it looks like really really old

Oak this stuff does look a little bit better with no texture pack on though then it’s time to fill in the back and the side and finish stripping up all of these logs and then at the end you have a nice sized Greenhouse that will hopefully fit

Our bee farm then out front I added a little entryway area and I wanted it to be the same size wide as the middle portion and then again stripped all of the spruce instead of doing a wood trim on the bottom I did Spruce planks stairs and

Moss blocks because the floor is going to be made out of moss then it was time to fill in the walls of the greenhouse with a full Block in the middle and two panes on the side and in this middle two by three sections I also just did gloss

Panes the full block adds just a little bit of depth whenever I think about Minecraft greenhouses I always think of really tall builds so I think an A-frame roof is going to fit the vibe that we’re going for pretty perfectly here at the top to give it a little bit more

Structure I’m going to add a wood beam going all the way across and that’ll meet up with our other side later and here’s just a moment that I had after we added the other side of the roof and it’s looking pretty good then it was time to add the overhang to the

Front side and I wanted this to have a similar shape to the rest of the A-frame but just a tiny bit different with some slabs and some full blocks then it was time to connect the roof overhang to the front entrance for the building and try to mesh that together

And next on the list we had starting to fill in the entire roof with our glass after filling in a little bit I realized that I wanted to add a kind of stripe going up this side so that way it would look like a little bit more structured

And I connected that to the very top using some stairs and trap doors and then once again it was time to fill in the rest of the roof and yes this is a lot of Glass on both sides of the greenhouse I added flower boxes hanging

That I was going to fill in with flowers later then on the back of the greenhouse to attach the two roofs I tried to mirror a pattern that we would have on the front and it came out looking pretty cool the pattern is chef’s kiss you don’t have anything good you need to

Leave out there you go out there thank you thank you take your llamas too no no no no you cannot come back in here now you cannot be in here now go well and I’m not proud of what came next but then I had to take matters into my own

Hands because the wandering crater wouldn’t leave I’m sorry llamas to cheer myself up after that horrible uncomfortable encounter with a Wandering Trader I started spamming oak leaves all over the greenhouse to add some visual interest and Greenery and then it was time to start mossifying the floor of

The greenhouse and I wanted to do this to make it just a really Lush pretty area I love the color of moss in mizunos when it was all said and done then I added some mossy cobblestone and samasi Cobblestone stairs to the floor just to

Break up all of that green and add a little bit of what looked like stones to the floor in the middle a sport Blossom and then lots of leaves in both Oak and Birch all around the pink of the blossom leaves for the Birch leaves adds so much

To this area it’s so pretty you can quickly hang up some lights here in the greenhouse and I also want to add some hanging plants with flower pots and chains and flowers as well I like the idea of doing this to kind of emulate the hanging flower baskets and hanging lanterns as well

Then it’s time to go in with some glowberries and add a few Vines here and there and then I made a table out of some scaffolding and I hung up some shelving using some Spruce trap drawers all around for some extra storage and decorations going all over and adding some flower

Pots and some leaves definitely made this feel even more like a greenhouse already than it did and then after that I added some lanterns some chests some barrels and all that kind of stuff all over to give this a little bit more of a lived in look

I added some flowers inside and then it was time to work on the pathway out front so I quickly dug out a path and connected it not in the original place that we thought we would add it but to the actual door of the greenhouse okay and now our Greenhouse is put

Together and it’s time to build the bee farm before we build the bee farm though let’s just quickly appreciate how gorgeous and Lush this looks it is amazing I absolutely love it in here wow I feel pretty lucky that we have this farm so we can easily grab these

Bows to use for dispensers and then we’re going to craft up those dispensers here we need six of them we’re also going to need six Observers and I’m following a tutorial that I’m going to link in the description on how to make a very basic bee farm before

This I didn’t even really know it was possible to put flowers on hold land but I guess we learned something new every day these dispensers are going to face the beehives to give us the honeycomb and then I’m thinking about digging underneath here to give us access to all

The dispensers because they will be covered with redstone yeah this will work you can use any block on top of these but I’m just going to do Moss to stick with the theme and oh I’m ignoring that now then it’s time to place down our bees nest and our bee hives with our

Observers on top of them facing down and then Redstone over the entire thing trying to get our friends from outside to come through this store has been a nightmare and I’m just please please come in here thank you all right flour flour make babies and I will take back all of those leads

Oh whoops not not you all right cool I dug out a small room in the dispenser area which I’m going to make pretty later and now I’m going to add dispensers so we can see if this machine is actually going to work and I used the rest of my iron to get

Some more shears going so we’re definitely going to need an iron farm soon as well all right the bee farm is done and working I added the glass and now I’m going to work outside adding some different things to the area outside I added some Gardens and then I

Saw this area over here and I thought that would be perfect for a tree and so I made this cute little tree and I added a tree swing as well and she just came out so adorable she makes this entire area look so great okay I think I just

Got the most lucky with this sword enchant and we can combine this with our looting three sword this is awesome we just have to use the Anvil to combine them 16 now 14 it’s gonna cost 14 levels ah I guess worth and let’s put mending on there too now

That it’s actually a decent sword oh yeah that is so awesome and we still have one more enchant to go on here so we’ll probably get some sweeping Edge 3 for it I finished up the inside of the bee farm and the collection area and I

Just want to show look at how good our tree came out I love this entire area so much we can sit in the tree swing oh I love this inside of the greenhouse it is just so Lush and gorgeous I know we’ve already seen this already but I am obsessed with

How this came out the underground storage area is all done and it’s a little bit of an awkward space but I did the best that I could without making it look too weird we have our extra shears down here and I just love when I see the bees come out and

They’re interacting with the farm and they’re just floating around they look so happy I am just so happy with this entire area and actually looking back at our honeycomb Supply we have quite a bit so soon we’ll be able to make some more honeycomb themed builds which I am looking forward to

This greenhouse and the tree were so fun to build I’m so happy with it and before we go today we have one last thing on our to-do list we need to scratch a project off of our project board and that right here is the automatic honeycomb Farm

I am so happy in the last episode we built up this incredible greenhouse and inside we have our bee farm it is so magical and pretty but this episode we’re doing something different I’m gonna actually break my nether portal this episode because I’d really love to build a new one

Jumping up and down this mountain to go into The Nether has been super annoying and I really want to build a custom portal somewhere else at some point I’m going to come back and remove all this Netherrack and the magma blocks but for now goodbye portal we will build you again soon

I’m going to be grabbing up some mushroom stem for the build and why is this mushroom so tall what like why is this so tall why is this happening we’re also going to be using some of the red mushrooms and we’ll get some brown mushroom black as well because I don’t

Think we have that much left from last time the main thing I’m struggling with is placement for this portal but I think after walking around I finally found the place I want to put it as much as I wanted to keep this water feature and

Add a bridge I’m Gonna Fill In I think most of this with dirt and stone and everything and we’re going to use the space so long to our dreams of a beautiful little diagonal Bridge I want to keep like a little pond at the beginning of this River so I’m going to

Start shaping the area that we might keep and then we’re going to fill in the rest at this point I feel like 95 of my episodes are me feeling dirt or areas in Minecraft that I’m really unhappy with the world generation in like is it just

Me am I the only one who does that now I’m feeling in the back of the Ravine to try to block it off from the rest of the water and make it look like it’s supposed to be this way I thought about filling up all the water in the back of

Ravine but then I got lazy and I was like I can just Place some blocks here instead and I almost drowned like five times check the map yeah I think this is looking good maybe just remove a little bit here let me kind of step down

And on this side too before we start building we’re going to make some concrete powder for some red and white concrete because we’re going to be using this to make our portal I saw a tutorial on how to make a really cool concrete machine but doing it this way is also

Just as easy and I don’t know how much concrete I’m going to be using yet but if you couldn’t guess While I’m grabbing this already it’s because we’re going to be building some custom mushrooms for our portal I’m thinking of making this portal a little bit bigger than the typical

Nether portal that you see in Minecraft just a just a tiny bit like that yeah after looking at this a little bit more I think I like the shape I think I like this size and I grabbed up all my materials so it’s almost time to actually start building

Well it is time okay let’s go when we were talking about building another portal before a lot of people suggested to make a mushroom nether portal and I thought that was a great idea this was actually my fifth time rebuilding this mushroom because I tried to make a super

Big giant mushroom and it did not go well it did not go well and I could not get the top to look right because it’s kind of a weird off shape but at the end I think that I came out with something that I’m really really happy with

Okay here it is up close and personal and I really really love the addition of the Birch here with the mushroom stems it adds such an organic shape of course now though it is time to clean up the area and make some awesome stuff around it and we’re gonna start with a pathway

Going right into the portal Oak slabs and coaster the Beloved then to add a little bit of lighting around the portal I treated each Corner as its own little light post with some lanterns and some chains Let’s add a few quick flower pots with some flowers and some mushrooms as well before I start building the mushroom trees I’m going to add down some fences really quick maybe a garden here would be nice right yeah I think that could work and time to add some leaves on the edges

And try to make all of these bushes connect to our fences and then like the other fences we’ve done we can add some bushes around with some leaves then it’s time to add all of our lighting down I need a lot of it to keep those mobs away more

This little area right here in between the two paths is perfect for a small garden like we talked about earlier and I’m Gonna Keep all the flowers kind of mushroom themed in those colors I mean then after we’re done adding some flowers around everywhere I’m going to

Be adding some mushroom trees to the sides and the back uh just to complement the mushroom nether portal in the middle these custom mushrooms are easy to do and look amazing for your world alright now that the majority of the mushroom trees are done I’m going to go through

And add some grass to the pathway and in the gardens a little bit I almost forgot to put these slabs here on the path oops that would not have been good okay I want to see what this is going to look like lit up

And I sort of want to go in I don’t know I I’m afraid to look I’m afraid to look well look when we come back well look when we come back okay this is our old portal we linked up to our old portal we might have some

Problems with that when we come back through and we might have to move the portal inside the nether but for now this is all familiar and we’re not in a weird space but the reason I built this was because well first of all I hated going up that mountain

But I also want to go on an adventure in the nether today I want to go find a Bastion maybe find some pig sip find some new wood we’re going on an adventure I haven’t seen any rations nearby our base but hopefully on the way to find some

Warped and Crimson wood we can find a Bastion and I am suddenly scared even though we have feather falling free on our boots I’m a little bit scared she just bridged in another like this I’m just gonna dig my own Pathways that way we only have to worry about lava

Pockets and not mobs seems like a good trade all right time to get some pink wood oh no no no no no no sir no no no please that was scary oh no oh no I forgot that those pigs were a thing in the Crimson Forest so we’re gonna have

To watch our back around here but at least it’s worth it for all this beautiful pink wood and we’re also going to take some of the netherwort blocks and the streamlights as well I want to do a couple of projects with this wood in the future and maybe even another

Build and I think that they’re kind of underrated and it would look cool if we incorporated them there are like four of those big pigs over there they’re chasing me and I’m gonna just pillar up over here and shoot them okay maybe it was only one but he was still terrifying uh Please die on the map in this direction I saw a warped forest and that is the one last bit of wood that we need to have all of them and it’s right up there not if aghast kills us first though I think this is my yep let’s go hot

Tourist destinations this is my first time in a warped forest in this world and now here’s a quick speed chop down of this giant warped tree grabbing all this beautiful wood for a later on Project I don’t want to show the entire 30 minutes I spent here but we got a

Couple stacks while we were here um hello dream I’m just kidding I did manage to spot a Bastion over by the Warped Forest but my inventory is completely full so I’m gonna go dump all of this stuff and then we’re gonna go see if we can find pigstep wait

This isn’t where my portal was oh no well I didn’t have to break this portal and then rebuild it in another I’m gonna have to look at coordinates oh no all right if we go over to this portal and hit F3 then we should be able to see where it says XYZ

We’re gonna have to divide that by eight I’m gonna get a calculator back inside the nether I’m actually going to break the original portal that we had and then we’re going to go to the coordinates that we got from dividing the X and the Y by eight and build it there again

And after double and triple checking I believe that the coordinates are right here and I had a really interesting thought so I’m going to build this portal in the same shape as the portal that we’ve built outside of the Nether um excuse me sir I am trying

To record a video here please leave me alone thank you anyways I’m making this the same shape as the one in the Overworld so that way maybe we could put another mushroom like mirror our portal but make it like another base Mushroom on the inside that would be pretty cool

Now we’re back in the right spot hopefully it stays this way and we’re about to go to that Bastion that I mentioned that I saw earlier a little bit scared but I’m prepared the bastion’s over this way through this wall and I’m just gonna dig another

Pathway there it’s just one of the most efficient and safest ways you know since we’re on our way to death probably all right passions right over there I’m a little bit scared I’m not gonna lie I’m also realizing uh at this time that I forgot my shield

But we have a bow let’s try to take out some of the brutes and if I could hit a single thing well I mean I’m hitting that one oh not that one though okay no one judged me in the comments for this I’m trying okay I don’t see any more Broods

But maybe we can just yeah let’s let’s make a barrier around the chest so we can loot I don’t even know we’re here they will simply not see us no Pig step unfortunately but we can take a bunch of this I don’t know what we’ll use it for but we’ll take it

Please pick stuff oh sad okay I think they can come from this one oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no sir oh my goodness that scared me how do they know I’m taking the gold they sound so mad hi come here They have so much health maybe I can hit him with an arrow here no why are you running sir okay let’s go oh no no no hello hello um sword frog sword use a sword there we go these have to be the least aggressive brutes I’ve ever seen they’re just chilling there okay

Well I mean easy looting for sure snack break did they like Nerf their AI why are they trapped in this hole I mean die please but jeez oh another chest maybe some pig step over here okay first we’re gonna get safe gonna block ourselves and nothing can

Hurt us in here nothing sees us is this Overkill yes just just for no pick step okay well oh another one okay please please some pig step I’ll do anything oh debris go we can get some netherite soon please please die please please die there’s this you’re worse than the pigment boots

Oh my gosh go into the lava go go that’s what you get all right I’m just gonna scale up this wall really quick oh my God what is I hate the nether I what is wrong with this place I am never coming back here never I just want pig steps so

I can leave please this is there’s so many piglens in here they’re all so mean and kind of stupid they’re they’re all kind of stupid too use a pickaxe nothing okay oh that’s fine that’s fine he’s not scary throw that down I I don’t bone blocks yep we’re gonna we’re just gonna use

Bone blocks no pick step all right well I towered up here I don’t think that there’s any more chests in this entire Bastion I’ve searched and searched no big step though No pick stuff nope not even in this last chest that I found oh no come on come on sir please please yes finally oh we hit that thing away with it from us too let’s go we hit the fireball with the arrow we’re getting better at this game

But now at this time I think to leave my friends it is time to gracefully uh dig a hole towards our house which I think is over this way I’m finally back from another and I got everything sorted except for this our ancient debris I’m gonna put it in our furnace and

We’re gonna watch it smelt up I’m so excited to eventually get netherite it’s gonna give us so much more power for our tools and weapons and protection for our armor and I cannot wait oh the new recipe unlocked I love when that happens for now I’m gonna put it in our valuables

For safekeeping in the last episode we built up this nether portal made out of a mushroom and we added a small mushroom Forest around but I realized after the episode that I forgot the other half of what we were gonna do that was a nether mushroom that was also inside matching

The mushroom that we did outside so between episodes I built up this custom mushroom that’s similar to the one we have in the Overworld but made out of warped wood I wasn’t 100 sure what I wanted to use here in the nether but I ended up going

For some warped War some wool and some azalea leaves and I think at the end it came out pretty cute ah no soul lanterns are just the chef’s kiss the first thing I want to do today is try to enchant some new boots to get better enchants

And hi cinnamon please give us all of the luck please nope all right well that’s not what we wanted we need feather falling too nope nope well we got no extra luck from cinnamon there to get protection for and on breaking three and feather falling on our boots

However I have a solution and that’s going to involve our lovely little villager friends over here as you can see we are missing a villager I think he died I’m very sad about that I don’t know 100 what happened but as you can see I added some iron doors here so hopefully

Zombies can’t get in here anymore and I’m just gonna trade for some extra emeralds so that I can buy some more mending books to temporarily put on our gear before we upgrade it and there’s four books we can always grindstone our gear and put better books

On him later but we need to mend our gear so it doesn’t break while we’re having Adventures okay actually looking at this our gear wasn’t that low but I’m the kind of person that if I can see a tiny pixel of damage I immediately have to mend it I

Don’t know why and I’m gonna run over to the skeleton spawner and quickly do that and then we will come back ooh an Enderman hey can I can I get your Pearl please oh no oh no I don’t know why I thought he would be one hit I thought this was

My other world and it was only one but yeah I will quickly amend my gear off camera and then we will come back so we don’t have to watch me hitting skeletons over and over and again so BRB all right all back fresh mended gear I’m feeling good and

Now it is time to talk about what we’re actually going to do in this episode over here beyond our little mushroom Village I am thinking about putting a villager breeder I think that that’s going to be the next line of progression for us and I think out here in this Forest would do

The Village operator is a little bit bigger than like a 10 by 10 space so I need a lot of room for it and I’m thinking about putting it underground underneath a building the only thing I’m struggling with is the kind of building but I want to try

Something that I’ve been inspired on recently that’s kind of out of my comfort zone and I think we’re gonna do that today as you can see our beautiful bee friends are still in here producing so much honeycomb but I’ve replaced some of the shears with bottles so now not

Only do we have honeycomb but we also have honey bottles producing which will allow us to build and craft with honey blocks I’m gonna AFK for some more B drops because we need more of both of these for the build but we also need to go on an adventure what kind of

Adventure well we are going to be looking for a bad lens biome because we need some red sand and we’ll be back for this Village later I think I remember there being a badlands over by the jungle where we got the bamboo and the parrot but it’s been

A long time since I’ve been over there so maybe I’m incorrect but I’m gonna bone on over and hopefully we can find one there’s a sparse jungle over there which is a new biome I think you know might not be a bad idea to stop over and

Grab a jungle tree for some saplings I’m not the biggest fan of the jungle wood in mizuno’s but possibly we made it for a project in the future I’m just gonna grab some saplings ooh melons okay that’s really good as well we’re gonna need these for like melon and pumpkin

Farm trading with our villagers I’m super excited ooh desert village let’s go oh and there’s a cat there on the left I want to get the cat but first i’m gonna steal all these hay bales a few villagers now to get some fish for the cat okay

There he is yeah everyone keeps telling me but he will just come to me if I have fish in my hand but I don’t think he’s noticed that I’m carrying fish around for him why won’t he just come here oh oh my God we just saw him kill a rabbit we saw him

A murder you know what I’ve decided that I’m over it and it’s kind of a vibe that you did that right in front of me you just had no cares I respect it cat oh finally there we go that is what we need some red sand and I’m sure you’re

Asking yourself frog why do you need red sand well we are gonna make some smooth red sandstone and I don’t think you can make it any other way besides with this sand I don’t know quite how much I need I’m gonna try to get a couple of snacks

And we’ll see how it goes from there it wasn’t too far away from our base so we can always come back if we need more all right sand Acquired and now it’s time to head home of course with our little cat friend in tow I just love how these shaders look when

You’re on the water it is so pretty oh wow the sky is so nice I know I say this all the time but wow I’m gonna put my bed down and sleep here really quick oh oh okay we’re just sleeping in the water um can’t say I’ve ever seen that before

We’re finally back home in the flower forest and that means that we’re going to be able to start building soon but first let’s sit down our kitty in this clearing I think this Kitty should be over here with our villagers we gotta think of a name for you hopefully by the

End of the episode okay glad I got more than one stack of this because this is actually quite expensive but we’ll smell that up and while it’s melting I’ve got a couple of other things to get so cue the resource Gathering montage all right I crafted up everything that

We need to start building and I think I’ve got it all in this chest now I’m including all of our roof blocks I’m really excited once again this is something that’s going to be out of my comfort zone so I’m going to do my best to narrate what I’m thinking and what

I’m feeling and let’s see how this goes so because our villagers are living here I wanted to make this area a little bit more fancy so I dug out a large Circle to put a stone kind of patio foundation for our build it also helps break up all of the

Dirt and grass we have around using barrels for your pillars foundations for your house gives a lot of detail especially with the color palette that I’m going to be using and this build’s going to be very very light on the walls so I added honeycomb

As a foundation sort of like how we did the granite in the other buildings in the hot Bowl after that I started adding the foundation around and I popped out the spruce by one so that way we can add a lot of details on the outside

And then it was time for an A-frame roof on the top just to have a nice really tall really interesting roof to look at this is one of my favorite styles of roofs in Minecraft and I started adding the frame onto the second floor and I started filling in the walls on the

Bottom with calcite and white wool however I did not grab enough materials and at a certain point I ran out so quick check-in I ran out of materials but I’m gonna have to wait for my shape to grow more wool in the meantime we can add some detail to the walls of the

House and we’re gonna do that in the corners by placing stairs and trapdoors on all of these little overhang bits adding these little archways is super super nice and it’s an easy way to add detail to your builds it looks really good too I’ve learned my lesson here we’re going

To add a iron door immediately no villagers are gonna die and then we’ll put some buttons on the inside and one on the outside as well I may not keep all of these lanterns in the future but I’m gonna add them to all of the corners and along the edges of

The builds just for some more light forgot to record the first part of me tearing down this side of the roof but I ended up not liking that it was the same size as the rest of the roof so this is my second time taking it down and my

Third time rebuilding it and then it really was the moment to step out of my comfort zone with this build and that’s because I wanted to try to do a gradient on the roof I’ve been super inspired by all these incredible Builders making gradient roofs the only thing is is that

It’s a little bit harder in mizuno’s to color match but I think we did a really great job here when you’re up close it looks a little bit weird to have all of those different blocks on the roof but from far away it looks so pretty it’s

Almost like a bonfire it’s so gorgeous definitely out of my comfort zone but I love it now looking at this afterwards builds the inside is empty and there’s still a little bit to do but I’m gonna add these roses here and I think that yeah that little pop of color in the

Front those and the colors are really so magical they look so nice together I’m gonna take out the basement off camera and I will bring you right back when it’s finished a few very boring hours later all right let’s take a peek inside now it’s still empty I still have to do

Some interior but we added a staircase and if we go up it’s pretty empty just a little bit of a way out to the balcony and if we go down this spiral staircase which was a pain to make then we come into the burrito room and I tried to

Match the inside of the walls to be sunny and happy like the outside in the roof it’s not creepy at all I promise now we just need to do a few things like setting up the breeder so I’m going to put some glass around the edges with some Spruce pillars on the sides

Oops I actually forgot that this is the wall that I want them to be able to see the beds from we’ll put our little collection area over here as well where they can see the bed so that they try to run towards the beds and then fall into a collection

Area yeah and right there on the back wall that’s where I’ll put all the beds a way to get in some water and then we can put these trapdoors here so only the babies can leave make the hole here for the collection area and then put trapdroids on the top as

Well we’re going to add a composter over the water block so that one of them becomes a farmer and the farm is pretty much done besides adding in the carrots and the villagers themselves so let me go get some carrots and I’ll be right back oh and a light block there we go

Now we’re going to hoe up all of this ground until it so that we can plant all of our carrots and then the villagers will have food to throw to each other so that they can fall in love I think that’s how it works right

I mean I know I’d fall in love with somebody who’s throwing food at me all right carrots are planted the beds are in the everything is good the only thing I need to still do is the villagers and I don’t want to y’all know how to do villagers I’m gonna

Go grab them in a mine cart and I’ll be right back I wish I could accurately describe the utter pain that villagers are but they’re finally inside of the breeder house oh my goodness I’m just gonna push them in their Minecarts downstairs and lock them in the farm forever

I came outside to get my bed and there’s so many zombies like I’ve already killed five and then there’s just so many more zombies why are there so many zombies here oh my goodness oh my actual goodness now I pushed these two down the stairs and they’re throwing carrots at each

Other they are in love I think a baby oh oh no no they hate each other I see I forgot to add the trapdoors for their pathfinding now they think that there’s a way to get to the beds oh baby oh I’m so happy they did it

Let’s go oh he already went into the collection area he already knew after that small victory of getting my villager breeder to work correctly I started to build a tree outside because I didn’t want to work on the interior and I was procrastinating and she’s a pretty cute tree her

Interior I’m gonna make a design with some barrels here and I think we should make like a little shelfing unit sort of like we did in our storage room let’s bring the trap doors over and then maybe here on the top we can add barrels yeah

Let’s add a flour and then we’ll make a small table over here with like a seating area I like a little bench I don’t know if we’ll sit here y’all already know I love my hanging plants with trap doors and we’re going to add a little bit of plants here maybe

A pile of barrels over here in this corner with another flower pot maybe if we could actually place it on this wall I’m gonna do another hanging shelf I want to do a flower pot and then some more plants add some curtains all around with some white banners

I have another window over there right if there we go I want to add some paintings I don’t know which ones I want to add yet maybe I’ll do a big no maybe the flower painting like two flower paintings would be nice and then we’ll move the flower over

Yeah that looks a lot better then from here I’m gonna add a rug inside and I’m gonna have it matching our honeycomb gradient type colors I can’t really really greedy in a rug but you know we’ll just make it the best that we can and that is super comfy and cozy to walk

Through now out front here I kind of want to add a big garden box which I don’t normally add to my builds but I think we put trapdoors all around this grass this can look really nice kind of inspired by the ones you see in villages sometimes

And we’ll add our flowers kind of matching the colors of our roof here which other ones they have there we go just updated the map and it is looking so cool I really really love seeing it on the map but let’s go see the finished

Thing in person and you can just sing it through the fog there through the trees coming around these mushroom Huts now it’s gonna be the big reveal oh it looks so cool definitely a little bit different than something that we’ve normally built in this world a little

Bit out of my comfort zone but wow is it pretty the interior we kept really simple and really pretty and we moved the cat inside as well and now this cat will live here with our villagers and while we were decorating they have been breeding up like they are over there in

The corner completely in love and we have a bunch of villager babies to work with next episode in the last episode we built up this amazing villager breeder area with this awesome gradient roof on the top of our build and when we go inside we have this amazing breeder down

Here with a bunch of silly villagers waiting for us to use and now after that quick recap let’s talk about what we’re going to do today so today we’re going to capture a zombie and we’re going to build a villager conversion area and we’re going to be expanding our mushroom

Village before we do all of that though I’m gonna plant these melon scenes here in a line and I’m gonna let you guys in on what I’ve been doing off camera to prepare for this so the first thing I needed was diamonds and I went strip mining for literally hours hours and

Hours and hours to get diamonds then I built a flex pile and fortuned up all of my diamonds so that I could make them into diamond blocks I’m using some of our freshly grown melons here to run over to the farmer villager that we have and I’m going to be training for some

Emeralds but really I’m leveling this guy up so that we can get to his max trade which is going to be the golden carrots hopefully golden carrots are delicious to eat but they’re also necessary in a potion that we’re going to be Brewing thanks as mentioned we are putting our

Golden carrot here with our awkward potions to get a potion of invisibility eventually once we add the spider’s eye and now we have the three minute potion so we’re gonna add the Redstone to make an eight minute potion and now that this is done we’re going to take these eight minute potion of

Invisibilities out and we’re gonna put in another awkward potion to brew and then we’re gonna add our puffer fish now let’s add the Redstone and when it’s all done we should have a eight minute set of water breathing potions to use and I know what you’re thinking frog what are you gonna be

Using these for well you see I need prismarine for today’s build I don’t think I have enough time today to make an entire Farm but I remember boating over a monument over here somewhere and I think it’s right over here yep there it is okay I think I read you have

To remove your armor and then drink your potions and they shouldn’t be able to see you except for the Elder Guardians I’m a little bit nervous we might die but let’s go we need the prismarine and we are completely invisible okay but wow it is actually really pretty under the water

Time is of the essence so I’m just gonna swim in and there’s an Elder Guardian already let’s go okay we’re gonna quickly take these three out and then we’re gonna mine prismarine we have some extra potions in our inventory we should be able to get a couple of stacks oh geez

Oh my gosh why does that scare me so bad every time good thing mining fatigue doesn’t stop me from killing and there’s our second one easy peasy we got this oh gosh oh this one has thorns okay I’m gonna have to be careful of that oh maybe I was hitting the baby Guardians

Doesn’t seem like the elders have it oh yeah the babies the baby ones do for sure though I keep hitting the baby once on accident oh no stop getting a shield of baby Guardians to protect you sir your time is up just accept your fate that I am now the queen of the

Prismarine I only have a minute of mining for take left I am just gonna wait and once the mining fatigue was over I started getting all of the prismarine that I could because I’m gonna need about five Stacks or so for today’s build I also took some sea

Lanterns well that is something I really never want to do again however if we want to make a farm the Elder Guardians are already dead down in our minds we have a couple of geodes that I haven’t fully looted yet so I’m gonna grab all this calcite and I’m also gonna grab

Some of the amethyst as well a lot of people gave me really great ideas for what kinds of mushrooms we should add when we’re expanding our village and today is that day so Emma this mushroom yes please now before we build up our village I’m gonna be working on the

Conversion area and I’m following a tutorial by lindinger which I’ll include in the description I’m not going to show you guys all the boring Parts because it’s mostly me mining out a big room but we’ll come back when it’s done one eternity later and you did a zombie

I’m not fully done with the room it’s coming along though but I need a zombie at this stage to trap for the conversion area I’m gonna dig up here to make a drop shoot for the zombie so we can land in the water that I’ve placed here I

Think trying to take the zombie through the same way that I come down will be too hard once we fully get up to the surface here we can make a small trap for the zombie to fall into the water There’s a Zombie right here and it’s so

Annoying I’m just trying to place these trap doors man please I’m gonna have to circle around the tree and then really really fast place the trap doors and open them and then try to get him to come all the way down yep perfect okay okay close that all right

Now I’m in the hole with Him Gonna trap him in here then so he can’t move anywhere else I’m just gonna fill in the spots behind him with some honeycomb block for the aesthetic and we name the zombie subscribe because you know you should subscribe to the channel

All right I’m gonna finish up down there and then we will do a grand reveal oh no I fell in the Villager hole I fell in the Villager hole oh no I have messed up I don’t know what to do I’m not proud of how I got out of that

Situation I am not proud at all I’m sorry I’m sorry all right Grand reveal time finally got the room done and now we are going to go and test out our conversion chamber later on we’re going to be building up a small building here for the villagers to

Be housed in after they get converted so we can get them up to the surface really easy this room is directly under our villager breeder and as you can see we opened up a big space here with a small hallway a little mushroom growing area there is

Our villager hole on the back wall here there’s our zombie now we’re gonna test this out we’re making some splash potions of weakness here and we have to get some golden apples which I forgot back with the golden apples I’m ready to test this out and let’s hit the button

And the minecart should oh no I messed something up so technical difficulties we will be right back let me fix this one eternity later I don’t think I ended up having to move the unit but I thought that was the reason why at first I’ve rebuilt this three times it’s been a

Mess let’s press the button thankfully it worked this time now this is genius because it has a couple of stops we’re gonna press this button which will push the Villager into the farm so we can start getting killed by the zombie then once he’s killed by the zombie we

Can press the button underneath him to move him to the next station and then we’ll splash him and we’re gonna feed him the golden apple and then when he’s done we will hit that button and he will go down the track into the bubble elevator and go up

Um but we still have to build where he’s going to sit to be safe and it’s going to be right over there while this villager is curing I’m gonna go build our mushroom huts and do the Interiors I’ll put up some time lapses for you and I’ll see you in a moment

For today we’re just going to be adding three new mushrooms to the mushroom Village and we are adding a geode one with the amethyst calcite and smooth Basalt since we love honeycomb so much in this channel I added a honeycomb and mushroom stem one as well and it is so

Pretty I love these colors together and for the last one I decided to do a sandstone and prismarine mushroom and yes if you are wondering the foundation at the bottom is diamond blocks which is why we went mining at the beginning of this episode and this one came out really cute as well

And after I added a few extra details off camera these Huts are ready to go they’re ready for some villagers to call it home the more and more that we add onto this Village it adds so much color and life to the flower forest and I am so happy with it

All right let me take you on a small tour of what we’ve done so far in the village first we have the honeycomb mushroom and there are no villagers in here yet but it’s all set up and it’s ready for some villagers I didn’t add too much Decor in

Here yet because I kind of want to tailor it to what kind of villagers we have but it’s it’s looking cute so far I revamped the inside of the Moss mushroom to be a little farmer’s market well I tried it’s not a very big space to have

The market stalls and the pumpkins and the melons in here so I I tried but all of our villagers in here which are only the two are fully maxed out and they both have the mill and trade so we will have to make a melon and pumpkin farm

Soon that way we can get lots and lots of free emeralds and of course all of that unlimited golden carrots I think the end of this mushroom is my favorite one I love it in here it is so nice and I really love this basil and

Calcite floor it kind of reminds me of like my grandma’s retro kitchen floor next to all these cute decorations we also have some Librarians and this is the only one I’ve walked in here is on breaking three which is so good I bought so many books already the other two villagers aren’t really

Giving me good trades and I’ve been rolling them for a little bit off camera but every single time that I break the lecture and they just give me a worse book than the first time and sometimes they don’t want to take the job at all and lastly we have the prismarine

Mushroom and I just want to say the use of diamond blocks here makes me so happy those are diamond blocks as I’ve been trying to grow as a builder I’ve been trying to learn this philosophy of looking at what the colors are on a block instead of looking at what the

Blog actually is in this case the diamonds kind of look like almost a bathroom tile and they have that same kind of color palette as the prismarine and it just works really well together this one isn’t that fancy on the inside just because I don’t plan on keeping the

Villagers here long they come up through the bubble elevator and then we have a small stop if I need to you know give them a job right away I have some stuff in here for that and then they follow the truck and they go right out this

Little window here and this is a glass block so it doesn’t hurt them to go through it and so far I’ve been pretty lucky no baby zombies have been coming in but I think it’s because of the rail being there that they can’t fit but we’ll see hopefully hopefully no baby

Zombies are coming in I’m just gonna grab some more melons because these are one Emerald each this is so easy I think we’re gonna need a melon farm as soon as possible oh a visitor hello you can stay in the last episode we made this villager conversion area so that we

Could convert all of our villagers into zombies and get better trades we also expanded our mushroom Village and included three new mushroom Huts for our villagers but what are we gonna be doing today well today we are finally going to be building up a farm that’s going to

Generate us a lot of emeralds yep we’re doing a melon and pumpkin farm today I don’t want to waste time so let’s get building given the abysmal and straight up stressful state of our sheep farm I think today what I’m gonna do is go grab some new sheep and them up by themselves

And then we should be able to just grab their wool also small side note I did end up getting a one Emerald trade on sharpness five books so now we have a sharpness five sword I suppose we could use that on the shape if they don’t want to come willingly

I’m just kidding I promise these sheep love us they’re going to love living with us I hope I’ve got six sheep I’m gonna make them a little pen and I’m going to be off camera chopping all of their wool off and grabbing all these blocks because we’re gonna need them for the build

And while we’re waiting for our shape I’m gonna go and collect some sand because I don’t have any sand left and we need to make some concrete and some concrete powder and don’t judge me for taking a texting break in the middle okay back at the base I’m crafting up

Some green concrete powder and some lime concrete powder because we’re going to use both of these in concrete form and powder form in the build also I don’t know if I’m the only one who feels this way but one of my favorite sounds is actually converting concrete powder into concrete I still

Need to gather a few things but I really need to decide where I’m going to be putting this Farm today I think having it nestled over here near our villagers kind of maybe in this area would be a good spot there’s a lot of unused land here that we could

Definitely convert into a farm I find it ironic that I lived in a flower Forest yet I keep removing all of the flowers to keep building but I’m gonna water bucket all these flowers again to remove them and then from there it’s time to continue clearing out some trees and

Hopefully have enough space once we’re all said and done for the size of the farm that we want to make all right this is definitely enough space for the build and the farm and what I’m going to do now is do some off camera fixing this grass

And then it was time to chop some wood because we need a lot of dark oak this is going to be my first time using dark oak in a build in this world and I’m super excited I know it seems like we’re going pretty

Fast today but we have a lot to get done and this is the outline for the build the gray wool is for where all the stone is going to go and then the blue is the wooden posts that are going to be outside for detailing I’ve got all the

Materials already and I’m ready to start building so let’s keep the time lapse and I’ll walk you through it the first thing I did for the build was to follow the gray wool outline and replace it with stone Mossy Cobble and stone bricks giving a nice foundation for the

Building after that I replaced all of the blue wool blocks with the strip dark oak beams and then connected it all with a beam on the top going around the entire build I use some stairs to pop out the second floor and then I put the beams and started filling in the walls

With calcite diorite and white wool and then after we filled in the walls it was time to add the outline to the roof and I added some little Peaks above the windows to add a little bit of shape to the roof then it was time to actually

Fill in the roof and we started with a dark green gradient of two a very very lime gradient with all of these different blocks and it looks amazing I really feel like it fits the building as well add so much color and of course fits the farm from there it was time to

Add all the details onto the front and back of the build with lots of stairs trap doors slabs and everything else you can think of on the left side I wanted to do a little market area where you could come up and buy the fresh melons if you were in the

Flower Forest so we added a little stall here and it came out really super cute the pop-out parts of the build still need their roofs so we added the roofs on both sides here we still have a little bit more detailing and building to do like filling in the walls but we

Added some oak leaves and then we were done and it’s looking amazing friends so far I’m super happy with this build I love how it’s coming out and that it resembles a lot of the other builds we’ve already made and just look at that roof absolutely chef’s kiss

The inside of this beautiful building is still empty as we haven’t built the farm yet but I’ve been thinking and don’t judge me for this I might not do an interior in here and only keep it a farm this big spot right here is where the farm is gonna go

And I’m gonna go get this stuff to build it but gosh look at the color combination of that Spruce to that dark oak they color match really well together I just noticed that okay I’m back with all the stuff that we need for the melon and pumpkin farm and we’re

About to get ready to build it I’m super excited because the build is beautiful and soon it’ll also be very very efficient as well so I was listening to music and I wasn’t really paying attention to what I was doing and I mined out this whole area I only needed

To mine out the middle then I had to place all the stones back down oops and then I started laying the track and I was trying to connect it all and I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t make it work and I was getting frustrated I was scared and I was screaming and

Then I figured it out once I had it working I put the minecart on the tracks and then I started to place the dirt I put down the water and the shroom light and then started to plant up all of the melons and pumpkins then I added a

Temporary block border on the top so that I could place the Pistons placing the Pistons is one of the harder parts so you have to kind of look at this little line right here between the blocks and then be very careful while you’re placing but if you look directly right yeah

There I don’t know how to explain it very well but that’s where you look I filled in the rest of the Pistons and I got super annoyed by the minecart below me but I didn’t want to go and remove it because I was lazy so now we all have to

Suffer after that it was time to remove the temporary Cobble border that we put on the top and in the gaps between the Pistons we’re going to be adding observers they’re going to watch for changes in the melon and pumpkin stem so that the Pistons know when to activate

So to place The Observers correctly you look at the stem and you wait for the black border to go up around it and then you place once you’re all hovering over it like that and this could look different with other texture packs or other cursors but that’s how you do it

And then once you have them all filled in then we’re going to be adding the Redstone and we’re going to add that on top of all of the Pistons I think that’s right at least now to make this a little bit more efficient and lossless we’re going to

Add a glass border around where the Pistons are able to push down the melons and pumpkins and then I’m going to add just a few decorations that you might be able to see from the outside not too much because I’m going to leave the inside just Way open

I am going to cover up the rails in the mine cart underneath though because I find them super ugly to look at so I’m gonna use some trap doors just to not disturb it and then we should be good to go once we get these all around

I have so many melons that I’ve been collecting over the last few days of playing in this world that I just want to put melons everywhere they’re such a cool texture after I put up this Shelf with these leaves on it I am gonna go

AFK for a little bit so we can see how the farm produces and make sure it’s working properly so I’ll see you in a bit I have paid for four hours and I came back to this um well something’s not working correctly let’s try to fix this

It was the Redstone yep the redstone’s on the wrong spot I need to put the redstone on top of The Observers and not on top of the Pistons but after I fix this it should be working just fine let’s put the Piston back then we’re gonna remove the Cobblestone

We’re gonna put yep that back and put the glass back as well I was walking around the build and I noticed that on this side the wall looked a little bit strange just because there was nothing up there so I have a plan I’m thinking we make a little pop-out

Window there and we can make that with some lime glass because it’ll be that same kind of green that we’re going for in the roof so let’s right here remove all of this really quick I’m gonna put a lamp here to add some light and then put

The glass in front of it and it’ll kind of be like a little pop-out Bay style window and it doesn’t really matter in the way we won’t be able to use this because you know it’s just for the Aesthetics okay added all the details to it I think

It’s gonna look great and yeah that at least breaks up that white wall yeah the I love that what are you doing buddy I think he’s trapped at our rose bush oh poor buddy okay now I’m gonna move all this stuff away and we’re gonna work on a path

After I moved away all those chests I added a path out front and what I wanted to do was link up the market to the main pathway and then I thought about putting a little melon and pumpkin Garden out front and alternating the melons and pumpkins so that it would look really

Cute while working on everything else and also doing a little bit of AFK time we’ve got so many melons and pumpkins to use now so let’s get Trading okay I actually think that we’re gonna need to go get some more villagers one eternity later all right I finally got

These villagers into place but none of them have the trades that I want I want carrots and potatoes and none of them are are giving me the right trade they’re also being quite annoying about taking jobs quickly they’re just kind of staring at each other so I will bring

You back in a few minutes when they’re done okay finally one of them has the correct trade so I’m just gonna level this guy up hopefully he gets pumpkins and melons okay he got pumpkins nice all right level up again please sir please and he got melons thank you thank you

These other two villagers though they are um quite you know what the worst you’re both the worst I’ve been doing a little bit of light AFK and wow there’s um Enderman Enderman grief all over I’m gonna fix this really quick let’s check our chest oh what

They they took a block out of my farm oh my gosh Enderman why Enderman why I have kanglo is paying off and we are making so many emeralds and I am so happy I wish I could Auto Craft these into melons but I don’t think there’s a way without mods

Here we are once again asking you to have the correct trades and no you don’t why do these villagers hate me so much why do they hate me so much I just had an idea to bring some more detail to the front where our melon and pumpkin patch

Are but it’s going to require us to get some candles I also got some sea pickles for added Flair but here I think we should be able to add on sea pickles and candles to the top of these melons and pumpkins and it’ll look like little stems

Oh yeah that’s cute that’s like super cute all right let’s see how we feel the whole field oh I love that I suppose we should also check on these farmers and make sure that they have wow okay finally finally thank you pumpkins oh my gosh you’re you’re

Actually the best villager you know what you’re no longer the worst and melons okay now that we have all three of these villagers we are actually getting a ton of emeralds and this is such a good thing we’re gonna be so so rich of course it’s super useful to have

All these books but also the golden carrots we can also trade from clerics we can get ender pearls and even bricks from Mason villagers as well there’s so many good uses for emeralds villager trading is kind of op but before we end our episode there’s one last thing that

I want to do today and our map has been updated and it is looking so so cool I love this flower Forest so much in today’s episode we have a lot to do and it’s something that everyone’s been asking me about for a while yep that’s right we’re beating the dragon today

But I don’t have enough blaze rods or a single ender pearl so we’re gonna go to the nether my favorite place we have way better tools and armor now so I’m feeling more confident than the last time we came here and I’m definitely not going to die to any

Wither skeletons or blazes today give me your pearls thank you I forgot about this and now I’m not even gonna ask questions you know what I’m we’re just gonna move on finally made it to the play spawner let’s get a bunch of them and then we

Will go and kill some Enderman for some pearls okay after these two I think we should have enough let me double check 12. yep that’s more than enough okay warped Forest here we are now we just gotta stock some Enderman and there’s one right there we do have a boat so we

Can try to get him in a boat thank you you want to go in the boat you would like to be in my boat please in the boat okay why don’t you want to go for a ride there we go well oh now you want to go in thank you for your pearls

And that’ll just do that a couple more times I’m gonna kill this last guy just for fun but we have definitely enough to get to the Ender Dragon all right step one accomplished now step two we are gonna go get some netherite all of my armor is still diamond and I

Want to get some netherrite before we find the dragon just for that little bit of extra protection so I guess we’re going back to the nether again I brought all of my gold to Trend with this Piglet and hopefully we can get a fire resistance potion but if not it’s totally fine

But of course he only traded me what felt like an inventory full of junk nothing actually helpful except for maybe some spectral arrows that was of course all the gold I had so over here when I’m going to mine down for some netherrite I’m just gonna

Remember to grab all of the gold aura that I see so I mined a long staircase down and I went to actually go start Gathering the ancient debris we’d need to upgrade our armor and I turn on my chunk borders and started Mining and I spent what

Literally felt like years down here I even had to go home to the skeleton spawner a couple times and repair my pickaxe and I realized at one point that I was not mining on the level that I normally mine on and here is the moment where I realized

It my mind upwards found an instant piece of ancient debris and it moved into a higher tunnel I don’t really think it matters I’m just a creature of habit back home I went to repair my tools again and I made my way back to the storage building so I could start

Smelting up all of this beautiful ancient debris but there was one thing I had to do first yep that’s right we absolutely had to have an A debris shower but enough of that I’m setting the engine debris to smelt and I’m also going to smelt up some of this gold that I saved

And we ended up getting enough for seven netherai ingots which is pretty awesome I’m just gonna plop down this smithing table right here I guess and now it’s time to finally upgrade our armor to full netherite let’s go and look how cool we look we look so strong and powerful

Now we still have three more ingots left so I’m definitely gonna do the silk touch pickaxe as I use that one the most in my sword what to do with the last one oh yeah the hoe for the flex that literally leaves us with one last

Thing to get before we invite the dragon a new bow ours is lacking we have 34 levels so we can enchant a bow and I want to check in the skyly spawner if we have anything useful that we’ve gotten from the enchanted drops from the skellies themselves alright so we’ve got

A couple of oh I’m breaking three we might need that Infinity by itself maybe we’ll need that um that one had flame on it okay if if we need flame we can add flame too we’ll come back if we need any of those things maybe we got a god bow right away

Oh power four okay let’s get our lapis and let’s get that and it’s only Power four okay we can do better than that we can do better than that we’ll just enchant this other one too lame Unbreaking three uh we should have kept the power for we should have kept the power for

All right I’m only at 29 levels again I’m gonna go sit at the sky spawner to get more levels and I’ll probably grab a bunch of bows that we can um try to make a cool bow out of so BRB there are new levels time to enchant

I’m breaking three let’s get power on there that’s the same bow it’s the same boat just backwards why is it the same bow okay back to 30 please be something good power for flame let’s go leave on breaking and we have an Infinity bow as

Well so we can put our Anvil down and just combine all of these all right let’s just combine these up and we’re not going to look at how much xp that’s taking and while it may not be the best bow that we could ever get it’s

Pretty good just for using stuff we had laying around and the enchant table all right I think the next thing we got to do is make our eyes vendor because we’re pretty much ready to go I am also just gonna quickly make an Ender Chest just to store some extra

Stuff in since we don’t have shulker boxes yet we’ll put our hoe in there I’ll also just throw our blaze rods in there and some extra under pearls just in case we need them yeah we’ll just put all of those in there in case the rest of this we need except for the

Obsidian which we can just put away all right well with Our Eyes of Ender and our bow and all of our tools and armor I think it’s time to finally go start finding this girl and of course my first Pearl breaks but at least we know the direction

So I’m staying positive let’s go this way now I know what you’re thinking and no I wasn’t at all nervous for the ender dragon fight to happen I recently fought the Ender Dragon on my twitch page in hardcore and it went super super well and here in the survival world I was

Assuming it was only gonna go even better because there was no imminent fear of death honestly this is the worst part about fighting the Dragon for me and that’s finding the stronghold because for some reason I always really struggle with it but then I threw a Eye

Of Ender and it went backwards and this is where it started to get interesting okay I’m gonna make a door in case that this is actually underwater maybe I’m reading this wrong but I’m gonna throw another eye I’m not sure if it was supposed to go down here or not

But maybe it was oh yep okay definitely definitely down there all right here we go also I mean if you think about it this actually really isn’t that far away from our base like if you look on the map it’s actually really really close it’s not that far away I’m gonna explore this

Trunk a little bit because I feel like we’re yep directly underneath it okay awesome here it is let’s get some light in here and make our way into the stronghold and hopefully find the end portal with relative ease all right let’s go this way it always takes me forever to find the

Portal so oh my gosh okay here it is and here are those horrible things already great please please die please die thank you gonna just get rid of that and let’s get rid of the lava too just in case something happens all right we have just enough Eyes of

Ender let’s go and fight this lady easy I would say wish me luck but I’m probably not gonna need it no I’m kidding please wish me luck please all right here goes Moment of Truth jump in oh no no nope I wasn’t scared it was just a lag

The whole time all right let’s dig out of here and go fight this Dragon we’ve got this hello dragon I see a Boss Bar where is she wait where’s the Bedrock thingy is my world broken hello is it Underground Ender Dragon are you are you trapped hello

I’ve beaten the Ender Dragon a lot of times and I’ve never seen anything like this happen before so I’m kind of con there she is let’s get the crystals You know what I’m not even gonna try this one’s Too Tall I’m gonna just water bucket up Now I don’t know if she’s gonna Purge without the Bedrock pillar so I’m just gonna shoot her I think she’s perching now let’s go down there and try to get her oh of course yeah just fly away got my water oh gosh water bucket clutch let’s go Approaching again cool Let’s uh let’s get her this time oh it’s taking some damage okay okay um not hitting her taking more damage oh gosh okay back up back up it’s that could have been bad this is the weirdest ender dragon fight I’ve ever had in my entire life

I mean at least she’s perching a lot I wonder where the Bedrock pillar is I like how are we gonna I’m gonna have to avoid to get home I don’t know this is this is weird we’ll say though that the shots are on point today

Okay last perch we can get our we can get her right now let’s kill her I’m sorry Ender Dragon I wish we could be friends and There She Goes free the end GG but how my what did you did y’all just do that okay I don’t know what’s happening this has

Been the weirdest thing I’ve ever caught on camera in this entire let’s play let’s grab the egg where is it there it is hog and now we can go find the gateways right over there and let’s go get an elytra oh no I forgot blocks to bridge with

Oh no all right we’ll have to go home really quick and grab some blocks and then we can come back and go look for an elytra that sounds like a good plan to me wait this isn’t where I slept um oh no this is not going to be good

I’ve got to get down from here and try to get home only Golden Apple oh no oh gotta be quiet frog I knew my ender portal was corrupted I knew it I’ve got to try to find a way out of here and are those hardcore hearts oh no this can’t be good

I don’t see any way I can get out of this situation [Applause] oh no oh I’m just gonna stay up here because he probably doesn’t know where I am just gonna hide right here I’m gonna shift no noise oh no he’s so close [Applause] foreign If you made it this far thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it though the 119 Series has ended we passed on The Good Vibes to the hardcore 119 series and this is the world we’re about to hit 500 Days survived in this world and we’re still alive making

Content if you want to check out more content from me that’s comfy cozy and a little bit chaotic last thing I just want to say thank you guys so much for all the support on Twitter twitch YouTube Instagram Tick Tock all of those platforms even Discord thank you all so

Much for your support this year I really appreciate it I’m really looking forward to another year of making awesome and fun videos for you all

This video, titled ‘I built an entire cottagecore world in Minecraft Survival! 🌷🌹 | FULL MINECRAFT MOVIE’, was uploaded by frogcrafting on 2022-12-16 14:15:00. It has garnered 1761744 views and 34023 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:22 or 12082 seconds.

In this full minecraft movie, I built an entire cottagecore world in Minecraft Survival! This was my first ever survival series on YouTube in the 1.18 update! This is the perfect movie to put on for some chill vibes while studying or sleeping!!

SLIGHT TW FOR THE END OF THE VIDEO: if you’re easily scared skip the last 2 minutes you won’t really be missing anything as there is a bit of a scary moment!!!

– – – 🌷 RESOURCES USED ✨ – – –

🌷 Mizuno’s 16 Craft resource pack – https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/ ✨ Fresh Leaves Mizuno’s add-on resource pack – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fresh-leaves-mizunos-add-on/ 🌸 Fresh Leaves Blossoms Mizuno’s add-on resource pack – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fresh-leaves-blossoms/ 🌼 Galicraft’s Azalea Bushy Leaves Mizuno’s add-on resource pack – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/azalea-bushy-leaves-mizuno-s-16-craft-add-on/ 🌻 Rotated Sunflowers resource pack – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/rotated-sunflowers/ 🐸 Froggy Hotbar resource pack – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/froggy-hotbar/ 🍄 Complementary Shaders – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

– – – 🍄 MY SOCIALS ✨ ♡ Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/frogcrafting ♡ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/frogcrafting/ ♡ Discord – https://discord.gg/frogcrafting ♡ TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@frogcrafting ♡ Twitter – https://twitter.com/frogcrafting – – – 🎶 Music Credits🎵

Music provided by Epidemic Sound

– – –

#minecraft #cottagecore #letsplay

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  • Insane transformation in VSMP server! Kawaii RPG village build!

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    EPIC MINECRAFT HACKS - AstralMC PVP & MORE! 🚀🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #astralmc #hacks #minecraftmemes #cpvp #humor #minecraftpepvp #fortnite #clips #resucting’, was uploaded by asadito on 2024-07-05 03:28:17. It has garnered 548 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Si ves esto dale like y suscribete 🔔 tags (ignorar): #minecraft​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #Hacks​ #PvP​ BEST REGEDIT EVER+ DNS✔️0 KB/OP REACH✔️+ FPS BOOST [BadLion & PvPLounge] 😋😋😈 THE BEST REGEDIT FOR PVP + DNS | NO KB AND OP REACH (TESTED) 💎GET 3 MS PING & 0 KB & OP REACH 💎🌐BEST REGEDIT REACH + .BAT 🌐1.9 ✔️1.7 ✔️ 1.8 ✔️ COMO… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!

    Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft music + val clips’, was uploaded by kwaixy on 2024-03-21 16:04:51. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:35 or 215 seconds. had no music ideas In-game Settings: Sens: 0.175 DPI: 1600 Crosshair: 1-6-2-2 inner lines white Resolution: 1440×1080 Graphics Settings: All low (ignore tags) Minecraft music, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft music video, Minecraft building, Minecraft parodies, Minecraft funny moments, Valorant clips, Valorant funny moments, Valorant highlights, Overwatch clips, Valorant, Phoenix, Aim, gaming, fps, First Person Shooter, FPS games, movement, valorant, valorant montage, minecraft, valorant highlights, montage, montage… Read More

  • Insomnia SMP

    Insomniacs SMP – The Minecraft Server That Never Sleeps! Hey there, night owls! Looking for a Minecraft server that’s up and active 24/7, just like you? Then come join Insomniacs SMP—where creativity and adventure never rest! This is a Minecraft Bedrock server with plenty of add-ons to enhance your gameplay. Why Join Insomniacs SMP? Active and Supportive Staff Growing Community Always Active Laid-back Vibes Server Staff Owner: Billyjr(Definitely Real) Founder: Fumi/Sam Co-Founder: Deadpool Head of Admins (HOA): Cody Head of Staff (HOS): Existing Admins: Existing, Cody, Deadpool Ready to dive into chaos and adventure? Join us now and help create… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Demise of the Villager #9 🔥

    Looks like Villager #9 didn’t quite make it to level 10 in this game of life! #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Blockageddon: Ohio’s Minecraft Mayhem

    Blockageddon: Ohio's Minecraft Mayhem In Ohio, a crisis, blocky and bold, Minecraft players, stories untold. Milad FPS, the channel to see, For all things Minecraft, come join the spree. Tutorials for beginners, tricks for the pros, Adventures and challenges, where creativity flows. Mods and plugins, reviews galore, Milad FPS, always wanting more. Subscribe and activate, don’t miss a beat, Join the FPS family, where gaming is sweet. Lenovo laptop, specs so fine, For Minecraft adventures, it’s time to shine. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals

    Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals Minecraft Shorts: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse Are you ready to survive a zombie apocalypse? In the world of Minecraft, this is a real possibility. Zombies are known for their insatiable appetite for brains, making them a formidable threat to players. Why Would You Survive? What sets you apart in this apocalyptic scenario? Your survival skills, quick thinking, and resourcefulness. In Minecraft, players must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off hostile mobs like zombies to stay alive. Exploring Minecraft Shorts On the channel, you can find entertaining Minecraft shorts that showcase the challenges and humor of surviving in this… Read More

  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

    Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft: How to Create a Custom Superflat World on Bedrock Editions Are you a Minecraft player using Bedrock Editions and looking to create a custom superflat world? Look no further! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of making your very own unique superflat world on Bedrock Editions. Minecraft Versions Before diving into creating your custom superflat world, it’s essential to know the Minecraft versions you’ll be working with. For Bedrock Editions, ensure you have the latest updates to access all the features needed for this customization. Shaderpacks and Resource Pack Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating shaderpacks and… Read More

  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

    Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Thoughts On Minecraft LIVE and Working On The Zoo – Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD Stream’, was uploaded by GoodVodsWithScar on 2024-10-03 14:00:45. It has garnered 60936 views and 690 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:22 or 11362 seconds. I share my reaction and thoughts on Minecraft live and the new update / drop. I hope you enjoyed the Hermitcraft live stream see you in the next video. ———————————————————- My Links and stuff: * Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21298347 * Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GTWScar * Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/goodtimeswithscar * Instagram: http://instagram.com/goodtimeswithscar *TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goodtokswithscar *Business Inquiries Send to: [email protected] ———————————————————… Read More

  • Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarry

    Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial – Goo Canoe’, was uploaded by BushMasterHarry on 2024-01-21 01:00:15. It has garnered 73 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. This is a neat little flying machine that can be used for traveling long distances! Whether it’s the nether, end or overworld, you can set the control down and watch the slime do the work! Thanks for watching and leave a bushy like and/or comment! Help me hit that 7k sub mark for 2024!! Read More

  • Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!

    Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FEELS: Minecraft Story Mode Episodes 2-5’, was uploaded by Azetlor146 on 2024-09-16 02:46:11. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:25 or 21685 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► https://discord.gg/sword4000 ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► https://discord.gg/fkHNmnkfE4 💬 Events Discord ► https://discord.gg/phytor 🔴 Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/airokunlive 🐤… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars With Subscriber join fast #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Sudhir_Playz on 2024-04-27 04:29:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore … Read More

  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! https://www.patreon.com/fearsona 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 https://streamlabs.com/fearsona/tip ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/FEARSONAYT ✨INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/fearsona/ ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops mc.rajce.pro by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops mc.rajce.pro by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘mc.rajce.pro dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- https://discord.gg/hkAgVFZd #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: https://discord.gg/Yga84m78bJ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft's Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!"I guess you could say this meme really knows how to moss-tivate people with its score of 8! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

    Hot Minecraft Memes for You! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle

    Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle – A Death-Defying Challenge! Embark on an epic adventure with the ‘Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle’ map in Minecraft! This thrilling boss fight created by Tape_Eater will push your skills to the limit with its three challenging phases. Intense Phases and Deadly Attacks Prepare yourself for a battle like no other as you face off against the Hellfire Reaper. With nine different attacks, including Missiles, Napalm, Shockwaves, and Sawblades, each phase ramps up the difficulty, keeping you on your toes throughout the fight. Unlockable Phases and Chaos Unleashed As you chip away at the boss’s… Read More

  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

    肾结石喵的悲惨生活17 Minecraft Character Model: Klee from “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to add a unique character model to your game? Look no further than the Klee model from the “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” series. This character model can be used in the Minecraft: Java Edition by loading it with the Yes Steve Model module. How to Get the Klee Model To access the Klee model, you will need to download the Yes Steve Model module. You can find the module link here. Additionally, you can obtain the… Read More

I built an entire cottagecore world in Minecraft Survival! 🌷🌹 | FULL MINECRAFT MOVIE