I Built an Industrial District in Hardcore Minecraft Survival

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I’ve taken on the challenge to build a massive medieval city in Hardcore Minecraft today we’re doubling the size of what I’ve built already heading down to the river I’m building an entire industrial district to show where the city gets its building materials leave a like and please subscribe if you’re new

To help me reach 1.4 million subscribers I have new merch bring home your own limited edition Goblin flip from the Empire’s SMB series and check out the makeshift Link in the description to learn more Goblin flip comes with the bunk stick to help keep you safe so

Order yours before it’s gone forever now like all foot builds this is gonna start with a lot of digging and I’m gonna need a beacon to make that happen With that done I want to First expand the main river to allow for larger boats to move through wait a second here how did I miss that waterfall up here that that is beautiful look at that thing okay uh small distraction small distraction time I think this is going

To work as a really cool canal coming through the city to divide up the houses and create even more space other than just buildings in here that should work for digging out the entire canal coming all the way up to the mountain but I do

Want to turn this into like a small Lake in here so it doesn’t you know go into the caves this time I was nice and let the animals out instead of burying them underneath the landscape so I think that’s a pretty good win from here the water is going to Cascade down the

Mountain to reach the main river where I’m working on it placing in a few retaining walls so that I can have the city raised up a little bit above the water’s edge I do like the idea of having another waterfall right here just before it reaches the main river but

Maybe instead of being like eight blocks tall we just go to here if I do this correctly I might be able to even slowly drop it down to meet the water’s edge Grabbing a little bit more dirt and we’d expand the little riverbed area oh hi Dad hi hi there buddy yeah thank you um maybe I should light up all of this because I am creating a lot of mob spaces It’s fine everything’s fine no that’s a future flight problem back to the project at hand as it’s already a distraction plus if the mobs are spawning down there they’re less likely to spawn inside the city which is they win I just need to send the water all

The way down and this should be pretty perfect we’ve got a lot more terraforming to do but I’m really happy with this so far this is already a flip certified video we’ve cleared out a bunch of train and done a random little side project but now let’s get back to

The industrial district to make this a real industrial district I want a system that’s going to convert dirt into mud if you didn’t know you can place a block of dirt down get a water bottle and turn it into mud this isn’t micro Farm by ill mango that doesn’t require too many

Materials so I quickly got them all together I think I want to build this a bit into the hill here so it’s easy to hide a structure around Thank you before we can test it out I need two more things first being a ton of glass bottles a little bit more than that quick trip down into the Villager cave out I can grab some emeralds in here to run up to the next level and

Visit all of my Librarians glass please got a few extras here but that should do it but these I can fill the dispenser in the back and the hopper back here the next item is a little bit more difficult to get this is gonna require a trip over

To the monolith grab a little bit of gunpowder which I can use to craft tnt as I need a new netherite shovel taking a quick trip hopefully down into The Nether we can just start a new netherite tunnel off of the edge of the Quarry with that it’s time to see how much

Ancient debris I can get with two stacks of TNT oh how did I miss one all the way out here I will take that Not the luckiest run but we did get 11 more ancient debris which is more than I needed excuse you Mike Donald but it’s time to get on out of here headed over to the netherrite forge we can smelt all this stuff down and I already had a ton extra huh

Oh well now I just have even more to share how stupidly op toolsmith villagers are we can bring our emeralds over here and get a brand new diamond shovel a mending book and Unbreaking three I need a grindstone where the only one I can find is up here to get rid of

The efficiency on the shovel upgrade this to another hit shovel and throw our mending and Unbreaking three on it finally we’re ready to test this out here it goes in the offhand chest piece on just to be safe if I place this here and then break it a few times we get mud

And there we go now it seems to be working pretty well okay maybe you’re not totally perfect but not half bad okay so that wasn’t working too well so I made a regular diamond shovel now this time oh I broke the glass but that seems

To be working much better now at least a little bit better that’s fine you go up there right with this machine sorted it’s time to hide the structure in the first building in the industrial district I’m gonna need a floor level for the building to sit on so let’s get some

Coarse dirt maybe a little more some pecked mud and pec mud bricks and since we’re here some polished anesite slabs and stone brick slabs I’m gonna completely texture this wall here soon but for now let’s just throw a little topper on now from here I’d actually like the road to be right underneath

With coaster to border and then we can work our way in with a little bit of our packed mud that’ll hopefully look like some tire tracks or just area where people are moving more consistently there we go this is starting to get the vibe that I’m going for in the road over

Here we’re gonna have a second layer for the street to be coming all the way up here behind the building but we can throw this guy in a little later hey would you look at that day 3400 nope nope nope not in the ground area is prepped for building and now I need

Blocks to build the dang thing which is going to require a ton of different materials so I rated my storage room for as much as I could get my hands on before needing to run out in the world and gather some more blocks I’ve got nearly everything ready to go in these

Boxes except some hanging Roots which I can get right here and this should be more than enough I’ve got to convert all of this light gray concrete powder to light gray concrete which I can do super quickly right here in the little pot and the next one which I think is going

To be a theme in today’s episode I need a lot of Cobble deep slight each region I build on the city I want a theme off of a certain colored roof and I thought darker colors like deep slate and Blackstone could be great here all of this Cobble deep slate and zero diamonds

But they are useless so it’s fine time to get building now this is everything I need I think I want to divide this up into two different parts with driftstone and Spruce for the base over here Some more drip Stone on this side wrapping all the way back and then from here I’m thinking just some jungle working up into some mud and mud bricks to be darker that’s looking pretty good then here on the inside I want to make a giant door starting with a little

Something like this and then we can bring in some trap doors in the middle as a divider and some giant door handles and flip those back closed moving back to the left building I’m trying to make this section of the city look very very

Dirty and grimy so I went with a ton of different gray blocks to pull off this look we’ll throw the roof on here shortly but first I want to build a small roof in the form of an awning using some quartz and diary just trust

Me on this it should look pretty good in the end I I hope I I hope jumping over to the far side of the build though I want to extend out an awning and by awning I mean balcony we can carry some spruce up on the corners right here and

Then for a pop of color I’m thinking Acacia trapdoors for the railing itself before we bring a covering on the balcony I should probably build the walls on the rest of the actual building but for this I want to work from the light gray terracotta into white terracotta leaving space for plenty of

Windows where I think for the first time ever I want to make a 2×2 window with big old glass along the back from the white terracotta we can move into a little bit of birch and then stripped Birch going all the way up and now it’s time to buy the dark prismarine balcony

Cover on and then I moved on to building out the roofs one out of a cobble deep slit and the other out of deep slight tiles with that out of the way I want to add in the chimney campfires so campfire with a brick wall on top and Spruce trap

Doors going around this is going to really help the place feel a lot more alive as it just adds a subtle amount of movement which is making this build look really really cool except we can see through it for this open space on the back I thought we could use another

Spruce section to add a door to an upper street level and for some simple Street details a cart carrying mud on the lower level where this is really starting to feel good minus the shulker monster but I need to keep adding more of the workman’s quarters industrial Vibe and

I’m in the water which did give me an idea for texturing the retaining wall with a ton of grime built into it so I just decided to run with it and see what I could do and I gotta say this is looking really cool for just one

Building and a wall now seems like a perfect time to plant a field and to remind you to subscribe if you haven’t already I’ve now survived just over 3 400 Days in Hardcore Minecraft and I’ve loved every minute of it but I am nearly at 1.4 million subscribers on YouTube so

Please subscribe to help me reach that Milestone as we jump down into the valley under the first castle in this world to plant a new carrot field which I’ll be honest the more time I spend down here the more time I want to come back and improve the area a bit further

That will have to come later as all of the mud I have is fantastic but the item I really want is packed mud which is where my Olay powered Wheat Farm is going to come in handy today look at all that wheat and it’s so full so full I’m

Gonna need to craft down a ton of planks into chess to make a bunch of hoppers on top of that I want to bring the wheat all the way up here to the surface level and build a storage barn around it so it’s a lot more accessible than flying

Down into the cave this should be enough storage to last us a good while and then for any overflow we might have I think I can throw a hopper in here composter on top of it with another Hopper and this can kind of just snake its way along for

Now we can just surround this with a bunch of Mangrove planks along the back then from here I want a pipe that’s going to be coming all the way in a quick test here is if we put some ice inside and break it down the water should flow to there perfect quickly

Running inside the cave over to where we have our setup with the Olay Farm you can set up a little system inside of here too dispense all of the wheat that we already have into a water stream and bring it up to the surface I’ll add that

Last Redstone when it’s ready to go otherwise we’re gonna lose a lot of the weed from here we just need to create a water track that’s going to carry this stuff all the way over I forgot to break the ice water column is nearly ready to go I just need to throw some kelp in so it becomes full blocks getting rid of the last bit of kelp and we shoot back up with one final step here adding in the redstone dust

And there goes the wheat nope the wheat stopped why’d you stop we there goes the wheat which is all now starting to arrive at the top meaning this system is complete next up we should probably build something around this right trying to keep the structure a little on the

Smaller side we can make it about this far in the base let’s use some granite and mix in a bunch of bricks a few Spruce fences has some supports and we can transition into the next layer here which is also going to be where our roof

Starts but the inside I want to throw in mushroom stem and a little window from there I filled out the trim on the front of the roof for the front of the build I want to do something a little different and have two large doorways to get

Inside using Spruce Wood as a trim and for a fun element to divide from the roof let’s add in some composters make sure it stays mob safe on the inside we can also add in some stores and trap doors with the front sorted I moved around to

Add in the walls and roof on the main Barn structure but you know me I can’t just have a single shape for a build over here so I want to build away a small grain silo attached to the right side this is looking really good here

But this grass has got to go but before we get to that uh the inside is even worse so I think we can bring in some Oak slabs right along here on both sides and then just bring it up by a slab in the Middle with the little lamp next up

We really gotta replace This Grass floor and I’m thinking just coarse dirt itself can do the trick and yes I will go all the way back that alone helped a lot I just need to get my doors back on okay and the time I built this entire thing

The wheat is still flowing in from the farm down below I decided to hang around for a bit longer added in a few more details for ourselves and the inside is a little bit more decorated and now all of the wheat is moved over check this

Out we’ve got over four double chests of wheat now this wasn’t just some side project no no no this is extremely important as a main goal I have in this world is to connect everything with a road the wheat field is already on the road Network that comes all the way down

Here into the Quarry which itself leads into the side City Gate so if I grab a little bit of cobblestone and some slabs I now have the ability to connect my auto Wheat Farm to my auto mud farm with a brand new road this curve right in

Here should work out for us and then I can use a bridge to transition over into the industrial district we’re not focusing on this section today flip we’re not focusing on it just focus on getting in the road and then go to the industrial district stay on task you can

Do it when white is a wee bit small for carts to travel along so I expanded it by three blocks on both sides now I just need to replace most of the Cobblestone to add in different blocks because masks Cobblestone looks very 2013. from here I

Want a bridge going all the way across to the other side and I think some Cobble deep slight can work out as a great transition material probably all the way over here this seems wide enough to get some carts through using some bricks for pillars on the Four Corners

Top with a little bit of polish granite now for the not so subtle Flex on the outside let’s use some beacons to actually light this up that’s a good little pop right that’s that’s what it would be now to add in a few more details to the front of this guy we can

Start with an archway out of polished Granite to make it a little bit more reinforced and then to give it a little bit of depth maybe incorporating a few mud stairs more polished Granite worked into the top and on these flatter sections just a few slow lanterns and I

Think that’s pretty good which means I just need to repeated around to the back side this is starting to look really good for a little bridge but uh unfortunately it can’t be water under the bridge get it get it because it’s water on a bridge uh this looks really

Bad in here uh yeah so that’s that’s what I meant to say is it looks really bad and I want to spend a little bit of time fixing it up because it’s very ugly on the inside we can get rid of the little land sticking out here so it

Feels like some more water is moving underneath and it is a little bit more substantial quickly taking some Spruce logs and crafting Spruce trap doors we can make a really subtle Archway down here with some Spruce slabs on the sides and then we just add in our trapdoors

All the way across it in the middle which looks pretty good and um why did that scare me so much okay so now that we’ve got the bridge in place I need to think about the industrial district buildings which will help guide me on where I need to build the roads

With a few residential buildings and shops on the lower level some storage warehouses down by the docks and moving them up into the mountain will get us some brick production with a bunch of Kilns and workstations but back to the roads for now where we’re gonna bring in

A few temporary blocks and try and work our way down here to the dock front I’ve already made the road for along this way it’s actually going to go down to a wooden dock level closer to the water the main line is gonna run back along

Here where it’s gonna go up a little bit before coming down this direction and boy oh boy I got a lot of terraform to do I’m Gonna Fill This in behind the second retaining wall just so I don’t have to later for now the main road in the

Residential area is ready to go and now back to these gross Hills I need to figure out I think we can bring in a retaining wall right back here which can work its way over something like this but I do need to reserve enough space on

The top for the road to go through to connect into the next building platform and I don’t want this to be flat at all so we can start slowly sloping it downwards to connect it over there I spent a lot of time mumbling to myself as I start working out the inner details

Of this thing and just breaking blocks replacing them and working through the whole process of just trial and error there’s no right way to do this thing trying to figure out ways to create more functional working space that isn’t just about raising up some buildings and

Adding some roofs over it so down here next to the mud Farm I’m thinking we just create a flatter raised section so it’s not at ground level that we can do a few little like workshops a little work yard I don’t know things stuff that looks like somebody works and lives in

Here you know that’s that’s that’s the vibe A vibe that’s gonna be need to be cleaned up a lot outside of that I do have a lot more of the pathways worked out here which is starting to look really good where I’m trying to create more of blobs of textures instead of

Just randomizing them and I think it’s giving the result that I was really hoping for adding the little retaining wall in back here and we’ve got another road leading up here it’s starting to turn into one of those builds that I feel like I’m doing more for me than for making a fun

Video out of it with a few finer details added in it’s time to move back into making buildings but I think this just looks really in one place that I have managed to actually build a road too let’s Redstone Farm I need a machine that’s going to convert dirt to Mud again I

Didn’t have a single piece of pointy drip stone at my home to show an example of what I wanted to share but nearly 4 000 blocks away from Spawn inside of this Mesa there should be a drip Stone cave somewhere yes perfect there it is just need a few of these guys

Should be plenty and now if we take a piece of mud and put a pointed drip Stone underneath it eventually this will dry into clay flying back home and my elytra is nearly dead and so is my shovel so time for a quick stop at the Wither Skeleton Farm

Much better and 42 free skulls walls look where you’re flying in another flip look where you’re flying but I got 42 more wither skills goals now for this Farm I’m gonna need to get a bunch of pointed drip stone blocks and by that I mean the very pointy Square block that

Is a cube I guess cubes have sharp Corners so they are kind of pointy outside of that I also need some Pistons Redstone torches two craft repeaters dispensers and some trap doors starting by creating a bit of a piston pushing machine over here redstone torch underneath and a piston right there we

Can set a repeater over here with a redstone dust that can come around and now anytime I place a block here that pushes it perfect Statics wise we do that we’ll need a dispenser to be able to turn this into some mud copying the machine that I already built before over

In that building swooping down to grab a little bit of water we can fill that in back here I need one more ignore the missing Hearts my Landing was extremely graceful now to build our drying rack this will be the max piston pushing limit right there so we can hook in all

Of our our new Pistons another little torch and create a system that Loops all the way back around here we’re supposed to I bet your Redstone professional leave me alone professional turn this into a drying rack we need to fill this entire lower section here with our drip

Stone blocks where I think we’re gonna push it out 12 blocks otherwise this Factory building is going to be massive hooking up a little bit of a light gray glazed terracotta back here that should stop the Pistons from being able to push it any farther or no no that that won’t

That won’t work at all actually that’s that’s a dumb idea obsidian will work though this can be a little decoration now for a little test here this should push all the way over and perfect scuba flip mode I just need to place in point of drift Zone underneath all of these

Blocks one final step I need a lot more emeralds you buy a ton of glass again final step we just gotta load up a bunch of water bottles here and drop them in the system the system seems to hold about a stack and a half of dirt right

Now which isn’t half bad for some free clay when I need it and a good amount is already converted and it just finished filling in enough of this Redstone stuff time to hide it all behind a nice building but creepers keep on creeping out of this cave so it’s time to seal it

I also outlined what I think we can do for the shape of the building on this Inner Line of dirt then if I need to remove all the drip Stone down here it’d be nice to have a bit of a working space but now blocks to actually build this

Thing first a bunch of Deep Sleep materials for the roofs a quick trip into The Nether grab some Black Stone from the piglens I’m gonna need a lot of Sprucewood and oh no okay new plant somewhere in here saplings so many saplings this is all gonna be covered up

Eventually so we can just put them down here and not have to worry about the Pod still spreading everywhere I’ll get everything else together and hopefully these will all be grown up that should be plenty quick stop over at the wheat storage to get a few Stacks well I can

Grab the mud that I did earlier and turn it into packed mud a little diorite to relate back to the other side of the city two more quick stops the first being digging into the tree you get a little more glow like it next to the

Librarians to buy lamps and none of my Treats have grown oh well good thing I have a weather Skelly farm please please please there we go the final final final final step here just requires a lot of spruce as always right into the build though I want a mangrove section over here with

Some Planks on the bottom moving into some strip Mangrove Vlog moving up and we can do some fun windows out of yellow and orange stained glass not everything in the industrial area is dead so let’s do a few leaves down below and some trapdoors for shutters working my way

Back up to the top though we can grab ourselves some copper and use this to create the roof this isn’t the full height of the build so the main structure is going to be coming up with some weathered stones for a front face then along the side here I

Thought we could bring in some Spruce planks and cut open some holes for Windows like this for the main building roof itself I want to bring in some deep slate which will stretch its way all across here the next layer though I am apparently addicted to Windows so let’s put even

More in but these are out of glass instead of trap doors again so it’s different to make it different from the roof let’s try some polished Blackstone before we throw on the mini roof the main roof line is gonna be probably out to here flattening out just a touch at

The top and here we can just pop it up a touch with our Blackstone and there goes the entire front of the roof which is looking interesting now interesting is good right I think so we’ll run with that for now going on with the theme of smaller buildings

Adding up to a larger Factory building I’m breaking away from the stone structure with some extra visual Interest next I want to add in a new smaller building over to the side to finish hiding the clay Farm itself with a simple Blackstone roof on top where I think this is actually looking really

Good so far with just one more corner to fill in and for that I want to add in a large Bell Tower in here to allow for the factory to ring in the workday then I decide to copy over the bell tower design from the original city bell

Towers that are I had already built to complete it and now this is starting to look really really good except for the fact that you know well it’s still floating over here but I’m thinking eventually we’ll have a stone wall just coming down just coming down to ground

Level in here but I want to get the ground situated before we figure out how steep that needs to be I want to continue focusing on the upper Industrial Area first and I know I’ve already built the mud Farm but it’s it’s not 100 working I can’t figure it out so

I ran back over to the swamp to uh get a lot more mud to bring back home they should do it on the mud for now now I even found a whining Trader who had mud chess and packed mud little micro blocks these are gonna be so perfect he’s gonna

Stay on the boat in case I want his other stuff next another quick stop back over at the wheat farm to grab even more wheat for of course more packed pot this place up here is going to be containing a bunch of Kilns for Brick making and

Whatever else they need to be producing up here cooking down all that good stuff so I think a small little retaining wall or safety wall right here to block out people from being able to get inside is gonna be a good idea grab some coarse

Dirt and I think right here we can start the actual floor level as I don’t think grass is really gonna fit it since you know it’s kind of a dirty area and carts are gonna be moving all over the place so we can start incorporating a lot of

Our brick art well mud brick Pathways I’ve been building for like six hours today so my brain is a mush uh that’s why here’s a small path that’s gonna connect ourselves back up into the factory from where we’re gonna have our new entrance and I think will be at

About this level going all the way across we start working the slabs down instead of the previous Stone line it could be a little bit more gradual and then we work our way up into the mountain take it with the three high and then we go into our polish granite slaps

On top I just want to work it all the way up Okay maybe a little bit more up here since it’s kind of steep regular dirt on the outside and this should clean it up a good amount for now I’ll just bring the road all the way down to this layer and then we’ll figure out how to swoop

It along back here down to there But maybe since I’m thinking about it right now over here we can have a flatter section that can be for some carts that are waiting to go in to be loaded and this should work for now just get the idea in as I slowly build the yet

Another mob spawner into the terrain now we can move in nope nope gotta fix it oh no I’m out of grass I can’t be distracted anymore okay inside we go back inside I’m building a circular road going around to create a loop for carts and I’ll leave some space for some more

Structures which is where the first Kiln is gonna come in and I think we can start with a base right like this working into a little entrance right in here to be able to put bricks in and out adding a little front entrance in here this thing’s inspired by one of my

Friends Vigo man so I did want to give him a shout out on that but bringing a little bit of fantasy technology elements like what we got in the dwarves we have some sort of like an exhaust system here as we’re building the Kiln up we’re quickly coming inside for the

Kiln itself I wanted to bring in a bunch of details like some bricks that are cooking down in here and I thought a fun thing to add would be like some nope out out burning toast raw copper as something like in the process of smelting is pile up a few more bricks

And slabs around which from the outside looks like a few things are cooking in here are hidden in the smoke but I need to stack this thing up much further into the sky all the way up here now I do want the smoke to go all the way up so

Shift clicking hay bale into the composters that should give a good amount all the way up to here which we can top with a few walls and slabs on top but what will be perfect is adding four more of them around here down in

The Dwarven cave now I need to pick up a few more campfires which you can get as a quick trip over to the fisherman that should do full stack I’m gonna need a lot more copper for this one so let’s craft down a little bit of raw copper

Throw it into the Super smelter and get to work on de-aging this copper all the way down to stage two first one’s already finished up I don’t quite have enough aged copper here so I’m gonna create my own mini David strolling down the Mountainside the rest I already had thankfully so I

Flew around building up the other four brick Kilns for this upper section except I am still missing a few bits of copper but will those finish aging down I want to build some covered work areas to stay out of the sun I want to use some Spruce Wood on the outdoor

Workstations as I cover and working in a few Oak trap doors to allow for smoke or heat to not get trapped in the top we’ll detail out everything later on but first I want to get the structures in place with the first storage shed coming in

Here out of birch diorite and some white concrete with a few Spruce elements on the front then working in some composters and dark oak on for the roof jumping to the back I did build out a second storage building for some fuel which I’m using blocks of coal and

Blackstone to build a huge pile of coal inside this is a work Zone after all so I think we’ll need to add in a ton of carts transporting materials around the entire Zone but with all those beginning elements done I wanted to create a cooling area for all of the bricks that

Are coming out of the Kilns and yes I I did add even more carts to the brickworks with some more details added in this is really starting to look completed and I love it so very much but it’s gonna be time to move down the hill

And focus on the rest of the district but first we have pots and little vases and Flower Pots if only we had the 1.20 flower pots that’d be really cool in here but you know it’s fine I’ll just wait for a little bit longer we’ve got a

Well over here and the factory building itself still is absolutely disgusting on the inside but it has clay and I just think that’s neat now for the moment you’ve all been begging for it’s time to build the storage room for dirt just just types of dirt and other blocks I

Guess like mud gravel maybe sand First Step though we need a ton of a clunks to craft chess for this I want to store Dirt grass horse dirt root of dirt but I have none gravel sand hexbud mud and Muddy Roots let’s start by digging this

Back a little bit into the hill so we can hide it in the Mountainside first up before we put in all of our chest let’s bring in a little Spruce along the back Edge I’m thinking we go four tall in double chest all the way across I want

To put some markers along the front of this or what items are going to be stored but I need to make sure that the grass doesn’t grow over so this needs to be packed mud dark oak pillars on the side and then I laid out all of the

Blocks I want to sort inside of these chests with a little copper in front to separate it now instead of grass blocks I did put moss in here otherwise it’s going to grow over my dirt and I like my dirt we’re just gonna borrow this rooted dirt to finish the storage nobody’s

Gonna know much better all right these little archways in front and I think that’s a good decoration we can still easily get all of the chests which is fantastic and then up here I want to bring in a little bit of strip Mangrove moving all the way across then we can

Extend out a few of these little guys it doesn’t line up perfectly but maybe we just cover this out to here mm-hmm and connect these pillars into the ground then we can use us some big entry doorways to get into this storage Warehouse you’re above the chest so we

Can’t see the top let’s just fill this in with regular slabs which really closes it all in now we’re getting finally head back over to the starter house and look at all of this stuff that’s terracotta that doesn’t go there I forgot a spot for clay oh no maybe we

Only need one spot for gravel that should be fine I also forgot puzzle but that’s in here now you don’t have to leave the angry comments I know I found it unless I forgot something else then leave the angry comments that’s fine look how many chokers we freed up now

These are all empty we’ve already done so much resource Gathering today so look at the building magically appears in front of you that I definitely didn’t spend the last two hours getting materials together after I had already spent an hour moving materials into the storage itself wow would you look at

That we got a new building over here oh my gosh need to get a floor down there with a roadway but maybe first we just get a few glowberries definitely one over here to help keep mobs away and glow like him perfectly glowing during the night now

And now with the addition of actually having a road in here this is gonna be accessible And much better just ignore the floating blocks that is a future flip problem so you’ve heard of first warehouse but have you heard of second Warehouse on the lower level here I think it’s about time we can add in another one industrial places that need a lot of storage for

Stuff right it’s yeah it makes sense I think I don’t know but as always I need more Spruce locks because I’m already down to 14. and much better I’m sure I’m gonna need more so let’s put some of our saplings right back down over at the build now I

Want to start with some large archways stretching across to create a more open-air Warehouse running some Spruce stairs all the way across the front here and I can start inching my way up to the max height which I think about here is gonna do it and then slabs across the middle take

Our way back into the hill a touch let’s bring in some polished Granite for a base and clear the rest of this out top of the polished Granite I want to bring in a few bricks and some regular Granite to look a little bit more aged a bit

Like that up to the storage room grabbing a tiny bit of sand do you contrast all of our bricks I wanted to bring a little bit of this in just for that extra pop of color and we can bend the stairs coming back down the other

Side blend it a little bit better let’s use some trap doors hello llamas would you like to work in the industrial district move things around yeah I know you would okay just come with me don’t kill each other there has to be a fence down here somewhere please anywhere

Where’s the fence ow have fun have fun until you calm down at least the warehouse is looking pretty good so far really guys really you’re shooting across the river to try and hit me come on now that’s that’s a little sad that’s a little desperate since the roof is

Going to be working in to the landscape here we can actually remove these and bring in a little bit of stone so we can build a bit of a barrier for carts to not really fall on top of the roof foreign This should work and then we can just fill in the back side with some coaster to stick on theme for the roof itself let’s grab some Cobble deep slate and make deep slate tile stairs sticking on theme I’m adding in a deep slate towel roof with some windows to break up the

Shape now for very important lore reasons the uh the warehouse is just waiting for goods to come in not that I just don’t want to do the Interior right now it’s very important that the warehouse remains empty for the foreseeable future until I can find a

Reason to do it before we jump up the hill again I’m completing the little workstation here before I uh forget about it again as a small blacksmith Forge for making tools and randomly a little chicken coop over here where I need to find some chickens let’s grab a

Few seeds and hope something’s still alive over here nope that’s a pig that that’s a pig a chicken no don’t run with oh I should probably put the sword away okay now follow me I’m So Far Away egg maybe that could be our second chicken

All right buddy it is the middle of the night but we gotta make it home we’re so close you stay here I gotta take out of a two problems okay come here now chicken buddy buddy come on across the river I have spent way too long getting you over

Here please no creepers okay you get it nope nope nope this way just check it I hate mobs get in here do you get a child no I kind of forgot that I actually have you know a chicken farm over here for eggs and that’s the amount it’s produced

In 3 500 Days in a world okay maybe I actually need a new chicken farm he’s in the Cooper child maybe maybe have a child you got a child looking back at where I started today it’s crazy to think I already have a mud Farm a clay Farm

Built into a huge brickworks up the mountain and two warehouses along the docks that will store all of my double dirt oh I guess I never finished the road here oops we’ll fix that up real quick like nobody noticed I know it’s an industrial area but it doesn’t mean we

Can’t have a few trees gotta offset that pollution you know where did my chickens go you’re I see you down there sir the llamas don’t seem to be attacking me anymore that’s good where’s the other chicken you know what you can work the blacksmith now just don’t leave okay or

Don’t don’t die in the magma speaking of animals that are just so easy to work with up here I need to add in another building as we have the brickworks and a bunch of carts to move around I thought we could throw in a small Stables building with three stalls three stalls

Should be good doing a little bit of Mangrove in here I wanted to go with something rather simple up here so I’m just adding in a few random details throughout to make it all work and just give it a little pop of color here with the mangrove but otherwise blending into

The environment pretty well with our spruce There we go a little different but I like it let’s go find some Royal steeds I really want to make a giant horse stables pasture somewhere in the world but for now let’s just get a few Saddles and see who’s on top of the mountain because for some reason they’re always

Up here ah mountain horse I need you first horse is uh cured number two there goes number three okay I grabbed a fourth horse which I want to hook in right here so he’s hanging out by the cart and hopefully that lead doesn’t break everything I can think of for the

Brickworks is pretty much ready to go except we probably need some people to work it and they need homes am I really just making my own City Builder game in Minecraft over here what’s wrong with me well one thing is uh I’m nearly out of rockets and uh my Electric’s almost

Broken first up quick stop at the sugarcane farm to make a little bit of paper find my way down the mountain over to the monolith where I am running out of gunpowder we’ll have to chill at the gas Farm a little later on but for now at least have Rockets we could tackle

Two stones with one bird here on the next step I grabbing some emeralds to trade with the stone masons as I’m gonna need a lot of bricks for these next builds and there we go the wings are all better and we got some bricks I still

Want to give each Building inside of the city a purpose outside of just residential so over here I think we can theme this after being a Smithy so along the street right here there’ll be a little entrance to get inside of like a Smith workshop on the base but to get up

To the second floor where we’ll have the residential section I want to bring in a little dark oak slab walkway and then for a small railing it’s gonna be a little wonk but Oak trap doors will be fine I’m sure they’ll be fine totally fine yeah hey at least he gets to walk

Up it and we can put a door right here as a bit of a division though moving up the base is gonna be out of brick and then from there I want to move into more terracotta jungle planks and strip jungle logs to represent this being a

Smithy we can extend a little street sign out here and just slap an anvil on for the doorway into the workshop we want to do something a little bit bigger so I’m thinking Spruce trap doors dark oak at the base and we just make a really really tall big dark oak door big

Door back into the granite base over here we can work in a little bit of driftstone itself and continue on with this new theme of texture variation that I’m doing that is trying to be more intentional about where things are going in I don’t know it’s fancy words for uh

Trying to make shading I guess that’s looking pretty good for the base over here to transition into the Terracotta I don’t want it just to be Blended boring so let’s work in a bit of a balcony across here I think this will actually work out pretty well as a break point to move into the next layer I want to work in a small covering on the balcony here and a little soul Lantern flight you know what though I’ve got a bit of an idea that we

Can do here in the balcony let’s take some scaffolding and grab some flower pots and they can have a little flower garden on their balcony quick trip over to the Flower Village to grab a few Azure bullets white tulips and pink tulips should do for something a little

Like this should work with that done I move forward on finishing off the walls to the buildings and added in a large chimney on the back for some Smithy Vibes for a little extra detail here I staggered out the campfires to produce the smokes there’s a little bit more

Variation and we can throw some glass in here for the window going with the light gray so it’s a little bit more opaque but from there it’s roof in time Wandering Traders confuse me so much appear at the weirdest times but the building is now done and it’s looking really good moving right along to the next buildings were you thinking all these shulkers I’d have what I need no no don’t be silly of course none of it’s

Here rated my way through the storage room and guess what we have even more shulkers and just like that you can watch as a massive building appears before your very eyes inside of the city industrial district with this Minecraft Youtuber magic of off-camera material collecting because I didn’t want to put

In any more Clips with me opening Justified stuff because we’ve done that so much already today but we can hide in a nice little field over here in the corner for a little city garden carrot patch people gotta eat so I think these are gonna be some perfect little

Decoration options to fill in some spaces because shulker boxes they’re a Vibe but they’re not the vibe I want now I’m not too sure what I want to do with the bat quite yet so I’ve left it blank for now but hey you know at least it has

A wall for one final detail in here before we really get into the street life I wanted to bring in another Market stall using a little bit of mossy cobblestone direct slabs and smooth corn slabs and and something like that should work out but what do I put in here let

Alone put over there would you look at that we’re at day 3503. we’ve been doing this for well over 170 days okay let’s build I can’t even word okay let’s build a dock yeah I’m gonna grab a ton of oak logs for this then taking Spruce logs we can

Craft into planks for a bunch of slabs a few trapdoors and stairs but more slabs so many slaps I want to start with designing a really simple docs down here along the water that’s gonna be split on two different levels for larger vessels to dock at the higher dock more docking

Just ignore the fact that this River literally goes nowhere that that’s a future foot problem but current flip needs to focus on placing in Spruce slabs for the entire lower dock and that is starting to look much much better as an additional ad I want to add

A few small staircases for people to get up and down where we can do some trap doors and Spruce fences as a form of a support take out the same idea I built the second Dock and added in some ladders to get out of the water if I do

Fall in which will definitely be used a lot in the future as again we’re coming over to the wheat farm to grab even more wheat over to the dirt storage building to grab some mud and craft ourselves packed mud but that we can start clearing this land out over here and

Figure out some way we can curve a road all the way down Looks like this is actually gonna work out really well it’s a bit smaller but uh it’ll be okay now we’ve just got to rebuild out some of these retaining walls so it looks a little bit more put together I think we can extend the stone

All the way out here around so it can be a little bit more supportive I might expand the city up here further so I don’t think I’ll put in a retaining wall for now we can just kind of smooth it out a little bit the grass will regrow

Here so that should be totally fine and I think it’s about time this lava has been scaring me for far too long a little bit of texture added in here instead of the Cobblestone we can do a little occasional log and tough and that should do the trick we’re currently in

Stage one of this section of the city so the finer details are gonna have to come in the next episode except I really want to situate the builds in the environment a little bit more which means we can build in some custom trees like this little oak tree here next to the storage

Building which is looking pretty good oh I forgot my bed next I want to build some spruce trees up here along the Mountainside which means I’m gonna need a lot of spruce leaves leaves are all gone but this is uh looking a little ugly up here so let’s chop down the logs too

Foreign Spruce is very easy to get and it’s time to make some trees in the morning somehow this is the first time I’ve built some large custom spruce trees in this world and we’re now 3 500 days into the series which is kind of crazy but

Here we are adding in five new ones behind the storage room which really helps it fit a lot into these builds and for those of you that have stuck around till now let’s update the world map to see everything new buying some new maps from the cartographers and picking up

Some glass panes to preserve everything from there I’m taking seven reps at a time to make sure I don’t miss anything and started flying around the spawn region to update every little thing I’ve created around here that adds up to the awesome hardcore survival base we have

So far next I need to take all these guys again and copy them to make two copies of each with that done next up I’m taking a single copy of each of them to use the glass pane and lock it in place this will forever preserve the

Copy on the wall this is looking really really good with everything coming together there we go episode 32 locks it in and our new section of the city over here is nearly as big as the first one and that is looking so good seeing it all coming together soon they’ll be

Connected don’t forget to subscribe if you’re new just to see how far I can last inside this hardcore world and with that my friends I’ll catch y’all on the flip side look at this little baby Map There’s not even a tree on it

This video, titled ‘I Built an Industrial District in Hardcore Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-03-30 17:15:02. It has garnered 686592 views and 25655 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:01 or 2641 seconds.

fWhip built an Industrial District in Hardcore Minecraft 1.19 survival let’s play! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY!

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Survival

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    QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Little Nightmare 2 Now- Working In Sand City in Hideout SMP with Queen Elsa’, was uploaded by QUEEEN ELSA on 2024-04-18 18:06:07. It has garnered 5099 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:18 or 13998 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to QUEEEN ELSA channel ! 🌟 #minecraft #minecraftpublicserver Hey there, gamers! I’m Srishti Mishra. Join me as we dive into epic adventures, tackle challenging quests, and share some laughs along the way! 🎮✨ What to Expect: 🔥 Live gameplay of the latest releases and classic favorites 💬 Interactive chats and community fun 🎉… Read More

  • Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!

    Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by MrToggle on 2024-04-28 04:45:27. It has garnered 1811 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:21 or 1101 seconds. I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek Minecraft… In this video, I challenged my friends to Minecraft hide and seek, but with a TWIST!!! We are tiny… We created a custom modpack and maps that made this video possible. Make sure to check out our other Minecraft challenge/manhunt videos. Also, possible a hardcore Mincraft manhunt or something… Read More

  • Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus Block

    Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus BlockVideo Information This video, titled ‘CIRNO GAMING LUNES ! SKY PAPUS BLOCK’, was uploaded by Dizzy Tohou VT on 2024-10-01 02:48:36. It has garnered 231 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:53 or 8393 seconds. #vtuber #indonesia #japan #jap #japanese #vtube #hololive #holo #genshin #touhouproject #minecraft #mine #craft #minecraftevent #gmod #cirno #touhou #touhouindonesia #tohotuber #virtualtuber #chile #memes #gaming #streaming #streamer #gaming #shaders #vt #vrchat #asmr Read More


    🔥I AM GODLY OP IN THIS LIFESTEAL SMP!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥’, was uploaded by Blazeonix on 2024-07-04 10:30:00. It has garnered 161 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:00 or 420 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥 FireMC Server IP – play.firemc.fun Port – 19132 (Java/Bedrock/Pocket) Game – Minecraft IGN – Blazeonix Music – Crock Pot Indian Fusion Make Sure to Like the video and subscribe to the channel💖 Tags Ignore: Tags Ignore: minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft memes,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft but challenge,shorts minecraft,types… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLive

    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT MONDAYS】 – EP 9: THE CHILDREN YEARN FOR THE MINES【YUMIKO NEKO|GACHAVSTARS】 #NekoVLive’, was uploaded by Neko Yumiko ch on 2024-06-10 13:21:37. It has garnered 92 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:53 or 7853 seconds. “H-hey! its not as though i LIKE you!.. but come hangout anyway?” buy me a ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/nekoyumiko (i wont eat ur toes if u do :3) ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ °• ♡ •° ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ The Cutest kitty in GEN 1 of GachaVstars …YES I SAID THE CUTEST! join the discord!! https://discord.gg/hVHvHrSqUt °• ♡ •° Vtuber mama! @lilkisses Tags:… Read More

  • RLFactions Season 1 PVP MODDED FACTIONS

    RLFactions Season 1 Beginning Soon! Experience a blend of RLCraft survival challenges with faction-based gameplay on RLFactions! Immerse yourself in a world where you can fight through dungeons one minute and defend your base from dragon-riding players the next. Join us for a competitive and challenging survival experience. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/z3ZEaCcFFG Enhance your survival skills and engage in faction warfare to ensure your survival in this vibrant and competitive environment. Building and strategizing are key to success on RLFactions. Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? Join now and test your survival skills! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – This ain’t the full Minecraft update!

    Minecraft Memes - This ain't the full Minecraft update!Well, looks like this meme is mining for upvotes in the update department! Read More

  • “Blaze it up in Minecraft!” #minecraftmemes

    "Blaze it up in Minecraft!" #minecraftmemes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂🎮 #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming #minecrafthacks #technogamerz #memes #meme Read More

  • Soul Juice in Minecraft

    Soul Juice in Minecraft Minecraft: The Essence of Souls Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where blocks come alive, and adventures await at every turn. In the realm of Minecraft, players delve into a universe where imagination reigns supreme and possibilities are endless. Let’s explore the essence of souls in this captivating game. Meet 方块轩: The Minecraft Creator 方块轩, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, is a creator known for his child-friendly content that focuses on humor and joy. As a dedicated Minecraft animator, 方块轩’s channel is a hub of original and entertaining videos that aim to spread happiness… Read More

  • Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial

    Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial Welcome to the Modern Beta Battle Ship Tutorial! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft battleships and TNT cannons? Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie looking to up your game, this tutorial is a must-watch before you step foot on the battlefield. Let’s explore the exciting features and events that await you on the server! Server ID: play.modernbeta.org Before you embark on your Minecraft battleship adventure, make sure to join the server at play.modernbeta.org. This is where the action happens, and where you’ll find fellow players ready to engage in epic battles and build… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation with Create Mod!

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation with Create Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Started the World I Always Wanted with Minecraft Create Mod and Ars Nouveau!’, was uploaded by Throlash on 2024-09-08 14:00:07. It has garnered 23441 views and 755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:36 or 2376 seconds. Welcome to Season 2 of my Create Mod series with Ars Nouveau – Minecraft Create: Nations! 👉 Subscribe for more of this series! https://www.youtube.com/@Throlash?sub_confirmation=1 In this series we’ll be building a beautiful world, with big and small nations plopped all over the place, each with their own lore and purpose! I’m combining the automation a movement… Read More

  • Breaking the Law: Minecraft Pranks on Girls

    Breaking the Law: Minecraft Pranks on GirlsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Doing illegal things to women (in Minecraft).’, was uploaded by Wrld on 2024-02-14 22:43:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video I attempt to get a girlfriend in Minecraft because I can’t get one in real life. I have felt alone for years happy Valentines … Read More

  • “Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!” #minecraft #clickbait

    "Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!" #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scar Gets Destroyed in 6b6t (2 logs) #minecraft #anarchy #cpvp #hypixel #6b6t #anarchy1’, was uploaded by MUDL on 2024-09-27 02:00:20. It has garnered 674 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Tesseract- https://discord.gg/tesseract Anarchy Free Kits- https://discord.gg/freekits Get 6b6t tier tested- https://discord.gg/j4PyA3DaDJ tags – Minecrafe Anarchy Tags Minecraft Anarchy Anarchy Server Minecraft Chaos No Rules Minecraft Minecraft PvP Minecraft Base Building Minecraft Griefing Minecraft Raiding Anarchy Survival Anarchy Factions Anarchy Minecraft Server Minecraft Hacked Client Minecraft Exploits Minecraft Anarchy Tips Anarchy Minecraft Hacks Minecraft Free-for-All Minecraft Wild West… Read More

I Built an Industrial District in Hardcore Minecraft Survival