I Built an INSANE NETHER HUB in Hardcore Minecraft! (#10)

Video Information

For the past 600 days of my hardcore world my nether portal has looked like this it’s definitely time for an upgrade so today the plan is to make an insane nether Hub this is going to be the biggest project I’ve taken on in this world so far from breaking over a

Thousand pieces of Bedrock to building the largest structure I’ve ever built in Minecraft so let’s get to work we have a lot of things to do the first thing we have to do for this nether Hub is break a ton of Bedrock breaking Bedrock is pretty straightforward with the main

Ingredient being TNT I’ve done some math and I need to break over 1300 pieces of bedrock with two TNT per Bedrock that means I’ll need at least 42 stacks and since I’ll probably mess up a few times I’m going to round that up to 45 Stacks

That’s 180 stacks of sand and 225 stacks of gunpowder my gas Farm isn’t nearly fast enough to get all that gunpowder so we’re gonna have to build a creeper Farm the first thing we need for this Farm is 20 cats I only really have to get two

Because then I can just breed the rest so I’m gonna grab some fish real quick there we go one stack should be more than enough now there weren’t any cats next to my villagers but there are two Villages next to my base so hopefully I

Can find some cats here oh I see one it’s trapped right here look at that it’s perfect hello cats now we just have to get one more oh and look at that there’s three cats over here this is amazing and now that I have all these

Guys back I’m gonna bring them over to where I’m gonna build the farm and it’s gonna go just over here this right here is gonna be my future industrial district and in the next video I’m gonna be building a ton of farms here so make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it

All right let’s get these guys breeding now we have even more cats and now I just have to repeat the same thing until I get 20 cats the cat Army is slowly growing I’m up to 10 now and as I was waiting for the cats to cool down I went

Ahead and collected all the blocks that I need to build this creeper farm and although the cats don’t need to be name tagged I’m gonna name all of them after 20 commenters on my last video if you want to be named after something in this world just leave a comment and there we

Go that’s 20 cats let’s start building this thing now first I’m gonna need some building blocks some trap doors and everything for the collection system first I have to build up the outline and then right down here is where the collection system system’s gonna go and

Then I can extend the tunnel going out this way and place water on the end right here and there we go that’s the collection system all done let’s get back to working on the farm let’s grab two cats one of them’s gonna go right here and the other one’s gonna go over

Here now I can add my carpets to prevent spiders and then enclose this entire thing with trap doors and there we go that’s one layer done but before I add any more layers I’m gonna go up here and build an AFK platform because I want to

See if this Farm even works I’ll have to quickly fly back to the storage cave grab some scaffolding and Tower up 120 blocks above the collection system okay here we are and now let’s see if any creepers are coming down okay it doesn’t look like it’s working I think I might

Be too high up alright I’ve moved the AFK platform down a few blocks let’s see if it works this time oh wait there we go all right the farm Works let’s build 10 more platforms now and there we go that’s all 10 layers done I also turned

On the d-spawn sphere from my AFK platform and everything down here that’s inside the circle I have to light up and this is to make sure that nothing can spawn down here at night time and we should be good to go let’s test it out

And see how fast it is oh there they are whoa okay it actually works pretty good it’s definitely a lot faster than just one layer but before I AFK up here for a few hours to get all of my gunpowder I still have one more thing to get and

That’s 180 stacks of sand which is just over six shulker boxes I already have two shulker boxes worth in this chest right here so that just leaves me with four shulker boxes to collect and to make things go a little bit faster I’m gonna bring my lathes with me Hello

Friends alright I’ve let these guys off their leads and now I can start collecting up the four and a half shulker boxes of sand that I need that honestly took way less time than I thought it would and I cleared out this entire area super quick these four lays

Definitely made it a lot faster and there we go now that I have one ingredient taken care of it’s time to AFK at the creeper farm and get those 225 stacks of gunpowder I hope this doesn’t take too long okay it’s the next day let’s go see how

Much gunpowder I managed to get I still see a bunch of creepers flowing in okay we have one double chest two double chests three double chests four double chests five double chests and a half five and a half double chests and here it all is nine entire shulker boxes and

I still have one and a half double chests left over I can’t believe how well this Farm works but now that I have that gathered up I can grab all of my gunpowder and with all of my sand crafted all up into TNT that took a

Super long time to craft up but now I have 45 and a half stacks of TNT and now to craft up a few Pistons grab some levers some building blocks and some trap doors and this is everything I need to break the over 1300 blocks of Bedrock

For this netherhub so let’s head over to the Nether and get this done I’m gonna make my way up onto the roof and I already have everything outlined and now I can start setting up the contraption it looks something like this then we go underneath the trapdoor flick the lever

And then right here in this Gap we spam click a piston and once the TNT explodes then the Bedrock is broken and now I just have to do that 13 500 more times I’m scared this is gonna take so long After four days of breaking Bedrock I just have one piece left and this right here is bedrock number 1322. let’s break it and there we go we’re all done and now it’s on to the next step which is collecting 130 stalks of glass I used every last bit of my

Sand to craft up the TNT so I sold the iron from the iron farm to my villagers to get emeralds and use that to buy glass I already did this after I finished Breaking All the Bedrock and here it all is but now we have to turn

All this glass into stained glass I need 47 stacks of purple stained glass 35 stacks of gray glass 31 stacks of magenta glass eight stacks of black glass and seven stacks of light blue glass and now that I have that done it’s on to the next item and that’s 59 stacks

Of stripped War blogs I don’t have a warp stem Farm just yet so we’re gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way and that’s gonna be to find a warp forest and chop down all the trees all these have to be stripped so I’m gonna strip them before I chop them down to

Make things go a little bit faster foreign and after chopping down this entire warped Forest I finally have all the stems that I needed now the next item that I need is 21 stacks of Basalt and right next to this Ward Forest there’s a Basalt Delta which is perfect 21 stacks

Of Basalt here we go that went super quick and now that I have this Basalt I have all the bulk items that I need for this netherhub the rest of the items that I need to get are pretty easy I first have to head to the

End since I need three stacks of n Rods collecting all these n Rods by hand would take way too long so instead I’m gonna gather up three stalks of chorus fruit and now I can put all these into my furnaces to make popped chorus fruit and now with three stalks of blaze rods

I can craft up some N Rods oh wait it gives you four there we go I have four Stacks now I didn’t even know you could Craft end rods till a few months ago so if you also didn’t know then you’re welcome but now I have my three stacks

Of N Rods and now it’s time for the rest of the items I need 16 stacks of black concrete five stacks of light blue wool 76 respawn anchors and enough glowstone to charge them all the way seven stocks as smooth coarse blocks 15 stacks of Blackstone some chains and some soul

Lanterns 20 stacks of crawling obsidian and seven stacks of regular obsidian and lastly a lodestone and there we have it after days of preparation these 14 shulker boxes are everything that I’ll need to make this nether Hub so now it’s finally time to build this thing first I

Need to head back to the Nether and tear down my old portal since this thing is getting a huge upgrade okay now that I have my shulkers all organized I’m gonna build up a few blocks like this and start placing a bunch of purple glass and this right here is where I’m gonna

Put the center of the nether Hub I’m going to layer purple glass with magenta glass 10 blocks high until it gives this cool fog effect now I’m only five layers in but you can already start to see how it’s gonna look as the layers go higher

And higher it’s going to get foggier and foggier until the point where you can’t see anything underneath and I think it’s gonna turn out so good all right I just have a few layers left and you can already see it’s really starting to come together the fog effect looks super good

And it’s almost perfect I just need a couple more layers foreign the completed floor it looks so good and you can’t even see the bottom which makes it look even better but now that I have this Center area done I’m gonna expand the floor in every direction to

Make this nether Hub even bigger now to make this floor I’m going to use some black stone and some Basalt and I’m gonna put it two blocks below the floor and make it into this random looking pattern and there we go now that I have the floor done I’m just gonna add a

Layer of gray glass on top of all of this all of the gray glass is put down and the next thing I need is my respawn anchors and some smooth quartz blocks since I’m gonna be placing all of my respawn anchors right here around the center now I gotta grab all my glowstone

And charge all of these up to the max I slightly miscalculated the amount of Glowstone that I would need so I’m back here at my cleric villagers buying just a bit more and now I can get the last of these all charged up and everything is

Good to go this floor is turning out super good and these respawn anchors look really cool too but now that I have the floor mostly complete I’m gonna start working on the walls and this is what I’m gonna use all of these stripped warp stems for okay here’s the progress

So far and it’s looking really good I have all of the Arches done now before I continue with the walls going all the way up I’m going to build these arches first and to do that I’m going to need some smooth quartz some black concrete and some crying obsidian each Arch is

Gonna look something like this there’s going to be quartz around the outside crying up sitting in on the inside and since I don’t know what’s gonna go on the other side of these archways just yet I’m putting black concrete for now now that we have one done it’s time to build the rest And there we go all of the Arches are done and they look super cool but now it’s time for the roof you can see up here that I already started blending some warped planks up into here and as it goes higher up there’s going to be

More and more warp planks and it’s going to be kind of a gradient I’m not sure how that’s gonna look just yet but I’m gonna try it out and see if it looks good gotta get rid of all these gas because otherwise they’ll blow up my

Nether Hub and now it’s time to keep building and there we go that’s all the walls and the roof complete and I think this gradient actually turned out pretty good I like how it looks but now I’m gonna fly back up here and I’m gonna add some

Accent around the top like this I’m gonna try to make it look like the Arches so there’s gonna be some chords like this and then on top there’s gonna be some crying obsidian and I think that’s gonna look pretty cool so let’s get to building and there we go that’s

The roof entirely complete and this is turning out so good but we still haven’t built the main thing in this nether Hub and that’s the portal it’s gonna go right here in the center and this portal is gonna be enormous it’s gonna go all the way up to the Bedrock roof so let’s

Grab all of my obsidian tear down this old portal real quick and before we build the portal I’m gonna grab all of this right here including my lodestone and right here on this crying obsidian is the center I’m going to place down a Polish deep slate four stairs around it

As well as four walls and then on top we’ll go the lodestone now I can take my compass and right click it on it and we get an advancements country load take me home and I brought this Anvil with me that way I can rename this to netherhub

And now when I’m in the nether as long as I have this Compass I’ll never get lost wait a second let’s actually grab four lanterns like this and I think it’ll look good if I add them on top yeah that looks pretty cool but now that

I have this done it’s time to build the giant portal around it and there we go that’s one portal this is as tall as a portal can possibly be so I’m gonna have to build two portals let’s fly back up here and I’m gonna go up a few blocks

Like this and then start the next portal right up here and that’s the two portals done right now they look pretty weird so I’m gonna add some crying obsidian and some more obsidian to blend them together because having just two big boxes like this would not look good at

All so I’m gonna grab my N Rods and the rest of my crying obsidian and obsidian alright this is what the bottom looks like and I’m gonna repeat this on the top and bottom of every portal and I think it should blend them together pretty nicely and there we go that’s the

Center portal all done I think it looks really good using some more obsidian crying obsidian and enrods to blend them together actually worked out pretty good but I’m not done yet this portal still looks kind of boxy so I’m gonna add two glass spirals going around it so I’m

Gonna grab the rest of my glass as well as some light blue wool and now it’s time to build these Spa spirals I think it’s gonna be kind of hard to get them all built up but it’s gonna be worth it because it’s gonna look really good in the end Okay here’s the progress on the first spiral and already it looks really good I can’t wait until both are done this is gonna be so cool but that’s enough staring let’s keep on building spiral number one is complete and now it’s time to start on spiral number two and there

It is both spirals complete it was pretty tricky to get these things all built but it looks really good there’s still one more thing that I have to do to call this netherhub complete and ask to grab my chains and lanterns and add some hanging lanterns to the roof up

Here because right now it looks a little plain up there so hopefully this will make it look better and there we go I’ve added all the lanterns and it actually looks pretty good because it adds just a little bit of light to the ceiling and makes it look less dark but now with

That done there’s only one thing left to do and that’s to light the portals I’m gonna grab out my trusty flint and steel make my way up to the top right here first we’re gonna light the four portals up here and then I’m gonna fly down and

Light the four portals down here and there we go all the portals are lit let’s see how it looks whoa this looks so cool this was such a fun project and I really hope you guys like this build let me know what you think in the

Comments but that’s gonna be all for me today guys thanks for watching and I’ll see you all in the next video bye-bye I cannot believe how long this took but this is so sick

This video, titled ‘I Built an INSANE NETHER HUB in Hardcore Minecraft! (#10)’, was uploaded by Julien Azelart on 2022-12-03 14:00:14. It has garnered 570157 views and 3361 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:01 or 781 seconds.

In this video, I finally transform my boring nether portal into an insane nether hub! This is the largest build I’ve done in this world yet, and it turned out amazing! From breaking over 1300 blocks of bedrock, to gathering over a dozen shulker boxes of items, this was a CRAZY project. I hope you enjoy the build, and let me know what you think in the comments!

Watch the Season 2 playlist!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeQyNz27Ua0k1jq_kLJ1EMeT82L2txII2

World seed: -942173550853038511 My texture pack: https://vanillatweaks.net/share#SCs10A

Become a channel member for exclusive perks!⚡️https://www.youtube.com/c/JulienAzelart/join Discord!⚡️https://discord.gg/kBwzdgTzgq Other socials⚡️https://linktr.ee/julienazelart

Where I get my music: https://share.epidemicsound.com/95bjp4

Receive 25% off your first month on a server from shockbyte with code “JULIEN25” !! https://shockbyte.com/partner/julienazelart

Email for business inquiries: [email protected]

This is a Hardcore Minecraft Let’s Play in the 1.19 Wild Update! This video is in a similar genre to many popular Hardcore Series by Minecraft YouTubers like Wadzee, SB737, Fru, Kolanii, NotNotBrock, Rekrap2, sandiction, aCookieGod, LockDownLife, PaulGG, Farzy and others. This video is a Hardcore Survival Challenge, but isn’t a 100 days challenge, or a Minecraft, But challenge. It’s also not I Transformed the Nether Portal in Minecraft Hardcore (#9), I Recreated the ENTIRE END in Minecraft Hardcore, I Built The Most Over The Top Nether Portal In Minecraft Hardcore (E4), How to build a Nether Sword Portal in Minecraft. This also isn’t a video on one of the many popular SMP’s, such as Lifesteal SMP, Dream SMP, Hermitcraft, or Empires SMP.

#Minecraft #Hardcore #LetsPlay #JulienAzelart #100days

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    🔥 OP Minecraft Enchant = FREE MONEY?! 💰Video Information This video, titled ‘THIS ENCHANT GIVES YOU MONEY FOR PLAYING ON MY OP MINECRAFT PRISON SERVER…’, was uploaded by AkumaMC on 2024-09-28 11:32:10. It has garnered 484 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. » Server IP: fun.AkumaMC.net » Bedrock IP: Bedrock.AkumaMC.net » Store: https://store.akumamc.net » Discord: https://discord.gg/akumamc » Forums: https://www.akumamc.net IGNORE THE BELOW Discover Our Minecraft Prison & Skyblock Server – Where Community Thrives! If you’re searching for the best Minecraft prison server or the best Minecraft skyblock server, you’ve found your new home. Our server isn’t just another place… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Movie Trailer by Siyan Biswas! #epic

    Insane Minecraft Movie Trailer by Siyan Biswas! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft movie trailer. #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Siyan Biswas on 2024-09-11 08:30:02. It has garnered 272 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Welcome to my YouTube Channel @siyanbiswas, your one-stop destination for a diverse range of content! Dive into the world of trending songs, movie updates, and engaging shorts. Explore the depths of space and science, enhance your knowledge with educational insights, and stay updated on the latest in technology. Discover handy tips and tricks, delve into the art of photography, and join captivating vlogs and… Read More

  • Nova Anarchy 1.21.1

    Welcome to Nova Anarchy! Nova Anarchy was created on 9/23/2024. This is an anarchy server with no rules other than what can bypass the anti-cheat system. Join today and start your adventure! Server Information: JAVA: nova-anarchy.us BEDROCK: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The creaking grind of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - The creaking grind of Minecraft“The only thing scarier than the creaking in Minecraft is trying to navigate the endless maze of crafting recipes.” Read More

  • Guardian Showdown: Warden vs Golems – Who Reigns Supreme? #Minecraft

    Guardian Showdown: Warden vs Golems - Who Reigns Supreme? #Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where the blocks are bold, The Warden faces off with Golems, stories untold. Who will emerge victorious, in this epic fight? Watch the battle unfold, under the moonlight. The Golems stand tall, with strength and might, But the Warden is cunning, ready to strike. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this clash of titans, who will rise? The villagers watch, hearts beating fast, As the Warden and Golems clash at last. With every swing and every blow, The outcome uncertain, where will it go? But in the end, only one can win, In… Read More

  • “Speedrun to the Nether 😂” #minecraft #meme

    "Speedrun to the Nether 😂" #minecraft #meme When you tell your friend you’ll just make a quick visit to their Minecraft world and end up spending hours building a giant dragon in the portal. Time flies when you’re having fun! #minecraftmadness 😂🐉🕰️ Read More

  • Meeting the Dark Trader in Minecraft! Lucky Block Island Adventure

    Meeting the Dark Trader in Minecraft! Lucky Block Island Adventure Exploring the Dark Trader in Minecraft’s Lucky Block Sky Block Islands In a recent Minecraft video, the player encountered a mysterious figure known as the Dark Trader on the Lucky Block Sky Block Islands. Let’s delve into the thrilling events that unfolded during this gameplay! Breaking Lucky Blocks and Discovering Islands As the video begins, the player starts by breaking Lucky Blocks, uncovering various surprises and challenges along the way. After navigating through different obstacles, they eventually stumble upon a series of islands, each with its own set of enemies and mysteries. Encountering Enemies and Unraveling Secrets On the… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Luc4s_974 Grows Giant Cactus! #MinecraftSkyblock

    Unbelievable: Luc4s_974 Grows Giant Cactus! #MinecraftSkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Une Plus Grande Usine A Cactus Nolvac – Minecraft Skyblock !ip’, was uploaded by Luc4s_974 on 2024-08-28 17:31:23. It has garnered 110 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 06:02:15 or 21735 seconds. Nolvac a Skyblock in 1.20.1 to 1.20.4 in the theme of a land destroyed by Volcanoes! Discord: https://discord.gg/4yMPyH52p6 IP : play.nolvac.fr Site : https://nolvac.fr ▬▬ My Networks ▬▬ ►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/luc4s_974 ►Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/luc4s_974 ►TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@luc4s_974 ►Discord : https://discord.gg/yE3JDPW5BT ▬▬ Support Me ▬▬ ►Make a Donation: https://streamelements.com/luc4s_974/tip ►Instant-Gaming : https://www.instant-gaming.com/fr/?igr=Luc4s-974 ►My Creator Code: LUCAS974 ►Become a Member of the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft vs Zombies Mashup!

    Ultimate Minecraft vs Zombies Mashup!Video Information This video, titled ‘PvZ Meets MINECRAFT! (Minecraft vs Zombies)’, was uploaded by MattShea on 2024-08-22 14:30:14. It has garnered 37427 views and 1660 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:48 or 1548 seconds. What if Plants vs Zombies took place in the Minecraft world and Crazy Dave was actually a VILLAGER? Let’s play this surprisingly awesome mashup! PvZ • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fDatgBaYL7-TrxJPMmmOfVu PvZ 2 • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fCr3we-eQ4rO7SozCyZchxE PvZ 3 • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fBlNSUdUx18fBm_6VjFfSoOMore PvZ:ND • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fBo_iBe1uuJinTmIe8KPlo- GW2 • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu_Jc10gF_fDb35TAc_PszZWHvBOWd0fs About Minecraft vs Zombies: Minecraft vs Zombies 2 (MvZ2) is a fan game of Minecraft, Plants vs Zombies and Touhou Project, it is… Read More

  • World Ending Tomorrow?! SofiaSurf Minecraft Adventure!

    World Ending Tomorrow?! SofiaSurf Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘esto pasaría si el mundo se acabara mañana 😨🌍 #minecraft’, was uploaded by SofíaSurf on 2024-04-21 00:54:07. It has garnered 213889 views and 12708 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE New Minecraft Mods 1.21-1.19.2!!

    INSANE New Minecraft Mods 1.21-1.19.2!!Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 27 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Week! (1.21 to 1.19.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-08-05 11:00:35. It has garnered 42766 views and 1305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds. TOP 27 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Week! (1.20.11, 1.21 to 1.19.2) Join my channel membership to get more Useful contents : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCNeJZw6-NQz4oUEBHMaEhA/join 00:00 -The Masquerade (Illager Boss) 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-masquerade-illager-boss 02:48 -Sniff’s Weapons 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sniffs-weapons 04:07 -Dropped Item Tweaks 1.21 —— 1.20 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/droppeditemtweaks 04:52 -OutroNinja’s Fast Piglin Barter 1.21 (Datapack) https://modrinth.com/datapack/outroninja-fast-piglin-barter 05:35 -Mob AI… Read More

  • Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft for Real Money in Discord

    Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft for Real Money in DiscordVideo Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-05 18:05:49. It has garnered 91 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:14 or 11414 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to the World of MineCraft! 🌟 🎮 Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether it’s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, we’ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: GTGpublic.aternos.me Port: 57892 Discord :- https://discord.gg/5th88qx2pg Youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35xyHiGkrb-kvz-p3uWZzQ Instagram… Read More

  • Unlock the Haunted Secrets of BLCKRKN Village👻😱 #horrorstories

    Unlock the Haunted Secrets of BLCKRKN Village👻😱 #horrorstoriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The SECRET Village👻😨 | HORROR STORIES #horrorstories #horrorstory #trending’, was uploaded by BLCKRKN STORIES on 2024-09-24 12:50:00. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Minecraft video credit: naybr@Naybr Sound: Halloween by Pulsar_Sound Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Villager Love Story 💔🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Villager Love Story 💔🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Villager’s Love Story in Minecraft #minecraft #animation #shorts #gaming #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by FilmySteve on 2024-09-08 08:44:05. It has garnered 1114 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Villager’s Love Story in Minecraft Minecraft Shorts #minecraft #animation #shorts #gaming #minecraftmemes #memes #minecraftanimation #minecraftbuilding #bedwars #funny #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • INSANE! Beating Minecraft in Mid-Air?!

    INSANE! Beating Minecraft in Mid-Air?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Mid-Air…’, was uploaded by Plix on 2024-05-08 05:09:50. It has garnered 621 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:52 or 532 seconds. In this video I’m attempting to beat Minecraft only floating, this makes it so I’m constantly stuck mid-air and the looming threat of floating away breathing down my back. This Minecraft challenge was extremely hard, especially entering the Nether, but beating the game and the dragon was clutch. SUBSCRIBEEEEEEEE Data Pack: https://modrinth.com/datapack/minecraft-but-upside-down/version/1.0 kinda like minecraft challenges, minecraft hardcore,RageTrain, Minecraft lets play, minecraft survival, smp videos, beating minecraft… Read More

  • Insane School Rule You Won’t Believe!! 😲|#2danimation #funny

    Insane School Rule You Won't Believe!! 😲|#2danimation #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘😂 Rule No 10 😂 In School|#2danimation #animation #spongebob #minecraft #tf2 #cartoon #funny’, was uploaded by Tech Monster Gamerz on 2024-09-10 21:54:36. It has garnered 764 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. 😂 Rule No 10 😂 In School|#2danimation #animation #spongebob #minecraft #tf2 #cartoon #funny@Boogytoons Video Credit -@Boogytoons shortfeed #viral #funny😂  |#shorts #shortfeed #funny #mocodog #funny #shorts #mocodog #viral  #shorts #funny #cartoon #viral |#shorts #youtubeshort #funny #mocodog#comics#funnyvideo #funnyshorts #funnymemes #funnymoments #funnyclips #cartoons #animation #youtubeshorts #youtube #trending #trendingvideo #trendingshort #moco #aifay 👉Editing-Capcut 👉Voice Over- Tech Monster Gamerz 👉Mobile Phone… Read More

I Built an INSANE NETHER HUB in Hardcore Minecraft! (#10)