I built EVERY STATE’S Tallest Building in Minecraft!

Video Information

There are 50 states in the US of a and today I’m going to be building every single State’s tallest building each building will get gradually taller until we reach the absolute tallest let’s get right into it because there was a lot of building ahead of us at number 51 we

Have Vermont the shortest tallest building Vermont you need to get your stuff together because what is this Number 50 we have South Dakota with 46 blocks tall Century Link Tower very very fancy Number 49 is Wyoming the White Hall which is a part of a college campus I believe um which is pretty cool number 48 Maine St Joseph Church is number 48. this is one of the few churches that are on this list and it is very nice I love the detail that came

Into this building now we’re going to take a stroll over to North Dakota to the state capitol building coming in at 74 blocks tall very very cool Number 46 is in Montana the first interstate Center just some office building generic but it looks pretty cool New Hampshire is City Hall Plaza 83 blocks tall this is a really nice build this is one of the builds that I actually really enjoyed making just because of the detail that went into it and it’s a pretty unique looking building I give it an A-Plus good job New Hampshire perfect

Coming in at number 44 one of the biggest buildings on this list in terms of sheer size not height West Virginia the state capitol building you already see it’s a pretty chunky building here um it’s pretty much just a capitol building and this Dome here is what gives it its super tall height

Um but other than that this thing turned out pretty nice I’m really happy with how this Dome turned out and uh yeah good job West Virginia you’re coming in at number 44. number 43 we have Alaska all the way up in the chilly chilly state of Alaska just another generic office building

Nothing too crazy here Right into Kansas the Epic Center this sort of diagonal building here I like the roof on this building this one turned out pretty well and a lot of these buildings were pretty easy to make even though they’re kind of hard and this is one of those easy builds to make Foreign Idaho 8th and Main this is sort of a office slash uh shopping area slash apartment building I’m pretty sure and uh yeah I really like the modern look of this one and uh this was a really fun one to build just because of all the details that were in here

I did not forget about you guys Washington DC if you saw at the beginning we started at number 51 that was not a mistake I am including Washington DC for all of my Washington DC viewers now uh the Washington Monument is technically the largest structure in Washington DC however it’s

Not really technically a building so we have the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception uh that’s a big tongue twister right there fill my mouth with words why don’t you but this is a little uh pillar here is what makes it the tallest thing uh according to the

Internet uh you know I just I just I just look it up on the internet so I believe them but this one turned out really good foreign number 39 we’re coming all the way to Delaware the tiny tiny little state of Delaware this is just another generic building nothing too special about it

But it is coming in at 104 blocks tall we broke the 100 barrier uh it’s fantastic thank you Delaware Bada bing bada boom miss a sippy down into the Deep South this is the first casino on our list there’s another casino on this list here but this is the first one the Beau Rivage Casino Hotel that might be out you pronounce it I don’t know Beau Rivage something like

That tell me now in the comments Mississippi viewers how do you pronounce that name that’s pretty weird but here’s your Casino very nice very nice indeed Number 37 we have South Carolina just another generic building nothing too crazy here South Carolina get your stuff together Foreign number 36 going into New Mexico Walter okay I’m sorry that was horrible uh Albuquerque Plaza 106 blocks tall these buildings are all pretty similar height but later in the video we’re going to be gaining some serious high so keep watching for that Coming in at number 35 we’re going to Utah this is a pretty interesting building uh it’s pretty geometric which uh which is nice in Minecraft because geometric buildings are really nice to make as you can see it’s pretty easy but it looks complex and I really like the way this one turned out Number 34 the smallest state in the country fun little fact they are Rhode Island this is the industrial National Bank building also called the Superman building for whatever reason I guess this is a in a Superman uh maybe I guess I don’t watch DC I don’t know

At number 33 we have Hawaii and this building is actually not the tallest building in Hawaii anymore it’s now the second tallest building a new one uh has just been built but I think this one looks better than the other ones so I’m still keeping it Number 32 we’re coming to Arizona for the Chase Tower pretty simple build but it really turns out really interesting in the end and I like it number 31 we’re going all the way to Virginia with this skinny little building it’s skinny but tall and there’s a pretty pretty chunky Spire at

The top that really gives it a lot of its height so you know it’s kind of it’s kind of a little cheating here but we’re gonna let it pass Number 30 this is a really boring building I’m sorry Maryland you have a really boring tallest building maybe uh make it a little more interesting next time for me and then it’ll I’ll be I’ll be a little happier with it how about that foreign we’re going into Connecticut and uh this

One is a uh this one is an all right building I don’t know nothing against it it looks interesting enough better than Maryland I’m sorry Maryland viewers I’m dogging on you I love you all Coming into Oregon now we have the Wells Fargo Center 166 blocks tall this is a nice little building nothing too crazy uh it’s pretty simple but uh it looks pretty sleek and modern I really like this one number 27 we’re going down to Arkansas back into the south of the Simmons Tower

Another pretty simple building but I like the design of it it’s really nice for some reason good job Arkansas foreign Kentucky what’s going on guys we have 400 West Market here this is a nice one it’s got a nice little Dome on top giving it some extra height this one is

A pretty pretty cool maybe one of my favorite Dome buildings that I have built in this entire video hello Wisconsin you have a very boring tallest building I’m sorry but it’s true just a typical brick standing in the middle of a of a city nothing special

About it at all U.S Bank plug I guess sponsor me All right we’re coming to Tennessee this is one of the more interesting ones because not only is it at an angle but you’ll see the roof or I guess the top section is a really interesting it’s got this like weird little Spire thing that gives it a lot of height but it’s super

Unique and it was really fun to build I thought this was going to be really difficult but it actually turned out being very very easy and this is definitely one of my favorite buildings that I’ve done for the entire video also one quick fun fact that I learned

Recently the locals apparently call this thing the Batman building so that’s awesome foreign Missouri another pretty boring building uh nothing too special about it it’s really dark it kind of gives me like super villain Vibes this seems like a like a super villain layer uh or you know a headquarters would be here

All right Iowa 801 Grand 192 blocks tall this is another one that I enjoyed making it was pretty memorable to build for whatever reason I just like the shape of it and uh you know it turned out really nice in the end this kind of star shape um

I have a soft spot for star shapes I guess but I really liked how this one turned out hello Nebraska we have the First National Bank here this is one of the unique ones a lot of them uh are just you know their own Standalone buildings

But this one kind of has this little thing coming off the side we’ll come back down and I’ll show you what I’m talking about here but we gotta get this Tall part of this tall building out of the way first boring no I’m just kidding I really like this building actually but

This little thing on the bottom here really uh really really makes it look a lot nicer and this Plaza is super cool too now we’re coming into beautiful Las Vegas this building is the Fontaine Blue it’s actually not 100 complete yet but uh I had to put it in because once it’s

Complete it will be the tallest building in Nevada other than the stratosphere which is technically not a building just like the Washington Monument now we’re coming into Louisiana we have a very boring building here nothing interesting about this at all sorry Louisiana Thank you it seems the architect for the Louisiana building and the Colorado building or the exact same person because these buildings are the exact same Now we’re coming down to Good Old Alabama the RSA battle house tower that sounds like a very intimidating name for a building um and I’m not sure it lives up to the hype it’s a pretty cute little building it’s not very intimidating though I like

The top of it though you gotta be honest it looks pretty cool on the top that Spire gives it about 80 percent more height than it deserves And now we’re coming to Michigan Detroit Michigan the Renaissance Center this is one building part of a big campus of buildings but I didn’t want to build all of that because I didn’t have the time Now we’re coming to Massachusetts good old Massachusetts this is another little diagonal style building this one turned out pretty cool I like the little rooftop plazas and Gardens and all these buildings have it’s really nice it adds a nice little touch to it a little Touch of Green never heard anybody And we’re going into Minnesota with the IDS Tower this is another super villain looking build I feel like another super villain would live in this thing but yeah this one is pretty cool the spiers give it some extra height but that’s okay foreign Into Indiana with a sales force Tower another one of the cool buildings that I like it seems like all the wooden buildings are are the ones that I that I enjoy building this isn’t wood in real life but the wood is just the closest color to to what the real life thing was

But this was a nice build and Oklahoma this is one of probably the most difficult one to build just because of these weird angles here um of this building but it wasn’t too terrible to work on and in the end I’m pretty happy with how it turns out I like these three little

Sections coming together to form one building And we’re going to Florida for one of the more detailed builds that I did because this has a rooftop pool and a bunch of you know different weird looking things you can see that I’m building right now all around this building but this was a pretty fun one

To build I actually had a good time building this one Oh Hello North Carolina the Bank of America Corporate Center we are getting pretty tall here 265 blocks just wait until the end they’re gonna get a lot taller but this one is a nice building I like the roof of this one it’s got these weird little spikes coming out of the top and

Uh yeah it looks really nice like a birthday cake or something and now we’re coming in at number nine the New Jersey this is another building that has a rooftop pool I guess I have a soft spot for pools but this one also has a bunch of greenery so I guess that

Gives it extra extra points and then here’s the building itself the building itself isn’t too crazy but it looks it looks nice enough coming in at number eight we’re going to Washington up in the Northwest uh here is the Columbia Center this is another one of those you know weird

Weird shaped buildings that I had to do a lot of extra work on you can see I’m putting all the circles everywhere and and stuff like that but this one was a little tricky to build but in the end I’m really happy with how it turned out

And it has this nice little base Plaza here I give this one an A plus And we’re going to Ohio for the Key Tower this is a uh not super memorable building if I’m going to be honest um it’s pretty basic uh kind of like a lot of the other buildings here but hey what can you say uh you know you gotta

You gotta you gotta keep it simple sometimes and that’s exactly what Ohio does here And we’re going to Texas for a boring building Texas for the sixth tallest State uh you should have a more interesting building I’m sorry but you don’t deserve this spot with a building as boring as this one I’m sorry Texas I love you guys and talk about a boring building this is

The exact opposite of it the Bank of America Plaza in Georgia and some people call this the pencil building interesting enough this is a nice looking building I’m really happy with how this thing turns out again it’s those diamond shaped buildings I don’t know the diamond the star shape I don’t

Know I have a soft spot for him foreign we only have four buildings left to go it’s getting intense we’re going to California the Wilshire Grand Center this is a pretty new building and uh this was a little difficult to make I will admit it but in the end I think

This one turned out pretty all right I’m pretty happy with it And number three we got Pennsylvania the Comcast tech center 341 blocks tall we are getting to some crazy Heights here this was a nice building this is a super I would say it has a modern style um I guess uh I don’t know a modern I guess

Industrial kind of style uh would be the the thing that I would use but I really like the way this one looks in the end too good job Pennsylvania Now these last two buildings are so tall that I had to install a mod to be able to build these one-to-one scale because they won’t fit in the default Minecraft world height anyways number two the Willis Tower in Illinois the former Sears Tower this was a very very fun one

To build obviously because it’s super tall and it has this little Garden on the roof and a lot of greenery and bushes get to be added and you guys know I have a soft spot for bushes but here we go we’re going up all the way to the

Top and boom just like that we are done with number two And finally at number one you guys knew what was gonna happen we’re going to New York for the Freedom Tower this beautiful beautiful building I actually built this building before but it wasn’t one to one scale at one to one scale I gotta be honest it looks super cool and

I really love the way this thing turns out especially the Spire at the very tippity top of it good job New York you did not disappoint me at all foreign foreign Foreign I want to thank you guys one more time so much for watching if you want to download this map with all the buildings in the line together go check out my patreon page and speaking of patreon I want to thank all of my patrons right here for subscribing to me and

Supporting me you are all fantastic I’ll see you guys in the next video on my channel and until then goodbye

This video, titled ‘I built EVERY STATE’S Tallest Building in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bubbaflubba on 2023-07-08 19:00:09. It has garnered 709091 views and 20351 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:13 or 1333 seconds.

Hello everyone, today I am building every single states’ tallest building, including Washington DC! This video took me quite some time to build so I hope you enjoy it! Let me know down below how well I did at recreating your state’s tallest building!

For anyone interested, the mod that I used to extend the height limit is called Shattered World Limits! ===================== Join the Discord! – https://discord.gg/8JhXKSVJDP

Download the map here! – https://www.patreon.com/bubbaflubba

Follow me on Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/bubbaflubba_

Follow me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/bubbaflubba/

Huge shoutout to MajorTom404 for these! Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:13 Vermont 0:29 South Dakota 0:49 Wyoming 1:03 Maine 1:30 North Dakota 1:45 Montana 2:05 New Hampshire 2:30 West Virginia 3:09 Alaska 3:25 Kansas 3:45 Idaho 4:11 Washington DC 4:57 Delaware 5:22 Mississippi 5:53 South Carolina 6:09 New Mexico 6:31 Utah 6:57 Rhode Island 7:19 Hawaii 7:40 Arizona 7:57 Virginia 8:19 Maryland 8:42 Connecticut 9:03 Oregon 9:24 Arkansas 9:47 Kentucky 10:11 Wisconsin 10:34 Tennessee 11:09 Missouri 11:34 Iowa 12:02 Nebraska 12:39 Nevada 12:58 Louisiana 13:16 Colorado 13:30 Alabama 13:59 Michigan 14:14 Massachusetts 14:35 Minnesota 14:56 Indiana 15:18 Oklahoma 15:40 Florida 16:11 North Carolina 16:36 New Jersey 17:04 Washington 17:37 Ohio 18:02 Texas 18:23 Georgia 18:49 California 19:13 Pennsylvania 19:45 Illinois 20:23 New York 21:08 Overview of all buildings

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    Welcome to Ezartla Survival Server! Embark on an unforgettable survival adventure with exciting features: Land Claiming: Protect your creations with our intuitive system Player-Run Economy: Trade, buy, and sell with fellow players Ranks: Earn perks as you climb the ranks Custom Enchantments: Discover powerful enchantments Massive World: Explore a vast world Minecraft 1.21: Experience the latest version And Much More: Stay tuned for surprises Connect With Us: Server IP: play.ezartla.com Join Our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/heZmyPvbny Join our community to stay updated, participate in discussions, and chat with players. Don’t miss out on the fun! We can’t wait to see your creations… Read More

  • Superiorskyblock 2

    Superiorskyblock 2Welcome to Superior Skyblock, the ultimate skyblock experience!At Superior Skyblock, we strive to redefine the boundaries of traditional skyblock gameplay by offering an immersive and dynamic environment for all players. Whether you’re a seasoned skyblock veteran or a curious newcomer, our server is designed to cater to all skill levels and playstyles.Features:Custom Islands: Choose from a variety of uniquely designed islands, each with its own challenges and rewards.Economy System: Engage in a thriving player-driven economy. Trade, sell, and buy items to build your wealth.Quests and Challenges: Complete an array of quests and challenges to earn special rewards and advance your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villager: The Original Chad

    Looks like this meme is the cat’s meow with that high score! Read More

  • I’m not sexist, I’m blocky! 🔥

    I'm not sexist, I'm blocky! 🔥 “Eu não sou machista, só acho que o creeper é uma bomba de gênero neutro.” #minecraft #memes #meme #edit 😂 Read More

  • StraySMP Mining Madness!

    StraySMP Mining Madness! Mining Adventures on the StraySMP! Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft on the StraySMP! This modded Minecraft Bedrock Realm offers a unique and engaging experience for players, especially when exploring the depths of the earth in search of valuable resources. Join the StraySMP Community If you’re looking to dive into this exciting realm and play alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts, all you need to do is join the Discord server of the host. By getting verified, you can gain access to the StraySMP and start your adventure right away! Remember, the StraySMP community is vibrant… Read More

  • Sneaky Slow Cherry Blossom Forest Ambience

    Sneaky Slow Cherry Blossom Forest Ambience Minecraft Cherry Blossom Forest Ambience Pembe Ev: Gece Ay Işığında Büyüleyici Manzara Bu video, geceleyin ay ışığının altında parlayan bir pembe evin görkemli manzarasını sunuyor. Sessiz ve huzurlu bir ortamda, gökyüzündeki yıldızların ışığıyla aydınlanan bu ev, büyüleyici bir atmosfere sahip. Pembe rengiyle dikkat çeken ev, çevresindeki doğal güzelliklerle birleşerek benzersiz bir manzara oluşturuyor. İzleyicilere görsel bir şölen sunan bu video, doğanın ve mimarinin eşsiz uyumunu keşfetmeye davet ediyor. Keyifli seyirler! Kamp Ateşi, Doğa, Dalga Sesleri Rahatlama, pozitif düşünce, konsantrasyon, denge ve motivasyonda destekleyici olur. Bu huzurlu sakinleştirici terapi müziği, motivasyon müziği, ayrıca bu müzik rüya müziği, ders çalışma müziği,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour Diamonds Phone Game Ad

    Insane Minecraft Parkour Diamonds Phone Game AdVideo Information This video, titled ‘Typical phone game ad #minecraft #parkour #diamonds’, was uploaded by refons on 2024-05-24 11:47:15. It has garnered 15164 views and 452 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. minecraft, challenge, maizen, funny, comedy, minecraft challenge, gaming, no swearing, dream, games, preston, family friendly, family, brianna, prestonplayz, game, no cursing, secret, minecraft funny, mods, minecraft parkour, showcase, mod, spotlight, mini game, minecraft but challenge, beating minecraft, minecraft speedrun, house, how to, crazy, parkour, mcpe, fun, redstone, briannaplayz, mini-game, playthrough, prank, minigame, minecraft mod, camman18 tiktok, tiktok camman18, minecraft animation, camman18 minecraft youtube,… Read More

  • Ultimate Gorilla Tag Parkour Challenge

    Ultimate Gorilla Tag Parkour ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #gorillatagfun #gorillatag #memes #gtag #parkour #reddit #gorillatagjuke #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Onlybroddavr on 2024-07-07 14:36:46. It has garnered 1387 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #art #oculus #like #gorillatag #gaming #digitalart #vr #instagood #follow #photography #oculus #gtag #musicgenre #art #musicstyle #oculus #bhfyp #follow #ke #fypage #trending #instagood #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #fy #lfl #fet #k #reels #fashion #photography #memes #likes #art #music #foryourpage #fff virtualreality #vr #augmentedreality #d #gaming #oculus #oculusquest #ar #technology #vrgaming #virtual #art #htcvive #mixedreality #oculusrift #gamer #virtualrealitygames #virtualrealityworld #vrgame #vrgames #games #videogames #photography #ps… Read More

  • Insane Hypixel Skyblock Chaos with Americans

    Insane Hypixel Skyblock Chaos with AmericansVideo Information This video, titled ‘Хайпиксел, Скайблок, Американцы и воиды’, was uploaded by TotalChaos`s on 2024-03-30 09:38:11. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:37 or 6697 seconds. Устранение войдов Фарм “белого” кварца И онулирование данжей ————————————— Теги hypixel, minecraft, hypixel skyblock, skyblock, minecraft skyblock, bedwars, skyblock hypixel, minecraft hypixel skyblock, hypixel skyblock guide, technoblade, minecraft bedwars, rage train, ragetrain, ragetrain hypixel skyblock, hyperion, ragetrain hypixel, hypixel skyblock money making method, hypixel skyblock hardcore, minecraft server, minecraft hypixel, hypixel skyblock update, hypixel bedwars, ragetrain minecraft, wallibear, themisterepic, cekofari, hypixel skyblock coins, new hypixel… Read More

  • Giant Dog vs Loveable Cats: Poppy Playtime 3

    Giant Dog vs Loveable Cats: Poppy Playtime 3Video Information This video, titled ‘GIANT DOGDAY vs 1000 CATNAP IN LOVE! Smiling Critters POPPY PLAYTIME 3 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by CATNAP – Minecraft Poppy Playtime on 2024-02-19 23:00:34. It has garnered 19122 views and 264 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:40 or 760 seconds. GIANT DOGDAY vs 1000 CATNAP IN LOVE! Smiling Critters POPPY PLAYTIME 3 in Minecraft Welcome to the Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 in Minecraft with CapNap! Here you will have exciting adventures with CapNap, DogDay, KickinChicken, Bobby BearHug and their friends. There are tons of exciting events happening every day in Poppy Playtime… Read More

  • “Insane Ice Mansion Build in Minecraft!” #shizo

    "Insane Ice Mansion Build in Minecraft!" #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ez Survival House🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-05-11 15:58:43. It has garnered 112371 views and 6942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ https://hellfrozen.mcmaps.app/download –My Socials– https://wlo.link/@HellFrozen –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Kaira’s Subathon Exposes Shocking Minecraft Changes!

    Kaira's Subathon Exposes Shocking Minecraft Changes!Video Information This video, titled ‘「 SUBATHON 」AKANKAH ADA PERUBAHAN DI MINECRAFT BRUTAL LEGENDS FASE 3 [03]’, was uploaded by Kaira on 2024-03-24 20:17:33. It has garnered 19355 views and 1458 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:56 or 21716 seconds. ur favorite ice witch ✩ Hope you guys like it and support kaira through subscribe, like, and share. #kaira #kaiiraa #kaiiraai #ytmci Join this channel membership to get access to various benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzjOEP3PoTFNRHSexUMSB4Q/join for business inquiries : [email protected] Donate [ https://sociabuzz.com/kaiiraa/donate ] Instagram [ https://www.instagram.com/kaiiraai/ ] Tiktok [ https://www.tiktok.com/@kaiiraai?_t=8htO2Yad5NK&_r=1 ] Twitter [ https://x.com/kaiiraai?t=jumELvZaLnz5GuT1-jAxIw&s=33 ] 25% Discount Server Hosting… Read More

I built EVERY STATE’S Tallest Building in Minecraft!