I Built The X LIFE ARENA GAMES : Ep 16 : Minecraft Modded Survival Let’s Play

Video Information

I’m so excited to be back here on the x-life server everybody are you excited to be back here on the x-life server i’m so excited i’ve got so many great ideas for today’s episode it’s gonna be absolutely awesome we got so many cool things to do now if you are excited for today’s

Episode please be sure to click that like button down below because my friends we are going to be changing the xlife server for the entire future of the server we are starting the gladiators arena there are some super scary minecraft mobs inside of this modpack that nobody really wants to fight and well

I’mma give people diamonds if they fight them with really really bad armor and really bad gear and they win they’ll get a lot of diamonds and maybe netherstars we’ll find out but i would love to transform this area right over here into a giant colosseum i’m super super excited for it

But i have absolutely no idea what i want to do besides the fact that this road is coming out to here and we’ve got this nice little centered pathway right there and i want to have it going up that way i want a big statue in the

Front a big grand calcium in the background that we can do a lot of different stuff with and i want to make it large enough so we can even fill it with water and have some aquatic events like maybe fighting thrashers and all that cool stuff and oh my gosh

Friends i’m so very excited for that but before we get into the building because that thing is going to consume me for many many hours we got to go check up on our shops from that we set up in the last episode and while we’re headed over to the

Shopping district the beanstalk is looking absolutely awesome there’s more and more snow appearing on it but that was so fun to build for jack in the last episode i can’t wait to see what we can come up with for the next few transitions i’ve decided this atm right here i love

It scott thank you for creating these but i’m moving it much better now that thing’s out of the way our shop is looking much better over here and i love this place at the nighttime it’s so very awesome i let’s check these i don’t think any have

Sold i feel like i haven’t really advertised this so i’m not expecting any sales up here it looks like nothing has really been picked up on that one but over here in the painting shop let’s see what do we got we oh two diamonds i will take that one

And nobody’s bought any of those ones but it looks like these two guys right there are selling pretty well as in one of each of them but there we go everybody that was the chores of the day i told you be super super fast and what i would

Like to do now while we are super man and over back to our base here is i have no idea at all how i want to structure this thing and because we need to make a fighting arena in the middle i thought it’d be kind of fun to jump

Over into a creative testing world and come out at least with the layout of this design because i want to make sure it’s spaced out well and i think we’re going to have to take part of this mountain down what i would like to use for block palette wise

Inside of this new colosseum that we’re building is i love this limestone brick that we have around here i feel like that could work as like a base layer and then we do some sandy bricks as everything above it i feel like that could be really really cool together

So we’ve got a few issues that we need to solve out though first and foremost is how large is our fighting arena be gonna be because if we make the whole structure and the fighting arena is like something like this we’re probably gonna have some people losing i wanna make it interesting give

Them some place where they can actually fight things out to the death and have a space that they can live and maybe run a little bit so after a little bit of tweaking here we’ve got these side little doors in where those would be the mob can be over

Here the player can be over there we’ll probably need to expand them a little bit more but i think with this amount of space if we give ourselves five blocks over here and five blocks over there that should be roughly the amount of space that we need to be able

To make this thing work back over on the x-life server now we can thankfully pretty much automate this entire process of getting sandy bricks which is gonna be our main building material we just need to take a lot of this leather over to our lovely new building with all of our

Leather workers inside of it and then trade with all of these guys here and get these sweet sweet emerald trades which for this structure i think i might need a whole inventory plus full of sandy bricks so we need to get a lot of sand we need to get a lot of

Bricks and thankfully we can take these emeralds right up the street of our village into this house right here where we have all of our stone masons and we can turn those right into bricks now that i know what i want to build here folks it’s time to for me to do a

Bunch of resource gathering and see how much of these sandy bricks i can get here i think we probably need an entire inventory full of the sandy brick blocks themselves which is a stack of bricks and a stack of sand for each so it’s time for me to get a little bit

Of time here resource gathering and then we will get this build rocking very shortly it has been a very long while since we last spoke here folks and check this out that is so many bricks that was three stacks of the brick blocks right there that we were able to use up

And or sorry three stacks of the emerald blocks turned into this many stacks of brick blocks which is absolutely fantastic i even made some more large backpacks to be able to hold the stuff but i’m seeing all these dots on my my mini map over here in the upper right

Hand corner and i need to get rid of those because i’m trying to help mob proof this area a little bit better and so i believe if we head on down here we should find this cave where it’ll get very very scary and i’m assuming yep there’s some skeletons right in there

And anybody else oh my god what where did all those come from there’s so many down there there’s at least like eight mobs right in this place we are i need to light this whole cave up no wonder i’m lagging in my base wait i got a record there’s records down

Here hey sweet oh creeper and a witch creeper and witch that’s not the combo we want to see down here all right there’s even this creepy babies down here we’ve really gotta clean this place out otherwise it’s gonna be very very dangerous down here and i still need to go over and gather

Up a bunch of sand but it looks like the brunt of the mobs down here are gone so folks let’s go ahead and kick this off in a super fast gathering mode and get a heck of a lot of sand gathered up and that’s the end of this cave With that being one of the quickest time lapses you have probably ever watched from me i’ve come over here and started the layout and i think i need about this much space from the road to here in order to make it work which unfortunately means we’ve gotta chunk

Out a lot of the mountain as only currently half of it is sticking out of the mountain so my friends it is time that we kick this off into the real time lapse mode here tear down this mountain and build up this structure Bye Wow A Foreign Bye Scott i have had one heck of a day here building up this dang place that i’ve been working on but the colosseum is now finished how are you doing how’s your day been going anything very relaxing i’m enjoying this leisurely villa retreat it’s it’s quite nice down here

People have been describing it as uh i’ve turned minecraft bougie which i think is like i i’m pretty proud of that one i’m very happy of being able to take that claim there i don’t know how you’ve managed to make minecraft look expensive but you have like i don’t quite get it

And then coming over here however is uh this mess of things that i’ve been working on paint a horse kinda looks like partially a horse dragon yeah it’s uh it’s the mythological horse dragon thing yeah it’s uh it’s trying to look like you know like the the water horse like the mythological

Thing oh the hippo yeah yeah yeah that’s what kind of looks like because of like the the what is meant to be its main but kind of looks like fins a little bit yeah the face was really awkward to make too so it almost looks a little bit like a seahorse face too

So up here we’ve got the we’ve got the colosseum which uh you’re here to help me out with a little bit of the event planning side because i know you’re good at that stuff so we’ve got this place over here and over here we actually there’s a little bit of a tavern

Which is i’m still working on the interior get sorted out here and then there’s a nice little chill backyard area for maybe some combatants to hang out in relax before the events and then we’ve got our own little garden where you can pick all the crops and everything and it’s great it’s

Perfect it’s beautiful and then the only thing i’m thinking that maybe is missing is a gift shop i like gift shop i like gift shop we can like little medals or things that seem like i survived the coliseum so my plan for this side which i was going to work on next year

Was actually going to be to build up a blacksmith well somebody said you’re going to work on it next year next yeah next year next year yeah this is uh this this is it for me scott this is my last upload here i’ve been awake for uh

A long time this thing took about nine hours to do and uh then i’m just gonna go in a nice nice a nice coma and i’ll see you in 2021 when hopefully things are better when i’ve organized the event okay yeah that’s ready to go uh yeah i could do a black

I was thinking of blacksmith over here in like a training grounds area but we could also do like a gift shop attached to it that could work yeah i just think it’d be cheap to make like little posters or like using the item frames or even like coins or

Something like that i survived the arena i like that my friend fought in the arena and all i got was this stupid poster they died but i have a poster perfect yeah so down here this place is still a work in progress as you can see there’s still dirt everywhere

But this is going to be like the gladiators arena like preparation area so i’m thinking we have like these four stalls over here which i want your help with deciding i want to put a monster inside of each of them these guys we could just like put him in

Here behind some like chains and everything and some iron bars and just like leave him back there he can just chill and then they can get kind of like spooked out a little bit some lockers and things over here where they can put their gear and pick up their fighting gear because

No we’re not allowing people to bring in nether star swords another star armor yes nope that’s not fair and then that little doorway over there is going to be the point of no return once you’re through that door you’re going to the arena it doesn’t it doesn’t go to the arena

Yet is it gonna be is it gonna be a bubble elevator yeah that iron door and bubble elevator so there’s actually no way back i like that viewers can come up here to the left where we have a bunch of bleachers and everything and as we’re kind of the fighter aficionados leading everything

I’ve got this set up here for us i’ve got my chair over here and i got you that one over there i mean i’m not honestly i’m not even bothered about this the frog [Laughter] hey i needed to get my coffee table in there we just punched this

Couch away and then you broke my couch man yeah i don’t get that i don’t get that back you don’t there we go that’s slow but there i i’ve got some sharks i’ve gathered up i’ve gathered up a few guardians and i’ve got a lot of things i’ve got a lot of

Hostile mobs that we can use for the fights in here so i’ve got i got some cool ideas who do you think who do you think we can get to be a part of this event i think jimmy will do it i think jack will do it maybe mika um And maybe joel i don’t know i think if we can make the pot sweet enough we might be able to get a few more people because there’s oh yeah we have the ability to like diamonds we can we can get loads of diamonds like that’s easy

We can maybe both work a little bit on like acquiring some diamond blockage that we could put around this area as like the prize pool and everything like that and then we can get like we have the ability to get blocks of netherstar which i feel like there’s some people on

The server who might still need a few netherstar things i gotta say i am now extremely hyped up for this tournament here folks it’s gonna be so much fun it looks like if things work out correctly that might be sometime next week but anyways over here i’ve been working on the blacksmith

Which is also going to serve as a gift shop i think it’s mostly just me a decorative blacksmith and then on the inside is going to be the gift shop thing i might see if scott wants to set this one up on the interior like he can do the

Interior of that one but i’m also leaning towards back here i want to do a bit of a training area so people can come back here and maybe have some armor stands but this is where i’m at with the build as i mentioned while we were

Talking to scott this was about hour 12 or 13 and um this is a big episode i guess this is serving as our first mega episode of xlife and also as a celebration mega episode for hitting 300 000 subscribers so thank you all so very much for that that is absolutely awesome but

For me to get this build done on time and actually make sure this video isn’t an hour long i should probably get back to building so i’m gonna keep working on this thing uh over on here for the forge i was thinking about bringing in some red

Brick just because it’s kind of a cool bit of a contrast against the limestone i think it’s going to look really cool and kind of stand out a bit so i’m going to build the forge out of red brick and our blacksmith gift shop is now finished up and i’m

Loving it it’s so cool i brought a few of those online picture frames out over here you know get ourselves a little bit of that advertising work as well the inside of this one i haven’t touched us all and i forgot that window we’ll grab that here in a second and coming

Around the back here we’ve just got a bunch of spruce leaves a few little garden box areas flowers going all the way around because i wanted to be prettied up and everything for when the contestants are out here getting ready to go we got to make sure

We keep with that bougie feel everybody and then over here we got a little bit of an archery range trying to add some stuff back there you can can’t accidentally shoot your you know the guests that are going in and everything like that and it’s kind of into the wall and then

In here just a little bit of a combat area and then this would be something to ride to horses i don’t know it’s really small this build has been going on for a very long time but i’m so excited to get it finished up here

And i want to give you all a quick heads up now it’s gonna be night time it’s so pretty but i did a live stream a little while ago and we built up this fountain here which is awesome and then we built up this little bit of a house here as well

If you want to catch any of those live streams and you weren’t able to make it to them live i do have a second channel by the way flip2two there’ll be a link in the description that one if you want to catch that stuff but inside of here we’ve got a great

Space to be able to start bringing in some of our villagers and making a bit of a bookstore area which i’m super very excited for but wow it’s been a lot of work today i’m so happy with that end result you know how i said i was like

Really happy with the end result that we had there and everything was looking fantastic well it still was looking fantastic but that was um that was last night it’s uh it’s now noon the next day it’s been a long time of building folks and i’ve got everything here figured out and i think

This is functional outside of having the mobs decorating this entire place which is awesome so here we got some signs viewer entrance combatants entrance down here we need to still get the kits out here and everything like that i think i’m gonna see if scott can handle that portion and

Then inside of here we got a crocodile we’ve got a ravager we’ve got a boar and we’ve got their arachrons but also if you have any ideas on what types of kits we should include for people please be sure to let me know that in the comments below

Then coming up here we’ve got this little spot right in there and then you can run you go up the bubble elevator right here takes you inside and then you are now inside of the arena right now the door on this side is open because well i’ve

Set up a little bit of redstone yes i flip did redstone everybody i made it work i did a thing look at this lover doors open doors close so as soon as somebody wins the event we can open this for them and then they can walk their way out of there to

Victory and then we really don’t have a place to show where the victory like the loot is gonna be and everything like that so we’ll have to handle that one here soon but i also had a little way for scott and i to get up and down back in here so

You can get down here deal with some place we can like come in here you can place the mob in there and everything like that and then you can just fly on back up here and you are good to go to be able to stop this entire thing but oh my gosh this

Has been so much work it’s been such a crazy crazy episode today i hope you all have enjoyed this one please just simply for the amount of hours of work i spent putting into this one if you could click that like button for me that would mean so very much to me thank

You again so very much folks for 300 000 subscribers at this point i do not know at all how long this episode is gonna be but i am way the heck out of time here i’ve spent an extra two days now on this thing and i gotta you know start

Doing some other videos and we’ll finish up the detailing of this area in the next episode and continue working on our village because now we need some buildings right along here so it doesn’t just feel like an open lawn going up to it but folks again thank you so very much

For watching click that subscribe button if you’re brand new and my friends i will catch you on the flip side

This video, titled ‘I Built The X LIFE ARENA GAMES : Ep 16 : Minecraft Modded Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2020-07-24 17:45:00. It has garnered 221572 views and 21139 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:45 or 1185 seconds.

I BUILT THE X LIFE ARENA GAMES : Ep 16 : Minecraft Modded Survival Let’s Play

fWhip is back on the X life server and is building up an epic Colosseum ready for the new X life arena games! What challenges should we add in?

Thank you for Watching! Links and everything below!

:: Find me outside Youtube below :: 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Failwhip 🐦 🔺Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fwhip 🔺 📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fwhip_official/ 📷

:: Support me on Patreon :: 💙 https://www.patreon.com/fWhip 💙 Become a member on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwqJYTxm3FAZXeV58EdFcRQ/join

More fWhip content at the Second Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/fWhipTwo

#Minecraft #Survival #Xlife —————————————————————————————————

:: X Life Members ::

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoOGKqzef8e2GkEysTEtMN2Typ4THnUhj

Dangthatsalongname – https://www.youtube.com/dangthatsalongname fWhip – https://www.youtube.com/fwhip Jacksucks – https://www.youtube.com/jacksucksatstuff Joey Graceffa – https://www.youtube.com/user/JoeyGraceffaGames KatherineElizabeth – https://www.youtube.com/katherineelizabethgaming LaurenZside – https://www.youtube.com/LaurenzLIVEside LDShadowlady – https://www.youtube.com/ldshadowlady PopularMMOs – https://www.youtube.com/PopularMMOs Seapeekay – https://www.youtube.com/seapeekay Shubble – https://www.youtube.com/shubble SirenMika – https://www.youtube.com/sirenmika Smallishbeans – https://www.youtube.com/smallishbeans Solidarity – https://www.youtube.com/user/SolidarityGaming Strawburry17 – https://www.youtube.com/strawburry17plays TheOrionSound – https://www.youtube.com/TheOrionSoundb

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:: TEXTURE PACK :: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/bww-texturepack

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    "INSANE Baby Zombie Monsters School - Help Nuggets Win in Minecraft Rank 6974" #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Gegagedigedagedago] Help Nuggets Win In Level Up Rank 6974 -Baby zombie #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Baby Zombie Monster School on 2024-03-28 11:00:27. It has garnered 75135 views and 2725 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. more video https://www.youtube.com/@babyzombiemonsterschool/videos #monsterschool #minecraftanimation #shorts #cameraman #nuggets #gegagedigedagedago Read More

  • Emerald Falls

    Emerald FallsLand Claim | Semi-Vanilla | In-Game Ranks | mcMMO | No Clutter | Custom Items | Cross-Platform | PvE Welcome to Emerald Falls! Despite launching in late 2023, our project leverages years of team experience to great effect. We’ve reimagined SMP servers, offering well-refined, well-balanced, and engaging gameplay free from unnecessary clutter. Join our welcoming community of skilled players who share your passion for authentic SMP adventures. Your forever Minecraft home awaits! play.emeraldfalls.net Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Hello, Deep Season SMP Server Join our community of active players striving to create a hermitcraft-like experience. Have fun together in a chill environment where you can unleash your creativity. The 1.20.6 server just launched with a fresh map! Server Details: Few vanilla tweaks datapacks Dungeons and Taverns datapack for cool structures Access to 1.21 features Proximity voice chat available Bluemap for web map viewing Important Rules: Minimum age: 17 years old Be kind, no bigotry No griefing, duping, or cheating (except TNT entities) Join us on Discord Explore our bluemap for more! Read More

  • MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!

    MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!MeisterBuilder.net 1.20.6Your new CityBuild server!Our CityBuild server is whitelisted and can be accessed through a real money purchase onthe website to keep trolls away from the server!Welcome to MeisterBuilder.net!This server was born out of an idea to start a project with the community of streamer HousemeisterHD. We have now tackled this and brought the MeisterBuilder server to life.The server runs on version 1.20.6 and is therefore very up to date.MeisterBuilder is an exciting Minecraft citybuild server that allows players to express their creativity and building skills in a virtual world full of possibilities. The server offers a variety of exciting… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – We wait. 🔥

    The suspense is killing me, just like all those creepers outside my house in Minecraft. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme madness!

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme madness! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts #viralshorts #trendingshorts Read More

  • 10 Forgotten Ancient Minecraft Modpacks

    10 Forgotten Ancient Minecraft Modpacks Exploring the Forgotten Gems of Minecraft Modpacks Minecraft modpacks have revolutionized the gaming experience, offering players a plethora of new content and challenges. While modern modpacks continue to dominate the scene, it’s essential to pay homage to the pioneers of the past. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and rediscover 10 ancient Minecraft modpacks that you may have forgotten about. 1. Technic The Technic modpack was a game-changer in the Minecraft community, offering a vast collection of mods and plugins in one convenient package. Players could easily customize their gameplay experience and explore new dimensions with ease. 2…. Read More

  • Breaking Boundaries in Minecraft

    Breaking Boundaries in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft: Story#7 MMV [Break You] Introduction In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The Minecraft Story#7 MMV [Break You] series continues to captivate audiences with its unique blend of storytelling and animation. Exploring New Horizons Players are taken on a journey through stunning landscapes and intricate structures, all brought to life through the power of Mineimator. The attention to detail and creativity on display in each episode is truly awe-inspiring. Original Song The series features an original song by Divide Music that perfectly complements… Read More

  • Doctor Wasabi SHOCKS viewers with HELLO THERE! 💥

    Doctor Wasabi SHOCKS viewers with HELLO THERE! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘HELLO THERE! 🥰 | Chatting with Viewers LIVE ☕’, was uploaded by Doctor Wasabi on 2024-04-03 05:12:34. It has garnered 108 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:05 or 5705 seconds. In todays livestream, I work on some shorts builds while chatting with YOU! My viewers! I do hope you like it! #minecraft #goodvibes #mc Read More

  • Minecraft Episode 5: Very Scary

    Minecraft Episode 5: Very ScaryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft lets play Episode 5 part 2 – Very Scary’, was uploaded by JacobSplat on 2024-03-21 16:51:05. It has garnered 22 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:34 or 1054 seconds. Read More

  • Dunners Duke finds rare Rickson sign on 2b2t!

    Dunners Duke finds rare Rickson sign on 2b2t!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2b2t Update 1.20. Stash Hunting. Found Rickson Sign’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-04-19 15:00:06. It has garnered 263 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:03 or 2763 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no other,… Read More

  • “Unbelievable: Kattos Builds Biggest Minecraft Structure!” 🔥 #minecraft #builds

    "Unbelievable: Kattos Builds Biggest Minecraft Structure!" 🔥 #minecraft #buildsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Legnagyobb Minecraft Építmény… 🔥 #minecraft #build #myths #magyar #kattos #tipsandtricks’, was uploaded by Kattos on 2024-02-24 14:00:02. It has garnered 180345 views and 11224 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Did you know this building existed? SUBSCRIBE!!!!! – minecraft smp, smp, survival multiplayer, server, bedwars, minecraft in Hungarian, minecraft hun, mc in Hungarian, mc hun, Hungarian server, minecraft hungarian, playthrough, minecraft de, hardcore hungarian, skyblock hungary, minecraft legend, – minecraft, minecraft monster school, monster school, animation, minecraft animation, Vtuber, monster school animation, monster school challenge, monster school funny, minecraft… Read More

  • “AMAZING! All Mobs Turn into Babies in Minecraft!” #shorts

    "AMAZING! All Mobs Turn into Babies in Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tapi Semua Mobs Jadi Bayi Semua #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by FirstAmii on 2024-04-21 11:00:37. It has garnered 221447 views and 37695 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • 👹 365 Days of Devil Gaming – EPIC Armor Stand Challenge in Minecraft!

    👹 365 Days of Devil Gaming - EPIC Armor Stand Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Armor stand challenge 😱 Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Devil Gaming 365 on 2024-06-07 04:16:44. It has garnered 625 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Armor stand challenge 😱 Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #howtomake #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftbuilding #trending #logic #armor #stand #shorts #SKVEGADA “Hi l am dharmesh welcome to my channel”😊❤️ { Like 👍 } { Subscribe ❤️ } { comments 💬 } Read More

  • 🤣FUNNYFACE😱Minecraft – Bunny Goes to Hell or Heaven?! #clickbait

    🤣FUNNYFACE😱Minecraft - Bunny Goes to Hell or Heaven?! #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Bunny Go to Hell or go heaven 😭 ?? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by FUNNYFACE😖GAMING on 2024-04-29 17:05:08. It has garnered 30839 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Minecraft – Bunny Go to Hell or go heaven 😭 ?? #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts minecraft animation funny cartoon roblox manga gameplay twitch lets play memes gaming anime minecraft shorts react to tadc reacts to digital circus react to cartoons react to animation the amazing digital circus pomni caine jax ragatha gangle zooble kinger kaufmo bubble jax x pomni… Read More

  • Secretly Revealing my Hacker Skills 😱 #minecraft #pvp

    Secretly Revealing my Hacker Skills 😱 #minecraft #pvpVideo Information This video, titled ‘when you hack to tell ur a youtuber 💀💀 #minecraft #bedwars #skywars #pvp’, was uploaded by Closelook on 2024-01-09 20:16:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unearth the Sinister Plot in This Minecraft Animation

    Unearth the Sinister Plot in This Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unknown Enemy – Minecraft Original Story Animation’, was uploaded by IntertwinedFate404 on 2024-01-13 01:03:27. It has garnered 31 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:23 or 323 seconds. Thanks for watching! If you like this video, please subscribe. Used Music: Kevin Macleod – Quinn’s Song: First Night Kevin Macleod – Apprehension Kevin Macleod – Aftermath Atmospheric Horror Sci-Fi Synth – Get Out // Royalty Free No Copyright Music #minecraft #animation #minecraftanimation #animationminecraft #tintertwinedfate404 #fate404 #動畫 Read More

  • Smallpints

    SmallpintsI’ve made this server, as I truly have a passion for Minecraft and server creation. Therefore I also think this server stands out from other servers, as I love to be creative and try n’ do new things.SmallpintsIs my latest creation, which is a hub with a skyblock-server, event-server and soon to come survival-server.Skyblock – ServerHere I’ve focused on the automatic side of minecraft creations. This is where you will build machines that generate items, which you can also sell automatically with an AutoSellChest.Event – ServerThis is where we will host events a few times a month, maybe even once… Read More

  • Capital Economy Realms Modded PvP

    Welcome to Capital – The Most Interesting Economy-Based Minecraft City Realm Join us on the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft for an immersive experience with new features and a custom mod. Our server offers a growing community and constantly updating gameplay. If you’re interested, join our Realm today: Discord Invite Realm Link [Realm Code: JH_txP7h5qU] Read More

  • Underground Antics Vanilla Anarchy [1.20.6] Australian / JAVA & BEDROCK / Simple Voice Chat Compatible

    Underground Antics Vanilla Anarchy [1.20.6] Australian / JAVA & BEDROCK / Simple Voice Chat CompatibleNEW SERVERUnderground Antics Vanilla AnarchyIP: anarchy.undergroundantics.auBedrock Port: 19133 Note: No port needed for JavaRules:No Hacks / Exploits.PvP and Griefing allowed.Join our discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Tree grows on SAND in Minecraft?!?!”

    Well, it looks like this tree really wanted to branch out and find some solid ground to root itself in, even if that meant starting off on shaky sands! Read More

  • Minecraft 2: Electric Boogaloo #lol

    Minecraft 2: Electric Boogaloo #lol When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft but then realize you left your pickaxe back at your base #minecraftproblems #rookiemistake #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Creating a Minecraft Server

    Ultimate Guide to Creating a Minecraft Server The World of Minecraft: A Guide to Creating Your Own Server Introduction Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is the ability to create your own server, where you can play with friends and customize your gaming experience. Setting Up a Simple Server Creating a Minecraft server may seem daunting, but it can be done with ease. By following the steps outlined in the provided TikTok video, players can set up a server and start playing in no time. Adding… Read More

  • Minecraft Mods 2024: Top 5 Picks

    Minecraft Mods 2024: Top 5 Picks Exploring the Top 5 Fun Minecraft Mods for 2024 Vic’s Point Blank One of the top mods for Minecraft in 2024 is Vic’s Point Blank. This mod introduces a new level of precision to your gameplay, allowing you to hit your targets with pinpoint accuracy. Whether you’re battling mobs or engaging in PvP combat, Vic’s Point Blank will enhance your shooting skills and make your gameplay more exciting. Better Villages Enhance your village-building experience with the Better Villages mod. This mod adds new structures, NPCs, and quests to villages, making them more dynamic and engaging. With Better Villages, you… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft late game golem vs magispeller showdown!

    EPIC Minecraft late game golem vs magispeller showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft all late game golems vs magispeller amazing fight #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by Elite Gamerz on 2024-05-10 10:00:29. It has garnered 4595 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:31 or 391 seconds. Minecraft all late game golems vs magispeller amazing fight #minecraft #gaming #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote,… Read More

I Built The X LIFE ARENA GAMES : Ep 16 : Minecraft Modded Survival Let’s Play