I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition!

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Today I’m doing a Minecraft mob battle with my teacher but we’re using skippity mobs and what Mr Wilson doesn’t know is that I’m secretly gonna be cheating with this one-way glass wall to see exactly what he spawns in anyways Mr Wilson are you ready to begin this skimmity mob

Battle yup I’ve got my chicken on my head and I’m ready to beat you and wait a minute guys why does he have a chicken on his head okay whatever well anyways Mr Wilson we’ve each got a chest on our side and inside of the chest we’ve got

All of the skibidi Bobs that we can use oh yeah these look really Opie yep and we’ve each got five minutes to spawn in our mob so good luck all right guys it is now the first round of the mob battle and before we go ahead and spawn in our

Own mob let’s look through our one-way glass wall and see what Mr Wilson’s gonna be spawning in so we can spawn the perfect counter all right I was looking in that chest and I think this is the best mod we can spawn in this is a

Missile toilet and it looks so Opie wait what the heck wait Mr Wilson spawning a dumb missile toilet on the first round and oh gosh wait this guy looks super strong why is he looking at me I that oh my gosh missiles are sticking through the wall yeah these toilets are so Opie

I’m pretty sure this is all I need and come on chicken let’s make sure to like have fun this round what in the world guys I can’t believe Mr Wilson is spawning in the missile Twilight is on the first round these guys are so strong but wait a minute I think I actually

Might know one mob that we can use to counter these and that is the Titan cameraman because I’m pretty sure he’s like the strongest mob and skibity right now so let’s just go inside of our chest over here and I’m pretty sure this one is a spawn egg and now let’s just go

Ahead and spawn one in and let’s see what this guy looks like and oh my gosh what the heck this is what the Titan cameraman looks like I had no idea he was gonna be this big and op and wait guys look he’s even got like a stone

Sword over here but guys look at him he’s got like wings on the back and he’s even got these rocket thrusters over here I think it’s definitely safe to say that we are 100 gonna be winning this round let’s just go ahead and spawn in a few more of these Titan cameramen and

There we go that should be enough Titan cameraman and wow guys our army looks absolutely bit crazy just look at all of this stuff from up here well anyways Mr Wilson are you ready to drop down the Walls cause uh my Army sure is yeah I’m

Ready for the first round I’m also ready to win and come on Jake and let’s win this first round okay Mr Wilson we’ll see about that uh I don’t think you’re gonna win but yeah whatever anyways I’m gonna go ahead and drop down the walls

In three two one let’s go come on you’re gonna attack them and wait I should have killed my chicken and wow these guys are so massive wait they killed your chicken oh that’s kind of funny and wait Mr Wilson they killed all of your missile toilets except for this

One over here oh this is like the best one I fed him some special coffee today you fed him special coffee that’s kind of weird but here we go Mr Wilson he’s about to die any second now and let’s go ggs what in the world um you cheated um

These aren’t real moms these are just fake wait fake what are you talking about Mr Wilson you can clearly see them here they’re not fake mobs I I spawn them in fair and square yeah but these guys are way too big these are like over the size limit I’m pretty sure what over

The size of it what size limit are you talking about there’s no size limits in mob battles oh you’re the reason it’s in the mob battle rules there’s a size limit oh my gosh Mr Wilson no there isn’t you know what guys comment down below who you think won this first round

Well anyways let’s just move on to the next round all right guys anyways it is now the next round and of course before we go ahead and spawn in our mobs let’s look through our one-way glass again and see what Mr Wilson’s gonna be spawning

In all right I’ve been doing a lot of research Sergeant I’ve actually been looking around and I have a perfect idea why don’t we use this glitch committee toilet what the heck Mr glitch scattered we lost because Dash had so many mobs so we’re gonna spawn in like a

Ton of these what in the world oh my gosh guys these glitch skippities look crazy I’ve never even seen one of these in my life before what the heck oh my gosh just look at their heads these things look terrifying this one’s head is sticking through the wall all right

Well there’s gonna be a pretty tough one to counter but wait I think I actually might know someone that could help and that is the skibity scientist so let me go ahead and grab his spawn egg and honestly if anyone is gonna be able to counter these guys it’s gonna be the

Scientist Twilight because he probably like invented them or something so anyways now let’s just go ahead and spot him in and uh wait this is what he looks like what in the world even is this like his neck is very deformed dude does not have good neck posture and wait a minute

What in the world is this big metal claw in the back wait this is probably what he uses to like do experiments and stuff with well uh guys honestly I may have made a mistake spawning in this guy this guy looks pretty weak I’m not sure if

He’s gonna be able to take out all of those ginormous glitch skivity toilets but I guess we can spawn in a few more of them wait before you [Applause] you should actually listen to me I’m the smartest skippity toilet well you may be the smartest but uh you look kind of

Weak I’m not gonna lie like the glitch skippities could probably destroy you well it may not be the strongest but I am the smartest and I am thinking of a way to eat those pesky toilets over there wait wait you know what oh perfect I was kind of out of hope uh

Well what were you thinking I was thinking we build a machines to flatten them out and I just come along and hit them and then they die wait a machine to flatten them out and uh how are we gonna do that well you just listen to my

Instructions and you build it oh uh okay sure well do I have to do first all right first you need two Pistons two Pistons uh okay let me go ahead and grab those all right and do I just place them like this no no no you stupid human

You’ve done it all wrong how am I supposed to do it then you know what you take the Pistons I don’t have any arms uh okay well where do I have to place the Pistons then you need to place one right here uh okay so

Like this yes and get rid of this one right here uh okay and then you take one of these uh what in the world is this that is the flattening device and this is oh uh okay so do I just like put it over here yeah that’s exactly what you do now

We need to connect them up oh perfect so do I just go ahead and grab some Redstone no what do we look like wait what the heck is this but a restrictive transporter what in the world is this is what we need just place it down on the Pistons and it should

Work uh okay I guess I’ll just go ahead and place them like this and uh wait where do I have to connect them to but you need to take this and then connect it with the lever uh okay so do I just like put this thing over here and then

Go ahead and connect all of these to it just like that and I just put the lever on top of it that’s all you need to do and why don’t you go ahead and flick that lever oh uh okay let’s see what it does and whoa wait did it work wait what the

What the flat now what in the world happened why are all nice I mean this is actually so funny look they’re all just like one pixel wide except when you look at them from here they’re like a full screen that is actually hilarious oh my gosh what

Happened I think I responded too many and they got two crams oh my gosh guys Mr Wilson thinks it’s because he spawned in too many and they got cramped ah excellent I knew that would work yeah man that worked pretty well and wait a

Minute I have an idea we do still have a little little bit of time left before the walls drop and since all of Mr Wilson’s moms are like flat and probably super weak now why don’t we go over to his side and mess with them a little bit

So let’s just go ahead and grab ourselves a potion of invisibility and let’s just go ahead and splash it on ourselves so that Mr Wilson can’t see us and now let’s head over to his side all right guys and perfect here we are on Mr Wilson’s side and wait a minute what in

The world is this guy doing oh man I can’t believe my mouse flattened out this is so stupid but at least I have my poop trophy that doesn’t flatten wait what Mr Wilson has a poop trophy what in the world is this guy doing all right well Mr Wilson’s always been pretty

Weird but wait I have an idea let’s go ahead and grab this item called the electric hyper discharger and let’s just go ahead and try shooting it at some of Mr Wilson’s mobs uh so here we go let’s see what it does and whoa guys that was

Crazy what in the world just happened what was that there was like lightning oh my gosh Mr Wilson must be so confused let’s go ahead and do that again on these guys here we go and boom what was that I just Jinx unlocked I didn’t come

Down and hit my mom oh my gosh guys this is too funny oh man everything is going weird today maybe it’s these toilets because they are the glitch toilets they’re probably like glitching out and oh my gosh guys right I’ve just remembered that these are the glitch toilets so that’s like a perfect

Cover-up story for anything weird that happens well anyways guys this electric hyper discharger is pretty cool but I’m pretty sure this one over here the arc translator is actually more powerful let me just go ahead and grab this bad boy and let’s try firing this at Mr Wilson’s

Mobs and whoa It’s just damaged multiple of them at once let’s do it a few more times what in the world is that and wait there’s a weapon in the sky oh wait guys oh no I forgot since I’m invisible Mr Wilson can see the weapons but he can’t

See me but he can still see the floating weapons this isn’t good wait where did that go I think that was what was hitting my mobs I think like something is glitching out I think they’re like transporting weapons from other universes oh gosh guys okay we’re being

A little bit too suspicious I gotta be more careful about that well anyways I’m not done here quite yet I think there’s still a few more weapons that we should try out and wait a minute the photon emitter all right so now let’s just pull

Out this bad boy and fire let’s go and whoa this one’s insane and water in the world just happened like four my mom’s died oh my gosh guys this is way too funny but honestly Guys these blasters over here are getting a bit boring I

Think we need to step it up a notch so why don’t we go ahead and grab one of these frag grenades instead let me just go ahead and grab one of these and I’m pretty sure what this will do is just do a bunch of damage to Mr Wilson’s mobs

All at once so here we go let’s go ahead and throw it and oh my gosh guys that just made a huge hole in his platform what in the world just happened my Arena just blew up these glitch toilets are so glitchy I’m gonna get rid of these and

Wait guys oh my gosh we’ve done it Mr Wilson is now getting rid of his own mobs I’m spawning in a new batch of these guys all these old ones need to get away oh my gosh guys this is so funny I can’t believe we just made Mr

Wilson get rid of all of his mops and I think he’s gonna spawn in more but this is way too funny and there we go that’s the last of them and now we’re spawning some more of these and what in the world why are they still flat these are so

Glitchy oh my gosh guys this is way too funny but yeah okay we should probably get back over to our side before we do anything more suspicious and perfect guys here we are on our side again and wait a minute what the heck is the scientist toilet doing hold on let me

Quickly grab myself a milk bucket so that I can make myself Not Invisible anymore and let’s go see what this guy’s up to and there we go the machine is fully built oh hi welcome back human the machine is fully built wait what is this it’s just a machine I built that should

Help with our mob battle wait it should help with the mob battle wait what the heck does all this do well it’s hard to explain but as soon as the walls drop it’ll evaporate all of those Glitz give it easy wait wait so you’re seeing this

One machine can take out all of those glitch skivity’s over there yeah it’s more than just one machine it’s a bunch of different wires and cables machines combined binding I’m the smartest uh okay well if you say so I was about to spawn in a bunch more of you scientists toilets no

No no no no there’s no need to do that now I am perfectly more than enough uh okay but yeah if you say so I guess I’ll just leave it up to you but you better not fail me okay do we have to win this mob battle against Mr Wilson all right I

Won’t fail you but you better let me free after this Mom battle oh yeah sure I’ll I’ll let you like out in the open land I guess but uh yeah well anyways I guess since all this is ready I’ll I’ll ask Mr Wilson if he’s ready to drop the

Walls all right well anyways Mr Wilson are you ready to drop down the walls because uh I sure am yeah I’m very ready and you’re going down this round Dash okay we’ll see about that well anyways here I’m gonna go ahead and drop them down in three two one let’s go what in

The world is this guy and what is this machine right here oh well uh this is the skippity scientist and don’t worry this machine is gonna take out all of your guys I’m definitely gonna win oh Dash this doesn’t even look like it’s doing anything I don’t know just trust

The Sciences over here it’s it’s gonna work he just has to like the deactivate it or something I hit the button but it’s not working what do you it’s not working then come on this was our only hope everyone enjoy my hardest let me try configuring something uh Dash this

Is embarrassing you’re kind of losing no no just give it like a few more seconds I just need a few seconds to configurate this and uh wait a minute scientist what are you what are your dolls and wait my signs has just died what the heck uh Dash is

That all you added what in the world was that this machine just blew up what Enzo world how does this machine just blow up I don’t know but I guess that means I win the second round right oh my gosh you’re not depth sure it does but oh man

I can’t believe I lost that round I really thought that scientist guy was gonna win it for us I think the only thing that scientists were certified in was being dumb because look at him he just blew up his own machine he didn’t even do anything uh well you know I’m

Sure it was like a mistake or something well whatever let’s just move on to the next round all right guys it is now the next round man I can’t believe that scientist guy let us down I really thought he was gonna help us win that round but I guess not well anyways let’s

See what Mr Wilson’s gonna be spawning this time all right I’ve been reading a bunch more books and now that I’ve read these I’m pretty sure that this is the right mod yes it’s the TV woman we’re doing so good this round hey wait what Mr Wilson is spawning in the TV woman

And oh my gosh look at how many he spawned in Oh My Gosh guys I don’t even know what to use to counter these things hello what the heck you’re bad of course I made clones of myself wait what in the world if you made clones of yourself

Well wait since you’re bad date why’d that machine blow up you’re supposed to help us win oh yeah I’m sorry about that but I can make it up to you wait what you can yeah I am going to show you my newest invention I call it the skippity parasite

In the world is that wait why is that going towards me uh is he friendly yeah he’s friendly for you but not for those pesky TV women what in the world wait tongue sticking oh my good thing looks disgusting yeah and we have so many more to spawn in oh my gosh well

Wait a minute what do these things even do pretty much they infected Target and once they’re inside they destroy what in the in the world okay well these guys seem pretty cool but they are a little bit small are you sure that’s not going to be a problem oh yeah the smaller the

Better it’ll make that easier for them to creep in uh okay well if you say so well I guess we’ve got our army settled out now well anyways guys I guess now that our entire Army is settled let’s go check out what Mr Wilson’s doing and

Wait what in the world did this guy really build a house on his side and now I have a place to read and a fancy poll so let’s go read books because Dash takes forever but in the world I do not take forever I took a standard amount of

Time to set up my Army okay Mr Wilson is just like really fast I guess but guys this is a perfect opportunity to go and prank Mr Wilson what if we go like blow up his house or something let’s quickly go ahead and grab ourselves another potion of invisibility and perfect now

We’re invisible and now let’s just head over on to Mr Wilson’s side again all right perfect and here we are and it looks like all of Mr Wilson’s mobs are like trying to fight my mobs through the walls uh I guess they’re pretty excited to fight but anyways let’s head inside

Of Mr Wilson’s house and see what he’s doing here all right that’s enough reading for now time to jump into the pool wait what he’s going to the pool oh gosh okay let’s go follow him I’m gonna dive in and there we go I feel so great

And what in the world man I can’t believe Mr Wilson really built a pool on his side in the middle of a mob battle but wait there’s a perfect idea for a prank what if we go ahead and grab ourselves a little bit of fake water and

Now guys pretty much what fake water is is it just looks like normal water but it’s actually extremely poisonous so if we just go over here we can go ahead and replace some of Mr Wilson’s pool water with this poisonous water and birthing I wanted the water’s happening oh my gosh

I almost died what in the world happened to my water oh my gosh guys this is so funny Mr Wilson must be so confused all right dash what’s going on uh wait what do you mean Mr Wilson There is nothing weird going on on my side it was just in

My bowl and the water just tried to kill me the water tried to kill you that’s kind of weird wait Mr Wilson when was the last time you cleaned out your pool oh it’s just some old water I saved it from four years ago wait you saved water

From four years ago to put in your pool well no wonder why it was hurting you wait what’s wrong with four-year-old water Mr Wilson you gotta clean your pool water did you not know no was I supposed to uh yeah of course you’re supposed to Mr Wilson so that’s what

That bowl cleaning stuff was for in my house let me go get it oh my gosh guys this Mr Wilson guy is actually so stupid sometimes oh wait a minute guys this gives me an idea well Mr Wilson is inside of his house looking for his pool

Cleaning chemicals why don’t we go ahead and grab ourselves some toilet water and let’s just go ahead and grab this yellow toilet water right over here and now let’s just go ahead and replace all of Mr Wilson’s pool water with it oh man this is actually so funny Mr Wilson is

Gonna freak out when he comes back anyways now let’s just quickly go ahead and finish replacing all of it with this and perfect now it’s all yellow all right I have that pool cleaning stuff and what I’m hoping am I bullish at you

Or was it all of you guys oh my gosh you know what I’m getting rid of all of you wait what in the world Mr Wilson thinks that his mom’s peed in his pool oh my gosh this is actually so funny and wait he just got rid of all of them oh I

Still wonder if this bowl cleaning stuff works so let me just throw a few these in here oh and perfect that worked all right well the instruction says I gotta wait two minutes so I’ll guess I’ll just spawn in new Mobs while I wait oh my

Gosh wait what in the world I can’t believe Mr Wilson’s pool cleaning chemicals actually work he’s spawning it even more mobs oh god well I actually have one more funny idea which I’m not sure if it’s gonna work but it might let’s go ahead and grab ourselves some

Of the brown toilet water and maybe even some of this red toilet water for good measures and now while Mr Wilson isn’t looking let’s just go ahead and replace all of this nice clean water with some of this brown water and of course throw

In a few red water as well just for good measures all right and there we go perfect it looks just like my local community pool all right it’s been two minutes ago let’s go check on the pool and what in the world what did you guys

Do all right you guys are all going away oh my God guys let’s go it actually works Mr Wilson’s getting all of his mobs again you guys need to stop doing that weird stuff in my pool oh my gosh you know we have toilets for this stuff

You know oh my gosh guys he’s just getting rid of all of his guys this is actually hilarious and I guess I’ll just spawn in more mobs inside the house and I’ll let them out whenever the walls drop oh my gosh guys it is so funny we

Made Mr Wilson want to spawn his mobs inside of his house well anyways I think it’s almost time for the walls to drop so let’s get back over to our side and perfect here we are let me go ahead and grab some milk so that I’m Not Invisible

Anymore and perfect well anyways I think we’re ready to drop down the Walls how’s the Army looking Mr scientist everything looks perfect it should be raining all right excellent I’ll ask Mr Wilson if he wants to drop the walls all right Mr Wilson are you ready need to drop down

The walls because of how my Army sure is yeah let me just let my mom’s out of my house real quick but you put them in your house uh okay all right now they’re ready all right Mr Wilson sounds good I’m about to drop the walls in three two

One let’s go and what in the world are these guys there’s so many and they’re so small I think they just took out your entire Army except for like these two over here what the heck oh my gosh what in the world are these mobs and oh my

Gosh they just destroyed my entire Army what the heck do you skippity parasites are so powerful man that scientist guy did not let us down this round yo these things look so gross why are their tongue sticking out oh yeah that part is a little bit gross but they are so

Powerful wow wait a minute the scientist is back what is he doing here oh uh well Mr Wilson you know he died last round but he has clones of himself what he has clones of himself that’s against the mob battle rules against what mob battle real Mr awesome please show me the mob

Battle of rulebook right now and then if it’s in there then you get the win all right let me just grab the mob on a rule book and there you go there it is wait what you actually have a mob battle of rulebook and uh wait Mr Wilson this says

Nothing about a rule about not being able to clone yourself all right all right let’s just leave it to the comments comment down below who you think won this round yeah just comment down below well anyways let’s just move on to the next round all right guys and

It is now the next round Hitman yeah we definitely destroyed Mr Wilson last round that was insane well anyways again let’s look at our one-way glass and see what Mr Wilson’s gonna be spawning all right I’ve been spawning in a bunch of those stupid Scooby-Doo toilets and none

Of them are doing any good for me so I think I’m gonna switch sides and I’m gonna spawn in some of these Titan speaker men hey wait what in the world he’s fighting in a Titan speaker man and oh gosh he’s spawning in so many of these guys whoa these guys look pretty

Powerful wow yeah they actually do look pretty powerful what the heck all right well where did that scientist guy go I have another question for him and uh guys I don’t see him on our side anymore I think he left oh gosh all right well I

Guess if we don’t have the scientist guy on our side anymore do we have to look inside of our chest let’s see what we can get and wait a minute what about a Titan TV man that sounds like a perfect counter to these Titan speaker man so I

Guess let’s just go over here and spawn one in and let’s see what this guy’s gonna look like and whoa what the heck this guy is massive oh this guy looks so cool wait look he’s got like spikes on top of him oh my God by the way are

These like propellers over here what in the world okay yeah this guy’s definitely gonna help us win this guy is definitely gonna be more powerful than those speaker man look she’s literally got speakers on him so he’s like a speaker man and a TV man combined well

Anyways I guess let’s just go ahead and start spawning in a few more of them and uh wait what let me read wait what I can’t spawn in any more of these guys oh my God well I guess it kind of makes sense this guy does look pretty powerful

We probably could win with just like one of them this guy is kind of small compared to all of Mr Wilson’s mobs I’m not sure but wait I think I have an idea I’ve got this friend named Ricardo and he always has a bunch of really cool

Stuff maybe I could call him up and maybe he’ll have something that we can use to make our Titan TV man stronger so I guess let me just go ahead and call him real quick uh hello it’s Ricardo hello who’s this oh Dr Ricardo it’s me

Dash oh Dash man what’s up it’s been a while oh yeah it has been a while it’s going good well anyways I’m currently in the middle of a mob battle and I just spawned in this Titan TV man but he isn’t really that big oh so you need the

Good stuff that’s what you need uh wait the good stuff what’s the good stuff don’t worry Ricardo knows what you need you just need the good stuff uh okay if you say so well uh can you get me some other good stuff yeah just give me about

10 seconds wait 10 seconds uh okay all right here you go man there’s the good stuff what did he just flying through the sky and oh wait he dropped us a potion what in the world all right well let’s just go ahead and check this out and wait an upgrade potion wait wait

Wait wait wait what in the world is an upgrade potion I’ve never seen one of these before but I guess let’s just go ahead and splash it on our Titan TV man over here and oh my gosh guys what in the world look at the size of our Titan

TV man now this is insane yeah I think it’s definitely safe to say that we’re probably gonna win this round all right well anyways Mr Wilson are you ready to drop down the Walls uh yeah I’m ready and oh my gosh my moms are so pee now

Let’s go your mobs are op what did you do to them don’t worry about it Dash you’ll see uh okay well anyways without any further Ado I guess let’s go ahead and drop down the walls in three two one let’s go wait that’s all you have for your mom is just one what

What the what did you expect you had one mall yeah but did you see his size that thing was massive yeah but it’s a mob Army battle don’t you understand like the mob Army part uh wait wait Mr Wilson There is no Army in the name wait what

Did you even do to your guys to make them so strong I gave them coffee oh yeah definitely coffee wait you gave them coffee wait no no that’s against the mob battle rule what no it’s not come on Mr Wilson we’ve talked about this it’s obviously against the reals to

Give them performance enhancing substances I’m fine I just let the comments decide this again all right comment below who you think won this round as well anyways let’s just move on to the next and final round all right dash this is the last round so no funny

Business when you’re doing this Legit by the rules okay yeah no more coffee or anything like that there’s just gonna be a normal mob battle and uh yeah let’s do it no more clones as well oh yeah sure I don’t even know where that scientist guy went well anyways let’s start all right

Guys and of course the first thing we’re gonna do is look through our Runway glass because like come on that’s just gonna be our one little thing that we do and anyways let’s see what Mr Wilson’s gonna be spawning this time all right and for the final round I know exactly

What I’m going to do ever gonna see this coming I am going to spawn in every single one of my mods just like this running in all of his mobs and wait guys look the glitchivities are still flat but what in the world he’s running at

All of his guys this isn’t good oh no what should we do well I guess we could just copy him and spawn in all of our guys as well but if it’s just all of our guys versus all of his guys then it’s just gonna be a tie oh no come on come

On I gotta think of something and wait a minute what if we use this machine that that scientist guy made I know it kind of broke when he tried to use it but maybe I could try repairing it or something I mean it does look pretty powerful surely there’s a way that we

Can fix it wait a minute what are these up here and what turrets okay I see where that scientist guy was going with this well I guess for starters let’s go ahead and replace all of these bad turrets over here with some of these super Opie rocket turrets okay yeah

These are gonna be a lot stronger than those turrets that the scientist guy had on initially and anyways I think everything should work now let me just check all of the wiring so we got these wires going into here we got these wires connected up over here going into here

Oh my is so complicated I’ve got no idea how any of this works honestly but I really hope it does because just look at Mr Wilson’s Army this is crazy all right well I guess let’s just go ahead and hit the button over here and hope for the

Best hopefully it works here we go and okay it should be activated now and I guess to test it out let’s go ahead and spawn in a creeper and see what happens what the heck wait a minute guys shot the creeper oh my gosh that was so

Awesome hold on hold on hold on I’m gonna need to try that again let me try spawning in like three creepers at once and what the heck those turrets just destroyed those creepers okay yeah guys this is definitely gonna be super open let’s spawn in like five of them at once

You know what forget fire I’m just gonna spawn in as many as I can here we go oh my gosh guys okay yeah I think we’re definitely gonna be able to win this round all we need is this one rocket turret machine over here well anyways Mr

Wilson are you ready to drop down the Walls cause uh my Army sure is I’m more than ready and there’s no way you’re gonna get through all of my mom’s oh yeah well we’ll see about that anyways Mr Wilson let’s go ahead and drop the walls for the final round in three two

One go what in the world is that oh do you have turrets what in the world this is totally cheating no how is this cheating the scientists built this for me and he was one of my mobs so it is all fair and square let’s go oh my gosh

Well I guess that means you’re right it is fair oh my gosh should be able to win this I don’t know how but they just need to take out the turret uh wait I think they’re out of range of my turret oh gosh they’re too far away oh my gosh

Whenever they get too close though they instantly get fired at this crazy oh and it looks like they’re coming in for a celt attack come on toilets and skippities come on wait a stealth attack I wouldn’t call this a stealth attack they kind of just all ran over here one

Side my Rockets are destroying them oh my gosh Come on attack the turret and uh you’ve only got a few left Mr Wilson this kind of looks like it’s gonna be an easy run for me I can’t believe your guys can’t take out a single turret over

Here single turret it’s because it’s not a mob I don’t know Mr Wilson that kind of just sounds like excuses your guys over here kind of looks like they’re getting destroyed like look at this guy he’s already got like four rockets on him and he’s not even using any of them

He’s kind of stupid all right we’ll hear that come again come on guys I believe in you uh wait Mr Wilson they all just died that was too easy what Dash that just destroyed all my moms that can’t be allowed well I don’t know Mr Wilson like I said earlier my skibety scientist

Built it and he was part of my Army so you know it it’s all fair it was part of it was his doing oh fine I guess that makes sense but you win this round but I’m definitely winning the next video we’ll see about that if you guys enjoyed

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This video, titled ‘I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2023-07-31 15:08:32. It has garnered 260462 views and 2668 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:44 or 1664 seconds.

I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition! (Minecraft)

This video Dash and MrWillsion play a Minecraft Mob Battle but they can spawn in Skibidi Mobs such as Cameraman, Skibidi Toilet, Speaker man and Tv Man. Dash is also cheating with a bunch of crazy pranks and traps, who will win the mob battle? Watch till the end to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Cash, Nico

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    EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘🫧 [SATUNYAWA EP16] 1VS 1 WITHER | CaptainYani | Minecraft༊*·˚’, was uploaded by CaptainYani on 2024-01-10 20:37:55. It has garnered 26286 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:39 or 10059 seconds. ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙈𝙀 ˎˊ˗ ઇઉ Moshi Moshi Captainyani here ઇઉ From Malaysia ઇઉ Love video game ઇઉ Streamer ઇઉ Sometimes I do many different types of video just for fun… ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥?ˎˊ˗ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXNVXsyNfwo617jVvviL9g/join 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ If you donate or join membeship please let me know, thank you꒰。 › ·̮ ‹ 。꒱ ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝘿𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ˎˊ˗… Read More

  • UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis – EP 190 – Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 Server

    UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis - EP 190 - Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Metrópole – Episodio 190 – Vamos chegar aos 1500? (Jogando com inscritos) Server 24/7’, was uploaded by Midi Gamer – PCImbativel on 2024-07-05 08:35:10. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:27 or 7047 seconds. k Livepix link: livepix.gg/midipro Video on how to join the server —- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVYQuw4ZjKg texture pack link: https://mtvehicles.nl/resourcepack/ https://www.dropbox.com/s/pq7pfzw5j2c3rsy/pack%201.4.7.zip?dl=1 Sign up. Leave your Like. Activate the notification bell and participate in this Channel playing live with me and our group of more than 1335 players. Server: Lobby Released. Server: Anarchy Released. Live… Read More

I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition!