I Cheated with //DRAW in a Build Battle (Minecraft)

Video Information

Today I challenge my friends to an epic build Battle Competition but little do they know I’m gonna be using a secret slash draw command that’ll turn any drawing I make into a real life build well my friends believe my bills are real or will they catch me cheating okay

So the first build is gonna be an alien an alien oh this is gonna be easy all right I know exactly what I’m gonna do what about you oh I have the perfect ideas you are going down so now all we have to do is if we type in slash draw

And press enter like this and we should get an easel a large canvas and a palette and now all we have to do is place the easel on the ground place a large canvas down and we can start our drawing and the cool thing about this is

I can draw literally whatever I want and it will become a build Ace has no idea what’s about to hit him so let’s open this canvas up and oh my goodness this looks amazing I feel like a little kid again where I can just draw whatever I

Want except when I was a little kid my mom said my drawings always suck but I’m gonna prove it wrong today so let’s start off by drawing the actual alien I think we’re gonna make him a classic green alien so let’s give him a little

Face and uh okay that that is not a fan maybe my mom was right maybe drawing isn’t for me I think aliens are wider on the top like this and then now we’re gonna bring it and make it more narrow at the bottom this guy’s gonna be a

Little bit chubby which is okay and we’re gonna go down like this you know what that’s good enough now what we’re gonna do is we’re just gonna finish up filling up all of the face just like this oh my God he’s becoming so beautiful just by making him green he

Kind of looks like Shrek which is even better but now that the base of the face is done let’s start adding in the eyes oh yeah oh yeah okay this is awesome this is actually awesome and wait do aliens have mouths I think they do but I

Think they have like tiny mouths so uh yeah that looks around right we’ll also give this guy antennas just like this okay now he really looks like Shrek and finally let’s work on his body he’s just gonna have a normal looking body you know just the Torso some legs those are

Some very skinny legs and we’ll give him some arm suit to finish it off and okay that looks absolutely perfect so let’s sign this we’re gonna give him a name uh what should we name him what could be a better name than Bob for an alien and

Boom there we go Bob by me and now all we have to do is wait a few seconds and hold on this little two silver to my drawing this is definitely knocking with the Build Challenge so let’s try this one more time I think I know what the

Problem is we forgot to specify that this entire build has to be 3D so next time if we add in a little note in the actual drawing that says 3D then it should build a way more detailed and upgraded and instead of just doing an

Alien I think it’ll be a lot cooler if it was an actual UFO there’s no way Ace is gonna beat that so let’s draw the UFO just like this over here and we’re gonna fill all of this in once again just to make it all nice and even and now what

We’re gonna do is we’re going to build the actual glass of the ship so let’s build it just right here we’re gonna draw it in it’s gonna be nice and big so everyone can fit inside finally we gotta make it so it actually recognizes the UFO so let’s draw little lines that are

Beaming up a bunch of cows and pigs so we’ll go just like this and then we’ll draw a little piggy down bottom okay there we go and finally what we got to do that we didn’t do last time is we got to specify it’s 3D so let’s make a three right

There and we’ll make a d right over there okay there we go now if we sign this and we call it UFO and we say sign in close then in a second it should work oh my goodness okay this is much better already it looks a little bit deformed

Uh probably because I didn’t draw it so well well let’s actually see what the inside of this build looks like because we didn’t really draw anything for that but oh my goodness okay never mind there is a lot of stuff in here look at how many chests there are there’s a brewing

Stand there’s furnaces there’s even beds here for crewmies I mean this is really really nice but I don’t like the fact that there’s so much blue and I think it’s like a lot better if it’s orange so let’s go ahead and grab some orange wool and some orange concrete and we’re gonna

Replace all of this stuff with just orange everything is going to be all right and I think that should be good we can’t make everything orange but we made the main areas orange and I guess as a theme is alien we do have to add an

Alien so uh let’s just build a little guy real quick there we go he’s absolutely beautiful and his name is gonna be Bob but I think we are done with our build so let’s go and see how Ace has been doing Ace I think I’m done with my build are you

Ready yet yeah you know I think I’m all done okay I’m gonna come over and now we’re gonna rate each other’s Bill all right I think you’re gonna love mine okay I’m over here and whoa what the heck is this oh you know two best friends having a snack this was just

Eating a cow oh I mean he already ate he’s full if you look inside his tummy oh my goodness is he pregnant no he said he ate a lot of food wait what is that sound I’m hearing what what is that dinner dinner wait wait a minute I’m

Gonna I’m gonna open this up why are there so many cows inside here they say he’s hungry it went right to his booty bro there’s baby cows in here too yeah went right to his booty it’s really fattening booty why do you keep mentioning booty head oh my goodness why

Does he have a dump truck it’s that really fatty so this guy had a really fattening meal too this guy’s eating an entire bill at your house he peeled the roof right off the top and just kind of dumped him in oh my goodness Ace this is

Not okay bro these aliens are literally eating the human race well they don’t have much for brains look look at this guy he’s got nothing in there oh my goodness cobwebs really and okay wait what’s in this guy’s stomach are those villagers out here no Ace if these are

Villagers oh my goodness the poor baby villagers see we’re hungry can you blame them oh my gosh okay well what are their names uh this one is Steve and this one is Steven Steve and Steven wow really creative Ace okay well um I guess I’ll

Give this one like a six out of ten oh my God that’s six each right so it’s like 12. no oh no it’s just one six oh my goodness this this is really disturbing okay hearing come check out my bill there’s a lot cooler welcome to

The Corey UFO what this is crazy I know right it’s pretty cool oh and you got a big UFO beam shooting down oh wait wait wait wait here I go here we go here we go what are you doing welcome to the actual UFO here this is like the living cabins

You know you can sleep in this one bed right here is a giant sign that says Corey’s alien spaceship we got a bunch of chests we got a bunch of furnaces and uh yeah this is Bob the alien he he owns this oh this is you know for the fiend

Being alien this is a pretty crummy looking alien hey hey hey he has a UFO okay focus on the UFO give me stubby little that’s his arms okay well what do you give this bill I mean the spaceship this is like you know like an eight this alien zero I don’t

Like this alieners I can’t believe you did that well since you gave it an eight uh I guess I win the first one yeah I guess so but I get to be unabucted hold on oh God oh my goodness oh all right it literally just sounded like you got pooped out of

An alien but all right time for round two let’s see what we get and we got Castle I can build a mean Castle you think your UFO is cool wait do you see my castle Corey well you didn’t even build a UFO you just built aliens but uh

Okay let’s see and again this is gonna be a breeze for us because we’re gonna be drawing this one more time our Castle is gonna be the perfect Castle giant big giant I just said giant two times you know what I mean it’s gonna be a knight

In shining armor Cory’s Castle so we’re gonna grab the gray and make a giant line down just like this and this is gonna be one of the side Towers so let’s just build this all the way up and now we’re just gonna fill it in unless

They’re exact same on the other side so we’ll build like this around and up perfect so now that we have the towers let’s build the main Castle so we’re gonna build a square thingy in the center Here and Now what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna add the little pointy

Things that make it look like a castle so let’s build one on each of the towers over here so I’ll build this one and then I’ll do the exact same on the other side like this okay perfect and now let’s add a little bit more detail to

The main area to make it look a bit more like a castle and after we did that we can finally start to add the windows at the castle needs so here there are the windows and then we’re gonna add the door we’re just gonna be one giant

Little gate okay that’s perfect but I think it’s missing one thing if it’s a castle it’s gonna need a lava mode so we will spawn this in just like that and I think we are done now let’s go bottom here and we’re gonna make a 3D symbol

Three and then D there we go okay we’re gonna sign this I’m gonna call it Corey Kingdom and now if we do it three two one boom there we go and now for the fun part let’s wait to see what happens oh my goodness this is even better than

What I was expecting let’s go inside and oh there’s a sign right here that says Corey Kingdom and let’s open the main gate and oh my yo this is amazing this part looks like the commoners area yeah look this should be where all the villagers and stuff live oh these are

All the villagers look at them they’re working hard they’re studying hello everyone it is I your king uh oh they they do not care at all they are just looking away anyways this is where the cook must be oh yeah look is The Butchery got all the

Good meats and look these are the Archer Towers so if they see any monsters coming they’re just gonna shoot them with their bow and strike them down and this over here must be the King’s Castle honestly it’s a little bit smaller than I would have hoped but hey what can you

Expect we did build like a really small drawing anyways so if we continue to go up these stairs my throne room should be somewhere here and uh oh what the what is this wait a minute this is literally a toilet why is a toilet my Throne are

You actually serious right now are you serious right now bro okay you know what I know what it is the villagers they don’t like my rule and they’re trying to overthrow me you know what system is an actual execution they’re trying to overthrow the Throne all right I’m

Kidding I’m not gonna actually kill the villagers but they better be on their best watch now we’ll fix a throne room later but for now this is a pretty solid build and I don’t think there’s any way Ace gonna beat this one so uh let’s go

See how he’s doing hey buddy you done no I’ve ruined everything what what are you talking about there was an attack on my kingdom called I don’t know how to build a castle oh my goodness okay well I’m already over here and uh your time is kind of up you know what okay

One second I’m just gonna something fill the kingdom with something uh okay what are you gonna fill it with no don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry about it okay fine just let me know when you’re done you got like 30 seconds buddy I’m just gonna go

View my Majestic build yeah you know what yeah come here it’s done it’s done I’m gonna show you what happens when a castle loses his uh Ace what what is this so This Castle was just involved in a really bad War uh okay you know what happens when

You lose a war uh what what happens oh I’m glad you asked oh gosh Ace Ace don’t Judy this Castle hey it’s not bad okay it looks pretty solid I’d give it like a five out of ten the king’s been overthrown an anarchy rule oh God okay

Okay oh my God okay well now you just oh and he just died all right Perfect come over and check out my castle how did you build this in such little time because I’m the best obviously look at it isn’t it beautiful there’s so much it’s like a 5

.00 okay chill Ace Ace are you serious right now anyways check it out look it’s Corey’s Kingdom and uh yeah this is my best work well how do I get across there’s a big lava mode uh you kind of just have to like fly or maybe you’re

Super strong you can jump oh is this a guard Watch Tower yeah this is a guard Watchtower isn’t it pretty sick oh this is sick oh I can imagine the guard is with an arrow you just flagging it at Intruders yeah uh well the thing is the

Only enemy we could possibly have was uh your kingdom and uh you said how your kingdom was in a war sorry about that buddy War okay okay okay okay chill the do not do that it’s fine I was kidding I was kidding I was kidding I was kidding What’s this do hey

Stop is that okay stop touching over here just show me around I just want to see what’s going on okay okay this is our Weaponry right here we’re trying to figure out which weapons to use and this is our um our flag design thing uh we’re

Kind of working on this I don’t care I mean this is really cool what’s all this hey don’t touch everything I’m curious that’s all oh my goodness okay you know what tour is over tour is over what no no no no what’s going what’s going up here no

Wait wait go go don’t go up there it’s a work in progress do not go up in there oh oh gosh so you’re the king of the poop Castle all right all right you know what whatever okay what are you ready and just give it a break I give this you

Know five farts out of ten poop king so what is that what is that actually I mean this is really impressive let’s say it’s like an eight eight okay well I guess the second round goes to me too okay okay okay what’s the next round and I’m definitely gonna beat you on this

One all right ace and the last build is gonna be a Carnival Carnival I mean like yeah I filled with a bunch of people like you are you serious right now okay well I’ll just get to your bill first things first what do all carnivals have that’s right

They have like the red white tent thingy I don’t actually know what it’s called but it’s where all the actors and people perform so let’s just draw that up real quick we’re gonna fill all of this baby in there we go and now we’re gonna grab white stripes and just have them coming

Down just like this and along with that we got to build the actual opening of the tent so let’s grab some black and let’s make the opening like that and now the other thing that all carnivals have are giant humongous Ferris wheels and everyone remembers their first ferris

Wheel you know going up seeing the sky being super scared absolutely proofing your pants your mom getting mad at you for pooping your pants getting kicked out of the carnival because your mom was getting mad at you what anyways we’re gonna grab the black and then now we’re

Gonna make a giant Circle just like this and we are gonna draw the actual Ferris wheel like that and we gotta give its little compartment so here let’s grab the red and make its little compartments this is where all the people are gonna sit as they ride the fairest wheel and

Where they’re gonna be with all their friends and now that that’s done let’s also add a carousel because every kid loves a carousel drive down here and it’s going to be bright gold like this we’ll even add some orange and we’ll make the top right here and the bottom

Here and this is supposed to look like a circle I don’t think anybody can really tell but it’s okay hopefully you can detect that it’s a carousel because we’re gonna draw some little horsies down here there we go there’s a little horsies and now kids can ride in them

And go spinning round and round and round and round and round and finally there’s one important thing about Carnivals that is a must need and that is delicious delicious fair food recently I went to a carnival which had bacon wrapped pickles so we’re gonna draw that in and maybe a

Food stand or something will open up so there’s the pickle and now we’re just gonna wrap that baby around in a bacon oh my delicious that is perfect and now that we’re done with that we’re gonna add the 3D symbol this one’s gonna be a

Bit of a tight fit but let’s try it here three and then see there we go that should be good and now let’s sign it and name it Cory Carnival with the K we’re gonna sign that and let’s just wait oh my goodness what is this it’s so big it

Literally couldn’t even build it on the ground this is insane oh my gosh look there’s our Ferris wheel there’s a tent look it even added a giant pirate ship for some reason why I don’t really know it oh God no no no no no well why is

This on fire no no no no no no why is it on fire oh gosh okay this is not good but you know what this one can burn here’s a dunk tank which you can literally play as a mini game here and oh my goodness wait look at this

Hamburgers this is where they’re gonna sell the bacon wrap pickles oh my goodness so delicious guys so delicious here is where they’re gonna perform and oh wow this is beautiful this is absolutely amazing all the clouds are gonna perform there so uh here you know what let me actually grab a sign real

Quick this one is where Ace is going to be performing so yeah there we go then just to let him know that he’s gonna be there oh my goodness wait this is the thing that shoots you all the way up and all the way down and and it’s not fun at

All guys I don’t know if you know this but I actually hate roller coasters they are so terrifying but don’t let anyone know that because it’s kind of embarrassing even though I did just tell literally everyone but honestly this is the best build so far okay some things

Are catching on fire but let’s be honest and nothing can beat this so let’s go over the ace and finally win this build battle Ace you ready buddy yeah I’m just adding the big clown nose to my circus I couldn’t think of any rides so I just

Made a big clown are you serious Ace yeah I just couldn’t take any rides so but are you actually serious yeah I’m just building the clown I’m not done yet get out of here hey this is okay actually I do look kind of beautiful in this besides this giant clown nose but

Uh this is really mean uh fill the head with cobwebs because you’re not thinking because mine’s about to blow your mind all right I’m ready welcome to Cory’s Carnival what the heck check it out bro isn’t it freaking awesome why is it so high above ground what uh oh uh yeah uh

Because I thought it would be cooler if it was high off ground oh yeah okay I mean I found where you live in this creepy little part under it I didn’t even know this was here wait what do you mean you didn’t know those

Here oh I mean um sorry I um I should have filled this in uh that that’s what I meant oh my goodness guys I accidentally almost revealed that I cheated okay well let me give you on a quick tour that’s a ferris wheel that’s my giant pirate ship wait can I go in

This uh I’m not sure actually here let’s go inside come here okay let me see all right oh what’s in here come on let me get in hey don’t break everything in whoa this is actually awesome why do you actually why are you surprised oh no no

No sorry I meant like this is more awesome than I thought when I’m with a friend you know yeah yeah I mean it sounds like did you build this on your own what do you yeah of course I built it on my own listen if I didn’t build

This on my own would this really be here no it wouldn’t be here if you built it on your own this looks crazy no no no check this out this is what I mean look it’s your home this is where all the clowns perform so uh yeah this for you

Ace I mean there’s a lot of orange here sure this is where you’re performing hey I have not a cloud okay you’re the clown anyways this is where the burger joint is and this is where they’re gonna sell bacon wrap pickles why are we selling bacon wrapped pickles at a burger joint

This is delicious oh okay okay okay I believe you okay okay sorry I’m just really passionate about my bacon wrapped pickles and uh yeah I mean this is pretty much it what do you rate it I mean this would be a 10 out of 10 but I

Don’t know I you promise you built this yourself of course I built this myself Ace would I ever lie to you yeah swear on it of course I swear I built this is uh you’re just a sore loser so I win I mean yeah I guess you win but hey wait

What’s what’s this I didn’t notice this before what’s this down here oh no um that that’s not anything that’s nothing that’s this what is this um nothing it’s a little art project wait art project wait wait I want to try drawing something no no Ace don’t don’t

Do that that is not a good idea you should not be doing that look watch this watch this watch this see look look at that uh what is that it’s a creeper a creeper oh gosh oh no is that a creeper oh um uh okay I

Think that’s it I gotta go buy it cheating this whole time

This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //DRAW in a Build Battle (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Kory on 2023-08-15 14:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Kory is up to his usual tricks, but today he is cheating using //Draw to win a build battle! Can he pull it off, or will his friends …

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    Top secret bases revealed: Gronkh's epic reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘Die geheimsten Bases – Gronkh Reaction’, was uploaded by GronkhReacts on 2024-06-15 14:00:29. It has garnered 302565 views and 10168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:29 or 2609 seconds. 🎥 Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl6s6SttN0s Gronkh reacts to “I Built Minecraft’s Most Hidden Bases” by https://www.youtube.com/@TheRealCarvs ···························································· ·································· 📺 REACTION STREAMS every Sunday from 6 p.m.: https://www.twitch.tv/gronkh 🗄️ Watch the whole stream: https://gronkh.tv/streams/ ➡️ CHANNEL: @gronkh @GronkhTV @BestofGronkh @GronkhRPGs 🔗 SOCIAL & CO: http://gronkh.chat (Discord) https://gronkh.shop https://twitter.com/gronkh https://instagram.com/gronkh https://www.tiktok.com/@gronkh #gronkh #gronkhreaction #gronkhtv Read More


    <p>"🤑 FAST MONEY! <em>NEW</em> DUNGEON TYCOON TUTORIAL! 🤑"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO MAKE MONEY FAST on *NEW* DUNGEONS TYCOON SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC EP #2’, was uploaded by Julfish on 2024-09-26 23:50:29. It has garnered 1307 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:58 or 958 seconds. Minecraft Tycoon Dungeons Server IP: julfish.enchantedmc.net Make sure to drop a like before reading! ⚔️Come play my new OP Prison server! 🡆 julfish.enchantedmc.net 🌐My Discord Server 🡆 https://discord.io/julfish 🐦Julfish Twitter 🡆 twitter.com/julfishmc 💜Follow my Twitch for Guitar Hero streams! 🡆 twitch.tv/ julfish ​ EnchantedMC BEST OP Prison, Skyblock and Tycoon Server Information (Java… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Crushes Nintendo Games – Must See!

    Insane Gamer Crushes Nintendo Games - Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘Multiple Nintendo games and brawlhalla Fortnite Minecraft and sonic playing w viewers join n sub pls’, was uploaded by Basically-ant on 2024-08-19 00:55:18. It has garnered 95 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:35 or 12215 seconds. we settled up multiple streams lol twitfh and youhoob Read More

  • Runtz Botnet vs FiveM Server | Best Prices & Quality 2024

    Runtz Botnet vs FiveM Server | Best Prices & Quality 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Runtz C2 VS FiveM Server | Runtz C2 | CHEAP PRICES | THE BEST BOTNET & C2 2024’, was uploaded by Runtz Botnet on 2024-09-10 03:01:38. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. telegram: t.me/runtzddos @tcpbossma ❌ TAGS, IGNORE! ❌ #ddos #fivem #botnet #minecraft #free booter #fivemhighlights #fivem #streamer #greekmafia #roleplay #slapped #booter #ipboot #ipstress #fivemdown #botnetdownfivem best botnet free booter meaning free booters 2022 free booter definition free booters that work free booter band freebooterz free booter download free booter test free booter… Read More

  • Unlock Mind-Blowing Minecraft Telepathy Now!

    Unlock Mind-Blowing Minecraft Telepathy Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BLOCK TELEPATHY – 5’, was uploaded by DanielYT on 2024-08-02 19:00:36. It has garnered 460 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Trying to guess which block he’s guessing I’m guessing he’s guessing… EPIC MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f27kZ4Pe9ok by Jules Gaia Him: https://www.youtube.com/@coolboythenoble #minecraft #pvp #duels #training #coop #gaming #blocktelepathy #minigames #minecraftminigames #fun #comedy Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 1000 Days in Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 1000 Days in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving 1000 Days Minecraft Ep. 2 (Series)’, was uploaded by Mr. Anime on 2024-07-07 03:15:37. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:38 or 3158 seconds. i have 5 lives if i die 5 times before reaching day 1000 i delete the world and do whatever the most liked comment as punishment (each episode is 5 minecraft days) And im sry about the ending it ended early bc my phone died but literally right after my ohone die i slept in my bed and it reached day 10… Read More

  • Eggcraft SMP – Hermitcraft-like, whitelisted, simple voice chat

    Welcome to our Semi-Vanilla SMP Server! Join us for a mostly vanilla Minecraft experience with some fun tweaks to enhance gameplay. We support features like armor stand posing, mob heads, and optional voice chat. Feel free to join with a pure vanilla client. Why Join Us? Longevity & Fresh Seasons: With 5 years of history and currently in our 4th season, we offer a lasting and evolving experience. Seasons last 14-19 months, providing constantly fresh content. Friendly Community: Our diverse community of 40 members aged 16-25 creates a welcoming and lighthearted atmosphere. Community input shapes server decisions, ensuring everyone’s voice… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The Ent Update Extravaganza!

    I guess you could say the Ent Update really branched out in Minecraft! Read More

  • “Who’s Hot Enough for Nether?!” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Who's Hot Enough for Nether?!" 🔥 #minecraft #meme Why did the Enderman bring a fire extinguisher to the Nether? Because he heard it was a hot spot for mobs to handle Nether damage! #minecrafthumor #fireproofenderman Read More

  • Rainbow TNT Prank in Minecraft

    Rainbow TNT Prank in Minecraft Minecraft Rainbow TNT: Exploring a Colorful Explosion Step into the vibrant world of Minecraft with the Rainbow TNT, a colorful explosion that adds a new level of excitement to the game. From the traditional TNT blocks to this unique variant, Minecraft continues to surprise and delight players of all ages. The Rainbow TNT Experience Imagine setting off an explosion that bursts into a beautiful array of colors, lighting up the virtual sky in Minecraft. The Rainbow TNT brings a whimsical touch to the game, offering a visually stunning experience for players. Features of Rainbow TNT: Colorful Explosion: Watch as… Read More

  • 2D Minecraft Sequel!

    2D Minecraft Sequel! Welcome to the Second 2D Minecraft Adventure! Exploring the New Features Excitement is in the air as players dive into the second installment of the 2D Minecraft adventure. With a plethora of new features and updates, there’s no shortage of fun to be had. From new blocks to craft to exciting mobs to encounter, the game offers a fresh experience for both new and seasoned players alike. Discord Community Join the vibrant community on Discord to connect with fellow players, share tips and tricks, and stay updated on the latest news and events. The Discord server is the perfect… Read More

  • Insane Hypixel Adventure with VTuber Mothics!

    Insane Hypixel Adventure with VTuber Mothics!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unsober hypixel with mothics | minecraft | Trans VTUBER’, was uploaded by RedEclipse on 2024-10-06 01:10:24. It has garnered 231 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:32 or 7292 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Remix: House of Chess

    Insane Minecraft Remix: House of ChessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Structure Edit #shorts #minecraft #phonk #chess’, was uploaded by Minernox on 2024-06-20 03:00:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks For Watching! Best Minecraft Structure Edit #shorts #minecraft #anime #phonk #chess Keywords key – Minecraft Minecraft … Read More

  • Insane Encounter: BATTLE with Cave Dweller – MINECRAFT #2

    Insane Encounter: BATTLE with Cave Dweller - MINECRAFT #2Video Information This video, titled ‘ME ENFRENTE al CAVE DWELLER en MINECRAFT…#2’, was uploaded by ConnectionLosted on 2024-07-18 22:00:17. It has garnered 279 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. LAIK FOR THE CAVE DWELLER 👍 LET’S GO FOR THOSE 25 LIKES! ❤ SUBSCRIBE AND ACTIVATE THE BELL ON SOCIAL NETWORKS ⭐ 🐦Twitter: @CMD_Cody2 🔴Twitch: @ConnectionLosted 👥Discord: ccody348 👦NameMC: https://es.namemc.com/profile/Ccody_ PC COMPONENTS 🖥️ 💻Processor: Ryzen 5 4600G 💻Ram: 16GB DDR4 💻Graphic Card: GTX 1660 SUPER 💻Storage: 1TB HDD & 240gb SSD ✱ Editor and Designer ✱ Editor: Yo Designer: Yo ⏰Timestamps: Communities 🤝… Read More

  • Minecraft Mondays: Season 2 Premiere! Insane Gameplay!

    Minecraft Mondays: Season 2 Premiere! Insane Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mondays Season 2! Ep1’, was uploaded by P&C Gaming on 2024-08-06 13:23:58. It has garnered 279 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:26 or 7106 seconds. It’s time for a new season and a super building competition! Ten players are going to compete over ten weeks to see who can build the best dream home in Minecraft. Minecraft Mondays IS BACK! Every Monday night at 7 Eastern. Hello everyone! I’m Peter Moline and this is P&C Gaming! This is your channel for guaranteed awesome and clean videos about doing fun… Read More

  • CrazySahni’s Epic Minecraft House #shorts

    CrazySahni's Epic Minecraft House #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cool Survival House in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by CrazySahni on 2024-04-20 04:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Shader: Complementary ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks Don’t forget to follow me for more Minecraft ideas … Read More

  • “Summon Evil Powers in 3D Skin Editor on Minecraft!” #Minecraft #Dream

    "Summon Evil Powers in 3D Skin Editor on Minecraft!" #Minecraft #DreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to bring dream in Minecraft skin editor 3d#youtube #minecraft |||@dream’, was uploaded by EVIL DEVIL on 2024-08-08 16:44:05. It has garnered 488 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Craze in My Minecraft World! 😱

    Insane Craze in My Minecraft World! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Crazy… In My Minecraft World…’, was uploaded by CragDyna on 2024-08-30 09:18:21. It has garnered 168 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:27 or 10227 seconds. Subscribidy. 😎 Become a member today to get access to unique perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGT-N6c57aWRkoW9CHFk66w/join 👕 CragDyna’s Clothing Corner: https://cragdyna-shop.fourthwall.com/? Join the community Discord! 👾: https://discord.gg/jqYtF2n Subscribe because you enjoy my content! 🤣 www.youtube.com/channel/UCGT-N6c57aWRkoW9CHFk66w For business inquiries (such as sponsors or collaborations) please contact me: [email protected] P.S. Responses will be slow. Read More

  • Insane 1v1 Mousery Hive LIVE Challenge!

    Insane 1v1 Mousery Hive LIVE Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive LIVE BUT 1v1 with YOU!!’, was uploaded by Mousery on 2024-10-05 15:19:15. It has garnered 281 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:39 or 6519 seconds. Just Grinding Hive, Zeqa and Cubecraft Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂hive bedwars and hive skywars mainly, also doing custom servers and parties with viewers and cubecraft bedwars, eggwars and skywars, and ffa duels. Discord: https://discord.gg/BRNEcKNhf2 #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp #bedwars Read More

  • Flabio Andreu exposes shocking truth about Rell Sea on Roblox

    Flabio Andreu exposes shocking truth about Rell Sea on RobloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Rell Sea Can Be The Worst Game On Roblox’, was uploaded by Flabio Andreu on 2024-08-02 20:00:10. It has garnered 88 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:00 or 660 seconds. Hi, Welcome To My Channel I Stream And Make Videos On Games Like Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, And Anything Else My Community Would Want Me To Play. So If That Sounds To Your Liking Join The Community. ─▄▀─▄▀ ──▀──▀ █▀▀▀▀▀█▄ █░░░░░█─█ ▀▄▄▄▄▄▀▀ ✧ SUBSCRIBE TO STAY UP TO DATE ON THE CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgZ3HGqkf9xFqtoPOVkiaXw ✧ DISCORD https://discord.gg/a6S2M2y ✧ ROBLOX GROUP https://www.roblox.com/groups/6866785/Flabio#!/about… Read More

  • WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets planned 1.21 Australia

    WACESMP Welcome to the WACESMP! I’m IAmMutskie, a member of this Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running version 1.21.1. Brief Overview: Nearly 10 months old Various quality of life datapacks Dynmap: https://map.mc.wacesafe.xyz/ DiscordSRV Discord/Minecraft chat integration Various administrative and QoL plugins Simple Voice Chat Survival mode on hard difficulty Whitelisted with 6GB RAM Java + Bedrock crossplay Our Vision: The WACESMP is a place for survival Minecraft enthusiasts to create amazing builds and areas. Whether you enjoy intricate details or large-scale projects, this server is for you! About the Owner: The owner, Blockbuster206, is a long-time fan of Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper NOT Creaking

    Minecraft Memes - Creeper NOT CreakingWell, I guess this meme is really a perfect 10 in the world of Minecraft humor! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Einar 2.0 Mods Galore!

    Crafting Chaos: Einar 2.0 Mods Galore! In Einar 2.0, mods are the new trend, Replacing the old, with bugs to mend. But fear not, for the fun never ends, With new mods to explore, the excitement ascends. Aspen Hallows, the master of this land, Crafting Minecraft tales with a steady hand. From Instagram to Twitch, the journey expands, With each new update, the audience stands. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In Einar 2.0, the adventure takes flight. Subscribe, like, and share, with all your might, For Aspen Hallows, the storyteller’s light. Read More

  • Minecraft Time Stop Madness! 😂🔥 #MinecraftMadness

    Minecraft Time Stop Madness! 😂🔥 #MinecraftMadness When you’re so good at Minecraft that you can literally stop time to save your friend from falling into lava, you know you’ve reached peak gamer status. Move over, Superman, we’ve got a new hero in town and he’s armed with a pickaxe and some serious time-manipulating skills. #MinecraftSavesLives #TimeStopRescue #GamerGoals Read More

  • Speedy Resource Gathering in Minecraft

    Speedy Resource Gathering in Minecraft A Faster Way to Gather Resources for Gates in Minecraft Are you looking to streamline your resource gathering process for gates in Minecraft? Look no further! In a recent #shorts video, Gaming with ADHD and Autism shared a quick tip to help you gather resources efficiently. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore this helpful strategy. Efficient Resource Gathering In Minecraft, gathering resources is a crucial aspect of gameplay. Whether you’re collecting wood, stone, or other materials, having a streamlined process can save you time and effort. By utilizing the tip shared in the #shorts video, you… Read More

  • Minecraft Infiniverse S4E3: Mob Farm Madness

    Minecraft Infiniverse S4E3: Mob Farm Madness Minecraft Infiniverse S4E3: MOB FARM Masterpiece or Disasterpiece? Episode Highlights: Help From Friends: SkyGuyJedi recruited a team of helpers, including his fiancée, her co-worker, his son, and his son’s friends, to gather essential resources like dirt and cobblestone. Farm Expansions: Multiple farms were set up, including a pumpkin farm and a multi-room crop area to keep the base well-supplied. Mob Farm Build: The team started building a mob farm, laying the foundation and prepping the channels for future mob drops. Resource Gathering: Iron, wood, glass, and other materials were gathered to fuel the day’s build, including crafting hoppers and… Read More

I Cheated with //DRAW in a Build Battle (Minecraft)