I COMPLETED Minecraft Hardcore!

Video Information

This video by far has taken me the longest to create than any of my other videos on my channel it is crazy but everything was almost set in place to be able to complete Minecraft hard cool 100% without dieing we’re after three achievements to complete them Furious

Cocktail a balanced diet and how did we get here so there are a few things that needed to be set up before I recorded the final run of the how did we get here achievement which by the way is getting every single buff and debuff in the game including things like dolphins grace

With a hunger blindness all of them there’s like twenty nine of them at once it’s crazy and you have to line everything up perfectly to be able to do it but first we need to work on a balanced diet we need to find ourselves one enchanted golden apple now I didn’t

Take me as long as I thought it would I set up a special stream the chances of finding one a very very low the best chances you have is like three percent or something so I sat down with you guys in a stream and went to find it and then

This happens all it is to here 3 is 3 in a row let’s go okay 3% chance normal Golden Apple but you’re so angry buddy you’re not supposed to attack in the daytime chill alright that one didn’t have one that’s one that’s one oh my goodness hold the board I’m blocking in I’m

Broken in oh my goodness am i blocked in I don’t want anyone to kill me now let’s go oh my goodness it’s a 1% chance yes it only took 20,000 blocks but we did it oh my goodness we’re out yeah almost 20,000 blocks away oh that’s so lucky I

Can’t actually believe it’s right there it’s right there literally insane I was so happy to find that a 1% chance to find that in a chest crazy but with that we could get some of the effects that we needed and also finally complete the balanced diet Eve Minh twitch is eating every

Thing in Minecraft now the second thing I did suss out for this video is I captured an elder Guardian that’s right the only way that you can get yourself some mining fatigue in the game is by being affected by an elder Guardian so I had the Shocker at 0-0 which I caught in

The previous episode I needed to either take that guy to a elder guardian or bring an elder Guardian to it so I decided to go a capture at elder Guardian it took us thousands of blocks to get our elder Guardian there and here are some highlights of how we did it I’m

Gonna go in here and show you what I’ve been up to so in here this is a sea Guardian actually an elder Guardian right here in a minecart so what we need to do is get that bad boy out of here so this should eliminate all water which means all mine cart

Tracks will be safe right so I think we can start from here and this is where it begins okay this is working I like this here we go zip this is it he’s so close I got close he is then he’s gonna whiz all the way up okay go go there he goes

Oh oh he’s going he’s gone he’s up the top let’s go oh it worked yeah oh now he’s up there and he can kill me y’all actually work oh that’s so sick alright so the people have spoken when it is when the Guardian I like it When it’s time come on Gwen let’s go oh we move in now oh she’s going as well I hope she goes up here alright look god that’s amazing there she goes I’m like a proud dad this is great look I’ll go she’s still going I could have sworn I could have spanned

Those out a little bit further man she looks mad I don’t blame her there’s that mining fatigue that I needed I just want to see a tip over the edge it’s always there it’s always serious on this bit here it’s she’s going she’s going she’s going Yeah right

To make sure that she doesn’t die come on go and make it make when you got this let’s go when that was perfect absolutely perfect with that done without further ado I present to you me completing minecraft hardcore 100% if you’re excited leave a like that’d be greatly appreciated subscribe if you’re

Brand new I’d enjoy hug Gwen Oh Gwen you’re looking absolutely amazing down there let me come real close look at her guys she’s beautiful hey wait I know we don’t see eye to eye see what I did there all the time but I think you’re pretty awesome right I need

To get out of here we’ve got a short list of things to do and I think that means we’re pretty close to giving this a try now that I don’t have to fly 3,000 blocks in between I’ve got all the time in the world to try this achievement I’m

Pretty I’m pretty nervous but I think we’re gonna be able to do it as long as we have everything set up properly it should be no problem whatsoever so let’s do that setting up and then we’re gonna complete white craft guys we go through it y’all chill chill buddy I do not want

You affecting my cats what’s wrong with you come come and see me huh come and see me what are you doing I’ve still got my any fatigue that’s a problem I just want to sleep will you just let me sleep thank you there is potentially one more

Thing that I need to do and that is transport a transport an illusion the outpost over there but is he still here eh hey come here I’m gonna box you real nice there you are will you back off son I’m going my armor on no come in though you’d be running

Away now it doesn’t happen what’s this it’s like you said I’m sorry I don’t care I’m not accepting your apology ah isn’t it beautiful it’s so beautiful I can’t believe we’ve got it I still can’t believe we got that let me get my brain straight so yeah we need to try and

Kidnap one of those because we need hero of the village and we also need bad omen to trigger this so if I capture one of the the bannermen name tag him and then put him in a boat he shouldn’t de-spawn and I can keep him over there trigger bad omen and then trigger

Everything else it should be easy as that so before we do anything let’s grab some carrots and let’s make some golden ones let’s do that and I forgot how expensive these are have I got golden or in here I haven’t no that’s bad okay we haven’t got many golden carrots

We’re gonna have to take another food with us let’s just take normal carrots I mean what’s the downside so what we need is a name tag and we’re gonna call this the baddest of omens baddest omen and this is what this guy is gonna be called

So we need to fly over there make him follow us all the way to take so long right let’s do it it’s a no other way we can do it I don’t think there is cuz he’s gonna shoot us every time fine fine I’m gonna do it alright there it is

Right we just need a banner man to spawn in nametag him and then bring him across which which should work ah there’s one right here okay I need to get this guy to follow me but I also need him to not get thorns damaged come on then buddy we need to go

On a trip together all right you’re gonna follow me you’re gonna behave yourself we’ve done this once before so we’re gonna do it again your friends they cannot join come on let’s go this is going to be the trip of a lifetime for you I’m gonna shower you

In riches okay maybe not but we’re going this way we just go all the way to here and further this is going to be long Oh FLE is gonna be worth it all right we’ve made it to the house but now I need to take him to zero zero which is this way

Come on buddy we’ve got so far we’ve got about half more to go this is gonna say forever you better not die as oh he’s hit me a few times with his arrow this man’s accurate let’s get him to where he needs to be look as the beacons of Hope my

Friends well you’re gonna be spending the rest of your days come on let’s go would you look at this there’s actually a boat ready and waiting for you all right come around the corner up around the corner right now this is where I’m gonna put you hey come here I’m actually

Gonna put him around the corner because I don’t want him interrupting me so let’s get you in the boat oh this boat is gonna come on get in the boat ah this is gonna break I don’t used to break the boat though okay you can hit

Me get in the boat why when you get in the boat guys oh no oh no this is bad this is bad he’s after me is he in it oh I think you just fell in it oh it’s weird when he’s sitting down right let’s get our name tag baddest omen there we

Go so he should stay there now right how will you stop you’re gonna get yourself killed yeah this guy should stay here now which is good so next step is to make sure the schalke is near me are you you serious you’re firing things oh don’t be firing

Things dude I’m out I’m out you guys are all annoying all of you including you Gwen actually gonna take that back you’re beautiful oh it actually hit me that’s nice okay I need to get out of here oh I can I didn’t realize I could get rid of the levitation right baddest

Thurman you better not um you better not mess me around here you better stay around so now I just need to collect my potions my dispensers and I need to capture a dolphin and then make sure the dolphin and the Shoukry next to each other and then I think we’ve got a and

Then I think we’ve got a whole run on our hands obviously we need to find one more of the bad omen guys to get hero of the village that should be okay that’s probably gonna be the hardest bit is gonna be doing a rate it’s gonna be quite the

Quite the difficult task but it should be okay right all my stuff should be in here so I’ve got dispensers I’ve got pressure plates it’s not gonna activate everything though I’m scared it’s not going through we’ve got some redstone pufferfish when you look Golden Apple actually we have to actually we could

Take this one this is exactly what this is for oh great holy one here it is dude I was so excited we got this still look at a purple text oh I look so good so corn Apple then our arrow is already there papa fish the stews but both stews

And then the Schalke and then dolphins grace that should be everything I hope I haven’t forgotten a potion effects this Golden Apple is actually one of the best ones to use it boosts what it gives you from a normal Golden Apple so that should be good so let’s take this with

Us are the mine and fatigue oh that’s fun good job we got some milk still two buckets of milk let’s go and fill these up actually sorry guys come in to rinse your utters yeah that should be enough right all of that is going in the milk case I guess all right

Let’s take this pretty sure there’s nothing else that I need I’ve got so many sugar boxes it’s crazy all the potions are there the stews are there the dispensers are there oh man this is gonna be it’s gonna be quite the run I can step on this pressure plate twice so

That should be fine at the fence and the lead I need some glass actually I need some glass to keep the shulker in just grab this but let’s also make some more you have to wait for this so let’s make some glass don’t need this anymore we need glass

Give me glass stat but actually we can make some more golden carrots let’s do that that’s so expensive managed to make a few more that ain’t so bad right you guys get in there while we’re waiting for those let’s go and heal up our Elijah as well just because we can look

At that beautiful oh look at this it’s magical and almost full again oh my goodness this is store this stuff out my timer has stopped working I think it’s too fast try to stop that and then then we can just open this now I’m pretty sure there we go

Street I don’t know how many levels that gave me but I think it was a lot it’s sleepytime unnamed dago’s that’s right unnamed all goes still III told the stream the other day that our celebration for this completing this whole thing every single achievement all are mine crafts is gonna be naming

Unnamed dog okay that’s your treasure you get to keep that I’m gonna take this with me all of this stuff is coming with me let’s go I’m getting impatient I think if we take this with us as well we can make some more fireworks let’s not forget this I think that’s everything

That’s genuinely everything we need so let’s just fly back to where we need to be and go and set things up cuz we getting close man so close let’s check if baddest omen is still there oh he’s still there he’s still repping okay that’s good right so we are gonna get

Mining fatigue over here because Gwen is actually pretty close so we need to be careful I’m gonna put down the furnace so I can start making this glass that we’re gonna need and the reason I want the glass is to put it around the shoka and also around the dolphin so we need

Our black choker box and I need to try and capture a dolphin and keep it somewhere so if we grab this glass you know this guy’s gonna be mad annoying isn’t he so annoying be gone so I need just one section him to come and get me okay

Oh no no no nope stop you know he fires he’s out quick so quick right I need him to be boxed in like this if I think I stand a water I should be okay I should be immune to this so I’m gonna stick him

Right in here so that he can only fire them sideways I think that works so I get him to go here right yes that’s what I’m talking about buddy I’m gonna lock you in real fast now he shouldn’t try and get me so this is where the dolphin

Is also going to be so if we have and the reason I have it as glass is that it’s so that we can see so this is where the dolphin is gonna go so I need a fence post where’s my other shocker box ah here it is

Okay we can put this just down here look all these showgirl boxes it’s crazy so we’re gonna have fence and a lead so I can grab a dolphin and plop it there so let’s go and grab that I have seen one around here somewhere but I think

They might have aborted I think they figured out what was going on so let’s try and find one and bring it home I’m known for killing dolphins so when they saw me in the area they were probably like quick leave he’s back ah there’s one I was wondering if Gwen killed them

All that could have been a possibility but let’s try and grab this dolphin shall we because we need this exact buff there we go right come with me homey don’t worry Gwen won’t hurt you Ben won’t hurt you I promise to come this way hopefully the conduit won’t

Hurt them either I don’t think they will but if we pop you just on here that should be fine right link dolphins grace what offerings grace work here I don’t know it’s kind of underneath what you’re doing dolphins grace works here I kind of need him to

Be above oh he’s going for this how about I drop this in in here you go for that I don’t think that’s gonna work I think he’s gonna die under there try this again shall we Hey coming up come here right now go away buddy don’t you kill him my dolphin

My dolphin vibes let’s try and get this guy actually inside the pods so come here buddy no insides never work with dolphins guys never work with dolphins yes there we go well you would chill this is how you died last time that should work though

So I should be able to go in here yeah there we go got dolphins grace we got it we got it sweet and when we open that we’ll get that did he go how did you get under there I need some more thought all right come here you I’m gonna block you

In it’s the only way it could be done okay get inside my little pods here we go it’s not so bad and then if you get locked in here that’s how this is gonna work now all right you can jump around if you wish and then hopefully you won’t

Die please don’t die but seriously please don’t die ah there we go it can jump okay this is great I don’t even jump in this way though I don’t when jump in anyway actually so we need to make sure but this man don’t escape he’s gonna jump for air that’s perfect

Just actually fill this up just a little bit more just so I can swim properly that should be fine and he should still be able to jump out right I don’t want you dying on me but we need another milk bucket real fast cuz we need to build

This so dispensers you are up next so we’re gonna have dispensers everywhere I’m gonna need to test this out so I don’t actually know if this works also need one that’s like facing down on me so if I put something in there and then I put the pressure plate underneath I

Know I just shot one of my arrows it didn’t hit me though did it it definitely didn’t hit me why did that happen maybe I put it in the top okay I need to remember that that’s in there I’m an idiot yeah so that doesn’t work

So I also need redstone that comes out ah it shot through me that’s well annoying yeah we don’t want that I need redstone that also goes like up here and also this way if I do this now does the cobblestone come at me I’m gonna need some more redstone aren’t I

Oh jeez let me go get some my Dolphins probably gonna despawn as well isn’t it dude this is hard I’m gonna need to get a nametag from a dolphin AHA found you in my old strip mine of all places as well yeah that’s definitely enough right

Let’s get out of here let’s go back and see if I throw fits dead another nametag is being used I don’t know if this one’s even gonna be worth it but we’re gonna call it grace I think it’s gonna be dead though pretty sure don’t be dead don’t

Be dead please don’t be dead ah yeah it’s dead yeah at least we got the redstone we’ll save that for next time it looks like we’re gonna have to do that last maybe let’s see if these will activate now I’ve got rotten flesh an extra cobblestone okay that worked so

Now I needs tested the top one works okay that one works as well sweet is that all of them it doesn’t quite make it round today I think I have a repeater though somewhere maybe there will work let’s go yeah okay sweet so now all of

Those work that is great news so that is our contraption for everything too splish-splash on us spice once we get a dolphin I think we’re ready to try this I’m pretty sure it’s actually kind of scary I need to put all the potions where they need to be but I think we’re

Done I think we’re ready to do this I’m gonna put everything I don’t need in the purple shocker box so remind me if I forget so let’s set these potions up let’s grab all of these and we’ll put them all in at once we need the arrow as

Well I think one put the arrow in the top actually it’s the arrow actually works let me put that in there that in there in there they are gonna have to be like multiples so I’ll just keep standing on the dispenser each time there shouldn’t need to be more than one

I don’t think one two three four five six seven okay that is done might take my armor off as well you know I’m gonna take everything off I’m naked now okay I think that’s ready and then we need all of the food as well so we need enchanted

Golden apple I’m gonna put this in my off hands so in China Golden Apple the stews the pufferfish and we need to wear this so this is the only thing we do have to wear the Golden Apple needs to be eaten first and then it needs to be the pufferfish

Then blindness and then wither and then we have to jump in here get the Dolphins Grace and then the show caster hits us and that should be everything at once everything at once done I can’t think of anything I’m missing that’s gonna happen which is fine yeah we need to do a run

Of this I’m scared well this is embarrassing I am I need to go and get air over the village first that’s what I need to do so I need to put all this stuff back get my normal stuff back and go and fight the great fight then we can go and get the

Dolphin and finish this bad boy off what am I gonna need I’m probably only not gonna need my armor it’s a stupid helmet off probably only gonna need my armor where’s a chess play in here the bow and some arrows I don’t think I need anything else I can get my golden

Carrots here I think that’s all I need yeah I’m gonna go and start this I think this is my first run in doing this I think this is everything that I need I will need to get hunger while I’m here but apart from that I think I’m ready to

Go let’s do this let’s go get bad omen oh wait there’s three bannermen here wait what are you kidding me three of these bad boys right I’ve got my nifty body for a little bit I just need to kill one of these one of them just one yeah

Oh Jesus criminy there’s so many and they’re all angry chill out chill out this is not your fight to fight stop this thing is I need to kill them properly I can’t be doing it with bones and stuff there we go did it okay I’m running I’m running I’ve got my bad omen

So now all I need to do is fly home see you later guys goodbye that’s good to know that they’re there though oh my goodness has so many of them so now we need to do the straight-up raid I’ve got golden apples at home so that should be fine I can sleep before

The raid starts as well but here we go first run let’s try this because then they get here over the village then we just do everything else this is gonna be this is gonna be risky and I hope it works otherwise I’ve wasted every single item

And I’ll have to do it all again oh jeez nerve-wracking times haven’t actually checked if everyone’s gonna be safe when this begins I think they will be I’m pretty sure well it doesn’t even start yet oh this is perfect I didn’t know I could get bad omen here

Let’s do a quick sleep and then make our way into the village and then it begins uh I don’t know how many raids we’ve done but this is gonna be another one let’s take this off do this we just need to be super careful I’m gonna go and get

My golden apples they are in here I think that’s all I need maybe a couple more totems as well we’ll get some more totems from this raid but let’s do this I’m ready for you your little punks I did not mean to do that but the rage

Begin oh no I’ve got to kill this guy I’ve got to kill him after all this time we can get another one it’s fine we’ll just get another I’m sorry I’m sorry prisoner you’re out of here that’s round one done I can’t believe that just happened I’m sorry oh there they are

I see em we’ve got to make sure that no one dies though we don’t anyone else to die and I still need to be careful of why they called the summoning guys the ones with the vex is going to be so careful of them I’m just gonna stay over

Here shoot these man’s over here and then we’re done if some of them want to come for me then they can come for me there’s only one of them left where they at there he is it’s cuz I’ve got villagers in there now I completely forgot chill they better leave my bees

Alone as well we haven’t done a raid with the bees before that’s from over there there they are come at me punks I’ll give you I got it as well let’s go yo you better stay away from my dog owes – this can’t be happening these are the guys I need to

Be careful of these guys right here cuz they’re gonna bring in hexes I missed my shot I think I got it though I need to get them before they bring in the big boys I need to get the hexes are the hardest thing apart from that we’re like

Wave 5 we’re doing pretty good oh no this is bad this is really bad the hexes are after me hodiza felt oh no this can’t be how I died I have to win this is the worst ever bees sort them out sort them out bees oh my goodness they’re crazy

Got him got him got him got him got him ok sweet at least I have thorns now which is good cuz otherwise this ain’t gonna work and I think if they’re far enough away from their Avoca they just die I’m pretty sure oh no come on

Leave me alone guys I can’t go too far away from the raid Eva got him he’s sending more I think you might be sending more oh we’re in trouble yeah he’s definitely sending more oh no oh no we’re yeah we might die here guys we actually might die I

Totems galore though I just need to get rid of these guys to their just summon him more and more Oh skinny skinny though I didn’t want me to do this to you skinny it wasn’t my fault it was these guys I was trying to aim for these guys

Oh no the skinnies died skinny no oh my goodness watch I can’t leave that just happened I need to kill these guys desperately you’re wearing trouble here massive trouble big trouble look how many of them are coming these don’t even count towards the raid I need

To get close and take him out come on in come on then where are the Evo cos I have to kill the Evo cos right now areas stereos I’ve got him okay let’s get him okay he’s gone sweet which is the oh jeez so close so

Close why is this raid so hard on these guys gonna be after me to not uh I can’t have anyone else die I can’t believe I hit skinny perfectly ah oh jeez this guy’s coming at me bro he’s coming at me stay back this is why shouldn’t have

Raids on my front porch this was a terrible idea and skinny has now lost his life I don’t believe it yo I really really hope that this is the last wave because otherwise more lives are at risk there’s another Avoca there you see him he’ll get out of here bro I

Got him I got him I got him I can’t just keep firing random arrows like this there’s two Raiders remaining I’m going in look at these I’ve got three more of them I had five in total from this where the raid is that I’m coming to avenge skinny

I can’t believe this happened all for a stupid achievement someone died they lost their life for this whole thing where is he where is he need to kill this last Raider where you at boy I need to know hey desperately oh no oh no how did how did someone get down there

They better not be in here okay I think we’re safe I’m pretty sure we’re safe how did how did those two die maybe the witch splashed them where’s the last Raider I don’t know where he is when this is the last one I don’t want it to

Time out down here or we might have fallen down here bro where is he okay he’s not in here at all someone’s been in here though where are they where’s the last radar or there he is I see him he’s over there I went to this

This place up here to see if I can find him and I found him little punk I’m coming for you bro I’ve got a few in the name of skinny you will die right you little punk come here you think you’re running away from me this easy how did you take down

My bees – you take skinny you can take might be thank you for careful I’m so careful I don’t believe it peace be the end I think that’s the end oh thank goodness okay we need to think about this we’ve got a hero of the village

I’m so sorry skinny I don’t believe it I’m gonna avenge him by making this all worthwhile we’ve gotta go and finish this thing skinny I’m sorry that you had to sorry they had you you had to go this way look how much stop I’m good jeez all right

I’m gonna grab a chest then I’m out of here we got 20 minutes all right double chest so I can dump my stuff let’s go I can’t believe skinny died into the hands of me as well it wasn’t even anyone else’s fault it was my own I’m so upset so we

Need to I think we need to get enough hunger so we shouldn’t eat we need to run and then we need to get down to like three hunger points I think because we need to eat a Golden Apple a pufferfish to stews so we should probably get a

Little bit lower than that actually to be able to eat everything and then we need to grab a dolphin we also need to do bad omen as well so let’s grab the dolphin first and then do the rest I’m coming for you definitely coming for you

All right double chest can go right down here so let’s put away all of our stuff in here it’s all going all of its going in here look pretty totems we’ve got a nice gonna keep a totem in my off hand just in case but everything else needs to go

All of its in there sweet we naked okay so I’ve come back from a quick break and I think I need to rethink this situation I’m not a hundred percent confident in this redstone and we haven’t got much time because my hero of the village is gonna run out pretty soon

And if I go in the vicinity of Gwen over here I’m gonna anger her and she’s gonna give me building fatigue which is gonna suck I think I need to rearrange this so I’m thinking I need to get rid of this completely because I feel like this is

Gonna be a huge rush I don’t think I actually need to rush it that much so I’m gonna take out some of this stuff that was not ideal was it he grabs from my building materials real fast but I don’t want Glenn to upset sticks I’ll

Take that’ll do let’s grab that and he stays far away from Gwen as possible that’s do it quick sleep so I’m gonna try this I’m gonna try a little bit of a different setup because I’ve gone through my list which I have just here

And I need to change a few of the bits around so there’s actually get rid of all of this cuz this is all ice anyway which is gonna suck let’s get rid of that oh jeez oh no it’s all gone crazy let’s go into that rid of that I want to

Get through this way so my Dolphins gonna go in there which you also need to bust the hole open for where’s my other pickaxe is it in here the pick oh don’t tell me I didn’t bring it with me come on oh there it is sweet okay let’s

Grab this let’s go through here and then the idea is that we go through this part and then get hit by the schalke then set off the arrow and then we should be good we need to be careful there cuz I’ve got no armor on me so let me just quickly

Armor up real fast just so I don’t die because I’ll be tragic I could hold a totem actually but I need to do this before the hero of the village runs out so I’m a little bit nervous let’s do this Oh No here comes here he comes

Let’s grab that I think I might do it a bit Barbara way ah let’s get rid of this as well I’m gonna put that there Spencer there and I’m gonna put my arrow in there instead so let me hit you with the arrow but ya gonna put my arrow in here and

Then oh my goodness that is actually terrifying and then we can go there and then make a lever to pop that off I think that’s gonna be the best way to do that no don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t hit me I think he’s gonna hit

Me so we’ll do that that’s good perfect I don’t know how he just got that out of there that was quite impressive actually oh jeez oh no great great you hit me and now I’ve got thorns on me no stop stop this is nuts oh and I still need to kill

That guy as well I feel like I can do that like as soon as I want to because bad omen doesn’t actually last that long right so that’s a little bit more streamlined I like that now we can take out all these potions cuz none of these

Are much lower than like a minute or so so we should be able to just throw them on ourselves I think I’ve been overthinking it a little bit so if I organize these that’s eight minutes four minutes eight eight 1:34 eight eight eight one thirty four so these will go

In this order or throw these ones last and then I can eat the rest of the stuff that I need to in time I think that’s gonna work ah what are you guys doing here that was not the plan right I’m gonna grab these and I’m gonna shoot you punks square in

The heads where’s your friend where’s your friend I know he’s out here where is he I don’t want to have to deal with you guys because I’m gonna have to get hungry at some point as well I don’t have to deal with you are you that’s

Good to know yeah it’s been from some of my other trips what do I need to do next I need to grab myself the food and I also need to grab a dolphin let me see all this this is popped off one earth don’t do that shoka don’t do that I

Didn’t realize his attacks would do that that’s proper annoying all right let’s grab the stuff from here trying to stay a far away from Gwen as possible never mind I’m so have to wait this out I think I have to wait out the mining fatigue because

How am I gonna do this otherwise I need the lead so I need to break back into this box so I can go back out I forgot to break through there as well yeah I’m an idiot is it gonna take does he still take ages even with

Efficiency and stuff too I can’t use milk because I’ve got hero of the village brah oh it’s gonna take a while a sweet while I’m gonna do it anyway everyone much else to do Gwen so was there it’s so close I don’t know how long this is taking me but it’s the

Longest book I’ve ever mined in Minecraft and it’s a piece of glass come on I need to fill that little pocket with as much water as I can because there’s not enough water in there so far come on come on but yes ok dunzo so that

Is smashed now I need to grab a how long have we got left two minutes that’s not too bad that probably took me about three minutes to mine I need to grab some buckets of water to fill up this bad boy I need it to be as full as

Possible so the I care and a swim properly so I don’t think I can swim properly in this as it is just grab some water let’s fill this bad boy up real fast I think I might make it go anyone higher as well I need to make it like a

Swim because dolphins grace is actually the hardest one to do really really quickly so I’m gonna be annoyed if I haven’t done it properly okay and that shouldn’t go in there yeah that’s perfect am i out you might not the bottom of this as well and my mining fatigue goes

So that I can make sure that I can get the dolphin in there okay let’s go find ourselves a dolphin shall we while this mining fatigue wears off ah I see one okay this is perfect so I need to name this dolphin real fast come here come here grace my mining fatigues about

To run out it’s a beautiful day come here you know come here come here I need to name you your name is Grace that means you can’t D spool and come this way come on I know you can swim fast let’s go oh I need to drown though let’s

Not drown brace this way I was going the wrong way don’t worry come this way come with me we need you to go just in here hopefully mining fatigue does not happen I need this to smash and then we can put you on it that should be

Fine there we go and then we put you on this BAM okay you are now almost encapsulated that didn’t quite work as well as I thought it was gonna be ah Gwen why why have you done this at least I can get dolphins grace still up here right yeah that works okay Gwen

Okay okay that’s fine okay perfect so before this dolphin dies I think we should maybe give us a go I actually need to I’m gonna run out time aren’t I I need to run get as hungry as possible but I also need to be careful because

Here over the village is gonna run out soon oh geez don’t hit me before I go to bed this guy’s going to die this guy right here needs to go down goodbye sir now I’ve got bad omen sweet so now we need to do is get hungry let’s

Get hungry grace I can still hear you squealing which means you’re alive perfectly alive I’m it so anything else need to do oh my goodness no shell okay that would have been tragic mining fatigue is gonna run out I want to see if there’s anything else I can put on my

Beacons as well regeneration can any of these do regeneration at the same time oh don’t have any ingots do I have any yogurt yes I do I know how to choke a box I don’t even know why I brought that with me but turns out it’s actually really handy regeneration

Perfect so now I just need to get hungry oh you could do this this is going to be one of the craziest things I’ve ever done in the old Minecraft because if we mess this up all of these consumables so all of these things that I need to eat

Right here those all go and I need to redo them I’ve got the shocker I’ve got the Guardian two of the things that took the longest but my goodness I’m slightly nervous luckily I don’t think I have to do it as quick as I

Thought I do I just need to do a few of them that are like within twenty ten seconds of each other there we go there’s the mining fatigue beautiful Gwen it’s because I danced for you isn’t it going is because I danced I knew you loved it right let’s take off this I

Don’t think we need that we might need these though just to swim a little bit faster because one of them is swimming grace is still alive she’s singing sweet nothings into my ears and then we’re gonna attempt this it’s gonna be oh we need to attempt it now oh dude I’m

Actually nervous I’m actually really nervous how I got everything correct I think I do I’m pretty sure I do right let’s just go for it you ready oh no grace grace no you need to chill oh my goodness alright let’s smash these she’s about to ruin my whole thing then let’s

Do these oh my goodness okay let’s do wait which way around I need to do these I’m not even sure smash smash furious cocktail got that that’s perfect let’s eat this gives us balanced diet then we need you to shoot me sir can you shoot me please

Hello Schalke there we go that’s that glowing arrow then we need to eat this then we need to eat this we do this and come on come on quad safety I feel like I’m gonna die oh my guess yeah we did it oh I guess oh I thought I’d done it

Wrong I think I did it with a split second to spare I didn’t know the glowing arrow was gonna knock us back while we had levitation it knocked us back and probably shaved like it took a second longer I thought we were done so but we done so look at

That three secret achievements oh my goodness am I gonna survive or am I gonna die oh go and I’m gonna come up and kiss you actually not gonna do that it might get me killed oh we did it oh we did it look at me look at me go I

Can’t believe it all dude oh I’m actually kind of low-key shaking that was so nerve-wracking so what do we get then first up we got this right here which was the Furious cocktail which is after we splashed all the potions and then had the turtle helmet on then after that we ate the

Enchanted golden apple which was the one we finally got a balanced diet eat everything that is edible even if it’s not good for you which was such a low chance of finding anyway and then finally how did we get here have every effect applied at the same time yes Oh

Completed minecraft without dying kind am I gonna die now hope I don’t die now poison can’t kill you can it I’m just gonna load up on these totems just in case can this stop now I need all of this to go all of this needs to leave I

Don’t know how long this is gonna take add milk I have milk I’m gonna use it I don’t use it right now this is freaking me out let’s grab the milk and drink it get rid of all of these effects hey we is back to normal grace thank you for

Your duties I’m gonna release you I can’t release your cart reach you are released thank you for your service don’t hurt me now please don’t hurt me now oh my goodness I need I need help help it’s attacking me still he’s gonna kill me it’s madman’s gonna kill me come

Here come here bah bah bah bah bah ah really you did me like this huh it’s because I’m a king a king among men oh I was so I was so nervous for that by plan D I’m glad I didn’t do the dispenser method cuz that would have been ridiculous I

Don’t think that would have worked ah man it’s so messy Alicia this is all the stuff I had on me wasn’t him golden apples golden carrots a desperately needs to eat oh I got really generation from these beacons I need to move all these beacons back oh man what

Cost though what cost unfortunately unfortunately we lost skinny today three great things happens we did the three achievements but we lost skinny don’t you let me think for one second I’m gonna forget about that man was a glorious man he did his proud and he was

Slain in battle by me but let’s not talk about okay let’s not talk about it are we let’s go and that is every single minecraft achievement done look at it it’s all yellow bro it’s all yellow it’s all done look at me look at me shine without dying once apart from using the

Totems but we already used like three and it wasn’t too bad oh my goodness guys leave a like we have to celebrate likes likes everywhere we’re like everywhere please and if you’re new to the channel please hit subscribe that we greatly appreciated I need a lie-down that was intense

And I’m not sure I can handle it anymore I got to spend the time getting all this stuff back home but we did it what happens to my crap hardcore now I got some plans every single white craft achievement that was the last one the last one Posters parsing wagon candles canvas of fulcrum a band

This video, titled ‘I COMPLETED Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by DanTDM on 2020-01-18 19:45:54. It has garnered 5946067 views and 205029 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:15 or 2655 seconds.

sub pls : http://bit.ly/TxtGm8 Twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/dantdm Merch : http://www.dantdmshop.com

Follow Me : 🐦 http://www.twitter.com/DanTDM 📷 http://www.instagram.com/DanTDM

DanTDM plays through Minecraft Hardcore Mode! In this gaming video, I complete every single Minecraft Advancement in Hardcore Mode.

Other Gaming Videos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPTLP0RmzDE&list=PLUR-PCZCUv7RREE5ztXmQv2FgSVrRebDJ

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  • Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!

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  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10

    Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10Video Information This video, titled ‘Rate this 1 – 10 ๐Ÿ’€โš ๏ธ #minecraft#horror#shorts’, was uploaded by GJ GAMER on 2024-06-18 00:35:21. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay – Part 21 – RTX ON!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay - Part 21 - RTX ON!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 21 – RTX ON’, was uploaded by FaHaDDxHR on 2024-05-26 12:58:45. It has garnered 1272 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. Keybaord – Redragon K552 Mouse – Glorious model o – Like and sub – PayPal Support me : https://paypal.me/fahaddxhr7?country…. – Server CubeCraft Download on Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/de… Download on App Store – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minec… ( What is Minecraft? ) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Traveling Into A NEW DIMENSION In Modded Minecraft! (SILLY SOULS MODDED SMP #16)’, was uploaded by enduurrrVODS on 2024-04-13 10:44:13. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:11 or 7271 seconds. In this video the adventures on the Silly Souls Modded SMP continues with the defeat of some Minecraft Bosses and the exploration of numeral new dimensions- one of these being the Otherside, a horrifying trip into the world of sculk. The Entity SMP Finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7b6ciq_I7g โ–บCHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE MAIN CHANNEL! https://www.youtube.com/@enduurrr3433 โ–บCHECK OUT MY TWITCH! https://www.twitch.tv/enduurrr… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVAL

    Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVALVideo Information This video, titled ‘NUEVO SERVER FACTIONS para MINECRAFT PE 1.20.51 | SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Alex Workout on 2024-01-17 22:00:08. It has garnered 448 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. ใ€ŒโœจWhen to the description! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqMu_5oE5Adusq4q9anUHw/join โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚ ๐Ÿ“œใ€ŽSERVERใ€๐Ÿ“œ โžก๏ธ MystiCraft IP: PUERTO: 25591 ๐Ÿ‘พ DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/3py85sYkmw โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚ ๐Ÿ‘‘ใ€ŽSocial Networksใ€๐Ÿ‘‘ ๐Ÿ‘ฅ-Facebook โžœ https://bit.ly/2zNbqCP ๐Ÿฆ-Twitter โžœ https://bit.ly/2z9jzl7 ๐Ÿ‘พ Discord โžœ https://discord.gg/pB2qPwWDTj ๐Ÿ˜-Gamertag (MCPE) โžœ Alex Workout574 โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚ ๐Ÿ’ŽDO YOU WANT ANY REVIEW/WORK?๐Ÿ’Ž Channel Promotion, Banner , Miniatures, Logo , Custom Designs, Overlay, Animated Overlay, AND MUCH MORE… ASK FOR PRICES and place… Read More

  • CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!

    CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Hardcore In Less Time Than IShowSpeed’, was uploaded by MythicalTimmyLive on 2024-08-22 23:27:00. It has garnered 483 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:19 or 12859 seconds. https://twitter.com/mythical_timmy https://streamelements.com/mythicaltimlive/tip (Donate Here) https://www.instagram.com/realmythicaltimmy/ #kaicenat #mythicaltimmy #ishowspeed Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘ใฉใ‚Œใ ใ‘ใ‚นใƒ”ใƒผใƒ‰ใ‚ขใƒƒใƒ—ใงใใ‚‹๏ผŸใ€ใƒ‘ใƒญใƒƒใ‚ฟใƒผๆ—ฅๆœฌ่ชžใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒกใ€‘Study Japanese in Minecraft! @SakuraMiko’, was uploaded by ใƒ‘ใƒญใƒƒใ‚ฟใƒผๆ—ฅๆœฌ่ชž | Study Japanese & English on 2024-09-06 08:00:19. It has garnered 15898 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. My music stream โ†’ https://linkco.re/3zFvc7uC My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. let’s check itโ†“๐Ÿ˜Š My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. Please check it out! https://www.youtube.com/@hololive https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji Let’s Study Japanese in Minecraft! main chโ†“ https://www.youtube.com/@parotter #shorts #minecraft #anime #education #language #Minecraft #Game #Education #English #Japanese #hololive #hololiveen #hololivejp Read More

  • “Shocking: I destroyed my friend’s Indian SMP in Minecraft” #gaming

    "Shocking: I destroyed my friend's Indian SMP in Minecraft" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Why i destroyed my friends Indian SMP? #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #smp’, was uploaded by garvwasthere on 2024-09-26 07:45:05. It has garnered 910 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:24 or 2064 seconds. This video is not scripted at all I made the owner / operator user to do it with greed and he did it and we destroyed whole smp nothing was scripted neither my friend did knew. Want more spoiler? Nah just watch the video. minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mods,minecraft seed,minecraft funny,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures on Isles SMP – Stinging, Temples, House Cat

    Insane Adventures on Isles SMP - Stinging, Temples, House CatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Isles SMP: Stinging, Temples, and… House Cat? (Contiued)’, was uploaded by Balancer Productions on 2024-08-30 00:40:30. It has garnered 330 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:16 or 9556 seconds. She is a house cat, ya gotta believe me! #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftgaming #dragon #httyd #smp Read More

  • KapiCraft – Smp

    Join Our Private Minecraft Server! We are a small and cozy server with mods, looking for active players to join us. Requirements: You must be over 18 years old You must be an active player You must enjoy building What We Offer: A free world without plugins A server with 70 building mods out of 100 A great community atmosphere Responsive server host Thank you for your interest! Join us on Discord. Read More

I COMPLETED Minecraft Hardcore!