I Created An EPIC Story For Minecraft’s Desert! | The ULTIMATE Survival World Movie – Part 2

Video Information

Over the past eight months we’ve been upgrading the entirety of minecraft to create the ultimate survival world across this enormous 16 million block map we’re transforming every biome and structure in the game and even giving minecraft its very own law and backstory all to create the craziest possible

Minecraft experience for you guys here on the stepflocks channel we’re going to jump right back into this crazy world we’ve created and follow the epic adventures of the usw in a series of mini movies covering each of these breathtaking biomes in turn today we find ourselves in the desert biome

Unravelling its myths and legends learning about its people uncovering the dark mysteries surrounding the evil pharaoh in his collection of treasures and following a brave villager on a crazy nail-biting adventure before we start i’ve noticed that only six percent of you guys are actually subscribed it would really help me out a

Lot if you could support me by hitting the subscribe button below as these videos do take a lot of hard work trust me there are bags under this concealer imagine if we could actually hit 100k blocks down before the summer that would be insane having said all of that you

Guys literally blew my mind with the support for the first chapter of the story and i’m super grateful for that i asked for a thousand likes to continue the series and you got us to 25 000. so to let me know you’re still hyped about this let’s aim for 10 000 this time

Although knowing you guys you’ll probably just smash that goal too you can also support the channel by nabbing some of our merch including these awesome posters to decorate your walls be sure to check it all out via the link in the description where you’ll also find our discord server which is the

Best place to ask questions send suggestions and to build competitions and even make friends while you’re down there you may as well check out my instagram if you want to get to know me better now these stories can be watched individually but to fully appreciate the depth of this project you should really

Catch up on all our usw content including the first chapter of this movie series and of course the insane building updates on the trixie box channel he’s actually just posted the savannah episode so go ahead and watch that after this video to see the next part of this insane world unfold before

Your eyes and with that all said it’s time to dive back into the ultimate survival world just remember i often incorporate stories inspired by different histories and cultures not only because i think it’s fun to learn about them but also because i enjoy exploring myths and legends and putting

My own spin on them nothing is meant to be accurate so just sit back grab yourself some popcorn and get ready for the next mini movie of the ultimate survival world after the convergence and the eradication of the usw’s dangerous creatures you may remember that the population began to blossom and diversify

As life in the usw grew more complex and varied over the centuries several ancient indigenous civilizations arose in different biomes several of these civilizations existed simultaneously in the usw the yanova tribe which built the ancient jungle city thrived in the heart of the jungle and the now beautiful abandoned

City develops an intricate culture of traditions and conventions some of which live on in the descendants nearby village the wolf tribe emerged in the mesa nurturing the land for centuries and forging the interbayer mining network with the jungle and the desert before being forced into the savanna by

The usw outlaws many years later the bone tribe originated in the savannah and were famous for their bone armor created from the remains of an enormous prime evil creature eliminated by the first members of their tribe in the snowy mountains the igulu tribe also prospered equally fabled for their

Delicious fish and the thrilling tales that they would piece together from the natural lights occasionally appearing in the usw skies last but not least that brings us to the desert which is the feature of this chapter playing host to the people of the ancient sandstone village long before the desert town you see

Today was even contemplated the ancient sandstone village was built by the native people of the desert the ancient sandstone village currently lies in ruins in front of the grand desert temple but it wasn’t always this way it was once a bustling village rich in culture and tradition led to a

Devastating fate by its greedy narcissistic ruler but before we get ahead of ourselves let’s start a little closer to the beginning we can get wrapped up in all the chaos and destruction after that during the earlier periods war raged on between the biomes inevitably territories clashed as did differing ideologies and cultures across

The usw the desert and mesa walled over their border and the jungle and desert ward over the usw’s southern waters after many years of unrest the wolf tribe of the mesa the yunoa tribe of the jungle city and the sandstone village of the desert made peace agreements later leading to amicable relationships and

Further trade agreements this particular aspect of the usw story is not dissimilar to our world’s history as the first ever peace treaty on record was in fact forged by the ancient egyptians who inspired some aspects of our usw’s desert biome anyway each of these usw civilizations realized that they needed one another to

Prosper and thrive even if they were divided culturally and could survive alone the yunoa tribe shared the jungle’s wood the wolf tribe shared the mesa’s gold and coal and the sandstone village shared their knowledge in medicine and architecture together they forged the interbio mining network over centuries creating an intricate web of

Mines connecting their biomes to strengthen their collective resources in fact the relationship between the desert and the jungle grows even stronger later in the story when the sandstone village falls into great peril but we’ll turn to that shortly so what do we know about the sandstone village how did they live

What did they believe in if you’re a mythology nerd some of this segment may sound a little familiar the people of the sandstone village had a rich culture filled with thrilling tales passed through generations and a variety of traditions still observed today at night the village folk would gather

Around their campfires telling their children many tales including the journey of the sun it was said that the sun god would rest for 12 hours each day in the overworld realm lighting up the sky until dusk at dusk the moon goddess would guard the overworld realm whilst the sun god would venture into

The underworld fighting off the 12 demons of the nether one for each hour of the night the village folk would tell their children that these 12 demons related to 12 different negative traits including deception envy and greed and that the demons were fueled by the prominence of these traits in the overworld

Essentially it was a scary bedtime story to teach their kids not to be naughty otherwise a demon from the underworld would come to eat them but perhaps there is a little truth to this tale i guess we shall find out before the desert chapter is up many of the sandstone people’s

Traditions were enshrined in rituals many of the village folk kept their own pets and it was a sandstone tradition to hold an annual festival known as the festival of the jackal celebrating their beloved animals with contests music parades and a grand feast for both the humans and the pets

Another tradition followed by the sandstone villages was a journey down south to the ocean every other full moon for a cleansing ritual the ritual would take place under the moonlight as the villagers would wash away any negativity burdening them all under the watchful eye of the moon goddess

It was said that this ritual would strip an individual of any negative traits that they were carrying with them allowing them to return home with a clear mind and thus maintaining the balance in positive and negative energy to keep the 12 demons of the nether from entering

The overworld the pharaoh of the desert did not attend the cleansing as he believed that it was beneath him he viewed himself as flawless instead he created his own far more grisly ritual which he believed best served him and his personal relationship with the gods every year the pharaoh demanded a

Sacrifice from the village believing that this would please the gods and protect him and his collection of treasures from harm this started with smaller offerings but as the pharaoh grew hungrier for power he believed that greater sacrifices would grant him better protection with each passing year the sacrifices he demanded evolved from food

To animals and eventually to one person from the village the tribute selection would occur one week before the sacrifice in the centre of the village where the villagers would be forced to gather before the pharaoh’s messenger since the sacrifice was intended to please the gods the selection process

Was said to be left to their will the messenger would pick up a small pebble from the ground and catapult it into the air it was said that the person tapped on the head by the stone was chosen by the gods to fulfill the annual sacrifice and

Anyone who avoided the pebble was deemed to have disrespected the gods leading to harsh punishment so you may have gathered that the sandstone village and the entire desert territory was led by an evil pharaoh but he wasn’t always this way his ancestors forged the interbio mining

Network with the mesa and the jungle and his initial approach to leadership was similarly fair and diplomatic over the years his greed grew and grew and he became known across the usw as the collector of treasures he would stop at nothing to seek out the rarest jewels and most fabled artifacts

In the land eventually setting his sights on the legendary scarab amulet The scarab amulet was known amongst the sandstone folk as nothing more than a myth the subject of bedtime stories to teach their children key life lessons and values much like the story of the journey of the sun however the pharaoh was convinced that the story was true and spent years

Sending his best warriors to search for the amulet after many years of searching the amulet was discovered near the desert’s entrance to the interbio mining network hidden in a cave despite the pharaoh’s agreements with the mesa and the jungle to share any resources or treasures discovered in the

Caves the pharaoh took the amulet for himself and wore it every day to him it was a constant reminder of all he had achieved but perhaps he hadn’t realised how powerful the amulet could be the amulet was said to be forged by the gods rumored to amplify the most

Prominent traits of the wearer saturated in his own vanity the pharaoh believed that his strongest traits were strength and nobility but the amulet could see the truth after years of focusing on his collection of treasures the pharah had grown an immense greed and the amulet took hold of this creed amplifying it

Even further the sandstone villagers began to fear for their safety as the pharah’s cruelty worsened each day eventually the evil pharaoh forced the villagers to upgrade his temple adding several of the grand features that a cylins hacked today unlike his ancestors who employed paid labourers to construct the original

Temple the pharaoh forced the villagers to carry out his desired upgrades with no pay and exhausting hours once again the pharaoh was blinded by his greed the pharaoh believed that his grand temple containing his collection of treasures required certain details to ensure he and his precious collection remain safe he believed that the

Menacing skull at its entrance with fires lit in its eyes would deter thieves or attackers from seeking entrance to the temple sending a strong message to all those who would consider challenging him indicating what their fate would be if they tried he also demanded that the eyes of the sun god

And the moon goddess were to be etched into the two large pillars at the front of the temple as he believed that this would grant the building and its precious contents protection during both the day and the night taking his paranoia even further the evil pharaoh requested that the statues

Of some of his most fearsome warriors were to stand in the pillars above the protective eyes of the sun and moon gods serving as a further warning to potential attackers and to sprinkle the entire upgrade with a little narcissism and self-importance the pharaoh demanded that several snake symbols were to be

Added to the remaining pillar walls symbolizing royalty and reminding the sandstone villagers of his importance and superiority sandstone villagers were growing weary of the evil pharaoh and his cruelty and it was becoming apparent that all these tensions would reach a devastating climax before too long

And that leads us to the story of asim anurima the heroes of this woeful tale this is a sim a gentle young man born into a family of farmers who dedicated much of his life to taking care of his mother and sister one day the evil pharaoh’s villainy

Burst the sims little bubble turning his and his family’s life upside down the pharaoh’s warriors had discovered a new vein of emerald the pharaoh’s favorite gemstone in a branch off of the interbuyer mining network’s hub pharaoh demanded that all agreements with the jungle and mesa should be disregarded and the mining team should

Be doubled focusing on mining as much of the emerald as possible for the pharaoh’s personal collection of treasures unfortunately for a sim he was selected to join the desert’s team of miners tearing him away from his family and the life that he loved this was especially difficult for a sim

And his family because they had lost the sims father in a mining accident just two years before when he was stationed in the mines temporarily once again to please the pharaoh and his greed for collecting treasures as much as he wished he would never arrive a sims first day on the mining

Team soon came around and he said a reluctant goodbye to his family before collecting his quota from the head guard and making his way to the mines each week the mining team would head to the mines spending six days there they would return home for just one day

Pulling back all the materials they had mined throughout the week and having their quotas checked by the pharaoh’s guards frightened that he wouldn’t meet his quota particularly given that he’d had no training or guidance a sim tentatively got to work on the emerald vein the more experienced members of the team

Spared no time to assist beginners they were too concerned with meeting their quotas which were twice as demanding as a sims before long and to the desert miner’s surprise a division of the jungle mining team arrived wise to the pharaoh’s tricks they had stationed their own miners at the

Emerald source so that they could share the emerald with the mesa asim continued working desperately trying to work out the best way to meet his quota before feeling a gentle tap on his shoulder he turned around in a panic only to see the endearing smile of a woman from the jungle mining team

She beckoned him with a charming nod as she walked over to the emerald source and began to teach him all she knew to help him meet his quota shocked by this seemingly random act of kindness a sim listen carefully and tried to learn as much as he could

At this point asim had no idea that this one simple act of kindness from this mysterious stranger would change his life forever this stranger is urema a strong young woman who just so happens to be the daughter of the jungle king in the jungle life was far different to

That which the desert people had experienced and yarima was free to explore her passions despite being literal royalty she was unyieldingly kind devoting her time to her people and remaining incredibly humble despite her privileged background but we’ll hear more about that in the jungle chapter during their long days of hard work asim

And yorima became great great friends they helped one another told each other stories and learned about their differing ways of life yarima told asim all about her people and their traditions and how her father rules the jungle as a kind devoted ruler in contrast a sim told yorima about the

Cruelty of the evil pharaoh and the horrors shocked her to her core their bond grew incredibly strong despite their different backgrounds and they even inspired the rest of their respective teams to help one another living and working together meant that they spent a long time in each other’s

Company and the teams grew much closer thanks to a sim and urema’s bond they had encouraged the other miners to be more open-minded about mixing and embracing one another and this made their hard work a little less grueling each day after many long weeks of hard work the

Time had come for the tribute selection for the evil pharaoh’s annual sacrifice hassim returned home after a long week of mining confident that his quota was met thanks to the help of urima and excited to see his mother and sister even if they would have to attend the tribute selection

He embraced his family upon his return and they reluctantly headed to the tribute selection together the trio gathered with the rest of the sandstone villagers waiting anxiously for the pharaoh’s messengers to commence the selection process in the usual way the messenger plucked a pebble from the ground placing it in his

Catapult and aiming it up at the sky above the crowd of eerily silent villages before him the stone was flung high into the air as the villagers below watched in suspense a sim stood behind his sister watching the pebble tumble almost in slow motion towards them both instinctively before he could even think

About what was happening he protected his dear little sister jumping in front of her to shield her from the pebble the pebble had tapped him on the head instead and the realization crept over him like a dark cloud he was this year’s sacrifice The rest of the day flew past before a sim could even process what had happened the next morning arrived and it was time for a sim to leave his family already none of them could comprehend that this would be one of the last times they would see one another

Vacant and distracted a sim made his way to the mines for one last week of work before the sacrifice his fellow miners rallied around him on the journey trying to do all they could to lift his spirits but to no avail they arrived at the emerald vein they

Had been stationed at for weeks and the jungle miners immediately knew that something was wrong they gathered around as the sims friends explained what had happened whilst the sims stood in silence barely able to hold back the tears for urema this was the final straw

She can no longer sit idly by as the people of the sandstone village suffered their pharaoh’s cruelty and so the revolution began yorema rallied her mining comrades both those from the jungle and the desert including a sim of course all angered by the pharaoh’s brutality they banded together agreeing to put a

Stop to his rule over the desert urema sent word to her father in the jungle requesting her support and they soon received the provisions and weapons they needed to succeed urema and assim spent days planning their attack yuruma had a deep understanding of battle strategy and a similar desert

Like the back of his hand including the guard rotations they split their fellow miners into groups briefing them on the plan of attack and their respective positions and before long the week was almost up to ensure that the plan was as unexpected as possible the revolting miners decided to attack the day before

They were usually due to return accompanied by the jungle miners also armed with their weapons the day of the revolution had arrived and the miners set off to liberate the sandstone village meanwhile in the desert this was also the day the people realized that the journey of the sun that we explored

Earlier was more than just a bedtime story and the horrors that followed are still recalled in tales across the entire island the self-indulgence of the pharaoh had fueled the nether demon of greed empowering it so much that it was able to access the overworld it called out to the pharaoh pretending

To be the voice of a god convincing him to lay out three wither skulls from his treasure collection and perform a special ritual to put an end to the betrayal he had suspected the people at the sandstone village had been plotting the pharaoh blindly followed these instructions desperate to maintain his

Power and keep hold of his collection of treasures he performed the ritual and right before his eyes spawned a demon it was the wither the demon of greed frightened by the appearance of the demon and slightly dubious about the promises it had made him he retreated to the entrance of his temple

He watched with glee as the wither attacked the villagers a sim urema and the rebel miners arrived just in time in a swift desperate change of plan the miners dispersed some attempting to fight off the wither others trying to usher the panic’s village folk and their beloved animals

To the interbio mine entrance and into safety The desert fell into chaos The weather laid waste to the sandstone village and it was left in ruins in a serious case of poetic justice the wither turned on the pharaoh after destroying everything else in its path to this day it is said that the pharaoh’s shrieks can be heard through the winds of the desert

And his collection of treasures is said to be hidden somewhere in the usw only retrievable by an adventurer brave enough to take on the pirate’s treasure hunt the real question is what happened to the wither how were the desert people able to return home eventually well

Some say the wither was defeated by the protector a fierce noble hero from the snowy mountains but that’s a tale for a later chapter and with the wither defeated years later the remaining people of the sandstone village including assim’s little sister and her pet cactus were able to return to their home biome

With the help of the jungle hence the extensive use of jungle wood seen in the architecture a new desert village was born and to this day is thriving more than ever before to remember those they lost to the wither the sandstone people planted palm trees along their streets each

Symbolizing a lost member of the village a sim and his family now a little older live in this quaint little house with their very own flock of sheep for company a sim still heads to the mines every so often to visit urimah and his mining friends and their bond is stronger than ever

Without it the sandstone village would have been lost that day and the pharaoh’s reign may have continued to ruin the lives of many as for urema we will of course discover more about her story and much more when we come to the jungle chapter but for now

Our adventures in the desert have drawn to a close and so that just about wraps up the second chapter of our usw story be sure to get us to that 10k like goal and click that subscribe button so we can grow our bloxfirm army of adventurers

Plus don’t forget to let me know your thoughts and predictions below and share this adventure with your friends as promised this episode has been much longer than the last one and therefore it’s taken a lot more time so it would be awesome to hear what you guys all

Think oh and in case you’re wondering don’t worry guys i haven’t forgotten about the shipwreck on the desert’s beach there is of course a story to tell and it will be covered once we reach the relevant chapter all will be revealed don’t you worry also be sure to check

Out my instagram the discord server and the new merchandise all of which is linked in the description and finally a huge thanks again to trixie and the discord admin team for their minecraft acting and set design skills and a big big thank you to jake rivers for the

Incredible soundtrack you can check out his tunes and socials in the description too and that’s all from me today guys thanks again for all the love and support and i’ll see you in the next one i’m never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around

And not subscribe to the steph blocks channel yeah don’t want to get copyright strike but it’s okay because i’m so bad that people know what song it is a scar can’t hear me hello oscar trixie blocks excuse me why not respond i need help i need help need help

This video, titled ‘I Created An EPIC Story For Minecraft’s Desert! | The ULTIMATE Survival World Movie – Part 2’, was uploaded by StephBlox on 2022-02-01 19:00:25. It has garnered 484443 views and 39561 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:13 or 1513 seconds.

Download the map here: https://www.patreon.com/TrixyBlox 🧡

We’re diving back into the OFFICIAL story of the Ultimate Survival World, this time heading to the mysterious Desert! We’ve been transforming the entirety of Minecraft, but so far have mostly focused on the builds – now it’s time to delve into the story! In this video we learn about the USW’s Desert, unravelling the mysteries of the Evil Pharaoh & his Collection of Treasures and following two brave adventurers on a nail-biting quest to save the Sandstone Villagers!

Please do SUBSCRIBE & let’s hit 10,000 LIKES, so we can continue this epic adventure through the many biomes of the USW! Comment below and share your ideas and they may get included in the next episode! These videos take WEEKS & WEEKS to plan & create, so your support genuinely means the world!

INSTAGRAM 📸: http://instagram.com/steph.blox

ETC PART 6 – SAVANNA: https://youtu.be/RBr5kdDqJoo

MERCHANDISE 🔥: https://www.trixybloxstore.com/

DISCORD 💜: https://discord.gg/trixyblox

Download TrixyBlox’s Builds HERE: https://www.patreon.com/TrixyBlox (remember, the USW download has NOT been released yet!)

Trixy’s Socials: @TrixyBlox @MoreTrixyBlox Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trixy.blox Personal Instagram: http://instagram.com/oscosborne TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@trixy.blox Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrixyBlox

With special thanks to Deck, Squinty, Hanako & Fem, from the TrixyBlox Discord Team! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Shaders: Complementary Shaders

Mods & Plugins Used: Optifine Replay Mod World Edit

Skins: https://www.minecraftskins.com/ (plus a custom made skin by our very own Squinty!) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ● ● ● ● ● ● ♪♫ Soundtrack by Jake Rivers ♫♪ ● ● ● ● ● ● A HUGE thanks to Jake for the incredible soundtrack that brings this video to life! Check out his socials and the full track list below!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jakelondonrivers/ SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/jakeriversmusic YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTqiIfy-U-I

Track List: – Willows and Wisps – Valor – The Journey of the Sun – The Festival of the Jackal – Urns and Snake Charmers – The Pharaoh – Marimba Cafe – The Summoning – The Wither – The Pharaoh’s Throne Room – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 02:14 The First Civilisations 03:35 The Ancient Sandstone Village 09:01 The Evil Pharaoh 12:31 The Story Of Asim & Yarima 19:38 The Wither: The Demon Of Greed 22:09 Today’s Desert Village – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Effects: Wither whisper effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFTYL9J0tC4&ab_channel=EasyCGChannel%E2%84%A2 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – #Minecraft #UltimateMinecraftStory #UpgradingMinecraft #Transformation #Survival #MinecraftStory #MinecraftMovie #UltimateSurvivalWorld #USW

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    Impossible Challenge: Killing Warden in 16 Seconds?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Killing The Warden Is Not Hard In Minecraft | 16 Seconds Enough | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by TG Morris on 2024-02-25 03:30:16. It has garnered 49 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #warden #Minecraft #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftCreative #MinecraftMods #MinecraftSeries #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTricks #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftWorld #minecraftcommunity new trick to kill warden in minecraft in 16 seconds without hacks, #MinecraftFun #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftLife #MinecraftGaming #MinecraftMaster #MinecraftMagic #MinecraftBuilders #MinecraftExploration #MinecraftFantasy #MinecraftWonder #MinecraftBuildingTips #MinecraftPro #MinecraftJourney #MinecraftSkills #MinecraftCreators #MinecraftEnchanting #MinecraftAdventures #MinecraftPixelArt #MinecraftInnovation #MinecraftDiscovery #MinecraftCreation #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftEpic #MinecraftAwesome #MinecraftInspiration #MinecraftAddict… Read More

  • EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!

    EPIC UPGRADES: Underwater Base & Tech Boosts!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 | Minecraft Tech Spirit [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2024-04-14 19:00:25. It has garnered 3990 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:52 or 3112 seconds. Minecraft Tech Spirit | NEW UNDERWATER BASE & TECH UPGRADES! EP7 [Modded Questing Skyblock] ► Support Us on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/CyberFuel ► Join our Discord – https://discord.gg/hPFqKpz3Gv ► Follow us on Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/cyberfuelstudios ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tech Spirit: Your adventure begins on an island. You’ll have to explore the oceans to find the basic components needed… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1

    Ultimate Minecraft Modpack: Can You Survive? Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Modpack Better Minecraft : เอาชีวิตรอดแบบจริงจัง Ep.1’, was uploaded by SakuMo on 2024-03-19 02:45:06. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:14 or 1214 seconds. Please press follow. This one started doing seriously at first. If I did anything that was not to your liking, I apologize here.. Read More

  • Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PE

    Crazy Update! Kamen Rider Universe Addon for Minecraft PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Update!!! Kamen Rider Universe Addon For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20’, was uploaded by CARBON32 on 2024-03-02 11:06:01. It has garnered 6822 views and 153 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. PLEASE LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & COMMENT FOR SUPPORT ME ❤️ DISCORD : https://discord.com/invite/74c6QpqWjn INSTAGRAM : https://instagram.com/carbon32yt?igshid=ODM2MWFjZDg= DONATE : https://saweria.co/CastroCarbon32 ______________________________________________________________________________ Download : https://youtu.be/wO-3_n9SI5Y?si=1B-SHsUdcZh9ZLlm Creator : @creatoraddonpemula Music : @Infraction – No Copyright Music : https://youtube.com/c/Infraction Once Again Please Like & Subscribe ____________________________________________ THANKS FOR WATCHING. #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #addon #mods #games #gaming #arcade #demonslayer #kimetsunoyaiba minecraft,minecraft pe,mcpe,kamen rider,kamen rider saber,kamen rider mods,… Read More

  • INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!

    INSANE Mini Toast Sky Alchemy with Twitch Integration!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Alchemy | twitch integration enabled’, was uploaded by Mini Toast on 2024-05-14 09:10:50. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:33 or 12033 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io twitch.tv/minitoast_ #vtuber #smallstreamer Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shorts

    EPIC MINECRAFT MLG DREAM BOY 💥🎮😱#music #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft best mlg, dream boy mlg, 🥰🥰😎😎 #music #shorts #shortvideo’, was uploaded by AB GAMER66 on 2024-01-11 02:40:00. It has garnered 2115 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. In the expansive realm of Minecraft, a subculture has emerged, giving rise to the Major League Gaming (MLG) scene. At the pinnacle of this digital sportsmanship stands the enigmatic figure known as the “MLG God,” often affectionately referred to as the “Dream Boy MLG.” This individual has transcended the boundaries of ordinary gameplay, elevating their mastery of Minecraft to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #short

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build: Real vs Fake Portal 🤯 #shortVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mc Gamerz on 2024-01-10 05:30:03. It has garnered 7932 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Minecraft Building ❤🤯 Real Portal and Fake Portal#short #minecraft Minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft shorts hacks,minecraft shorts in hindi,minecraft shorts trending,minecraft shorts ideas,Minecraft shorts,minecraft shorts video,minecraft shorts funny,minecraft shorts song,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts,herobrine shorts attitude,herobrine shorts daku,herobrine short video,herobrine shorts song,herobrine shorts minecraft,herobrine shorts animation,herobrine shorts in hindi,herobrine shorts new Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.4 Adult Community-focused

    Welcome to Solarion SMP Join Us Today: Discord About Us We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to potential members. Our Vision Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Thanks, Wither Skeleton, for the deadly lava bath!”

    Looks like that wither skeleton really wanted to send you to hot yoga class! Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps!

    Crafting a Minecraft Skin: Skindex Style in 40 Steps! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We craft our skins with Skindex, where design survives. Navigate the editor, let your imagination soar, Design your unique skin, let your avatar roar. Save and upload your creation, let it shine bright, In the realm of Minecraft, your skin takes flight. So follow this guide, step by step with glee, And create a skin that truly reflects thee. Subscribe to our channel for more Minecraft fun, Join our Discord, where gaming is never done. AcanerPlayz, your source for gaming delight, In the world of Minecraft, where we take flight. Read More

  • “Spice up your love life with this Minecraft meme! 😂” #minecraft

    "Spice up your love life with this Minecraft meme! 😂" #minecraft When you send this Minecraft meme to someone special, make sure they don’t mistake it for a diamond ring and propose to you in the virtual world! #minecraftlove Read More

  • Crafting a Monster Bear Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Monster Bear Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious World of Minecraft: Creating the Monster Bear Portal Introduction In the vast universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, players often delve into the realm of crafting portals to explore new dimensions and encounter unique creatures. One such intriguing portal is the Monster Bear portal from the Zoonomaly game. Let’s embark on a journey to discover how to create this portal and encounter the fearsome Monster Bear. Unveiling the Monster Bear The Monster Bear is a creature shrouded in mystery and terror within the Zoonomaly game. Resembling a grizzly bear, this anomaly possesses a slender body… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial’s 2

    Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial's 2 Minecraft Horror Mods: A Terrifying Adventure Exploring the dark and eerie world of Minecraft has never been more spine-chilling than with the introduction of horror mods. Players can now immerse themselves in a heart-pounding experience filled with jump scares and suspense. Let’s delve into the terrifying realm of Minecraft horror mods and discover the best ways to enjoy this thrilling gameplay. Unleashing Fear: Playing Minecraft Horror Mods With the rise of horror mods in Minecraft, players can now transform their peaceful blocky world into a nightmare-inducing landscape. From haunted houses to creepy creatures, these mods add a new layer… Read More

  • 100 Days as Toothless in Minecraft… DID HE SURVIVE?!

    100 Days as Toothless in Minecraft... DID HE SURVIVE?!Video Information how to trade your dragon just so happens to be my favorite animated movie ever and if you love that movie as much as I do then you definitely love toothless which is why I’ve added toothless into Minecraft with all of his Night Fury powers and now my goal is to play as a Night Fury and survive 100 days in Minecraft oh and uh just to spice things up a little bit I’ve added three enemy Hunter dragons whose goal it is to hunt down toothless before day 100 and let’s just say they have this… Read More

  • Maximus60 Minecraft Horror Shorts

    Maximus60 Minecraft Horror ShortsVideo Information far apart so we don’t all right watch out it’s going there one hit me we going to push This video, titled ‘#minecraft #horror #shorts’, was uploaded by Maximus60 on 2024-02-12 20:25:49. It has garnered 705 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Full Video- https://youtu.be/sNwbfmy_UUM Read More

  • INSANE Gamer DESTROYS Competition in Minecraft?! #shorts

    INSANE Gamer DESTROYS Competition in Minecraft?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is He GOOD #minecraft #gaming#shorts’, was uploaded by NotLegendGamerz on 2024-06-01 07:17:31. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Please Guys Subscribe its means a lot Read More

  • Qwazar77 reveals shocking demise of Minecraft Dungeons

    Qwazar77 reveals shocking demise of Minecraft DungeonsVideo Information how Minecraft dungeons got abandoned Minecraft dungeons is widely considered to be the most successful Minecraft spin-off with over 25 million players and they 25 million is crazy a mod Day game kills for the opportunity to even just get 1 million but we’re we’re talking here an extra zero and multiplied by a couple of times wow widely positive reception Minecraft dungeons was set to be big after the game had a very successful update Reviving interest in it in October 2022 players were optimistic about its future but suddenly out of the blue after almost a… Read More

  • Boost FPS in Minecraft with this Mod!

    Boost FPS in Minecraft with this Mod!Video Information у вас лагает Minecraft и вы не знаете как это решить Ты подпишись я помогу тебе решить Это вся суть в новых обновлениях которые не оптимизированы для слабых ПК тут вам поможет эта сборка модов тут есть всё чтобы поднять твой FPS А что если This video, titled ‘Что делать если упал фпс??? #майнкрафт #шортс #мод #майн #minecraft #обзор #mod #моды’, was uploaded by CryLove on 2024-02-29 09:30:11. It has garnered 6556 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More


    Novayon - OMG I GOT TURNED INTO POPULAR BLOCK GAME CHARACTERVideo Information [Music] ch [Music] for why is the music so moody in this just Minecraft man come on this mod pack so edgy look at the purple but uh yeah hello last stream I did was three three weeks ago yeah three weeks ago and I was supposed to do another one last week but I was really tired on Saturday because last week I was making videos for this week and I’ve uploaded three videos this week so I was pretty Shattered by the end of the [Music] week but I thought well I don’t want just want… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT: BUILDING KINGDOM WITH FRIENDS!Video Information hum stream start stream stream stream 1 2 3 testando Bora lá hein demorou um pouquinho hoje mas e aí tá um aqui o que exatamente nós vamos fazer rapaz eu não sei nada desse mod você tá me batendo a Será que nós tem que achar a Vila primeiro eu não sei se tem um tipo de tutorial que a gente consiga manjar nada no i Tab nada pera aí que eu ainda não tô no jogo não vi Eu Tô organizando chat eu já iniciar a minha já esse trem aqui logo já P telefone carregar… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sofa Build by ALEX! 🛋️🔥 #minecraftmadness

    EPIC Minecraft Sofa Build by ALEX! 🛋️🔥 #minecraftmadnessVideo Information don’t build your sofa like this build this simple modern sofa instead that I’ve got please stay I want you you God take beautiful I’ve [Music] please don’t This video, titled ‘Cool Minecraft sofa #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by ALEX on 2024-04-21 12:38:39. It has garnered 11602 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC: Help Herobrine Escape Prison

    EPIC: Help Herobrine Escape PrisonVideo Information [Music] nice huh huh help me huh go go go what p This video, titled ‘Help Herobrine Escape from Prison’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-25 20:39:14. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper survival -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft like server with about 9 consistently active players, but we are looking for more. If you are interested in joining a server built around community and trust, where members work together on builds, feel free to join. We are looking for players 16+ years old, but exceptions can be made for mature individuals. Our goal is to reach 15-20 active players. Join our Discord server here Read More

  • Aethro Minecraft

    Aethro MinecraftExplore the Worlds of Aethro Minecraft!Survival Server: Dive into our enhanced Survival server, packed with exciting plugins to enrich your experience. Enjoy features like Extra Storage, Minepacks, Crates, a Land plugin, Proximity Chat, and many more. Discover the full plugin list at Aethro Plugins.Vanilla Server: Craving pure Minecraft gameplay? Our Vanilla server offers a pristine Minecraft experience with just Keep Inventory enabled and essential administrative plugins.Join Us Today:Java: mc.aethro.net 25565Bedrock: mc.aethro.net 19132Xbox Users: Add Aethro2000 as a friend and jump in!Stay connected! Visit our website or join our Discord community for more information and to meet fellow players. See you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Get Wrecked, Noob!

    Looks like this meme is more popular than most of my high school essays. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled

    Minecraft's Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, we take a dive, Exploring the past, where it all did thrive. From Minecon in Vegas, to the Combat Update, Every detail shared, every story so great. The early days of Minecraft, so simple and pure, A game that would grow, of that we were sure. From bridges to dragons, the community grew, With updates and features, always something new. The Adventure Update, the Chorus plant in sight, Trading and temples, adding to the delight. The Pretty Scary Update, with the Wither’s might, Challenges and bosses, a true gamer’s fight. So let’s celebrate 15… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • World’s First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build

    World's First Hardcore Heart Nether Portal Build I Built a MEGA HEART as my Nether Portal in Hardcore SupNinjaz embarked on a monumental project in his Minecraft Hardcore series by constructing a massive Nether Portal in the shape of a heart. This ambitious endeavor took him a month to complete, utilizing over 10,000 blocks. However, as he neared the finishing touches, a chilling event unfolded, adding a mysterious twist to the project. Building the Giant Heart Nether Portal SupNinjaz outlined his game plan, dividing the project into four main parts. First, he meticulously crafted the external pixel units of the heart using black concrete to give… Read More

  • Orange Touch of Death in Minecraft

    Orange Touch of Death in Minecraft Minecraft: The Adventure of Avoiding Orange Color Introduction In a recent Minecraft video titled “Minecraft ama TURUNCU RENGE DOKUNURSAM VİDEO BİTER,” the player embarks on a unique challenge where touching the color orange would end the video. Let’s dive into this thrilling adventure filled with twists and turns. The Challenge Begins The video kicks off with the player surrounded by orange hues, setting the stage for a suspenseful journey. The goal? To avoid any contact with the color orange while navigating through the Minecraft world. Seeking Diamonds Amidst the orange landscape, the player’s primary objective is to find diamonds…. Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Magic in Minecraft! MUST SEE Witchery Expansion Addon!

    Unbelievable NEW Magic in Minecraft! MUST SEE Witchery Expansion Addon!Video Information apa lagi Uh oke Guys Langsung aja kita review untuk edonnya langsung aja oh ya BT sini juga sudah cosplay menjadi penyihir ya guys ya Oke Langsung aja kita ganti kamera guys dan langsung kita coba dari pertama yaitu ada black hole spell langsung kita cobain kayak gini guys Boom untuk Black hole-nya guys Wah berputar-putar kayak gitu guys ya Awas cuy Black hole-nya ini sangat besar banget si kita gak bisa keluar guys ya gila cuy Oh my God gila guys ya Black ho-nya sangat apa ya menyedot banget gitu guys ya kayak kita terserap banget gitu… Read More

I Created An EPIC Story For Minecraft’s Desert! | The ULTIMATE Survival World Movie – Part 2