I Cried In This Episode? (Minecraft Story Mode S1/Episode 4)

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For 10 minutes long Time already so yeah after over sleeping an hour today a good hour now it is 10 A.M um we’re gonna start playing bro what how am I gonna start streaming after lunch break ends dude that actually sucks well I told you I shouldn’t have overslept bro oh I’m so stupid

Or if I hadn’t overslept that hour if I had you to be eating what do you think oh shoot wait wait it’s actually not lagging dude what foreign obviously okay but you’re gonna have to freaking sit through it bro well at least you can see it right isn’t that right stream

Yeah it’s not that light let’s just start it let’s just start it previously on Minecraft story mode everything in the universe starts out as just a block what comes of those blocks is up to those who wield them and in every block there lies the potential to create what is strong

Our friends have traveled far and wide in search of the order of the Stone and a way to stop the Wither storm for good but even well-laid plans can go right the strong can grow weak and beloved Heroes can fall and though some glimmer of hope May remain

The threat to this world to its very existence is far from over all right Where am I what’s going on what is all this out of here what are you Jesse Jesse where are you Say something Jesse we’re coming no way no way you found Gabriel who’s Gabriel Okay we need to go now we need to get out of here now this way see you made it and Gabriel you say Gabriel look out dude we gotta run this episode I Can’t Stand By and Watch I’d be condemning them we gotta get moving dude scaring and get a move on I can’t just abandon them not after a lifetime of study your head’s gonna be abandoning your body if you don’t turn around and run yeah Jesse they’re falling behind

Pixel you gotta move faster it’s too sick this is the best we can do not gonna be able to outrun it not on foot we gotta find a way to move faster we’re all gonna be caught in the tractor beam we have to help them we need to get the moving faster bingo

Everybody get on Slow Down horse hey what about us come on Jesse we got this all right take the reins truck done then I’ll take Gabriel hello whoops welcome to the chat come on this might be a bumpy ride Come on horses where you do don’t look back I look all right everyone follow me creeper I cannot do anything with x what’s gaining on us no offense but you can use a little practice first time on a horse here watch it there sorry You know turn around to see if it’s gaining but it’s all I can do to hold on oh dude they’re angry oh we’re dude that was quick exactly damn we need to write over that yeah I don’t think we’re gonna write that straight Jesse look out oh dude he’s angry

You’re taking him apart and Enderman move blocks it’s what they do guys come on gotta build a new one like right now okay Speed come on we need more blocks is that sand really Axel you’re screaming in my ear sorry no idea I hope everyone can hear me good oh wow

Look at the beautiful snow falling we made it we actually freaking made it wait chat can you guys hear me was seeing some pretty weird stuff back on that horse he might have wither sickness I don’t know yeah you know Behavior probably has Amnesia too with the side

Of with her how are you feeling I’m afraid I don’t feel much like myself at the moment Gabriel it really is you they told us you’d kicked it who are you people it’s me Magnus oh my friend God don’t you recognize us it’s soaring we’ve known each other for let’s start

Doing something you’re right wither storm you mean that thing we just wrote on no that was a horse what a terrible turn of events You you’re the one who rescued me tell me please what is going on Remember only Blackness don’t worry you’re safe now suddenly you were there all that matters is you’re safe now you’re among friends Gabriel I don’t feel safe all I feel is the horror of being in that monster dog South and I was sure I was a goner Well you aren’t

You made it back alive which is more than I can say for some of us oh man Ellie for a second I almost managed to forget you guys talking about elegard I just can’t believe she’s gone doesn’t feel real How could this have happened Lose not just a friend she needs to remove the risks and she still let me take her armor she was really something else even if she did make me feel like the dumbest guy in the world sometimes ah being emotional is getting us nowhere what happened out there today why is

That thing still alive my instructions were simple you were the one in the middle of everything what went wrong all we managed to do is make things worse the command block is still out there Soren blast now to make matters worse we’ve gone from one wither storm two three our plan

Was a total failure um the weather has three different heads so that means yeah so is the command block controlling all three wither storms oh why are you asking me am I expect you to know every last thing in the universe huh I need a moment to think

You’re always like this okay you have no idea that jacket I recognize it Lucas always wears that jacket no there were other people wearing that very same jacket when I was thrown from the monster hurts just to think about hey hey it’s okay Jesse if what Gabriel said is true

I mean do you think I thought for sure they were gone but Lucas your friends could still be out there I know and that means I I gotta go after them they might need me Jesse suddenly feel really dizzy easy easy I gotcha Ruben hey buddy you doing okay of course you are wish I could say the same for everyone else guys just to let you know I’m talking to Malachi on a Discord but on my computer you might not hear him Petra how are you doing no no no no because

Um you feeling any better because uh I can’t really hear you sit here move normal breathe it’s almost bearable man if it wasn’t for Ivor she wouldn’t even be like this ah no kidding that’s not exactly true I’ve or built the Wither sure but he couldn’t have done it without that

Skull I gave him I just taken a second to think about it cared about you’re just getting that stupid Diamond there’s no way you could have known what would happen no one’s ever seen anything like this I’m gonna do everything I can can Petra I know this isn’t easy to hear but But going anywhere I’m not that sick maybe you should rest in this cave it’s safe defensible I say I’m fine then I’m fine try to keep going I’m afraid you’re not gonna make it you stand here is the right move but I want to be there for you guys I

Know you do and you will maybe you’re right it’s the right call Jesse so oh no dirt I don’t think so I’m not gonna lie man Lucas in a bit but we’ve pulled through worse right have we how’s it going tell me Jesse who is this person he keeps insulting me one minute I think I’m talking to a friend the next time being made fun of that right there is Magnus everyone knows

Magnus Agnes and how do I know him exactly I since we have a history but I feel I need a little reminder he’s your friend he’s been your friend for a very long time really really you go Way Way Back Remember talking him about your past something only you would know about like what it’s been so long since we’ve seen each other in the order tell him more about the order who you guys were how you got together anything well we came together because we’d love to explore and we

Split apart because well that’s a long story but it it’s we like we we man those were the days thank you for sharing that with me and Jesse thank you too you’ve been a big help here I need to repay your kindness I’m not sure how exactly it’s no problem

I’d have done it for anyone all the same you have my thanks no then tell me more about this order of the Stone man I don’t even know where to begin some leftover Cobblestone might come in handy I’m glad you came along funny just don’t tell Reuben I said that he

Might get jealous right Lucas what are you doing I told you I’m going after my friends I thought the other ocelots were dead but if they’re not I need to go find them look I am grateful to you guys for bringing me this far but I can’t leave them alone out there every wither storms

Raging you’re right they do need you we’ll meet you again is to help us beat that monster well that sounds right but it just doesn’t feel right Jesse Lucas look you and me we’ve made a pretty good team so far and even call us friends so I hope you’ll understand why

I need to go help my old friends they do it for me same way you’d go back for any of your friends if your heart’s telling you to go you gotta go heartless or something thank you Jesse I’ll find them and then I’ll find you again too I promise thanks Seeing the Wither storm at the distance is kind of scary what sorry Reuben I don’t really feel like company that’s crazy Reuben again Reuben don’t run off on me like that okay I guess I don’t want to use I don’t want to lose you you understand I know you’ve run run on four but things are different now we’ve lost too many people already world needs us Reuben so much of it has

Already been reduced to bedrock and it’s up to us to save the rest of it well maybe that is a lot of pressure for just a person and a pig but we have to find a way before this isn’t about the past it’s about the future there are three

It’s you say that like they’re like your fault it is your fault that’s what I’m saying is it who I think it is Sir and you need to would you stop arguing please oh no this isn’t an argument it’s me trying to make Ivor leave us alone

What you don’t understand is you are all in very grave Danger Specifically this group the weather storm isn’t acting randomly it’s following Gabriel Gabriel you see I may have programmed it to follow his amulet oh you mean the orders amulet yes Gabriel gave it to him that amulet but that explains why the Wither Storm’s been following us I don’t understand Gabriel only just

Reappeared I have the amulet Ivor I have all along what ah Ivor you fool you’ve created a monster that’s following Jesse and it’s only getting stronger you don’t think I realize that and can stop those things nothing even hurts well except Enderman Enderman yeah Jessie’s right Withers gays passed over them and they

Saw them pull it apart we actually just saw a bunch of Enderman pull blocks off a Wither storm so so and together might be able to destroy a Wither storm entirely In theory if I mean seeing all the people could it even be possible is that even possible yes I think I think almost vicinity in fact there’s probably more than enough of them still in my Fortress and unintended side effect of you flooding the end this is just like the old days soaring you and your crazy ideas for once huh question is how to bring the storms and the Enderman together

Enderman aren’t pets they don’t follow orders at least not for me no for a fact the Wither storm will follow the amulet so if we take the amulet back to your Fortress where the Enderman R yes yes that’s it we’ll lead them straight into a massive trap

Can’t bring the Enderman to the Wither storms we bring the Wither storms to the Enderman just one problem you’re forgetting about the command block clear now that no weapon can destroy it not even a formidable actually I the solution to that you see when I first took possession of

The command block you mean stole it yes well I created a fail safe a backup plan just in case well I’d say justice is here what kind of Fail-Safe exactly an enchanting book one that contains the power of the command block itself use it to enchant a

Weapon and you’ll be able to smash the command block to bits forever yes yes that’s it very well solve all our problems what are we waiting for let’s go get that book just one problem it’s at my secret lab which is sort of far away how far could

It possibly be oh now I remember this episode the farthest place a person can travel before being utterly oh dear what was that I think that means we should go okay that’s getting really close we should go I can’t believe it found us so quickly it just keeps coming for us

Well we can’t stand around and wait for it well I know what to do we do guys I have a plan we’re going to ivor’s secret laboratory to try to craft up Ivor it is you good to see you too Magnus hello my name is Gabriel somebody pinch me

Anyway I worsh figured out that winter storms are drawn to the amulet so we’re going to lure them back to Soren’s Fortress and destroy the command block with an enchanted super weapon that’s hilarious you figured all that out just now yeah the point is we need to get

Moving we aren’t safe not as long as we have that amulet I’ll take it you can’t and I have to but you could be killed Axel are you sure of course not but you’ll have three wither storms chasing you wherever you go yeah if things get too intense I’ll duck into

The Nether or something you just go make that super weapon I’ll meet you back at Soren’s Fortress Axel shouldn’t have to do this alone coming with you man nice well I’m going with Jesse I pledge to help and that’s what I must do is out there all by himself

Ivor lead the way don’t I be saying this but Ivor lead the way Jesse let’s try our handshake again just once for the road the warrior whip you got it All right I’ll see you at Soren’s all right not if I see you first all right then stay safe today is going to be a long episode I don’t need to say anything sometimes it’s better not to say anything The Badlands foreign Onward that’s really not necessary I told you he’s trying to be encouraging All right Thank you the jungle foreign Feels like we’ve been riding forever I am telling you we cannot go to the far lands they’re not just the edge of our world but the limits of our comprehension oh please the far lands are a happy accident Nature’s Way of keeping life interesting no no no they’re perilous and unpredictable

Purling noise floating points these are not matters to be toyed with I mean they sound down on the far lands or they sound cool see Jesse thinks the far lands are cool far lands lie at the very edge of all things where logic gives way to chaos

They’re a dangerous place to visit and a ridiculous place to construct a laboratory just wait until you see it do those two never stop arguing no I’m too hungry to care no kidding starving maybe we should time what might be lurking around what was that I’ll go look around my

Stomach let’s look around see what we can find out we mustn’t linger long the far lands are just beyond this swamp so this could be our last chance to find food potato you’re coming with me it’s not much but it’ll help Like they say two potatoes is better than one I think they say that hey Jessie have you found any food I should probably take what I have back to the group a witch’s Hood we should steer clear of it nothing good ever happens when witches are involved I agree look okay

That’s that’s enough to feed everyone it is witches hate trespassers besides there are plenty of potatoes around is that a witch potion of Leaping cool an entire cake nice oh shoot hey boar oh he ditched us hey she’s got her whole gang on the on us oh

Everyone let’s get out of here ASAP Ivor said the far Lancer just past the squad wait where is Ivor I thought he was with you he’ll catch up later he’ll have to catch up guys I think we lost them for wow you lost them for wow what is that oh wow wow

It’s like we’re at the edge of the world actually we seem to be at the corner of it welcome to the far lands my friend no because it is in Minecraft you have to go that far away makes the whole wall of what you like about witches they sure

Know how to make a cake by the side isn’t it stretching Skyward and all its Glory like a monument to chaos itself you’ve been here before not here specifically but I have visited the farlands the order traveled far and wide during our heyday incredible you can say that again incredible

Way to make sure he’d never have visitors huh he was always secretive it was both his weakness and his strength whatever ivor’s hiding in here it will be extremely well guarded way Isaac suspect I feel better about this if the rest of our group was with us come on

Thank you is this a maze it would appear so a massive one from the looks of it if Ivor used the command block to build this it could hold unspeakable peril why do I sense that entering this so-called maze would be a grave mistake because some part of you still knows Ivor

Fortunately this seems to be the only way forward there has to be another way a secret door or I don’t know I know we were going into some crazy maze and I were built to keep people away we’ll find some other way through best decision you’ve made all day everyone on guard

There’s too many we can’t fight them all zombies guys caught in the vines well that worked I suppose yeah I guess but no what do we do we’re all separated let’s just head that way and find a place where the pads connect sure hope they don’t get lost in there

I hope I don’t get lost in there oh this music oh over there yikes spiders shoot today you have got to kidding me can’t go there music is getting good real good as if it wasn’t already huh what’s that I don’t see a way across looks like I’ve worked out some Redstone

Dust handy and a slime ball I did not know how to use any of those oh wait maybe we need to create a redstone block hmm redstone blocks some some Pistons with this thing supposed to be is that you Jesse There You Are I thought I’d never find you all those dead ends back there am I glad

To see you guys us too I thought Reuben and I would be lost in here forever hey this maze we don’t have time for this we’re Soren and Gabriel who even knows where the others are by now I mean see well at least we’re back together yes the Dream Team reunited

Now the dream teams just gotta find a way across this gaping bottomless pit what about this thing could it get us across some kind of flying barge it would probably get us to the other side it’s in really bad shape and it’s really complicated and fix it though right I don’t know

I think it’s out of my league I wish I’d had more time to study with elegard come on I’ll help you how are you gonna help me when I don’t even know where to start TM work layout doesn’t even make any sense what was I for thinking or maybe it’s just me

I mean eligard herself said I don’t have what it takes to be a great engineer she was right I just can’t hack it so prove her wrong show the world what you’re made of hey you can’t you can’t just respect ever she was in the order of the Stone

Sure but the order are still people just like us I mean how are we the ones saving the world when even they don’t have what it takes Soren and Ivor are always at each other’s throats The Greatest Warrior in history doesn’t remember his own name all I ever see

Magnus do is argue and we both know what happened to elegard if the order can’t do this how are we supposed to how are we supposed to do anything when nobody the order of the nothing all I know is the world is depending on us

And maybe the world is in trouble I mean they defeated an ender dragon can you name even one thing we’ve done right and I don’t mean managing to stay alive well for starters we’re the ones who brought them back together again you found elegard I found Magnus we both

Played a role with Soren yeah I suppose that’s true ah all right I’ll try it one more time wait a second I think I see what he was trying to do Jesse take this piston craft it into a sticky piston then place it on the other

Side of the barge along with a redstone block you got all that uh yeah I think so the Redstone Block where it’s supposed to go and place these Pistons foreign holy cow we did it we need flint and steel to get it started I’m proud of you Olivia thanks Jesse and

Thanks for everything you said just before it really helped no problemo it must be this way run quick onto the barge Jesse okay it’s close everyone okay for the moment remember something eleguard build up a scene like this once yes in the nether terrified of flying on it what stuff and

Nonsense make fun of sworn no no I’m positive Soren are you afraid of flying let them the man’s mad he’s wither crazy well I suppose I might I liked you better when you had amnesia well that was exciting uh by exciting I assume you mean absurd and unnecessary

Let’s go see what he’s hiding in there he’s got badger walls what so many books we should be careful this place could be booby-trapped let’s just start looking for the enchanting book boom a brief history of cubism crafting in noobs revised a collector’s guide to precious gems none of these are enchanting books

How to train your slime the various uses of Mooshroom stew potionology volume 24 24. none of these seem to be enchanting books either Olivia any luck not really Ivor has too many books and there’s too few of us looking how did we end up all split up like this

I feel like we’re spreading ourselves too thin I miss how things used to be that first night we all spent together that was kind of fun almost we’re still it might be spread thin but we’re all still a team that’s how teams work hey you almost said teamwork see we’re still

Funny we can still get things done I guess being split up just means we can be in more places at once right kinda like the Wither storm let’s just forget that metaphor hello echo yes this is episode four in fact how I learned to stop worrying and Love mining the unabridged Redstone encyclopedia

Zombies and pigs and intimate Memoir white I think I’m in the wrong part of the house find anything yet huh and this mess it’s as though I’ve learned nothing from my lectures on organizational methodology if only he hadn’t gotten lost in that confounded Swamp People just tell us where the book is

Coming here was his idea he should be here for it he was just it wasn’t what I asked it wasn’t his fault we got separated not really is that supposed to make me feel better neither rhyme nor reason to how these books board funniest maybe impossible no way

Huh fine I will continue this monotonous search but I reserve my right to Grumble about it it’s a deal I played episode three you’re uh 20 000 blocks under the sea your father told you learn to succeed by Thinking Inside the Box I’m missing something I’ll be posting

Those videos soon promise promise just for you I’m recalling that he knew something about potions could one of these stop the Wither monsters I’m remembering correctly am I not we we actually already tried that I assume it was unsuccessful I have worse potions just aren’t strong enough to undo this mess he created

Let’s see blindness dullness potion of nausea and none of these will help me see am I going to be all right or is this just who of course you’ll be okay you’re Gabriel the warrior thank you Jesse your confidence in me is stronger than any potion except perhaps a potion of confidence

Wonder if he has one of those Hey Olivia I think there’s some Redstone over here it’s like a circuit probably just need a lever to pass good thing I still have one from like ages ago we dropped the F-bomb on uh the Wither storm and it didn’t really work matter

Of fact we got the monetized from it now I’m joking Reuben what are you doing yeah well you’re gonna get yourself cooked I’ve told you before stay away from lava yeah good thing I crafted that lever Malachi like it was made for it it does foreign If we’ve separated the group before and you guys think that’s bad enough we’re separated again it’s working anymore stay there we’ll head down and see what we can find whoa what is all this incredible he’s gathered them all in one place gather I’m getting flashbacks exactly

The Treasures of the order of the Stone you know exactly stories I could tell about these Dusty old things see any enchanting books though maybe through there uh locked of course there must be some way to open it I think those are gas tears that’s cool and all Echo but I don’t

Think we should be talking about that no no no no no we we let him keep them when we split up you let him keep your Treasures frankly Jesse it’s a long story okay then am I crazy or is this a sea lantern ah the very same one you like

What you see six years ago he was so green looks just as bright as on the day we crafted it Jesse what are you doing it’s really cool rare item we might need it to unlock that door very well just be careful with it see these gas tears they’re super hard to get

You don’t know the half of it it was our first official mission as the order of the stone we fought those gasps for hours and these tears were our reward yes wow this isn’t it Chris Marine Shard these are prismarine crystals you can only get these underwater right

Precisely we nearly ran out of oxygen getting these elegard had to use a spare bucket just to grab a few extra breaths we use most of these to craft a sea lantern this is all that remained prismarine is essential word prism Marine yeah that’s how I was like when I first

Found out about prismarine so I just packed Ice come from well we brought it back from the ice plane spikes biome it’s colder there than anywhere we’d ever been but Magnus slipped so many times our laughter kept us warm after that we knew we were ready to face the Ender Dragon

Cold and slippery dude the order of the stone is is the definition of a Minecraft SMP group like a friend group right egg alas yes the only thing that remains of our final adventure together no way I’m leaving this behind Why is Ivor hiding a hopper in his basement it’s like a regular Hopper that’s hooked up to a bunch of redstone circuitry man I’ve worked sure does love his puzzles huh five slots yes you’re salted but how in the world did you know how to solve it for a second

The order of the order history the order of the order so to speak nice work Jesse on the puzzle I mean you know I often give Ivor a hard time but for all is complaining his time with the order clearly meant a great deal to him

Yeah I guess so anyway let’s go get that enchanting book by the Stars the Ender Dragon with replica ender crystals and all always wondered what it looked like No Way Out looks like a banner about TNT Soren what’s this thing supposed to be it appears to be an homage to our battle

With the Ender Dragon despite his anger Ivor never stopped being fond of us he was a big part of our team after all we’re missing something here Soren and I have a feeling the key might be locked in that head of yours I have a key

Locked in my head what I’m saying is I think you need to tell me about the Ender Dragon Battle oh if only you’d been there it was a fight for the ages we’d spent weeks preparing for our greatest battle ever They look so cool I realized that it was drawing strength from the end of Christmas had to be destroyed I hit the First with a perfectly placed Arrow the second I destroyed by launching myself on the shotsway magnus’s TNT using only my strength and my files I

Steered the foul Beast toward the third crystal I knew the dragon directly toward the final Crystal foreign over climatic eventually Legends now that was just over climatic and greatest the world has ever known that was amazingly amazing that’s crazy for nothing that story will help me

Help me okay so first we had sworn with his arrows then Magnus and then elegard and then Gabriel interesting yeah because these are end crystals you’re supposed to destroy him There’s another door guys are so cool another door nope oh hey Reuben give me a boost will ya I guess I just wasn’t looking hard enough aha Bravo you did it there’s the book we all know what happens next it’s the ender crystals like the real ones no it can’t be not here

After all this time he’s in a basement in the far lands right Sauron who actually kept them he looked me in the eye and swore he was going to dispose of them Soarin you said destroying these crystals was the key to defeating the Ender Dragon did Kill the Ender Dragon right Jesse

This is what it looks like our story the story it’s it’s mostly true I swear I swear it whatever you’re thinking promise I can explain now I can’t you are never to speak of it I haven’t been honest ly we did defeat the Ender Dragon it wasn’t exactly like I said

How not exactly we got rid of it but we didn’t kill it or say in fact he didn’t even fight it so what did you do to it we didn’t do anything that damned command block you brought the command block when I found that blasted block we were nobodies

But with its Health we became stronger because we could do so much more others had no idea what I was doing if the more I used it the more we came to depend on it I knew it was only so long for someone he used slash ekill at mobs slash ekill yeah

You slashy kill that’s hilarious What the heck did a plan that’s crazy I would use the command block to Blink the ender dragon out of existence curing ourselves I dude we told the world we defeated the dragons you lied even to your closest friends all I can say is I was a fool so you finally admitted damn

How could you oh how long have you guys been standing there long enough that they heard the whole thing so we’re Liars you didn’t think you could keep it secret forever did you Sauron the truth hurts doesn’t it is this why you left the order this is why you left the order because

Someone lied because they all did sorry Gabriel Magnus elegard they agreed to keep this a secret and you you agreed to stay quiet too in exchange for all of our Treasures they never told anybody Jesse discovered the truth on his own so this whole thing the Wither you

Unleashed it’s all been to teach the order a lesson to teach the world a lesson to show you who the order really are Liars cowards and now they know how is this any better World itself look my weather plan obviously backfired you think I didn’t know we’d end up with three of those

Things tearing the world apart for a moment nearly forgot well they are and while we sit around talking about your dysfunctional order of liars oh those things are still out there wrecking the world Jessie’s right destroying the command block is all that matters anymore how ironic that the best thing the

Command block gave us spares The Poetry it’s not your strong suit let’s just get on with this thing and put that enchanting book to work agreed just follow me I’ll show you what to do hi I’m sorry about everything yes well it doesn’t matter now grab some ingredients and craft a weapon

I’ll show you how to enchant it sweet I need to get my favorite armor the armor that I get every single run let’s see there’s a bunch of craftings I use the dragon’s main I think diamonds so anything at all okay the diamond oh I’ve never owned the most

Powerful weapon just wait till you enchant your universe let’s see what this enchanting book is made of because I love those enchanted diamond hoe If y’all get that reference y’all do yes yes oh come on it wasn’t that bad you’ll want better armor too I Enchanted these for the order they’re about as

Strong as it comes I need to get my favorite one any preference I’ll take a new armor sets to choose from I’ll maybe adorable my dragged in Spain even we finally reunited and would have fled from this in general let’s see this one is named golden Goliath

As bright and Powerful as the sun itself I like the sun that’s the Redstone riot engineered to be virtual I call this one the Ender Defender strong against an enderman’s attack this is swordbreaker all but the strongest of weapons would shatter against it I call this one the shield of infinity

Because it’s infinitely cool but it has your defense I call this the star Shield no object in the universe can escape the adamantine impervium even harder to damage than it is to pronounce isn’t that the one that because it’s infinitely cool ER we are reunited at last

Let’s do this this is the same go ahead and put it on foreign ly we’re back as ourselves wait look ready for action you can take some for your friends as well sounds good to me wow cool armor Jesse thanks and there’s plenty to go around now let’s get back to Soren’s Fortress

And see how the Wither storms are doing against those Enderman thank you Oh my poor a fortress I see Enderman shouldn’t the Enderman have dismantled those things by now not just you something’s wrong Jesse over here Axel you guys made it nice freaking armor by the way oh makes you a lot easier to look at good to see you too Axel Axel

Or is it the calvary have arrived whatever the Enderman they’re not angry enough I mean some of them are but a lot of them are just standing around moving blocks you know me and Enderman they’ve kept the Mayweather storm busy but one of the smaller ones started

Attacking us and Madness ran off to fight that thing all by himself he’s fighting a Wither storm alone yep kept saying something about paying for the mistakes of the past whatever that means if a fellow member of the order of the of the order of the stone is out there

Fighting and I belong out there too Gabriel no no I told you you’re not who you think you are it’s Gabriel the warrior Yup that’s exactly what he would do running the wrong way oh thank goodness sake I’m not letting that idiot idiot himself back here about the command block none of them stands a chance say what now why do they need the command block we’ll explain later later all right

Hey uh you guys didn’t check on Petra did you no we came straight here all alone in that cave I hope she’s all right she will be as long as we destroy the command block so what’s the plan I mean I know we got to go in there but we just

Confront the Wither storm and fight it to the death yeah you do mean it’s death right so just put on your helmet what helmet here nice I was feeling a little left out hey I swear Magnus is to wear something like that over his head guys let’s go kick some cookies Let’s see the final run Does anyone see the command block we need to get more Enderman focused on the Wither storm Ganderman Focus I can’t be self-focus we shouldn’t be here I wonder if this is going according to flam what are you doing I uh you know I’ve I’ve really enjoyed meeting you all but I forgot he dissed us son of a gun did Sauron just run away Soren what are you doing

Dude what a chicken so much for the mighty order of the Stone we’re the super squad oh he’s angry the tractor beam Jesse that’s it make them chase you into the tractor beam oh shoot okay how do you like that you purple-eyed freak oh Yes they’re falling for it are those snowballs yeah I found them near the cave here see how you like Oh God shoot That’s right come and get me Reuben can you give me a little help yeah the squad the Dynamics nice one Reuben foreign that’s it everyone empty your pockets let’s see some leftover slime oh and I still have that Minecart that’s gotta be enough to make something right I mean if we use

The TNT on say the mine cart I have a potion you don’t have to build anything for it I took a potion of Leaping from The Witch’s Hut really I’ve never kisses before no axel help him out can’t hold on I got you Lucas Lucas you’re here

Slots distract that wither storm hey you hello to this Lucas thank you anything for a friend all right let’s go how do you feel like I want to jump up and down on a nice calm Savannah or something Jesse I know you can do this we all do thanks

Thanks a lot uh golden wall is that command block here we go goes nothing Tube in you shouldn’t have surprised me like that the other hand I’m glad not to be alone stay close okay oh I recognize these people Oh shoot this is like a Mario Galaxy kind of thing Reuben wait up the command block whoa whoa there it is thank you meet again command block now it’s time to destroy you yeah God you think it’s going insane I think we made it Angry a shot oh great you understand Whoa I always carry an enchanted weapons Awesome weapon don’t fail me now We’ve hit okay All right come on Ruben you’re okay come on all right it’s on one shot to swing towards Stay here Reuben I mean it this time Ah I’m quaking in my boots Come from yeah God Reuben I thought I told you to stay put God yes we can’t fall There’s one more hit ter beam you Stay out of tight out of sight anything goes wrong I don’t want you caught up in it Okay Oh it’s just a leap of faith man No my home no no no no no no no I need your help you have to be there remember how we used to play fetch oh that’s it that’s it come on Reuben I believe in you let me run it Dodge Jump I’ll catch you I did I knew I could count on you all right into this thing once no hold on Buddy [Applause] oh Okay I don’t like daylight there you are Jesse are you all right we thought you were where’s Reuben I didn’t think he’d made it Reuben where’s Reuben I thought hey do you guys hear something Reuben not again bro No oh no Reuben you’re a hero buddy you know that you just helped save the world come on Reuben say something I’m here I’m here foreign Jesse I am I am so sorry Thank you Actually Thank you [Applause] people used to look at me like that once Jesse having my memories perhaps they deserve to know the truth about the owner all those Lies We Told them don’t let them be real just let them have their Legend We all know a great debt to Jesse and his friends but I owe a debt to you people as well which is why there is something I want to tell you about the order we may have defeated the Ender Dragon but that is nothing compared to what these Heroes did

They took down a Wither storm they are a new generation of Heroes Thank you thank you everyone I know you think I’m up here because I saved the world or something but the truth is I didn’t do it alone far from it I had my friends you see I had my friends with me it was Olivia Axel Petra Lucas

They never gave up on the world or on me well maybe once or twice they only knew it’s crazy to think my friend and I started out in a tree house and now we’ve been to some of the weirdest places in the world I mean come on we went to the far lands

Who is this gigantic woman a huge Maze and a model of the Ender Dragon that well you just had to be there but when all was said and done you know what really mattered finishing what we set out to do because there’s no way we were going to let a

World this cool get torn apart we did it Jesse this is the nether star that dropped when the Wither storm was destroyed you want to do the honors I love how he sounded so humble oh man and then started to sound like a nerd you want to do the honors oh I had to do it I had to do the slander

Oh man my friends I am now pleased to introduce to you no order of the Stone we’re the order of the pig guys and so it was that a new order of the stone was born one whose Adventures were only just beginning for though the world had been saved and the command block

Destroyed there are many more worlds than just this one foreign W ending good ending I cried to that again too there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t forget about Reuben let them believe dude you can’t destroy someone’s beliefs like that what a good ending W ending W ending

For rube indeed not a rundown I won’t cry up cry about Ruben’s death yeah rep Reuben what do you guys think of the ending of the main storyline this doesn’t mean we’re done with the game yeah but it doesn’t mean we’re done with the game foreign ing W ending yes Reuben

At what cost that man’s a hero soundtrack is legendary foreign special thanks to us thank you W ending it doesn’t mean we’re done yet though yeah we should just leave it here for tomorrow all right then well that’s the end of the video I’m going to silence

Yeah I said moment of silence bro all right then thank you thank you yeah that’s the main of the main storyline but we still have a ton of other things to do in here yeah the DLCs the DLC we need to play the DLC we’ll play we’ll play it starting tomorrow season two

I haven’t played season two in Forever anyways thanks for watching YouTube I’ll catch you guys later I still want to

This video, titled ‘I Cried In This Episode? (Minecraft Story Mode S1/Episode 4)’, was uploaded by Eluzun997 on 2023-07-31 15:00:21. It has garnered 115 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:48 or 5748 seconds.

Join me and my friend @LightningX25 , in our journeys “end” as we defeat the witherstorm for good??? I actually cried in this episode btw.

F in the chat pls

This was all livestreamed at Twitch.tv/Eluzun997a GO SUPPORT MY FRIEND pls @LightningX25 He streams sometimes.

bro why am i typing this, nobody reads descriptions.

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  • Ultimate Overgrown Storage House Build

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  • 🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd Podcast

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  • ElementalMC – Network PvP Factions

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack

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  • Revolutionizing Minecraft Horror Gameplay

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  • Insane Minecraft Build: SHULKER Farm in UFO!

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  • Etho’s Minecraft Chaos Transformation!

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    🔥ULTIMATE $$$ OP PICKAXE! GET RICH FAST! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘THIS *ULTIMATE* MONEY MAKING PICKAXE IS *OP* ($$$) | Minecraft OP Prison | OpLegends’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-08-04 22:59:23. It has garnered 3844 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:35 or 1235 seconds. THIS *ULTIMATE* MONEY MAKING IS PICKAXE IS OP! ———————————————————————————– Server | Royal.Oplegends.com (Prison Neptune) ———————————————————————————– Texture Pack: Stimpy Eum3 Remake ———————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Prison! ———————————————————————————- Community Discord : https://discord.gg/kWZCNx5 ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – http://www.twitch.tv/royal_k91 Twitter – https://twitter.com/R0yalMC Read More

  • Epic Minecraft madness with friends live now!

    Epic Minecraft madness with friends live now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with friends_A nice long stream’, was uploaded by SmokeyGames on 2024-04-09 15:16:37. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:26 or 18026 seconds. IF it doesntt crash Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trial Chamber with Hololive!

    Insane Minecraft Trial Chamber with Hololive!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】フレポルでトライアルチャンバー行ってみる!【不知火フレア/尾丸ポルカ/ホロライブ】’, was uploaded by Flare Ch. 不知火フレア on 2024-08-27 18:37:38. It has garnered 142377 views and 8208 likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:04 or 19084 seconds. This is Flare Shiranui, a 3rd generation member of Hololive ~ @OmaruPolka It seems like the collaboration between the two has been 10 months ■Hololive official LINE stamp “Shiranui Flare Vol. 2” is now on sale! ✨ https://line.me/S/sticker/27443237 ■Shiranui Flare 5th Anniversary Goods Until September 9, 2024 18:00! https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/shiranuiflare_an5th ■New single “Marble Saeru” MV now available✨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGG3S3iqjlg Also available on iTunes, Spotify, etc.✨ https://cover.lnk.to/YnNxAz ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■Shiranui Flare… Read More

  • INSANE ASMR: Building Mini-Wonders in Minecraft | Whispered

    INSANE ASMR: Building Mini-Wonders in Minecraft | WhisperedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Designing Micro-Builds to Add Life | Better Minecraft ASMR #40 | Soft Spoken’, was uploaded by Void ASMR on 2024-07-23 21:00:05. It has garnered 248 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:02 or 3602 seconds. The design process exposed Modpack: Better Minecraft [Fabric] v20 #minecraft #asmr #softspoken Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft FAIL: Warrior Disaster💀” #shorts

    "EPIC Minecraft FAIL: Warrior Disaster💀" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment Before Disaster 💀 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Warcraft Warrior on 2024-09-16 15:22:55. It has garnered 11186 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft Moment Before Disaster 💀 #minecraft #shorts minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush b minecraft banner bionic minecraft bbs minecraft best… Read More


    Welcome to A New World Explore a challenging version of Minecraft where survival is a triumph. Start from the Stone Age and progress through different eras, tackling new challenges and discovering new mechanics along the way. Join our Discord server here to start your journey in A New World. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “That which takes the image of an angel becomes an angel” in Minecraft

    Looks like we need to start a Creaking image purge before they take over the world as angels! Read More

  • Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft’s Melodic Mix

    Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft's Melodic Mix In Minecraft’s world, the rain softly falls, A peaceful melody, as the night calls. The air is crisp, with a hint of chill, But in this moment, time stands still. The music box plays, a nostalgic tune, Bringing back memories, like a balloon. The crackling fire, the gentle wind, In this moment, peace we find. So close your eyes, let the stress unwind, In Minecraft’s world, tranquility you’ll find. Listen to the rain, feel the air so sweet, In this peaceful moment, let your worries retreat. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it’s LIT!

    Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it's LIT! When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but at least you can say you went out in style with this meme. #minecraftfail #hotstuff Read More

I Cried In This Episode? (Minecraft Story Mode S1/Episode 4)