I Google Translated Minecraft Mobs 10,000 Times

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I’m going to be Google translating Minecraft mobs 10 000 times and then making whatever result I get the first mob is a silverfish translate and we got snail for this one I’m going to make Gary from SpongeBob let’s remove all this stuff and we’ll color this blue now

Let’s make his body a little bit wavy and we’ll add his eyes next let’s give him his shell and we’ll color the bottom of him a different color now its color is shell and we’ll add these blue spots on it now let’s draw his eyes and we’ll rotate his eyes sideways alright that

Looks pretty good let’s see it in game oh yeah he goes in the stone I think he actually turned out really good I like how he keeps waddling back and forth okay we need to get away from the stone let’s spawn a baby Gary oh yeah that’s

Not possible why are they all running away from me let’s spawn an army of Gary’s and now let’s see if I can beat the Gary Army in a fight oh God they’re all surrounding me Gary is pretty fast for a snail also his hitbox is really

Messed up how am I not hitting them wait they’re actually doing damage to me who knew Gary was so violent alright I’m going to give Gary a 9 out of 10 I think he looks really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is the warden

Translating and we got box for this one I think I’ll make boxy boo let’s make his legs smaller and will color his body blue now let’s give him a neck and we’ll add his head now let’s add the top part and we’ll color his mouth next let’s

Give him some teeth and we’ll add his eyes now let’s draw the star on his body and we’ll give him some hands now let’s add his legs and his arms and we’ll add these openings on the side now finally let’s add the lid and I think we’re done

Let’s see him in game okay something is wrong with his arm wait leave the Sheep alone what did he do okay that still didn’t fix his arm alright that’s pretty much fixed we’ll just ignore when he gets angry boxibu really hates these chickens let’s find boxibu in the deep

Dark wait he’s emerging through the wall how is that possible I’m actually surprised with how he turned out he looks really good he’s definitely scarier than the actual Warden let’s spawn an army of boxy Boos who will win Gary or this Army of boxy boost wait Gary actually escaped now let’s see if

The Army can kill me wait this is kind of scary oh no I hit a dead end all right I’m going to give boxyboo an 8 out of 10. he looked really good but his arm is broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager what will we get

And we got Peach for this one I’m going to make Princess Peach let’s extend her dress down and we’ll color it pink now let’s color her head and we’ll give her a mouth and some eyes now let’s add her hair and I’m actually going to change

Her eyes a bit now it’s outer crown and we’ll add this thing on her chest now let’s give her some gloves and we’ll add these red Parts on her dress and I think that looks good let’s see it in game okay there’s definitely something wrong with her arms but other than that I

Think she looks good it almost looks like her arms are backwards this is so weird Princess Peach stop aiming the bow at me I’m not Bowser let’s spawn a baby Princess Peach I literally try this every time why let’s spawn a Princess Peach Army and now let’s see if they can

Kill boxy boo they don’t seem to be fighting him yet box evil is literally just killing them for free what about the Princess Peach Army versus an iron golem okay now they’re fighting they’re actually going to kill the Iron Golem rip Iron Golem and boxyboo is still just

Killing them alright I’m going to give Princess Peach an 8 out of 10. she looked really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translate and we got P for this one I think I’m going to make P from alphabet lore let’s remove the entire body except

For a leg and we’ll color it pink now let’s extend out the top part of the p and we’ll make it a bit round next let’s outline it fully black and we’ll draw our mouth and next we’ll draw her eyes and let’s add a little bit of shading in

The eyes and we’ll add some eyelashes now let’s outline her body in a lighter pink and I think that looks good let’s see it in game oh yeah I think it has to be night time I love how the fire is so tall it looks so funny okay that is

Better well I don’t know about better the way she walks looks really weird but what can you expect she’s literally just a leg let’s spawn a baby pee I wonder how the baby will walk oh my God that is so weird this is way too cursed I’m not

Spawning any more babies let’s spawn an army of peas okay I accidentally spawned more babies now let’s see if the P Army can beat an iron golem this looks so funny the Iron Golem is being beat up by a bunch of peas the Iron Golem literally

Had no chance no Iron Golems were harmed in the making of this video alright I’m going to give Pia 9 out of 10. she was really funny it’s time for the next MOG the next mob is a frog translating and we got stitch for this one we have to

Make Stitch let’s remove all this stuff and we’ll extend out his body now let’s Color Him fully blue and will make his head a bit circular now let’s give him a nose and we’ll draw his eyes next let’s give him a mouth and we’ll give him

Teeth now let’s add his belly patch and we’ll give him some ears next let’s add his arms and we’ll rotate his arms a bit now let’s give him some legs and I think we’re done let’s see this in game wait where is he wait what how is this

Happening why does he keep popping up and down I have officially created the most cursed mob what is happening okay I fixed the issue but his legs are really separate and I’m not fixing that other than all that weird stuff I think he looks good look how high he can jump

That’s crazy let’s see if Stitch can eat a slime okay it doesn’t really look like he’s eating it I wonder what Stitch looks like when he’s swimming okay he instantly went back to land this looks so weird what is happening to his legs I just noticed that he looks so funny when

He’s walking alright I’m going to give Stitch a 7 out of 10. he looked good but he was too broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is in a lay what will we get and we got halt for this one I’m going to make halt from Roblox stores

Let’s remove his body and we’ll extend this down a bit now let’s Color Him fully dark blue and will make the bottom of his body a bit ghost-like and we’ll do the same thing on the back in a different color now let’s give him some eyes and we’ll outline his eyes now

Let’s add a bunch of different color around his body and we’ll do this a few more times and I think that looks good let’s see him in game okay why does he still have an arm okay somehow now he has two arms okay I fixed his arms they’re gone now I’ve literally never

Had that happen before but other than that think he looks really good out of all the doors entities I’ve made I think this is my best let’s spawn an army of follows and let’s watch Hulk bring me some diamonds this is so weird because usually Hulk is against you let’s see a

Baby hold oh I just gave him the spawn egg I don’t think he’s going to find any of those to give me all right I’m going to give Hall to 10 out of 10. I think he looks perfect it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a cow translate and we

Got orange dog for this one I’m going to make Jake from Adventure Time let’s make his body smaller and will make his legs skinny now let’s Color Him orange and we’ll make his body round next without his mouth and we’ll give him a nose now let’s give him some eyes and we’ll add

His arms and we’ll rotate this part in a bit like this now let’s make his body a bit rounder now finally we’ll give him a tail and I think that turned out good let’s see him in game okay why does he have two legs go away hold like how does

This keep happening I don’t get it okay the legs are gone and this shouldn’t happen again but other than that he looks really good seriously stop following me halt let’s see a baby jake yo he’s walking so fast I love how his arms just stay there and don’t move at

All let’s spawn an army of Jakes and let’s watch the entire Jake Army follow me okay not so many of them are following me this is so weird what do they want from me all right I’m going to give Jake an 8 out of 10. I think he

Looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is aghast translating and we got Silver Bird for this one I think I’ll make Lugia let’s remove his legs and we’ll make his body a lot smaller now let’s give him a neck and we’ll add his head now let’s add the

Blue Parts on his head and we’ll give him some eyes next let’s add his mouth and we’ll draw a blue belly patch now let’s give him some legs next let’s give him a tail and we’ll add his wings now finally let’s add the blue Parts on his

Back and I think that looks good let’s see it in game whoa he is really big okay I think he actually looks really good there is one problem with him though he literally just doesn’t move it makes him look so menacing when he’s flying around though let’s find Lugia in

The nether oh there’s one literally right there this is so weird because normally Lugia would be found in the water I guess this is a special Lugia then let’s spawn an army of Lugia’s it’s hard to spawn them because they’re so big okay I think there’s a few too many

Lugia’s around here let’s catch a Lugia in a Pokeball I don’t think it’s working what about a master ball nope still won’t work all right I’m going to give Lugia a 7 out of 10. he can’t move it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a

Pig what will we get and we got Turtle for this one I think I’m going to make a Koopa let’s make his body smaller and we’ll shrink his legs a bit now let’s move his head and we’ll color his shell now let’s give him a neck and we’ll try

To shape his head next let’s give him some eyes and we’ll add his nostrils now let’s add the white part of his shell and we’ll add his show now let’s give him some arms and some fingers and we’ll make his belly curve out a bit now

Finally let’s add his shoes and I think that looks good let’s see it in game that actually looks really good okay his head should not be moving like that yeah we’ll just ignore his head because other than that he looks fine let’s spawn a baby Koopa of course forces head is

Floating he’s a pig I’ve never seen a head float this high before this is crazy you know what we have to do let’s spawn an army of Koopas this is Mario’s worst nightmare right here let’s ride a Koopa I’ve never looked at this in first person before this looks kind of cool

And out of all the mobs have made that you can ride this one doesn’t look that bad other than the fact that his arms literally just don’t move oh and all their necks are broken when they follow me for some reason alright I’m going to

Give the Koopa an 8 out of 10. his neck is broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem translate and we got invisible for this one I’ll make John Cena because you can’t see him let’s make this bigger and we’ll color

His body now let’s give him a neck and we’ll shape his head a bit now let’s give him some eyes and we’ll give him a nose and some ears next let’s give him a hat and we’ll give him some blue shorts now let’s color his legs and will color

His arms now finally let’s add his shoes and I think we’re done let’s see him in game guys I actually think he looks really good alright it was a joke because he’s invisible but I actually think he turned out pretty pretty good he’s a little short though okay his neck

Is not supposed to move like that let’s see if John Cena can beat an army of peas well it shouldn’t be hard because they’re all on fire but he’s actually losing pretty hard still okay somehow he lost the burning peas maybe it’s because they could see him now John Cena should

Be able to win this easily okay I can’t tell if John Cena is winning or not oh there’s iron I think he’s so lost I guess John Cena isn’t a wrestling champion in Minecraft alright I’m going to give John Cena a 7 out of 10. he was

Okay it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Vex translating and we got 60. for this one let’s make a60 let’s remove all this stuff and we’ll flatten him into a big rectangle now let’s draw his mouth and we’ll add another plane to finish this now let’s erase all this

Stuff and we’ll draw the outline of his eyes and now let’s color his eyes white and we’ll outline them in Orange next let’s add his teeth and now we’ll add a red part around his mouth and we’ll just erase a little bit of it like this and I

Think that looks pretty good let’s see it in game okay he’s sinking in the ground I love how he’s just holding a sword in his mouth honestly this looks so weird in Minecraft Let’s spawn an army of a60s okay why did I do this this might actually look scary in the night

Time I’m not going to lie this would be actually scary if it was in the game imagine just being attacked by these guys at night let’s see the a60 army fight John Cena wait John Cena actually killed one of them I love how he’s just staring at them but he can’t actually

Reach them okay he’s just fighting random mobs now I don’t think the a6s are going to die anytime soon alright I’m going to give a16 8 out of 10. he looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a panda what will we

Get and we got big cat for this one I think I’ll make big the cat let’s add his white mustache and we’ll Color Him purple now let’s extend out his ears a lot and will rotate his ears like this now we’ll extend some parts of his face

Out like this and we’ll give him a nose next without his eyes and will color his body purple now let’s add the dark purple stripes on his body and we’ll give him his belt now finally let’s at his shoes and I think that looks good

Let’s see him in game oh my God he’s rolling of course I forgot to color the back of his head okay now his face is just in the wall alright I think he actually looks pretty good but he keeps rolling why is he doing that let’s spawn

A baby big the cat okay this is small the cat and he’s rolling too why do they keep rolling I wonder what it looks like when I give him bamboo okay now it just looks like he’s standing up okay I guess the baby one just doesn’t do anything

When I feed it he literally just eats infinite bamboo wait did this one just grow into an adult already how is this possible it’s been like two minutes alright I’m going to give big the cat a 7 out of 10. he doesn’t look that bad

It’s time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper translate and we got stew for this one I think I’m going to make Stewie let’s move back his legs and we’ll make his body smaller now let’s make his head into an oval and will

Color his head next let’s color his body red and we’ll add his yellow shirt underneath next let’s give him some eyes and we’ll draw his nose and mouth and will also add his eyebrows now let’s draw his hair and we’ll add his arms and now let’s give him a hand and finally

We’ll add his shoes alright that looks pretty good let’s see it in game okay this actually looks pretty good I think I made him a little too big though okay his legs look really weird we’ll just ignore that let’s spawn a baby Stewie oh yeah that’s not real let’s see what

Stewie looks like when he explodes I don’t know why I did that I just wanted him to explode let’s see a supercharged Stewie this is the first time the supercharge actually fits him other than the fact that it has four legs and he doesn’t let’s see if he can beat a cat

Wait he’s actually not running away okay never mind he’s still scared I thought Stewie was different alright I’m going to give Stewie an 8 out of 10. he looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a husk translating and we got triangle for this one let’s make

Phineas because he has a triangle head let’s shrink his legs and we’ll make his body smaller now let’s turn his head into a triangle and we’ll rotate it down a bit next let’s give him some eyes and we’ll add his hair now let’s give him some ears and next we will draw his

Mouth now let’s make his arms smaller and we’ll draw the stripes on his shirt now let’s give him some shorts and finally we’ll add his shoes okay that doesn’t look too bad let’s see it in game okay there’s a lot of things wrong with this first I forgot to make his

Pants part of his legs and his arms are messed up and his head is just kind of floating and also his mouth just looks weird because it isn’t attached to his head okay most of those things are fixed now other than the mouth the mouth is staying the same let’s see a baby

Phineas okay he is so fast I’m actually surprised the baby isn’t broken let’s spawn an army of phineas’s and let’s see if they could beat John Cena I feel bad for John Cena he hasn’t won a single fight yet and it doesn’t look like he’s winning this one either yeah he had no

Chance there’s too many phineas’s all right I’m going to give Phineas a 5 out of 10. he was broken and he just looks bad it’s time for the next mob the next mob is invoker what will we get and we got doctor for this one let’s make the

Plague doctor let’s color his body black and we’ll color his shirt dark gray now let’s color his head white and we’ll add his hood good and now let’s add the beak on his mask and we’ll rotate it down a bit now let’s give him a neck and we’ll

Extend out his neck part a bit now let’s give him some eyes and we’ll add some shoes and finally let’s make his shirt look a bit ripped down here and I think that looks pretty good let’s see him in game that doesn’t look too bad okay I’m

Lying for some reason his eyes make him look like an alien let’s watch him kill a villager oh yeah he summons a60s I forgot about that I wonder what the plague doctor thinks about blue sheep okay I guess he likes red sheep better let’s spawn an army of plague doctors

And let’s see if they can beat John Cena oh my God look at all the spikes coming out of the ground let’s see the spikes come out of the ground again oh that was a jungle villager okay he’s already dead I’m just bullying these mobs now look at

All the a60s flying around okay the a60s are starting to die now R.I.P alright I’m going to give the plague doctor a 7 out of 10. he looks kind of weird it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a warden translate and we got big smile for this one I think

I’m going to make Huggy work first let’s change his body shape and we’ll also make the legs longer and we’ll do the same for his arms now let’s shape his head into a triangle and we’ll Color Him fully blue next let’s give him a big red

Smile and we’ll color the back of his mouth black now let’s add some teeth and we’ll give him some big scary eyes now let’s add his blue bow and we’ll give him some yellow feet now let’s give him some hands as well and finally we’ll

Spike up the top of his head a bit I think that looks pretty good let’s see him in game that doesn’t look too bad there’s a slight issue when he walks though honestly it kind of makes him scarier why are they all nodding their heads let’s see one crawl out of the

Ground oh God that is way too cursed let’s spawn a bunch of Huggies their walk is so messed up Huggy wuggies versus the Wither oh they’re already getting angry get him Huggies that literally did no damage yo they just launched him oh my God the Huggy wuggies

Looks so weird when they Sonic Boom come on wither you can do this oh my God the Wither is getting destroyed that was fast hunky wogey is a lot more powerful than I thought all right I give Huggy wuggy an 8 out of 10. he looked good but

He’s broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a husk translating and we are Captain for this one I’m going to make Captain America let’s color his body fully blue and we’ll give him some red gloves and shoes now let’s add the star in his chest and we’ll draw his

Belt and let’s add the red and white part on Top now we’ll color in his face and let’s draw his mask now we’ll give him some eyes and a mouth and let’s give him a little nose now we’ll add the A on his head and let’s give him his shield

Let’s just draw the star in the middle and we’ll extend his shoes out a bit okay I think he looks pretty good let’s see him in game okay that doesn’t look too bad let’s spawn a baby Captain America he doesn’t look too strong let’s see if Captain America can save this

Villager no you’re supposed to fight him not join him well he kind of saved him I guess okay you can stop chasing him now okay I’ve had enough of this really this guy won’t even do anything well I’m sorry villager good job Captain America let’s spawn a Captain America Army and

Let’s see if they can defeat the Iron Golem wow the Iron Golem is actually killing a lot of them and they won that was a lot closer than I thought it would be though all right I give Captain America an 8 out of 10. I think he

Turned out okay it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a piglet what will we get and we got scary bear for this one I think I’m going to make Freddy Fazbear let’s delete these things and we’ll Color Him fully Brown now let’s extend his mouth out a bit and we’ll

Color the top part a lighter shade of brown now let’s color the inside of his mouth and we’ll draw his eyes now let’s give him some eyebrows and we’ll add his black nose next let’s give him some teeth and we’ll add his top hat now let’s give him some ears and we’ll add

His belly patch next let’s give him a bow tie and we’ll make his arms and legs animatronically now let’s give him his microphone and finally we will add his feet alright I think that looks pretty good let’s see it in game okay that looks good we definitely have to go to

The nether though okay he’s not shaking anymore and this one has boots although they don’t really fit what happened to his teeth why are some of them smaller let’s spawn a baby Freddy yo he’s so tiny look at how fast he’s running honestly baby Freddy isn’t even scary

Let’s spawn a Freddy Army I think you should take the helmet off it doesn’t really seem to fit but let’s get chased by all the Freddy’s oh God they all have their crossbows ready I don’t think they’ll be able to get me here wait how did this guy get across wait I didn’t

Mean to kill him oh God they’re all getting across I definitely didn’t almost die all right I give Freddy a 10 out of 10. I think he turned out really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is an evoker translate and we got

Poison for this one I think I’m going to make venom because Venom is kind of like poison let’s color his body black and will color his head as well now let’s shape his head so his mouth is open and we’ll give him some eyes now let’s color

His mouth in red next let’s give him some teeth and we’ll extend out his big tongue I think that looks good now let’s draw the spider on his chest and I think that looks good let’s see him in game okay that looks pretty good his tongue

Looks kind of weird though I’m not going to lie let’s see Venom fight a villager oh wait it’s a swamp villager oh yeah Venom won’t even fight him the vexes just do it let’s see if Venom will drop a totem I don’t know why I did that I

Already knew he would drop one let’s spawn a bunch of Venoms oh these ones have a flag Venom army versus a villager oh my God that was crazy look at how many vexes they just spawned I need to see that again wait he lived never mind

Oh no the vexes are dying Venom vs Captain America who will win all right they don’t fight I’m gonna give Venom a 9 out of 10. he looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem translating and we got

Wrestler for this one I think I’m going to make the rock specifically from this picture let’s extend this out a bit and we’ll color his shirt in Black now let’s give him some blue jeans and we’ll add his fanny pack now let’s draw the belt around his body and we’ll give him a

Gold chain now it’s color in his head and will also color in his hands now let’s draw his face and I’m going to try to make him do the thing from this picture let’s give him some eyebrows and we’ll draw some eyes underneath now let’s draw his mouth and finally we’ll

Give him a nose Okay that looks a little weird let’s see him in game alright that looks okay okay I really should not have tried to make his face look like that but other than the face I think he looks pretty good The Rock versus Venom who

Will win okay Venom literally stood no chance come on you can do it let’s spawn an army of Dwayne’s okay that actually could have been really bad The Rock Army vs Venom Army oh my God Venom got destroyed Rock Army vs Captain America Army okay these guys literally stand no

Chance the rock is too powerful what about the rock Army vs Huggy Woogie Army okay they killed one this fight might actually be close come on Huggy Wookie you can defeat the rock one more left and they actually did it I guess the rock isn’t that powerful alright I give

The rock an 8 out of 10 his face looked a little weird it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie what will we get and we got dark for this one I’m going to make Darth Vader let’s Color Him fully black and we’ll add his helmet

Now let’s give him some red eyes and we’ll color parts of his face gray now let’s add the thing on his chest and we’ll give him a black cape let’s also color his helmet darker black and will color his hands gray and will do the

Same for his feet now let’s give him a red lightsaber and I think that turned out good let’s see him in game okay that actually looks really good his likes are going through his cape though but other than that he looks good let’s spawn a baby Darth Vader I honestly think the

Baby looks better let’s spawn a bunch of Darth Vader’s and let’s see if they can defeat The Rock The Rock is going crazy The Rock might actually win never mind he killed a lot of them though look at this guy just standing up here avoiding the fight now let’s see if the Vader

Army can defeat Huggy wuggy or maybe they just won’t fight him oh never mind he seems angry oh God he just destroyed that guy okay these guys don’t even seem to care this fight is boring all right I give Darth Vader a 10 out of 10. at me

Looks really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager translate and we got Cowboy for this one I think I’m going to make Woody let’s color his pants blue and we’ll color his shirt yellow now its color in his face and his

Hands and we’ll give him some hair now let’s add his eyebrows and will draw his eyes underneath next let’s add his mouth and will extend out his nose now let’s give him his cowboy hat and we’ll add his cow spot jacket now let’s add the

Star on his chest and we’ll give him a belt now finally We’ll add his boots and that looks kind of weird let’s see him in game yeah his face still looks pretty weird but honestly that’s just how he looks anyway let’s see if baby Woody looks any better oh there are no baby

Pillagers in that case let’s spawn more Woodies why are they all aiming their bows at me I’m kind of scared Woody versus one villager who will win oh God they’re all shooting each other and now half of them fell in a cave how did one of the Woodies manage to Die Another one

Died oh my God finally that was embarrassing all right let’s give them a real challenge so many of them are dying from their bows okay they actually killed him they’re not as bad as I thought all right I give Woody a 7 out of 10. his face looks really weird it’s

Time for the next mob the next mob is a piglet brute translating and we got strong for this one I’m going to make Mr Incredible let’s color his body red and we’ll color his hands black and will do the same for his shoes now let’s add his underwear and we’ll put the orange

Stripe above it now let’s add The Incredibles logo on his chest and we’ll color in his head now let’s give him some hair and we’ll draw his mask and we’ll add his eyes now let’s give him a smile and we’ll make him a little bit more buff okay that looks more like his

Son than him but let’s see it in game yeah that doesn’t really look like Mr Incredible but if I was making a sun then I’d say I did a good job oh yeah we have to go to the nether now that’s much better let’s go to the Bastion and try

To find Mr Incredible there he is along with Freddy wearing a helmet that covers his eyes let’s see if he will fight Dwayne Johnson oh he actually did a lot of damage let’s spawn a bunch of Mr Incredibles and let’s see if I can survive this time oh God I’m still on

One heart oh they all stopped chasing me let’s see if I can win a 1v1 against Mr Incredible okay he does a lot of damage wait why are more of them attacking me oh God that’s not good all right I give Mr Incredible a 5 out of 10 because he

Doesn’t really look like Mr Incredible it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a giant what will we get and we got green mustache for this one I think I’m going to make Luigi let’s color in his blue overalls and we’ll add the green to

His shirt now let’s add his yellow buttons and we’ll color in his white gloves next let’s color in his head and we’ll give him some eyes now let’s add his mustache and we’ll extend his nose out a bit now let’s add his green hat and we’ll put some hair on the sides now

Let’s give him some ears and we’ll add the L on his hat now let’s finally extend his shoes out a bit and that looks pretty good let’s see him in game okay he looks pretty good I don’t know why I keep remaking the giant though he literally does nothing literally all he

Can do is stand here and take damage I wonder if the rock will attack him yeah I guess he doesn’t like giants oh no the rock is sinking and so is Luigi wait who will die first okay it’s looking like Luigi wins this one can iron golems even

Drown okay I’ll just leave you down here I guess I give Luigi a 7 out of 10. he’s kind of boring it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a guardian translate and we got monster for this one I’m going to make Mike Wazowski let’s delete

All this and we’ll give him some legs now let’s Color Him fully green and we’ll draw his big eye let’s color his eye green and we’ll give him a big mouth now let’s add some teeth and we’ll add his arms and let’s copy that over alright I think that looks good let’s

See him in game okay he looks really weird he also cannot stop jumping it seems that’s better okay now he’s really fast I’m really not sure if this is what Mike Wazowski is supposed to be like I prefer him jumping on land better let’s spawn an army of Mike wazowski’s look at

Them all bouncing around imagine if this was a real mob I wonder if he’ll chase me in survival okay I should not have done that Mike Wazowski vs Darth Vader okay they don’t fight I guess I wish I made the Elder Guardian a big Mike

Alright I give my Wazowski in 9 out of 10 because he was funny it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a wither skeleton translating and we got freeze for this one I think I’m going to make Frozone let’s color his body blue and we’ll give him white gloves now let’s

Add the pattern on his chest and we’ll change the shape of his head next let’s color in his head and we’ll extend his goggles out a bit and let’s add the blue stripe now let’s give him a mouth and while his facial hair above it now let’s

Give him a nose and finally we’ll color in his boots okay that doesn’t look too bad let’s see him in game alright that doesn’t look too bad I just realized I put Frozone in the desert though which is kind of the opposite of where he should go let’s go find him in the

Nether because that makes even more sense and here are some frozones in their not so natural habitat let’s spawn some Mr Incredibles to go with these guys okay that’s not supposed to happen I thought they were friends alright let’s spawn a bunch more frozones and let’s see if this many frozones can

Defeat the rock it’s not looking good for the Rock right now dang the frozone’s won now let’s see if I can survive the frozones oh God I’m very slow on the Soul Sand no why is the skeleton helping them I don’t think they can get me up here never mind I was

Wrong they found me alright I gave Frozone an 8 out of 10. he doesn’t look too bad it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie piglin what will we get and we got trainer for this one I’m going to make Ash Ketchum let’s color

His pants blue and we’ll color his shirt black now let’s give him white sleeves and we’ll color his hands in his head now let’s add his blue jacket and why does blue and green gloves to his hands now let’s give him some eyes and water’s mouth now let’s extend his hair out on

The side and we’ll give him his hat and let’s add the green symbol on the front alright that looks decent let’s see him in game yeah that looks kind of weird he kind of looks like an old man with that hair it seems I also forgot to extend

His jacket to his back let’s watch Freddy Fazbear turn into Ash wait why is he running okay that was perfectly normal let’s spawn a baby Ash baby Ash looks so much worse let’s spawn an army of ashes and I have to try this oh God

The babies are so fast wait Ash this is a mistake I’m not a Pokemon alright I give Ash a 7 out of 10 a lot of things went wrong it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Wither trans nicely and we got evil clown for this one I

Think I’m gonna make the Joker but as a Wither let’s color the bottom of his body purple and we’ll color his head’s white now let’s add a smile to the first head and we’ll also add his eyes now let’s do the same on the two other heads

And we’ll add green hair to the middle head and we’ll extend it out on the sides a little bit and we’ll also add a little part on his forehead now let’s copy the hair to the other two heads and I think we’re done let’s see it in game

Okay I really don’t know what to say about this one the middle head looks like the Joker but the other ones not so much Joker chill what did the chickens do okay I’m not gonna lie this is probably one of the most cursed mobs I’ve made Let’s see if the Joker can

Defeat Captain America never mind they don’t fight I guess what about the Joker vs Dwayne Johnson okay I think the Joker is stuck Let’s help him out of here okay this isn’t even fair The Rock literally didn’t stand a chance what about the Joker vs Huggy Woogie Huggy Woogie is

Kind of getting destroyed I won’t lie I think the Joker is going to win this one this fight has been going forever wow I guess the Joker is the new most powerful mob and even left a rose for us all right I give the Joker a 6 out of 10. he

Was kind of weird it’s time for the next mob the next mob is in La translating and we got little monkey for this one I’m going to make Diddy Kong let’s get rid of his wings and we’ll add a few legs now let’s color his body Brown and

Will extend his mouth out a bit now let’s give him some eyes and we’ll add his red hat now let’s give him some ears and I’ll draw his little red shirt now let’s color his hands and belly and we’ll give him a little brown tail and I

Think that looks pretty good let’s see it in game okay there’s definitely something wrong here at least when he stands he looks fine well kind of yeah that is definitely a problem let’s see if he can collect these diamonds for me well at least he can do that okay that

Made his arms look even worse let’s spawn an army of Diddy Kongs this noise is so weird let’s tame as many of these Diddy Kongs as possible and now I have my own Army of Diddy Kongs following me let’s watch them all fight over this one

Diamond that was kind of cool it was like a Diddy Kong race now we’ll throw a bunch of diamonds and I’ll fly away so they can’t bring them back to me wait these guys are actually kind manifest oh it looks like they found more alright I

Give Diddy Kong 5 out of 10 he was just too broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper what will we get and we got purple scare for this one I think I’m going to make Gengar let’s delete his body and back legs and we’ll

Move his head down now let’s Color Him light purple and we’ll add some tiny arms on the side now let’s add the spiky Parts on his head and we’ll give him some red eyes now let’s draw his mouth and we’ll give him some Angry Eyebrows and finally let’s give him some pupils

And I think that looks good let’s see it in game okay I don’t know if that looks good or bad I have no idea why his face is off-centered oh God why does his head move like that when he’s walking let’s see if Ash can catch Gengar okay I don’t

Think he’s interested let’s see if I can catch Gengar nope it’s still not working let’s spawn an army of gengars okay now Ash is interested in the gengars let’s see a supercharged Gengar oh God they’re all on fire I don’t know why I keep doing this it never works let’s see if

Gengar can kill Ash yeah I don’t think that’s what happens in the show all right I give Gengar a 6 out of 10. I don’t know why his face isn’t centered it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a wolf translate and we got mystery

For this one I think I’m going to make Scooby-Doo let’s remove this part and we’ll extend his body out a bit now let’s Color Him fully Brown and we’ll add his blue collar now let’s draw his black nose and we’ll give him a few black spots on his body now let’s change

The shape of his ears and we’ll color the middle pink now let’s add some eyes and we’ll rotate his tail so that it’s pointing upwards and I think that looks good let’s see him in game okay what happened to his tail this is the first time I’ve seen a mob’s body part

Completely disappear wait never mind I found it we’re just gonna act like that didn’t happen to be honest this guy’s way too small to be Scooby-Doo anyway and let’s make him even smaller by spawning a baby yeah that’s probably the right size okay why is his head floating

I’m just gonna ignore that too Scooby-Doo is cursed let’s tame a Scooby I don’t have any Scooby Snacks so hopefully a bone will work okay now his collar doesn’t fit as well go kill Captain America Scooby-Doo okay Scooby actually almost died hopefully this will repair him let’s hop in the Mystery

Machine Scooby okay this isn’t the mystery machine but it’s the best I could get look at his tail just floating over there alright I give Scooby a 4 out of 10. he was just too broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper translate and we got agent for

This one I’m going to make Perry the Platypus let’s remove his head and we’ll drag his body out a bit now let’s make his legs a bit smaller and we’ll Color Him fully blue now let’s add his beak and we’ll color the beak orange next let’s give him a couple eyes and we’ll

Draw his eyebrows now let’s give him a nose and we’ll add his hat now it’s at the black line on his hat and we’ll give him a tail now finally let’s extend out his feet and I think he looks good let’s see it in game that didn’t turn out too

Bad we’ll just ignore the creeper Parts on his hat I’m pretty sure he stands on two legs when he has his hat on but whatever let’s see how he looks when he explodes surprisingly that doesn’t look too bad now let’s see supercharged Perry yes something is clearly wrong here

Let’s spawn an army of parodies this is doofenshmirtz’s worst night nightmare I wonder if Perry the Platypus can swim oh he can I don’t know why I did that it just looks like he can swim I’m going to give Perry the Platypus a 10 out of 10

Even though his hat is broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Vindicator what will we get and we got fast for this one I think I’m going to make the flash let’s color his body red and we’ll draw his mask next let’s color

In his skin and we’ll give him a mouth and some eyes now let’s add his nose and we’ll add the little Flash symbol on his ears now let’s draw his belt and we’ll add the flash logo on the front of his shirt now we’ll draw some yellow lines

On his suit and finally we’ll extend out his shoes alright that looks good let’s see it in game that looks pretty good he’s not very fast though maybe he needs some motivation alright he got a little bit faster still not fast enough to be the flash though alright that was pretty

Fast these villagers stand no chance now okay never mind he keeps missing his hits let’s spawn an army of flashes and we’ll give all of them speed too now let’s see if they can defeat the Iron Golem oh my God the Iron Golem actually had no chance let’s spawn more iron

Golems I mean it was closer this time but the flash is still won all right I’m going to give the flash 9 out of 10. I think he looks really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a silverfish translate and we got crown

For this one I think I’ll make King Bob let’s remove all this and we’ll make his body a lot bigger now let’s give him a few tiny feet and will color his feet black next let’s color his body yellow and we’ll give him some blue pants now

It’s at his cape and we’ll color the edges of the cape white now it’s at his eyes and we’ll color them green next we’ll add the straps from his goggles and we’ll give him his crown let’s add the purple part on top and we’ll add the

Gold outlines on the side and I think we’re done let’s see it in game that actually looks really good other than the goggles there’s something wrong with the straps I don’t have any bananas so I guess I’ll just give him this I don’t think he wants it let’s spawn a king Bob

Army and let’s watch them all chase me this looks so much less annoying than actual silverfish it’s King Bob so of course we have to build him a throne what is he doing right now I guess they don’t like the throne let’s see the king Bob Army vs Iron Golem I don’t think

This is a fair fight let’s spawn more King Bobs yeah they’re not even fighting back okay they’re starting to do damage yeah the Iron Golem still won I give King Bob an 8 out of 10. he turned out pretty good it’s time for the next mob

The next mob is a Strider translate and we got lobster for this one I think I’ll make Larry the Lobster first we’ll remove the hair next let’s make his legs smaller and we’ll change the shape of his body now let’s Color Him red and we’ll give him a head next let’s give

Him some arms and we’ll add a claw to his hand now let’s draw his mouth and we’ll give him a nose next let’s give him two yellow eyes and we’ll add the antenna things to his head now its color is shell darker red and we’ll give him

Some blue shorts now we’ll give him some abs and finally We’ll add his lobster tail alright that looks pretty good let’s see it in game what is going on here I did not expect there to be a baby Larry on top and something seems to have

Happened to his face the texture is all messed up let’s go find Larry in the Nether and here we have Larry the Lobster with a baby on his head again honestly he would look really good if one of his eyes wasn’t missing let’s ride Larry the Lobster this always looks

Really weird let’s spawn an army of Larry’s look at the babies they look so weird I wonder if Larry will lift some Bedrock never mind I thought he was strong alright I give Larry the Lobster a 9 out of 10. he would be a 10 if his

Face wasn’t broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is the warden translating and we got green for this one I think I’m going to make the green rainbow friend let’s shrink his body and head and we’ll make his arms face upwards now let’s Color Him fully green

Next let’s make his mouth look like it’s open and will color the back of his mouth black next let’s give him a bunch of white teeth and we’ll copy these to the top now let’s give him a tongue and we’ll extend his tongue out a bit next

We’ll extend out his eyes and will make his eyes circular now finally let’s draw his pupils and that looks good let’s see it in game I don’t know how I feel about this one there’s something about the way he moves that is very terrifying he’s also very tall I’m not sure if that’s

Accurate I’m not going to lie he kinda looks like a cactus monster let’s find green in the deep dark of course we have to see him emerge from the ground I’m not gonna lie that might be scarier than the warden I wonder how this thing looks

When it’s angry we’ll give him a sheep that he can’t hit I’m sorry sheep okay that wasn’t that cool let’s spawn an army of greens and let’s see if the flash can beat them oh he’s running at him yeah the flash will not win that I

Give the green rainbow friend a 10 out of 10. he’s honestly scarier than the warden it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager what will we get and we got rich for this one I think I’m going to make Elon Musk let’s give him a

Dark blue suit and we’ll make it open a bit next let’s give him some eyes and some eyebrows and we’ll give him a nose and we’ll also give him a mouth now let’s add his hair and we’ll change his mouth so it looks like he’s smiling now

Let’s extend his suit down a little bit more and we’ll give him some hands now finally we’ll extend his shoes out a bit and I think that looks good let’s see it in game that doesn’t actually look that bad the texture is broken but that happens all the time honestly Elon can

You stop pointing the bow at me please now because we have Elon Musk we have to make a Tesla I mean this kind of looks like a Tesla now can ewon drive the Tesla nope I don’t think so let’s spawn an army of emonce that is way too many

Pillager flags and now let’s watch Elon Musk kill this innocent citizen like usual they’re doing a better job at killing each other I don’t know I actually think none of them died this time what about elon’s versus an iron golem this is looking pretty even right

Now never mind the Iron Golem is dead all right I give Elon Musk an 8 out of 10. he turned out good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a guardian translate and we got red for this one I think I’ll make the red Angry Bird let’s

Remove all this random stuff and we’ll Color Him fully red now its colors belly light brown and will draw his massive eyebrow now let’s add his eyes underneath and we’ll give him an orange beak now let’s draw the circles around his eyes and we’ll add his Tufts of hair

To his head now finally let’s give him a few black tail feathers and that looks pretty good let’s see it in game now I know I could have made the red rainbow friend but I just made the green one so you get angry bird instead I don’t know

How this stuff keeps happening like why is there white on his head oh he’s moving way too fast he seems to to be avoiding the pigs though no you’re supposed to hit the pigs that’s what Angry Birds do let’s see a baby one oh there is no baby Guardians let’s spawn

An army of red Angry Birds is this how Angry Birds actually move I’m not even sure let’s see Angry Bird Army vs Green rainbow friend oh he is not happy with these guys oh God rip that angry bird the Angry Birds aren’t really fighting back wait I want to see something now

This is truly terrifying what if we give Speed 2 to an Angry Bird I don’t think it really sped him up that much alright I give the red Angry Bird a 7 out of 10. he was kinda broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem

Translating and we got wreck for this one I think I’m going to make Wreck-It Ralph let’s extend out his body and we’ll make his arms bigger now let’s color is shirt orange and will color his arms and his head next let’s color his pants and we’ll give him a couple eyes

Now let’s draw his curved up smile and we’ll give him a big nose next let’s add his hair and we’ll spike it on the sides a bit now let’s add his ears and we’ll add the neck of his shirt next let’s draw a few buttons and we’ll add his

Brown overalls now let’s give him some orange sleeves and we’ll make his fists a bit bigger now finally let’s give him some feet and I think we’re done let’s see it in game I mean he doesn’t look too bad okay his face looks kind of bad

But it was really hard to make let’s see Wreck-It Ralph versus The Flash dang Wreck-It Ralph is a tank let’s spawn more Wreck-It Ralphs I’m not letting this spawn a million of them like last time I think we could spawn more of them though oh God alright I think that’s a

Good amount now let’s see if they can beat the Green rainbow friend oh my God the green rainbow friend does not die it took them like a hundred hits to kill that guy alright I give Wreck-It Ralph a 9 out of 10. it would be a 10 if his

Face looked better it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a villager what will we get and we got pan for this one I think I’ll make Peter Pan let’s color his shirt green and what colors pants a darker green now its color is head in

His arms and will make his sleeves curve like this now let’s give him a belt and we’ll draw the bottom of his shirt next let’s give him some eyes and we’ll curve his eyebrows up a bit now let’s give him a mouth and we’ll add his nose next

We’ll give him some some orange hair and we’ll add his green hat now finally we’ll add the feather on the top and that doesn’t really look like Peter Pan let’s see it in game okay that actually looks pretty good as always something is broken though I wish I made his face

Look more like Peter Pan because the rest of him looks good let’s spawn a baby Peter Pan the head is a little bit smaller so it kinda looks better let’s spawn an army of Peter Pan’s and let’s see if they can survive the flash unfortunately for this Peter Pan it

Looks like the flash only wants him that was an accident what kind of Trades does Peter Pan have okay never mind I thought Peter Pan was able to fly I guess not alright I give Peter Pan an 8 out of 10. he looks okay it’s time for the next mob

The next mob is a b translate and we got flying cat for this one I’m going to make view let’s remove the legs and we’ll add a head now let’s color the head and body pink and we’ll add his legs now let’s add his arms and will

Rotate his arms and legs a little bit now let’s add a spiraly tail and will give him two ears now let’s add his eyes and will extend his nose out a bit and I think that turned out pretty good let’s see it in game okay that doesn’t

Actually look bad but the eyes are off center somehow out of all the Pokemon I’ve made Mew definitely looks the best The Sounds he makes is really weird though let’s see a baby new oh my God it’s literally so small this is probably an accurate size for a bee though let’s

Spawn an army of muse okay the sound has gotten way worse what if I attack a Mew oh God this is not good the sound has gotten even worse now it sounds like a tiny airplane trying to take off let’s see if Mew will fight the green rainbow

Friend okay seriously why is he attacking the cow no not the baby okay they don’t attack him this is boring alright I give Mew an 8 out of 10. it turned out pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton translating and we got caveman for this

One I think I’ll make Fred Flintstone let’s make his arms and likes a bit bigger and we’ll color his shirt orange and will make it look ripped on the bottom now let’s color the rest of his body and will color the bottom of his mouth a bit darker now it’s at his mouth

And will give him a long nose now let’s add his eyes and we’ll give him a bit of black hair now it’s changed his mouth because this looks weird and we’ll draw his blue tie now finally let’s add some black spots to his shirt and that looks

Good let’s see it in game oh yeah these guys burn that’s better I think he’s a little bit too tall what if we spawn a baby yeah there are no baby skeletons let’s spawn a Fred Flintstone Army and we’ll give him some Cocoa Pebbles isn’t

He the guy on that I’m not sure let’s spawn a dog I heard cavemen and dogs used to get along okay maybe I was wrong the dog does not seem happy with him oh no Fred Flintstone got stuck all right I give Fred Flintstone an 8 out of 10. he

Doesn’t look bad it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie what will we get and we got super for this one I think I’m going to make Superman let’s colors body blue and will draw his underwear next let’s put a yellow belt above them and we’ll draw the Superman

Logo on his chest now let’s give him some red boots and we’ll color in his hands and his head now let’s give him some eyes and we’ll add his hair now let’s give him a nose and we’ll draw a mouth underneath now finally let’s add his red cape and I think we’re done

Let’s see him in game why are his hands blue I mean obviously I meant to do that his head is also red like spider eyes or something let’s spawn a baby Superman this is definitely a kid in a costume not Superman Superman vs the Flash or not the Flash doesn’t fight them

Superman vs Peter Pan there’s no way they’re catching him Superman vs Wreck-It Ralph okay that one was just not fair I wonder if Superman can hold any weapons I hope he’s more interested in the Villager I wouldn’t go that way Superman I told him not to I give

Superman a 7 out of 10. he was kinda broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a snow golem translate and we got frozen for this one I think I’ll make Olaf first let’s change the shape of his body a bit and we’ll extend the

Side of his face out now let’s Color Him fully white and we’ll give him a couple of legs now let’s draw two buttons on the bottom part and one button in the middle next let’s extend the front of his face out and we’ll give him an

Orange carrot nose now it’s at his tooth underneath and will give him some ice now outside the little hairs on top of his head and finally we’ll color his arms to match his hair alright that looks good let’s see it in game okay yeah I think we need to remove his hat

That looks interesting I’m not sure why his arms are floating but other than that he doesn’t look too bad Olaf versus Superman oh he’s destroying Superman never mind that was embarrassing I just noticed his feet are in the ground let’s find a bunch of olafs and now let’s see

If they can beat Superman they’re hitting each other with the Snowballs wow they actually did it wasn’t that hard considering Superman was on fire but alright I give Olaf a 7 out of 10. he was okay it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a llama what will we get

And we got opposite for this one I think I’ll make Wario because he’s the opposite of Mario let’s color his body purple and we’ll add his yellow shirt now let’s color his head and will make this thing his nose now let’s give him a couple of eyes and we’ll draw his big

Smile now let’s add his mustache above it and we’ll give him some Angry Eyebrows now let’s move his ears and we’ll give him some hair next while at his hat and we’ll draw the W on the front now let’s draw his hands and we’ll give him some green shoes now finally

Let’s warioify the chests and that looks pretty cursed let’s see it in game that is not what we want that looks a lot better well I don’t know if better is the word but it is what we are looking for let’s see a Baby Wario I like this

One a lot better let’s spawn a bunch of warios I hate the noise they make and let’s see if they’ll fight me okay really he’s just spitting on me upon further review I don’t think llamas actually fight you but will they fight The Flash no they won’t I give Wario

Llama a 6 out of 10. it’s not that bad considering how cursed it is it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a husk translating and we got skateboard for this one I think I’m going to make Bart Simpson let’s make his body a little bit

Smaller and will make his head taller now its color is shirt red and we’ll give him blue shorts next we’ll color the rest of his body yellow and we’ll give him some sleeves now let’s add his neck and we’ll give him a little nose now let’s draw his eyes and we’ll give

Him a little smile now let’s add his spiky hair and we’ll give him some blue shoes and I think we’re done let’s see this in game okay there is definitely a major problem with this I guess you’re just not allowed to move the arms on a

Husk what about baby Bart yep we have the exact same problem and his neck is passive why I guess we’ll just spawn more Barts and let’s see if these broken Barts can beat Wreck-It Ralph it is not looking good for Wreck-It Ralph wow I don’t even think that many Barts died

Yeah I’m done with this I need to get it off my screen I give Bart Simpson a one out of 10 for effort it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a cow translate and we got Tusk for this one I think I’m going to make an elephant let’s remove

These ears and we’ll color it fully gray and I don’t think elephants have udders now let’s extend the trunk out a bit and we’ll curve the trunk down like this now let’s extend out his tusks and we’ll copy that over to the other side now let’s give him some eyes those don’t

Really look like elephant eyes and we’ll give them some big ears I think those ears are good enough now finally let’s give it a tail and I think we’re done let’s see it in game yeah that looks like an elephant not a very accurate size though I’m pretty sure this is the

Same size as a baby elephant let’s see what the baby elephant looks like that doesn’t look too bad honestly but elephants aren’t usually really in a tiger forest so let’s find a savannah this is the smallest Savannah in the game whatever at least our elephants are

In the right spot now I don’t think elephants are supposed to move though let’s spawn an army of elephants and let’s milk an elephant perfectly normal right I love a nice bowl of cereal with elephant milk honestly I think Mojang should add elephants without the elephant milk though alright I give the

Elephant an 8 out of 10. I thought it was pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager translate and we got Shadow for this one I think I’m going to make Shadow the Hedgehog let’s make his body smaller and we’ll

Make his legs longer and we’ll Color Him fully black now let’s extend out his mouth and we’ll add his eyes next let’s add his ears and we’ll add his hair things on the side of his head now let’s draw this thing on his chest next let’s give him some hands now finally let’s

Add some texture and I think we’re done let’s see it in game that actually looks pretty good okay his arms look really weird when he’s moving but other than that nothing seems to be broken let’s spawn a baby Shadow never mind that isn’t real let’s spawn an army of

Shadows and let’s see if they can beat the Iron Golem oh my God the Iron Golem is going crazy come on Shadow Army you can do it and they actually did it because Shadow is supposed to be fast let’s see if he can catch a villager oh they’re not actually chasing him they’re

Just shooting let’s give them all speed too these guys are way too fast now this is scary all right I’m going to give shadow an 8 out of 10. he looked pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper translating and we got

Knight for this one I’m going to make Meta Knight let’s remove his body and we’ll move his head down now let’s extend out his feet and we’ll make him a bit circular now its color is body and let’s draw his helmet now it’s at his eyes and we’ll give him a sword now

Let’s draw his wings now finally let’s add texture and I think that looks really good let’s see it in game okay I think something is wrong with this feat okay that looks a lot better his body isn’t really attached to his feet though so that’s weird let’s see a supercharged

Meta Knight yeah I’m don’t think he looks that good supercharged let’s just blow him up that’s better let’s spawn an army of meta Knights and let’s see if I can beat them in a fight this would be scarier if they actually attacked me and didn’t just blow up but since they blow

Up I can just do this and now they’re all dead well almost all right I’m going to give Meta Knight a 10 out of 10. I thought he looked really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a pig what will we get and we got shy for this

One I think I’m going to make Shy Guy let’s make his body smaller and we’ll move his head now let’s make his legs smaller and we’ll Color Him fully red and we’ll add his mask next outside his eyes and will add his mouth not straw is

Belt now let’s give him some arms now finally let’s add some texture and I think that looks good let’s see him in game alright that actually looks pretty good somehow the pigs always end up looking good he even looks normal when he walks let’s see if the baby has a

Floating head yep his head is still floating but I don’t think it looks as bad as it normally does Once Upon an army of shy guys and now let’s ride a shy guy how is he able to carry me when he’s so small I have an army now because

They’re all following me his right arm over the mask looks so funny let’s see if Shy Guy can beat Meta Knight okay I’m pretty sure they don’t fight let’s ride a shy guy with speed too okay this doesn’t make him much faster honestly alright I’m going to give Shy Guy a 9

Out of 10. he looks really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a chicken translate and we got starter for this one I’m going to make quaxley because he’s my favorite starter in the new Pokemon game let’s move his body next let’s Color Him white and will

Colors beak yellow and we’ll give him some eyes next let’s add his hat now let’s draw the symbol on his hat next let’s make his arms smaller now it’s color his feet blue and we’ll add some texture and I think that looks good let’s see it in game okay something is

Wrong with his arms okay that only made the problem worse okay I don’t know how to fix this this is good enough alright his head moves really weird as well but other than that I think he looks fine okay I’m it’s definitely not fine let’s spawn a baby quaxley okay this is even

Worse what is wrong with his head I’m getting rid of this one let’s see if I can catch quaxley in a Pokeball okay this joke really isn’t funny let’s spawn a quaxley army and let’s have them all follow me I finally have my own duck Army subscribe to join the duck Army

Alright I’m going to give quaxi a 5 out of 10. I like him but he’s too broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translating and we got strange for this one I think we’ll make doctor strange let’s give him a neck and

We’ll add his head and we’ll color his body blue now it’s at his eyes and we’ll give him a mouth and we’ll also give him a beard now let’s add his nose next let’s give him some hair and we’ll add his cape now we’ll add the eye thing on

His chest now finally let’s add texture and I think we’re done let’s see him in game okay that actually looks pretty good his cape looks kind of weird because it doesn’t move though I also think I added a little too much texture to him but other than that he looks good

Let’s see a baby doctor strange this is the first baby that isn’t broken this is funny though he looks like a kid in a costume let’s spawn an army of doctor strangers and now let’s see if they can beat shadow oh they don’t fight now let’s see if they can kill this villager

Okay now Shadow is killing them this 1v1 is crazy okay Shadow had no chance using a bow I love how far back the Army is compared to the babies they literally just gave up because they were too far alright I’m going to give Dr Strange an

8 out of 10 he looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a picklin what will we get and we got wizard for this one I think I’m going to make Harry Potter let’s make his head smaller now his color is closed now

Let’s give him some eyes and we’ll give him a mouth and a nose now let’s add his hair now let’s add his glasses now let’s give him a tie and we’ll give him a belt now let’s add his shoes and finally We’ll add texture and I think that looks

Fine let’s see him in game this doesn’t look that bad but it doesn’t look like Harry Potter oh and I also forgot to color his back oh yeah we have to find him in the nether oh he has a gold chest plate now I wonder if I can give him a

Wand nope I don’t think he wants it let’s spawn a baby Harry Potter this looks kind of weird at least his head is important let’s spawn a Harry Potter Army and now let’s see if they’ll Fight Shadow oh yeah I have to make them shoot each other first okay Shadow literally

Died in a millisecond what about a shadow army versus the Harry Potter’s okay the Shadows just aren’t fighting him yet somehow they are winning okay I think the Harry Potter’s won this one alright I’m going to give Harry Potter a 6 out of 10. he doesn’t look like Harry

Potter it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a turtle translate and we got slow for this one I think we’ll make Q from alphabet lore because he’s slow let’s delete all this stuff and we’ll make him into a rectangle now let’s color the rectangle and we’ll add the

Rest of his body up here and will fully outline him in Black now let’s draw his mouth and we’ll color it in darker brown next let’s add these spots right here and we’ll give him his eyes now finally let’s outline his back as well and I

Think we’re done let’s see him in game I don’t think there’s turtles in the nether okay this actually looks pretty good he’s literally moving like a snail right now let’s see a Baby Q oh my God he is ridiculously small I can barely even see him how is this possible wait

These cues are swimming in the water let’s spawn a q Army and let’s give them slowness so they’re even slower they’re barely even able to move now this is crazy now let’s lure them all towards me I’ve been standing here for so long and they still haven’t made it over they

Kind of look like sushi rolls from this angle alright I’m going to give Q an 8 out of 10. he looks really funny it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a b translating and we got rush for this one let’s make Rush from Roblox doors

Let’s remove all this stuff and we’ll make his body thinner now let’s extend his body out a bit and we’ll extend out the sides to make him look circular and we’ll also do this on the top and bottom now let’s add his dark gray mouth and

We’ll add his eyes and his nose thing now let’s give him some yellow teeth and and we’ll add some teeth on the bottom as well now let’s add some detail to his face and we’ll make it a bit darker under his teeth and I think that’s good

Let’s see it in game oh that is not what we want okay that looks better honestly this might be the scariest mob we’ve made yet the way he flies is terrifying let’s see a baby Rush okay that’s not as bad at least it looks like I could beat

This one in a fight let’s spawn an army of rushes and let’s see if I can get away from them oh God I’m still on half a heart okay now we’re ready okay he’s not as scary now that I know how slow he moves this would still be terrifying if

I saw this in the game alright I’m going to give Russia 10 out of 10. he turned out really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a frog translate and we got wise old for this one I think I’m going to make Yoda first let’s remove

His feet and legs and we’ll shape him more like Yoda now let’s give him a head and I’ll color his shirt gray and his head and feet green now let’s give him some arms and we’ll color these gray and I’ll extend his second arm out so I can

Make him hold a lightsaber now let’s make his ears and we’ll give him a couple eyes now let’s give him some eyelids and a nose and a mouth and will Color Him Brown underneath his coat now we’ll finally give him a green lightsaber I think that looks good let’s

See him in game that isn’t right that looks more like Yoda look at how he’s walking why does that kind of look good something is wrong with this lightsaber though I’m not sure what happened there yo when did Yoda learn how to jump like that I wish I could spawn a baby Yoda

Yoda versus a Magma Cube oh he’s running away oh my God they both ate it Yoda Army honestly the sound they make kinda suits him alright let’s spawn a bunch of magma cubes use the lightsaber Yoda okay I think these guys are too big I don’t

Know why I like seeing them eat the magma cubes so much it just looks so weird alright I think I’m gonna give Yoda a 10 out of 10. I think he looks amazing it’s time for the next mob the next mob is the Ender Dragon translating

And we got trained for this one I’m going to make Thomas the Tank Engine first let’s get rid of all of this next we’ll extend the back up a bit and it’ll color in blue next I’ll give him some wheels and I’ll add a little black roof

On the back now it’s color in his face and we’ll draw his eyes and we’ll give him a mouth now let’s add his nose and next we’ll add the train thing on his head and we’ll add another one in blue now we can draw some windows and we’ll

Put the red outlines on the bottom and finally I will draw the number one on his side okay that looks pretty good let’s see it in game alright we have to make our way to the end oh my God I’m pretty sure there’s something wrong with his head yeah I don’t think it’s

Supposed to be floating like that all right that looks much better imagine finally making it to the end in your world and then you see this instead of the Ender Dragon honestly this is a good replacement though I won’t lie oh he’s perching I love how he flips just like

The battle bus Enderman watch out there’s a train coming through the Enderman are not happy anymore what happens if we spawn a bunch of Thomas’s oh God that’s too many I can’t break it oh no well this might be a problem where are they all going goodbye Thomas’s I

Guess it’s better for them up there anyway that way my FPS is safe I’m going to give Thomas a 9 out of 10. he looks really funny it’s time for the next mob the next mob is the warden what we get and we got green onions for this one I

Think I’m going to make Shrek first we’ll color his head in green Nextel colors shirt a tan color and will make his pants brown now I’ll draw his vest over his shirt and we’ll give him his belt as well now let’s make his hands green and I’ll give him a big nose and

We’ll draw some eyes above that now let’s give him some eyebrows and we’ll give him his mouth now we can add his ears and I’ll turn them sideways a little bit now finally I will add his shoes and that doesn’t look too bad let’s see him in game okay that doesn’t

Look too bad doesn’t sound like Shrek though if I was this chicken I would watch out oh no Shrek is angry I’m sorry chicken let’s watch a Shrek emerge from the ground wow this is exactly how I remember it in the movie alright let’s spawn a bunch of tricks and I think they

Need someone to fight so let’s give them one sheep I wonder who will win this will be close oh the Sheep almost had them but seriously let’s spawn one wither and see how fast they kill it oh that explosion made them mad time for a warden death ray honestly the Wither

Might win this one they aren’t doing that much damage oh never mind the weather seems to be stuck dang not even one Trek died alright I give Shrek an 8 out of 10. he looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is an

Enderman translate and we got siren for this one I’m going to make siren head first I’ll shorten his legs next I will give him a torso now he can make his head into a stick and I’ll color him a coppery color now let’s add the first

Siren and we’ll color it black and add the teeth now I’ll rotate it sideways and I’ll copy it over to the other side now let’s add texture to his body and I think we’re done let’s see him in game yeah that’s definitely siren head he’s not too scary in Minecraft though to be

Honest I mean when he’s chasing me it’s definitely worse even though his head starts floating yeah there’s no way you’ll get me now buddy let’s go check out the end oh yeah there’s 5 000 Ender dragons and because of all the Ender Dragons only one siren head spawn nice

Alright that should do the trick there’s a lot more siren heads over here now alright let’s see how long I can survive oh God there’s already an army behind me oh God they’re all teleporting to me guys I’m sorry I didn’t mean to look at you I guess they don’t accept apologies

Oh no I’m on half a heart no I almost made it through the portal I give siren head a 7 out of 10. he was kind of boring it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a silverfish translating and we got tiny green for this one I think

I’m going to make Plankton let’s get rid of all these layers and will make this part into his body now let’s give him a couple of legs and we’ll color all the screen next let’s draw his yellow eye and we’ll give him a red pupil now let’s

Draw his angry eyebrow and we’ll give him a wide open mouth now let’s give him some arms and in the picture I’m looking at they’re up in the air so let’s rotate them up now finally we can add the antenna type things to his head and that

Looks good let’s see him in game wait that actually turned out really good I have no idea where he’s going though I think he’s off to find the Krabby Patty formula well then we’ll have to bring him to the Krusty Krab Plankton I think the Krabby Patty formula is in this

Chest I guess he doesn’t want it anymore I think they all died from excitement what just happened did I just lag back in a single player world alright let’s spawn a bunch of planktons and let’s put them against one Shrek who will win Shrek doesn’t even seem to be bothered

By them never mind run away Plankton alright I give plankton a 9 out of 10. he looks better than I expected it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a fox what will we get and we got fast last time I made a fox I made Sonic so

This time I’m going to make Tails let’s Color Him in dark yellow and will change the shape of his ears let’s let’s add the white hair at the bottom of his face and we’ll give him some big blue eyes now let’s draw his nose and we’ll add

His white gloves next let’s draw his shoes on the back legs and we’ll extend them out a little bit now let’s color the back part of his tail white and we’ll copy it over because he has two tails and I think that turned out good let’s see it in game that actually looks

Pretty good Tails versus a chicken who will win dang Tails killed him instantly can Tails use a sword I’m not sure honestly swordtail is going crazy wait no you dropped the sword I guess chicken is a better weapon than a sword let’s spawn a bunch of Tails and let’s spawn a

Rabbit which one will get it I don’t think they can reach it let’s lower it down a little bit I honestly didn’t think they could get it from there alright tails what are you gonna do now wait how did he hit that one oh no they’re going crazy I don’t know how he

Got up there that jump is pretty high alright I give Tails an 8 out of 10. he looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a rabbit translate and we got scary for this one I’m going to make bunso bunny first let’s rotate

His arms and we’ll make his ears flop down now let’s extend the front of his face out and we’ll color his head yellow now let’s draw a scary every mouth and will give him some teeth on the sides next one is cheeks and let’s draw these green things along with his eyes next

We’ll color the rest of them yellow and we’ll add his green overalls next let’s give him his symbols and we’ll add a hat to his head and let’s color the Hat green alright that doesn’t look too bad let’s see him in game okay something is definitely wrong with him but honestly

It makes him look more scary so I’m all right with it we’re just gonna ignore the floating ears how does the baby look yeah the ears are still floating this is very cursed might as well just feed them to the Tails as this one guy is trying

To get away alright we’ll spawn an army of bunzo bunnies because why not why are they just slowly hopping towards me now this is scary I’m being surrounded alright I give bunzo bunny a 4 out of 10. too many things were broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a

Strider translating and we got starfish for this one I’m going to make Patrick Star let’s remove the hairs and will make his legs a lot smaller next let’s shape his body into a star and will Color Him fully pink now we’ll give him some arms and we’ll draw his green

Shorts next let’s give him big guys and will add his giant smile and will give him a pink tongue now finally we can add the purple flowers on his shorts and that looks pretty good let’s see it in game that actually looks pretty good considering it’s a triangle in Minecraft

Let’s find some in the Nether and here we have a bunch of Patrick standing on the lava once again this is kind of weird considering he lives underwater let’s ride a Patrick yo this looks really weird let’s spawn an army of Patrick’s yo it’s baby Patrick and

There’s also a Patrick with a pig man on top let’s go Patrick Army I don’t think I remember this part in the show alright I give Patrick a 7 out of 10. he kinda looks weird in Minecraft it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a witch

What will we get and we got hungry clown for this one I think I’m going to make Ronald McDonald first let’s turn the Hat into hair and we’ll color it fully red now let’s remove his nose and we’ll color his face white next let’s give him

A red nose and a big red smile and we’ll draw his eyes Okay that actually looks kind of scary now let’s color his shirt in yellow and we’ll put red and white stripes on the sleeves next we’ll add a white collar and we’ll draw a red zipper

Down the the middle now we’ll color his pants yellow too it’ll give him red and white striped socks now let’s add his red shoes and we’ll make them black on the bottom okay that turned out kind of scary let’s see him in game somehow this is the scariest mob I’ve made yet Ronald

McDonald’s vs Iron Golem yeah not so scary anymore he wasn’t even supposed to be scary to begin with oh no the Golem is coming for him let’s spawn a huge Ronald McDonald Army wait will these guys fight a villager nah they don’t even fight why is the Iron Golem so mad

At them alright Ronald McDonald versus Shrek that is a fight I never thought I would see uh Ronald you got something behind you oh no shark is angry and that’s one Ronald down alright I give Ronald McDonald an 8 out of 10. I think he looks good but he’s not supposed to

Be scary it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a polar bear translate and we got honey for this one I’m going to make Winnie the Pooh let’s Color Him fully yellow and we’ll draw his red shirt now let’s change this part of his

Face a bit and we’ll give him little black eyes with some black eyebrows above now let’s draw his pink tongue and a red smile on the sides and finally we’ll give him a little black black nose and I think that looks good let’s see it in game he doesn’t look too bad kinda

Big for Winnie the Pooh though what about the baby the baby is definitely a better size all right let’s give him some honey that’s weird it doesn’t look like they want it all right Winnie the Pooh versus Tails who will win oh God tails is already running away and Tail’s

Already outrand him I think I have a solution for that okay never mind I guess tails is just too fast let’s spawn a Winnie the Pooh Army that is just not the sound I would imagine Winnie the Pooh makes okay surely this Tails can’t outrun them okay he died instantly time

To get chased by a bunch of Winnie the Pooh’s okay these guys are really slow all right I give Winnie the Pooh a 7 out of 10. he didn’t turn out too bad it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton translating and we got red

Puppet for this one I think I’m going to make Elmo let’s color his head and body red and we’ll move this part of his head down a bit and we’ll pull this back a bit so his mouth is open now its color is more than black and will do the same

On the bottom and top part now let’s give him a nose and what color is nose orange next we’ll give him some eyes and we’ll give him a couple of black pupils all right that looks pretty good let’s see it in game okay that looks good not

Sure why the back of his neck is white though but Elmo has a bow and he came ready for battle I’m really not sure that’s what happens in the show alright let’s see a wolf versus Elmo Tang the wolf is angry the wolf is running sideways Elmo better run this wolf is

Crazy that wolf is hungry for Elmo’s bones okay he hit him oh he hit him again and the Wolf is running away again oh my God he finally got him and he didn’t even get any elbow bones alright I give Elmo a 6 out of 10. he’s kind of

Boring it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper what will we get and we got pink ball I think for this one I will make Kirby let’s delete the body and we’ll move the head down now let’s delete his back legs and we’ll

Extend the front legs out like this next let’s color his legs in dark pink and will color his body in a lighter pink now let’s give him some tiny arms and we’ll draw his little red mouth and let’s give him some blue eyes and finally we’ll draw his Pink Cheeks okay

Something looks wrong that looks much better let’s see it in game wow that actually looks pretty good not sure what’s happening with his ball body right now though but even as walk didn’t turn out too bad honestly let’s spawn an army of Kirby’s and now let’s spawn a

Baby Kirby oh yeah Kirby’s vs one cat who will win I don’t know why they’re afraid of one cat let’s see a Charged Kirby oh God they’re all gonna die I don’t think the charge really fits Kirby let’s see if it can blow up a Shrek not

Even close all right I give Kirby an 8 out of 10. he doesn’t look too bad it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translate and we got money video for this one I think I’m going to make Mr Beast let’s give him a black shirt

And we’ll color in his arms and his head now let’s give him gray shorts and we’ll color his legs as well next I’ll draw the Mr Beast logo on his shirt and I’ll give him some green eyes and some brown eyebrows now let’s do his hair and we’ll

Give him some white teeth and now let’s draw his beard okay his mouth looks kind of like buck teeth so I’m gonna change the color now finally we can give him some shoes and that looks sorry let’s see it in game that doesn’t look too bad

It honestly just looks like a random guy though there’s no proof this is Mr Beast maybe he’ll give this random villager money oh wow he’s chasing him to give it to him how nice wait no he wasn’t supposed to do that all right let’s see

If Mr Beast can raid a village I guess Mr Beast really doesn’t like villagers Maybe Baby Mr Beast is better oh no baby Mr Beast is fast that just made things worse all right Mr Beast versus Iron Golem that was fast Mr Beast Army vs Iron Golem oh no the Iron Golem is

Cornered Tang they actually won should I let him in of course I’m gonna let him in dang they left Fast all right I give Mr Beast a 7 out of ten he’s basically just a player skin it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a turtle

Translating and we got water for this one I think I’m going to make Squirtle let’s color his head and arm thingies blue and we’ll also color his legs now we’ll add a white outline around the show and I’ll Trace over the Shell with different shades of brown all right just

One more color left that looks pretty good now we’ll make his head a bit bigger and we’ll give him some purple eyes and we’ll add white to the outside next let’s give him some tiny eyebrows and we’ll give him a smile that doesn’t look weird at all now let’s make his

Spirally tail and that looks good let’s see him in game okay let me know if you guys see the problem it’s kind of hard to swat I don’t really know how how this happened so I guess we’ll just ignore that but other than that he looks fine

How does the baby look I was hoping the baby was the size of a regular Squirtle because this guy is clearly too big all right Squirtle Army okay I have to fix the floating thing okay that looks a lot better Squirtle use bubble beam or

Whatever move he has oh wait I have to catch him first nope the pokeballs still don’t work I wish I had made him smaller because right now he’s bigger than Blastoise alright I give Squirtle a 6 out of 10. he just doesn’t look that good it’s time for the next mob the next

Mob is a villager what will we get and we got professional for this one I’m going to make Matt from Wii Sports because he’s good at everything first let’s change the size of his nose and we’ll color in his head now let’s give him his beard thing and we’ll draw his

Mouth next let’s give him some eyes and now he can color his shirt in Orange as well as the sleeves and will make his pants dark gray now finally we can put the rest of his beard and we’ll try to make it look a bit spiky alright that

Doesn’t look bad let’s see it in game I mean honestly he doesn’t look too bad what about baby Matt yes this makes perfect sense let’s see if Matt me in tennis I think he’s losing Matt vs Mr Beast who will win will Mr Beast is burning so this is actually a fair fight

And Matt actually wins I mean of course he won he’s mad let’s find a village full of mats and they’re everywhere they even have a map for me over here with something gold on his beard let’s spawn a mad Army and let’s see if Mr Beast can

Kill them now not Matt is just too fast where’s Mr Beast even going he’s just given up because Matt is too good never mind he’s just going for this one while he sleeps the one place you can beat him I’m sure he just wants to give him money

I’ll let him in never mind I was very wrong all right I give Matt an 8 out of 10. he turned out pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a pig translate and we got angry for this one I’m going to make the King Pig from

Angry Birds but with a full body let’s color the pig fully green and will make his nose a slightly lighter green now let’s add a couple of nostrils and we’ll give him his eyes and a couple eyebrows on top and a little mouth underneath now outside his green ears and will make a

Crown in the middle of his ears let’s add the spiky parts to the top and we’ll draw awesome blue jewels in the middle and it looks pretty good let’s see him in game that looks pretty good it was pretty easy to not mess this one up

Though to be fair let’s spawn a baby pig and see how it looks I think I like it better because of the giant head alright let’s spawn an army of Angry Birds I don’t think they’re very angry let’s spawn a pig army now we won’t know which

One is actually the king what is Elmo doing in the water over here all right let’s make Shrek fight the pigs since the Angry Birds won’t do it okay that’s just mean I have a better idea let’s see if we can hit any pigs no he moved out

Of the way okay attempt number two no that was so close these chickens don’t go very far okay this is my last bird let’s get a running start come on no he moved last second I guess I’m just bad at Angry Birds alright I give Angry

Birds pig an 8 out of 10. I think he looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Strider translate and we got funny dog for this one I think I’m gonna make goofy let’s remove the hair and we’ll shape his body now

Its color is shirt orange and we’ll color his pants blue next let’s shape his head and we’ll color his mouth now what’s the color to the back of his head black and will color his mouth as well now let’s give him some eyes and we’ll

Give him a nose next let’s add his front teeth and we’ll add his green hat now let’s give him his ears and we’ll color in his gloves now let’s add his jacket and finally We’ll add his giant shoes okay I think that looks really good let’s see it in game okay I didn’t

Really expect this to happen that looks a lot better okay his walk animation is really cursed let’s go find goofy in the Nether and here is Goofy in his natural habitat this is kind of scary to be honest let’s ride it goofy oh my God why

Is it all green this is perfectly normal there is nothing wrong with this look at them all emerging in the back let’s spawn an army of goofies wait I forgot there could be baby goofies they look so funny there’s even a baby goofy on top of another goofy follow me goofy Army

Why do they lean back so far look at how the babies move it’s so funny I’m going to give goofy a 7 out of 10. he looks good but he’s broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is the warden translating and we got Harry monster for

This one I’m going to make Sully for Monsters Inc let’s Color Him fully blue and we’ll add a lighter belly patch now let’s add some purple spots on his body and I’ll give him a little nose now let’s draw a smile and we’ll give him a couple of eyes next I’ll extend his

Eyelids out a bit and we’ll add a couple horns on the side now let’s add his lizard-like tail and I think that looks pretty good let’s see it in game okay he looks pretty good I keep forgetting to texture the top of the leg so but other

Than that I don’t see any problems I don’t think he’s a fan of that chicken though let’s see if he’ll go through the store no Sully you’re going the wrong way oh God he’s angry what did the horse do they’re killing the horse for no

Reason let’s go find a Sully in the deep dark I think that was the first time it looked kind of normal honestly Sully could have been the warden they look really similar I think he’s angry at this baby zombie but he can’t find him oh never mind Sully vs goofy who will

Win oh Sully’s just killing other people instead Sully is going on a rampage never mind rip goofy alright I give Sully a 9 out of 10 he was almost perfect it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a husk what will we get and

We got lightning for this one I think I’m gonna make Thor let’s color his head in his arms and we’ll color the rest of his body blue now let’s add his hair and we’ll drag his head up a bit and give him a neck now let’s add his cape and

We’ll color the cape red next I’ll give him some blue eyes and I’ll add his eyebrows and his mouth now it’s out his beard and we’ll give him two shoulder pads now let’s add his gloves and we’ll add a pattern on his shirt and pants now

Finally I will give him his hammer and I think that looks good let’s see it in game I don’t know why the textures keep messing up oh and both of his shoulders are the same shoulder but other than that he doesn’t look too bad let’s see

Baby Thor if you would move that would be cool it’s literally just Thor but smaller let’s see if Thor can get struck by lightning doesn’t really look like it at least he lived let’s spawn a bunch of Thor’s and let’s see if they can defeat Sully I forgot they don’t fight back rip

Sully let’s see if the thorus can defeat the Iron Golem dang the Iron Golem’s getting destroyed he’s not even one-shotting the thores that was an easy win for the Thor Army alright I give Thor an 8 out of 10. he doesn’t look too bad it’s time for the next mob the next

Mob is a frog translate and we got lasagna for this one I’m going to make Garfield because he loves lasagna let’s remove all of this and we’ll shape his body and head now let’s Color Him fully orange and we’ll give him a couple of arms now let’s extend his face out a bit

And we’ll color this lighter orange next let’s give him a pink nose and we’ll give him some eyes now let’s extend his eyelids out a bit and we’ll give him his ears now let’s give him a tail and finally We’ll add black stripes all over his body that looks pretty good let’s

See it in game yeah that looks like Garfield I’m not sure about his walk though since when did Garfield learn how to jump like that actually it’s not that weird I’m pretty sure cats can jump high I don’t know about fat cats though let’s spawn a baby Garfield oh yeah let’s see

If Garfield will eat this lasagna dang he ate it in one bite let’s spawn a bunch of garfields I love the noise they make when they hit the ground let’s watch these garfields eat a bunch of magma cubes I think these guys are too big wow the guy our fields are devouring

These magma cubes alright I give Garfield a 9 out of 10. he looks really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translating and we got Chef for this one I think I’m going to make Gordon Ramsay let’s color his shirt white and we’ll color his pants black

Now let’s color his head and we’ll give him some blonde hair now let’s color his arms and we’ll give him some blue eyes now let’s add his eyebrows and will extend his nose out a bit next let’s draw his mouth and we’ll give him a little collar on his shirt now let’s add

The buttons to his shirt and finally I’ll give him a little chef’s hat I think that looks good let’s see it in game alright that doesn’t look bad the textures are always broken I don’t understand why honestly it kind of just looks like a chef though he’s only

Gordon Ramsay if you know he’s Gordon Ramsay where is he going let’s see if Gordon Ramsay can cook a five-star meal okay he’s going to gather his ingredients like a real Chef okay I’m starting to think he just doesn’t want to cook let’s spawn a baby Gordon Ramsay

I wonder if this one can cook he doesn’t look like it let’s spawn a bunch of Gordon Ramsay’s surely one of these guys knows how to cook oh wow they’re making a steak that was pretty good oh they’re making a chicken too oh I guess it’s

Done wait guys this is raw oh God they’re all angry at me all right I give Gordon Ramsay an 8 out of 10. he looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem what will we get and we got rainbow for this one

I’m going to make the blue rainbow friend let’s make his arms a bit smaller and we’ll do the same for his legs now let’s change the shape of his body and we’ll Color Him fully blue now let’s add his crown and we’ll color it yellow next

We’ll add the spiky Parts on top and we’ll add his eyes and let’s put the circle inside this one and we’ll add the X to the other one now let’s draw his mouth and we’ll put the Drool on the side and I think that looks pretty good

Let’s see it in game that looks pretty good I think honestly I don’t even know what rainbow friends is I’ve just seen a lot of comments telling me to make it let’s see if blue can beat Gordon Ramsay easily let’s see if blue can beat Thor and Gordon Ramsay still too easy let’s

See if blue can beat Sully yeah blue literally had no chance let’s spawn an army of Blues oh no oh God this is bad I think I spun a little too many there’s so many of them they can’t even move Sully’s not even fighting back he knows

He’s doomed never mind wow he actually only speed thing well he almost beat like three percent of them I’m going to give blue a 10 out of 10. I think he looks perfect it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a villager translate and

We got space for this one I think I’ll make Buzz Lightyear let’s color his body white and we’ll add his purple mask now let’s color the rest of his face and we’ll give him a big smile now let’s extend his nose out and we’ll give him a

Couple blue eyes now let’s add his eyebrows and we’ll color the top part of his spacesuit next let’s add the purple lines on the bottom and we’ll add some green lines all around his body and finally let’s color his shoulders black and I think that looks good let’s see

Him in game okay this looks kind of weird honestly it looks like somebody wearing a Buzz Lightyear costume let’s see if Buzz Lightyear can outrun Gordon Ramsay okay there’s two Gordon ramsays how did that happen it’s not looking good for Buzz Lightyear never mind he actually managed to get away wait

There’s another Gordon Ramsay chasing him let’s see a baby Buzz Lightyear this is definitely a better size because Buzz Lightyear is a toy let’s find a Buzz Lightyear Village and here’s a bunch of Buzz light years in their natural habitat there’s even a Buzz Lightyear farming over here and these two are

Having a conversation oh I think I interrupted them what happens if I ring the bell wait did I do that all right I give Buzz Lightyear a 10 out of 10. I don’t know why but I think he looks really good it’s time for the next mob

The next mob is a Vindicator translating and we got King for this one I think I’m gonna make Lord Farquaad let’s color his shirt red and we’ll give him dark gray pants now let’s add his red cape and we’ll give him a belt now let’s color

His hands dark orange and will color his head next let’s give him a mouth and we’ll extend out his nose now let’s give him some green eyes and we’ll give him a couple of eyebrows now let’s extend out his hair and we’ll add his hat and we’ll

Color his hat fully red now finally let’s add his belt buckle and I think he looks good let’s see him in game that looks pretty good I guess I think his head is a little too big though let’s see a baby far quad oh that’s not a

Thing let’s see see Lord Farquaad vs Buzz Lightyear oh god he has an ax Lord Farquaad relax he did nothing wrong most light year is actually kind of fast alright that was boring let’s see if Lord Farquaad can raid this Village oh no blue is angry at him it seems like

Buzz Lightyear is not wearing the right clothes oh and blue literally just gave up Lord Farquaad sucks he hasn’t even gotten a kill come on break down the door okay I’m done with this alright I give Lord Farquaad an 8 out of 10 because the textures were kind of messed

Up it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager what will we get and we got family for this one I think I’m gonna make Peter Griffin let’s color in his head next we’ll color is shirt white and we’ll give him some green pants now

Let’s add his brown hair and we’ll give him a couple of eyes next we’ll draw his mouth and will extend his nose out a bit and will also extend out his ears now let’s draw his glasses and we’ll color in his arms now let’s give him a belt

And we’ll add a gold belt buckle now let’s draw the buttons on his shirt and finally we’ll give him some shoes and I think that looks good let’s see him in game I don’t really know what to say about this honestly I think he looks really good but the actual Peter Griffin

Looks way different let’s spawn an army of Peter Griffins and let’s see if these Peter Griffins can defeat blue they don’t seem to be doing too good they keep shooting each other instead of blue okay they actually won a lot of Peter Griffins were lost though let’s give

Them an easier fight let’s put them against Buzz Lightyear okay one of them somehow died R.I.P Buzz Lightyear guys stop pointing the bow at me alright I give Peter Griffin a 9 out of 10. he looks good but he doesn’t look like Peter Griffin it’s time for the next mob

The next mob is an evoker translate and we got villain for this one I think I’ll make Gru let’s shrink his head and we’ll color his shirt dark gray next let’s color his pants black and we’ll color in his head next we’ll give him some blue

Eyes and we’ll add some eyebrows on top and a mouth underneath now let’s extend his nose out and will color in his hands next let’s add the zipper to his shirt now it’s at his scarf and we’ll extend it down on each side and I think we’re

Done let’s see him in game oh my God what happened to his neck other than that I kind of like him though let’s see Groot versus Thor there is a major height difference which is weird because Gru is approximately 14 feet tall okay I guess they don’t want to fight each

Other let’s just see Gru fight Buzz Lightyear it looks like Gru is summoning his minions although I don’t think this is how they look let’s spawn an army of grooves now let’s see them kill a Buzz Lightyear I love seeing all the spikes come out of the ground let’s see them

Fight a bunch of Buzz Light Years oh my God that was the loudest sound in the game wait some of them managed to get away oh no watch out for the Vex never mind he’s retreating alright I give Gru a 9 out of 10. I think he looks really

Good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a witch translating and we got purple for this one I’m going to make a Waluigi let’s delete all this stuff and we’ll color his shirt purple now let’s color his head and we’ll give him some big white teeth now let’s add his

Mustache and we’ll give him a couple of eyes next let’s draw his eyebrows and we’ll extend his big nose out and we’ll color it pink now it’s at his pointy chin and next we’ll add his hat and we’ll put the upside down L on top up

Now let’s color his hands and we’ll add his overalls now finally We’ll add his orange shoes and that looks good let’s see it in game oh wow that actually looks pretty accurate why is a chunk of the Hat missing every time the mob has a hat let’s spawn an army of waluigi’s and

Let’s see if they can take down blue I don’t think they’re fighting back I thought while Luigi was supposed to be a bad Luigi but he won’t even fight never mind this one poisoned him and he also poisoned himself it looks like blue wins this fight he took the poison like 30

Seconds to damage him alright I give waluigine 8 out of 10 his face is kind of scary it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a drowned what will we get and we got Trooper for this one I think I’ll make a stormtrooper let’s color the

Body fully white and we’ll add the black eyes and we’ll also put some gray spots on the head and we’ll also add some lighter gray Parts underneath next let’s color his shoulders black and we’ll do the same for his hands and other parts of his body and we’ll add a few more

Details and I think we’re done let’s see it in game okay he doesn’t look bad oh I didn’t know drowns could burn that’s better let’s see a baby stormtrooper I think the baby looks a lot better than the big one of course we have to spawn

An army of Stormtroopers oh he’s got a trident I wonder how good is Amos with that thing oh this one has a fishing rod that is the least intimidating weapon stormtroopers vs Buzz Lightyear yep he’s hitting the other Stormtroopers with the Trident oh the babies are getting close

Oh no Buzz Lightyear is stuck why is this guy holding a shell these guys choose really bad weapons alright I give the Stormtrooper an 8 out of 10. he turned out how I expected it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a rabbit translate and we got bug I think for

This one I’ll make Bugs Bunny let’s color his body gray and we’ll change the shape of his head a bit now let’s make his ears a bit bigger and we’ll color the bottom of his head white and we’ll do the same to his hands and will color

His belly white as well now let’s color his ears and will give him a couple of eyes with little black pupils now let’s extend his front teeth out a bit and we’ll draw some little whiskers on the side and that looks pretty good let’s see it in game Papyrus eyes crooked I

Really don’t know how that happens all honestly is way too small to be Bugs Bunny anyway let’s see what the baby looks like honestly the baby looks better let’s give Bugs Bunny a carrot okay it’s not possible good baby Bugs Bunny cannot stop eating carrots what

Are you looking at you don’t get any more I wonder if Bugs Bunny likes golden carrots yep he also likes golden carrots what about rabbit stew he’s not a fan let’s spot a bunch of Bugs Bunnies and let’s watch them all chase me you don’t get any carrots go away alright I get

Bugs Bunny a 7 out of 10 because he was broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton translating and we got scared for this one I’m going to make Shaggy let’s make his head smaller and we’ll give him a neck next let’s

Color his shirt green and we’ll color in his arms as well now let’s make his legs a little bigger and we’ll give him red pants now let’s color his neck and will extend his hair out a bit now let’s give him a couple of eyes and we’ll add some

Eyebrows on top now let’s extend his nose out a bit and we’ll give him a little smile now finally let’s give him a couple of shoes and that looks good let’s see him in game yep the texture is messed up like always and honestly this doesn’t even really look like Shaggy

Shaggy versus Scooby I’m pretty sure they don’t fight this is weird run Shaggy oh God maybe he’ll calm down for a Scooby Snack nope rip shaky let’s spawn a Shaggy Army now let’s see them fight a wolf come on there’s so many of you and you’re still running oh it looks

Like the wolf wants Bugs Bunny instead alright I give Shaggy a 5 out of 10. he was very broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is an axolotl what will we get and we got lost for this one I think I’m going to make Dory let’s

Delete the legs and we’ll change the shape of her body and head now it’s color body blue and will color in her fins now let’s color this thing blew and will color tail thing black and yellow now let’s add some black spots on her body and we’ll give her a couple of eyes

And will make her eyes purple now finally let’s give her a little smile and I think we’re done let’s see it in game that doesn’t look bad at least it looks better than when I made Nemo let’s spawn one underwater instead I don’t know why the fins are floating I’m

Pretty sure Dory is already in the game oh Dory is a cannibal I guess indori literally only ate the Imposter let’s catch Dory in a bucket wait this is how Finding Dory begins I’m sorry Dory swim back to the ocean Dory is not taking my advice let’s find an army of doors oh

Yeah I forgot they would eat all the fish whatever Dory looks better anyways Dory is literally swimming on air all right I give Dory a 7 out of 10. she could have looked better it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper translate and we got salamander for this

One I think I’m going to make Charmander let’s delete his back legs and we’ll change his body shape a bit now let’s make his mouth look open and we’ll color the back of his mouth pink now let’s give him some eyes and we’ll give him a

Couple nostrils as well now let’s add a couple of teeth and we’ll add his belly patch now let’s give him some arms and we’ll add his tail now let’s put the flame on top of his tail and finally we’ll give him some tiny eyebrows okay

That looks kind of weird let’s see it in game okay this just doesn’t look like Charmander I think this is the Digimon version honestly he looks kind of like the car insurance guy and of course the texture is broken in random places let’s see a baby Charmander I don’t know why I

Always try to spawn a baby creeper let’s spawn a Charmander Army now let’s see if Charmander can defeat an enemy Squirtle wow this fight is amazing Pokeball test nope let’s see The Supercharged Charmander how is he burning he’s literally a fire Pokemon this is probably the best the charge just looked

On any custom creeper Charmander used self-destruct oh no he killed the other Charged Creeper wait that dropped a creeper head though alright I give Charmander a 6 out of 10 he looks kind of strange it’s time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem translate

And we got Turtle for this one I think we’ll make Bowser let’s extend out his body and we’ll shrink his arms now its colors body yellow and will add his mouth next let’s color his head green and we’ll give him some eyes next let’s add his nose and we’ll color the inside

Of his mouth now let’s give him some teeth and we’ll add his horns on the side of his head now let’s add his hair and will color in his belly next let’s add his shell and we’ll put the spikes on his show now we’ll add a bit more

Detail and I think we’re done let’s see him in game okay I think he actually looks really good ignore the low effort spikes on his back but other than that he definitely looks like Bowser let’s spawn more Bowsers let’s see the Bowser army versus a bunch of zombies oh no

This Bowser is getting targeted okay that was too easy what about Bowser Army vs the warden dang they’re not even letting the warden move oh no one of the Bowsers died the zombie is trying to help him okay they beat the Wharton as well let me just fix you guys up a bit

Alright I’m going to give Bowser a 9 out of 10 I think he looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a pig translating and we got King for this one I’m going to make King DDD let’s shrink his body and we’ll move his head

Now it’s color in blue and will color his feet yellow now let’s add his beak and we’ll give him some eyes next let’s color his mouth and we’ll add his shirt thing around his body now let’s add his coat and next let’s give him some arms

And we’ll make his hammer now let’s add his hat and finally let’s add the white part on the back and I think that looks good let’s see it in game I can’t believe that this is a pig it looks so different I honestly think this one one

Turned out really good let’s see a baby DDD okay what is with baby pigs and floating heads we’ll just pretend that baby pigs don’t exist let’s spawn an army of King ddds okay we have to get rid of the babies and now let’s ride a

King DDD this is really weird I love how the other ones are just following me as well I think they are trying to kill me with the Mallet guys relax I’m one of you alright I give King DDD an 8 out of 10. he looks pretty good it’s time for

The next mob the next mob is a warden what will we get and we got figure for this one we have to make a figure from Roblox stores let’s make his body smaller and will make his legs longer and we’ll do the same on his arms now

Let’s make his head smaller and we’ll color him a brownish color now let’s make the circle on his head and we’ll make the outside a bit more circular now let’s give him some teeth and we’ll color the back a bit darker now let’s add the bones on his chest and I think

We’re done let’s see him in game okay that actually looks really good we’ll just ignore that his legs look really weird when he walks but other than that he looks good let’s go find figure in the deep dark usually it’s seek rising out of the ground this is so weird let’s

Spawn even more figures and now let’s see if they can beat an army of Bowsers okay there’s way too many of them they are destroying the Bowsers oh at least the Bowsers killed one of them let’s get chased by the figure Army okay this is way scarier than the warden yeah I

Literally had no chance alright I’m going to give figure a 9 out of 10. he looks really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Strider translate and we just got G I guess we’ll make G from alphabet lore let’s delete this

Stuff and we’ll make him into a little rectangle now it’s color in purplish and will extend this part out and now let’s add this part and we’ll add a longer part on the back now let’s rotated in the middle like this and will add his eyes now let’s give him a mouth okay

This doesn’t look too bad let’s see it in game okay why is he flying honestly I don’t even think he looks that bad while he’s flying so we’ll just pretend that this was intentional what about a baby g yep he’s still flying this is so weird

Let’s go find G in the nether okay he’s still flying in the nether that’s interesting let’s ride a g yeah this is definitely not normal let’s spawn an army of G’s oh and there’s even some G’s with pigment on top follow me G Army at least the babies don’t really look like

They’re flying anymore alright I’m going to give g a 7 out of 10. he wasn’t supposed to fly it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton translating and we got Rey for this one I think I’m going to make Man Ray let’s

Make his legs bigger and we’ll do the same for his arms now let’s shrink his head and will color his head blue now its color is body red next let’s give him some eyes and a mouth and now we’ll add the things on top of his head and

We’ll add his neck and let’s extend it out on the sides like this and I’m actually going to change his eyes now let’s give him his underwear and we’ll add the lock on his belt now let’s give him some gloves and finally We’ll add his shoes alright I think that looks

Pretty good let’s see him in game okay this actually looks pretty good I don’t think his head is supposed to move like that though let’s spawn a baby Man Ray why do I keep thinking there’s baby skeletons let’s spawn more man rays and let’s see if they can defeat Bowser yeah

They’re all shooting each other at least Bowser is taking some damage I think it’s still possible for them to win and they actually did it okay they’re still fighting each other alright I give Man Ray a 9 out of 10. I think he turned out really good it’s time for the next mob

The next mob is a Pillager what will we get and we got long for this one I’m going to make Ferb because he has a long head let’s make his arms smaller and we’ll extend his head out a ton not’s color is head in and we’ll give him

Purple pants and let’s color his shirt as well now it’s at his nose and we’ll give him some eyes next let’s add his ears and we’ll give him some green hair now let’s draw his shirt and we’ll add his belt now finally we’ll give him some

Shoes and we’re done let’s see Ferb in game oh he is a flag okay he doesn’t look that bad but I don’t remember Ferb being hostile why is he aiming a bow at me let’s spawn an army of furbs okay guys chill stop aiming at me now let’s

See if the furb Army can beat Bowser if the man Rays could do it then the furb Army should have no problem okay Bowser is already kind of low I’m sorry Bowser yeah they did way better than the man race now let’s see if I can beat the

Furb Army I actually might be able to they can’t hit me oh one of them actually died they’re actually all killing each other okay I’m dead they started hitting me all right I’m going to give Ferb a 7 out of 10. he doesn’t look too bad it’s time for the next mob

The next mob is a cow translate and we got pig that’s weird for this one I think I’ll make Peppa Pig let’s make her body super flat and we’ll move her head and flatten it now let’s make her Body Curve up and we’ll color in her shirt

Now let’s color her head and we’ll move her ears now let’s add her nose and let’s give her some eyes and we’ll draw our mouth underneath now it’s outline her face and will also outline her shirt and now let’s add her shoes and we’ll give her some arms now finally let’s

Draw her tail and I think that looks good let’s see it in game okay this looks really strange I think it’s the fact that she’s supposed to be 2D in a 3D game also her head moves really weird and so do her feet okay let’s spawn a

Baby pepper at least it doesn’t have a floating head like the pigs but it still looks cursed let’s spawn an army of peppas I wonder if I can get them to follow me okay this is really weird I love how her arms just don’t move but

The rest of her body does get out of here she alright I’m going to give Peppa Pig a 5 out of 10. she does not look good in Minecraft it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a villager translating and we got smart for this

One I think I’m going to make Megamind let’s add a lower part on his head and we’ll color his head blue now its color is body black and we’ll give him some eyes and a mouth and will add his nose now let’s add some blue parts to his

Shirt and we’ll give him a cape now let’s add the cape around his neck and finally We’ll add his shoes and I think we’re done let’s see him in game okay there’s definitely something wrong with his arms I’ve never seen this happen before this is so weird but other than

That I don’t think he looks that bad he kind of reminds me of when I made Squidward let’s spawn a baby Megamind oh I was hoping his head would be really big let’s find a Megamind Village and here we have a bunch of megaminds and Bowser in their natural habitat let’s

See if Megamind can beat Ferb oh wait Bowser’s helping him that’s not fair alright now this is a fair fight well I don’t know about Fair Megamind has no weapons but maybe he can beat him with his massive brain okay it doesn’t look like it alright I’m going to give mega

Mind a 7 out of 10. his arms are broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper what will we get and we got pie for this one I’ll make Pac-Man because he’s shaped like a pie let’s remove his body and we’ll move his head

Down now let’s make his mouth open and we’ll color his head yellow knots at his mouth and we’ll color his mouth black next without his eyes and we’ll give him a big nose now let’s give him some shoes and we’ll add his arms and finally let’s color his hands alright I think that

Looks good let’s see him in game okay this looks interesting I don’t think his arms look that good because they’re frozen Andy doesn’t really look like Pac-Man because he is in a circle but there are no circles in Minecraft so that’s fine let’s see a supercharged

Pac-Man oh no he’s going to burn all right this just doesn’t fit him at all let’s spawn an army of Pac-Mans and let’s see if they can defeat this cat nope they’re all running away I guess this cat is the same thing as a ghost I wonder what Pac-Man looks like when he

Explodes is he supposed to be able to do that all right I’m going to give Pac-Man a 6 out of 10. I didn’t really like him it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a salmon translate and we got carp for this one I’m going to make Magikarp

Let’s make his body smaller and we’ll Color Him orange now it’s color in his fins and will colors backfin white now let’s give him some eyes and we’ll color in his mouth next let’s add his whiskers and we’ll give him a few fins on the side and that looks pretty good let’s

See it in game okay I should probably spawn him in water honestly I’m surprised with how this turned out he looks really good I’m not sure why I translated the salmon though let’s spawn a Magikarp Army is there a baby salmon no there isn’t I wonder if these guys

Will fight in Axolotl no but the Axolotl will fight then let’s try to grow him into a Gyarados okay this isn’t working I guess magikar is boring in Minecraft as well I almost forgot the Pokeball test this doesn’t even make sense how am I throwing snowballs in water alright

I’m going to give Magikarp an 8 out of 10. he looks good but he’s boring it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a hoglin translating and we got dinosaur for this one I think I’ll make Rex from Toy Story let’s delete all this stuff

And we’ll remove his back legs now it’s color him green and we’ll give him a neck now let’s make his mouth look like it’s open and will color his mouth black next let’s give him some teeth and we’ll give him some eyes and some nostrils now

Let’s add his tiny arms and we’ll color his belly now finally let’s add his tail and I think that looks fine let’s see him in game okay why is he shaking oh yeah I have to go to the nether that’s better okay his head is definitely not

Connected to his neck but honestly he could have looked worse let’s see a baby Rex okay the head problem is even worse let’s spawn an army of Rex’s and now let’s see if they can beat Bowser okay they aren’t fighting him never mind they’re fighting him now okay I think I

Spawned a few too many for Bowser to chance what about Rex Army vs figure oh my God they’re surrounding him okay the Rex Army couldn’t beat figure but it was actually close all right I’m going to give Rex a 6 out of 10. he’s a little

Bit broken it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie what we get and we got bear for this one I’m going to make Yogi Bear Let’s Color Him fully Brown and we’ll change the shape of his head now let’s extend out his mouth and

We’ll give him a nose now it’s at his eyes and we’ll give him a mouth next let’s add his ears and we’ll give him a green hat now it’s at his tie and I think that looks good let’s see him in game okay this doesn’t look that bad

Let’s see a baby Yogi Bear this could be boo boo let’s spawn an army of Yogi Bears now let’s see if they can beat Bowser I’ve put Bowser against way too many armies I feel bad and it looks like the Yogi Bears are gonna win yeah that

Was too easy for the Yogi Bears now let’s see if the Yogi Bears can kill mega mind oh Megamind has desert clothes on I don’t think they’re gonna be able to catch him yeah Megamind is just too fast wait no don’t go back that wasn’t very smart of Megamind alright I’m going

To give Yogi Bear an 8 out of 10 he doesn’t look bad it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a frog translate and we got purple for this one I’m going to make the purple rainbow friend let’s delete all this stuff and we’ll change

The shape of his body now it’s color in purple and will make his weird looking legs now let’s give him some toes and we’ll copy that to the other side next let’s add his arms and we’ll give him a few fingers now let’s extend out his

Head and we’ll make it a little bit round now finally let’s give him some eyes and we’ll add some black pupils inside okay I think that looks pretty good let’s see it in game out of all the mobs to break somehow this one isn’t broken surprisingly I think he looks

Really good okay these Vines need to get out of the way what about a baby purple oh yeah frogs don’t have babies let’s see purple eat this slime never mind he’s not hungry oh never mind he just attacked him he looks so weird when he’s swimming let’s spawn an army of purples

Wow purple jumps so high the noise they make is really interesting let’s see if purple can take down orange okay I don’t think purple knows how to fight let’s spawn a bunch of slimes okay they’re all too big I love how there’s no animation the Slime just travels to their mouth

All right I’m going to give purple a 10 out of 10. I thought he looked really funny it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a fox what will we get and we got crash for this one I’m going to make Crash Bandicoot let’s Color Him

Lighter orange and we’ll extend his ears out a bit now it’s at his teeth and we’ll give him a little nose now its color is neck area lighter orange and will extend this down to his belly now let’s give him a couple eyes and lattice eyebrows next let’s draw his pants and

We’ll give him some shoes and now let’s add his gloves and finally we’ll give him some hair alright that doesn’t look too bad let’s see him in game oh that’s not right okay that doesn’t look too bad I honestly can’t tell if this looks good

Or not actually why is he going in the water let’s see a baby crash oh my God his head is so big come on sit down I know you want to okay never mind I guess he wants to kill these chickens yo he’s trying to trick shot them I wonder he

Looks like in speed too oh he’s sitting now Joe he is so fast with speed 2. let’s spawn a Crash Bandicoot Army and let’s see them all try to kill this chicken they’re so confused they have no idea how to get up let’s help them out

Oh my God they all jumped at the same time Ari I give crash bandicooting 8 out of 10. he looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a b translating and we got I for this one I think I’ll make eyes from Roblox doors

Let’s delete all this and we’ll completely change his shape now let’s color it dark purple and will make the body circular now let’s extend it out a bin on the sides and we’ll draw his eyes and we’ll make a bunch of different color pupils now let’s extend out the

Sides a bit more and that doesn’t actually look that bad let’s see it in game okay why is this thing chasing me I don’t know what to say about this one it looks kind of scary let’s spawn a baby eyes okay that’s not as bad let’s spawn

An army of eyes it looks kind of like an army of viruses let’s see if the eyes Army can kill me they’re just slowly chasing me this is so weird guys I’m sorry I didn’t mean it it looks like an army of futuristic security drones oh no

I’m getting hit alright I’m going to give eyes an 8 out of 10. it looks really weird it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a piglet translate and we got link for this one I’m going to make link let’s color his shirt green and we’ll color his pants white now

Let’s color his head and we’ll color his arms next let’s give him some hair and we’ll add his eyes now it’s at his mouth and we’ll give him a nose next let’s add his hat and we’ll give him a belt now let’s extend his shirt over his legs and

Finally We’ll add some shoes all right that looks kind of weird let’s see it in game okay he looks alright I don’t really think his face turned out that good honestly let’s go find him in the nether okay yeah this looks really bad what about babylink yeah that’s not much

Better let’s spawn an army of links wait why are they all running away oh I think they’re scared of the zombie piglin at least they look a bit better with swords let’s get chased by the link Army okay they’re all killing each other oh my God

There’s so much fire over here now all the links are burning all right I’m going to give link a 4 out of 10 he doesn’t look that good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a villager translate and we got squirrel for this

One I think I’m going to make Sandy from SpongeBob let’s color her body white and we’ll make her head smaller next let’s extend out her cheeks and we’ll color her head now let’s give her some eyes and we’ll add her mouth next let’s draw her squirrel teeth and we’ll give her a

Nose next let’s add her ears and we’ll add her helmet now let’s draw the flower on her helmet and we’ll draw the acorn on her shirt now let’s give her a tail and finally We’ll add her shoes alright I think that looks good let’s see it in

Game honestly that looks pretty good I’m surprised nothing went wrong her helmet is a little small but honestly she looks really good let’s see a baby Sandy definitely a better size for a squirrel let’s spawn an army of Sandy’s and let’s see if they can beat a zombie villager I

Don’t think Sandy really wants to fight it even though they ran away the Sandy’s still won the fight let’s bring Sandy to her home underwater wait how is she drowning she has her helmet on I guess squirrels don’t belong underwater alright I’m going to give Sandy a 9 out

Of 10. she turned out really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem translating and we got egg for this one I’m going to make Dr Eggman let’s extend out his body and we’ll make his legs a bit smaller now it’s color is

Shirt red and while colors pants black now it’s color in his head and will give him some eyes and a mouth and a nose now it’s at his mustache and we’ll add the goggles on his forehead now let’s give him some gloves and we’ll add some extra

Details to his shirt now let’s extend his shirt down a bit and finally We’ll add his shoes all right I think we’re done let’s see him in game honestly he turned out really good nothing is broken on him too what is going on Dr Eggman vs

Tails who will win okay I don’t think they fight let’s see if Dr Eggman can stop this zombie from eating Sandy okay that was too fast now let’s see if Dr Eggman is strong enough to beat the warden okay Dr Eggman isn’t that strong let’s spawn an army of Dr eggman’s now

Let’s see if this Army can beat the warden okay they’re pushing him in the water dang the warden is going crazy okay the warden just forgot how to hit them all right I’m going to give Dr Eggman a 9 out of 10. I think he looks

Really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a pig what will we get and we got alien for this one I think I’ll make the alien from Toy Story let’s shrink his body and we’ll remove his back legs now let’s move his head and

We’ll color his body blue now its color is head green and we’ll give him three eyes now it’s at his mouth and we’ll give him some ears and we’ll also add the thing on his head now let’s draw his belt and we’ll add the logo on his shirt

Next let’s give him some arms and we’ll add his fingers now finally We’ll add his shoes all right I think that looks good let’s see it in game okay surprisingly this actually worked his body is a little bit glitchy but I think he turned out really good now let’s see

If the baby is broken okay we’ll just pretend that this doesn’t exist like why is his head floating let’s spawn an army of aliens and now let’s see them chase me this is kind of scary they’re moving fast what if I give them speed too oh my

God they’re way too fast I’m going to get abducted this is way too cursed Mojang please never add this to be fair I don’t know why they would alright I’m going to give the alien a 10 out of 10. he was really funny it’s time for the

Next mob the next mob is a frog translate and we got alphabet for this one I think I’m going to make F from alphabet lore let’s remove all this stuff and we’ll drag this up now it’s color in black and we’ll add another line facing horizontal now let’s copy

This down and we’ll give him some teeth now let’s add his eye and we’ll rotate his other eye now I think I’m going to make his eyelids a bit bigger and I think we’re done let’s see this in game okay that actually looks kind of good he

Doesn’t even look too bad when he’s moving even his jumping doesn’t look that bad let’s see if F can swim oh he’s swimming fast let’s watch F eat the Slime okay he trick shotted him now let’s spawn an army of F’s they all keep jumping now let’s spawn more slimes and

Watch them eat them why does it always spawn big slimes okay doesn’t look that cool when they eat them alright I’m going to give f a 10 out of 10. he turned out really good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a ghast

Translating and we got door for this one I’ll make ambush from Roblox doors let’s remove all the likes and we’ll shrink down his body now let’s shape his body a little bit and we’ll Color Him white and we’ll give him some eyes and a mouth next we’ll add his teeth and we’ll add

Some green spots to his face now we’ll color the bottom of him darker green and I think that looks good let’s see it in game okay he’s a lot bigger than I thought oh my God this is scary he keeps coming towards me let’s go find ambush

In the nether okay I don’t see any ambushes flying around in here honestly I think this is better than the actual ghast let’s spawn a baby Ambush okay why did I think there’s a baby ghast let’s spawn an army of ambushes okay this is

Way too many if I saw this I would never go to the nether again let’s try to fight the Ambush Army oh I actually killed one okay I’m literally just stuck in this cave alright I’m going to give Ambush a 9 out of 10 he was very scared

Theory it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton what will we get and we got adventure for this one I’m going to make Finn from Adventure Time let’s shrink his head and we’ll color it white now its color is shirt blue and will color his legs darker blue next

Let’s draw his face and we’ll give him some eyes and a little smile now let’s add his ears and we’ll color his arms next let’s color his legs as well and we’ll give him some shoes now let’s add his backpack and we’ll color it green and finally let’s add some straps and I

Think we’re done let’s see him in game oh we spawned in an amethyst cave honestly this actually looks pretty good somehow I’m pretty sure there still hasn’t been a broken mob this entire video Let’s spawn an army of things okay I can’t take him seriously with the bow

He just doesn’t look hostile let’s see if the Finn Army can beat Doctor Eggman of course they’re all shooting each other okay Dr Eggman is taking some damage but will it be enough to kill him tank the fin Army actually won I guess I underestimated their bow skills alright

I’m going to give Finn a 9 out of 10. he turned out pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a silverfish translate and we got mushroom for this one I think I’ll make a Goomba let’s delete all this stuff and we’ll give him

A few legs now let’s color his legs Brown and we’ll color his stem lighter brown now let’s add his head and we’ll make it curve up a little bit now let’s give him some eyes and we will add his Angry Eyebrows next let’s give him a

Mouth and finally We’ll add a few teeth alright I think that looks pretty good let’s see it in game wait where did he go oh yeah silverfish like to go into the stone okay he doesn’t look too bad he doesn’t really have a walking animation but I guess that’s okay I

Think he really likes this wall I’m trying to stomp on him but it’s not working this must be a special Goomba let’s spawn an army of goombas Mario better watch out this is a lot of goombas let’s see if they can defeat Doctor Eggman because that’s the closest

Thing we have to Mario it’s not looking like they have any chance of winning although this one is really good at running wait how did he kill him from there yeah Goomba is probably not the strongest Minecraft mob alright I’m going to give Goomba and Ada 10 he

Doesn’t look that bad it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Strider translating and we got red for this one I’m going to make the red rainbow friend let’s remove his hair and we’ll shrink his body now let’s make him a bit shorter and we’ll give him some arms

Next let’s color his body white and we’ll color his pants black now let’s give him a head and we’ll color his head red next let’s make his head a bit round and we’ll give him some eyes and let’s color his pupils black now let’s draw the shirt under his lab coat and we’ll

Add his tie now let’s give him some hands and finally we’ll give him a couple shoes and I think that looks good let’s see him in game okay something is definitely wrong with his legs but other than that I think he looks good oh God

Why does it take so long for his legs to turn let’s go to the Nether and here we have a red walking on some lava okay seriously what happened to his legs it’s like they’re backwards or something I mean now they’re on the right side but somehow that made it worse okay that’s

Close enough we’re just gonna ignore that let’s write a red wait this is the wrong fishing rod God okay this looks weird like it usually does let’s see a baby red okay baby red just has no legs let’s spawn an army of Reds okay Red Army follow me isn’t this weird because

Red is supposed to tell me what to do alright I’m going to give red an 8 out of 10. he looked pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Vindicator what will we get and we got Fighter for this one I think I’ll make

Goku let’s color his body orange and we’ll color his head now let’s give him a mouth and some eyes next let’s add his nose and we’ll extend his hair out on the sides and we’ll do the same on the top now it’s color the neck of his shirt

Blue and we’ll also add his belt now its colors arms and we’ll draw the symbol on his chest next let’s add a bit more details to his arms and finally we’ll give him some shoes alright that doesn’t look too bad let’s see it in game okay

That is definitely not what we want like seriously how does this even happen Okay that looks a lot better well I don’t know about better his face looks kind of weird let’s see if Goku can catch Sandy Tang Sandy is really fast oh he found

Finally got her I was about to give up let’s spawn an army of Goku’s and now let’s see if they can beat Dr Eggman okay Goku is way too powerful Dr Eggman had no chance alright I’m going to give Goku a 7 out of 10. he could have looked

Better it’s time for the next mob the next mob is the Ender Dragon translate and we got fire for this one I’m going to make Charizard let’s color his body fully orange and we’ll turn these spikes into his ears now its color is head orange and will make his mouth light red

Now let’s give him some teeth and we’ll also add his eyes next let’s color the sides of his wings orange and we’ll make these gray Parts Orange as well and we’ll make the black Parts dark Aqua now its colors belly lighter orange and will add his tail now let’s color the bottom

Of his tail and finally We’ll add some fire to the end of his tail alright I think that looks pretty good let’s see it in game okay that actually looks pretty good although I have no idea why he has two tails he didn’t even have a

Tail and block bench also his neck looks different as well that’s so weird let’s see if we can catch Charizard in a Pokeball alright it’s not working Charizard is probably more of a master ball type anyway okay Charizard is perching just imagine he’s breathing fire right now alright I’m going to give

Charizard an 8 out of 10. I think he looks pretty good it’s time for the next mob the next mob is the warden translating and we got seek for this one I think we have to make seat from Roblox doors let’s remove all this stuff and we’ll make his body smaller now let’s

Also shrink his legs and will make his arms smaller as well now let’s shrink his head and we’ll Color Him fully black now it’s draws eye and will expand his face out on the side a little bit finally let’s add some red spots on his

Body and we’ll put a few on his legs alright that looks good let’s see it in game we’ll just act like I didn’t forget to texture the bottom of the head honestly I think this looks pretty good I think his proportions are kind of off though so why is he attacking the Sheep

What did the Sheep do let’s find seek in the deep dark and of course we’ll watch him emerge from the ground oh he’s kind of stuck in a block this would be way more terrifying than the warden imagine you’re walking around in a cave and then you see this thing chasing you let’s

Spawn an army of Sikhs and let’s see if they can defeat the Wither oh no they’re already surrounding the Wither oh my God the Wither is getting launched yeah the weather literally has no chance I don’t think the Wither even killed one of them

All right I’m going to give SEC an 8 out of 10. he could have been better it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper what will we get and we got penguin for this one I think I’m going to make one of the Penguins of

Madagascar let’s remove his head and back legs now let’s make his body bigger and we’ll color his body white now its colors feed orange and will extend his head out a bit now its color is sides and back black and we’ll add a bit more detail on his head now let’s give him

Some eyes and we’ll extend out his beak now its colors beak orange and will extend it out a bit more now let’s give him some arms and we’ll color his arms black and I think we’re done let’s see him in game okay he actually looks kind

Of good for some reason his face seems really accurate although I don’t think penguins live in the jungle we should bring him somewhere colder this is much better let’s spawn an army me of penguins and of course we have to see a supercharged penguin how are you on fire

With all the snow around you honestly you can barely even see the charge because of the snow let’s blow up a penguin rip the bunny I wonder if the Penguins can beat a cat Okay the cat isn’t even chasing them this is stupid all right I’m going to give the penguin

An 8 out of 10. I think he doesn’t look that bad it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translate and we got Sasquatch for this one I think I’ll make Chewbacca let’s Color Him fully Brown and we’ll extend out the bottom of

His face a bit now let’s add his eyes and we’ll give him a nose and we’ll add his mouth underneath now let’s add the strap across his chest and we’ll do the same on his back next let’s make some parts of his body darker brown and we’ll

Add some detail to his head alright I think that looks good let’s see it in game alright something about him looks kind of weird I think his mouth looks more like a dog than anything although I’m pretty sure Chewbacca is part dog or something so I don’t know let’s spawn a

Baby Chewbacca okay I don’t really like his big head let’s spawn an army of chewbacas and let’s see if they can beat okay I don’t think the chewbacas are fighting Sikh what about Chewbacca army versus Dr Eggman Dr Eggman is getting destroyed Dr Eggman was no match for the

Chewbacca Army all right I’m going to give Chewbacca an 8 out of 10. he doesn’t look too bad it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a wolf translating and we are orange for this one I think I’m going to make the orange rainbow friend let’s change the shape of

His tail and will also make his body smaller now let’s Color Him orange and we’ll rotate his body next let’s make his legs smaller and we’ll finish his tail now let’s give him some arms and let’s make his mouth look like it’s open next we’ll color the inside of his mouth

And we’ll give him some teeth okay these are way too big that looks better now let’s give him some eyes and finally we’ll give him some fingers and toes alright that doesn’t look too bad let’s see it in game okay I’m not sure if you guys see the problem here that should be

Good enough okay his head definitely does not work though I guess wolves bend their head a lot let’s spawn a baby orange it’s the same thing with a bigger head let’s try to tame orange yeah this is perfectly normal nothing is wrong here now he just has a big red square

And his tail is broken let’s spawn an army of oranges and let’s see them take down a skeleton okay the skeleton got eaten in like two seconds come on orange take down the warden oh no that was fast all right I’m going to give orange a 6

Out of ten he was kinda cursed it’s time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager what will we get and we got cookie for this one I’m going to make cookie monster let’s make his arms bigger and we’ll also make his legs bigger now let’s extend out his body and

We’ll Color Him fully blue now let’s make his head a bit bigger and will make his mouth look like it’s open now let’s color the back of his mouth black and we’ll give him some eyes now let’s give him some feet and finally we’ll give him some fingers alright I think that looks

Pretty good let’s see him in game okay this doesn’t look too bad he needs to put down the bow though I wonder if I can give him a cookie to make him stop it doesn’t look like he’s interested in my cookies what if we give him a Sandy

Instead okay Cookie Monster’s aim is really bad come on Cookie Monster you can do it okay that was a nice shot dang never mind Cookie Monster I’m sorry for disrespecting you let’s spawn an army of Cookie Monsters now let’s see if they can beat seek okay nobody wants to fight

Seek let’s see if they can beat orange okay orange didn’t even have a chance at least he killed one of them all right I’m going to give Cookie Monster a 7 out of 10. it was kind of boring it’s time for the next mob the next mob is an

Enderman translate and we got tree for this one I think I’ll make Groot let’s make his body a bit bigger and we’ll do the same for his arms and his legs now let’s color his body Brown and we’ll change the shape of his head now let’s

Color his head as well and we’ll give him some eyes now let’s give him a mouth and we’ll add the branches to his head now let’s add the branches on his shoulder and will give his body some green details and I think we’re done let’s see this in game okay this is one

Of the worst mobs I’ve made yet he just literally has no detail okay he’s stealing the grass block wait where is he going let’s go find Groot in the end okay there’s way too many groots in here I wonder what he looks like when he’s angry okay it’s just the usual floating

Head let’s get chased by an army of groots I gotta yield of full health first okay how are they already hitting me oh my God I’m almost dead crude Army relax I’m sorry Charizard please help me okay they caught me alright I’m going to

Give grid a 4 out of 10. he doesn’t look that good in Minecraft and that’s the last mob Please Subscribe I don’t have an outro

This video, titled ‘I Google Translated Minecraft Mobs 10,000 Times’, was uploaded by Eider on 2022-12-03 12:50:15. It has garnered 4530923 views and 32197 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:11 or 7271 seconds.

In this video I google translated minecraft mobs 10000 times and then remade them using blockbench and added them to minecraft.

This video is inspired by Toui

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eideridiot Twitter: https://twitter.com/eideridiot Other stuff: https://solo.to/eider

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    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

    LacoCraftServidor Nuevo! de 1.8 en adelante! Modalidades: SkyWars: On Practice: Off BedWars: off Proximamente mas modalidades!! Entra ya con tus amigos!! ny2.tect.host:1319 Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map Explore our world: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features Backwards compatibility with the latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java Hard difficulty and custom enchantments Unique gameplay features like teleporting mobs and free fly on Sundays ProtectionStones for land claiming, bartering economy, and no grief Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, player teleportation, and Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff, voting ranks, rewards, server shops, public market, and tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More

  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

    Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Nearly Evading Taxes Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, fosforus embarks on a quest to evade taxes in the virtual world. Armed with determination and a stack of potatoes, he sets out to make money and pay off his dues to the IRS. Starting Small Fosforus begins his journey by planting a humble potato farm and venturing into the mines to gather resources. Along the way, he encounters a traveling merchant, seizes an opportunity, and sets his sights on making a profit. Exploration and Discovery As the days pass, fosforus explores the vast world of Minecraft, raiding… Read More

  • Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21!

    Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21! The Best Minecraft Island Seeds You Need for 1.20/1.21! 🔥 (Java/Bedrock) Discover the Top 3 Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.20/1.21 In the vast world of Minecraft, finding the perfect island seed can make all the difference in your gameplay. The latest update has brought forth some of the most powerful and beautiful island seeds that will take your Minecraft experience to new heights. Unleash Your Power with Super Over Powered Seeds Are you ready to dominate the game like never before? These Super Over Powered island seeds for Minecraft 1.20 and 1.21 will give you the ultimate advantage, making… Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: https://youtu.be/r4mUGIJV_3k In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2Oy06iP 💀 Discord! https://discord.gg/XwVraKYRTQ ✨TikTok! https://www.tiktok.com/@riverrain123 👻 Twitter! https://twitter.com/RealRiverrain 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: riverrain.oplegends.com Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: https://oplegends.com/2024/06/15/skyblock-announcement-2024-05-15 Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

I Google Translated Minecraft Mobs 10,000 Times