Video Information

Yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today back for another episode of the prisons series here on royal.op legends.com as you guys see in the top left of course gonna be throwing up the Bedrock IP as well just in case you guys

Are on Bedrock you can still hop on to the same exact prison server that I’m playing right now in my opinion this might be the best competitive prison server out right now it’s not a one-dimensional prison server bro you have different values coming from all over the place different universes it is

Dope and actually I just showed off this universe in the last episode if you guys are curious about that you can go check out the last video yeah we’re making a ton of yellow beacons here at the farm we’re rank almost 600k I’m Ascension 2 here it’s pretty decent but another

Universe that I have to focus on is actually the lake Universe because we are lacking on Blue beacons and I believe blue beacons are the hardest beacons to get this season maybe even harder than green beacons which is kind of crazy so anyways I don’t know if

We’re going to be focusing the lake in this episode The reason why I’m recording this intro is because op Legends just dropped some brand new flares that have brand new armor brand new boosters and obviously a ton of other op rewards that I want to try and

Grab the main thing I really want to win honestly guys is going to be a companion egg if we get that we are going to be so set but uh I opened up a couple flares last season and we didn’t get it at all so also just to mention I don’t know if

You guys know this but there are payouts on op Legends bro so if you guys want to play competitively you can win obviously by Craft but they do do PayPal payouts as well so you can actually win some IRL money if you place as one of the top

Sells during the week so anyways if we come to slash spawn we have it right here the Thanksgiving Flair these are only available for a limited time bro so I would grab these while you still can but let’s left-click to preview the rewards extra large pet backpack this

Would be an insane win as well don’t care about any of the ranks but this companion egg we really need one of those Ultra pet boxes here insane boosters honestly I I actually hope we win a couple of boosters here and then companion shards whenever we get that

Companion egg will be really good there’s a spooky skin in here that I still have never used soap there’s a lot of stuff in these flares bro and I’m gonna slash by and we are going to be spending some credits on these flares all right I’m going to get a decent

Amount of them I’m not gonna bruh I just spent a thousand credits on five Relic Reiki vouchers because I missed click bro you you actually can’t make that up you can’t bro these Relic craky vouchers are so easy to get I’m actually mad at myself I can’t lie to you but it’s still

It’s fine I mean well if I do slash crates right now I literally have 29 Relic keys and I just bought five for a thousand credits that is the biggest ripoff of all time they got to take that out of Slash bye bro but I messed up

It’s all good that’s on me we still have six Thanksgiving flares so let’s go ahead get to popping these bad boys open I believe they still have their little animation yep it’s gonna go all the way in the sky and then drop down like a little supply drop I think it’s pretty

Dope and boom here we go we’re gonna pop it open what do we get Crystal boxes rank currency boosters okay two rank currency boosters like I said I don’t mind boosters bro but other than that we really didn’t get anything because these Crystal boxes I don’t need actually I

Needed a merchant Crystal so I’ll take it we got two 4X boosters that last an hour it’s not bad bro look at how many people here just spectating me open these freaking flares bro Jesus Christ man these guys are fiends bro here we go with another crate bro oh companion egg

Is what we want to see oh an orbs booster actually I’ll take it and then we got another rank currency booster but still nothing too good honestly it’s hard to see over here with all of those like little gui’s up there but I mean player shop that’s a freaking reward

From these flares bro are we serious that stuff is useless so we’re just moving on to the next one please bro give me some good luck out of this one man I am begging oh my God companion egg we got it oh my God that’s what I wanted

To see bro ggs I love it I love that is my first time pulling one on the server the companion egg right here and I know my PV somewhere I have companion shards oh my God and we got another extra booster bro I am not complaining at all

Right now I am mad happy and we still have three more crates to go pop these open oh a trainer Crystal I need it as well I guess this might be what the video is about today the companion egg bro because I heard it’s op I’ve never

Tried it I’ve never seen anybody use it we’re about to test it out for the first time in today’s episode but here we go with it if we could win an extra I don’t know if you can place two but that would be filthy work so boom I don’t really

Care what we win I got lucky I got what I wanted to get we got a little Apollo rank I mean it’s a decently high rank but ranks are so easy to get on here bro the server is like so not pay to win with ranks it’s crazy yo still low-key I

Haven’t won any pet boxes bro go ahead and lob me some pet boxes and we’ll be cool for the opening bro boom okay Relic Keys all right or not or don’t lob me any bro it’s cool this is our last Thanksgiving Flair right here and then

We are done so here we go bro drop a like on the video give me some good luck and boom let’s see currency booster I’ll take a currency booster again Legend rank bro it’s rigged it’s rigged what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up bro this is the highest rank on the server how red there’s there’s two three Legends on right now on the entire server what the the hell just happened bro so guys I just got confirmation um I

Just wanted to make sure that I am actually allowed to give this away and I am so it is the top top rank it’s the rank that I have bro I literally just got that free monthly cray key in the last episode but still this is the

Rarest rank on the server so if you guys want a chance to win it make sure you are using my iproyle.op legends.com drop a like on the video and yeah just comment your IGN down below and we will be picking the giveaway winner for this

In the next coming videos now guys it is time to finally test this companion egg for the first time ever for me at least also let me go ahead and get rid of this apple gear um I need to get yeah give me my hydrogen stuff back boom there we go

But I don’t know how this thing works um I think you just place it down in your mind also update bro this is my own private mind I don’t know who came here and like went ham but like we basically have a max out level mine almost oh no

We do it says unlock so I have not mined here in a very long time and we have a maxed out level mind so shout out to all of the viewers who come here and just mine it actually does help me a lot it’s way more convenient but I’m just gonna

Right click this thing and we’re gonna see what happens boom companion unlocked if you are currently in a mine your companion will appear with or when the mind resets okay let me go ahead and work on resetting this mine real quick because I want to see what it even looks

Like and finally we are going to get the Mind reset that actually took a little minute but boom Oh my God this is what it is bro it’s literally a floating head all right but how do I upgrade them how y’all I’m left clicking I’m right clicking is it like a command slash

Companion oh slash companion boom here we are look at this so I have 12 companion shards I knew you were going to use it for something oh my God this is why people buy Essence bro companion Fortune Fortune changes what percent of your pickaxe’s max proc rate is usable

By this companion wait what so your pickaxe actually matters with this companion bro you can deposit Essence to increase the fortune level of your companion I only have 670 Essence right now but I mean I can definitely grind a lot more I think you only get essence

From mining bro and look whenever you mine a layer it just moves on to the next layer with it boom just like that honestly this thing is pretty sick what is gonna happen whenever it hits a hole like this though I gotta see and oh oh

He just goes around oh he just goes back all right but let’s take a look at this shards increase the speed at which your companion will mine for you I don’t know if that’s going to be like an actual visible thing but I have 12 shards so we

Are literally just gonna deposit all of it how do I wait right click right click A Shard while in your hand to claim it all right so I think we just right click this thing is it getting faster I I don’t think you can visually see it get

Faster maybe if you reset the mind I don’t know but slash companion boom you guys can see we have 12 shards in there next level um is gonna be 14 for some reason and then what about this companion oh wait this is your companion speed oh okay so

So that’s how it translates you guys can see now it’s going to travel 1.5 blocks per second I think before we added all of those shards it was just one block I didn’t really pay attention to that though so look with 12 companion shards you actually get your companion level to

Level four but like how do you claim all of the rewards oh my God it passively goes up you guys can see my money is slowly going up I don’t know if you have to AFK this or if you just log in you’ll still be making money and stuff does it

Make you orbs yeah but I just gained a whole rank without doing anything at all and the thing is this thing is heavily like upgradeable man wait it gets you beacons I mean I doubt the beacons are going to be worth anything let me see

We’re at 229 over here let me wait do we go to 230 okay yeah it just gives you one Beacon it’s cool it’s not really gonna Mount to anything though but slash companion let’s go ahead and deposit all of our Essence on getting our Fortune percent as high as possible um again I

Don’t have a lot of essence and it gets progressively more expensive but boom there we go we have 13 proc rate the next upgrade is 91 Essence so I should probably set up a shop for that immediately bro like as soon as I possibly can but it doesn’t look like

You actually get mine orbs from this just money which I’m not mad about because the higher your rank is the more orbs you make per block okay and I just got this confirmed I asked do you have to be online for your companion egg to work and everybody said yes so you

Actually can’t log off but that’s fine I AFK on the server basically all the time anyway so that’s not a problem for me but if you guys were wondering yeah so we’re gonna work on getting some more Essence in today’s episode I need to see who’s buying Essence for like the best

Price and I’m gonna set up my own little shop wait hold on bro Rocco right here says he has eight companion shards I don’t know what they go for yo he just gave them to me slash mailbox he said I could just have them bro gave me he said

He doesn’t want anything but thank you so much bro shout out to Rocco we are going to add this right now all right it’s kind of a pain to find this thing oh I can just right click them boom and then slash campaign Canyon now what

Level are we at we’re at level five and we need four more shards to get the next level of the movement speed and stuff but still that’s dope and apparently if you want to buy Essence it’s one billion mine orbs per one Essence so if we were

To just take a look at our companion again the next level would cost us 91 billion ma or mining orbs and that is actually nothing to me like I make that insanely fast I have 158 billion right now and that’s only enough for like a hundred levels of dragon verse okay

Um I think we have to go ahead and set up a shop so looking at this this is how the shop Works bro you are gonna have to buy these common lucky blocks Pet or whatever just any random item number 10 Essence and then you come over here and

Sell the boots for the orbs so it’s a little weird because I don’t think you can just straight buy Essence for mining orbs so it’s gonna be a little difficult but I’m gonna go figure this out right now at my own plot alright guys so actually apparently there’s no real like

Super good way to set up in essence shop right now you’re basically just supposed to trade and get essence that way from other players so I set up this little shop temporarily I haven’t put any mine orbs in the shop yet but I will so we’re

Going to be buying regular pet boxes as well as this hydrogen armor Shard for 400 million mine orbs per one all right keep in mind you get a lot of these things okay I haven’t decided if I’m gonna go for like a zirconium or zinc armor set yeah I think I have enough

Calcium to make a couple pieces maybe like one or two but yeah for right now I want to go ahead and go on a bit of a mining spree bro we got these boosters right here I need to level up and try and max out dragonburst on this pickaxe

And we also have ourselves a maxed out mine and then I’m probably gonna try and deposit some mine orbs in here into my shops some Farm orbs as well if I slash Bell I have oh yeah I have like basically no Farm orbs right now that is

Tough okay but these are the best prices at least for right now out I literally just copied this dude he literally has like the best shop around on the entire server always stocked up with a bunch of orbs and yeah I basically just copied their prices so anyways before I take a

Cut and we go on this fat little mining spree right here I am going to go ahead and go to spawn because I have 4 000 credits left and we’re gonna pop open just a few of these um November Cosmetics all right I already showed this off in the last episode oh iridium

Rank style we want this if we could get iridium that would be fire or if we could get like a pumpkin hat that would be dope bro they changed some of it windy chat color would honestly be pretty good as well so listen I think I’m just gonna buy one because I’m not

Seeing anything too insanely good right now they used to have like crowns in here and they had another dope rank style but yeah we’re just gonna pop open one we will see what we get and boom a nickname ticket Bro you’ve gotta be joking okay now we’re done with that I’m

Gonna go ahead and slash buy I thought they were gonna to be better rewards in there for right now and we’re gonna buy two more Thanksgiving flares all right pop this thing open right now let’s see what we get honestly companion shards would be dope bro so let’s just pop this

Thing open I don’t even know what I want to win entirely companion charts bro it’s like they can hear me 12. let’s go man Wait f nah I take those I take the oh we didn’t get any boosters though maybe that was a little bit of an F

Maybe maybe it was but for me the companion shards made it worth it it’s all oh my God look at that dude’s pumpkin hat bro that thing is tough but can we get an orb booster actually that’s what I want to rank currency rank currency rank currency orbs I will take

It I will take it bro now we’re gonna have two orbs boosters that I can use to mine for like at least two maybe even three hours I have so many rank currency boosters though Jesus Christ and let’s go ahead and claim these companion shards right out now let’s head over

Back to the Slash Mine and taking a look at the companion our companion is now level six we’re gonna need six more shards to make it to the next next level but it’s going to give us a two blocks per second speed but anyways guys with

That being said we are going to go ahead and pop these boosters now they can last from 45 minutes to two hours actually let me reset the mine so we get put in different worlds here because I have people mining here and I should probably

Put like a five percent tax on this mine just so I make something back a little bit like five percent but I mean like come on that’s basically nothing you know what I’m saying and boom there we go now we should be alone in this mine a

Little bit and let’s pop these boosters I’m hoping to get a longer orbs booster but here we go rank currency boom we got an hour and a half not bad and then the this one we got an hour and 18 minutes slightly less on the orbs booster but

Still it’s gonna make a fat difference guys so I’m gonna take a cut we are gonna go ham Farm up as much orbs as we possibly can in this like little hour hour and a half session and yeah I’ll bring you guys back with the results to

Our pickaxe alright guys so we went on a fat mining spree and I can’t lie to you bro I I went bed but I woke up and realized something absolutely insane so the companion egg that we pulled in today’s video bro one of the rarest items on the server actually does make

You mining orbs bro I went to bed I literally used all of my orbs on my pickaxe and then went to bed and I woke up with almost one trillion mine orbs we are ranked 209 000 and bro like look at this the mine is getting mine without me

Doing anything besides this I do use the super breaker Crystal well I did whenever I woke up like bro I literally barely rolled out of bed look you guys can see air strike is procking I have not mined one block at all and sometimes we get a dragon burst proc so if you

Just AFK at your mind with your pickaxe in your hand this companion egg it does actually make you mine orbs as well I’m trying to wait for a little dragonburst proc just so I can show you guys but it is low-key really rare rare because just how slow the companion egg actually does

Mine but if I had to show you guys slash companion if we read this again Fortune changes what percent of your pickaxe Max proc rate is usable by this companion oh look we just got a proc right there and we’re getting like airstrike procs you guys can see it all out all throughout

The mind so that is actually very very dope I got a free one trillion mine orbs and yeah like I said we’ve already gone on a bit of a mining spree so if I show you guys the pickaxe right now this thing is almost fully maxed out if we

Take a look boom we have dragonburst Max key finder Max and a bunch of other enchants Max the main ones that we’re missing is like carpet bomb carpetbomb is so expensive and it’s not even that good but the rest I believe are gonna be pretty easy to max out maybe not lucky

Boost my lucky boost is lacking right here oh we can only get 5 000 levels with like one trillion and we still need another 10 000. I feel like pickaxes this season takes so much longer to actually max out maybe it’s because unique orbs pets are so much more rare

This season and you know what honestly I should have a ridiculous amount of crankies to open right now so let’s do slash crates I turned most of my crakies virtual but like we have a 117 relics that got a six Ultra pet boxes small backpack that we don’t really care oh a

Lake minion wait this this is gonna be good actually we are going to use that I believe we’re gonna use it like in the next episode though oh and we got these two Stone pickaxes let’s head over to our plot we’re gonna put a pickaxe on the brand new uh Lake minion because

This is actually gonna help with starting ranks whenever we go to the lake I believe in the next episode this one has a wooden pickaxe so let’s go ahead get him a stone and now if we take a look on the left side we should have a ridiculous amount of keys eight thousand

Seven hundred mine Keys um yeah we got a lot of stuff to open so our inventory is definitely gonna get full if we oh wait hold up oh look we got regular pet boxes right there I need to get a couple more justify fill my inventory so we’re gonna instant open

These and that is gonna be more than enough boom so now it’s instant open 5 000 loot cray Keys why is this dude at my plot bro boom Oh my God it literally filled my entire inventory still that is insane and now let’s go ahead and add

All of this fuel to our Lake minion oh my God finally bro we have opened up everything Jesus Christ that took forever and we have like pet boxes scattered throughout all of this but we’re gonna pop these open bro if this isn’t enough for like a unique plus orbs

Pet at least I am going to be heated so we are starting off by opening up a ton of these Ultra pet boxes we had like over a stack and a half and we’re gonna keep popping them open boom we got unique ring currency and a unique orbs

Oh my God wait a unique orbs is so rare to pull this season Jesus Christ wait hold up let’s go ahead delete all the common pets in our backpack and then keep on sending them all right what do we got we got a rare plus excuse me we

Got scammed is what we got oh no unique orbs is all the way down here for some reason so we have a unique and we have a rare plus and then a couple of rares all right that’s progress that’s progress now I basically think we’ve opened up

All of our ultra rare so we are just gonna take a cut because I’m going to be popping open a ridiculous amount of regular pet boxes as you guys can see all right guys we have finally finished opening up all of those pet boxes it did

Take a little minute but if I take a look at my backpack look we have a unique plus right here but I also have a unique Plus in my inventory already so we only need one more unique Plus in order to get a Godly orbs pet and

Honestly I don’t think that would be too hard to get from right now whoa I don’t know what they’re guessing 117. Okay we submitted a guess for this giveaway I don’t even know what it is but now bro I want a Godly orbs pet before I go to

Lake bro like I know I said unique plus but I’m so close to a Godly and now that I’ve maxed out key finder we should be getting just way more keys for mining anyway plus I I still need to max out this pickaxe it’s so close but like we

Still need a couple trillion more minorbs and then we should be able to Max it so guys I actually have no idea how long this video already is but I’m gonna take a cut we are gonna mind we’re gonna pop some boosters over here and yeah I’ll bring you guys back in the

Next clip all right guys that is actually gonna probably do it for this video bro it is already decently long but off camera I did mine a little bit more and we finally have ourselves a maxed out pickaxe it took so long to get this thing bro like I don’t know why it

Feels so much harder this season but guys this companion egg bro we need to keep farming Essence because the higher we get this companion Fortune the more often your enchants are gonna proc while doing absolutely nothing if you guys can see right here we have 7.3 trillion

Minorbs right now and I can’t lie I think I have AFK for two trillion of them at this point like the companion egg is stupid overpowered bro two trillion from doing absolutely nothing is crazy so anyways that is gonna go ahead and do it for this episode out of

Prisons bro if you guys did end up enjoying be sure you guys drop a like obviously come check out the server with royal.op legends.com and in the next episode we’re probably going to be hitting the lake but I also have some other things planned as well so yeah I

Will catch you guys in the next prisons episode

This video, titled ‘I GOT THE MOST *OVERPOWERED* ITEM ON THE SERVER! | Minecraft Prison | OpLegends’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2022-11-28 04:11:15. It has garnered 10439 views and 389 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:49 or 1309 seconds.

I GOT THE MOST OVERPOWERED ITEM ON THE SERVER! ———————————————————————————– Server | Royal.Oplegends.com (Prison Neptune Realm) ———————————————————————————– Texture Pack: Stimpy Eum3 Remake ———————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Prison! ———————————————————————————- Community Discord : https://discord.gg/kWZCNx5 ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – http://www.twitch.tv/royal_k91 Twitter – https://twitter.com/R0yalMC

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    Milo's Shizo Bass Rush - Epic Animation vs Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Note Blocks Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 5 music by AaronGrooves’, was uploaded by Milo Bass Rush on 2024-09-05 14:45:06. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:20 or 500 seconds. check out our merch https://milo-bass-rush-shop.fourthwall.com/ check out our stream on kick https://kick.com/milobassrush subscribe to milo bass rush on youtube https://www.youtube.com/@MiloBassRush connect with milo bass rush https://miloibass.wixsite.com/milobassrushmusic1 https://www.instagram.com/milobassrush/ https://www.facebook.com/milobassrush76/ https://twitter.com/milobassrush If you own any of the clips or images in this video and would like it removed, please send me an email me at [email protected] before taking any… Read More

  • Mystic Paradis

    [1.21] ¡ | Paraíso místico | es una de las redes más recientes del mundo con el modos de juego más popular! en el puedes encontrar 1 modo de juego con varios custom. servidores para nuestros jugadores, puedes disfrutar de • SUPERVIVENCIA CUSTOM • PROXIMAMENTE SKYBLOCK • FACCIONES • ¡y MUCHO más con nuestra increíble y creciente comunidad de los mejores jugadores! play.mysticparadis.vip Read More

  • Vidya Gaem Awards: TL;DR – 2015, Rhyme Time!

    Vidya Gaem Awards: TL;DR - 2015, Rhyme Time! In the world of gaming, where stories unfold, Fallout 4’s writing left many feeling cold. Limited dialogue, choices so few, Side content lacking, leaving players blue. Minecraft: Story Mode, a tale to be told, But fell short, its narrative not bold. Her Story, The Order: 1886, Life is Strange, all in the mix. Critiques were harsh, the words did sting, For games that failed to truly bring Engagement, depth, and player agency, In the world of gaming, a crucial legacy. So here’s to better stories, in games to come, May they captivate, engage, and stun. For in the realm… Read More

  • Hot House Party: Minecraft Edition!

    Hot House Party: Minecraft Edition! “Plot twist: it’s just a bunch of villagers having a wild dance party in there. No diamonds, just disco balls.” Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown The Epic Showdown: Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem Get ready for an intense battle in the world of Minecraft! The Warden, a fearsome creature lurking in the depths of the game, is about to face off against every type of Golem. Who will emerge victorious in this epic showdown? Let’s dive into the action-packed world of Minecraft to find out! The Warden: A Terrifying Foe The Warden is a formidable adversary in Minecraft, known for its immense strength and ability to sense vibrations. This blind creature roams the deep dark caves, ready to strike at any moment. With its… Read More

  • TV Woman Catches JJ & Mikey Building Toilet House!

    TV Woman Catches JJ & Mikey Building Toilet House!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s TOILET! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JayJay and Mikey Fun on 2024-06-22 10:30:01. It has garnered 1521 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:53 or 1913 seconds. JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s TOILET! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate… Read More

  • WITHER STORM ATTACK! Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3

    WITHER STORM ATTACK! Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3Video Information This video, titled ‘kita dikejar wither Strom – Eps 3 – Minecraft Story mode’, was uploaded by ResGam Craft on 2024-08-04 09:00:00. It has garnered 266 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:10 or 2170 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft100days #minecraftStorymode Hi guys, back again with I Resgam Craft in the Minecraft Game, Yes, this time we are playing Minecraft Story Mode, a game that has been published by Teltale Games and this is the first time I can play this game Sooo Let’s just see my adventure in this game guys Read More

  • Unbelievable: Minecraft Command Reveals Hidden World!

    Unbelievable: Minecraft Command Reveals Hidden World!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft🔴Comando !hola !ip’, was uploaded by PannassxD on 2024-10-15 23:58:14. It has garnered 527 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:29 or 15209 seconds. Hello my Panitas Welcome to this new live where we are going to be playing a little Minecraft 🔴Minecraft🔴Command !hello !ip 😁DON’T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT SO I CAN GIVE YOU A HEART Don’t forget to Subscribe, leave Like and Share, it’s free Greetings. 🙂 See you in the game! 👇​Social Networks👇​ 💎​TikTok💎​ https://www.tiktok.com/@pannassxd 📧​Contact: [email protected]📧​ 💰​COLABORATIONS FOR THE CHANNEL💰​ https://streamelements.com/pannassxd/tip 🤖​Discord🤖​ https://discord.gg/YhvGGGg29V 🛠️​Technical Mods Pack🛠️​… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Cobblestone Secrets! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Cobblestone Secrets! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cobblestone Facts! (Hindi)’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-07-06 06:27:57. It has garnered 31 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Minecraft Cobblestone Facts! (Hindi) My Instagram Id :-https://www.instagram.com/zsskayr67?igsh=cGJ0enFocWE5NTY5 search title:- #shorts #minecraft #viralvideo #video #toilet #short #Java #ZS’KAYR #build #building #build hake #3 mini build new dimension portal new video minecraft build hacks, minecraft, minecraft build, build hacks minecraft 3 mini build hacks in minecraft, minecraft builds, build hac anime edit antony malayalam full movie cricket videos leather ki ball shorts skateboard so custom pokemon for you… Read More

  • 🔥 POWER FAC DOMINATED in Astral! TRAPPING GAME ON! 🌋 | Minecraft HCF #4

    🔥 POWER FAC DOMINATED in Astral! TRAPPING GAME ON! 🌋 | Minecraft HCF #4Video Information This video, titled ‘📦 Nos CAMPEÓ una POWER FAC en Astral **LOS TRAPEAMOS** 💣 | Minecraft HCF #4 🌋’, was uploaded by xZexius on 2024-07-28 19:59:49. It has garnered 472 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:26 or 686 seconds. All information below 👇🏻 🪐 Server IP: astralmc.cc 🛒 Server Store: store.astralmc.cc 🌏 My Discord: discord.gg/2wSwUdpHWb My PC 💻 – Ryzen 5 5600G – GTX 1660 TI – 32 GB RAM ( DDR4) I am not the creator of the song, all credits to the author! 🎵 #Minecraft #HCF #SOTW #AstralMC #StaffSeries #MinecraftPvP #packs… Read More

  • Insane Experiment: 200 Jobless Players Simulate Civilization in Minecraft

    Insane Experiment: 200 Jobless Players Simulate Civilization in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Made 200 Players Simulate a JOBLESS REINCARNATION Civilization in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Adriens on 2024-08-09 23:00:16. It has garnered 71748 views and 1941 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:39 or 3939 seconds. I pit 200 players in the world of Jobless Reincarnation where there’s mages, gods, and even DEMONS! Will I survive this challenge, watch till the end to find out! I Made 200 Players Simulate a JOBLESS REINCARNATION Civilization in Minecraft… ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎀 Stalk Me : https://solo.to/adriens 🔖 Join Our Community : https://discord.gg/jFe6D6HjmW 🧧 Contact Me : https://twitter.com/imadriens 💓 Help… Read More

  • Exposed: Shizo’s Epic Minecraft Live! Don’t spam chat!

    Exposed: Shizo's Epic Minecraft Live! Don't spam chat!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live! Don’t spam my chat please!!’, was uploaded by Simply on 2024-08-05 07:17:22. It has garnered 42153 views and 375 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:06 or 9186 seconds. Read More

  • Bluey Play – Princess vs Zombie in Super Secure Mansion

    Bluey Play - Princess vs Zombie in Super Secure MansionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Princess Bingo Most Secure House vs Zombie Bluey in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-05-04 09:00:35. It has garnered 9510 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:48 or 3708 seconds. Princess Bingo Most Secure House in Minecraft vs Zombie Bluey in Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Roblox Remix by Muhammed_TV

    Unbelievable Minecraft Roblox Remix by Muhammed_TVVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #music #robloxedit #edit #remix’, was uploaded by Muhammed_TV on 2024-07-26 10:57:59. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • GodCity

    GodCityServer Network: Versão 1.20.3 até 1.21 – Survival – Claim – Painel de jogador – Mobs costumados – Eventos – Farms – Factions – Brevemente Entra no discord e começa a jogar agora. play.godcity.pt Read More

  • MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.21) // take your HELICOPTER 」

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mineblaze.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Old Minecraft Oceans Be Like: A Splash of Nostalgia

    Old Minecraft Oceans Be Like: A Splash of Nostalgia In the old Minecraft days, oceans were vast, Traveling through them was quite a task. From Beta 1.8 to 1.6.4, Hours spent sailing, exploring galore. But now in the game, oceans are smaller, No more endless seas, just a quick hauler. Nostalgia hits hard for the old Minecraft ways, But change is inevitable, in Minecraft’s maze. So here’s to the oceans, both old and new, In Minecraft’s world, there’s always something to pursue. Subscribe for more content, filled with delight, And keep on gaming, day and night! Read More

  • Minecraft Youtubers Pixelart: Hot Mess! 🔥

    Minecraft Youtubers Pixelart: Hot Mess! 🔥 Why do Minecraft Youtubers make such great pixel art? Because they’re experts at crafting! Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Shenanigans

    Real Life Minecraft Shenanigans The Exciting World of Minecraft Unleashed by Unspeakable Exploring Minecraft Characters in Real Life Unspeakable, a popular gaming channel, recently delved into the world of Minecraft characters in real life. The channel brought a Minecraft Wither to life, showcasing the magic of the game beyond the screen. Building Secret Rooms and Unveiling Minecraft Mysteries In their latest video, Unspeakable delves into the realm of Minecraft secret rooms. The channel showcases the art of building secret rooms in Minecraft, adding an element of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Unspeakable’s Unique Approach to Minecraft Unspeakable’s videos offer a fresh perspective… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bedwars ft. LORD VADER838N

    EPIC Minecraft Bedwars ft. LORD VADER838NVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft bedwars with friend’, was uploaded by lord_vader838n on 2024-10-16 19:18:08. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:50 or 9830 seconds. #funny #gaming #lethalcompanygameplay #horrorgaming #scary #scarygaming #spookygaming #spooky #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #funny #minecraftgaming #memes #luckblock #minecraftvideos #gaming Read More

  • Sibling Showdown: Passing Controller to Older Bro

    Sibling Showdown: Passing Controller to Older BroVideo Information This video, titled ‘passing the controller to your older brother #shorts #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by AshVault on 2024-05-18 15:18:30. It has garnered 524 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Click “Show More” discord: https://discord.gg/tmQhfBuskq projects: – Disc SMP – Undertale: Into the Dark – Next video 😉 Discord Info: Just a community to relax with 🙂 although mostly chaotic at times, I keep updates on projects and videos on the discord so feel free to join! Basic info: Hey I’m Ashvault, I mostly upload Minecraft content but I enjoy… Read More

  • Epic Fail: Battling Ender Dragon in Unbearable Survival Challenge! | Ep 19

    Epic Fail: Battling Ender Dragon in Unbearable Survival Challenge! | Ep 19Video Information This video, titled ‘Tidak Santuy Minecraft Survival | Mencoba Mengalahkan Ender Dragon! | Eps 19’, was uploaded by 10th Wonder on 2024-08-08 15:32:02. It has garnered 178 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:33 or 7533 seconds. Hello Broski! I make and edit all videos and thumbnails myself. I hope you like the video, if you have any requests or feedback about my next video, you can comment below. And if you enjoy the video, please like, comment, share and subscribe to help grow my channel! I use a Lenovo Ideapad Gaming 3 to… Read More

  • JOIN US to slay the Ender dragon!

    JOIN US to slay the Ender dragon!Video Information This video, titled ‘We kill the Ender dragon, TOGETHER!!!’, was uploaded by KareAkern on 2024-08-04 06:15:47. It has garnered 96 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:18 or 10998 seconds. The magnificent masters of the KareAkern Minecraft server have gathered us all to kill the ender dragon! This will be a fight to remember, and it won’t be like a classical dragon fight, Easyidle has some surprises for us! There are more things going on in this stream, apparently a statue shall be revealed as well. I can’t wait! Want to join the server,… Read More

  • Insane Hack: Download Texture Packs in LocoCraft!

    Insane Hack: Download Texture Packs in LocoCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Como descargar texture packs en Minecraft java’, was uploaded by LocoCraft on 2024-07-09 05:36:31. It has garnered 139 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314 seconds. How to download texture packs in Minecraft java Likes goal: 3 The video on how to download mods in Java is on my channel and there is also the version for bedrock pages to download resourpacks: planet minecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-packs/ forge:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/search?class=texture-packs&page=1&pageSize=20&sortType=1 Read More

  • Corgiguy2022 builds EPIC mansion- LIVE! 😱🏰🔥

    Corgiguy2022 builds EPIC mansion- LIVE! 😱🏰🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE: building a mansion on a minecraft server | chill | building | minecraft |’, was uploaded by Corgiguy2022 on 2024-09-07 15:03:47. It has garnered 585 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:43 or 4303 seconds. Read More

  • Forbidden Love: My Strange Obsession with Rice Girl 😍🍚

    Forbidden Love: My Strange Obsession with Rice Girl 😍🍚Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl rizz 😂😍’, was uploaded by Nanshata on 2024-06-18 14:57:33. It has garnered 94 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. asmr family guy shorts fortnite mrbeast skibidi toilet south park mukbang fnaf minecraft parents be like i put a roof over your head sml try not to laugh coryxkenshin dillon brooks donkey kong family guy funny moments family guy shorts gold asmr good movie greatsword india jack black jeffy joe rogan joey diaz lil wayne meme memes phonk pizza tower scream meme ssundee there’s a spitter in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tips – Ultimate Minecraft Guide

    Insane Minecraft Tips - Ultimate Minecraft GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hino do Minecraft Center’, was uploaded by Tps do Rafael do Minecraft on 2024-04-08 17:11:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More