I Hired MUTANT MARIO to Defend my Secure Base from MUTANT SONIC!

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Guys I knew Sonic game was trash as usual gotta go fast hey you guys say something about my game yeah we said it was beautiful money than you though all right I’m pretty sure my last game has been more money than all the other games combined come on guys we don’t need this

Anymore what what’d you say about my game theater whose game is bad now sell yours is a stupid Sonic stand back guys I got to this oh you go Mar you go you go oh let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go yeah oh my God the fight’s getting crazy holy

Freak you’re strong Mario I’ll let you go right now but when the sun comes down I’ll be back and I’ll be way stronger get ready tonight we settle this see you then stupid the Hedgehog Mamma Mia so Sonic is going to be back when the sun

Comes down I guess so but I wouldn’t worry about till I can take him easily I don’t know Mario he said he’s gonna be even stronger when he comes back well maybe we can make a secure base just in case sounds like an awesome idea oh if

You’re gonna make a secure base maybe you’ll need these creative potions creative potions word up Amber let’s go you had this the whole time I mean you couldn’t give them to me while I was fighting him well you see like you had it handled Curry drink them up whatever

Okay I’m gonna go ahead and drink mine in three two one and it worked I’m now in creative mode which means we have about 10 minutes before Sonic comes back and our creative mode potions run out 10 minutes that’s plenty of time we got this yeah we got plenty of time but we

Need to go ahead and get started ASAP I’m gonna go ahead by start getting my magic wand what is that hello the graveyard the graveyard oh God what are you doing here my we have a really big situation on our hands we have Sonic the Hedgehog a muted

Sonic the Hedgehog trying to eat Us in 10 minutes and we need your help to build a secure base let’s go and get started all right well since the fight took place right here I think we just go ahead and make the base right here and what’s more secure than that base

Floating in the sky a base floating in the water two-factor authentication wait a second Mario you’re onto something I am yeah Sonic hates water he hates to swim he can’t swim can he not how do you know that’s basic Sonic lore what do you mean how do I know I guess he’s right

Okay whatever he says goes so how about we make a giant cube made out of water just like this yes sir and this could be like the outer layer of the base wait you’re right but my phone my phone my phone oh I’m sorry it’s going I mean you weren’t you

Weren’t cooking with that farm anyway okay well now that we got this water part set up I’m thinking we go ahead and make the actual foundation of the base I’m gonna set one position right here and then I’m gonna go all the way over here is that another position just like

This and then set this entire place to Grass locks that’s some good starting foundation and it’s all turn into dirt dang oh shoot sorry I forgot to put it above water like this here there now it’s all good I was about to say that was kind of a stupid move okay well this

Is a lot of space to actually make our base I think we make it out of Bedrock which is the most secure Block in the entire game wait I got an idea I got an idea what dude we make it out of Bedrock the most secure Block in the game such a

Good idea dude thanks I came up with it myself said that I just know I’ve done it okay face is looking good well not really looks kind of bad actually yeah it had like a like a roof kind of thing maybe like a like a triangle up like that okay

That looks pretty good that looks pretty good why you guys finish doing that I’m gonna actually start on the First Defense and I’m thinking we make it Mario themed Mamma Mia yes there yes sir so I’m gonna go ahead and get these really cool green blocks calling green terracotta that sounds very terrible

Tough what are you talking about this is like little your brand what do you mean it’s terrible I just trying to make a funny joke yeah maybe do better next time I’m a Saudi so here’s what I’m thinking for our first defense you know how Mario has like a bunch of pipes yes

I am a plumber after all thank you so I’m thinking our first offense is like a pipe Cannon or something like that yes sir so we can make it facing outward just like this and on the inside we can fill it with dispensers and have a crazy

Defensive offense inside the kite yeah I get it I feel like a very good idea what where are you Mario oh you’re all the way in the sky yo what’s up I’m just trying to make a while a little taller just in case okay I think this is about

Tall enough Mario don’t you think all right whatever you say dude what are you say dude while you work on the house I’m gonna go ahead and make the cannon so I’m Gonna Fill dispensers in it just like this and then what is actually going to come out of the dispenser well

You said he was allergic to water and uh what’s an element that goes into water that makes water even more dangerous I don’t know well I was thinking lightning that’s perfect that’s perfect that’s perfect let’s go ahead and fill these suspensers with lighting Dynamite Super Sonic is cooked he’s done for let’s go

Okay well now that we have this one built I think we just go ahead and copy and paste this exact same one on the other side of the base and while you do that I’ve got an idea for the next defense what are you gonna do what are

You gonna do it might be a little Sonic themed so no not Sonic a theme defense yeah dude we’re trying to fight against Sonic I do not like a Sonic he’s a stupid well maybe if we do a Sonic type of Defense maybe they’ll be like wait

That’s Sonic and a little spare most of their power on us yeah that sounds like a good idea okay you go ahead and keep on cooking with your defense and whoa what are you building all right you’ll see just let me cook okay I like that I

Like that I like that I like that I’m gonna build it up like this and then the last quarter like this okay all right needs to be perfect What’s it gonna be are you ready yeah I’m ready I’ve been waiting you ready What’s it gonna be all

Right get ready okay while you finish up that I’m gonna go ahead and work on the next defense I’m almost done no you’re not almost done you’ve been saying you’re almost done for like a year now it’s because you’re not ready are you ready I’ve been ready you’re evidently

Not ready either okay so for our next defense I’m thinking we do another Mario team defense and you know how Mario has his like fire flower thingy oh yeah yeah yeah how about we make some fire flowers and whenever Sonic steps on them he gets fired oh Is there a yes there okay well I actually kind of flowers look like Mario could you help me remember yes a fighter flower participate Disappearance in 1985. okay I don’t need a history lesson all right we don’t have time for that how do you build a fire flower does it look like

This no this is actually very bad and offensive oh come on yo you build a better one then of course give me five days five days we don’t have time for that okay fine give me a few minutes okay that is the flower actually it’s coming along pretty good I know I’m a

Mario I like that I like that I know I’m a Mario okay I know you’re Mario yeah I’m a Mario all right you have to keep on saying it over and over again I’m a Mario oh yeah you’re jogging my memory this is what they look like huh yeah

Like from Plus for zombies yeah I’m pretty sure it’s from Mario not Plants versus Zombies though girl no he’s all right what if what see I’m so much better than you whatever idiot I’m gonna go ahead and fill this entire thing with ghost blocks right without a ghost block

Ghost blocks are these really cool blocks where we place them you can just go right through them like that why wait let them here try yeah try try it go go ahead and go dude it’s not working that’s it’s not it’s not it’s not working you guys are so dumb why are you

Being dumb we don’t die for this but the reason I want to put ghostbots on this fire flower is so we can have like a little trap for Sonic to go into he won’t even know that it’s like a ghost block so just like that and inside

This trap is where the firing is gonna take place that seems like a pretty good idea yes sir I’m gonna put this thing called a fire TNT right below here yeah it’s absolutely awesome in this way when Sonic gets too close to it we can

Just go ahead and light this up and then we can light him up not a bad idea for once yes or maybe for once what do you mean for once oh you usually have very bad ideas because you’re stupid and can’t think very well but look how short

And stupid you look I don’t want to hear anything from you your mustache looks like a very very horrible historical character oh I think you annoyed him whoa whoa whoa I was just joking just pulling it funny I think you should take it back take it

Back I take it back I take it back you’re supposed to use that power against Sonic not us I can do some however I want to use it all right Mario you also use your attitude however much you want to use it anyways anyways anyways look look at this oh you

Finished your defense finally yes I didn’t finish it though this is what the defense is gonna do now let me just punch a hole in the middle of this let me go over here okay okay I’m gonna go down here punch a hole into this one as

Well can you hurry it up Doga okay okay dang ah kids these days and then boom oh I see you made like a really cool Sonic laser defense exactly okay this is actually dope this is actually dope and guys this gave me actually another idea yeah what’s that so Sonic is super fast

Right yeah he’s kind of fast so we’re gonna need something to catch him in case he starts speeding around you’re right like webs yeah exactly so I’m gonna go and set my first position right here and I’m gonna go all the way over here set my second position to right

Here and I’m gonna go ahead and do a massive wall made out of cobwebs this is gonna be absolutely perfect to slow Sonic down boom you just ruined the whole base well I didn’t ruin it because I’m gonna Jazz up these cobbles a little bit yeah you better Yeah by making them

Mario theme so I’m gonna go ahead and grab some red concrete out of the creative inventory I’m gonna Place one right there and then I’m gonna go all the way down here Place another one right here and then I’m thinking we just go ahead and set this entire pillar to

Red concrete just like this that’s a clean change there then yes sir yes sir what whoa what the heck wow hey guys wow that’s really cool so far guys you’re not eat though but I was just passing by looking for a daisy my little cowgirl sister you’re not either boy you sound

More like old Wise Guys no what is going on awfully hey Daisy we can go let’s just go make our shorts okay I can’t wait to edit for 10 hours I need to go pay my editor same lad more money I’m not done with the defense yet because I’m gonna go ahead

And make a kind of head shape figure just like this so filling it all in just like that and boom that looks just about Doga can you please stop what are you doing dude what are you doing you said a head shape big of the head the better

Whose head is shaped like this a Dr Seuss characters whatever Dogo whatever I’m gonna go ahead and build a hat just like this and Mario this defense in case you couldn’t already tell it’s gonna be an honor of you oh I couldn’t tell because it looks really bad okay maybe

I’m just basing off your real face which still looks equally bad you do not like my face what did you just decide raise your baby okay well the head is looking just about cool and I’m thinking we go ahead and make some little eyes with Wither Skeleton skulls like that and like that

And then I’m thinking we make a little mustache as well it’s not great let me try spicing it up a little bit we have a nose in there okay that actually looks a lot better Mario good job I know because it’s me I feel to myself okay I don’t

Know what the [ __ ] you’re doing with this Pinocchio looking nose could you please quit it’s not Pinocchio nose get it I lied anyways okay well I’m gonna go ahead and copy and paste this entire structure on the other three corners of the cobwebs over here place it just like

That and oh did it wrong yeah of course you did you do everything wrong okay how about you take a shot at it Mr Mario Mr I’m good at everything fine watch this um bro doesn’t even know where to get started robot Pace in the chat it’s not

The water King nice there you go that’s just about good let me just go ahead and fix up the cobwebs manually I did it I did it myself I faced it do squat Mario shut up you keep pasting we’ll fix this all right bet and wait a second where’s

The sun where’s the sun dude what the heck it is already noon which means we only have about five minutes left before Sonic comes back oh what are we going to do I mean I mean I’m not scared of no Sonic no you sound pretty scared of me Mario but it’s

Okay we have the space for a reason I’m gonna go ahead and finish up the Mario cobwebs there’s another one right there and I’m gonna do the final one over here and final pay is three two one and let’s go ah I did it you didn’t do anything okay well the defense is

Looking a little ghetto to say the least but at least it’s Gonna Keep Out Sonic and guys we have cobwebs we have these Sonic lasers we have fire flowers we have pipe cannons what else can we add to the Sonic theme defense Fireballs Fireballs okay that sounds like a really

Really good idea but it doesn’t sound pretty fire so Sonic is going to come from below I’m thinking we have the fireball cannons facing down just like this oh that’s smart okay let me help with that okay I’m gonna go ahead and fill one of these

With Fireballs I’m gonna go and copy and paste that entire thing on the entire parameter of the wall that’s crazy okay we need to hurry up and place all these dispensers because the sun is actually gonna go down soon guys I’m serious no guys what are we going to do inside to

Come I’m so scared um I’m so scared to see what Sonic is gonna be like when he comes back he said he’s gonna be even more powerful what could that mean so is not going to do anything I think that means it’s going to be more powerful I mean yeah I would

Think so Doga okay well guys we need to go ahead and Link these dispensers with redstone so we can light them all up I’m gonna place a Redstone Trail all along the dispensers just like this and add a few repeaters sprinkled in between what is the Redstone going to do you’ll see

In a second Mario I’m gonna go ahead and flip this lever and they should all light up ready maybe if you say so hi three two one boom Mamma Mia look at that bro look at that this is sick that’s actually so cool yes sir and even

Better if we hook up these dispensers to a redstone clock we can just have this continuously going and what the [ __ ] is that what works Amber hey Danny check this out you were very late on that three two one that’s pretty cool though Amber I’m gonna try it three two one boom okay

Sonic is done for Sonic is done for so done for W I’m gonna you making all of these one like that okay sounds awesome Amber I’m gonna continue hooking up the Redstone to the rest of the dispensers and oh it looks like someone already did it you’re welcome good job what that was

Me no I said that that’s a credit all right guys like I said before I’m gonna go ahead and hook it up to a redstone clock how about a redstone clock hey what are you trying to say I’m saying that you really know how to tell the

Time well because you’re a smart thank you Mario he’s lying yeah I am so just like that and now the clock should work and look at that dude this is sick let’s go bro Sonic is done for dude I don’t care how powerful he gets all

Right sweet I’m gonna go and turn it off in the meantime because we need to conserve the fireballs and oh my God look at the sun no this is bad Mario I just realized what the frick is this I wanted to make it secure why’d you make

It so tall actually you know what Mario this gives me an idea what’s your idea we should add some watch Towers in the heads of these Sonics because right now they’re kind of just useless I have a better idea what what year we added Rush

Towers in the head of the Sonic so we can see out of them that’s literally what I just all right whatever I’m gonna go ahead and play some one-way glass on the other side of this wall boom boom and boom wow this is really really sweet

Isn’t it oh no the moon’s coming up the moon’s coming up the moon’s coming up I’m coming I’m close the sun’s coming down wait who said that was that you don’t go that can’t just sound like you said that no that wasn’t me that was

That was Sonic prank us that was Sonic I mean we don’t see Sonic anywhere it kind of just sounded like you saying that it was me yeah I just wanted you to get on your toes yeah what the frick what is real laughing about was it a good

Impression though it was okay well go ahead and hollow out the rest of the Sonic heads and make them into watchtowers and while the sun goes down I’m gonna go ahead and do one final thing that’s extremely important like a what well we need to get ourselves

Supplies and weapons and armor and stuff for when Sonic actually comes so I’m gonna go and look up armor and just like get the most powerful thing I see wait a second guys there’s Sonic themed armor dude what Sonic Man helmet Sonic man hoodie wait wait wait wait wait Ken I’ve

Got an idea speed shoes Den I’ve got an idea what what who is Sonic’s arch nemesis Dr Eggman no we all gonna be Eggman uh no we have to be Eggman I mean like this the Sonic we gotta be Eggman we gotta be Eggman stuff that’s so cool though look I even

Got the song he doesn’t find Sonic oh my God you’re such a buzz kill fine I’ll be a Doctor Eggman okay we need to seriously heard this up because our creative mode potions are about to run out so go and put the armor in the chest oh your tails okay that’s sweet that’s

Sweet indocha you’re looking kind of drippy as well and Mario what in the world do you have on this is the only thing I found that you guys went to wear today is that a dress a headband that’s like way far floating above your head I’m I’m rushed the bat yeah whatever

Mario whatever I’m gonna go ahead and get something called Wings and we can all wear these and fly around and glide around really cool and what else we also need swords how about we get the aquamarine sword because Sonic is afraid of water like a pretty good idea yeah

Yeah this is perfect this is perfect and then also we need something else that’s extremely special chili dogs he’s got the pointer then Sonic doesn’t have chili dogs okay you know what these might actually come in handy we might be able to use these like a you know like a

Trap or something like that okay that’s enough dude that’s enough I’m sorry I’ve just got a lot of chilies with chili dogs dude they look expired too okay what else what else are critical potions are about to run out in like literally less than a minute oh

Maybe some uh blocks blocks bubbles yeah good idea blocks blocks blocks sunflowers are nice uh I don’t think we need sunflowers right now Doga oh fine Workshop satellite why do we need this random bull just like do something useful it’s a no Workshop satellite no no

No no okay what else do we need oh we need guns we need guns that’s a scary yeah that sucks because it’s a super awesome weapon called the gas Cannon this thing is extremely powerful look what happens when I shoot it wait ow wait ow my creative mode potion oh no

Bad bad bad okay hurry up and put them on it oh I created my potion just ran out wait really let me see stop hitting me stop I just want your testimony wait a second guys what oh no it is the complete middle of the night

No I don’t know I think Sonic doesn’t take it in oh guys I think Sonic is coming I think Sonic is here I think Sonic is here guys I think Sonic is here oh no I just heard him come face me like a man gotta go fast oh I see him down

There you see him oh my god there he is there he is there he is no holy frick okay he’s definitely powerful he’s definitely extremely powerful he doesn’t look any more powerful than before or not yeah no definitely not though oh yeah yeah I heard that good if I wasn’t

Any more powerful would I be able to do this look at the size of that crater dude okay I got my wings I got my Eggman mustache got my sword my gas Cannon golden apples it’s time we take down mutant Sonic let’s go guys let’s go oh

No that hurts so much oh my God I don’t think this is doing anything against him yeah holy freaky so strong no okay I’m returning behind the fireball wall he’s never getting past that Fireballs oh what’s happening oh I feel like he’s doing absolutely nothing mommy

What are we going to do oh okay he’s never getting past the water though never ever he hates water oh wait I hate water I run my legs fast enough I can he can freaking fly oh my God okay he’s knocking past the webs boom holy frick our defense

Mamma Mia this web’s got nothing on me no no no no no no keep on shooting him just keep on shooting him oh this is easy in fact I’m just gonna break this no no no no no it’s not our defense no no no please Mario what you need to fight him you

Need to fight him turn into your mutant form um what are you doing I’m scared okay I cannot do it right now I am scared Mario I know you’re scared I know we have a big threat ahead of us and I know it’s extremely scary but

Mario you are strong okay you are strong you’re strong Mario I’m a bigger boy who is the most iconic character in all the pop culture who Mickey Mouse well besides that Jesus besides that you you’ve been blue freaking raccoon boss you around are you you’re right you’re

Right are you my games are so much better than yours and they perform better as well I am stronger I am better yeah let’s go let’s go yes take them down Mario take him down come here oh my God what is that that looks so strong wait that that kind of hurts good

Kidding it doesn’t hurt that much you got it Mario you got it you got it uh hey wait no ow yeah this is perfect this is perfect stuff that stop that no hurry up thought that would hurt me yeah a little bit that’s funny all right that’s Sonic how about we take this

Fight to the ground a Mario punch wow this is getting crazy something’s happening oh I think it’s happening I think it’s coming what’s coming my final four final form that thing got to be good whoa I’m transforming what is happening transforming What do you think about me now oh he’s so strong don’t take him on um we gotta get out of here gotta go fast Mario come on come on he’s too strong he’s too strong he’s too strong him you gonna fight him I have one more trick up my sleeve stand back Mario

What the heck what the heck dude let’s go you got it you got it take some Mario Grande slam this is absolutely insane holy frick dude Mario you got this you got this take it down all right the Sonic I guess it’s time for my finishing a move oh yeah you

Are done being a narcissistic holy frick dude that was nothing to me well I guess I’ll just have to use my Ultra Mega finishing move meatball me the order what no no no no what is that oh my God oh my freaking chicken look at the

Damage Mario did this Mario are you okay ah mamma mia Mario I’m Madonna here Mario what you good yeah Mario is okay just a little Danny did it work oh no where’s Sonic over there wait I hear him I hear him oh there he is your Sonic hey hey hey

Uh wait who are you nice mustache oh I still have the Doctor Eggman fit on I forgot hey Sonic did you learn your lesson dude uh uh you know what no I’m gonna get you yeah I missed okay all right well that’s the rest of the power I had left you’re

Gonna get me huh how about this oh I’m sorry I I said sorry are you Sonic what’s that you always say gotta go fast yeah I do well I think you do gotta go fast see ya what no yeah good to see you and guys all that

Matters is that we defeated Sonic let’s go that’s a dub for the day yes sir well guys we just let me take off the silly mustache dude well guys we defeated Sonic using the most secure vase and mutant Mario but hey hope you enjoyed if

You did be sure to click the other video on screen right now it’s just like this one you’ll enjoy it just as much or if you’re looking for something else just go and click the video over there well guys I’m dead and I’m Dogo I’m Amber and

I’m a Mario and we’re done hey we’ll see on the next one peace oh

This video, titled ‘I Hired MUTANT MARIO to Defend my Secure Base from MUTANT SONIC!’, was uploaded by AyoDenTV on 2023-08-27 15:00:09. It has garnered 228458 views and 1984 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:35 or 1415 seconds.

Today, Doga, Laddy, and I are playing Minecraft but MUTANT SONIC hunts us down!!! Can we defeat him using The Most Secure Minecraft House?!?!?!

Den and Doga are having fun in minecraft with each other! We make videos like Aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omz, Cloudy, Llama, JayeMC, Jeffy Minecraft, and Marvin Minecraft. Some types of the videos we make are us being adopted by a different family, becoming 100% elementals, becoming dark or light versions of ourselves, or even being saved by different beings! We also make videos were we are becoming different beings and Playing Minecraft as a helpful creature such as a bee kitten, golden dragon, or even a wolf puppy or a strawberry cake kitten! We also make other content like being rich vs broke, birth to death, and sometimes even do cool things like explore giant pyramids, castles, and many roleplay and adventure videos!

I Hired MUTANT MARIO to Defend my Secure Base from MUTANT SONIC!

#ayodentv #cash #nico

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    👻HAUNTED MINECRAFT SERVER - Join NOW! Java & Bedrock | 24/7 Survival | IP in DescriptionVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴24/7 Joinable Minecraft Server SMP (PUBLIC) | 2.10 Java & Bedrock Survival Server | !ip (ReRun)’, was uploaded by GHOST HAMMER GAMERTZ on 2024-01-14 11:44:53. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:41 or 401 seconds. TO BECOME A SPONSOR /MEMBER: 1.Click the JOIN button next to the subscribe button 2. IF your on ios use the link above MINECRAFT INFO: Pocket Edition : ip – NepVerse.aternos.me Port:38990 Java Edition ip: NepVerse.aternos.me:38990 This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • INSANE NathanMC Livestream! 🤯

    INSANE NathanMC Livestream! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 chill livestream!’, was uploaded by NathanMC on 2024-08-20 05:00:46. It has garnered 1124 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:48 or 2628 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #Bedwars #shorts Read More

  • Lunaria: Zombie Apocalypse Minecraft Madness!

    Lunaria: Zombie Apocalypse Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT pero ES UN JUEGO DE ZOMBIES’, was uploaded by Lunaria on 2024-08-13 04:37:24. It has garnered 2017 views and 238 likes. The duration of the video is 05:49:38 or 20978 seconds. 💝 Lunaria Ayaren 💝 🦁 Pink Chimera self-proclaimed as your new mother. 🐯 💝 Streamloots Cards (Interact with the stream!): https://www.streamloots.com/lunaria 💝 MINI: ✦•··············•💝•··············•✦ 🎸 NETWORKS: 🍷 ~ Twitch: https://twitch.tv/lunaria 🍷 ~ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Lunaria 🍷 ~ Youtube: https://youtube.com/@lunariach 🍷 ~ Twitter: https://twitter.com/LunariaAyaren 🍷 ~ Kick: https://kick.com/Lunaria 🍷 ~ Facebook: https://facebook.com/LunariaAyaren 🍷 ~ TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@LunariaAyaren 🍷 ~ Instagram: https://instagram.com/LunariaAyaren 🍷 ~ Site: https://lunaria.moe ✦•·············•💝•··············•✦… Read More

  • Get Ready for the Most Insane Bedwars with Senkhi! 🚨

    Get Ready for the Most Insane Bedwars with Senkhi! 🚨Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT BEDWARS (facecam)’, was uploaded by Senkhi on 2024-09-07 04:03:12. It has garnered 10226 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:05 or 7745 seconds. #minecraft #funny #gaming #memes #minecraftmemes #boy #vs #girl Thank you for watching! Follow my other socials! – ➢ Discord: https://discord.gg/fd6mrXxVDt ➢ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Senkhii ➢ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Senkhii ➢ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@senkhii ➢ NameMC: https://mine.ly/Senkhi Read More

  • EPIC 300th Episode Q&A + Podcast Launch!

    EPIC 300th Episode Q&A + Podcast Launch!Video Information This video, titled ‘300 – Episode 300 Q&A + Video Podcast Launch! // The Spawn Chunks: A Minecraft Podcast’, was uploaded by The Spawn Chunks on 2024-06-04 03:00:22. It has garnered 4516 views and 323 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:14 or 10034 seconds. Joel and Jonny celebrate 300 episodes of The Spawn Chunks with an extended, all listener email Q&A – but first – Tricky Trials has a release date, ender pearls now portal, and Minecraft is coming to Netflix. Also, welcome to the new and improved video podcast! Starting with episode 300, you can… Read More

  • PegasusGG

    PegasusGG¡ʙɪᴇɴᴠᴇɴɪᴅᴏ ᴀ PegasusGG! Contamos con una modalidad survival que incluye una gran variedad de cosas que harán tu experiencia mucho más divertida: – Full Soporte para Java y Bedrock (incluyendo paridad en interfaces custom) – Staff activo para resolver tus dudas sobre el servidor dentro del servidor de Discord y de Minecraft – Comunidad sana y libre de toxicidad – Biomas nuevos para Overworld, Nether y End – Economía y Trabajos – Habilidades y Encantamientos especiales – Pase de Temporada con recompensas exclusivas – Mapa con límites ampliables con tareas comunitarias – Puedes tener tu propia land y expandirla a… Read More

  • Alathra: New Frontiers – Semi-Vanilla, Worldbuilding, Geopolitical, Light Roleplay, 1.20+

    Alathra: New Frontiers A Worldbuilding, Geopolitical, Light Roleplay Server. NOW WITH ALL NEW FISHING! IP: play.alathramc.com Discord: https://discord.gg/ENzxTvBf Website: https://alathra.com/ Join Alathra, a top world building server where players shape the story. Create nations, cultures, trade, guilds, religions, or live as a hermit. Start your journey today! Key Features: Custom Fishing: Now with mini games, brand new baits, and a variety of new fish. Towny: Build towns, cities, nations, or villages with Towny. Lore, RP & Worldbuilding: Engage in captivating lore, RP, and geopolitics with player-driven events and conflicts. Custom World: Explore a custom map with unique biomes, continents, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Jack’s soulless Minecraft stare.

    Minecraft Memes - Jack's soulless Minecraft stare.Jack must have run out of diamonds in his inventory, poor guy! Read More

  • Shady Heights: My Minecraft Mountain Plight

    Shady Heights: My Minecraft Mountain Plight In the mountain hole, risking my life, Exploring caves, facing danger and strife. Iron to find, to finish the house, Every step taken, as quiet as a mouse. With shaders on, the world looks bright, Every detail, a pure delight. Vanilla tweaks and mods in play, Enhancing the experience in every way. Exploring Minecraft, at a slower pace, Enjoying each moment, in this vast space. New episodes out, every other day, Join me on this journey, come what may. So subscribe and follow along, As we sing the Minecraft song. Crafting, building, exploring the land, In this blocky world,… Read More

  • Herobrine pranks sheep in hot Minecraft meme

    Herobrine pranks sheep in hot Minecraft meme Why did Herobrine bring a sheep to the village? He wanted to pull the wool over the villagers’ eyes! #baaadpun #minecraftfunny Read More

  • Ultimate Stealth PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Stealth PvP Texture Pack Welcome to the World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition! Embark on an adventure like no other in Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition, where players can explore infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game offers endless possibilities. Unleash Your Creativity In creative mode, players have access to unlimited resources, allowing them to build anything their imagination desires. From simple homes to grand structures, the only limit is your creativity. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine deep into the world, craft weapons, and armor to protect themselves against… Read More

  • UNLIMITED BLOOD & GOD ALTAR! EP15 | Modded SkyBlock

    UNLIMITED BLOOD & GOD ALTAR! EP15 | Modded SkyBlockVideo Information This video, titled ‘INFINITE BLOOD & MAX TIER ALTAR! EP15 | Minecraft ATM9: To The Sky [Modded Questing SkyBlock]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2024-07-15 19:00:19. It has garnered 1582 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:21 or 3261 seconds. Minecraft ATM9: To The Sky | INFINITE BLOOD & MAX TIER ALTAR! EP15 [Modded Questing SkyBlock] ► Support Us on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/CyberFuel ► Join our Discord – https://discord.gg/hPFqKpz3Gv ► Follow us on Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/cyberfuelstudios ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ All the Mods 9 – To the Sky: All the Mods 9: To the Sky is… Read More

  • Digital Circus: JJ & Mikey Kidnapped by Scary Monsters

    Digital Circus: JJ & Mikey Kidnapped by Scary MonstersVideo Information This video, titled ‘ALL SCARY MONSTERS FROM DIGITAL CIRCUS kidnapped minecraft JJ and Mikey – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-10 18:08:25. It has garnered 21984 views and 125 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:42 or 1602 seconds. ALL SCARY MONSTERS FROM DIGITAL CIRCUS kidnapped minecraft JJ and Mikey – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community, are a dynamic duo known for their entertaining… Read More

  • Minecraft Hardcore: Crazy Lunar Adventure

    Minecraft Hardcore: Crazy Lunar AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by Lunar on 2024-05-01 00:27:15. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:02 or 1322 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore Read More

  • “Unleash Insane Creativity in Minecraft!” #minecraftlivestream

    "Unleash Insane Creativity in Minecraft!" #minecraftlivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building your Crazy Ideas in Minecraft Creative #minecraft #minecraftlivestream #minecraftcreative’, was uploaded by Nietvries on 2024-04-19 21:13:40. It has garnered 455 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:21 or 5421 seconds. Hi Everyone! Welcome to my Thurday stream called building your Crazy Ideas in Minecraft. Basically, I am convinced I can build everything in Minecraft. So I gave/give my viewers and fans the opportunity to send me drawings or pictures of things they want me to build in Minecraft. Today we make a axolottle cave requested by @PaintingThing Read More

  • Join My 24/7 SMP Minecraft Server NOW!

    Join My 24/7 SMP Minecraft Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘JOIN MY 24/7 SMP MINECRAFT JAVA+PE CRACKED IP DESCRIPTION ANY VERSION’, was uploaded by MohitGamerIND on 2024-01-12 03:03:52. It has garnered 24 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:45 or 2205 seconds. JOIN MY SMP MINECRAFT JAVA+PE CRACKED IP DESCRIPTION Java IP – gn2.hyzen-cloud.com:24740 minecraft smp live minecraft live smp sp live gaming minecraft public smp live sp gamer live minecraft live stream minecraft minecraft smp servers to join minecraft live hindi minecraft smp minecraft server live join my smp minecraft live public smp live gamer live minecraft smp minecraft live… Read More

  • Ultimate Roblox vs. Minecraft Showdown LIVE!

    Ultimate Roblox vs. Minecraft Showdown LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘*LIVE NOW – Minecraft, then ROBLOX! :)’, was uploaded by Lex & Emma Roblox on 2024-08-01 19:40:51. It has garnered 813 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:38 or 5858 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/lexemmaroblox Read More


    🌈 PLOT TWIST! WELCOME BACK TO MINECRAFT with Peanut VtuberENVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌈 LORE STREAM || WELCOME BACK !! ⟡MINECRAFT⟡’, was uploaded by Jam Peanut VtuberEN on 2024-08-24 01:40:40. It has garnered 217 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:16 or 7276 seconds. 🌈Welcome to the stream !! other socials: https://linktr.ee/JamPeanut My name is Jam peanut, im a magical boy (or girl) here to spread happiness to all ! I redebut near the end of this year, please support me as I make all of my models, assets, and art on my own. I love and adore my community (the jammerz) and hope… Read More

  • Unstoppable Power! Gingershadow conquers Jujutsu Kaisen Mod in Minecraft

    Unstoppable Power! Gingershadow conquers Jujutsu Kaisen Mod in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘YOUR DOMAIN EXPANSIONS HAVE NO POWER OVER ME! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-06 20:00:00. It has garnered 2268 views and 134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:32 or 2192 seconds. Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Review (v33) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjLz3696Tps STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyGames Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnhKpFkChk31SJlw4A1biw YOUR DOMAIN EXPANSIONS HAVE NO POWER OVER ME! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod #JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Moments with hyperJAY & Chill

    Intense Minecraft Moments with hyperJAY & ChillVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft n chill ig’, was uploaded by hyperJAY on 2024-08-30 00:03:38. It has garnered 27 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:21 or 8361 seconds. this game doesnt suck Read More

  • PixelFam Purple

    PixelFam PurpleWelcome to the PixelFam Pixelmon 1.16.5! Pixelmon Reforged 9.1.11 Minecraft Version 1.16.5 IP: pixelfam.fun Discord:discord.gg/23sDdJwBKN What We have to Offer: Absolutely NO Pay to Win! When someone pays money on the server, EVERYONE wins! If you are online when someone buys a crate key, you ALSO get that same crate key! EVERYONE gets the current weekly rank that has been donated! GTS Economy Weekly Events Competitive PVP & Much Much MORE! play.pixelfam.fun Read More

  • 1f2d – Anarchy, No Rules, 1.20.4

    1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Welcome to 1fighter2defenders, a minecraft server with no rules in an open world environment. Experience a full no rules gameplay with no world resetting/trimming, everything will be saved for history. The server has been online since 26. April 2021, making it 3 years old with thousands of players visiting at least once. Griefing, building, cheating, everything goes. IP: 1f2d.net Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Gmail: [email protected] Discord server: discord.1f2d.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Queer Crafting Recipe?”

    That recipe is so strange, even the Endermen are scratching their heads trying to figure it out! Read More

  • Apple MC Season 5: Life Steals the Show!

    Apple MC Season 5: Life Steals the Show! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Apple MC Lifesteal Season 5, ready to thrive. Join the fun, the adventure, the battles so grand, Crafting, mining, exploring, in this vast land. Wager Manik, the news reporter with a twist, Spinning rhymes, sharing updates, never to miss. Fire MC, Royal MC, the servers so bright, Lifesteal SMP, where day turns to night. Join the discord, the community so strong, Play.cadepvp.net, where you truly belong. Fire MC IP, the gateway to fun, In this world of Minecraft, where victory is won. So leap into the verse, let your creativity… Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #dankmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Embarrassing Jackbhaiya Prank

    Embarrassing Jackbhaiya Prank Minecraft Adventures with GamerFleet and Jackbhaiya Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with GamerFleet and Jackbhaiya. Join them as they explore new realms, conquer challenges, and create unforgettable memories in this popular sandbox game. Meet the Players Jackbhaiya, Anshu Bisht, and OcTogamerZz are the masterminds behind the gaming extravaganza. With their unique skills and personalities, they bring a whole new level of excitement to the Minecraft universe. Gameplay Highlights From epic battles to hilarious moments, the GamerFleet crew never fails to entertain. Watch as they navigate through the intricate landscapes of Lilyville, showcasing their… Read More

  • Insane AFK Armor Grind Montage – Hypixel SkyBlock #minecraft

    Insane AFK Armor Grind Montage - Hypixel SkyBlock #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel SkyBlock Fermento Armour Grind #minecraft’, was uploaded by RipMonts on 2024-08-26 22:31:49. It has garnered 73 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:35 or 10415 seconds. Im finally live!! on HArdcore Minecraft it’ll be worth it! we are live on My 2000 Day Hardcore Superflat world Discord: https://discord.gg/nRprRGWNvj Twitch : https://twitch.tv/ripmonts​​​​​ Twitter : https://twitter.com/montsrip​​​​​ #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror: Steve Part 12

    Terrifying Minecraft Horror: Steve Part 12Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft horror Steve part12 #minecraft #gaming #songlyric #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #short’, was uploaded by M SHARP GAMING on 2024-06-17 11:07:06. It has garnered 10950 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Heez Brook’s Insane Farm Building!

    Heez Brook's Insane Farm Building!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Build Some Farms | Minecraft Malayalam | Heez Brook Live Stream | #heezminecraft’, was uploaded by Brook Gaming on 2024-07-31 22:13:17. It has garnered 21 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:50 or 3770 seconds. WELCOME TO MY LIVE #gaming #rp #minecraft #minecraftlive HEEZ MC SERVER LINK : https://discord.com/invite/SUeAHbspCP ——————-MEDIA—————————————————- 𝕊𝕌𝔾𝔾𝔼𝕊𝕋𝕀𝕆ℕ, Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/i.g_brook Discord – The ΣΣ乙ˇ Brook ———————SUBSCRIBE—————————————————- 🅂🅄🄱🅂🄲🅁🄸🄱🄴 🄵🄾🅁 🄼🄾🅁🄴 🄶🄰🄼🄸🄽🄶 🅄🄿🄳🄰🅃🄴🅂 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnIFNNw7v3viSgB1Carmbbg ————————–❤❤❤—————————————— ❤SHARE YOUR MAXIMUM❤ ❤KEEP SUPPORTING❤ \\\\\\\\\COPYRIGHT\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ⒹⒾⓈⒸⓁⒶⒾⓂⒺⓇ – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for… Read More

  • Langoc Survives 100 Days in Skygrid! EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Challenge!

    Langoc Survives 100 Days in Skygrid! EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai Survécu 100 JOURS En Skygrid Hardcore Sur Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Langoc on 2024-05-12 12:00:31. It has garnered 207955 views and 2075 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:52 or 8752 seconds. The skygrid is this crazy map, composed of an infinite set of blocks in the sky. If I fall, it’s over! So, sit down and join me on a unique adventure! 0:00 – Introduction 0:15 – Day 1-10 36:22 – Day 10-20 49:07 – Day 20-30 57:40 – Day 30-40 1:08:59 – Day 40-50 1:16:55 – Day 50-60 1:22:59 -… Read More

I Hired MUTANT MARIO to Defend my Secure Base from MUTANT SONIC!