I Made HER Play The SCARIEST Minecraft Map..

Video Information

Wait a second hold on Yuri look at it what in the world is that I don’t think guys I’ve never gone this ending up are you scared was there did you not hear that that’s hard for them all right guys I think this is the first ever Minecraft video

That I am uploading on this channel because this is a special one you know why because we have a special guest for today’s video they’re actually waiting outside come on in Hey we got my friend Yuri how’s it going how’s it going so if you guys don’t know who Yuri is I actually introduced her to you guys over on the Vlog channel so if you guys haven’t seen it just yet go ahead and check it out do you want to

Show them our secret handshake oh yeah that’s right we also have a secret handshake and today I am uploading the first ever Minecraft video on this channel so you have the honor of playing Minecraft for the first time on this channel how do you feel it’s a great honor yeah I’m excited to

Be here all right well guys I’m Gonna Make Her play the scariest Minecraft map ever for beginners like for for those who have never played a horror map before like last time I made Jay from the Cub Scouts play this map and he was screaming 24 7. bro stop stop stop stop

Stop stop stop stop stop oh my God bro yeah you’re scaring me no come on know what happened what happened come on there is one condition though I will be controlling the keyboard which means I’ll be controlling all the movements and stuff and you’ll control the mouse you’ll control the mouse also

Technically that means if I get scared I can just look at the ground no no you’re not allowed to all right so today guys we are playing the scary horror map that goes by the name of demon brain check this out okay so Yuri go ahead you’re gonna be controlling the mass

Controls let’s have this okay you guys all right here we go I think the start button is over there so today we are playing demon brain right click oh here we go new words he actually makes like really really good horror masks so if you like this we

Can play another one in the future you know you know all right okay here we go demon brains I hear all that you hear all that if you if you need anyone to like grasp onto no warning the map contains brutal jumpscares already I feel like this I want to uh

Oh that was kind of entertaining that would be cool if there was like a heart tracker heart rate tracker okay we’re in uh oh we’re on a chair wait let me get out for you okay take a look at the chair okay why are you punching the chair

All right all right let’s uh let’s look around oh my god oh that wasn’t there before huh you’re gonna give me motion sickness but by the way you’re moving oh my gosh okay let’s go down this um look at look at that sign basement okay we’re gonna go down to the basement

Guys this is my third time playing this map so I know exactly what’s gonna happen but does Yuri know why are you flinching so much I’m like it said Bruno jumpscare so I’m like okay preparing myself okay don’t worry it’s not gonna jump scare that fast now I don’t think

You like the sound effects no take a look at the sign take a look at the size warning let’s open the door okay she’s like rapid clicking everything I’m just all right where else would you like to go you want to continue downstairs Yeah also try to talk a little louder because the mic might not be able to pick it up okay okay let’s open up this this chest what’s that paper oh my God you think he’s scary I think he’s scared hey what’s over here wait hold on there

Was a door behind us you wanna oh wait we can open that wait let’s go to the other side seems like was that her exit his door is like barricaded huh okay let’s head back foreign what the heck wait hold on wait what are you okay yeah

Was that flower there before oh we got a White Tulip maybe you can take it so it tracks us for later like if we what if we end up here again and there’s no flour that would be weird right no but that means it’s a different place maybe we’re like glitched morning

Wait a second were we here earlier get the door open yeah we can’t go in here just yet where it is what does that mean do we have to keep going down even more oh oh there’s no chest oh there isn’t is dessert uh do you want to try opening

This door first oh you can open that but I’m Gonna Keep it closed oh it’s still barricaded is there anything hidden anywhere um oh let’s look at the sign it still says basement same one it’s like Matrix glitch or something it could be it could

Be but when we open this door do you think there’s gonna be a white tulip yeah you think so yeah oh that means it could okay it’s the same spot then what if we leave the flower here this time We can do that we can do that okay maybe they expected us to take the Tulip I don’t know you know the other two times I played it I’ve never messed with the Tulip so It’s open for us this time yo you’re gonna rip the headphones off oh my gosh stop oh my God oh the light the lights just broke did something fall I could have sword something fell it was it was light particles you want to look up I don’t

Want to what if there’s something there maybe you want to go oh there’s a chest in this warning room okay oh wait what’s in here okay so there’s a chest there’s like chairs let’s open up this chest can you open it okay let’s keep taking a look around wait

Wait whoa whoa whoa what is that what is that Yuri oh yeah a really creepy villager wasn’t it it kind of looks like this paper oh it does it does does it wait can you open up the chest on the other side Wait there’s a you see a symbol bloody like smiley face okay let’s leave let’s try to get out of here I don’t think we’re supposed to see that it’s a glitch yeah all right let’s go downstairs Maybe it’s really dark outside oh wait this door’s already open for us

Wait what about behind then okay so it’s still barricaded okay it’s still barricaded everything’s all good it still says basement all right since we left the Tulip will the Tulip be there this time let’s see ready moment of treatment what is the bets are we thinking the flower is there or not I

Think it’s there I also think it’s there oh it’s orange it’s not it’s not even white anymore I’m taking it what the heck it’s an orange tulip the collect the flowers I I don’t know maybe we were maybe we weren’t wait warning door again can we open it was that you opening it

No it wasn’t it won’t even look okay let’s uh let’s continue then I kind of want to get out of here as quickly as possible don’t you think or I could trap you in here I could I could take us back no I could take us back upstairs

I could keep myself there forever oh look wait what oh there’s like lots of blood why is there a lot of blood Yuri what could this mean does that wait should we I don’t even know if I want to open this door can you oh you can’t even open it you can’t even

Open that door what does that mean that’s like still barricade there’s a lot of blood over here you’re about to rip my headphones oh gosh oh there’s a book yeah we’re inside of like a church or something there’s crosses what does that say hello wait Satan says look okay what

List of things you want to open up the book okay so Monday two eyes one arm six teeth I think those are like sacrifices Tuesday two heads two arms and one leg Wednesday three souls and fifteen children all right let’s say let’s say today is uh Tuesday I mean look at that

We need your arm no not my arms I’m not gonna work okay okay okay done look how the how why is this one the only one that’s wait I don’t know if that’s supposed to wait Harry what two heads two heads we’re two heads why is it crossed off

Okay I think it’s time I think it’s time to leave Yuri yeah let’s go let’s go turn around turn around let’s go let’s go let’s go wait what was that did you see that see what I swear I saw something what the Yuri look around no I

Don’t look around we have to don’t want to turn around I don’t think we can do anything if if you don’t look around Yuri closer oh gosh oh gosh turn around turn around oh gosh what’s happening oh my gosh why are you punching things why are you punching the area you feel

Better uh oh gosh we’re gonna die we’re gonna die hurry open the door we’re going oh oh okay okay we can finally leave oh my gosh racing her let’s go let’s go let’s leave wait what does that say over there now well what if what if we’re the Bad

What do you mean that guy had a demented face what if that was like our assistant if we’re like playing I don’t know Yuri maybe it is us maybe it isn’t it’s open up this door no flower wait wait do you see the fences do you see the fences

Why does it look all different it looks all demented let’s open up this door and leave wait hold on this is unlocked this time can you open it oh I can’t okay okay let’s turn around and go wait wait there’s a chest wait what you have found an Easter egg

Nice okay we got an Easter egg I don’t know what we’re gonna use it for but let’s keep going you oh I have no idea what that was was that scary is it looking wait there’s nothing there’s nothing on the sign now oh he’s a pitch black wait check for flower

If there’s a redstone torch okay okay are we gonna go down all right we’re gonna go down what’s this one you can’t go in here wait ing Wait now there’s no door what about behind us that door is still there can we unlock it are you sure yeah you sure I’m good I’m good okay we’re going down like this dirt path where are we going this is like some sort of basement we’re in right now whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa bassinet why why is there a baby crib they were gonna sacrifice like 13. oh yeah the children written book let’s open this Written book where are the kids behind the wall behind the door behind Satan behind There’s nothing behind us what is this music though I think we should continue Yuri Oh geez what could this mean hey wait what if we use the the key all right He’s not gonna work keep my key out yeah all right we got the Ruby oh wait what’s on the TV look at the TV wait it’s that oh there’s a chest there too wait take a look at the TV though maybe there’s a message can you try it try okay

No okay let’s keep going all right there’s a Rubix Cube over there let’s check out that room thank you let’s check out that room before we go anywhere else we have a Rubik’s Cube soccer ball we got a soccer ball we have blood you’re right you’re right what’s over here oh Christmas

Christmas presents and everything what did the sign say doctor I think I have a problem doctor I think I have that oh oh let’s leave let’s leave Yuri I don’t know who this doctor is or what he wants but let’s get out of here why did wait a second was that door open

Earlier oh no it wasn’t oh I’m gonna go in oh wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay you’re moving around a lot go down this Oh The headphones don’t know wait look down what is this What the heck are we still in that room open the door open the door four by four oh wait a second we’re down here again wait wait wait the wait there’s like alphabet blocks little kid blocks oh geez why are we doing this you know

At first at first I was like oh it would be funny to scare you but now I haven’t played this in a while and it’s kind of scaring me I’m not gonna lie okay um what’s this okay hold on let’s open up this chest look look around look around always keep

It head level just so we don’t miss anything you know you don’t want to miss anything in this game right you don’t want to miss anything at all you don’t want to miss any jump scares or anything like that let’s go in here what’s this oh Let’s look inside this room there’s a there’s a chest over here there’s nothing in the chest I think it’s time for us to leave I think you’re right let’s start there’s a lot of blood on the floor turn Let’s uh whoa let’s try to take the right turn Jerry oh

I’m sorry to sweat what is this it’s breaking okay let’s open up the door okay error there’s errors wait can we just walk through this what what’s wrong with this game uh everything’s breaking on us Yuri I don’t know what you did what did you do Yuri oh okay can we go back

Wait we can’t go back what what what what you’re always looking the wrong way I swear we’ve missed like four jump scares oh just get off the chair oh oh God no we’re in some sort of like surveillance room hey let’s get out let’s get out let’s

Get out let’s go let’s go Yuri just look ahead oh let’s go let’s go let’s go wait what does that say brought grains2861 what if we’re like a like a patient like a facility it could be wait element Prototype all right let’s look at the TV There’s something oh there’s a villager you remember the the corrupted yeah the corrupted villager there’s like particles coming all right let’s leave let’s leave okay let’s open up the door what’s over here wait a second there’s more experiments and stuff I think we should leave Yuri I

Don’t wanna I don’t want to be here longer than I should be let’s go I don’t think I’ve ever gone through these doors let’s go let’s go let’s go so we have this key too I’m wondering if let’s use it nope I can’t use any of this more rot brains

What’s this oh you think we can use the key for this maybe oh subject rage Elixir your freedom was not appearing in the contract the company Rob Reigns asked for more adrenaline substances to transform renewable energy before the fourth world war we had more energy sources but now

In 2861 the energy is scarce always you wanted to go ahead of us you defraud us you betray us but you had to trust in us for your safety for your family Are you shaking you’re shaking real ending wait so there’s there’s more yeah there’s multiple endings what’s the scary ending like so then I’m assuming instead of going through doctor we go straight down yeah we could okay try it we had two choices all right all right this time when you

Get a jump scare don’t move the mouse out of the way we can’t it can’t help it the viewers can’t see anything okay okay all right okay so we start from here again thank God wait but last time there was a yeah there was like a hallway there hold on hold on

Turn wait maybe if we get closer turn around no wait there’s a this wall art wasn’t there last time was it it was either wait a second maybe we go upstairs instead of go that way that’s probably what it was that’s the other ending I think I think so back

First time I played it I got plenty of chills there’s more blocks should we go in here yeah the stairs are broken wait a second hold on Nuri look at it what in the world is that I don’t think guys I’ve never gone this ending I’ve

Never gone this ending here you said you got two ends no no no no no I’ve never gotten this one wait open up the door open up the door hurry what door get up the door you’re right what is your right I can’t okay I don’t want this thing attacking us

Turn turn turn okay turn I’m scared okay okay what does it say s why are you scared it was like what that sounds was there did you not hear that that’s hard for them pieces organs eyes kids head already taken body arms and legs I think that’s

What they’re going for us all right let’s look around we have the same wall art let’s open up the chest there’s nothing all right oh there’s another chest wait maybe we can press the button there’s a button oh okay let’s go out again wait what if we sit down on the chair

Maybe wait is the door open the door is open the door is open stop punching here we’re in a totally different room now hold on look both ways try opening this door first okay let’s check we’re probably gonna get there let’s uh go to the right oh wait

Wait wait can we can we climb this oh I can’t jump Yuri I can’t jump I’m sorry we can’t get out of here we’re stable to make it that easy oh wait where is my son where’s my son wait a second why are there three crosstalk there’s a little beach ball

And stuff okay let’s continue Yuri let’s continue okay all right let’s keep moving okay let’s open up the chest oh what was that let’s go back let’s go backwards I think they closed the door on us yeah try opening no it’s right here okay uh okay oh if we die it’s ggs

Huh I mean we already got shot by a human let’s open up this chest oh another book let’s read this why are you here why you know I will die who are these demons where you go you are lost okay interesting we’re gonna die wait we can’t open the door

Breathe Yuri breathe everything will be okay everything will be okay wait was that door not there there was like dirt blocks covering this oh I look around let’s look up first huh oh okay okay whoa I don’t think I’ve ever gotten this ending it’s like we’re out five oh my

Gosh why is there a baby’s crib just chilling there oh where he is murderer killer of children oh my God wait why are we in a baby’s crib now uh where is my son oh no we’re baby now you’re a baby Yuri oh I’m trying to get out I can’t get out

Oh gosh look at the door look at the door see what happens everywhere oh my gosh wait oh my God Gary how close at all I feel like it’s gonna jump Watch I was like the priest or something oh my God bad ending okay all right now that means we can go into the gallery okay there we go wait so we got priest entity error look the other way there’s also that one the priest oh so it’s like a church surprise

Oh it was that guy that oh that’s Satan and then Dr Gilbert that’s the guy that shot Us in the end monster wait that’s why stop that makes sense now that’s just the head it still needed the body parts that is so messed up oh that was the baby oh poor kid something

Technically that was us yeah I think so Easter egg oh we have the key we have the key secretly let’s open it up let’s open it up maybe there’s another map I’ve never gotten this secret horror map test you guys everyone want Yuri to come back in a

Future video leave a like you have anything to say Yuri I think you should do this the link is down below but um don’t do it like us where it’s bright oh yeah do that nighttime yeah the first time I played this I played it literally at three in the morning why

Would you do that that’s demon hours that’s the point I tried to make it as scary as possible so guys if you guys get enough likes on this video I’m gonna make Yuri play this at three another Scary Map at three in the morning all right guys peace see you later guys bye

This video, titled ‘I Made HER Play The SCARIEST Minecraft Map..’, was uploaded by Rage on 2023-08-14 02:00:06. It has garnered 87932 views and 3248 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:07 or 1687 seconds.

Vlogs w/ Yuri: @RageElixirVlogs Map Download: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/horror-maps/demon-brain

FOLLOW ME! Twitter https://twitter.com/RageElixir Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rageelixirgram/ Discord https://discord.gg/6cgmfTs5UZ

If you own any of the clips or images in this video and would like it removed, please send me an email me at [email protected] before taking any legal action. I will gladly take down the video. Thank you!

Video Edited by: @RageElixir

#RageElixir #RageNation

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    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2Oy06iP 💀 Discord! https://discord.gg/XwVraKYRTQ ✨TikTok! https://www.tiktok.com/@riverrain123 👻 Twitter! https://twitter.com/RealRiverrain 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: riverrain.oplegends.com Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: https://oplegends.com/2024/06/15/skyblock-announcement-2024-05-15 Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

    Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiantVideo Information This video, titled ‘[XDEFIANT] Ini gimana cara mainnya? #xdefiant’, was uploaded by Kyo Lectio Ch. on 2024-06-07 04:39:03. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:31 or 8191 seconds. #minecraft It’s time to do 2 weeks of minecraft then forget it for 6 months. ⭐ Support me ⭐ 『 Trakteer 』https://trakteer.id/kyolectio 『 Saweria Mediashare 』https://saweria.co/kyolectio Discord :3 https://discord.gg/Xg63CYkAca ————————————- ◊『 Rules 』◊ ENG • NO BACKSEATING, unless requested. • No spamming or harmful words please! • No hateful content, and no racism! • No sensitive topics please! • Please be mindful and respectful…. Read More

  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

    Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-04-10 17:00:09. It has garnered 14689 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:00 or 12660 seconds. CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun. #blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft Read More

  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/4342044275/profile ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@AyushMore2?sub_confirmation=1 REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

    "INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro started headshoting creepers 💀 #music #musica #remix #memes #funny #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by xardsp on 2024-04-09 22:00:37. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► https://youtu.be/Y5FV3J5gdcA ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/spookyyuki7472 TICKETS: https://www.tiktok.com/@spookyyuki7472 Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: terrashift.net Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

    CrossFireMC - Comp Factions 1.8.9IP: [​CrossFireMC.com]discord.gg/crossfiremc RELEASE DATE: [​Thursday July 4 @ 3pm EST]1.8.9 Version▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬PAYOUTS:🥇 $200 to “charity” or 10,000 Gold🥈 $50 to “charity” or 5,000 Gold🥉 2500 Gold▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[​CrossFireMC] – [​Murder Map 1]MAP LENGTH: [​3 Day Grace/4 Day TNT]FACTION SIZE/ROSTER SIZE: [​5/10]SHIELD LENGTH: [​20 hours]BUFFER SIZE: [​15c]CANNON SPEED: [​3s]ECO: [​RaidOutpost/DarkZone/Fishing/SugarCane]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Anarchy – Minecraft Realm- Do /server anarchy- no rules, cheats are allowed on this realm. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

I Made HER Play The SCARIEST Minecraft Map..