I Simulated Life in Medieval Minecraft for 7 Days

Video Information

What you’re looking at is the corpses of our enemies slaughtered cut down in battle and soon you’ll see how they met their fate because today you are about to witness a mass kidnapping unlike anything you’ve ever seen before the tale begins with five kingdoms Shadow Mech lagundo Ryan Steve and myself and

For the next seven real life days we are going to simulate Medieval Times in Hardcore Minecraft each of us was commanding our own Army composed of around 60 real players each of the other kingdoms had around 10 players each well my Army I had two people Robert and Kim

Who before the game even began was eaten by a crocodile Robert was the muscle Kim was the Builder and me I was the brains of this operation and our plan was very simple build a massive dungeon below our castle and start secretly kidnapping players from other kingdoms

I will seize the iron throne and make all of the other kings kneel before me and if they don’t I will hang them from the very Towers they themselves built so that in death their lifeless dangling corpse can serve as a reminder to their people of who their one true king is

Tiberius mustard John So let them build their castles assemble their armies and come for us because in the end all that awaits them is the crocodile we’re gonna put in the dungeon and it’s gonna eat them we spawned in a swamp next to several extremely hungry crocodiles and uh

I’m sure you know where this is going all right yeah but more on that later at this point I had two simple goals for Robert and Kim number one do not under any circumstances get eaten by a crocodile that’s that’s the biggest one right now and number two build a wall

Big enough to keep us safe from the crocodiles right neither of those things worked out first Kim and I started cutting down trees as many as many trees as we could we’re chopping them they call this the tree Choppers good cutting’s cutting down so many trees although I’m gonna be honest

It felt like it was me cutting down trees and Kim was doing whatever it was that Kim was doing at the time I don’t know maybe Kim can explain that in his video we’re very curious to see how many how much tree chopping he shows in his because

I don’t know what was he doing he’s a bee here What it’s a b it’s a b it’s a b unch I gotta stay away from that that will get my lapis Kim don’t don’t cut down the tree that’s got the b in it I love our Banner it perfectly represents what we will be doing putting people in jail and giving them to

Crocodiles definitely look cooler that way this way hey look how you’re doing it now looks way cooler than yeah like planks we need food because I realize I’m gonna oh my God there’s crocodiles right there oh oh what are you killing oh you did it yeah you get stuff Kim what

You do now is you help me with this wall this wall is incredibly important while Kim and I were doing this Robert was off looking for oars we wanted armor and he said that he’d go find some iron somewhere in the mountains I was afraid you know what because I watched him walk

Away I was thinking yeah you know what that might be the last time I see Robert gotta spend four minutes with him in this game it’s good not to mention I was now alone with just Kim and uh I don’t know if you want to be alone

With Kim in a game like this if either Kim or Robert dies and by extension anyone else who is not a king to their Kingdom that’s it they are out of the game it is it is full-blown hardcore for them so having Robert leave huge risk and being

Alone with Kim uh even bigger risk because neither Kim or I are particularly good at Minecraft so I I was very concerned about this already Robert be very careful in those mountains okay I’m going into the crocodile then no no no no no no no no no no

The water okay trust me okay is it really yeah come over this way whenever we launch one of these big scenario smps I’m always very curious about what other people are doing in the world and what’s going on elsewhere well I’m doing whatever it is that I’m doing it makes

Me very excited to watch their videos to see how much better off they were than we were and if anyone else was stuck in a swamp with a Norwegian guy who was I don’t know what he was doing this is a very very large map and for the first

Few days of the game we are not allowed to leave our area this gave us time to build up our kingdom and get things in order before potential war broke out and in order to keep us safe since we three of us versus teams of ten one of the

Things that I needed to do and secure right away was set up a mailbox one of the only ways to communicate with one another especially in these first few early days of the game is to send mail like good old-fashioned letters to one another in these kingdoms and so I

Wanted to make sure that I had a mailbox set up as soon as possible so that I could start communicating with the other kings to try to form some sort of an alliance and then convert that Alliance into trust and then betray that trust by having them send people to what

Inevitably would be their Doom at our kingdom I was very curious what everyone else was up to while we were building our basic wooden wall and uh you know what I’m excited to watch their videos Kim and I were hard work on the wall and you know it was it was getting there

Slowly oh so dangerous going to the water what are you calling him him that guy yeah George uh who’s that yeah one day he’s gonna come up here yeah well I know we gotta that day scares me all right let me get this wall up it’s almost night time we don’t have

Anything no we didn’t make it in okay I’m helping me get this guy in what have you done now this guy won’t come in you see him where is he oh yeah I see him he’s on the wrong side as time went on we still didn’t hear

From Robert and we both we started to get a little bit worried he was still alive but it had been a while and he was either going to come back with a lot of stuff or you know Robert was not going to come back at all we’re gonna see

Robert is dead in the chat Robert did not return by Nightfall it was it was dark now and it was just Kim and I now this would have normally been fine on regular Minecraft however this is modded Minecraft and one of the mods gave all of the white walkers uh very powerful

Weapons just give me the word I was stand watched right there Sean just give me what I would watch I will watch the cave just give me the word foreign lights we stayed outside working on the wall until we had to we had to go inside because there was an army of creepers

That spawned and a whole bunch I didn’t want anything to do with this so let me just wait it underground for Robert to return yeah we just wait here yeah hey you wanna you wanna share my king yes thank you may I sit yes you may but then morning came and

There was no Robert Robert was still gone at this point I think it had been like 25 minutes and we had absolutely no communication with this guy he could have been you could have been anywhere at this point me and Kim had no idea where he

Had went uh and there were now White Walkers all around our camp so we ended up we fought one managed to kill it which gave me a little bit more confidence because well I had no idea how powerful they were someone just kept working on the wall and we spent the entire day

Trying to get this wall up so that we’d be safe all the while Robert was he was still wherever he was and to be quite honest I can’t wait to watch his video to see what he had gotten up to in that mountain and he’s digging around

But night fell and yet again we went inside and started hiding and then eventually mining until Robert finally returned the next morning but Robert Is Here Come up oh I’ve been mining 64 iron up here and 15 Diamonds oh my God Robert as music 20 years eat that chicken thing

I’m at three hearts I’m at three hearts right now and I have no food oh yeah get this man some chicken there’s a chicken on the campfire thing oh I took it sorry about that after we were all caught up and uh Robert had armed us with all of the supplies that

He had gotten we realized that we were now going to need to get food we had no Farm I did not see any cows in the area the only animal that I was seeing was the um the crocodiles which were soon going to be a bit of a problem uh and we

Were all getting very hungry we were starting to get very very hungry so I suggested that we leave this area and go on a little bit of a hunt in the a little bit further up from here so we left our camp and we went out looking for animals to kill at first

Uh I killed an ostrich but then We Came Upon a bunch of kangaroos at first we just started slaughtering them with absolutely no regard to just how much of a mistake this would end up being later on you see these kangaroos are you can tame them and then not only that

But you can you can give them armor and weapons and they will attack people for you and that’s exactly what we end up doing later on but at the time we didn’t realize that we shouldn’t be killing these things for meat this is not an animal that you harvest for me this is

An animal you harvest for combat and we had no idea what we were doing thankfully we didn’t kill them all we ended up leaving some which very grateful for that I know you’re thinking why are you why are you hunting and getting meat this way why don’t you

Just set up a farm I’ll tell you right now we were setting up a farm right but we we got our priorities all jumbled up and right now we just wanted to get enough meat to get going so that our farm could keep running so once we had enough meat we returned home

Robert oh my God they hide where is it it’s it’s oh not the best idea to have a crocodile near our house we’re gonna we’re gonna tame those guys don’t worry that night we um when I was setting up this the resource pack for this I made some of the white

Walkers look like uh Kim so we saw our first our first version of Kim walking around out there away yeah no way no way yeah oh my goodness oh it’s me I’m so blue can we keep him uh I don’t know I gotta get him in a boat uh

They’re getting in our walls oh they’re gonna not make them too high around I don’t know why you guys did there’s so many here okay the crocodiles these things were on the top of my mind for the entire time all I could I had crocodile brain that’s all I could think

About is how to how am I going to get one of these things to kill someone else so I wanted to see how the very first I need to see how I could feed a crocodile so the next day I grabbed some rotten flesh which I got

From killing a white walker Kim and a few others and I went over to the edge of the swamp guys okay oh my God Sean oh Charming what Jesus Christ get in close the door close the door oh my God he’s in our shop s [Laughter] oh shekins oh chickens

You can kill chicken he will he’s looking good he’ll one shot you Robert come on no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Okay after that mess was all cleaned up uh we took a look at some of the additional weapons that we can make there there there’s a lot of medieval mods in this mod pack and there’s tons of weapons the thing is when you got so many weapons you got to

Really figure out which one is worth making and after going through the list of them and looking at the stats we fig we figured that the iron on the iron the Warhammer was the best bet so Robert crafted me one shortly after this Robert had to get offline for the night so Kim

And I decided just to scout out the area and see what was going on around where our camp was built we ended up climbing over the mountain that Robert initially had dug into and we found a an area that just looked a whole lot nicer from where we had set up our camp

Is this the ocean this is a river leading to the ocean I believe interesting almost like we should have built here that’s kind of what I suggested at first but you you insisted on the swamp no I didn’t know there was a I mean it’s never too late to move yeah

Maybe we should move you don’t want to be leaving a swamp you would like you I could hear better well I want to live close to us while this one’s right there yeah I remember what I said about it not being super nice but just you’re aware of that like uh

Things are a bit weird in this swamp where like some fun if you look closer okay being close to the ocean was absolutely crucial and while this new area wasn’t super far from where we had initially spawned it would have been so annoying to climb that mountain every time we wanted to

Get to water so this seemed like the right place we wanted to access the ocean for a bunch of different reasons the biggest of which is once we were able to leave our area and start scouting out and spying on other people we wanted to be able to do that fairly

Easily we also wanted other people to be able to find our base fairly easily that’s why we didn’t want to hide it in the woods or anything like that we wanted people to be able to sail up this River and see our base and come straight

To our door so we decided to move it was the second real-life day of the scenario and before we officially moved to the new location I wanted to try and capture a crocodile this could be very stupid or very smart but not nowhere in between okay I saw hearts I saw hearts

Oh it worked it worked okay okay I gotta get the other ones okay oh okay this last one last one oh no I got half off okay that’s a lot of damage look at my hearts look at this guy oh Okay so uh did I do a crocodile wait I don’t know what to say about that I thought with all this new armor that I would be uh could get away from it but uh I guess not so as is the case with our other uh SMP scenario videos dying means losing

One max heart of permanent Health if you lose all 10 you’re officially dead but the difference was was that this only applied to the Kings meaning me shadow sneeve Laguna and Ryan anyone else who died at all would be fully removed from the game I didn’t want to risk losing

Another heart so early on so I had to I had to sit and wait for Robert to come help me and get my get my stuff back Robert Sean this is not good do they really do one shot even one yes be careful they’re gonna they’ll grab

You from oh my God I hear them come up here that’s your body yeah careful there’s more than one right underneath there was three of them here a few minutes ago how are you killing them I haven’t killed them don’t kill them we have to keep them alive we need them

All right I’ll just take them away okay there’s you see there’s the other one there too yeah I see one over there and there’s one right here is there any other one I need to worry about there’s two and though there’s three by my body right now

He’s focused on me he’s got he’s got a taste for my blood hey walk walk away is it safe He’s still there Okay oh my God some of it back on everything though get it all get it all I’m trying but my inventory is full oh there’s another one you’re safe you’re safe I think okay sweating right now I hear one here when I hear one there’s one in the water okay

If you’re enjoying this video chances are you’re gonna enjoy the next one we’re doing VR jousting all right this is this this kind of a little bit nutty a man’s head cloth we also did a bunch of combat in the arena we even fought a

Dragon in VR so be on the lookout for that is that is the next video we’re doing VR medieval combat in Minecraft so make sure you subscribe for that and keep your eye out after the whole crocodile dilemma I uh I got offline for the entire day yes the entire day which

Is unfortunate because in that time all the other kingdoms did a significant amount of work not to mention they all had a lot more people than us so uh we we were now very far behind everyone else and we still hadn’t even got to the new location yet and it was

Now day three I I don’t even I don’t even know what I’m gonna see when I watch other people’s videos and here I am just looking at my own corpse that had been mangled by crocodiles I showed Robert where the new location was and we got to work

Rebuilding our camp I was very pleased with this new location the more I thought about it the more I looked at it I realized just how perfect it was other players would absolutely find this and if they were anything like me they’re going to want to go up to the gate to

Chat and the moment they walk up to our gate it is over for them they are going straight down into the dungeon that we are soon to build and it would have been absolutely perfect I was very happy with the decision to move here not to mention

One of the problems that I was anticipating us having which was Finding slime turned out not to be a problem at all because directly across the river from where we were building slimes were spawning so I was very glad that this wasn’t going to be an issue because our

Building planner Kim was offline all the time Robert and I ended up just making a big Cobblestone Cube that again I can I can only imagine what other people had built by this point you’re gonna watch their videos and probably see castles where we’re we’re living in a

Cobblestone block that’s that’s good I started building a wall around it so that we could at least have some protection Kim was offline so I didn’t know what his plans were or how he wanted this to look but I figured eventually he could make this look a little bit nicer for

Now it was just the stone stone bricks and uh logs while I was doing that Robert was out going to try to retrieve all the cows that he had started farming at the Old Camp which is a lot easier said than done I think it took him a

While to bring all those cows back hey Robert you’ve even got the Emu I’m certain that this was not worth it It took this took two days yeah with a decent chunk of our wall built and a ton of phantoms out at night it was time to start working on them the main part of our master plan which was building our dungeon the most crucial part of the

Dungeon was making sure that it was deep enough underground that no one who came to our Castle would be able to hear the screams and cries of our prisoners which were safely and securely stored directly below their feet because if Ward got out that we were stashing and kidnapping

People our entire plan would be fooled that absolutely could not happen so what we did was one of us dug down while the other one stayed on the surface and we just kept yelling to each other and eventually we when we didn’t hear each other anymore we had known that we were

Deep enough and once we were down there we started digging out a giant massive to be quite honest it might be a world record of how big of a a hole we dug out could be I don’t know if someone should look that up a huge hole I mean Robert

We started going look at this me and Robert nothing better than just two buddies digging a giant hole in Minecraft you know it was good but you know what a giant dungeon is pointless unless you got a one unfortunate man to sit inside of it so with that in mind I officially started

Making moves against my enemies I got a book and quill and wrote my first of many letters this first one was to Shadow Mech dear shadowmac I want to formally invite you to send an ambassador to discuss terms or not I’m not doing I’m not doing this voice ever again to discuss terms

Of a potential Alliance and or become a trade partner we have many treasures and healthy Warriors if you are interested please send a reply to this letter I hope your kingdom is as prosperous as ours love the crocodile house everything I just said in that letter

Was a lie the plan was to get Shadow to eventually agree to send an ambassador to visit us and this person whoever it was never return they would be locked away in our dungeon since we wouldn’t kill them there would be no kill message in chat and therefore Shadow would have no

Reason to declare war on us we would maintain the plausible deniability and if or when Shadow sent more people looking for their missing ambassador we would capture them too and eventually we would capture every single person on this server and then I would just walk straight into the castle and claim the

Throne as my own and it all started with one simple letter so I said the letter to Shadow and with that we officially began our rise to power now all we need to do was get this dungeon built and get it built fast this is where Kim came in hey hey we’ve been

You see what we have done can you believe it I’ve seen uh I’ve seen this mine it’s a big mine this is the dungeon this is the dungeon oh this is oh we’ve dug this all out for you and collected a ton of cobblestone do you want me to make a dungeon down

Here yes oh Robert thank you don’t kill me King no no I’m not killing you you’re going to the prison because you removed your you are now you must build your dungeon down here okay I’m not a traitor so how do we want how do you want the dungeon like multiple

Rooms one big room uh I’d say like multiple cells you know right with iron bars and stuff so you like force them into them or like we’re gonna make sure they fall into it well they’re gonna fall into the hallway and then we’ll walk them down the hallway into the jail cell

Okay okay I will be back in a few minutes yeah don’t mind me I had Kim working on this thing for hours and as any successful leader does it’s very important to spy on your own people just to make sure they’re not conspiring against you or got other plans so to do this

I pretended to be AFK while Kim worked on the dungeon I sat there listening to everything this man had to say and what he said was truly shocking yeah what do you think about sticky poop what so I don’t care that is sticky I don’t have it no sticky poo yeah hard

To remove it’s kind of hard to remove right okay you know what I don’t even know what to say about that I have I I don’t know what he was talking okay I went up and I worked on the wall and I I did some farming and I checked the mail

I had a letter from Ryan so I brought it down and read it to Robert and Kim I got a letter I’ll come down and I’ll read it oh I’m coming up no I’m coming down okay I’m coming down it’s from Ryan dear Sean how are you my friend I hope

This message finds you in good health I write to you to on this day to make sure that we are still the best of terms I sincerely hope so as from what I have heard things here in Westeros are about to get it a bit shall we say Buck nutty

Stay safe my friend respectfully King Ryan II because he died once oh my goodness so he wants nothing huh yeah he just want peace yeah well guess what oh is that a threat it might have been a threat Robert was our Master of Arms while I was focused on sending

Letters and figuring out how to get people to come to our base and Kim was working on creating the dungeon to capture them Robert’s task was simply to get better armor and supplies for us and at some point he had collected a bunch of diamonds and we had started making

Diamond gear you’ll have to watch his video if you want to see how we did all that but Kim needed more wood for the dungeon he also needed more stone bricks so I went out and chopped down trees for him and I also went Mining and got him a

Bunch of cobblestone which we then converted into to stone bricks once that was all taken care of Robert and I began work on the most important part of the dungeon which was the method we’d use to actually get people into the dungeon itself and I’ll explain as we build it

When people came to visit us they need to walk through our front gate which will remain closed at all times to enter our Castle we’ll need to let them in by flipping a lever which will open the gate how however beside that lever is a second one which when pressed will open

A trap door dropping anyone standing in front of our gate directly down into our dungeon where we will force them to drop their armor and escort them into a cell it’s absolutely foolproof and I’m gonna tell you right now people fell for it right you might be thinking no way someone’s gonna fall

People fell for it so well that’s while we were working on that I needed to to do this I needed to dig a three by three pit downwards well Robert worked on setting up the drop mechanism once I got down to the same level as the dungeon I

Needed to dig out a hallway that we then used to escort our prisoners who would be scared and confused at this point down to the cell that they would then spend the rest of the game in oh also at some point Robert and I Robert built this beautiful ship I didn’t build it

Like he built it look at this absolutely beautiful truly beautiful ship this thing is wonderful go watch this video see how he built this crazy all right back to building once the the pit and tunnel was done next I had to make some sort of temporary cell to keep the

Prisoners in during the strip down phase the cell had to achieve several things first I needed water so that it wouldn’t kill anyone who dropped down here once I had just you know I don’t know why that I had wrote that like that was gonna be

Hard to figure out just put a bucket of water down once I had that I needed some sort of window that I could safely see into the cell and talk to them through I used iron bars for this next I did something that I could say take take off

The armor take drop the weapons and put all your inventory into it apparel was absolutely perfect for this I didn’t want to use a chest because the chest would have to have an open block above it or like a bar or something it just looked bad but a barrel looked good so I

Used a barrel this is where they’re gonna put all their stuff once they drop down here so they don’t kill us and lastly I needed some sort of way to safely kill them in the event that they didn’t cooperate the plan was that they would drop down into a pit and they

Would essentially be trapped there’s nowhere for them to go we would then instruct them to drop all of their gear and if they didn’t cooperate we would kill them but we couldn’t kill them we needed some sort of way to kill them without signaling to the entire server

That we killed them this no this of course was where the crocodile came in but you’ll see that soon around this time is when Robert finished building the drop mechanism so I went up to see it yeah we’re gonna get this covered up right now so right now come back in oh perfect

Okay is it safe to fall down it should be I’ll go because if I died oh Yep it’s good I temporarily covered it up with dirt blocks so anyone who decided to come early and spy on us wouldn’t see it just in case you know I didn’t want this whole thing getting out there so soon then I made it look a little bit

Nicer and replace the dirt blocks with like some stone bricks and this medieval fire pit thing it looks a little bit more inviting and also draws your attention to the entrance a little bit better at this point anyone could show up at any time they weren’t invited but people were likely

Starting to explore the map a little bit more so I was worried that they would come and we wouldn’t be totally ready for them but at the very least with this in place we could trap them so in the event that someone did show up I wanted to go over

The plan with both Robert and Kim and just in case we had any unannounced visitors so this this right now is in front of our gate we press a button they’ll fall down here right oh they land here and then we go give me all your stuff they have to everything put

It on the barrel put everything well you want to see both of you both of you right now I’m building the kingdom no and I’m the king I’m the captain what’s going to happen is if they don’t cooperate from this little spot right here my little friend will be released

Oh we have them ready ready to go yeah and now the thing is is that if they get killed by the crocodile it won’t say that we killed them they’ll say they are killed trying to run away from a crocodile so it to the kingdom it won’t look like we murdered their ambassador

Hopefully we don’t kill too many people’s crocodile or else people will get suspicious yeah but why are so many people dying to crocodile yes I love it I had no idea how I was going to get a crocodile down there how do you bring a giant bloodthirsty Beast into a tiny

Little space deep underground I had absolutely no idea how I was gonna do it but you know what I knew I was gonna figure it out at this point Kim had been working on the dungeon down deep underground for hours upon hours at this point and had spent very little of

His gameplay time actually above surface so I said you know what Kim come on out come see the Sun get some fresh air and then immediately I sent that man right back down goodbye with everything taken care of I finally replied to Ryan’s letter I told him that

I was interested in making some trades with him and that we were specifically looking for netherwort another bricks basically all the stuff that you get from another that we were unable to find when Robert went to look for it and I said that if he was interested in making

Some trades that it would be done at our kingdom and that he would then he would need to send someone to us an ambassador to make the trades as a king it’s very important to address any crazy ideas that your workers might get like being unhappy to uh do forced

Labor in a dark dungeon for hours you need to shut that down fast it’s a good day it’s a good time time to be alive don’t be thinking what have you been thinking like uh how would you feel about like if I like started like working for lagundo it’s okay come with me

Come on I actually need to do some work in here but the great thing about forced labor is that you get some beautiful results out of it like this dungeon was looking absolutely fantastic it looked great Kim had set up four cells all with Windows

They had a door inside there was even a crack in between two of the cells so that when we filled this place with prisoners they could at least talk to one another this place was coming along nice the only thing left to do in the dungeon besides get the crocodile down

There was build one of the last walls so while Kim was doing that Robert and I set out to get two things kelp and a crocodile egg we returned to the Old Camp with handfuls of rotten flesh do you need so you need to hit two of them yeah Sean

All right I don’t know what to do let me remind you we’re gonna do we can do this there’s two of them right there all right oh my God there’s a bear There’s an actual Bear right there I know stay away from that guy oh my God I’m nervous right now

I’m nervous right now for you is there a bed over there that you can get come back there’s a Crocodile don’t worry we can do this just don’t die just don’t die I won’t die oh okay watch this it’s gonna attack me oh nice so he’s stunned he’s done can’t stay

Back stay back I’m I’m back I’m back now I’m gonna get the other one I don’t know how to get to the other one though there’s a bear on the right why he’s coming for you no he’s not he’s just walking lure him closer though right you guys

Live closer to each other hey hey okay yeah but they’re not gonna they’re too far away from each other that’s why I was saying it hilarious okay well I’ll lure this the other one if this one lunges at me again I’ll just stop it yes go go through it go through it what

Then I’m gonna cry about another one you get the other one you’re all over this one what are you talking about give me hey hey give me give me to him I’ll do it all today yeah but no no if you die you’re gone for good yeah but I won’t okay

Watch this watch this I’ll go over here I got it it’s almost night time already don’t worry hey I’m closer bring them closer bring them closer I’m gonna try to hey hey what you gotta watch watch from behind watch from behind for me come on why aren’t you guys going to do

The thing no this one this one’s killed me before these ones are so close come on both you you come after me chase me oh okay he’s chasing good good good good good okay Shields up but what you left left ouch there we go oh they’re doing it they’re doing it

Okay whoa there’s an egg there’s an egg okay okay where is it he’s sitting on the egg all right let’s pull him away pull him away Robert he can climb the tree okay I’m bringing them away bring them away I got the egg all right let’s go back

Let’s get back get back get back okay which way this way I when I walked away with that egg and got back to the castle I was I was the happiest man alive because with this egg I could do so many things I would raise this crocodile as if it

Was my own child I would nurture it I would care for it I would make sure that it knows that I am its master and once then and it was tamed in mine I would use this bloodthirsty Beast to threaten people and if need be slaughter them I would not hesitate to

Serve any single person in this server including my own workers to this crocodile if it meant that I would get to sit on the throne at the end of this this crocodile would help me achieve that goal and win the game oh my God

Yeah we got the egg you got the egg yeah we got the egg oh my God that was a disaster almost but for now I needed to we needed to set up an enclosure for this Beast we needed two it needed to do two things there needed to be a window

So that we could see the crocodile and I could feed it rotten flesh and that there also needed to be a button that I could release the crocodile so that I could eat anyone who uh dropped down in the pit that didn’t want to agree so while Robert was working on setting up

The mechanism to release the crocodile I was setting up the very simple bar so that we could we could see it at this point in the game PVP had not been enabled yet but it was about to be turned on and someone in Ryan’s Army was repeatedly asking when that would be

Has told me a few things it made me think that Ryan was planning something this person who was asking about PVP was welcoming Before I hatched the egg I wanted to make sure that I had a name tag I didn’t think the crocodile would despawn without it but I just went through a lot of trouble to get this thing so I wasn’t about to lose it to despawning so I wanted to make

Sure that I had a name tag normally it takes me a very very long time to get these things I have to go through I gotta go through tons of dungeons I never find them but this time I got super lucky with fishing and I caught one very quickly

There we go there we go later that day I got a reply from Ryan he said that he was interested in making a trade and that once he had collected all of the requested items he would send someone to make the trade with us and with that

I knew that things were about to get a little bit nutty here on the server things were about to kick off in a major way Kim was about to get some company down there in the dungeon yeah besides the the creepers and zombies that I kept sending down come on oh my God

Foreign There you go I’m gonna drown I’m gonna drown how where are you where are you oh my God I ruined my elevator thing what do I have to do where are you where are you where are you uh I’ll make it I will make it I’ll make it okay

I’m just gonna scare me like that you get out can we go oh get in the door Kim you gotta close the door why would you push them down there I don’t want to see what would happen Robert was going to do the same as a

Don’t do it imagine down there when he looks on creeper will be next to him we needed more slime so I got it and then I gave it to Robert who used it to finish setting up the mechanism to release the crocodile on anyone who didn’t didn’t cooperate with our very reasonable

Demands once Robert completed the the mechanism I was finally able to put down the egg and begin the hatching process okay here’s where we’ll hatch gabilar It didn’t it didn’t do the special glowy thing which is not going to hatch there we go okay gobbler will hatch the egg takes five days to hatch approximately two hours in game or I I don’t know one I I don’t know it takes a while to hatch at which point it will

Imprint on the nearest player whoever that is the Beast will not attack and will protect this had to be me so for the next two hours I did not leave the egg side and I just sat there staring at the egg waiting for it to hatch I can’t work on these conditions

He’s hashing oh do you see that yeah it cracked it’s getting close I can’t stand you can sit I need you to step back him if this thing hatches I need to be the closest player so it knows I’m the mommy oh true is that a thing also yes it

Won’t attack me then it’s all the food they have what there’s like there’s chests of potatoes up there there’s a whole field of potatoes yeah but it’s it’s a field of phantoms too come on crack again I hope we see about that because if you don’t we’re gonna have to

Make a little Tombstone for you yes make a gravey I was thinking about that when Rob was gone we should have made like a graveyard for him yes okay we will make everywhere for everyone who dies down here I want people to see like as they walk down this hallway

We’ll see everyone who died that’d be cool if we could have a player corpse in there what’s going on I’m just waiting for the egg to hatch where you break defense I was worried I was worried I need more uh air above the egg it cracked again anyway and after about two hours

It finally hatched oh oh I touched there he is oh oh a little guy hey how’s it going hello I gotta get this name take on him okay there he is garble r aw okay garbbler good to see you when I log back in the next day look how

Big this man had grown to this was one large large man oh what the hell Robert these diamonds while I was offline Robert had also collected diamonds now this is not offline diamond or offline mining you can go watch Robert’s video to see how he got these I was very

Very enthusiastic about our position in the game right now we only had three people but whoo we had a dungeon we had a crocodile and we had a ton of diamonds this was things were going well for us but I realized I might have made a

Slight mistake back at the start of the game I had set up a mailbox at the Old Camp and uh kind of I kind of forgot about it so I was thinking that the other kings who I had not really heard from might have been sending letters to that mailbox instead of the

New mailbox and they’re not connected so I thought that we should probably go check that old mailbox and see if there was any mail in it so Robert and I went back to the old camp and sure enough uh there was a lot of mail in there I had

Letters from pretty much everyone and a 32 stack of diamonds oh my God someone sent there’s I have so much mail really trade off for lagundo book and quill 32 diamonds looking quill yeah okay book and quill someone’s in a book and quote okay dear iron crocodile Shadow is off doing

Things he is what is this cow doing to me it’s really sniffing you I’ll summarize all the letters everyone wanted to trade and everyone wanted to work with us this was this was fantastic it I did I mean I mean also look the 32 diamonds from Steve

Was man sent us 32 diamonds you know what those diamonds bought him 32 hours in the lockup right actually I uh I sent them back one single piece of lapis for that uh I’ve replied to everyone when we got back to our main base Laguna wanted feathers I gave him

Some feathers and leather or something like that although I think he sent this letter at the beginning of the game and uh by this point he probably didn’t need it when I finally replied to them I told shout out though he’d work with him I told Steve though he’d work with him I

Told Laguna that we’d work with him I told everyone that we were very interested in working with them foreign though was with our gear we had a bunch of diamonds and and good stuff but we had no enchants on any of our gear yet Robert had set up an enchanting table

And he had the the books and all that it was all good to go but the problem was that we didn’t have any experience and since we had never set up an XP farm we had just been getting XP the old-fashioned way which was going out and killing mobs every single night and

I was just about level 30 so I wanted to finish that off and get some some enchants done oh my God Foreign foreign ly hit Level 30 the first enchant I went for was sharpness 3 on my Warhammer probably wasn’t the best choice but you know what that’s what I picked all right so that’s that’s what I got the good thing about this is that now my levels

Were reset to 27 and from this point forward it’d be it’d be pretty easy to get level 30 on repeat basically every night I’d go out I could get level 30. so the enchants we’re gonna start rolling in for pretty much all of us with that taken care of our next Focus

Was on something far more important foreign Robert and I were stealing crocodile eggs we had spotted some grizzly bears and we thought how you know what I wonder if I wonder if he can tame something like that whatever you can snap NAB those and when we went through

The animal book it explained that grizzly bears while they can’t be tamed they can be ridden which the moment we read that we thought okay you know what that’s exactly what we have to do so to uh ride a grizzly bear you need a few things the first of which is honey

And while I was trying to get to level 30 previously Robert and I had had got some money I’m just curious can you see the bees yeah should I find another going okay I think that makes them mad so let’s go they do like oh my God Robert

So I couldn’t hear your thing Kim yesterday was talking about sticky poo or something Kim always talks about sticky poo but have you heard of that okay he’s sticky poo man I was like I was pretending to be AFK so I could see if he was planning

To do anything against us and he was the whole time he was going on about sticky poo yeah he’s known to do that bizarre so the second thing that you need is fish lots and lots of fish specifically salmon not any type of it has to be

Salmon and I had some but Robert didn’t have enough so I think we yeah we spent some time getting more fish because we’re gonna need a lot of it and then with that we set out to finally go get a grizzly bear over here yeah we put it put on that tree

Okay bear eat eat the honey oh he just ate the whole thing he’s eating it oh my God we ate the whole comb okay that’s good give him give him fish come fish he’s eating the fish keep you want to keep moving on fish okay I’m gonna keep

Cooking fish I got more fish for you Robert here look at him he’s like Kimberly I think you right click on him with the fish he didn’t eat the honeycomb he ate the whole thing oh watch out that’s fine that’s fine give me all your fish here oh how much damage to do

Not that much give him more I think I no I think I think we messed up because I saw it he just walked up to the honeycomb and just smacked it and grabbed a little bit outfit he didn’t break the whole thing this isn’t gonna work we need to we need

A honeycomb we need a new one okay there’s Honeycombs out here there’s another one the seagulls coming for you eh they’re they just pick things up I don’t know what they do well it’s chasing you creeper oh okay let’s go let’s go he’s so fast he’s chasing me did he give him salmon

No I oh my God yeah he’s gonna get you he doesn’t even want the salmon he’s pissed I know it’s ridiculous Robert he’s gonna get you I’m gonna I’m gonna get the honeycomb don’t don’t why are you gonna get Dundee comb get okay stop stop yeah I went to that one first

There’s another bear don’t don’t piss that one off throw the salmon down here he’ll walk okay he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming he wants salmon I’m holding it in my hand if he wants it oh this guy’s doing it he’s eating he’s eating Robert this guy oh he’s gonna he’s gonna he’s got

The honey over his no nose oh he’s just sitting there now what do you tickle him or what do you do I just keep I just keep giving up the bees are stinging him yeah he’s fine he’s fine look at the meat he’s a big boy

Oh no I’ll have 10 more salmon I’ll go look oh my God oh my God oh my God there’s a shark I want to go eat so much salmon there’s there’s a there was a shark in the okay I’m gonna go try to get more serious yeah oh man let’s freaking get bears

We gotta put our Tavern on our armor yeah and we’ll put tablet on our Bears okay why you do with that I can’t wait to wide these bears well here they come one for you one for one all right all right well where should I put it I’m gonna put it on this

This tree yeah probably get rid of the crocodile hey bear come on in come on in yep there he goes come on you freaking bear you got the honey out another thing is stinging him he doesn’t give up let him feed it throw throw it on the ground no it’s it is on

The ground it’s out here it’s like floating in front of it oh he didn’t swipe at the honeycomb he didn’t know he did he did oh oh my God these freaking Bears man he knocked the honeycomb out of the thing and then he didn’t eat it oh

Try throwing him that see what he does he doesn’t care oh there he goes oh but it’s not on his nose no yeah wait till he finishes there you go yes look at this Robert look at this oh yeah okay look he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming get ready okay

He’s gonna eat it he’s gonna eat it yeah I know I know I know I know I know I got the same one honey he’s not he’s in he’s lazy eat the honey come on I wanna come on no there’s no flowers around oh there we

Go okay now feed him that oh he’s eating it yeah he’s got to just deal with these guys for a second just throw them on top of them on top of it drum on top of him I understand but do you see what happened this is what happened last time the bees

Kept pushing him away come on you got this yes here we go okay look at this all right let’s go let’s go back I’m so slow it’s gonna take a while to get these things home once we get them home oh boy I can’t really think we’re gonna know I hit him

When someone when ambassadors come to be with us we sit on our Bears yeah I mean I guess we can tell them that we can make them attack we’ll say these bears are deadly they’re trained to attack anyone who oppose us yeah oh my gosh okay I’m gonna Park mine first

With the Bears back at home we were feeling we were feeling very good very very good sure we didn’t have as many players as everyone else but these animals riding up and routing up quick we had a crocodile uh two grizzly bears Kim we had a lot of our army was gonna

Be made up for with animals and then plus you factor in everyone we sold for we were gonna get in the dunge we were gonna have enough people to win this and then we were thinking why stop at grizzly bears why not try to get a kangaroo as well so that’s exactly what

We plan to do next well Robert did I I was trying to get a second crocodile egg which I’m gonna be honest did not go well I got bit several times and uh these things do a lot of damage even when you have a lot of armor but while I

Was doing that Robert came back with a bunch of kangaroos oh my God oh my God okay oh my God okay we gotta get these guys back let’s get them back before night oh yeah he just kicked the spider they’re kicking him oh they do they do a lot of damage yeah

I know okay let’s get him inside I’m gonna give him this they do 14 points of damage oh my God right now and throughout this entire process I had been sending letters back and forth with the other kingdoms building up trust and working towards a point in which they’d

Feel very comfortable sending an ambassador to us we were getting very close to everyone and by the way that Green Dot you might have seen that’s from Journey Maps we’ve been using the journey Maps add-on to Mark specific locations in our surrounding area like for example the

Beehives so that we could find them easier later this would also come in handy later for marking the location of people’s bases once we inevitably found them I wasn’t originally going to use journey map but to be honest I like the way it looked and it was way easier than

Just writing down coordinates all the time so I like this you’re probably you’re probably gonna see Journey map in a few more videos to be honest but more important than journey man I’m even talking about something had happened Ryan had declared war on Shadow now this is going to get a little bit

Game of Thrones is all about drama isn’t it it’s kind of a drama TV this is gonna get a little meta here because there was some actual drama going on behind the scenes with this uh declaration of war one of Ryan’s people welcoming who you may remember from before who was asking

About when PVP would be enabled well there’s a reason for this they were planning an assassination of Shadow and late the night before welkomen had successfully assassinated Shadow however there was a snag because one of the rules of the game is that in order for a king to have another King

Assassinated they need to issue a Kill Order and be online at the moment of the assassination this assassination happened late at night while Ryan was offline Shadow was in his base behind his walls with his gate closed Shadow assumed that he was totally safe because none of the other kings were online and

He was in his base behind his walls and his gate was closed thinking that he couldn’t be killed at this point in the game he wasn’t recording welkomen found a way into Shadow’s base and something went down between the two of them and it resulted in Shadow being killed after

Some debate I made the call and said that it didn’t count because Ryan was offline ultimately it’s my fault for not communicating the rules better and it made people upset so I take full responsibility for that but on the other hand it was an excellent opportunity for chaos yeah you

Know what I love in these scenarios and these these events I’m a man who loves chaos absolutely I thrive on it Ryan was now forced to declare war on Shadow and this meant that we were going to need to pick a side and the side that I I

Planned on picking was Ryan’s however however there’s a big however here I would take anyone I could get into my dungeon so the priority was on nabbing Shadows people but I would also take rides if if it came down to it either way someone was going

In my dungeon the war also meant that a Siege was imminent and Ryan would soon attack Shadow’s Castle so I was running out of time oh I also forgot to mention that Robert figured how to he figured out how to put armor on the kangaroos look at these men

Are you joking me they got a kangaroo in full armor this was this was absolutely beautiful because of this Robert and I went out looking for more kangaroos but if you remember from the start of the video kind of kind of slaughtered a bunch of them to get kangaroo steaks which in

Retrospect was probably one of the worst decisions we made because we could have had a full-blown Army of kangaroos which you’re gonna see later in this video that the kangaroos are incredibly powerful right if I could I would throw up the the digested kangaroo meat and somehow turn it into a zombified

Frankenstein kangaroo what am I what what am I saying right now we walked around for a while looking for more kangaroos but we didn’t find any however we did find some rhinoceros there’s a rhino rhinos what do we do with rhinos I don’t know as it turns out you can’t

You can’t fully tame them but you can get them to protect you the way it works is once you feed one wheat it will it will come to your defense if you’re attacked we didn’t have any weed at the time and we didn’t want to run all the

Way back to our Castle so we spent the night outside killing enemies getting bones and making wheat until we had what we felt like would would be enough to to get one of these things and then we finally finally we’re able to feed one of these

Rhinos but in doing so all hell broke loose oh that’s a big horn oh following you Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Roberts I don’t know what to do he’s just following you oh there we go I got him we’re gonna have the animal kingdom it’s fine there’s like there’s another one here oh

What he attacked me for some reason oh no another one’s coming after you his right his eyes are red oh my god oh no Robert they’re fighting oh what is happening I don’t know what have we done here I I well we have to help that Rhino so you

Think you’re the one that oh my what just happened why would they I think the other one attacked me so this one came to help me okay you lost me you go get that one I’m bringing a bunch of gazelles with me as well we’re gonna turn those into meat don’t worry

Am I just rub it run oh no we got a rhino fight again no no okay we can get at least one I’m gonna let you get back okay I’m gonna go find out the Rhino’s helping me the Rhino is attacking everything that I’ve attacked

My God oh my God we need this rhino it one shots things we’re like at a point where if any of us hit each other by accident we’re just gonna die when we don’t you gotta be careful this is this was the kangaroos is gonna be amazing there’s buffaloes over there

Oh where all right because I remember there being buffaloes and pumpkins near them come on Rhino come on what are you doing the Buffalo looks sweet too I guess oh yeah oh no oh no no no no we’re about to run over no oh no oh no okay

The buffalo’s gonna charge him and send him flying again I’m helping my Buffalo hopefully there’s a shark in there shot I know come on out of the water come on please I need this thing at home oh yeah I don’t know what to do if he charges if

I accidentally hit you I don’t know what I’m gonna do um could you make me a lead maybe do you have a knife on you look at this oh nice way better you know what this guy’s called tikitamba nope horn Robert what horn Robert why is this foreign Robert no horn Robert oh

Hornbird come on but there’s nothing in the way come on it’s gonna be night come on it’s so dark oh my God help me help me help me trust me this guy will never attack you yeah he will come on come off the hill come on it is night no

Come on there’s spiders he’s going mad he’s going up Robert he’s angry I don’t know who’s angry at he’s angry the Phantoms all right you go get him okay there we go I got I have the I have the guy connected to his post once the Rhino was safely home it hit me

That we had a real chance of winning this entire thing things were falling into place perfectly and all we had to do now was just stick to the plan and we would win I wrote Shadow a letter letting him know that I supported him in his War efforts

And that I would be willing to help him defend his castle and take down Ryan but it would be indirectly I went to the nether briefly I saw a massive mosquito and got out of there right away and then Robert and I decided that we wanted to do a bit of

Spying so we got in a boat and sailed North to where lagunda was oh let this Hills down yeah all right see you later me and Robert on a ship we are on a ship me and Robert sailing around in this crazy okay we’re coming up on a on the North

Me and Robert are wrong can you feel the cold I can feel the cold in my ass crack I can’t feel the golden my cracker my eyes you ever been here oh look at those lights what is that what is that oh my God Robert look at their shoes cannons

We got we gotta land what is this I don’t wanna what oh my God they have a fleet they have a community oh my God do you want to look around yeah Park this let’s go peeking if we see anyone we run wow this place is crazy

All right we’re in and we’re out don’t open chest don’t enter any buildings there’s powdered snow everywhere so be careful stay here stay here stay here should we attempt a negotiation yes right there where where are they hi there hello hello you missed our peer we we didn’t want to further down we

Didn’t want it and uh impede on your peer we saw that’s fair we got a look of it it looked it looked absolutely amazing it looks a lot better than what we got going on thank you very nice oh your tablet’s showing too it’s blue it’s cool

It’s on the shield too properly it is on the shield oh my God yeah can we put on this Shield oh watch out oh shoot those are mine I think no we none of us have slept ever we’re sailing around to see uh what things were going on I’m

We’re very worried about Ryan what do you think Sean should we sleep here well I don’t know what would you would you allow us permission to sleep in one of your beds to clear the Phantoms yeah yeah we can do that okay we’ll stay with you the whole time oh the Phantoms are

Gone wow we’ve slept that’s incredible this is amazing you don’t you don’t need to reveal anything you don’t want to reveal to us don’t worry how many people are in this Kingdom left that’s cool I think that’s only like four of us what have you lost anyone

Yeah oh my God Seven do you have like a graveyard for the Dead no okay that’s the point we should do that well I was gonna if if I lost Robert or Kim I was gonna make a little burial site for them no you will not lose us well we

Won’t we won’t hold you up too long but I will ask you to deliver a message to lagundo mm-hmm we need to do something about Ryan because once you take Shadow he’s going to just go down the list he won’t he won’t stop at shadow fair enough he’s gonna I don’t know

Where he is well he’s in the South but he’ll once he snowballs with shadows he’ll just go for someone else next saying something yeah I think it’s in everyone’s best interest that we deal with the Ryan problem before it becomes everyone’s problem because let’s say he takes shadow

Well then he has Shadow and he has doubled the amount of people and it’ll be even easier for him to evade someone right so and we do know that shadow at least has access to a fortress so yes yes send him a message let it let him

Know that we have no intent on attacking you guys or anything like that we came here in peace and uh we wanted the old Ryan all right good luck may we meet again yep you may see us talking with Ryan do not be alarmed okay we have plans for Ryan fair enough

All right good luck we’ll head south buck tell lagundo that we mean no harm when we come in peace and he probably won’t believe it because it’s me you won’t believe it bye all right sail the rinds rolling all the way South yes I want to fill this map up

Oh you’re talking about oh my God oh my God what is happening he’s coming after us no he’s not okay we’re going down the river this is the game you talk to him like normal about burp as much as you can and first time he comments whoever he comments on the first wins

Okay does he have to say key word oh he’s gonna whoever he goes okay why are you burping or something like that oh you’re guessing man you know anything oh you’re so rude like any one of the Kim things uh that’s probably this oh my God I snotted

Like a big thing of snot shot out onto my microphone’s pop screen oh my God Robert [Applause] you should have done that if you get attacked by my kangaroos as soon as I pull them out oh they’re yours yes and they’ll defend them like a wolf

And like those things have I I Diamond maces and enchanted diamond armor okay better stuff than me I can’t look at my Rhino over here yeah it’s like a animal kingdom yes we both have our own we both have our own War bears and we have decided oh yeah well watch this

Look look at them look at the war bear oh my goodness we figured an invasion was imminent but there was a problem in real life yeah I’m lactose intolerant and that why did I write this in the script I’ve been eating a lot of cheese so it’s

Starting to feel as though I needed to use the washroom but not wanting to me what why is this in here I decided to hold it it okay I gotta use the washroom oh I got another letter what oh my God sending him stuff I gotta go pee hold on

Never eat cheese on the eve of War oh my God oh my God we just sent them away I’m not even online they’re not online I’m not even done yet I gotta I gotta go back to the washroom while I was doing get a guy I don’t know Kim it extended

Our walls and made them a lot thicker and while he was doing that Robert dug out a moat around the wall so that I don’t know we thought this might deter people for some reason um looking at it now I I don’t this was it probably didn’t need to do this I

Also had received a letter from someone that said something about someone eating a chicken or a baby and that the baby or the chicken would be coming soon I don’t know what was going on with this letter but I knew that this had to be from

Steve there was no signature on it but the only man on on us on this server that would send a letter like that is the Man Steve all right so you see a letter like that you think all right Steve is Steve is on his way now it also

Meant that shadow was likely on its way because during this over the past few hours I had been sending letters to both Steve and Shadow and I learned that shadow had fled his base to avoid obviously an assassination from Ryan and had taken refuge in sneeve’s Castle and

They were now both on their way to mine this well this was a absolutely perfect opportunity to not only kidnap one regular person but to kidnap not one but two kings at the exact same time and with this letter it told me everything I needed to know except for

Whether it was a baby or it doesn’t matter sneeve and Shadow we’re on their way to my base we were ready to capture both of them however we uh we ran into a slight hiccup when Robert and I decided to go fishing let’s go get him deep sleep now okay I’m die You’re fishing rod what you hitting me with the fishing rod aggroed my kangaroo are you kidding me I that’s the only thing I can think of because you I didn’t hit you the thing the thing just slaughtered me [Laughter] and shortly after that they arrived hello hello my man good day we’re not

Expecting you Steve I’m wearing the sombrero of beef oh wow wow it’s good to see you guys you want to come in sure come on come on to the gate it’s over here on this side this is it come on in so we got a nice little gate here

Come on in you got to kind of Crouch to get through oh nice fancy come on in all right oh what the hell are those do not touch them what are they the kangaroos yeah don’t hit them do not they will One-Shot you you put armor on kangaroos yeah be very careful around

Them okay okay come inside okay Steve you gotta go sleep yeah no everyone inside let’s go go in here right here because we’re still under construction don’t leave it yeah no our Builder’s been offline for the majority of it so many Royals good man yes oh we don’t have shares for them

Just like in the oscar-winning TV show River Monsters when fishing you never start reeling in your fish right away you need to set the hook especially when you have a big juicy three-man monster on the line if I had tried to reel this monster in in this moment they would have walked

Through our gate and we probably wouldn’t have gotten all three instead I needed to build trust with these people get them to to think that we were on their side and that we wouldn’t do anything because if we were going to do something we would have done it by now

So we brought them into our house we fed them we even sat down and Snivy even gave me a a sombrero at one point and after about 25 or 30 minutes of discussing fake plans with these guys I was fairly certain that I had all three of them

Firmly on my hook we walked them to the gate we opened it up and this was it this was the moment I was going to reel them in bro hey remember it’s Taco Tuesday yep it’s Taco Tuesday hey that’s good I enjoy the sombrero thank you

It missed you you know you told us to do it so I did it and you did it oh my God is that what happened yeah you you open it I closed it was too fast oh oh my God because you told us Shadow I know but we

Need all of them they’re all three of them are going oh no yes oh so close Kim and I both hit the lever at the same time this was my fault because I I had told Kim to depress the lever and I had forgotten that I told him that he

Was the guy who was gonna press the lever in it and said I wanted to be the guy the Trap opened and closed at the exact same time but somehow they didn’t notice the loud mechanical device that went off right next to them you could see the brief moment the Trap opened Instead Steve just he said some Steve thing like oh I’ll see you later and then walked it was terrible I none of them noticed but you know what this wasn’t this wasn’t a catastrophic failure because somehow we had now built even more trust with them and getting them to come back

Into our base should be a little bit easier and their guards should be down a little bit more so the hook was still in and we still had them on the line hope was not lost yet there was also some improvements that we could make to the Trap right now players could stand

Directly next to the bars and they would be safe since the block underneath would that would be safe so we could not risk that so our priority now was to fix that we’ll get them back if they can come again we can say come meet we want to

Talk about something and now that they know we’re friendly you could say I knew a new thing has transpired yeah there’s new updates okay at least I I thought I was like I was like okay they easily saw that they didn’t say anything about it and then

See what okay we’ll see you guys later quite odd maybe the audio settings is like super low on that yeah it might be yeah I don’t know it was the next real life day and we had a new plan I sent letters out to everyone again mostly replies to other

Kingdoms asking me to come there I don’t know what happened that day that everyone decided you know what I’m not going to Sean’s anymore he’s coming to mind not happening there’s no way I was going to anyone else’s base because I can’t risk going into a trap are you

Joking me no I’m not a man going no way so I I started sending out more letters but this time I did something a little bit different I sent one directly to Kipling which was one of sneeve’s subjects or as Kim calls him peasants I don’t know why Kim kept

Calling them doesn’t matter Kim you were a peasant all right you you were a peasant kid anyways anyways with everyone else I was tell I was biting my time saying I can’t come today maybe I’ll come tomorrow or that I need this to be in place I was just I was putting

It off but with Kipling I told her to come back at once and that this was urgent and that we couldn’t wait any longer that she had to come immediately because there’s new developments that she would have to tell Steve later when he was online and that kipley had to come right now

And while we waited for her to come we improved the gate we had not one but two doors that needed to be open now essentially creating a Gatehouse where we would open the first gate they would walk in we would close the gate and at that point they were stuck there

Was nowhere they could go but down and straight into the mouth of crocodile however we still had bars on the doors and we wanted to fix that but before we could kipley had arrived hey you there I got your uh your mail wonderful good good good good good good good oh

You guys you guys have a little gate system set up yeah now we’re making it we’re getting worried worried yeah that people will rob us oh my God ladies and gentlemen we got her shot do not move okay what happened there’s a barrel right there on your left

That’s my right but sure empty your armor and weapons into the barrel okay okay well otherwise I release the crocodile any funny business in the crocodile gets released onto you okay okay no funny business drop the shield too all my arm The Shield too come on man what if you

Just killed me nope we won’t kill you we will not I have your word yes okay okay The Shield’s in there come out uh you know we could have talked normally you know I don’t I didn’t really feel the things need to change here what get in there

Sean okay it’s not this is not necessary Sean I’m gonna give you a light I thought we were all team what happened yesterday we are on a team but unfortunately you’re gonna have to stay down here for a little bit there are certain factors at play here that are um

They’re getting out of hand to be honest with you we came into this with three people now that doesn’t seem very in our favor not to me no does not seem that way so we’re gonna be doing a little experiment here experiment a few others will be joining you shortly uh okay um

You’re not gonna be killed we’re not we’re not killing anyone there’s no there’s no killing on our plans I cannot tell you how amazing it felt to finally finally have one of my plans actually work and standing right in front of me perfectly secured in a beautiful cell built by one

Of my prisoners I mean my Pez I mean my my worker Kim was kipley right in the cell exactly where we wanted her and this couldn’t have been more perfect this this was a moment that I had been working for and here it was a prisoner of my own I told kipley that

She would not be leaving the cell alive or that she wouldn’t be seeing daylight anytime soon she asked what if sneve found out and I said there was no way Steve would ever know that you were down here he can’t see your name tag he won’t

Be able to hear you and you are staying down here until we figure out what we’re gonna do with you now here’s the thing our little secret in the basement here and if we released her everyone would know about the little secrets so kipley was currently living on borrowed

Time but I didn’t want her to panic so I told her that she we weren’t going to kill her and that I mean I don’t know I didn’t know what we’re gonna do with her at the time I did say that we were gonna she was gonna have company soon and that

She wouldn’t be the only one down here remember earlier when I said that I was biting my time with the other kings figuring out what to do well one of the Kings Ryan uh had gotten a little bit antsy and decided to send the one person

That I specifically told him not to send to our uh Kingdom out of fear of this person killing us it was welcoming and uh welcoming was standing at our gate up above had this man been here even four minutes sooner he would have seen the entire

Thing go down I had to act quickly so I ran up to the surface and I welcomed welcoming into our gate it’s if you come around to this side of the gate I’m by the boat hello come on up hello I have a few come on in hello am I am I

Gonna get blown up here no you’re not gonna get blown up door this is this is actually really cool ladies and gentlemen we got him we got a second one okay except we didn’t because somehow he was out of the holding cell okay Robert we got another oh he’s out do not

How’d you get out Sean you do not want to do this how’d you get out move back why are you trapping we want to talk whoa this is how we treat our guests I will talk I will fine the door has been broken the door has

Been broken when I kill this thing or no no you can’t kill it that’s my that’s my pet I am not here to harm okay I’m not here to harm okay we’ll come down here we’ll come I only have we do this as a security measure that is a terrifying security measure

For someone here sent on peace Sean we don’t know that we don’t know that for sure look this I will what is you you have a weird habit of crafting weird things look I am I am here oh the mission okay on a mission the only thing I

Cannot get is another word we have a traitor in our midst who is stealing our own stuff and I they they stole the netherwort and the farm okay so I couldn’t get you that the thing backfired there you were supposed to be in the holding cell we

Would have you I don’t know what happened we have to look into that I wasn’t held did you break the door no I’ve got nothing I only had the bricks on me John did you break the door no I don’t have the door where’d the door go

It’s almost I broke the door we were in one of these chests oh sorry I’m not I’m not no I’m gonna stand here do you you that’s okay you can come I do not like that my friend uh yeah so uh yeah it turns out welcome in uh did in

Fact break the door he told me that later on Discord which yeah you know what I don’t know let’s just say we’ll call this man Chris Angel Mind Freak from Alan or something didn’t walk through wall anyways at the time I didn’t know that he had broken the door

And he said that it was just wasn’t there um so uh regardless this wasn’t a huge deal because we were planning on working with Ryan at the time however this all changed with one single phrase that Walkman said you’re teaming with the people who have what some of the

Least amount of players welcoming oh well the thing about that is I don’t need a player count to kill all of you so it doesn’t really matter who I team with 10 verses one and I’d still win not only that but he also made fun of kiply for

Falling for a trap that he himself had just moments earlier fallen for hello how’s it going you know I would have I would have wished not to find you in this position yeah it’s a bit rough man yeah that’s that’s interesting I uh I’m shocked you were trapped by this guy

But no I just tried to betray you like three minutes ago man they have they have their own methods I have to they dropped you in a hole that’s true but yeah we’ll drop more people at all here with you right now is because they failed no no no but but

You got trapped so that means you fell for their attractions you know what they said to me I literally was down here first right and they said to me who else can we get down here okay that would be good well to be fair betrayal no they said your name welcoming no we

Said we’re gonna try and trap we said we actually said lugando yeah of course they’re gonna lie to you bro well you’re the one locked up you you hush in there prisoner no no no listen listen you’re the prisoner listen tell Steve where I am and he will

Okay that’s enough for you welcome you were meant to be in the cell across from me bro no no but I’m on the wall I’m the one on the outside aren’t I yes because I failed who says we’re not gonna betray you they literally try to betray you 15 minutes

Ago I I semi-expected something along the lines of this if you didn’t then you’re the fool listen bro all I’m saying is you’re trusting the people probably the only Kingdom that’s built the dungeon boy like this we have to spend three days building a dungeon that’s why that’s why Kim hasn’t built

The castle upstairs because he’s been building this I built a castle four times your size you guys built this come on yeah I mean you don’t have it you don’t have this that’s right we have a giant wall a huge barracks and some Towers but that’s about it yeah who

Needs those when you have a dungeon exactly when we left the dungeon I saw that a second one of Ryan’s subjects was approaching so now Ryan had sent two people um this one was protagonist hello oh is that a protagonist yep Sean do not

I’m not gonna do I’m not gonna do it do not do it to him he’s not he’s please do not draw all the way through good this is part so far you’re lucky I saved you from that no no no no no you would have been face to face with a

Crocodile okay it’s not fun there’s a Crocodile down there that’s awesome oh what did that man say you would have been face to face with a crocodile okay it’s not fun there’s a Crocodile down there this was the second red flag that we had our third red flag that we had

Received in a matter of like 10 minutes so this this is this this had us on high guard there was a rule in the game that you were not allowed to use in-game messaging directly to other players all communication must be done through voice chat or through the mail

System so you couldn’t send direct messages via the chat system to someone else and when protagonists had entered the compound he had said I have seen the messages which this man should not have seen any messages all right because yeah what if he it seemed like he knew about the Trap

Between breaking the door making fun of kipley for falling for a that he fell for uh and potentially I don’t know for certain alerting his teammate about a trap that he could have fallen for and telling us that he could single-handedly wipe out any army on the

Server he wanted to at any time doesn’t really matter who I team with 10 verses one and I’d still win I knew who the True Villain was and I had one goal and one goal only give welcome in what he himself asked for his 1 versus 10.

So once he and protagonist left Robert and I rushed downstairs and released Kipling okay like kiplio simply come out of here come out what is going on you guys listen you don’t have to kill me you don’t have to kill me give her stuff back have you

Guys changed your mind you realize that welcome is not exactly the plans have changed the plans have changed come on okay so welcome man has to go we’ve we’ve officially yeah he came to the conclusion he thinks he can kill everyone we must show him so

He can yeah that actually worked out in our favor and we’ll be honest the plan was to capture you um but now that looks like we he definitely is going to trust us now so that kind of worked out all right well now we have a True Villain actually of

This so this is pretty good yeah we have an actual I’m still a bit salty with you guys okay we had you going for a bit right it’s cooked oh it is cooked we had you going for a bit there okay yeah yeah it was just a big goof don’t worry about

That all right it was a big goofing God I was tormented by the sounds of zombies all right well you can take that take that up with Kim okay it’s not our fault that was Kim’s idea actually so Laguna is not to be trusted fortunately Laguna trusts me right now

And he’s desperate to come meet me and Ryan definitely thinks that I’m I’m on board with him now I will try to bag one or two of Laguna’s people before The Siege happens tonight when The Siege does happen Ryan’s going to seed shadow he’s going to attack he’s going to

Launch a full blown attack on on Shadow we’ll say that we’re gonna come help him but when the moment is right we’ll attack we just need welcome in to die those kangaroos are like two people combined one one kangaroo is two people the damage it deals

I had to leave for about an hour I to be honest I don’t know what I was doing in that hour I have no memory of the hour it who knows what was going on anyways when I returned Kim was Kim was just sitting in this chair remember Kim

Yeah man’s just been sitting in this chair the whole time so I don’t know what he’s been Robert had now had a raven raven and he tamed it which is cool but what’s better is that the Raven hid his name tag which is very interesting and potentially very useful

Kipley also had one and after discussing with kipley for a bit longer we finally released her from our castle and told her to get home safely and that if anyone on the server saw that she was out of the jail cell our plans would be completely undone so it was incredibly

Important for her to make it home safe and no one could see her now you may have noticed that during all of that my hearts had reset to full that’s because during all of the craziness I had died while welcoming was there not just once but twice oh my God

This was an accident with everything going on I didn’t have a chance to set the correct health I was supposed to have so just don’t worry okay it’s been fixed I now have seven Hearts which is you know I was really trying to get through this whole thing without dying

But if a man dies a man dies even if he’s not he’s not his fault he only dies right all right okay so I replaced the the bars on our gate with glass not taking any risk especially this late in the game where potentially it could be out

There that we have a trap several people knew about it now I needed to ensure that this thing would function so that got fixed and just as we were doing that snive and several of his army had showed up which my first thought was they’re coming to

Kill us kipley has told him everything and they’re gonna wipe us out but then I realized he’s likely coming here to discuss what we should do about welcoming and hopefully kipley had told him their urgency here you’d have abducted a man by the name of Timothy

No but you need to come with Timothy you need to come with us quick Laguna is going to be here very soon what what yes he’s he’s he wants to find the base please please come inside and hide what what base our base I can’t risk him seeing you guys out here please

Filled you in for the brim I believe so okay Kipling knows our plans we’ve been fully honest with Kipling please come coming quick before Laguna gets here fully honest with Kipling including locking her in the dungeon okay misunderstanding just come inside come on in I promise you nothing here

Just come in come through uh I trust not what this trickery is come on it’s not there’s there’s no trigger there’s no trick there’s no trick there’s no trick I just want to get get come on come down okay wait you guys can take the safe route you guys

Can you take the safe route hold on there’s no crocodile down here okay there’s a car oh there is but he’s not gonna kill you there there’s a Crocodile okay we’re safe down here Laguna can’t see name takers down here okay so yes we may we might have locked kiply up but

You know what it’s things things happen very quickly after that what’s gonna happen now is unfortunately lagundo is yet again going to be in a situation where he feels like everyone is betraying him and it’s just it’s just how things played out classic a story is almost time I’m being fully

Transparent here what I want more than nothing I can’t speak right now I want to kill welkomen I want this man dead there was a problem lagundo was also here and I had made a mistake because I I had told him to come and he arrived far sooner than I

Expected him to be so we had to act quickly and I instructed everyone to get in their cells and pretend to be prisoners then I moved up to the gate to greet Laguna do you have a pet tiger we have a lot more than a tiger whoa is that legando

He’s here hello welcome welcome stay back stay back stay back stay back stay back not all three of you Kim go away I was told you weren’t here he he to be fair he signed in like uh while you’re on your way I know I’m just I’m just

Giving you a grief uh where’s Robert I’d like to see all three I’m trying to jump up on the thing it’s so hard when you come if you decide to come in you’ll see the shambles going on here welcome wait where’s HP I was told to bring one man in no more

Yeah because Kim was awful lot of the time you can you can go get another person if you’d like if you’d feel safer no it’s okay I feel confident okay would you like to come in yes you’re probably just be warned though yeah we have to explain a few things

Before Robert we’ll explain it first come on go tell them Robert if you accidentally hit us or we hit you um we have a lot of animals in here that are going to attack right away yes uh so just be be very careful that’s all that’s all I’m saying okay

Just don’t don’t attack we won’t attack you won’t attack we don’t want we don’t want you dead you don’t want us dead yada yada come on in just I where where a weapon is testing the door for me I you go you both got to

Come in we’re just as nervous as you get an airlock it’s an airlock I do not trust that floor may I break the floor no kidding is there a castle you can’t break anything in our Castle I knew it ladies and gentlemen we got another man I had no plans on taking

Laguna prisoner though but Part of Me Part of Me couldn’t help but consider how great of a position I was currently in we had half of the entire server under our thumbs at this point if we had wanted to we could kill both sneeve and lagundo and take their entire armies

I had to at least at least consider it come on in you’re good you’re good I’m gonna show you what would have happened we have the crocodile so I’ll take good care of it you can release him come on through look who we got no oh no no no no no

Look who we got I’ve been in this situation no more come on in but look look oh my God Sean should I release weapon night yeah okay I’m aware that you’re working with Ryan too but look who we have I see this we have Steve we have Grady and we have tonight

Weapon get your stuff back please these guys legs come on man I want I want weapon to have a stuff back yeah yes I’m giving his stuff back we’re gonna like you guys are free to go anytime I’ll show you how to leave here you can follow me if you get uncomfortable at

Any point there you’re free to go anytime you can go up there you’ll shoot out and you can walk right out over a thing I’ll show you you want to show you up and then you can come back down thank you take take as much time to do a

Conversation no I want a conversation away from their ears okay they can’t hear you from up here wait a minute oh I forgot about it that’s a kangaroo with another accident that’s what I’m talking about yeah they teleport they teleport to me and they destroy anyone that’s

Amazing I’m telling you right now we have no intent I was being honest we have no intent I am I know you’re working with Ryan we’ve had Ryan here I’ve had I had um welcome in the Trap we released him we got kiply I told Steve if he wants

Skipply to come get her then we sent Steve and Grady down the hole what’s gonna happen next is because Steve is in an alliance with Shadow I have letters going out to shout out Shadow is going to be coming here soon Shadow is going to go down there we’re

Gonna have Shadow on a jail cell and then we’re gonna deliver him to Ryan in exchange for safety on the night of the um whatever the attack on the castle I want to be king you want to be king of the end am I the best I can do

Is a fair shot at it at the end once everyone’s off the table me and you well and our armies here’s what I want to do here’s what I want to do right so you have potentially right you have Steve in a Cell yeah you have Shadow on we’ll get a shadow we

Will get Shadow of this right yeah I stand in front of you as the only King who hasn’t died mm-hmm that proves my value I mean Ryan is an ally I have Ryan as an ally what I’m saying is we get to the end we make sure you and I are the last

Two kings remaining and we fight what about everybody else watch bear 1v1 a fair 1v1 fight sure and then The Winner Takes the throne is Ryan okay with calling you king or will you both have to take off well I wouldn’t have a say anymore we’ll have to we’ll have to

Eliminate Ryan before the chance yeah I accept he eat the steak in in solidarity I don’t know I actually cannot eat the steak right now because I’m full but I will I I was about to punch you for a handshake I was gonna punch you for a handshake and then

What’s up yeah I forgot you dare don’t you dare we chose not to portray him I wanted I I wanted him to trust us at least for now and it’s mostly because he his offer was was actually very interesting this man had overcome extreme obstacles to get

Where he was and considering that we had seen his base previously and that despite the massive wall that he had to climb and everything else it still looked as good as it did this man was dangerous and it’s very it was in my best interest to keep this man close because

His offer was just good and when a man Hears A good offer he he considers it so after he left we released Steve in his subjects and we saw them off Sean um I have a grand secret to reveal to you but uh I will I will let you know it

After the completion of the plan you understand um this is my plan to take out welcoming okay okay this is this is something you are going to want to know and it could be a very as as a man with an a shorter Kingdom one might say it is information that could potentially

The game could change the game it’s in the game this is just his way to make sure that he doesn’t die from this whole thing well we could have killed him already we didn’t it’s fine it’s always like insurance it’s like Insurance you don’t want to kill me trust me

He’s creating insurance for himself I will inform you and only you of this of of this secret he will tell us so you guys will tell us all right let’s go Lads tomorrow good sir good luck travel safely things were about to get absolutely insane on the server up until

This point it had basically been one giant arms race and with everyone frothing at the mouth to invade someone else it was only a matter of time until someone made a big move on someone else and you know what that was just about to happen Once everyone had left Robert and I had discussed our plans what do you think our whole plan should be Robert to win I know but how are we gonna do it I’m I’m kind of actually into lagundo’s idea a little bit a little bit Yeah because I like does

That not give us the best shot of winning gives us a shot for sure I wanted to win this game and coming into this thing with two extra people versus like 60 this wasn’t gonna be easy but I believed it was possible and with everything that had just gone on and

Everything that I had to consider I I think I had found a pathway to the throne it was obvious that if this came down to a fist fight at the end we would lose there was way too many of them and way too few of us Als in considering both

Kim and I are very bad at PVP this we this week we couldn’t let this be an option we had to figure this out using the original weapon the brain but more than the throne there was something else that I wanted more I wanted to give

Welcoming his 10 versus one and I had the absolute most foolproof plan you have ever heard to do it the plan was simple we would invite sneeve and Shadow back and encourage them to bring their strongest Fighters we would then tell them that we are going to set up an

Ambush for Ryan everyone would get in a Cell remove their armor and we would give them a key I would then send a letter to Ryan letting him know that we had captured Shadow and that if he had wanted to he could come and execute him

On the condition that he gave us some of his stuff and then together we would work to eliminate both snive and lagundo considering that welkomen had seen with his own eyes that Kipling had been stuck in a cage Ryan would absolutely come and this would work out but it wasn’t Ryan that

We were after no we were after welcoming and the moment him and Ryan would enter the dungeon everyone would leave their cells and we would give welcome in his ten versus one after he was dead we would then execute Ryan of course and anyone who landed the

Blow on Ryan didn’t matter because at that precise moment Robert and I would then Slaughter both Steve and Shadow ultimately claiming Ryan’s Army Shadows Army and sneeve’s army in one single move at that point we would then take the fight to lagundo and annihilate him his

Castle and we would take the Throne all in one night these guys had wanted a red wedding and I was about to give it to them we could actually win this entire thing and we could win it tonight so I sent the letter out to Shadow and Stephen and

Told them to come as soon as they could it was go time oh my God oh my God we’re here okay oh hello hello hello come on in we thought we thought it a good idea to uh arrive simultaneously oh I like the doors I agree I agree shots come on

Shadow’s been dropped wait dropped let’s go down and see Shadow come on come on come on hello [Applause] okay so this is a good news looks like we got everyone here I’m gonna go send the letter to Ryan and say that we bagged him you guys will

Have to take your arm off make sure you give them Keys put them in cells I don’t know if they’re gonna believe that we got all of you but I brought invinced potions oh yeah you’re such a perfect God where’s your Crow where’s your Crow kipley the Crow’s at home all right the

Letter’s been sent what’d you say I said Ryan I’m excited to tell you that we did it we begged Shadow we also still have Steve and kipley captured if you’d like to come take Shadow I’m willing to make it uh to discuss terms with you what you can offer me for shadow

There was a problem Ryan stop replying to my letters his responses were slow and when he finally did reply he asked for me to bring Shadow to him I said I couldn’t physically do that because the moment we open the cell Shadow would Escape especially if we

Brought him out of our castle where he could enter Pearl and and get away I told Ryan that if he wasn’t interested I’d execute shot of myself and our alliance was done he said he’s worried about another Bugaboo type situation and going down into a basement

And he said bring the prisoners to him uh I said that doesn’t work because the moment we step out of our walls they’re going to escape I told him I said you tell me right now uh or that’s it and then if he doesn’t reply or it doesn’t if he’s not interested

Then I I don’t know I suggested just an all-out assault on them while they’re sitting in their bases like I got a good story going you’re okay hey hey hey Robert you’re so strong yeah I’m gonna go check the response I told him to reply right away because I

Got to go to bed which is not true I’m just trying to get him to go quick uh because I’m impatient and then we’ll figure out our next move is hey bring the mailbox on here okay well this time I promise goes upstairs and immediately forgets everything that was yeah I

Remember perfectly Robert Ryan Ryan called my bluff okay it’s up to you uh should we just go write them we can do that the problem the problem that we’re having now is that if I don’t kill Shadow and they effectively call my bluff they know that it was a trap and They’re gonna come for us yes how about this how about this how about this how about I pretend that I blew because I had TNT and I blew up the wall and I ran out Shadow did I want to be that guy but what if what if one of Shadow’s people

Was killed to prove that you have Shadow and that you’re ready to do it I think our options right now are either again I’m just floating this out there it’s either we Shadow might have to die here or we right now lead a full out assault on

Ryan we didn’t know what to do but it was clear everyone on this server was watching for a kill message from me on Shadow and they would never get it by not executing Shadow it told everyone on the server then and there that shadow and I were an alliance and therefore we were

Aligned with sneeve as well this was a problem because if we weren’t with Ryan we were against him and considering our Castle was very very small and my Army consisted of me Robert and Kim Ryan at any moment knowing that I was in an alliance with shadow

Could come and destroy everything we had our only move at this point was to take the fight to Ryan so that’s what we did we piled into a boat and set sail for Ryan’s base we were going to war now listen boys are beautiful we might

Not all make it out of this alive chances are someone on this boat maybe multiple people are gonna die so remember we want to kill Ryan the other is not so important don’t don’t get yourself bogged down fighting someone you don’t need to fight we sailed for roughly 10 minutes and we

Finally arrived at the desert and saw something interesting wait is that Laguna is that is that Laguna’s boat oh yeah it is oh oh how lovely this is gonna be fun uh should we get out before we dock right what’s Laguna doing here this isn’t this

There’s no way this is Kingdom or his castle our entire invasion of Ryan hinged on the idea that we had him outnumbered and if lagundo was lagundo was here that complicated things nonetheless we pushed on we searched through the desert and in doing so I I was bitten by a venomous snake

That sounds horrible snake the snake the snake yeah Golden Apple yeah I ate it I only have Burgers we searched the desert for a while and found we didn’t find anything until I saw in the distance faint glow of a torch I approached it and found another and

Another and another and it was obvious that this was a path to Ryan’s Castle so we followed him and sure enough it led us directly to Ryan’s castle and there on the wall at the ready was Ryan welcoming and his army this was it it was finally time to give welcoming

His 10 versus one all right welcome in you said you could do you could do 90 90 40. come on down that is not a good fraction look Brian send them forward send them forward Ryan he said one versus ten we got he said he

Could do it yeah you guys are so loud I don’t like audio nah I’m not gonna risk that come on wait what about it where’s Laguna yeah all right right right do you guys think you could to be tape nope we want 1v10 welcome in yeah except

Protagonist does that work all right no no no no you have to even fight oh oh my God I was dead and when I returned to spectate it was revealed that lagundo was there and working with Ryan the entire time we were outnumbered and the trap extracted heavily casualties somehow Robert survived and when Steve had died everyone laid down their weapons and bowed to their new Kings

Ryan absorbed my Army he only got me uh Robert and Kim while lagundo had taken Steve’s Army and somehow by sheer luck Shadow had escaped without dying meaning he was still a free man there was three kings left lagundo Ryan and Shadow what happened next I’ll be honest I was

I was not expecting Ryan and lagundo honored their agreement lagundo left leaving Ryan alone however there was something Ryan didn’t consider in the battle a hole was blown into his wall and despite being warned about it by Shadow later that night Ryan failed to patch this hole and Shadow

Took advantage of this he sat patiently in the desert and waited for an opening and then the very next day he invaded Ryan’s base and successfully assassinated Ryan absorbing Ryan’s Army and my Army meaning the fight was going to be lagundo versus Shadow when I got online the next day I had no

Armor no weapons and I had nothing with some scraps of armor in the chest but it wasn’t it was old broken armor with no enchants and it just the stuff wasn’t good but I had an idea we could hit two birds with one stone if we sailed over to lagundo’s

Castle we could both disrupt his ability to transport troops during the final battle and end I could steal some high-level armor to re-arm myself so we set out to steal all of his ships we got in our boat and set sailed and little did I know that a simple robbery

Would go so horribly wrong and only one of us would return when we got to Laguna’s Castle we got out of our boat weapon night was the only member of Laguna’s Army online so we started talking to him all right kill him kill him yep kill him

You really want to kill me no I’m kidding Paul I can 2p1 both of you here pretty easily I find that I try them I’m gonna try that yeah let’s go grab my crossbows oh no no no no no yep they might have a trap set up I know hey come on

Grab the ships grab the ships neither Robert or I had any intent at all on killing anyone we were solely here to steal the plan was to grab some ships find a chest take what we could take out of the chest and get out of here but seeing weapon nights Enchanted beautiful netherright

Maximilian armor it gave me an idea he could Rob him when he ran away we used it as an opportunity to adjust where we would um enter the base from so we got in our boat and we sailed away we parked our boat at a nearby Shore got

Out of it and came back on foot when we got there we saw that weaponite was standing on one of the boats on their docks which was a problem because we wanted those boats and if this man was standing on the boat there was no way I

Was going to get this thing without getting killed by him so I jumped in the water swam across and needed to very quickly come up with an idea to get him off the boat so I yelled Robert now making him trying to make him think that we were planning something and you know

What he took the bait and started to chase Robert and left me alone with the boats I jumped in set sail and got the first boat out of there one boat down two to go and a set of armor we stashed the boat and came back again on foot

This time weapon was standing on the shore ready to fight us we approached him and he started opening fire on us so we returned fire as a reminder we never set out to kill this man that was not our intent we simply just wanted some armor and the

Boats but this is where things things started to get bad we shot more arrows at him I landed a few blows on him and when it seemed as though that he was low on health we asked him how many hearts he had left and stopped attacking this is when

This is when it went bad he told he ended pearled okay we’re in the lovers let’s go no no Robert Robert How could this happen this wasn’t supposed to go down like this those are going to take care of Robert’s kangaroos I can’t raise kangaroos Shaking oh my God oh my God what happened oh all I have left is Kim are you kidding me Kim me and Kim that guy that guy didn’t know what hunger did in Minecraft until two days ago I’m so sorry I’m so sorry Robert is dead He was he was slaughtered it was a bought strawberry going around and now he’s dead I will do my best to look after you but I can’t make any promises I know I know absolutely nothing about kangaroos I’m gonna try to give you carrots now and see what happens all right Robert

Was dead my right hand man my man who marched into battle with me the man who tamed alligators and bears and rhinos and his kangaroos Robert was dead when I got home I made him a grave and told his kangaroos that he wouldn’t be coming home after I’d processed Robert’s

Death I thought about what had happened Robert had been one shot by some sort of Enchanted weapon it tore through his high level armor like nothing and killed him with one single strike I wrote my new king Shadow a letter letting him know what we were going up

Against in battle their army had some serious power and we were gonna need to figure it out it’s gonna be okay all I had left was myself and Kim but I had an idea I spoke to Robert’s Kangaroos and they became my kangaroos I was gonna March these guys into battle along with

Kim and we would help Shadow win the castle the next day I got online ready for the final battle and that’s when Kim I guess Kim had enough of being stashed and forced to work and he he said something that concerned me okay Kim hand over your gear this is I’m your

King I need your gear no you’re kidding me you’re no longer my king you’re yeah yeah you’re like me no Kim hand it over yeah I will show you I will show you something come here I’ll show you something no I let me pay you for my free trouble I need your gear

It’s for the kangaroos you’re equal no we’re not equal oh my goodness I’m gonna slash you down you better not do this Kim you will no longer fight for a shadow I’m gonna blast you with this crossbow Shadow is my king no I’m your king shoot one more time

I will okay okay stop stop stop once Kim and I had figured out all the problems and dealt with the consequences of him hitting me in the my kangaroo is now trying to uh kill Kim get those kangaroos out of here I don’t know why he’s going for you

You tried to murder me multiple times that’s why we left our castle for one final time and made our way to the iron throne this this was going to be the biggest battle yet wait a minute I don’t like the way they jump you’re a kid you’re good

I got enough food to think what there’s ahead of us what please which ones where uh where are you looking did you just pass where am I looking there okay where it’s right ahead of us over Kim what do you got you got Hawkeyes there’s P yeah there’s people there

Which ones who I don’t know some Enchanted people oh no Kim it was probably not even gonna make it I’m not even gonna make it to the castle yeah we’ll make it to the castle you keep staying on top of the mountain you see the mountains left who is it oh straight ahead

Who is it I I can’t see name tags it’s too far away but they are there’s like only like 100 blocks ahead of us maybe this decinos hello lagundo the Paul’s King Paul’s King kill the king kill the king kill the king kill the king run kill the

King right now speed speed potions oh they’re using slow potions who cares kangaroo oh my God there’s kangaroos everywhere here I have carrots you have I also have carrots start feeding them start feeding them yes you click on them that’s all the food I have yes

Do you have any weapon skin uh I do have a ax give it right click on them make sure they follow you oh my God can we have so many characters okay oh kangaroo Kings here we go hey these guys was hit on the front of us I know

Maybe I should like strip down my armors and give it to them no okay I’m looking forward to this yeah so that’s gonna be our plan we’re gonna stay back shoot arrows and send the boys and how many arrows you got uh I have nine but I have Infinity oh perfect

Is that the castle Kim Ah that’s a there’s a tree oh but we are on a plane’s biome so that means we’re getting close look at the planes do you think Robert is still with us Robert’s always with us Kim yeah I hope he’s always watching over us I like to think that

So me who is that Kim Kim who is that Kim it’s an amazing Castle oh my goodness we are these people they’re kangaroo soup it’s it’s Laguna I see the eye oh yeah they’re blue is that your kangaroos going in yeah no it’s not mine right here why does everyone have kangaroos

We were supposed to be the kangaroo Kings I can’t run run and leave there’s too many of them there’s way too many of them they just hit my kangaroo it’s burning oh no no no no Kim run this way just get away you keep me killed my kangaroo

Can’t get away yeah I’m right behind you it’s a big tower someone has built this is a beach oh there’s the castle Kim you found it let’s just go let’s just go in and sit on the throne where’s shadow where is shadow he should be like uh best to the castle

That’s her space at least yeah look at the beautiful castle you were supposed to sit there Sean what happened I know I’m going I’m gonna go there right now you just keep it warm for our shadow for me hello it’s me the iron crocodile I have 1700 kangaroos with me what’s this

Darts there might be traps or what no we have no idea what’s weird getting ourselves into it let’s look around see horses many horses you see horses kangaroos Kim there’s more kangaroos you know what to do okay yes I’m running right down there now the throne’s right there

Oh it’s here on the first floor and everything that that’s a beautiful front room we did it we did it all right Parker kangaroos at the entrance okay yes in the darkness okay Hold on I don’t want to get slaughtered let’s get up top let’s get up to the top Shortly after Kim and I arrived so did Ryan and Shadow’s Army both Kim and I were kind of confused because yeah I don’t know we were both we were overwhelmed and after nearly uh attacking them we set up our defenses and got ready for the inevitable assault from lagundo’s army

And after about 10 minutes of waiting around we finally saw someone sneaking across the beach this was it they were coming for the castle now at this point I’d love to let the gameplay speak for itself but I can’t do that let me explain imagine you spent two months

Planning an event with 60 plus people all of those people built castles raised up armies and got ready for a massive battle and at that final Siege the thing that you had been building to the thing that the event was about you forgot to record your own audio I am that man

So I have I got no audio all right so here we go lagudo’s forces rushed the castle I stayed on the roof firing as many arrows as I could to try and slow their advances but at this distance it was hard to land any meaningful hits especially with my lower Tier gear but

Below us next to the throne room our troops were able to kill the first few Soldiers the Laguna sent into the castle I seized the opportunity and rushed over to their bloodied and bent bodies and I pried their gear and weapons from their dying hands I quickly put this high

Level armor on and returned back to the roof where I again started the fire arrows from a now much more powerful bow but despite my best efforts lagundo’s troops still managed to get into the castle they used TNT to blow their way into the throne room

And they’re about to kill many of our men Steve [Applause] ‘s damn phone room she’s in the throne room kill him see if you’re going down for what you did to me earlier that was a joke no shadow when I saw Kim was dead

I knew that I too would be dead soon and sure enough Laguna’s troops flooded the castle killing nearly every single person Shadow had fled leaving just myself Ryan and mx34 on the roof we devised a plan to sneak our way down through the castle and place TNT directly above the

Throne room detonate it and dropped down onto lacuno and execute him if we died doing it so be it this was our one and only chance to secure the throne for shadow but we had to act quickly because Laguna’s troops were searching the castle looking for any remaining

Survivors yeah everyone else is dead it’s us three and then shadow foreign foreign Yeah I’ll hit the ground where to do it okay we can do it quietly yeah man where are they where are they what’s up so it’s Sean Ryan MX directly above us somebody should go back up Ropo is there any contractions immediately above us right let’s clear

The building and let’s clear the room immediately above the throat ducks oh yes that’s awesome let me uh let me tell you the whale no I’m up here real quick where are you I’m uh there’s more damaging Heroes they’re gonna be here got him they are so close

Up here the last thing we want is them to be able to get those so I have TNT tell me if I need to use it the Battle of attrition but we’re currently winning it up I know so we might have grown up again I mean we don’t we don’t necessarily

Have to chase them all no no no no the TNT on the stairs on the stairs where which stairs which stairs or that that worked I don’t think we can break it up I don’t know how you got there Jamie no I could bust through the wall though

Just hey there’s someone’s horse up here go down Let it light it light it light it light it you have the lighter you have it yeah no I oh I do all right let’s go there’s no way never mind they’re capping boob never mind ready all right We’re down here they’re down here oh my God wait right now we have the Upper Floor right above the spirit right now doctor He’s ready it was over lagundo had officially taken the iron throne and was crowned King and you know what I’m gonna be honest lagundo deserves it this man this man overcame some incredible odds and was given a very very difficult hand and yet just despite all of that

He managed to secure the throne so good job laguno he’s done yeah the winner of it all but not for long because next time I’m gonna go complete absolute psycho on these guys

This video, titled ‘I Simulated Life in Medieval Minecraft for 7 Days’, was uploaded by Forge Labs on 2022-12-17 18:43:44. It has garnered 8176624 views and 185113 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:39 or 8259 seconds.

Minecraft Players Simulate Medieval Times… this is what happened.

Appearing in this video: @Legundo @ShadowMech @SneveYT @unsortedguy @OkRobert. @It_Ryan @WelcominTV @Kiply @Protagnst

CASTLE BUILT BY KAIZEN87: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/kaizen87/

Music By: Alyx G Music https://youtube.com/c/AlyxGMusic



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Video Includes: 100 Days Minecraft Players Simulate Medieval Times Players Simulate Civilization Hardcore Minecraft

About ForgeLabs: Welcome to Forge Labs! I review video games and discuss video game industry things. On the channel I post gameplay experience reviews, video essays, and satirical pieces that I hope you find entertaining. Enjoy!

Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate The Purge https://youtu.be/bjyQ4OBeoc0

Forge Labs https://www.youtube.com/AirsoftXX

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    Low vs High Graphics in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft’s Graphics: Low vs High Quality Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft to explore the best and worst texture packs, rating them based on their visual appeal. Meet the Reviewers: Kon: Instagram YouTube Fotis: Instagram YouTube Join the discussion on Discord: Discord Video Highlights: 00:00 – Intro 00:09 – It’s Hip to be a Square 1x 01:40 – 4×4 02:17 – 8x Default 03:34 – Default 04:15 – Faithful 32x 05:09 – Faithful 64x 06:07 – Faithful Canvas 256x 07:14 – LB Photo Realism Reload! 08:37 – Faithful PBR 1024x Demo + BSL 10:13 – Realistico… Read More

  • Pomni punishes Jax in Minecraft! SHOCKING episode 2

    Pomni punishes Jax in Minecraft! SHOCKING episode 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Pomni punished Jax for bad behavior! What did he do? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-05-12 22:30:03. It has garnered 6049 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:40 or 3940 seconds. Pomni punished Jax for bad behavior! What did he do? AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft Jax really pissed off Pomni with his behavior today! Will Caine be able to help him and stop Pomni from punishing him? Credits:GLITCH / Gooseworx #digitalcircus #amazingdigitalcircus #pomni Read More

  • Becoming Wealthy in Minecraft

    Becoming Wealthy in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I tried to get rich in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ITZBRYAN on 2024-01-05 23:00:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Who needs diamonds when you have truffles My twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/itzBryanlive No Minecraft mods are used in making … Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Raju vs. Vlogs in Minecraft

    Epic Showdown: Raju vs. Vlogs in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft live’, was uploaded by Raju challenges Vlogs on 2024-05-29 03:49:47. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:28 or 4588 seconds. Minecraft server live with proximity voice chat open forever that exist for 7 years now. JAVA + BEDROCK + PREMIUM + CRACKED ALLOWED Version 1.20.6 The server will never close as it’s been made to stay 24h/24 online until at least 2045. 🇪🇺 play.airforce 👾crack.play.airforce 🎮bedrock.play.airforce 🔥 **SPECIAL IP** 🔥 🔊Proximity voice chat: Voicechat.play.airforce 💎For premium user that: premium.play.airforce Port: Java: 25565 Bedrock: 19132 DISCORD: discord.gg/7H9MGNrS9W… Read More


    ULTIMATE SURPRISE IN MINECRAFT MOD LIVE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MODs LIVE PART 4’, was uploaded by codkillman 935 on 2024-01-15 19:02:32. It has garnered 23 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:31 or 1771 seconds. I Mostly Play (GTA V Online) (Minecraft) (CALL OF DUTY) And SomeTimes Other Games. Enjoy And Stay Tuned :-} You Can Follow Me On Twitter ( @codkillman_935 ) I Post Random Things Here https://twitter.com/codkillman_935 You Can Follow Me On Instagram ( codkillman_935_yt ) ShitPost Here https://www.instagram.com/codkillman_935/ You Can Get Early Access On My Shity Music On BandLad ( @codkillman_935 ) https://www.bandlab.com/codkillman_935 #codkillman_935 Read More


    INSANE!! DRAVEN BUILDING A ZOO LIVE NOW 🚨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-05-05 15:04:21. It has garnered 5107 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. Minecraft Live | Building A Zoo Public Smp | Let’s Complete 250K Family 🧿 #shortsfeed #shortslive #minecraft This Live Stream is Sponsored By Microcenter And ServerDeploy.pro =================== Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture ================= Micro Center India: A TIPL Venture All things tech under one roof, at Kolkata heaven for Gamers and Creators alike…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek – TINY vs GIANT!!!

    Insane Minecraft Hide and Seek - TINY vs GIANT!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-04-11 22:32:54. It has garnered 765046 views and 23036 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:56 or 7976 seconds. Today, Johnny, Gooby, Daisy and Marty play TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft! Will Johnny win against his friends? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shorts

    Insane Gamer Pulls off Insane Minecraft Clutch #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘op clutch minecraft #shorts #bms #minecraft #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by delicate gamer on 2024-05-09 15:16:51. It has garnered 460 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. I upload Minecraft content, so please subscribe and also like my videos and comment on your thoughts about my videos so that I can progress on YouTube. Thank you…. #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMP

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Games Tournament! | StanCraft SMPVideo Information [Music] no [Music] n n [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] all right hello everybody Welcome welcome welcome to the stream we are about to have a little bit of uh fun in Minecraft today uh playing a little bit of uh mini games in Minecraft as you guys know there are so many mini games in the server that uh we can enjoy So today we’re just about to have some fun playing some mini games uh… Read More

I Simulated Life in Medieval Minecraft for 7 Days