I Spent 100 Days Hunting EVERY MORPH in Minecraft…

Video Information

For the next 100 days I’m gonna be hunting down every mob in Minecraft I will have the ability to take over any mob that I kill and use that morph to help me survive my goal is to kill every single creature in the game ranging from

A simple creeper all the way to facing up against the warden in an ancient city will I survive long enough to get there watch to the end to find out I loaded in on day one ready to get to work I grabbed some wood from a nearby tree and

Headed down to secure stone for my basic gear once I had some stone tools I spotted a lovely cow well not so lovely anymore but if I just do this I’m now that cow and I’ve just collected one of the many mobs I’ll be looking for throughout this 100 days I also look

Kind of cute have you ever seen a cow on a tree well now I’m a cow on a tree was a cow on a tree and holy cow pun intended I lost more than half my health from that stun and we’ve just learned one of the worst things from this

Challenge with every transformation my health stays the same so even if I’m a human again I’m stuck at these hearts and I need to find food fast while looking around for Animals I spotted some wolves happily killing off some sheep for me not that I approve of the

Baby kill so I sorted out the issue by avenging it and taking over the wolf’s body his brother totally had no idea I took over the man’s body and yes I wasted food on this joke mentioning food I totally forgot my mission and tried to go caving while inside I spotted a

Creeper who I took down swiftly and I’ll be using as a major morph early on in this challenge speaking of which smile some mobs actually have abilities to go along with them the creeper is one of the best dealing a huge amount of damage with a single explosive and if you

Haven’t met keeping track I’m now up to four morphs on day one not too bad wait five morphs with those collected I headed into the mines to gather some iron grabbing quite a bit until I ran into a bat above me I used a creeper

Ability to jump at it and get the sixth morph I turned into the bat to check and yes I can fly but with three hearts I doubt I’ll be using it that much however my peanut brain screwed me over as I had no food and three hearts now thankfully

When I noticed my predicament I saw a few diamonds two to be exact and that’s just the start while in the cave I hunted down zombies as my only source of food which worked great as a creeper since nothing targeted me and I could Kaboom all of my prey as well as

Grabbing diamonds on every single level in total I got 18. plenty for me to consider surfacing so I can look for a place to settle down upon getting up to grass height I emerged with full iron at wait you can’t see my armor here now I

Have full iron armor with tools and 18 diamonds to my name pretty good haul for now since it’s only day two but I’m starved so to solve the issue I gave vegans a heart attack by killing a ton of animals cows sheeps pigs pretty much nothing was left alive but after such a

Festive Killing Spree I spotted a new building the revamped Pillager Outpost it’s gonna be much harder than before and it looks like a factory I spotted a lonely villager caged up but I’m no hero so he can stay here for all I care I had

Loot on the brain before going in I made sure to kill a guard out front then disguises him so in case anyone saw me they won’t suspect a thing I entered and the building seemed empty so I took time to grab a single Emerald from a chest

And take some hay bales pushing on I found a crossbow which really made me look like I belonged then I found the kitchen which had a huge stove probably because they eat like people or something I don’t know I borrowed it to cook my own kills anyway while that was

Going on I also found a few diamonds and a goat horn which I have no idea what it does but I guess it’s kind of cool before I left I was annoyed by a loud spider come to find the basement was utterly full of them so to continue my

Quest for every mob in the game isolate all the spiders and continued on my way to find even more diamonds after the entire looting trip I left with almost half a stack of diamonds and emeralds the night was probably gonna be harsh but I did end up letting that villager

Go why didn’t kill him is beyond me I need to collect every morph and I just decided whatever maybe I’m growing as a person probably not but first of my night was finding a new house this one was guarded by a lot of mobs but once

Inside I was able to steal some more hay and sleep this long night away day three was a lot less of a mess I wasn’t able to collect anything from the list but that wasn’t my goal home was I ventured on to find a small Tower with villagers

Inside but it’s not big enough for what I was looking for nor did it have many villagers so I left in search of a bigger prize lo and behold only after a few minutes of travel I stumbled on to the largest Squidward Tower in this mod

Pack of course I knew this was home so I slapped down all my equipment and began setting up base only for all the Squidward squads to come and roll up and take my appliances for jobs I uh I think this is getting out of hand guys no

Matter because while I was setting up base I found the perfect spot to build it the side of a hill across the lake that’s where home will be the next few days were meant to be used to gather resources for my build which is kind of

Why I know life DeForest for a little while I was probably just watching anime and forgot to stop deforesting I can’t ruin in the environment so early in the video anyway after that I began thinking about the build I wanted it to be sticking out of the wall or mountain or

Hill whatever you call this thing so it doesn’t require as many resources although as you know I have to make everything difficult I wanted to build it out of amethyst one of the hardest blocks to locate in a short time frame but I set off on the mission after Molly

Whopping a ground and using his skin as my own is a serial killer Behavior I looked better than he did anyway that’s already 11 morphs down but these are just easy ones wait till I have to kill an Elder Guardian or the warden not looking forward to that one back on task

I began searching caves for the broken geodes with no such luck at one point I tried looking through the ocean as well to see if there was any on the surface but nothing all day of searching with no clue where to get any amethyst but it

All changes when I saw a floating island in the sky this is one of the builds from the mod pack that I had no idea was here and obviously it’s not my intended target but come on I wouldn’t be curious I made my way up to find a very

Welcoming entrance yes see what I did there with emeralds and gold blocks it was all too promising but I found a book telling me that this was once a King’s throne and that a dungeon resides below so I checked it out and sure enough a trap with observers are held underneath

A floor of bamboo and I’m sure if I break it the dungeon location will become apparent oh look there it is I broke it all by hand and continued to grab my compensation but the dungeon still piqued my curiosity not only did I just get a new cave spider morph but

Zombie villagers were down there as well another thing I still have to cross off my list so I descended and began slaying all of the mobs there were a lot of them once inside the dungeon I broke the spawners in most rooms then looted the chest the first room had a golden apple

And some iron then I found one with mostly gold in it and finish it all off one of the last rooms had another book this was the dungeon Chiefs journal and I skipped most of it but what I did read there was a surge of monsters on the

Castle and the King was locked upstairs this is a lot of lore for me to process but I headed up finding a webbed off room with some terrible chests inside but just above was the king’s final message and loot I got another golden apple and that’s pretty much it for such

A lured up place not much amazing loot but a loot salute after escaping I began my ocean search for a geode once more with literally no luck I didn’t find what I was looking for but I did find a massive pirate ship off the coast post

This thing was like the Black Pearl on steroids at first I thought it was safe because no one was on board but once I got to the Captain’s Quarters life quickly changed a stray attacked me but in doing so it gave me another morph making that 14. I turned a new creeper

So I wouldn’t get killed and headed into the brig the the bottom the basement down what’s the downstairs of the ship called anyway the ship was pretty big and it had a lot of spawners to run through and take out but in doing so I found the treasure room tons of gold

Diamonds emeralds and iron just waiting for me down here however that doesn’t even compare to the chests and barrels that were right outside there were way too many to just go over but they also gave me many oars and golden apples for my journey I may not have found what I

Was looking for but this was still a major success on my way back home I got very very lost I should have written down the chords but I didn’t dig ahead so I kind of wandered aimlessly through the wild for an entire day nine I woke

Up to a a party not sure what happened here last night but I’m out however day nine I worked on a bit of the house and by that I mean I laid out a foundation for it I haven’t played Minecraft in over a month or two at this point so I

Had zero hope for the design but after adding a dock and finishing the exterior part of the house I saw a bit of promise but I was pooped and it was time to sleep with the Villagers wait not like that the next day holy cow guys there is

One of me please relax anyway I was still on the hunt for amethyst and Moss I was hunting down the world’s caves to find any hope of the bright purple block took me some time but once I found it I went ham I spent so long just mining out

The inside of each geode first stripping away the lovely sounding amethyst then I for some reason wanted the quartz looking block the um oh what’s it called I wish I knew what I was doing while scripting these voiceovers but I actually forgot the name of the thing

That’s right in front of me oh please someone comment down below what this block is called maybe later I’ll remember what the block is and call it correctly but uh for now let’s just move on I did this with two different GEOS because I have no idea how much of the

Substance I’ll be needing and after spending like four days looking for it I stocked up after that mining Quest ended I re-prioritized and went for diamonds while I was 60 feet underground already I also wanted to get some levels because I was only like a Sprite can away from

Level 30. not that I had the ability to enchant but I was thinking ahead probably the first time I’ve ever done that anyway after that brief mining trip I went back home with all of the new resources back to work on the house I was able to add the amethyst roof I

Originally wanted then I added in my signature pop-out window which isn’t mine it might be I actually can’t remember if I made it or if I watched it then I started to decorate the walls outside my base and make it look like the house was in a mine but after only a

Small bit of work I headed into the forest to grab some leaves for Decor which reminded me still haven’t found a lush cave yet so I began that Adventure at the end of the day I stumbled onto a small villager Tower and found a baby villager wedged between a chest and a

Wall we agreed that it was time and I had chopped it up with my ax was it wrong no I hate villagers and that was totally a nod I got from the parent so we’re on the same page after not finding an azalea tree while flying around in

Bat form I began to lose out hope but out of the corner of my eye I spotted different colored grass thankfully I finally found the place not that there was much to offer but I did get an axolotl friend who I have no idea what to name then I got to work grabbing

Everything in this biome that I could I may have broken the hoe that I used which sucked but it probably had enough fun fact while I was here I marked off two new morphs the tropical fish and the Axolotl both died in the line of duty if swimming mindless honestly was Duty

After all that I went back home to finish up the exterior house I added the Moss to pretty much everything the roof the walls the floor the interior was also a different story I had to mine out quite a bit to get the design I wanted

First I made the roof out of moss and then worked on the chest area gotta have some organization in these videos learned that from a friend a while ago after like an hour’s worth of work I pretty much had nothing so to finish up the build quickly it’d be easier if I

Just did this I grabbed Birch for the walls then tended to the oddly placed Spruce floor after that I made an enchant setup with moss everywhere but with such a random space I had no idea what to do here until I began work on the kitchen and the upstairs bedroom

With everything done that concludes my house for now to give myself a break I shot more wood and killed some drones a nice stress relief actually these 19 and 20 were kinda spent fulfilling my own personal goal of worldwide domination to do that I ventured into The Nether not

Before making the portal look nice though I have to have consistency in these videos if another other I forgot that I could technically fly and just bridged over the impending doom below the local residents were not happy that I was there thankfully they uh disappeared that’s weird anyway I made

My way over to the nether fortress for my intended target Ablaze this thing allows me to fly at full health and shoot Fireballs which was great for burning the locals I’m evil I know but I also grabbed some potion stuff and headed back that’s when the real

Nightmare began every cow every Pig and every tree it didn’t matter I killed them all it was actually pretty fun and helpful to the challenge as I secured the horse morph which I had thought I got already but I guess I didn’t and fire was the solution day 21 I got up

With the goal of fashion hunting another amazing morph I need right away is the brute the thing is strong so I’m gonna go after that with the strength potions I made from our previous trip as a blaze it was easy to find the extremely ugly building but when I got there I couldn’t

Have prepared for what I could do every piglet was asked after me and not after me at the same time it sounded like um this yeah basically cancer so then I just killed them all and took their stuff I got a fortune 3 pick which was great

Then after that I was able to kill a brew adding another mob to our list after the first Bastion it does get repetitive so I’ll just give you the gist I stole gold Keller hoglin and let’s do this fun day once home I was able to use the levels I had gathered to

Combine an efficiency for an Unbreaking pickaxe with the fortune one I just looted making a lovely addition to the 100 days I also got a nice Diamond set started with prop 3 on the chest and Fire Protection oh boy on the helmet okay well to finish the night off I did

Make a god ax into netherite you probably questioned why I don’t use a sword and my answer is um I don’t know Color Me shocked but the next day the British arrived the problem was though if I got bad Omen life would be over me dead villagers not alive World Gone

Chick-fil-A not open on Sundays why anyway to counteract this I turned it into a Pillager to kill the raid Captain did I think this would work no not at all did it yeah I somehow Paul revered the British and didn’t get bad Omen I saved the day basically that’s what I’m

Saying after that it was finally time to get some trades done I grabbed all of my wood and headed over to the giant Tower full of people I won’t make any jokes the first thing I began rolling were Librarians which first gave me a feather falling for so I bought it and continued

The journey now lucky me I got no other trades this day but I wasn’t finished continuing my philanthropic efforts I traded away all of the wood I had from more emeralds and once again re-rolled the Librarians this time I got protection for for only 17 emeralds

Which is great but even for what I have it’s still an arm and a leg which means I was back to deforestation easily being one of my favorite hobbies however this one this one’s not villagers aren’t cool but mending for 10 emeralds is basically what I’m saying is for that entire day

All I did was reroll trades cut down some trees and get really good books day 24 was much in the same deforestation ruining the planet and all trading away on that natural resources for more expensive jewelry and donating my time to the worthwhile librarian cause which

I got nothing from as shocking as it may sound I started off the next segment of days the exact same way you won’t believe me but I swear I’m not going crazy you are I did eventually break the cycle by getting a breaking from a librarian which is great because it’s

Been three days three days of torture three days of no happy three days not half days it’s been three days without water it’s been long enough with this joke thankfully with all of my armor and chance done but but it’s probably a better word I was able to begin the

Combining process so that eventually when I have enough levels I will have maxed out Diamond gear wow we are finally progressing and I swear I will not Chop more trees so to end off day 27 I chop some more trees okay I promise soon I will do more than this but uh day

28 I chop trees look there is a goal okay I need the trees for villager trades for levels to combine my diamond armor so I can live against like other mobs in the game I still have to collect all of those remember I bet it’s already slipped your mind because I haven’t done

Many fights huh but what am I supposed to do against this are you supposed to fight this with iron armor do you think the warden is gonna let me live while I have iron armor on no okay so can stop you complaining and watch me break a

Tree or two all right heck the environment finally day 29 like I said I would break the cycle and that day is not today did you happen to want to watch me break a tree because that’s all I did today only so that on day 30 30

Days in I was able to finish my armor you can even tell me I don’t look swag I look great right now and I did kind of do more of our mission today thankfully a man by the name of ewd came by and said hi his name stands for um Pig who’s

Dead just came up with that by coming through the portal he saved me the hassle of making an entire Dimension mad at me and now we have a new morph so technically I did do work on day 30. his death actually inspired my next two days

I wanted to finish up a very important task the nether is a danger first place with some amazing mobs that I can use at my discretion so I wanted to conquer the entire nether right away and get every single mob starting with an Enderman which may not be amazing but he still

Can be used then I went for uh oh man I forgot this guy’s name again what is it uh it’s something to do with an S I can’t even remember okay never mind whatever I’ll figure it out these short boys allow me to walk on lava which is

Super cool but like I said I’m short shorter than you Daniel for like 500 000 people that’ll make no sense but for one lucky guy I’ll ruin his day next up was a wither skeleton not helpful in the slightest but another name off the list I feel like season one Oliver Queen

Crossing off names off the list to save my city or you know I guess moving on I kill the magma which was as exciting as it sounds lastly I used the blazemorph to scout out aghast which I’m about to have fun with in the Overworld that is I

Kind of just terrorized civilians by being a giant white floating cloud that shoots Fireballs day 33 I looked over of the water and realized I hadn’t even killed a salmon or squid yet so of course I didn’t fix this issue and re-rolled more villagers it worked out

My favor because I got a sharp five book I added that lovely enchant to my ax making me feel utterly Invincible at least enough to kill some fish is this squid a fish it’s in the water so technically it can be a fish right if

You just believe the rest of my day was spent carving out and making a villager haul day 34 was all about the villagers specifically imprisoning them my idea is to have a mind also don’t ignore the fact that I sound so happy right now I just I’m in personally villagers it’s so

Fun my idea is to have a mind looking thing going into the side of the mountain next to my house I set up the side with Spruce Wood separating each cell yes this is a prison after all but I still added some really cool stuff like a sick geode floor and a moth

Amethyst ceiling it looks nice enough to live in therefore is it really a prison I’m desperately trying to justify having never mind I’m not it’s definitely a prison but it still looks cool day 35 started off with me chopping some trees since you’ve seen me do this before I’m

Gonna leave in 10 seconds of pure chopping did you enjoy that no me neither cool moving on other than just the destruction of the environment I moved my chaotic Tendencies into the skull of a Wandering traitor he had nothing good and I needed the more oh and his poor

Lamar he had to follow too so sad but too freaking bad day 36 and 37 I was moving villagers into their cells it was not fun as most of them wanted to leave but flee to the real world if you will I couldn’t let that happen though and

Trumped up the beach with my own version of the fantasized Mexican border no one’s getting past my wall eventually I brain celled up and made a dock where I can pass under and make sure that the villagers go into the prison and I only had like one or two issues of Escape who

Knew villagers could swim so well or just drown maybe this was their way of telling me they didn’t want to do this and they prefer death over me they’re a point but guess what didn’t matter because by the end of the day all the cells were full with them now occupied I

Could freely trade with the Villagers for emeralds even though some didn’t love the arrangement by refusing to take the job I was able to trade in the wood that I had which ignited my rich blood therefore making me want more emeralds surprisingly I chopped trees to accomplish such a task which is fine

Because it’s been a day since like the last time I did this which is plenty of time for you guys to get over it in fact I’m sure you want more honestly leave a like down below if you want 100 days of me chopping down Sprucewood actually

Comment it too tell me directly that you want to see me spend 30 hours of my life up a spruce tree because I’ll do it actually next video okay it’s been a minute since I fulfilled my duties and found mobs to kill and absorb and become

So the next two days were spent doing just that I became a blaze so I could fly around and search for the easy mobs I have still not checked off my list one being a Cod the fish not the game someone killed that already but my Cod

Was shot Dead in the Water by fire don’t ask me to explain that I don’t know anything next up was a dolphin and since I can’t fight him from the sky I turned into a brute and dived headfirst into certain death Dolphins can actually fight back and I was terrified for

Nothing apparently because he just died instantly fun fact I still haven’t killed the chicken I was kind of just trying to get some food but somehow the little rat evaded me for 40 days next up was the iron golem who is easy to kill sure but not if you face him head on

Once again I popped to stimmy and became a brute and tried to one punch the man which did not work I’m in danger luckily I was able to slay the beast but not without needing a change of pants at this point the video took a turn a scary

Realization flipped the script as I had just killed a sheep but the message popped up I had collected its morph I’d already killed a sheep ages ago yet 40 days later I got the same message again this is because I needed to collect every color of the sheep for some reason

Which means the challenge just got that much harder not to say that colorful sheep is hard to get but the fact that I have to uh I just don’t really want to kill all of them after that realization I crossed a donkey off my list then found a snowy-ish biome which allowed me

To place a pumpkin I had gotten earlier here to kill a Snow Golem but I still had a few more things to do so let’s speedrun it I killed a brown sheep at a village discovered that cats also have variants I need to kill and then got two

Of them then finished up my journey with a black and light gray sheet I have now killed all of the naturally spawning sheep well except for the pink one but if you think I’m doing that legit you’re dead wrong ain’t no one got time for that days 41-42 were spent in the nether

It’s time I traded my hard-earned stolen gold for cement of pearls or most likely anything but ender pearls I figured the best place for this would be a Bastion as it just screams sell the civilians back their belongings at an inflated rate oh a building can say that I have

No idea but it worked out in my favor as plenty of piggies were happy to see the bright shining yellow texture I sat here for way too long and since this sucked for me uh I’m gonna make you wait too so let’s spread some interesting knowledge

Hot dogs are not good in Juice bacon comes from pigs pigs are also not good in Juice after a long enough time I had the items I wanted and was able to get home one thing I got was a soul Speed 3 book which when I added to my boots

Makes me go Burr in the nether I have no good way to end this segment in transition to the next day so um random word here frog day 43 I began expansion on the villager trading Hall I need more books and more sticks and more food and golden carrots and nothing else I

Actually only did this for the carrots so me going through all this trouble and decorating all this matching it to the theme from before was for a vegetable each of greens kids however all of that was thrown out the window when I began going for an epic sword I already have

Sharpness Unbreaking and mending but my main goal was looting or fire if so be thus I had to move over more villagers from a lush lavish and cushy life to a one bedroom no bath one block house the next day I traded away my hard-earned plunder for some more emeralds just so I

Could afford looting for the god sword the issue with that as I haven’t gotten looting yet so I spent my time re-rolling librarian trades till it was in my grass I added it to my over inflated book and now all I need is to add it to my sword which requires one

Thing I had to take a day to get more wood how about instead of being mad at how much wood I cut down in these 100 days you all go comment W Spruce down below then I will know all this effort all this work was okay glad we’re on the

Same page oh and if you didn’t get it I need levels for the book combining with the swords so the trees mix I’m sure you got that actually okay day 47 was great after I had hit the levels from Trading I was able to make the perfect sword or

At least for now sure it’s not Max but what do you want from me a gold star of perfection well you’re not gonna get it because I forgot to log off when I went and made dinner so today was totally wasted but hey you watch me so this is

Technically your fault even with such a mess up I had a plan all of it was worth it as now I can hunt down Wither Skeleton skulls most likely some of you guessed that already or maybe I actually explained it earlier I don’t remember I’m kind of tired but the first boss

We’ll be fighting is the Wither I figured it could be a fun more to play around with after all it’s the easiest one to do so the next many days for me spent in a single Fortress running around chopping up bony men in hopes that one of them would have their heads

Screwed off so I could use it to summon a demonish overlord wait why am I doing this again however after my third skull you know what time it is you guessed it tree jumping gotcha didn’t I you really thought I was gonna do three days of

Work just to fight the Wither nah I have to savor such a moment okay but the real reason is the Wither requires a bow kinda I want to get Slash use a bow for the fight so yes I’m taking every precaution but if I was speed running

The game I could probably just punch the Wither to death it’s really bad kinda like how I killed the dragon with a hoe in this video I’m spoiling but yes chopping trees for emeralds was the fastest way I knew to get XP and once I had enough eye level 30 to bow

That’ll work now to just actually kill the Wither I went underground in the most open cave I could and just sank to the bottom of it along the way I didn’t get distracted by diamonds and go on a small little trip but 17 diamonds to my

Name and the heads called out to me please I can kill the orange something I don’t know obviously I obliged didn’t set the little dude up in his hole and backed up I did turn into a brute for the fight but I doubt it’ll help especially since the Wither does like no

Damage and is easily a 2 out of 10 boss as you do I vote it which was very interesting as you can hear in my voice and I stabbed it over and over and over again like three times it’s pretty weak once it was dead I had the power of a

Wither even if it’s not that much at home I wanted to test out this new power and first off I can’t drown not sure why that helps but it does secondly iron golems do not like me but they also can’t really kill me which is why I just

Kind of watched one die with my poison nerd wither effect then two more followed closely but was night and I had to go home I did notice one downside however I can’t fit in the door while I have been slowly Gathering morphs it’s been a minute since I did a last huge

Hunt or mission for some so the next few days I targeted every single die for all the Sheep the main issue I would face would be Cactus for some reason this game allows red and yellow to make orange blue and red to make purple but yellow and blue no no grain allowed I

Don’t get it however that gave me the chance to explore the world a little bit my first stop every flower known to man I took a few from around my base however the real stop was at a flower Forest I know I won’t need a ton of flowers but

My brain took over and I was just like in the force I did run into some bees but I just couldn’t kill them they’re way too cute after I was done I used my Blaze form to fly around the world looking for some deserts or anything

Cool which is how I found a giant barber shop inside the red and white barber pole I found mobs oars and chests so I just ran through the place as it was kind of boring it’s just was filled with unique items but the best parts were just finding golden apples everywhere

After I was finished I continue on to find my prickly foe in the jungle I discovered some weird maze-like Temple thing it told me to get out at one point which made no sense till I saw a zombie holding an iron block not sure if that’s

Meant to be powerful or just look funny I did find diamonds and a book in the chests but nothing too interesting back to flyovers I thought maybe I had a chance at a panda in the bamboo forest but no such luck I would also find many beaches masquerading as deserts which

Really sucked because I thought I was gonna find a cactus and I never did I would also frequent Villages along the way in hopes of finding new cats to kill I’m not sure how many there are in total but I know I added a bunch to the list

By doing this after days of flying I found a new structure it was a little broken down Tower with some levers inside I flicked both of them and it exploded however there was one hole leading to a little bit more below I thought it was just spawners and mobs but little did I

Know a killer bunny was down there and that bugger was fast it was so hard to hit this man okay to my own stretch of the imagination it took me 10 minutes to kill this guy and I was so happy to have him on the list for one rabbits are rare

And two a man dropped fat stacks totally not worth the time it took to kill him but it was still a little fun boss fight back on the grind of flying through the sky your boy finally found a desert the absolute motherload sand more importantly I found the source of green

Dye after scooping up as much as I could I found the worst but bigger version of a desert temple I say worse cause after grabbing Gold Blocks the rest of it was lackluster I did start a ride on the inside between all the skeletons which

Was really fun to watch then I blew the entire place up by pressing a button but other than that how cool is this place really finally the day we’ve all been waiting for I can cross one major project off the list I began by making every single possible diet I could think

Of staying away from the ones that I already had but still this was a lot at first I was just gonna fly around a diet sheep kill it and move on but after doing that to the blue cyan and lime I changed my mind and decided I would hang

The dead sheep on my wall what all others do it it’s like a rite of passage or something you hang the kill on your wall then you drink a beer with your buds and they look at you like you’re totally crazy anyway After figuring out

I need to keep the wool I went back to dying and slaughtering all sheep variants the pink one was probably my favorite because technically I could have found this out in the while but again who’s got the time for that after all new morphs were had I collected the

Rainbow of death and it was time to hang it on my wall my bedroom seemed like the best spot and I tried my best to hang it up in some sort of semi-order to keep the rainbow together I went from Blue to red and the best way I knew then I used

Purple to get to Black and finish with brown like what the heck am I supposed to do with brown where does this go anyway makes me no sense but 16 total sheep crossed off the list Dave 59 I was pretty proud of myself getting all of

That done and I think I deserved a reward something that no one really wants but me can you guess what kind of a break I took yep drop trees my favorite pastime is to annihilate our world’s forest or it would be if I didn’t make this one myself again I did

Use all that wood on purpose though I was going for a silk touch pick and needed the levels after a few enchants I got what I wanted and could attempt my real goal another right yes it was time to Rock full netherite and not just the ax alright well after getting down to

Y-15 you know what happens I just find netherite after netherite after netherite this totally didn’t take me like an hour to do or anything and you didn’t just watch me do it in 4.2 seconds was it 4.2 seconds by the way I’m I was scripting this and I I don’t

Know I wasn’t looking at the footage how long was it is my guess correct by the end of the day I was able to turn all of my armor and important tools in the netherite and I’ll be rocking that purple drip however that is not enough

Purple for me my next task was to kill the dragon however I just don’t have the right tools so I went back to the nether real quick and grabbed another full Ingot that I will be using to turn what I’m currently enchanting into the Ultimate Dragon killing machine yes

That’s right I’m gonna kill the dragon with a hoe to do that though I needed to find the darn thing which is why I made the eyes and began my adventure Into the Wilderness once I found the stronghold I mined directly down into the library Perfect Since I actually wanted books

For decoration and I got a fire aspect book so I’ll finally be able to max out my sword however shortly after leaving the library I ran into a problem this place is amazing it took me so many turns to find the portal with no time to

Waste I hopped in and began the fight the easiest thing to do was to kill all of the crystals which took no work at all the hard part was the dragon since I’m using a hoe I do absolutely no damage thankfully I brought strength potions with me the first go-around went

Well I somehow almost got him all the way down to have not sure how that’s possible and the second time I was inches off a clean kill but the last time he first I was able to finish him off with a hoe imagine being such a

Crappy boss you lost to a gardening tool with that guy out of the way you know what time it was elytra time the end islands are pretty boring so I’ll just skip to the cool stuff the first place I went to kind of sucked with no but

I didn’t really stay long for some reason this happened more than once however I did end up getting to the right place finally I fell to the ship and got to work obviously I have the shokomorph now which is pretty useless but the real objective was the elytra

After stealing it I didn’t need much from this place so I kind of just left but as a blaze this time since the dragon morph is well massive once home I realized I forgot a trophy like how did I forget the dragon egg in the end well

That just meant I had to go back grab it can’t believe I just did that then put it on a barrel at my house I could have done pretty much anything better in that amount of time the next day you started off with the challenge of getting a laze

A witch and it’s cat and some slime it was easier than I thought to find an early the pillagers kept them as prizes and I was just able to kill him in the cage it wasn’t the nicest thing I could have done but I needed them more after

That I found myself a witch hut getting a two for one special on the inside too bad I had to kill a cat for that though the one regret this challenge provides is the fact that I have to kill so many nice mobs I’m still not even looking

Forward to the bee but the last thing on my list is the Slime so I stuck around till Nightfall until one spawn claimed it and got the heck out of there finally we’re at 70 mobs oh and somebody may seem like a lot but there’s like a

Hundred of them and you remember the warden right yeah I’ve never even killed one before but I was not done yet I secretly got bad Omen from the LA capture which allowed me to begin a raid I found a random Outpost of the Squidwards on my journey and began the

Most hectic day of their lives each round was super easy especially as a brute 20 Hearts goes a long way but if these darn Iron Golems don’t get the heck back I’m gonna lose it getting totems was great but honestly collecting each and every Pillager type was exactly

What I wanted after that I returned to my mission of collecting normal mobs cats were the hardest so I have no idea what ones I have maybe because I don’t care to look but also because they all look the same to me then I took down a

Parrot which wasn’t that hard I still can’t find a Panda in here though later I stumbled into a guardian Temple and took down an Elder Guardian and used its morph to take on the little version was that necessary no but it was a swift kill afterward I used a cow to take away

The mining fatigue debuff and watching me fly through the air as a cowl is probably the best moment of this entire 100 days the next seven days begin my biggest project yet I have gotten a ton of mobs over the last 100 days and I want to display them all so I

Constructed a room in my base that took a heck ton of my time the idea would be sections made specific to displaying an item frame with a drop and the sign detailing every mob that I had collected so far the law longest part was actually making the room I used calc oh it’s

Calcite I remember that from earlier oh I should have just said calcite earlier anyway amethyst and Spruce and Oak the entire thing was two hallways long with a section of five in each display area once I was done I began putting up each trophy I could think of I don’t actually

Have a list of mobs to kill in the 100 days nor did I remember exactly what mobs I had killed but I think I put down a pretty decent few at the time and as the rest of these days run out I will continue to add to this section as I

Think of it also I killed a beat I’m so sorry the next multiple days were focused on getting as many trophies hung as possible as well as planning for my greatest future fight yet to do that I headed to a nearby ancient city I wanted to gather different objects and got

Apples for the future and pending Doom that I’m gonna have to face I stayed as a blaze while I was down there so I could fly above the radar even though though I am still vulnerable to the warden spawning I decided to open every chest in existence not the best plan of

Action but only two God apples to my name I kind of have no chance of killing the warden he just had a variety of crap inside until I was lucky enough to find my first God Apple followed by a chest with two in it and then another with two

In it five from one city isn’t too bad and with a dragon killing hoe on my side and a bit of luck I think Flynn never spawned a warden while I was down there even if I did I would have to run no chance I fight it now but with that I

Returned home to place a few more things but before I made it back home I found a horse and a donkey if you don’t know where I’m going with this try to follow along first I made a horse fall in love with me then I rode a donkey that

Doesn’t sound good but it’s true after that I made them you know what that’s not something I should be explaining to y’all but that did pop out of mule which I killed therefore barking him off the list at home I added a few more listers

To the Gallery went off again I was out looking for items to hang on my wall like the seagrass or Coral block maybe even a mushroom block the journey took a lot longer than that explanation but each block can be used to outline a new mob on our wall after these long few

Days my walls grew larger full of trophies yet I still have so much to do with my base currently being really small I need to expand the best room my accomplishment room well to make it bigger I had to mine out more area get a few materials and build up design yet

Again as well as coming up with a brand new floor design I basically just used Moss to cover the place and add more color to the room and it actually wasn’t that boring because I was watching anime while doing this I think it was called something The Reincarnation of the

World’s strongest Exorcist or something I don’t remember it actually wasn’t that bad but it only had like one season so I don’t really remember it with the place looking snazzy I moved the Sheep line up from my bedroom to the new room which added a nice 16 more trophies to the

Cause unfortunately I can’t do that with the cats since they don’t drop unique items after that I fished up a puffer fish and made some stone brick to add a puffer fish and silverfish to my wall honestly I can’t even remember which ones I have done so far the sheer amount

Of mobs in this video is giving me a headache with only a few days left I had to go back out in my world and find a few more mobs I am getting close to being done but I still have some that have evaded me quite well first I headed

To the end and killed an endermite as well as cats while flying around still not sure how many there actually are then I ran into Phantoms of the night which I somehow haven’t spawned up until now probably because I keep sleeping and I did finally end up finding a panda

Which came as a surprise since they’re so hard to find next I AFK in the desert tonight for a husk as well as flying around until I saw a mushroom Island this one I’ll regret I’m so sorry after that I killed a polar bear but who in

Their right mind lets the child get revenge on you later so I had a two for one special last lastly I bred a tadpole if some of you read my community posts a while back you’ll know that this is my second attempt at this challenge one

Thing that eluded me last time was the tadpole because what the heck is is this thing but this time I had it after like 20 minutes of waiting at least the temple finally popped out and I was able to kill it and that summed up a huge

Amount of time now all I have left is the warden and maybe a goat or zoglin but let’s leave the emphasis on the warden unfortunately I can’t actually do that realistically I do have to go find that goat a cat and a zoglin so to do

That I flew around the world once again stopping at every single pirate ship in the ocean technically I don’t need the loot from these ships but come on both the hull and the Captain’s Quarters have such amazing loot I looted three of these things as well and I was rich

After I had some fun stealing from the rich who stole from the poor I once again began my quest by finding the last cat sorry not sorry after that I flew to a mountain and murdered a goat that time I’m not sorry next up was the nether I

Had to get a zoglin or at least I wanted to I don’t think I actually needed it for the challenge because I already have a hogman are they classified differently I don’t know my first attempt was with a baby and that did not work unclear why after about 15 minutes of working with

Multiple hoglands I figured out that I needed to load the portal on the other side my bad once I killed the zoglin I got an achievement it was the first time I had ever gotten this achievement because I don’t really play Minecraft for this reason although I am curious

Why did I get the achievement without killing the warden however with every single mob except one done I headed home and marked them all off on my wall the only thing left after 98 days is the hardest mob in the game to prepare for

Him on day 99 I started by making a ton of Strength 2 potions when I use a totem against him and trust me I will it takes away my potion effect so having a ton of God apples and string potions is the only way to kill him after that I

Listened to the ancient cities music disc I um have to say this is weird like footsteps weird Roar and then just like music but it kind of just cuts off here honestly that was the creepiest thing I’ve ever listened to please remove that from the game with everything in order I flew to

The nearest ancient city I had to come up with a good plan so I found the perfect spot and dug an escape tunnel his blast causes so much damage that if you don’t have a long enough tunnel and can run away from it you’ll die instantaneously after I was ready I

Brooded up the pigland Brew is still the smallest and toughest mob I have and the extra Hearts Are Gonna Save My Life three times all it took was three noises to spawn in this scariest mob ever added into Minecraft and just like that I was peeing my pants oh oh my God

After way too many potions way too many gun apples and almost all of my totems used it was the first time I’d ever kill a warden and it was earned oh I had finally done it every mob was crossed off my list I cut that way way way too

Close thankfully I had done it by Sunset day 99 was coming to a close and now I have the power of a warden which makes me blind what in the heck is even this not cool I was finally able to mark the warden off my wall of accomplishments as

Well a very proud moment indeed but as Nightfall the world has come to a close my goals are over and I could hang up my armor as I look over a grateful universe I didn’t steal that from Thanos you did foreign

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days Hunting EVERY MORPH in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by WelcominTV on 2023-05-13 15:15:05. It has garnered 848152 views and 15287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:41 or 2681 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days as a SHAPESHIFTER in Minecraft. I killed every Minecraft Mob in this challenge, as well as beat every Boss in Minecraft.

👍 Can we get 40000 likes for 200 days?👍

#hardcore #100days #minecraft ────────────────────────────────── PATREON (With World & Modpack Download) https://www.patreon.com/welcomintv ────────────────────────────────── Video info: This video took a month of my life so at least 🔴subscribe🔴 my mans! Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKKaWAHKvoU&t=23s ────────────────────────────────── 100 days Hardcore Minecraft 100 days Hardcore Minecraft Shapeshifter 100 days Collecting Every Minecraft Mob ────────────────────────────────── ➜ Thanks for Reading the Description! ────────────────────────────────── 🚨Subscribe & Like & Follow Animation: ArialFX www.youtube.com/arialfx​

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  • Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans

    Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans Welcome to Herobrine SMP 2.0 Season 1 Episode 1: Making a Food Farm! Shadow Striker, also known as Chirag, is back with another exciting episode of Herobrine SMP 2.0. In this episode, he dives into the world of Minecraft to create a food farm that will sustain him on his adventures. Let’s join him on this thrilling journey! Setting Up the Farm As the sun rises in the Minecraft world, Shadow Striker wastes no time in getting to work. He starts by clearing a patch of land near his base to make room for his food farm. Using his… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz – Rate my skills now! ⚔️

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz - Rate my skills now! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥rate my skills Minecraft pvp! ⚔️’, was uploaded by Godz on 2024-06-19 16:16:02. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:44 or 1244 seconds. 🔥 **Welcome to [Godz]** 🔥 🎮 **About Me:** Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! I’m [Your Name]and I’m passionate about all things blocky and pixelated. On this channel, you’ll find epic adventures, creative builds, survival challenges, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a newbie to the Overworld, there’s something here for everyone. 🌟 **What to Expect:** – **Let’s Play Series: * Join me… Read More

  • Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

    Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!Video Information man that’s another successful store trip my brother I’m saying now is the party at show crib or mind you know what I’m saying we about to turn up ain’t that right M don’t we hosting mush done made mushroom soups for the whole gang let’s go they starting to grow on me I’m really enjoying the mushroom soups nowadays man y’all getting into it y’all get into it come on guys walking is healthy let’s walk the rest of the way home and then we’ll be solid oh so we going to your crib to party that’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥Video Information and done our new house is completed oh this house is ugly well it’s much better than the old one Grazy it’s not my fault that you burned it down well I’m sorry I just wanted to put all my cakes in the outfit at once now they’re all burned wait what’s going on you put the house down again Gracie no it’s not me it’s a fire girl what are you doing stop buing our house down we just built this terrible news the ele mental Army is going to come here to destroy everything I need… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art SatisfyingVideo Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:17:12. It has garnered 1932 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/evildragonx1. Read More

  • OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmau

    OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘#short Is this My Inner Demon Noi coming out??? #aphmau #minecraft #roleplay’, was uploaded by Ori_Moon on 2024-03-31 14:36:00. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-05-28 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55

    EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55Video Information This video, titled ‘April Fools Day Minecraft #minecraft #youtubegaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DonPianta55 on 2024-04-02 23:48:38. It has garnered 1621 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. Become a part of Don’s Crew⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaB0-gpDobPMhK8FFGc19iQ/join Join the Discord discord.gg/mhfHSspBk8 Read More

  • Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!

    Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Groomer Baby — Hazbin Hotel Loser Baby Parody’, was uploaded by Duke Rancid on 2024-06-17 13:28:45. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:52 or 172 seconds. My friend and I spent way longer on this than we honestly should have. We were originally gonna do a Minecraft parody and then I was like, wait I have an idea. Read More

  • DreamZone

    DreamZonegreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfv Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP – Java 1.20.4 – Age 18+ – Whitelist – Hermitcraft-like – LGBTQ+ Friendly – Community-focused – 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ Hey! Thanks for checking out Project Nebula! ▶ Nebula Photo Album! ▶ Dynmap ▶ Discord ▶ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-driven Minecraft server focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players. We value diversity, transparency, respect, and commitment to the Vanilla Minecraft experience. ▶ What’s new on Project Nebula? 1.21 update coming soon! Successful Emu Freedom Fest event Opening of the Cobblestonewall Inn ▶ Applications If you’re interested in joining our server, apply through our Discord channel. We have a thorough whitelist process to ensure a friendly… Read More

  • Island PVP

    Island PVPCreate your island and upgrade to become the island top!You can use a boat to stalk your enemies with stealth!Or take them head-on when they least expect it!If you leave your chests unlocked, they can be raided! So make sure to strategically build your storage area! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

    “1287 hours in Minecraft? That’s just the warm-up! Ain’t nobody got time for a score of 9, we’re aiming for a perfect 10, baby!” Read More

  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More

I Spent 100 Days Hunting EVERY MORPH in Minecraft…