I Spent 100 Days in Nostalgic Minecraft

Video Information

Minecraft is a 3D Sandbox game just kidding this isn’t gonna start with a nostalgic tribute Frick you but today we’re stepping into the past to play an 11 year old version of Minecraft those who play it love it so I want to see why does it have all this hype like first

Thing I noticed is there’s no hunger which means sprinting hasn’t been added but even weirder one block deep water doesn’t break my fall which I had to learn the hard way sorry Pig I’m just higher on the food chain than you for how cherished this version is it isn’t

Perfect because there’s an accidental mechanic left in that lets you see underground by looking for these monster name tags which led me to an old dungeon there’s no end goal in this version but that gives us the challenge to push our creative limits over these 100 days and

The freedom to constantly complain but first we should probably get a house so day two I decided I want to live on this island mostly because that felt like what a 2011 player would do once I was done mining in the caves it was already night so I should probably start working

On the house because the bridge isn’t Gonna Keep Me Warm but when the sun rose on day three all I had accomplished was a floor plan building a house in beta Minecraft isn’t too terrible terrible the only thing I notice is the very limited block palette when I got home I

Found my house was broken into by a tree I have never seen this look at the door they must have gotten in by climbing through the big giant hole in the ceiling while building a roof to patch it I found that stairs don’t turn but don’t worry this is only nearly the end

Of the world until I couldn’t Place fences on the ceiling now which Armageddon wait actually don’t launch the nukes you just have to stack the fences on top of each other and that’s the quirkiness of beta another Quirk is how valuable mossy cobblestone is nowadays it’s craftable but in Old

Minecraft the only place you can find it is in dungeons which is ironic my pathway is paved in Gold but I’m still hungry the reason for the giant hole is to add in trellises I say with confidence not really knowing what those are but in beta Minecraft crops get

Destroyed just by walking over them so to combat that if you put fences underneath now they’re indestructible maybe this mechanic is intentional maybe it’s not but either way I think it’s a dope mechanic day six I’m on an adventure looking for caves the boat controls are very slow it feels like

Turning in mud but it’s enough to get me to the Gravelly Beach sadly these have been removed from modern Minecraft but at the same time who misses them nearby the beach I found an early looking tiger bind which really only had those spruce trees snow and ice it’s cool but

Exploring the Taiga was so distracting that when I got home I realized I didn’t explore any caves I did explore them on day seven but I did forget to record it please accept this sorry sign because it was an interesting day here I found my first diamonds I got cocoa beans and no

One’s gonna believe me but there was a pink sheep here like 10 minutes ago I got the wool as evidence now I think it’s finally day eight because it’s really hard to tell in these caves but I just need one more gold to solve that but instead of gold I found more

Diamonds which awkwardly at the same time a creeper did but his parents never told him that they believed in him so I came out Victorious but I can’t leave until I get that one gold foreign that genuinely made me jump in real life so once I found the gold I was being so

Slow and safe the gold is going to be used for a clock but you can’t see me craft it because my computer crashed on day nine losing the footage but don’t worry I recorded day 10 except it was just the sounds you can hear me swimming

Over to collect a music disc that a creeper dropped because yes well you weren’t looking I crafted a jukebox I’m more mad about losing that footage than you are like I have nightmares about losing footage just kidding I don’t because it happens in real life but on

Day 11 you can see me working on sugarcane Island in this version sugarcane has two purposes first sugar for cake and for paper which turns into books that are crafted into bookshelves which also only serve as vanity so I think sugar cane island is big enough I

Doubt a man would ever need this many books in his life and if they do they’re a freaking nerd then I crafted myself a new set of iron armor but why would I my old set isn’t broken just worn down but we’re doing this because in this version

As your armor takes more damage it gives you less protection now that does kind of render diamond armor as useless because it’s expensive and will end up doing about the same protection as iron armor but I think it would be fun for PVP in modern versions as a fight goes

On people would slowly take more and more damage which would really shorten these long fights day 13 I finished up the basement I used a bunch of spruce to make things feel darker like more so uh re and the spruce logs are all thanks to one tick bone meal later that day I

Tried to craft a bow and thought oh they must have changed the recipe no I’m just stupid but I gotta show you how the bow Works in beta so hey pig meat bow day 14 I found a dog swimming in the river which I always forget how powerful these

Guys are like I just punched the Pig and the government’s already printing out the death certificate so I built these dogs a little house but then tore it down because it looked ugly so instead I just gave them the good old dog pen the door makes it a little awkward but fence

Gates have yet to be added so we’re working with what we got day 15 I started working on a blimp over my house if you watch a bunch of beta world tours you’ll find a lot of mystical structures being built and blimp just happens to be

One of them because really what were we thinking when we invented this if we just waited three years we could have gone from hot air balloon straight to airplanes blimps are a middle child aircraft which is why they’re cool to build in a Minecraft world if you’re

Wondering how I got the shape just right it was not my brain that came up with it rather it was a website called plots.co.uk it’s built out of dirt for now because getting all the wool will take some time so that evening I would Shear the sheep and then punch it

Sealing its face day 16 I was still going around killing animals and shearing Sheep by killing passive mobs like pigs that gives the game more room to spawn more passive mobs like sheep I even killed the sheep that I died because the sheep regrowing wool hasn’t

Been added yet well it was added then removed in this version and then added later we perfectly missed it and that was the whole day I think because everything move so slow I do like one thing and now it’s night time day 17 I went mining for Redstone so we could try

Making a beta Redstone Contraption I did use the entity x-ray trick to find a cave which is so broken but I love it it ended up leading me to a vein of three diamonds but they’re like always guarded by a horde of mobs and now it’s a two

Vein of diamonds dang it to make up for I did find a lot of gold but let’s be honest it’s kinda useless people complained that copper doesn’t have any uses in modern Minecraft but gold is basically the same in this version like what can I do with gold powered rails is

Basically it oh oh clocks yeah cause I totally needed like a stack of clocks but don’t even get me started about lapis now I was supposed to go to the surface on day 18 but I kept searching for diamonds it’s just like gambling yeah it’s burning time but who knows

Maybe there’s an eight vein around the corner or a one vein yeah I’m going home now I really didn’t know what to do with the Redstone maybe I’ll make a dog Crusher they didn’t like that joke but we really have in this version is like redstone and piston so I made this

Yeah if we’re gonna want to do cooler redstone contraptions we’re gonna need slime for sticky pistons that means we need to find a chunk where slimes can spawn and the best way I’ve heard is to mine a three by three tunnel until a slime spawns in it I could technically

Use the seed to find a chunk but this is more fun and it’s kind of how the game was meant to be played day 21 I lit up caves around the tunnel because of no skeletons or creepers are spawning then slimes have a better chance but it doesn’t raise the chances that much

Which makes this tunnel method very speculative I could have mine through three slime chunks and they’re just not spawning or I won’t mine into a slime chunk for a dozen days it made me paranoid so I used the C I know I’m a dirty Generation Z who must be always

Instantly gratifying myself also I know one of you recognizes this seed because a few days ago someone asked me for the life still s p seed which is private I don’t even know it so I replied with this one day 22 was spent mining out the slime chunk but it wasn’t just me

Working on it because two dogs showed up okay to mind the trunk faster I utilized to remove mechanic or maybe it was glitch I don’t know but if you click each block individually rather than just holding down the button you just mine faster it’s a bit more mental work but I

Shouldn’t and couldn’t complain because oh no baby Minecraft YouTuber has to do hard work once the chunk was mined I went around lighting up caves and checking in now and then to see if a slime spawned don’t ask where the dogs are day 24 my reflexes told me to log out but I

Couldn’t be saved I’m just glad this isn’t a hardcore world but dying in this version isn’t that frustrating I lose a few diamonds but I’m back to the slime farm in two minutes it’s not like oh now I gotta enchant my armor then get another right and then get fully maxed

Out tools it’s just pickaxe and hey a slime spawned while I was re-gearing so there’s good in everything oh no slime ball I guess at least we know slimes do spawn in this chunk and I read on the wiki that if you kill a slime too hard

It doesn’t split which is what drops the Slime balls but great news I found another slime not in the farm this is isn’t what I’m going for but pure chance we got a slime ball finally we can put the slime in a chest and work on

Something else I imagine a castle on the hill so I gotta build it it’s just a rule of old Minecraft like Isaac Newton you know discover gravity how to turn copper into gold and castles in beta Minecraft so I first cleared the land by doing a controlled burn of the trees

Then built the outline and the First wall but turns out I was off of my Dimension so I had to move the spiers forward and over one after spending all day fixing that I was off again you know what they say measure once cut three

Times day 28 I worked on the roof of the castle we don’t even have two walls up man of Minecraft had gravity I’d be screwed we have a little bridge to the castle and it is really coming together I know I talked about beta Minecraft being slow but in just three days I’m

Already finishing the spiers now for the interior of the castle you’re not gonna believe me but it’s expensive the wood on the sides yeah that’s cheap but in this version smooth stone slabs are a pain to build with so you first have to smoke cobbled a stone which is normal

But when you craft slabs three stone turns into three smooth stone slabs when in modern Minecraft it turns to six oh so we lose half not that bad until you start placing them it’s impossible to place a slab on the top half of a block there has to be one underneath which

Means one block of smooth Stone pathing costs two Kabul and a fourth of a coal the path isn’t done yet but day 30 I went mining for diamonds and obsidian because today’s the day we finally go to the old nether never mind tomorrow I guess custom sized portals haven’t been

Added yet so now the back of my castle is gonna have this odd shaped portal gross now I don’t really want to go into The Nether much because of how dark it is I know you can’t see anything but rest assured I can’t see much either darkness and old Minecraft is kinda a

Mechanic but it also bugs me how Posh people are about it like there’s a person who can’t see that well in the dark and they’re looking for fixes but some guy goes oh I have a full bright mod but you might use it to bypass unintended feature they then Double Down

Suggesting have you tried squinting dude just let people play the game how they want to it’s not like beta Minecraft was crafted by God himself they ask for the user’s intentions with the Fulbright mod bro this is not your daughter on a prom date it’s literally just a pair of

Glasses like shut up these 30 year old no prospects basement dwellers have no control over any part of their lives so they try and control how we play a 10 year old version of Minecraft just let people play how they want to and guess what they never ended up providing the

Mod recording this video and interacting with the community has hands down been great but there are just some people who think they’re better than everyone like their Saint Paul of the Gate of Heaven but yeah not much in the nether though I did get some glowstone for a chandelier

Day 32 I I chilled out and started working on a bigger and more efficient wheat farm instead of harvesting the wheat by hand like I do at my house I’m gonna have water get released flowing over and breaking the crops then all I gotta do is replant the seeds I also

Found water has yet to be perfected in this version because I don’t know this just isn’t how Water Works in the modern game day 34 I worked on the exterior for the farm let’s be honest this wheat farm could be done by now but it’s so much

More fun to make these builds look cool but I should confess the next few days were on peaceful mode I know arrest me but it’s surprisingly faster to build these projects when there aren’t any mobs chasing you around which then makes sense why all the world tours I see

People make most of the time they’re on Peaceful but that means by Day 36 I was able to finish the wheat farm the interior does look very unfinished but at the same time time I’ve never seen a glammed out Barn that evening I put in the fences underneath and planted as

Many seeds as we could and a few days we’ll be back to see how well this actually works it rained on day 37 which may be hot take I don’t like all it does is darken everything and make an annoying white noise that goes like just by the end of the day I’m

Trying to find projects to do indoors where it’s quieter day 38 I started setting up a strip mine all the way down to y11 what I find weird is watching videos on how to get diamonds in Minecraft people talk about mining a y level 11 like it’s some crazy new

Discovery which it was but now it’s just common knowledge because I remember being told at school to mine at y level 11 and that was game changing day 39 I built a flush 2×1 piston door for the mine shaft well I followed a tutorial and I couldn’t see that I got anything

Wrong but it’s not working so instead I created my own design the whole thought process was have a set of four Pistons push out two pistons and two blocks then those two Pistons push the two blocks out that explanation may sound complicated but rest assured actually building it was way more confusing just

Don’t look at my Redstone I know it’s a mess even hideous people would kill me if they saw it oh oh look over there is that day 41 that’s way cooler you gotta look oh that’s so satisfying don’t don’t look at this crime scene scene of redstone is anyone gonna get that joke

Or am I just gonna sound crazy but name one genius who isn’t Crazy Al Capone dang it while exploring on day 42 I found some pumpkins they aren’t Global in this version but what I’m really mad about is that I didn’t instantly try to wear the pumpkin I went on to explore

Some more but quickly turned around when I realized it’s all the exact same I got so sick of looking at the same trees I chopped down all the ones in my front yard which wow makes that Island a whole lot brighter my first order of business

With the new land was to build an evil menacing Tower but it more looks like a tower of that one-sided villain who wants to kill everyone because he’s made of lava speaking of lava day 44 I tried out a new diamond finding method according to a YouTube short I remember

Watching under the glass you’ll find diamonds and now I’m starting to realize maybe people do lie on the internet just to cover my bases I also tried training a lava pool with a bucket but it was too much hassle for a little results when I

Got to the surface on day 45 I just felt like there was still a lot out of empty space on the islands so I decided I would first put up a little cafe I traveled back to the Taiga Biome because snow is quite a popular block to use and

Builds in this version I think that’s because it’s white and much easier to get in bulk than wool while I was at it I got some clay so I could make a sick brick patio I will be honest the cafe does look funky right now but when I

Start adding more buildings around it the cafe will fit in a lot more it’s also an excuse to use the wheat farm day 47 I started a project that I’ve been thinking about for quite a while draining a random Circle in the ocean this is why I love beta Minecraft

Because I’m not doing it for any reason other than that I freaking can I had to place down a lot of sand to drain the water because there aren’t any sponges in this version well technically there is but the only way to get them is to

Cheat and we all know yeah Jaren never cheats in his videos once I finished writing the circle I was left with the question of what do we put in it I don’t know but I had a dangerous idea to do put in the nether it’s not that much

Different from draining the ocean just hotter but what’s really annoying with the lava is wait a minute give me a second I just gotta make sure I haven’t complained about this yet okay yeah we’re cleared for complaining lava just does not drain if just a little bit leaked through the wall I’d

Have to place down sand on every lava puddle but it was worth it day 50 I still felt like this island was empty but I couldn’t come up with any ideas instead of just sitting there wallowing in ideas I went mining to keep myself busy but luckily it didn’t take long for

Me to think of something that wasn’t absolutely stupid it was only a little stupid I knew a bunch of Minecart tracks would be helpful for getting around so we are building a train station now what the building is based off of we’re gonna play a little game think of a building

Any building I guarantee that building you and every other viewer are thinking of is not the building the train station is based off of Jehovah’s Witness Headquarters I know that’s out there but it’s gonna make for a unique train station slowly I turned the horrific dirt outline into an actual building you

Can see in the reference photo that there’s a building on the side I added it because it makes the train station look cooler and fills more space but it’s completely and empty like it doesn’t even have a floor day 54 and I know I just ended the last sentence with

Floor and now I’m saying day 54. it sounds terrible I hate it when it happens in videos but I collected a bunch of sandstone from the local desert to use as an accent on that building this is why Sandstone might be my favorite Block in this version it’s

Bright it’s got a rough texture and works really well with any other block I even used it in the tower but glass might be a close second because getting things left in this version is a pain so I opted to add a sunroof to let more natural light in the whole train station

Is gray so a little color would help if you’ve ever ridden on a train you know this yellow line which means don’t step on here you’re gonna die but with that the train station is now complete except for the whole train part the first destination is going to be the Tiger

Biome so if it ever starts raining we can head over there to collect snow it took me all day to mine out the tunnel and then half the night just to walk back but now we can start laying down rails because powered rails require gold

I had to be pretty sparing on how often I placed them them through my experiences placing eight normal rails and then a powered rail keeps you at Max Speed but keeps the prices relatively low because we’re not the government we actually have to be careful in our finances still though the rail is

Expensive so I went back into the caves to find more gold nothing crazy happened during the mining trip except like three Creepers meandered out of the waterfall that was the only thing I found important or interesting enough to write in my notes for that day but day 59 I

Was finally able to ride the rail home then after clearing up the front yard the train station was complete as well dang except the tower now yes that roof isn’t finished on the other building but who’s gonna be looking over there anyways but I’ve been on a roll today I

Even finished the blimp project j60 was filled with chores which keeps me up on resources but also gives me a chance to think about the next project one activity that helps brainstorming is browsing the Golden Age Reddit but I was just on a post looking for inspiration

When I catch a stray insult good news dream SMP is over bad news lifestyle SMP took its place what the Fricks I’m just trying to build something cool here and I just get roasted out of nowhere but it was worth it because I had the idea to

Build a cactus farm inside that empty train station building you’ve likely seen a cactus farm before but my favorite part is how it’ll just flow down and then pile up in the train station that doesn’t make sense but this building is a Jehovah’s Witness Headquarters nothing here makes sense

Day 62 the river near my house was looking pretty radical So today we’re building a cobblestone gate across the river to defend against pigs which once again it’s another project that adds to the medieval Dark Ages theme I’m not doing this on purpose I just think beta

Minecraft lends itself well to a robust old style of building day63 I was already on to detailing the wall which is cool like yesterday there wasn’t a wall here and now there is one interesting fact is that due to a generation bug clay used to be rarer

Than diamonds luckily that was fixed a few updates ago so I can proudly paste my initials all over the wall and last thing for today here’s what it looks like to collect Cactus which has to be the goofiest build in the world day 64 I was lighting up caves under my land two

Dogs ended up following me down which I didn’t want to happen but it’s actually kind of a genius strategy they can help do damage take hits for me and let’s just say they are easily replaceable because day 65 I made it home with two less dogs I’m pretty sure you can figure

That one out but I came home with a lot more diamonds which means I need a secret vault I thought it’d be really fun to put it in the corner of the wall so all I need to do is quickly make an easy two by one piston door day 66 still

Trying to figure this crap out I tried to make it so the door opens and the lever gets removed but that task took too much time to figure out so I opted for just a simple door through the door is the vault which is less of a vault

And more of a replica of my accountant’s office I did my taxes that morning and from how much money the IRS took for me they felt like the kind of person to have a chest full of 15 diamonds I had a close encounter with a protester who I

Assumed hated taxes amen creeper amen I’m getting tired of swimming over to the accountant’s office so day 68 I constructed a side Bridge took all day to get the design especially because of how expensive wood is I don’t know what’s different in this version but I feel like I’m constantly depleting my

Wood stockpile speaking of wood day 69 most people like to make the exact same jokes on this day but I find it childish still though I want to keep it unique so it’s now yeah Jaren in 3D now’s a good time to put on those 3D glasses but yes

This was a setting old Minecraft hat where you can enable 3D and a glyph which all I can think is why would they remove this it’s a great addition like now I truly feel like I’m in a cactus growing Jehovah’s Witness train station well I’m going to hell for that joke but

That’s great timing because I want to move the nether portal if it’s lower down near the lava pool I have easier access to Lava but at the lava pools were two guests who would not die they’re 90 degrees apart so I’m separately dealing with both and even

Four Fireball hits won’t kill them I’m not proud but it’s literally now day 71 I’ve been fighting this too long so I pulled out the secret weapon peaceful mode but when I went through the new portal this isn’t where I want to end up so I wanted to move the portal over a

Couple blocks but because it’s obsidian I fixed it a few minutes before Dawn now I thought I’d be done with another for a while but I was thinking back on that lava Circle we drained I really liked it so we’re doing that but 10 times bigger

So at the main portal I started an outline for a hexagon it was gonna be pear-shaped but I couldn’t find anything online for it so hexagon is the second bestagon it wasn’t until day 73 I finished the outline and could start draining the lava turns out it’s gonna

Take a lot longer than I thought see the last one was just two to three blocks deep this one is eight all the sand I collected I already ran out of I collected more in the Overworld but now I was basically forced to drain some lava use torches to get some sand back

And drain more I was so desperate I started using leftover gravel from my mining chips which is fine gravel doesn’t really have much use it’s basically a vanity block maybe that’s unfair to say because nearly everything in this version is Vanity but this is just basically a long-winded way to say

I don’t care if gravel dies in the fiery flames of the nether day 75 I got more work done but it was slowed down by gas shooting at me when they break through the wall it’s that same sinking feeling as your boat getting hit by a cannonball

See now there’s lava everywhere I even died to it once and it’s a pain to block it off like you can have no lava source but it will still spread day 76 more draining doing this project I was getting worried you guys would get bored of it but now that I’m scripting this

Video like I can just skip past it day 77 it went the exact same as day 76 until I did some stupid stuff and lost all my items to the Flames but even losing a bunch of gravel and sand I’m still able to get back to work in just

Half a day day 78 the hexagon is finally drained now for the glass walls I had a certain strategy to place down the glass without lava getting everywhere but that doesn’t matter because the game crashed now that happens a lot but when I booted up Minecraft again my world was gone

Yeah beta Minecraft from online I could gather that when my game crashed beta Minecraft didn’t know to do it was and the world just corrupted my solution to avoid any technical terms was basically to give the world a new file that would Gaslight the game into thinking it

Wasn’t corrupt logging on I did lose my inventory but I’m grateful to have this world because I love it but even an inventory reset isn’t going to stop me it’s just gonna Slow Me Down see I was wasting a lot of time in the Overworld just waiting for the furnaces to smell

Glass if only there was an obvious solution it took me until day 81 to realize I could just take the furnaces to the nether with me yeah I’m an idiot day 82 the hexagon is complete and as I was leaving the name hit me like a lightning bolt it will now be called

Lavagon it’s an homage to hexagon and it’s also an obvious statement for what it is lava gone the 83 I was like an astronaut who just returned from the Moon just trying to get used to the Overworld so I just chopped trees it’s all my DNA knows day 84 whoa whoa whoa

What do we build here I did did write that joke before realizing I didn’t build a well but a fountain whoa whoa well I didn’t write down any notes for day 86 so I’m not really sure what I did okay so I’m riding the track until I

Fall out of it and lose the mine cart instead of catching up we’re mining gravel sure so then I walked all the way back to the train station so I can ride a minecart to the other side of the train station what was going on in my

Head but on the other side of the train station I constructed a little Hut you’d arrive at I was basically forced to put a fence around the track because of all the animals walking over it hitting animals with my train would just be such

A waste of time beep beep get out of the way day 88 so much time was put into the lavagon I might as well finish the project one benefit I didn’t realize was that it’s easy to farm cook steak by killing Pigmen except they can jump I

Moved the portal down but I didn’t really know what else to put in the lavagon until the gas attack now I have an idea we need archery Towers actually I think they worked pretty well at deterring away the gas until they fool inside the lavagon and once again I’m

Repairing the walls you know I don’t really decorate my Minecraft worlds that much or at least as much as I’m doing in this world I feel like old Minecraft lends itself to that play style like there’s empty space you’ve gotta fill it up like it’s just a rule of nature that

I erect an Estonian flag it’s also a subtle reference to when I play Connect Four I go to my settings and change my location to Estonia because the only thing worse than losing a game of Connect Four is losing it to an Estonian you know when talking about smaller

Countries it’s funny how excited they get when brought up no matter the context because nobody talks about their country that much like I could be day 91 I just gotta tell you guys how much I hate uh Finland and people from Finland would be like oh my goodness he’s

Talking about us day 92 is spider farm construction day if you remember the spawner we found day one you know it’s really close to home but for how old this Minecraft version is the tutorial I’m following is from two weeks ago people still love this version I did

Need to break into my accountant’s office for more diamonds but it’s basically an investment for how much war will get from this Farm construction finished on day 93 so then I built a railway from the farm to my house since like day 10 I’ve been imagining a railway tunnel going through this hill

So I’m happy to see it realized that’s what I did Day 94 I added the details to my world that I always wanted but never got around to for one of them I did a bookshelf so I can finally put the leather I’ve been collecting to use

Never mind books are only crafted with paper so at that point I realized Leathers only use in this version is leather armor people complain modern Minecraft is adding useless items to the game but it’s not like the OG game had some Divine Purpose for each item day 95

I looked over my land incredibly proud of how everything looked except for the slime farm I’d always imagine the entire chunk being mined out so you could just look down to see if slime had spawned so with like five and a half days left I

Set out to mine the entire chunk I first did a test to measure how long it would take and if it was even possible and the results maybe from those number I know it’s not possible but I also have some more tricks up my sleeve first TNT it’s

Fast but I ran out before completing even one layer that could be enough time saved for us to make it in time another is a couple layers of our water so I only have to dry them up instead of using sand I thought to use leaves because those are collected much faster

But it also had a double purpose that I didn’t even think of for saving time as I block off the water and then the leaves would Decay on their own so day 97 I could spend the whole day mining it goes quick but I don’t know if it’s fast

Enough the most painful part of this is that was how many diamonds I was using up like I had an entire Reserve before this but when non-stop mining they just crack and disintegrate but I must finish this it’s a matter of Pride like I’m a

Man I must dig hole I would also like a fast slime farm for a possible 250 days video because let me tell you I had a lot of fun making this and I’m down to make another part I don’t want to make another video If you guys don’t want it

So if you’d like to see 250 days let me know and the best way to do that is probably just hitting the Subscribe button it’s only if you want to and you want to see another part but that’s probably the best way to let me know day

100 the slime chunk is functional it doesn’t go down all the way to level 25 but it does go down enough for slimes to spawn again then I took a tour of all the builds we made we can get this done in a hundred days I feel like there is a

Limit to these but we also have so much more to do but thanks for spending this half hour with me it means a lot goodnight everybody enjoy some beta Minecraft also PS if you really like beta Minecraft in the description I’ve linked some channels that you might enjoy go check them out

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days in Nostalgic Minecraft’, was uploaded by Yeah Jaron on 2023-04-16 12:30:28. It has garnered 369296 views and 23618 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:38 or 1778 seconds.

Yeah Jaron visits the dinosaurs and the president. This video was recorded on Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 , also known as Minecraft’s Golden Age.

Here are some cool creators to check out! @BoxBlair – Does a lot let’s plays with creative ideas @Mongster83 – This is who made the Spider Farm and World Tours @thelastblock – More World Tours ​@kellphone – An incredibly unique style of Beta video. If you like it, you’ll love it @JPepperL – Made the first world tours that I ever saw @CaptnCat1 – Does Lets Plays

Discord: https://discord.gg/WRbeVp3 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Yeah_Jaron

This is like my I Spent 100 Days on 3 Layers of DIRT and 500 Days on 3 Layers of Dirt. This isn’t on the Lifesteal SMP, but there will be a video soon!

Sorry, no music list because I can’t tell you the name of a Minecraft song to save my life. I used Door and Aria Math, and that’s all I could name. Oh and Blind Spots, that’s my favorite!

  • Naughty Minecraft Adventures

    Naughty Minecraft Adventures Minecraft: Exploring the World of Naughter7u7YT FF Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with Naughter7u7YT FF, also known as George or Naughter. This Minecraft enthusiast brings a unique perspective to the game, showcasing exciting gameplay and adventures for viewers to enjoy. Discovering Mooncraft Naughter7u7YT FF delves into the realm of Mooncraft, a captivating twist on the traditional Minecraft experience. With versions like 1.7.2,, and 1.20, Naughter explores new horizons and challenges within this lunar-inspired world. Don’t confuse it with Neocrafters – it’s all about Mooncraft in this gaming journey! Exciting Gameplay and Skywars Join… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Survival Challenges!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Survival Challenges! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. Imagine a place where you can unleash your creativity, build epic structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a dedicated community of players from around the world, there’s never a dull moment on this server. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From survival mode to creative mode, there’s… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Automated Building – Say Goodbye to Manual Construction!

    Join Minewind Server for Automated Building - Say Goodbye to Manual Construction! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you tired of manually building houses in Minecraft? Well, we have the perfect solution for you. After watching the video “自动搭建房子!懒人的福利,再也不用自己手动搭建房子了!” you’ll see just how easy it can be to have a house automatically built for you. Imagine the convenience of having a fully constructed house without the time-consuming manual labor. That’s exactly what you’ll experience on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join us today and witness the magic of automated building. Simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and start exploring a world where building houses is a breeze. Don’t miss out on this innovative and time-saving… Read More

  • Magic Grass & the Rise of Socialism

    Magic Grass & the Rise of Socialism Welcome to MegaPint’s Minecraft Adventure! Exploring the Village In this episode, MegaPint delves into the heart of the village, embarking on ambitious projects to enhance the community’s growth and trading capabilities. Villager Hospital A new facility dedicated to the care and breeding of villagers has been constructed. This ensures a thriving community with a touch of forced labor. Magic Grass After a close encounter with an Enderman, MegaPint acquires a rare piece of grass without using Silk Touch. Witness how this magical addition transforms the landscape! The College The foundations of ‘The College,’ a new trading hall, have been… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Richer Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Richer Gaming Experience! Welcome, fellow gamers and adventurers! Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft journey unlike any other? Imagine a world where the possibilities are endless, where you can build, explore, and conquer alongside fellow players from all around the globe. If you’re tired of the same old Minecraft servers and are looking for something fresh and exciting, then look no further than Minewind. With a vibrant community and unique gameplay features, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Join us at Minewind and immerse yourself in a world of creativity, competition, and camaraderie. Whether you’re a seasoned player… Read More

  • 24/7 Free Minecraft Server Trick

    24/7 Free Minecraft Server Trick Minecraft Server Hosting Tutorial | Roiz Gaming Welcome, gamers! In this tutorial, Roiz Gaming demonstrates how to set up your own Minecraft server hosting on your computer. By following these steps, you can enjoy playing with your friends hassle-free. Let’s dive into the details! Setting Up Your Server To begin, download the necessary files: Download the server.jar file from jaoge.dj Install JDK 17 and Java 8 Next, create a new folder for your server and open the server.jar file. Install it and configure the server properties as needed. Remember to allocate sufficient RAM based on your system requirements. Configuring… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video that showcased some incredible JavaScript skills in Minecraft. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it got us thinking – what if you could take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, explore vast landscapes, and engage with a vibrant community of fellow gamers. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its unique gameplay features, immersive environment, and endless possibilities, Minewind offers… Read More

  • 3 Best Free Minecraft PE Copy Games

    3 Best Free Minecraft PE Copy Games Exploring the World of Minecraft Copy Games Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for similar games to enjoy on your mobile device? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into the realm of Minecraft copy games that offer a similar experience to the popular sandbox game. Let’s discover three exciting MCPE copy games that will keep you entertained for hours! 1. Minecraft Clone in PC If you’re craving the Minecraft experience on your PC, look no further than the Minecraft Clone game. This game offers a similar gameplay style to Minecraft Java Edition, allowing you… Read More

  • Dastardly Dave’s SMP Revenge

    Dastardly Dave's SMP Revenge Dave’s Revenge! Duo SMP Join the thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as Dave seeks revenge in the Duo SMP series. Follow along as the story unfolds with unexpected twists and turns, all captured in episode 104. Exciting Gameplay Experience the action-packed gameplay as Dave navigates through challenges and obstacles to exact his revenge. From building structures to battling enemies, every moment is filled with excitement and suspense. Collaborative Efforts Witness the dynamic duo in action as they strategize and work together to achieve their goals. Communication and teamwork are key as they face off against formidable foes… Read More

  • Minecraft: No Sound, No Life

    Minecraft: No Sound, No Life Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Minecraft is a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. From building intricate structures to surviving in a world filled with dangers, Minecraft offers something for everyone. The World of Minecraft Shorts One of the most popular trends in the Minecraft community is the creation of shorts, short videos that showcase funny moments, rare occurrences, and unique gameplay experiences. These shorts often go viral on platforms like TikTok and YouTube, attracting a wide audience of players and fans. Exploring the Depths of… Read More

  • Insane Jailbreak Escape with LaLa Bhai Gamer Ultra

    Insane Jailbreak Escape with LaLa Bhai Gamer UltraVideo Information This video, titled ‘obby Prison escape from hardcore jails’, was uploaded by LaLa Bhai Gamer Ultra on 2024-04-27 18:06:49. It has garnered 51 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:33 or 213 seconds. roblox prison prison escape escape prison break funny minecraft #prisonescape #prison #sims #prisonbreak #escape #alcatraz #shawshank #shawshankredemption #alcatrazprison #jail #storytelling #stalker #prisoner #perve #charlottemorris #danger #simsfreeplay #cc #friends #gang #simstagrammer #simstagram #simsdesign #all #simsstory #simshome #simsbuild #simscouple #truecrimepodcast #fugitive #simsdigitalart #thesims #assatashakurliberationday #simustration #simsart #parks #parksconservancy #timrobbins #movies #morganfreeman #theshawshankredemption #prisoners #escaperoom #artintheparks #artforchange #cinema #movie #aiweiwei #penitentiary #americanhistory #cellblock #ggnra… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL in Minecraft Survival! Day 36 #gamerfleet

    EPIC FAIL in Minecraft Survival! Day 36 #gamerfleetVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम बैक ट आ youtube1 मिनट दो और मल्टीप्लेयर और रिफ्रेश और आ गए हम अपने सर्वर के अंदर गाइस हमने अपने वर्ल्ड को सर्वर में कन्वर्ट कर लिया गाइस तो यह रहा हमारा सर्वर तो जो भी गाइस चन नया लाइक ए सब्सक्राइब करने नहीं किया अभी तक तो पहले चेक कर लेते हैं स्ट्रीम एक बार और यह रहा हमारा टॉज हरा कैरेक्टर तो एक मिनट दो गाइस मुझे फटाफट चेक कर लू उसके बाद हम स्टार्ट करते हैं लाइव तो बहुत टाइम बाद आज फिर से लाइव आए हैं हमने सर्वर में डाल… Read More

  • CozyCraving Vanilla Survival No Grief

    Join Our Unwhitelisted Survival Server! Looking for a survival server with a great community? Look no further! Our server has a plugin to rollback griefing and looting so you can play worry-free. The server will never reset and will slowly expand over time. IP: play.cozycraving.com Read More

  • HouliganPvP

    HouliganPvPThis is the new ultimate server for everyone! Don’t waste anymore time, just join and start playing with others! There are payouts, outposts, PvP, fun and a lot more to explore in our different gamemodes. Join our discord server: https://discord.gg/wv5898JAU6We are waiting for you! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafted Trauma

    Minecraft Memes - Crafted Trauma“Only in Minecraft can you experience the thrill of finding diamonds and the trauma of being blown up by a creeper in the same day.” Read More

  • Lucky Island Adventure: Minecraft Madness

    Lucky Island Adventure: Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m your news reporter, crafting rhymes like a dream. From Lucky Islands to battles in the night, I bring you the updates, shining bright. With each new video, I spin a tale, Of adventures and challenges, without fail. So join me in the game, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. From Kra’s server to Crystalix’s domain, We explore the lands, without disdain. Facing zombies and skeletons, with sword in hand, Together we’ll conquer, across the land. So subscribe, like, and share with glee, For… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Hottest Epic Fail!

    Minecraft's Hottest Epic Fail! When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole village turns against you like you’re the villain in a soap opera. #minecraftdrama #piggyproblems Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we want to highlight the positive impact that gaming can have on individuals, especially through experiences like the Concord University Esports Summer Camp. The camp offers a unique opportunity for gamers to enhance their skills and learn valuable lessons in teamwork and sportsmanship through games like Minecraft, Fortnight, and Overwatch. Just like the Esports team at Concord University, Minewind Minecraft Server provides a platform for players of all ages and interests to come together and take their gaming to the next level. With a variety of game-specific camps and one-on-one training opportunities, Minewind allows gamers… Read More

  • Colorfobia en Minecraft Invertido

    Colorfobia en Minecraft Invertido Minecraft Inverted: A Colorful Challenge Imagine playing Minecraft with all the colors inverted – a truly unique and challenging experience! In this video, the player explores the game in a whole new light, facing obstacles and adventures like never before. Let’s dive into this colorful journey! Exploring the Inverted World The player starts by activating color filters to invert the colors, creating a visually striking environment. As they gather resources and navigate through the world, the inverted colors present a new set of challenges. Dark areas appear bright white, requiring the player to adjust their gameplay strategy. Delving into… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mob Makeover: Kipper’s Epic Redesigns

    Insane Minecraft Mob Makeover: Kipper's Epic RedesignsVideo Information I’m making mobs better in Minecraft by giving them Progressive growth cycles first I’ll be making the Villager better by turning it into a villager Knight and a baby villager I’ll start with this Emerald villager shape then make it beefy it’s going to be a super strong night after all give this guy some super long arms and this part will become a helmet but right now it kind of looks like an old man’s hair but I also can’t forget to give him a weapon to hold we’ll come back to this awesome axe later now… Read More


    Maizen TV: LAVA vs WATER GIANT SUPERCAR!Video Information hey Mason let’s go quickly see what I came in for these are two huge lava versus water machines here take the ender pearls and chase me okay let’s go oh this is level one let’s see I know what this is It’s slime parkour good job level one is slime parkour you have to use the Slime as a trampoline w i got this wa I fell off oops it’s not easy wo here I go nice slow and steady there wa you’re doing it just like that wow one more you got this I need to… Read More

  • Unbelievable MINECRAFT MYTHS busted! 😮🔥 #shorts

    Unbelievable MINECRAFT MYTHS busted! 😮🔥 #shortsVideo Information los murciélagos siempre fueron pequeñas ratas voladoras en Minecraft pero al parecer ahora tienen un nuevo diseño mito verdadero los tótems son capaces de protegernos de la muerte pero te puedes salvar de una muerte sin tenerlo en la mano mito falso y con el tótem en la mano podrá proteger del Comando Slash Kill no nada le Gan los comandos mito falso se cree que las cabras pueden ser ordeñadas sí nos dan leche mito verdadero This video, titled ‘Rompiendo MITOS de MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Fersse77 on 2024-03-21 15:15:10. It has garnered 12876 views… Read More

  • 🔥 Watch SculptureMan Craft SpongeBob Statue in Minutes 👀

    🔥 Watch SculptureMan Craft SpongeBob Statue in Minutes 👀Video Information [Music] oh SpongeBob square SpongeBob square [Music] p This video, titled ‘SpongeBob Statue Timelapse Build | SpongeBob SquarePants’, was uploaded by SculptureMan on 2024-02-23 09:30:02. It has garnered 36220 views and 1500 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. SpongeBob Statue Timelapse Build | SpongeBob SquarePants ✨ I’m a gamer who sculpts characters in Minecraft 💎 If you like my sculptures, please subscribe and hit the like button ✅ https://www.youtube.com/@SculptureMan?sub_confirmation=1 #Minecraft #Meme #Memes #FunnyMoments #Shorts Read More

  • ULTIMATE PvP Server for MCPE 🔥 #Minecraft #YTShorts

    ULTIMATE PvP Server for MCPE 🔥 #Minecraft #YTShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP server for mcpe #minecraft #mcpe #pojavalauncher #ytshorts #technogamerz #shorts’, was uploaded by SAJIDUR PLAYZ on 2024-01-07 00:59:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Indian Vtuber Pulls Rare Acheron Weapon, Then Minecraft Chill Session!

    Unbelievable! Indian Vtuber Pulls Rare Acheron Weapon, Then Minecraft Chill Session!Video Information [Music] he [Music] B [Music] hello hello can you hear me hello hello hello Mushy Mushy now I can hear so okay what the heck was that what the heck was that bro like I started a live and then suddenly there was a lag well it’s okay so hello everyone how are you how are you did you miss me H you must have missed me a lot huh I I I missed you oh ice hello hello hello welcome hello verx hello Turner hello a yeah hello hello Dragon hello hello random welcome hello hello Zach… Read More

  • “Minecraft Master Challenge: Can you mine the entire world?” 💎 🌍

    "Minecraft Master Challenge: Can you mine the entire world?" 💎 🌍Video Information est-il possible de miner entièrement son monde minecraft c’est la question que s’est posé ce joueur sachant qu’un monde Minecraft mesure 60 par 60 millions de blocs à ton avis combien d’heures faudrait-il pour tout miner donne-moi ton pronostic en commentaire pour répondre à cette question naita va se servir des chunks un chunk étant une zone de 16 blocs par 16 blocs cela signifie que dans un monde Minecraft il y a exactement un total de 14 quadrillons de chunk bref il se munit des meilleurs outils de minage possible et mine CIN chunks différents pour pouvoir… Read More


    ULTIMATE BLOOD DRAWING - 20 SKY DICE!Video Information hepinize Meraba arkadaşlar Ben bugün kan çekeceğim buz çekeceğim kanlar gideceğim 20 GK çekiliş yapacağım Bugün zar oynatırız biraz enerjim düşük yeni uyandığım gibi bir şey yavaş yavaş arttırırız modumuzu Selamünaleyküm bu arada şimdi ev atayım Bir dakika oyun Nick um 777 Tamam lan bir dur bir yayını açalım geldiniz [ __ ] koyayım neş geldiniz Beyler Aleykümselam de açalım Eee tamam şimdi evun atayım Hoş geldiniz kanka yö de attım geldim açtım yayını Aleykümselam beyler Dünya ne Kanka bir dakika Aleykümselam beyler Hoş geldiniz verceğim HP y almıyorum Kanka eyvallah değil miı geldim aleykümselam hoş geldiniz Kanka demiyorsan gek… Read More

  • Mr. Blackie’s Mercenary Revenge on Rogers’ End in Minecraft

    Mr. Blackie's Mercenary Revenge on Rogers' End in MinecraftVideo Information हेलो एवरीवन मैं हूं आपका दोस्त मिस्टर बकी और आज वास आ चुका हूं एक नई वीडियो के साथ तो आज हम खेल रहे हैं माइन कफ्ट में मर्सन वापस से चैप्टर फ य चैप्टर फ लास्ट चैप्टर गाइस लास्ट चैप्टर मजा आएगा बढ़िया वाला और भाई अपनी ट्रेन हिल रही है हम ट्रेन में करेंटली तो तुम लोग चैप्टर वन और चैप्टर न से लेकर फो तक की वीडियो नहीं देखी वो देखना ताकि तुमको स्टोरी समझ आए क्या चल रहा है वो समझ आए वेल कंटिन्यू करते हैं न रुकने वाली अपनी अपनी ट्रेन करेंटली ट्रैक्स… Read More

  • ProsperGamingSMP: Vanilla 1.20.4, SMP – DiscordSRV, Dynmap, Streamer SMP, No Whitelist, Hermitcraft inspired, Coreprotect, 16+ Age Limit, Crossplay, Java & Bedrock

    Welcome to our Minecraft Vanilla SMP Server! If you’re looking for a fun, chill, and active community to join, look no further! Our server is similar to hermitcraft with some roleplay involved, major build projects always happening, and an awesome community to be a part of. We are looking for mature builders and players to join us. We have minimal rules, but we do not tolerate disruptive behavior. Respect towards others is key! Join our Discord server to get the IP address and connect with other content creators: Join Our Discord Read More

  • AetheriumMC

    Welcome to AetheriumMC, a unique RPG survival server designed to provide you with an immersive and engaging experience. Explore our vast world filled with challenging quests, dangerous dungeons, and opportunities for adventure. Build, battle, and conquer alongside fellow adventurers as you carve out your place in our ever-expanding universe. Join us and embark on a journey like no other. Welcome to AetheriumMC!Features:- Custom Leveling System- Custom RPG System- Hack and Slash Gameplay- Survival Economy- Custom Crops- Custom Mobs- Custom MountsPlanned Features:- Guilds- Dungeons- Classes Arena (PVP)- Classes Arena Ranks- Second RPG World- World Boss Read More

  • Village Thrills: Melon Seeds for Sale in My World Cube Xuan

    Village Thrills: Melon Seeds for Sale in My World Cube Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We craft our stories with rhymes that jive. From melon seeds for villagers to hidden chests below, We bring you the news in a playful flow. Cube Xuan brings the humor, the joy, and the fun, With updates and tips for everyone. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. From the Nether to the End, we explore with delight, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And let’s journey… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone!” Read More

  • Ultimate ReTerraforged Guide 1.20.4

    Ultimate ReTerraforged Guide 1.20.4 Minecraft In Depth Step by Step Guide on ReTerraforged+ Distant Horizons 1.20.4 Introduction In a recent Minecraft video, the creator showcased the use of ReTerraforged with Distant Horizons, along with Bliss Shaders and the Coven resource pack. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of setting up your Minecraft world with these mods and features. Key Mods The key mods showcased in the video include ReTerraforged, Distant Horizons, Biomes O’ Plenty, Tectonic, Terralith, and the 2032 World Height Limit. These mods will enhance your Minecraft experience and provide unique landscapes and features. Step by Step Guide To… Read More

  • Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to the world of Minecraft adventures! If you’re looking for a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience, then Minewind is the place to be. Dive into a world where every block holds a mystery, every step is a challenge, and every encounter is an adventure waiting to unfold. Join us at Minewind server and embark on a journey like no other. Explore the vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and engage in epic battles with other players. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can easily connect and start your Minecraft journey today. Just like in the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Adventure with Subscribers!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Adventure with Subscribers!Video Information да да да да я да Всем привет Всем привет да да да Нет а да я под пива сдан Да Всем привет Сегодня играем Май на версии 1.7.10 с тельными модами бла-бла-бла-бла-бла вот а опа опа Здорово Влад если ты Влад донатит хорошо Да да миллион в день ещё каждый день приходится под рубать не хватает на жизнь на хлеб неплохо поднялся Гранда на Эксклюзив на чи средства с Прайма на с Прайма А вот Эксклюзив Да если бы он знал что если бы он читал что за победу в конкурсе стримеров можно получить X2 на сайт… Read More

  • The Ultimate Nether Portal Experiment

    The Ultimate Nether Portal ExperimentVideo Information This video, titled ‘how big nether portal will activate in Minecraft ||कितना बड़ा नेदर पोर्टल चालू होगा Minecraft में’, was uploaded by RL RAHUL on 2024-02-29 12:30:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft please support minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft godzilla, minecraft … Read More

  • Join Now! Unbelievable Server with Exclusive Plugin!

    Join Now! Unbelievable Server with Exclusive Plugin!Video Information this is the BP and instead of a stale boring plugin we offer you a unique experience but why should we convince you to join while introducing our neverbe seen plugin The Border’s smpp allows you to control the border with that being killing them with your kill gem into a unique method never before seen where you can craft these two Radars which expand or Shrink the current border and if the plugin isn’t your type of flow we are hosting weekly events in both the public and the private check the public Discord for instructions on… Read More

  • IMBRAINYPIE EXPLODES PC! 😱🔥 #minecraftshorts

    IMBRAINYPIE EXPLODES PC! 😱🔥 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I TRY TO BLOW MY PC #youtube #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by IMBRAINYPIE on 2024-01-16 03:30:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I TRY TO BLOW MY PC #youtube #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shorts Exploding TNT Extravaganza in Minecraft! Welcome … Read More

I Spent 100 Days in Nostalgic Minecraft