I Spent 100 Days in the Hardcore Minecraft Trailer … Here’s What Happened

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My mans how’s it going you know the minecraft trailer or everything looks kind of a little simple I followed lo-res bones tutorial on how to how to do this and i thought hey let’s let’s see if i can survive a hundred days in here you know what absolutely no deaths this time if i die it 100 counts no matter what i say if i start saying something about a

Mathematician or this water bucket thing or the nether don’t listen to it all right jus just ignore it but what you’re not gonna ignore is that subscribe button right you’re gonna go ahead and you’re gonna press that right now if you want to subscribe you do it okay if you

Don’t want it just do it anyways here we go 100 days in simple minecraft okay day one day one of a hundred it’s gonna be yeah here we go i spawn in a swamp and uh as much as i like a swamp i thought you know what i spent way too

Much time in swamps time to move on all right time to i’ll just worry about that later right now the top priority is getting armor nice good old protection right so i got wood right away uh but then i realized once again that i i forgot to change my skin again so

What is my skin what when did i set this what it okay okay it looks like i mean a frog amanda is a frog for this one it’s gonna be good i don’t i don’t even know why it doesn’t so i upgraded my wood tools to stone then i started quickly looking

Around for anything interesting and i started slaughtering a ton of wildlife i’m going to need all this [Applause] here come here big just say i’m going to be a man who’s not going hungry there was a ruined flooded now have you ever seen one of these things underwater before look at this ruined nether portal underwater beautiful oh flint oh look at this gold obsidian take it all take it all

Beautiful come on can you go can you do underwater nether what’s this i kept following the river and i was hoping to find a large cave or something uh because i i didn’t like this just flat boring area giant flat field who wants to look at this for a

Hundred days i’ll tell you right now not me i’m a man who needs something to look at so eventually i found a nice hill and i went up it and there was a cave below it a hill in the cave pretty good oh look at this the iron nope it’s stupid

It’s copper no one cares about copper i went in and i found the entrance to a mine system which yeah i i don’t know if this is something i should be doing on day one but what am i doing down here what am i doing down here oh

Just gonna grab this that’s what i’m doing down here this is this i found some iron and i i started pushing my luck by quickly looting a chest and like look at this i got this for a minute not bad at all so i made a

Bed and uh slept as a very happy man very good slip that down right there boom bingo bongo first aid done feeling good with the iron that i had i made a pickaxe this was the first piece of iron gear i made a nice good old

Pickaxe i never know what to make first but looks like this time i chose to pickaxe then i made a shield because you know i never use these things and everyone freaks out right they go why are not using a shield i go i don’t know

Because i don’t know how to use it so i i got the shield right i’m not gonna not dying so then i made boots and a sword and then a bucket because apparently these things are good to have too good to have a good old bucket so then i got some water and

Discovered just how look how nice it looks underwater with this whatever you would call this whole theme after seeing this i thought okay probably gonna end up making something underwater as i always do because this looks this is way too good to just ignore anyways i filled

My bucket with water and uh i practiced doing that that thing that all the pro minecraft players do oh i did it you see that oh i did it easy i can do it i can do it 100 of the time it’s not even hard it’s not even hard okay okay

You know what when you think about it i i mean technically speaking i am a pro minecraft player right that doesn’t mean you have to be good at the game just means you do it as a profession and currently right now playing a lot of minecraft for my job

Hey there it is i leave a comment saying four jobs is a pro minecraft player no matter what you say or anyone says that’s just focus on the script what am i doing so i got down in the mind and started looking around oh whoa oh stop saying oh

It’s just standard minecraft stuff i wanted to there was an infected villager and uh you get you get a man like that you can do some good stuff apparently i always hear about how good these things are and uh yeah i didn’t exactly know how to do this though

Wait wait wait i’m gonna activate my brain if i put them in what’s it called a boat then i can cure him yeah yeah yeah how do i do that so i made a boat and went down and i tried to get this man in

Get out of there all of you get out of there come on come on i only want one guy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not you who wants a spider not me okay whoa whoa whoa relax

Okay here we go get in the boat do i need water how do i put this man in a boat come on come on get in it walk in the boat yes yes there we go is there something wrong with you before i spend an absurd amount of time like i

Did the last time is there is there something you want to tell me now are you going to be a nitwit what are you going to be a normal guy you’re going to be a weirdo you got the monocle on so i got a good feeling about you you look like a smart

Man like me now what do i do here with a man safely in the boat i started mining and uh is either looking for diamonds or or i don’t know but i didn’t find any diamonds but i found a lot of iron and uh you know what that’s still all settle

I’ll take that that’s good for the best day of my life right now It’s day two and i’m already rich beyond my wildest dreams whoa whoa whoa whoa little guy little guy so fast why is there two there’s two little guys oh relax relax no no no no no no no no no no no no you’re not taking this for me

I’m getting out of here where’s my shield Why are you in the boat no no no no no no get out of there okay No i don’t know what to do in this situation i don’t know what to do in this situation i don’t know what to do in this situation no please come on please stop i have to use my brain that’s what i have to do please stop please my my hand is

Sweating what am i doing down here why am i in this mine i’m gonna have to fight him okay just get me out of here okay okay okay okay okay okay relax you’re safe you’re safe you’re very safe you’re his safest man alive right now

Okay i ended up in a hole scared and confused so i ate a bunch of raw meat yeah good old raw meat who doesn’t like that but i wasn’t regenerating any health probably because i was eating raw meat why didn’t what was i’m an idiot i didn’t know what to do

Because i was very concerned that i was gonna die here i thought this was this is absolutely how i die and i started to think of excuse like that maybe my it was my cousin who was playing right here or something like that but

Turns out i made it out look at this i i just ran for it i got to the furnace upstairs cook some food and you know i was not feeling good at this point this is the worst day of my life now that i was out of the cave i was

Just happy to be alive so i just left day three man with a full set of armor at this point feeling that’s you know that’s that’s something to smile about on a good old day three so now my next priority was shelter and i didn’t want

To live here at this cave i didn’t like the look of this it was just so boring around here not good so i left i started looking for somewhere nice to build i ended up traveling pretty far i was just killing a a ton of animals everywhere i went and

Slaughtered everything i saw i was like i don’t know i can’t think of anything clever i was just killing animals right eventually i ran into a pillager tower you know these things these giant these things i’d normally avoid well you know what you gotta be an idiot for

Trying to go in here and take this thing down on day three wait is this guy friendly if i let this guy out is he gonna go on a killing spree but not on me Oh i’m gone i’m letting this guy out i hope those red eyes are please tell me they’re not for me come on you and me let’s take this place down i found out that i could release the iron golems and i thought okay you know what

Let’s get these guys out of the cages and let them start killing these guys for me so i did that i ran up and uh planted my bed in the tower and emptied the chest and you know what there’s not really much in this chest really it really wasn’t i don’t know

Anyway so i just ended up sleeping up here in the morning i took the jack-o-lanterns i made a boat and i sailed down the river because i still was not satisfied with the wherever i was it just it was not interesting you know men like me some were very nice and

Absolutely beautiful to build and i sailed for a while without seeing anything interesting at all that was until i ended up in this like frozen wasteland i was thinking okay look at this this is some good stuff right here nice big old frozen spikes there’s a little frozen this place looks pretty cool

Yeah i was starting to consider building my base here but look at this there’s like polar bears i’m not gonna build a base near a polar i have no idea how these things work in minecraft and i’m i’m not getting eaten by one of them you know these things

Drag people out of their like houses and kill them in real life who would live near the so i’m not doing that all right that’s not happening oh sunken ice ship oh very cool i sailed up to the ship and then i jumped in and glued to the chest there

Really wasn’t much of anything down here worth jumping into a frozen ocean for and i almost drowned too so i don’t know what was like what was going on here i made some golden carrots apparently these things are pretty good so you know what hey mother man is me eating good eating good

And i slept on the ship with this beautiful view around me ah absolutely beautiful area and because this area looked so nice i was thinking you know what maybe i’ll build i’ll just build my base here but i couldn’t be sure so i posted a poll on twitter and by the way you

Know what why you go ahead follow me on twitter right at forge labs i’m a man who’s desperately in need of followers over there well the overwhelming majority of people said that i should build my base right here in this frozen wasteland and uh you know what i disagree there’s no way i’m

Spending a hundred days here in this frozen wasteland as a matter of fact let me be a lesson for you all right sometimes pulls me nothing i’m a man who makes up his own mind that you could have 300 million people telling me to do i’m

Not doing it all right no way i’m staying this fro it doesn’t matter i i got in my boat sailed right out of there i ended up in a nice beautiful ocean and you know what i’m glad i did because in that ocean i found that look at this found something very interesting

All right out of the frozen wasteland just a man on the open ocean now oh whoa was that oh what’s that oh oh oh okay they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming i wrote down in my script that i marked this on the map i did not mark this area

On anything i don’t know how i would mark it on a map there’s no map what do i mean i marked it on i don’t know why i wrote that so i kept going i found a ruin nether portal i swam down and i got one one of those very special apples you

Know full gold ones the good ones you don’t want to waste something like this then i found a sunken ship and a private look at this private island nearby now this this is more like it the only thing is is that there’s you’re on the island you kind of look

Out across the ocean there’s just nothing kind of boring so i kept moving and i i truly wanted to find somewhere nicer to build and you know what this might seem like a huge waste of time and if i’m being completely honest it absolutely is this is a waste the

First few days but you know what when a man spending a hundred days in in this you want something nice to look at or you want something nice on the eyes you know so it’s yeah i need to do this so i kept going kept traveling kept kept going going

Going and to be honest this might be the furthest anyone has ever traveled in minecraft i don’t know someone should go someone look that up because it’s maybe maybe i got a world record here i don’t know then i spotted something that i thought would help oh

They got oh they got no eyes oh where’d your eyes go creepy wolves okay what’s this what’s going on here is looking cool what is this what biome was this okay okay okay okay okay okay okay hello hello hello my mans how’s it going good to see all of you

I’m actually really liking this but i wasn’t convinced so i walked around the forest for a little bit okay what just find somewhere to build it doesn’t matter at this point this is getting dumb it’s been like three days of just running around looking whoa whoa whoa whoa okay little waterfall there whoa

This might be the place it looks nice i don’t like the kind of random terrain look but you know what sometimes a man just gotta follow the turtle where are the turtles there this is it okay i’m building right here right right with the turtles the only thing is that i

Forgot about that guy that i had in the i remember the zombified villager that was in the boat way back like a million miles away well it had big plans for that man and now that he was so far away okay that guy is that guy is gone i will never see

That man ever again so That’s where he is and now i needed resources and i needed a lot of them i needed an absolute ton of wood so i started chopping down trees but yeah it was it was those stupid trees that aren’t just straight they’re the ones that have all the branches

You know the ones that you you cut it all down you think you’re done and you’re not because there’s like two little pieces of wood buried in them those trees and the problem with those trees is that i always give up because i’m not i’m not

I’m not looking for a little piece of wood and it’s like finding a needle in a haystack and then the tree starts floating and everyone goes oh wait you’re leaving floating trees foreign my man you climb that tree you find that piece of wood it’s not happening okay that’s pretty good

I spent the entire day getting one and uh just cutting down trees and i was fairly certain that i was gonna build here uh but by the end of the day i thought maybe this isn’t the place for a man like me there’s something better i saw something nearby that looked just a

Little bit nicer so i sailed over and shirt off this area way better get much more scenic so i started clearing this out and i started building but the majority of my stuff was uh back across the lake so i stopped on the way to look at just how good the area looked

Look at this look how beautiful that looks it was really amazing like look at that it looks so good and i got my stuff back and i just came right back good to be background building we call this sean rock beautiful sean rock you gotta come here sometime

Why are you please just disappear come on i made a joke about this now i just have this here so i worked away at cleaning this area out and cleaning clearing what am i talking about uh the next day i was i was a man who was ready to build

There we go beautiful sunrise a nice cleared area to build my house i was gonna need a lot of stone absolute ton of stone so i thought you know what it’s time to do some mining so i found a massive chasm and went in i kind of

Forgot what i was doing and where i was going so sure enough i got lost although i did find a ton of iron and eventually i found my way out I have no idea where i am right now okay now i’m getting stoned because that last time i was thinking okay i want iron i don’t wait what am i doing here so i started digging against this giant massive tunnel and eventually i ran into some zombies luckily one of

Them was a villager hey look at that remember i was lost the man outside the lost man guess what new man right here so it’s perfect so i thought they got to follow me back up you just got to follow me up with the surface all right come on oh it’s quick

My man come on let’s go let’s go come on oh i got lucky when i got to the surface because it was raining so it just didn’t start burning i managed to get him in a boat and then seal him up i’ll lock him in a little little box well it’s good okay

Man in the boat with an eye patch looking good oh there’s monsters here he’s not a monster don’t worry about him here’s a little insight into how my brain works when i’m playing this game the villager the zombified villager reminded me about armor and gear because

I thought hey that guy’s going to sell me something good one day that’s going to be hey perfect and then i was thinking okay oh die a gear maybe i want some diamonds right now completely forgetting that right now my priorities should be getting stoned to build a

House i went nope it’s priority is now diamonds so i started mining straight down right down to bedrock uh only to realize that this is not this is a different version of minecraft than i normally play on and i was at negative 280. there’s no 11 here this is y negative

180 what or 280 what do you do with this depth so i looked up online of the best way to find diamonds and you got to go through caves now so i did that okay there’s a lot of okay okay time to go actually you know what i looked around

The cave for a bit and i came up and slept so at this point you’re probably wondering what what are you going to build what is that what is it that you are going to build you know what i want to tell you right now i wanted to build a beautiful castle

It’s just a stunning mini cat not a giant thing just a nice mini castle for a man like me sleep in the castle would be good so i had i felt like i had enough stone from all the mining that i was doing in the cave and stuff like

That but i i wasn’t sure so but i thought you know what let’s just start start building this thing see how it goes problem was i had absolutely no idea how to start i feel like my my skills with building has just they’ve gotten way worse in the past like three videos

I’ve just become the biggest idiot in the planet trying to do this stuff i knew i wanted the tower so i got the foundation done and i set that up first and i realized that i need to move this man out of the way because he was just

Getting annoying to put him in a hole next was the rest of the base uh which i was just kind of winging it making it up as i went but i ran out of cobblestone pretty quick i don’t know why i thought that i’d have enough cobblestone to build a castle i

Probably had like one stack i was just more so stupid so i switched to doing the floor and i used oak slabs it wasn’t looking the greatest right now but i figured with time it would start to look a little bit better because right now i was looking real rough oh always so

Rough at the beginning it makes me real worried leaving me living in that was a man who needed more cobblestone so i went back underground and kept mining mining the day away hitting the pickaxe into the stone bringing up to the surface once i had a decent chunk i uh started

Building the rest of the walls at first i used cobblestone but i switched to some blocks out of like regular stone or something you always see the people who are good at building they use more than one type of block they use like cobblestone uh cracked cobblestone stone they make a

Nice blend of blocks and that’s kind of what i wanted to go for here so i started trying to do that the best i could and i finished the day off by uh adding more floorboards cause the floor was making me feel better about this made me feel like it was

Actually gonna turn out good but then i realized i if i’m gonna be spending a bunch of time in this same area i should probably have some sort of a vegetable or fruit or something something growing around something nearby because soon i’m going to be a very hungry man if i don’t

Want anything to eat i’m going to be real uh real upset i also just wanted to be more efficient with my time i always waste so much time in these things just doing dumb things so i thought you know what building the castle getting getting the crops growing that’s the mind of a

Smart man right there i’ll tell you that so i uh what do you what do i mean i’ll tell you that opposite i need people in the comments to tell me that all right tell me what to do not me tell you i i started farming sugarcane what am i talking

About right now i’m getting so far i started i started a sugar cane farm because i want to make enchantments later all right i always wait so long to do it i wait till like day 60 i’m like all right time to start enchanting my iron gear no this time doing it right

Away being a smart man so i got some sugar cane growing first step then i went looking for seeds picking seeds out of the earth walking around looking the egg getting some seeds give me that getting this getting that so i got like 19 seeds and i set

Those up then i remembered that a few days ago i also saw campfire smoke in the distance oh campfire hey that’s only mean one thing nice village nearby i was hoping that maybe they would have seeds there and uh maybe they had a potion stand too because if i want to

Cure this villager at some point i’m gonna need any one of those so uh i left for it yeah you can see a castle going up there good on the way to the village i passed through a spruce village what no i passed through spruce forest on a

Spruce when i was going to the village and i was thinking hey this is some good wood right here pretty good so but at the village i got spruce the the wood i got some seeds uh but unfortunately there was no that po what’s it called brewing stand there was no brewing stand

In the morning i got out of bed and i turned the cord oh this there are all these guys in my house now oh okay okay oh my shield is almost broken okay oh okay there’s a lot of them oh okay okay okay oh okay what am i doing This is this is there i wanna get them all shoot each other she keeps shooting each other oh i don’t want to kill the guy with the banner okay this guy’s going oh shield broke okay Okay okay stop you’re almost in the boat there we go okay another man captured look at this look what i went through just to get all that because on the previous day i was looking for that potion stand it kind of reminded me of the villager the little

Zombified villager i had locked up in my buried in the floor i was thinking all right you know what maybe i should uh let’s try to cure this guy now that’s my new priority right now but to do that it means that i need to go to the nether

And if you uh if you watch any of my other videos you know that the nether is not a good place for a man like me it is it almost certainly means that i will die so before going to the nether i thought you know what i’m going

To do it right i need to get some decent gear first so i’m just basic gear and i thought the best way of doing that was to go back to the village and start trading with them to maybe get some diamonds or something like that i i

Don’t know if you’re wondering what i did about the raiders uh i put one of the guys in a boat the guy who if you kill you get the bad omen yeah put that man in the boat and just got him out of there because i’m not not starting a

Raid i’m not not doing that this time i made a fletching table because my plan was to basically do what i did last time where i just trade a bunch of sticks to the archer guy and then use the emeralds to buy stuff from someone else so that’s

Exactly what i did converted this man to a fletcher whatever you call him archer and then i went to bed i spent the entire next day leveling this man up by chopping down trees and trading sticks you know by the end of the day i had so many arrows

At this point there’s absolutely no reason to get infinity on a boat i have unlimited arrows just walk over with sticks boom you get like a million arrows this is actually pretty good i spent the the next day doing the exact same thing just a full day of trading

With this man and uh i kind of i was kind of i didn’t exactly know what i was doing at this point or how to get the diamond stuff i know how to just kind of get a little bit confused here and then i spent the next day doing

The exact same thing again just wasting my days trading with us man by day 20 is starting to think all right you know what how do i how do i progress from this point how do i get to the diamonds i got all these sticks but how do i get to the diamonds

I figured with the amount of arrows that i had that maybe i’d be a bit safer in the nether or that i would just take it slow i don’t know i ended up making i i wanted to learn how to lava cast you know where you get like a water bucket

And you make another portal from a pool of lava well it’s time for me how to learn how to do that so i i i looked it up online i watched a video how to do it then i tried to do it what am i doing oh i I don’t know what i’m doing here What am i doing right now I don’t know how to do this okay i uh it took me a while but eventually i got it Okay so yeah this is going good every single time i go to the nether i die i i die every single time i’m just hoping this time is different you know ah please work these work okay good i don’t want to die okay i don’t want to die oh that’s nice

Bones right here that’s good hey look at this uh my favorite area to spawn in nice slow sand nice you had to walk nice and slow in this stuff this is exactly where i wanted to be i love this it was good nice slow sand anyway so i started looking around the

Nether i was hoping to find a uh fortress i was hoping to find a nice beautiful fortress so that i could get blaze rods or whatever else i needed uh so i started looking around and i i spawned something in the distance but okay there it is bingo found one already

This is perfect but then when i got close to it there’s a lot of pig people around and because i don’t totally know how all this works i was afraid that they were going to kill me so i approached very slowly and very cautiously and thankfully none of the pigs attacked me

Uh but i noticed there was a big stack of gold blocks and i yeah it wasn’t hey you know what maybe i’ll take those that’s a lot of gold right there maybe but i didn’t know if they would freak out the moment i started mining them but

I i went up to it and i tried and look at this they did not care at all then i traded with one of them and i was really hoping he gets another ward truly hoping to get another word hello i’m here to trade the gold i just took from

Your little house here hello oh look what i got who wants this come here there you go for you ah take it give me give me something good nether netherwart nether wharton netherwork no not that okay netherwort netherwort nope that’s gravel netherwart netherwart oh it didn’t happen

Eventually i was attacked by a ghast and i accidentally hit one of it look how quickly things fall apart the gas attacks you hit the gas no you hit the other pig guy and then all of a sudden you got every pig in the world chasing you down okay

Come on we were supposed to be please stop please i’m not your enemy what am i doing i need to find i need netherwart so i hid and i watched them from afar and then i returned after what seemed like it would be enough time to make them

Forget about me and uh i was able to kill the gas by bouncing one of his attacks back at it come on that’s gonna hit him look at that You see that direct hit i explored the fortress and uh you know what i nearly died doing something that guy doesn’t want that guy’s staring at me that’s a bad guy what am i doing what am i doing right now just don’t be jumping over

It seems like this guy’s also mad at me now no gold hey there we go nice again normal again you know what i think i’m i think i’m done with this place i think it’s time to get out of here i found some chests and i had to kill

The guys with the the ones with the black shirts they’re the ones that attack you they’re they’re psychotic ones i didn’t get much from these chests uh especially no nether was what i really wanted to get so i left it i looked around more and my pickaxe broke and i realized i

Was pushing my luck so i went back to the pigs tried to trade with them once more i got these fancy boots made me go super fast whoa look at this Little fascinated alive now uh then i got out of the nether empty handed aside from all the gold that i had and uh i really want another ward by this point it was the morning of day 22. uh now that i have some arrows though i

Can explore caves again which i guess is my new way of getting diamonds because nothing else was working but i need torches so i chopped down some trees i started cooking the wood and then i went to look for a cave and i found a massive absolutely huge look how big this thing

Is but she my plan was to return here tomorrow so i gathered all my stuff and i came back the next day but when i got there i realized that i had no pickaxe because i i’m the dumbest man alive where’s my pickaxe oh i’m gonna have to make my own pickaxe Okay there we go after all that i now have a pickaxe back okay here we go iron pickaxe after all that so i spent the entire day down there and i got absolutely nothing just got shot by a million men i was in like a firing range down there no diamonds down here

What’s the point of doing all this then the next day i figured i was going to try my luck in in a mine again the one that i made so i went back down and i started exploring and i was not finding any diamonds but i found a massive chasm

And i figured that you know what i’ll just go down and i’ll have a look there there was a ton of enemies down there and uh while fighting a creeper i spotted one single diamond oh another diamond all right it’s two diamonds that’s the sword right there

Then i found three more nearby and i got those and i figured that i had pushed my luck enough and it was time to get out so i left and on my way out i found two more but look at that the day 24 beautiful day by the time i made it out

That was the night of day 25 so i slept in which brought it to day 26 just jumping in time here okay look at that seven diamonds i made a diamond pickaxe and i mined 20 obsidian which took me probably an hour then i made it back to the house and i

Harvested my sugar cane and i planted it again i started to feel like i was a very rich man and speaking of firemen oh completely forgot about my farm so i worked on that right before going to bed in the morning i wrote down in my notes i found a very cool spider

What what does that mean hey my man the spider how’s it going oh hey she’s walking around have a good time down here on the beach oh okay okay see you later by this point i thought that i had enough stuff to make uh an enchanting table and bookshelves

And stuff so i made the enchanting table which is good oh there we go enchanting table maybe a man who’s going to enchant so many things but then i got worried that i would just waste all my sugar cane and wouldn’t have enough bookshelves so i i

Just i figured i’d wait a little bit longer for it to grow in the meantime i wanted to try to make a new nether portal because the area that i was spawning in was just there was nothing around there was no fortresses around that area and i desperately needed a fortress so i

Figured i’d make a new nether portal somewhere else and just try in a new area of the nether i sailed across a massive ocean a huge huge huge ocean and i built a new nether portal uh but when i went through it the other why is the other

This is no different i’m back at the it’s just right there this is the same place i already was okay so yeah maybe that massive ocean whereas it was so big was uh that wasn’t that mess of all it’s kind of like a 30-second 30-second trip on a boat but

Why was i spotting the same area of the nether i i i have the understanding that every portal would put you in a new random area in the nether why was i spawning so close what were the chances of this when i got home i realized that my food problem or my my

Food situation rather was going to be a problem because i was getting running very low but just like the raccoon living in my walls in my real life house i thought you know what that’s a it’s a problem for another day i will worry about that when when the time comes

Day 28 all right it’s time to try this nether thing again so this time i was gonna i figured i would sail even further way further as far as i could go maybe break another world record so that’s what i did then i set up a portal

This is this is still i’m still in this air what is going on let’s just the other it’s the portals right there okay so now i understand how the nether works it’s just a like scaled down version of the overworld so you could you’d effectively use this to fast travel

Hey it’s pretty smart that’s good actually so instead of sailing all the way back home i just went through the old portal and boom look at this back at my base pretty good i built a little tower and sat there and waited for my sugar cane to grow the next day i uh

Was in the hot and sitting in the hot sun waiting okay this stuff needs to grow faster oh yeah there’s a three after a while i got bored and i uh cut the sugar sugar cane down and made my bookshelves turns out that i had 16 and

Look at this boom look at that man with the everything you need to make it the most beautiful enchanting table i made this little platform for the enchanting table over this little like i don’t know what you call this a pawn or something this looks so stupid what am i doing why

Do i then i enchanted some stuff and i first my diamond pick that was the first thing i got look at that on breaking three efficiency five four i don’t know what i’m talking about then i did my legs and uh my helmet you know

What i i can’t remember the next but i i i made my diamond sword though i ran around the entire next day trying to get xp because uh i knew i wanted more enchanting but it was kind of a waste of a day from being honest since i

Needed xp so badly i figured you know what it’s time for me how to learn how to make a xp farm let’s let’s figure that one out so i write about one that you could make in the nether uh but when i got there i i

Got distracted by how fast my boots were and ended up very i was extremely far away from where i was supposed to be i got scared so i turned around and tried to get home you know what i almost got lost yeah but i made it out i’ll worry about that later

My house sucks right now i have the worst house in minecraft history uh so it’s time to fix that up so i tore it all down and used cobblestone to make the cliff face look a little bit better the other problem i was facing this was one that i was uh

Talking about a little bit earlier that i should have dealt with the food was i was almost completely out of food completely out of food and i’m starting to get a little bit worried about that but just like the uh the night terrors i get in real life

When i wake up and then like see people standing in my room yeah i’ll worry about that later all right so i worked on the house more i cleared out a ton of trees and started farming did completely ignoring all the problems i was facing i was just a man in this

Carrot farm at this point pretty good okay this is good this is all i got to my name right now it’s just a big empty field so i started working on the castle again and this time i wanted help i needed some sort of a guide or whatever

So i got inspiration from mythical sausage oh that’s a that’s a good name this is gonna be the front entrance right here it’s gonna have two big towers two huge towers that i can look out of walk around do whatever i want out of and then a big main high wall

With a little gate that goes through it but the problem was that i ran out of cobblestone again so i spent a good chunk of the day just getting it i have to rework the wall a little bit but i don’t know how this is going to turn out

And honestly i was getting kind of a little bit nervous about this whole idea of building a castle it was really starting to feel like it just wasn’t gonna yeah i don’t know so next i replace bits the wall with stone brick out of some supports and then finally

Used uh spruce trap doors to make this little walkway across the wall okay that’s looking pretty good i started getting the inside part of it done and honestly i have no idea what to do past this point oh what it was wow oh look at this the illegals showed up and started

I killed them and i forgot now now i have this stupid raid thing on me i got one of the towers built uh but i’m kind of getting bored of building already starting to feel like i’m not going to be able to build this castle so i replanted the farm and replaced the

Carrots okay hey look at this man with a million carrots it’s good then i made six hoppers here you’re gonna see why in a second it was time to go back to the nether yeah the thing is is that i need the nether to progress further in the game right now

And i’m just hitting a wall when it comes to another so i have a new plan i’ll tell you right now absolutely fool proof plan all right step one go to another okay easy step number two a little bit more difficult but it’s still not that hard go up high

In another get real real high up there step three just start digging forward dig as far as you can and that’s exactly what i did until i realized that this this might not be a this might not be a super good idea so i posted another poll on twitter

And you know what i even even came up with a joke just in case something were to happen to my cousin while he was playing here i was gonna say that we got a mathematician and that it didn’t count but you know it’s all good look at this man who kept going no

I dug very very far and uh tried to find a fortress several times i got excited at one point what’s this hot tourist what is that how do i see what that is what is it what is that i looked it up but it turns out it just

Meant i had gone through every single biome in the nether eventually i saw what i thought was one and i spent a long time trying to get down to it only to realize that it was it was just another bastion so i kept going later i got tired because most of

My diamond pick was almost gone and i didn’t want to have this thing break on me so i looked around for a bit and i saw one of those those guys who jump around on lava can you ride those things I can’t even read those things but around this time i’m like hey you know it’s time to go back let’s get back it was the night of day 42 when i came back so by the time i slept in everything was like day 43 i got to work

On the wall of the castle again and uh i built most of it it sort of connects to the enchanting table which i guess is good it can kind of like go from the tower down to the table so while working on the wall the next day i realized that

I was level 31 so i went to the enchanting table and enchanted my sword with sharpness four and then some more raiders showed up and this thing look how strong this thing is wow my diamond pick is almost broken so i need to deal with that so i went mining

Again and i found two diamonds yeah pretty good in the morning i used the two diamonds to repair my pick and then i harvested all of my corn i had tons of it so then i made a bunch of golden carrots or something like that a pretty

Good day but then i started thinking about those those lava guys and i think i saw i’m pretty sure you can put a saddle on them and ride them across the lava which might be my ticket to finding a nether fortress so i’m gonna go look for a

Saddle now i went to the village and i i looked through every house to try to find one and there was nothing absolutely nothing around this time i started to think about what the theme for my next 100 days video would be and uh yeah i don’t know if you have any suggestions

Leave a comment i was thinking about doing something in vr again but just thinking about doing 100 days in vr makes me feel sick to my stomach so i i don’t know i didn’t find a saddle in the village i found absolutely nothing but i did find this this beautiful view oh

Whoa look at this this is it’s beautiful here so that next morning i was i woke up and i started thinking hmm i’m gonna blow my castle up remember those hoppers i made you know what it’s time to use them so i went back to the

Nether i dug a hole and i it was it’s We go two three oh i refuse to work one four five six seven eight nine ten oh here we go oh eleven twelve thirteen fourteen anyone else say you 15. 16. let’s go see them they fall down i kill them i get the xp the only problem is

That i have no idea how to leave this thing Oh okay okay okay that was close eventually i made it out and i made a run for it Is there any way that i can survive this i have okay i have to think right now i have to think i found that potion of fire resistance at one point that better be in my okay i’m gonna hit this lava i need to immediately press e drink the potion of fire resistance

And get to that thing on the side there Somehow i made it out alive and i saw that there was two and a half minutes left on my potion and there was a chest across the lava lake and i thought okay you know what there absolutely has to be a hopper in there or not a hopper it’s a saddle so i

Jumped in the lake and i swam how long is two minutes I just came here for that yeah it turns out the chest oh had nothing in it absolutely nothing at all so it was just a big waste of time and i was stuck here let’s uh well i wasn’t really stuck i just kind

Of dug out but you know it was kind of i don’t know why i did this so now i need to figure out how to get a saddle because this thing i need to be able to traverse across the lava and uh i don’t know i’m just getting stuck in the game getting

Absolutely stuck so i looked around all day for one and i did not find a saddle normally i find hundreds of these things every time i play minecraft and the day a man needs one i get nothing so i went back out on day 50 to look for another

One i went for a i was i was trying to find a village because i thought that would probably be the best way of finding one uh so i sailed in the opposite direction this time towards those like remember those giant ice spikes from the beginning of the video

Uh well i found the ice and then i started flying across did you know that you could use a boat on ice and how fast you go just look at this i felt like i was in mario kart I crashed towards a giant pile though and or this giant pit oh why was there just a giant big hole here i landed on a small piece of water thankfully i landed on this tiny little piece of water and didn’t die but then i made it back to the ice spikes and i

Kept going eventually i saw a village hello hello hello who’s got a saddle for me there was no saddle here so i just slept i was back on the road in the morning a man’s gotta find a saddle not going home without one not going home empty-handed

Uh but i almost immediately got attacked by remember what i said about polar bears i don’t understand them look what happened here Oh okay relax okay with whatever that was out of the way i went into the ice spikes even further this time just kept going deeper into the maze i have no idea how big this biome is supposed to be but it seemed like it was just massive honestly

I think i got a third world record here for being the most time spent in uh ice spikes or most i don’t know what i’m trying to say here there if after sailing through them for a while there was a small break and i saw a trees in the distance and i

Got kind of excited oh what are you doing whoa i don’t want to kill you you’re a kid whoa Gotta relax whoa look your kid’s freezing don’t worry about me worry about your kid oh oh I can’t be doing slow the kid’s in the boat now the kids in the boat i’m sorry i’m still your kid i’m sorry i don’t want to do this but you did this to yourself okay so now i’m uh she’s i’m stuck with this polar bear cub and i i

Found a place to stay for the night in the small ice cave so i set up some lights and barricaded and i just kind of waited for the morning what am i supposed to do with this polar bear what am i supposed to do with a man like

This so once the sun came up i got in the boat and tried to sail home because i guess now i’m gonna i gotta take care of this polar bear you know came out for a saddle came back with a whole bear i wonder maybe i can turn this thing into

A saddle i don’t know so i kept sailing with it and i was getting kind of worried as i would approach other polar bears because i think i figured out that they attack you when you when you have a cub nearby and now i’m i’m sailing around with one so yeah that’s good

You gonna attack me i’m telling you right now it’s not your cup okay it’s not your cub it’s not your cup but it seemed fine and i got pretty far then i heard the bear make a new noise i turned around and this man was fully grown in one day

And i don’t want a full-grown polar bear with me then i accidentally hit it and i got mad and so i just left okay now the bears turned on me i don’t know what i’m doing anymore yeah i’m not this is not something that i want to be doing

Right now but this was actually kind of good because if i was never attacked by the polar bear i would not have gotten out of the boat and if i didn’t get out of the boat at this exact point i wouldn’t have seen this sunken chip

And if i had not swam down to the sunken ship i would never have found this treasure map all right so you know what i’m i’m a big fan of the polar bear now sounds all good uh but then i i couldn’t find my next marker that i had set up

So i got lost and just spent another night in a dirt hole in the morning i crawled out of the hole and looked around i found some of the other markers i made at home and you know what i did not like what i saw when i got there look at that

That looks so bad alex that looks horrible just like what is like sewage drain coming out of it you got a guy with a loaded crossbow sitting out front that’s good my castle is just horrible i i am not capable of building what i set out to build it’s very clear that

I’m a man who’s never going to be able to build a castle so well why do i don’t even want to live in a castle anymore the only thing that i i kind of did like about this whole base that i had set up was my corn farm

Had a lot of it i spent the rest of the day doing some enchanting i was hoping to get some some very cool enchantment on one of my weapons or something like that but i just got a bunch of garbage just a ton of garbage and wasted up a

Ton of levels that was until that i saw that infinity was available for my bow as soon as i saw that i’m like okay there it is jackpot infinity that’s perfect the only problem was that i was level 26 and i needed four more levels so

Yeah i don’t know the following day i went back to the nearby village and i started cutting down trees and getting cobblestone because yeah remember that spot that looked really nice i said well look how beautiful this is near the villages nice nice beautiful lookout well you know what i’m building the

House here and it’s not gonna be some crazy house just gonna be a simple house a nice window that i can look out and see this beautiful view stay day 56 i’m finally starting to build a house now what is like what you know day 54 days not day 56 day 54

I don’t know what’s going on at this point the idea was to have it kind of raised off the water and kind of coming out of the like the hill or cliff here and and make it almost look modern i don’t know the idea was have a modern

House that’s what i’ll tell you don’t end up looking like that at all but yeah who knows okay first step was to build supports so i got those built next i need a smooth stone but i didn’t want to take forever so i was trying to be a pro minecraft player so i

I thought okay you make stone quicker if you had a blast furnace so i set out trying to make a blast furnace i went back to the castle or should i say castle ruins but on my way i found this massive hole what is that okay look at that it reveal

There’s a whole cave down here the whole giant cave system down here and i thought you know okay you know what this is something i need to check out right now so i got a bucket and i came back and i used the bucket to get down below oh my god oh hey

Look at that hello i killed all that stuff and explored for a while i i found a what are they called axelot that’s actually i don’t know what these things are called these little lizards uh then i kept going hey got ya this was a massive cave system and i was

Down there for a while and i i wasn’t finding anything at all until a creeper exploded and revealed look at this this is the creeper of my dreams hey my man then i found another nearby and another on my way out this was a good day but when i got back to the

Village uh all the villagers that were in this thing there’s like i don’t know these are but they were dead there’s slaughter yeah you know what just fine didn’t you guys the next day i crafted the blast furnace and found out that uh this was just a massive waste of time what is What’s the point of a blast furnace then i made a stone cutter and you know what hey same thing you don’t use a stone gutter to do this i don’t know what you use a stone cutter or a blast furnace for is so yeah i just have those things now so it

Was back to the old-fashioned way where i made five furnaces and i just got cooking i spent the entire next day just cooking stone uh then i made a diamond chest piece which was it was thankfully good to have this now i needed some serious protection i was running out of

Food though i just went back to the castle and i spent the day spearfishing then more stone cooking the next day until i realized i was level 29 and i did some trades to get to level 30. now that i was level 30 it was a perfect day

60. so i went back over to the enchanting table and put infinity on my bow and flame infinity and i’m breaking three why did i put infinity on my bow that was really stupid i i have to be one of the biggest idiots who’s ever played this game i had unlimited arrows

The fletcher how could i forget that i had like a thousand arrows in a chest too what was the point of getting infinity i i don’t know why i do stuff like this why i just act without thinking uh but now i wanted to interest my diamond and

Chest enchant my diamond chest piece so i spent the day getting xp from the trader then i enchanted it i got protection four on it i finally started building the house and i have no idea what i was doing here i wasn’t using a guide had no idea what i wanted to look

Like was just just guessing at this point so i was using smooth stone uh and i was kind of making it the trim around but i wasn’t kind of sure how it looked as it might be an overlook it might be a deck i don’t know i’m just kind of

Putting blocks down but i sort of figured it out i guess uh the trim will be smooth down on the floor will be wood the first square is going to be this entrance deck area then the other section which i haven’t built yet will be the actual house and that will give

Me a nice look if you look out the window here you can see all the beautiful surroundings gonna look so nice so i started trimming it but then i realized there was a problem i put my first three smooth stone blocks up vertically uh and the glass is

It’s not gonna look good this way so it’s coming up from the wood so i had to pull the trim back and then i made a little pill or something like that i was just trying to make it look i was focused on the windows and on the actual

Layout of the house which was probably a mistake so i built more the next day and kind of had no idea what i was doing at this point and i was trying to get a little bit frustrated because you remember at the beginning of the video when i said that for some reason

The last few attempts i’ve had at building houses in minecraft they’ve just gotten worse this is a priming i i suck at building stuff in minecraft now i have no idea how to do it this house is just another example another another one of the failed buildings i’ve tried to make

How do you make stuff look nice i was hoping that when i put the windows up it would kind of save it and make it look better but i did that i put the windows up and i i don’t know i just realized i now hate the smooth

Stone i spent a ton of time making it so it’s good it was a good waste all that time on day 65 i worked on more i replaced the smooth stone now with i think just regular cobble and by the next day i was hoping that things would

Turn around and start to look better but i was still struggling it still wasn’t looking great i was struggling both mentally and physically at this point the plan was to make the roof out of stone but then i started thinking about it like why would the roof be made out

Of stone the stone is so heavy why would you put that on the roof shouldn’t you put wood on the guy i don’t know what i was doing here nothing was thought out nothing was planned everything was just i have no idea for some reason on day 67

I went underground don’t know why i went down there i guess i just wanted i didn’t want to look at the house anymore uh but when i got down there i found this zombie spawner and started just slashing away at them i didn’t want to kill the spawner because

Why why would i do that you get free xp from one of these things so i started cutting them down as much as possible and then on my way out i remembered i’m supposed to be getting iron down here i want to make a new set

Of gear and try to get water in chance that i can raid a water temple when did i get the idea to raid a water temple i have no idea but i remember that i needed a saddle i was hoping maybe i’d find one in the water temple at some

Point that i crossed my mind didn’t write it in the notes so here you’re good i’m catching you up now the plan wants to get iron gear now let me ask you a question when you watch some other 100 days videos how many of them are in

Not even full iron gear on day 67. how how many people are struggling as much as me and this isn’t even modded migraine this is regular minecraft what is going on with me so i went back down to get iron and i i got a decent

Amount but i realized i’m an idiot and all my armor was broken it got worse when i was cheating i got chased by a whole horde of zombies okay oh oh a little one oh well there’s a lot of them okay here they go it’s three four oh Eventually killed them all and escaped i went back to the castle the next day and uh yeah look at this just another unfinished project i enchanted my gear and i got respiration two on my helmet and then some other stuff in my legs to

Be honest i forget what it was so i went swimming to see how much it helped and it helps a bit so i’m gonna need that for when i go down to this water temple uh but i also made some doors because i heard that if you make doors you can effectively breathe

Underwater with them so i sailed around for a while until i found a temple and i parked my boat in a way that i would know which way to go when i came back up then i swam down and started clearing out the temple having absolutely no idea what i was doing

Okay i’m dumb oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa okay it’s dangerous here i can’t block that but how many of these things are there oh okay there’s a big one there right there whoa yeah kill it stop i’m gonna drown oh there’s a big guy in here

Oh whoa After killing all three fish i got like three sponges what am i supposed to do with sponges where was the saddle there’s supposed to be a saddle down here absolutely nothing so i just i don’t know so i tried to leave on day 71 and you know what it was absolutely brutal okay

Just leave just swim out here oh that’s nice oh oh there’s so many of them okay i gotta figure out how to get out here with my boat all jumbled up i had no idea how to get home so i sailed in a direction that i thought would get me

Home i was just hoping if if i’m being completely honest it’s mostly just the guests and look at that sure enough i was a very lost man very quickly okay it was on my left when i approached all right so it’s got to be on my right when i leave this way

It’s got to be this way follow the stars and you’ll get home i kept looking around and sailing and eventually if i think just by luck i made it i don’t want to cause an alarm but i do not remember going through this to get there it’s time to go mobile

What movie is that from name the movie name the movie right now in the comments i’ll give you another hint ah i lost my base my name is maine i lost my minecraft base oh i almost walked in lobs this skeleton’s gonna go oh i found it hey

I was just thinking what am i going to say to figure out how to get to my hey turtle good to see you let me give you a little bump boom there you go you want to get in the boat there yes there you go me and the turtle let’s

Go love this guy i don’t know why i wanted that turtle so i just parked that man somewhere and left back to working on the house and now the the water temple was done and what did i walk away with three sponges that i don’t

What am i gonna do with those wow this is looking really good this is looking really really good i’m just gonna jump off this thing right here i worked on the house more and uh while i was up on the roof i was adding panels

And then i realized the stone what am i doing with this stone still it’s just completely pointless so i got rid of the stone and started swapping it out for wood and it i was at least starting to like it a little bit more so i worked on

It more day 74 and i got most of it done uh it was starting to look a little bit better uh now that it was wood and i added some depth to the edge by putting these slabs down and the windows and the frames and everything was it was

Actually not too bad when i was at this point okay good old day 75 right beautiful day i built most of the overhang on the patio and it took me a while but i figured out how to blend it uh but i got it i i don’t know just it started looking

You know what i i don’t know i don’t know what i’m saying 76 i did basically the same thing the next day the whole house is looking way better now especially now that i added some side supports to the main supports and there’s some railings it’s just starting

To come together it’s not as bleak as it was that thing was looking it wasn’t looking too good before the next day somehow i i got lost while working on the house i think i went out to get some wood or stone or something i didn’t want

To cut down the trees that were super close to the house so i wandered a little bit too far and just yeah i i don’t know what happened how did i get this far from my oh it’s looking good though okay i kept working on the roof because you

Know what i just want to get this house done the next day i was just working on the roof again i was a man in the sun work work working working his little minecraft hands out trying to get this whole thing done i finally finished the roof by day 79 okay the roof

It’s done a man with a beautiful roof one more could you want but the inside looked really bad now this looks so bad inside so the next day i was feeling a bit better though look how good this looks like this looks amazing okay now i’m feeling good

And then i started prepping some supplies because yeah i figured you know what i’m gonna go on an expedition to find some of the stuff i need like a saddle it’s gonna be it’s gonna be good one of the things that i really wanted to get

Was a saddle because if i got a saddle it meant that i could get on one of those lava creatures in the nether and i could sail until i found a fortress because if i found a fortress then i could finally progress in this game so a saddle was

My one it was my ticket to the nether to take it to the fortress so that’s what i went out to find it can be good so i set sail and uh wow this whole area just looks so beautiful look at that looks beautiful but shortly after that i saw this thing

What’s that whoa whoa Oh oh he’s killing him That was really close what was i doing there what am i doing here in general there’s another one throwing another thing i ended up sleeping on the coast nearby in the morning i swam back down and fought all the zombies i i wanted one of those trident things that i always hear

People talking about but none of those zombies were dropping them and i was i just wasn’t getting them i looted one chest and i found absolutely nothing so i just kept going i sailed through the night and found what i thought was a desert but it turns out it wasn’t

It was not a desert at all just a ton of enemies and i almost died fighting more trident zombies oh my god can you come on land so i sailed further and uh went through this absolutely beautiful jungle oh look at this Beautiful i kept going though and uh there’s some very cool areas i was finding as i went until i found a ruined nether portal there was a ton of gold around it and i thought you know what let’s i’m gonna go in this thing so i got it

Mostly they’re prepared and then i just slept there for the night i wanted to go in there the next day but the only problem was that i didn’t have flint and steel so i went down to the bottom of the lake and then i got flint oh sorry i

Got no i didn’t go down to the bottom of the lake what am i saying i went mining i got a little bit of iron then i came back up and i got a little bit of flint and together i made flint and steel and with that

I went straight into the nether again there it is the fortress i could not believe my eyes when a man saw that beautiful fortress a man like me let’s just say i was smiling i was feeling real good very the whole reason i went on this

Expedition was to find a saddle so that i could find one of these things and here i was standing staring at one this is incredible so i was in there for a while and i was raiding the fortress i was cutting down whatever those the blazes i was shooting down the

Wither skeletons the regular skeletons i was jumping all over the place there was a pig at some point there’s a whole everything was going well okay oh oh oh but then i realized something there was this was it there was no other sections to the fortress everywhere i started digging to

Or going down into or looking around it just was a dead end everywhere so i didn’t find any netherwart which was the entire reason i came here i mean i got a ton of blaze rods i had like 15 of them but i had no nether wart so this was

Yeah i don’t know i finally came out of the nether on the morning of day 85 and i was strapped loaded up ready to go so i kept sailing in the morning kept going just got in the boat and sailed sailed sail because i was looking for uh

I wanted ender pearl so i thought if i found a desert it would be a good way of finding enderman i don’t know why i assume that enderman spawn in the desert i’ve just kind of i don’t even know is that true i have no idea anyway so i just kept

Sailing okay desert well the desert right is it’s not a desert this is an island okay that was not a desert so i just slept i tried sailing home but you know what i got completely lost at some point i found a few treasure maps and since i

Had no clue how to get home i followed one and it brought me to a beach so i started digging and digging more and just kept digging it spent almost the entire day look at at some point i had this whole area just dug out no treasure but you know what i forgot

To record so you know i don’t see most of that uh so i just i found nothing and slept there’s no treasure down here there’s nothing down here there’s a guy who’s been digging the world’s biggest hole look at this where’s the treasure okay after watching a guide i i found

Out exactly how you do it so i did that and boom look at this guy nice little treasure chest it’s good hey oh i don’t know if i’ve found a chest before yeah or done the treasure thing before in minecraft if i haven’t and this was

My first time whoa look at that another beautiful world record by me that was good you know what’s also good being in a swamp and having no idea how to get home just being completely absolutely utterly lost that was me a man with nowhere to go nowhere to know where howard

What am i saying right now the next day i did the exact same thing i just walked around all day long just i think i was hoping that eventually i would walk into something that resembled something that i was familiar with but that didn’t happen at all i just

Kept i was getting further and further away from my house and becoming even more and more lost speaking of which at this point i i think i i must have broke my other world record of furthest distance travel to minecraft because i was yeah i was on the other side of the

World at this look at point view it’s good i just slept on a mountain day 90. all right day 90 was uh i i don’t even know what to say about day in the morning i started practicing that water bucket jumping thing and i felt like oh i was getting very

Good at it very very i was having almost a 100 success almost 100 success rate and i felt like i had truly mastered it that at this point there it was almost zero percent chance that i would ever screw this up so when i got up to this

Massive mountain i thought this was a absolutely perfect opportunity to break yet another world record for the highest possible jump and save with the water bucket oh look at that wow i had been practicing it so much at this point i felt like i was a true master

And that if i pulled this off i would have another world record i should also mention that my plan was to make a backup of the world save so that if the small basically impossible chance that i don’t make the jump were to happen and i were

To die i would simply just back up the world and make a joke about the death and it would be fine so with that in mind i took the jump no don’t do what do you why are you even thinking about it sean why why was it even crossing your mind

For like a second it’s day 90. oh my god why did i do this i um unfortunately i forgot to make a backup of the world save file so uh okay so i pulled up the coordinates to see how far i was from my house

And turns out i was i was far enough that i just walked into the nearest uh water and just drowned myself okay you want to see the death well just here it is just put play the whole clip oh my god why did i do this What is wrong with me it’s day 90. i have to be the stupidest man alive wow day 91 and i’m literally right back where i started on day one like this is this is where i spawned no it’s good so i just slept in that small cave for the rest of the day

I started sailing home and some and i just ended up sleeping in a village on my way back day 92 was just a sad sad day for a sad man i finally made it home one day 93 and i’m glad to be home okay i’m home coming home with stone tools and no

Armor yeah perfect that’s exactly what you want i went back to my castle to try to re-gear except i didn’t i had next to nothing at the castle so i grabbed one of the treasure maps and thought you know what i’m a man who’s got nothing may as well just go

Look for treasure in the i don’t know just follow the treasure map and when i found it the next day there was base it’s just a few scraps of iron in there let’s head back all that for a little bit of iron so that’s uh that’s good

Day 95 god got next to nothing broke man broken spirit broken and everything just ran home i found a mine and went mining and i dug under until i found a giant cave and started exploring it at first i i was mostly just getting iron and lots of it

Which was nice because at the very least i’m going to finish this with iron gear yeah i was i was getting very afraid that i was going to finish this whole thing with nothing because that would be just one of the worst things anyway so eventually i found a zombie spawner and

That had a saddle so that’s uh there’s a saddle i spent so long looking for one of those then i kept going and i found a one single diamond yes and i got nervous about finding my way back so i just tunneled around and sure enough i got lost i didn’t this wasn’t

This wasn’t i made it out and uh you know what it was not great getting out of that place okay okay okay okay what is going on i made it home in the morning on day 97 uh with a ton of iron so that’s i was at least able to craft some iron

And i thought you know what i may as well make the house look a little bit nicer because right now it’s just an open square like me i got nothing in me that’s how i felt so i thought you know what i’m gonna light

Make it a little bit nicer in here so i started building a nice fireplace to warm my spirit making myself feel better but even that i couldn’t get right the fireplace was just it was not looking good but by the next day things were starting to come together i at least could figure

Out that there was a shape i liked to it added this little overhang and i made it so that it was like in the center i just started to work it a little bit better and realize that you know what if you keep working on something you can make

It look a little bit better so by the next day the end of the day i had it it was looking a little bit nicer okay here it is look at this beautiful Thing i forget what these things are called fireplace you come around you got my nice little bed in there middle night you roll over straight out day 99 now you might be thinking this is the end of this this crazy journey and you might be right but there was still

One thing that i wanted to do one final thing that i had been trying to do from pretty much the beginning of this 100 is ride one of those lava creatures i wanted to ride that thing across the lava and end it on day 100 in the middle

Of the lava lake so i grabbed the saddle and i went into the nether i climbed down to one of the lava lakes and found one of those creatures and tried to get it to come over to the shore eventually it did and so i wrote it

Yeah how do i catch one of these things hey come here hey hey hey there we go wait how why can’t it move come on no no no no no no what what do you want come on i don’t what do you want to eat this brick what do they want to eat

Fish no you’re walking off with my saddle come on you’re not this is this guy Come on come on okay okay i’m done i’m done that’s 100 days of minecraft that’s 100. i’m counting those 100 days that’s 100 days

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days in the Hardcore Minecraft Trailer … Here’s What Happened’, was uploaded by Forge Labs on 2022-07-13 15:01:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I Spent 100 Days in the Hardcore Minecraft Trailer … Here’s What Happened Subscribe Here! http://bit.ly/ForgeLabsSub Join My …

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

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  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

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  • Recording Woes: Minecraft Part 18 Fails

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  • SneakyRohit: Horse Can’t Swim?!

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  • Skibidi Toilet: MineCraft Rhyme Time

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  • Ultimate Minecraft HUD Hack!

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  • Sneaky Ship Showdown

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  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses!

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  • Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts

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  • Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYP

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  • Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgaming

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  • Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream – Join Now!

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  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:13. It has garnered 173 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

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  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

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  • MineCity.pl The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Sword”

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  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

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  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

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  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

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  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

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  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

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  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): https://texture-packs.com/resourcepack/ms-painted/ -Texture pack that I recommend: https://minecraft.fr/faithful-32×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyAkQ-C3xpHWICvUUIPBuXe My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. spiralgn.net Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: modern-anarchy.org Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

I Spent 100 Days in the Hardcore Minecraft Trailer … Here’s What Happened