I Survived 100 Days as a CURSED DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft

Video Information

On day one I spawned in as a cursed Dragon I was somewhere inside of a large evil castle with a witch standing in front of me at last I have created the cars Dragon you will help me curse the entire world curse the world yes creatures like you and I have been

Shunned by Minecraft they must pay for this the witch commanded me to fly off and use my powers to spread the curse I took off and headed towards some houses I was worried about a fight because I only had three hearts but I knew I had

To try there was a group of players standing right in front of me a current skeleton dragon they took out their swords and started to charge me ah please no I suddenly use my dragon breath and it converted all of them into ghoulish monsters whoa that’s awesome

I’m far more powerful than I look spreading this curse is gonna be a ton of fun on day two I arrived at a large Kingdom with my curse mobs by my side we entered and started to spread our curse to all the villagers the legend of the

Cursed dragon is true the witch has returned glass of them with my cursed breath and started infecting the other mobs of it as well after cursing them I suddenly gained five more Hearts it looked like the more people I curse the stronger I became I decided to venture

Throughout the rest of the Kingdom I was able to find some Cobblestone and wood as well as some food I started to command my newly acquired Army to follow me while I was flying off I spotted a small rat running from the kingdom huh anyways I have bigger things to curse

Than that little guy as my Army traveled away from the kingdom we came across a large open area this seems perfect for my base of operations I dropped the material to some of the cursed creatures and they got to work instructing me a base another group of creatures went out

And defeated some sheep for wool they then returned to me with a bed once my base was finished I commanded my Army to go into the world and curse more of it for me this is incredible I already have a base in an army man I place my bed

Down and began to feel tired oh one day son he’ll defend these lands just like I do I just know it Dad what’s that there are there dragons out the witch about this on day four I return to the witch’s Lair and there were cages full of prisoners Justin

I need you to curse these Criminal naturally blasted all the cages of my breath and curse them after cursing the Prisoners the witch grew a little in size the witch was happy with the progress that I’ve made and rewarded me with a set of bone tools tools what am I

Gonna need this for the witch told me to go off and retrieve an item for her and in return she will share more of her power with me sounds like a plan on day five I was traveling toward the location the witch had given me she mentioned a

Very specific black and red urn I would have to collect along my travels I spotted my cursed Army attacking a castle it made me so proud to know that my Army was still hard at work suddenly a rat came rushing towards me from the castle wait a minute was that the same

Rat these guys seem to be all over the world hey stop uh now why would I do that huh the rat told me that he just left one Kingdom and now was forced out of this one by a bunch of Undead ghouls name’s Busta everywhere I go people just

Don’t want me around what did I ever do to anybody man I’m just trying to live a life I thought about using my breath to curse awesome but I decided against it he was an outcast just like me and the witch so I felt a connection with him

Listen here’s the coordinates to my base you can stay there Buster thanked me and set off toward my home I continued on my journey and eventually came across a large structure this must be the place that the witch told me about on day six I entered the structure and there were

Some kind of strange looking villagers inside they had guns and began to attack me I blasted the creatures with my cursed breath but it had no effect on them huh was this what the witch was talking about I took out the bone sword the witch had given me and began to

Fight back against them we defeated the curse once we will do it again ah stop it if I can’t change you then you must be destroyed I started dodging the creature’s attacks and managed to defeat all of them I then started to feel strange and suddenly I grew into a

Full-size dragon and I noticed that I had 20 Hearts but then I began to feel sick and uh hide now Tad what’s going on you will never get away with this what are these memories I’m having I don’t have time for this right now I

Need to get that item I found the urn and picked it up awesome I hope the witch is pleased with my accomplishment I flew away from this place I wonder who those people were and what they wanted man that’s for another day though on day

Seven I returned back to my base and saw Buster was fighting with one of the cursed mobs that was there hey buddy I didn’t take anything away from you all right get away whoa whoa whoa break it up guys I separated the two of them and the cursed creature walked away I

Decided since he was there I needed to make a place for him to stay we got to work constructing a house for him once we finished I realized because of my size I wasn’t gonna be able to fit in my own house now the two of us continue to

Build my base to fit my new size afterwards I knew Buster was going to need to eat something I got to work collecting seats and created a small farm for him Buster then said kfoso I lied I took this from him he dropped me a cursed helmet hey thanks this is gonna

Come in handy but maybe don’t lie alright I realized that this guy wasn’t that bad after all I told him that I had to go see the Witch and deliver her an item that I went out to get her ah what’d you say how do you know that you

Can trust her which is a people that you can’t really trust that often no I told them that we worked together and she brought me into this world I had no reason to think otherwise Buster just nodded his head but I decided to ignore it I headed off toward the witch on day

Eight I made it to one of the witch’s new hideouts and she was waiting for me whoa she’s definitely getting larger she told me that now a fourth of the world has been cursed or that much closer to cursing the entire world it seems you’ve gotten bigger as well do you have the

Item I requested yes I do I gave her the urn and in return she casts a spell and gave me a new ability I wonder why she wanted that urn and why it appeared as though those people were guarding it I didn’t have time to ask questions

Because the witch told me to test out my new ability I jumped in the air and when I landed I sent out a cursed Shockwave in all directions wow this is so strong yes and soon you’ll be the most powerful mob in the world I then asked the witch about the

Memories I thought I was acquiring she told me that I need to do one more thing for her but it’s gonna be much more difficult I will say what you want to hear once you do this for me on days nine to ten I made my way into the

Jungle like the witch had instructed me to do what was I looking for I came to a clearing when I heard a loud roar behind me I turned to see a large jungle beast of March the cat started to charge at me and I stood my ground using my breath to

Curse it it didn’t seem to work and the Beast hit me really hard taking away some of my heart I started to fight at him close range to weaken him while trying to avoid his attacks I jumped in the air and used my new Shockwave ability to weaken him I used my breath

On the Beast again and yes the Beast transformed into a large black cursed Beast I told the Beast to link up with the rest of my Army as he headed off I realized that although I felt like the strongest monster I was far from it I

Was going to need to get some serious upgrades if I wanted to leave this Army correctly and fast on days 11 to 12 I went inside of a cave and started to look for iron to finish my armor set I continued deeper inside and eventually found some iron once I collected it all

I smelted it and used it to create an iron set of pants and boots this should be much stronger now I made my way out of the cave and suddenly got ambushed by the strange villager Hunters I’d seen earlier Gail the Dragon for the resistance do you really think you guys

Stand a chance against me now I started to fight them with my tools until I realized oh no there’s too many of them I plot to the hunters with my cursed breath and was actually able to convert most of them to my Army one of the hunters managed to avoid the attacks and

Said stupid Dragon do you really think that bad breath of yours is helping the world I don’t care what you think you have shown people like me from this world for too long this was the right thing right all these people deserve the curse for how they treated us I need to

Find out who these people are and what exactly is going on I flew toward the witch wondering if what I did was right I returned to the witch’s Hideout still thinking about the events of the previous day who are those people Bozo so good of you to return did you

Complete the task that I had given you yes I converted the beast but there’s still something far more troubling the witch told me that she was proud but wanted to know what bothered me I told her about my encounter with these strange hunters and their accusations against us I asked if cursing everyone

Was the right thing to do of course it’s right those monsters are responsible for so many of our people including your parents my parents the witch told me the resistance haunted down my parents and ended them for being so different I was filled with so much rage where are they

They must be destroyed the witch told me that their base was a castle not far from here now go Bozo destroyed the resistance and avenge your parents I won’t fail you I flew out of the base ready to destroy everything in my path on days 15 to 16 I’m made it to the

Castle the witch mentioned as I landed inside of it the people started running around in a frenzy the course is back well doomed who are these people I needed to get some answers aren’t you guys responsible for the death of the Dragons the citizens still ran from me

And I was frustrated I managed to catch one of the citizens you you guys are the ones responsible for killing my people no we had nothing to do with The Disappearance of dragons he explained that Dragons Were sacred to their people I wasn’t sure if I believed him but he

Told me that there was an ancient library that could confirm what he was saying he also told me that there’s other information about the curse the curse I remembered all the people I’d seen screaming about the curse returning yes don’t you know how much your curse is destroying the world I flew off

Toward the library one thing’s for certain I need to know the truth I’ve been flying for a while when I spotted my Army I noticed that they had grown in size since the last time I saw it wow you guys have been busy because of my cursed breath more creatures have joined

The witch’s Army but kept spreading the curse our army would be unstoppable one of the soldiers in the Army approached me so where should we go next hmm if I took them to the library with me it would be a hassle I couldn’t just let them go around and attack more people

Until I had my answers I flew over to the Army and issued a command cursed Army returns to the Witch and await for further orders the Army obeyed me and made their way back to the Witch good I flew off from the Army and landed in

Front of the library now I can finally get some answers you there what are you doing back here and where is Bozo the dragon has ordered us to return here well he ventured elsewhere what are you up to Bozo on days 19 to 20 I made my way throughout

The library looking for answers I kept looking around and found a book it was about the witch I read the book and found out that the witch was so curious about magic and spells and decided to experiment on all the villagers some of which helped While others seemed to have

Drastic results she refused to stop her work and as her ambition grew the villagers had no choice but to banish her from the village before she left the witch vowed to curse everyone who has wronged her the book also told me that the witch continued her experiments and

Made enemies with other creatures like dragons dragons I try to read more of the book but it didn’t have any more value if she was enemies with the dragons why would she create me I knew something was off but I wasn’t sure who I could believe I had to talk to Buster

And see if he could help me I flew off back towards my base on days 21 to 23 I flew back and Buster was there waiting for me get a strange look on his face what is it do you have something to tell me yeah why are you a gun I know how

Much you like liked your armor so I gathered this from all of those boneheads over there Buster drop me the rest of the cursed armor set thank you I really appreciate what you’ve done for me he could tell that I was down and asked me what was going on I caught him

Up on the information I’d found at the library so she was expelled from the village for her less than conventional practices I don’t know what to believe I tried to warn you but you didn’t want to listen to me man and continue to say that rumors of the cursed witch had been

Heard all around the world before I even showed up it seems as though the rumors are now confirmed man how could I have been deceived by this I was tricked into spreading this Witch’s Curse and it was never about me but rather her own selfish wants I flew off to confront her

This ends now on days 24 to 26 I’ll return to the witch’s Hideout it appears as though the cursed Army was not here where could they have gone which what in the world is this curse that you’ve been spreading all over the world isn’t this curse the reason you got banished from

That Village how dare you look into my past you had no right I I have no rights you’re the one that’s been lying to me this curse isn’t helping anyone you need to stop all of this right now stop I’m just getting started the witch blasted

Me and sent me flying through the air I guess I have no choice but to take you down I blasted her with my cursed breath but it had no effect the witch laughed and it hit me with the stronger spell ah she’s so strong you foolish Dragon no

One will stop me from cursing this world not even you I needed to escape I used the rest of my strength and flew away before she could deal any more damage to me I couldn’t fly anymore and crash landed into the ground I felt so weak oh

Never win as long as my son exists I have a plan for that Dad come Dragon I have big plans for you on days 27 to 29 I woke up and realized that witch was responsible all along for the death of my family I noticed that in

My fight I lost some of my heart I only have 10 now I doomed the World by spreading this curse and strengthening all of her powers what had I done there were screams in the distance and I rushed towards them I came across a large Village that was under attack from

My cursed Army I commanded the Army to stand down and stop attacking it they looked at me and refuse to listen I noticed they were turning all the villagers into cursed skeletons I landed and tried to defend the villagers using my abilities I’ve realized not only had

The witch taken away some of my hearts but also I didn’t have any of my cursed Powers now I had to fight the army using my weapons but they were not very effective I flew into the air and spotted skeleton villagers why are you helping us I told them I’d seen the

Errors in my way and wanted to help him out I asked the Villager to follow me back to my base and he would be safe the Villager agreed and hopped on my back as we flew off I returned to base with the Villager and noticed that something

Looked different there was a group of skeleton cows here a sir approached me and said they had wandered by while we were gone and he built them a place to stay I thanked them for giving the creature shelter and told them that we had more work to do we got to work

Building a place for the Villager to stay in he was grateful for me Sheltering him at my base once we finished building I started to talk to Buster about what could be done to fight back against the curse he told me in the past there was a resistance that formed

Together to defeat it last time I heard they had some kind of like headquarters but these are just rumors dude I don’t know if that Trope without any other leads this seemed like my best bet to set things straight I headed off toward the old headquarters

Right from the Ash and be born again Villa there is a dragon I want you to kill on days 33 to 35 I was traveling toward the location of the old resistance headquarters when I came to a thick forest I began to travel on foot to make

It easier to spot anything but all of a sudden I started to hear rustling in the trees nearby time for you to be ended Dragon I was surrounded by I had seen these people before wait stop I told the resistance members that I wanted to help I was tricked by the

Witch and need to make things right the resistance members told me that they didn’t believe me but noticed I was Far weaker they decided to take me to their leader they led me to a massive base with a large interior standing before me was the leader of the resistance who

Introduced himself as Marky I told him I wanted to help and defeat the witch she killed my family if what you’re saying is true I won’t give you a chance to prove yourself through actions he told me that when they had defeated the witch in the past she was not nearly as

Powerful as I made her now there has to be something that we can do I refuse to believe that what I’d done was irreversible there is something you can do for us go and retrieve our magical scroll Marquee explained to me where I could find the temple containing one of

The most powerful pieces of magic that had ever been created I thanked him for the opportunity and had added off on days 36-38 as I made my way towards the temple I heard something calling my name what what was that I landed and spotted a giant monstrous looking creature

Which she must have summoned him here just like me the demon told me that he was on a mission to destroy me and continue to spread the curse the monster immediately attacked and tried to bite me I tried to fight back against him but I dealt no damage I realize my cursed

Tools seem to have no effect on him he attacked me again and I noticed that I was taking even more damage as well I was down to one heart and knew I wouldn’t last any longer so I had no choice but to fly off and Escape run away all you want soon you

More demise man I need to get some new gear if I want to survive in this cursed world I made it away from the creature and landed near a cave I knew I was going to need to get rid of these crushed tools if I wanted to fight back

I used the tools to gather iron and created a set of iron tools afterwards I created a chest plate and tried to equip it to my surprise I wasn’t able to put it on what’s going on I tried to take my cursed armor off but it seemed to be

Bound to me great I’m stuck with this stuff now I couldn’t think about it I had a mission to complete I made my way to the Ancient Temple Marky had told me about once I entered I wasn’t trapped in a magical Cage The Curse shall never be able to enter

Ouch what was that I realized I was starting to get hurt what was this place the voice spoke again prove your worth I was starting to rapidly lose Hearts I didn’t have much time I spoke to the voice and I told them I now know how

Wrong I was to spread the Witch’s Curse as I finished speaking the cage vanished and turned around to see a pedestal with a strange item on top of it I collected it and yes it was exactly what I was looking for I headed off from the temple

On days 42-44 I returned to base and found Buster I showed him the scroll and told them about the power of it the rat and I went to the cow pens and I used it on the skeletal cows immediately the cows turned back to normal it works it really works we

Walked around the base and we both discussed the possibility that this scroll could restore everyone that’s been cursed why don’t we try using it on one of those Villages huh that’s a great idea we visited the cursed villager and I tried to use a scroll on him sadly it

Didn’t cure him and I felt bummed out about it the rad told me not to worry because there’s still hope thanks to this cloth I knew he was right but I was still upset that I couldn’t save everyone right now the Villager approached me and said I really am

Missing my family I felt this pain I was missing the family the witch had taken away from me too I told him to come with me and I would look for them with him they flew off together on days 45 to 47 the Villager and I flew across the land

And eventually came across another Village he told me that despite the curse he hoped this family still lived here we searched the village and were able to find them the village ran towards his family and I can tell that they missed each other as I watched the

Family I really started to grow sad thinking about my own how many families had I separated by spreading this curse I knew what I had to do I needed to remove this curse from the world to protect families like theirs I told the family to return to my base it was safer

There after I watched them leave I flew over to meet with Marky to show him I’d proven myself and obtained the scroll I showed him the scroll and he was impressed to see that I was able to beat the protectors he was starting to come around hmm I don’t know much about

Dragons but I do know someone who does I knew we had to work faster though so I asked him if he knew any way I could cure myself of the curse and restore more people Marky dropped me a map and told me hopefully I could find the

Answers I’m looking for there I thank them for helping me no thank you foso we can’t do this without you I flew off following the map while I was I heard screams of villagers I noticed that there was a huge Army of Are Soldiers being led by the witch they were

Attacking a city I told her she was wrong and I had to find a way to stop her now you do know that scroll isn’t going to do anything how did she know about the scroll she told me that she already knew about my plants and that

They were futile it’s too late Bozo soon this world will be completely cursed if you think I’m gonna let you have your way then you’ve got another thing the witch immediately shot me with the spell she was getting stronger and I had to leave now you won’t get away with this I already

Have the witch will be pleased on days 51 of 53 I arrived at the location that the map had directed me to it was a massive Temple what did Marky want me to find here I headed inside but the place looked totally abandoned is anyone here

Another Dragon I turned around to see a large Dragon standing behind me who are you my name is Alden I feared I was the last of our kind long ago the witch hunted us down dragons hold the balance of this world and she feared we would be

Able to stop her curse I told them how she tricked me but I was working for the resistance and wanted to help I already had the scroll but it wasn’t effective I needed more Alden told me that some of the ancient dragons that lived before this time had left scales from

Themselves around the world maybe with those you can restore your breath and verse the curse that is on you reverse my own curse I want nothing more than to bring everyone back to the way it was I thanked him and left I started my journey to find the first dragon scale

And notice that more of the curse was spreading throughout the land I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop this before it takes over the world but I must have hope everyone is counting on me I continued flying and saw that a village was being attacked by The Witch’s cursed

Army I wish I never created this I flew down and protected the villagers from being cursed it was clear my iron sword was much more effective on them than my cursed weapon was once I was able to defeat them all the villagers gathered and looked at me oh no are they going to

Attack the villagers approached me and thanked me for saving them I was shocked but appreciated them thank you you once evil but no good Dragon I told them to stay safe and flew off you know it felt good to not be seen as a monster monster I finally arrived at the desert temple

And began my search for the scale on days 57-59 I entered the desert temple and began to look for anything that could resemble a dragon scale there were strange Spirits haunting the temple are these part of the witch’s Army what are they doing here the spirits Rush at me

And began to attack I try to calm them but they wouldn’t listen I had no choice but to fight them off they didn’t pack too much of a punch but in numbers they were strong eventually I was able to defeat all of them and continue to

Search the temple I moved through it and came across a room with what looked like a dragon scale in the center I quickly grabbed it and the scale combined if I scroll it felt like a surge of power and wow I have 15 hearts I noticed my boots

Had changed as well they were no longer cursed I tried my dragon breath yes I had a new one this one was green and it felt more full of life maybe with this I can reverse more of the curse on days 60 to 62 I return to the base and notice

The Villager and his family were here I tested out my new breath and was able to lift the curse from them turning them back into regular villagers thank you so much I told them that they can return to their Village but they’ve refused they wanted to stay with me I decided to use

Some of the material I had to expand the villager’s house and give his family enough space I was still in the building mood so I spent some time making upgrades to my house as well as the farm we were definitely going to need the extra food with them around hey Alfonso

What’s with all the commotion huh I told them that I invited the villagers to come join us here if they wanted to stay away from the curse the rat didn’t seem too happy about that I asked him what was wrong he told me that with more

People coming to base he felt like I would forget about him I told him not to ever think like that because I would never forget him he was my best friend in this cursed World ah yeah yeah thanks Bozo I really appreciate that suddenly a member of the resistance arrived at my

Base frozo we need your help he then died and I knew they were in trouble I rushed back to the resistance headquarters on days 63-65 I made it to marky’s Castle and the place was completely destroyed I flew around and all I can see was destruction and fire I

Finally spotted Marky and flew down to him what happened the witch she found our location and destroyed our entire operation he told me that he was surprised because the witch wasn’t this powerful before this isn’t good if this keeps up the witch will be unstoppable you’re our only hope Bozo we must work

Faster before it is too late I told them to send any survivors to my base if this location was compromised they would be safer there Marky told me where I could possibly find the next dragon scale he knew one of the ancient dragons made her home at an ice temple I thanked Marky

And told him to be careful I flew away from the castle and headed for the temple I flew up the mountains and felt something familiar about this place what was it I landed and Found A Dragon’s Nest but it was destroyed I’ve walked around the nest and I extinctively knew

What this place was was this my your home I turned around and the witch was right behind me she told me that she knew that I’d find my way here eventually what are you doing here come to destroy more families well today cause I’m stopping you oh Bozo nothing

Will have any effect on what has been done not even Dragon magic no I don’t believe you no matter what you do the curse will not be undone you have already lost and you don’t even know I immediately attacked the witch of my new dragon breath but

She dodged my attack I won’t let you destroy anyone else’s home like mine you took everything from me the witch laughed and began to fight back against me I can tell her power had increased since we thought last I knew if I continued fighting all of what we were

Working for could be lost I’ve realized that the best thing I could do was flee I flew out it made my way towards the temple next time you won’t be so lucky witch on days 69-71 I arrived at the ice temple Marky had told me about I made my

Way inside and began to look for the dragon scale it didn’t take long before I’d found it yes I rushed up to collect it and it combined with the other and the scroll I felt a surge of power and my cursed chest plate was replaced with

A new one I also noticed that I had 20 Hearts this seemed too easy like something else had to be waiting for me I should have expected you were here he rushed at me and we started a fight I threw everything I had it hitting My Breath of Life

I was close to taking him down for good but then left the temple what was that where is he going with it I try to rush after him but he was gone I thought I finally had him ah no matter I headed off to test my new upgrades now that I

To the scales I wanted to test my breath on some of the cursed mobs I noticed a village that was completely cursed the village is full of skeleton villagers I use my breath on them but nothing happened come on this has to work I have to save everyone this time I gather up

All the strength and use my breath on the entire Village the villagers and the village started to turn back to normal the curse was gone the villagers surrounded me and thanked me thank you scary dragon you’re not a bad guy guys he’s not a bad guy it felt great to be

Appreciated For My Good Deeds I needed to tell Buster the good news so I flew back towards my base Go destroy Bozo yes as you wish on day 75 to 77 I return to my base and notice that the resistance had arrived Buster told me while I was gone they showed up

They immediately started to construct houses for themselves as well as help the villagers with their homes you know you’re kind of a hero foso word of you is started to spread around the world and everyone is motivated everywhere I asked him what he meant and he told me

That more and more villagers were starting to believe the curse could be lifted that’s a excellent news but how do you feel I don’t know to be honest with you I’m still mad at them for how they treated me always making me feel like an outcast and all hey look around

At everyone here Things Are Gonna Change how much a few simple acts of hospitality brought joy to all these people we just gotta keep it up yeah yeah you might be right fozzo but he was interrupted by Marquee running over to us the witch’s creation is terrorizing a

Nearby City you have to save those people I told Buster our conversation could wait and rushed off to save them on days 78 to 80. I confronted the T-Rex demon in the city your reign of terror ends now Zilla you fool I’m nothing more than a pawn in

All of this the monster told me that soon the witch will reach her final form and there’s nothing I could do to stop her yeah we’ll see about that our fight began and Zilla charged at me to go in for a bite I immediately dodged his

Attack and knocked him back I was much stronger than I was before so I knew that I could beat him but it just that easy Zilla tried to curse me and I lost five of my heart I blew my purifying breath and greatly injured him you will never win foso you’ve already

Lost I shot my breath on him again and finally defeated the T-Rex demon good now I needed to go and find the witch Now this world will finally be cursed on days 81-85 I arrived at the witch’s Lair and began his church around for her where could she possibly be as I looked around the base I started to search through her chest and to my surprise she had a dragon scale as I grabbed the

Scale and combined with the others and suddenly I gained another five hearts and my pants converted too how did she get this it was your father’s I took it from him when I defeated him you’re a monster I will never let you get away

With any of this and now that I have all my scales I’m going to stop you you’re too late I have everything I need to reach my final form nothing you do now even matters she began to fight against me I had everything I needed and knew

There was no way I would stand a chance against her now I rushed away from her and headed somewhere that I hoped she wouldn’t I flew away from the Witch and landed on the mountains where I used to live oh I started a wonder I had all the

Scales why am I not a regular Dragon again I try to use my breath on myself but it had no effect how come I just can’t break my own curse had all of it’s just been a waste of time instead of defeating the witch I let her become so

Powerful to the point where now I can’t stop her I heard a strange noise and saw a flash of light suddenly my father was standing before me your heart son that is what makes a dragon what we are my father told me that the witch had taken

My heart to create the curse that was on me and if I wanted to return I’ll need a new heart but if Dad how will I be able to bring you back as well though I need your help to defeat her there is no way

To bring us back son we are already gone but you can still save the world my father told me to head back to my base someone was waiting for me before I could say any more he vanished wait no dad oh man I hope that he knew what he

Was talking about I headed off towards my base on days of 91 and 94 I returned and saw everyone gathered around I looked and saw Alden had arrived at my base Alden I thought you were too weak to travel I could sense the world needed

Me to do so he continued to say that although I cannot bring my family back I can use his heart with my heart you will be able to save the world you just need to believe in yourself the old Dragon said he had lived in fear for too long

And wanted to make things right Alden passed away and dropped his heart in front of me no I was stunned but I knew he believed it was right I collected the heart and I felt so strong and powerful in a flash of Light My Curse was lifted

And I returned to a normal Dragon I noticed that I had 30 hearts and all my cursed armor had been converted I was cured Marky and Buster approached me and we began to formulate a plan to fight back against the witch if I was able to restore more of the world it might

Weaken her enough and give me a fighting chance to defeat her good luck foso be careful buddy alive all right I will Buster I Will on Days 95 to 99 I left the base and began to travel from Village to Village lifting the curse from each area I made sure I went far

And wide to reach as many villages as I could as I left villagers cheered for me calling me their savior it felt great to lift the curse and restore things the way they should be but all of a sudden as I was looking for more Villages I

Spotted the witch’s Army moving and it was far larger than I’d ever remembered I began to fly over the Army and fight back against them as I used my breath I noticed that many of them were changing back the cured people began to fight

Back with me and I told them to let me restore everyone with one large breath I was able to convert everyone back to normal one of the resistance members approached me and told me that I needed to end the witch now before she was able to create another cursed Army you’re

Right I’m running out of time before the witch uses her abilities to curse everyone I need to stop her now it was day 100 it as I arrived at the witch’s base I spotted her and noticed that she seemed weaker than when I last saw her

It’s over you have lost I have already defeated your army and I’m gonna defeat you too if I have to I Will Never Surrender Bozo I created you and I will take you out now if I must this world will be my cursed dream never she shot a

Large spell at me and I nearly dodged it before rushing at her with my own attacks as I hit her with my dragon breath I noticed that she was growing smaller and smaller this must be the secret to defeating her this cannot be you cannot win I’m fighting for more

Than just my own selfish purposes which but you wouldn’t know what that’s like I kept attacking her and can tell that she was growing more and more frustrated Bozo now is your chance she’s weaker than she has been I could hear my dad’s voice guiding me through the battle and

Saw her growing smaller once again I told her to give up because there was no use anymore I will curse you so I use my dragon breath one more time on her and tuck her down for good the curse had been lifted across the world and now it

Was time for a new beginning

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a CURSED DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2022-12-17 15:00:34. It has garnered 2202693 views and 28360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:02 or 2282 seconds.

Thanks for watching: I Survived 100 Days as a CURSED DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft

Today I spawned into Minecraft as a Cursed Dragon! I had to curse all of Minecraft and create my own army! Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!

  • Vocoded Aria Math: Minecraft Animation Reaction

    Vocoded Aria Math: Minecraft Animation Reaction In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, CaseOh brings laughter, a content creator’s dream. Reacting to animations, vocoded with glee, To Aria Math’s beat, setting the mood free. With a grin and a spin, CaseOh takes the stage, Crafting reactions that ignite the gaming rage. Each update, each meme, all delivered in rhyme, Keeping the audience engaged, every single time. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For CaseOh’s presence is felt, a true work of art. In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sings, CaseOh’s rhymes and reactions, true gaming kings. Read More

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  • Escaping City Due to Bad Effects! 😱

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  • Crafty Eats and Board Retreats: Minecraft’s Red Umbrella Treats

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Finger Test

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  • Shrinking Myself in Minecraft 1.21!

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  • Ultimate Guide: Super Hero Mod in Minecraft PE

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  • Crafting a Blender in Minecraft

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Spin-offs’ Scary Link

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  • Minecraft Type Beat 2024 – FREE Chill Instrumental!

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  • FairCraft Network

    FairCraft NetworkPrisionOp es un modo de juego dentro del servidor de Faircraft donde engloba todos los ámbitos del Minecraft; Minar, Combatir en PvP, Farmear, Evolucionar y sobre todo personalizarlo a tu gusto. Encontramos en este un principio duro, donde a base de minar en las minas que ofrece el servidor se logra avanzar y evolucionar las estadísticas del jugador. ¡Gracias a las Crates podremos avanzar más rápido, subiendo de nivel y de prestigio para farmear cada vez más deprisa y con más dinero! El servidor ofrece un amplio sector de minas gratuitas de Rankups (Niveles de minado) / Prestigio (Veces completado… Read More

  • Allies And Axis – pvp factions

    Welcome to NEXUS Server! NEXUS is a Nation/Building/Military server with a dedicated community and open server 24/7. Our server offers endless opportunities and goals for players looking to become important figures. Started in 2016 and rebranded in 2024, we have a variety of mods to enhance gameplay. Features: Lots of mods to play with Helpful staff (Except Dave) Many nations to choose from Mods Include: create guns Valrkies sky mod furniture We are mainly looking for: Builders (modern/town/city/military) Military (navy/air force/ground forces) Government positions United Nations roles If you’re interested in joining, DM me on Discord! I am in EST… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bread, the ultimate Minecraft dilemma

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  • Subscribe and Like, I’ll Fetch as a Dog! #shorts

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  • Spicy Ohio Minecraft Shenanigans

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  • Blue Axolotl Hunt: Hardcore Minecraft S07 E39

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  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge: Trapped in a Box with a Creeper!” #gaming

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  • Zukekito vs Creeper: Epic Showdown

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  • Insane Loot: Opening 1 Million Cash in Crates! uArch F. Vanguard #02

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    NEWBIE ASSASSIN EXPLORES MINECRAFT! DAY 8Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – FIRST TIME PLAYING MINECRAFT | NEW JOURNEY IN A NEW WORLD | DAY 8’, was uploaded by DNAssassin on 2024-01-13 10:50:10. It has garnered 68 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:26:28 or 15988 seconds. আমাদের DISCORD Server Ready! Join Everyone! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/Mfjd3hyG Facebook Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/DNAssassin Twitch Channel Link: https://www.twitch.tv/dnassassin71 Welcome Everyone!! Thanks for tuning in!!! Streamer info- Name: DNA Country: Bangladesh PC Specs- CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 Motherboard: B450m Mortar Max GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 Super RAM: 16 GB Corsair Vengeance Monitor: Asus VP228HE Don’t… Read More

  • DAN in The Nether – Epic Minecraft Mobile Gameplay!

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  • Insane Drag Clicking in Bedwars PVP

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  • Shocking Reaction: Moona Drops Out & Pekora Becomes BFF with Kaela! 🤯

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  • Unbelievable! ImFaze Wins with Titanium Dice!

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  • Mind-blowing reaction to Master Zero’s “Walkman”!

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  • VanillaBox SMP Survival

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  • Hotdog Water – Hardcore Vanilla Semi-Anarchy – Voted World Resets

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  • Gaming is for Everyone

    Gaming is for EveryoneHave you ever been gaming and you feel excluded due to the bigotry of others in the community? Well look no further because here at Gaming is for Everyone we are inclusive to everyone and don’t tolerate any hate speech towards anyone. This is our vanilla survival java server, you’re able to join by being a part of the discord and reading the rules before you get the permissions to be able to play with us. If there’s no staff on, just contact us in the mc-general channel. Read More

  • -6679 IQ: The Hottest Minecraft Meme! 🔥

    -6679 IQ: The Hottest Minecraft Meme! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, you know you’re operating at -6679 IQ levels. #minecraftfail 😂🔥 Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Crafting Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Crafting Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube tutorial on how to build bar stools in Minecraft. The creativity and attention to detail in this video are truly inspiring, showcasing the endless possibilities that this game has to offer. But why stop at just watching tutorials? Imagine being able to put your newfound skills to the test in a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated player base, Minewind offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Train Station Build

    Ultimate Mod Train Station Build Building a Create Mod Train Station in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, building intricate structures is a beloved pastime for many players. In a recent video, @polartt and Uberswe collaborated to construct a stunning Create mod train station. Let’s delve into the details of this creative endeavor and explore the diverse range of train station builds submitted by the community. Collaborative Creation Process The video showcases the step-by-step process of constructing a Create mod train station in Minecraft version 1.20.1. With the assistance of @polartt, Uberswe adds the final touches to the station, highlighting the collaborative nature of… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacker On One Block Challenge!

    Insane Minecraft Hacker On One Block Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED On A HACKER ONLY ONE BLOCK In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by AndyCraft on 2024-03-25 01:00:04. It has garnered 220083 views and 3459 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:00 or 780 seconds. Today I trapped my friends on a hacker only one block in minecraft, watch until the end to see what happens! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Spawn! Hardcore #9.1

    Ultimate Minecraft Spawn! Hardcore #9.1Video Information This video, titled ‘The best Spawn ever? | Minecraft: Hardcore #9.1’, was uploaded by EinfachLiam on 2024-06-22 11:30:09. It has garnered 533 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:51 or 2691 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft Playthrough where i play only “Hardcore”! On today Episode, i start a new World and immediatly get very lucky with a ton of good Structures and Ores around for me to do with as i please! A Hat in Time: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAAFvYZRd712vPlcpbhZICLDXmZaHFq7F Half Life 2: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAAFvYZRd710xU1Kl_815qJHoiTkCtg_E Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT ACHIEVEMENT CHALLENGE in Hindi!Video Information This video, titled ‘COMPLETING EVERY ACHIEVEMENT in Minecraft Hardcore (Hindi)’, was uploaded by ESTEEM PLAYS on 2024-07-14 02:30:07. It has garnered 88 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:30 or 1830 seconds. In This Video, I am Going to Complete Every ACHIEVEMENT in Minecraft Hardcore in Hindi This Video Took me more then 20 Hours to make (not including editing) so make sure u subscribe and like this video 🙂 Follow My Socials- Discord – https://discord.com/invite/SVU4rkRzFy Instagram – Twitter – All The Music Used in This Video Owned by Their Respective Owners and we… Read More

  • Insane Monday Reactor Tutorial! (Minecraft 1.20.1)

    Insane Monday Reactor Tutorial! (Minecraft 1.20.1)Video Information This video, titled ‘How to: Extreme Reactors | Your First Reactor (Minecraft 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by Mondays on 2024-04-14 22:00:25. It has garnered 7306 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:56 or 1496 seconds. Welcome to the ExtremeReactors Mod! This video will show your first steps to becoming a mad nuclear physicist and generating tonnes of power with reactors! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Let’s Reach A New Goal: ||||||||||||||. 46% …………… 11.5K/25K Latest Subscriber: Ender darkness ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ See the Extreme Reactors Playlist here: https://bit.ly/ExtremeReactors Get the mods here: Extreme Reactors – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/extreme-reactors Mods Created by: ZeroNoRyouki Support… Read More

  • EXPLOSIVE Minecraft server gameplay footage!

    EXPLOSIVE Minecraft server gameplay footage!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft games on the server’, was uploaded by Minecraft1vibe on 2024-01-15 10:02:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • EPIC TacoCat Saves Timegates in Minecraft Hardcore

    EPIC TacoCat Saves Timegates in Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE TIMEGATES REPAIR: MINECRAFT HARDCORE #121.5’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-06-21 20:45:04. It has garnered 45 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:32 or 9692 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft #pokemon #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #pokemonswordshield #minecraft15years Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – https://pee-sheep.fandom.com/wiki/Pee_Sheep_Wiki Read More

I Survived 100 Days as a CURSED DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft