I Survived 100 Days as a DEMON COBRA in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

On day one I spawned into The Nether as a baby demon Cobra I was sitting on a throne where all the demon Cobra people had gathered to watch my coronation suddenly a portal opened at the end of the chamber and a massive Angelic Godly serpent emerged your demonic rain ends

Here an army of angelic soldiers appeared in the portal and The Godly Serpent and his men began to slay the civilians in the crowd left and right the serpent had the ability to fly and shower deadly projectiles of light down onto me and my people his powerful projectiles in combination with his men

Were devastating and made my people drop like flies within the chaos only one thought came to my mind I need to find my dad I searched through the fight for my father only to find The Godly serpent already looming over him he shot down a flowing projectile into my dad and

Killed him in a single strike Dad no The Godly serpent spotted me and he casted a mysterious spell of light that caused a strange item to appear in my inventory you now possess the Hunter’s mug no matter where you run I will always fine The Godly serpent sent his army at me

And I had no choice but to run away on day two I was being pursued by The Godly Serpent’s men I tried to find a place to hide but around every corner one of the Warriors was already waiting for me because of the Hunter’s Mark they knew

My every move hi gotta get rid of this thing I tried to throw the mark away but it reappeared in my inventory I was forced to keep running with it for now I did my best to avoid their attacks of light but one managed to hit me leaving

Me with low Health another hit like that and I’m finished I continue to run when I was cornered by a pool of lava I was a demon but I wasn’t sure if lava would hurt me I have to take a leap of I dove into the lava and to my surprise

I had fire resistance I couldn’t relax though the army of angels continued to shoot their powerful abilities into the lava below I swam beneath the molten liquid and tried to evade each strike from the soldiers but I could only hold my breath for so long I swam away until

I nearly escaped into a cavern are they still following me just then I heard heavy footsteps approaching me from behind I turned around and realized The Godly Serpent’s pad was looming over me hungry for a cobra meal on day three I was being attacked by godrius The Godly Serpent’s companion

The horrific Beast was armed with an ax forged by the gods he threw it at me dealing extreme amounts of damage each time it hit me I tried to dodge and wave his attacks but the ax alone was twice my size Not only was his weapon powerful

But his body was imbued with godly power he ran at me with great speed and struck me with his boulder-like blocks every one of his attacks felt like they kept getting more powerful and he seemed Untouchable that’s it now I’m the demon Cobra I realized I had the

Ability to shoot shadowy slashes through the air my demonic energy cut through space and slice in my foe giving me an upper hand I also had the power to summon demonic chains that Rose from the floor and dragged my enemy to the ground I used these powers to the best of my

Ability but I was still just a baby demon Cobra godrey is his armor of light shielded him from my demonic powers and I was running out of energy to continue the fight despite my efforts the Beast was too powerful I didn’t stand a chance I gotta run I Rush deeper into the

Cavern and just as I thought I was mad with another dead end I spotted a small passageway in the wall I use my small signs to Slither through and narrowly escaped the monster’s attack when I arrived on the other side I found myself at an altar that housed a mysterious gem

What’s that suck right there the champ will destroy you out of nowhere an old skeleton wizard walked in front of me what do you mean there are six Mythic gems that hold tremendous power but each one is cursed it is up text Travelers did you say power I want

It I quickly unleash my demonic power onto the pathetic wizard he didn’t stand a chance and fell to my strength fall to the might of the demon cobra with the wizard out of my way I approached the Altar and claim my prize however just as he had warned the curse took effect and

Began to drain my health away I clung onto the gym I needed this power to survive I didn’t think I was gonna make it but I managed to live with half a heart if each gem is like this I have to be careful suddenly I felt a huge surge

Of power shoot through my body my fangs glistened with a new Venom and my demon powers felt stronger I grew three times in size and was now an adult demon cobra with 10 hearts I feel incredible just then the room trembled and one of the walls collapsed

Before me The Godly Serpent’s men had found me on days four through seven I classed with The Godly Serpent’s men little did they know I had new tricks up my sleeve thanks to the power of the first gem I was now able to use my venomous fangs to inflict poison damage

And weaken my foes my demonic Powers were stronger and cut through the Angel’s armor like it was nothing although my attacks landed a heavy hit on the Warriors my larger body made me an easier Target I couldn’t let my guard down otherwise I would have been cooked

By their Angelic powers of light it was a struggle but I managed to overcome the Swarm if one gem makes me this strong I wonder what the other five will be like I didn’t get a chance to breathe as a new powerful Warrior lunged towards me your life

The warrior was able to Lunge and slash me with his sharp swords I tried to retaliate with my demonic powers and I was able to knock him back but he’s still charging me it was no use even with the might of the first gem I was

Too weak I dove back into the lava pool and swam for my life portal I didn’t know what was on the other side but I didn’t have time to think I jumped through Embrace myself when I arrived on the other side I found myself inside of a skeletal cave

Surrounded by a horde of skeletons who are you leave at once I am the demon Cobra and you will obey me one of the skeletons tried to hit me with an arrow but I easily dodged it and retaliated with my demonic power I see now you hold

Great strength please allow us to serve you suddenly the Archangel emerged from the nether portal ready to end me I found you on days eight through ten I braced myself for death when suddenly the skeleton leader shouted out defend our new king arrows flew down onto the warrior of

Life he may have had the upper hand on me alone but thanks to my new Army of skeletons he was overwhelmed mock my worst I will find you again you cannot escape the mark the angel retreated leaving me alone with my Army it’s not

Safe here we need to build a base I left the area to find a secret location for my new home a cave in the Badlands was sure to be a safe place to call home for a while I started by digging up the cave to make plenty of room for my new burrow

I planned on going big to match the castle I was born in at the bottom of the cavern I built the Center building for what would soon be my new demonic Fortress complete with a lava moat it looks great now but it’s far from done next I added an area for the skeleton

Army to arrest him I made sure it was constructed a bone so they would feel at home once my base had a nice start one of the skeletons called out to us there’s something flying overhead did they find me we all took cover as The Godly serpent flew by thanks to the

Cover of our new base he didn’t notice me they’re hunting me in the Overworld too I could never let my guard down just then I spotted a mysterious map on the ground Angel base The Godly serpent must have dropped this I better see if there are any clues there on days 11 through

14 I arrived at the Angelic base to find that it was Flying high in the sky if only I had wings I’m sure that place has all kinds of valuable Intel just then it’s part of one of The Godly serpents men flying down to the ground he didn’t

Seem to notice me and started to walk the other way now’s my chance I followed behind him but suddenly the ground caved in beneath me he led me right into a trap foreign cell next to a small Moss creature oh good you’re awake my name is gero not

That it matters the Archangel is already on his way like clockwork I spotted something out of the corner of my eye the Archangel was flying down the hall towards ourselves we have to act quick I scanned the room and saw that a guard was blocking our only exit can demons

Possess people I it’s worth a shot I focus on the guard as hard as I could and managed to take control of his body ah can’t hold this for long I open the prison cell but the possession was too much for me to control I returned to my

Body just as the Archangel arrived run on days 15 through 17 Garo and I were in the middle of a jailbreak with the Archangel close behind us he was too powerful for us to take on in a fight but we couldn’t run much longer this way

I know someone who can help I followed Garo and he led us into a lush cave with a tribe full of mobs just like him as the Archangel entered the tribal grounds their defenses kicked into action George an army of Mossy crabs commanded by the tribe leader ran into The Fray

The Light Warrior and the people of the tribe battled it out the horde of Mossy crabs dug into the warrior with their claws all the while the tribe leader commanded them from the sidelines and dealt massive damage to the Archangel every chance he had despite the protection of their Stone

Shells the Light Warrior slashed with their defenses bit by bit he was so powerful that it was still anyone’s game I watched nervously as the two sides fought but after a lot of back and forth the tribe managed to fend off the warrior for now the Archangel flew away

Vowing that he would return stronger than before after the fight the massive tribe leader approached me I sense the power of the cursed gem who are you I’m Max what do you know about the gems or try possesses one but the curse it holds has already taken a number of lives turn

Back while you still can I’m not leaving without it you should have listened to my warnings the tribe leader landed a heavy hit on Me Knocking me out cold on days 18-21 I woke up on a platform hanging over a pit of water all around me was an audience of Mossy Mobs with

The tribe leader on a throne what’s going on whoa I better watch my step purified water is fatal for demons welcome to the cursed trial only those who complete the challenge May attend to claim the cursed gem a challenge Bring It On defeat the taloc and you’ll win

Suddenly a massive mecha-like Beast fell into the platform in front of me the monster charged me and sent me flying backwards I managed to barely stop myself at the edge and nearly fell off the platform I have to be careful I gathered my courage and engaged the monster in

Combat my opponent was twice my size but I wasn’t going down without a fight I used my demonic powers to spawn chains and pin him down but with his massive size he was able to break free from them easily he started to smack the ground and summon two of his green goons to

Take me out I wasn’t gonna let that happen I slithered around the platform to make me a harder Target to hit despite his goons making this battle more challenging I was able to take them out quickly the battle left me with low Health but I slayed the Beast once and

For all the cursed Gem and his pedestal appeared before me as the crowd went wild now you must understand the curse of the gem if you are worthy you will be allowed to claim it oh no I may not have enough Health left to withstand the

Curse on on days 22-25 I was forced to grab the cursed gem with low Health just like before my health bar began to deplete but this time it looked like it would be fatal I’m not gonna make it no Max suddenly Garo emerged from the audience and threw a splash potion of

Healing at me the potion took effect immediately and I was able to claim the gem its power overtook my body causing me to sprout wings and grow bigger than before I now had 20 hearts and the ability to fly who interfered with the ritual they shall be executed I couldn’t

Let the tribe soldiers hurt Garo I’m coming for you I took to the sky and scooped him away from the angry mob don’t let them escape on days 26-28 I was being chased by the angry tribesmen I was too weak from the battle to fight

Them off but I had another trick up my sleeve I flew Garo and I back to the base where my skeleton army stood waiting get the men the skeletons readied their weapons and shot down the enemies one by one the battle was fierce and even my Army’s numbers were

Beginning to thin luckily they managed to overcome the threat and the tribe retreated great job thank you sir but the base has taken heavy damage The Godly serpent can strike at any moment so we must reinforce quickly I listen to my Army and the gandad reinforcements to

My base I started to pave the stone walls and my burrow to look a lot more like the nether my demon Castle was starting to feel much more like home next I built some beams to support my cave roof I wasn’t gonna let an attack

On my base leave me in my Army caved in lastly I added a gate and a guard posted my base so that my Army could better keep watching the play plays while I was gone once I had strengthened my defenses I built the pen to hold cows and sheep

For consistent source of mate finally I built a new room for Garo to call his own complete with azalea bushes glowberry Vines and all the Moss he could want thanks for all your help I’m happy we shared the same prison cell garo’s words reminded me of the Angelic

Base I was seeking and now I adjust the tool I needed to get inside time to put these Wings to use on days 29-32 I flew up towards the Angelic base to find that it was crawling with soldiers I can’t fly straight in my Mark will give me

Away I have to make a diversion I return to the ground and got to work on creating a summoning Circle I plan to summon another demon to help distract the enemies once everything was set up I chanted some Mystic words in a fiery Inferno a massive demon summoned before

Me welcome to the Overworld I need you to distract those angels my plan backfired and my new demon Ally turned on me he charging me ready for battle the demon started by overwhelming me with this huge body I bit him with my venomous fangs but it didn’t seem to

Affect the demon at all I summoned my dark change from the ground and tried to send him back to the underworld but his strength was too powerful to slow him down I was getting overwhelmed by his unbelievable defenses but things were about to get worse out of nowhere the

Demon summoned green meteors from the sky that tore into me for massive damage along with the Rock’s massive demonic Golems joined The Fray one demon was enough of a problem but now I was against an army I fought them off to the best of my abilities using my wings who

Evade attacks from the sky above the battle was tense but I suddenly spotted The Godly Serpent and his men coming straight towards us uh-oh I gotta get out of here I fled before the troops could catch me and left them to deal with the demon that won’t hold them for

Long I better make this quick on days 33-35 I’ve learned the Angelic base in search for Clues I tried to make the visit short since an angel guard could sense my market any moment I searched through the courtyard until I found a note sitting on the ground the demon

Cobra is after the curse jumps secure the gem located within the tundra before he can get it looks like I know where to look next just then I heard someone approaching me and I quickly took cover to my dismay the Archangel from a few days prior entered the area I know

You’re around here somewhere this guy was bad news so I tried my best to say as quiet as I could unfortunately my allergy to the purified water caused me to sneeze there you are my cover was blown so I took to the skies and the warrior flew

After the warrior attacked me with his incredible Powers he was a skilled flyer and was able to charge at me with lightning speed I had only just gotten my wings so it was almost impossible to keep up even so I held on and retaliated with my demonic Powers I tried to chain

Him down and deal some good hits with my demonic slashes the archangel’s armor held strong as he took everything that he dealt in me thanks to the power of the second gem I was able to take more hits than before but the warrior of light was still the toughest opponent I faced

A chance I kept up the struggle but a slice from the warrior sword clipped my wing causing me to fall from the sky the Archangel flew away expecting me not to make it from the fall on days 36-39 I was Falling Towards the ground I smashed

Into the surface causing me to black out I was inside of a strange dream world where my dad stood before me dad is that you you are doing well my son once you retrieve all six gems you will surpass even my power that is why you must have

This my dad handed me a mysterious egg what is this take good care of it and raise it just as I raised you Max crowned with only have a heart of Health remaining and in front of me was the very same egg for my vision whoa I was

About to claim my father’s gift when out of nowhere a giant red bird snatched it and ran away mine on days 40 through 43 I chase after the egg Thief I was about to catch up when suddenly I turned a corner and was faced with an entire flock of red birds

There’s so many which one of you stole my egg I stormed my way through the crowd asking for help but nobody would respond listen to me I use my mnemonic power to give their attention and use a brand new attack I summoned lightning from above but unfortunately it seemed

To only anger them the flock swarmed me like Angry bees I had no choice now but to fight them off they had sharp beaks that pecked through my scales with each hit they made and dealt massive damage not only were they strong but they outnumbered me greatly I realized I’d

Got myself into a tough situation I began to use my demonic slashing abilities to put the oversized birds in their place I was able to bite into them with my venomous fangs to thin out the crowd as well as strike them with my new lightning attacks my new power did just

The trick and chained onto the horde one by one they were strong but gradually I started The Edge their numbers nearly overwhelmed me but I managed to overcome them until only the lone egg Thief remained they dropped the egg and scurried off finally leaving me with my prize I went

To pick it up but it began to Shake in place it was hatching now shell emerge a tiny little demon companion oh wow this is what my dad left for me hey little guy are you all right instead of responding the demon scurried off I Let The Godly serpents

Find him I have to catch him on days 44-46 I chase my demon friend until we arrived inside of a snowy biome hey this is where the next gem is you here to help me find them all the little demon nodded his head yes great do you have a

Name he then shook his head no then I’ll name you demo right on let’s go demo demo and I headed into the biome in search of the third curse gem I had to keep my guard up my Hunter’s Mark could give me away at any moment suddenly a Yeti ambushed us the

Bounty from The Godly serpent is going to be sweet I’ve readied myself for battle but demo flew in first to fight off the Beast despite his size he was putting up a good fight flying around the yeti like a housefly and was equally hard to hit hey you’re pretty strong

Demo keep going the tides of the battle continue to turn and unfortunately Dima wasn’t able to keep up he collapse to the ground in exhaustion oh no demo I’m coming I jumped into The Fray and finished off the horrific Bounty Hunter once he was down I gave demo some food

And he went back to his old self The Godly serpent is sending bounty hunters on us now we’ll have to level you up if you want to take on bigger enemies oh just then I spotted a map that was titled cursed Arena the sounds like the

Place we need to go let’s keep moving on days 47 through 50 demo and I arrived in a mysterious Arena its size towered over me and gave me a deep sense of dread I have a feeling that this isn’t gonna be easy demo and I entered the arena and

Spotted the cursed gem at the other end of the building it was already surrounded by a group of monsters but I decided to make the most out of a bad situation all right demo now’s our chance for some training the two of us charge forward and began to fight it out

With the horde of enemies demo may have been small but he was mighty he was able to strengthen my attacks and offer powerful counter hits of his own together we were able to defeat the crowd let’s grab that gem before more people show up I prepared myself and ate

Some food to restore my health I wasn’t sure what this curse was gonna do but I was gonna need all 20 of my hearts I grabbed the gem but to my surprise my health didn’t drain instead I was petrified in place I can’t move to my horror the Archangel emerged before me

You fell for it on days 51-54 the Archangel charged towards me with the intent to kill I was completely petrified and I braced myself for defeat just then demo intercepted the attack emo you really think your chubby pet can do anything to me die the two of them clashed in an epic

Battle demo fought with all of his might but he simply didn’t stand a chance against the mighty warrior of light I watch it horror as the angel slashed into my companion with spear and sword at blinding speed one more hit and Deemo would be no more suddenly demo began to

Glow brightly and underwent a transformation he no longer was his little round self he was taller Pinker and meaner he had evolved into a stronger more powerful form in Demo’s new form he was able to shoot a nasty flamethrower it was insanely strong compared to his old Fireball but the

Archangel was able to deflect a lot of it with its armor he was able to withstand more of the warriors power but was unfortunately still losing the fight I struggled and struggled until finally I overcame the curse I was able to regain control my body and began to

Power up I gained five more hearts and unlocked even more of my demon powers I’m coming demo I jumped into The Fray and fought off the Archangel with my companion by my side I started launching my new power of the Archangel it spawned a lot of match chains and circles that

Dealt damage and impeded movement the Archangel was crappy though and darted around with its teleportation Powers throwing swords at us when it was far and piercing us with his spear when it was close demo continued to throw Flames at it I knew we were whittling it down

But it was so difficult my health was critically low but demo and I had gone through so much to get here I couldn’t let my Dad’s life end in vain I had to win this battle I mustered all of my strength and landed a powerful blow that brought the Archangel to his knees

The warrior of light to come to his wounds leaving nothing but a diamond chest plate and a diamond helmet behind I claimed it for myself and put it on for Extra Protection reinforcements will be here at any second let’s keep moving demo on days 55-57 I arrived back at the

Base with demo I noticed that he wasn’t acting himself he seemed more worn out from the last fight suddenly demo shrank back down into a smaller form what happened are you okay buddy I see so it takes a lot of you to hold your stronger form then we better save

It for emergencies I decided to give demo a chance to rest and expand the base some more with the death of the Archangel on our shoulders I was painfully aware that the Godly serpent would be looking for me even more than he is now I started by working on the

Entrance of my base I wanted anyone who dared to enter know that the demon Cobra live inside I added a demon Cobra head to the outside making things much cooler afterwards I built demo his own room I made sure it was full of red at demonic blocks and comfy Furniture he could rest

On the little guy seemed to really like what I did with the place suddenly Garo ran up in a frenzy my tribe is under attack by the Angels why should I help them they attacked us my parents are there too girls please struck deep in my

Heart I knew the pain of losing a parent so I agreed to help I set up towards the tribe ready to endure whatever was happening on the war grounds on days 58-61 I followed Garo to his tribe to find it under siege by The Godly Serpent’s Army garo’s kind fell left and

Right to the power of the Angelic monsters they were Mighty Warriors but unlike previous attacks it seemed like The Godly Serpent’s forces were stronger than ever before their Spirits had been crushed and they were no longer fighting back my parents are over there please do something I couldn’t bear to watch this

Any longer so I jumped into The Fray the Warriors had powerful swords imbued with light magic luckily I armor of the Archangel to defend myself now their attacks were less effective than before but their numbers were still so great that it was hard to keep up I slashed

Into them with my demonic powers and tried to chain them down but they continued fighting through my attacks I Unleashed a flurry of lightning to Triumph in the crowd but for every night I managed to take out two more would arrive I was powerful but there were too

Many of them to fight alone I only had a few Hearts remaining when I saw garo’s mom being attacked help I’m coming I swallowed down my fears and quickly fought off the night leaving me with only half a heart everyone the Cobra nearly died to save

Us we have to help him Goro is Right onward by men my heroic Feats inspired the tribe and they all began to retaliate against the Angelic Army thanks to their help together we managed to defeat the Angels thank you for your help demon Cobra please forgive my anger

From before we are in your debt I know how you can repay it I asked the tribe leader to join my Army in the fight against The Godly serpent he agreed and gave me one more token of their appreciation this map will take you to the fourth curse gem good luck I

Followed my new lead unaware of the horrors that would lie close ahead on days 60-64 I followed the map to the edge of the forest I felt a sense of unease and spotted a camp of angelic cyborgs just at the entrance this is my chance to get some juicy Intel taking

Mine to my size I found a place to hide and listen in on what they were talking about the gem is somewhere in these Woods you think we have a map a map I need that I jumped out for my hiding spot and Unleashed my demonic

Powers onto the Angels little did I know that they were one step ahead they canceled a spill of Light which caused the cage to appear around me it was a trap ha there is no map fool we can sense your mark from a mile away the

Cyborg closed in but out of nowhere demo attacked he was once again in his more powerful form and unleash his flamethrower attack onto the drones they shot at him with anti-demon projectiles but demo held strong burning them and everything around him with his hot flames they outnumbered him and I

Desperately wanted to help but the confines of the cage were too strong for me to break alone I watched as my companion shot through the Army but it seemed like he was beginning to get the upper hand his Flames were so hot they melted to the Angel’s Armor after a long

Battle my friend managed to take out the campers and free me from my prison thanks buddy just then we spotted strange Spirit at the tree line our eyes man and it scurried off in a hurry come on demo let’s catch that thing on days 65-68 demo and I chased the spirit

Through the forest it was unlike any Forest I had traversed around every corner it seemed a new danger would await me I nearly slithered into a patch of thorn bushes luckily I had my wings to fly over them just as I evaded those a swarm of bees started to attack me

With their powerful Stingers normally I would blast them away in a second but I couldn’t slow down at the risk of losing the spirit just as I thought I would save a bear came out of nowhere and lunged at me I took to the skies barely evading their powerful claws what kind

Of forest is this it’s the cursed Forest ah that makes sense just then the ground began to tremble I looked up and was face to face with a giant monster eye I don’t think I can run from this one the monster I’d lunch at me with a crushing

Biting attack those jaws were no joke thankfully I managed to Dart away and use my own abilities to hit right back my lightning and chain abilities kept eating away at its health and I knew that very soon I would have this fight in the back with one final swing I

Managed to take out the powerful creature upon its death it exploded and dropped the horde of treasures including a shiny new Fire Blade this is great and all but I think I lost the spirit evil I turned towards the direction demo is pointing and saw the

Spirit once again we can’t let it get away hurry on days 69 through 72 the spirit led us to a giant mansion at the heart of the forest something deep in me felt unsettled like we weren’t welcome here but I had come too far to give up now

The curse gem has to be here let’s keep moving I walk to the entrance of the mansion and began to explore the different rooms it held all of them were neglected and covered in spiderwebs it seemed to be abandoned eventually we entered a ballroom where the next curse

Gem was waiting on a pedestal I quickly rushed to pick it up when a ghost came out of nowhere leave this place nah I’m good I grabbed the gem and brace myself for the curse but to my surprise nothing seemed to happen is that it suddenly I realized I was now floating

In the air and my body was transparent the cursed gem had turned me blue and I felt weak uh-oh is this a prank on days 73-75 I was trying to figure out how to remove the curse change me back we warned you about the curse now it’s

Time you paid I stood off against the ghosts ready to fight for my old body back went out of nowhere the Angelic Knights bursted into the ballroom exercise this place it is an affront to the angels everyone run I was tired of running I prepared to use my demonic

Powers only to realize nothing was happening my new ghostly form prevented me from using my old abilities the Angelic Warriors charged me and I fled for my life completely defenseless I managed to fight a hiding spot with the other ghosts chase me back right now and

I’ll get rid of these guys fine drink this the ghost toss over a potion which I drink down on a quick go I felt a brand new power overcome me now the curse was broken I transformed sprouting two arms and growing even larger I now had five more hearts and the ability to

Use a fire blast here they are the TV cobras with them I brace myself and prepared to fight off the Angels running back out for my spot behind the pillars I started off by blasting the angels of my new fire powers they were no match for me even with all the scale piercing

Projectiles they shot at me the boss ghost and his minions join me and together we began to pick them off one by one their attacks of light were strong but my new powers were too much for the feathered freaks to handle I managed to defeat them thanks for the

Help of the ghosts you guys are pretty strong would you like to join my Army Side on days 76-79 I returned to the base and decided it was time to do an expansion I started by expanding my castle to the mountain above my home I was now a force to be reckoned with so I didn’t mind making my base a bit flashier on the outside with pillars of

Blackstone and obsidian I wanted my base to strike fear in anyone who saw it this is becoming a casual fit for a demon Cobra King once I was done with that I worked on a haunted room for the ghost to call their own I made sure it had

Plenty of similar blocks to the Haunted Mansion and a small graveyard that they could fly around as they please with that my expansion was complete the skeletons tribe members and ghosts my Army has really grown suddenly I heard thunder outside of my base I went to

Check it out into my dismay spotted The Godly serpent flying overhead at long last my Hunter’s Mark had given away my location I told you I’d find you now it’s time you pay for your actions the oversized snake shot powerful attacks down onto me the two of us clash in the

Sky in a battle unlike any other The Godly serpent rained his explosive projectiles of light onto me I braced myself and managed to survive the attack thanks to my diamond armor I retaliated with my demonic Powers sending a group of shocking lightning bolts at the serpent I fought with everything I had

But I was still missing the power of two gems I wasn’t strong enough Garo rushed to my side run while you can Max we’ll hold them off I didn’t want to leave my friends but I needed to look for a way to help I reluctantly fled my base with

Demo in search of anything that could protect our home on days 80 through 83 I fled the destruction of my base with demo to find anything that could help my Army as we traveled I suddenly felt a strong magical presence that stopped me and my tracks who’s there a massive sea

Monster came out of the water and stood before me what is a demon doing in the Overworld I explained my struggles up to this point and about this Rife The Godly serpent had put me through that Godly serpent has been dominating my people for a millennia I’ll help you create a

Seal for your base but I need the power of the fifth curse gem to do so then I better find it quick be warned this curse is unlike any of the others you’ve endured thus far the wizard pointed me in the direction of the next Gem and as

I was about to take my leave we heard the sound of heavy footsteps The Godly Serpent’s pet had found me thanks to my Hunter’s Mark I’ll hold them off no no on days 84-86 I fled godrias and flew to the sky in search of the fifth gem I knew that The

Godly Serpent’s men must have been close so I couldn’t rest for even a moment I flew until finally spotting a temple surrounded by skulls its Eerie Aura made me know for sure that this had to be the place I landed at the top of the temple

Where the gem was waiting on a pedestal there wasn’t any time to waste my men were fighting a losing War here goes nothing I snatched the gem from the pedestal and the curse took effect like the wizard of warned all of my power was sucked for my body I was shrunken back

Down to a baby and my Powers were sealed oh no oh I hope this wears off soon just then I heard a low growl From Below when I turned around the horrible goddrius was waiting you broke the Wizard’s defenses I knew just like the beginning

Of my journey he was far too powerful in my current state luckily I wasn’t alone this time sic emo on days 87 through 89 demo transformed into his second evolution and engaged godrey’s in combat demo jumped down and immediately ignited gondria’s with his fire breath attack

The Beast slice with his powerful ax but demo quickly jumped out of the way demo took some heavy heads but he had grown strong and was able to withstand godris’s massive sweeping attacks the armored creature with flingy axes at lightning speed but demo kept up the fight you got this demo use flamethrower

The battle was close and neither side was giving in until godrey’s landed a devastating Blow from his Godly acts demo stumbled back and I thought he was done for demo no suddenly his body began to Glow Demo’s horns grew longer and his legs stronger he became much taller than

Before and it was clear his strength had increased tenfold demo managed to evolve into his third powerful form my companion continued to fight godrias with his new Strength Demo’s New Flame attack packed a literal punch knocking the Beast backward with every hit with one final blow he took down the

Oversized cat demo you did it just then my curse were off and I was returned back even stronger than before I now had five more hearts and the ability to shoot my Venom in a poisonous blast demo transformed back into a smaller form and I thanked him for everything emo we

Don’t have much time let’s get back to my base and help my men on days 90-92 demo and I arrived back to the base to find the wizard was already there waiting to our horror the plays had been cratered by The Godly serpent it didn’t look like my defenses would hold much

Longer I handed off the fifth gem to the wizard he quickly got to work and set up a beacon that shined a protective light over my base The Godly serpent retreated on unable to overcome the beacon spell you may have stuck me now but next time

I see you I’m not holding back you’ll be good as that demon yeah right like he can even come back to the base is protected and celebrate too soon this can only expel The Godly serpent for 10 days on day 100 he will return and he

Will finish what he started uh-oh I have to get the sixth gem before then the wizard returned the fifth gem to my possession and I got to work patching up the craters left from Battle I only had 10 days to find the final gem but I couldn’t leave my base in jambles

Afterwards I added even more to my demonic Castle it built the biggest tower yet the serpent may have destroyed this place but something even better had risen From the Ashes later I handed food to all of my men to heal up many fell to the might of The Godly Serpent and I

Couldn’t let their sacrifices be in vain just then I spotted a map on the ground titled Lake of light The Godly serpent must have dropped this I better look into it on days 93 through 95 I followed the map to discovered Angelic lake with

No gem in sight I felt a deep feeling of dread come over me demons couldn’t swim in purified water don’t tell me it’s in there chemo demo no demo tried to enter the water but took loads of damage from one touch you’re a demon too pal be

Careful just then the ground began to shake and a crazy eye monster emerged from the lake before us why are you touching my Lake demons are unwelcome here I explained to the spirit my quest and now The Godly serpent had wrongfully killed my people and my dad I just

Wanted the final gem to protect my home luckily it seemed like the spirit understood me I’ve lost my father too very well retrieve the sacred hourglass and I will cast a protection spell to allow you to swim in purified water I only had a few days remaining I quickly

Set off in search of The Hourglass on days 96-98 I search for the sacred hourglass that stood between me and the final curse gem as I looked I spotted a ruin with a golden hourglass sitting at the center there it is I tried to approach the artifact but once I reached

The steps of the altar I was teleported back to the entrance what the I tried to reach it by flying down from the sky above but just like before I was teleported back to the entrance something must be casting a protection spell I looked around the perimeter of

The ruin when I spotted a trail of gems on the ground I followed behind it unaware of what sort of monster was Conjuring the powerful spell when I reached the end of the trail I found a monster speaking incantations to protect The Hourglass hey bud I need that artifact

The monster suddenly attacked me this is between you and you and buckle he jumped onto me with his powerful fists and smashed me into the ground despite his size he was strong but I wasn’t gonna let him stop me now I used my fire blast

Attack on it but his skin was so tough it was as strong as armor I knew I was gonna have to overwhelm him with my own Brute Force I used my full arsenal to rain attacks down from above to weaken my opponent then unleash my acid Blast

For extra damage no amount of armor would protect him from my Venom the poison slowly weakened the Beast down as I continued biting him more and more it was a tough fight but the Serpent’s goons succumbed to my power the protection spell was broken time to get

That hourglass I rushed back to the Altar and claimed the artifact successfully with it in hand I returned to the lake spirit and handed her which she desired you held up your end of the bargain so here’s mine she casted a spell which protected me from the

Purified water I headed into the lake with only one day remaining from The Godly Serpent’s final attack on day 99 I swam in the purified Lake until arriving at the altar of the sixth and final curse gem there was nobody around to guard it which Phil eerie but The Godly

Serpent was going to attack tomorrow I didn’t have any time to waste I grabbed the gem and was immediately sucked into a nightmare realm I woke up inside of a void with my father standing before me I can’t believe you haven’t defeated The Godly serpent yet you’re not worthy of

Being the demon Overlord what my dad would never say that this ends here I honed in everything I had learned and struck into the Imposter with a massive attack the fell to my might just then my real dad emerged from the darkness Max you saw it through the curse of the

Sixth gem finish this battle and avenge our people I’m so proud of you I woke up at the service of the lake with the cursed gem in my inventory I now had five more hearts and even more strength than before I need to head back home now

There’s no need I looked up into my horror the Beast had already found me my time had run out on day 100 I was confronted by The Godly serpent surrender now and I’ll make your death quick no I won’t submit to the likes of you so be it I’ll enjoy every last

Second of this The Godly serpent began to Reign his projectiles onto me from the sky above but I wasn’t alone I had the power of the six gems I tried to summon Deemo but The Godly serpent struck me this is between you and me Cobra The Godly serpent dropped his

Explosive bombs of light at me that followed my every move I tried to avoid them but each one that managed to hit me blasted Into My Health for Mass of damage he was even more powerful than before I could tell now he was no longer holding back but neither was I I

Unleashed my demonic Thunder onto him and summoned meteors from the sky above today rained onto the serpent and I continued my Onslaught we clash in the sky cobra vs serpent demon vs God it was anyone’s game but with the power of the cursed Stones I was no longer

Defenseless I used all of my strength and managed to defeat the serpent once and for all I did the six curse gems disappeared from inventory and transformed into a crown it flew down onto my head and I was officially the demon Overlord

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a DEMON COBRA in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MaxCraft on 2023-06-28 23:30:02. It has garnered 1315511 views and 16936 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:46 or 2506 seconds.

► SUBSCRIBE to the Channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYPYEhWUvvKFgmgkLACagXA?sub_confirmation=1

Embark on a thrilling journey through treacherous landscapes, facing off against demons, angels, and the Godly Serpent himself! Watch as Max battles through the Nether, chased by the Godly Serpent and his relentless army. With each step, he discovers powerful gems that transform him into a fearsome Winged Demon Cobra. Rally an army of skeletons and ghosts, uncover ancient secrets, and fight epic battles to save his tribe and unlock his true potential. Will Max prevail against the ultimate evil? Find out in this heart-pounding Minecraft adventure!

Mods utilized: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/moss-and-monsters https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/super-mobestiary https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mahou-tsukai https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mcdoom https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fuzzymobs Pokemon https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/taterzens-forge Additional Lights – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/additional-lights Alex’s Mobs – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/alexs-mobs Citadel – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/citadel Angel Ring – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/angel-ring Curious API – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/curios Cyclic – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cyclic BetterAnimalsPlus – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/betteranimalsplus Architectury API – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/architectury-api BMorph – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/budschies-morph-mod Carry On – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/carry-on Catalogue – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/catalogue CMD Cam – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam Creative Core – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/creativecore Configured – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/configured Custom NPCs – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/custom-npcs Dynamic Surroundings – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dynamic-surroundings Effortless Building – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/effortless-building Fakename – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fakename flyspeed mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fly-speed-modifier-mod/files Hide Armor – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hide-armor Just Enough Items – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei LuckyTNT – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/luckytnt Mob Battle – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mob-battle-mod MorePlayerModels – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-player-models OptiFine – https://optifine.net/adloadx?f=OptiFine_1.16.5_HD_U_G7.jar&x=59c3 Maybe – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pehkui/ Shrink – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/shrink_ Supplementaries – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/supplementaries Selene – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/selene The Mighty Architect – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-mighty-architect Warp – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-warp-mod Wings – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wings World Edit – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldedit

Suggested rating: TV-PG This video contains material not suitable for younger audiences.

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    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

    Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:30:07. It has garnered 837 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I… Read More

  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

    From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-05-17 11:53:42. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:28 or 11068 seconds. – Greetings from Two Towns – Children arrive in Rosa Ouro and one of the family homes gets the living areas furnished. In Prasino; taking some time to solve a building problem on a coastal house and planning for a retail pottery store in town. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. play.potato-smp.net Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Unforgettable Minecraft Adventure Awaits at Shaded Discover amazing features and benefits: 🐟 NEW! Fishing Log. Experience fishing with custom textures for each fish. Check it out! 🦞 NEW! Lobster Pots. Dive into lobster fishing for a bountiful catch. ⚔️ NEW! PvP Arena. Test your skills in exhilarating PvP battles. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention. Build and protect your creations hassle-free. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, and More. Immerse yourself in a thriving Minecraft economy. 🌟 Free Ranks, Kits, and Perks. Earn rewards and stand out with free ranks and perks. 🗺️… Read More

  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

    Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | SurvivalNew serverstill a work in progress, but feel free to join, explore, and complete the quests waiting for you!Team up with your friends or strangers using the ImprovedFactions plugin.Trade with other players using TheGoldEconomy system.Furry and LGBTQ friendly!Join our Discord server to chat with us, and access the more private vanilla survival server: discord.com/invite/2mssBcrQYT Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition"That’s just the periodic table of Mine-crafting elements! Read More

  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

    Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft's Ultimate Farm Build In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Millat Gamerz is here, with iron farms to explain. Building the ultimate, with skill and with flair, Crafting a masterpiece, beyond compare. Subscribe to the channel, for more gaming delight, With Millat Gamerz, every episode takes flight. From GTA to Minecraft, the adventures unfold, With rhymes and with humor, the stories are told. So leap into the verse, where gaming meets art, With Millat Gamerz, it’s a journey to start. Join the fun, join the hype, join the game, And let the rhymes of Minecraft, ignite the flame. Read More

  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

    SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS! When you combine SPAWN with ALL memes, you get a cat taking a nap during a poopy playtime in Minecraft. Now that’s a scary sight! #catnap #poopyplaytime #scaryminecraft Read More

I Survived 100 Days as a  DEMON COBRA in HARDCORE Minecraft!