I Survived 100 Days as a DRAGON in Hardcore Minecraft

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100 days as a dragon I can fly use magical abilities level up and grow to become insanely powerful it’s not all positives though as a dragon I started off incredibly weak I can only eat certain types of foods and I lose hunger rapidly over these 100 days my goal is

To become the strongest dragon possible and build up my dragon horde a collection of all the gold diamonds Collectibles and treasures that I could find I also had a side goal of completing quests in this book and defeating the Ender Dragon which is a lot harder than you might be thinking

Now it’s time for this Dragon journey to begin right after a word from today’s sponsor if you like Skyblock or MMO type games in Minecraft you may love the new Skyblock classic server from the archon it’s a new MMO style Skyblock on the latest version of Minecraft there are

Daily missions the economy changes every week and there are fun new challenges like bosses with special enchants to unlock play now in Minecraft with the server address special.arconhq.net we hope to see you online now I had to make a decision between Cave Dragon Forest Dragon and sea dragon each have their own diet

Weaknesses strengths all that I chose forest dragon that was a mistake I attempted a world with Forest Dragon like three or four times and I died every single time they can only eat like poisonous potatoes and raw meat and farm animals were made extra rare in the mod

Pack so I just kept starving then on my true day one I chose Cave Dragon cave Dragons Were immune to fire weak to water and could use Fire magic immediately I made a wooden pick got some Stone and made a full set of stone tools I then added those tools to my

Dragon’s claws turning my bare hand into a multi-tool then I discovered the cave dragon’s diet Cave Dragon food okay now these are my options for food charcoal I can freeze dude why he a forest dragon eat trees are you kidding me cave dragons can eat any kind of meat they

Can eat anything do they can eat coal and meat I’m mad I wanted to test the cold and charcoal so I got some wood and then I grabbed the first coal that I saw both of them only restored half the hunger bar not really worth it while

Flying and trying to find a source of actual food I found a structure and what is this huh oh little dragon people Hello friends what are y’all doing here you’re my friend now we’re having soft tacos later what does that do oh my God y’all have a oh did I

Did I do that um anyways not me don’t worry dude check this out what the heck that’s a zombie cat that was a zombie cat I saw it isn’t the smoker the easy thing to make maybe they baited me this was a death trap the whole time they

Were trying to get me killed um that’s edible for me because I am God and can be or I can eat anything I’ll take the fishing rod too okay death trap avoided I stole their bed and flew away I also got some fish there and because I

Was nearly starving I made a smoker and charred the fish and the next morning I tested the charred food that’s just hard food that is insane what yeah that stuff was just amazing food cave dragons really had it easy I found a sign that pointed towards the

Nearest Village so I followed it I arrived at the Village observed The Peasants and then I got a pretty cool item oh an elder dragon bone yo um so can I uncraft this I can into the dust that I needed okay um now for my quest which I have not been paying much

Attention to at all I have completed a Way Stone give me that XP I have completed furnace give me that XP then the basics I can submit to these and then claim the dragon bone again and now my next goal is that this altar but I’ve already play Stone Dragon alternate inventory so

I just didn’t make this all right so I had to make this Dragon altar right and then I get this dust and now I have access to all of these quests I looted The Village some more I got a cool leather helmet I did a dragon door Quest and then I found this

Hunter’s house outside the village I was the Hungry Hunter guy’s house hungry Archer five cook cod two yeah Thank you I punched him on accident so don’t do that that was tough did you see how much damage that Arrow did to me okay Pro tip don’t punch starring dudes with bows yeah that got a little dangerous now I’m sure you see the giant Colosseum let’s go check it out how sketchy is

This place pretty darn sketchy they have bows but that chest looks really good is it a chest in the middle what is that it’s a chest right y’all think I can like sneak in the middle and get it oh it’s a spawner this spawns Phantoms poisoned by what

Okay I’m out I’m out it’s my bad my bad okay this is where I learned the spawners poison you if you try to break them they have another fun feature which I discovered later then just after leaving the Coliseum what is this look at this crazy Village Waits it was

A crazy Village what food I found a village with actual food are those carrots massifying massified I’m actually exhausted right now but I can eat look at these carrots there’s so many carrots oh these are actually uh onions I don’t really want those I know they’ll run

Away from me but can I still Farm them yeah I can okay this Village is massive can I use this to make my charred Foods at all no I can’t use any of wheat unfortunately well I can trade it with a villager you get water is sketchy hey what is this

Oh this edible coal yummy okay what is that let’s end with this can I eat amethyst can I eat that looks like rock candy no I cannot gold wait there’s there’s bookshelves okay we had our first diamonds already we’re on day two three we’re on day three

Actually yo so we got cows here we got diamonds what else we got in this amazing Village this is yeah I’m in water bows I can’t use those a full set of iron dude this is kind of this is kind of a lot for day three dude I’m so

Tripped out another time cute a secret Diamond they’re the secret Diamond yo yo yo straight up diamond pick day three diamond pick day three that’s me diamond pick we have Diamond claws now Diamond claws you see my diamond claws we have Diamond claws iron armor I haven’t even

Gone to a cave yet and I’m a cave Dragon oh this is another one wait there’s more diamonds in here you wait I’m gonna make the sword anyways but this feels wrong right now we have Diamond fangs too for our sword y’all ever have a diamond

Pickaxe sword and a full set of iron armor on day three I felt like I was progressing a little fast but oh well more time to build my treasure horde later this Village got even Crazier by the way I went up the hill boom dirt Igloo right there so that’s some zombie

Villagers that I can make use of later very cool I wanted to find a place for my dragon cave now so I flew up high for an aerial view and scoped out the land the village in Igloo were way too convenient to not build next to so I

Picked up a spot on the nearby mountain and I placed my stuff I wanted to get a farm going ASAP so I would look for iron for a bucket in case I haven’t mentioned it iron ores are very rare in this mod pack you’re meant to find that kind of

Thing through Dungeons and structures so I decided to take on this Airship a dungeon and things got dangerous the only there’s iron in this dungeon I don’t I guess I can risk it I have a diamond sword in iron armor she Jesus okay they’re not supposed to do that oh my

I’m a little nervous okay he’s dead okay how do I break this thing Fireball oh I have skills right hold on um let’s just try and shoot a fireball like under there um this is probably bad I mean am I immune to fire I am okay um I’m just gonna shoot a fireball

Over oh bye I can’t fight because the posts are cheating the potions are cheating the potions are cheating I hate it okay nope okay okay so what we learned today is that I’m not going back in there I’m I’m not going back in there nah even if

It had iron it was not worth it I kept searching and found a village I killed her animals for food got some more diamonds from their church and then found iron and a bunch of this dust that I needed a ton of later I wasted back to

My Village and made my bucket grab some water and then I made the farm it was mostly potatoes right now but that’s fine until I remember this mod pack has Seasons but that’s a problem for the future I smoked all the food that I got from the village and because I had to

Cook every piece of food twice I decided to make a bunch of charcoal I almost never do this but with my fuel consumption I definitely needed it then I didn’t quite know how stats worked in this mod yet so I wasted 10 of my levels on upgrading a skill that was a huge

Mistake because the way that my mana and damage work in this mod is that those stats are higher in my Minecraft XP level is also higher so I went from Level 10 to zero nice that only applies to damage and Mana skills though to increase my health and defense I would

Need to raise my Dragon Age to do that I needed the dust that I got earlier which comes from mining Dungeons and MOB kills I also wanted to find blocks that I needed for my Dragon’s Den so I headed out to explore immediately I found this mushroom structure uh this might be the

Pigland spawner that I farmed in my Beastmaster video it is there’s a diamond in there though oh God okay okay gold okay careful looted did y’all see the plays though the plays okay wait that was sick wow I lost all my Hunger doing that made out like a bandit that structure could make

A very overpowered mob grinder and it was pretty close to my house maybe you will try that later perhaps I continued my journey and found an even larger mushroom oh mushroom thing okay is there a loot here there is a diamond sword with sharpness and smite yeah okay Enchanted armor with blast

Protection I’m only putting that on because it looks better oh that’s chainmail away ew I thought it was iron it’s kind of hard to see with the with the new icons yo iron oh my God oh my God this place is it’s so stacked okay where does Whitney and finding stack

Stuff today give me that well I thought it was a a player head why are there no mobs defending the that’s a skull look at this mushroom wait there’s there’s my treasury bro there’s stuff for my treasury in here there’s collectibles oh my God oh my God oh my God okay I’m

No longer gonna stay here there’s there’s scary mobs in the middle yeah I’m out I’m out now I’m out I can’t fight this those mobs weren’t enough to scare me away I am not strong enough to fight them yet I got some cool Collectibles though player heads and ore

Blocks and stuff a good start to my treasure horde I found a village a bit later and I got some more food because I was a burning through mine at an insane Pace I also kind of tried to uh burn the village down a little bit turns out in

This mod pack fire does not spread or destroy things probably for the best because as a cave Dragon I set a lot of stuff on fire my inventory was super full at this point so I headed home now backpacks do exist however I had to

Unlock them via a quest later so I could not make one right now speaking of quests while waiting for food to cook I looked through some other ones I had a few give me the materials I need to grow and gain more Health one of which just

Needed a lava bucket and a stack of magma blocks that was really easy I was about to head out and because I expected to travel a lot I stole The Village’s Way Stone and put it with my stuff just to make things a bit easier now let’s

Get these materials we need I wanted to find an Overworld biome that had Basalt and Blackstone I knew it existed I just hadn’t seen one yet I also wanted the magma blocks for that Quest so I had a lot to get done I flew around looting Villages and ruined portals and then on

Night 10 I found the perfect bio there was magma lava Basalt and Blackstone all in one spot I slept and the next day I just gathered tons of the blocks I needed for my dragon Den I was about to head home when I spotted these lava

Monsters I needed for a quest I need to kill those where’s the quest I’m literally immune to fire my game crashed well that’s tough I must say yeah I might be immune to fire but I’m not immune to game crashes I loaded back in killed them and then I tested my

Lava Vision ability I could literally just see through Lava kinda neat I headed home and then I turned in the quests that I completed uh okay Dragon I finished this I thought submit it oh man my bucket but I guess the next peeing some hard shards

Okay and I need to kill one more Magma monster all right here we go hard Shard oh wait you can see my progress when I hold it okay so look I have two no I think I have one progress so I eat that another one another one and another ones

Now I’m slightly larger and have more health oh that’s that’s sick I have grown bigger and stronger now I wanted to get this Dragon Den going my plan was to have a little Nest slash Cave thing at the top and then have it lead down to a

Large Cavern full of my treasure I placed a layer of Blackstone for the floor a Basalt Archway for the cave entrance and then I began building up the basalt walls and then I ran out of blocks so I headed back to the basalt biome why this goes deep X

Man now I’m not alone now I’m stranded if I’m honest with my bare hands POG monster hello oh we killed that which gives us experience for the quest right I guess he Hearts wait entire hearts I have a sanded yo I look so much cooler now yo I look

So much better wow my wings are sick I have ascended I reached the next growth stage and now I had new fiery effects and different horns and stuff it was sick back home I got back to work on the dragon cave I finished the entire outer

Part and I think it looked pretty good then I added some blocks to the interior to make it look more natural I also added magma blocks because the idea is that I like scorched it with my breath to hollow out the cave and stuff yeah next I made my tunnel entrance out of

Netherback and magma and then I dug a tunnel straight down to where my treasure horde would be I added magma and nether back to the walls and this was coming together amazingly however it really tore through my food supply so I had to spend a while looting Villages

For tons of crops now that I had sustenance I built this central circle of cobblestone at the bottom of the tunnel and then I spent way too long opening up the area above it this circle was gonna be where all my chests and stuff were in the surrounding it would

Eventually be my treasure horde for now though I just moved my chest and now I had a proper home yo by the way in case you couldn’t tell by the uh the chat on screen this was streamed on Twitch you should go follow me over there I could

Even be live right now yet you never know also feel free to I don’t know subscribe to me on YouTube like this video maybe leave a comment about your favorite cereal I like cocoa Crispies personally yeah okay now that we had a home I wanted they waited to get lots of

Experience the best way that I could think of was turning that mushroom from earlier into a mob grinder but when I approached the mushroom was that noise is that in a game okay what it’s on fire the spawner exploded I can’t make a mob grinder yeah so mob

Grinders were out of the picture mob spawners just straight up exploded sometimes very unfortunate I must say because I can’t do that I decided to just explore I had to find structures Farm whatever mobs I could and all that I came across a very important structure

The lighthouse it wasn’t much on its own but when I opened the chest it had a map this map led to one of the most incredibly insane things I’ve ever seen but before I follow that I stole a ton of bone blocks from the lighthouse because maybe that could help with food

Later I looted a few more dungeons here and there and then I headed home to clear my inventory I now wanted to follow this map to wherever it may lead and along the way I ended up in another mushroom dungeon with crazy loot so many potatoes yeah so the loo in this mod

Pack is pretty stacked that’s it I told you I told you explode I told told you why did that happen I wasn’t scared nope not me seriously why did they have to explode can’t they just break or something anyways I got back on track until I found a skeleton pirate ship

Which I absolutely scorched with my fire breath I was over level 10 right now which meant my fire breath was level two and it did a ton of damage I continued my journey to this map’s destination when I decided to test a little feature

So if I kill a villager I get this Royal Chase potion effect while I had this at any point Dragon Hunters could show up to attack me they don’t actually end up being that relevant but it’s a cool feature villager murder out of the way I finally arrived at my destination this

Massive Casino dungeon this thing was a huge I landed and checked out my first loot chest Golden Apple yeah those explosions would be a problem but this place was worth the risk let’s loot this crazy Casino uh chorus fruit I think is very good for Forest dragons

Which I am not another thing that’s netherite oh my gosh yo can you drop that for me I’m kind of a dragon so I might build different 22 hearts baby Village that’s not a villager that’s not a villager that’s not a villager that is an assassin from the Royal Army hello

Guy that’s the uh that’s the Royal Chase effect coming in you want any netherite drops that you want to give me we’ll see what these chests have to offer anything we can like safely get a Wither six potion I’m gonna keep that sharp two more iron for my treasury double barrel suck it

Yeah read it so I like pack because I haven’t completed the Quest for it oh man Firefox please thank you I am in desperate need of feather falling um best diamond armor that’s diamond armor projectile protection Diamond Rio yo screw the gold armor I don’t care anymore Diamond Helmet Diamond chess

Play actually this chest plate is better than the diamond one I’m pretty sure but for now we have a diamond helmet look at me that looks so sick dude that looks clean leggings oh but they have a sword ooh awkward I’m gonna have to roast you bud sorry

Um diamond leggings prod two that’s really good uh oh oh okay oh oh geez fire breath dude what is happening look at all the XP though I need that in my life I want that because that what are you doing sir you don’t live here sir oh gosh you see what you’re doing

Now sir oh my gosh all collectibles I want these oh my inventory oh gosh okay okay I want that okay I’m gonna grab some of these these heads all right I think we have most of the clip no I want that one I want that candle one

Out of my way is that a lit candle oh I want that one too Burger oh my gosh I don’t have the space for all this dude what am I gonna do okay Burger is a necessity there’s two burgers oh geez okay I I can get rid of uh that one

For Burger another that’s Taco drop this other Flint steel yes okay I want all the Burgers and Tacos give oh my God huh is this league I mean I’m taking it yeah screw this game dude I am insane dude this bow is incredible but I can’t even nether right oh my gosh

Um screw that there’s there’s another right helmet I’m just gonna I’m gonna hit my current helmet’s better than that what is this sword sharpness three okay new sword is that is there more dude dude okay we have some nether right boots now a bajillion gold our treasury

Is looking oh my God our Treasure’s looking crazy bro there’s a treasure room with five diamond blocks in the Middle top I assume this room I’ve never looted a casino but that’s definitely diamond blocks okay I need to drop something I’m just gonna drop the apples dude screw apples yeah no that’s

Certainly diamonds that’s certainly diamonds and gold um they actually already have a treasury a fortune pick dude yeah sure wow wow wow what the heck is this game so say we’ve gotten stronger that’s so many emeralds 42 this one Don’t do that to me that is probably a bajillion damage bro I’m gonna leave and let them despawn give give look how many diamonds there are just break it dude got it oh suck it okay now these swords sharp three netherite sword bane of ill is your sword don’t really care about

That one and then a looting one so I don’t actually care about either of these I’m just gonna take this one so now we have a sharp three netherright claws dude look at my claws they’re netherrite to say that place was worth the risk would be a massive understatement all the golden diamonds

Never rights Burgers and Tacos the loot was Unreal on the way to waystone back home I got this little trophy for looting like 100 chests or something yet another collectible I headed home and stored all the valuable stuff in one chest we just had so much stuff now it

Was Unreal if I was ever gonna be in a scenario like that again I would need backpacks I began working on the quest to unlock them however the first one was not really detecting that I made an iron chest I tried everything I made chests

Using all the recipes I had to go on some crazy wild goose chase for copper it just did not work so I used commands to remove that requirement it’s not cheating it’s fixing yeah the next quest which unlocks backpacks needed two diamond blocks 10 Gold Blocks 20 copper

Blocks in one ender pearl block diamonds easy gold easy copper I still needed a bit of but easy ender pearls was the hard part a block usually takes nine ingots so I assume the ender pearl block would take nine ender pearls and I only had a seven right now I didn’t sleep at

Night hoping for Enderman to spawn and in the meantime I tried to bone meal some potatoes are you joking yep bone meal doesn’t work actually it was because it was the wrong season for potatoes but I didn’t realize that so I was just really mad no Enderman spawned that night and I wanted

A backpack before I did anything else so I went on a long journey to try and find Ender Pearls I flew through the day and night all kinds of different biomes I explored every structure that I saw and I was not finding Pearls at all I had to

Return home to get more food and I decided to see if some TNT that I had would help with the cave build later and I go like this Oh God that wasn’t that was one vein mine worth of blocks never minded yeah so no TNT I would just mine I headed out again same as before days nights all kinds of structures that I torched with my fire breath and eventually I found one ender pearl in this Tower however I

Still needed a ninth and the game was not giving it to me but then I found a lighthouse the last Lighthouse led me to that casino which is where I got most of my pearls I would be very down to find another one of those I grabbed the map

And I flew straight for the destination however there might have been a few issues along the way those encounters not counters not counters not counters not counted what the heck was that what just happened that does not count I literally died to lag I get that I say the doesn’t count

Thing in all my videos but come on that one was a not fair I got my stuff back but I did lose all my XP that drastically weakened all of my dragon abilities so that’s my punishment for cheating death okay cool I continued my journey and I arrived at yet another

Casino y’all already saw the first one so I’m not gonna bore you with this again but this place was a literal minefield I’m so scared that spawner you have no idea all the crazy loot that y’all saw in the first one a gold diamonds enchantments armor literally everything they could

Ever want I knew the cafeteria from beforehand ender pearl so I switched around everywhere until I finally found it cafeteria Diamonds netherite there’s one more chest oh many diamonds but where’s my Pearls at man so the cafeteria did not have ender pearls but what if that was not the only cafeteria but this is a different Cafe what wait but there’s only one chest in this oh never mind and it froze there we

Go yes yes yes yes dude dude so now ender pearl block so are you telling me that I have spent the past hour and a half looking for one more end of pearl to make an ender pearl block and the block uses four ender pearls and not nine

I’ve had eight in my inventory this whole time are you telling me are you kidding me dude are you kidding me dude Unheated I’m heated 100 is being dumb I’m not dumb I’m a genius my minor stupidity out of the way I have unlocked backpacks I scoured the dungeon found a backpack upgraded it all the way to Diamond and now we had a so much inventory space I was saved I could lose

Anything I wanted forever I eluded flowers all the collectible player heads tons of valuable stuff like gold and diamonds and I had a plenty of space to spare I headed home and stored all that crazy loot in my valuables chest and just look at this dude we had so much

Stuff already however we had nowhere to put it yet it was time to get more Blackstone so I could finally work on my treasure room however of course when I go to get the obsidian for the nether portal I get distracted oh not this one not this Tower dude this is like my

Enemy okay there’s Lou here with no spawner I’ll take this first diamonds in a metric ton of bread I literally cannot use bread so that’s sad more treasure for our treasury let’s go I’m nervous dude but the spawner’s not here why is there no spawner I don’t know

More emeralds got Apple hey yo okay I’m gonna shoot Fireballs to this guy I hate these guys bro they have like punch 10 bows did I damage him a lot I don’t really know I’m just gonna like do that okay I killed the Phantom I can

Probably just punch this guy I have a really good sword Christ okay nope nope ha idiot oh I could just punch the Phantoms and kill them and then drop the skeletons to their death okay can I just break this break don’t blow up don’t blow up 14 diamonds and I’m breaking three book

Thank you there’s enough oh whoa look at all this right here is there actual stuff in these oh dude enchanting bottles deathstrider sharpness oh wow Honeycombs Honeycombs so many honey can I make blocks out of these hey there we go right there that’s a that’s a treasure honey blocks wow

This is a lot you can do with Honeywell okay break break break don’t blow up don’t blow up okay cool more diamonds more dust uh name tags I’ll take actually because those could be fun break shoot ah jeez okay okay stop stop okay honestly being able to fly for this

Makes the dungeon way less of a threat we’re gonna just drop them into the death easy dude easy now can I break this please if it explodes I’m gonna die okay cool all right uh looting two let’s go okay in another backpack it’s a generic one but we can upgrade it yo I’m

Getting a little sidetracked huh I’m supposed to be getting obsidian okay another map we have three Maps now I’m breaking bow I can’t even use some diamonds some bones or chests more diamonds more iron another backpack I’m actually not going to take that because that’s I don’t really need it to be

Honest I’ll take it all right so there’s the large central tower there’s that Tower I think that’s it so we’re gonna do this one down here first I’m scared of the the spawner dude I’m so scared of the spawner how have none blown up yet I’m so close to it

Cool emeralds Golden Apple sharp three okay uh another feather fall that actually would be really good I think a lot of fall damage because of my height why am I scared of spawners they can’t hurt me you want to bet hold on can I like say yikes okay

Die all right you die I take a lot of damage wow die okay jeezed I wanted to play that super safe because you never know and there’s another map okay poo King washed three consecutive streams this month and sparked a watch streak oh I hate that

Honestly got so lucky with one of those spawners exploding and we got even more treasure I began following one of the maps that I got and along the way I finally got obsidian for the nether portal then I encountered a surprisingly dangerous mob yeah an illusioner

Oh my God I can’t see it’s last so long I can’t see so there’s illusioners here well a loser in hers got him oh there’s so many okay which was the real one he’ll be glowing he’s right there My health he’s still alive he’s dead but his drops would have burned in the fire so that’s not poggers okay well that was kind of sad yeah he probably would have dropped the totem of him dying or something but that’s the downside of being a fire breathing dragon I guess I continued following

That map and it led to literally nothing nice I headed back home and at this point I still didn’t know about the whole Seasons thing I just assumed my potato farm was broken so I wanted to look at other food sources for example a butcher villager which could trade eight

Cooked chicken for one Emerald I also needed mending before I went to the nether so it was finally time to make use of my Igloo I had the zombie villager infect the other one and separated them and then carried them both and now it was time to level them

So we’re gonna try and get this guy first um that’s not the trade we want to see so I’m gonna block this I’m gonna grab that take that don’t mind if I do Kathleen and that’s what we want to see okay so we’re gonna buy some stew it’s Stacks oh thank God

I could buy a pig I’m not gonna buy a pig I’m just gonna buy these entrails okay uh do you want to like reset your trades for me so we’re gonna work on this person next well maybe we’ll buy a pig okay maybe we’ll buy one Pig do you want

To trade any more stuff I’ll buy a pig okay I’ll buy a pig jeez yeah I’ll just buy more pigs I guess but you will buy a bunch I’m out of emeralds now but I’ll go ahead and place them all in here okay all the little pigs that we just bought

These are our little friends we just got some friends but this guy wants to trade again a yo please sell me food now I I can’t eat that okay that was sad um I’m gonna buy this and level him up just sell me food guy just I don’t have kelp I hate you

Yo my my my bad oh I’m sorry oh I have a sword hand okay I cannot accidentally do that ever again our Hellcat does nothing just play this yeah this in our L craft you can get food mending oh it’s a really expensive mending but it’s probably because I

Punched them in the face okay we have mending now we have some mending so the butcher didn’t work out at all the rabbit stew would help but ate cooked chicken at a time would have been crazy at least we got mending though I charred

All the food that I had at the time and then I upgraded my gear I put feather falling on the boots because I clearly needed it and then I added looting two to My Sword I put mending on most of my gear and now I was out of levels so my

Fire abilities were weaker but that’s fine because it was finally time to go to a place where pretty much everything is immune to fire the nether all right okay we are loading the nether this is this is interesting oh what I just got it don’t do it okay I just gotta hear

You clown no Blackstone I guess the temple Luke could be good too but Blackstone Quick Charge protection three multi-pro 3 some more gold I love gold I want to explore oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh this is made of Soul Sand yeah what is that I probably just killed an innocent

Thing for no reason to hold so much gold yo prod three though oh what is this yo they now they’re so open I actually love whatever mod does this this is is this all Blackstone oh I don’t like that sound uh-uh I’m not gonna bore you with the entire trip I

Looted a bunch of Fashions and temples got all this gold and other stuff it was good I also got this princess summon scroll which could summon a princess that was supposedly trade me food I went home stored all my stuff summoned the princess and she wanted like a bajillion

Flowers that I did not have also I kind of forgot to gather Blackstone when I was in the nether so I headed back and while there I found a goblin traitor who trades two netherright ingots for a totem of undying that’s a pretty fair trade in my opinion so I wanted to have

Netherrite on a hand in case I saw that guy again I headed home made four ingots and then I went back to the Nether and within moments I saw another Goblin Trader and got two totems of undying and then you may be thinking it’s time for

Me to get Blackstone and finally work on my base well you’d be wrong I ran around for a very long time harvesting quartz and nether gold these gave experience which I needed to repair my stuff with mending and improve my skills but not only that because there was to give XP

They also have a chance to drop Elder Dragon dust after a while I managed to get it enough to obtain my next growth stage oh I got an entire bone again I got the bone so now I can make this and then I can do uh this and then we ascend

Let’s go dude look at my waist now bro check me out my horn is like larger now I was flying back home and I ended up getting hot tourist destination which got me to level 23. I mind a little bit more and then I headed back home I

Decided to upgrade my helmet to netherright and then I did all of my usual chores sorted my inventory Farm to cook some food and now it was finally time it was time to work on my dragon horde I went to the Nether and mined a ton of Blackstone I then cleared a ton

Of space around my cave and spent a few hours covering every piece of visible stone with black stone I was running out of food because of all the mining I was doing so in the middle of this I had to go make the season calendar yeah I finally remember the seasons it was

Autumn so I just had to grow carrots I bone milled a ton of carrots and then I finished covering my entire Cavern with Blackstone which sucks a lot with this kind of Flight by the way I just kept falling down over and over and it was

Super annoying but I got the job done once I was done with Blackstone I added glowstone lights all over the place and now it was time what we’ve all been waiting for let’s place the treasure foreign This is the current state of our Dragon horde and it’s looking pretty clean we have all kinds of fancy blocks everywhere we have all these little heads these little Collectibles we’ve been Gathering throughout the days dude my glorious Dragon horde was complete at least with what I had right now I now wanted

To work towards the end to fight the Ender Dragon I headed to the nether once again for blaze powder I of course got distracted by every cool shiny structure that I saw I got a bunch of gilded black Stones some cool banners more gold Enchanted armor just a lot of things for

The Horde and then I traveled and traveled and traveled Nether fortresses were insanely rare in this mod pack apparently it’s so rare that I never even found one please oh that’s a stronghold I mean that works there’s blazes in this right Blaze yo thank you for that ender pearl obsidian

Yo yo yo um oh I could buy a totem from you thank you actually because yeah I’ll do that yeah come here totems are way more valuable than nether eyebrow absolutely they are I have another totem now uh gold bones yes ender pearl yo Pig

Step we love Pig step get out of the lava it’s like is this spawner gonna explode too Moulton yeah I think I understood that I’m pretty sure Blaze Spawners don’t explode once I had looted most of the stronghold and got all my blaze rods I headed back home I was like

41 000 blocks from my house so I had to waste three levels on using a Way Stone definitely worth it though I added all my new stuff to my horde the Gilded Blackstone new armor Pig step all of it then I headed for the end unbeknownst to

Me at this time the Ender Dragon was no joke in this mod pack anything you thought you knew about that fight’s difficulty and multiply it by 10. for now though I reached this crazy stronghold I was able to collect a bunch of cool banners and then after

Navigating this absolute Maze of a place I found the portal room here we go let’s fight the Ender Dragon visit to mention the end and there she is yo what is that Ender mites yo nah get torched Bud oh this is bad they’re all in cages what is that it’s a whale

That’s so sick I mean I guess I have a range I beg your pardon who’s doing that is it the whale okay why is that oh my God this dragon has no chill this whale I’m pretty sure is causing problems stop that yeah yeah yeah yeah I knew you were the one causing all this bro so if I do like this right

I can hit it without taking too much damage not bad not bad okay so we can easily do this we’re gonna be very careful there’s just shulkers here leave I kill a whale yeah I did kind of kill that whale didn’t I he probably didn’t deserve that but it’s okay it’s

Fine there will be more whale dude I like torch these get out of here no near me to fire nice and the final one is down what what is that stop what is that what is that what was that look at the SXP juicy are you kidding okay these tiny

Towers have crystals on the inside cool now I believe all the towers are gone all right dragon all the damage is permanent now I can Whittle you down over time if I have to I cannot tell if your health bar is moving I must say why

Why blind why all right the Health Board definitely moved there it definitely moved a little bit my arm was gonna break before I can kill what do I do a region no chance from what tower all right that was damaging the bar moved it did Regen how three percent health regen a minute

Hold on we have a power we can get I was planning on doing this after the dragon but it would not seem that I have that luxury Spin Attack submit spin we’ve unlocked the spinning ability this is not doing any damage so now I can tear through all these

Choker bullets while also hitting the dragon but it’s regening too fast what am I supposed to do about that I’m literally unable to kill a dragon I I literally can’t like she is still full HP I have done as much as I possibly can chat is the outer end in every direction

The outer ends in every direction got it all right we’re in the outer end there has to be something here that can help that is adorable I love you is that the last of my food I’m gonna die out here I thought I had another stack oh Jesus I could eat

Blaze rides I think I’m out of blaze rods so I have three all right we’ll make these that’ll be something I have a block of coal I can eat that as that’ll last me for a little bit the explosive copper I have copper okay we have copper and gunpowder so we have

Some of this all right we have enough food to last for a little bit I’m gonna look for an end City I actually beg better armor better sword I don’t know I’m not sure if we survive I don’t know if we make it out of the end oh okay that is like an

Insane look okay that is a city and a half okay that is some pants not really good to be honest stellium that’s a good sword um okay stellium my table and I have some books okay I need I need to scavenge what I brought with me thank God I never store

My inventory am I right Gamers the dragon type anything in chat you can get out that way get out before it’s too late uh I think I I think I I didn’t know I could talk to the dragon I’m pretty sure it’s too late for that how

Did they get this I wanna I wanna know how they kill the dragon how do they do that and how do I do that uh stellium again uh more stellium nice nice gold nice why is everything made of iron dude okay chest plate perfect okay a literal

Perfect chest plate do these trees count they should right all right smithing table we’re gonna go full now they’re right on that okay so I could make that sword but I couldn’t get a good enchantment on it there’s no way all right I’m running low on food to the

Point I should probably head back and try this all right we’ve gotten a minor gear upgrade we are we have our very cool uh spin ability we’re back we’re back we’re back we’re back yo let me leave team team team team okay yes forfeit I give up let me go

Home stop you’re bad ugly please let me live I still have 25 days left leave the end Dimension by jumping into the void if you’re brave enough wait what uh yeah there’s no way I can kill this Dragon I’m either going home or this is the end of the 100 days

Challenge I guess we’ll find out the hard way we’re good we’re good oh my God we made it out of life I actually escaped the end that was a nightmare scenario I could not hurt that Dragon whatsoever I was close to starving it was just nuts this let a

Fire under me Quest book did not care about that any other boss or dungeon or enemy didn’t matter my only goal for the rest of this challenge was to kill that stupid Dragon I added my newest Treasures to my horde the dragon head banners all that I then spent my next

Two hours preparing I made the stellium sword and I Enchanted it with sharpness four I upgraded my armor I gathered tons of food I completed quests and used the rewards to grow as much as I could and getting me up to 20 Hearts finally I brewed potions of strength too I had

Amazing armor a way stronger sword potions tons of food and even two God apples I headed back to the stronghold let the final battle begin alright these things are still here get lost strength potion I’m going in jeez okay okay I’m doing no damage still dude this was strength eat the god Apple

I can’t eat God apples I can’t eat God apples are you kidding me no no you’re dead but you’re perching but the strength is actually no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no run away run away run away okay we’re just Seven health a second

I have to just steal more than that this sucks next time I purchase which is right now I’m yoloing it I haven’t told him I’m fine perch Okay look how much damage we get look how much damage she’s screwed okay we can actually beat this oh we can so do this you stuck wait she just say anything you can’t do that she respawned the tower is this like a golden apple absorption reaching yes okay Purge again

She’s purging okay we got this we got this okay clear these eat that get back here stop giving birth no no no no no no that was my totem what she’s so low we can’t give up now I’m out of these old apples I’m out of everything my arm is fine my sword’s

Fine she’s so low all right just do damage and heal she’s a quarter Health left she’s so low dude she’s virgin there goes fly in I got a hit whatever sure uh I have a spell that boosts my armor cast it armor stronger go donkey cocky don’t get cocky okay be

Careful be careful be careful okay okay the region is slow it’s really slow but hers is not I have to hit her stop pretending stop stop stop stop dude she’s reaching too much now I I can’t keep up with it dude this food gives no saturation I’m not getting Health back

We were so close before we were so close had to get cocky and go for it I’m always cocky the perch I’m gonna wait for her to fully land die let’s [Applause] oh we’ve done it the Ender Dragon is defeated that monster was defeated genuinely one of

The most intense fights I’ve ever had I headed back to my cave and finished off my epic treasure collection with the dragon egg I had become as strong as possible built a gorgeous treasure collection and defeated the Ender Dragon and now this journey has come to an end

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a DRAGON in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Speshel on 2023-03-11 17:00:28. It has garnered 415527 views and 11685 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:30 or 2970 seconds.

Play the top-rated SkyBlock and get a free gift when you join: https://thearchon.net/play-skyblock/?i=speshel

With the abilities to fly, use magic, and grow stronger over time, I survived 100 days as a DRAGON…

Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/play-as-dragon I also added this mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/when-dungeons-arise

Check out my TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/Speshel_

Join my discord! https://discord.gg/aam5Stw

Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgjzL8xzdYGrR4rcfqxXxeA?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Speshel_


Some music provided by Epidemic Sounds, sign up here: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/a4vqag

#100Days #Minecraft #Hardcore

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    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2Oy06iP 💀 Discord! https://discord.gg/XwVraKYRTQ ✨TikTok! https://www.tiktok.com/@riverrain123 👻 Twitter! https://twitter.com/RealRiverrain 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: riverrain.oplegends.com Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: https://oplegends.com/2024/06/15/skyblock-announcement-2024-05-15 Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as a DRAGON in Hardcore Minecraft