I Survived 100 DAYS as a GOD in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

Imagine you’re a minecraft god fighting mythical creatures and battling the greek gods for power for 100 days on day one i spawned in as a tiny little demigod whoa why do i have a beard already while i was wandering around learning my surroundings a villager spotted me

The villager wanted me out of the town and got the iron golem to try to kick me out oh please don’t hurt me big guy i started running away when my speed increased what’s happening why am i so fast and i can jump super high i was now

Wearing hermes wings this was now giving me a speed and jump boost where did i get these boots from after running for a while i found an abandoned castle i can rest and hide here for the night little did i know that this tower was not fully

Abandoned and i was attacked by spiders oh no please don’t bite me ah i’m a god among men i didn’t have any weapons so i had to run away i need a better place to hide for the night i came to a house in the middle of nowhere hello anyone home no

One was there so i stayed inside for the night hiding from the mobs since i didn’t yet know how to protect myself for day two i started cutting down trees and mining stones to make some tools like an axe sword and pickaxe oh i’m so hungry i have to find food quickly

Luckily i found chickens roaming the land i used my sword to kill a few of them and gather their meat with the stone i acquired i made a few furnaces as well i better cook this meat so i don’t get sick i went back to the house

I found earlier but it turns out someone was already living there the villager was not happy with me staying at their house and tried to kick me out the villager charged at me but luckily i stopped them with music take this wait what apollo’s lure i can use this to

Paralyze anyone who tries to attack me i kept using apollo’s lurk to paralyze the villager over and over again you’re not touching me stinky old villager after a few hours i realized that this was wrong i shouldn’t be doing this i should be a kind god not one who

Tortures his followers i will stop this foolishness even when i stopped the poor villager was still afraid of me and ran away wait no come back oh man i’m sorry on day three i noticed that my hunger bar was going down i guess even god’s

Need to eat i headed back to the village from earlier trying not to be noticed and i stole their vegetables ooh this hits the spot and just like that i grew full sized heck yeah and i have 20 hearts now however my celebration was cut short when the iron golem attacked me

I fought back with my stone sword and blocked up to dodge his attacks but just then my sword turned into a gauntlet of some sorts the golden fleece this looks awesome i used it to defeat the golem leaving the villagers unprotected and scared of me i only kill those who oppose me and

Those who do not worship me if you change your ways you will be spared and i will give you a full prosperous life the villager seems skeptical so i spawned in a compost turning him into a farmer the villager thanked me for giving his life purpose and they wanted to repay me

How about a place to stay for the night the villager took me to a hut with a bed and left me to get some rest for the night for days four and five i woke up to the sound of villager screaming i have to help them there was a huge red

Figure with strange purple hooks and a huge helmet glowing red from the inside back to the ground you insignificant worms i tried to stop the fires and all of a sudden i was holding poseidon’s trident how does this work i threw the trident in a large amount of water

Spawned on top of it okay now everything is flooding great i couldn’t help but wonder where all my powers were coming from and i wasn’t the only one who was asking this question curious you have the power of the oceans just like my uncle i will need to converse with my

Father about you little demigod they then left the village forcing me to help the villagers rebuild what was damaged you’re welcome i’m here to protect you as long as you continue praising me and doing my bidding the villagers were grateful for me and i was feeling more

And more power being given to me through their faith i went mining for iron to make some iron tools and armor for protection i’ll make an iron pickaxe and sword i even have enough to make myself an iron armor set this will protect me from those spiders

I needed to learn more about my powers it seemed like they only showed up when i needed them most not when i wanted them it’s time to figure out how to control my abilities while i was pacing in a field i saw a three-headed snake in

The distance whoa a hydra this is the perfect time to test out my new powers and defeat it i went straight for the hydra in hopes of using my newfound powers to take him down i’m going straight for its heads as i began to fight the hydra i soon came to realize

That i was no match for this beast it was way stronger than me okay nope the hydra is overpowering me even my godly gifts can’t destroy this snake i tried to use my stunning ability and tried it but i had to run away they just weren’t

Working i’ll be back for you someday i returned to the village to catch up on some rest but when i got there the villagers had a gift for me They had made me a garden filled with flowers and a fountain all dedicated to me wait what’s this you guys put a sign right here it says subscribe to bronzo that’s a great idea because only 13 of our viewers are actually subscribed to the channel so if you aren’t subscribed

Already what are you waiting for subscribe now and turn on notifications after a long day of mining and battling i needed to finally go to sleep and rest oh what a wild couple of days this sleep is gonna feel so good i had a long dream

That lasted all of day nine and i was in the presence of zeus hello my son welcome to olympus wait you’re my father what a shocker you’re like everyone’s father i asked him if he knew about the giant red guy that was burning down my village was that hades destroying

Villages sounds like something he would do no my brother is not an evil guy just because he’s god of the dead doesn’t mean he wants people dead don’t believe everything disney tells you so who was that then that was your half brother the god of war was that village at war

With another village no aries brings violence everywhere he goes trying to spread war and famine i have to stop him but i need to grow my powers first that is correct my boy and you can do it for you are bronzo god of mining but how can i stop such a powerful god

But where do i find it zeus started to fade away as i woke up from my deep sleep now i knew what i must do find the lightning bolt and destroy ares to save the world from his torment for days 10 to 12 i began to search for zeus’s

Lightning bolt so that i could defeat ares where could zeus’s power be i better start looking as i was searching for zeus abilities i ran into some creepers who were not happy they’re chasing me ah i gotta fight them off some of the creepers exploded while i

Was fighting them actually most of them exploded you creepers are no match for a god like me that was a close one i wonder who or what lies within these trees i better start exploring as i began trekking the jungle i ran into some of the locals they called themselves the mandrakora

Hey little guys well what are you up to a giant please do not hurt us i’m not gonna hurt you guys i only hurt people who oppose me thank you what is your name we are mandragora my name is bronzo god of mining is there any way you can

Help us bronzer our goddesses pomegranate is missing what’s in it for me i’m on a mission myself at the moment goddess pomegranate may be able to help you in your quest to rescue her okay fair trade i’ll help you find the goddesses pomegranate i went onward to look for the mandragora’s goddess maybe

She can help me find zeus’s lightning i better start searching through this jungle where would a goddess be in here i looked all over the place but no sign of goddesses pomegranate instead i ran into something else whoa is that a hippogriff it is as i got closer i

Noticed the hippogriff wing was broken i had to help it hey buddy are you okay would you like to come with me i can help you i’m a god Great come on let’s go i’m looking for a goddess whose name is pomegranate i think okay let’s go on an adventure we set out to look for the pixies who might know where the pomegranate is hey you need a name how about happy happy the hippogriff On days 13 through 15 we were able to discover the pixies base oh this must be it as i approached the base the pixies didn’t seem happy to see me The pixie attacked and started firing explosives at me whoa is that the pomegranate it looked like the explosives were coming from the pomegranate they were strong but as we were fighting athena’s shield pop into my inventory this should do the trick with athena shield i blocked the pixies

Fiery attacks and killed them all yes get wrecked once the pixies were killed i gathered up all their pixie dust and scooped up hera’s pomegranates you can use the pixie dust to float here happy now you can fly again [Applause] next we began the journey back to the

Madrigora’s base between days 16 and 19 i returned to the village of the mandrakoras with hera’s pomegranate in hand but when i finally got there the village was on fire oh no not again i searched through the smoldering rubble looking for any survivors come on there has to be somebody I turned to the familiar sight of burning and destruction i was face to face with the god of war ares i’ve been waiting for you bronzo you you did this why to get your attention you are but a fledgling god the gods of olympus sit upon thrones of

Lies their domains are rife with deceit and corruption none of what he was saying made any sense deceit and corruption what are you talking about why would the gods do that because gods are selfish look upon how i have ravaged this land not a finger was lifted by your gods

Since you are my kin i implore you to join me in my war against the gods i don’t believe you there has to be more to this i refuse to join ares in his campaign of conquest i will be victorious with or without you standing in my way will only result in more

Misery he finished by saying he would give me time to think about his offer and then disappeared in a huge flash of light he’s lost his mind i returned to the original village i was making my home at when i arrived the villagers offered to make me a castle that seems

Like a huge undertaking the villagers had all the manpower needed but lacked the stone to build it up i can get the stone if you want before i knew it i was descending deep into the bowels of the earth my trip was going great until i

Saw is that a gorgon oh no the gorgon whipped its head around her mane of snakes writhed and hissed as she drew closer don’t look into her eyes don’t look her into her eyes as long as i can avoid that i’ll be fine right suddenly a villager had apparently followed me into

The caverns below his gaze met the gorgons and his body was instantly petrified no there’s absolutely no way i can deal with this right now but i’ll be back with that encounter behind me i returned to the surface and brought the loads of stone i collected to the villagers this

Should be enough right on days 20 through 22 i started to help the villagers build a castle using all the stone that i had gathered we built massive walls tall spires and even a grand throne room for me to rule from i also put stained glass to give it a

Really cool sun effect wow this is amazing i sat down on my new throne made of gold and it felt perfect building this castle was such a great idea the villagers worked up an appetite building the castle so i decided to go searching for some livestock thankfully i was able to

Find some cows pigs and even chickens welcome home everyone we started to take care of the animals and breed them but it became painfully clear that the villagers had no idea what they were doing Um i guess we have some work to do i taught the villagers about farming thankfully they were fast learners after some lessons on breeding killing and cooking the animals the villagers gathered enough food to throw a large feast while we were eating happy kept reminding me that we desperately needed

To find zeus’s lightning bolts for days through 27 i continued my search for zeus’s lightning bolt maybe i should check the ocean for answers poseidon might be some help i need to make a boat so that i’ll be safe on the water luckily i have all the material for one

As i set sail i quickly ran into some of the ocean dwellers who might be able to help me hey what are you doing out here the ocean is a dangerous place or you may be but for me this is my home i’m a

Siren i’m in no danger i’m a god you see the most powerful being in all the lands you remind me of poseidon he was a great god was what happened to him the siren told me poseidon has been missing for hundreds of years ever since aries destroyed atlantis and sunk it even

Further into the ocean floor i have to look for him so he can help me but i’ll drown if i go under the ocean water you are a god you know that you’re capable of breathing underwater right i am a god i gotta try and see for myself i jumped

Off the island and went beneath the water to see if i could breathe and it worked i can really breathe in the ocean depths i better start looking for poseidon as i swam in the dark depths of the ocean i ran into some drowned oh no

Drowned our up ahead as i battled i noticed apollo’s lyre worked even better in the ocean waters but the pomegranate would just float down i should use my shield just then lightning struck it seemed athena’s shield harnessed some of her father’s powers but only for protection you guys are no match for my

Abilities i’m a god i was able to fend off all the drowned and continue my search for poseidon’s army on days 28 through 32 i stumbled across a coral reef and it was completely surrounded by hippocampuses whoa they’re everywhere as i was searching through the coral reef one of

Them spotted me as they began to charge me i whipped out my trident and they immediately stopped do my eyeballs deceive me it’s the almighty posada oh no no no he’s my uncle i’m actually looking for him though do you guys know where he might be the hippocampuses explained

That only the elder guardians would know where he may be thanks for the help don’t mention it kid i left the coral reef and set out to find an ocean monument thankfully it didn’t take long and i found one pretty quickly sweet that wasn’t hard and was immediately

Struck with mining fatigue what the heck it was the elder guardians and i tried to fight them off and even reason with them but they wouldn’t fudge please i just need some help i tried to defeat them the old-fashioned way but my hits weren’t effective i desperately needed

Milk to ward off their effects but i was losing focus and couldn’t control my powers to conjure some oh no i gotta get out of here i fled the ocean monument and started to head back home to get some milk on days 33-36 i arrived back

Home at the base and the villagers were ecstatic to see me is it a statue of me The villager was sad that i guessed it right but we’re still super excited to build a statue in my honor so i found some sheep in a field near the castle and brought them home for the villagers welcome to your new home guys just then a villager did something i didn’t know

Was possible oh boy after gathering sheep for the villagers i decided it was time to go mining to upgrade my tools i scoured the mine for diamonds and was able to find enough to craft a diamond pickaxe and sword these are perfect as i was making my way to the exit i happened

To cross a group of angry trolls The trolls lunged at me using their numbers to try and overpower me they were not the smartest spiders i’d come across and i killed them with ease take that stupid trolls as the last troll died he dropped an item i hadn’t seen before whoa power gloves i equipped the gloves

Making my attacks more powerful while i was wearing them these are awesome when i arrived back at the base i used some of the iron i gathered to make buckets and milked the cows the ocean guardians won’t know what hit him after collecting enough milk i stopped by the villagers

Building project to see how it was coming along wow you guys built fast the villagers had already finished a good portion of the legs of the statue and it looked great i can’t wait to see when it’s finished on days 37 to 39 i made

The trek back to the ocean monument as i arrived i was immediately greeted by three ocean guardians i attacked them with my new power gloves i was far more powerful this time i easily killed two of the ocean guardians and the last one surrendered tell me what you know about poseidon the

Ocean guardian told me that poseidon had locked himself away in a deep ravine guarded by sea monsters they gave me a map that pointed towards where poseidon should be thanks and sorry for killing your family i left the ocean monument following the map to the ravine that the

Ocean guardian spoke about that should be it but there’s so many monsters the entrance to the ravine was absolutely swarmed i tried to kill as many as i could but there were far too many don’t worry i’ll help the hippocampus from earlier showed up to help me fight

Together we killed them all thank you for helping me man no problem i’ve waited all my life to meet poseidon it’s a dream come true just then a rogue sea monster snuck up on us and killed the hippocampus in one hit no i avenged the hippocampus’s death and

Then began the descent into the ravine hoping poseidon was there and the hippocampus didn’t die in vain on days 40 through 43 i finally found poseidon’s lair deep in a ravine beneath the waves what the what is this place it’s so dark and humid who goes there reveal yourself

At once wait don’t attack me i’m a god just like you my name is bronzo bronzo there’s no such god prepare to feel the wrath of poseidon i don’t want to fight i need your help to defeat ares he’s burning down innocent villages someone

Has to stop him what of it this world is made for the taking it is the right for gods like us to rule these lands to conquer the weak if you agree with him why don’t you fight by his side ah his battles are none of my business and you

Should do the same now go before i change my mind i learned that poseidon was gonna be no help in taking down ares maybe i could change his mind if i show him his own trident wait before i leave i want you to look at this it’s your

Trident i acquired it when i was in grave danger please you must know someone else who can aid me in my quest go forth and seek hades ruler of the underworld he may be of great knowledge on how to defeat aries good luck as i was about to leave the ceiling of

Poseidon’s lair exploded and water rushed in oh no the roof this place is gonna flood as the hole in the roof got larger ares entered and struck poseidon with a swift blow no ares you’re a monster you’ll pay for this this is but a mere warning bronzo

Do not get in my way or there will be all lies taken just like poseidons more dead soon the third runner will be taken down i began swimming up in a panic aries had gone mad third brother hades i won’t let you take any more innocent lives aries

Just you see i returned home and between days 44 and 49 the villagers gave me some bad news what is it they told me the gorgon from the underground was going crazy and petrifying every single miner that ventured into the caverns below though i am a god i can also still be petrified

The villager handed me a blindfold to help me avert my gaze from the gorgon i told them that they needn’t worry about it anymore and ventured down into the gorgon’s caverns oh oh i heard the familiar sound of pissing snakes and the slithering of scales

Across the rough stone floor so i put on the bandana and charged the monstrous creature hey you take this i tossed hera’s pomegranate in the gorgon’s general direction but couldn’t tell if it hit or not geez i could barely see with this thing on she could poison me

And was trying to turn me into stone with her glowing green eyes however in the heat of battle i unlocked a new item whoa artemis bow but how am i supposed to shoot what i can’t see i took a deep breath and listened to the sound around

Me as i became more in tune with my surroundings i started landing hits on the gorgon yes it’s working my last arrow from artemis’s bow embodied itself in the gorgon eliciting her death throws i won yes i removed the blindfold and picked up the head of the gorgon as a

Trophy oh that’s that’s disgusting turns out she was guarding some diamonds which i happily mined and made into a helmet when i returned with the head the villagers were so grateful but i also wanted to test out the head’s power maybe this thing still works hey cow come here

Okay it does still work uh sorry about your cow dude the villagers gifted me by continuing construction on the statue finishing up the torso really bringing out my toned abs on days 50-53 happy and i had to get serious about visiting the underworld and searching for hades

Just pretend we needed some obsidian to build a portal so we hit the mines jackpot luckily we were able to find plenty of obsidian and brought it back to the surface without issue happy you should stay here we need someone to watch over the base and i don’t want you

To get hurt again with happy agreeing to stay behind i assembled the portal lit it and entered the underworld i made it time to find hades as i began to explore the underworld i suddenly conjured up haiti’s serbia staff into my hands whoa what does this do the staff shot out

Some bubble-like beam but it didn’t seem to do anything as much as i would try so i just kept it in my inventory and continued searching for hades in the distance i saw a fortress i decided to see if any of the locals may know where

Hades is so i approached some blazes and they did not seem happy to see me i just want to talk to hades the places had no interest in talking and neither did the wither skeletons so i had to kill them all and defend myself and continued on the hunt for hades

On days 54-58 i finally found hades hades i’ve been looking for you ares is coming to try and kill you i explained the situation to hades and he seemed confident we have much to discuss bronzo hades then explained the reason why his staff wasn’t working for me that stuff

You are holding instantly banishes mobs to the underworld since you are already here its powers are mute do not use it too often though as it has a chance of banishing you as well i’ll be careful with it i promise now let’s discuss zeus’s lightning bolt hades explained

That the bolt was being guarded by a powerful dragon in their lair and i’d have to defeat them to retrieve it as he was explaining though we had an unwanted visitor why hello there aries we’ve been expecting you well i hope i didn’t keep you waiting for too long suddenly aries

Lunged at 80s they started scuffing and i joined into hell ares was way too powerful to fight he did so much damage and could really take a hit i had an idea though i whipped out the gorgon’s head and tried to get ares attention hey ares you big smelly nerd look over here

As ares turned to face me i used the gorgon’s head to turn him into stone well done bronzo is is it over i’m afraid not the gorgon’s petrifying gaze won’t last for long hades used his power to send aries back to the overworld for the time being thanks for everything

Hades you know for the god of the underworld you’re a pretty chill guy thank you bronzo before you leave take this it should help you upgrade your tools hades gave me hephaestus’s anvil which i stashed away for later and then began my journey through the nether back

Home from days 59 to 62 i journeyed back home and took my new staff for a spin let’s try it on some hostile mobs with one fell swoop the zombies and skeletons were dragged down into the underworld awesome the next morning one of the villagers approached me they wanted me

To build a temple but lacked the materials needed for concrete since i am a benevolent god i can get those materials for you i dug up sand and went underground for gravel and when i came back to the base i encountered some skeletons in the field oh they’re so far

Away and there’s no way i could get closer without being pelted with a volley of arrows hmm just then the crimson black keys of proximity projection showed up in my hands it’s a set of daggers that don’t do that much damage on their own but they have a

Special ability i can teleport this thing is awesome with the crimson keys i swiftly dealt with all the skeletons i collected their bones and broke them down for the white dye required to craft white concrete powder the blacksmith had a solidifier chamber this allowed him to turn the powder into a solid concrete

Thanks broski with the building materials all gathered the villagers constructed a temple in my honor i loved it so much that i gifted them with a bountiful feast on day 63 through 66 i used hephaestus’s anvil to upgrade all my godly tools whoa this is awesome that

Dragon won’t stand a chance as i was about to head out to hunt down zeus’s lightning bolt i was stopped by a frantic villager happy tried to convince me to continue my journey but i couldn’t i had to help my followers don’t worry little guy i’m

On the case i’ve began to follow the villagers directions to where the cyclops cave was but as i was searching for it zeus appeared before me do not fight the cyclops yet you’re not ready but dad i have to try i can’t just let those villagers die i see entering

Your rebellious teen years aren’t you it’s not a phase dad it’s my job as their god well if you insist then here take this zeus gave me aphrodite’s golden apple good luck bronzo but don’t say i didn’t warn you zeus then disappeared and i continued searching

For the cyclops lair as i was exploring though i ran into a pack of death worms and they attacked me stay back your gross worms thankfully my upgraded weapons made it super easy to kill them and i continued on with my search i had to find the cyclops hideout so on days

67 through 70 that’s what i did this must be it look at how big the structure is with my new upgrades i had to prove to zeus that he was wrong come fight me you one-eyed freak hey man why are you gonna make fun of my eye that’s kind of mean

My gifts were not working as well as i was hoping though come on i can’t lose now i’ve come so far using haiti’s staff was not an option here if i did it would send all my loyal villagers to the underworld along with the cyclops just

Drop already you’re no match for a god no matter how big you are i was taking a lot of damage but luckily i ate aphrodite’s apple to heal me back up and it gave me resistance yes try to hit me now you big idiot even with the resistance the battle still continued

This thing just wouldn’t die eventually my resistance wore off and i thought i was cyclops chow until i unlocked a mystical staff whoa what is this a new godly weapon take this you oversized baby as i use the mystic staff i obliterated the cyclops this staff was

Indeed godlike the cyclops is no more my fellow villagers let us rejoice the villagers were both thankful and afraid of what they had just witnessed come on let’s get back to the village and celebrate on days 71-74 the villagers were so grateful i killed the cyclops that they finished

The statue of me as a gift as much as i wanted to stay and admire their handiwork i had unfinished business i needed to hit the road again and hunt down zeus’s lightning bolt thanks happy let’s do this abby and i traveled through the tundra searching for the dragon’s lair as we were

Exploring though we were ambushed by an army of undead beasts oh no this isn’t good the beasts attacked us and we had to fight back to defend ourselves i used the crimson keys and haiti staff to get in range of the beasts and banished them to the underworld have fun visiting

Hades thankfully i was able to defeat all the golems without accidentally banishing happy as well huh it must not work on my friends that’s convenient happy and i resumed our travel through the tundra continuing to search for the dragon’s lair it was on days 75-78 where things got really

Interesting i found the dragon’s lair happy and i fought the dragon together as a team but it was no easy opponent come on happy we got this we can defeat the dragon with teamwork the dragon swooped down and attacked us with crazy flashy lightning powers enough to light

Up an entire city look out for the lightning happy one good strike and we’re gonna be toast luckily i had my upgraded godly gifts to fight against the dragon hey dragon how do you like the taste of pomegranate not so good is it the dragon was split

Into pieces and died yes we did it we slayed the dragon could this be yes it’s zeus’s lightning power i can use this to finally defeat ares when i acquired the lightning abilities i also gained an extra 10 hearts this is so awesome 10 extra hearts i’m really starting to feel

Like a god now before we left the dragon’s lair i gathered as many diamonds as possible check it out happy i got zeus’s lightning abilities let’s test it out after doing some testing with my new ability happy and i headed back home on days 79 through 84 i

Returned home and the villagers were ecstatic to see me they said that they wanted to give me something as a gift but weren’t sure what i know you guys should build more homes i also told the villagers to invite more followers to come live with them the villagers split

Up some leaving to search for more followers to join them in their village and the others beginning to gather materials and build more houses they even used some of the leftover material to build a larger farm to feed everyone this looks amazing guys but i’m feeling pretty pooped though it’s been a long

Few days i’m gonna get some rest i made my way back to the temple and zeus was standing there waiting for me dad you’re here yes bronzo i’ve been very proud of what you’ve accomplished so far but i have a challenge for you zeus wanted me to test myself further by

Taking on the hydra again i’ll do it i’ll defeat the hydra they grow up so fast on days 85 through 89 i said goodbye to the villagers for the meantime don’t miss me too much while i’m gone and set out to search for the hydra in my

Travels i met a strange bonga tribe and asked them if they’d seen a hydra yeah in fact we have we loved the captain america movies um good for you guys but that’s a yeah you know what okay bye they weren’t able to help me so i kept moving and soon i ran

Into a godly looking kid hey have you seen a hydra around here i’m supposed to slay one no way that’s the kind of epic adventure i usually go on my name’s percy who are you bronzo i’m the god of yeah yeah sounds cool i saw the hydra in

A field over that way good luck man oh all right thanks i followed percy’s directions and came face to faces with the hydra all right time to earn my dad’s respect i ran in and attacked the hydra dodging its heads and striking it with lightning it was no match for my

Powers i even started flying as i evaded his attacks it took so long to take the beast down but in the end i stood victorious yeah i did it did you see that dad above me zeus nodded his head in approval my mission was complete and

I headed back home on days 90 through 93 i arrived back at my base and was greeted by a whole host of new villagers wow welcome to your new home everyone i announced to my followers that i was finally able to defeat the hydra while the villagers were busy

Celebrating my victory i decided to slip away and finish my diamond armor set yes that should be just enough i used the diamonds from the dragon’s lair to craft the rest of my armor and i was looking good ares won’t know what hit him i decided to use hephaestus’s anvil to try

And upgrade my lightning powers whoa it worked i waited until night to find something to test it on take this you stupid mobs the lightning killed a ton of mobs all at once that’s amazing it did have some small side effects though what happened to me oopsie

I arrived back at the village on days 94-96 to find that disaster had struck oh my gosh what happened here kidding this place is completely ruined if you do you’ll just be feeding into his power you need to stay here and help me bring peace i was able to convince

The villagers not to declare war and we spent some time rebuilding the village but while we were at work a band of pillagers began a raid ah leave my villagers alone they’ve been through enough i used all my powers to kill them keeping my village safe and return to

The rebuilding efforts on days 97 into 98 tension was running high as we rebuilt many of the villagers told me they were scared that ares would return to finish what he had started as long as i’m here you will be safe i promise i will stop ares after finishing up the

Bulk of the reconstruction happy let me know that it was time to go find ares to everyone who has followed me thus far thank you if you want to perform a true show of devotion to your god be sure to subscribe like the video and let me know

Down in the comments what mob i should do next i set out with happy by my side a few hours into our journey we were encountered by a group of strange pink and brown creatures happy told me they were called spider pigs are they friendly

As if on cue the spider pigs sprung into action and swarmed us there’s so many of them suddenly i felt something strange i have ares’s blade well there’s no better time to get a new weapon hey i set the spider pigs on fire with ares’s blade making quick work of those strange creatures

Yeah don’t mention it seriously i never want to talk or think about those things ever again abby and i continued on our way but i was left wondering why i gained some of aries power on day 99 i was traveling through the desert when i ran into hades bronzo you’ve made it you

Are nearing aries coliseum yes i’m finally going to defeat him once and for all i believe in you bronzo be careful though as aerys will be by far your toughest opponent he leaves for the sole purpose of inflicting violence and destruction i know i can take him yes

Now go make your father proud bronzo go defeat that monster i thanked hades for the words of encouragement and continued on with happy towards the colosseum as we neared closer though we ran into a group of gusters all right happy i think we’re gonna have to take them down we

Fought the gusters and they were strong their halloween wins did a ton of damage and while we were able to defeat them happy was injured in the battle Don’t worry happy you need to heal i will take down ares alone he can’t continue his path of destruction i bid happy farewell and continue in my journey to ares’s coliseum it was now day 100 and i made it to aries coliseum it’s time to face my destiny i entered

The huge structure and there was ares waiting for me oh welcome brother come to join me in my quest to rule everything never i’m here to bring this world peace and rid them of your evil the gods are corrupt we must stop them together you are just as ignorant if not

More you killed poseidon he would have joined you in your quest but you were just too power-hungry to notice it seems that we would not be compatible partners to rule this world prepare to die we started to fight both of us having great powers they had fire and could summon up

Purple spikes as well as summon green swords that fired at me and the heads of fallen warriors that would follow me until they hit me but i had all my godly weapons along with my lasers and teleportation daggers you think your weapons are enough they are just

Fractions of us god’s powers even with all of the other god’s strengths you still couldn’t defeat me i am a god too and i have my own powers as well the fight was long and we were even in our capabilities and power aries could withstand a great amount of pain they

Even had the ability to summon swords out of thin air that would be thrown at me eventually i had enough and needed help and to hide for a moment i ran into the side of the coliseum where i found zeus waiting for me bronzo take the olympus blade this will finish him and

Banish him from all worlds why didn’t you give me this earlier i needed to know save the world i took the blade and with one swift swing i finished aries yes he’s gone i won

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a GOD in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2022-04-23 19:00:02. It has garnered 10972674 views and 313962 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:57 or 2337 seconds.

I Survived 100 DAYS as a GOD in HARDCORE Minecraft! Today, we’ll explore the life of a GOD lurking around the OVERWORLD and NETHER like never before! As a GOD, my goal is to build the best GODLIKE BASE for me and my mob friends, build an incredible STATUE, and then finally defeat ARES the GOD of WAR for trying to take over the MINECRAFT WORLD!

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed!

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  • Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill

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  • Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20

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  • Bamboo Farm Shenanigans

    Bamboo Farm Shenanigans Minecraft Episode 39: Building Bamboo Farm Panda Survival Series Minecraft, a world of endless possibilities, where blocks, creatures, and community come together to create a unique gaming experience. In this episode, @swordartgamer1063 takes on the challenge of building a bamboo farm in the Panda Survival Series. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft! Building a Bamboo Farm One of the key elements in Minecraft is resource gathering. Bamboo is a versatile material that can be used for various purposes, from crafting tools to feeding pandas. By building a bamboo farm, players can ensure a steady supply of this… Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

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  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

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  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam [CreativeCore] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/creativecore [JEI] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei [JER] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-enough-resources-jer [Rubidium] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rubidium [Oculus] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/oculus [Jade] https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jade ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More

  • SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender – The Movie

    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: https://discord.gg/7r8AZCJPPN – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: https://youtu.be/SI72KM3VhJ8?si=VVCXxv-HLPIN139z Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More

  • “Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern Mini Base Build Guide in Minecraft!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingvideos’, was uploaded by Shured Gaming on 2024-01-16 02:07:49. It has garnered 2551 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Modern Mini Base Build Ideas, build a house. Give your woof a place with style! Build Idea Guide. Easy Design Build Guide in Minecraft!! A Build guide for Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuildideas #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuild #gaming #game #gamingvideos #minecraftuniverse #minecraftupdate #minecraftnews #minecraftfacts #shorts #gamingshorts #minecraftmyths #new #minecraftmyths #minecraft #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #hopefullyviral #gameplay #gamer #gamers #gamingcommunity #gaminglife… Read More

  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

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  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: https://discord.gg/aires-network ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

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  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道:https://kook.top/50DQC9 discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 new42499704.cn:55555 Read More

  • LanderYT SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Season 5 of the LanderYT SMP! Our SMP offers a chance to play survival without being bothered by other players. No property damage is allowed, and PvP can only occur with mutual agreement. We have been open for 10 months and are resetting for 1.21 in 5 weeks. Our SMP is inspired by Hermitcraft, providing a similar experience to a public player base. We have a shopping district for active players to build shops and make a profit. The server runs on donation money, so there’s no guarantee it will last the season, but we’re doing our best…. Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

    1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server🔳 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server 🔳🔲 {Skyblock} {Escape} {Java 1.19}🔳 Ip: Cube.mchosting.pro 🌐🔲 – DescriptionAn adventure map skyblock server based on the 1997 movie The Cube. 🎬Game modes include..🔳 – CubeExplore the cube, avoid the traps and successfully reach the edge. The exit will spawn on a random side. Can you beat the cube?🔳 – SkyblockBuild your island, expand your land and collect new materials to enhance your island.Economy for your Skyblock island is gained through completing the cube. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

    Minecraft Memes - Block-breaking blunder!Looks like this meme didn’t even pass the “Minecraft Memes 101” class! Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: ronaldkah.de Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

    50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21 Exploring the Top 50 Best Seeds for Building in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover some of the best seeds for building in the game’s latest update? Look no further! Here are the top 50 Minecraft Seeds that will ignite your creativity and inspire your construction projects. 1. 3158993663659625035 Starting off our list is Seed 3158993663659625035, offering a unique terrain for your building adventures. Explore the vast landscapes and let your imagination run wild. 2. 3463546135668711435 Seed 3463546135668711435 presents a different challenge with its structures and biomes. Uncover hidden gems and… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-23 11:00:11. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

    Sly Water Gun Prank Goes ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमायरा ने मारी पिचकारी 🧟‍♀️👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-25 15:30:04. It has garnered 14235 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft’s CRAZIEST REALISTIC CHAIR Hack! #shorts”‘, was uploaded by MHDGamingK on 2024-05-01 11:10:50. It has garnered 430 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: https://discord.gg/gc25Nyyvwp Twitch: https://twitch.tv/tazgirl_ Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17

    Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Selesaikan Rumah Bata Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-02 14:36:27. It has garnered 7957 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:17 or 7997 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw/join skin minecraft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UHQ06CBhlsT7icJ7zs0ca53xxPb1LoJ/view?usp=sharing Donate saweria: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft… Read More

  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

    Beefton's Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live | Playing With Viewers | Open Parties | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Beefton on 2024-07-03 10:26:04. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:10 or 6490 seconds. hi i uh i uh yeah tags VVVV #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture… Read More

  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

    Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FIGHTER FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-28 17:00:19. It has garnered 88571 views and 1260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!! Will Shad be able to take out the anime fighter fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-05 12:44:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: https://discord.gg/bq7D23bdES Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • The Lush Sanctuary

    The Lush SanctuaryThe Lush Sanctuary supports older versions and newer versions of minecraft with crossplay enabled. our server supports lgbtq+ community play.thelushsanctuary.com Read More

  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

    ABOUT THE TRADING POST Originally launched in September of 2022, The Trading Post was created to coincide with Kevin’s new online persona of “The Wandering Trader.” The Minecraft server aims to bring together a community of builders, redstoners, and more. It is open to the public but still maintains a close-knit feel from Kevin’s streaming origins. Come join us at www.thetradingpost.live! Read More

  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

    Want to join a consistently updated modded Minecraft server with no whitelist? Look no further than the All the Mods 9 to the Sky server! We have a great community of players, and we’re always looking for more people to join us. Come play and enjoy your time! Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as a GOD in HARDCORE Minecraft!