I Survived 100 DAYS as a KANGAROO in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day 1 I spawned in as a kangaroo! “Hoo ha I’m a tiny little  kangaroo! Look how bouncy I am!” I was so busy bouncing, I barely noticed the  little tasmanian devil, that started to attack me! “Back away!” I swung my fists and punched that  little baby right out of here!

“Hot dang, I’m tiny but I can pack a punch!” I took a look around for some  trees to start my adventure,   when a much bigger tasmanian devil came out. “Uh oh, looks like I made the dad  angry! I gotta hop on out of here!” I ran away as the tasmanian devil looked angrily  

On. If I could find my kangaroo  family, I knew I would be safe! As I hopped around I could see I was all alone,  so I made myself a simple shelter to spend the   night. Maybe tomorrow I can find my family. On day 2 I headed back over to where I spawned in,  

And saw the tasmanian devil  was nowhere to be seen. “Looks like the coast is  clear, let’s get that wood!” I started punching the trees and had  soon gathered a good amount of wood.   Using the wood I managed to make myself  some wood tools that would come in handy  

Later. It turned out that later was now, as  a snake came out of nowhere and attacked! “Where did you come from?!” I swung at the snake, hitting him  right in the face! It didn’t take long,   and I was able to take him out! “Not bad my guy!”

I looked over and saw an emu was watching! “Why don’t you come over here and  let me get a sample of that power?” “You want to fight me?” “Just box- let’s go!” I didn’t see the harm in a little training, so  I started swinging! The emu was a good fighter,  

And had clearly been well trained.  After a bit of sparring we stopped. “Yeah you’ve got some real talent,  but you’ve got lots to learn. Let me   introduce you to my trainer. He’ll have  you becoming a real fighter in no time.”

I agreed and followed him. As we walked, he  introduced himself as Earnie. We soon arrived at   an old run down gym. As we entered inside, I soon  saw who his trainer was- it was an old turtle! “Master Balboa, I ran into this Kangaroo  and I think he’s got some real promise!”

The old turtle looked me up and down. “Hmm. I don’t see much here. I won’t train him.” “Oh come on, maybe he can help with the-” “Silence! Okay. He can stay here.  Be ready for training at sunrise.” I don’t know why this Master Balboa  was so hard on me, but I agreed to  

Be trained, and went to bed in the gym. On day 3 I was woken up by Master Balboa. “Already sleeping in, I see. Hmph.  Beggars can’t be choosers. Up,   up- you will start by cleaning this place!”

I took a look around the gym and saw that  there was a lot of work to be done. There   was a lot of stuff that needed to be  cleared out, and there was a lot of   room for improvement. I wonder how long it had  been since someone had cleaned this place up!

Once I had done a fair bit of cleaning, I decided  that I didn’t need to be sleeping on the floor   anymore, so I made myself a small room for  me to sleep in. It wasn’t anything fancy,   just a place to rest. After I had  finished, Master Balboa came up to me.

“Too good to sleep on the floor  are you? Every student sleeps on   the floor and earns his dues. I don’t  know why you think you are different.” “I’m not trying to offend anyone, I just  thought it might be a little more comfortable.”

“One can never do the uncomfortable  from a place of comfort. You’d do   well to remember that strength  is forged in the trials of fire.” Man, this guy was always speaking in weird  sayings. Just then, a mountain tortoise appeared!

“Uh oh! This guy looks like he wants  to hurt me! Let’s get out of here!” “No Zozo, this is your fire! Fight him  and forge the strength you need to win!” “Umm okay, I’ll give it a shot!” The Tortoise was tough! He was  really hitting hard and I wasn’t  

Feeling confident I could win. That’s when  I could hear Master Balboa shouting at me. “A Tortoise’s strength doesn’t come from   the hardness of his shell, but  from the will of his heart!” “What?” “Don’t hit his shell, hit his soft spots!” “Oh right!” I focused on the tortoise’s neck,  

And started landing some good  hits. In no time he was taken out! After he had disappeared. I felt  some adrenaline coursing through me,   and I leveled up into an even stronger Kangaroo. “I have more hearts now too!” Earnie was really impressed,  and shouted his encouragement  

To me. I thought I even saw Master  Balboa crack a smile. Just maybe.  On days 4-5 I found myself facing off  with Earnie. My skills had improved,   but my emu friend really knew how to fight!  As we fought, I asked him some questions.

“So have you seen any other kangaroos  around? I can’t be the only one.” Earnie didn’t say anything,   but I could tell he had something to  say. Master Balboa spoke up instead. “There are many animals who have trained here.  One of these animals was a legendary kangaroo.  

He was one of the greatest fighters  to pass through this gym. Even he,   among many others, was unable to  defeat the Buff Bear. All have failed.” “I hate that Buff Bear. I’ve seen too many   of my friends fall to him. Nothing  will stop me from destroying him!!”

“Patience Earnie. Rage is a cancer that  can blind even the clearest of vision.” Earnie calmed down, but I could still sense his  frustration beneath the surface. I felt his anger   though- that Buff Bear was going to pay! On days 6-8, I woke up with an idea.

“If we’re really going to  take down this Buff Bear,   we’re going to need better training  facilities! I think I can help with that.” I headed out and found some stone so that  I could make some better tools. After   I had gathered some stone, I was  suddenly attacked by the tasmanian  

Devil from my first day! Joke was on  him though, I was even stronger now! “Let’s see how you like this!” I swung my fists and really let him have it. I  don’t think he was expecting me to be so strong,   and I was able to knock him out in no time!

“Someone bit off more than they could chew!” I grabbed a little more sand, then headed back  to the base. Now that I had a bunch of materials,   I used them to start making improvements to  the gym. I felt like I had a strong purpose  

And a clear mind. Master Balboa would be proud  of that. After a lot of sweat and hard work,   all the improvements were  complete! At least for now.  On days 9-10 Earnie and I were out for a jog. The  problem was, Earnie was so much faster than me,  

He had to keep waiting for me to catch  up. He didn’t seem to mind though. “Heh heh what a slowpoke!” I looked over and saw a monkey was watching us. “Hey, that’s not a very nice thing to say!”

“You’re right, but I’m not very nice. I’m  nicer than that dump you call a gym though!” “I’m sorry, who are you?” “Eh, why do you care? You’re not going  to be around much longer anyway.” “What do you mean?” “My master Buff Bear is going to wipe you and all  

Your little friends out soon enough-  you’re all a bunch of weaklings!” “Buff Bear? You think Buff Bear can beat us?” Earnie jumped at the monkey  and they started to fight! “Yeah get him Earnie!” The monkey and Earnie were pretty evenly  matched, but I believed in Earnie!”

Just then, someone else came running  into the fight. It was the Buff Bear! “Earnie watch out!” Earnie was outnumbered- I had to help! “Heh heh, more of Balboa’s students for  me to destroy! You guys are pathetic!” We were holding on, but Buff Bear was strong-  I was starting to get worried about Earnie!

“Stop this at once!” Master Balboa had arrived. He seemed to catch all  of us off guard, as everyone stopped fighting. “Balboa! Crawled out of your shell  to train some more weaklings I see.” “Bear, your strength is your weakness.” “Ha! Are you two really  listening to this old fool?”

“Don’t insult him! You are a real  jerk. I challenge you to a fight!” “Earnie! No!” “Ha! Yeah I’ll fight you little  guy. Looks like you better go   with your babysitter. You know where to find me.” Master Balboa then pulled us away as  Buff Bear and his Monkey Henchman left.

“Earnie! I told you your  anger could be your downfall.” “Master Balboa- I’ve been training  so hard. I know I can beat him!” Master Balboa didn’t seem so sure,  but didn’t say anything else. “If you’re going to go through with this,  

You’ll need all the help you can get.  I’ll do what I can to help you prepare.”  On days 11-12 I decided to continue doing some  upgrades to the gym. Earnie was going to need   every advantage, so I made sure to give the gym  the improvements it needed to give him the edge.

“It’s going to take more than a nice gym to win  the fight, so we better get some upgraded gear!” I took off and soon found myself in a  forest. I headed into a nearby cave,   and quickly found some iron! “Just what I was looking for!”

I had collected the iron I needed, when  suddenly I was attacked by a sunbird! “What the- where did you come from?!” I tried to hit him, but he was too tough!  My health was starting to drain though,  

And I had to get out of there! I ran  off- how could I beat him? Then I had   an idea. I climbed up to get higher  than the sunbird, then jumped off. “Heads up!” By doing this I was able to land the final blow.  That’s when I saw he had dropped some items.

“Oh nice! These will be perfect for the base!” “You saved me!” Confused, I turned and saw a  platypus was talking to me. “That sunbird wouldn’t leave me alone!” “Well he’ll leave you alone now! But it is pretty   dangerous out here. Do you  have a safe place to stay?”

“No, not really. I’m all alone out here.” “Well, why don’t you come live  at my training gym with me?” “Oh, I’ve always wanted to be  stronger. That sounds great!” We headed off for the gym. We soon arrived,  and I had a chat with Master Balboa.

“Zozo, I’m not running a charity here. You  can’t just invite anyone you meet to live here!” “But he was all alone! I can build him his own  place. He won’t be a bother, I’m sure of it.” “Hmph. Well, these are  dangerous times. Very well.”

I quickly got to work putting  together a room for the platypus,   whose name was Perry. I wasn’t sure how much  training Master Balboa was going to let him do,   but in any case, he would have a place to stay.

I also took some time to build myself a  crafting area. Once my crafting area was   set up, I smelted all of the iron I had  gathered. With all of the iron smelted,   I then took all of the iron ingots  and used them to make myself a fancy  

New set of iron tools. I also used  them to make myself some iron armor. “The iron armor is still a little big for  me though, so I’ll save it for later.”  On days 13-15 I woke up to a strange noise.  We were being attacked by a gang of monkeys!

“Buff Bear’s cronies! We’ve got to stop them!” I jumped into battle, hitting as many monkeys as  I could. I couldn’t believe Buff Bear would send   a hit squad like this! I was taking some  of them out, but they just kept coming!

Suddenly, Buff Bear entered, and the fight  was really on! Earnie and Master Balboa tried   to fight him off, but it looked like they  were in real trouble! Then, out of nowhere,   I was trapped in a cage! All I could do was  watch as Buff Bear attacked my friends. Master  

Balboa took a hard hit, and Earnie was now  in danger! This looked like the end for him! “No! Wait, it was just a dream. Thank goodness!” I was still feeling nervous about it though, so I  went to talk to Earnie. I told him about my dream,  

And that I didn’t think it would be a good  idea for him to go through with the fight.   Earnie just laughed it off, saying I was being  paranoid. He was sure he could win the fight. “I hope so. But keep an eye  out for any funny business.” 

On days 16-19, I woke up and  saw that Master Balboa and   Earnie were already hard at work training. “Whoops! Master Balboa isn’t going  to like that I slept in again!” I was still feeling a little nervous about  Earnie’s fight though, so I went to talk to him  

About it. He told me I needed to stop worrying.  That’s when Master Balboa started to talk to me. “Zozo, enough jibber jabber! You already  slept too late. It’s time to train!” “Yeah sorry, I had a pretty bad dream.  What’s on the schedule for today?”

Master Balboa led us over to a corner of the gym. “See this? Beneath these boards is the  basement. There’s a spider infestation   down there that I don’t want to deal  with. The two of you can get down there  

And clean it up. There’s more equipment  on the way and we need space for it.” “Oh man. Alright, we’re on it!” Earnie and I broke all the boards,   as well as the spider webs. Master Balboa  was right, it was a mess down here! We got right to work destroying all of the spiders  

In our way. I wondered how  long they had been down here! “I really hope Master Balboa knows  what he’s doing, this is nasty!” Soon enough, the spiders were all  cleared out! We then got to work   patching up all of the broken sections. This  place was in rough shape, but we were sure we  

Could get it looking nice in no time! As we  finished, Master Balboa came down to meet us. “Zozo, there’s a delivery waiting for  us. Go ahead and bring everything down.” I ran upstairs and greeted the delivery  man. He handed me the boxes of equipment  

And I took everything down stairs. Inside of  the boxes was a bunch of exercise equipment! “Well boys, hop to it!” Earnie and I unloaded all the equipment,  and got everything set up. There were a lot   of good areas to train in now! Just in time  too, because Master Balboa was ready for us.

“Time to hit the equipment!” Earnie and I ran around the gym following Master  Balboa’s instructions. It was a lot of hard work,   but Earnie had a big fight ahead, and  we really needed to push him to be his   best. The new equipment was great too. I  was definitely going to be sore tomorrow!

As we finished our workout, I could  really feel my heart pumping. Suddenly,   I grew into an even bigger  kangaroo, and gained more hearts! “Woah, I feel great!!” As we all celebrated my new  strength, Perry came down the stairs.

“Wow you’ve grown! I wanted to find you guys as  I know something that might help! There are some   powerful boxing gloves in a far off land, that  makes the user punch even harder than normal!” “That’s just what we could use!”

Perry explained where we needed to go. I told  Earnie to keep training, and I would go find   the gloves. We had to get these gloves! On days 20-22 I headed out to go find   the special gloves. Perry told me where to go,  

But mentioned it was very dangerous.  As I got closer, I could see why. “This outpost is crawling with desert  raiders… this isn’t going to be easy.” I snuck my way up to the front door, as a patrol  of raiders walked by. Maybe I could sneak in?

I moved further into the base, trying to  hide behind things as I went. I had gotten   much bigger though, and that was harder  to do. They soon spotted me, and attacked! “Looks like I’m going to have to  fight my way through this one!”

There were a lot of raiders, but with my new  strength, it wasn’t too much of a challenge   to knock them out of the way. I had to be  careful though, because if I got too cocky,   they could easily overrun me with  their numbers, and take me down!

Soon, I had fought my way to the top of the  base! As I moved to take the power gloves,   I heard a noise. A buff raider  was looking at me, and charged! “Bring it on!” This guy was no ordinary raider!  He was stronger than the others,  

And had a different weapon. As  he hit me, I even caught on fire! “Woah, tone it down big guy!” The fire hurt, but I had to  keep fighting! I couldn’t let   Earnie down. I kept on punching and hitting,  until finally I landed the final blow! “The power gloves are all mine now!”

I walked up to the gloves and picked  them up. They fit… like a glove! As I left the base, another raider tried  to attack me, but I punched him so hard,   he went flying! The other guy  simply turned and tried to run away. “I’ve got the power now!”

As I arrived back at the base, I could see   Earnie outside training. I could  tell he was feeling a bit nervous. “Hey Earnie, are you feeling  nervous? I’m here to support   you no matter what. There’s  no shame in calling it off.”

“No, I can’t call it off. I’ve been  waiting for this my whole life.” “Alright, if you say so. In any case,  I have some good news. I got the power   gloves! These should give you a serious leg up!”

I tossed the gloves over to him, and  he was super excited about it. I could   tell this really raised his spirits. I was  still nervous about him doing the fight,   but there was no way I was  going to change his mind. 

On days 23-26, it was time for the big  fight! We all made our way to the arena,   and soon arrived. Earnie was in high  spirits and we were feeling pretty good-   maybe he could win this thing after all? As we  approached, the Monkey from before stopped us.

“Hi ya chumps. Buff Bear wants to make  this fight a little more interesting.” “Oh boy, what’s that?” “This fight won’t be to the death, just  until someone gives up. If the emu here wins,   which he won’t, Master Bear will let any  of the captured birds go. But if he loses,  

He’ll be Master Bear’s servant for life!” “There’s something fishy about this  Earnie, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” “Tell your boss I’ll take it. And I’m looking  forward to seeing all the birds go free.” The monkey chuckled and went to tell his boss. Earnie had stepped into the ring, and we could  

Hear something up above us. Buff Bear  had hung cages all around the arena,   cages that were filled with all of  Earnie’s friends! This guy was a sicko! An announcer stepped into the ring. “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!  Welcome to another rumble fantastical!!!  

In the red corner we have the powerful,  the mighty, the undefeated… BUFF BEAR!!!” The crowd went absolutely  nuts with cheering. He was   definitely going to have the home field advantage. “Annnnnd in the blue corner… is an emu.” The announcer walked off. “You got this Earnie!” “Make us proud son!”

There was a ding, and the fight was on!   Earnie and Buff Bear jumped at each other.  They were both landing some heavy hits! “Come on Earnie! Show him who’s boss!” Earnie was swinging his hardest, and it  looked like he was actually winning! I   bet Buff Bear wasn’t expecting those Power Gloves!

“Ha! What’s wrong Bear- scared  you’ve finally met your end?” “You’re good Emu…. or are you?  I guess I’ll start trying now!” Buff Bear started hitting even harder  than before. He wasn’t bluffing,   he had just been toying with Earnie! “Earnie watch out!”

Buff Bear was really landing blows now.  All Earnie could do was try to defend,   but it was no use. This fight  wasn’t going to last much longer. “Okay, okay! I yield. You  win. I will be your servant.”

“Please. I have enough servants. You think  I’m not going to give my friends a good show?” “No. You- you made a deal!” “Oops. Guess I lied.” “Earnie watch out!” Buff bear swung his claws,  and destroyed Earnie for good! “No!!!” The crowd went wild as Buff  Bear celebrated with them. “Aghh let’s get him!”

“No Zozo, I can’t lose you too! Quick,  grab the gloves and let’s get out of here.” I jumped into the arena and collected  the power gloves. Master Balboa and   I got out of there as fast as we could. On days 27-31 we had made it back to the  

Gym. I couldn’t believe Earnie was gone. We  had only known each other for a short time,   but it felt like we had become brothers. I went outside and saw Master  Balboa looking off in the distance. “We’ll get our revenge on Buff Bear, I know it!” Master Balboa sighed.

“Zozo, it is impossible. I can’t keep letting  this cycle repeat itself. Earnie said the same   thing to me when our last student was defeated,  And that student said the same thing when we lost   the one before. I am a failure as a teacher.  I should just close up the gym and be done.”

“No! You can’t do that. I’ve  learned so much from you,   and know I have much more to learn. If you’re  gone… it will be like I’ve lost everyone.” Master Balboa thought about it for a moment. “Fine. We can continue. But you must promise  you won’t challenge that bear. Training is  

For the strengthening of the self,  not the domination of others.” I smiled. He was back to himself. “I promise to train for my own betterment,  not for the destruction of others.” I meant what I said, but there  was something inside of me that  

Was telling me I needed to avenge  Earnie. I didn’t feel like I needed   to mention that to Master Balboa  though, so I changed the subject. “I think we should do something to honor  Earnie. And I know just what to do.”

Using some of the supplies from the gym,  I got to work building a statue. I had a   special idea in mind, and I think you’ll like  it when I’m done. It wasn’t too much longer,   and the first part of the statue was complete. 

On days 32-35, I went to have a chat with  Perry. Even if we weren’t going to challenge   the Buff Bear and his monkeys, we needed  to be strong enough to defend ourselves. Perry said he was ready to begin training,  

And I decided it would be good to  go and try to recruit more animals. I headed out into the land, and soon came  across an abandoned farm. I didn’t see anyone,   so I decided to go ahead and grab some of  the nearby crops. As I was finishing up,  

I heard a cry in the distance! “What was that?” The sound got closer- that’s when I saw a  baby pig under attack by a group of cougars! “Help me!!” I charged in, punching the cougars! “Leave him alone!!” The cougars must have been so hungry,  

They didn’t even pay attention to me. The  poor little piggy was really in trouble! It took a few swings, and soon,  all of the cougars were gone! “Hey there buddy, are you okay?” “Yes.. but no. This was my family’s  farm, but my family was captured and  

Taken away by the henchman of Buff Bear. I  was next- thank goodness you came along!” “Happy to help! But it’s  not safe out here. Please,   come stay at my gym with me and my  friends. You’ll be much safer there.” The pig was thrilled at this  idea! Oh, and his name was Wilbur. 

On days 36-39, Wilbur and I had arrived  back at the base. I brought him inside   and introduced him to Perry, who was  hard at work training on a dummy. “Perry! I’d like you to meet Wilbur.  He’s going to be staying here with us,  

And I thought he could make  for a great training partner.” Perry and Wilbur started chatting and hit it   off right away. Then they ran  off to go do some training. While they were doing that, I decided  to go outside and work on the farm.  

Using all of the crops I had collected, I  planted everything to give us a nice food supply. With the farm set up, I then got right to  work building Wilbur his own room. The poor   guy was missing his family, but at least we  could give him a home here in the meantime.

Once the room was complete, I headed back  to the ring to guide Perry and Wilbur in   a practice fight. The two of them weren’t  very strong yet, but we would get them there! Master Balboa came over. “Ah and who do we have here?”

I introduced Wilbur to Master Balboa,  who seemed happy to see him there. He   didn’t seem to be quite as strict  as he was when I first arrived. “But remember, the things you learn  here are for your defense only. Not   for attacking others. Speaking of which,  I had something to share with you Zozo.”

“What is it?” “If we are to be prepared for an  attack, we must have every advantage   available to us. There is a powerful  defensive item that you need to find.” Master Balboa then explained the direction  I needed to go. He wasn’t sure of its exact  

Location, but another animal in the area  may have heard of it. I set off right away.  On days 40-43, I was still traveling across the   land toward the special item. Off in the  distance, I could see a watering hole. “Oh perfect! I could use a drink.”

As I got closer though, I  was stopped by a gazelle. “Hang on, you can’t go over there!” “Why not?” “Don’t you see that lion? He attacks anyone  who tries to drink. He’s a real jerk!” “A real jerk huh? I’ve got a  thing for getting rid of jerks.”

“Well if you can get rid of him,  I’ll give you something good.” “Sounds like a deal. Hang on a second.” I hopped over to the lion.  Without a word he attacked! “Wow, they weren’t joking- you are a jerk!” This guy was tough, but he had  no training! His fighting style  

Was messy, and he just tried to swing  mindlessly at me! I bobbed and weaved,   landing blows. He still got some hits in,  but in the end, I managed to take him out! “You did it! Wow! That was really  impressive. Here, take this!”

The gazelle tossed out a specialized  pickaxe! As I looked closer I could   see it was enchanted with efficiency and fortune! “Woah, this is a massive help- thank you!” I ran off and soon found a cave. I had  to put this thing to use right away! As  

I explored the cave, I soon found  what I was looking for- diamonds! “The perfect thing at a time like this! I’m  going to be able to upgrade all of my gear!”  On days 44-49 I was finishing up my diamond  mining. Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. “What the heck is that?!”

A giant two legged monster was looking  at me. It attacked! I had never seen a   monster like this before, but it was really  powerful! I was starting to get worried,   because my health was really dropping. “It doesn’t look like I’m going to make it!”

Just then, a colorful warrior came  stepping in, and finished it off! “Woah, you’re super strong!  Where did you come from?” “Technically I came from 1000 years ago.” “What? Are you some sort of time traveler?” “No, not exactly. In my lifetime  I was cursed by some evil witches,  

And now I can’t rest until I’ve  defeated the ancient ghost warrior.” “A ghost warrior? That sounds spooky!  What is that and where do you find one?” “Follow me.” I took off after the ancient warrior, and we  soon arrived at an old temple. As we got closer,  

I could see that there was some kind  magical force field blocking our way in! The ancient warrior explained that  in order to bring down the shield,   we’d have to defeat three nearby ghost shamans. “I have come here many times, but I’m not strong  enough on my own. If I could get your help,  

There would be something in it for  you too. Inside of this temple is   a powerful defensive item that  can only be used by the living.” “That sounds like the item I’ve  been searching for! I’m in.”  On days 50-53, the warrior and I soon saw the  fire tower looming in the distance. On top,  

The fire ghost shaman was waiting. We charged  up the tower, fighting blazes along the way! “Out of the way hot heads!” We fought our way up the tower, taking  out blazes as we went. The warrior was   really impressed by my skills!

We soon reached the top. The fire  ghost shaman took one look at us,   then attacked! We had an intense battle,  while he set off explosions around us.   It was hard to believe that there  were two more of these guys! With  

The combined power of the warrior and me  though, we managed to finally defeat him! After he disappeared, we noticed  that he had dropped a key! “Ah we can use this to unlock  the barrier! Two more to go!” Some time later, we arrived at the  ice tower. It was a huge ice spike  

Protruding out of the icy wasteland.  It was quite the sight to behold. “Let’s get to it!” This time the tower was covered in skeletal  warriors. They were vicious in their attacks,   and at times I was scared they were going to  know me off the tower! We got lucky though,  

And managed to make it to the top.  Problem was, there was no one there! “Where is he? Do you think  someone defeated him already?” Without warning, some ice in the wall  broke, and the ice shaman came charging out! “Quite the entrance there sir!”

The ice shaman put up a big fight. As we  battled he shot ice spikes up from the ground,   which were really scary. A hit from those  would do some serious damage! We were tough   though and managed to take him out. He  too dropped a key, which we picked up.

Later, we arrived at the final tower, the storm  tower! It too was an impressive sight, towering   over the surrounding land. We didn’t have time  to be impressed though, we had a key to collect! We charged up the tower, racing to  the top. Protecting this tower was a  

Small army of lightning allays! They would  shriek as they flew in, trying to hit us. “These guys are freaking me out!!” It took a lot of effort,   but at long last we had almost reached  the top. There was just one problem.

“Looks like we’ve got some jumping  to do- hopefully we don’t fall off!” The platforms had been covered in water and  were a little slick, but we were doing okay.   That’s when a small storm cloud opened  up, and started shooting lightning at us! “You can’t be serious!”

We kept hopping across the platforms,  doing our best to avoid the lightning   strikes. Which as you can imagine,  is not the easiest thing to do. Yet somehow, we managed to reach the  top. There was a burst of lightning   and the storm shaman appeared,  floating on a thundercloud.

“Let’s show this prehistoric storm  junkie who they’re messing with!” The shaman started to fight us,  shooting lightning as he went. “Come on man, cool it with the lightning!!” He was quick, but not too quick. We  hit him again and again, taking some  

Hits of our own. It was a close battle, but  in the end we were able to come out on top. “And there’s the last key!” We picked it up- it was time  to let our warrior rest.   On days 54-57, we had returned to  the temple. The warrior stepped  

Forward and placed the keys in the  elemental circles. As he did so,   each key floated in place, until at  long last, the barrier was destroyed! We entered the temple and went up  the stairs. As we reached the top,   I could see the item floating on a table.

“The eye of the tiger- that must be it!” We ran forward to grab it, but heard a  strange noise. Stopping in our tracks. “What was that?” Suddenly, the ground broke,  and we fell down a long hole! “Oof, where are we?” “Who dares, enter into my tomb?”

Sitting in front of us on a throne, was the  ancient ghost warrior! He was dressed in a   tiger skin. There was no way I was going to  get that item without defeating this guy. “Alright Cat Man- let’s dance!” The ghost warrior charged! The battle was fierce,  

And everyone was getting in some hard  hits. The thing is though, we were winning! “For an endless being, you aren’t very tough!” We landed a pretty heavy blow, which sent  the ghost warrior running back to his throne. “Feel the wrath of the elemental beings!” Suddenly, a small force field appeared,  

And the three elemental shamans  came running through portals! “These guys again! We can do this!” It was hard enough fighting these guys one  on one, but all three at once was a real   challenge. Before we had always outnumbered  them, so this was a tough fight! Luckily,  

These reanimated warriors weren’t  as tough as the ones in the towers,   as they didn’t seem to be able  to use their special attacks. “Hang on buddy, we can beat them!” Slowly but surely, we were able to start  taking them out. As one would fall,  

The force field would weaken,  until finally they were all gone. “Aghh I will end this!” The ghost warrior attacked us again,   but it was clear we were too powerful. He  tried his best, but soon, he was destroyed! “Thank you for your help Zozo. Please,  

Go and claim the Eye of the Tiger. I  will stay here and assume my final rest.” “You’re a mighty warrior. Enjoy your afterlife!” I ran up the stairs and grabbed the  eye of the tiger off the pedestal! “Huh, I don’t know what exactly  this does. I guess I’ll find out.”

As I went to exit the temple, I saw the warrior  standing at the bottom of the temple steps. “What are you doing here? I thought  you were on your way to the afterlife?” “Well, I did too, but nothing  happened. Did you get the item?”

“I did, but I’m not sure what it does exactly.” “YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE THIS PLACE!” The ghost warrior had reappeared  at the top of the stairs and came   charging at me! He hit me super hard,  but I immediately responded with an   even stronger counter attack,  knocking him out in one hit!

“Woah! What was that?” “It was the item! It let’s  you deliver a powerful blow,   but only if you take a powerful hit yourself.” “Interesting. Say if you’re not going  to be disappearing any time soon,   why don’t you join me on my quest?” “I’ve got nothing else to do- sounds great!”

“Awesome! By the way, what’s your name? I bet  it’s something really cool and ancient sounding.” “Tim” “Tim? Like short for Timothy?” “That is correct.” “Huh okay, well that’s still cool. Let’s go!” On days 58 to 62, Tim and I arrived back at the  

Base. I headed straight to Master Balboa  to tell him about the item I had found! “That is most impressive Zozo. I’m so  happy you made it back in one piece.” Master Balboa let out a cough.  That didn’t sound so good,  

But I didn’t want to press him. He  was also looking a little shaky. With Tim at the base, I needed to make sure he had  a place to stay. I wasn’t sure if undead timeless,   ancient warriors needed to sleep or  not, but I did my best to make him a  

Comfortable place. At the very least,  he could just enjoy the feng shui. Tim then called me over to him  and told me that his 1000 years   of life came with some training  tips. Following his instructions,   I made some improvements to the gym.  These are really going to help us out!

I then headed over to the crafting table to  make use of all the diamonds I had found.   It had been something of a miracle that  I was able to win all the battles I did   using subpar armor. Soon, I had everything  upgraded, and was ready for my next fight. 

On days 63-66, I decided to get some  more work done on Earnie’s statue. I   had gotten a decent amount done, when  I heard a noise coming from the base. As I looked, I saw the base was under attack by  the monkeys! And this time, it wasn’t a dream. “You scumbags, get back!’

I started to fight off the monkeys, taking  a lot of them out. Buff Bear was strong,   but his students weren’t! He  must not be a very good teacher. I then hurried and ran inside the gym, where there  was a pack of monkeys attacking Master Balboa! “Get away from him!”

Master Balboa was holding his own, but I  could tell he was eventually going to be   overrun. I helped fight off the monkeys,  until only the henchman Monkey was left. “Heh, you may have defeated our little  army, but as long as you keep training and  

Getting more members of your gym, we’ll  keep giving you these little visits.” “Enough is enough! We will never  give up. Tell your boss this is an   official challenge- I challenge  him to a fight to the death!” “Oh ho okay pal. Your funeral!”

The monkey turned and ran off. I ran over  to Master Balboa, he wasn’t looking so good. “Zozo, why did you do that? You  promised me you wouldn’t fight him.” “I promised I would only fight out of self   defense- they attacked us.  Isn’t that what I’m doing?”

Master Balboa let out a cough.  He had been seriously injured. “We don’t have to worry about that right now. You  need to rest up and heal your wounds. I’m sorry.” I led him to his bed to rest.  Things weren’t looking good. 

On days 67-70. I got to work building  a medical area that would have all the   things that could help Master Balboa  to heal. I hoped he could pull through. When I was done, I went to check on him  again, but things were not looking good.

“Zozo, I don’t know how much time I have left,  but I need to talk to you about this fight.” “Master Balboa, it’s okay. Save your energy.   I know what you’re going to say. We  don’t have to talk about this now.”

“We do Zozo. I just want you to consider  something. You can live your life in peace at this   gym. Restoring it and training the next generation  of protectors. You don’t have to throw your life   away in the pursuit of revenge. Don’t answer  me now, just promise you will think about it.”

I promised him I would think about  it. While I thought about it though,   I decided to get to work repairing the gym.  The monkeys had caused a lot of damage,   and we needed to get things back  in case they attacked again.

Once the repairs were complete, I  went around the outside of the gym,   putting up a fence. A little extra  security could make a big difference   in the future. As I was finishing up the  fence, Perry came over to talk to me.

“Hey, I’ve got some information you might find  useful. I know where you can find that monkey.” “Oh do you? Because I wouldn’t mind  having a little… chat with him.” “There’s a club nearby that he likes  to hang out at. I’ll tell you the way.”

Perry explained how to find the club and I set  off. If I decided not to fight Buff Bear, at the   very least I was going to take out his monkey. On days 71-74, I arrived outside the club Perry   had told me about. There were  some bouncers standing outside.

“Out of the way boys, or I’ll move you myself.” The bouncers weren’t interested in my threats,  and we started to fight! How bold of them to   think they were going to stop me! I was able  to knock both of them out pretty quickly.

As I stepped into the club, there was a shout,  and a bunch of monkeys started to swarm me. “Bring it on you tree rats! Where’s your leader??” I smacked the monkeys left and right, sending  them crashing into the tables and chairs. I  

Wasn’t in the mood for their sad attempts to take  me out. I only had one thing on my mind- revenge. “Come on, where is he? I know  he’s hiding around here!” More and more waves of monkeys came running  out, but it didn’t matter. I tossed them  

Around like stuff animals, and took them  out quickly. If they weren’t going to show   me where the henchman was hiding, I was just  going to have to start destroying their club. I ran around the room, busting up  the tables and chairs. I ran around,  

Breaking everything I could! If he was going  to come to my house and break my stuff,   I had no problem going to his and doing the same.  Surely, this would draw the monkey henchman out.  On days 75-78, a nearby door opened, and  the henchman finally revealed himself.

“Hey! What’s the big idea! I thought we told you  where you can stick your little kangaroo paws.” “Did you really think you could come to our  gym and not have anything happen in return?” “You said you wanted to  fight Master Bear, not me!”

“Turned out I had some room in my  schedule. You and me alone. Now. Let’s go!” “Sure. I can crush you myself!” The henchman leapt forward  getting an early hit in,   catching me off guard! He was  stronger than I was expecting. “What’s wrong hoppy? Spend too much  time hugging trees and drinking tea  

With your turtle grandpa? How is he by  the way? I hear he’s not doin’ too good!” “You’re about to pay for what you did to him!” I landed a hard hit, which I  could tell really shook him up. “No, not like this. You won’t beat me!”

Suddenly, a bunch of monkey  guards came running into the room! “You coward! Always hiding behind  others. You talk tough, but you’re   weak. If Buff Bear wasn’t around to protect  you, you’d have disappeared a long time ago!” I managed to knock out the crowd of  monkeys. The monkey henchman looked around,  

Then took off running up a flight of stairs to  the roof of the club. I chased him to the top. “What are you so afraid of? I  thought you were going to crush me?” “What are you doing at that turtle  gym? How did you become so strong?”

“It’s called training. Maybe you should have  tried it instead of running your mouth.” The monkey henchman was cornered  at the edge of the roof. “Hey, come on now. I just wanted to rough  that old turtle up a bit ya know? It’s not  

A big deal. We’re not so different you and  me. We’re both strong willed. So what do   you say. Let’s call it a draw and I’ll  get Buff Bear to call the fight off.” “No.” I punched him so hard, he flew over the edge,  

Disappearing into the night. I had  no more time for slimy monkeys. As I ran back down the stairs, I noticed there was   a note on the monkey’s desk. I  picked it up and took a look. “‘Do not worry about Zozo, even if it  comes to a fight between me and him,  

I have a man on the inside. We will poison  Zozo before the fight and ensure my victory.’   This must be from Buff Bear… but a man on  the inside? I’ll have to keep an eye out.”  On days 79-84, I arrived back at the base.  As I got closer, Perry came running out.

“Zozo, come quick! Master Balboa has been  asking for you. I think this is the end.” I hurried inside and saw Master Balboa was looking   even worse than before. He looked  like he didn’t have much time left. “Zozo, my end is near. But  I needed to speak with you.”

“I’m sorry Master Balboa, I’ve been rash. I know   I need to call off the fight. If that  is your final wish, I will honor it.” “And finally you understand.” “What do you mean?” “Zozo, I know you, and while I  know you mean that when you say it,  

Your desire for revenge will grow  stronger with every attack Buff Bear   launches. Even the strongest warrior  can’t run in two directions at once.” “Wait, do you mean to say  you want me to fight him?” “I do… I’ve known this from the moment  Earnie stepped into the ring with that  

Bear. It was always your destiny to  avenge Earnie and save this gym. But I   needed you to understand that you cannot  defeat the bear with a heart of rage.” “You’ve been preparing me this whole time,  and I didn’t even realize it. Thank you.  

I’m afraid someone here is trying to sabotage me  though. I found a note from Buff Bear saying so.” “If a friend is going to cross you, they  may have their own reasons why. Be patient   and have compassion so you may learn  why. Goodbye Zozo. I will be with you.”

Master Balboa turned to his side and vanished.  I couldn’t believe he was gone. Suddenly,   there were some blinking lights,  as experience poured in on me,   leveling me up into an even  bigger kangaroo with more hearts! “Master Balboa’s final gift!  I won’t let him down!!”

As a show of my gratitude, I headed outside  to do some work on the statue. There was   something new I felt I should add, now  that Master Balboa was gone. It might   not look like much now, but soon  enough it will be something great.

On days 85-89, I walked around  the gym, visiting with each of   the new friends I had made. Each of  them had a piece of advice for me. Tim spoke of speed in the fight. Using fast   movements to evade the enemy’s  attack in order to land my own.

Perry showed me what he  had learned about his tail,   and shared with me a secret he had discovered  that allowed him to hit twice as hard with it! Wilbur spoke to me about the power  in perseverance. Sometimes things   get hard in the fight, but by keeping  your head down and continuing to fight,  

You will always make it though. As Wilbur was explaining, Perry came  over. He had a note from Buff Bear! “Greetings Zozo, I accept your  challenge and I will meet you   in the arena in a few days. Best get ready soon.”

As I read the note, I noticed Wilbur  was acting a little funny. I’d keep   an eye on him over the next few days… On days 90-94, I woke up and decided it   was time to make my final preparations. I  felt more powered up than ever, but there  

Was still more that needed to be done! There  was no way I could let Buff Bear take me out! “First things first, I’ve  got to upgrade my armor!” The strongest armor comes from netherite,  so I needed to head into the nether. I set  

Out to find obsidian. I had ventured  deep into a cave where there was lava,   and was able to collect all the obsidian I needed. Using my newly collected obsidian, I  then set up a portal outside, and lit it. “Going to the nether always makes  me nervous, but here we go!”

I stepped into the portal and the purple  haze took me away. Safely in the nether,   I got right to work looking for ancient  debris. Unfortunately this wasn’t going   to be an easy trip, and I was  soon fighting my way through! “Outta the way!!”

I fought as hard as I could, and managed  to clear a path. I had to hurry though,   there was always something hiding around  the corner. After plenty of searching,   I managed to get all of the ancient debris  that I needed. I also grabbed some gold.

“This will help me make netherite ingots,  but I can also use it to finish the statue!” Once I had collected everything,  I headed back to the portal.  On days 95-97, I arrived back in the overworld,  

And made my way back to the gym. Using the  ancient debris, I was able to smelt it down   into netherite scraps. Then using the netherite  scraps and gold, I made some netherite ingots! “Now I can truly get powered up!”

I took all of the diamond armor and gear  I had collected, and upgraded everything   to netherite. I had no idea what Buff Bear  would show up with, so I had to have the best. After that I headed outside to finish the statue.  Using all of the supplies I had collected,  

I was finally able to give it the final  touches. As I’m sure you’ve figured out   by now, it was a trophy of my two  friends, Earnie and Master Balboa. As I finished the statue and admired  my work, I suddenly had a vision. “Zozo, it’s me! Earnie!” “Earnie? I can’t believe it! You’re back!”

“Well no, I’m just here,   in your head. But I wanted to say thank  you for working so hard to avenge me.” “Yes Zozo, you won’t see us there, but we  will be supporting you. We know you can win!” “Thanks guys, I was starting to feel a bit lonely,  

But I feel much better now. Especially since  someone is going to try and poison me!” “Yes Zozo, remember, they may have their reasons,  so meet them with compassion, not anger.” I nodded as the two of them vanished away. “I’ll do whatever it takes to win!” 

On day 98, I woke up to the sound of  a knock it my door. It was Wilbur! “Hello Zozo, I uhhh, thought you could use a pick  me up before your fight. I made this for you.” Wilbur seemed really nervous as he passed  the drink over to me. As I took a closer  

Look at the drink, I could very clearly see  that it had poison in it. It was labeled! Before I could say anything  though, Wilbur piped up. “Zozo wait!! Don’t drink that! It’s poisoned!” “Yeah I saw that- Wilbur, what’s going on?”

“I’m sorry for trying to poison you…  Buff Bear is blackmailing me. He knows   something about me and threatend to  tell everyone if I didn’t help him.” “What do you mean? What could be so  bad that you would poison your friend?”

“The truth is that I…. I LOVE clean  water. Bathing in mud is so gross,   but if anyone found out, especially other  pigs, I would be ridiculued until the day   I become a pork chop. Please don’t  tell anyone, and please forgive me!” The advice of Master Balboa repeated in my head.

“It’s okay Wilbur. I forgive you. And don’t  worry, if anyone ever gives you a problem about   liking clean water, you just let me know. I’ve  got two fists that will have a word with them.” “T-Thanks Zozo. You’re a good friend.”

I decided that I would even do him one  better, and got to work building him his   own special hot tub. I wanted him to know  that he would never get made fun of here. Once the work was complete, I gathered  everyone together for one final chat.  

They were all so excited for me, and began to  give me words of encouragement. I didn’t know   what I had done to deserve so many great  friends. As their encouragement grew,   I suddenly started to as well. Out of  nowhere, I became a big, buff kangaroo! “Let’s go kick some Buff Bear Butt!”

And don’t forget to hit subscribe.  I can’t do this without your help!  On day 99, we made our way to the arena. The day  of the fight had come. As I entered, I could see   not much had changed from before. Buff Bear and  I stepped into the ring for our introductions.

“Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, welcome  to the latest rumble in the rotunda!!! In the   red corner we have the mighty, the majestic,  the powerful, the one, the only… BUFF BEAR!!!” The monkeys in the crowd went wild in admiration. “Aaaaaaand in the blue corner…. A kangaroo.”

Buff Bear and I were facing  each other. He had a sly grin. “Heh heh, hope you’re not feeling  a little under the weather today.” “You mean like poisoned? I feel great actually.  Turns out your friend is actually my friend.” “What! That useless pig!  After I beat you, he’s dead!” “Keep dreaming.”

We got ready for the bell. Buff Bear  was going down! As the bell rang,   we both leapt into action. I had been  preparing for this moment for so long,   I just had to win! Even then,  he was still incredibly strong. “Silly Kangaroo, you’ve wasted  your time at that old decrepit  

Gym. You should be putting your  talents to use- as my servant!” “I’ll never be your servant. And you’re  going to pay for what you’ve done. To   Earnie, and to Master Balboa!” We continued to exchange blows, as the monkeys  around us were going crazy. I had to be careful,  

One slip up, and he would be able to  knock me out! I felt like I was winning,   and was getting some good hits in! “Looks like your time is coming to an end!” “Ha! I guess I’ll stop playing around then.”

Oh no! It was his fight with Earnie  all over again, I was in trouble! He   started to really hit me, and my health  was really starting to drop! Just then,   I heard a voice in my head- Master Balboa! “Focus Zozo, and use the eye of the tiger.”

Of course! The best offense was a  good defense. I lowered my guard,   letting myself take the full impact of Buff  Bear’s hit. As I did so, the Eye of the Tiger   let me absorb the blow, sending Buff Bear  out of the ring, and into the afterlife! “I did it!!”

The monkeys were stunned. They couldn’t believe  it. But I could. Justice had been served!  On Day 100 I was back at the gym, right where I  belonged. With Buff Bear defeated, we could train   and grow in peace. The world had become just a  little bit safer, but we had to be ready, always.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a KANGAROO in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2022-10-12 21:11:00. It has garnered 3605018 views and 18875 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:22 or 2242 seconds.

In this video, I attempt to survive 100 days as KANGAROO in Minecraft Hardcore mode! I will have to find my way through a VILLAGE, a JUNGLE and defeat the animals who wish me harm, like GIANT SPIDERS, WOLFS, MONKEYS and so many more.

#minecraft #100days

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  • Crafty Tub Game: Mine for Fun in HD!

    Crafty Tub Game: Mine for Fun in HD! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Creativity thrives, like a never-ending dream. Build, explore, survive, in a world so vast, With friends by your side, the adventure will last. Join Tub Game Center, where the fun never ends, With updates and news, from your favorite friends. Craft your own story, in this pixelated land, With Tubby and Txbby, lending a helping hand. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And let your imagination take flight. In Minecraft’s world, where anything goes, Let your creativity bloom, like a beautiful rose. Read More

  • Minecraft is LIT AF πŸ”₯ #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft is LIT AF πŸ”₯ #minecraftmemes When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it. Who needs enemies when you can’t even keep yourself out? πŸ˜‚ #minecraftfails #gamerproblems #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Introducing Minecraft to My Coworkers! XP Machine?

    Introducing Minecraft to My Coworkers! XP Machine? Minecraft Adventures with Na_Shandra Join Na_Shandra on an epic journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeat the Ender Dragon before 2025! πŸ‰ Exploring the Minecraft Universe Na_Shandra’s live stream showcases the excitement of discovering the vast and creative world of Minecraft. From building magnificent structures to surviving against dangerous mobs, every moment is filled with thrilling adventures. Machine a XP One of the key elements in Minecraft is the XP machine, essential for enchanting items and enhancing gameplay. Na_Shandra’s quest to build this machine adds an exciting twist to their Minecraft… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you looking to add some adorable and fun elements to your Minecraft gameplay? Look no further! JRaeUnknown has just released a new video showcasing 7 NEW Minecraft pe addons and texture packs that will bring a whole new level of cuteness to your gaming experience. From cute birds to fairy allay and much more, these addons and texture packs are sure to add a touch of whimsy to your world. But why stop there? Take your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for… Read More

  • Testing New Trading System in Minecraft Hardcore S2

    Testing New Trading System in Minecraft Hardcore S2 The Exciting New Trade System in Minecraft 1.21 Village Update! Exploring the latest Minecraft update, players are thrilled to test out the new trade system introduced in version 1.21, also known as the Village Update. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting addition to the game! What’s New in the 1.21 Village Update? The 1.21 Village Update brings a revamped trade system that allows players to interact with villagers in a whole new way. Now, players can engage in trading activities with villagers, exchanging various items for valuable resources and goods. This feature adds a new layer of… Read More

  • Titan826 – Insane Destruction “Lucky Block Tree Madness” Minecraft EP 90

    Titan826 - Insane Destruction "Lucky Block Tree Madness" Minecraft EP 90Video Information This video, titled ‘Ultra Destruction “Lucky Block Tree Party” (Episode 90) Minecraft Modded Survival’, was uploaded by Titan826 on 2024-04-22 10:16:18. It has garnered 90 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:09 or 1749 seconds. Today, we have a Lucky Block party to celebrate taking down The King! The Gamehttps://minecraft.net/en-us/ Mod list Aether II Animal Bikes Applied Energistics 2 Atum Backpacks Battlegear 2 Back Tools Baubles Better Furnaces Bibliocraft Bibliocraft Natura Woods Big Reactors Blood Magic Botania Bspkrs Core Buildcraft Carpenter’s Blocks Chisel Code Chicken Core Crafting Pillars Custom NPCs Damage Indicators DivineRPG Enchanting… Read More

  • True Scary Minecraft Lies Exposed!

    True Scary Minecraft Lies Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Lies That Are Actually True #prestonplayz #Minecraft #videogames #streamer’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayzShorts on 2024-01-13 13:00:02. It has garnered 19 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Welcome to My YouTube channel, a delightful parody tribute to the renowned gamer and content creator PrestonPlayz t’s all in good spirits, and we hope to bring a smile to both longtime fans of Preston and newcomers alike, offering a lighthearted take on the gaming world we all know and love. Read More

  • Unbelievable! NINJAS Rule Minecraft OP #shorts

    Unbelievable! NINJAS Rule Minecraft OP #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT OP#shorts #short #shortvideo #shortfeed #minecraft #music’, was uploaded by NIJAS Op on 2024-04-29 09:31:56. It has garnered 11025 views and 363 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT MODDED SMP! JOIN NOW! #MythicalPartnerVideo Information This video, titled ‘*NEW* MINECRAFT MODDED SMP (MYTHICAL SMP) | Ep 2 #MythicalPartner’, was uploaded by SideArms4Reason on 2024-03-02 02:38:30. It has garnered 9388 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:45 or 7605 seconds. Like if you love Minecraft hah haaah I am partnered with the Mythical network Donate here – https://twitch.streamlabs.com/sidearms4reason To get cool emotes & a chat badge, become a member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2LzOtzFiggxpLY80IUXhFw/join Download the modpack & play on our public server! – https://bit.ly/Mythicalpack Join the Mythical Discord – https://bit.ly/MythicalDiscord #MythcialPartner How to join – https://bit.ly/SetupMythical Get FocusFuel here – https://thefocusfuel.com/side Use… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft TikTok hacks that will blow your mind!

    Insane Minecraft TikTok hacks that will blow your mind!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr_boizypie on 2024-01-09 06:18:09. It has garnered 2638 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: All Achievements in Minecraft Bedrock 2

    INSANE Challenge: All Achievements in Minecraft Bedrock 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Getting all Achievements in Minecraft Bedrock- 2’, was uploaded by FrozenBanjoGaming on 2024-04-03 13:39:21. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:28 or 5008 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Lets Play Read More

  • Secret Treasure Chest Revealed in Minecraft 1.20!

    Secret Treasure Chest Revealed in Minecraft 1.20!Video Information This video, titled ‘SCHATZKISTE SOFORT FINDEN! (Trick) ✨ Minecraft 1.20 ✨ ErikOnHisPeriod’, was uploaded by ErikOnHisPeriod on 2024-03-17 15:00:13. It has garnered 1271 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:47 or 107 seconds. πŸ”₯ Subscribe to me, otherwise a Creeper will explode in your warehouse! https://bit.ly/3wSWETe β–Ί Today I’ll show you how to find a treasure chest or buried treasure in Minecraft. There is a trick on how to find treasure chests instantly and I’ll show you it in this tutorial. Have fun with the tutorial! β–Ί πŸ‘• Merch: https://streamlabs.com/erikonhisperiod/merch (Advertising) β–Ί πŸ’¬ Discord… Read More


    ULTIMATE PIXELMON BATTLE: Vikkstar123HD vs JEROMEVideo Information This video, titled ‘PIXELMON FACE OFF VS JEROME (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by Vikkstar123HD on 2024-03-22 19:00:23. It has garnered 68310 views and 3383 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. SERVER IP: play.anubismc.com (Oasis Realm) WEBSITE: http://anubismc.com MODPACK TUTORIAL: http://anubismc.com/modpack Use /PARTNERREDEEM VIKK in the OASIS Realm for perks. My Gaming Channel: http://www.youtube.com/VikkstarPlays This video is #sponsored by Canvas Gaming Follow me on TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/Vikkstar123 Like my Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/Vikkstar123 My Instagram: http://instagram.com/Vikkstagram https://www.youtube.com/PeteZahHutt https://www.youtube.com/Lachlan https://www.youtube.com/PrestonPlayz https://www.youtube.com/MrWoofless https://www.youtube.com/JeromeASF https://www.youtube.com/TheBajanCanadian My capture card: http://e.lga.to/v My PC: http://bit.ly/Vikkstar123 Follow me on Twitch for Livestreams:… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Virtual Reality Gaming with 1K and Big Mention in Block Craft 3D!! #blockcraft3d

    UNBELIEVABLE! Virtual Reality Gaming with 1K and Big Mention in Block Craft 3D!! #blockcraft3dVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLOCK CRAFT 3D BIG METION #blockcraft3d #minecraft #minecraftshorts #modernhouse #shorts’, was uploaded by V.R.GAMING. 1K on 2024-03-26 03:47:21. It has garnered 5614 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft nico secret room cash family friendly cash and nico minecraft mod maizen omz nico and cash aphmau kid friendly jeffy jeffy minecraft sml skit ben azelart no bad words funny challenge superluigilogan supermariologan minecraft jeffy cash vs nico brent rivera minecraft family minecraft funny jordan matter royalty family preston having a family in minecraft i built a secret room… Read More

  • Corbacraft Survival – Semi-Vanilla, NoPay2Win, 1.20+, Friendly Community

    Information – Version 1.20.4 Server Address: PLAY.CORBACRAFT.COM Server Website: https://corbacraft.com What is Corbacraft Experience fair play with Corbacraft’s non-pay-to-win environment! Join our community where success is earned through teamwork, strategy, and pure Minecraft mastery. Features Land Protection (Grief Prevention) Diamond Based Economy Ability to Sleep night away Hermitcraft style server No Pay2Win Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Eat this, Minecraft simps!

    Looks like the Minecraft payers just got blocks-shamed! Read More

  • Silo Shuffle: JaredH4’s EP2 Minecraft Mischief

    Silo Shuffle: JaredH4's EP2 Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, JaredH4 reigns supreme, Crafting and building, fulfilling his dream. In this episode, a silo takes shape, With timelapse footage, no need to escape. The path is laid, the blocks align, Every detail, every design. Shorter than expected, but still a delight, Next episode promises, a longer flight. Curseforge, Modrinth, and PlanetMinecraft too, Links to explore, for a Minecraft crew. Seed number shared, for a world to explore, Vanilla Tweaks and Crafting Tweaks, for even more. No world download yet, the series just begun, But stay tuned for more, for more Minecraft fun. Modpacks and… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Moments #hotminecraftmemes

    Spicy Minecraft Moments #hotminecraftmemes When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #creeperattack #gamerstruggles πŸ˜‚πŸ πŸ’₯ Read More

  • Surviving with Robot in Minecraft

    Surviving with Robot in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Robots Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever thought about surviving with the help of robots? In this exciting gameplay, players get to experience the thrill of using advanced technology to navigate the challenges of the Minecraft universe. Discovering the Coolest Robot One of the coolest robots ever seen in Minecraft is showcased in this gameplay. As players delve deeper into the game, they encounter this incredible robot that aids in their survival. From assisting in resource gathering to defending against enemies, this robot is a game-changer…. Read More

  • Pink PVP Texture Pack Showdown

    Pink PVP Texture Pack Showdown The Best Pink PVP Texture Pack for Minecraft Bedrock/MCPE JRaeUnknown presents an exciting video showcasing a very cute and custom PVP texture pack that promises to revolutionize your Minecraft gaming experience. From custom skies to GUIs and armor, this pack offers a unique twist that you won’t want to miss out on trying. Dive into the world of Minecraft with a touch of pink and cuteness! Features of the Texture Pack Explore the various elements of this adorable texture pack: Armour: Discover custom armor designs that add a touch of style to your gameplay. Functional Blocks: Experience unique textures… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 DEADLIEST Mobs in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Top 5 DEADLIEST Mobs in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘TOP 5 MOST DANGEROUS MOBS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by CSP GAMING YOUTUBE on 2024-01-26 11:15:00. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. I THINK THOSE ARE ALLSO DANGEROUS MOBS 1. **Creeper:** The iconic green menace in Minecraft, the Creeper silently approaches players and explodes upon proximity, dealing significant damage to both players and structures. Its hissing sound is a warning of imminent danger. 2. **Enderman:** Tall and slender, Endermen are neutral until provoked. When attacked or stared at directly, they become aggressive and… Read More

  • Sneaky Gamer’s Cherry House Prank

    Sneaky Gamer's Cherry House PrankVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Cherry House #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #minecraftanimations #like’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-04-13 10:50:14. It has garnered 35 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts herobrine tiktok roblox skibidi toilet catnap minecraft tiktok minecraft animation sonic dream minecraft but granny minecraft minecraft pumpkin gaming aphmau minecraft memes minecraft funny techno gamerz naruto maizen minecraft videos minecraft game sakura alan becker dafuq boom siren head minicraft spider-man minecraft challenge youtube shorts poppy playtime chapter 3 funny shorts minecraft house mikey and jj… Read More

  • Aqua Lord Reveals Jaw-Dropping Minecraft Skins! #shortsfeeds

    Aqua Lord Reveals Jaw-Dropping Minecraft Skins! #shortsfeedsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Top Trending Minecraft Skins#shortsfeeds #minecraft manhunt’, was uploaded by Aqua lord on 2024-05-10 05:19:03. It has garnered 4698 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft best skins #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #shortsfeed #subscribe #shortsvideo #shorts #short #shortsviral #shortvideo bubble#baablu #free fire#dbubbo #camman18#minecraft manhunt karan hello guys please like and subscribe Instagram πŸ”—:https://www.instagram.com/aqua_lord1234?igsh=MW9rb2I4OGYxYTAzbg== Read More

  • Arnold 42 Testing Survival Myths: DO NOT TRY!

    Arnold 42 Testing Survival Myths: DO NOT TRY!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Survival Myths You Should Not Try!’, was uploaded by Meet Arnold 42 on 2024-03-01 14:00:35. It has garnered 9348 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:16 or 1816 seconds. Minecraft but Deaths = World Size https://youtu.be/XzvZsUJXDAI?list=PLRkooYucBvLEbtHyw5ZBSrhFjvF4HRkjq&playnext=1 Embark on a spine-chilling adventure as we explore the question: ‘What if You Prove Scary Survival Myths are Real?’ Join us in testing the limits of some of the most hair-raising survival myths and witness the unexpected outcomes. Brace yourself for a thrilling journey where fiction meets reality, unraveling the mysteries behind these… Read More

  • EXCLUSIVE: INSANE Minecraft Modpack Survival Day 1-5 Regrowth Adventure

    EXCLUSIVE: INSANE Minecraft Modpack Survival Day 1-5 Regrowth AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘REGROWTH || Day 1-5 || Minecraft Modpack, Hardcore Survival || Full Play-through’, was uploaded by KILRtv on 2024-03-18 09:00:01. It has garnered 33 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:48 or 5628 seconds. Welcome to a new series where we go back to Minecraft 1.7.10 and play the classic, “Regrowth” modpack. In this pack, we are on a barren world, and it is up to us to find a way to regrow life. We’ll be playing in Hardcore Survival with no edits. You get to see and experience the full play…. Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as a KANGAROO in HARDCORE Minecraft!