I Survived 100 Days as A POISON SNAKE in HARDCORE Minecraft

Video Information

On day one I spawned in as a baby poison snake I had five hearts and was in a desert foso over here I looked over and saw Tara my sister she was the leader of the snakes everyone looked up to her including me wow Tara I want to be

Strong and brave just like you you will little brother and someday you’re gonna lead all the snakes into Prosperity suddenly a large scary owl flew over the hill the snake started to all Panic uh who is this guy it’s Orion he’s trying to capture a snake’s quickly foso you

Need to run I finally found you you’re coming with me I don’t think so since I’m a poisonous snake this owl should be nothing to me suddenly he swooped down and knocked me against the wall you wiggling I was low on health and he

Was about to kill me but Tara got in our way and the owl grabbed her instead OZO run away oh Tara no I have to get her back my Army get the other snakes suddenly iron screams and looked over to see the other snakes were being chased by a whole

Flock of birds from the looks of things they were all headed to a nearby forest and I knew that I had to follow them if I wanted answers on how to save my sister on day two all of us were still running away all right guys time to go

Find another home wait what we’re just gonna leave that Al took my sister Your Leader aren’t we gonna get her back oh Ryan is too strong to fight that owl take snakes all the time and brings them back to his nest his nest why suddenly we could hear the sound of birds and

Knew that they were nearby the snakes all scattered and I needed to leave too I ran as fast as I could and ended up in a snow biome oh no with all this snow the birds are easily gonna spot me I could hear one of them getting close I

Needed to hide I looked around and found a small crevice to fit into I know I saw a snake around here somewhere oh no I need to make this hole bigger while the bird was searching the nearby trees I quickly was able to break down a couple

Of locks and craft myself a wooden pickaxe with that I was able to mine the crevice to better hide myself I guess I must be seeing things this area is clear ah that was close if I was gonna save Tara I needed a better equip

Myself with the stone I just mined I was able to make myself some stone tools nice but I celebrated too fast because it was getting cold I was starting to lose heart I knew that I needed to leave the cold fast and find Orion on day

Three I arrived at a jungle and noticed my hearts were coming back ah nice warm area I searched around until I ran into a group of boars look boys yes we’re gonna be having snake for lunch uh stay back as a snake I had the ability to

Splash poison on my enemies I tried on the board but it wasn’t strong enough to damage them stupid snake your Poison’s not gonna work on us the poor then all began to surround me oh no I’m done for suddenly a frog came in and jumped in between us so you wanna eat something

Why don’t you try and eat ah it’s Zeke run for it hey uh thanks for rescuing me why didn’t the boar want to eat you easy I’m poisonous just like you I’m just a little more lethal well thanks for the safe I’m fozzo my name is Zeke come with

Me we have a lot to discuss welcome to my humble home it’s not much but make yourself comfortable I told Zeke about my situation and he knew all too well about Orion Orion is on a mission to get rid of all the poisonous animals in Minecraft he won’t stop until no one’s

Left the only way to stop him is to collect the poisonous upgrades and become the most poisonous creature ever to be seen if getting these upgrades brings me closer to saving my sister then that’s what I’ll do where do I start start by building a home the

Journey ahead is a dangerous one I quickly gathered materials around the cave and built a small little snake home right next to Zeke’s house good there’s not much time if you want to save your sister take this it should lead you to the first poisonous upgrade thanks Zeke

I grabbed the map and immediately left the cave on day five I fall hold the map to the first poisonous upgrade slithering as fast as I could the sooner I get these the sooner I find my sister I pass through the planes and was suddenly confronted by a fox with a

Chef’s hat well it looks like I found a poisonous snake Orion will definitely want you I can’t get captured now I tried hitting the fox with my stone sword ha your little toothpick won’t harm me the fox then swiped at me with a spatula and I took a lot of damage ow

I’m too little to fight this guy I tried to dodge the fox’s attacks but he was too fast and was overwhelming me ah I needed to get out of here but how I then saw a small hole and had an idea I quickly evaded the fox by going inside

Of it he looked around for any side of me but eventually got frustrated and left the area ha I guess being a snake has its benefits from there I realized I was in a smaller cave I looked down the tunnel and can see the other end Illuminating a green s

Can this be where the first poison upgrade is I kept journeying through the cave until I noticed some iron inside I used my stone pickaxe to mine the material and had enough to upgrade into iron tools I kept going further in until I met a large lizard what brings you to

The cave of poise I told the lizard that I was there to receive the first upgrade the lizard led me to the edge of a spring and I looked over to see that it was full of poison wow that’s a lot of as I hit the poison I could see my

Hearts increasing what’s happening to me a strange sensation took place and I can feel my body beginning to transform I grew in size and was now an adult poison snake I now had a total of 15 hearts and had a cool poison Splash ability sweet there are five Keepers to the police

Only the right person is allowed to partake in these upgrades and it looks like you’re the one you know you could have at least told me that before you pushed me off us together the second one you need to speak to Nyx the Scorpion in the desert be careful these upgrades

Will be getting much harder each time on day seven I was making my way to the desert when I saw a platypus near a pond leave me alone what did platypuses ever do to you yeah shut up you’re gonna be my next meal leave him alone I approached the crocodile and was ready

To defend the Platypus he tried to attack me but I dodge I use my new poison Splash on him causing him to panic ah poison you dirty snake you’ve done lucky this time platypus I’ll be back the poison was too strong for the crocodile and he fled through the pond

Hey are you okay uh yeah the name’s Phil you aren’t gonna like bite me and kill me are you because I’m warning you bud I’ll put up a fight what no I urged him to come back to base it wasn’t safe for him here he agreed the two of us made it

There and I quickly built him a small home with the resources that I had left over looking around I realized that this place could become a safe haven for other poisonous creatures but first we needed a food source I quickly went out and lured some chickens into the base

Building a pen around them and using their eggs as food thanks for letting me stay here you know us platypuses are pretty knowledgeable when it comes to biomes and animals I heard you were looking for a scorpion do you know where they live personally I have no idea bro

But maybe someone at my Village did be careful though it’s been overrun by the birds why do you think I was in trouble earlier on if you get cut foso there’s no surviving that I’ll come with you for backup good idea Zeke let’s head out

Once we got closer to the swamp I could hear that birds were flying over the area we went under a tree to hide from them there were too many to deal with and I didn’t want Zeke to get hurt the swamp was completely destroyed and there

Were no other platypus in sight just as Phil said we tried our best to avoid the birds from spotting us going from tree to tree and making sure to be as quiet as possible eventually we spotted a small wooden house and went inside of it Zeke and I looked around the place until

I spotted a journal on the bed this could be useful I picked it up and brought it over to Zeke what does it say before I could read it a few birds swooped in on us so much for being quiet one flew down and tried to scratch me

With his claws and I used my poison shot to counter his attack the bird was stunned and I used it again to defeat him the others saw this and flew off now that they’re gone let’s see what this journal has to say we read it and found

A section that told us where in the desert dessert we can find next time to go meet this scorpion on days 9 to 10 Zeke and I made it to the desert and began our search for NYX the Scorpion man this heat is killing me Zeke was

Right we needed to find cover soon hey what’s that he both looked on the ground and saw a shadow that was flying closer and closer to us it was too late when I finally saw who it was Orion landed right in front of us so it’s true my

Flock has reported you causing them some trouble and from the looks of things you’ve grown since the last time we’ve met and I will keep getting stronger until I save my sister your sister’s future is set in stone young one and soon enough you will be right next to

Her to join her faith no Orion charged Emmy but I jumped out of the way dodging his attack take this I shot my poison at him but he was able to dodge all of them until one managed to hit lost its Snake once I’m done with my

Mission no poison will affect me and you will be done for Orion flew up into the sky and left the area what did he mean by that there has to be more to his hatred for poison animals and in due time we will find the truth but for now

We must get out of this heat foso you’re right I noticed that I was slowly starting to lose hearts come on Zeke we need to find shelter now we ran across the desert looking for any way to avoid the sun eventually we found a large cave entrance what is this the entrance to

The Scorpion quick get inside we walked inside only to find the tunnel completely blocked off right now what you know what you did back there against Orion was pretty brave if only I could there’s a frog I’d never do any moves like that what are you talking about

Zeke well I’m not as useful as most in the past Orion sent his Birds to attack my family and the other frogs it was the beginning of his so-called I tried to protect my family to do everything that I could but I was too weak to do

Anything my wife and son died in front of me like I said before the only way that I’m useful is when I’m eaten for so long I wanted to be the one to stop Orion but now I know you must be the one to do it wow I’m sorry that that

Happened to you I know what it’s like to lose family to those birds I won’t let the same thing happen to you I promise that I’ll do everything in my power to get your sister back thanks Zeke now come on let’s find a way through this tunnel we both scanned around until I

Saw a crack near the entrance suddenly I had an idea I slithered my way in and managed to get inside yes I quickly went to the other side and opened the entrance to let Zeke in now let’s go find that scorpion on days 13 to 14 we journeyed further into the cave and

Began looking for NYX it sure is dark in here yeah if we are on the right track we can end up wow Zeke and I fell through a hole I couldn’t find any way to climb up and it was too high for Zeke to jump hello is anyone out there I

Think we’re in some kind of trap looks like I’ve stumbled upon some Intruders we looked up to see a giant scorpion staring down above the hole look we come in peace you think I care give me a reason why I shouldn’t sting you two right now because we’re here to stop

Orion we need the poison upgrade you have ah you’re not even worthy of my poison upgrade I mean look at you you’re just a measly snake in a stupid frog at least let us prove our worth please he has my sister Nick’s thought for a moment and then left us right he’s gone

You want to prove yourselves fine what can we do my baby scorpions have been taken away from me by those birds if you find and rescue them then maybe I’ll think about giving you the poison upgrade you’ve got yourself a deal Zeke and I were walking throughout the desert

And I was getting frustrated ah this is pointless how are we supposed to find those baby scorpions they could be anywhere calm down there has to be a way we can find them just think concentrate all right I started thinking and out of instinct my tongue started to taste the

Air I looked down and I was able to see a bunch of footprints leading in One Direction whoa snakes are awesome I know where they are the tracks eventually led us to a different part of the desert where the Scorpions were being held captive and it looked like the birds

Were taking poison from them why would they do that they’re hurting the Scorpions we’ve got to save them the two of us rushed in and I quickly got the birds attention while Zeke freed the Scorpions I used my poison blasts on them and greatly weaken them but there

Were too many to fight I think we’re outnumbered what are we gonna do now suddenly Knicks came in looks like you found my children don’t worry I’ll take it from here he swiftly took down the birds one by one whoa oh eventually he took down the last one and the Scorpions

Were all finally safe thank you for finding my family maybe you are the poisonous Champion the world has been waiting for on days 17 to 18 we return to his cave and the Scorpion led me to a secret room inside was another sulfur pit and something was down at the bottom

You don’t need to push me down I’ll just jump as I landed I noticed a pair of eggs floating eat the eggs they’re the second upgrades I did as he asked and ate the poisonous eggs suddenly I had the same familiar sensation as my first upgrade I grew into a much larger snake

And gained five more Hearts I noticed that I now too had a tail slam ability this will definitely come in handy thank you don’t mention it but you two must find the Widow’s Hideout there your third upgrade awaits but where am I supposed to find that I’m sure you’ll

Figure it out I never thought the day would come that someone would harness the power of the poison good luck foso and be well Zeke and I started our journey back to base and came across a destroyed forest trees were dead and most of the grass was completely gone

What could have caused this while we were walking we got hit with a blast of poison ah I looked up and saw a giant plant emerging from the ground in front of us you destroy my home then come back for more I shall kill you the plant

Lashed out and tried to fight us hey calm down we didn’t do any of this he wasn’t listening though so I had no choice but to defend myself I tried stunning it with my poison Splash but it was no good it seemed like the plant was

Immune I then used my new tail slime ability which was able to stun the plant for a second giving him time to calm down stop this we didn’t do anything I swear ow I’m sorry for fighting you the last people that came through this Forest left it in this state all of my

Fellow plants have died out now there’s nothing left my name is Toxin I am the last of the poison plants I’m sorry to hear that toxin why don’t you come with us and stay at our base any place is better than here if you help me I shall

Help you grow even stronger snake on days 21 to 23 we return to base with Toxin and I got to work making him a new home I replaced a lot of the Cave’s ground with grass blocks and plants to make it feel like his old home he was

Very grateful being unclean soil feels so much better now you said that you would help me master my poison abilities that’s right in our fight from earlier I noticed that you weren’t using your abilities fully I think I know how I can help with that the plant pointed me to

An open part of the base and told me that he wanted me to complete two tasks I was assigned to build some targets around and I did as toxin said he wanted me to hit the targets with my poison abilities alright sounds easy enough I

Focus and let all my poison Splash I was able to affect all the targets right in front of me good now you should be able to use your Splash on a wider area the second task looked a lot harder how am I supposed to do this I want you to

Precisely hit the targets with your poison shot I tried hitting the targets but I missed them look I don’t think I could do this all right poison isn’t necessarily accurate nonsense you have to focus not with your brain but with your heart my heart okay here goes nothing someday you’re gonna lead all

The snakes into Prosperity I can’t let her down I can’t I then use my poison shot and hit each of the targets great job fozzo now your abilities will be much more effective here’s a reward for your training toxin Infuse my iron sword with poison giving me more ways to fight

And combat thanks Bozo I have found where your next upgrade lies but you’re not going to like it I followed Zeke into a deep cave that led underground he then led me to a spot that had a vein of diamond doors you’re going to need to prepare yourself for the road ahead it

Won’t be easy I use my iron pickaxe to collect as many as I could and was able to craft myself a diamond chest plate nice I continued following Z until we eventually reached a foggy Forest it was covered in spiderwebs what is this place this is the land of the spiders usually

They’re not so hostile but now times have changed they live here but it seems so empty that’s because the birds wiped out the weak ones all that’s left are the Elite poison spiders and they prefer to remain secret to the world the last person to see one was Rowan the chef box

Wait you mean that fox that was beating me with a spatula yes he takes animals to his home and turns them into meals he isn’t someone you can take lightly well I’m ready to take him on the road from now on will be too dangerous for me to

Join you’re on your own for now but I know that you can do this good luck foso I believe in you thank you Zeke I won’t let you down he pointed me towards Rowan’s location and I made my way over there on days 27-29 I’ve reached Rowan’s

Place and found myself in front of a giant kitchen as soon as I went inside I heard Rowan speak Hawaiian and I had a deal huh I sneaked over to see what was going on it looks like he’s talking to one of Orion’s bird minions Orion’s not

Pleased with you Rowan please I’m the one who’s not pleased I bring you the poisonous animals you take the poison you get your Anti-Venom and I get to be full and happy anti-venom that doesn’t sound like a good thing you need to step up your game Fox and bring more poisonous animals

Unless you want to deal with Orion himself I need to find out where the poison spiders are before their conversation ends I ski in the kitchen for any clues until I found a room full of books each book looked like it had the coordinates to a poisonous animal so

That’s how Rowan found me I spotted the book for the poison spiders and quickly picked it up sweet now to get out of a what do you doing in my kitchen um shopping Rowan came charging at me and I immediately shot him with my poison blast blinding him oh my eyes by

The way that was personal while Rowan was distracted I quickly made my way out of his kitchen the coordinates led me to a mountain deep within the jungle I noticed a cave nearby and decided to go look for materials Zeke said that spiders were very hostile so I’d rather

Be safe than sorry I journeyed inside and was eventually able to find some more diamonds I mined them and was able to complete the rest of my diamond armor set I then returned to the mountain and it was pretty tall but lucky for me snakes are great climbers I scaled up

The mountain and finally reached the top but I couldn’t see the poison spiders anywhere where could they be the tracking says that they should be right in front of me unless oh no the ground below me broke and I fell ah not again and oh I found myself trapped in a giant

Spider web but there was something strange about this one my Visions started to get blurry and I realized it was poisonous oh no I’m gonna pass out on days 33 to 35 I was starting to recover from the poison and my vision started to come back I looked around and

Found myself surrounded by a group of poison spiders uh stay back I cut myself from the webs and saw an opening to escape through once I went through the opening I was scared to see that I was in the middle of a poison spider Society um I’m in big trouble they were

Everywhere and I had nowhere to go if you want to make it out of this place alive then you must first meet our Queen the spider led me through the colony the spider led me through the colony until we reached a throne room where a large tarantula was waiting who dares to

Intrude on Stella’s Secret poison Society um I don’t mean to intrude your majesty I just wanted to receive the third poison upgrade you wish to obtain the poison upgrade you must best me in battle try your best to make it out alive Stella charged in and tried to

Bite but I quickly evaded her attack I tried hitting her with my poison blast but she was too fast for me she then shot me with a poison web and I was starting to grow weak every time a web hit me it made me feel tired I can’t

Lose here I waited for Stella to attack and once she did I was able to stun her with my tail slant Ben I shot her a bunch using my poison shot deeming me Victorious congratulations you’ve won this fight and for that I shall reward you Stella walked up and bit me ow what

Was that for I thought you said I won suddenly I felt stronger than ever and gained five more Hearts my Venom is the third poison upgrade now you use poison webs just like me you must go find the next keeper of poison the sea snake farewell and good luck I found the exits

To poison spiders cave alright time to go find this sea snake wow I got hit by a tranq dart and started to feel dizzy ah who shot me did you really think you could break into my home and not suffer any consequences oh no oh my head I woke

Up and found myself inside of a bird cage I was next to other ones and they were all full of other snakes man I need to stop passing out where am I I turned around to see a bunch of birds staring down at us a bird was outside of my cage

Watching me Orion will be here soon poisonous snake he then flew and I knew that I needed to get out of here I need to freeze the other snakes too but how I looked up at the cages and thought about my new upgrade I got from Stella I

Concentrated and use my poison web to hit the bars that were holding us captive eventually the poison was strong enough to break the bars and release us from our cages nice we’re free now wait what’s that off in the distance I saw another bird cage and it was holding my

Sister Tara I ran towards her Bose blocked off by Orion poison snake you’re here good I wanted to test out my theory the owl shot at me with some kind of blast and I was in a lot of pain ah what’s this something that will get rid

Of all poisonous creatures for good but it’s not yet complete I already lost half of my heart he tried to Lunge at me but I dodged him stay strong Tara I promise I’m gonna get you out soon run brother I believe in you I didn’t want

To leave but I had no other choice I made a break for the exit and left the area on days 39 to 41 I return with the other snakes that escaped back to my base foso I’m glad to see that you return and safely and you brought back

Some friends yeah show them around and make them feel comfortable I need to regain my strength I slowly went over to the chickens and ate some of their eggs are you okay you look wounded and seem upset of course I’m upset my sister she was right in front of me and I couldn’t

Do anything to save her foso look around you and see our base I turned and looked around all throughout the cave because of you so many lives were saved and soon enough your sister will be saved by you too I made you a promise we will save

Your family thanks Zeke I guess I needed to hear that I quickly gathered materials and built up some small homes for the snakes now hopefully you guys can all feel comfortable here thank you for rescuing us I didn’t realize why Orion was doing this until I found out

From the birds you see long ago O’Brien had a loving family but that all changed when they traveled through the wrong area his wife and kid were attacked by poisonous animals leaving him the only one alive I think this is why he wants us all white from existence that is

Tragic but still it doesn’t make what he’s doing right all of us are innocent and we will stop him I came out of my house and Zeke was outside waiting for me there’s something I want to show you he led me to a shoreline and we were

Looking over the ocean what are we doing out here there the third upgrade is located deep in the waters below it’s down there what do you mean there’s no way I’ll be able to swim down there and hold my breath I’ll drown what is that I ran over and saw that

Phil was being attacked by the same crocodile from before Macker off you stupid Croc before I pick your eyes out just hold still let me eat all right enough I use my poison web to split them up dude why do you keep trying to eat my friend here because

He’s a platypus I’m a crocodile I just want to naturally eat them I’ll give you something to eat you’re lousy all right enough Phil if I find you a new food source will you stop trying to eat him sure that works for me the crocodile left and returned to the waters that guy

Is crazy on days 45 to 47 I began my search to find the crocodile a new source of food I came across a large lake and looked down only to notice that it was full of all kinds of fish you know this should do nicely I found some

Trees nearby and chopped them all down with my iron ax then I use all the wood to make a nice fishing post over the lake I think the crocodile will like this I brought Phil and the crocodile over to The Outpost and it’s not platypus but this will do hey

Watch it buddy pretty soon us platypuses are gonna be at the top of the food chain and you guys are gonna be the prey all right Phil that’s enough just be glad that the crocodile isn’t gonna try to eat you you really with you you all

Of this just to help me even though I’m not a poisonous animal thanks a lot eat this should be very easy possible to you he then dropped me a few scoots thanks I heard that you were trying to find a way to breathe underwater longer

I hope this helps this is gonna help out a lot I use them to craft myself a turtle helmet I then jumped into the lake and I was able to breathe underwater yes now I can go find that next poison upgrade I returned to the Shoreline and equip the turtle helmet

Alright here goes nothing I jumped into the water and began swimming down to the bottom of the ocean eventually I found a temple and a large sea snake guarding the entrance another snake so you think you’re better than old luck huh you think you can just swim around and do as

You please in my Waters huh um no I just came here to get the poison upgrade poison upgrade so you do think you’re better than me well if you want the poison upgrade you’ll have to earn it listen I don’t walk swam past me so fast that I didn’t even realize he

Attacked ow again ah and again this guy is serious how am I supposed to beat him in his own terrain I tried hitting him with my poison blast but he easily dodged it maybe I can draw him away from the water only one way to find out I swam up

Closer to the surface and he was following right behind me I then reached above the water line and out of nowhere he launched himself over me alright please work while he was in midair I continuously shot him with my poison blast weakening him I then hit lock with

The tail slant and the sea snake finally admitted defeat you’re a lot tougher than I thought all right you win a poison upgrade is all yours block bit me and I began to transform again my tail grew longer and I gained five Hearts I also got a new poison wave ability the

Last upgrade is going to be the hardest one yet you’ll find it in one of the most dangerous places for a snake the Arctic thanks for the information lock I’ll head there but first I need to go rescue my sister on days 51-53 I was making my way back to base when I

Spotted Zeke nearby he was standing over two graves spy a pond Zeke what are you doing out of the base Bozo say hello to my family oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to who did nothing wrong and are always welcomed around after they passed I made

These so I can always remember them for years I always felt so alone being by myself but now I know I have a new family member looking after me you I feel the same way Zeke you know I know I’ve spent a lot of time trying to save

My sister while doing so I’ve never expected to find a new brother I saw some flowers nearby and picked them up to plant them in front of the Tombstones thanks foso you’re going to save your sister I know you can do it yeah I think

I’m ready to go save her now not only will I bring Tara back but you will also have a new sister I’d want nothing more we return to base and I decided to build up more of the area I have created my house and made it bigger to fit my new

Size I then upgraded Zeke’s house and added a small pond for him after that I decided to make the farm a bit bigger by adding plant Harvest to give everyone a variety of food sources I looked around at the base and I was happy to see that everyone in the community was striving

Hey foso over here I walked over to the plant and surprisingly he’s grown from the last time I saw him I’ve gotten more powerful now thanks to all the poison running through this cave it’s starting to feel like my home again that’s good to hear toxin I’m glad you’re enjoying

Our home on days 57 of 59 I left the base to finally save my sister as I was leaving I heard rustling from some nearby bushes what can that be take this ah Rowan came out of the bushes and tried to attack me I narrowly dodged it

And faced the fox you know I am over this why deliver you to Orion I will just take you down myself he charged at me again and we both started a fight I can tell my poison was slow him down a ton but he just kept on going stop this

Never this fox didn’t realize how much I’ve upgraded and he was about to find out I use my new poison wave on him and greatly injured him I was about to finish him off but I stopped myself why why didn’t you just kill me lucky for

You Rowan you’re more useful to me alive than dead right now I think I know just how you can help me save my sister on days 60 to 62 I had a plan hopefully a smart one don’t try anything funny yeah yeah I know Rowan quickly made his way

Over to Orion’s main entryway where there were two birds there keeping guard out wait Rowan why are you here with no new poisonous animals oh Ryan uh told me to tell you guys to leave God for the holidays weird but okay let’s go Jeffrey I watches both of them left see it

Wasn’t so hard was it we both snuck in together and that’s when I saw her again my sister she looked so weak I need to get her out of here and use my new poison blast to burst open a hole this it’s so good to see you OZO you’ve come

Back for me Tara you’re weak I am dying and fast don’t worry I’ll find a way to save you let’s go now all of a sudden though we heard a whistle I turned around to see Rowan standing at the entryway with two other birds right next

To him you think I would just let you take advantage of me seize him the bird’s charged in but thanks to my new poison blast ability I was able to take one down almost instantly whoa I was about to hit the other one when Tara stepped in and used her own poison shot

To finish the job I may be weak but don’t forget who the leader of the snakes was yeah yeah he got a good point come on we need to hurry we were able to make it back home on day 63-65. the longer I was with my sister the weaker

She was looking my goodness your sister looks hurt she needs poison poison so what am I supposed to attack her or something you must find the sacred poison Berry located deep within my home Forest it’s what helped us plants grow poison Berry huh Tara just stay strong for me will you I’m

On day six I entered toxin’s home Forest but seemed a way different than before it was a lot more quiet than the last time I was here and I couldn’t see 10 feet in front of me I heard wings flap um hello I kept going until I reached a

Clearing which revealed a Hilltop on top of it lied the poison berries this is just too easy I went over to grab them when I heard the tree next to me move um is anyone there in a nearby cave two bright eyes started to Glow in the

Shadows and the Beast slowly made its way in my vision what are you you dare try to take my forests poison berries I need them my sisters she’s dying I have to take them now wait no it didn’t listen and began to fly over my head I tried shooting my

Poison at it but it kept on dodging then it shot back at me it’s explosive spits ah this is so gross how am I supposed to take on this thing I got it I perfectly timed my poison web and shot at a tree nearby which made it unable to fly ah go

Ahead then steal my berries just like those birds have stolen everything from me look I’m trying to stop them but in order to do so I need these berries I promise your home will return to how it once was once Orion and his Fleet are gone okay the bat looks scared but agree

To let me take them I then went over and grabbed them thank you I promise I won’t let you down on days 69-71 I reached back home and noticed there was a new building in the cave I walked inside and saw Zeke standing next to my sister oh

So there you are you must hurry she doesn’t have much longer I walked over and fed my sister the poison berries she then was able to stand properly OZO thank you I feel so much better of course I’m just glad that I could help you have saved me but this is far from

Over if we don’t stop Orion all poisonous species will come to an end I know now that I know you’re safe I will go and defeat him myself I started to leave the base and was out of the cave when I got shot from behind ow you are

Still not ready yet Orion has developed his anti-venom your attacks won’t do anything to him you must grow stronger well how am I supposed to do that of course the Phoenix the poison Phoenix shall Grant you the poison Powers you seek then I’ll go out and find this

Phoenix on days 72-74 Zeke and I went out venturing far off in the desert where does a poison Phoenix even live we kept walking when all of a sudden a spatula explosion cut our path we turned around to see Rowan on a nearby Hill I tried to give you a chance but now

You’re done bring it rone and I fought valiantly each delivering blow after blow his spatulas were still really tough but I knew with my upgrades I stood away better chance I also looked over at Zeke and he was trying to fight as well you a useless frog how dare you

Fight me you will never amount to anything in life you will never you will never finish that sense hey thanks for keeping them busy buddy I looked down and saw that he dropped a map huh as I picked it up I noticed that Zeke seemed down are you all right yeah

I just his words got to me a little hey look at everything you’ve done you have already amounted to one of the best animals who’s fighting this cause I know I just wish I could do more it’s okay Zeke look here looks like Rowan was also

Keeping tabs on the poison Phoenix I now know where he resides but it looks like it won’t be easy after reading more about the Phoenix we realized it lived in the coldest winter biome known to Minecraft I’m not sure if you know this but snakes aren’t necessarily the cold

Type so Zeke and I decided to find a way for me to survive in the cold I know someone that may grant you your warmth follow me I was starting to get really cold and knew that I needed to get warm fast we then reached a hill and on the

Other side of it lied a small Snow Camp oh sake what Brazil here hello old friend I have a bit of a problem Zeke quickly caught his friend up about our entire situation he told us he would love to help but we would need to help

Him first by the way the names were worm brought us over to his food supply which looked pretty empty a nasty Beast keeps taking out our food while we sleep retrieve our stolen items and I shall help you ah seems fair where to on day

78 to 80 Zeke and I have reached the area of worm pointed us towards it was getting pretty late but I was just happy I was out of the cold ozone I hear something up ahead we kept walking forward until we made it to an opening

There I saw plenty of food being held in barrels I quickly went over to grab all the food why does this almost feel too easy you’re gonna steal my food from me do you you stole them from the worms what you can’t handle a taste of your own medicine

What the oh no Orion he looked completely different it looks like his anti-venom kicked in I finally found you breaking in my Nest doing as you please take a look poison snake I am almost fully anti-venomous your poison can’t harm me Zeke run Orion charged in and

Try to hit me and it did a lot of damage I didn’t think I was gonna make it yes you will Zeke walked out in between me and the owl I am finally taking a step foso I have stood aside and watched for too long it is time I finally do

Something with myself for once I love you brother what are you doing wait no he didn’t listen though and sprinted towards the owl he then left the highest I’ve ever seen him do before jumping right into the owl’s mouth Zeke what is happening ouch Orion started to take

Heavy poison damage he started to panic and fly away no Zeke I was left there all alone on days 81-85 I returned a worm to give him his food uh where’s Zeke he uh he didn’t make it worm was very saddened to hear this he knew just

Like I did that Zeke was the purest of them all take this snake avenge our Fallen Hero he handed me over a full winter set of armor with it I was able to withstand the cold a lot more thank you I left and reached my base to deliver the bad news everyone there

Seemed sad but knew what he did was for every single one of us knowing this I went up to the lake and made him his grave right next to his Fallen families I’m sorry Zeke just know you will always be my brother I’m gonna finish all of

This for you your family and all of us poison creatures on days 86 to 90 I was in the snow biome and noticed that it was snowing like a lot and far off in the distance I could see a temple lying on top of a mountain I made my way over

And once I reached the main room I noticed a large bright green bird was there waiting for me and who might you be I’m the poison snake and I’m guessing you’re the poison Phoenix the Phoenix then jumped down and landed right in front of me oh yes I’ve heard many

Things about you snake and I know what you have come for my boys that’s right but wait a minute aren’t you a bird why would you help me yes I am one of the only poisoned birds in existence actually I have isolated myself in this

Cold area to be far away from any other of my kind those who have lost their Vision in life by killing the innocent I wish to stop Orion just as much as you and for that I shall grant you your final ability I looked over and saw a poisonous feather on a pillar

Overlooking us I quickly walked over and as soon as I picked up the feather red poison started to affect my body changing my eyes into bright red and applying a red pattern on my scales I also had five more Hearts I also noticed that I I had a new ability whoa use this

On Orion when he is at its weakest I thank the Phoenix and made my way back to base on days 91 and 94 I walked into the cave only to see a few birds attacking some of the homes I quickly rushed over and took them down with my

Poison blast thank you brother these birds have found our base it is starting to get out of control I can see that it’s time we finish this I think I’m ready to finally take on that owl I then walked over to Zeke’s grave it’s about time to end this buddy I promise your

Death won’t be in vain if you think you’re doing this alone you are crazy are you sure you want to it’s gonna be dangerous my sister insisted and the two of us headed off to confront Orion on days 95 to 99 Tara and I arrived at Orion’s Nest it’s time we finish this

For all snakes I couldn’t agree more birds saw that we were answering and all began to fly at us Tara used her poisonous attacks to take them down one by one while I use my new poison blast explosion to take down groups of them that is when I saw them Orion’s too

Bright yellow eyes watching us on top of his nest oh so it’s up to you now you must finish this I will sister keep them busy I quickly ran and made my way up to where Orion waited on day 100 I’ve reached Orion on top of his nest it is

Over look around you just give up you really think I would give up oh this is just the beginning soon the world of poisonous species shall feel the wrath of me I will avenge my family a lion charged at me but missed he quickly turned around though and shot his

Anti-venomous blast at me ouch you have no idea how many families you’ve separated all because of this Mission he didn’t care though and just kept on attacking me both of us were there attacking each other back and forth but my attacks weren’t doing that much

Damage I will see to the end of your species I will see to the end of all of them Orion then blasphemy with another shot bringing me down to one heart he then picked me up and started flying way over his nest oh no good boy Snake once

You are gone I will stop at nothing to finish the rest of your kind wait no as I was slowly falling I knew that this was the perfect time to shoot my final ability at him I quickly started to concentrate and shot directly at him I

Hit the floor but to my surprise I landed in water oh thank goodness I looked up at Orion please hit please it hit it no oh the blast caused him to fall and crash down on his nest defeating him brother you did it no Tara we did

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as A POISON SNAKE in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2023-04-29 14:00:30. It has garnered 2399243 views and 24152 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:10 or 2710 seconds.

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Poison Snake! I had to save Minecraft from the evil owl, Orion! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!

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  • Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!

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  • Trapped by Scary New Monsters – Minecraft Maizen

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  • INSANE Minecraft Caps Compilation!

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  • LHxNinja DESTROYS in EPIC Minecraft PvP

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  • EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!

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  • Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest ✨🌲 A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 💖

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  • EPIC Minecraft Golem Fail! 😂 #gamerzfleet #survival

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  • Minecraft Unsune News 🗞️ | Crazy Funny Moments 🤣

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  • Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!

    Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!Video Information This video, titled ‘#shorts زلمة رايح زلمة جاي 😅’, was uploaded by SLAW on 2024-06-05 20:00:42. It has garnered 52 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. تابعوني بلييييز 0 minecraft songs, 0.16 0 minecraft, 1 9 minecraft, 1 and 0 minecraft song, 1 minecraft, 1 minecraft day, 1 minecraft girl 69 minecraft girl, 1 minecraft intro, 1 minecraft juegagerman, 1 minecraft songs, 1 minecraft stampylongnose, 1 minecraft story mode, 1 minecraft vida, 1 minecraft video, 2 minecraft, 2 minecraft account giveaway, 2 minecraft accounts one email, 2 minecraft girls, 2… Read More

  • Odyssey SMP | smp | realms

    Odyssey SMP: Seeking New Members! Welcome to Odyssey SMP, a small community of friends inviting new members to join our long-term realm. Current members range from students to retirees, all 18+. Our realm values chill and relaxed gameplay with zero tolerance for griefing, hacking, cheating, stealing, or aggressive behavior. This vanilla realm includes a Creeper and Ghast block protection mod, ensuring a smooth experience for all players. Stay connected with our active Discord server and engage with our friendly and social community in-game and on Discord. If you’re seeking a welcoming and long-term community, reach out to Tiger McStanley, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do itThat’s a pretty high score for a meme about placing blocks in a virtual world! Read More

  • Sleeping in Minecraft, Version 1.5 to 1.6: Dreaming of Change

    Sleeping in Minecraft, Version 1.5 to 1.6: Dreaming of Change In version 1.5, I built my dream alive, But when I slept, the game took a dive. Version 1.6, a whole new mix, Caught me off guard with its tricks. Waking up in 1.7, everything seemed fine, Until a twist appeared, like a sign. Nader and Belize Rod, a quest so grand, Finding the village, with tools in hand. Version 1.8, not much work to do, But in 1.7, the adventure grew. Like and subscribe, show some love, Supporting me from high above. If you spot an error, don’t be shy, Let me know, so I can rectify. Thanks… Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya’s tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya's tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes “Jack Bhaiya trying to choose between building a house in Minecraft or going on an adventure is like trying to choose between diamonds and dirt blocks.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4

    Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4 Minecraft Adventure with Dziru! A Fruitful Expedition In the latest episode of Minecraft with Dziru, our intrepid explorer sets out on a new adventure! While the journey may not have been long, it was certainly fruitful. Back at the home base, a new companion has joined the ranks – a trusty weapon-wielding ally. And to add to the excitement, the skilled craftsman Andrzej pays a visit to offer his services! Interactive Experience Dziru encourages viewers to engage with the content by commenting and sharing their thoughts on the gameplay. Suggestions for future games to feature on the channel are… Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem: A Clash of Titans Get ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft! The Warden, a fearsome new mob introduced in the latest update, is set to face off against every type of Golem in the game. Who will emerge victorious in this ultimate battle for supremacy? The Warden: A Formidable Foe The Warden is a powerful new mob that lurks in the deepest, darkest parts of the Minecraft world. This blind creature relies on sound to detect its prey, making it a formidable opponent for any player brave enough to challenge… Read More

  • Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!

    Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition】The block game sure looks different today…【#1】’, was uploaded by Nurl Whurl on 2024-09-19 16:00:38. It has garnered 102 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:01 or 9301 seconds. Originally streamed on September 1, 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/nurlwhurl Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10

    Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10Video Information This video, titled ‘Rate this 1 – 10 💀⚠️ #minecraft#horror#shorts’, was uploaded by GJ GAMER on 2024-06-18 00:35:21. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay – Part 21 – RTX ON!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay - Part 21 - RTX ON!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 21 – RTX ON’, was uploaded by FaHaDDxHR on 2024-05-26 12:58:45. It has garnered 1272 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. Keybaord – Redragon K552 Mouse – Glorious model o – Like and sub – PayPal Support me : https://paypal.me/fahaddxhr7?country…. – Server CubeCraft Download on Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/de… Download on App Store – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minec… ( What is Minecraft? ) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Traveling Into A NEW DIMENSION In Modded Minecraft! (SILLY SOULS MODDED SMP #16)’, was uploaded by enduurrrVODS on 2024-04-13 10:44:13. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:11 or 7271 seconds. In this video the adventures on the Silly Souls Modded SMP continues with the defeat of some Minecraft Bosses and the exploration of numeral new dimensions- one of these being the Otherside, a horrifying trip into the world of sculk. The Entity SMP Finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7b6ciq_I7g ►CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE MAIN CHANNEL! https://www.youtube.com/@enduurrr3433 ►CHECK OUT MY TWITCH! https://www.twitch.tv/enduurrr… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVAL

    Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVALVideo Information This video, titled ‘NUEVO SERVER FACTIONS para MINECRAFT PE 1.20.51 | SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Alex Workout on 2024-01-17 22:00:08. It has garnered 448 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. 「✨When to the description! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqMu_5oE5Adusq4q9anUHw/join ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 📜『SERVER』📜 ➡️ MystiCraft IP: PUERTO: 25591 👾 DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/3py85sYkmw ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 👑『Social Networks』👑 👥-Facebook ➜ https://bit.ly/2zNbqCP 🐦-Twitter ➜ https://bit.ly/2z9jzl7 👾 Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/pB2qPwWDTj 😍-Gamertag (MCPE) ➜ Alex Workout574 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 💎DO YOU WANT ANY REVIEW/WORK?💎 Channel Promotion, Banner , Miniatures, Logo , Custom Designs, Overlay, Animated Overlay, AND MUCH MORE… ASK FOR PRICES and place… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as A POISON SNAKE in HARDCORE Minecraft