I Survived 100 DAYS as a POLICE OFFICER in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day one I spawned in as  a police officer! Well…I was   actually just a rookie and I was pretty small too. “It’s okay! I’ll move up in no time! But where are   my other cop friends? Hello?  Is my partner around here?”

I was all alone, so I checked out my gear  and realized I already had some handcuffs! “Cool!” Just then I noticed some bandits  nearby. They were around a cage full   of citizens! I approached but before  I knew it, they were attacking me!

“Hey, that’s no way to treat an  officer! What is going on here?   Why is there so much crime? It’s  like the criminals are in control!” I wanted to help the citizens, but I only  had 5 hearts and they were running low, fast. I hurried and ran away.

I didn’t feel good doing it, but I really needed  to heal up before I could help anybody else.   I found a small cave and made camp for the  night. As I went to sleep, I wondered again   where all the other cops were, and why it  seemed like the criminals had taken over.

On day 2 I woke up and got right down  to business. If there were no other   cops then I’d have to take care of things myself! I chopped down some trees and gathered  some wood to make a crafting table.  

With that I was able to make a wooden sword,  pickaxe, shovel, and some other simple tools. “These aren’t the best, but they will do for now.” I went out exploring and found a small village!  I looked around, but everyone seemed to be gone. “I wonder where everyone went.”

Just then I heard some noise from  behind a fence. It was a teenage girl. “Hey, it’s okay, I can help.” She looked a little frightened but she  eventually came out from her hiding place. “What happened?” “There were some bandits  that attacked our village.   They took everyone captive including my family!”

“I think I saw them earlier. I’m so sorry,  I’ll do what I can to get your family back.” She seemed happy to hear that. “I’m Izzy.” “I’m Zozo. Hey, we should find a safe  place to go. If I build us a safe house,   would you want to stay there?”

She happily agreed. Before we  left we went through the houses   to gather some supplies. I found some  leather, coal, and some food. I also   harvested what was left of the crops  so we could make ourselves a garden. 

On day 3 Izzy and I started off into the  forest. We found a section of land we liked   and decided to build a base there. We started  building and made ourselves some simple houses. Then I started a little garden  with the seeds I had collected. “Thanks Zozo, you’re a good cop!”

“It is my job to serve and protect!” Just then, a bunch of rats came  out from behind some trees. “Ew gross, get away!” I was sure glad I had my new sword,  otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to  

Defeat them. After I took out the last rat,  I felt a surge of power and I leveled up! “Cool! I’m an actual officer now!” I had a shiny new baton and everything!  I even gained a few more hearts! On days 4-5 I went out to gather  some more materials. I was able  

To mine some cobblestone to make some new tools. On my way back to the base I saw  some bandits nearby! They looked   like the ones I had seen earlier but  they didn’t have a cage this time.   There were only a few of them,  so I knew I could take them out.

I charged at them and attacked with my  baton. They managed to get some hits in,   but I finally defeated them all. “Nice!” I noticed that one had dropped something  and so I picked it up. It was a note that  

Told the bandits where to go to capture more  people. It was signed by someone named Jenkins. “That must be who they are working for. I’ll have  to find out more information about him later.” I returned to the base and greeted  Izzy. She seemed really happy to be  

In a safe place. Hopefully we could  help others find refuge here too.  On days 6-8 I crafted some new stuff from the  supplies I had gathered. I made a furnace,   and then made a tunic and some boots. “Yeah, I’m ready to take on anything now!”

Just then I heard Izzy screaming outside. I  rushed out and followed her voice. I found   her by the waterside being  attacked by some spiders! “Get back you nasties!” With my baton I was easily  able to defeat all of them. “Thanks Zozo!” “No problem! Just be careful in the future.”

“Will do. Hey I have something for you!” Izzy threw me some flowers she had picked. “I picked these for you. I thought they  could brighten up the base a little bit!” “For sure.” We went back to the base and I went  right ahead and planted some of the  

Flowers. Izzy was right, it did  give a little life to the place. “Just don’t go wandering off again. I  can’t protect you if you are too far away.” She nodded. “Here, I’ll make you a sword just in case.”

I went over to my crafting table and made  Izzy a simple sword and some other tools. “Thanks! These are great!” She went outside again to pick some  flowers, this time closer to the base. “She’s a funny one. I just hope she  doesn’t get into trouble again.” 

On days 9-10 I decided to go out and  search for some new materials. And I   wanted more information about Jenkins.  I’m sure somebody knew something. I found another village that  seemed abandoned. I started   to gather up some crops when I heard a  scream. I ran around the corner to see  

Some bandits capturing people! I also  noticed one huge buff guy in a suit! “Huh that seems strange.” I charged toward the bandits and took out  a few. Then the man in the suit laughed.   I charged at him but he sidestepped me. He  drew a large sword that seemed to glow red.  

He smacked me once and nearly took me out!  I had to hide so he wouldn’t destroy me! The bandits and the man left, taking the  villagers with them. I felt so angry that   I couldn’t do anything. Then I noticed one  of the bandits on the ground. I had hit him,  

But he was still alive! He  was trying to crawl away. “Hey!” I hurried and handcuffed him. He  struggled, but he was frozen in place. “Where are you taking the  people you’re capturing?” The bandit threw a potato at me. I was about   to make my final swing with my  baton when he started screaming.

“Okay I’ll talk!” “That’s what I like to hear.” “We work for Jenkins, the mob boss. We were  taking the prisoners back to his compound.” “Why is he capturing people?” “He captures basically everyone he doesn’t like.  Only the lucky ones get to be his bandits.” “Sure…lucky.”

“I was captured a long time ago, but  Jenkins liked me, so now I work for him.” “Why didn’t you help people  instead of capturing them??” “Jenkins is too powerful. Anyone who  tries to fight him is always beaten.” I could see why. That sword he had was  different somehow. Really powerful too.  

But he couldn’t keep taking  people away. It wasn’t right. “I’m going to defeat him.” The bandit seemed intrigued. “You really think you can take him on?” I wasn’t entirely sure, but  I knew somebody had to try. “It’s the right thing to do.” The bandit seemed even more intrigued. “Can I join you?”

I was a little suspicious of  him, but I decided to let him   come with me. If anything he could  give me some valuable information. “I’m Lionel.” “I’m Officer Zozo. Nice to meet you.” On days 11-12 I took Lionel’s cuffs off  

And we headed back to the base. We started to work  on a small house for him. He seemed really happy. “I haven’t had my own house in  so long. Jenkins just keeps us   all in small bunks together. Thanks Zozo!” “Of course!”

Lionel actually seemed like a good guy.  Maybe we would be friends after all. I   introduced him to Izzy and she seemed  a little suspicious of him too. After a   while though she warmed up to him. Especially  after he offered to help her pick flowers.

I decided the base was in good hands, so  I went back to the cave to gather some   more materials. As I went deeper I noticed some  skeletons were guarding a big deposit of iron. “I could really use that!” I charged toward the iron, but  the skeletons had bows and arrows!

“Woah, I didn’t notice that!” They all shot at me and depleted  almost all of my health. “I can’t do this! I’m going to die!” I ran off and tried to heal for a minute. “Woah, that was intense. I  need some better weapons,  

But that iron is what I need  to make a better sword!” I went down a different tunnel and found  a different iron deposit. It wasn’t a lot,   but it was enough to craft a new sword! “Perfect!” I creeped back down the tunnel and charged  the skeletons again. It was tricky, but I  

Was finally able to defeat them all. They even  dropped some nice bows which I promptly looted. “Thank goodness!” I mined all the iron and took  it back home with me. I was   able to make some more tools and even some armor! “Yeah! This is amazing!” I then called it a day. 

On days 13-15 I woke up to  Lionel knocking on my door. “Hey Lionel, what’s up?” “Zozo, I need to tell you  something about Jenkins.” We sat down. “I really want to be optimistic,  but Jenkins is really powerful.” “I know Lionel, but I am getting stronger.”

“But you don’t understand Zozo. Jenkins  isn’t just a normal guy. He once was,   but when he was younger he was hungry  for power. His father was the mob boss,   but Jenkins wanted to be in charge. He made  a blood oath to some supernatural force and  

It gave him his red blinking sword. He destroyed  his father as a sacrifice. Jenkins gained power   over the people, but the sword gained power  over him. It’s basically alive, and it feeds   on people. That’s why Jenkins keeps capturing  people, to feed the sword and keep his power.”

This was a lot to take in. I  thought it was just a blinking   sword. This was something I  wasn’t sure I could handle. “I wanted to tell you so you know  what you’re going up against.” “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

Lionel left and I sat there for a  while. I was way in over my head.  On days 16-19 I woke up to Lionel yelling my name. I opened the door. “What is it Lionel?” “It’s Izzy! She’s missing! But  here, there’s a note and a map.”

I took the note and read it. Izzy  had gone outside and been captured   by some villagers. They told me that  if I wanted her back I would need to   pay them in gold. They even drew us a  little map to where we needed to go. “We don’t have any gold!”

“It doesn’t matter, we need to  go get her! Come on, let’s go.” We headed out in the direction the  map said and reached a desert. Soon   we made it to a small village.  It looked like it was in ruins. “Hello! We are here to get our friend back!”

We turned the corner and saw Izzy!  She was in a cage and surrounded by   a few villagers. One villager with a  wooden crown and sword came forward. “Give us the gold and we won’t hurt you!” “We don’t have any gold. Give us our friend!”

“No! If you don’t give me my  gold, then I’ll take it from you!” The villager lunged and attacked  me. He was a good fighter,   but I was better. After just a  minute I managed to defeat him. I felt another surge of power  and I leveled up into a Sergeant! “Nice!”

Izzy ran towards us and cried happily. “Thanks for saving me! I won’t  wander outside at night ever again.” A young man stepped forward. “Are you really going to save us from  Jenkins? That’s what Izzy told us.” “He has a powerful sword that I’m  not sure I can go up against.”

“I know what could help! It’s a legendary sword,   dropped by a knight in a battle long ago.  It’s been lost somewhere in the desert.” That sparked a little hope in me.  Maybe I could defeat Jenkins after all. “Do you want to come live in  our base? It’ll be safer there.”

The few villagers wanted to stay in  their homes, but the young man agreed. “I’m Nick!” “Nice to meet you Nick, I’m Sergeant Zozo.” I gathered some supplies and  then took off toward the base.  On days 20-22 we arrived back  at the base, but it was on fire! There were zombies on fire too!

“What the heck?!” We hurried and defeated them and  then put the fire out in the base. “It looks like we have some work to do.” Nick and Lionel helped me while Izzy went back  in her house to rest. She had had a long day,   getting kidnapped an all. She deserved to sleep.

We made some new improvements to  the base including a better fence,   and started to build a house for Nick. I  was happy to have him around and looked   forward to learning more about  the sword he was talking about. “Hey Zozo, we should build a statue  to let people know that this is a  

Safe place from Jenkins. And that  you are going to kick his bum!” “Hah, that’s a good idea Lionel!” We chatted about the statue with  Nick and decided on something simple. Can you guess what it is? Also,  hurry and hit subscribe so you  

Can follow me on more adventures! On days 23-26 I was gathering some   crops from our garden when a bunch  of bees started attacking the base! “Ah! Where did you come from?” Everyone got their weapons and we managed  to fight them off. As I hit the last one,  

It dropped something. I picked it  up and it was some golden apples! “Wow these look amazing! I should  probably save them for later though.” I went up to chat with Lionel. “Hey I think it would be really  helpful if we scouted Jenkins’ base,   just to see what we are up against.”

“I think that’s a great idea! We just need to be  careful, there are guards literally everywhere.” Nick and Izzy decided to stay behind and work on  the statue while we headed out to the compound. It was a little bit of a journey,  but when we arrived I could see  

What Lionel meant. It was huge! And  there were guards all over the place. “Wow, you weren’t kidding…” “I know that there is a guard  entrance in the back, but only   the higher ranking guards or bandits  can open it. And Jenkins of course.”

Just then, we saw a bandit running  towards us! We started to run away   and thought we had lost him when  he popped out from behind a tree. “Lionel! Brother! I knew that was you!” “Luke?”

“ I heard you were dead but when I saw you from  the tower, I knew I had to come and get you!” Luke drew his sword and went to attack me. “No don’t! This is my friend Zozo.  He’s going to help us defeat Jenkins.” Luke snorted. “Yeah right.”

“He will! He’s going to find the legendary  sword of the knight and defeat him!” Luke seemed skeptical. “I know it might seem impossible,   but I can do it. I’ll free everyone and  you won’t have to be his slave anymore.” Luke looked convinced enough. “Okay, I’m in. I don’t like  the food there anyway.”

Luke chatted with us about what had happened  recently with Jenkins. He had been raiding   more and more villages lately, hungry for  power. We then made our way back to the base. Once we got back to the base we cleared out  an area and made a house for Luke as well.  

Even though him and Lionel were brothers, they  wanted their own places. I didn’t blame them.   We also made some improvements to the base  including some towers and a higher fence. “Wow this is actually pretty rad Serg.” Luke saluted me incorrectly. He was an odd one,  

But I was glad to be helping  people get away from Jenkins.  On days 27-31 I went to talk to Nick about the  legendary sword. He was picking some flowers. “Are those for Izzy?” He seemed to blush a little bit. “Maybe…” “Her favorite are the blue ones.” “Hey thanks!”

He picked some blue flowers while we chatted. “So, the sword…” “Yeah! So all I know is that it’s buried somewhere  deep in the desert. It’s super powerful.” It sounded like a very interesting  weapon. Jenkins needed to be stopped,   and this seemed like the only way to do it. “Let’s go find that sword!”

“Alright!” We stopped at the base so that Nick  could give his flowers to Izzy.   She seemed really happy about  them, and wished us good luck. We gathered some supplies and then headed out into   the desert. It was so big, and  I had no idea where to start. “Any idea where it could be?”

“Just somewhere in the desert.” We started digging around, looking for some   significant formations. It was  honestly just a lot of sand. Then out of nowhere a bunch of  snakes came slithering up to us! “Nope nope nope. None of that!”

I drew my sword and started fighting them off, but  there were too many, and they started biting me. “We need to go Nick!” We ran away and made our way back  to the base. We felt discouraged,   but I would find the sword. I just knew it.

On days 32-35 we traveled back to the base. On  the way there we ran into a traveling merchant. “Hello! Lots of items for sale, anything  you could want really. Name your price!” “We aren’t in need of items, but  maybe you have some information.  

What do you know about the legendary  sword that is lost in the desert?” The merchant rifled through  some items, looking for a paper. “Yes here it is. I once encountered a man who said   it was buried in the furthest reaches  of the desert, never to be found again!” “Never?” “Never!”

He raised his arms dramatically and waved  them around. I looked at Nick. This guy was   a little bit wacky. Probably not  the best source for information. “Well, thanks. We’ll be going now.” “Not on my watch.” I turned around to see Jenkins  with some of his guards!

The merchant screamed and hid behind his camel. “I’ve met you before, you’re that annoying  little rookie I swatted back in the village.” “It’s Sergeant Zozo to you.” I drew my sword and attacked his guards.  I easily took a few of them out but then I  

Saw Jenkins used his blinking red sword.  I was in trouble now. He smacked me and   I felt my health start to drop. I still  wasn’t even close to being strong enough   to defeat him. Just then, I looked at  the merchant’s shulker and saw some TNT. “Take this Jenkins!”

I placed the TNT and it  blew up the sand around us. “Come on Nick! We gotta go.” “Wait for me!” The merchant sprinted behind  us, cradling an armful of items. We all ran off towards the base,  leaving Jenkins in a sandy mess. 

On days 36-39 we all arrived at the base  safely. The merchant looked exhausted. “Thank you friend for saving me!  Jenkins would’ve had my head for sure!” “Of course, we are glad to  have another friend with us.” “I’m Caleb. Please, let me  repay you for your kindness.”

The merchant handed me a rock he was holding. “Um thanks…” “It’s my favorite rock. Take good care of it.” I pocketed the rock, thinking  how odd this man was. But we decided to help Caleb set up a little shop  

In the base so he could continue to  sell his wares, whatever they may be. “I lost most of my items in the  commotion but this will do for now.” “Anything else you need?” “Actually, if you could gather some  sand for me I could make some glass   bottles to store more items.”

I decided it wasn’t too much of a  hassle so I went to the desert and   gathered some sand for Caleb. When  I came back he was very grateful. “Ah yes, perfect! This will definitely help.” I then decided to do some work on the statue  for a little while. It was looking pretty good,  

But it wasn’t done quite yet. On days 40-43 I went out to mine   some more materials to make some upgrades to  the base. On my way there I passed by a small   group of travelers. They looked like farmers  of some sort. But they must’ve thought I was  

Working with Jenkins because they yelled  and tried to run away when they saw me. “Wait, I won’t hurt you! I’m a police officer!” They stopped running and approached me. “Oh, a young hero! Maybe you can help us!” “Sure, what is it?” “All of our animals were stolen  by some hooligans in the forest.  

If you could get them back for  us, we would be so grateful!” It seemed like an easy enough task. “Sure, do you know where they are?” “Yes! They live in an outpost next  to the foot of the mountain. We   don’t dare get close because they  have much better weapons than us.”

“I’ll help you. In the meantime  you can stay at my base.” I pointed them in the right  direction and they headed that way. I went towards the mountain they mentioned. And before long I saw the outpost. There were  a bunch of animals all shoved into a pen nearby

“Lookee here boys, we got a live one!” I drew my sword and charged the pillagers.  There weren’t many of them and their weapons   were very simple. I picked off a few of  them easily, but their leader seemed a  

Little more skilled. We exchanged a few more  blows but after a minute, I defeated him. “Alright guys, let’s get you back to your owners.” I grabbed some leads from the house and  wrangled up the animals. We were able  

To make it back to the base safely. When  we got there, the farmers were overjoyed. “Thank you Zozo! Please feel free to use  as much wool and milk as you would like!” “Thanks!” It would be really good to have some  more food sources, and the farmers  

Seemed more than happy to stay with us. On days 44-49 I journeyed back to the desert   where I had gathered the sand for Caleb. I figured  there could be some other useful materials nearby. When I got there I noticed there was a  sea turtle being attacked by a squid.

“Hey! You let him go!” I jumped in and smacked the squid. It tried  to manuever back deeper into the water,   but I was too fast! Before I  knew it, the squid was defeated. “Thank you sir! You are my hero!” The sea turtle nodded in appreciation.

“Of course. I am here to  serve and protect everyone.” “That’s so good to hear! It’s been so long  since we have had a hero in this land. I   remember when that knight promised to  protect everyone, but he went bad.” This was new information. “Bad how?” “Do you not know the story?”

“I can’t say that I do.” “The knight was named Plebius. He  protected the king and his daughter.   But he realized that there were too many enemies  and he was only one man. So he prayed to a deity,  

Begging for their help to protect his friends.  They granted him the sword and he named it Brink.” “Brink?” “Because everything was on  the brink of destruction.” “Okay, continue.” “So he was gifted Brink and was told that it  would always be his, if his goals remained true  

And right to the kingdom. Time went on and he was  able to vanquish all of the king’s enemies. But   after a while, Plebius became prideful and decided  he wanted to show everyone how powerful he was. He  

Challenged a man to a duel of strength and he was  defeated. The sword fell to the ground, but nobody   was able to pick it up. Over time the ground  changed and it was buried within the earth.” “So how would someone pick it up?”

“If your goals are true to the  ‘kingdom,’ or I guess now just   the land, then you should be able to pick it up.” This was good information to have. Even if I did  find the sword, would I be worthy to retrieve it? “Thank you. You’ve been a lot of help.”

“Of course! Thank you!” And with that, the turtle  swam off. I gathered some   more materials while I thought about what he said. “I really hope I can get that sword.  It’s our only option at this point.”  On days 50-53 I decided to go  deeper into the desert to see  

If I could get any clues as  to where the sword might be. While out looking around I happened  upon the group of snakes again. “Hey, get out of my way!” I had grown stronger since the last  time I saw these danger noodles,   so I was able to defeat them easily!

“If only I could defeat Jenkins that easily.” “Did you say Jenkins?” I flipped around and saw a an  old backpacker standing nearby. “Yeah, I did.” “Good for nothing scoundrel.” The man spit into the sand. “If you want to defeat him, you better  get that sword I’ve heard so much about.”

“I’m trying to, I just have  no idea where to find it.” The backpacker pulled out a paper with a drawing  on it. It looked like a hand reaching up. “I was told that the sword is buried deep  underneath this rock formation. I haven’t   seen it in my travels, but maybe you’ll find it.”

“Wow thanks! This helps a lot! “Of course! You might want this too.” He handed me a bunch of diamonds. “I can’t take these from you!” “Sure you can! Just promise when you defeat  Jenkins, you tell everyone how much I helped ya!” “I will, sir.” “It’s Good ol’ Tim.” “Tim.”

“No. Good ol’ Tim. The whole thing.” “Oh, right. Thanks Good ol’ Tim.” He waved goodbye and headed  off. What an interesting dude.  On days 54-57 I went back to the base to make  some new armor out of the diamonds I had gotten. “Wow, this is incredible!”

I also made some new tools so that I  could do some renovations to the base I added some lanterns, expanded the garden,   and made sure everything was well  lit. Everything was looking great. I then decided that it was too late  to do anything else and went to sleep.

In the morning I heard a familiar  voice coming from outside. “Zozo! I need your assistance if you please!” Caleb was calling to me from his  shop. I headed over to chat with him. “Hey Caleb, what else do you need?” “Those bottles were great,  

But now I need a few more things in  order for my shop to really thrive.” “Okay, what do you need?” “Melons.” “Melons?” “Yes, melons. Now off with you!” I shrugged my shoulders. Caleb was odd,   but I wanted him to be happy. It  seemed like an easy enough task.

I went exploring for a little bit in the  forest before I happened upon some melons. “Easy enough.” I harvested the melons, gathered some of  the seeds, and headed back to the base. I brought them back to Caleb. “Perfect!” He started mixing some stuff together in the  

Back and then came out a few  minutes later with a bottle. “Here you are Sergeant!” I looked, and it was a potion of healing! “Oh wow! Thanks Caleb. This  will really come in handy.” “Of course. Anything for you good sir.”

He gave me a half bow with an  awkward salute. It was good enough.  On days 58-62 we worked on the statue for  a little while. It was starting to look   almost as I had intended. So how was your first  guess? Do you think you know what it is still?

I was standing on the top when I saw  the base being attacked down below! “Hey those look like some of Jenkin’s bandits!” I hurried and ran down to fight them off. “Get out of our home you  good for nothing scoundrels!”

I was starting to sound a little bit  like Good ‘ol Tim. I was able to fight   almost all of them off. A few escaped,  but I wasn’t too worried about them. I   was about to head back to my house  when I heard Izzy yelling for me. “Zozo come quick! It’s Lionel!”

I ran to Lionel’s house and found him hunched  over on the floor. He looked really bad. “Hey buddy, let’s get you some help.” “No, it’s too late for me  Zozo. Just go get Luke for me.” “Luke? Is he in his house?”

“No, he’s the one who stabbed me. I overheard  him talking to the bandits. He was in league   with them all along! Jenkins wants Brink  for himself so that nobody can defeat   him. Apparently they just found out about an old  lady who knows exactly where to find the sword!”

I couldn’t believe it. Luke  seemed like an okay guy. How   could anyone betray their brother like that? “Don’t worry Lionel, I’ll get him.” “Hurry Zozo, he already left out the backdoor.” Lionel took in one last breath, and then he died.

I was so angry, but I didn’t have time for  that right now. I needed to go after Luke   and find the sword before he could. On days 63-66 I followed some tracks   leading into a woodland area. They must’ve been  Luke’s and the other bandits that got away.

I tracked them for a while before coming to a  small run down cottage. The door was broken and   I heard some yelling. I ran inside, drawing my  sword. The two bandits were rummaging around,   stealing from an old lady. She  was sitting helpless in a chair. “Hey you get out of here!”

I quickly picked off the bandits and  gave the old lady back her things. “Thank you young man. I owe you my life.” “All I need is some information  ma’am, and apparently you have it.” She nodded like she understood. “The sword is under the rock  formation shaped like a hand  

Reaching toward the sky. It is said  that is how the knight, Plebius, died.” I gave her the picture that Good  ‘ol Tim gave me. She looked at it. “That’s the one. I saw it a long time ago when   I was traveling through the  far east side of the desert.”

She drew me a simple map that led to its  location. It seemed to point into the desert. “Here you go young man. I fear  that the other young man called   Luke will find it before you do. So hurry!” “Will do. Thank you.”

I took the map and ran as fast as I could  toward the line the old lady had drawn. I   hoped that Luke hadn’t found it, but I did  hope to find him. I had a score to settle.  On days 67-70 I arrived at the rock formation.  I noticed that more bandits were there,  

And I saw Luke with them. They  were gathered around a cart and   a tunnel someone had dug. I charged at them all. “How dare you hurt my friends!” I swung and slashed and managed to defeat  all of them, which left Luke and I alone. “Just give up Zozo. You’ve lost!”

I yelled in anger and charged at Luke. “Lionel was your brother! How could  you have betrayed him like that?” “He was garbage, just like you! I’m  going to enjoy throwing you out as well.” I charged again and he smacked me really hard.  I didn’t realize how close I was to the opening  

Of the tunnel. I fell down and nearly died. Luke  sneered at me from above, then took off running. “Coward!” I looked around and noticed that the tunnel  extended further into the ground. I hoped that  

I would find what I was looking for down there. On days 71-74 I walked down the tunnel for a   little while before entering a large cavern. There  seemed to be something in the middle of the room.  

I went closer to examine it and realized that they  had dug out all the dirt surrounding the sword. “They must’ve taken all of it with them!” They had the sword, but obviously they couldn’t  wield it. Maybe I did have a chance, but I was  

Really discouraged. If Jenkins had the sword in  his compound, how was I supposed to beat him? I looked around to see if I could find  anything else of value. There were a   few deposits of coal but nothing more.  I climbed back up through the tunnel  

And into the desert. It was going to  be a long and painful journey home.  On days 75-78 I headed back to the base,  my head hanging low. Nick ran toward me. “So, did you get Luke? Where’s the sword?” “Luke escaped. They took the sword too.”

I didn’t really feel like talking.  I honestly just felt really sad. “Zozo! I have something for you my friend!” Caleb motioned me over. “I’m not really in the mood Caleb.” “Trust me, you’ll like this.” He pulled out something  from underneath his counter.

“Since you really liked the TNT from last  time, I decided to make you some more.” He gave me a whole stash of it. It  didn’t really cheer me up since I   already had loads from before, but  I figured it would be useful later. “Thanks Caleb.”

I started toward my house, but  then decided to go into Luke’s   instead. Maybe he left something of  use behind. As I entered I heard some   noise. I pulled out my sword as  Luke stepped around the corner! “How did you get in here?!” “Like I would tell you!”

Luke unsheathed his sword and we  fought again. This time I wasn’t   going to let him escape! We exchanged blows but I   was way stronger than him. After just a  few more hits, I was able to defeat him! “That’s for Lionel!”

Just then I noticed that Luke had dropped  some stuff. It looked like a key and a map. “This key must be to the  backdoor of the compound!” All of a sudden I felt power  coursing through my veins,  

And I leveled up into a Lieutenant! I even  grew a mustache and got some new cool shades. “Wow! Look at me!” I looked at the map. It led  to a section of tundra. This   must be where they were taking the sword to. “Luke must’ve come back here to get some  

Of his stuff before heading  there. But how did he get in?” I looked around and found a secret  door leading down into the ground.   I followed it and it opened up outside  of the base, hidden behind some bushes. “That explains it.”

I went back and filled the tunnel up,  making sure nobody else could get inside.  On days 79-84 I followed the map to the  tundra. It was freezing and I didn’t really   like it that much. But I passed some  different animals, so that was cool.

I finally arrived, the freezing air  whipping through my hair and mustache. “Brrrr. It’s freezing!” I decided to make myself a little igloo to  keep myself warm. I knew Jenkins and his   bandits were coming to the tundra, I just  didn’t know exactly where they would be. 

I guess the location on the map was incorrect? I went back outside to look around but  then I saw someone running toward me! I   hurried to draw my sword but the person  stopped before they could reach me. “Wait, you’re not Jenkins.” “No I’m not. Who are you?”

“I’m Meg. I’ve been following Jenkins and his crew   for a while now. I’m trying to  defeat him and save my family.” “I’m trying to defeat him too. He’s captured  my friends and destroyed people that I love.” “I’m sorry. Maybe we can work together.”

“Sounds good to me. How were  you going to defeat him?” She seemed uneasy. “Honestly, I wasn’t exactly sure. I know that  I’m a good fighter, but he is really powerful.” “So you’ve been tracking him. Do  you know where he is exactly?” Meg shook her head.

“I followed them but then a large  snowstorm came through. I lost my   way so I’ve been wandering around for a bit.” I invited her inside to get warm. I showed  her the map and she got really excited. “Hey, there’s an abandoned mineshaft around here!”

She took out a pencil and  drew a circle on the map. “I’ll bet that’s where they are headed.” “Perfect! Let’s go!” We gathered in all the warmth we could,  and then we headed out to the mineshaft. 

On days 85-89 Meg and I went tromping through  the snow to the abandoned mineshaft. It was so   cold and snowy. We had been walking for a long  time when we realized we were back to the igloo. “What? How?” “We must’ve gotten turned  around in the snow storm.” This was so frustrating!

“You’re wasting your time! Jenkins is long gone!” I flipped around and saw Good ol’ Tim! “Hey! What are you doing here?” “Ice fishin’.” He didn’t have a fishing pole  though, so I was really confused. “Okay…did you see Jenkins?” “Yes’r. Came around with a cart and headed  down the mineshaft. He left though. Still  

Had the cart with him so whatever it  was didn’t work. Or it did. I dunno.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “He must’ve taken the sword back to his compound.” It all felt like a big waste of time. Good ol’ Tim   must’ve noticed I looked a little down  because he put his hand on my shoulder.

“It’s okay Lieutenant.  Here, this’ll cheer you up.” He handed me some ingots which  I realized were netherite! “That’ll make you a good and proper  sword Lietenant. Now go save us.” “Wow, thank you! Where do you keep  finding all of these things??” “My secret…”

Good ol’ Tim smiled and winked at me.  I looked at Meg, who smiled at me,   and when I looked back, Good ol’ Tim was gone! “Woah! Where did he go??” I was starting to think that maybe Good  ol’ Tim was my guardian angel or something.

Meg and I shrugged at each other and headed into  the igloo for the night. It had been a long,   and cold couple of days and we needed some sleep.  On days 90-94 I invited Meg to come back to  the base and she happily agreed! We gathered  

Some more food along the way since we  figured our friends would be hungry. Once we got there I repaired my armor  and used my smithing table to upgrade my   diamond sword into a netherite sword! It was  amazing! I swung it around to test it out.

“This isn’t Brink, but it’ll sure  give Jenkins a run for his money.” I also upgraded my armor into netherite.  It was going to be tough to beat me! I went outside to show my friends. They got  really excited and started cheering me on. “Yeah Zozo!” “You’re our hero!”

“Go beat Jenkins and get our land back!” I felt really strong and hopeful, but I knew there   were a few things I needed to do before  I could go infiltrate Jenkins’ compound.  On days 95-97 I woke up to the farmers I  helped calling out for me. I went outside  

And they gave me supplies to finish the statue  as a thanks! Using everything they had given me,   I got right to work. It took a little bit  of time, but soon I had finished the statue! “Wow, it looks amazing guys! We did a great job!”

“No, thank you Zozo! You’ve brought us  all in and protected us. It’s been a   long time since anyone has had hope, but  you’ve given it to us! So thank you!” I looked up at the statue of Brink. I  knew that I didn’t have the sword with me,  

But the statue gave me hope that  I would find it again. I knew I   could beat Jenkins, it was my destiny. On day 98 I went to say goodbye to my   friends before heading out to the compound.  Just then Meg approached me from behind.

“Zozo I’d like to come with you. I want to  fight alongside you and find my family.” “You are more than welcome to come!” We crafted Meg some better armor and weapons,  and then we made one last trip around the base. “You take care of yourself Lieutenant.”

“Will do Nick. Take care of the base for  us. If anyone else needs help, let them in.” “For sure.” I talked to Caleb. “Have anything else for me?” He rummaged around and gave me  and Meg another potion of healing. “Now go and be triumphant young hero!” “Thanks.”

We stopped at Izzy last. She gave me  a beautiful arrangement of flowers. “Thank you for saving me Zozo.  Now go save everyone else.” “Will do.” I then left Izzy’s house. If you want to support the last of our journey,   be sure to subscribe! The more people  we have, the stronger we can become!

And with that, Meg and I headed  out to the compound of Jenkins.  On day 99 Meg and I arrived at the  compound. We snuck to the backdoor   and used the key Luke had dropped. It  worked and we snuck up through a tunnel   into a large room. There were bandits everywhere!

We decided to charge in and fight them. Meg and I fought our way through all of  them easily, making our way to some stairs. “Zozo, I’m going to look for my  family. You go find Jenkins!” “Be safe!” She went down the stairs and I  went up further into the mansion.  

There were a few more bandits on  the way which I easily took out. I finally came to a large dark red  room. It was incredibly creepy. At   one end of the room there was a lava lake  with a pedestal. On top of it was a sword!

“That has to be Brink, but it’s  different than what I had imagined.” I started towards it, but then felt  something hit me backwards. It was   Jenkins! He must’ve been hiding behind a  pillar, waiting for me. His red sword blinked. “Ah the young police officer.  Why won’t you stop bothering me?”

“I’m here to bring justice  to those you have wronged.” He laughed at me. “Sure, sure. Do your worst, rookie.” I charged at him and our swords clashed.  Then I noticed that my sword was not   really effective at all. I needed to  get Brink sooner rather than later.

“Just give up, you’re no match against me!” “If that’s so, then why couldn’t you  wield Brink?” He yelled in anger. “It’s just a silly, stubborn sword! I thought  freezing it in the tundra mine would work but   it didn’t. But it doesn’t matter! I don’t  need a dinky little sword when I have this!”

He swung his sword around, slicing  at me! My health went down,   but I hurried and drank a health potion. “Thank goodness for those!” I was able to maneuver around Jenkins and hit  him, causing him to stumble. I knew this was  

My chance. I ran towards Brink, reaching towards  the hilt. Jenkins ran after me, ready to swing. “No!” On day 100   Brink released from the pedestal into my  hands! I felt an amazing surge of power,   and I transformed into a bigger and stronger  police officer. I was now the Chief of Police!  

I had robotic features, and the power  from me stunned Jenkins for a second. “Give up Jenkins!” He growled and I attacked him. Our  swords met and his shattered into dust. “No!” He tried to run away but I attacked.  Jenkins was defeated in one single blow. “I did it!”

I jumped for joy. I knew I would retrieve the   sword and defeat Jenkins!  We could all go home now! I hurried down the stairs and helped Meg release  the prisoners. They all went back to their homes,   finally at peace that the land  was free of Jenkins. Meg and I  

Made our way back to the base  with her and Izzy’s families. We all celebrated the victory, happy  to know that everyone was safe.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a POLICE OFFICER in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2022-12-07 22:15:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a Police Officer in Hardcore Minecraft! #minecraft #100days #policeofficer …

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  • My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story

    My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story Minecraft Animation Story Love: “Human is my Lover” Season 1 [Part 2] Exploring Chiang Tung City In this episode of the Minecraft Animation Story “Human is my Lover,” the characters find themselves in the vibrant and bustling Chiang Tung City. The map used for this episode provides a stunning backdrop for the unfolding events. You can explore the city yourself by visiting the map here: Chiang Tung City Map. Immersive Soundtrack The episode features an engaging soundtrack that enhances the viewing experience. The music sets the tone for the story and adds depth to the emotions portrayed. Here are… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak Secrets

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Time’, was uploaded by CloaK on 2024-05-29 21:10:37. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:08 or 12128 seconds. Read More

  • Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild Adventures

    Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft 1-7’, was uploaded by Game_Mood on 2024-05-18 11:18:43. It has garnered 53041 views and 1519 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:13 or 3733 seconds. USE CODE: GAMEMOOD in the Item Shop #Epicpartner Support Our Channel By Being a Member https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iynlGv3vLIEFyhsvnU_PQ/join #shorts โœ‹ โœ‹ #minecraft #gaming #clips #Minecraftshorts #funny #troll The US Presidents play Minecraft, Donald Trump Joe Biden and Barack Obama start their own Minecraft server and mess around This video in its entirety is satire and is simply to entertain and for laughs. I am in no way… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!

    Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SOS – Ep. 15: THE TOMB OF MYTHICAL SAUSAGE!!!’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-02 14:30:02. It has garnered 40538 views and 3539 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:01 or 1201 seconds. Welcome to Minecraft SOS Episode 15!! Today we’re doing a pet challenge on the server, and building up our recently bought cemetery plot from Jimmy!!! My Friends: Fwhip – https://www.youtube.com/@fWhip Joey – https://www.youtube.com/@JoeyGraceffaGames Katherine – https://www.youtube.com/@KatherineElizabeth_ Lizzie – https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady Mog – https://www.youtube.com/@Mogswamp Owen – https://www.youtube.com/@OwengeJuiceTV Pix – https://www.youtube.com/@Pixlriffs Sausage – https://www.youtube.com/@TheMythicalSausage Scott – https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname Shubble – https://www.youtube.com/@Shubble Joel – https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans… Read More

  • Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘KiiBOOM emerald switches ๐ŸŒฟ’, was uploaded by Lifeafterdeath Gaming on 2024-01-03 21:45:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #mojang #thankyou #gaming #update #portal #portal2 #dropper #thedropper #2022 #viral #original #dimensions … Read More

  • “Uncover the Secret to Invincibility in Minecraft SMP!” #wintersmp

    "Uncover the Secret to Invincibility in Minecraft SMP!" #wintersmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Becoming invincible #wintersmp #minecraft #smp#shorts’, was uploaded by Qeco on 2024-04-06 12:01:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT ATM9: SAY GOODBYE TO REFINED STORAGE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 18 (Bye Bye Refined Storage!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-22 02:28:37. It has garnered 649 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 05:05:45 or 18345 seconds. Hey everyone! So, I finally decided to just do the thing and switch EVERYTHING over to Applied Energistics because Refined Storage needs to go sit in a time-out for a while and think about the temper tantrums it keeps having. xD Note – I’m going to add a little blurb here since I got asked this several… Read More


    EVIL BOYY EXPOSED IN VIRAL MINECRAFT HACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hack #minecraft #viral #shorts #trending #gamer #shortvideo #game #mcpe’, was uploaded by __EVIL__BOYY__G__ on 2024-01-16 14:06:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “LordS_Dr1p1ng – Epic PvP Kills!” #minecraft #hypixel #skywars

    "LordS_Dr1p1ng - Epic PvP Kills!" #minecraft #hypixel #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Views! #gaming #pvp #minecraft #minecraftpvp #hypixel #bedwar #bedwars #hylex #skywars #mc #shorts’, was uploaded by LordS_Dr1p1ng on 2024-01-10 18:03:25. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:02 or 2 seconds. Read More

  • SNN Shadowy pulls off insane trick! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ No gliding allowed!

    SNN Shadowy pulls off insane trick! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ No gliding allowed!Video Information This video, titled ‘How did I hit this? ๐Ÿคฃ No gliding for you!’, was uploaded by SNN Shadowy on 2024-01-13 08:03:32. It has garnered 2474 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. My public discord user =sxvh My discord server =https://discord.gg/29ztr3t7rY Minecraft ign = elementalown fortnite main account = SNN Own Valorant account = Shadowy#rizz my tiktok page = SNN Shadowy #fortnite #fortniteclips #gaming #ps #fortnitecommunity #memes #fortnitememes #fortnitebattleroyale #gamer #fortnitebr #fortnitegameplay #xbox #twitch #meme #fortniteclansrecruiting #dankmemes #follow #fortnitenews #fortniteleaks #funny #like #fortnitemontage #youtube #k #fortnitegame #playstation #pubg #game #fortniteps #pc… Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as a POLICE OFFICER in HARDCORE Minecraft!