I Survived 100 DAYS as an AMONG US IMPOSTER in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

On day 1, I spawned in by the remains of a  crashed ship as The Imposter from Among Us! “Wow, it’d be hard to tell  me apart from a crew member,   even though I’m just a baby imposter.  It’s a good thing I survived the crash…”

But I couldn’t stay relaxed for long. A Soul  Vulture walked up to me , and it looked hungry. “Guess I’m about to find out  if Imposters have souls!” The Soul Vulture looked like  it was about to attack me,   but it was suddenly hit with  an energy blast and exploded.

I turned to see who fired the blast, and  saw a Red Mungus Captain walking towards me! “Oh… Thank goodness… You saved my life, captain!” “Enough blubbering, recruit!  We lost enough good men when   we crashed onto this planet. Do you  know what happened to the Imposter?”

He knew about me! I needed to stay in  character, and that meant I needed to trick him! “The Imposter? I bet it was  destroyed when the ship crashed!” “Unlikely. The Imposter is too crafty  for that. Listen, we have a hundred days  

Of supplies. In that time, we need to  rebuild the ship, destroy the Imposter,   and get out of here. Now make yourself  useful and go find other crew members!” “Sir, yes, sir!” As I walked away, I thought about how crafty  and tough the Red Captain seemed. If I couldn’t  

Outsmart him in the next 100 days, I’d be toast! On day 2, I left the Red Captain to his own   devices and ventured out to search  for a solution to my problems. “I’ve only got ten hearts. Something  as dangerous as the Red Captain and  

His Mungus Crew would eat me  alive the way I am right now!” Speaking of eating me alive,  while I was walking along,   I was approached by a group  of vicious Tarantula Hawks. “This planet has some really dangerous animals!” Without any weapons or abilities, there  was no way I could face off against these  

Monster bugs and survive. I ran off as  fast as I could until I’d lost them. As I was regaining my strength,   I saw another Mungus Crew Member  approaching – This one was blue. “You! Are you a friendly?” “Yes! Red Captain sent me out on a recon mission!”

With that, the blue crew member  seemed to relax and approach. “Good. You can’t be too careful  these days. It’s possible that   the imposter survived the crash.  I’m Corporal Blue. Who are you?” “I’m Zozo! Uh, awaiting further orders, sir!” “Then follow me. Another survivor set up  an encampment near here. He outranks us,  

So we should go see him.” “Sir, yes, sir! Lead the way!” Corporal Blue started walking, and I followed  him, relieved that he bought my story.  On day 3, I followed Corporal Blue  over to the encampment he told me   about. A tough-looking orange Mungus  was waiting for me next to a fire.

“This another survivor, Corporal?” “Sir, yes, sir!” “Well, he’s not much to look  at, but after the crash,   I suppose we have to take what we can  get. I dispatched people across the   surface of the planet to search for more.  I’m Sergeant Orange, what do they call you?”

“I’m Zozo, sir! Basic recruit. I’m not very  strong yet, but I’ll always do my best.” “Heartwarming. You need to get yourselves  some weapons and set up another encampment,   stat. There’s safety in numbers – We need to root  out and destroy the imposter as soon as we can.”

“But Sergeant, if you don’t mind me asking,  why does this imposter even want to hurt us?” “That’s classified, son! Just follow your orders  and start building that base and equipment! We   have 97 days to get off this mudball of  a planet, and we have no time to waste!”

With that, Corporal Blue and I  headed off to work on Sergeant   Orange’s demands. They were still none the  wiser that I was the imposter among them!  From day 4 to day 5, Corporal Blue and I found  a nice place to start working on our base.

“First and foremost, Recruit, we’re  gonna need a crafting bench and a   wooden pickaxe! Start busting down some trees!” “I’ll get right on it, sir!” After some lumberjacking, I built myself a  crafting bench and a wooden pickaxe. Then I  

Mined into the ground and collected enough stone  to build myself a stone pickaxe and stone sword. “Good work, soldier! Now  start building that base!” Using the rest of the wood and stone, I  started building a base. It was basic at first,   with two separate rooms for Corporal Blue and I.

“This is looking good, recruit.  But we don’t have time to rest!   Some hostile creatures are  approaching – Go stop them!” “Sir, yes, sir!” I ran off and intercepted some Tarantula Hawks,  and this time, I had a stone sword to fight  

Them off. It didn’t take long to defeat  them, and that gave me the XP to upgrade! I now had thirty hearts, and I also unlocked an energy blast cannon! “This is going to come in handy later…” From day 6 to day 8, I went exploring, hoping  

To spend some time away from the Mungus Crew  Members, so I could figure out some kind of plan. “To be the true Imposter, I need  to outsmart and defeat all the   crew members! But I’m not strong enough  yet, and I need to gain their trust…”

But while wandering along, I happened  upon a Green Mungus being chased by   some Bubble Parasites. Maybe if I  helped him, they’d trust me more! “Don’t worry, fellow crew  member! I’m coming to help you!” I ran in with my stone sword and defeated the  Bubble Parasites, saving the Green Crew Member.

“Wow, you really saved my bacon there!  I was worried my goose was cooked!” “All these food metaphors are making me  hungry. Want to come back to my base?” “I would, but Red Captain sent me out  here to destroy the Bubble Monster,   but I couldn’t even defeat its Bubble Parasites!”

“Then let’s go together! Maybe we can  defeat it with our powers combined!” So the two of us went off  to fight the Bubble Monster.  From day 9 to day 10, I followed the Green  Mungus Crew Member until we saw the Bubble   Monster wandering around – It looked  way scarier than the Bubble Parasites.

“I can see why you had trouble fighting  this thing. Let me see what I can do!” I ran in and fired an energy  blast against the Bubble Monster,   but that only seemed to make  it angry. It ran towards me,  

And considering how strong it was, I  knew that all I could do was run away. I met back up with the Green Crew Member. “You’re right, that Bubble Monster is way too  tough to take on now! Let’s head back to my base,   we’ll pool our resources and  take this monster on later.”

“You seem to know what you’re  doing. I’ll follow you, let’s go!” So I started leading the crew member back to my  base, having gained the trust of another Mungus.  From day 11 to day 12, I returned back  to my base with the Green Crew Member  

And started building a new floor and a  new room. The more people I could have   around at any given time, the less anyone  would suspect me of being the Imposter. By the time the new room was done, the Green Crew  Member approached me with some exciting news.

“I’ve been working on another section of the base,   I figured we might need our storage  areas ready for weapons and equipment.” “That’s excellent, fellow crew  member! Let’s go take a look!” Green had built an excellent storage  room, perfect for supplying what was left  

Of the Mungus Military. They were only  going to get stronger as time went on. “I need to make sure all my  own tools are up to date…” I found a mine where I could dig up some old  iron ore, then took them back to the base. I  

Began to smelt that iron until I had enough  to make an iron sword and an iron pickaxe. Then, I returned to see how Green was  doing, making sure to act natural. “Green, just between you and me, do you have any  idea what the Red Captain is planning for us?”

“It goes above my pay grade,   comrade. But I do know that Red  Captain is calling in reinforcements,   and he wants us to acquire heavy weaponry and  supplies for some kind of secret mission.” “Hmm. Fair enough. I guess I’ll  work on buffing out our supplies…”

I spent the rest of the day building a paddock  to store some sheep in and then herding some   sheep into it. , wondering what exactly  the Red Captain had planned for us all…  From day 13 to day 15, Corporal Blue  came to give me some new orders.

“Recruit, I want you to go out and  search for other lost Crew Members.   The more people we can bring in to help  us build our encampments, the better.” “Sir, yes, sir!” I went out into the further reaches of this  strange, new planet, pretending that I was  

Doing exactly what Corporal Blue wanted, while  I was secretly planning on sabotaging it all. “That’s what being the Imposter is all about!” And while I was out searching,  I ran into a pair of Munguses. “Hey, you, you’re on our side, right?”

“Yeah… But nobody seems to tell me  what the mission is. Do you know?” “That’s on a need to know basis,  kid, and you don’t need to know.” “Then I guess that’s all we  have to say to each other!” I shot one of the Munguses with an energy blast,  

And then pulled out my new iron sword to take  on the other. Soon enough, both were defeated. “Looks like I’m really living  up to the Imposter mantle!” That’s when I noticed that one of the Munguses  dropped some kind of scientific healing serum. “Don’t mind if I do!”

I drank the Health Serum and found myself getting   bigger and stronger. I now had sixty  hearts, and the ability to shapeshift! “This is gonna make me a better  imposter than ever before!”  From day 16 to day 19, I continued searching  after defeating the pair of patrolling Munguses.

“I’m glad nobody is around. If anyone  saw me fighting those Munguses,   they’d know I’m a fake immediately!” While walking around, I found a book  on the ground. It seemed like it was   some kind of military journal from one  of the Munguses stranded on the planet.

I picked it up and took a look inside. “This crash has seriously affected the timeline  of the mission. We lost half our crew, and the   rest is scattered all around the planet.  We need to find and destroy the imposter  

That brought us down. Once we’ve gotten rid of  him, we can continue the Extermination Plans.” “Extermination Plans!? I’m  beginning to think these   Munguses don’t have the kindest intentions here!” Before I could think too hard  about what was happening,  

I was ambushed by another Mungus. He must have  seen me taking out those other crew members. Thankfully, with my iron sword, it wasn’t hard to  defeat him. I just needed to go back to my base  

Now and ensure that nobody suspected a thing… From day 20 to day 22, I returned to my base,   covering my tracks to make sure nobody knew  about my conflicts with the other Munguses. On the way back, I fought  a gang of Bubble Parasites,   which were even easier to  defeat than they were before.

“I’m really getting the hang  of this whole Imposter thing…” I arrived back at my base and smelted the  rest of my iron to create some iron armor,   which would improve my defenses  against attackers of any kind. I finally felt ready to go  and settle an old score…

I went out to battle the Bubble Monster  that seemed unbeatable a few weeks ago,   but with my new sword and armor, it  didn’t take me long to bring him down. “That’s another win for Zozo!” “Good work, son. But we’re  only just getting started.”

I turned and saw the Red Captain was approaching.  I waved to him, trying to hide my nervousness. “Red Captain! What a lovely surprise!” “Not all surprises are lovely, Zozo. Case in  point, this situation with the Imposter. He’s  

Undermining our authority, I saw that a few of  my soldiers went missing. He must be behind it.” “Is this all delaying… The Extermination Plan?” “Because I like you, I’m not going to ask  how you know about that. But tread carefully,   Zozo. You never know when something  dangerous is just around the corner.” 

From day 23 to day 26, I returned to my base to  deliver the good news to the Green Mungus Recruit. “I did it! I finally beat the Bubble Monster!” “That’s great! I knew you could do it!” “Thank you for having faith in me.” “Of course! Your strength  is my strength, comrade!”

With that I left the base and wandered for a bit  to clear my head. I wanted to tell him the truth,   but I couldn’t! I had to keep the  fact I was an impostor to myself   until I could figure out what to  do about the Extermination Plan.

I found a book containing  the Fire Aspect Enchantment   that would really boost my sword power! “This is amazing! I can use  this to enchant my sword and   give it the ability to set targets  on fire!” I rushed back to my base,  

And used the book to enchant my sword. And  some of my remaining iron to fix it up. When I was finished, the Green  Mungus came over to talk to me again. “Zozo! While you were out, I built an  additional paddock to contain any more  

Sheep or other livestock you might  find! I hope this proves useful.” “That’s great! You work  really fast, I’m impressed!” Looking at the awesome upgrades to the  paddock that the Green Recruit had made,   part of me just hoped he wasn’t in  on whatever evil plan was afoot. 

From day 27 to day 31, I went back  out to explore the Red Rock Highlands.   While I was looking around, I was  approached by a group of Munguses. “Uh oh, I hope they’re not onto me…” “Hey, you’re the guy who got rid  of the bubble monster, right?”

“Yeah! I am!” I was pretty  relieved that was their question. “If you’re that good of a fighter,   we definitely want to stick with you!  Have a safe place where we can hang out?” “Sure thing! You can stay at my  base for as long as you want!”

I sent the Munguses back to my base,  and continued exploring. I gathered some   sand to make some glass in the furnace,  then headed back to my base to use it. I used the glass to add some  new windows to the base,  

So I would be able to see outside  whenever I was hanging out inside. As I finished adding the windows, the  Blue Mungus Corporal approached me. “Recruit! Our Sergeant needs our assistance! He is   currently under attack, and we need to  get there and help out immediately!”

“Sir yes sir!” From day 32 to day 35,   I followed the Blue Mungus Corporal to where  the Orange Mungus Sergeant was being attacked. I saw a group of Tarantula Hawks fighting  with the Sergeant, and I sprang into action. I used my newly enchanted sword to  attack the Tarantula Hawks with fire,  

But there were so many of them! While I was focused on fighting one group of them,   another group managed to take down  the Sergeant before I could save him! “No!!!” The Mungus Corporal rushed over,   but it was too late to do anything  to help the Sergeant. He was gone.

“I’m so sorry about the Sergeant, sir.” “As am I. But sadly, that is what happens on  the battlefield sometimes. We must press on.” “It’s still sad, though.” “You’re a curious man, recruit. Sometimes I’d  swear you don’t act like a Mungus at all.” I started to get a little  nervous when he said that.

“It’s refreshing. Thank you. No time to  stand here talking, we’d better get moving.”  From day 36 to day 39, I went back to the Meadow. Before I had a chance to explore very much,  a Green Mungus Recruit came running up to me.

“Zozo! Help! The Red Captain sent me  to clear this area of hostile forces,   but I’m not strong enough to beat this  Ender Creeper! If I get too close,   I’m scared it’ll blow up and take me with  it! Could you come fight it with me?” “Sure thing! Let’s go!”

The Green Mungus and I sprinted over to the area   where the Ender Creeper was  still, well, creeping around. “Taste energy blast, you creepy creeper!” I shot an energy blast at the Ender Creeper!  Then I attacked with my enchanted sword   and burnt him up! Before long, that  Ender Creeper was toast, literally.

“You really are an amazing fighter! Thank you so   much for your help! We’ll definitely be  able to use you for the special mission!” “Right, the, uh, special mission.  Which mission was that again?” “You know, the Captain’s special secret mission,  

The one dealing with the Imposter home planet!  Don’t tell me you haven’t heard about it?” “Oh, THAT plan, no I totally heard about it!” After the Green Mungus ran off, I was  left alone to wonder what he meant. “What could the Captain be planning  to do with my home planet?” 

From day 40 to day 43, I headed  back to my base. I couldn’t stop   thinking about what the Green Mungus had told me. “The Imposter home planet…I guess  that’s where I’m from too! What’s the   Captain going to do to it? I wish I  could get him to tell me about the  

Extermination Plan! I get the  feeling it’s nothing good…” I didn’t have time to ask myself any more  questions, because when I got to my base,   the Blue Mungus Corporal was waiting for me! “Recruit, I’ve been hard at work in your  absence! Take a look at this new guard tower,  

Which will add a necessary  line of defense to the base.” “Wow, that looks awesome! I feel safer already!” “I’m pleased to hear that. I want to  invite additional recruits to the base,   so that they can take shelter here and  avoid potential attacks by the Imposter.” “Sounds like a great idea!”

More Munguses arrived at the base,  and I showed them to their room. “There’s plenty of space for everyone!” Next, the Munguse I met  earlier came up to talk to me. “Zozo! We need your help again! The Red Captain is  requesting as many of us as possible to go to his  

Coordinates and help him with a special task! We  could use your fighting skills. Will you join us?” “Sure! Hey, maybe he’ll tell us  more about that secret project!”  From day 44 to day 49, myself and the  different Munguse went in different   directions to go and meet up with the Red Captain.

We went different ways so if the  Imposter ambushed either of us,   at least one group would survive – Although  he didn’t know I was the imposter all along. Or did he… When I arrived at the Red Captain’s  coordinates, I got a nasty surprise:  

The captain was there alone, waiting for  me. What had happened to all the others? “Red Captain! The Munguses  said you wanted to see me,   you needed as many troops as  possible. What’s happening?” “Tonight, we’re finally going to  destroy the Imposter, young recruit.” “Oh… Have you found him? Where is he?”

“Simple: He’s standing right in  front of me. Now, don’t be silly,   son. If you move one step in any direction, I’ll  vaporize you with a well-placed energy blast.” “But… I’m not the imposter, sir, I swear!” “Don’t waste your last breaths on lies,  Imposter. I’ve been watching you all along,  

Following your movements carefully. You think  you’re slick? I know exactly what you are.” At this point, I was terrified. I was  frozen in place, with no idea what to do. “So are you going to destroy me, then?” “Thankfully, I won’t need to make the effort.  Something special survived the ship’s crash – A  

Security golem, perfectly designed for  destroying sneaky little imposters like you.” The Red Captain walked away, and in walked the terrifying, Security Golem. My secret was out, and now, the robot was  going to give me a real run for my money. I fired an energy blast at him,  and he was completely unfazed.

“Time for me to see how strong I really am…” From day 50 to day 53, the Security Golem   began its onslaught. It fired its laser  at me, and I barely managed to dodge. As the robot ran in, I unleashed the Flame  Enchanted Iron Sword on him, striking him  

Again and again until the flame effect burned  through his armor and ate away at his circuits. Soon enough, after a hard fight, the  Security Golemcollapsed, defeated. When it disappeared, it dropped three things:  A tricked-out crossbow , arrows and a data log.

A data log that just happened to contain the true  details of the Red Captain’s Extermination Plan! “We’ve been at war with those pesky  imposters for decades now, but this time,   we’re going to deal with them once and for  all. If we can send a big enough Mungus Army,  

With enough heavy artillery at their disposal,   we can wipe out the entire Imposter planet once  and for all, and end this pesky, expensive war!” I was horrified by what I saw. “So the Extermination Plan was to exterminate my   entire home planet!? That’s awful! I  need to put a stop to this myself!”

But after the Red Captain uncovered my  secret, I had no idea who was still on   my side. I guess I’d just need to find out… From day 54 to day 57, I started heading back   to my base. On the way there, I ran into a  gang of Munguses loyal to the Red Captain!

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Imposter!   I always knew that you were a little  sus. He told us to wait here in case   you survived the security droid. The Red  Captain always thinks of everything!” “Yeah, including trying to exterminate  all of my people! That must be why I  

Was sent to sabotage your mission. You  were going to do something pure evil!” “There is no evil in war,  Zozo. Only winners and losers,   and the winners get to decide  who was right all along!” But I wasn’t going to listen to  these Munguses excuse their evil  

Boss’ actions. I pulled out my new crossbow  and expertly sent a bolt at each of them. They dropped a strength potion which  I grabbed and added to my inventory. “You never know when you’ll need this!”

I returned to my base and immediately ran up  to Corporal Blue. I had no idea if the Red   Captain had already told him the truth,  but there was only one way to find out. “Zozo! You look exhausted! Is everything okay?” Perfect! He didn’t know! I could still spin this!

“Corporal Blue, I found out some terrible news:  Red Captain was the Imposter all along! He was   infiltrated before we even got onto the space  ship. He’s been planning against us all along.” “That’s diabolical, but also the  perfect cover! Who would ever  

Suspect the Captain? It’s just you and  me now, Zozo, we only have each other.” At least now I knew that I still had  Corporal Blue on my side. But for how long?  From day 58 to day 62, relieved that Corporal Blue  

Hadn’t caught on to the truth about me  yet, I continued working on my base. I introduced more sheep to my paddock ,  just to make sure that we’d always have   more than we needed. But wool wasn’t the  only thing I wanted to get my hands on.

I returned again to the underground mine,  going down deeper than I ever have before.   After breaking through stone for hours on end, I  was finally able to collect plenty of diamonds. “These are exactly what I need to  make myself stronger, offensively and  

Defensively! The Red Captain would probably  appreciate that if he didn’t hate my guts.” I went back to my base and created  a full set of diamond armor,   a diamond pickaxe, and a diamond sword. “This is more like it!” Now that I was fully armed and armored,  

Corporal Blue approached me yet again,  this time with some interesting news. “Zozo, come over here, I’ve created a valuable  new base addition. It’s a planning room,   where we can discuss our next moves  against the imposter in private.” I went over and took a look at the new room. It  

Was an amazing creation that clearly came  from some extensive military experience. “I can’t even imagine a  better place to plan, sir!” “Good, because we’re going to need to do a lot of  planning. If the Imposter has truly taken the role  

Of the Red Captain, we’re both in grave danger.” From day 63 to day 66, I met with Corporal Blue   in the planning room so that we  could come up with our next step. “If my intelligence is correct, I believe there   may be some important information about  the Impostor, or rather, the Red Captain,  

In a nearby area. I need you to be my eyes  and ears, Zozo. Will you go inspect the area?” “You got it, sir! I’ll head there right now!” I traveled to the Fungal Patch immediately,  and I found a grove full of huge mushrooms! “Looks like there’s a fungus among us!”

“That’s a pretty good joke, but I’m afraid the  plight of my people is no laughing matter!” I turned around, and saw a Mushroom  Lord standing there. I grabbed my sword,   just in case he decided to try and attack me.

“Have you come to invade our home? To kick me and  my people out of the place we’ve lived for years?” “No! I don’t want to kick anyone out of anywhere!   I’m trying to stop the Red  Captain from hurting anyone!”

“If this is true, then you and I have  something in common. You look like them,   but you behave differently…perhaps  we could be friends, and you could   aid me in defending my fellow mushroom people!” “Definitely, what can I do to help?” “There are enemy forces nearby  attempting to drive us out of  

The area so they can set up a base here.  Help me defeat them and protect my home!” “You got it! I’m Zozo by the way.” “My name is Lord Chungus.” From day 67 to day 70,   I followed Lord Chungus to a nearby house,  where a bunch of Munguses were attacking.

“Hey, come help us get rid of these mushrooms!” “No can do! They deserve to keep  their home, they were here first!” “What are you, some kind of traitor? Get him!” The Mungeses rushed at me, but I hit them with  an energy blast! Then I attacked with my sword,  

And it wasn’t too long before I had  defeated all of them. I looked around,   just to make sure no Munguses were watching me. “Phew, the coast is clear. Everyone  here should be safe now, Lord Chungus!” “Thank you for your help,   Zozo. The Mushroom People will tell  your story for generations to come.”

“That’s really nice, thanks!  It’s good to feel like I’m   actually helping. I was starting to  worry I might be the bad guy here!” “Not bad at all. You’re a hero!” From day 71 to day 74, I  decided to keep exploring,  

And I wandered over towards my base. As  I walked, I spotted a note on a tree ! “What’s this say…Huh, it says  to make sure and subscribe to   the channel if you want to see more  adventures like this one! And don’t   forget to search Z-O-Z-O to find  more awesome minecraft videos!”

When I was close to home , I started  looking around for useful materials.   Before I could find anything, the  Red Captain surprised me from behind! “There you are, Impostor! I knew I’d find  you skulking around here somewhere. You may  

Have survived the security droid, but that was  just luck. This time, you won’t be so lucky…” “I know what your plan is! You’re trying to  destroy the imposter home planet! That’s terrible,   people are just trying to live there  and they’re not bothering anyone!”

“False! They are bothering me! Bothering  all of us! Their very existence is a threat,   as is yours. But you won’t  trouble me for much longer.” He attacked me, and I tried to attack  back with my newly upgraded diamond sword,   but it barely left a scratch on him!

“Uh oh, he’s still way too strong  for me! I need to get out of here!” I fired an energy blast to  distract the Red Captain,   and then I ran out of there as fast as I could! 

From day 75 to day 78, I ran all the  way back to my base. I was scared that   the Red Captain would follow me, but  I managed to get back safe and sound. “That was way too close for comfort! I  can’t believe I had to run off instead  

Of fighting him! I’m such a  disappointment to my people.” I went to my room to be alone and think about  what I could do to fight better next time. After a little while, Corporal  Blue came in to see me. “Recruit, I know you’re feeling disappointed,  

But now is not the time to get lost  in despair. Come take a look at this,   I added an armory to the base so that we can store  additional weapons and be prepared for anything!” I followed him towards the new  high tech armory that he had built.

“Oh wow, this does look really  awesome! And you building it   means you really believe in me! Thank you, sir!” “Absolutely. Speaking of which, I also  have this Growth Serum for you. Drink it,   and find the strength you require!” “Sir yes sir!”

I drank the Growth Serum, and felt myself  getting stronger! My hearts increased to 100,   and I also felt like I could take on  the world with my new found strength! “This is just what I needed!” From day 79 to day 84, I went  

Back to the Orchard to see if the Red  Captain was there. With my new strength,   I had a feeling I would do much better this time!  But when I got there, he was nowhere to be found! There were some Tarantula  Hawks lurking around though,  

And I tested out my new strength on them! They  were so much easier to defeat this time around! “I’m getting so much better at this! Awesome!” A Skulk Scorpion saw me fight the Tarantula  Hawks, and came over to talk to me. “Yo! That was pretty cool! You  some kind of hero or something?”

“I hope so!” “Sure seems like it! What’s your name, hero?” “Zozo!” “I like your energy, Zozo. I’ve got this thing,  I’ve been waiting for the right person to give   it to, and I think that person might be  you! Here, take these shark tooth arrows!” “Oh thanks! I can use these with my crossbow!”

“Nice! Catch ya on the flip side, Z-man!”  From day 85 to day 89, I went back to my  base to show Corporal Blue my new shark   tooth arrow. But when I got there, I saw  a bunch of Munguses attacking the base! “That’ll show him! That’s what  happens to Impostors! Yeah!” “Hey, stop that!”

“Look, there he is! Let’s get him!” “Not if I get you first!” I attacked the Munguses with  my new and improved strength . “Yikes! He’s strong! Let’s get outta here!” “Not so fast!” I ran after the Munguses, but along the way,  I saw a Pigerus that looked really upset. “Hey, what’s going on?”

“Oh, I need some help. I lost my favorite book  somewhere around here, but I can’t find it!” “Let me see if I can find it!” I looked around, and I found the  book! I took it back to the Pigerus. “Thank you! I wish I could  give you something in return,  

But I don’t have anything. Those  Munguses took everything I have.” “Don’t worry about it, I’m happy to  help. Did you see which way they went?” “Yes! They went that way, where the shuttle is!” From day 90 to day 94, I followed the Munguses  

Tail to the New Shuttle, the base that the  Red Captain was making to escape the planet. “I don’t want to get too close, if I do  then the Red Captain’s guards will come   running out to get me! I’ll just focus on that  group of Munguses that attacked my base…”

I watched the Munguses all go inside,   and a member of their group I haven’t  seen before came out of the shuttle. “That Robot Golem! He must  have been behind the attack!” The Robot Golem spotted me, and ran toward me.

“I sure was! The Red Captain sent me,  I’m his right hand man and I’m going   to make sure you don’t cause him any more  trouble! Prepare to be destroyed, Zozo!” “Uh oh! Guess it’s time for a fight!” I fired an energy blast to start, but  it didn’t have an effect at all! Next,  

I tried my sword , but he didn’t  seem to be hurt by that either! “This guy’s really tough! This is  going to be my hardest fight yet!” I decided to drink my Strength  potion and push forwards 

From day 95 to day 97, I continued my fight  with the Robot Golem. He was really tough,   the toughest enemy I’d fought so far! For a  little while there, I thought I might be a goner! “Oh no you don’t! I have a planet to save!”

I thought about all the impostors that  would be lost if I didn’t save them,   and I summoned the strength  to defeat the Robot Golem! When I beat him, I noticed that  he dropped a book on the ground! “Hey, what’s this?” I picked it up.

“These look like access codes! Wait a second,  I bet these are the access codes to the Red   Captain’s base! With these, I can get inside  and surprise him, that might help me win!” But I wasn’t ready to just  run there all of a sudden.

“I need to get ready if I’m going to go into the  Captain’s base. I’ll only get one shot at this,   so I’ll need to be as strong and as  prepared as possible. Back to the base!” 

On day 98, I headed back to my base to prepare  for my big battle against the Red Captain. “I’ve only got a couple days left before   he tries to exterminate my home  planet! I’ve gotta work fast!” As I got to work practicing my fighting,  the Blue Corporal came up to talk to me.

“Zozo, I have to confess something to you. I know   that you’re not who you say you  are. I know you’re the impostor.” “You do?! Are you going to try to destroy me?” “No, I’m not. I’ve looked into what the Red  Captain has planned, and that’s not what I  

Signed on for. I don’t want to be part of  destroying a planet full of creatures who   aren’t doing anything wrong. So, even if it  goes against everything I thought I knew,   I will still stand with you. I’m counting on  you to defeat the Red Captain, Zozo. Not just  

To save your people, but to restore honor to us  all, to remind me what it means to be a Mungus.” “I will definitely do my best! Thank you, Sir!” “Oh, one more thing. Take this potion of  strength, you’ll need it before the final battle.”

I took the potion and drank it, and I felt the  strength coursing through me. I was finally ready.  On day 99, I traveled toward the  Red Captain’s shuttle. As I did,   I passed the Pigerus who sent me to find his book. “Thank you again for what you did,  

Zozo! It really made my day! Whatever you  do next, I know you’ll do a great job!” “Hey, thanks!” I continued on my way until I finally  reached the shuttle. There were a bunch   of Mungus guards stationed outside, way  too many for me to try and take on at once.

“Uh oh, what should I do now?” “How about assistance from a fun guy?” I turned to see the Mushroom  Lord standing behind me. “Lord Chungus! You came to help!” “I certainly did! Now I’ll handle these  miscreants out here, you head on inside  

And unseat the tyrant Red Captain! It will  be an honor to fight by your side, Zozo!” “You too!” Lord Chungus rushed in and started attacking the  Munguses and while Lord Chungus kept the guards  

Busy, I put in the access codes and used them to  open the door to the shuttle. Then, I ran inside.  On day 100, I entered the Red Captain’s lair  to finally confront him, once and for all. “I’m back, Captain! Come out and face me!” “Impostor! It’s time to finally face your  

Fate. I will happily be your  judge, jury, and executioner!” “You think you’re so much stronger than me,  but you aren’t! I’m going to take you down!” I drew my sword, and attacked! He dodged my hit,   but I didn’t give up! I got some distance  between us and got out my crossbow and  

New shark tooth arrows. I fired an  arrow at the Red Captain, and I hit! “It’s too late, I’m going to Exterminate your  planet and there’s nothing you can do about it!” “Liar! I’m going to stop you!” I fired another arrow,  

And it hit! But he was still up! He  came at me and attacked, but I dodged. “If I don’t destroy you, one of the others  will! Everyone knows what you are now!” “And everyone knows what you are too! A villain!”

He came at me and hit me, hard, but I  didn’t fall down. I kept going! I fired   an energy blast and finished him off with my  sword! Finally, the Red Captain was defeated! “I can’t believe it…it’s finally over!  I hope that Corporal Blue was able to tell  

The other Munguses what was going on.  But at least my planet will be safe.” When I made it back to my base,  everyone had come back! After they   learned Red Captain’s plan, they realized  he wasn’t someone they wanted to follow.

With him out of the way, imposters and  Munguses could finally coexist in peace.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as an AMONG US IMPOSTER in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-06-07 21:15:00. It has garnered 1997166 views and 19135 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:39 or 2019 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as an Among Us Imposter in Hardcore Minecraft! I’ve woken up on a foreign planet as the Imposter. There are Red, Blue, Green and more Mungus’s around me, but they are up to something. I’ve got to figure out their plot and try to stop them before it’s too late!

#minecraft #100days #amongus

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  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More

  • EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!

    EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VCR MineCraft β】ボス戦があるらしい、、、【5日目】’, was uploaded by Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-09-20 12:41:28. It has garnered 5151 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:49 or 12169 seconds. SUPER EXCITINGGG!!! Read More

  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: play.zenithnetwork.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/W8EJxUhbPC Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More

  • Conquer your Minecraft territory with Carpyy

    Conquer your Minecraft territory with CarpyyVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREIAMO IL NOSTRO TERRITORIO SU QUESTO SERVER MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Carpyy on 2024-09-22 16:03:46. It has garnered 3200 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:57 or 5757 seconds. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • all my socials ” https://linktr.ee/carpyy • Client I use » LunarClient • Songs I use » https://bit.ly/CarpyySongs • Donations Link: https://streamelements.com/carpyy/tip ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as an AMONG US IMPOSTER in HARDCORE Minecraft!