I Survived 100 Days as an ICE SPIDER in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

On day one I was an ice spider and I was playing with my brother Maxie showing off my frost breath you have such cool ice powers bronzo out of nowhere a nasty fire Hornet appeared I must destroyed before it’s too late I’ll never submit Bring It On Scorch

Used her fiery blast against me and Maxi the Flames dealt a ton of damage to my icy skin but I didn’t let that stop me from retaliating I returned fire with icy frost breath freezing Scorch in place for moments at a time as we thought I gained an ice wand weapon I

Grabbed it and started using it against her blocks of ice began falling down upon this fiery Beast someone’s going to get hurt I use my new power again but Scorch quickly dodged out of the way and my ice power hovered over Maxi Maxi the ice then fell on Maxie crushing him

Warned you now you better stay away bronzo as she flew off I threw my head off and made a vow Scorch on my brother’s honor I swear I will defeat you on the 100th day you’d better start counting because I’m Coming For You on

Day two I went to go see my mother the queen spider in the throne room runs on my beloved Son that’s so wonderful to see you but where is Maxie mother I’m so sorry he’s gone oh no my poor Maxie oh my poor Sweet Child we will have to hold

A ceremony in his honor but how did he die I was fighting the evil fire Hornet Scorch and I accidentally crushed Maxie with my new ice power I didn’t mean to son this might not be the end for Maxi the magic you hold is special it comes

From the Goblins who have the gift of Resurrection what seek out the Goblin King and ask for his help to revive your brother he should be in his castle even the forest of goblins do this and Maxie may live once again my mother had bestowed on me a great quest one of Epic

Proportion but first I had to make sure I had the right tools for the job luckily for me I knew some people that could get me started take this map should get you all the way to the Goblet forest and take this iron pick too if you mind yourself some goodies it should

Help you along your journey wow thanks you walked yourself now this world ain’t a safe one not with Scorch and her Firebug crew around with my trusty new pickaxe I quickly ventured deeper into the caves and mine some iron and coal soon I had enough resources to put

Together an entire iron tool set and some armor this was exactly what I needed to set out to find the Goblin King I’m coming to save you Maxie on day three I left my cave home for the first time ever turns out I was under the tundra the entire time wow it feels

Great out here perfect weather for me just then I saw a bunch of scorpions that wanted to kill me if you want some then come get some curly tails I used my ice powers to slow them down and damage them the Scorpions had the number advantage on me but I wasn’t gonna let

That deter me one by one I took them down I told you I wasn’t playing around I’m dangerous I had managed to kill all but one of the Scorpions I tried to follow it but they were too fast for me to catch up yeah you better run scaredy scorpion I was beginning to

Get hungry and had forgotten to snack up on food what am I supposed to eat there is no food here suddenly I spotted a white fox who was munching on some berries while stalking me hey you where did you get those berries they darted off into the snowy distance as soon as

They saw me hey get back here I’m super hungry I followed them until we arrived into some woods they were pretty fast but I managed to keep up with them I was determined to get some food luckily the fox ended up leading me right to an area

With lots of berry bushes I stopped following and started grabbing the berries I’ll take these and this and that I’ll take all of it I collected as many as I could without getting pricked by their thorns thing I ate all the berries to my heart’s content little did I realize

That I was eating all of the fox’s food oh man this is so good I’m stuffed now I wandered and found a nice spot to rest I decided I should make myself some shelter it wasn’t safe out in the open with all these fire bugs crawling around

I cut down a few trees to make room and started making the base from stone bricks as well I used the wood I chopped for the walls and some more stone brick for a cozy Central fireplace not that that helped me much since I was frozen but I liked the aesthetic sweet dreams

To myself I guess while I was dreaming I dreamed of an awesome game filled with exciting characters cool graphics and amazing gameplay honkai star rail honkai star rail is a brand new free-to-play cross-platform RPG it’s great because you can carry your data wherever you go no matter what platform you’re playing

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Easy to understand so you can pick up and play but that doesn’t mean skill isn’t involved you’ll need to hone your skills in battle if you plan to win these battles are awesome with orbital cannons ice walls and full-fledged armies the unique combat abilities of the characters makes it super fun to

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On screen Adventure awaits thanks honkai star rail for sponsoring the video on day 4 I woke up with the fox from earlier resting next to me hey that’s kinda cute with the sound of my voice I startled the fox and they ran away wait come back well I guess I do have a

Mission on my hands I mean legs I began following the map to find the goblin forest and eventually ventured into an ice Spike area this place looks interesting I hope I’m close by now what I wasn’t expecting was Scorch and her Army melting down the ice spikes

The ice what the heck is she doing I’m gonna give her a piece of my mind not safe if you keep going the fox was right behind me and stopped me from going any further hmm fine thanks for stopping me before I do something I regret I’m

Prince bronzo by the way I’ve been watching you for a little while I didn’t realize you were Prince with all the berries you kept stealing nice to meet you your highness no need to call me that you got it my name is Trix how exactly did you become an Ice Spider

It’s a story and I don’t really have time I have to get to the goblin Forest okay that sounds like fun I can go with you okay but let’s be sneaky and not get caught together tricks and I snuck around the Scorpion campsite and headed towards the goblin Forest during days

Five to six we followed the map I got from The Spider and soon enough Trix and I arrived at the goblin Forest as we walked through we spotted some goblins watching us from behind some trees I wondered if Trix was frightened but when I turned around they were gone tricks

Where’d you go well I guess I’m on my own now eventually I found the Goblin King’s Castle it wasn’t what I expected but I respected that hello I’m seeking an audience with the Goblin King he’s busy please leave at once but I’m the spider Prince and if you don’t bring me

The Goblin King then I will be forced to use against steeping profusely your eyes Powers don’t work on goblins we have magic protection against you it was our magic that was given to you in the first place ah what whatever when will the Goblin King be available hole from the looks of

It he should be free in about 44 days what that’s like in the middle of the video you can’t have the bronzo Army waiting that long bronzo Army is that a threat of war no no no no no no I don’t want any trouble I walked away in

Disappointment but had the clever idea of going around to the back of the castle as a spider I could crawl up to the top unnoticed I’m Coming For You Goblin King on day seven and eight I snuck up the wall of the castle using my spider legs to climb right to the top

When I got there I found the Goblin King who was just chowing down on some soup how could he ignore me this whole time just to eat some stew I decided to jump out and confront him Goblin King I’ve come to speak to you the guard immediately roared at me ready to attack

Wait ogre don’t you recognize this spider he is Prince bronzo son of the Spider Queen finally some recognition around here although I sat here eating soup I know why you have sought me out I felt the death of Maxie your brother and I knew at once the Spider Queen would

Ask for my help in his Revival if you knew this already why didn’t you come out sooner it was good soup okay fine are you going to help me though in order for me to help you you must help me first first I’ll do anything to save

Maxi as a brother should very well well another the ingredients for the resurrection spell I need you to um build some new houses for the people of my kingdom what I can try but why would I be any good at that in many of your past lives you are a great builder of

Epic Proportions in others you were really just so so therefore the skill must have evened out in this life that sounds right I’ll give it my best shot then let’s see what these spider legs can do I was determined I would need tools if I wanted to build the homes so

From Days nine through ten that’s what I did I began with mining for diamonds and lots of them I scoured through the caves and I found pockets of diamonds all over the place with these I can make all my tools I have a diamond sword pickaxe and

An ax then I began building homes for all of the Goblins I used all sorts of different materials to build their homes some homes were large some were small and some were huge I made sure it was medieval themed so they could feel right at home and I made all sorts of cool

Details including a fountain with a fancy light post in the end all the houses looked very distinct and something I would be proud to live in maybe later I’ll upgrade my base let me know what you think I should add the Goblin King spoke and said this will

Help strengthen the alliance between our two kingdoms and his relationship with the queen whatever that meant thank you so much it’s a fire Shield it should help you against the fire scorpion scores thank you kind ogre I built a lookout tower at the edge of the town so they could keep

Watch of who was entering their Forest I Can See For Miles and Miles up here nothing will get passed finally I met up with the King to talk business the ingredients we must wait for them to be prepared correctly I summon you tomorrow awesome I’m excited to get my brother back

On days 11 through 13 all of my efforts were finally paying off the Goblin King led me deeper into the forest to an ancient ritual Stone this is where we were Rich your brother watch as I place the Spell components before this Stone and conduct the sacred ritual of Life The

Goblin King threw everything down on the ground and started reciting a poem goblins goblins were the best raise this spider from his rest eye of spider and string of wool do your job and raise this fool wait where did you get that spider eye suddenly a big glowing Circle

Appeared and Maxie popped out of it Max brother I’m so excited I think I remember is some big fire bug attacking us it’s a long story you see stop right there Prince bronzo this is n’t time for that your brother needs rest God take this spider to get some

Well-deserved sleep yeah I think they’ll get some rest see you later bronzo a goblin guard LED my brother away back to the castle Maxie must never know what happened to him if he finds out he will go mad and might very well die again oh no that’s terrible how am I supposed to

Keep this secret from him that is for you to find out and one more thing Maxie must also never know of your powers this could trigger the madness that lies within him this was very sad to hear but I decided having Maxi back was worth it

Even if it meant never using my Powers again during days 14 to 17 Maxi and I left the Goblin Kingdom together I’m so happy you’re with me Maxie what are you talking about bro I’ve always been with you just then Trix met back up with us sorry for leaving you back there your

Highness I was scared but I’m glad Maxie is back back what are you talking about and who is this that’s crazy you didn’t go anywhere this is my new friend tricks by the way I took tricks aside for a moment to explain everything she couldn’t tell Maxie about what had

Happened or else we would lose him forever I get it now I’ll try to keep my mouth shut from now on about it thanks tricks together the three of us began our journey back to the tundra when we arrived trouble was waiting for us it

Was scorched with some of her Army oh no no no no I can’t let Maxi see this m tricks take Maxie home would ya what why I don’t want to go I want to fight it’s for your own good stop arguing with me and leave fine I will let’s go trips I

Felt bad but it was for Maxi’s own good now all that was left was Scorch and her Army and myself I just remember your brother being alive last I saw him he won’t last long after I kill him again I got super frustrated and launched my ice powers against some

Of her foot soldiers killing them in an instant take this Scorch blasted me with a huge amount of fire but luckily I had my shield to block her attack spider Scorch fled the scene as a wave of her Army rushed on me you guys are nothing compared to me I’m a prince I

Unleashed all of my ice power onto them and froze them in their tracks They didn’t stand a chance but it was too late Scorch was long gone by now curse you scorch quickly I realized that if I wanted Maxi to live I would need to go

Into Exile so on days 18 to 21 I headed to the cabin I had made earlier and decided to live there wow I’m glad this is still here if I was going to be living in Exile though I was going to need to live somewhere much cooler time

To get this party started the first thing I did was completely tear down the cabin better to start fresh right tearing things down was pretty satisfying next I began throwing ice everywhere I used a few different ice blocks like blue ice and packed ice as well as some blue concrete for eyes and

Gray for my powerful things I wanted to make sure I’d have a much cooler base this time after a while I had created a giant room and the start of an awesome Ice Spider statue no home is complete without a garden and a giant spider web right I threw some wheat carrots and

Potatoes into the mix and created a functional Farm then I made a trap next to it out of cobweb I figured this might also catch me some food being an ice fighter is so handy ah I mean leggy somehow my plan worked and a lonely Pig

Wandered right into my trap as the pig looked deep into my eyes it reminded me of a book I once read something about a spider on a farm whatever my stomach grumbled reminding me that I was really hungry with the expert instincts of a hunter I slayed the pig and munched on

The pork chops it dropped oh so tasty as I sat there chewing rain began to fall gently around me it seemed kind of poetic like The Goblin King’s chant I slowly crawled back to my room feelings of loneliness make me miss my family even more than I already did

Um Maxie I miss you I got a visit from Trix during days 22 to 25. she told me Maxie was safe I also let the queen know that Maxie couldn’t find out what happened to him or he’d go insane thanks for your help tricks you’re very brave I

Thought it was time so I pulled out my sword and knighted tricks you are now part of the Ice Spider Kingdom No no I exiled myself to keep Maxie safe oh come on don’t be so hard on yourself tricks that’s enough please respect my decision uh okay your highness Mrs I’m your night now I will stay by your side and protect you thanks for the tricks I

Decided to make a room for tricks she would stay in the body of the statue since I’m in charge and took the head I added berries and decorations to make her room really fit her style so what do you think wait to help you make the legs

Ley I’ll be looking forward to that as well it’s gonna be epic I checked on the cobweb trap during days 26 to 29 and to my surprise it actually caught something it’s a baby polar bear hmm they don’t really drop me so I might as well free

It I should still be careful though thank you for helping me sure but why are you so far from home oh I got lost then I wandered into your trap sorry about that I can make it up to you by helping you find your home what do you

Say just then trick sparged in with some Vital Information I know you you’re the great white ghost the best thief in the land Thief what is that true it’s not important I put it all behind me I don’t live that life anymore okay Trix I believe you so where is it just keep going east and then take

A hard right at the tallest pine tree in the land thanks once again tricks I couldn’t do it without you I grabbed some supplies and headed out with Pip following close behind everything was going well on days 30 to 33 until pip and I ran into some real trouble

We’re being attacked help us oh no pip they’re being attacked by fire beetles let’s give them a hand Taking out the fire beam fire beam I used my ice cream with my sword to freeze the bugs then chop them down to Pieces pip was stronger than I thought he had a really big bite for such a small little bear whoa this is a heated fight

Finally we won saving the Goblins well you saved the heights we was on our way to the Royal Wedding when those fire beetles jumped out at us how nasty of them you got that right who’s the royal wedding for hey I mean if you weren’t invited then it’s none of your business

Is it see you later alligators the Goblins then ran off leaving us in the dust hey you’re welcome jeez that was rude yeah we’re not even alligators as pip and I talked I realized I needed stronger armor and pip didn’t even have any if we were serious about staying

Safe from danger we needed better armor let’s go mine for diamonds pip we need to seriously suit up oh I’ve never been mining four we searched and searched and soon enough pip and I were rolling in diamonds I quickly crafted Us full diamond armor sets one for me and one

For pip here you go pip you can be safe now too wow it’s so shiny thanks bronzo no problem now let’s get you home hip and I arrived at the huge Pinecone tree from Days 34 to 37. we knew polar city was nearby book a hard right here

Pip just like tricks mentioned we tried it for a few more miles and then we finally reached polar City there it is I’m so happy to be back welcome home Prince pip we’ve been worried wait you’re a prince too yep I want you to meet my parents let’s do it I

Followed pip through the polar City and all the way to the king and queen’s throne room ah so you must be my son’s great savior I’ve been hearing about thank you so much for rescuing my little Pip who knows where he’d be without you I thought to myself how I trapped him in

The first place yes you’re most welcome as a reward I would like to give you a free training lesson with our appointed teacher Bert the isolager yes we can teach you more ice tricks just then Bert rushed in awkwardly before interrupting I’m just so excited

To teach you more about your powers oh I like an enthusiastic teacher it is decided then the ice oligar woke me up bright and early on days 38 through 41 and immediately brought me somewhere to begin the training okay what’s first on the agenda Bert first thing we’ll be working on is

Improving your Armory Bert walked over to a type of blacksmithing area and got to work I watched him use different types of ice related items and sticks to craft an awesome ice sword all right it’s your turn now take these and go ahead he handed me the same materials

And I did as instructed with Bert’s help I learned how to create my own ice weapons and tools excellent you keep that up and you made me smiffing at Skyforge one day no idea what you’re referring to but cool he then led me over to where an ice bowl was waiting

For me oh for the most difficult part of your training you’ll be sparring with this nice fellow Bird Go what wait I’m not ready ah Bert hit me towards the bowl and we immediately started to spar I used my ice to attack but the bowl was incredibly strong he fought back with a

Heavy punch knocking me backwards come on you can do it I know I’m trying I jumped back in and kept pushing unfortunately I was still having difficulty getting the upper hand I was starting to grow frustrated even with the bulls kind words hey you’ve got this believe it admits my struggle I started

To feel something spark inside me and I grew into a larger Ice Spider I was Stronger now and gained 10 more Hearts that’s the stuff time for a real challenge now come at me I did as he asked and kept going my new size and strength were making the fight much

Easier I’m doing it I’m oh the bull suddenly showed off a ground pound ability he hadn’t used yet whoa I want to learn that Focus then maybe you will learn something new I began focusing on the fight and just then I learned how to summon ice bombs So old the cold never bothered me thanks for the sparring session I was happy with my training I felt like I came out much stronger than I was when I first had arrived I returned to the Polar King and Queen to thank them for all they had

Given me please it’s the least we could do for you we better hurry and get going dear we wouldn’t want to miss the royal wedding yes however it is quite strange that the spider queen and the Goblin King are getting married wait mom’s getting married I traveled back to my

Base on days 42-45 when I got there I got a big surprise Maxie what are you doing here Razzo you’re finally here seriously you’ve gotta leave no I won’t not until I get bronzo to help me stop the wedding uh I don’t think that’s a good idea Maxie you don’t understand the

Goblin King is trying to take over the kingdom and Mom can’t see it ronzo me and the spider Kingdom need you more than ever I don’t know that really is Mom’s decision also that sounds political which can’t be good for PR forget the politics this is going to

Ruin the spider Kingdom I left home for a reason I don’t want anything to do with this please come back it hasn’t been the same without you it’s awful and I can’t shake the feeling that everyone’s keeping something important from me now you’re just being paranoid

No matter what I said Maxie would not take no for an answer I knew it was useless to keep arguing so finally I gave in I really missed home anyway fine I’ll come back but I don’t want anything to do with your plan to ruin the wedding

Got it I’m only going to attend yay thank you bronzo this is great mom to be so happy when she sees you ah Shucks okay let’s rest up we can head back home in the morning as soon as morning hit we got straight to work on days 46 to 49 we

Started by gathering all the supplies we would need for the road once that was done we gathered to say our goodbyes by tricks buy tricks stay safe let’s get going Maxie we’re burning daylight with that Maxie and I went through the trees and navigated through

The tundra I was so happy that I finally got to see my brother again and spend time with him I really missed Maxie soon enough we got back to the spider Kingdom everything looked like it was in great shape and the spiders and goblins were getting along well it was definitely a

Lot more crowded than I remembered though excuse me pardon me through this is a bit of a squeeze finally we made it to the throne room ah I’m back and I brought bronzo with me my what a surprise Ron so it’s so wonderful to see you it’s

Past days have been full of wonderful news yes indeed we’re so excited to be getting married this will be a Grand Event good to see you too Mom hi Goblin King uh come on Maxie let’s let them get ready I dragged Maxie off before he

Could get too upset it was going to take a while for the wedding to be fully prepared so I tried to relax I was back at home everything was supposed to be great but for some reason I just couldn’t relax though so I decided to wander around after walking through the

Streets of the city I stumbled upon what seemed to be The Goblin King’s quarters he was inside and talking pretty loudly to an ogre and then once the wedding is over and I’m married to the Spider Queen I’m gonna start off this has been it’s like taking candy from a baby polar bear

S oh no that’s not good I scurried off making a spider line for Maxie Maxie you were right I just overheard the Goblin King talking about how he wants to start a war I was right I mean oh no I was right Rosa we have to stop the wedding

No kidding I have an idea tomorrow when the priest asks if there’s any objections let’s speak up we’ll have the biggest objection they’ve ever heard on days 50 to 53 it was finally time for the wedding there were spiders and goblins everywhere in the chapel it was completely crowded being the prince it

Was my duty to walk the queen down the aisle also it is so wonderful to have you here this is the best gift a mother could have ever asked for I’m happy to do this for you Mom I was not happy to do this in fact I felt very guilty about

What I had to do I walked my mom down the aisle to where the priest was standing then went to go sit next to Maxie we’ve got this bro any second now and so we are gathered here today to join these two hands of leg and hand in

Marriage together May the Wayne be one and prosperous but first are there any objections speak now or forever hold your peace Maxie and I were ready to object but that’s when Scorch burst in [Laughter] rejection here this is what it is officially canceled words of fire bugs poured into

The temple and started fighting at everyone they could get their pincers on luckily the spiders and the Goblins weren’t about to lay down and take it they started fighting back at once talk about Wedding Crashers this is ridiculous I got ready to use my ice powers but then I remembered Maxie was

Right here with me there’s no way I could do that with him around he could die again I swung and slashed as best as I could but I wasn’t trained to use a sword very much I always used my ice powers to fight take this and that

Suddenly there was a familiar scream at least we are once themed we tried to get to the front but there were way too many fire bugs in the way there was no way to stop it as Scorch whisked our mom away with a burst of adrenaline Max and I sliced through the

Remaining fire bugs along with the help of the rest of the spiders and goblins inside unfortunately it was too late to save mom what do we do now mom is gone on days 54-57 we walked up to the Goblin King to confront him I felt a little bad because he looked

Really sad but I couldn’t forget what I had overheard Breeze Goblin King The Jig Is up we know about the war you were planning on starting oh God but it’s too late for that I suppose since the fire bug started it before I could wait what

You wanted to start a war against Scorch but I thought of course I wanted to start a war against her who else in the world would it be against I guess I gave really always been on our side then I’m sorry we thought you weren’t for a

Little while yeah sorry for doubting you it’s all right believe it or not get that kind of thing all the time but forget about me for the moment we must we must focus on saving the Spider Queen you’re right we need to come up with a

Plan first things first I need to get stronger stronger than ever before I have solution if you wish to become more powerful you must reach the isolated polar City within which resides the all-powerful iceology master of all things ice ask him to teach you already done that’s convenient now you must

Return to him with his help you must find the ice core but only you can use its power since you are the uh since you’re the what oh um Maxie you forgot you were there what I was going to say was since you are the firstborn Prince

Oh that makes sense I guess I’ve got to go no time to waste stay here Maxie keep an eye on the kingdom with a new goal in sight I set out as quickly as possible after getting back to the surface I ran into tricks good to see you whoa what’s

A rush no time to explain follow me as we ran toward the polar City on days 58 to 61 tricks kept asking questions about where we were going all about the wedding the battle and Scorch kidnapping my mom man that sounds really serious it sure is we have to go fast

We traveled miles and miles going as fast as our legs could take us after what felt like Endless Running the polar city was in our sight but as we approached it was clear something was very wrong the city was under attack by a horde of fire bugs

We’ve gotta help no it’s so scary I drew my sword and jumped into The Fray the fire bugs were everywhere there were too many to get rid of this nasty infestation I ran around doing my best to help when I stumbled into Bert the isolager he looked badly injured though

It didn’t seem like he had long to live bronzo you returned Bert don’t move keep your energy listen to me bronzo go to the ice forest deep within it lies the ice core but beware it is in the hands of the ice giants they are not the warmest toast you will

Have to steal it consider it done you’ve done well my boy you will go far in this life where it took one more breath before succumbing to his injuries overrun by fire bugs though it wouldn’t be long before Scorch would get here I had to go with Bert only a memory in my

Mind and with a new promise in my heart I fled the polar city as I ran toward the ice forest on day 62-65 it seemed like I had been stalked Again by tricks she was hot on my trail and caught up to me quickly what are you doing here tricks I thought

You ran off not cool of You by the way hey I’m really sorry it’s okay Trix to make that sounds like a plan so you know where to go right you know it so and if you want to go to the ice boards that means dealing with the ice giants and

Trust me when I say we want to sneak our way through I mean it what happens if they notice us then we run bronzo we run for the hills and we don’t look back well that doesn’t sound like a good plan don’t you worry you

Pause believe it or not I used to be the best thief in the lands around here okay Trix I trust you on this one we ran until we reached the edge of the ice Giant’s Homeland from there I mimics all of trix’s movements and boy she was good

At this as we got deeper into the forest an ice giant passed right by us each step he took made the ground tremble wow that was close and now what we were carefully sneaking past the Giants on day 66 through 70. there were a few close calls but luckily we went

Undetected the Giants only had one eye so they couldn’t see very well however they had great hearing as a result so we had to be as quiet as possible to avoid getting caught farther suddenly a strange looking snowflake appeared and then started talking hi I haven’t seen new people

Here for so long what the shh you’re gonna blow our cover scram how rude yeah I was so excited about meeting new people I mean still honestly I am but to be so mean he shushed me you good sir are a menace can we still be friends though you look

Really cool the ice giants started to notice the commotion and we’re looking right at us look what you’ve done we have to run or fight before we could talk more the ice giant started moving into attack tricks remained by my side and we used what we

Could to fight back no way of the violence it’s stressing me out man the ice giants were focused on us so I did what I could and tried to freeze them however they could launch us into the sky I never thought I’d have to land in trees to avoid fall damage we were

Fighting our best but we just couldn’t wear them down they were giant rocks of ice there’s no chance now we need to run Trix and I darted out and away from the ice giants doing what we could to avoid getting hit the snowflake popped out of hiding and followed us you guys were

Gonna leave me some friends you are but we’re still friends right we all made our Escape during day 71-74. snowflake why did you do that you almost got us killed no now we’ll get to the ice Core ice core that sounds familiar familiar how familiar as in I know it’s not with the

Snow Giants Well I can’t remember where it is now what do you mean you can’t remember try harder okay let me see oh I know it was taken by the cow Clan house Wait no that’s not it it was taken by the Enderman hmm wait no okay that’s

Enough we have to find it but I’m tired let’s go home hey can I go with you I thought about it for a moment after all the snowflake was the reason we almost died back there but I couldn’t let him be all alone fine but you won’t have a

Proper room to sleep in well that’s all right with me then let’s go we arrived back at the base and I settled in I tried resting for a while but I couldn’t go to sleep I suppose I can work on the Statue while I’m awake I finished making

The legs and the back while everyone else was tucked away and resting I made sure to use the same materials as the head and body so that the statue stayed cohesive I was so excited when I finished but I made sure not to wake anyone up this is amazing after all that

Building I was so exhausted I knocked out within minutes of laying on my bed I slept pretty restless during that day and on days 75 to 79 I woke up to polar bears outside my base Prince bronzo when we saw this structure we simply knew you

Had to be living here it’s so wonderful to see that you’re doing well us on the other hand well the polar City was destroyed by firebugs my house is gone I’m so sorry guys how about you stay here I can make space for all of you if you insist then we’ll gladly accept

Using my awesome building abilities I gathered the materials I had left over from making my ice sculpture and started making homes for the polar bears I knew nothing I made would feel the same as their home but I did my very best to mimic what I remembered of polar City

Soon enough I had a pretty good collection of homes for the polar bears pip even started running around checking them out well love it yes this is simply Exquisite oh my what are you doing here and what is wrong with you what do you mean by that Polar King this is the

Missing ice core but he doesn’t look quite right oh shiver me timbers you made me remember I am the ice core I probably look weird because I had a small little piece of me stolen by that fire Hornet she was big and fiery and a hornet yes Scorch oh no that’s not good

If she has it then she probably destroyed it no no that would be impossible the ice core is simply too powerful this most definitely still intact that fire Hornet’s Scorch is very likely just keeping it somewhere safe if that that’s the case then there’s only

One thing we can do about it we’ve gotta get it back Tricks the Snowflake and myself made our way to the Firelands during days 80 to 84. along the way we ran into some Firebug soldiers that’s him get him we had no option but to fight the fiery foes I used my Ice Crystal to blow a frozen sheet of wind over the critters

Am I ice bombs for a larger scaled attack tricks maneuvered quickly around the bugs and attacked when she had the chance how do you like the cold eventually Trix and I defeated the Firebug soldiers and left no Witnesses we traveled some more and made it to the

Fire temple as I approached I saw Scorch leaving where is she going shoot we better hide she’s coming this way as we hid Scorch flew right past us without noticing now’s our chance We snuck in sneakily and took out a few guards so as to not bring attention to ourselves

Nighty night soon enough I was able to locate where the missing piece was wow this room is huge there’s the missing ice core trick as Trix went forward to grab the ice artifact it melted in an instant you really fell for that one say hi to Mommy

Trap I can’t escape help me son mom give her back you foul insect I thought I had won but this was just another one of scorch’s traps on days 85 to 89 I was contemplating what to do I wanted to save my mother but I couldn’t do that

With Scorch here you look surprised well I have another surprise for you I finally noticed the real missing ice piece floating beside Scorch but which is more important the missing piece are your dear Mother that’s enough I was about to rush in to start fighting her but she knocked me backwards before

Placing a lever down nearby are you why not look up before you decide to rush things I looked cautiously and realized my mother was standing right below a bunch of anvils ready to drop please why are you doing this couldn’t we work something out for everyone you don’t get it the only thing

I want worked out suddenly Trix jumped in from behind her and grabbed the ice piece before starting over to where the snowflake was waiting oh did you find the icy thing use it no I gotta run in case more guards come so I can stop them good luck

With that he absorbed the piece and transformed scorch’s anger caused her to momentarily forget about my mom and I was able to break the lever she placed ran so quick I need you to absorb my power what why I can’t do that you have to this is what I

Was made for I know it now it’s the only way to save your mother and defeat Scotch I okay thank you uh Ben my real name is Ben thank you Ben you’re a hero I did as instructed and I absorbed his power his sacrifice gave me a new

Ability I was now able to shoot ice spikes I wasted no time and used it against Scorch I continue to send ice flying in her direction as she did her best to burn me every time she could get closer to the ground she punched me with flames a few

Times but couldn’t avoid my new attacks when she did enough she stopped trying to fight and flew higher to dodge me completely but to give you another surprise a big fire bug monster stormed into the room and scorched flew away before I could stop her no ah fine I’ll squish

This insect first I turned back to the monster bug and it immediately attacked it hit me with more fire and did an area attack I couldn’t Dodge it so I used my new spikes to retaliate what’s the matter don’t like a little frostbite with my stronger skills it had no hope

Against me I hit the Beast with another wave of spikes and it finally died with the monster defeated I ran to release my mother from the trap thank you son I can’t believe how strong you’ve got no time to talk mom we need to go we made

It back to the spider Kingdom on days 90-94 as we approached the Goblin King was happy to see us and his bride again there she is that’s my girl thank you again for saving me son I think you’re ready to equip this ice dragon steel armor it’s been passed down for

Generations and many more generations to come the icy dragon armor provided immensely defense bonuses and it looked super cool thanks Mom this is one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received with that settled and mom back home it was time for a proper wedding everyone was

There and I walked Mom down the aisle five years goblins and others today we see two beautiful creatures coming together as one you may know say your vows my darling Goblin knew that you were the one as we begin this journey together I promise to be your constant companion your source of

Strength and your refuge in times of need I vow to love you cherish you and honor you for all of my eight-legged days I’m out to be your partner in all things to support you encourage you and love you with all of my being for as

Long as I live you may now kiss your bride just like that Mom in the Goblin King were married now it was time for some celebration this after party is going so well boy is it I’ve been partying for all my crimes so uh what were those crimes exactly

What a silly little fox with everyone having a blast there was still one more thing to do a toast mm excuse me everyone I would like to make a toast to my mother and the Goblin King to many more years and a great life together and

Also I just wanted to tell everyone to like the video If you enjoyed it so far comment who your favorite character is And subscribe so you never miss another video and let us not forget we must stop Scorch and her Army we brought the Battle of a lifetime to scorch’s Kingdom

On days 95-97 there were polar bears spiders and goblins all fighting and holding their own against the massive Firebug Army keep fighting hold them back I was helping fight with my ice powers silently hoping Trix was keeping Max away the battle was long and intense while there were three armies on our

Side Scorch still had a multitude of bugs fighting for her ah where is Scorch the horn it was nowhere to be found as her minions battled I was busy fighting and desperately watching out for their leader Trix was having a different issue in the distance no Maxie you can’t join

The fight you have to stay D I’m joining my brother’s risking his life and I’m just supposed to hide yes your brother was strong enough to get up to say so am I actually Trix tried to stop him but Maxie had already shoved past her and

Darted towards me on the field I didn’t notice him until it was too late he had already seen me using my ice powers Maxie oh no you weren’t supposed to say that he stood there stunned Maxie are you okay I went you had went brother

Snap out of it I don’t feel so good Maxie passed out and I hurried to get him to safety on days 98 and 99 we were in a hospital room surrounding Maxie come on Maxie you gotta get through this I can’t lose you again there really is

Nothing we can do my magic is not powerful enough to reanimate a soul twice please we have to do something maybe there’s another ice core or the polar bears have some magic we don’t know about the goblin magic is the most powerful magic around if they can’t save

Maxie no one can there’s always a way not this time I’m sorry Young Prince there is no known magic that can do what you ask what about a non-known power we wouldn’t have time to discover it I felt so hopeless all I could do was cry I’m

Gonna Miss You Maxi a single tear rolled down my face and on to Maxie and the unthinkable happened he started to wake up Maxie you’re alive it’s a miracle it seems that your love for your brother has brought him back to life I’m so happy he’s okay wow saved by love

This is just like that one movie the one about Rapunzel no I can’t remember the name never mind I’m just happy you’re alive me too me three you mean the movie about a girl with white hair it doesn’t matter just let it go you’re right I’m

Just glad to be alive now that Maxie was better it was time to get back to business we still have to defeat Scorch and I know just where she is it was day 100 and it was finally time to end Scorch once and for all I arrived back

At the battlefield and entered her base there she was waiting for me the time arrived I thought you were scared for a second you’re a fool if you think I wouldn’t show up I swore that by the end of 100 days you would fall to the ground

And be defeated guess what day it is let’s see 99 it’s day 100 and it’s your day to die Scorch and I tumbled and rumbled it was back and forth with powerful blows of Fire and Ice like two enemies dancing but Scorch had the upper hand and I seem

To be losing I don’t think I’m gonna make it this is the end [Laughter] not so fast ugly flying ants checked out my new ice ability Maxie out of nowhere began freezing Scorch together we combined our ice powers to freeze Scorch into a permafrost State and then chipped

Away at her until she cracked into a million pieces I guess the prophecy was correct with you gaining some of my Powers she was defeated with ice Victory Screech Dad Run oh download honkai Star rail using the link in the description to help support the channel and don’t forget to use the

Code on screen to get 50 Stellar Jades thanks honkite star rail for sponsoring this video

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ICE SPIDER in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2023-05-06 13:00:02. It has garnered 1223881 views and 17219 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:30 or 3030 seconds.

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For the next 100 DAYS, I’m going to be an ICE SPIDER in Hardcore Minecraft! Can I take down the FIRE HORNET and her FIRE BUG ARMY from burning the WORLD with their FLAMES!? All while keeping my SPIDER brother from learning about my ICE POWERS so I never lose him? You’ll have to watch until the end to find out!

MODS USED: Advent of Ascension – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/advent-of-ascension-nevermine Alex’s Mobs – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/alexs-mobs Astemir’s Forestcraft – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/astemirs-forest-craft Artifacts – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/artifacts Blue Skies – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/blue-skies CMD Cam – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam Citadel – https://github.com/AlexModGuy/Citadel Collective – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/collective Configure – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=configured CreativeCore – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=configured Curious API – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/curios Custom NPCs – http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/customnpcs Cyclic – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cyclic Effortless Building – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/effortless-building Elemental Craft – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/elemental-craft Frosted Friends – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/frosted-friends Geckolib – https://geckolib.com/ Goblins and Dungeons – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/goblins-dungeons Hornets – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hornet Ice Ice Baby – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ice-ice-baby Ice and Fire – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ice-and-fire-dragons Just Enough Items – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei Mahou Tsukai- https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mahou-tsukai More Player Models – http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/moreplayermodels/ Mowzie’s Mobs – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mowzies-mobs Mutant Beasts – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mutant-beasts Mutant More – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mutant-more My Hero Academia Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/my-hero-academia Obfuscate – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=obfuscate Olympic God’s Attributes – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/olympic-gods-attribues Pandoras Creatures – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pandoras-creatures Maybe – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pehkui/ Puzzlelib – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/puzzles-lib Sorcerium – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sorcerium Structure Gel API – https://moddinglegacy.com/ Supplementaries – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/supplementaries The Mighty Architect – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-mighty-architect The Spider Man Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-spiderman-mod The Twilight Forest – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-twilight-forest The Warp Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-warp-mod Villagers and Monsters – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/villagers-and-monsters-mod-legency Visual Workbench – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/visual-workbench YDM’s Scorpions – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ydms-scorpions

Suggested rating: TV-PG This video contains material not suitable for younger audiences.

*This video is Sponsored by Honkai Star Rail*

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    INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3’, was uploaded by BEDCRAFT GAMING on 2024-09-01 13:27:10. It has garnered 344 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3 Thanks for Watching #minecraft #herobrine #minecraftpe Your Queries creeper smp is creeper aw man copyrighted a minecraft creeper in real life a creeper in real life a creeper song dream smp crafts is minecraft creeper copyrighted creeper school i am creeper lifesteal smp intro… Read More

  • Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 ji

    Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 jiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Play Fakepixel SMP | 💲Free SMP Promotion | Playing With Subscribers📍| #minecraft #hindilivestream’, was uploaded by Oye Raghu 22 ji on 2024-08-29 22:59:15. It has garnered 97 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:03 or 5403 seconds. 🚀 LIVE SERVER SHOWCASE: Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience! 🚀 🎉 Welcome to our exclusive livestream event! 🎉 We’re thrilled to have you join us as we dive into the incredible world of our cutting-edge servers. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer, a server administrator, or just curious about what makes our servers stand out,… Read More

  • Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & Rusherhack

    Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & RusherhackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Surviving 2b2t Anarchy Server. Trail Hunting for Base, Stash. Meteor & Rusherhack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-07-26 05:30:06. It has garnered 129 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:21 or 4461 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. As of October 2023, 2b2t is over 28,300 gigabytes in size and has had more than 821,220 unique player 2b2t… Read More

  • 100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!

    100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL SHARK in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-03-23 14:00:38. It has garnered 2641527 views and 24323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:08 or 2768 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as an Elemental Shark! I had to save Minecraft’s ocean from the ender leader, Terminis! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More


    M3rc - INSANE MINING UPDATE REACTION!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW MINING UPDATE W OR L | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by M3rc on 2024-09-25 05:33:46. It has garnered 171 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:33 or 6933 seconds. Lets Grind out this New Mining Update! And Get Some Growth on this Profile | Hypixel Skyblock | Minecraft | mods | Gaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!

    Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted’, was uploaded by RocketF on 2024-04-05 19:00:30. It has garnered 1151 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:54 or 954 seconds. I try to beat SKYGRID on HARDCORE! Playing SKYGRID Minecraft! I hope you enjoyed. Please like and subscribe! SkyGrid Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/skygrid-minecraft-1-20/ RocketF – Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted Previous Video: https://youtu.be/Dg3mnrH9cUQ?si=NlXpHC3ehwsPBb7p MINECRAFT VIDEO: https://youtu.be/jvHi2iAcG3k?si=MZr7FGDnZTeEQ4ey #minecraft #minecraftharcore #minecraftbut #minecraft100days Read More

  • 🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine – Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shorts

    🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine - Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-16 13:00:50. It has garnered 5369 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding Tags:- minecraft poi poi poi, minecraft poi poi poi mod, minecraft poison horror map part 2, poison map for mcpe, poi poi poi shorts, r minecraft, potion counter mcpe, poi poi poi popoi poi po pi minecraft, poi poi poi po pi trend minecraft, poi poi poi meme minecraft, poi… Read More


    UNLOCK VIP FOR FREE on MANOV FACTIONS SERVER 🚀🔥 MineCraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 SERVIDOR DE FACTIONS VIP FREE – MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-07-06 17:07:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ ········· READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois Podcast

    Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘BrokeN Bois ep. 184 | MiNecraft Movie’, was uploaded by BrokeN Bois Podcast on 2024-09-09 17:00:00. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:15 or 4395 seconds. Sit back as Mike and Colin relax and talk about whatever is on their minds, usually leading back to music in some way or another! This week, Colin and Mike discuss the Minecraft Movie teaser, the Linkin Park return, and other news from throughout the week. Links to Song of Week playlists: Mike’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2qHnCpMr9EFV8LpDxl2ALz?si=Papz11C4Q5CwKuKbcNc6FA Colin’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OqA9mgAaFd3Coi3HjYvAE?si=Y-ipjPLOQh2eF20nsHk21w Combined Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64NaXkzBSNjMCYNKKW07yX?si=Ytqa2q5kTPa6NytTG9k6WA… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp Mostly-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you would like to be part of our growing community and help us with builds and shops on our mostly-vanilla 1.21 server, feel free to join us on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join Here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Catastrophe

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CatastropheWell, I guess you could say it’s not just a meme, it’s a high-scoring tragedy in the world of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters Series

    Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-10-05 01:01:04. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥

    Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥 Why do girls always build cute little houses with flower gardens in Minecraft, while boys just dig straight down and end up in a pit of lava? 🤣 #genderdifferences #minecraftstruggles #boysvsgirls Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Block Party Fail!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Block Party Fail! Minecraft Bedrock: Block Party B12 – A Gaming Adventure! Welcome, gamers! Dive into the world of Minecraft Bedrock with Block Party B12! This gaming channel is a hub for exciting gameplay videos that will keep you on the edge of your seat. From Minecraft to Brawl Stars and beyond, get ready for a diverse range of gaming experiences that will leave you wanting more. Channel Rules and Etiquette At Block Party B12, respect is key. The channel’s most important rule is to maintain a respectful and positive atmosphere in the comments section. Whether you’re engaging with the content creator… Read More

  • Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr!

    Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr! New IRON Farm In Minecraft – A Must-Have Addition to Your Survival World! Looking to boost your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further than this new iron farm design that promises an impressive yield of 1300 iron per hour! This fully automatic farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, taking under 15 minutes to complete. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is a game-changer for your survival world or server. Farm Details Farm Performance: +400 to +450 iron per hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as an ICE SPIDER in HARDCORE Minecraft!