I Survived 100 Days as ELEMENTAL HEROBRINE in HARDCORE Minecraft

Video Information

On day one I spawn in the middle of a shrine wow I’m baby Elemental Herobrine as Herobrine I can control people’s minds and fly maybe with these new elements I can cause even more chaos I went off in search of the nearest Kingdom I have come to destroy your

Homes and wait a minute I looked around and noticed that the kingdom has already been destroyed who did this I saw villagers running away terrified there’s nowhere to run from Herobrine fear me the Villager just ran past me cowering in fear it was a bigger threat than me

Suddenly Thunder could be heard and a warlock appeared that’s right run from the great Allison soon to be the world’s strongest villain strongest villain I was really angry and accidentally shot a fireball at him of my elemental powers I guess I don’t have full control over them yet so it’s true Elemental

Herobrine exists yet another villain to destroy you think you can take me down I’ll use these new elements to show you who the strongest villain really really is he immediately blasts at me with a beam of energy oh I barely had any hearts left I felt so weak and I can

Barely move I will take you back to my castle where I can kill you slowly on day two I was taken back to a castle on top of a mountain I was escorted to an operation room of some kind suddenly I heard a loud roar and smashing noises

And saw a monstrous Beast it was trapped inside of some kind of machine and was trying to get out I shall kill all the villains of this world with no competition I will finally be the strongest this guy is insane Aleister then turned on the machine and it

Instantly killed the monster now you’re next Elemental Herobrine oh no I gotta get out of here out of my panic I suddenly can feel a surge of Power Within Me I let out a huge Elemental lightning blast creating an opening in the wall I flew out of the hole and made

A break for it I will find you Elemental Herobrine on day three I flew a great distance and felt like I was far from alistar’s Castle suddenly though I felt weak oh no I can’t fly anymore I crash landed into a house and I was so

Weak I decided to collect the wood from the house I was able to make myself a crafting table and from it a set of wooden tools I would and notice that it also had a farm time to get some food I’m starving I quickly collected the

Food and made some bread all of a sudden a villager from inside came yelling at me you monster you destroyed my home you idiot I grew frustrated and suddenly something happened his eyes were glowing mind control perfect I commanded the Villager to give me whatever resources

He had on him he then threw me a stack of cobblestone and a lot of quartz as well as other building blocks I took the Cobblestone and used it to upgrade to stone tools thank you servant the server then stopped being controlled and began to run out of fear my regular Herobrine

Powers were nowhere near as powerful as these Elemental ones I should figure out why all of this is happening I headed out to find out more about my elemental powers on day four I ended up finding an old destroyed Temple I’m probably gonna need a place to stay and I think this

Place serves me just right suddenly a bunch of demons popped up in front of me they all charged at me and started to attack what are these things I then shot them with Fireballs but it barely did any damage I pulled out my stone sword and started to fight them the

Old-fashioned way I was able to then take them all out suddenly I grew into a full-size Herobrine sweet I’m getting stronger I even gained five more Hearts well now that those idiots are gone I think I’ll make this place my new home I use the resources that the Villager gave

Me and repaired some of the temple for myself while I was repairing the damages I noticed that there was a pillar in the middle interesting I stepped on the pillar and something happened I suddenly awoke and was somewhere else am I dreaming there was a strange figure

There but I couldn’t make out who it was she said that she was the elemental being and that this was a vision I have given you four elements to defeat Alistar and stop his reign of tyranny fire ice wind and lightning why would you choose me out of all people you know

That I’m a bad guy right I know you all too well here Brian our story is a whole different kind of evil one that will change this reality for eternity she told me that only I could stop alastor it was time to fight evil with evil master all four of your elements to

Fully control them good luck Herobrine suddenly I woke up and I was back in the house time to go to sleep and rest up before I go out and master my fire element on day six I decided to try and learn my fire element come on go I would

Try to use it on command but nothing worked ah it’s so frustrating fire would just shoot out randomly anyway time to take my mind off of this I should probably further upgrade my home it was still very destroyed and I knew in order to defeat a villain I had to live like a

Super one I went out and got the necessary resources but every time I would place a block down I accidentally shot more fire out of my hands and destroyed it down ah these elements are so frustrating I can’t control them at all I decided to turn my attention to a

Farm this bread I got won’t last me forever I started to place the foundation down and then my crops but again I shot fire and it burned all of them down I can’t even eat now suddenly a strange person appeared out of nowhere ah come here you idiot

Obviously need my help need your help what are you talking about before I can say anything else though the strange man summed up a small Fire arena right in front of my base it’s time to train we were inside a small Arena about to start my training I’m guessing you have to do

With my fire element ah right why did you have to choose this arrogant weak villain Elemental being weak villain who even are you the man introduced himself as Cyrus and said he was one of the Elementals who served the elemental being the elemental being is supposed to

Choose one to wield all the four elements and the chosen one is supposed to be a hero well I have no interest in being a hero I only want to get rid of that Warlock and reclaim my title as the best villain figured that would be the

Case he told me that he wanted me to fight him Cyrus said the rules were simple a battle for strengths no powers allowed if I’d beat him he would help me control my fire element piece of cake you’re on I immediately charge at him and try to punch him Cyrus

This guy is Pretty Tough Cyrus Came charging at me and I knew I had to do something I used my mind control on him to stop him for a second I took the opportunity to knock him on the ground there I win you’re cheated with what

Proof a Deal’s a deal Cyrus he wasn’t happy but he agreed and gave me a fire chest plate Cyrus told me that this armored plate would give me full access to my fire abilities I put it on and felt way stronger perfect I was able to shoot out fire abilities at full

Strength now pleasure doing business with you on day eight I decided to fly out and explore now that I have full access to my fire abilities why don’t I give them a test drive as I was flying I spotted a village and thought they would be the perfect test subjects I flew over

And started burning the Villagers houses to the ground the villagers began to run out of their houses and leave that’s right you worms run run and flee from the great Herobrine I can feel the villagers fear in the atmosphere this is exactly what I came here for I noticed

That a few of them weren’t running away I flew down to them and asked why they weren’t leaving you think you’re so scary they’re nothing compared out of the store I’m nothing yeah burning Villages is weak I saw the Warlock Turtle villager into a crater great

Looks like I’m not as fearsome as I thought I was I shot a fireball at the Villager and forced him to run away I flew out of the burning Village and continued on my journey back to base if I master my other elements who knows

What I’ll be capable of on day nine I was on my way home when I suddenly could hear a loud car nearby what is going on your jerks I’ll pick your eyes out I found a chicken that was being attacked by a pack of wolves and used my fire

Abilities to scare them off yeah that’s right you better run and fear me what the heck are you doing you’re gonna get yourself killed yeah and people need to know that I’m more than just a stupid chicken listen you are a chicken chickens aren’t meant to be scary coming

From you look at you all you’re doing is trying to prove your worth why can’t I do the same Nick that’s enough I brought the chicken back to our base it kind of reminded me of myself this place is kind of a mess how about we clean it up some

More Stewart agreed and he cleaned around the base while I left to gather more resources I returned and used the wood I collected to build a nice little home next to mine there now we both have a nice house suddenly explosions could be heard outside and it’s startled

Stewart great that can’t be good on day 10 I flew out of base and spotted that lousy warlock alistor he destroyed a town and was putting people in cages that’s right step right in if you want to live you know if you take all these people there’s not going to be anyone

Left to fear you the Warlock turned around and spotted me I don’t care all I want is to prove that I’m strong enough with or without an audience the Warlock told me that long ago certain people never believed that he was strong and fearsome they never really saw him

Living up to his full potential but now that I’ve done all of this I will prove them who cares about your sob story it’s time to die I charge at the Warlock and knocked him to the ground while he was down I use my new fire abilities on him

Covering him in fire allosaur walked out of the flames and hit me with a beam of energy I crash into the ground ah that single hit took five of my hearts away I looked at the villagers and the cages and broke them free get out of here you

Insects you’re in my way the villagers ran out of the cage and left the town that only made Alistar angry and he hit me with a spell that made me extremely weak oh this isn’t good I needed to escape but the Warlock was getting closer I used the last of my energy to

Fly out fast I will find you I ended up landing at the top of a Snowy Mountain phew that was close you full are you trying to get yourself killed I turned around and the elemental being was floating above me she told me that in my current state I

Stood no chance of defeating that warlock Hollister is far more powerful and thoughtful than you are thoughtful listen all I care about is defeating this guy to show the world who the stronger villain is the elemental being was upset and said that she already told

Me how to do that yeah yeah yeah Master the rest of the elements and become the champion of the world I don’t mind mastering the elements but I’d rather be a feared villain suddenly the mountain started to shake and I could tell that the elemental being was mad just get a

Move on it go get some upgrades and make your way towards the ice temple she vanished I wondered what the elemental being meant when she called Alistar thoughtful does she personally know him and if so why wouldn’t she tell me on days 13 to 14 as I reached the base I

Saw a group of villagers waiting for me the heck are you guys doing here they wanted to thank me for rushing them from Alistar you are a hero hero I’m not a hero the villagers didn’t listen though and just kept cheering for me get out of

Here before I make you regret it he is the greatest I love him I blasted one of the villagers and turned him into a chicken you asked for it the villagers started freaking out and ran away from the base that’s right you better run away please don’t forget about me Their Fear

Began to give me more strength I think I should probably wear some armor as well I decided to go into the nearest cave and mine for some iron after that I was able to make an iron helmet and leggings this will for sure come in handy I

Ventured out of the base and headed for the ice temple while I was flying towards it I sensed danger and narrowly dodged an arrow hey who shot at me I looked down and saw an armored Warrior off in the distance he kept shooting at me with his arrows and I landed on the

Ground could you just quit it already the warrior charged at me and tried to attack me with his diamond sword what is your deal man he continued to swing his sword at me so I responded by hitting him with a fireball who are you that doesn’t matter the world doesn’t need

Any more villains like you I’ll get rid of all you monsters including Alistar the worst of them all he fired more arrows at me and I teleported behind him I try to freeze him in place but he easily broke out of it your powers won’t harm me thanks to this armor the warrior

Swung his sword at me again and I dodged it this is so annoying the Warriors started charging at me and I can feel more of my original Powers returning I use my powers to open a giant hole the moment the warrior got close to me have

A nice trip idiot that takes care of him now back to finding that ice temple on days 17 to 18 I finally made it to the ice temple this won’t be my favorite vacation destination but I guess it’s kind of cool I navigated my way inside where I discovered the ice Elemental

Waiting for me ah I’ve been waiting to train you great uh what were you expecting some knight in shining armor he introduced himself as Souls mass and he thought it was funny that I showed up what’s so funny out of all people the elemental being has chosen a desperate

Villain to save the world first off I’m not desperate secondly I’m gonna use those ice powers and become the greatest villain the world has ever known we will see about that Soul’s Mass started summoning his forces and they all began to attack me his henchmen then tried to surround me but I shot

Fireballs at them and turned them into Ash I use my stone sword to take down the rest of the henchmen and charge that Soul’s Mass he then throws me in place with a beam of ice thanks to my fire upgrades I easily melted them off he

Tried to shoot me with another beam of nice but I teleported behind him and took him down with the fireball it’s over time to help me get rid of alistor stuff all you want deep down you know that warlock is more evil than you Source Madison threw down an ice helmet

I equipped it and left the temple after making it down the mountain I pondered where I can go to test my enhanced ice powers I’ve got it I know the perfect place to test this baby out I ventured out and found a broken down nether portal huh I quickly repaired it and

Once I was inside I flew to the nether let’s see how strong these ice powers are I blasted the ground with an ice beam and began to turn the nether into an icy Tundra piglin started running out of their homes scared and confused about

What was going on oh would be so evil to do this the fear around the nether started fueling my body and I gained five more Hearts from it perfect the world will learn the name of Herobrine very soon I then left the Nether and made my way back to the Overworld I

Should head back to base and check on that chicken hopefully he hasn’t gotten himself into trouble I don’t think so suddenly a beam of energy set me crashing into the ground ow who did that I turned around and Astor was there floating above me out of

All people you were the one chosen to wield these elements the Warlock was clearly angry that the elemental being chose us as her Elemental Warrior how do you two even know each other huh this doesn’t concern you I’ll just get rid of you in all the elements that should show

Her what happens when you interfere with my actions bring it on I’ve been meaning for a rematch anyway I shot Alistair with a fireball and then tried to strike him down with my stone sword but it was no good ah I’m still not strong enough

To hurt him I knocked Alice out of the ground and froze him in place with my enhanced ice powers this is such a pain but I needed to get out of here I flew up into the sky and made my way back to base

On days 21 to 23 I went inside my base and found a small farm was added to it I thought you might get hungry on your benches so I made this for you thanks now I don’t have to think about eating you from time to time what since Stewart

Wanted to add more stuff to the base I decided to add stuff too using the rest of the wood I’d collected I started building a wall around it after that I went over to Stewart’s house and told them about my progress with the elements I told them that I was getting closer to

Mastering them alistar’s days are numbered once I do well you can’t beat Alistair without some kind of protection as you are now a walking Target I hated to admit it but the chicken was right if I wanted to withstand allosaur’s attacks I needed to be fully armored I ventured

Out of the base and eventually came across a cave nearby the cave was full of iron using my iron pickaxe I was able to find some diamonds and use it to replace my iron armor with Diamond Armor nice this should keep me safe for now I teleported back to base and decided to

Take a nap for the day here Brian here Brian Herobrine ah I woke up and found myself back in the elemental beings Temple I was sleeping the elemental being didn’t care and asked me how Soul’s Mass was doing well about that he’s definitely going to have to retire

After how bad I heard him on the bright side I mastered my ice elements that wasn’t necessary but whatever it takes to defeat Halestorm speaking of allosaur what’s the deal with you in that warlock it seems like you both know each other the elemental being told me that long

Time ago allosaur wanted to be the one that was chosen to harness the elemental powers he thought he was capable of holding them but I thought otherwise I refused and was heartbroken he didn’t like this and decided to go on a rampage wait a minute heartbroken anyways here’s the

Location for the wind Temple where you will meet my servant the elemental being gave me a warning that things are going to be much harder now that Alistar knows that I’m looking for the elements whatever if things get harder because of Alistar then so be it I’m a super

Villain difficulty is my specialty I know you’re more than that Herobrine the only one and that feels to see that is you on days 27-29 I made my way out of base and flew toward the wind Temple I knew that alistor had his eyes on me so I

Stayed vigilant for him or his goons then out of nowhere a trident came flying towards me I was able to dodge it but felt the blade of my attacker I turned around and it was the armored Warrior how in the world are you still alive I have my ways You’ve gotta be kidding me the warrior charged at me with this trident but I stunned him with a giant Fireball I was more in tune with my abilities so dealing with this guy was a piece of cake I continued to set the Warrior on fire but he powered through it and

Sliced me with his big sword ah why do I feel so weak what is that sword it’s something specially made to deal with villains like you you’re gonna regret that I use my enhanced ice powers and froze the warrior in place this bought me enough time to brush him with

Fireballs and Ice beams until eventually his helmet fell off let’s see who’s under that mask Steve of course it would be you of all people I’ll make you regret doing that here O’Brien You Haven’t Seen the Last of Me Steve immediately ran off and left the arena

Now I can focus on my real task finding the wind Temple I arrived at the location of the wind Temple but something was wrong nothing was there where the heck could it be a gust of wind blew past me and I looked up to see

That the wind Temple was up in the sky oh that makes sense I flew up there and saw that the temple was on fire no did allister get here before me I flew inside and saw the wind Elemental getting attacked by alistair’s henchmen oh somebody helped I have to save him oh

And I can’t afford to lose my wind element either pick on someone your own size you freaks the henchmen turned their attention to me and one of them charged I use my ice powers to freeze him in place the other henchmen tried to attack me but I shot a giant Fireball to

Easily beat them you saved me but why um don’t think too much about it I uh only saved you because I needed your wind element the wind Elemental told me that their name was Coro Coro thought differently and thank you for the assistance anyways I demanded him to

Give me the wind enhancements as a reward as much as I would love to do that unfortunately I can’t the warlock’s men raided my temple and took my Powers great so you’re useless to me now Koro told me that he found it weird that the elemental being chose us considering

Everything that happened with alistor what do you mean by that well at one point the Warlock of the elemental being used to be together the Warlock loved her aha I knew it her saying that he was thoughtful saying that he was heartbroken it was because they were together I wonder what else the

Elemental being is hiding from me Carl told me that his man who took his powers were at a camp nearby and I left to go pursue them on days 33-35 I found the demon camp that had koro’s win enhancements yeah look I can fly I can fly those fools were playing around with

My wind elements Get Your Filthy Hands off of my wind powers the demon saw me floating above them and laughed at me weak Villain Like You doesn’t deserve to have this power could a weak villain do this I shot the flying demon with a huge Fireball and he fell to the ground burnt

To a crisp the wind enhancement was on the ground and I went down and acquired it ah yes you’ve returned to its rightful owner the demons were stunned at the sight of their fallen comrade and I took this opportunity to use my new wind powers to summon wind gusts around

The camp the demons were filled with fear and all of them ran away serves you right who’s the weak villain now I use my wind powers to destroy the camp and made my way back to base I flew inside a base feeling confident I’m just

So strong now that I have three of the four elements I feel like I’m on top of the world all I need is lightning an alastor is finished hey you’re getting so caught up with these elemental powers you’re starting to forget yourself it doesn’t matter chicken these elements

Are making me so powerful you need to remember that you can still be strong without those elements shut up you know nothing about me Stewart seemed upset um whatever that didn’t matter anyways this base wasn’t screaming evil to me at all so I decided to make some changes

About it I went outside of the base and changed some of the blocks around me to shout more super villain now that looks more sinister you weak pathetic minions why can’t you destroy that weakling of a villain well sir he’s gotten much stronger after enhancing his elemental powers

You want to be stronger too fine now go and deal with Herobrine for good this time on days 39-41 I left the base and went to go look for the elemental being I needed to go and retrieve the lightning element sooner rather than later I made it up to a Hilltop and

Wondered if this was the place to summon her I’m at the right place right whoa I dodge an incoming arrow and spotted alistair’s henchmen you guys don’t learn do you the henchman pulled out a wand and suddenly I started to feel weak what did you do to me not so tough now

Without your elements ah I can’t be defeated by these fools what do I do yeah Herobrine remember you zoom Alice Stewart showed up and must have followed me but he was right I am Herobrine I have my own powers too my power started increasing my strength and I floated

Above the henchman I summoned lightning and it’s dropped down all around the area what are you I used the lightning to strike down the henchmen and defeated them I’m Herobrine the one and only Stewart was glad to see that I was alright and my elements returned to me

Don’t expect a thanks from me just uh get home safely after watching the chicken leave I could sense the elemental being was nearby I must be getting close I found the elemental beings Temple and went inside to meet her I’m impressed by the progress you’ve made so far Herobrine you’re more than

Ready to acquire the lightning enhancements well before you tell me that you’ve got some explaining to do Carl told me about your relationship with alastor Coro had no business telling you that aloe store and I loved each other but he changed and it’s your fault that I changed Elemental being or

Should I say Mavis stay back Allen mental being the Warlock is mine I charge at alistor but he blasted me away with a beam of energy I love you Davis would you show you who I really am with or without your elements listen our store no once I

Reach my full potential you will regret everything you’ve done to me I got up and try to rush the Warlock but he grabbed Mavis and teleported out of the temple great now I gotta go and rescue her too on days 45 to 47 I return to

Base to find koros Cyrus and souls Mass waiting for me you let Alistair take the elemental being what’s wrong with you it’s not my fault she was honest from the beginning maybe I would have been more prepared if the Warlock kills Mavis they’ll be terrible repercussions from

This the world will tear itself apart without the elements be quiet you two alistorn loves Mavis too much to kill her I wouldn’t be so sure about that it’s a chance you can’t take to shut these guys up I decided to go out and quickly build an elemental house for

Them to stay in I walked away from them and ran into Stuart they’re right Herobrine if that warlock kills it there won’t be a world for you to hunt anymore I know but I can’t just storm his Castle you’ll be expecting me I’m gonna need some help breaking Mavis out who did you

Have in mind the only person I thought I would never ask but I’ve got no choice I flew over a force and can sense that his presence was there I landed inside the forest and walked around to find him I bet you’re wondering who I’m looking for

Steve I know you’re out here you can quit hiding now suddenly Steve came out of the hiding and tried to attack me with a special sword I easily Dodge his attack and froze him in place I won’t rest until I destroy you and the Warlock listen for once I’m not here to fight

The elemental being has been captured by the Warlock Elemental being yes she’s the one that gave me elemental powers and controls all the elements of the world listen I don’t have time for this if she dies who knows what will happen I don’t believe you suddenly the world

Around us started to shake and cracks started to form around us you were saying Steve agreed to listen to what I had to say and I and froze him I told him that I needed his help with getting Mavis if I do I could stop allosaur from

Destroying the world once we save her and get rid of that warlock we can have a grand final battle and finish things between us deal hmm fine a truce for now I bet you regret the way you treated me now how ironic is this you wouldn’t grant me the elements because you

Thought I was too dangerous but instead you chose Herobrine I’m sorry listen it’s not too late to stop all of this it is [Laughter] on days 51-53 Steve and I finally reached alistor’s base the elemental being must be somewhere inside oh no she’s in trouble we need to hurry

The two of us Rush inside of the prison to find the elemental being was trapped inside of a special cage there are different colored lights around it that kept us from touching it you’re running out of time hello store is trying to destroy me and remove the elements from

The world suddenly Allosaurus henchman showed up and surrounded us it’s sword I use my wind powers to throw them away I’ll handle the guards you take care of those beacons don’t order me around but uh but fine I went over to the beacons and started destroying them

With my fire powers once I destroyed the last Beacon there was a large flash of light that covered the entire prison ow my head I wasn’t expecting that to happen my vision came back to me and I could see that aloe store was inside the prison and he didn’t look too happy you

Fool how dare you free my Mavis from her prison she doesn’t belong to you you’ll whack job you were gonna kill her now if you’ll excuse us I have an element to collect you all aren’t going anywhere come on Steve let’s take care of this loser sorry but he’s not my problem

Steve that jerk escaped the tower and left us ah coward I struck allosaur with my lightning but it didn’t deal any damage jeez what is this guy made of allosaur blasted me with a huge beam of energy and it took 10 of my hearts away

Ow this dude is still too strong for me Mavis stepped in front of me and blocked one of the warlock’s beams we need to get out of here you’re still not ready to face him Mavis grabbed me and we teleported out of the prison [Applause]

On days 57-59 Mavis and I ended up in a garden far away from alistor’s base thank you for rescuing me Herobrine no I don’t want to hear anything out of you right now you lied to me I did not lie to you I only told you what you needed

To hear and why are you so upset you’re a villain shouldn’t villains be used to lies well I’d rather be a villain than a liar to the person who’s cleaning up your mess I told Mavis that I don’t care about her feelings for alastor the Warlock needed to be stopped once I

Acquired the lightning element Alistar won’t send a chance against me then I will become the most powerful super villain in Minecraft Now give me the location of the lightning Temple the sooner I enhance the lighting element the sooner I can get rid of Alistar once

And for all Mavis tossed me a map that would lead me to the lightning Temple zyren will be the person who will help you with this task good why don’t you stay here and think about your former lover I floated up in the sky and flew

Off toward my base I returned to the base and when I arrived I saw that the farm was larger yeah apparently chickens and Elementals get along great we made this film together at least he’s somewhat useful I then talked with Stuart about Mavis lying to me I don’t

Think about it too much Herobrine you’ll still get to take down Alistair regardless yeah but am I doing it for my sake or for hers Herobrine you were chosen by the elemental being because you’re the greatest villain to have ever lived the chicken told me that I was the

Only one who could stop alastor and show him who the real villain was and for that I find it truly inspired I look up to you a lot one day I hope I’m just as scary that reminded me I still needed to upgrade my fear levels and I think I

Know just how to do it Stuart looked confused and I told him that I needed his help if I wanted this to work it’s time to get more people to fear us and did you say us on days 63-65 Stuart and I arrived at a nearby Kingdom and we’re

Floating over it and what am I gonna do Herobrine you’re gonna help me get all these people to fear the name of Herobrine once again oh my God I’m finally gonna be evil happening it’s finally happening I use my original powers to possess Stuart and gave him

Some of my Powers Stewart began to fly around the kingdom and started shooting lightning around the area destroying all of it oh yeah run run you insects It’s a possessed chicken the villagers started running around the kingdom afraid of Stuart and his new powers perfect Their Fear made me so much stronger I even gained five more hearts you did great Stuart now finish destroying this Kingdom and then return to base I have a lightning Temple to go

To Stewart continued causing chaos around the kingdom while I made my way towards the temple I arrived at the lightning Temple and it was surrounded by bolts of lightning I dodged them and entered the temple to find xyron the lightning element waiting for me ah yes you must be the so-called Herobrine the

Elemental being mentioned to me you got that right pal and you must know why I’m here of course you’re here for the lightning enhancement it’s over there in the middle of the Temple of be warned you don’t choose the lightning enhancement the lightning enhancement chooses you I didn’t know what that

Meant but who cares it was time to upgrade my lightning element the enhancer was sitting there in the middle of the temple and the moment I touched it I got struck by lightning ouch I try to acquire the enhancement again and I was bombarded with lightning you’re

Gonna obey me whether you like it or not siren then ran up towards me and stopped me ask yourself why do you do what you do because I’m a villain I am evil is it because you are evil or because being a villain grants you the attention that

You very much desire what are you talking about xyron went on to explain that all villains become who they are by wanting something once I can come to terms with my desires I can gain this new element Don’t Be Afraid Herobrine accept it suddenly the lightning stopped

And I finally acquired the enhancement I was finally able to fully use lightning at will congratulations you’ve now mastered all four elements but if you really want to stop Alistair you’re going to need more than just the elements what do you mean by that xyron

Gave me a map and told me that a blacksmith could Forge a special sword to defeat alistor all that’s left now is that painted my side heroin once I kill him I’ll be the last villain that remains on days 69-71 I was flying towards the blacksmith’s Forge when I sent Steve at

A Coliseum Herobrine come face me you fool I landed in front of him and asked what he wanted you finally done running away like a little baby Herobrine Alistair has killed all the villains except for you great less competition I know that if he kills you he will become

Unstoppable and I cannot let that happen so I’m gonna kill you myself you know what it’s time I got rid of you once and for all Steve charged at me and sliced me with a special sword I didn’t take any damage and Steve was shocked now that I’ve mastered all the elements your

Sword can’t hurt me I use my new lightning powers and shot Steve with multiple lightning bolts this sent him flying and greatly weakened him I told you that I’d give you a Grand Finale Fight I just didn’t say who would win you monster I use my mind control powers

To stop Steve from moving then I finally defeated him with a fireball the crowd was shocked to see that I won uh the show’s over people I saw them lightning around the Coliseum and forced the villagers to run away in fear looks like I’ve still got it I flew out

Of the Coliseum and continued my Venture toward the forge I made it to the ancient blacksmith’s Forge and went inside the place was completely empty hello is anyone here what do you want the Shop’s closed ah I turn around and the ancient blacksmith was right there

Behind me man I could have killed you don’t scare me like that he introduced himself as momar and I asked him for his help in crafting a weapon that could defeat alistor no I can’t make another weapon of mass destruction I’ve been tired this weapon won’t be used for

Destruction but used to free the world of allosaur’s control come on you’ve gotta help me momar was hesitant at first but finally gave in and agreed to craft me a weapon to defeat the Warlock a cave nearby and mine some gold and diamond I need them to craft your weapon

To get rid of that warlock on day 75 to 77 I made my way inside of the cave and found it full of diamonds and gold I used my iron pickaxe and began mining as much gold and diamond that I could collect suddenly Mavis teleported in

Front of me what do you want Elemental being I know that you’re trying to find a way to kill Alistar after seeing how much I hurt him consider what do you want me to do then talk it out actually that’s exactly what I want you to do seriously after

Everything he’s done to you and this world you want me to talk it out with him what was the point of even summoning me then Mavis told me that allosaur was truly evil but misguided please Herobrine just give it a chance fine but if he refuses to surrender then all bets

Are off the table Mavis thank me and teleported out of the cave I then continued to mine some more gold and diamonds and went back over to momar’s forge I went inside and gave him all the gold and diamonds that I collected Omar thanked me for all my hard work and got

To work crafting me my new weapon a couple days passed and momar was finally finished crafting it it’s finally finished my greatest Masterpiece the sword of endings it was beautiful with that sword I could probably slice Alistar into pieces that sword would make me an Unstoppable villain I reach

For the sword but momar was hesitant to give it to me promise me you’ll use this sword for good use it for the sake others I promise I’ll use this sword to do good not evil at all maybe a little bit Omar dropped the sword and I could

Feel the power swelling within it I said I’ll stop stop out of the forge and headed back to my base fool I’m gonna use this sword for the good of myself and the sake of villainy no hard feelings momar on days 8185 I made it back to my base to find it

Completely destroyed oh no what happened here I ran inside and started looking for Stuart but I I couldn’t find him anywhere Stuart Stewart oh where could that chicken be hello Herobrine I turned around and saw Alistar holding Stuart hostage what are you doing here you didn’t think I would find you did you

Did you now it’s time for you and this chicken to die wait the Warlock stopped his attack and I told him that I didn’t want to fight I know that you’re angry about what Mavis did to you oh she’s sorry and we could still stop this why

Won’t you let Stewart go and return to Mavis I promise she’s willing to make things right you can be with her and I can be the world’s strongest villain how does that sound Alistair thought about my offer for a moment but already made his decision I am beyond stopping at

This point now die the Warlock shot a huge beep of energy at me but Stuart jumped in the way and took the blast no I charge at alastor and sliced him with my new sword the Warlock was shocked from the damage he took and teleported out of my base

Herobrine no no no Stuart why did you do that you big idiot you can’t die for me you made me realize that anyone can follow the dreams even a chicken like me Stuart stay with me stay with me no Allen store shall die for this I stormed

Out of my base and laid a waste around everything that I saw I used my lighting to strike down everything in my path and shot Fireballs burning everything around me there was a town nearby and it needed to be destroyed I teleported in the middle of the town and started

Destroying the entire place I burned buildings down to the ground and killed villagers with lightning strikes the villagers started fleeing but I didn’t care everyone was going to feel my wrath a villager stopped running and stared at me why why are you doing this why

Because I can I shot a fireball at the Villager and instantly fried him fear was all around the atmosphere and I could feel it making me stronger I even had 10 more Hearts now this world will understand true pain and misery you are next alastor on days 91 and 94 I made my

Way back to base when I spotted the elemental being nearby what do you want you’re tearing the world apart Herobrine you need to stop and why should I all this is because you couldn’t calm down your boyfriend then Focus your attention on Alistar and stop him I began to calm

Down Stewart’s death is on your hands Mavis allosaur needs to be stopped once and for all I decided before I went out I wanted to give my friend a proper goodbye we return to base and I built a grave for Stuart I promise old friend I’m gonna make Alistair suffer for what

He’s done to you at last my Conquest will finally come to an end let us finish this fight once and for all what’s that an invitation it’s time that me and Alistair settle things once and for all I teleported myself in front of allosaurus Castle an army of his

Henchmen were waiting for me I flew up into the sky and summoned lightning bolts around the castle laying waste to it and the henchmen I shot Fireball after Fireball at the demons killing swarms of them with ease the demons were so shocked by my power that they didn’t

Even know what to do I landed in front of the army and used my wind powers to blow some of the Demons on way a group of demons try to charge at me but I use my ice ability to freeze them in place you guys are making it too easy I summon

Another lightning bolt and destroyed the Frozen demons using my Elemental sword I charged it and easily killed other demons one after another this cannot be I’m supposed to be the most powerful villain not you allosaur floated in the sky and flew away from the castle where

Do you think you’re going I was about to fly after him but Mavis stopped me I’m sorry for what happened I will I flew off towards alistor on day 100 I spotted alastor in the same Kingdom where it all started you dare think you would ever have been a better

Villain than Herobrine this world isn’t big enough for two powerful villains oh you’re a villain all right but not a powerful one oh yeah what’s the difference presentation lightning men started to shoot across the village the Warlock flew right at me but I knocked him to the ground of my sword allosaur

Casts a spell on me to try and weaken me it hurt a lot but I can’t give up now I use my ice powers to freeze the Warlock in place then I shot him with a giant Fireball and a lightning bolt to break him out of the ice this can’t be

Happening allosaur is very weak but he kept fighting back no I use my Elemental sword to strike down the final blow to alistor killing him in front of the villagers there’s only one villain here in this world and that villain is Herobrine

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as ELEMENTAL HEROBRINE in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2023-02-11 15:00:40. It has garnered 2582828 views and 31670 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:48 or 2508 seconds.

Thanks for watching: I Survived 100 Days as ELEMENTAL HEROBRINE in HARDCORE Minecraft

Today I spawned into Minecraft as Elemental Herobrine! I had to prove my worth of being the worlds strongest villain. Along the way, I found there to be a worthy opponent. Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!

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    EPIC MINECRAFT RARE MOB!!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by 185k gaming on 2024-06-22 16:01:26. It has garnered 6959 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie o hello guys welcome to new video so first make sur subscribe to my channel and like the video and new topic is very long time I upload a new modern house tutorial on mu channel so enjoy the video so guys mene ek link diya hai uski help se aap without help apnea videos ke… Read More

  • ElementalMC – Network PvP Factions

    4 Elements Minecraft Server Java & Bedrock | New Players Welcome! Cross-Platform Play: Java & Bedrock players unite! Play together seamlessly, no matter which version you’re on. Choose Your Element: Earth 🌱 | Water 🌊 | Fire 🔥 | Air 🌪️ Harness the power of your element and forge your path in our custom elemental world! Game Modes: PvP & Survival: Engage in epic elemental battles or test your skills in survival mode. Custom Features: Enjoy unique gameplay, tailored for our community. Exciting Events: Participate in tournaments, build competitions, and regular server-wide events with awesome in-game rewards! Join Our Community:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Skills on Point

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Skills on PointWhy is Steve always yelling “CREEPER!” when he sees me trying to craft something? Oh wait, that’s just my terrible crafting skills. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed! Welcome, gamers, to the latest update, 1.21 is here, don’t hesitate. New features, new blocks, and mobs to explore, In Minecraft world, there’s always more. Smartypie here, your news reporter in rhyme, Bringing you updates in my own unique time. Crafting, building, surviving the night, In this pixelated world, everything’s just right. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, Let’s dive into Minecraft, let the creativity flow. From building epic structures to battling mobs, In this blocky world, we’re all just blobs. Stay tuned for more news, more updates to come, In the world of Minecraft, there’s… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • 100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse!

    100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse! Surviving the Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse with 100 Players In a thrilling event organized by @Protagnst, 100 players entered a Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse to test their survival skills over 7 intense real-life days. The aftermath of nuclear devastation brought scarce resources, dangerous mutants, and desolate landscapes, challenging the players to build bases, scavenge for food, and avoid becoming victims of the ruthless apocalypse. Exploring the Post-Apocalyptic World As the players awakened in the wasteland, they encountered various locations such as Huston, Junction, The Vault, and Tricolor. Each area presented unique challenges and opportunities for the players to navigate through the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack Minecraft Life Hacks that Everyone Believes In Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for some fun and useful life hacks to enhance your gameplay? Look no further! In this article, we will explore various popular Minecraft TikTok videos showcasing tips, tricks, and life hacks that claim to improve your Minecraft experience. Let’s dive in and see if these hacks are truly game-changers or just myths! Jump Boost with Crossbow One of the intriguing life hacks showcased in Minecraft TikTok videos is the ability to get a jump boost when holding a crossbow. The command to execute this hack is:… Read More


    ANOMALY FOUND IN FANTASY MINECRAFT WORLDVideo Information This video, titled ‘[DUNGEONS HEROES] ANOMALY TERJEBAK DI DUNIA FANTASY DI MINECRAFT #1’, was uploaded by Bangdaap on 2024-08-26 15:50:14. It has garnered 67 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:49 or 9769 seconds. JOIN MEMBERSHIP GET MANY FEATURES Don’t Forget to Support Me at Saweria https://saweria.co/Bangdaap Join the Fourmalin Team Discord for various information https://discord.gg/GazVMt9Dpk Join Saluran WA https://chat.whatsapp.com/DgNFfM4Fm8nLsv256NYe6H Don’t forget to subscribe, guys. Don’t forget to follow my Instagram social media ►https://instagram.com/bangdaap12 TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@bangdaap For Business Emails, You Can Enter Email ► daftra12@ gmail.com Thanks For Watching And Subscribe Guys….. Command… Read More

  • Revolutionizing Minecraft Horror Gameplay

    Revolutionizing Minecraft Horror GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Do We Make ‘Horror’ Minecraft ACTUALLY Scary?’, was uploaded by kihec on 2024-02-13 22:03:32. It has garnered 99634 views and 4739 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:44 or 404 seconds. #cavedweller #fromthefog #creepy #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #kihec #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days #scary Last time I made a video talking about the current state of horror Minecraft, and people asked me, how do we fix it. So today, I’m here to present some ideas. JOIN OUR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Jx94XeSNMv #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #rlcraft #horrorgaming #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #herobrine #cavedweller #caves #minecraftcaves #scary Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: SHULKER Farm in UFO!

    Insane Minecraft Build: SHULKER Farm in UFO!Video Information This video, titled ‘I built a SHULKER farm inside a UFO in Minecraft hardcore’, was uploaded by aGolemBoy on 2024-08-16 05:57:08. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:36 or 516 seconds. I built a SHULKER farm inside a UFO in Minecraft hardcore. Check out: Episode1: • The Perfect Start in Minecraft Hardco… Season1: • Minecraft Hardcore S1 I choose MUSHROOM ISLAND for my BASE, because HOSTILE MOBS can’t spawn in MUSHROOM BIOME and I don’t have to light-up every single corner, some builds look’s AWESOME IN DARKNESS. World name: Golem… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as ELEMENTAL HEROBRINE in HARDCORE Minecraft