I Survived 100 DAYS as HEROBRINE in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

On day 1, I spawned into the  middle of the Black Forest   as Herobrine – Minecraft’s spookiest phantom! “Well, a baby version of Herobrine,  anyway! But why am I here?” I was on some kind of altar, with a sinister,  robed figure standing and staring at me.

“Yes, yes! My plan worked! This is the  greatest sign that my powers are growing!” “Plan? Powers? Who are you,  and what’s going on here?” “You don’t know the name of  your master, boy? I am Dorian,   the Drowned Necromancer, master of  the undead! And you are my servant!”

“Servant!? I didn’t sign up for that! I don’t  even want to be a ghost, I want to have a body!” “What you want doesn’t matter! Without me, you  wouldn’t exist, and unless I choose to give you  

A body in the next 100 days, your spirit will  fade away into nothingness. Bow to me, boy!” “Never! And my name is Zozo!” With all my might, I jumped out of the altar and  ran off into the forest as fast as I could. I  

Didn’t want anything to do with Dorian the Drowned  Necromancer and his plan to get more power. “I need to work on my plan: Getting my body back!” When I was convinced that I’d lost Dorian,  

I hid under a tree for the rest of the day. As  a restless spirit, I couldn’t even get any rest. “Being Herobrine sure isn’t easy…”  On day 2, I decided to further explore  the Black Forest. It was dark and spooky,  

The exact kind of place that a scary  spirit like me would be summoned! “If I wasn’t a ghost myself, I’d be afraid of  running into a ghost around here! And oh jeez,   I’ve only got five hearts! I thought ghosts  were meant to be more durable than this!”

But I didn’t have time to  wallow in self-pity for long,   because a gang of frightening Dread  Liches emerged out of the trees. “Why is everyone around here so eerie!?” “We serve our glorious master, Dorian the  Drowned Necromancer. He gave us new life,   so we owe everything to him.”

“Oh, that’s just my luck! And  I guess you want to kidnap me   and take me back to him for his sinister plans?” “Huh. We didn’t expect you to already  know this. I guess it saves us some   explanation time, at least. In the name  of Dorian, we commandeer your soul!”

The Dread Liches punched me. With no weapons,  and very low health, I didn’t have any hope of   fighting back against them. Instead, I turned  around and ran away as quickly as I could. “My soul, my rules!” The Black Forest seemed dark and infinite,  

So at least it wasn’t difficult  to lose those nasty liches. The downside was that I’d gotten lost myself,   and as I wandered through the forest, getting  more and more creeped out, I ran into a Siren. “Ah, another ghost! How exciting!” “Wait, you can see me!?

“Of course I can see you, I’m a  psychic! Sarah the Psychic Siren,   general services. Pleased to meet you!” “So you’re not going to try to steal  my soul like everyone else I’ve met?” “Steal your soul? Heck, no! I’m a huge  supporter of Spirits Rights! Come with me,  

New ghost friend, I’ll introduce you to my boss!” Finally having met someone nice, I followed  Sarah the Psychic Siren through the trees.  On day 3, Sarah led me through  the forest until we came upon a   small cottage. A sign outside read,  “Psychic Services for All Ghosts!”

“Wow, I had no idea this kind  of place existed, Sarah!” “There are more ghosts in this forest  than you think! It’s gotta be someone’s   job to take care of them and  help them along their way!” Suddenly , the front door opened,  and a Geomancer stepped out.

“Zozo, meet my boss, Jerry the Geomancer. Jerry,   I found Zozo here wandering through the Black  Forest like a restless spirit. He needs our help!” “Is that a fact? It’s nice  to meet you, Zozo. Tell me,   how did you find yourself in  this difficult situation?”

“To be honest, I’m not entirely  sure. I was summoned and bound   by this guy called Dorian the Drowned  Necromancer, and he told me that if I   didn’t serve him, I’d disappear in 100  days. It’s gotten me pretty worried.” “Hmmm. That’s concerning. I’ve heard of  many cases caused by this Dorian fellow,  

A truly dangerous customer. I’m going to  put Sarah on your case. She’ll come and   help you build a base and get situated,  and together, we’ll get your body back!” “Thank you, Jerry and Sarah!  I’m feeling better already!” “Let’s go, Zozo!”

With the mission to get my body back decided  on, Sarah and I journeyed further into the   forest to get started. From day 4 to day 5,   Sarah and I explored the Black Forest until  we discovered an area with nice, flat terrain. “So, Sarah, what do you think we should do first?”

“I’d say cut down a few of  these trees. That’ll give   you some of the wood you need to build  a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe!” “Great idea, Sarah!” I cut down a tree and made a crafting  table and a wooden pickaxe. From there,  

I mined enough stone to also create a  stone pickaxe, axe and a stone sword. “It’s difficult to hold this stuff,  being a ghost, but I’ll try my best!” “That’s the spirit, Zozo!” I cleared enough space in the forest  to start laying down a basic base,   collecting some extra wood along the way.

It started off with a pretty basic setup,  with just a room for me and a room for Sarah. “Ooh, this is a nice setup,   Zozo! I guess living with you technically  means we’re living in a haunted house!” “Yeah, I guess so! Say, this is probably  a pointless question to ask, but is it  

Possible for ghosts to eat? Because  I’m getting really hungry right now.” “You’re in luck, Zozo! I have  an enchanted apple that ghosts   can eat in my inventory right now. Enjoy!” Sarah gave me the apple and I ate it.  Instantly, I felt my power starting to  

Grow. I had twenty hearts now, and I’d developed  a new ghost ability: Warping from place to place! “This is fascinating, Zozo! I feel  so lucky that I’m getting to see it!”  From day 6 to day 8, I went wandering  around the nearby Twilight Valley,   looking for more rare enchanted food. As a ghost,  

My ghostly hunger was really difficult to satisfy,  and Sarah didn’t know how to enchant more food. “It kind of sucks to be a ghost. I  still have a lot of the downsides   of being human, plus a bunch of new downsides!” But while I was wandering around the Valley,  

I heard some commotion, and ran  in to see what was happening. “Maybe I can help someone!” In the distance, I saw a Vindicator Chef  – one of the most powerful types of chef   in the world – being attacked by a  nasty gang of Skeleton Vanguards.

“A chef, huh? What a stroke of good luck!” I used my new ghost power to warp over there,  and pulled out my stone sword. With all my   focus and determination, I fought all the  Skeleton Vanguards until none remained. It was only me and the Vindicator Chef.

“You saved my life, sir! I owe you  a great debt! What is your name?” “I’m Zozo!” “Zozo! A strong name for a strong hero! I  am Victor – Victor the Vindicator Chef. And   if you do a favor for me, I will repay  your kindness by any means necessary.”

“That sounds like a good deal! What  kind of favor would you like me to do?” “Follow me, and I’ll show you!” I followed Victor the Vindicator  Chef deeper into the Twilight Valley,   excited to get him on my side. From day 9 to day 10, Victor took  

Me to a clearing in the Valley, where  a huge Mutant Skeleton was waiting. “Oh jeez, that thing is a monster! You  want me to defeat a Mutant Skeleton?” “I believe in you, Zozo! Seeing you  take down all those Skeleton Vanguards   makes me completely confident in your  ability to slay this beast! Go forth!”

“Uhhh… Thanks for the vote of confidence, Victor…” I steeled myself as best as I could and  warped over to the Mutant Skeleton. It   immediately started attacking me,  and I started attacking it back. But my attacks were barely doing anything, and its  attacks were taking way too many hearts off of me.

“I gotta get out of here!” I warped away from the fight and ran back to  Victor, telling him the disappointing news. “Oh well, I’m sure you tried your best,   nonetheless. I suppose  we’ll go our separate ways…”

“No! Hear me out. I could really use a Vindicator  Chef back at my base, you’re the only type of chef   who can cook the kind of enchanted food  I can eat. How about you stay at my base,   and I promise I’ll come back and defeat this  Mutant Skeleton when I’m strong enough?”

“That sounds like a good deal  to me. Lead the way, dear Zozo!”  From day 11 to day 12, I returned to the  base with Victor the Vindicator Chef. “I know it isn’t much, but it’s  home! I’m going to make you a room!”

“Thank you, Zozo! I’ll get working on a  little something of my own in the meantime…” I got to work gathering up new materials and started building a new little bungalow   for the Vindicator Chef to stay  in while crashing at my base. “What do you think, Victor?” “This is a nice little room, Zozo,  

Thank you! And you can come and see what I  made for you, too… go and check your room!” I walked over and saw that Victor had  made a high-end kitchen in my base,   perfect for cooking up the kind  of enchanted food I could eat.

“This is amazing, Victor! I’m  getting hungry just looking at it!” “But the kitchen is only one side of the equation,   Zozo! I need some good-quality ingredients.  Perhaps we should build a farm on the base!” “That’s another excellent idea!” I decided to build a little enclosure

And went out into the Black Forest where I found a   bunch of chickens. It wasn’t hard  to herd them back to my base. . “I can taste the eggs and fried chicken already!” When I returned to my room to relax, I 

Found that Sarah the Psychic Siren was  waiting for me with some new information. “I did some research into Dorian  the Drowned Necromancer, Zozo,   and found some interesting information. He  used to be a flesh and blood necromancer,   terrorizing the overworld by raising the undead,  until one day, the people rose up and drowned  

Him in the ocean. Somehow, Dorian returned, and  he’s been acting on his evil plans ever since!” “Wow… This guy really is scary…” From day 13 to day 15, I returned to   Sarah once again and asked her what she thought  I should do next in order to get my body back.

“Right now, Zozo, knowledge is power. The more  we can find out, the more likely we’ll be able   to help you get your body back. Head out to the  Twilight Valley and see what you can find out!” “That’s an excellent idea, Sarah!” I journeyed out into the Twilight Valley,  

Which reminded me of the time that I’d  failed to defeat the Mutant Skeleton. “Why is nothing ever easy around here?” But my difficulties were only just getting  started. One of the Dread Liches who works   for Dorian the Drowned Necromancer  came from behind me, ready to fight me. “I serve my glorious master, Dorian–”

“The Drowned Necromancer, yeah,  yeah, I get it. Let’s just fight.” “Fine. But way to take all the fun out of this.” I battled the Dread Lich with all my  might. He was a formidable opponent,   but in the end, I defeated him all the same.

And that gave me the XP I  needed to level up again! I got bigger, stronger, rose up to 40 hearts, and  gained a new offensive power: Lightning Strikes! “Finally! Some actually cool ghost powers!” From day 16 to day 19, I found my way into  

The Wooded Badlands – Where I continued my  search for any useful information that could   help me defeat Dorian the Drowned  Necromancer and get my body back. During the first couple days of  my search through the Badlands,  

I didn’t find anything, but on day 19, I happened  upon a dusty, old book hidden out of the way. “Yay, reading, I love that!” But it wasn’t just a fun reading experience that  would engage my imagination – It was also a book   that contained some critical information  about Dorian the Drowned Necromancer!

It read: Like all Cardinal Undead, the Drowned  Necromancer has a beard of ice. Therefore,   he must spend most of his time in the freezing  cold, and he has a severe weakness to fire. “So that’s two useful pieces of information  – Dorian has a weakness to fire,  

And he must be hiding somewhere cold!  I can’t wait to tell Sarah about this!” But my celebration was short-lived,  as suddenly a couple of Dread Liches   ambushed me, trying to get revenge for their  friend I defeated back in the Twilight Valley.

Thankfully, this time, I had the power  of ghostly lightning in my hands. I fired   some lightning bolts at the Dread  Liches until they were destroyed. “I’m getting my body back, no matter what!” From day 20 to day 22, I continued through the  

Wooded Badlands, feeling strong and confident  with all the information I’d found recently. I ran into a nasty gang of hungry spiders,  and used my new lightning ability to zap them. “These spiders are hardly a threat to me now!” I decided that now was the perfect time  to upgrade my gear, too. I searched  

Until I found an underground cavern, and  looked around until I found some Iron Ore. I mined the ore and smelted it into some ingots,  creating an iron sword and an iron pickaxe. “Now I’m stronger than ever! Come to think of it,   I have some unfinished  business to take care of now!”

Remembering the debt I owed  to Victor the Vindicator Chef,   I returned to the Twilight Valley and hunted down  that scary Mutant Skeleton I’d agreed to defeat. When I saw the Mutant Skeleton, I first  unleashed a lightning strike, stunning  

It. Then I ran in and struck it again and again  with my new iron sword, until it was no more. “A Herobrine always pays his debts!”  From day 23 to day 26, I returned to  the base to let Victor the Vindicator  

Chef know that I had paid my debt to  him by defeating the Mutant Skeleton. “I can see that you have gotten strong,  just like you promised you would.” “That’s right! And I plan  on becoming even stronger,   Victor. They’ll start calling me Victor  too, because I won so many battles.”

“But that’s my name, Zozo.  Won’t that get confusing?” “True. I guess I’ll just stick with Zozo.” After my talk with Victor, I went to the  underground cavern where I could mine for   more iron. With my iron pickaxe, I was  able to mine the iron ore in no time.

In the same area, I found a treasure chest with a   bunch of iron ingots that I could use  to craft a full set of iron armor. “I’m like a ghostly knight.” I went back above ground and went  to see Victor the Vindicator Chef  

Again. He said he had some news to share with me. “Zozo, I’ve made an addition to the base  that I think you might really enjoy.” He showed me a relaxation room that  was perfect for ghosts like me.

“You did a really good job on this, Victor.  We ghosts might not be able to rest in peace,   but at least now we can relax about it.” “It was no trouble at all, friend.” From day 27 to day 31, I was out  

Exploring in the same area of the wooded  badlands where I defeated the dread liches. I came across a farmer who was jumping for  joy at the sight of me. That’s not the usual   reaction people have for herobrine, so I went  over to ask why he was in such a good mood.

“What’s got you so happy, Mr. Farmer?” “It’s because of you, Zozo!  Those dread liches were a real   snake in my boot, but ever since you  defeated them, I’ve had no worries.” “Glad to hear it. Slaying evil monsters  and improving lives is totally my thing.”

“Well, there is one small worry. When  those dread liches were still around,   one of them scared off all of my  sheep. I needed them for wool.” “I’ll help you out. You can even  come live at my base if you’d like.” “That sounds peachy-keen, Zozo.”

I led the farmer back to the base, then set off through the black forest   to find some sheep so I could gather the  wool that the farmer was looking for. Taming them was easy enough, and soon  there was enough wool to go around. Afterwards , I decided to do some decorating.

“These herobrine banners will show the mob  that my base is home to one mighty ghost.” With the decorations done , I found  Sarah the Psychic Siren waiting inside. “There you are, Zozo. You have to leave  the base with me now. It’s an emergency.” “What’s going on?”

“Come on. I’ll explain when we get there.”  From day 32 to day 35, I left the base with  Sarah and traveled through the black forest. Along the way, we were ambushed  by a small gang of dread liches. “Boy, does this feel familiar.”

“I should have seen this coming.  I am a psychic after all.” “We serve our glorious master,  Dorian the Drowned Necromancer.” “They really do say it every  time, don’t they, Sarah?” “They sure do.” “Hey, don’t diss our catchphrase. Or  we’ll have to get mean. Well, meaner.”

The dread liches began to attack, so I  zapped them with my ghost lightning strikes. None of the dread liches I had  fought before had seen that ability,   so it took them by surprise and I  was able to quickly defeat them! We traveled on and I soon noticed that Sarah and I  

Had come to the place where Jerry  the Geomancer had resided before. This time it was completely destroyed and  the area was full of Dorian’s dread liches. “Hey, this is Jerry’s place! Get out of here.” “It looks like we were too late, Zozo. This is  exactly what I foresaw in my psychic vision.”

I knew what Sarah meant when I saw  Jerry backed against a corner. He   had tried to fight the dread liches  on his own, and he was about to die. “Zozo, is that you? It seems I won’t  be able to see you get your body back.”

“Jerry, I’m sorry, we got  here as fast as we could.” “Don’t worry about me. Dorian will surely pay for  this. Make sure you and Sarah protect each other.” “We will! Rest well, Jerry.” I was so enraged by Jerry’s death that I  destroyed the dread liches with my lightning  

Strikes until there were none left in the area. From day 36 to day 39, I made a return trip back   to the twilight valley. It hadn’t changed  much since the other time I was here,   but there was a fisherman at the  local pond who I hadn’t seen before. “Hello there, I’m Zozo.”

“Well, hi there, Zozo. I’m fishing. Just kidding,   my name is Fred the Fisherman.  And I could use a hand.” “Sure, Fred. What seems to be the problem?” “I know I’d be able to catch more fish if I  had some twilight worms as bait, but they are  

All the way up there in the higher parts of  the valley. Can you go get a couple for me?” “You can count on me, Fred.” I climbed up the terrain of the twilight  valley, enjoying the view along the way.  

With all that happened recently, it was  nice to gather my thoughts for a moment. The moment didn’t last though, because I was  attacked by a giant. Even though it was big,   it had gotten the drop on me. I took a few  swings with my iron sword to make it think twice,  

Then I warped back a short distance and  hit it with a few lightning strikes. I closed the distance back into melee  range and finished it off with my sword. Soon after I returned to Fred the  fisherman with the bait he was looking for. “Happy fishing! Hope you catch a big one!”

“Thanks. I only came here to the valley  because the fishing in the ocean isn’t   that good any more. Ever since that  drowned necromancer rose from the sea,   people have been afraid that he  might have left a curse on it.”

“He is really evil, that Dorian. A curse on  the place he was drowned sure sounds like him.”  From day 40 to day 43, I was looking  at the base after coming home from   my short journey and noticed that  it had been redecorated to look  

Even spookier. Which for ghosts  and spirits, is incredibly cool. “This place looks amazing.” “I predicted that you would  like the changes, Zozo.” “Sara, was this you? I do like  it, but what was the occasion?” “I wanted to invite some of my siren  sisters to come live in the base. The  

New look is so they’ll feel right  at home. Is that alright with you?” “Of course. If the other sirens are anything  like you, then we’ll all get along nicely.” A while later, the other sirens that  Sarah had mentioned arrived at the  

Base. It was right at the time she  had predicted that they would arrive. “Hello, everyone! Make yourself at home.  Friends of Sarah are friends of mine.” “Thanks for being so understanding,   Zozo. Living at this base together  always works out when we compromise.” “Sure! The more the merrier.” Soon after I greeted the sirens,  

The farmer who was also living at the  base approached me so that we could talk. “Well, hey there, Zozo. You’re just the ghost I   was looking to see. I have another  job for you if you’re willing.” “Of course. I’m always willing  to help a farmer in need.”

“I heard from some other farmers that there is  a mutant enderman running around and ruining   everyone’s crops. If you could take care of  that mob, you’d be helping farmers everywhere.” “You can count on me.” From day 44 to day 49,  

I took up the farmer on his request  and traveled to the taiga mountain.   That mutant enderman who was causing  problems had to be around here somewhere. But it wasn’t just mobs I had to worry about.   Dorian was here on the mountain  too alongside a mutant zombie.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the  herobrine who defied me? How has   spirit been faring? You’re probably close  to fading away into nothingness by now.” “You wish, Dorian. My ghost form  has only gotten more powerful,   and I will use everything I  have to get my body back.”

“Easier said than done, Zozo. You  really think getting back to your   body will be so simple. I was counting on  your ghost to become a vengeful spirit.” “Wait. What do you mean?” “Do you think the restless dead can  return so easily to the way they used  

To be? Why do you think I still carry  the curse of undeath after the villagers   drowned me. It’s because there is no  way back to life for us evil spirits.” “It can’t be. Have I been  getting stronger for nothing?” “Yes, embrace your rage and frustration.  Become the monster Herobrine and forget  

About reclaiming your body. My undead will  help you become what you are meant to be.” Dorian the Drowned Necromancer  disappeared into a fog, leaving   behind the mutant zombie to battle me. From day 50 to day 53, I started my   battle against the mutant zombie that  had been sent against me. My lightning  

Strikes were proving effective, but because of  what Dorian the Drowned Necromancer had said,   I was starting to get worried  about using my ghost powers. I switched to my sword, and hacked  away at the mutant zombie. I didn’t   use my warp or my lightning strike.  It made the fight a lot harder,  

But I had to believe that I was more  than just the monster herobrine. “I am going to get my body back, no matter what.” The mutant zombie was defeated after a big  struggle, and it dropped a spellbook once   it was defeated. I took a moment to examine it and

I saw a flashback to Dorian’s revival.  He had just emerged from the ocean as a   drowned necromancer and was looking  to get revenge on the people of the   world for what they did to him. Casting  down lightning strikes in his wrath.

He researched the legends of other powerful  undead beings and eventually came across the   story of Herobrine. It looked like he didn’t  just steal my body to make me into a ghost,   he wanted to make me just like the dangerous  and evil herobrine from the stories.

Maybe then he’d finally have someone else as  tortured and wicked as himself to hang out with.  From day 54 to day 57, I resumed the farmer’s  quest to stop the mutant enderman in the taiga   mountain. I found the mob in the process of a  rampage, and with some nervousness I approached.

“Can I actually defeat the mutant  enderman without my ghost powers!” The mutant enderman sprinted at me and swiped  at me with its powerful limbs. My hearts were   getting low, and I was still weakened  from the fight with the mutant zombie. Hahaha. Is all that the great  herobrine can do against me? I  

Thought you were more powerful.  That’s what the stories said. “Don’t believe everything you hear.  I may not be the same herobrine that   is feared by everyone, but I am herobrine myself.” When it said it out loud, it made  sense. I could use my ghost powers  

Because I was the one in control of  them. And I was using them to help. “Take this!” Oww. Lightning strikes hurt. I thought I  could be the scariest, but now I’m done for. My ghost powers made short  work of the mutant enderman.

He dropped an item upon his defeat which  turned out to be an antler headdress. With this headgear equipped, all of my  attacks would gain greater knockback. “What a neat upgrade.” I returned to the farmer at the base and told  him that I had defeated the mutant enderman.

“It seems that I can always count on you,  Zozo. As a reward for getting rid of that   Mutant Enderma, I’ll tell you a secret  about Dorian the Drowned Necromancer.” “What do you know about him?” “I was there when the villagers drowned  him in the ocean. His last words were a  

Curse to everyone. He said ‘soon you all  feel the loneliness that I had felt’.” “What did he mean?” “I don’t know. But he probably had something  real evil in mind when he said it.”  From day 58 to day 62, I managed  to herd some more chickens into  

The base just to make sure we had a  big enough food source for everyone. Then I made my way deep into  the underground cavern so I   could do some mining for better materials. I used my iron pickaxe to dig until I struck   diamonds and I mined enough  to craft a diamond pickaxe.

I equipped the new tool and kept mining diamonds  until I had enough to craft a diamond sword,   leggings, a chestplate and boots. This  new weapon and armor would serve me well   in battle against the undead forces  of Dorian the Drowned Necromancer.

With my first pieces of diamond armor and gear  in tow, I returned to the base and there were   now floating lanterns of ghost light around the  base. I even found that a new room had been added Sarah had been hard at work making  our haunted house into a haunted home.

“This is just my way of saying thanks, Zozo.  You’ve really been a friend to everyone after   we lost Jerry the Geomancer. I feel like  I could stay here for a very long time.” “Thanks, Sarah. That means a lot  too, because for ghosts like us,   a really long time might mean eternity.” 

From day 63 to day 66, I was down in  the underground cavern making some   expansions to the mine when Victor  the Vindicator Chef came to see me. “Hey, Zozo. I heard that you were still  looking for your original body. There’s   a biome nearby where you may not have looked yet.”

“Oh really. Well, I’m glad you  thought to tell me about it, Victor.” I went back above ground and traveled to   the place that Victor had told  me about: the wooded badlands. I looked around for any signs of  necromancy magic or a gravestone,   anything that might lead me to my body.

That’s when I noticed a scary  gorgon sneaking up behind me. Boo! “Hey, don’t say boo to me! I’m  a ghost! That’s our thing!” Sorry, sorry. I thought it would be fun  to startle you. I didn’t mean any offense. It seemed like she meant it. That was a relief,  

Because I thought I would  have to fight this gorgon. “You’re a lot nicer than you look.” I could say the same thing about  you. You’re the Herobrine aren’t you. “Sorta. I’m the new Herobrine. My name is Zozo.” Zozo, huh? I’m Morgan. You could still  help me with a herobrine quest, right?

“I think so. What did you have in mind?” Haha! You agreed. This way, a new ghost friend. From day 67 to day 70, I followed Morgan the   Gorgon through the wooded badlands to find out  more about this herobrine quest she had mentioned. So… aren’t you curious about  this Herobrine quest of ours?

“Yes, actually. I was waiting  for you to tell me more.” Well, according to the scary  stories about Herobrine,   he is supposed to be the most powerful undead  because of his ability to rebuild and destroy. “Rebuild and destroy?” Yes. Herobrine can destroy and rebuild  the world however he wants. And anyone  

Who is able to control him would  be able to gain the same power. “I don’t have that kind of power.” Not yet. That’s why we’re on this quest.  You need to regain your power by facing   down another being that herobrine foughtl. That’s  why we’re headed to the lair of the Dread Beast.

We soon arrived at a part of  the wooded badlands where the   dangerous mob known as the dread  beast was known to have her lair. “Come on out, Dread Beast. I am Zozo  the Herobrine and I challenge you!” The dread beast soon emerged  and roared with anger.

“You think you’re herobrine? Please.  I battled the real herobrine in the   past. You’ll never be as powerful a ghost as him.” “We’ll see!” The dread beast charged in but I knocked her  back with a couple slices from my diamond   sword combined with the increased  knockback from the antler headdress.

She tried to resist and charge  at me , but I warped out of the   way and brought down lightning  strikes until she was defeated.  From day 71 to day 74, I thanked Morgan the Gorgon  for helping me learn more about the herobrine  

From the stories, and left her to travel further  across the wooded badlands in search of my body. I was starting to get the hang of  this new spooky herobrine story,   and I was also starting to think it was  going to end up being a pretty good one.

“But it’s not the only story  you can find on this channel,   so you should look for my other videos  by typing “Z-O-Z-O” into the search bar.” I arrived at a run down structure in  the middle of the wooded badlands.  

I thought it maybe had something to do  with how my old body might have lived. “Yeah, I can feel it. I was  definitely here before I was a ghost.” “But that’s what you are  now, so why try to go back?” “Dorian! It’s you!”

“Still chasing after the past, Zozo. You  will become my Herobrine and I will use   your powers to rebuild a world where  everyone is as lonely as I have been.” “That’s a terrible thing to do, and  I won’t let you get away with it.”

I tried to lightning strike him, but he was immune  to the damage. When I swung my diamond sword,   he struck back with his own weapon, doing  far more damage than I could do to him. “Fool, you actually thought that I  wasn’t prepared to fight you. You’ll  

Get a bit stronger, but your ghost form  will still fade away. Before then I do   hope you help me achieve my lonely world.  What else do you have to continue on for?” Dorian the Drowned Necromancer spared my ghostly   life, probably because I was  still important to his plans.

“One thing’s for sure, I need to get  stronger than he ever imagined I could be.”  From day 75 to day 78, I kept  thinking about how I should face   Dorian the Drowned Necromancer. He had been  a restless spirit for a lot longer than me,  

And maybe I’d become just as evil  as him to have a fighting chance. “But I don’t want to be evil. I don’t  want to be that kind of herobrine.” Seeing that I was down, Sarah the Psychic  Siren came to my room to cheer me up. “Zozo. I foresaw that you would be sad,  

So I made sure to give the base an almost  invisible enchanted mist so it could   be hidden from attacks. That way nobody  will disturb us without us expecting it.” “That’s really good, Sarah. Thank you.” “Let me tell you, Zozo. In my  professional opinion as a psychic,   I don’t predict that you’ll turn evil.”

“I hope I can live up to your predictions.” I went outside for a bit to  get some air and shortly after,   Victor the Vindicator Chef joined me with  a fresh new magic cake that he just baked. “Give this a try, Zozo. I  think it might pick you up.” “Thanks, Victor.”

I gobbled up the cake and felt  a transformation coming on. I doubled in size and my heart gauge  increased to contain 80 hearts. “Victor sure knows how to cook!” From day 79 to day 84, I went back   to the wooded badlands to see if  I could face Dorian the Drowned  

Necromancer again. I knew this whole thing  would be over if I could just shut him down. Dorian wasn’t here himself, but  it seemed like he might have used   some of his necromancy to mobilize  a few random skeletons to fight me.

With my lightning strikes, I was easily  able to blow away these weak undead. I wasn’t satisfied with the amount of searching  I’d done here, so I examined the structure more   closely. That’s when I noticed doors that led  to a dwelling where a Pink Pixie was staying.

“Hello there, I’m Zozo. Do you know  anything about who used to live here?” Yes, I do. There was a village  here that was destroyed by storms.   A blizzard and a thunderstorm. There was only  one surviving villager and he was really alone. “Was that villager herobrine?”

Yes. This is the place where herobrine’s  story began. The land has been cursed   and plants have never grown as well here since. “It’s just like the curse that Dorian  put on the ocean. I’ve got to put   the ‘hero’ in herobrine and find a  way to lift both of those curses.”

This may help you in your journey, Zozo. The pixie gave a netherite helmet, an extremely  durable piece of armor that would certainly give   me a fighting chance next time I saw Dorian. From day 85 to day 89, I returned to my base,  

Excited to show my friends the awesome  Netherite Helmet I’d been given. Instead, a found a bunch of  Dread Liches invading my base,   trying to find and attack those same friends. “Oh, I can’t let this slide! I don’t  want to overuse my ghost powers,  

But for the sake of my friends,  it’s a risk worth taking!” I started firing lightning blasts left and right  destroying them quickly and dropping their morale. The rest saw my skills and took off running,   but I wasn’t going to let an attack on my  own base slide. I came running after them.

But while chasing them, I ran into a Troll who  seemed to be crying. As much as I wanted revenge,   I didn’t want to leave a clearly  distressed guy on the hook like that. So I asked him what was wrong. “I’ve been working on my novel,  

But I can’t seem to get through it.  I’m losing confidence in myself.” “You can do it, Mr. Troll! Just  believe in yourself and try to   get past the first draft. I’ll be  excited to read it when it’s done!” “Thank you, kind stranger,  I’ll never forget this!” 

From day 90 to day 94, I followed  surviving Dread Liches into the Snowy   Plains. It was freezing. I remembered  what I’d read about Dorian before. “He needs to be cold. He must be hiding  somewhere out here. I’m on his territory now!” But I couldn’t afford to  worry about that just yet.  

I needed to track down and defeat those Liches. Eventually, I caught up to  them. They must have gotten   exhausted and stopped. I finally had my chance. “You guys are gonna pay for attacking my base!” “Oh, Zozo, you’re so naive! Dorian knew  everything. He predicted exactly what  

You’d do. And now you’re going to be destroyed.” “You’ve never been able to destroy me before. What   makes you guys think you’re  going to be able to do it?” “Oh, it won’t be us, Zozo. It’ll be him.” A huge, terrifying Dread Knight stepped out,  

And the Dread Liches all ran off. He must have  been Dorian’s most dangerous henchman yet. “Even as a ghost, I think I’m  gonna ache after this one…”  From day 95 to day 97, I went head  to head with the Dread Knight, and   he was as fast and as powerful as I’d feared.

And as the battle went on, I  was worried I might be doomed,   until I got a second wind and  fought back with all my might. Soon enough, I’d defeated even the  terrible Dread Knight, the deadliest   of Dorian the Drowned Necromancer’s Henchmen. “I’m stronger than I’ve ever been,  

But does this mean I’m doomed to become  evil, and end up serving that monster?” But my worried thoughts were interrupted by a new  discovery: When the Dread Knight was defeated,   he dropped a notebook, containing  instructions direct from the enemy.

“Destroy Zozo. He is unworthy of the title of  Herobrine. Return to the Ice Cave when you are   done. If you need anything extra to finish the  job, check the chest behind the broken boulder.” So now I knew that Dorian was  hiding in some kind of Ice Cave,  

And that note about the chest really intrigued me. I searched the Snowy Plain until I found  a boulder that looked half-shattered,   and then, I found a chest behind it.  And inside the chest was a Battleaxe! “This belongs to Dorian. I can’t  wait to give it back to him!” 

On day 98, I returned to my base to tell  everyone who’d helped me how all of this   was going to unfold. For all I knew, it  might be my final chance to speak to them.

“Guys, I want to thank all of you for how much  you helped me. I never could have gotten this   far without you. But this final part is so  dangerous that I have to do it alone. Dorian  

Is more powerful than ever, but I’d rather be  destroyed than let him use me as an evil tool!” “There’s no way he’d destroy  you, Zozo, you’re too powerful,   and too good-hearted! And in the end, the good  guys always win, and the bad guys always lose!”

“Here here! After you defeat him, Zozo, I’ll  bake a mighty cake that we can all enjoy!” “Aye, and I’ll farm all the best  quality ingredients! You’ve got this,   Zozo, I have full confidence in you!”

“You’re all the best! I’m gonna defeat him for  you! All of you! And I’m gonna get my body back!”  On day 99, I ventured back to the Snowy Plains,   with everything I needed to finally taken on the  big, bad beast of a necromancer who stole my body.

“It’s time for me to show you the door, Dorian!” It didnt’t actually take me that long to  find the Ice Cave that was Dorian’s hideout,   because I spotted a large guard force of Dread  Liches waiting outside, keeping a lookout. “Talk about an undead giveaway!”

There were so many of them, and they looked  better armed and armored than usual. Dorian   must have known I was coming, and put them  here to slow me down before the final battle. “It’s an ingenious plan. What can I do!?” “I think I may be of service!”

I turned and saw that Morgan  the Gorgon was behind me. “Morgan! What are you doing here?” “Sorry for following you. I was gonna  yell ‘Boo!’ again, but it didn’t seem   like the right moment. I feel like I’ve  been missing out on all the action. Let  

Me distract these undead creeps, and you can  go in there and take down the big bad guy!” “Sounds like a plan, Morgan, let’s do this!” On day 100, while Morgan was distracting the Dread   Liches outside, I entered the Ice Cave and found  Dorian the Drowned Necromancer waiting for me.

“You made it through my servants. How?” “It’s because I don’t have  servants, I have friends.” “Oh, spare me all that self-righteous foolishness.  You can’t talk your way out of serving me. I   brought you back. I bound you. You belong  to me, Zozo, and nothing will change that.”

“I’m going to keep fighting, no matter what.  For myself and my friends. And when I’m done,   all you’re going to be is a bad memory.” “Then let’s see. Time to go back  to the void, silly little ghost.” I unleashed everything I had onto Dorian,  not giving up, even as he fought back against  

Me. I could tell, as the battle went  on, he was getting weaker and weaker. I pulled out the battleaxe,   the battleaxe that Dorian had left  for his Dread Knight to destroy me. “I’m sure the void will welcome you, Dorian!” And with one more strike, Dorian was no more.

There was a tremendous flash, and in  the moment when Dorian was destroyed,   my body was returned to me. “Wow… It feels amazing to be back!”

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as HEROBRINE in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-06-25 19:15:00. It has garnered 800004 views and 10148 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:33 or 2313 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as HEROBRINE in Hardcore Minecraft! After being mysteriously summoned into the world by the necromancer Dorian, I’ll have to fight for my right to exist! Will I become the evil Herobrine of legend, or will I overcome it and get my body back?

#minecraft #100days #herobrine

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    UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager Revenge’, was uploaded by Rama8413 on 2023-12-31 10:40:23. It has garnered 2620 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Minecraft Villager Chase Minecraft Villager Meme #minecraft #shorts #feedshorts #funny Read More

  • Insane 17 Hit Combo in Minecraft PvP! #montage #clickbait

    Insane 17 Hit Combo in Minecraft PvP! #montage #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘This combo was SO clean! ( 17 hits) !!#minecraft #pvp #montage #shorts’, was uploaded by Flashisgreat on 2024-05-21 21:34:09. It has garnered 630 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Editing Software : Clipchamp, FlowFrames, Tekno’s Blur, Davinci Resolve 19 Recording Software : Geforce Texture Pack : Minemanner.zip, Fruitful, Custom ———————————————————————————————————————– Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mob Killing Technique! 💥

    Insane Minecraft Mob Killing Technique! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘La mejor forma de matar a los mobs en Minecraft! 🤔’, was uploaded by Ramix on 2024-05-31 02:00:16. It has garnered 97268 views and 12721 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Did you know these incredible facts about Minecraft? ⚔️ Server I’m playing on → minelucky.org (MineLucky) 🌐Follow me on my social networks! → Twitter: https://twitter.com/NotRamix → Twitch: https://twitch.tv/NotRamix → Instagram: https://instagram.com/RamixMC → Discord: https://discord.gg/Ramix #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Shorts Read More

  • EPIC Tokyo776 Survival 100 Days in Minecraft! MUST SEE #viral

    EPIC Tokyo776 Survival 100 Days in Minecraft! MUST SEE #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I survival In Minecraft survival 100 day And Hard #minecraft #video #viral’, was uploaded by TOKYO766 on 2024-02-14 03:40:07. It has garnered 200 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:08 or 428 seconds. I survival In Minecraft survival 100 day And Hard #minecraft #video #viral Testing CLICKBAIT Minecraft Traps That Are True 12:22 NOW PLAYING Spending 10,000 Rs. In Minecraft 💵 208K views 1 day ago MrGamerJay Background Music By Epidemic Sounds [This Video Is Editing By AG Media-https://bitly.ws/34GDd] New No Download , Click To Play Here has many girl games,… Read More

  • Meowlands

    MeowlandsNEVER PAY TO WIN!!!! The only way to get stronger is to PLAY! Train Abilities, Increase POWER LEVEL, use insane KI ATTACKS! Learn Ki Flight and throw your elytra in the trash! Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0886jlq98GpEVM1E7UYvGQ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SuperMeowgician Discord: https://discord.gg/6jKnsxTTXR Read More

  • Verdania roleplay

    Welcome to Verdania – Your Next Minecraft Roleplay Adventure Begins Here! Verdania is a newly created Minecraft roleplay server! We are looking for players who want to join our friendly community and create their own stories, nations, and even religions in a customized world. Join us today and start your adventure in Verdania! https://discord.gg/NQAG3kUVxJ Read More

  • Bananarine | Server of Dreams

    Bananarine | Server of DreamsCompatible with 1.8 – Lastest & Bedrock editionWelcome to Bananarine! The Server of Dreams.Home to the best server you’ve ever seen (probably not) with many unique minigames and gamemodes!Bananarine finally brought back from the dead! We are hoping to bring some of the old community back together as well as foster a growing creative community of new players. This server has many unique minigames and gamemodes to offer.For those competitive types, we have our Factions server named “Wild Adventures” featuring custom enchants, mild forms of anarchy, and a keep inventory program and for the more vanilla experience, our SMP server… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real or Photoshopped?

    It looks like Dan and Stampy need to switch worlds and see how they cope with each other’s adventures! Read More

  • MC’s 100-Day Flight: Adventure Takes Flight!

    MC's 100-Day Flight: Adventure Takes Flight! In the world of Minecraft, the challenge is real, 100 days of survival, a true gamer’s ordeal. Day 8 has arrived, with tasks to complete, Building a horse’s home, a cozy retreat. Join the adventure, feel the thrill, Exploring new lands, with skills to fulfill. If you want to join, the server is here, MRDetox47.aternos.me:33206, have no fear. Subscribe to the channel, for more fun and delight, Tech and gaming, a perfect sight. Minecraft survival, views galore, Join the journey, let’s explore more. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. In every… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Magic Machines: A Wild Ride

    Magic Machines: A Wild Ride Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Machines and Magic in Applied Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft 1.20.1 modded with a selection of exciting mods that promise to enhance your gaming experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this latest installment. Discovering New Horizons As our intrepid gamer delves into the realm of Applied, they encounter a plethora of innovative features that breathe new life into the game. From advanced machinery to mystical spells, the possibilities are endless. Unleashing the Power of Technology One of the standout elements of… Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as HEROBRINE in HARDCORE Minecraft!