I Survived 100 DAYS as LOKI in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

On day one I awoke as a baby Frost Giant in a frozen World there was a battle below but I was alone mommy daddy there was no response to my cries but the howling of the Winds then a strange looking man appeared in a flash of light

He did not look to be from around here nice and follow me boy his voice was gentle yet authoritative with nobody else around I agreed old man with an eye patch through the middle of a battle between people that looked like me and armored people dressed like the man I was following

What happened here but the stranger did not respond come along now I hesitated what if he was here to kill me like he killed the others what if you are safe with me I’m called ocean I will not harm you okay suddenly a massive runic Circle

Lit up beneath our feet and a pillar of multi-colored lights erupted from it I was standing still but I could feel myself moving wow when the pillar of light faded I found myself in a gorgeously decorated room with a wonderful view of everything I was inside a giant castle welcome to

Ascot Asgard Odin explained that this was one of the nine Realms we had been transported here by something called the bifrost quite here for a moment I will be back after a few minutes Odin returned with a beautiful woman she looked delighted to see me hello there

Son my name is friega so wonderful to see you yes this is your new family now I was more confused than angry new family what happened to my old family never mind that now boy you belong here now frigate touched a finger to my chest briga then kissed my forehead in a

Strange light appeared around me I began to feel warm my body began to change whoa I marveled at my new form [Laughter] a pair of daggers were given to me and I had more Hearts so cool fun trick isn’t it I will teach you to do that and more

As you grow older really you mean it of course a blonde boy maybe a little older than myself entered the room the shy boy hid behind Friga this is your older brother his name is Thor Thor this is your new brother hi what’s your name his

Name Odin spoke up he’s Loki on day two I was woken up early by frigga to begin training in Magic rise and shine sleepyhead I was taken out to a courtyard where frigo would demonstrate shape-shifting now Loki watch carefully and do as I do breathe in and out I

Followed her movements as close as I could what now now concentrate on the form that you wish to take something cute perhaps something cute something cute in a flash of light Friga had transformed into a little cat now you try here goes nothing and in a flash of

Light I transformed into a snake not exactly what I had in mind but I guess you and your brother have that fondness in common it was just then that I got an idea I searched the castle area to find Thor training by himself I slithered through the bushes until I was really

Close to him if Thor loved snakes like Friga said then I’ll wait for him to pick me up and scare The Living Daylights out of him when I transform back oh look a snake show time come here little buddy let me pet you now what

Don’t pet me pick me up and let me out out too hard no I bit him I unveiled my reptilian disguise and began laughing that’s what you get what kind of person pets animals like that anyway Thor laid there on the ground he wasn’t moving is

He yes he was as dead as a doornail and it was all my fault oh no what should I do what should I do what should I do I can’t go to jail I’m like two days old suddenly the were of a portal sounded from behind me two soldiers clad and tan

In Orange gear filled out of it surrounding me we’ve got a temporal anomaly in Universe 121 suspect is surrounded what’s happening who are you guys we’re with the timeline variance Authority and what you just caused wasn’t supposed to happen I was panicked timeline variance Authority what were

They even talking about what happens now you’ve got two options either you come with us or we revive your brother and you forget that any of this ever happened and make a choice kid they seemed so intimidating but I wasn’t gonna let them scare me I knew exactly

What I wanted please just revive my brother it was an accident I didn’t mean to the soldier paused for a moment all right but be careful next time move out after the TVA soldiers left Thor suddenly woke up what happened surprise I was the snake all along I hoped Thor would understand

That it was an honest mistake but he looked Furious that was you I’m telling my mother Thor stormed off in a hurry though I was worried about the punishment I’d receive I breathed desire of relief I’m just happy he is alive but what was that just now on day three I

Was eating my cookies with Thor and we both grew into full-sized adults I even had a full set of Hearts now that’s what we get for eating our cookies I guess just then our dad came in with a hammer well now that you’re an adult you are

Worthy to wield this weapon use it wisely and represent our people well you will be king of Asgard one day sweet I couldn’t believe my big brother got this awesome hammer and I got nothing hey that’s not fair I stormed off and I decided that night that I would run away

From Asgard I’m not gonna live in a place where I have to serve my brother as king I escaped into the Asgardian wild and quickly realized that I would need some sort of shelter to call home I’ll make my own kingdom it will be way cooler than Asgard I started punching

Trees in anger but wood started coming out of them whoa sweet next I made myself some stone tools I used all the wood I had gathered and built a small cabin it came out awesome then went out to kill some sheep I used their wool to

Make a bed and cooked their meat for supper with that I was ready to go to bed good night new Asgard that night I had a dream that I was the ruler of Earth everyone on the planet was praising me just as they do with Thor I

Woke up with a plan hmm that seems like a great idea I began preparing by mining some iron and making myself iron armor and tools I’m gonna be king of Earth in no time my mom will be so just then I started to get lonely I missed my family

But it was a passing feeling I considered returning home but I decided against it they didn’t want me there anyway on day four I landed on Earth in the middle of nowhere I started wandering until I found a farmhouse and went up to a farmer standing outside

Excuse me I have a question for you who the heck are you supposed to be it ain’t Halloween please excuse my Interruption but I was just looking for your leader I don’t got no leader you mean the president yes is that what you call it interesting good luck with that he

Didn’t want to cooperate so I pulled out my dagger and threatened him tell me where your leader is now oh man I don’t know where the president is that’s top secret stuff you know you must have some idea where he could be maybe you can try

New York City or something I don’t know where is this New York City well let’s see we’re in Wyoming so it’s about a four hour plane ride away okay goodbye I started walking and walking and walking huh how much longer can this be than a plane ride there must be a better way

Just then a truck came down the road so I stood in the middle of the street to make it stop hey what gives guy take me to New York City Gruff man whatever hop in I then jumped into the back of his truck ready to make it to New York City

The trucker brought me to the outskirts of New York City on days five through six this is as far as I go but thanks peasant go on now Rude the trucker drove away and I began looking around the city I found it to be quite Grand wow I

Wonder where I should go for best I decided to go around and find some fun things to do in the city first I found the giant green lady statue that people kept coming to see must be some great goddess or something meh next I got stopped by a group who wanted to get

Pictures saying I was some kind of cosplayer whatever the heck that is oh my gosh I love your Green Lantern outfit uh thanks okay bye finally I found myself in a large walking area with lots of moving pictures they didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me but watching

Them all was still pretty mesmerizing now back to finding the leader of this place just then my family suddenly showed up there you are Loki how did you guys find me it doesn’t matter what does matter is that you didn’t tell us not cool I would I would know what’s

Cool or not you’re not cool I’m cool bro I’m cool whatever what do you want from me well we never taught you how to use this Starlight wand oh boy that sounds fun we then teleported back home on days seven and eight we arrived back in

Asgard I was sort of glad to be back wow you gotta teach me how to do that would have saved me a lot of time no but I can teach you something else okay but only if you promise not to run away again yeah sure I promise

Let’s begin my mother taught me how to hone my magic and manifest different staves with different powers whoa this is so cool thank you mother I started messing around with my powers and shooting wildly okay stop be careful what I turned towards her shooting her in the face by accident with my volcano

Wand and killing her instantly ah no mama before I could do anything a member of that mysterious group reappeared hey what did we tell you you gotta stop killing people it’s not supposed to happen like that sorry they quickly placed a new Friga down basically bringing my mother back to life thank

You just be more careful we may not show up next time something like this happens I will the man disappeared restarting time I love you mother I’d never accidentally kill you oh okay anyways gotta go I froze my mother in place and ran away back to my cabin in the woods

On days nine and ten I ran away as fast as I could back to my cabin when I reached the clearing on the hill I ran in and shut the door behind me that was exhilarating with all these Powers at my command I can conquer New York but I

Remembered my mother teaching me that power is useless without knowing how to control it let’s test these out see what we can learn I walked around the area for a bit until Nightfall and I found a herd of zombies perfect first I tested the effectiveness of the Starlight power

Then the power of the volcano and then my favorite Power the multiple daggers that summoned from the abyss also freezing powers I think I’ve got the hang of this now with the sun rising I returned to my cabin but I was feeling rather spiteful this place is so ugly what was I

Thinking when I made this so I decided to use my volcano wand and burned it to the ground the bright roaring Flames against the morning Sky were beautiful then the Flames began to spread to the nearby Forest its trees were like torches blazing with light I’ll leave it

Not like I plan on coming back here anyway then I heard the familiar whirl of a portal followed by the footsteps of a new TVA agent they had one of the soldiers put the fire out and then replaced my home what are you doing correcting a mistake what do you mean a

Mistake I can’t even burn down my own home the TVA agent shook her head no why not you burning down your house is a critical juncture that causes the entire planet to burn ultimately killing all life on Earth satisfied I was stunned how could one simple decision

Drastically affect the fate of the the world you can’t be serious as a heart attack you’re on the nice buddy and they were serious almost off-puttingly stiff all right boy our work here is done let’s move out the TVA agents left the area leaving no trace of their presence

Besides the newly rebuilt cabin I think I’ve had enough excitement for today so I entered the cabin and went to sleep I woke up in the morning beginning the period of days 11 through 13. and like any good conqueror I was feeling ambitious today seems like a good enough

Day as any to dominate the Earth let’s have some fun I arrived back on earth once again in the middle of nowhere I need Transportation back to that City again oh wait that’s the form I saw before I approached and noticed the farmer’s golf cart nearby perfect I’ll

Just be taking this now you again I began driving off in it before he could stop me hey I needed that I needed it more I was bounding down the road at ungodly speeds in this metal Chariot until I finally made it back to New York City now for that leader I interrogated

The citizens of New York demanding that they tell me where their King was hey do you know where I could find the leader of Earth look here’s an emerald just leave me alone weirdo each interaction fine if they won’t bring me to their leader I will force their leader to come

To me I used my many magical powers to bring destruction upon New York City now this this is something you cannot ignore everything was going great until I saw a shield with a star flung in my direction I turned around to see a man in a blue

Outfit staring back at me stop right there evil doer Captain America is here to stop you really Captain America you’re just Immortal an American flag pajamas with a shield the size of a dinner plate you think you can stop me try me very well I must admit the Mortal

Thought valiantly it was no match for my magic however just as I was about to deliver the finishing Blow by freezing him in ice oh no not again another superhero showed up and who are you supposed to be I am Iron Man Earth is closed today why don’t you try coming

Back in 10 000 years or something I will do nothing of the sort this realm is mine to conquer I figured I could take on these puny Mortals victory was practically assured until I was struck with a massive Hammer I looked up to see my own brother standing over me he said

Nothing at two thaw Thor raised his hammer winding up for another swing he brought the hammer down and everything went black at the beginning of days 14 through 17 I awoke in a prison I would have easily been able to break myself out but all of

My staffs and other items had been taken from me come on let me out a nearby mustached officer replied you ain’t going nowhere pal I then saw a familiar face through the bars walking into the room I will be taking care of it from here on out sir good work all right sure

Just make sure you don’t cause any more trouble you’re here yes of course hey don’t let the door hit you on your way out if I could roll my eyes in this game I would man I hate that guy now brother make yourself useful and release me but

Thor once again did not respond he just looked at me hello anybody home remember it was me that got hit over the head with that hammer not you I will release you on one condition and what’s that my sweet brother don’t try to take over Earth the gall of this man you cannot

Tell me what to do you you get to be a king why can’t I that’s different okay fine with the Swift motion Thor released me from my prison and I grabbed all of my belong Gage and some good old brotherly bonding the next three days of 18 through 21 were basically spent doing

Whatever Thor found to be fun are you sure we have to do this yes of course brother we frolics through fields of flowers Road and bumper cars and slayed a giant monster this is so much fun I hated every second of it whoa brother I’m glad we both had such a good time

It was good hanging out with you do not do anything dumb never the moment that blonde idiot left I immediately self The Avengers will take me down again I need an army perhaps there’s someone here with some useful knowledge I walk to the grounds of Asgard until I

Found the guardian of the bifrost bridge standing watch so I approached Heimdall any great evils brewing in the universe besides yours good one Ronan the Accuser is scouring the universe or an infinity stone an infinity stone eh do you know where the others are you don’t need to know such

Things besides it’s more thanos’s thing um I guess I said anything Thanos huh I remembered being Thanos for 100 days but no this is a different timeline or whatever the TVA calls it I plan on stopping this so-called Thanos but Heimdall was stalwart don’t think I

Believe you for one second then you are more clever than you look and so I laughed needing to figure out a new plan by the beginning of days 22-25 I had my plan to find Thanos first I needed to knock out some guards and commandeer a

Ship I’m just going to borrow this then I used the autopilot function to locate Thanos easy enough now we relax and wait till we get there in a short amount of time my ship made it to thanos’s base I swiftly entered and approached him I was

Not about to wait for an audience Thanos I want you to help me conquer Earth I barge in here and make demands of me you forget your place oh I know my place all right and that place is on a throne like yours thankfully I got him to the

Negotiating table I’ve entertained this little game for long enough tell me why I shouldn’t just destroy you right here and now as guardian because I want to make a deal I’ll help you on your quest to destroy half of all life or whatever it is you’re trying to do Thanos paused

It’s so win-win bring me the space Stone from Earth it is sealed away in something called the Tesseract do this for me and then the Earth will be yours finally we’re getting somewhere agreed the Mad Titan grinned excellent here here the Mind stone with the Mind Stone

In my possession I was far more powerful and I got 10 more Hearts further increasing my durability in battle I’m going to need an army if you shall have one the shitari fight for you now Thanos then opened a portal which led to Earth do not disappoint me I responded coily

I’ve never disappointed anyone in my life I then jumped into the portal ah New York New York what a town pouring out of the portal where hundreds of shatari soldiers so much so that it seemed that my entrance attracted the attention of one of the Avengers Akai

What’s going on here he notched an arrow and aimed right at me oh you’ll do nicely what are you talking about I revealed the Mind Stone and once it caught the archers gaze he was in my thrall at your command yes my command I do like the sound of that go warn The

Avengers that Loki is back and tell them he has an army at once Hawkeye left to do my bidding and I was left feeling giddy the stage is set for my grand return on days 26-29 Hawkeye returned and led me to where the Tesseract was being hidden here we are Stark Tower the

Tesseract is inside when I walked in Captain America was waiting there for me so you returned ready for round two my Army is terrorizing New York City as we speak and you’re all the way out here can’t be in two places at once can we why you don’t worry

Cap ran off hoping to make it in time for the Battle of Manhattan it’s just you me not quite Hawkeye began pelting Iron Man with arrows while I used my magic to keep him occupied but he was defending the Tesseract as well I couldn’t get close to it but my luck was

Soon changed hey Mr Stark both Spider-Man and Venom showed up if I could mind control one of them I could grab the Tesseract myself what are you doing here you shouldn’t have come I agree seeing that both Venom and Spider-Man were together I used my powers to take control of the Symbiote

And forced it to merge with Spider-Man what’s going on no Eddie Brock was so scared he ran off like a coward I’m out of here now man spider I command you to defeat this iron can it’s Iron Man reindeer games oh whatever now Hawkeye and Spider-Man were fighting for my side

I know you want to go easy on them but they sure don’t with Iron Man thoroughly distracted I was able to take the test interact for myself and use it to destroy Iron Man it’s been fun we’ve got what we came for let’s go back

And enjoy the show with the power of the Tesseract I teleported Hawkeye Spider-Man and myself back to New York I watched as each Avenger died from my Magics or at the hands of my shitari Army finally the Earth is mine from days 30 to 33 I reveled in my victory over the

Earth sitting on a throne atop Stark Tower ah this is the life the Mad Titan Thanos then emerged from a portal Loki oh you again I’m here for the space Stone yeah about that I knew he would return but with the power of the space

And mind Stone there was no way he could beat me you really shouldn’t have trusted me no one double crosses me I will show you why Thanos raised his double-bladed sword and it was about to bring it down on my head I was ready to

Dodge out of the way but the swing never came oh what is this I watched as the Mad Titan disintegrated before my very eyes I saw that there was a TVA agent right behind him Target prone good work they killed him just like that what did you do never mind that you’ve really

Messed up this timeline so can’t you just fix it like you did last time we don’t have time to fix it for you we’re busy dealing with a bigger threat ravona and the other TVA agent prepared to leave again fix it and if I don’t you’ll

Share his fate oh okay oh and we’ll be taking these rivona hit me and removed the mind and space Stone from my inventory hey remember what I said fix it or else and as quickly as they came the TVA left through a portal I stood stunned in silence until fear of being

Pruned shook me out of it come on Focus how was I supposed to single-handedly fix this timeline fine but then an idea I know I’ll make a new Avengers it’ll be even better than the old one at the beginning of days 34-37 I found another building in the downtown area of New

York the sign read Oz Corp this looks promising I sauntered right into the front and spoke to a lady sitting at a desk uh hi what can I do for you your supreme ruler demands to see the owner of this Oz Corp well um Mr Osborne isn’t

Seeing anyone today so if you like I can now okay okay the puny secretary began working frantically and shortly after a man came down from the elevator he approached me and offered to shake my hand hi there Norman Osborne pleased to meet you uh Loki Loki pleased to meet

You Loki I decided to cut to the chase I didn’t know when the TVA would come back and I didn’t want to have nothing prepared for them I see you have a great deal of wealth with scavenged parts from stock Tower well I want you to be the

Next Iron Man you know I’m something of a scientist myself well I mean it’s more of an engineering thing but okay after some prodding Norman agreed to join my new Avengers team saying this will be his Redemption Arc you and me both buddy Osborne led me upstairs to his lab I’ve

Been working on a new suit actually care for a sneak peek why not I watched him Don the iron placement I think I know just who to talk to about enjoying our new Avengers he’s a friend of the family and so I followed Norman Osborne to a dingy place

In Queens this place is awful did the shatari do this no this is just interrupting our conversation was our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man who swung over and landed in front of us it seemed that when the Mind Stone left this world its effects on people ended however he still might have been

Controlled by the Symbiote what do you guys want Norman and I told Spider-Man that we were trying to right our wrongs and make a new Avengers team so what do you say you in hmm I’ll join you guys but only if I can keep an eye on you

Perfect now time to get more members from Days 38 through 41 Spider-Man and I devised a plan hold on we should get a few of the old Avengers to join you know you might be on to something there got anyone in mind I know just the guy after

A few hours of searching I found the guy I was looking for I’m done fighting I just want to relax by the pool side what do you mean you want to retire yeah I don’t want money that’s not what I’m looking for how about the public eye’s forgiveness right now they still

Think you help killed the original Avengers you got a point there it might look odd that I’m working with the guy who tried to take over the world in the first place never mind the world forgive yourself all right everything was coming along perfectly Osborne had recruited the next Captain America John

Walker aka the U.S agent perfect we need America on our side Hawkeye was also able to recruit Scarlet Witch since you know she was the only one with actual Powers lastly I required the Abomination and The Punisher looks like the new Avengers are finally formed welcome to the team everyone suddenly Another Hero

Came flying down not without me great one less person I have to recruit welcome to the team from Days 42 to 45 it was about time for my first mission it seems Dr Doom has taken inspiration from me and wants to take over the world we use the bifrost to it to Liberia

Where Dr Doom lives there was a large beam shooting up into the sky what’s going on here Doom together a unified world is a diverse world you can’t just have one leader hmm I’m proud of myself for that answer I disagree with you Loki Doom is right I knew you

Were fishing from the start Osborne where do your morals lie the tension between everyone was high then teams began to form Among Us hey what’s going on here Osborne Abomination and the U.S agent sided with doom meanwhile Captain Marvel Spider-Man Hawkeye Punisher and Scarlet Witch sided with me come get

Some Goblin freak there was an all-out war between us U.S agent and Punisher began fighting with Hawkeye aiding Punisher I hate the government then the Abomination and Scarlet Witch began fighting come and get some stinky sewer Beast I then watched as Venom left Spider-Man not on my watch looks like it’s just you

And I Doom yourself because I am one of the most evil villains to ever exist s Come with me oh okay we then went through the hidden TVA portal together at the beginning of days 46 to 49 ravona sat me down in a chair alone at Stark Tower you’ve really messed up this time Loki I suppose that is to be expected from the god of Mischief what do you

Mean I did what you asked me to do I fixed the timeline all you’ve done is organize a group of super villains and give them ample resources to do whatever they want I also got some good guys together too that counts for something right shut up and fix this otherwise

Next time it’ll be you who gets pruned you keep saying that yet you haven’t already why is that oh trust me I’ve wanted to but the powers that be won’t allow me to yet the powers that be exit Loki and ravona left through a portal shortly after my dark Avengers made it

Back to me you look like you’ve seen a ghost yeah what happened never mind that all you guys need to know is that the Avengers are no more silence fell over the room everyone looked puzzled hold on I’m confused yeah what’s your new plan I’m going to run for president from Days

50 through 55 I decided to begin my presidential campaign I held rallies in several key locations to win first being New York City the people of the Big Apple loved me and they knew they could trust me then I hit up some rural areas I remembered that farm from earlier

Thank you nowhere Town any questions will you be returning my golf cart any other questions I totally ignored the farmer and moved on to some of the local villagers it went as smoothly as I could hope for time passed and all I had to do

Was wait suddenly a knock on the door it was an FBI agent congratulations sir you’re the new president of the USA wow I didn’t think I would actually win thank you it was my first day in office after being sworn in and I was lounging about man being president is so easy

Just then my attorney general Matt Murdock AKA Daredevil walked into the Oval Office Mr President there’s some important news you should know about can’t you see I’m busy here I actually know Mr President I can’t see anyway are enemies across the sea are threatening nuclear Armageddon the unemployment rate

Is at an all-time high and ah the dark Avengers are suing you say what the dark Avengers are suing me that’s what got your attention pursue them no no them myself one by one uh I would advise against that Mr President then you’re no use to me

Lynn help but think he was right but I couldn’t take any chances where’s my coffee I waited for the dark Avengers to attack the White House on days 56-58 any moment now and then suddenly a blast ripped open the roof of the office The Punisher and Hawkeye descended from above well

Well well if it isn’t the wannabe soldiers think fast I started blasting them with all my wands the fire seemed to work well on them now that you’re the government I really hate you I’ve always hated you from the start that’s it I’m tired of both of you say good night I

Gotta keep moving I’ve burned both of them and then I ran out the Oval Office and down the hallway looking for an escape going somewhere yeah your mom’s house take this this might fish you tiny man Abomination hit like a truck but I wasn’t gonna back down not now get out

Of my way womp womp thanks for playing I kept moving and eventually Made It Outdoors where some of the dark Avengers were waiting for me you’re not going anywhere yeah what he said I didn’t want to have to do this to you guys I created a new

Weapon one powerful enough to them all out get a load of this I then took the rest of the dark Avengers out one by one too easy at the beginning of days 59 through 62 I sat in the Oval Office man I feel great about what I’ve done no regrets or

Remorse whatsoever then I heard the familiar noise of the TVA portal and suddenly I feel like I can’t even brush my teeth right Loki what I thought I fixed it already I don’t think you’re getting it she inched closer you ruined the entire timeline so you’re gonna come with me or be pruned

I think I’ll choose the first option smart now come with me I followed ravona through the portal and emerged in some kind of bland looking office building so is this TBA headquarters yes I was about to make a snide comment but I realized something was missing I felt lighter

Wait all my staffs and ones are gone my armor but ravona seemed to ignore me I know you’re waiting outside you can come in the door opened and a kind looking man with gray hair and a brown suit entered wow so you’re Loki huh I am and

You are Mobius you’ll be his problem from now on so please leave my office Mobius told me to come with him so he could speak more privately on days 63-66 I had to switch the situation around with this Mobius guy I just want to help please don’t kill me hmm fine I’ll give

You a chance under my supervision please please just put on some flashy I want you more suitable for the job I can’t say whether it suits you or not but it’ll have to do you could have just said I looked nice I asked him what the first mission was going to be

Instead no we are checking out a church it seems to have a missing kid oh fun during days 67 to 70 one I made it to a church alongside Mobius what’s with all these cobwebs everywhere hmm me on the lookout hmm I see the only thing making

Sense is that the spiders must have taken the kid the spiders began attacking me but luckily my Powers began working again you mess with the wrong Loki I used my fire staff to burn the arachnids to Ash I won without the spiders in the way I

Looked around some more and just then I found the kid hiding hey little dude the spiders are gone and you can come out the child seemed more frightened of me than the spiders themselves come with me kid the agent then took the kid heaven knows where that went well uh I don’t

Think so I thought to myself why was that kid scared of me oh never mind next mission during days 72-76 we arrived at a grocery store for our next mission this place is Dreadful but I guess I’ll look around after some searching I had found a bomb directly

Behind the counter what am I supposed to do with this I walked over to a TVA Soldier and took their pruning stick this should do the trick after making my way back to the bomb I smacked it with the stick causing it to vanish without any harm done what would you guys do

Without me in that moment more bombs had revealed themselves I had thoughts of myself there’s only one person that knows this kind of of hiding magic me huh did you say something I shook my head and we began looking around the room I felt a strange presence behind me

But I kept my mouth shut I turned around and saw a portal with a strange person walking out from it it was a woman with a similar appearance to me hey you look like someone I know with a blink of an eye she pointed out to Mobius and froze

Him in an instant she turned back towards me and began speaking you need to follow me now do not leave without hesitation I followed the woman into the portal I arrived at another planet during days 77 to 80. so are you from another timeline I’m from a timeline

Where I killed my own mother but instead of everything being fixed they took me prisoner oh how awful being taken as a prisoner I mean we should get back to the TVA they can help you can’t rely on them to fix anything the TVA ruined my

Life no no but they can fix it I promise I disagree the girl Loki then opened up another portal give me that you did not just do that we then both went into an all-out brawl over the device stop punching me no not until you give me the

Device while the fight went on we didn’t realize our mistake whoa look out on days 81 through 85 the Loki variant and I were face down in an Alleyway in an alien City great now we have no idea where we are well now seems like a great

Time to get to know each other I’m Loki but you already knew that the variant seemed annoyed with me Loki is what I used to be called I go by Sylvie now okay Sylvie why were you going to bomb the store exactly I’m trying to disrupt all the timelines for more out of

Control and chaotic they are the harder it is on the TVA I’m not sure that’s a good idea we need to fix the timelines not destroy them typical Sylvie began to walk away slowly picking up speed hey wait up I tried to find follow Sylvia as best as I could

Out of the city but she wasn’t making it remotely easy finally we made it to a good distance away from the city limits and I was feeling exhausted maybe we should rest here it’s not my fault if you can’t keep up but Sylvie kept moving forward you know what

I’m tired of you and I chose to not pursue her well now that she’s gone I think I can just rest my eyes for a little while I was woken up by the TVA from Days 86 to 90. we found you buddy they stood over me with pruning rods and

I panicked get back get back I attacked to keep my distance between me and the rods right when I thought I was done for Mobius stepped in stop this fighting Loki come with me fine I walked through a portal and into a courtroom Sylvie was being held by ravona hey what’s going on

Let me go um these two have been causing too much trouble in the timeline that’s true both what no they pruned Sylvie without hesitation wait wait wait don’t prune me I could still be useful the only thing we was to help catch the bad Loki we won’t be needing you any longer

Anyone through 94 strange city that looked run down the sky was so Bleak and gray where am I just then a few other Loki look-alikes approached me welcome to the end of the universe shelter soon you should come with us oh okay I followed the lokies to an

Underground area where there were more Loki’s hi nice to meet you hello hi whoa hello hi has anyone seen a girl Loki I’ve seen her last I saw she was riding away oh no I have to catch up with her but before I go I need every one of you

Loki’s to like the video comment down below what kind of video bronzo should do next And subscribe so you never miss another video I then made my way out of the bunker oh a truck how convenient I’m Coming For You Sylvie driving down the road at the end of the universe from

Days 95 to 97. I finally caught up with Sylvie she was sitting down next to a crashed car I pulled the truck over and ran to her the cloud giant is to blame we have to destroy it what do you mean blame for what for the TVA the cloud

Giant is the creature that gives the TVA its powers if we destroy it we can destroy the TVA how do you know all this I’ve just got a feeling but I can’t do it alone do you trust me I don’t have any other choice in the matter so that’s

Not true we always have a choice choices are what makes life chaotic and beautiful you’ve spent your whole life reacting to things around you and doing what other people tell you to do what do you want Loki what do I want I thought long and hard about this question if I

Could I would go back and do this all over again but now I wanted to make sure that the TVA couldn’t meddle in anyone else’s lives ever again I want to stop the TVA once and for all all right then let’s get this show on the road we then

Proceeded to look through a bunch of rubble and found netherright armor for ourselves and I got my stats back from Days 98 to 99 we faced a giant Cloud creature this is it let’s take it down the monster shot tornadoes at high velocities at us whoa gotta make sure

Not to get hit by that the fight raged on and neither Sylvie or I couldn’t do anything about it this is so unfair it is a giant cloud like an unhittable mom stat and we’re just two mid lokies oh I can’t believe you fell for it together Sylvie we did it yes

Suddenly we were teleported away on day 100 post teleportation I was celebrating our Victory we did it we did it but Sylvie wasn’t sharing in my celebration rather she looked horrified and then I took a closer look at my surroundings but this is impossible the clown giant

Should have been the end of it maybe I was wrong only partially who’s there a man emerged from the Shadows into the center of the room why none other than Kang the Conqueror I’ve been dealing with this Ant-Man maxcraft guy all week and just when I finish I have to deal

With you two but I was confused what did this have to do with anything I must command you on destroying my sacred timeline I don’t know how you do it but you Loki’s always find a way you you’re the one behind the TVA ping ding ding

Looks like we have a winner I’ll kill you how annoying now I have to fix everything he then turned and looked past everything as if he was staring into the soul of the universe alright everyone let’s take this from the top on day one I awoke as a baby Frost Giant in

A frozen World there was a battle below but I was alone

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as LOKI in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2023-02-11 18:00:05. It has garnered 810909 views and 13177 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:25 or 2665 seconds.

I Survived 100 DAYS as LOKI in HARDCORE Minecraft! As Loki, I get to explore ASGARD as well as cause chaos across the MINECRAFT WORLD, fight various MARVEL SUPERHEROES and much more!

Mods Utilized: Astemir’s Forestcraft – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/astemirs-forest-craft Epic Fight Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epic-fight-mod Spider Man Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-spiderman-mod Super Suit Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/super-suit-mod Future Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/futurepack Beyond Earth – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/beyond-earth Beyond Earth: Giselle Addon – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/space-bosstools-giselle-addon Mowzie’s Mobs – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mowzies-mobs Villagers and Monsters – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/villagers-and-monsters-mod-legency Guns, Rockets and Atomic Explosions – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/atomic-bomb-1-16/screenshots Artifacts – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/artifacts CMD Cam – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cmdcam Citadel – https://github.com/AlexModGuy/Citadel Collective – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/collective Configure – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=configured CretiveCore – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=configured Curious API – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/curios Custom NPCs – http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/customnpcs Cyclic – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cyclic Effortless Building – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/effortless-building Geckolib – https://geckolib.com/ Greek Fantasy – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/greek-fantasy Just Enough Items – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jei L Ender’s Cataclysm – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/l_ender-s-cataclysm Mahou Tsukai- https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mahou-tsukai mo guns https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/moguns More Player Models – http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/moreplayermodels/ Mr Crayfish’s Gun Mod – https://mrcrayfish.com/ Mr Crayfish’s Vehicle Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mrcrayfishs-vehicle-mod Obfuscate – https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=obfuscate Maybe – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pehkui/ Structure Gel API – https://moddinglegacy.com/ Supplementaries – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/supplementaries The Mighty Architect – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-mighty-architect The Warp Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-warp-mod XK’s Decorations – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xks-decoration

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  • Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024

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  • AKSH

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  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

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  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

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  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

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  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

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  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

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  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm0qaXi9THA Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4384-sneaky-snitch License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551572402826 FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as LOKI in HARDCORE Minecraft!