I Survived 100 Days as MEDUSA in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

I woke up to find Zeus the God of Thunder attacking our Island Medusa you must challenge the six champions of the god the Sega Harry’s Angel Poseidon’s Hydra Aries Cyclops serbians and the Sphinx if you wish to fulfill the prophecy and defeat me if you fail I will wipe out every last

Medusa from the face of the Earth filio hide and stay as quiet as possible I hid behind a pillar as I watched Zeus slay my friends a chain of lightning tight around my mother she and Zeus suddenly vanished Into Thin Air mom come back I

Was so angry I vowed to get revenge on Zeus and all of the Gods I reached land when suddenly I heard hissing and discovered snakes on my head relax Celio we mean no harm they gave me warm hugs so I didn’t feel so alone I think we’ll

Be great friends on day two I began to walk through the world on my own when I spotted a village hello is anyone there the villagers left their homes to see what was going on but every time my eyes met with theirs they turned to stone did

I do that I don’t want to hurt these humans it seemed as though I had the power to turn other creatures to Stone I kept walking until my feet were tired I need a break I suddenly woke up from my Slumber to find a bunch of baby spiders

Attacking me their teeth were very sharp ah that hurts I tried to fight off the spiders using my petrifying abilities but there were too many of them because I was stuck under a tree and was easy for them to surround me help me on day three I was fighting for my life against

The ruthless spider I was on the verge of death when suddenly a young human emerged from the tree he had a cool magical staff and started beating up the spiders with Divine magic I had just enough strength to join him in the fight you’re going down spiders with the help

Of this human we managed to defeat most of the spiders but a few stragglers run away this human was a kid just like me but he didn’t turn to Stone like the other humans hello I heard you call for help my name’s stylesius I’m a prophet a

Prophet so you can see into the future and stuff and why did you not Turn to Stone when you saw me oh you must be a Medusa well I’m blind so I can’t see anything your powers don’t work on me I told tyresias about how Zeus kidnapped

My mom and that I had a mission to rescue her hmm Zeus Medusa well I’m let me see oh yeah I see it now the gods are rounding up all medusas in the city of the Gods Olympus the only way to enter is by challenging the six champions of

The Gods a hero brave enough to collect the artifacts they guard will be granted entry into Olympus that must be where they’re keeping my mom if that’s what it takes to rescue her then I’m in let’s find a place to settle down before you get started on your adventure undies

Four through six tyresias and I collected basic materials in the forest we wanted a source of food and wood tools to mine for resources later while we were walking I discovered a giant tree surrounded by a bunch of mushrooms in the middle of a clearing it kind of

Looked like a face hey teresus there’s a massive tree right here that I think could look cool as our new house we can use these mushrooms as our food source if you say so I trust your judgment I’ll help where I can once we gathered the

Mushrooms and made a wooden ax I started carving out the base of the tree and shaped it into the head of a Medusa I built an additional room next door a bedroom for tyresias with a space for him to meditate and envision his prophecy I wanted these extra rooms to

Look like the snakes of a Medusa had those rooms look like steaks that’s the point guys settle down I still have a long way to go Celio now that we have somewhere to live you should think about finding one of the Champions soon yeah you’re right but

I need to sleep first this building has made me exhausted on day seven through eight I woke up to a knock at the front door I was half asleep from the previous day but I still got out of bed to see what was going on when I opened the door

No one was outside hello has anyone out there that’s weird maybe someone ding dong ditched you it could have been the wind I was about to close the door when one of my snakes noticed something on the ground hey what’s that a strange looking Gold Leaf had been placed on my

Welcome mat I carefully picked up the leaf and inspected it where did this leave come from what kind of trees have Golden Leaves I went to find tyresias in his room and told him about what I had found ah Gold Leaf let me see if I have any Visions about gold leaves

Interesting that leaf originates from the golden trees of Dionysus Forest that’s likely where his artifact and seders are you should check it out great idea I’m off to find some seders on days 9 through 11 I set off to find dionysus’s Forest as I traveled through the woods near my house the trees

Started turning different colors from shades of green to Orange and finally to Gold these golden trees reminded me of the leaf I found I must be getting close to my destination we’ve made it to dionysus’s Forest now let’s find those seders I continue to walk through this

Mysterious Forest as I took another step I suddenly felt the ground given and I found myself falling through a massive pit it’s a trap you think so genius I tried to pull myself out of the pit but I was stuck the ground below me began to sink

I looked around for a way to escape and found a rope of Vine at the edge of the pit I need to get out of here I used all of my strength to pull my feet out of the sinkhole I grabbed onto the vines and climbed out of the pit that was a

Close one as I walked deeper into the forest the magical feeling from before became more creepy the trees were crammed together and I could barely see I have a bad feeling about this now I couldn’t tell where I was going or where I’d come from I was completely lost I

Continued to Traverse the dense forest on days 12-15 when out of nowhere I heard soft music from Beyond the trees there was someone nearby I walked into an open garden and the music grew louder I saw a group of deer people dancing around a big table of food hey there are

You here to join the party that wasn’t the plan are you saters yeah we are you should really join us we’re having a lot of fun here they offered me snacks and drinks I did not want to accept because they were mischievous saters but I was hungry from traveling and it looked so

Delicious I took a little bite this is tasty joining the party little Medusa I was entranced and ate more food than my stomach could handle we partied and danced through the night I was having such a good time that my memory was fading wait why am I here I wasn’t just

Here to party with some saters right don’t I have a mission this is a really fun party there’s nothing to worry about Celio you’ve been brainwashed to stay at this party remember your mom she needs your help I looked at the joyous saters and realized that I would be much

Happier if my mom were here with me this isn’t right I need to defeat you guys you’re the champions of Dionysus I need the artifact you’re guarding the seders suddenly stopped celebrating so you’ve discovered our trick little Medusa I have a challenge for you what is your

Challenge the Seder told me that if he won I would remain at the party forever but if I won he would accept defeat and lead me to the location of his God’s artifact I accept this challenge I was suddenly teleported to a strange alternate dimension on day 16 through

18. it looked just like the garden party but we were floating on an island I then saw a glowing door nearby but it was only accessible by a floating parkour course I ran to jump on the grassy platforms but as I left the island I felt nauseous and the world spun around

Me I don’t feel so good you couldn’t do it Celio I pushed past my had and continued on the parkour I jumped from one platform to the next and tried not to look down into the endless abyss of the Void I nearly slipped off one of the

Blocks but I caught myself before I fell off I finally reached the glowing door and as I opened it I appeared back in the forest of Dionysus and I wasn’t dizzy anymore whoa you made it I admit we’ve been defeated by defeating the seders I grew into a bigger Medusa and

Gained five Hearts I’m not a baby Medusa anymore I could also use my petrification to turn more than one creature into a stone at once since the seders were very respectful of my win I decided not to turn them to Stone the Seder from before agreed to lead me to

Where they were hiding the staff of Dionysus as we approached a nearby magical tree there was a glowing light from inside the trunk think of the staff of Dionysus and you can retrieve it I stuck my hand into the glowing light and retrieved a cool wooden staff this staff

Has the power to summon Vines can’t you stay at the party anyways and teach us your dance moves I wish I could but I have a mission to complete now I had one of the six artifacts I began to travel back to the base undies 19 through 21. I

Avoided the pit Trap by creating a bridge of vines with my new staff while in the forest I heard someone crying I went to investigate and found a small Minotaur child Hey kid are you okay what’s your name I’m Jason please Medusa can you help me yeah of course Jason

What do you need evil humans kidnapped my dad and took him to their Village he did nothing wrong they’re just afraid of us can you save him I know how it feels if these humans have captured your dad then I need to do something about it

You’ll help my dad thank you so much the village is that way Jason pointed me in the direction of the human town I snuck over to see what was going on come on I saw a group of humans gathered around a giant Stone box they were laughing and

Pointing at the Box hey humans you’ll pay for hurting an innocent creature the humans turn to look at me and they were all suddenly turned into stone that was awesome wait everyone is stoned now no one told me where they trapped the Minotaur just then I heard a Roar from

Inside the Box Jason they must have put your dad inside that strange box oh no please save him I wasted no time and ran into the box to find that the humans had created a giant maze on days 22-25 I entered the minotaur’s maze it’s just a

Maze how hard can this be to not get lost in this maze I threw rocks on the ground after walking around I eventually encountered a Crossroads which way do I go now hug the right wall no go wherever you want I stayed on the right side of

The wall but I realized that I was in the same place as before I just went in a loop maybe at some kind of trick try going down the other path I walked for what seemed like ages but ended up in the same spot huh I went through a third

Path and found myself where I started one more try and then that’s it I took the fourth and final path and arrived back at the crossroads I can’t do this anymore this maze is endless I’ll never find the Minotaur and now I’m stuck in here too I’ll never be able to rescue my

Mom I got so angry that I hit my head against the stone bricks but to my surprise I charged through an invisible wall into another room wait I could have just gone through the wall this whole time at that moment I got pushed to the ground a large Minotaur stood above me

Ready to strike who are you wait I don’t want to hurt you I’m Celio a Medusa your son Jason asked me to help save you my son Jason How can I I trust you’re telling me the truth are you working with the humans no I just turned all the

Humans into stone statues so I’m on your side I have this Mission my mom Jason losing his dad he cares about you alright I believe you have good intentions I’m Braun I assume you know how to leave this room if you were able to get in I let Brawn the Minotaur back

Through the hidden wall and into the maze I could tell that mazes weren’t as thick and he was getting frustrated by all the corners on days 26 to 29 Brun and I escaped the Maze and reunited with Jason my boy thank goodness you’re okay those humans didn’t hurt you right I’m

Okay Dad the Medusa was very nice and agreed to help me how can we repay you your alliance in my quest Against The Gods would be more than helpful they agreed and I brought my new Minotaur friends to my Treehouse base together Bron and his son built a couple of new

Rooms to live in but they preferred the Open Spaces of the forest it was just to their liking Celia I heard you brought more allies for our cause I did oh before I forget is there anything you could tell me about the next next artifact hmm in my mind I’m seeing White

Wings you will encounter Angels while on the road to find resources the angels of Hermes if finding these angels also means getting more materials I can knock out two birds with one stone or two angels with one undies 30 and 31 I went exploring and gathered iron in the mines

Using the iron I mind I crafted full iron armor and weapons just in case I ran into any more danger as I began to return to the base I hadn’t seen a single angel I lost hope that I would encounter them as Tyrese has told me but

Then I Heard a Voice from behind me stop right there medisha we’re going to need you to come with us before I could turn around a colorful always passed on me and I blacked out on days 32-34 I woke up in a large office and Hermes the

Messenger god sat at a desk in front of me Hermes I know you don’t like Zeus I’m here to send him a message from you if you want a message uh I just want my mom back he was mean for taking her away from me that’s it

All right and he was gone in the blink of an eye he vanished well he is a god an angel warrior suddenly stormed into the room and took out a pair of handcuffs Hermes and the angels have placed you under arrest for being of Medusa origin juice

The gods requires all of the medusas to be held as prisoners wait you you can’t do this well Me yeah yes 35 and 36 I went into combat with the warrior angel I slashed at the angel with my new iron sword but it didn’t seem like it did any damage Just Surrender Medusa and maybe you’ll be spared from Death never I’m doing this

For my mom I kept trying to hit the angel with my sword but it still seemed unharmed and I was looking hurt try using your Medusa Powers but it’s an angel I guess I can try I decided to use my petrification ability on the angel and it worked the angel was beginning to

Turn into stone you will not win as the angel became a stone statue I felt my Powers growing stronger and I gained five more Hearts just then I heard a clanging noise from the statue and discovered a magical wand on the ground this must be the artifact it looks like

A magic wand try it out when I used the abilities of the wand it healed my missing Hearts instant Lee something told me that this wand would only be able to heal me four times before it was destroyed so I had to use this power wisely just then another Angel burst

Into the room this Angel didn’t look as hostile as the warrior I just fought against Mr Angel sir I’m here to tell you the angel looked at me then at the Statue of his boss then at me again I’m just gonna go before I could react he

Ran right back out the door so I decided to follow him this Angel might be my only hope to escape from this place I continue to chase the angel messenger Andy’s 37-39 the angel ran through the halls of hermes’s office we passed by angels having business meetings in other

Offices I need to warn Poseidon’s Hydra our offices are near its Temple did they say Poseidon’s Hydra isn’t that his Champion yeah we need to find it as soon as possible another angel warrior suddenly stopped us in our path Holmes you are not permitted here Medusa yeah

Cause I was kidnapped by Hermes and your co-workers and I’m just trying to get out in that case you’ll be staying here as long as they need you the angel menacingly pulled out its sword Celio the messenger is getting away the angel messenger suddenly turned a corner and I

Decided to take off running come back here no thanks I’m good these hallways seemed like endless rows of offices but I managed to keep up with the runaway Angel eventually I could see a light at the end of the tunnel the angel ran into the light and suddenly we were back

Outside in another endless biome the desert yeah I chased after the angel through the desert until it reached an oasis filled with a pool of water and trees I suddenly ducked behind a tree hoping the angel wouldn’t see me okay why are you hiding you need to go after

It I want the angel to think that I gave up the chase maybe it’ll lead me somewhere interesting and my plan worked the angel looked around the Oasis and didn’t see me anymore it lowered its guard and drank some water from the Oasis before continuing its Mission a

Bit more calmly I continued to try to hide behind every Cactus I could until the angel led me straight to a giant Temple along the coastline what is this place I think we found Poseidon’s temple on days 40 to 42 I followed the messenger Angel into the Grand Ocean

Temple in the middle of a large pool of water I saw a Divine Trident on a pedestal a Hydra of Poseidon I’m here to warn you that a Medusa is searching for the artifacts of the Gods that’s the artifact but where’s the Hydra be careful you are not defeated a

Multi-headed water creature suddenly leaped out of the water it snatched the angel in one of its mouths before diving back into the water oh do we have to defeat that guy we don’t have a choice without a second thought I dove into the pool I knew my target was the Trident on

The pedestal I made my way towards it when I felt something large Slither beneath me the current was dragging me toward this large creature and suddenly I saw the many menacing faces of the Hydra they were trying to eat me like they had eaten the angel I attempted to

Swim away from the Hydra on days 42-44 I knew my snakeheads were easily distracted which gave me an idea I still hid rocks left from The Maze and threw them across the pool some of the Hydra heads looked in those directions while some were still focused on me with the

Remaining heads I swam in random patterns to draw their attention my plan was a success with the Hydra heads confused it couldn’t move the Hydra sunk into the dark depths of the pool and couldn’t come back up I thought I would run out of breath and start drowning but

I realized I had defeated the Hydra and grown scales over my skin I could now breathe underwater I swam over to the podium and took the Trident you have skills just like us now the Trident had the power to summon and control water I created a bridge of water to walk across

It’s time to head home on days 45 through 47 I traveled from the coast back to my base in the forest as I walked through the lands I confide it in my snakes I’ve defeated three of the six Champions and I’m more powerful than ever I have three super useful artifacts

And I’ve grown into a strong Medusa I beat up a Hydra I feel like I can do anything now yeah go silio don’t speak too soon I suddenly found that I had walked near the base of a very tall mountain the top of the mountain was covered by clouds there was

A path going upward that I was curious about so I continued to explore the path was soon blocked off by a very tall shining Golden Gate an angel guard stood in position he spoke to another figure a white-winged pegasus you must leave no mortal can enter Olympus you don’t understand

Leave at once I encounter heard the Pegasus as she walked past me back down the road hey are you okay yeah I’m fine I’m trying to get through to Olympus and show Zeus a piece of my mind he’s using my brothers and sisters as his mounts I

Just want them to be free my mom is being held prisoner with all the other medusas so I understand I’m sorry about that I’m Celeste I’m Celio if you want an ally we can take down Zeus together yeah let’s do it on days 48 to 50

Celeste and I made it back home I continued building my base and added a room for my new Pegasus friend it was another snake’s head with a balcony that she could fly out from thanks for building this for me feeling confident I went to find tyreseus who was meditating

Outside hey tyreseus I have three of the six artifacts fantastic Celio you’re halfway through your mission I found the entrance to Olympus too can’t I just go up now the gate was locked and guarded by Angels but there might be a key to open it Celia listen we can worry about a key

Later you may be more powerful than you were before but you can’t underestimate Zeus and his allies you still need all of the artifacts to fulfill the prophecy I don’t get it I might be powerful with these artifacts but why is it so important that I complete this Mission

Can some other Brave hero do it I just want to save my mom you’re braver than you give yourself credit for this is a prophecy in the Stars it is fate that we met each other and that I’m helping you on this journey if it were not faded

Wouldn’t I have encountered Another Hero instead of you I don’t know I just need time to think about all of this I had trouble sleeping on days 51-53 I still thought about what Tyrese has told me about fate soon everything would change I suddenly woke up and what seemed like

A dream and a godly woman in fancy robes stood in front of me I am Athena goddess of Warriors I’ve been watching you cilio over the past 50 days you have appeared to me to be a very capable Adventurer I disagree with how Zeus has approached the prophecy I know about the prophecy

Of a great hero defeating the champions of the Gods but how does that involve the medusas and me the brave hero is prophesied to be a Medusa that’s why Zeus captured all of the medusas of this world he must have known about your mother but not about you does that mean

You are the brave hero from the prophecy it is fate this prophecy is in the stars I understand now you have much potential cilio that’s why I left you a clue to point you in the right direction you left me that gold leaf yes I did Zeus has maintained absolute control of

Olympus for far too long I would like you to be my Champion like the Champions you’ve defeated I couldn’t pass up an offer like this yeah of course I would be honored to be your champion did I have two more gifts one is the location

Of the Cyclops of Aries he resides in a Coliseum to the north the second gift is this pendant she offered me a magical necklace if you need a Quick Escape hold on to this pendant very tightly and you will return to the location of your choice this is incredible thank you

Athena I suddenly woke up back in my bedroom and I still had the pendant around my neck that wasn’t a dream let’s go fight a cyclops on days 54-58 I followed Athena’s directions and made my way to aerys’s Coliseum soon enough I saw a huge structure on the horizon when

I arrived at the Coliseum I found myself in the center of a battle arena an audience cheered in the stands do we have another competitor in our tournament tournament yes a competition to declare the strongest just mythological creature well I’m just here to defeat the champion of Ares I heard

He was here oh the Cyclops is a powerful adversary and our reigning winner to go against him you’ll have to get past the semi-finalist are you in uh yeah introducing our newest competitor silly out Helio versus the plant man himself dryad a gate on the other side of the

Arena lifting and a giant tree person emerged hey that guy’s just a tree you’ve got this Celio but I can’t use my petrifying powers on a tree ready to get stumped and as he got closer to me the tree person didn’t seem very aggressive and was hesitant to

Fight me I smacked him a couple of times with my sword but it wasn’t doing much damage wait he’s a tree I can just chop him down with my ax I sliced at the tree with my iron ax Drake painfully accepted my attacks when he tried to attack me

With his Branch arms they completely missed I was chopping through this tree pretty easily we got him on his knees the crowd was amazed yeah do it shelio you can win this I held up my ax and the dryad accepted his death find him so long please put me out of my

Misery I waited but I couldn’t kill this Dragon man who clearly didn’t want to fight me I’m not going to kill you but if you need an out let’s fake your death I lifted my ax and brought it down right before touching his body Drake pretended

To die and the crowd exploded in cheers whoa our new competitor has destroyed the Triads take him away Drake’s tree body was moved away by a few attendants now the moments you’ve all been waiting for it’s time for psyllium to face the mighty cyclone [Applause] the gates opened again and this time

There was a giant and very angry Cyclops with a huge wooden plug here we go the Cyclops charge toward me undies 59-61. the creature swung at me with its hook but I dodged its attacks this guy is huge I’ve seen beggar maybe I can turn him into stone I use my petrifying

Powers on the Cyclops but it accidentally turned his Club into stone oh no I think I made this worse the Cyclops swung his Stone clubbing and I touched the hits again wait maybe if I hit its feet it won’t be able to stand and fight me anymore I slashed at the

Monster my sword and soon enough it roared in pain with its feet in pain the Cyclops fell to the ground and I finished it off since you have defeated the Cycles you have won the sword of Aries the sword of Aries a diamond weapon appeared in my hands but just then I

Heard a loud strike of lightning this could only mean one thing on day 62-64 Zeus appeared in the middle of the arena with me I got your message from Hermes how could there be another Medusa in this world that I didn’t know about the prophecy cannot happen he threw a

Thunderbolt toward me it nearly hit me but slightly burnt a couple of my snakes ow I was terrified these Thunderbolts could do a lot of damage I shall eliminate you Celio and send your soul to the underworld with my brother Hades another huge Thunderbolt strike came my

Way and I got hit pretty badly I have to run away I will get you cilio suddenly I felt myself get shielded from a blast a tree covered Zeus’s line of sight it was Drake the dryad you were a formidable Warrior and spanned my life now I shall

Spare yours Drake helped me up and we ran as fast as we could away from Zeus Once We Were Far Enough From The Citadel we stopped to catch our breaths I took some time to calm down and heal myself from the battles using hermes’s wand are

You all right yeah I am thank you Drake if you need a place to stay I have a house in the forest south of here with my other allies sorry that I can’t join you myself I have to continue my mission I will accept your offer I no longer

Have a home as I was forced to fight in those Jewels you’ll meet Tyrese is there tell him that you are a friend of cilio friend friend Drake began traveling South toward my base I remained for a moment and thought about what had just happened what should I do next Zeus will

Try to hunt me down now tyresias was right not to underestimate him oh maybe you should go somewhere Zeus won’t find you the underworld you’re right and I can find Hades as Champion there too I then plan to find out how to get into the underworld on days 65 and 66 I

Searched for an entrance into the underworld I spotted the ghostly figure of a spirit wandering in a specific Direction that’s a soul it might be going to the underworld I followed the spirits to a dark descending cave it completely passed through the guards a group of spiders led by the goddess

Arachni these were very similar to the spiders I thought on my second day not these spiders again you can take them no he doesn’t need to get into another fight right now he still has two more Champions to defeat you’ve got a point these spiders also know what I look like

What if I just pretend to be dead oh I quickly disguised Myself by covering my body with a bunch of dirt I imitated the movements of the spirits I had seen and slowly wandered back to the entrance of the cave before I could step inside I was suddenly stopped by Arachne state

Your name and reason of death oh I’m snake I got struck by lightning it wasn’t too far from a lie but I wasn’t sure if Arachne would believe it her spiders were creeping up toward me until enjoy your terrible eternity in the Underworld snake I passed Arachne and

Her spiders and walked the path down into the cave you did it yeah we still gotta be careful who knows what other creatures may be trying to find me I finally descended into the underworld on days 67 to 69 I arrived in the Underworld it was a sad cavernous realm with wandering

Spirits everywhere you still need to get some heat off your back from battling it out with Zeus why don’t you explore and find some more resources while you’re here great idea I set out to find something exciting and eventually discovered a ruined structure surrounded by Spirits they didn’t pay me any

Attention so I slipped through unnoticed I searched through the structure and found several unopened chests most of the treasure wasn’t very valuable but I did find some diamonds my iron chest blade was running low under your ability after the fights in the Citadel so I made another chest Blade with my new

Diamonds any sign of a three-headed dog not over here just then allowed ominous voice suddenly rang out through the walls of the cave I’ll be soldiers I have been a legend of a trespasser within our walls if you encounter a rogue Medusa apprehend him as soon as

Possible oh no hate sent the harpies after us snakes hate birds they’ll eat Us Alive yeah this isn’t good why don’t we head back and find Hades as Champion as soon as possible I returned to the spot I had started and noticed a river separating two halves of land with a

Bridge connecting them the underworld is massive how are we supposed to find this dog at that moment something barked loudly from across the bridge that sounds like a dog let’s go I quickly crossed the bridge and hurried past other ruins before finally finding a giant dog playground Cerberus the

Three-headed dog played with a large bone I didn’t want to be seen by the dog right away so I stealthily searched for the artifact where is this fifth artifact ah Celio it might be that helmet what I hadn’t seen was that one of the dog’s heads were a magical

Diamond Helmet hades’s Helm of darkness and the dog had now seen me good boy on Day 70 to 73 Cerberus chased me around the playground the dog heads kept snapping at my snakes I used the staff of Dionysus to create Vines and trap the

Dog in place I got a couple of hits on Cerberus with my new diamond sword before the dog suddenly disappeared where’d it go Cerberus suddenly appeared out of the vines and tried to bite me again ouch that helmet made it turn invisible I used all the power I could to petrify

The dog but it wasn’t working this dog is too strong to be turned to stone I need to try something else you can’t say Celia’s having it rough not the time I pulled out my new sword of Airy and tried slashing at the creature but it

Only cut off its hair this sword isn’t doing anything either one of the dog’s heads suddenly lunged down and narrowly missed grabbing the hole ah hold on I have an idea oh no what crazy idea do you have now Celio I threw my old diamond sword as far as I could go fetch

Boy while Cerberus was distracted I struck it from behind knocking off the helmet from its head with the Helm of Darkness equipped I could now turn myself invisible with my new powers I was able to get the upper hand it wasn’t long before Cerberus was starting to weaken with one last slash Cerberus

Slumped to the ground and was finally slayed by defeating Cerberus I once again grew bigger and gained five more Hearts I’m Coming For You Zeus on days 74-76 an alarm blared through the walls of the underworld oh no the that doesn’t sound good Trio of Harpy swooped down on me and pecked at my snakes that hurts Hades has been looking all over for you surrender Medusa never come down here and face me you’re so naive We’re Not Gonna compromise with an earth dweller like you you want to test that I retrieved my

Stuff of Dionysus and targeted the group of bird soldiers on my tail creepy dead Vines sprouted from the ground and grappled each of the harpies they were brought straight to the ground they struggled to escape but the vines were holding their wings in place I recommend

You don’t struggle it’ll be worse if you do the vines will release you eventually I think okay let’s get out of here now I hurried back to the bridge but it had completely disappeared the only way back was across the flowing river how am I supposed to get to the other side you

Can try swimming you can breathe underwater this doesn’t look like normal water just then a boat with a ghostly man Sharon the fairy man sealed up to the shore did someone say they needed a ride yeah I do immortal shouldn’t be here well I don’t want to be here anymore I just defeated

Cerberus but the bridge I walked across to get here is gone I suppose I can’t bury you across open on day 77 to 80 Sharon brewed me across the Styx River I looked into the waters and saw my reflection and millions of ghostly Spirits below the surface I hope my mom

Isn’t one of those spirits I’ve gotta save her you’ve come so far but you look so sad I just want my mom to be okay it’s okay Celio or complete the prophecy you’ll be successful and free the medusas the boat suddenly stopped Midway into the river why did you stop rowing

Leo well well you must be the Medusa from the prophecy I didn’t realize you’d be getting such a huge reward today the spirits began to rise from the sides of the boats and grab onto me Hades told me to look out for the Medusa Celia and eliminate him good luck escaping the

Underworld now Sharon vanished and I was stuck in the boat all by myself the souls in the river continue to try to pull my boat down under water Celio this is bad how you gonna get out of this one Athena’s word sprang in my mind hold on

To the pendant and you will return to a location of your choice I grasped onto the pendant and thought of home I closed my eyes hoping it would work on days 80 to 82 I opened my eyes and reappeared in a dingy cave the pendant worked but

Where are we this place looks sort of familiar as I explored the cave I realized that this was where I lived with my mother it made me sad but determined to finish what I started I saw something shiny in the corner under the bed I picked it up and found a

Golden key weird what does this unlock I made my way back to my tree house and reunited with my allies I’m back I now have five of the six artifacts of the Gods it’s almost time to complete the prophecy and save my mom and all of the

Other medusas Zeus will regret making us his enemies will you all help me finish this base and make it our true home anything for thing free cilio with the hell it tours and Drake the dryad I finally wrapped up the construction of all the Medusa snake rooms thank you for giving

Me a new home cilia I am glad it is in the forest the place where my home used to be I hope you can one day return to home as well I hope so too wait we’re missing someone where’s tyreseus on days 83-86 a

Is in his room is that you Celio yeah I was worried about you these past few days is everything okay perfect timing I was waiting on a vision to help you and I just received one the final champion of the Gods Zeus’s finger is waiting

Past the Divine gate you need to use a golden key to unlock the gate and progress up the mountain to find it wait I found a key earlier it was under my mom’s bed and my old cave that’s perfect you should go up to Olympus right away

There’s no more time to waste farewell silly out and good luck thank you for all your help tyreseus I will return when I’ve defeated Zeus I approached the rest of my allies and told them that I was off to Olympus to find the champion of Zeus and complete the prophecy can I

Join you I still need to rescue my siblings of course Ron Jason Drake I’ll see you later vowel for now my friend good luck Celio see you soon I set off back to the base of the mountain to finish my Epic Quest undies 87-89 Celeste and I saw the locked Divine gate

Nearby but Angels were guarding it I can distract the angel so I can unlock the gate we’ll meet back up later okay but don’t get in too much trouble I can’t promise you that Celeste made herself known to the angels hey Angels over here come catch me a pegasus come back here

While Celeste distracted the angels I turned invisible using the Helm of Darkness I snuck up to the gate and used my mom’s golden key to unlock it I hope that Celeste would eventually find me so I entered the realm of Olympus by myself it was a very steep climb up the

Mountain every time I thought I was making progress the road kept getting longer and longer eventually I was getting very tired and my feet were giving out chilio keep going it’ll be worth the struggle I can’t do this I collapsed on the ground and blacked out

On days 92-93 I woke up on the back of the horse this was no ordinary horse it was my friend Celeste you’re awake I managed to get rid of those angels and find you I’m glad I showed up when I did he looked exhausted I thought I’d give you a lift at the

Rest of the mountain I relaxed for the rest of the day and used the second to last charge of hermes’s wand in preparation for the final battles ahead the Pegasus and I finally reached the edge of the clouds there was an archway that read the city of Olympus here we

Are but shouldn’t there be a champion to stop us you’re right where is the Sphinx as soon as I said this a sphinx suddenly stepped out from Beyond the clouds of the city Holt mortal creatures State your business are you the Sphinx of Zeus that I am

Your business I wish to defeat you in a challenge to gain your artifact I see many have tried to earn the shield of Zeus but none have succeeded you have confidence in your abilities I was ready for any challenge she threw my way you must solve this riddle which is the

Creature that has one voice but has four feet in the morning two feet in the afternoon and three feet at night I had to think long and hard about what the answer to this riddle could be no creature in the world had one voice but switched feet throughout the day do you

Have your answer young Medusa I couldn’t solve this riddle on my own I needed guidance Athena please I need your help on days 94-97 I appeared in the Divine dream space once more you don’t need my help to solve this riddle the answer to this riddle is you cilio you were once a

Young Medusa who world into the darkness to escape the wrath of Zeus then you grew up and grew stronger you stood on your own two feet and became a confident Medusa and when you take on Zeus you will hold the staff of Dionysus and the Trident of Poseidon as your third arm

You have your singular voice to strike down the reign of the mighty king of Gods you have the support of several other gods who agree with me there must be consequences for Zeus’s actions good luck cilio remember why you are doing this I snapped out of my trance and

Found myself once again in front of the Sphinx Sphinx the answer to your riddle is me I am this creature hmm that is correct you have defeated me I am quite surprised young Medusa by defeating the final Champion I grew as large as a God and my petrifying Powers grew even

Stronger the Sphinx Unleashed a large divine shield for me to take this is Aegis Michelle build up Zeus it can Shield you from his powerful lightning attacks wow this will be very helpful Olympus Celeste and I pass through the clouds and arrived in the city of

Olympus I wish I could be of more Health but I need to go and rescue my siblings I hope you find your mom Celio you’ve got this you’ve helped me more than enough Celeste good luck as Celeste flew away I set my sights on the Hall of Gods

On days 98 and 99 I entered the Hall of Gods all of the Gods sat on their Thrones including Dionysus Hermes Poseidon Aries Hades and Athena it can’t be he’s here the hero of the prophecy is here Medusa you’re the one who defeated our Champions that’s right but I didn’t

Do it alone I had some friends on my side you will pay for what you’ve done with your life promise without a moment’s hesitation Aries Hades and Poseidon rushed in at me and began to attack ah okay three against one that’s unfair they didn’t listen though and kept unleashing powerful

Abilities at me Harry summoned a Shockwave of flames using his sword that did loads of damage to me hear the sounds of War Medusa this battle shall be your undoing I swiftly dodged the strikes and did my best to fight back using the artifacts I had gathered on my

Journey but his sword strikes were really strong there’s no way I can win this unless I waited for an opening and then aimed my gaze at Ares turning him to Stone looks like your abilities have grown strong enough to turn Gods to Stone but just then I was hit by a

Torrent of blue flames bring it I was able to evade the flames and wear down Hades trying to avoid my gaze Haiti sent a wall of flames my way but I used Zeus’s Shield to guard me seizing the opportunity I stared Hades right in his eyes turning him to Stone

Too finally Poseidon summoned his Trident and Unleashed a powerful wave of water but I refuse to be overpowered give up now boy and I shall Grant you a quick and painless death I’m good thanks I use my own Trident to subvert his water attacks and tried to strike him

With my sword I dodged and weave through his watery Onslaught and finally met eyes with the god of the seas dumb foolish mortal I will have my revenge as beside on turned to stone the other gods arose from their chairs ready to fight enough guys you know this is wrong don’t

You see this Medusa is helping us his goal is to defeat Zeus defend this Medusa yes Celia was my Champion I have chosen him for a very specific reason brothers and sisters don’t you want to see some change in leadership isn’t that what you all have

Wanted for so long Zeus has held us and Olympus in an iron grip for centuries and now we have a chance to take him down well I don’t like this much nowadays either honestly I’ve been kind of rooting for y’all wrong Celio go forth cilio fulfill the prophecy thanks

Guys now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go kill a God on day 100 I entered the final chamber of the hull of gods the mighty Zoo sat on his throne and next to him was a large cage mom cilio Zeus we meet again I’m here to finish the

Prophecy and defeat you once and for all you think you can defeat me I’m freaking Zeus you underestimate me just as I underestimated you say how do you want to finish this I propose a one-on-one duel perfect let’s settle this I prepared for a long and tough battle I

First slashed at him a couple of times with the sword of Ares which easily cut through his heavy armor ah I see you’ve collected the artifacts of my fellow Gods I then created Vines to block myself from Zeus so I had time to put on my invisibility helmet once Zeus blasted

Through the vines I was nowhere to be seen instead I had been sneaking around the wall of vines to a spot behind him gotcha I struck Zeus hard from behind knocking him into a nearby pillar you little snake that’s what we are don’t wear it out Zeus threw another lightning

Bolt which hit me I had to use the healing one to regenerate my hearts one final time before it vanished why are you still alive you should be dead I Won’t Give Up Zeus this is all your fault this prophecy can’t be undone Zeus threw one massive lightning bolt but I

Took out the shield just in time the lightning bounced off the surface of the shield and hit Zeus right in the chest Zeus fell to his knees Medusa this cannot be you defeated me the prophecy is complete release my mother all right here he tossed me the key to

Open the cage also some of your God friends don’t like the way you’ve been running things around here I think in exchange for me sparing your life you should put Athena in charge Athena I won’t do that just then Athena walked in to back me up I think you should listen

To him Zeus he’s sparing your life fine I was getting tired of running things around here anyways you can have your stupid Throne just like that Zeus vanished I ran over to the cage and unlocked it you did it Celio I’m I’m so proud of you my son you saved the day

Anything for you Mom

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as MEDUSA in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Silio on 2023-08-10 13:03:41. It has garnered 64276 views and 1247 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:34 or 3214 seconds.

Today, I Survived 100 DAYS as MEDUSA in super survival HARDCORE Minecraft! As an awesome MEDUSA, I’ll get stronger and learn to use MY TURNING TO STONE ABILITY, ANCIENT GREEK ABILITIES, AND GREEK GOD ABILITIES, and MEDUSA attacks, and learn my Minecraft End Minecraft Ender Powers, and my Minecraft MEDUSA POWERS, have fun and laugh funny. I’ll explore the Minecraft OVERWORLD, and END and end cities in hardcore mode challenge! My goal is to speed and speedrun save my family and Steve and all other Minecraft Mobs and the earth from my nemesis the evil ZEUS, and other MINECRAFT STORY MODE ENEMIES, build the best and strongest base and an epic MEDUSA HOUSE and 300 IQ house farm, and slay enemies such as the ENDER DRAGON and HEROBRINE! Explore caves while making friends and recruiting epic mobs and have awesome adventures like Zozo, Aphmau, Bronzo and Maizen and beat the 100 day challenge!

#100days #minecraft

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as MEDUSA in HARDCORE Minecraft!