I Survived 100 DAYS as SHADOW from SONIC in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

On day one, I spawned in as Shadow the Hedgehog! “Hey, check out my stats! Look  how many hearts I have! Oooo,   I also have a shiny red stone in my  inventory. I wonder what that is for. But what’s this? Ugh! I’m stuck  in some kind of glass tube!

“Hey! Let me out of here!” Just then I saw a young girl walk slowly up to me. “Who are you?” “*Cough* I’m Maria. I know we were very  close, but I don’t have much longer. My   sickness is worsening. I’m going to get you  out of here before it’s too late. *Cough*  

You must Find the seven chaos emeralds.  Everyone’s fate depends…on…you.” Maria touched the glass and  everything started shaking! Just then robots burst into the room  and started firing, hitting Maria. “Maria!” She fell to the ground and was gone. All of a sudden, everything around me went  hazy. I was being teleported somewhere!

Next thing I knew, I was  in a green field somewhere. “Huh? What’s this? I’m a baby hedgehog  now! I’m not very strong at all.” “Come into the den, Shadow. You’ve played  long enough in the field. It’s nap time.” I looked for the voice,  

And saw someone who must be my mom. But  I was starting to feel dizzy and weak. “I’ll make sense of this after I sleep.” I went into the den, and took a nap. On day two I woke to the sound of shouting!

I ran out of the den and saw my mom being  chased by none other than Sonic the Hedgehog! “I can sense you have a chaos stone  here! And you’re gonna give it to me,   Cuz I gets what I wants, ya dig?”

“I don’t have any emeralds! I swear.  Leave my family alone, you big bully!” I couldn’t believe how mean Sonic was being! This  wasn’t like the Sonic I knew. What was going on?? “Hey, leave my mom alone! She didn’t do anything   to you. Since when did you  become the bad guy, Sonic?”

“Who is this pip squeak? What, were  you born yesterday?? I’m the greatest   super villain to ever exist!  And don’t you forget it, kid.” “Go inside, Shadow! Dr. Eggman will  be here any moment to help us.” Dr. Eggman? Helping civilians?  What was this? Opposite world?

“Sorry kid, your Mom is going with me until I find   the chaos stone she is hiding But I’ll  leave you with a little parting gift.” He placed some TNT at the  den and it blew it to pieces!

I tried to get to my mom, but Sonic  grabbed my mom and in no time, he was gone! He was so much faster and stronger  than me now. Then I had the thought-   Maria must have sent me to an alternate dimension!

“I better get some tools and build some  shelter from mobs. And I need to rescue   that lovely owl that is apparently my mom. I’ve  never had a mom before. I have to protect her!” I got to work punching some nearby  trees. With the wood I collected,  

I made myself a crafting table,  then crafted a sword and a pickaxe! With the leftover wood, I made a basic  shelter to hunker down in until I knew   what to do next. Later I’d turn  it into something truly special! I finished it in time before  any spooks came out to get  

Me. I wasn’t certain about anything anymore. Not in this weird reality. On day three I decided to go explore the area.   Maybe Sonic wasn’t too far away.  And then I could get my mom back. As I explored, I noticed a few gold rings  floating in the air. I collected them and  

Followed in their direction. I could still  run fairly fast, even for a little guy. They led me to a beach, where I  started thinking about my first   problem. Sonic was looking for chaos emeralds too. “Wait a minute. Maybe I really do have one.  Maybe that’s why he was drawn to the den.”

I pulled out the red stone in my  inventory. Yeah…this was definitely one. “That’s a mighty big stone for a little  guy like you. Let me help you with that.” I turned and saw a bat lady standing next to me. “Rouge?” “!!!HUH!? How do you know my name??”

“We’ve met before. But when I was much taller. I’m   guessing I’m in an alternate reality  seeing as you don’t know who I am.” “Ok, pip squeak. Sounds like your  bottle of milk went sour. That,   or you’re messing with me. And  nobody messes with me, Sugar.”

She went to nab the red stone, but I was  quicker than her and dodged her advances. “In my world, we’re part of Team Dark. I  was sent here to save this world. Maybe   after you’ve had some time to think, we  can join forces. Until then…I’m out.”

I ran as fast as I could so Rouge  couldn’t get the stone. If she was   anything like she was in the world I  came from, she was an expert thief. I made it back to the shelter and  decided now that Rouge was on my radar,   I’d better make some improvements.

“I better start mining some stone!” I ducked into a nearby cave and mined  out a solid amount of stone. Using the   stone I improved my shelter.. Then I used the  remaining stone to craft a set of stone tools. Just as I finished, a bunch of crabs  came crawling at me out of nowhere!

“Looks like I’m in a pinch.” I took out my new stone  sword and started swinging. What a bunch of crabs! I  didn’t do anything to you!“ It’s a good thing I had just made my new sword,   because I was able to deal with them  quickly. When the last one disappeared,  

I saw it had left behind a pair of shoes on  the ground, along with some crab meat. Cool! “I’ll try these on tomorrow. For now, I  better get inside before more mobs come!”  On days four and five I woke up hungry so I filled  

Up on some crab for breakfast. I’d need  to stretch my legs after a meal like that. “Let’s see what these shoes can do.” As soon as I put them on, I  started growing and gaining hearts! “Finally! I’m a normal sized hedgehog. Not  as big as I was, but it will do for now.”

I immediately sprinted around the area. “Yeeeehaaa!” I spotted another trail of gold rings and  followed them up and over a grassy hill. I soon found myself blazing  through a jungle biome,   when I came across a big purple cat going fishing. “Big?” “Oh. Howdy. Who are you?”

I introduced myself and explained why  I was in this world. In my world Big   was a good friend to sonic. I asked  him if he was friends with Sonic. “Friends with that mean dude? Nah.  I’m just friends with Froggy here. I   don’t know much about anything else than fishin’”

Big’s frog friend greeted me. “You’re just like the Big I know.  And he always helps when the world   needs him. Will you come back to  my base and be part of my team?” “CROAK!” Froggy and Big agreed and I led them  back to my humble base. To no surprise,  

I had some visitors already at the base. Some orbinauts were surrounding  the base, we couldn’t get in! Big and I swung into action, literally.  We used our swords and bigs fishing rod   to get rid of all them, but one had  creeped up on me! It was about to take  

Me out! Luckily Big caught sight of it,  and gave it a big thump, taking it out. “Whew, that was a close one,  thanks Big! I owe you one.” To pay him back, I decided to make him his own  special box house. Cats love boxes, and I wanted  

To show him I appreciated him. The house was  soon done, and Big and Froggy checked it out. “Not too shabby! This will do great! Thanks bud!” On days six through eight I woke up to the  smell of fish and carrots. I went outside and  

Saw Big and Froggy had built a carrot garden!  Big was by a campfire, cooking up some fish. “Hope you’re hungry!” Big tossed some cooked fish over to me,  and I gobbled them right up. I had no   idea how I had survived without  him! I thanked him for breakfast.

“So there’s a cave nearby that I  wanted to explore. We should see   if there’s any iron in there, just  in case Sonic decides to show up.” Big agreed and Froggy hopped on his back. We searched the cave, and were lucky enough to  find lots of coal, and just a little bit of iron!

We walked outside and I noticed  there was a whirring sound,   and from out of the trees came a drone! “That’s one of Sonic’s drones!” I got my sword out and started trying to cut it   down, but it wasn’t so easy.  I was missing a lot of hits.

Luckily Big knew what to do. He got out his  fishing pole and began pulling it down out   of the sky. As it fell to the ground, I ran  over to it and smashed it with my sword!. “This was a piece of cake, like air wack-a-mole–”

Just as I said it, another drone came out  of nowhere, and dropped a bomb on Big!!!! The explosion was enormous and knocked me back. I  got up and bolted back to the fiery embers. To my   utter horror, nothing of Big remained. The blast  was so powerful, that Big the Cat was no more.

‘NO!! Big! I’m so sorry! I got you into  this mess! And poor Froggy! Gone too!” My sadness turned to red hot rage. ‘I WILL AVENGE YOU, BIG AND FROGGY!” It was then that I noticed a small  red wisp staring at me. It looked sad.

“Oh no, did those bad guys use your powers  for evil? I’m sorry. I know you only like the   good guys, it wasn’t your fault. Come on. I will  look after you. You can come back home with me.” Once we arrived back at the base I made a monument  

For one of my friends. I was  so sad I couldn’t see them.   Using some of the materials I got from  the drones and mine, I upgraded the base   and made a spot for the red wisp to stay.  It was time to start plotting my revenge. Time to get crafty.”

With the little bit of iron I collected,  I managed to make myself an iron sword and   chestplate. I would need to find more iron later. On days 9-10 I awoke with a start- My Father was   in my room! Well, not really. It was a hologram  being projected in my room via my fathers  

Powers. He was searching for me. My father–or  creator, as some would call him– was…BLACK DOOM. He’s not the kind of dude you want to be related   to. He doesn’t care about others. I was  only created by him to do his bidding.

“Shadow. I sense you. You are close. But not  close at all. You will return to me. And we WILL   finish what we started. Mankind will be fed  to my army and the world will be mine. And  

If you do not return…I will find you soon. It’s  only a matter of time. Thus saith Black Doom.” The holograph disappeared as quickly as it  arrived. Black Doom was hot on my trail. I needed to speed up my  search for the chaos emeralds. 

For days 11 through 12 I fortified my base,  seeing as Black Doom was searching for me. I   would need a lot more protection. I set up some  torches too, to keep the bad mobs away at night. With that complete, I decided to go  check out the snow biome to see if I  

Could find some chaos emeralds. I had to  start somewhere! I hadn’t traveled far,   when suddenly I ran into a  group of strange looking robots. “Sonic’s henchmen creations!” I grabbed my weapon and hit the robots. It  only took a couple hits to disable them,  

But the weird thing was–there were rabbits  inside the robots that hopped away to freedom. “Sonic, you really are just like Dr.  Eggman. An evil animal snatcher.” Eventually I made it to the snowy biome.  I was racing across the cold terrain,   when something even faster came whizzing past me.

I stopped running, and a silver hedgehog  came and stopped in front of me. “Silver?” Just as I said his name, the  hedgehog hit me with a blast! “Stand down, enemy! Sonic told me you’re the   one trying to steal all the  chaos emeralds for yourself!

“Not for myself. I’m finding them to help save  my world from destruction! Sonic is the evil one! “He said you were the evil one!” “Well, seeing as he kidnapped my mom and blew  up her house, and I didn’t kidnap anyone,  

And befriended a wisp, I’d say you were lied  to. Wisp only befriend good beings, right?” “Oh…that actually makes a lot of sense…I have  a wisp friend too. And so does Dr. Eggman.” Silver told me I should talk  to Dr. Eggman as he would be  

Able to help me. He offered to take me to him. I agreed and invited Silver to join me back at  the base. We could go find Dr. Eggman tomorrow. He agreed and we raced back to the base.

Before we could go to sleep though, I had to  make Silver and his wisp their own room. I put   something together quickly. I thought it turned  out pretty good! Tomorrow I would find Dr. Eggman!  On days 13 to 15 Silver told me I could  find Dr. Eggman in the mushroom fields.

“Since you can find your way, I’ll keep watch  over the base in case Sonic comes around.” I thanked him for his help, then headed off  toward the mushroom fields. When i got there,   I noticed there were some gold rings  along the path in the mushroom fields,   which I happily collected as I ran.

Just then a giant bear robot jumped out of hiding   and attacked me! He instantly drained  a lot of my health. I was in bad shape,   it looked like there was no way I could win!  Just then, someone dropped down from the sky. “Looks like you can “bear”ly defend yourself.”

Rouge the bat took out a diamond sword and  smacked the robot bear, finishing him off! “Woah, talk about timing! Why did you help me? “I’m a part of the Anti-Theft Coalition. I’ve been   surveilling you. I think you really were  telling the truth. So I wanted to help.”

I was glad to hear she believed me. But I still   wasn’t sure I could trust her! She  was a notorious thief after all. “By the way, there’s a shortcut to Dr. Eggman’s if   you head that way. You’re welcome.  Now try not to die. I’ll be around.”

Rouge jumped into the sky and flew away.. “Well, thanks for the tip I guess!” I turned toward the shortcut and continued  making my way toward Dr. Eggman’s.  On days 16 to 19 I took the shortcut through  the mushroom fields. I was looking around  

For Dr. Eggman when Silver came  running up at lightning speed. “Shadow! Sonic’s men are on their way to your  base. We’ll need your help to defend it!” I nodded and Silver and I ran back  to the base as fast as we could.

By the time we arrived, my base was  on fire, with robots shooting at it,   and there was someone else  I knew from my world there. “Tails.” But he was controlling the robots! He  was clearly Sonic’s right hand henchman. Silver ran at Tails before I could make  a move. Tails easily knocked him away,  

And Silver ran off wounded! “Heal up Silver, I’ll handle this!” I ran around and quickly assaulted  the robots, breaking them to bits.. With the robots all defeated, I turned to Tails. “The Tails I know would never help an evil  villain like Sonic. You hurt my friend! GAAH!”

I ran right at him, but he jumped  into the air and hovered above me.   His tail gave him the ability to float. “Sonic sends his regards…and destruction.” Tails flew above the house blowing it up  entirely and flying away and out of sight.

I had no choice but to stay and rebuild  everything. Dr. Eggman would have to wait. That’s when I noticed some animals  watching me from a hiding spot. “Who are all these creatures?” “They are animals that have  fled from Sonic’s attempts to   turn them into Robots. Word has  spread about you, it appears.”

They were all welcome to stay. Looked  like I’d need to start from scratch   anyways, the base was really destroyed. I would need a lot more space for my base. I had to go collect way more resources than I had. “I’ll be back in a flash.”

Once I had enough materials, I expanded  the floor plan and made rooms for the   different animals. I made sure  I had a furnace too. I also set   up a perimeter around the house to help  keep the robots and other bad mobs out. It was looking good.

“I should finish getting more iron so I can  upgrade the rest of my tools and armor.” I ducked into a nearby cave, and was  lucky enough to find a big stash of iron! “Oooh, yeah. Now we’re talkin’.”

I mined up as much as I could, then smelted  it all down back at my base. Then I used it   to make the rest of my armor, as well  as all the other tools I would need. “Let’s see Tails try to beat me now!”

On days 20 to 22 I wanted more food around  to eat, so I went looking for more options. I ran to a wheat field and gathered  some wheat for bread and cakes. I noticed some motobugs riding towards me. “These guys have no clue  who they are messing with.”

I ran circles around them, I  ran so fast that I started a   fire in the wheat and the motobugs caught on fire! “You guys are toast.” I heard some sheep bleating and found  a flock of them nearby. I herded them  

Back to the base and made them a pen. I  wanted to use their wool for my statue. I laid down grass and wheat in their  pen so it would be a cozy spot for them. “I hope you like it.” I then started crafting materials so I could start  

Working on my statue. I knew  exactly what I wanted to make! But what do you think it is I’m  making ? A pretty blue mushroom ?  A statue of black doom picking his nose?  Let me know your guess in the comments! On days 23 through 26 it was now time 

To go find my new mentor so I traveled  back toward the mushroom field. I soon   reached the shortcut, and followed it  until I arrived at the mushroom fields finally found what had to be Dr. Eggman’s base. At  first I thought it was just another tall mushroom.

It was weird imagining being nice to him.  I usually just wanted to knock him out! “Hello there young hedgehog. Kindly turn back.  This island is not safe for you, I’m afraid.” His voice came over a loud speaker.

“But I’m actually here because I need your  help. I want to defeat Sonic, free my mother,   collect the chaos emeralds, and save  mankind from my father, Black Doom.” “….BAHAHAHAH! That’s a good one, son. Did one  of my friends put you up to this? Those rascals.”

“No! I’m serious. I was told you could  help me become strong and knowledgeable   enough to defeat the evil of this world  and mine. Are you going to help me or not?” “Hmmmm…tell you what. If you can  run around this island by the time   I count to 30…I’ll Take you on as my apprentice.”

I smirked. “You’re on.” Before he even began counting, I ran as fast as my   legs could carry me. I was blitzin’  around the island like no tomorrow. By the time I got back to Dr. Eggman, he  had only gotten halfway through counting. “Hmmm…most impressive. Yes. Yes,  

I think you will be a very good opponent for  Sonic. Come inside, come tell me your story.” From days 27 through 31, Dr. Eggman began  training me to detect Chaos emeralds,   and go up against Sonic’s robots. We did training every day. Running, punching, learning   how to reprogram robots,  meditating, and a lot more.

While I stayed there, I told Eggman  about my life story…and about Maria. “Do you have a granddaughter in this world?” “Indeed I do. She went to  college to become a scientist.   No illnesses—except the one in her brain.” “Huh?” “Oh! Nothing. Just muttering nonsense  to myself. Maria is fit as fiddle!”

It was the best news I heard this entire  time. In this reality she was safe and alive. It was time for my final challenge. “In the Great Mountains there is a chaos  emerald. If you can find it and get through  

The many traps and defeat the foes that  live there…your training will be complete.” “I will be back in a flash.” Before I left, Dr. Eggman  handed me a pair of new shoes. “I noticed your shoes were looking  a bit run down. I took the liberty  

To make you a new pair, and  added some upgrades as well.” “Whoa! These look pretty cool! Thanks!” I put on the shoes and went on my hunt for  the chaos emerald in the Great Mountains. “These shoes are incredible! I was even FASTER!”

I arrived at the mountains shortly, and I  followed the vibrations to where the emerald was. Eventually I came to a cave Inside  was a purple tchaos emerald! There   was also a big robot! The Robot looked like Sonic. “” Fast as a whip I sped over to the  robot and deprogrammed him! He was  

Now a docile robot and let me take the emerald.  I then programmed the metal sonic  to only try and destroy Sonic. “Let’s give Sonic a taste of his own medicine.” With the emerald in my possession,  I sped back to Dr. Eggman.

On days 32-35 I arrived at Eggman’s base  and presented the emerald to Dr. Eggman. “Astounding! You really are the real deal!  Sonic is going to have to really watch out   for you. Here, take this. It’s a fancy new  weapon I created. It should come in handy.”

“Thank you, Dr. Eggman. I’m so  glad you aren’t an evil maniac,   like in my world. Anyhow, I hope to see  you around. I still might need your help.” I said goodbye and zoomed away back  toward the base. I couldn’t wait to   tell everyone I had collected another emerald.

Before I could get home though,   I saw something terrifying chasing  a rabbit in the field. It was Sonic! Oh no! He’s trying to get more animals  for his robots. I’ve got to stop him! I   snuck in closer and took aim with the  new weapon Dr. Eggman had given me.

“Let’s see how he likes this!” I fired it off, hitting Sonic! What I failed to  remember though, is now he would be attacking me! “YOU AGAIN! GET OVER HERE!” I took out my sword and started  swinging, but Sonic was way too  

Strong! I had to get out of there, but how?  Sonic was too fast for me to just run away! “What’s this? Do I sense chaos emeralds on you?” Uh oh, I had to do something, and quick! Using  my new shoes, I started running around Sonic,  

Encircling him in flames! While he was  distracted, I was able to make my escape. “I’ll find you!!!” I was mad at myself for failing,  Sonic was going to just keep capturing   animals. Clearly I wasn’t fully  ready to go toe to toe with him.

I noticed some gold rings and decided to go  collect them, even though it was getting dark. As I was collecting them I was  suddenly surrounded by a wither! It hovered above me and shot its skulls. I wasn’t  able to dodge them all, and got hit by a skull.

“My health bar! It’s gone black!  Was I dying?! What was this?!” I wasn’t going to bother with this creep.  I just got out of there. I ran. Fast! After all that training here I was running  from this mob, and hiding from Sonic. Maybe  

I was just a big failure after all. On days 36 to 39 I arrived back at   the base. I greeted everyone, and although I  was feeling deflated from my lack of success,   I still had gotten a chaos emerald and  programmed that Metal Sonic. I had some wins.

I was telling everyone about my adventure when  I heard something outside. I went to take a look Tails and the robots were back! “Come on! I just got back!  Don’t you guys have a life?.” I hurried and ran around, quickly taking out  each robot. With my training from Dr. Eggman,  

I knew just where to hit  them to take them down fast. “WHAT?! What are you doing?!” Tails was so shocked, I ran up  to him before he could react. “We’ve got you now, Tails. We are  throwing you in jail for rehabilitation.”

Silver then quickly built a small  jail cell, and I threw Tails into it. “We’ll deal with you later.” I turned to Silver and told him  we might be able to use Tails as   leverage to get my mom back! Silver  agreed. He also had another idea.

“I was just about to go into a cave  before Tails showed up. I need some   diamonds for the enchantment table  I’m making. I thought we could get   blast protection on our armor.  Would you mind finding me some? “No problem!”

I made my way into the cave and dug  deep under the ground. At long last,   I came across a stash of diamonds! “Yes! Just what I was looking for! I  started breaking all of the diamonds.   As I broke the last block of diamond ore,  I saw there was a chest buried behind it!

“Woah, what is this for?” I opened the chest and saw it contained  a map! I wasn’t sure where it led to,   but I pocketed it for later examination. I soon arrived back at the base,   and handed the diamonds to Silver.  He went off to the crafting table,  

Then came back and gave me the finished enchanting  table! He also gave me a bunch of bookshelves. I then got to work putting together an enchanting  area! Since we had bookshelves, our enchanting   table was going to be all powered up. Once it  was finished, I was feeling pretty good about it.

I then put our armor on the table, and got  it all enchanted up with blast protection. “Sonic is going to have a  tough time blowing us up now!”  On days 40 to 43, I inspected  the map and saw that it led to   another treasure chest. It was worth looking into.

I took off, leaving Silver  behind to keep an eye on Tails. As I followed the map, I nearly  ran off the side of a cliff! “Woah! I’ve gotta watch where I’m going.  But how am I supposed to get across this?” That’s when I noticed, there was a plane nearby!

“Let’s see if this goose can fly.” I started it up and drove off the  cliff. Luckily for me, it flew! “Whoa! I’m gunna be motion sick after this!” I checked the map and saw I was getting close, so  I brought it down for landing. I was able to land  

Without crashing into anything. No villages  flattened, or trees taken out. That was a big win. I got out of the plane and  heard some strange noises. A pack of wolves were howling and coming at  me. They must have seen me flying overhead. “It’s another hedgehog!! Get him!  Hedgehogs are nothing but trouble!”

Sheesh, these wolves sure were judgy. But they   were right about me. I was going to  give them trouble. Lots of trouble. There were more of them than me, but  I was trickier than they knew. I took   out my weapon from Dr. Eggman,  and managed to knock them out.

I took out the map, and saw I was right next to  the X! I started digging and soon found a chest. “I hope this was worth the trouble!” I opened it and found a Diamond  axe,0 0 some massive knuckle gloves,   and a couple enchanted golden apples. “Aw yeah, it was worth it!”

I hopped back into the  plane and took off for home.  On days 44-49, my plane ran out of fuel,  but luckily I landed right by my statue. “Huh, I should probably expand this thing!” I checked the chest I kept near  the statue, and sure enough,  

I saw that Silver had filled it  with the blue blocks I needed. “Man, Silver is the best!” I got right to it, putting together the  next part of the statue. As I built,   I couldn’t help but think about home.  Even if my home was…not much of a home.”

As I was admiring the work I had done  so far, Silver came running over to me. “Hurry, there’s a gang of zombies attacking  the base, I’m worried they’ll break Tails out!” We got back to the base in time to see that a  gang of zombies was attacking the place. They  

Were even beating down the prison that Tails was  in. He was going to escape if they kept at it! We split up and took out the mobs. “Nice job, Silver. I think it’s high time  we really made this base more secure. It’s  

Only a matter of time before Evil Sonic  or his cronies come looking for Tails!” But what could I build to keep Evil Sonic out? Well I’m not sure I can keep Evil Sonic out,  but I can sure mess with some of his robots!

I built a taller fence around the  base as a little surprise for any   enemies. Those robots will  have trouble getting in now. On days 50-53 Silver went off to go  mining and I went to feed the sheeps. Just as I had finished taking care  of the sheep, Rouge came swooping in!

“You need to keep a better eye on your things!  Your friend Silver has been kidnapped!” What!? I’ve got to rescue  him. How could Sonic do this! “I’m not so sure it was Sonic. I didn’t recognize   the baddies. All I know is there were  too many of them for little ol’ me.”

“I’ve got to go after them, but I don’t  know if I’m strong enough yet. I have   to get more chaos emeralds! And  I can’t leave Tails unguarded!” “I’ll keep an eye on the little pipsqueak.  And as for your emerald. I’m one of the  

Chaos emeralds’ protectors, so  I know where you can find one.” “Yeah, that would be great! Where is it?!” I don’t just give it out to  anyone! But I’ll tell you what,   If you can get past the security measure,  you can borrow it for your little save  

The world quest thingy. Just be sure  to bring it back when you’re done.” She told me where to find the emerald. I sped to the building she described,   and couldn’t believe what I found inside. There was a maze of laser beams, and in  the center of it all laid a Green emerald.

In my world, Rouge and I had a lot  of experience busting into places   like this. I was able to glide through the lasers.  Finally I was at the center, and  I almost picked up the emerald. “Wait a minute. This isn’t a real  emerald. I’d feel it. This is a fake!”

The real emerald was nearby,  though. I could sense it. Just then I noticed a big snake  slithering around the room. I readied my weapon, but it didn’t attack. It just  stared at me. Its eyes were mesmerizing. They put  

Me into a trance! When I had come to, I awoke  to find myself holding the real green emerald! “Well, that was weird. But…cool. Works for me.” I hurried back to the base and Rouge was waiting   for me. I explained that the snake  had given me the emerald somehow.

“Then I was right. Your intentions are  pure. That snake peers into your soul and   if you are worthy…he imparts the emerald to you.  Congrats. I guess you’re not so dumb after all.” “Was that ever in question?” “Kinda.” On days 54-57, I kept searching for  more emeralds and signs of Silver,  

Since Rouge was keeping an eye on the base. “How many more chaos emeralds do I even need?” I thought hard back on what Maria had said. Do you remember? Was it 5 or 7? So far I had red, pink, and green.  Oh! I remember! She said..7! “Four more to go.”

“Do you always talk to yourself like  this? You have seen a psychotic robot   that looks like me running around here, have you?” “Evil Sonic!” “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Evil? Wow. You just  go around labeling people like that.   Should I call you Vain Shadow? Yeah,  I’ve heard all about how you think  

You’re the hottest thing in town. The  name is just Sonic. Not Evil Sonic.” “Not where I come from! The real Sonic is  good! And defends those in need of help!” “I help others. I help them   right off a cliff. BAHAHAHAH!!! I’m the one and only Sonic!!! No  

One is as fast as me! OR as strong!  Or as genius-er as me! Including you! “Not to mention, I’m the best at finding the  chaos emerald hiding nearby. AGH ignore that!   I mean to talk to Tails. Wait where is Tails?  I haven’t heard from him in days. That rat.

He had no clue where Tails was! I  wouldn’t reveal that I had him yet.   I equipped my knuckles. I needed to distract  him from the emerald so I could look for it. “You took Silver, didn’t you?” “I steal all sorts of materials.  Gold, silver, iron. I take it all?”

“You know what I mean” “Psh. Even if I did, who I  kidnap is none of your business.” “It is my business when you take  my mom, and destroy my friends! I took my shot. I bursted over to him and swung  with my powerful gloves. I nearly got him!

“Oooo, Feisty much? Don’t worry, you’ll  be imprisoned soon enough. Now what   was I doing… oh yeah, finding  Tails! Anyway, eat dust, Ug-o!” Sonic was gone in a blur “Ugh, I’ve got to hurry and get to the emeralds.   I’m sure he’ll remember why  he was here soon enough.”

I focused my attention and could feel a small   pull. I followed the feeling and soon  arrived at the base of a waterfall.  I kept looking around, then decided to take a  chance. I walked right through the waterfall! Behind it in a little cove was the  blue emerald! Just sitting there,  

Ready for the taking. No traps or guards! I now had the red, pink,  green, and blue chaos emeralds! On days 58 through 62 I decided to go mining back  by the base, since I didn’t have any other leads. “I just need to get enough diamonds  to finish the rest of my armor.”

I managed to find some more diamonds,  and even picked off a few pesky mobs   along the way. I managed to acquire  enough diamonds to make a full set! I took the diamonds back to the base and crafted  a full set of diamond armor excluding the boots

Once they were ready, I took everything  to my enchanting table and got to work. Doing all of This enchanting made me think of  Silver. I missed that guy. I hoped he was okay! Next I continued working on the statue,  

Finishing the head and the hair. It turned  out way better than I was expecting! I think you can all tell who it was now, right? I collected sand and gravel to turn into concrete   powder but while I was digging I  came across something unexpected. “What’s this? A book?”

The book had a recipe in it  for an invincibility potion! “It only lasts 20 seconds, but that  could come in handy, big time!” I collected the items that the recipe  called for and soon enough I had the   potion put together. To activate it,  I’d have to jump on it and smash it.

“I’ll save this for when I’m in a bind.” Then I saw Rouge flying towards  me, she landed and told me she   had found a map that might lead to  Silver’s captors, whoever they were. “Nice going, Rouge! I think you would  be an amazing addition to my team,  

You can stay at my base, what do you say?” “I thought I already was part of your team. And  don’t think I’m giving you that map for free,   I require compensation. I know  you can pay me in gold rings.”

Always so feisty, in both realities. I  gave her the rings and I took the map. I got to work building her a room at  the base. Rouge was very opinionated   on how it looked and made sure to give me  a lot of specifics before I had started.

I was exhausted after all that, so I  called it a night and went to sleep. “Tomorrow I will follow the  map and see where it leads.”  On days 63 through 66 I had yet another  visitor! It was Dr. Eggman, himself!

“Dr. Eggman! I’m glad to see you. I  was just about to follow this map to–.” “A map, you say? Well I’m glad I caught  you in time! I’ve been thinking it over,   and I want to be of more help.  

So I’m giving you this Ring. When it’s powered  up, it turns all your enemies into gold rings!” “Fantastic, thanks! This map might lead to Sonic,   and in turn, lead to my captive friends!  So thank you for the special weapon! ”

“Oh very good, lad! I’ll keep an  eye on the place while you’re gone. The map led me across a desert. Then  suddenly, I encountered a mob of giant   scorpions. I looked at my new ring weapon  and saw it was charged up. I activated it.  

POOF! The scorpions that were trying to stab  me turned to gold rings! I collected them. “Dang, this ring is awesome. It really put an end to my suffer-RING! Ha!” Just then, I saw a beautiful purple cat coming  up to me. She was clearly some kind of princess.

“I sense you are searching for chaos  emeralds, yes? By destroying these scorpions,   you have saved my people from a dangerous enemy.  You truly are a hero. I will bless you with help   when you need it most. WIth the power of the  Sol Emerald, I will repay your good deed.”

“Nice! I will remember this,  thank you, your highness.” I went on my way. On days 67 through   70 I was running through the jungle when I  finally reached the destination on the map. It was a mystical looking ruin. I ran up to the giant staircase  

Leading to the door of the temple ruins.  Inside were a bunch of big knuckled warriors. They saw that I had intruded and started coming   at me. I brandished my own pair of  knuckles, and they stopped advancing. They asked if I was part of the Knuckle Tribe.

“No. But I’m looking for my friend named Silver.   He was kidnapped and I have  reason to believe he is here.” “‘I’m over here, Shadow! There’s  no need to fight them. They are not   holding me hostage–anymore.  Thanks to Princess Tikal.”

“I’m sorry to worry you, strange visitor. My tribe  did kidnap Silver for his powers. But I convinced   my father and the tribe of their errors.Now  Silver helps us as a friend. Not as a prisoner.” Silver explained how Princess TIkal  had learned how to control chaos  

Emeralds so that their power would  not be explosive. They were in a   war against a mob of Endermen and had  been looking for ways to defeat them. Silver, taking pity on them after releasing  him, decided to stay and help them.

“I sense many chaos emeralds on you.  Please, come learn how to control the   chaos. WIth that much power…there could  be much destruction. It’s dangerous.” Silver and I were reunited and we both  trained with the Knuckle Tribe on how   to control the long lost art  of controlling chaos emeralds.

“My grandmother always taught me:  Chaos is power, power is enriched   by the heart. The controller is  the one that unifies the chaos.” They even showed me how to use my  knuckle gloves to maximize damage. I bowed to the princess. w

“I thank you for teaching me the  art of the chaos emeralds. I vow   to use them for saving the world, nothing else.” “Because I have seen into your heart,   I will gift you one final thing. The  Turquoise Chaos Emerald…is yours.” She revealed the emerald and handed it to me.  

All of a sudden I started to grow  and be stronger with more hearts! “I’m as tall as Silver now!  I’m full grown! FInally,   back to my normal size before  I arrived in this reality.” Suddenly the Knuckle clan was on high alert,  the Endermen were attacking! We ran out of  

The temple and fought the Endermen. With me  and Silver using our powers and new training,   we were able to help the tribe out and  take out most of them. The rest ran away. “I hope that teaches those Endermen a lesson.  Let us know if you ever need help again.”

We bowed and took our leave back to our base. On days 71-74 I Found lots of confused  creatures that had escaped being turned   into robots by Evil sonic. I felt so bad  for them, it was awful what he was doing. I invited them to come live at  the base, and they readily agreed.

“You’re very generous, Zozo, but I’m  not sharing my room. Just so you know.” “Don’t worry, I will add on to the  base so everyone has a spot. Did I   tell you Dr. Eggman is staying at  the base now? And so is Rouge.” “Rouge?! Are we sure we can trust her?”

“She helped me get a chaos emerald! She  talks tough but she has a good heart.” “Ok. If you say so.” We got home and introduced everyone   to each other. Silver helped me make  accommodations for the new arrivals. “I think they’re going to love it here!”

Once I was done I noticed one of Princess  Tikal’s men coming up to the base. I met   him outside the grounds. He said Princess Tikal  had been taken by the Endermen to a nearby camp. “Ah those Endermen are relentless!  I will save you, Princess Tikal!”

On days 75-78 I headed to the cave  where the Knuckle guard led me. There at the entrance was Princess TIkal! “I thought you were being held hostage!” “I’m sorry to worry you, but I  have something for you and I had  

To be sure you were an ally first.  The fact that you came to save me   proves to me you care about others,  and that you care for my people.” “Oh…ok, but have you heard of the  story of the boy who cried wolf?” She hadn’t, and it showed. 

Princess Tikal revealed what she had for  me, and it was another Chaos Emerald! “Where did you get this yellow chaos emerald?!” “Well…I had to steal it. From my father.  I wish he could be trusted with it,   but…he can’t. He is power hungry and  reckless. He kept it locked away in  

The ruins, but I figured out how to get  to it. He doesn’t know it’s gone…yet.” She also gave me a rod that had been with  the emerald. It contained a lightning bolt. I couldn’t thank her enough.  Just then we heard crashing  come through the cave..

It was a warden! He was massive, and super strong! He fired his sonic boom at us and we  jumped out of the way. I used my speed   to run circles around him, taking  slices of him with my diamond ax.

He was able to take a swing at me  and it knocked me over! As well as   knocking my heath down a ton. He was  about to take another big hit at me! I thought quick, and activated the  lightning rod Tikal had given me.

A great big bolt of lightning hit  the Warden, and destroyed him! “Phew. Thanks for the lightning rod .  I should be getting back to my base,   you’re welcome to come visit anytime you like.” She thanked me and said she needed to  get back to the ruins to face her father.

“Thank you for helping me save  the world, Princess Tikal.” On days 79 through 84 I got back home, and  decided to make some base improvements. Call me a softy, but I felt bad for how small  Tails prison was. I went ahead and changed  

It up for him a little. Maybe he didn’t  deserve it, but it never hurts to be kind. He didn’t say thanks when I finished,  but I could tell he appreciated it. Then I headed over to my crafting table, and  used the rest of my diamonds to make some armor  

For Rouge, Dr. Eggman, and Silver. I wanted  my friends to be just as prepared as I was! Then I had an idea! I decided  to try and get Tails to talk.   I went to the kitchen and made some dessert.

Then I got Silver and we decided to play  Good Cop, Bad Cop to get Tails to talk. I offered Tails a cookie, but  didn’t give it to him yet. “Tell us about Evil Sonic.  What’s he got up his sleeve?” He said he wouldn’t tell us unless we let him go.

“Fine! Then I’m eating your cookie!” “No! Wait! Gaaah! Fine. I’ll tell you.  He is working with some guy called Black   Doom to take the world. They have this  scientist that’s really lost their mind   and is making all sorts of brilliant and  deadly weapons. NOW GIVE ME THE COOKIE!!”

I tossed him the cookie. Well..this  situation was worse than I thought. Luckily…I only had 1 last chaos emerald to find. On days 85 to 89 I woke up to a commotion outside. Evil Sonic was outside taunting  the refugees on my base.

“Oh there, you are! I was looking for  you! Now I know where you’ve been hiding!” “How are you JUST figuring this out? Tails has   been here multiple times to  attack us on your orders.” “I’m too busy to bother with coordinates.  That was Tail’s Job before he went AWOL.” “I’M OVER HERE SIR!”

“What was that?! Tails?!” “No, that was…uh…Dr. Eggman.” “Dr. Eggman?! MY ARCH NEMESIS?!!” “NO! IT’S ME! TAILS! I’M  BEING HELD AGAINST MY WILL!” “Okay, fine. It is Tails. But you kidnapped my  mom. Give her back, and you can have Tails.” “You bit off more than you can chew,  

Dummy. Tails is coming with me. I don’t do  hostage negotiations. I take what I want!” “Not on my watch.” Dr. Eggman, Rouge, and Silver  all came out and stood behind me. Sonic was bewildered. “Oh. I see how it is! You are definitely  an enemy now! You will regret this!”

“No. I will never regret doing what is right.” Just then I started to level up again!  My hearts regenerated and added more!   My speed increased too. Sonic almost looked scared. “Eh..well! I’ll be seeing you soon, and I will get  Tails back! But until then, enjoy a little gift.”

Sonic released a bunch of droids into the base. We started fighting the drones that were shooting  at us and flying all around. As we fought I   checked my ring. It was still not fully charged.  Otherwise, it would have been super handy. In all the commotion, Sonic was able to escape. “Coward!”

We worked together and used our weapons  and cool powers to defeat the drones. “That was pretty awesome you guys.” On days 90 to 93 I was feeling really  awesome. We had totally taken down   those enemies with very little damage. How  hard could taking on Evil Sonic really be?

I wanted to finish my statue. I did the eyes and mouth,   careful to not make it look too  wonky. It was finally finished! “What’s with the shrine? Who is she?” “Before I say who it is…do you  know who it is? Take a guess.”

“Who are you talking to? To me, she looks just  like my granddaughter–before she… left home.” “That’s because it is her, in my reality.  She was the only person who was kind and   cared for me. She saved me so  that I could save the world.”

“Huh. That’s sweet–I guess. Actually it’s  really depressing. Kinda wish I hadn’t asked.” Dr. Eggman changed the subject. “Check out this upgrade I made!I call  them Cyclone wheel . They help you jump   high in the air with the science  of tornadoes beneath your feet!”

I added them to my shoes and I could  jump super high with them, almost flying! This was pretty cool! I never  thought I’d hear myself say this,   but I was glad to have Eggman on my team. On days 94 through 96 I still had  one more chaos emerald to find.  

I asked my team if they had any  good ideas on where to find it. “My intel suggests there should  be one on the highest peak of   the snowy abominable mountains.  It won’t be easy getting there.” Luckily, I was up for the  challenge. The very cold challenge.

I ran as fast as lightning towards the  mountain. When I reached the base of the   mountain, I used my Sole Busters  to help me jump up the mountain. I followed the chaotic pull to the  emerald. Eventually I heard some screaming. “Help! These goats are attacking me!”

It was a warmly dressed human running for his  life. With a few mountain goats right behind him. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Everybody calm down.” “Maaaaahh! He is a snoopy human! He has a map that   leads to our peaceful goat home. He  plans to bring hunters back here!” “It’s just a hobby!”

“Listen, human, how are you liking  all the goats hunting you right now?” “That’s completely different!” The human went to attack the goats, but in  an instant I ran up to the man and hit him,   knocking the map out of his hands.  Scared, he ran away into the forest.

“There, that ought to fix the problem!” The goats were so thankful, they gave  me some ice cream! Mmmmm Very delicious! At the top I found a white chaos  emerald, camouflaged by the snow. I took the white emerald.

Power surged through me! I had all 7 chaos  emeralds! I felt like I was going to explode! I did my chaos breathing and  was able to control the chaos. Then I ran back down the  mountain and back to the base.

On day 98 I returned back to the base  and showed my team all the emeralds I   had collected. Now I just needed to figure out  how to use them and not have them consume me. “The fact that you have all these emeralds on you  and you haven’t exploded into a million pieces,  

Means you are meant to be the keeper of  these stones. You will figure it out.” The only person I knew who ever  used them before in my world was   Good Sonic. But…I’m sure it would come easily.

It was time to prepare for my journey,  and I knew just the person to lead me to   Sonic’s base. But first, I needed to make  more cookies. Once I had a whole stack,   I went over to Tails to make him an offer. “Take me to Sonic, and all  these cookies will be yours.”

His hunger won and he agreed  to lead me to Sonic’s lair. On day 99 we arrived outside Sonic’s lair. It was a super big building with a  golden statue of Evil Sonic outside. “Ok, its go time.” I I told Tails to stay put where he is . Then I started fighting the robots  

That were guarding the doors. But I  had made a mistake, there were more   robots here than I thought! During all  the fighting, Tails managed to fly away! “Well, I just needed him to get me here and  I’m here. Hopefully I won’t regret that.”

At long last, I took out the robots, and the  way was clear to go inside. As I stepped into   the grand entrance though, the place was  packed with even more robots that before! “Oh no! How am I going to  beat all of these guys?!”

That’s when I remembered to check my  ring, and saw it was fully charged! “Get a taste of this!” I activated the ring, and turned  all of the enemies into gold rings. “Piece of cake! Now to find Sonic and end this.” “Looking for me?”

I turned toward the voice, and saw Sonic looking  at me! But he wasn’t alone. Standing next to him   was Tails, and to my horror, Black Doom! Then  someone else stepped out from behind them. “Maria?” It was Maria from Day 1 but she  looked different. She looked… evil!

“Looks like this is the end  for you Shadow ole pal!” “Not so fast!” I turned and saw Silver, Rouge, and  Dr. Eggman standing in the doorway! “Did you really think you didn’t need our help?” “Hello Maria! Good to see you, deary!”

“It’s Dr. Maria, Old Man. And I’ve had enough  of this meddling with our plans. This ends now!” Dr. Maria flipped a switch and a cage dropped down  from the ceiling, right over all of my friends! “Ah we really should have seen that coming.” “NOW. GIVE ME THE STONES, AND WE CAN FINISH THIS.”

My friends were trapped, and there was  no way I was going to be able to take   all of these guys on alone. I was doomed!  I needed to use the stones, but how?!  It was now day 100 and Black Doom was in  front of me. Dr. Maria was standing near  

My trapped friends, ready to inject them with  a sleeping serum. All hope was lost! Suddenly,   there was a bright light, and a portal opened  behind me. Out stepped a bright blue figure. “SONIC! GOOD SONIC!” “I thought you could use some help kicking  some evil rears. Whoa! I’m seeing double!”

“Welcome to the alternate reality! Don’t  be fooled, you’re a real big meanie in   this world. I have the chaos emeralds,  but I don’t know how to make them work.” “Let’s do this…together. Take your  emeralds out. Breathe. And let go.” “But what if they explode the whole  world? I have to control the chaos!”

“No. You need to welcome it.” I took them out and breathed. The emeralds floated around sonic and I. Then in   an instant we turned gold! We  were SUPER SONIC AND SHADOW! The enemies were in shock! “Let’s do this!” Sonic and I surrounded Black Doom,  

Punching him between us. He was no match  and couldn’t escape from our punches. While we were hitting him, Silver  managed to break a hole in the cage,   and gave Dr. Maria a smack on the head.  As he did so there was a spark and she  

Turned back to normal Maria! Evil Sonic had  planted a chip in her head to control her. “What happened? Where am I?” Back in the center of the room,  Black Doom was at his wit’s end,   in a flash, our punches were too much, and  he was destroyed! Evil Sonic came running  

Over to us and tried to fight, but I  knocked him out with a single punch! Tails took one look at us, and ran for the door. “Let him go, he’s no threat to us now.” I ran up the stairs and went through the  door Sonic and Tails had been in front of.  

Inside were a bunch of cages filled with  animals. Then I saw who I was looking for. “Mom! I’m here to rescue you!” “Oh Zozo, I knew you would come.” I broke my mom out of her  cage and we jumped for joy.

Later on we were all standing around back at the  base, as Sonic lit a portal back to our reality. “Well, are you coming?” I thought about it. There was  nothing for me in the old world. “No. I think I’ll stay here with my new family.”

“By the way Maria, in case you didn’t notice,   Zozo made a huge sculpture of  you, so don’t be freaked out.” ‘ROUGE!” Everyone laughed as we jumped for joy and  celebrated. Everything was finally back to normal.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as SHADOW from SONIC in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-05-05 21:15:00. It has garnered 5370769 views and 42043 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:25 or 2905 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as Shadow from Sonic in Hardcore Minecraft! Everything is backwards- Sonic is evil and Dr. Eggman is my friend! I’ll meet all kinds of familiar faces like Rouge, Silver, Tails, and Big. But will it be enough for me to take down Black Doom and the evil Dr. Maria?!

#minecraft #100days #sonicthehedgehog #shadow

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    Unbelievable! I React To SONIC 3 & MINECRAFT Movie TrailersVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Watched The SONIC 3 & MINECRAFT Movie Trailers’, was uploaded by MellVerse on 2024-09-06 22:45:07. It has garnered 43129 views and 2412 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:07 or 667 seconds. In This Reaction Video We’re Watching The Sonic 3 And Minecraft Movie Trailers And They Gave Off Two Different Reactions ———————————————————— Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEUgkAhSWYqG2IWvFXcJpgg/join Join PATREON For Poll Voting, Uncut Full-Length Reactions, Early Access And Behind-The-Scenes Content: https://www.patreon.com/MellVerseAHUOO ———————————————————— Follow My Socials… ✪ Main YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEUgkAhSWYqG2IWvFXcJpgg ✪ Gaming YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IAmMellowXVI ✪ Livestream Highlights… Read More


    INSANE FIRST DAY IN MINECRAFT HEROES! (New Project)Video Information This video, titled ‘MEIN 1. TAG… IN… MINECRAFT HELDEN?! (Neues Projekt)’, was uploaded by Chaosflo44 on 2024-07-31 10:00:28. It has garnered 140159 views and 9418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:01 or 2221 seconds. ➤➤ ❌🛑 **NEW** 1 WEEK LEFT: http://shop.chaosflo44.com ➤➤ 🌊🌴 **NEW** SUMMER EDITION: http://shop.chaosflo44.com ★★★ 📸🎉 **FOLLOW ME** INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/chaosflo1337 ↓FOR MORE MINECRAFT HEROES, DO THE FOLLOWING↓ ● 🍉 Subscribe + 🔔 to never miss a video! ● 👍 Thumbs up for more videos like this! 😀 ● 💬 Give feedback to support me! 🙂 →MINECRAFT HEROES← ★ Together with 21 other YouTubers,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Starter House Build! 🏠 #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Starter House Build! 🏠 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Starter House! 🏠 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Crazy Mid on 2024-09-20 09:10:00. It has garnered 5689 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Minecraft Starter House! 🏠 #shorts #minecraft In this video I will show you Minecraft new builds you didn’t know. The builds are for Pocket Edition. From a working lie detector to a working alarm system to secure your house in Minecraft. All build hacks are for Minecraft 1.20+ ——————————————– ——————————————– YOUR QUERIES :- minecraft shorts, minecraft shorts video, minecraft shorts hacks, minecraft shorts… Read More

  • WhimsyCraft SMP PvE McMMO 1.21 Plugins

    Welcome to WhimsyCraft! Hi there! I’m the owner of a small SMP-style server called WhimsyCraft! We’ve only been open for about 2 months and are always welcoming more folks to join our little community. Our server is primarily Java-based but we also have Geyser installed, so Console and PE players can join us too! Our IP is 104.12851.44 and the port for our bedrock players is 19132. Currently, we have around 12 players in total, so we’re still quite small. Join our Discord at https://discord.com/invite/kr5GgWCESC Our server focuses on PvE gameplay, but PvP is allowed as long as both parties… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I… (Friend Changes)

    Minecraft Memes - I... (Friend Changes)I think it’s safe to say this meme is mining for some serious laughs with a score of 31! Read More

  • Crafting Cash: Minecraft’s Profit Dash

    Crafting Cash: Minecraft's Profit Dash In the world of Minecraft, profits soar high, Developers rake in cash, reaching for the sky. With millions of players, buying skins and more, The revenue streams, a never-ending store. Updates and DLC, keep the game fresh, Players keep coming back, no need to stress. The developers smile, as the money rolls in, Their hard work paying off, a true win-win. So next time you play, in the world of blocks, Remember the devs, behind the clocks. Creating a game, that brings joy and fun, And profits galore, when all is said and done. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Sneaky Wedding Area in Minecraft SMP

    Sneaky Wedding Area in Minecraft SMP Minecraft: Creating a Wedding Area in SMP 303 Episode 54 Join the adventure in Minecraft SMP 303 Episode 54 as the player embarks on a creative journey to build a wedding area in their server. The virtual world of Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to express their creativity and imagination. Building a Dream Wedding Area In this episode, the player dives into the task of constructing a beautiful wedding area within the SMP 303 server. From designing the perfect altar to decorating the surroundings with flowers and lights, every detail is meticulously planned to create a romantic setting… Read More

  • EPIC Vx3 Minecraft Gameplay on The Hive!!

    EPIC Vx3 Minecraft Gameplay on The Hive!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing on The Hive’, was uploaded by Vx3 on 2024-07-08 05:31:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hope you enjoy the stream! #hive #minecraft #live. Read More

  • Beware the Devil’s Mod

    Beware the Devil's ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Never Play This Mod #shorts’, was uploaded by Its Devil 😈 on 2024-09-22 12:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Never Play This Mod#shorts Dive into the eerie world of Minecraft with the Jenny Mod in this spine-chilling #shorts video! Read More

  • “Beware! Ghasts in the Nether…Can You Survive?” #MinecraftGaming

    "Beware! Ghasts in the Nether...Can You Survive?" #MinecraftGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Beware the Ghasts! Surviving the Nether in Minecraft #Minecraft #DefeatGhasts#NetherSurvival#Gaming’, was uploaded by JaguarZ on 2024-07-10 08:16:45. It has garnered 472 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Discover how to conquer one of the most formidable foes in Minecraft – the Ghasts! These floating terrors of the Nether are notorious for their fireball-spewing abilities and explosive attacks. In this video, we’ll guide you through essential strategies to stay cautious and prepared while navigating the fiery terrain. Learn the secrets to aiming your bow and arrow with precision… Read More

  • Unbelievable ASMR Gaming: ALL About Minecraft! 🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Unbelievable ASMR Gaming: ALL About Minecraft! 🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤯 Minecraft Mania: EVERYTHING You Need to Know (#Minecraft, #MinecraftUpdate, #NewPlayerGuide)’, was uploaded by ASMR Gaming on 2024-04-25 23:25:57. It has garnered 4148 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Calling all Minecrafters, new and old! 🔥 Minecraft Mania is back in full force in 2024, and this video is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know! ⛏️ Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a curious newcomer, this jam-packed guide will have you crafting, building, and exploring like a pro in no time. Here’s what you’ll… Read More

  • Insane Azuya Family: 10k Villagers vs Enderdragons!

    Insane Azuya Family: 10k Villagers vs Enderdragons!Video Information This video, titled ‘10,000 VILLAGER BERJUANG DI ONEBLOCK MINECRAFT ! BISA MANCING ENDERDRAGON DI ATAS LANGIT’, was uploaded by Azuya Family on 2024-05-13 08:34:03. It has garnered 24655 views and 1278 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. SKY BLOCK HARDCORE 100 DAYS WITH HILARIOUS VILLAGERS! FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO CONTINUE LIKE AND SHARE THIS VIDEO OK! ENJOY THIS STORY IS JUST A ROLEPLAY NOTE: ALL YOUTUBERS HERE ARE NPCS (NOT REAL) Want to continue? First like up to 10,000 likes to continue part 2 inspiration: GroxMC, remanrhn, not safe, reff Join the… Read More

  • EPIC: SuperNorm VS Villagers Circle in Minecraft

    EPIC: SuperNorm VS Villagers Circle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Players Circle VS Villagers Circle in Minecraft’, was uploaded by SuperNorm on 2024-05-13 01:00:16. It has garnered 509123 views and 4241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. Players Circle VS Villagers Circle in Minecraft in this video I organized a challenge, a red circle of players against a red circle of residents, the last one to leave the circle will win! players built traps, residents fought with zombies and passed the Challenges and simulate civilization just like Grox Watch my other video I Made 100 Players Simulate Civilization in Jurassic… Read More

  • “🌭 FF KING KAMU 3300 DESTROYS ENEMIES in hilarious gaming showdown!” #funny#technogamerzgtav

    "🌭 FF KING KAMU 3300 DESTROYS ENEMIES in hilarious gaming showdown!" #funny#technogamerzgtavVideo Information This video, titled ‘hotdogs 🍔🥪 #funny#technogamerzgtav#ujjwalgamers#minecraft#gaming#techongamerzujjwalchaurasia #games’, was uploaded by FF KING KAMU 3300 on 2024-06-05 01:18:36. It has garnered 117 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Dolliv – 🔴 CRAZIEST Bedwars Moments!! 😱

    Dolliv - 🔴 CRAZIEST Bedwars Moments!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Grinding Bedwars and then idk we’ll see’, was uploaded by Dolliv on 2024-07-31 17:24:07. It has garnered 88 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:38 or 7838 seconds. 🫒 Hey, Dolliv here! Hope you’re doing great! 🫒 Join my Discord: https://dsc.gg/dolliv 🫒 Tags: Minecraft, Minecraft Java, Minecraft Bedrock, MCBE, MCPE, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Let’s Play, Minecraft Multiplayer, Minecraft Server, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Strategy, Minecraft Guide, Minecraft Tips, Minecraft Tricks, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Texture Pack, Minecraft Pack Folder, Minecraft Shaders, Minecraft Competitive, Minecraft Pro Player, Minecraft Ranked, Minecraft High Level Play,… Read More

  • Insane Zebra PG Invents Auto Oven! | Minecraft

    Insane Zebra PG Invents Auto Oven! | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘АВТОПЕЧ | Minecraft’, was uploaded by ZEBRA PG on 2024-03-26 16:42:56. It has garnered 949 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraftbuilds #bridaljewellery #minecraftmeme #meme #minecraftbuild #mcpe #funny #minecraftpc #stone #minecraftxbox #l #minecraftpe #lol #dankmemes #tutorial #red #minecraftersonly #fortnite #minecraftps #mojang #minecrafter #minecrafttutorial #minecrafters #gamer #gaming #minecraftindonesia #fortnitememes #hipbeltsforadults #mcpeindonesia #minecrafts #minecraft #minecrafters #minecrafts #minecraft_pe #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftindonesia #minecraftmemes #minecraftonly #minecraftbuilds #minecrafthouse #minecraftersonly #erpanituminecraft #minecraftparty #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftart #minecraftmeme #minecraftuniverse #minecraftdiaries #minecraftcake #minecraftanimation #minecraftparody #minecraftedit #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftps3 #minecraftskin #minecraftstorymode #майнкрафт #майнкрафтвидео #майнкрафтприколы #редстоун #redstone… Read More

  • Disenchanted SMP – Survival, Discord, Java, 1.21, NEW! Events

    The Disenchanted SMP Welcome to The Disenchanted SMP, a survival server with quests, player-run shops, a PVP arena, special events, and more! Join us today to help us grow and have some fun along the way. Discord: Join our Discord server Read More

  • Craft a Scarecrow in Minecraft: How-To Rhyme Galore!

    Craft a Scarecrow in Minecraft: How-To Rhyme Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re diving into building, with Scarecrows to revive. A tutorial for you, to craft with delight, In the pixelated world, where imagination takes flight. Inspired by others, we give credit where due, Sharing the love, for the builds that are true. With a Witchcraft Mod, by the talented 𝓜Ꮛ, Adding magic to the game, in a brand new way. Don’t forget my skin, a cute guy you’ll see, On Planet Minecraft, where I roam free. For more content and fun, check out my YouTube, @barryz_ is the channel, where the adventures… Read More

  • Hot Mess: Fitting Test vs Random Junk #minecraft

    Hot Mess: Fitting Test vs Random Junk #minecraft “When you’re trying to find the perfect outfit in Minecraft but end up looking like a hot mess instead. #fashionfail” Read More

  • Aman’s Epic Creation at White Stone Corner Station

    Aman's Epic Creation at White Stone Corner Station The World of Minecraft: Aman’s Masterpiece at Pak Shek Kok Station Introduction In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, Aman has showcased his talent and dedication in the construction of Pak Shek Kok Station on the EAL. This episode marks the ninetieth installment of the Burger Railway series, offering viewers a glimpse into the intricate and impressive work of Aman. Station Constructing Aman’s attention to detail and architectural skills shine through in the construction of Pak Shek Kok Station. From the platform design to the signage, every element has been carefully crafted to create a realistic and immersive… Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 3

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 3 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 Are you ready to learn Spanish while exploring the world of Minecraft? In episode 3, the plan is to head into the mines and search for valuable minerals… but unexpected battles and surprises await! Join Martin, your passionate Spanish tutor and gamer from Argentina, as we fight off enemies, gather resources, and improve your Spanish with clear, comprehensible input. Perfect for learners who want to expand their vocabulary while enjoying a thrilling Minecraft adventure. About Spanish Boost Gaming Martin’s goal with Spanish Boost Gaming is to help you learn Spanish in a fun… Read More

  • Insane Twist on Hive Minigame Now on Taco Tuesday!

    Insane Twist on Hive Minigame Now on Taco Tuesday!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive but Taco Tuesday (Minecraft Bedrock Stream)’, was uploaded by Quapot on 2024-09-04 17:45:36. It has garnered 370 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:27 or 7107 seconds. Hope yall enjoy the stream! (don’t forget to like the stream) ill try not to leave again lol ———————————————————– To become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxp2nvG5IV1wmnkt9RcpXdQ/join Discord Server: https://discord.gg/erz4ekPHHs Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/quapot 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@quapoop5883 Texture Pack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hepok9r5etothsv/Quapot+1k+pack.mcpack/file Minecraft Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/16348862/quapot/ PC Specs: SkyTech Blaze II Gaming Computer PC Desktop – Ryzen 5 2600 6-Core 3.4 GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 6G, 500G SSD, 8GB DDR4,… Read More

  • Unveiling the Next Minecraft Dimension!

    Unveiling the Next Minecraft Dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘Does Minecraft NEED A New Dimension?’, was uploaded by Techbot Gaming on 2024-09-03 18:00:33. It has garnered 4793 views and 268 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:38 or 458 seconds. Today I discuss whether or not Minecraft needs a new dimension and if introduced what it would need to fit into the game!! ENJOY 🙂 If you enjoy this video, I would appreciate a like and subscribe to help me reach my goal of 10k subs! Wanna see more? Look Below! What Could An End Update Actually Look Like:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mAa2d-oJVI&feature=youtu.be Whats Next For Minecraft:… Read More

  • Insane Realistic Minecraft Dogi Gameplay!

    Insane Realistic Minecraft Dogi Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft | Realistic water | lava | Slime block’, was uploaded by dogi on 2024-05-03 11:08:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ultra Realistic Minecraft / Realistic Water / Lava / Slime Block Authors of realistic videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/QuasarRM … Read More

  • Enter the Deadly Realm: Don-Poison uncovers Lost Villager in Minecraft

    Enter the Deadly Realm: Don-Poison uncovers Lost Villager in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Journey into the Unknown: Exploring the Lost Villager in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Don-Poison on 2024-01-13 13:30:07. It has garnered 55 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:25 or 205 seconds. Get ready for an exciting adventure as we explore the lost villager in Minecraft Survival mode! Join us as we journey into the unknown and uncover the mysteries of this “lost” villager. Are you up for the challenge? Let’s go! #MinecraftSurvival #LostVillager #Adventure. #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmovie Minecraft: The Lost Villager Like and Subscribe Thanks! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Minigames LIVE ft. Viewers! Don’t miss the GGS NEW TRIM 🫣

    EPIC Minecraft Minigames LIVE ft. Viewers! Don't miss the GGS NEW TRIM 🫣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HYPIXEL Minigames | LIVE With Viewers 🫣 | GGS NEW TRIM 😤🥶’, was uploaded by Kappa on 2024-09-28 00:01:44. It has garnered 42 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. Minecraft hypixel, Minecraft hoplite and Minecraft 1.20 are gamemodes that I play on too. I also play Minecraft 1.21. JOIN DISCORD TO JOIN SMP : https://discord.gg/CvGExGTzG6 This is RealKappa or Kappa, and my instagram is: thekappareal https://streamelements.com/kappareal/tip Read More

  • JJ & Mikey hide in TV swimsuit!

    JJ & Mikey hide in TV swimsuit!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE in TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT! Mikey and JJ prank GIRL in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN and MIKEY on 2024-07-04 11:30:21. It has garnered 3276 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE in TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT! Mikey and JJ prank GIRL in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as SHADOW from SONIC in HARDCORE Minecraft!