I Survived 100 Days as THE FLASH in HARDCORE Minecraft

Video Information

On day one I was the flash the fastest man alive I got a ping from Superman and he wanted to meet with the Justice League at the Hall of Justice ah just in time suddenly there was an explosion and Superman arrived we’ll talk about a dramatic entrance what’s going on here

Superman Superman responded by using his heat vision to melt down cyborg what in the world is going on here Aquaman immediately attacks attack Superman using his using a trident they’re going blow for blow but Superman was stronger and knock him through the hall Wonder Woman pulled out her sword she launched

Herself at Superman but he quickly defeated her no let her go I ran at him and Superman hit me so hard that he launched me out of the Hall of Justice I crash landed in the world and began to look around I had to make it back to the

Hall of Justice and stop Superman why would he attack us he would never do anything like that I try to run but realized I was moving fairly faster than normal speed my Powers had been weakened oh man I began to move through the world when I ran into someone who looked

Familiar it was Batman where were you Superman just attacked the Hall of Justice I was on my way and then I saw Superman all of Justice then I watched as he flew off with Wonder Woman I wonder where he’s taking her Superman killed cyborg what could cause Superman

To turn evil like this we need to get to the bottom of this I have stuff at the bat cave that’ll help us find him oh that’s sweet the bat cave we set off toward his base moving as quickly as we could on day three we arrived at the bat

Cave and Batman quickly made his way over to his computer to try and find where Superman was headed he said he was unable to locate exactly where he was heading but he was moving extremely fast I told Batman that I was unable to use my Powers as effectively I could barely

Move faster than a normal person now you probably need these good you’re just like me now Batman threw me a set of stone tools as well as some food I mean I wouldn’t say that I’m exactly like you but thanks we need to get the team back

Together the only chance we have to take down Superman Batman began explaining that although cyborg was destroyed there was still a chance that we can possibly bring him back what can I do to help I will work on a way to bring side work back in the meantime you need to get

Stronger again you know what I agreed with Batman and left the Batcave in search of a way to get stronger as promised here On day four I explored the world and heard cries for help so I ran to see what was going on I arrived at a village and half of the village and villagers were frozen I knew that this could only be the work of one person Captain Cold the cold-hearted villain and Thief I

Found Colt messing with the mayor and stealing the villagers gold there’s one thing that you love more than being a villain Leonard it’s money foso should have known that you’d be here eventually prepare to be a popsicle cold uses freeze gun to blast energies of ice and

I tried dodging them but I still wasn’t fast enough and I got hit by one of the blasts what’s wrong fozzo losing your touch he continued firing his ice blasts at me until eventually I was completely covered in ice oh it’s so cold I started to black out and suddenly I wasn’t a

Strange new dimension where am I I started to feel power swelling within my body what was this place and where did Captain Cold go but then suddenly I was back I could quickly use my lightning glass on cold and knocked him out I freed all the villagers out of the ice

And returned their gold back to them where was I when I blacked out I decided not to think about it for now and returned to the Hall of Justice when I arrived I noticed that the Hall of Justice was in complete ruins just like Batman had explained to me as I looked

Around I noticed that there are unusual blocks scattered throughout the hall the blocks looked unnatural and almost like they were not from this world I started to extinguish all the Flames that were still in the base and remove as much of the strange blocks as I could I then

Went into the world and gathered a ton of wood and stone so I can start to rebuild it I started by creating a section inside that would serve as my base I wanted to be close to where Superman attacked in case others decided to return as well after constructing my

Room I filled it with chests as well as furnaces to give it more of a homely feel and it was no bat cave but I guess it’ll do on day six Batman arrived at the Hall of Justice it appears as though Superman weakened you and the rest of

The Justice League yeah no kidding I told him that I saved a local Villa from Catherine cold I wonder if the key to getting your powers back is to save people I thought about it and it would make sense since what else is a hero supposed to do I began explaining to

Batman the strange blocks that Superman had left behind and asked him if he knew anything about it he told me that he wasn’t sure I gave Batman the blocks and he said that he would work on analyzing them and try to figure out what they

Were oh also found a way to bring back side work he explained that we’re gonna need a lot of iron for his body as well as a ton of a redstone to create a power source I’m on it I ran out of the base to look for the material we wouldn’t

Need I was running out in the world trying to locate a mine so I could find the materials Batman needed as I was traveling I spotted a village that was being raided by a group of pillagers the pillagers also had the strange red eyes a Superman had what in the world I

Quickly jumped into action and started to fight the pillagers off using my super speed there were a lot of them but they didn’t stand any chance against me I continued to fight them eventually I was able to stop all of them after defeating the pillagers I was expecting

To get some kind of power upgrade but nothing happened the villagers started to surround me and here they do take this the Villager gave me an iron sword as well as some food wow thank you I was starving after all and everyone knows that the flash needs to eat a ton of

Food I left the village and continued on my journey to find the materials on day eight I finally found a nice looking mine hopefully this will have all the stuff I need to get cyborg working again I ventured into the mine and used my stone pickaxe to mine as much iron as I

Could I then used some of the iron to craft an iron pickaxe oh and I can also use some of the leftover material in the Hall of Justice as I went deeper into the mine I finally found the Redstone near some lava I also found gold and

Diamond and collected those as well this should be enough for now I ran out of the mine and into the sound of explosions where is that coming from I ran up a hill and saw Superman destroying a nearby Village where are you he flew into a building

And instantly destroyed it I want to fight him but what could I do I’m not even at full power regretfully I ran away from the Carnage and made my way back to the hall on days nine to ten I arrived and gave Batman the materials I

Gathered for one so what do we do now Batman began to explain to me his plan for bringing back cyborg first we’re gonna have to construct a machine to do it we got to working on the machine we used some of the iron I’d gather to build the exterior and then Batman used

Redstone to power it it’s going to take time to bring cyborg back he is incredibly complex and I don’t know exactly how to do it but it will work right I hope so in the meantime we should find out why Superman has turned evil I’m not sure where to even start

Looking for Clues Batman told me the first place I should check would be Superman’s Fortress of Solitude wow why didn’t I even think of that the Fortress Is solitude no one ever Disturbed Superman when he traveled there I guess I really didn’t have a choice though I

Needed answers and I needed them fast after a long time of running I finally made it to Superman’s Fortress I had never been here but I could tell something wasn’t right the place looked like it had been attacked why would Superman destroy the only place he was

Able to go to in peace once inside I noticed that there were the same strange blocks that I’d seen at the Hall of Justice why is Superman leaving these all over the world I searched the rest of the Fortress but wasn’t able to find anything of value or information as I

Left Superman landed in front of me why have you done this what has gotten into you Superman the Justice League must be destroyed he flew directly at me and hit me taking away some of my heart I try to use my super speed to my advantage but

He was just as fast I fought back against him using my lightning ability but it didn’t seem to affect him Superman started to fire his laser vision on me and I realized I was only down to one part oh no this isn’t good suddenly something hit Superman and took

Him by surprise I looked around and realized it was the reverse flash we need to go now the two of us ran off as fast as we could while Superman was staggered days 13 to 14 we finally stopped running there was no way Superman would be able to follow us here

What the heck man why would you do that aren’t we like sworn enemies look at you you’re so slow now you could barely keep up with me he then started to run circles around me yeah yeah very very funny listen why save me you’ve always wanted to take me out yourself why not

Do it then there’s no evil Superman is kind of stealing my gig it’s always been my goal to take you out and take over the world so what do you want from me then I want you to get stronger if you do I’ll help you take down Superman keep

Bran off it was right after all I did need to get stronger but was I willing to team up with a super villain I had a lot to talk to Batman about so I ran off back towards our base on days 15 to 16 I

Made it back to base and ran up to Batman to tell him what I’d seen at The Fortress I told them about the strange blocks the ruins Superman reverse flash you get it you already have a team we don’t fight with Batman told me that everything for

Cyborg was ready but it’s gonna take some time to download his identity into a new body in the meantime I need you to find Aquaman someone spotted him on a beach he’s probably trying to make it back to Atlantis before I headed out Batman threw me a gadget and told me

That I should amplify my lightning ability helping me do more damage sweet I set out to find Aquaman before I found Aquaman I decided it would be best to get some upgrades I went into a nearby cave and started a mine for materials I could use to upgrade my suit after some

Time I smelted the iron and applied it check it out a new iron-plated suit this is gonna come in handy if I ran into Superman again I set off running toward the beach where Batman had said Aquaman had been spotted I started to run faster

And faster wow I’d like to see him run this fast suddenly there was a blinding flash of light whoa where am I it looked like the place I’d briefly been when I was fighting Captain Cold is this the speed force who said that come find me foso you must

What was that voice and where was it coming from there was another flash of light and I was back in the world again okay maybe don’t run that fast again I took off running at a safe speed of light on days 19 to 20 I made it to the

Beach and began looking for Aquaman I then saw him but who was he with it was Black Manta and they were fighting Aquaman looked like he was being overpowered he must still be weakened from Superman’s attack I rush into hell the Justice League will fall all leader

Will make sure of that Aquaman and I were together to fight him he hit me a few times and it hurt significantly less thanks to my new suit upgrade I use my super speed to avoid most of his attacks and then use my lightning strike on him

And took him down for good thanks for that kid though I could have taken him yeah right classic Aquaman together we traveled back to base along the way he told me that his powers had been significantly weakened after the attack but spending more time by the ocean had

Restored much of his strength when we got back to the base I started to make Aquaman a fish tank to live in he thanked me for rescuing him no problem I realized that I was low on food and with Aquaman here now we’re going to need a

Lot more I went out and collected as many seeds as I could find and then crafted myself a hoe and a bucket I returned to base and began making a farm fish should be enough food for all of us now what in the world was that I was woken

Up to the sounds of screaming coming from Batman we must found him standing in front of Cyborg’s new machine what’s the issue we lost all the progress on our download our power source isn’t strong enough to complete it we need to try something else I had

An idea maybe if I run fast enough I can give the computer a jolt of energy and we will be able to bring him back Batman said it was worth a shot so I ran as fast as I could and hit the computer with my lightning ability unfortunately

It didn’t work great what’s next Batman without cyborg how are we gonna defeat Superman I’ve been planning this day for a long time in order to defeat Superman we’ll need to acquire Kryptonite which is located deep inside his home planet of Krypton kinda seems a little weird

That you’ve been planning this for a long time but whatever how would we be able to get to Krypton he told me that we were gonna need to get material to create a spaceship in order to travel there but we would also need Cyborg’s hell to make the ship fully operational

Oh man so we need to bring cyborg back before we can even get there this just keeps getting better and better for now go and try to get the material we need for the ship I’ll keep working on cyborg aye aye Captain don’t call me the service I set off finding them material

We needed I arrived at a cave that was close by and began to look for iron as well as Redstone thanks to my super speed I was able to explore the cave incredibly fast in no time I had all the material I needed for the spaceship suddenly the ground began to shake what

Was going on was it an earthquake or a Caven I need to get out of here there was no doubt he knew I was in the cave because of his x-ray vision I ran as fast as I could I returned home and gave Batman the material after I started to work on

The Batwing we would need because Krypton was so far away the ship needed to be able to withstand space from a long period of time after working on it I returned to Batman to see if he made any progress on cyborg he told me that once again the power source is failing

And we might need to look at other options to bring them back Batman told me that he spotted Wonder Woman in the desert oh she must have escaped Superman that’s great news I’m gonna go bring her back and we can come up with a plan to

Power up cyborg I set off toward the desert in hopes Wonder Woman was still there I set off running toward the desert to find Wonder Woman I started to push myself harder and harder I needed to get there fast before Superman found out she had escaped suddenly there was a

Blinding light and I found myself back in the speed force oh no I must have pushed myself too hard again I continue to Journey Through the speed force when I noticed Superman was talking to someone it appeared as though Superman was taking orders from the other figure

I heard another voice it was the voice I heard the last time I was in here thumbs up find me the voice was calling for me to find him again how do I know I can trust you do you have any other choice it is the only way

And how am I supposed to find you follow my voice I rushed toward it quickly and then there was another blinding flash of light I was packing the world standing in the middle of a plane’s biome hello foso I’m glad you finally found me does

Kai look like me except he was wearing a much older version of my suit uh who are you and how do you know who I am I am Jay Garrick I am the original you the first person to discover the speed force if you’re the original me then how come

I’ve never seen or heard of you I’m from a different dimension I traveled here to help guide you you’re not utilizing the speed force to its true potential which is why I want to train you Jay explained that by focusing my frequency I can use

My body as a lightning rod in order to build up a speed force charge and redirect it after some practice I was able to supercharge my body with lightning that’s incredible imagine what I’ll be able to teach you later on for now your team needs you find me again

Later I thank Jay for the training and headed off back toward the Hall of Justice on days 33-35 I made my way back to the Hall of Justice and to my surprise it looked almost completely rebuilt Batman did you do this uh yeah yeah return I needed something to do so

I decided to go out get some resources and start rebuilding the Hall of Justice wow that’s amazing I wasn’t able to make it to the desert and find Wonder Woman but I did meet myself from another dimension I explained to Batman how he trained and he showed me how to use the

Speed force to my advantage uh okay that seems extremely unlikely but whatever I’m happy for you I guess after speaking with him I decided it was a good time to go upgrade my living quarters I expanded it to have a storage and furnace room after completing my home upgrades I

Realized that Aquaman had eaten most of my food from the farm sorry but I’ve been bored and I eat when I’m bored we’re gonna need more food for sure I started by expanding the farm to include more room for crops I then used some Wheats to lure a group of sheep back to

The base I built them a small pen to live in as I finished I heard Batman calling out to me so I rushed over to him what is it he told me that Wonder Woman set out in SOS oh man she must be in danger I need to go help her now I

Was on my way to Wonder Woman’s signal making sure to not be spotted by Superman I arrived at the location and realized it was in a large Ville Village it looked deserted though where did all the villagers go I searched the area but was unable to find her but I did notice

That there was an area with similar materials where have I seen these before that’s right I saw him at the Hall of Justice and Superman’s Fortress of Solitude oh man he must have beaten me here I got ready to leave but when I turned around I saw Wonder Woman she was

Okay Wonder Woman looked up at me and I realized she had the same red eyes as Superman she began to charge at me and I begged her not to fight hey stop what’s gotten into you destroy the Justice League Superman must have corrupted her too I had to fight back using my super

Speed I was severely outmatched by her she continued to attack I realized I was low on Hearts oh I need to get out of here I ran as fast as I could back to the Hall of Justice thankfully I was able to escape I told Batman about everything that happened and he looked

Shocked I ate some food at the base and rested for the night tomorrow I’m gonna tail Wonder Woman and find out exactly what’s going on with her and Superman I woke up feeling much better and fully rested I talked to Batman and he told me he was able to track Wonder Woman

Heading towards some structure in the jungle the material you’ve been finding around the world it’s not from this planet not sure where it came from though I set out to find Wonder Woman after a while I arrived at the structure in the jungle this place looked absolutely massive I went inside and

Began a search for Wonder Woman I spotted her and made sure to stay out of sight she made her way to the top floor of the temple where she began to look around what was she looking for whatever it was she clearly found it because she

Began to make her way back toward me I had to stay out of her sight before continuing to follow her out of the temple we traveled for a long time we even made our way across a few different biomes finally we crossed into a bomb that looked to be made completely out of

The mysterious material I had been finding in the world this must be the source of their evil I’ve never seen this before time to find out exactly what’s going on on days 42-44 I was inside of the mysterious structure okay keep your cool nothing can go wrong

Right eventually I found them and they were standing in front of the dark figure wait a minute that’s the guy Superman was talking to before who are you hello Bozo I am dark side you’re foolish to come here Dark Side wait a minute you’re the enemy of Superman why

Are you guys working together and what are you doing to this world isn’t it obvious I want to turn your pathetic world into apocalypse I have been able to control Superman and Wonder Woman it is only a matter of time before I have you all under my control well I’m not

Gonna let you get away with it I’ve rushed that dark side using my super speed and struck him but oh man he was totally unaffected he laughed at me and then hit me extremely hard I started to feel woozy and I blacked out on days 45

To 46 I woke up inside of a Bedrock prison I need to find a way out of here before he’s able to control me as well I try to mine out but the Bedrock was unbreakable there seemed to be no way out of here I really wish Jake Eric was

Here to help I had an idea but I wasn’t sure if it was gonna work I began to run in circles as fast as I could maybe I can communicate okay with him through the speed force there was a flash of light and I was inside the speed force

With Jay Garrick hey buddy I really need your help I’m kind of stuck in a problem you’re not stuck in a problem you’re stuck in a Bedrock prison I was hoping to teach you this new trick in person but it seems like you need it now Jay

Started to explain to me that there’s a way of moving so quickly that I would be able to phase through any object I began to draw on as much energy as I could and then ran off at full speed there was another flash of light and I was out of

The speed force on the other side of the Bedrock prison it worked I didn’t have much time to celebrate though because Darkseid spotted me and sent his pair of demons after me they swarmed in a group and started to attack luckily they weren’t very strong and I was able to

Take most of them out using my lightning abilities you pathetic weakling Superman Wonder Woman capture him oh great they began a charge at me I knew there was no way I was gonna fight both of them at once I used my speed to avoid their attacks and ran out of darkseid’s Base I

Returned and began to explain to Batman what I found told them about dark side all of it this isn’t good excited is one of the most powerful beings that are gonna need all of our combined power to stop him there has to be a way to break them from his control we’re

Just gonna have to find out what it is Batman suggested first we should finish the Hall of Justice we got to work Gathering the material and after a while we restored it to its original form Batman and I then started to talk about Cyborg and the progress that he’d been

Making with him it’s no use we need to find another way to bring him back before we can come up with another option there was a distress call it was from the mascara Wonder Woman’s Homeworld the signal said that Wonder Woman and a group of parademons were

Attacking it I need to go help them before I left I quickly use my super speed to mine diamonds in a cave nearby I then use the diamonds to replace the iron plating in my armor with Diamond plating hopefully with this upgrade I’m Gonna Stand more of a chance against

Wonder Woman I head off toward the mascara on days 51-53 I traveled to Wonder Woman’s home when I arrived I noticed that it was already being converted to apocalypse they weren’t kidding when they said they were being attacked I started to make my way through the city to find Wonder Woman

Who could she in a horde of pair demons be hiding suddenly there was a blur that when right past me who was that I then saw the reverse flash standing in front of me what’s Up Slowpoke are you still slow or what all right calm down there

I’m faster than you’ll ever be yeah no chance Bozo I thought you were trying to help me fight Superman where have you been I never said I was going to help just that I needed you faster to defeat him here I am to provide you some

Insight okay tell me I’m sure I really need to know this stop trying to release the speed force how you control the speed force instead is letting it control you what are you talking about he quickly ran away there’s no time for this I need to find Wonder Woman I heard

A large commotion coming from the Coliseum and made my way over to it not to my surprise I saw Wonder Woman with her group of parademons I called out for her to stop and try to reason but darkseid’s control was too strong attack him the parademon swarmed at me and

Began to fight they barely seemed to do any damage thank you diamond and plated armor I use my super speed to easily outmaneuver them and then a good lightning strike to take them out enough of these silly games she charged at me and we started a fight she was still

Powerful but I could tell we were more evenly matched with my suit upgrade I started to fight back using my speed and electric abilities against her our fight raged on and with another electric strike I was able to knock her to the ground she was weak and I knew another

Hit would surely defeat her but I didn’t want to defeat her I needed to save her instead I used my speed to summon a tornado to hit her maybe I can face her through darkseid’s control the tornado hit her and I can see the red slowly

Leaving her eyes as she turned back to normal what happened where am I wonder woman you’re back it worked I was able to free you from Dark Side Dark Side the last thing I remember was Superman attacking us and being knocked out I decided to catch Wonder Woman up about

Everything that’s been going on wow that’s a lot I know right tell me about it sadly our conversation was interrupted because Superman showed up you’re both coming with me again it uses laser vision to attack us and totally began destroying the Coliseum come on we

Need to get out of here I grabbed Wonder Woman and use my speed to get us out of there before Superman could follow us we returned back and everyone was so excited to see her Wonder Woman and I began to build her a place to stay at it

Was better that we were all together in case of another attack Batman and I then started to ask her if she knew a way we could bring cyborg back but she said it was impossible there’s not enough energy on the earth to do so you’ll need to

Find another way to bring him back just then she gave me an idea there wasn’t enough energy on Earth but maybe the speed force was the answer I better go talk to Jay he’ll know what to do on days 60 to 62 I traveled through the

Speed force and I was able to find Jay I began to tell him our issue I also told him what reverse flash told me about controlling the speed force rather than releasing it what’s that supposed to mean that isn’t possible you cannot do that well I mean the reverse flash seems

To be doing it and he’s light years faster than me if you want to continue your training with me it’ll drop this idea entirely it’s two dangerous I felt like he was hiding something from me but I knew Jay was the only way I can get

Faster so I did as he said the speed force is not just something you use but everything around you is drawing its power and energy from it in order to get stronger you’ll need to pull more energy not only from the speed force but also your surroundings wait a minute maybe if

I do this I could possibly control time and use it to save cyborg Jay told me that this was a very dangerous idea and that someone had tried before and was lost forever I told Jay I was out of options it’s either this or nothing the

Fate of the world depended on it I drew in as much energy as I could until suddenly I was flying through a blue flash of light I found myself back in my house I checked the date and realized it was before day one I began to look

Around and I can feel the ground was shaking what was happening to the world I heard Jay’s voice echo out Bozo you only have a limited amount of time if you stay there too long you may God only destroy yourself but the entire world around you uh of course it’s gonna be me

Who ends the world instead of dark side I better hurry and find cyborg fast I just hope he’s at his laboratory I made my way to his lap and luckily he was there I could feel the ground shake listen I don’t have much time to explain but you’re gonna die today unless you

Come with me right now I’m going to die Bozo you’re acting crazy you have to trust me we need to go right now if you don’t not only you but the entire world’s gonna be destroyed cyborg looked at me and I can tell he was analyzing

What I was saying I don’t know if I truly believe what you’re saying but I don’t detect any of the signs of lying coming from your body thank goodness before I can grab hold of him Superman broke into the that he must have said something was different now he began to

Shoot his laser vision at us and I quickly grabbed cyborg I began to run as fast as I could hoping we would travel back to the present day once again I saw the blue flash of light here goes nothing on day 66 to 68 we returned back to the present successfully wow we

Actually did it Jay was waiting for us and congratulated me never do that again ah thanks Jay I hope I won’t have to Cyborg and I left and began making the journey back toward the Hall of Justice when we arrived everyone was in disbelief that cyborg was alive what

Cyborg but how ah come on bats you know me I went back in time and I saved cyborg with cyborg back I began to make him another workstation so he could prep the spaceship we were gonna need to get Kryptonite if we were gonna save Superman after that cyborg gave me a

List of materials he was going to need for the spaceship I quickly set off to a cave and acquired the diamond and Redstone that cyborg needed I also had enough left over diamonds to craft myself some diamond tools with Cyborg’s help I was able to complete the show

Ship in no time he plugged in the coordinates and I flew off toward Krypton on days 69 of 71 I landed on Krypton and began to look around I’d never been here and was shocked I was able to breathe on the planet I was about to start mining the ground when

Suddenly I heard someone call out to me I turned around and saw Kryptonian standing behind me what are you doing on our planet I began to explain how Superman had been corrupted by Darkseid and I needed Kryptonite to set him free he told me that I’d have to prove myself

To their leader in order to take some of their precious Planet back to Earth alright Buddy whatever you say I followed him back toward the city on our way in we came across two more kryptonians what makes you think you are worthy of taking a piece of all planet I

Needed to save my own Homeworld without it Superman and Darkseid will remain too powerful and inevitably destroy it they explain that their Planet had totally been destroyed by a war between their people they did not want to see any other planets destroyed so with that being said they allowed me to take a

Small amount of Kryptonian oh thank you guys so much I quickly returned to my ship and there I started to mine the ground to acquire as much Kryptonite as I could I’m definitely gonna need a lot once I was done I jumped in the ship and headed back toward Earth I landed back

On Earth and quickly rushed inside the Hall of Justice while I was gone and looked like the place had been totally redone Cyborg came out and said while I was on Krypton he had fortified the base Aquaman then appeared and told me that he had been so hungry from all this

Waiting he decided to expand the farm he was also able to lure a group of pigs back and built a pen for them I love bacon I’m glad things are really starting to shape up around here I then approached Batman and gave him all the Kryptonite I’d gathered he told me it

Was exactly enough for what he was gonna make but I believe it should do the trick against Superman what are you working on exactly anyway he told me that he was building a set of kryptonite armor with the Kryptonite sword as well with that we would be able to slowly weaken

Superman you know while he’s making that I probably should go talk to Jay I think it’s a good idea if I train more on day 75 to 77 I had almost reached Jay when I heard shouting coming from the direction of his base I started to run quickly

Toward it and when I arrived I saw Jay in reverse flash were fighting Jay was clearly getting overpowered I have to do something before I can get there reverse flash fatally wounded him what are you doing he’s the only way I’m gonna be able to get faster that is no longer my

Concern let’s just say Darkseid made me an offer I’m going to get half the world and I get to take you out oh boy we started fighting and we were evenly matched reverse flash must have realized fighting right now wasn’t worth it because he just ran off I ran over to

Jay Jay you’re gonna be all right I’m afraid this this is the end of the road for me fozzo and you need to know that the speed force uses us to release its energy reverse flash was right but I didn’t want to tell you her fear it may

Kill you I know you are strong enough to handle it though but but how am I gonna be able to do that when the time is right you will understand Jay died uh I will avenge him I’m an Avenger by defeating Darkseid and the reverse flash I hope that kryptonite armor is ready

Cause I’m gonna need it I return to the Hall of Justice just to see it was under attack I Rush inside and saw that dark side was fighting with the Justice League even together they didn’t look like they were powerful enough to take them on they needed me you call

Yourselves Heroes he had Aquaman and his eyes turned red oh no he must be controlling him now too I had to step in and try to save them but Dark Side hit me back and then started to control the entire Justice League you lose foso now

Join me or I will make you watch as this world is destroyed and reshaped in my image I would never join you suit yourself attack him the Justice League attacked me from all angles they were so strong I wasn’t able to fight back even with my super speed oh man I’m running

On Hearts that’s enough I want him to watch as his world is turned to ashes they left ah and I’m badly wounded I lost all my friends there’s no way I’m gonna be able to defeat Darkseid now it was day 81-85 I feel like all I can do

Was sit back and watch as the world was destroyed what’s that dinging noise I looked around and realized Batman’s Kryptonite armor it was ready maybe there’s still a chance I could rescue them I can’t give up now I equip the armor and set off toward darkseid’s base

Once I arrived I looked around I found Aquaman and Batman and quickly knocked them out with a super punch right after that I shocked both of them ah what happened don’t worry about it you’re free now I have to free the rest of the league too just head back to the Hall of

Justice I continued looking and I spotted cyborg his sensors detected me approaching so we began a fight a few hits and I knocked him down and just like that shocked him back to normal as well this Kryptonite armor was seriously strong I pressed on and after a while I

Was able to turn everyone back now it’s just Superman I knew that he was gonna be the toughest battle I found him in the main area of the base I called out for him and he immediately started to rush at me when he hit me it hurt a lot but it

Wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle I fought back against him I could tell that the longer the battle was going on the more power he was losing from the Kryptonite oh say hi to your old friend Kryptonite I knew this is my chance I used my electric shock and freed him from

Darkseid’s control we all arrived back at the base and the entire team was low on energy and health I ran to the farm and gathered meat from the pigs I cooked the meat up and distributed it to the team I can tell they were all starting

To feel a little bit better so what exactly happened I was at my Fortress of Solitude and the next thing I remember we were fighting in some strange base I quickly caught him up with everything that happened he was shocked to learn all the terrible things he did and he

Apologized don’t worry man you were under control by someone else it wasn’t you we needed to come up with a plan to stop Darkseid and take him down and I think the only way we’re going to be able to do it is if we all work together

You’re right it’s only a matter of time before Darkseid unleashes his doomsday weapon we only have a few days left come on man it’s OZO I heard the reverse flash running outside I need to stop him I began to run after reverse flash on days 91-94 for I caught up to the

Reverse flash don’t pay for what you did to J that old guy he was even slower than you yeah well this ends now you are going down I rushed at the reverse flash but he was just as quick as I was possibly faster I try to use my

Lightning on him but oh man he’s too quick here try this he hit me and when it connected I felt slower I began to summon as much energy for my surroundings as I could but when I tried to run I felt stuck in in one spot suddenly it appeared as though the

Reverse flash was not moving what was happening I found myself back in the speed force and standing in front of me was Jay Garrick himself Jay what’s going on you’re doing it kid you’re harnessing all the energy from the speed force now I told you that you would need to learn

It on your own I came back into the world and what happened to my suit why is it all black now you now absorb all the energy within the speed force including reverse flashes and negative reverse flash began moving but at such a slow speed I realized he wasn’t moving

Slow I was just moving so much faster than him I took advantage of this and landed a ton of strikes on him no you took all the energy for yourself how did you even do that ah someone’s too slow to understand I hit him with my

Lightning and took him down for good I returned to the Hall of Justice and informed my team that I had taken out the reverse flash all that’s left now guys is dark side a suit I like the color thanks bats we started to rehearse our plan when suddenly there were large

Rumblings in the ground and the Earth began to shake we ran outside and noticed that the world had almost fully been converted to apocalypse Darkseid must have Unleashed his doomsday weapon oh we’re totally out of time we started to rush over to his base as fast as possible the paradigments were all over

The world now I called out to Superman and asked them what the plan was now I uh guess we’re gonna have to wing it no we’re not gonna wing it I’ll come up with the plan we arrived at the base and it was crawling with parademons we’ve

Rushed in took them out with ease Aquaman Batman and Cyborg uh go find and shut down the machine the rest of us we’re gonna try to defeat Darkseid no we’re supposed to stick together we really have no other option exactly if we’re gonna save the world we’re gonna

Have to go in teams of two our team’s split up I followed Superman and Wonder Woman inside to find Darkseid it was day 100 and we were standing in front of Darkseid your reign of terror ends now it’s three against one you couldn’t possibly win you are three

Excuses for Heroes I can take you all out at once he left in the air and smashed the ground sending us flying backwards Wonder Woman charged at him using her sword but she was quickly knocked away Superman flew into the air and started to use his laser vision on

Darkseid which seemed effective at first but I don’t think it was gonna last long I rushed in and began to strike him from different angles I use my lightning abilities and I can tell he was starting to get mad enough of These Foolish Games once again he left into the air and

Knocked us both to the ground he then rushed at Superman and started to overpower him with his attacks I rushed over to help Superman he continued to focus on him until he can no longer fight it’s uh up to you foso you couldn’t possibly defeat me I am the

Most powerful being in this universe maybe he was right was I really gonna be strong enough to take him on alone not alone foso you have the entire speed force with you now use it I had to give it a shot I started to draw all the

Energy I could and began to run as fast as I could I ran directly around dark side’s base before returning and striking him with my lightning ability and Darkseid was vaporized we did it we saved the world

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as THE FLASH in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2022-09-24 14:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Thanks for watching: I Survived 100 Days as THE FLASH in HARDCORE Minecraft Today I spawned into Minecraft as The Flash!

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

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  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

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  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

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    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

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  • 🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥

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  • EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!

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  • Zzapz – Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!

    Zzapz - Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Reasons to JOIN OneCraft! | Join a Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Zzapz on 2024-04-07 17:49:28. It has garnered 121 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Are you looking for a Minecraft server/ SMP to join? OneCraft is the server for you. With many performance mods, and entertainment mods, you will never get bored of this world. Join OneCraft today and start your adventure. Join us @ onecraft.sytes.net Bedrock port :19132 Discord : https://discord.gg/TAAwV6wU #minecraft #smp #french #polska #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #blowup… Read More

  • Yoshanity vs Anity – CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!

    Yoshanity vs Anity - CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘NO HARD FEELINGS!! | Anity Callaborations LIVE’, was uploaded by Yoshanity on 2024-04-12 06:03:02. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:09 or 11529 seconds. We are playing some Minecraft Dragon Block on this stream of Anity Callaborations Live! Hope you guys enjoy this one! You REALLY like this kind of content? You wanna thrown in a dolla? Feel free to!: https://streamlabs.com/yoshanity/tip THE YOSHANITY LINKTREE IS HERE!!! Linktree – https://linktr.ee/yoshanity ► Stay up to date on ALL of Yoshanity’s Platforms! Timestamps – 0:00 Intro/Waiting 14:13 Just Waiting and… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Staff Reports To Pekora About Crimes In Her Minecraft Server【Hololive/Usada Pekora】’, was uploaded by Pekora Clips on 2024-09-08 16:35:30. It has garnered 14916 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Pekora Ch. Pekora Usada https://www.youtube.com/@usadapekora Stream:[Captain Tsubasa]Complete first look at “Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Peko![Hololive/Pekora Usada]*Contains spoilers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUfZYPTKU3s Please drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the videos! #Hololive #Vtuber Read More

  • 🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd Podcast

    🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Movie DISASTER! ft. Culture Casino | Salty Saturdays’, was uploaded by Salty Nerd Podcast on 2024-09-07 19:10:00. It has garnered 1613 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:20 or 7340 seconds. The Minecraft Movie trailer drops and people aren’t happy about it. Acolyte shills are trying to cancel Nerdrotic, Geeks and Gamers, and Ryan Kinnel! George RR Martin slams House of the Dragon Season 2, and Elon is bringing X to TV. All this and more in today’s Salty Saturday, with special guest Culture Casino! What do you think of… Read More

I Survived 100 Days as THE FLASH in HARDCORE Minecraft