I Survived 100 DAYS as WOLVERINE in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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On day one I woke up in the middle of a raging battle whoa where am I I looked around and saw that we were under attack by Sentinels I couldn’t remember anything about my past I couldn’t even figure out why I was in the battlefield

At all but I knew I had a powerful regeneration ability and these cool metal claws whoa these are awesome I tested out my claws on some Sentinels and they were totally awesome but the Sentinels were super strong I wasn’t tough enough to beat them why won’t you

Die I took a step back from the battle and a strange bald man in a wheelchair approached me Morgan follow me to safety nor still healing Who’s Logan my name’s bronzo I didn’t trust him so I charged back into battle and kept fighting Sentinels I fought hard but I was

Getting overpowered they were still too strong for me okay fine oh I looked around for the wheelchair dude but he was gone I couldn’t fight any longer so I fled the scene hey bronzo Army before we go any further I wanted to tell you about today’s sponsor a web 3

Multiplayer game called The Sandbox together with the sandbox we’re giving out an iPhone or one thousand dollars in mine coins and more to three lucky viewers so stay tuned to find out how you can win it has over 300 000 players and is trusted by some of the coolest

Brands big names like Snoop Dogg The Walking Dead and even Tony Hawk my favorite is the FaZe Clan because I love them what I love about the sandbox is that there’s tons of user generated content players can create their own high quality Dungeon Crawlers Escape

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Everyone who completes one Quest by the end of the month will get the bronzo limited edition silver selfie stick there will only be 2005 500 of these in game so get it fast 90 lucky winners will get a rare golden selfie stick and 10 will receive the extremely rare

Diamond selfie stick this all ends March 1st together if we get 10 000 downloads the sandbox will also make me an NPC in the game and give me and a lucky viewer tickets to attend the upcoming Snoop Dogg concert in the sandbox thanks again to the sandbox for sponsoring this video

I wandered around for a while but I couldn’t find anyone else I didn’t know where to go so I decided to start building a base for myself I Unleashed my claws into the nearby trees on day two collecting wood along the way take that tree okay this should be

Enough I began building a base from the ground up and luckily since I was super strong it was a piece of cake space in my inventory was limited so I decided to craft a few chests for some extra storage yeah this is nice there was no

Time to soak it all up enemies were approaching Logan you need to stop running from me and start cooperating who the heck are you stop following me I’m with us Logan if you know what’s good for you I don’t know what’s good for me so no your brain is very fragile

Right now and I need to stabilize it in a giant metal metal fend against although I could hold my own and I thought I was about to win the battle but then something emitting excruciating pain began in my head ah what are you what are you doing to me

Calm down Logan and I’ll release you okay okay as I was saying follow me on day three I was traveling along with Professor X but I couldn’t take it anymore my suspicions got to the better of me I stopped dead in my tracks listen bub I ain’t moving

One more inch unless you start answering some questions where are we going just who are you and what do you want huh Logan please I asked if they can just stop and listen my name is Charles Xavier I run a school for mutants like yourself I can see that your memory has

Been fragmented and it is my intent to restore it once we get back to my school okay fine after an hour or so we finally made it to the school it was massive welcome to Charles Xavier’s School for gifted youngsters as we walked through the entrance to the school we seem to

Attract the attention of a lot of the faculty and the students they were all looking at me me it was starting to make me nervous hey there Logan huh that’s not my name I was suddenly super angry and I wasn’t sure why but I wasn’t going

To let that stop me stay focused Logan you’re lucky bubble I followed Professor X into another grand room I’m going to use my telepathy to show you what happened and how you lost your memory I just need you to hop into that enclosure over there I hopped into the tank and

Xavier approached me he began using his telepathy and I started to have a vision I got a glimpse of my past when I was having some sort of experiments performed on me I was restrained in a tank as some sort of metal was injected into me ah

I then woke up from the dream I’m done with your experiments cue ball fine but I must request that you stay here it is the safest course of action for everyone there is a room for you upstairs all right Ben on day four I was relaxing in

My room when I heard some commotion outside it was a gorgeous lady and some dude with some weird glasses what is wrong with you that is totally ridiculous ah come on babe I was just kidding it sounded like they were fighting so I listened in closer if

That’s what you really think then I don’t think I could be around you right now fine be that way I’m out of here with that the dude stormed off and I went out to talk to the lady uh hey oh hey Logan I’m not Logan I’m bronzo oh

Okay well I’m still Jean Gray what was all that fuss about I could hear it from my bedroom oh uh me and cyclops were just having a fight oh well you’re really pretty and and he’s sounded like a jerk you should totally dump him what

No it was just a little fight why would you say that oh uh sorry gotta go I ran off and came across a motorcycle I’m taking this hey that that’s how you doing get back here I ignored that guy and took off in my new motorcycle on days five and six I was

Riding along in my new motorcycle when I was suddenly hit from the side by an orange flash whoa what the heck who are you what you don’t recognize me bronzo my name’s not oh wait that is my name yeah you think I’d forget my own brother’s name okay now I’m extremely

Confused whatever it doesn’t matter Magneto sent me here who the heck is Magneto suddenly we were both ambushed by a couple of Sentinels we banded together to fight them but they were super strong let’s team up on one of them we ganged up on one together and

Destroyed it and then we worked on the other one together and eventually we were able to break it enough to get it to stop fighting malfunctioning malfunctioning yeah that’s what I thought suck up it dropped a note and it said Trask Industries oh this must be a product of Trask Industries wait what’s

That I turned around to look at Sabertooth but he was gone huh where’d he go on day seven and eight I drove my motorcycle back to the school I saw Jean Gray hanging out so I approached her hey I just wanted to say I’m sorry for

Acting the way I did earlier that was super weird yeah it was is there anything I can do can you just be cool I want us to be friends like we used to be suddenly this triggered a memory of my old life with my old girlfriend Silver

Fox my head started throbbing with pain it was my birthday and I was in a log cabin with Silver Fox hey I’m gonna go get some grub I’ll be back soon I went out to kill some cows and collect their meat but when I got back to the cabin

Silver Fox was dead happy birthday brother ah hey Logan are you okay I’m fine I gotta go I found my way to a training area in the school it is bronzo that’s who it is okay sure why don’t you come into the ring and show us what you can do Alonso yeah I

Could use an anger release right now I sparred with a few different X-Men I had already fought against the metal giant so it was easy the ice guy was tougher since he would freeze me but my anger was able to heat me back up and finally defeat him much better thanks for The

Spar I’ll be in my room if you need me on days nine and ten I suddenly woke up to the sound of explosions and fighting oh what’s going on I ran to the window to discover that the school was being attacked by Sentinels oh got these things again I ran out and started

Clawing at the machines with some help from Cyclops and Iceman we were able to do some real damage to the freaks Cyclops used as lasers and Iceman his freezing abilities so the Sentinels were no match against us eventually by working together we were able to take them all out woohoo nice work everyone

Gene ran out and kissed Cyclops on the cheek you were so brave out there thanks babe I watched as they walked away and I started to get sad again I couldn’t remember much but I knew I really missed Silver Fox just then Professor X approached me Logan you did

Good work out there follow me I want to talk to you about something I don’t know I don’t really feel like it right now oh come on Trump has more to life the good huh fine on days 11 through 13 Professor X took me to cerebro and explained to me

It was a place where his powers were strongest I brought you here because I have something I need your help with a mission sort of I need you to help me find Magneto and his Brotherhood of mutants how am I gonna do that that’s your memories to find the essence of others

Saber-toothed ears Magneto will be close by yeah what’s the deal with that saber-toothed guy anyway he’s my brother or something history you’re going to have to discover that for yourself okay why are you looking for Magneto we have a fairly long history too he’s an old friend I

Need to ask his assistants in the battle against Trask sure where do we start right now local suddenly my brain started hurting again I had a vision of sabertooth in myself fighting in a war we were fighting side by side and it looked like it was a really long time

Ago we were winning too bronzo wake up I know where Magneto’s base is ah come on it was just getting good wait did you just call me bronzo yes I’ve seen inside your mind and I know who bronzo is now I’ve seen all the lives that you lived I

Really liked your Rainbow Friends episode whoa cool will you gather a few other X-Men and visit Magneto on my behalf sir yes sir on days 14 through 17 I asked around the school where Cyclops would be and was directed to his room in the dormitory I barged in without a second thought

You’re coming with me on a mission dude do you knock at all no what’s the mission you’re coming with me on a mission okay jeez dude relax can Gene come with us at least no what why not cause I said so bub follow me Cyclops and I looked for another X-Man

To help eventually deciding on Colossus why do you want me to join I mean come on have you seen Cyclops over here man looks like he weighs 130 pounds soaking wet hey we need some more muscle you’ve got it count on me we rode out together

Down the road in search of Magneto but along the way we encountered a few Sentinels so stops immediately started using his optic blasts and I hopped off to start slashing the Raging rust buckets alongside us Colossus used this oversized fists to punch holes through the Sentinels it was not long before we

Put the Bots out of commission nice job Cyclops thanks Logan what about me comrade yeah yeah good job too I guess all right let’s go we got no time to lose on days 18 through 21 we made it to Magneto’s base and it was surprisingly empty where is everybody

Maybe it’s a trap yeah whatever if it is there’s three of us we can take them you stay out here and keep watch while I go in all right you got it with that I entered the base and searched around Magneto Magneto where are you I didn’t

See him anywhere but I ran into somebody else instead it was a strange man with a mustache in a brown suit hello there Logan I’ve been expecting you my name actually isn’t never mind who the heck are you and where’s Magneto my name is Dr Bolivar Trask and as far as where

Magneto is that’s not something you’ll need to worry about anymore I hope you like neurotoxin nighty night what’s that supposed to oh oh I feel sleepy before I could even get another word in I blacked out on days 22-25 I woke up in a Cell oh what the heck happened ah good you’re

Awake you wait Magneto hello Logan I see you’ve been captured as well yeah I was looking for you don’t get too comfortable now I’ll be putting you two to work soon enough what’s your plan Trask whatever it is you won’t get far as long as I’m alive telling you my plan

Would be silly now wouldn’t it oh man that usually works you know what why don’t I tell you anyways since you won’t be able to stop me there it is as you have seen I’m creating a new line of super robots and I will use them to destroy every mutant on Earth humans

Have had enough of the chaos you mutants cause why are you little Earth don’t be rude there’s nothing you can do to stop me Logan nothing with that Trask left the area so what now just stand back I’ll handle this I did as he told and he

Used his powers to break the metal bars immediately wait you mean you could do that the whole time why didn’t we kill that guy when we had the chance now is not the time you have much to Remember come on I left with Magneto and together we escaped the facility

On days 26-29 we got outside and the Brotherhood of mutants were waiting for us with Professor X and a few X-Men whoa whoa whoa what’s going on here something tells me these are bad guys don’t worry bronzo they’re cool they have agreed to join forces to stop a greater evil okay

Whatever you say but I’m keeping my eye on you if they ever even think about about double crossing us it’s over I was staring them down when I noticed a pretty blue lady among them oh hello she approached me and I introduced myself oh what’s your name wow you really had your

Head hard didn’t you yeah but seriously what’s your name what you were you really don’t remember me at all does Mystique ring a bell uh we used to date such a jerk dang I used to date you I did pretty well wait come back hey on days 30 through 33

I was following after mystique and eventually she stopped what I’m sorry I was rude back there it’s okay so Mystique is it what’s your power here let me show you suddenly she transformed into an exact copy of me hey look at me I’m a dum-dum with big sharp

Claws and a memory that’s nowhere to be found all right all right I get it not a very good impression if I’m being honest but hey you’re a shape-shifter that’s pretty cool not just that I also study people I understand people better than they understand elves whoa creepy and we

Used to date there you go again see this is why we broke up you’re so conceited well true hey why don’t I make it up to you how let’s go back to the school I’m sure some of the other X-Men would love to meet you um

Um I’m not so sure of that what why not I don’t really get along with the X-Men it’s fine we all have an alliance now come on let’s go well all right at the beginning of days 34-37 I made it back to Xavier’s School with Mystique sure is oh what do you think

I guess okay no no no no let me show you around and we’ll see if it’s still okay and so I showed Mystique all of the cool places around the school the classrooms the cafeteria the training area and the rec room she seemed very impressed so is

It still just okay our conversation was cut short by the eruption of indistinct shouting we should go check that out mystique and I followed the shouting to a particular room and decided to do a little eavesdropping you’re just trying to hold me back I’m merely trying to protect us all to protect you

Gene then stormed out of the room and passed the two of us out of my way Smurf uh rude it’s her deal beats me we went up to Professor X to talk to him you cannot accept that she isn’t ready always like hers require absolute control if Miss gray attempts to unleash

The full extent of her power she could very well end us all should a concentration waiver for even a moment an awkward silence enveloped the room I looked at Mystique unsure of what to say next for the past that you two have caught up yeah we did something like

That if you’ll excuse me please I have many things to attend to Professor ax moved past us and down the hall I think I’m gonna try to go catch up with Gene uh make yourself at home I looked around for Gene during days 38 to 41. hey there you are what was all

That back there the professor doesn’t believe in me that’s all well I do how could you Logan you don’t even remember who you were sheesh that was harsh yeah I’m sorry hey why don’t I help you remember that would be great how do we start listen to my voice and close your

Eyes try to remember okay here we go I closed my eyes and suddenly I was in the middle of a fight Gene was there as well come on is this all you got like granny hits harder than this I’m the best at what I do but what I do isn’t the best

Eventually we cleared all the enemies nice teamwork out there same I do anything to protect you always remember I love you Logan everything was fine but very quickly what seemed to be a great memory turned into a nightmare why didn’t you save me what this isn’t real

I pulled out my claws but then I immediately heard Gene yell in pain Gene I’m sorry dude what the heck is your problem no I didn’t mean it I swear from Days 42 to 45 there was a large meeting being held by Professor X involving all the X-Men and the

Brotherhood of mutants as we all know there is a threat Among Us mutants he goes by the name of Trask bonivar Trask he’s gone haywire and wants to eradicate all mutants we simply cannot let that happen I will be forming teams amongst you all unfortunately one of our

Strongest members is in the Cavalry at the moment but we will try our best to overcome this Gene for that team one will be Cyclops Colossus and Nightcrawler Team 2 will be Gambit Rogue and Pyro and team three will consist of Wolverine Quicksilver and storm the rest

Of you will stay here and defend against potential threats to the school I myself will oversee the operation alongside Magneto to make sure everything runs smoothly if you need me I have equipped all of you with radios for ease of communication our teams are out there

And stop Trask my team and I traveled from Days 46 to 49 looking for trask’s Sentinel Factory okay we need a plan because clearly we’re lost if I didn’t have to wait for you guys I would have found it by now if you call me slow one

More time I’m gonna really get upset guys guys we won’t get anywhere if we end up fighting each other fine fine so then let’s get the move on my sources say the facility is up ahead eventually the three of us made it to the compound there were Sentinels all around round so

What’s the plan Wolverine storm these things are water resistant but maybe not shock proof If you if you go fast and hit them where it hurts and you I’ll tear them to shreds I’m the best at what I do but what I do ain’t the best let’s wait for a better

Time to strike on days 50 to 53 the entire group was outside a massive facility all right guys now is a better time than any we know that Trask is in there somewhere we rushed out from hiding and attacked the Sentinels with our powers combined we absolutely

Clobbered these tin cans storm used her powers to shock them with lightning and Quicksilver ran circles around them we have done it now we should go find traps suddenly one of the Sentinels wired back to life they lifted their head and their eyes glowed a bright red they’re not

Supposed to be doing that yes yeah no this is new fan out fighting the rebooted Sentinels was no easy feat as part of their upgrades they were able to use abilities that hindered each of our powers directly one of the Sentinels used some sort of force field to enclose

Storm in a box-like structure so that’s your trick huh well I hate to break it to you but you can’t me the box if you can’t catch me what how did that not kill you storm Quicksilver I was distracted and the Sentinel landed a cheap hit on Me

Knocking me to the ground somehow it could hold me in place and started pouring water on me what’s going on everything was going wrong we couldn’t defeat them as I laid on the ground watching my squad get beaten I knew I needed to do something I mustered up the strength to stand on

My own two feet fall back we need to get out of here my team and I managed to escape and catch our breaths from Days 54 to 57. what the heck happened back there it seems like the Sentinels are evolving to combat us you two should

Join the others on the East Front I’m gonna head back to the school hopefully I’m not too late see ya you got it I kept walking and luckily for me there was a motorcycle on the side of the road lucky day I guess with that I rode back

To Xavier’s School meanwhile the other team teams were doing their best to try and fend off the Sentinels but they were outnumbered and outpowered Trask was actually getting away with his plan we even lost some brothers and sisters in the battles the only thing I could hope

For was that the school was still intact the first part of days 58-61 were spent on the road to Xavier’s School and even from a distance I knew something was up that’s not good I got to the school as fast as I could but once I was there I

Found that it had been completely destroyed I need to find survivors I ran quickly into the smoldering ruins to find anyone who might still be alive found you wait but when I got closer I saw that they were already dead I moved on looking for someone anyone and discovered an underground passageway

They must have used this to escape I need to catch up with the rest of them while down in the tunnel I started to have a splitting migraine my head it felt like my brain was trying to escape my skull the pain was so excruciating I was assaulted by images

Of the time I I was being experimented on in Striker’s lab it seemed like I was dying internal body temperature levels are rising sir these numbers aren’t sustainable and get it under control peace he’s gone sir as the images of me slaughtering everyone in the lab faded into memory I

Came back to reality I I remember now I stood right up and kept moving on in the underground passageways on days 62 to 65 I met up with Xavier and the rest of the Squadron I’m so happy to see you glad you’re still with us Professor what’s the plan

Xavier’s side knowing that what he had to say next would be difficult to hear we lost a lot about brothers and sisters out there Frost has undeniably outsmarted us what about Gene can’t she unleash her full power on them no I won’t allow it it’s too dangerous

Dangerous enough for all of us to sit around and die we got to do something a silence fell over the room only to be broken by the professor you wouldn’t understand she isn’t ready she could destroy everything if we aren’t careful then what should we do we should be

Using the Brotherhood of mutants to our advantage I will speak with Magneto you go find Sabertooth I want nothing to do with that monster understandable I’m Pristiq instead talking to her might be worse well then make her decision at the beginning of day 66 through 70 I searched around the underground

Encampment for mystique Mystique Mystique I found her hanging out around some debris and nervously approached her uh hey there what do you want this time we need a plan to stop Trask got any good ones cooking a plan she finally turned to look at me oh I’ve got a plan

I’m going to infiltrate Trask industry it’s disguised as the man himself I was confused not seeing the full picture and what good would that do all of his files and schematics that allow him to mass-produce the Sentinels are kept in an encrypted Vault and you’re hoping

That they’ll just give you the keys to it no silly Trask is the key it’s encrypted using retina scans face recognition and fingerprints ah I was finally beginning to understand the plan that’s brilliant then Jean Gray had approached overhearing our little conversation I will admit it sounds good

On paper but if it was that easy don’t you think we would have done that by now okay now I’m confused again why would that not work it’s foolproof yes please Gene Enlighten us the Sentinels are getting smarter and stronger with each passing day they would know its mystique

And not Trask oh there’s only one way to win this and that’s with my powers here we should go somewhere more open the three of us made our way to the surface into an open field Gene created a safe distance between us and her well here goes nothing Jean Gray concentrated

With all her might to summon the full extent of her power but after several minutes it became apparent that she couldn’t do it Gene then fell to the ground panting I don’t understand why can’t I do it well so much for that idea it was worth a shot but Professor

Xavier was right Gene needs more training but that takes time something we don’t have what now I have to talk to the person I hate the most on days 71-74 I confronted Sabretooth to ask him if he had any ideas hey how do we stop Trask if I knew don’t you think

I would have spoken up by now I don’t know maybe it’s not like I trust you I don’t know what could possibly make you not trust me well I’ve been trying to remember and I think it all started at the circus [Laughter] hey hey huh who said that over here I’m

Gonna break you out who are you it’s me your half Brothers other half brother it’s all Creed sorry doesn’t ring a bell why does it me your brother Saul broke me out but he was doing it to sell me to another evil so I had to kill him and run away yes

You killed my brother so I had to make things fair by killing my girlfriend she did nothing to you you animal with that I stormed off but I quickly ran into Jean Gray hey Gene what’s up I’m ready I’m going to stop this once and for all

Gene don’t I can’t lose you there’s nothing you or Cyclops can do to stop me I’m going before I could do anything else to stop her she was gone on day 75 to 78 I started by telling Cyclops that Gene had run away that’s not good she’s

Not ready yet I know where do you think she went she most likely went to the Sentinel Factory we have to stop her together follow me we rode side by side with with a mutual goal finally I returned back to the Sentinel Factory with Cyclops we found Gene there trying

To unleash her full potential Gene come down oh man she can’t even hear me come on Gene it’s too dangerous dangerous was right Gene began overloading herself and became the dark Phoenix shoot what do we do I don’t know try to talk to her maybe she will recognize

Your voice Jean began destroying all the Sentinels she was Unstoppable hey sweetie remember when I brought you flowers at one time really bro that’s all you got and I’m working on it she wasn’t slowing down she continued to obliterate everything in sight the thing I say is working I’m going in to stop

Her no it’s not safe I don’t care Jane Gene I’m right here just oh no Cyclops I knew it was all up to me now or as the professor said we would all be doomed Jean stop now I don’t want to kill you I slowly made my way towards her while

Getting blasted with high amounts of power I’m afraid I have no choice I’m sorry Gene I love you I then impaled her with my claws and she immediately died no oh on days 79 to 82 I walked to the grounds and everything was quiet it felt like

The world itself was mourning the loss of our two friends it’s not the same without him we had a funeral for Gene and cyclops the next day along with all the others we’ve lost in this journey Professor X was in front of it all and began his eulogy for the

Fallen heroes we are gathered here today to celebrate the lives of these brave men and women during Xavier’s speech I noticed Magneto across the field glaring at him we mustn’t blame people for the things they cannot control once the funeral was over I trailed Magneto to

See what he might be up to what’s going on with you nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first but then I lost him for a moment when he went into a room he emerged minutes later with Sabertooth and I continued following him I trailed them for another minute or two until

Sabertooth spotted me oh I tried to hide but it was too late Sabertooth told me to come over runzo what are you doing what does it look like I’m trailing you because it looks like you’re up to some funny business that isn’t Magneto you fool just then Magneto started transforming it was

Mystique all along so we’re not up to anything nefarious we’re trying to come up with a way to beat Rask just like everybody else oh so please stop following us yeah okay I left and started wandering back when Quicksilver ran up to me hey you were right not to

Trust my father I know where he is let me show you okay I followed Quicksilver the best I could but he often forgets how fast he is going eventually we made it to the place and spotted Magneto and Xavier having a heated chat on days 83 to 86 Quicksilver and I were

Eavesdropping on Magneto and Xavier they were having an argument on how to handle the anti-mutant threat is on your hands that’s foolish for you to say you sat around doing nothing what are you two looking at got a blast come in bronzo it’s not looking good

What’s the new plan we will come up with a plan to stop Trask one way or another just then there was a message that popped up on Xavier’s desk good evening nerds trusk we then all walked up to the desk to listen to the message where are you right now I just

Wanted to give you a heads up my Sentinels are even stronger now and I have an army of them headed towards you right now as we speak would you like the pedicure as well no not no Tata nerds wow he totally did that typical villain thing of telling the protagonist his

Plans rather than just letting it happen shut up you’re all just hating Let’s Ride anyway we must prepare for battle it was a peaceful set of days from Days 87 to 90. peaceful until our Hideout was discovered a loud metallic crash rang through the building in the early

Morning hours I wasn’t sure what was happening at first until Iceman ran past me shouting we’re under attack I ran with Iceman into the main room and there he was in a massive Mecha Sentinel Trask Trask hello again I’m surprised you came here yourself and missed the front row

Seats to your demise I don’t think so Trask and his big robot shot me with some molten weapon that I was only narrowly able to dodge time for a counter-attack I tried to climb up the robot and rip Trask out myself no you don’t he pulled out another weapon and

Shot me to the ground adamantium bullets stay there why don’t you and watch your friends get destroyed but Trask was sorely mistaken he may have beaten me but the teamwork of the X-Men and the Brotherhood of mutants was nothing to mess around with looks like you were wrong Trask but Trask didn’t

Seem to be listening to me at all he looked like a human computer taking in heaps of information fascinating Sentinels Retreat we got what we came for as Trask and the rest of the Sentinels fled the scene I was left with one thought the professor we need to

Regroup with him make sure he’s okay what I saw was something I was not prepared for in the slightest Professor Xavier was dead being cradled in the arms of Magneto my anger was Building inside of me well what happened what happened I snapped at Magneto but he

Looked just as devastated as the rest of us there there was nothing I could do a sentinel that attacked Charles and I was constructed from a high density polymer plastic something my Powers could not interact with we were helpless no Magneto Rose stepping around Xavier and

Began to address all of the other mutant onlookers I will command you all in Charles’s stead we haven’t always seen eye to eye but I do my best to honor his legacy I wasn’t sure about this Magneto seemed awfully suspicious don’t you think it’s more than a little disrespectful to just take the

Professor’s position so quickly Magneto looked back at me evidently annoyed you forget yourself Wolverine pleasantries and decorum are for times of Peace we’re at War boy I can’t believe you no one will stand for this right guys I turned around to find that most of the X-Men

Seem to agree with Magneto rather than myself guys come on you’re not just going to let him walk all over us are you Magneto put a hand on my shoulder speaking in a soft voice as if he was trying to console me now is not the time

For infighting Trask is a threat to all continued existence Wolverine I understand that you’re upset why didn’t you take some time to mourn I slowly shuffled off back to my room maybe I should take his advice in the early hours of the first morning of days 91-93 Quicksilver appeared in my room whoa hey a little privacy I don’t like how my father is in charge now I know something must be up yeah I agree I

Don’t trust Magneto but intuition isn’t enough to convince anyone that we need proof maybe if we beat the magnets out of him that ought to get him to Spill the Beans I think we’re gonna need more subtlety than that plus he controls metal and you’re uh made of it hmm true he’s still

Asleep right now we gotta act fast before he gets up for the day Roger that Quicksilver had a plan and he sprung into action first he stole the cerebro helmet from Xavier’s office and brought it to Magneto’s room careful with that thing we both snuck into Magneto’s room

And he placed the helmet on Magneto and then turned to me okay do you know how this thing works what no I thought you did just then Magneto started waking up but Quicksilver got us out of there before he noticed us well it was worth a shot Magneto knew something was up and

He was getting suspicious during days 94 to 96. there are traitors among us we need to lock up the road considering she has the power to take away our gifts if trust gets his hands on her that would be the end for us no this is stupid

She’s just a child I won’t go not with without a fight I think we found our traitor Sabertooth tried to confront Rogue but it didn’t go as planned when she touched him hey what gives where’s my power nice try I can take away mutant abilities idiot good thing I’m not a

Mutant come here Rogue and she please don’t take it come along girly everyone watched as the giant took away Rogue meeting agenda I approached Mystique after Magneto left this is unfair I agree let’s talk somewhere else we then found a private room to talk help me break Rogue out I

Don’t think that’s a good idea but I do know where we can find Magneto good I want to talk to him once and for all I followed Mystique all the way to where Magneto was hiding on days 97 and 98 I arrived where Magneto was hiding with

Mystique before I went to confront him Mystique stopped me be careful of course she left as I approached Magneto for the last time Magneto what are you doing I’m the only one who has what it takes to defeat Trask I’m gonna do it myself that’s ridiculous we’ll be more powerful

Together no thank you I’m going to take him down alone and then the whole world will see what I can do why can’t you just work as a team for once a message must be sent not just Trask or to the rest of the world if we don’t do that

Then after we beat trust there will be just another to take his place but why do you need to do it alone in order to send a message you just want to do it to look better than the rest of us took you long enough to figure it out I will get everyone’s

Attention as the most powerful mutants and once I’ve earned the trust of the humans it will be that much easier to wipe them out you’re no better than Trask suddenly he used his powers to raise me up and push me against the wall and pin me down every single bone in my

Body was being pinned in place there was nothing I could do I’ll admit it I was the one who killed Xavier I did it while everyone was distracted by the Sentinels I knew it you monster just when I thought all hope was lost Quicksilver appeared with Rogue and Rogue touched

Magneto May making him lose his powers that’s for locking me up you monster no this is our only chance my father is evil and there’s no changing that finish him with that I stabbed Magneto finishing him off once and for all on day 99 I informed the surviving X-Men

What happened to Magneto I had to do what I had to do that’s crazy bro look the battle is about to begin we must fight for the future of mutant kind [Applause] one more thing make sure you like the video comment down below what kind of

Video you want to see bronzo do next And subscribe so you never miss another video sweet nice now let’s go take Trask down we had trouble waiting for us outside of the new Trask industry building there were loads of Sentinels already attacking fight fight the battle was huge everyone

Came together in these final moments we almost have them keep fighting as the battle roared on I spotted trash going inside of the building you won’t get away that easily it was finally day 100 and I reached a Trask just in time or so I thought it’s over big guy I got you

Right where I want you do you really because I think I got you right where I want you stop copying me you’re the last thing standing in my way and now I’m gonna take you out Trask got inside of his Sentinel Mech which was much bigger

Than all the previous ones I charged at him and we fought and I came back with all my might the robot hit way harder than any Sentinel I had encountered yet and he was very quickly getting the upper hand on me ah is that all you can

Do at least I’m not hiding in a robot suit this new Sentinel Mech was different it had abilities from some of the previous Heroes it had battled freezing cold like Iceman lightning from storm and some new powers I’d never seen before you won’t win this fight Trask we

Fought long and hard but no matter how much damage the Sentinel did to me with my regeneration Powers he couldn’t possibly kill me slowly over time I wore down the mech suit I dealt one big final blow and the suit was destroyed malfunction malfunction malfunction no no suddenly the whole thing exploded

Destroying Trask in a blazing Fireball he was defeated you yes I won bronzo Once again don’t forget to download sandbox using my link down below for a chance to win an iPhone or one thousand dollars in mine coins and a selfie stick to use in game thanks sandbox for sponsoring this video

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as WOLVERINE in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2023-02-03 23:00:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

For a chance to win an iPhone or $1000 in Minecoins, you must create an account and download The Sandbox for free using my …

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  • The WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets 1.21 Australia

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  • Unbelievable Dirt Madness in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft Skills by El Tizi Pro!

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  • Unveiling Agatha’s True Power in Palladium Mod!

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  • 🔥SHOCKING: Jerome Becomes Pixelmon Tycoon Master?!🔥

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  • Unbelievable Wormaster blocktrap in #bedwars!

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  • Zombie slaughters banana! MUST WATCH! #2

    Zombie slaughters banana! MUST WATCH! #2Video Information This video, titled ‘zombie killed banana 2# [minecraft animation REMAKE]’, was uploaded by animate show on 2024-08-12 09:21:09. It has garnered 48 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. In the heart-pounding animated show, “Zombie Rampage,” we venture into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where a relentless and cunning zombie unleashes chaos upon the once peaceful landscape. The story follows a group of brave and resourceful Minecraft characters who must band together to survive the relentless onslaught. As the sun sets, the quiet serenity of the Minecraft world is shattered as… Read More

  • EVO CIVS SMP Survival Geo Events Whitelist 1.21 Java

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  • Minecraft Memes – Creating a mysterious and unknown entity adds to the excitement and challenge of Minecraft gameplay!

    Minecraft Memes - Creating a mysterious and unknown entity adds to the excitement and challenge of Minecraft gameplay!If only Minecraft had a tutorial on how to navigate through the awkwardness of your teenage years… Read More

  • Crafty Rhyme: Minecraft Base Prime Time!

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  • Korean Server Ping Hell: Laggy Zombie Edition #lit #minecraft #memes

    Korean Server Ping Hell: Laggy Zombie Edition #lit #minecraft #memes When you’re trying to survive a zombie apocalypse in Minecraft but your Korean server ping is so bad, the zombies are just standing there waiting for you to catch up. It’s like they’re on a coffee break or something! #laggyzombies #servernightmare Read More

  • Crafting a Red Ruby Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Red Ruby Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Red Ruby Portal (Rainbow Bubblegem) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you discover the mystical Red Ruby Portal, also known as the Rainbow Bubblegem portal. This portal opens up a world of wonders and challenges for players to explore. Let’s delve into the enchanting realm of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of this unique portal. Unveiling the Red Ruby Portal The Red Ruby Portal is a rare and mysterious gateway that leads players to a vibrant and colorful dimension filled with new resources, creatures, and landscapes. To create this portal, players must gather the… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Biome & Mob!

    Terrifying Minecraft Biome & Mob! Minecraft Live 2024: Exciting Updates Revealed! During the recent Minecraft Live 2024 show, fans were thrilled to learn about the upcoming additions to the game. Among the highlights were a new horror biome, a mysterious mob, and a variety of new blocks that promise to enhance gameplay. New Horror Biome: Spooky Adventures Await! One of the most anticipated announcements was the introduction of a new horror biome. Players can look forward to exploring eerie landscapes filled with chilling surprises and spine-tingling challenges. This addition is sure to add a new level of excitement to the game, perfect for those… Read More

  • EPIC VODs: Ultimate Choppin’ Quests in Fantasy Minecraft Fabric…WHAT?!

    EPIC VODs: Ultimate Choppin' Quests in Fantasy Minecraft Fabric...WHAT?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Choppin’ Quests! ▫ Fantasy Minecraft Fabric ▫ Stream-Only Modded 1.20.1 SMP!’, was uploaded by PixlVODs on 2024-09-06 10:11:46. It has garnered 1518 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:49 or 10369 seconds. Pixlriffs plays on the Fantasy Minecraft Fabric SMP! In this stream we focus up on the Quest Book and take on some quests. We mine for magic ores, search for hidden structures and take on our first major boss! This is a stream-only server started by MythicalSausage using the Fantasy Minecraft Fabric modpack. Expect RPG mechanics, fantastical builds, dungeons,… Read More

  • Tricky Trails with Precelkiem – Minecraft Archive

    Tricky Trails with Precelkiem - Minecraft ArchiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Archiwum] Live – MINECRAFT: Tricky Trails z Precelkiem /3 – #minecraft’, was uploaded by NNiezapominajka on 2024-08-17 09:00:25. It has garnered 146 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:50 or 2630 seconds. Replay from the last Live ;). Recording from Live, which took place on Friday, August 2, 2024. Stream schedule: + Fridays – hours 20 + Saturdays – hours 20 – the first game is a horror game – possibly a horror adventure game, the second game – more casual (it varies with them 😅) + In addition, there are… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Creaking Mob in Phoenix SC’s World!

    Unbelievable! Creaking Mob in Phoenix SC's World!Video Information This video, titled ‘The NEW Creaking Mob is so funny.’, was uploaded by Phoenix SC on 2024-09-28 15:25:02. It has garnered 1091791 views and 49142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:02 or 302 seconds. Watch me watch Minecraft Live!: http://www.twitch.tv/phoenixsclive Merch: https://phoenixsc.store/ Cape: https://store.badlion.net/shop/PhoenixSC ——————————————————————– This channel is powered by Shockbyte server hosting — Receive a 25% discount on your first month on a server with code “PHOENIXSC”! https://shockbyte.com/partner/phoenixsc ——————————————————————– If you’d like to monetarily support the channel, consider joining as a member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj4zC1Hfj-uc90FUXzRamNw/join SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/phoenixsucksat TWITTER: http://twitter.com/phnixhamsta WEBSITE: http://phoenixsc.me FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/phnixhamstasc #Minecraft is a… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL! Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore | Another Channel

    EPIC FAIL! Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore | Another ChannelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore | How i failed #Minecraft #Gaming #Gameplay #Building #Survival’, was uploaded by Another Channel on 2024-02-18 07:29:21. It has garnered 262 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:38 or 458 seconds. 😫 There is an error with my voice-over. sorry for the inconvenience 😁 #exploration, #Multiplayer, #Mods, #Tutorial, #Fun, #Creative, #Challenge, #LetsPlay, #MinecraftJava, #MinecraftBedrock, #Gamer, #GamingCommunity, #BuildingBlocks, #PixelArt, #EpicBuilds, #MinecraftWorld, #Mining, #Farming, #MinecraftServers, #PvP, #PvE, #BossBattles, #MinecraftArchitecture, #BuildingIdeas, #MinecraftHouse, #MinecraftCity, #MinecraftCommunity, #MinecraftUpdates, #MinecraftTips, #MinecraftTricks, #MinecraftRedstone, #MinecraftDesigns, #MinecraftLife, #MinecraftTutorial, #MinecraftBuilding, #MinecraftCreative, #MinecraftSurvival, #MinecraftAdventure, #MinecraftFun, #MinecraftMods, #MinecraftAnimals, #MinecraftMonsters, #MinecraftArt,… Read More

  • Telanthric 2: CRAZY Cameraman Chaos

    Telanthric 2: CRAZY Cameraman ChaosVideo Information This video, titled ‘all cameraman in Minecraft mod’, was uploaded by Telanthric 2 on 2024-03-04 17:03:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Maizen Adventure in Blood Cave – Insane Minecraft Moments!

    Shocking Maizen Adventure in Blood Cave - Insane Minecraft Moments!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey in Scary Blood Cave in Minecraft – Maizen?!’, was uploaded by Maibek JJ on 2024-07-24 19:13:02. It has garnered 12824 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:04 or 1804 seconds. Read More

I Survived 100 DAYS as WOLVERINE in HARDCORE Minecraft!