I Survived 100 Days in 1.20 HARDCORE Minecraft…

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Today my world’s going from 1.19 to 1.20 this adds new blocks new Mobs new biomes and thousands of armor trim combinations this means that there’s a lot of new things to do in my world which require exploring thousands of blocks and getting thousands of diamonds and a

Serious amount of netherite also if you get bored of the video part way through please could you leave it bringing in the background whilst you do other stuff as that helps me out so so much now before I upgrade this world to the next version there’s a few things that I want

To do first because they’ll be harder to do in 1.20 and it involves netherite you see in the shulker Box you can see we have a decent amount of ingots and ancient debris and in fact I’m going to quickly take all this and smelt it away

In here from there I can turn them into the ingots and store them up you see once I upgrade to 1.20 making netherite armor is going to be much much harder and because I want every single armor trim combination which is like over 700 pieces of netherite armor I’m going to

Make as many pieces of that as I can before updating that should be enough it’s almost two shulker boxes worth and it is a wild stop being near the right mining so I have no idea how much this is going to get me not since I completed the monster project of the netherite

Beacon and getting enough netherite pieces for every single armor trim combination actually requires half a netherite beacon support and it’s gonna require over 20 000 damage for all the smithing templates so yeah very very big project and the only YouTube I’ve seen that’s taking it on is Rec wrap and he’s

Quite far ahead of me so it probably won’t be him but I’m gonna try anyway since I always love that good challenge I think at this point I’m far away enough so I can begin digging down straight into lava thankfully I’ve got enough armor where I should survive no problem

Um just want to play some blocks above my head and then the great long tunnel can well what a great start I’ve literally only took about 20 blocks and already we’ve got some ancient debris today is going to be a very good day I could just feel it

Another one you can still see the end of the tunnel this is fantastic but I bet now I won’t see I need for another 1000 blocks oh no well okay I will never back what on Earth without a doubt chosen the luckiest line ever to do this is piece

Number four and anytime I find gravel I am going to my old piece number five two oh yeah anytime I find gravel I am gonna mine it up to replenish the stocks in the shulker Box look at this mining gravel is exposed to my 9th and 10th

Base of ancient debris and that is gravel shulker box number one completely filled and at this point my sub touch pickaxe is nearly broken so I’m not going to remind up any quartz I see to fully repair it animals are picked up as well because it will be very very useful

Later on it’s also repairing my elytra too which is very very nice 16 pieces of ancient debris very nice indeed and a whole load of gravel below it I think at this point the tunnel is long enough it’s thousands and thousands of blocks long so I’ll put the remaining gravel

Into here the spare Quartz in there and fill all the rest of the space from inventory with TNT but I shall lace the entire tunnel with I’ve now officially run out of tunnel they’ve still got quite a lot of TNT left there’s some in there as well I think I’m going to

Extend it by a few hundred more blocks I say you know there’s lava in all directions I can’t love it let’s just light it up and I can see how much ancient debris we end up with apparently quite a lot already look at these three have just been revealed and I’m really

Hoping it’s the first of many actually this is the first of many there’s some there more there even more way in the distance and I’ve forgotten how fun ancient temporary mining really is that is half a stuck although I didn’t get most of those 32 just from mining the

Strip mine never mind getting it all from this blown up tunnel you see this is the beauty of using a bow and arrow to light your TNT because you don’t have to be there from all the way back here you can set the chain off and continue

Collecting and that is my first stack hopefully there’s many more still to come and this is the second stack look at these five pieces of ancient debris all in close proximity that’s something you don’t see every day that has also helped me get to stacker number three

And there’s not gonna be much more than that because we have reached the end of the tunnel not too bad of an amount I would have loved to get more but I can’t complain instead I’ll just dig my way out okay or I’ll I’ll go into lava my

Way out that’s maybe not ideal can I can I fly out okay I don’t know where we are oh we’re nearly dead that’s what we are we well oh yeah there goes a tone now we’re completely safe it’s always a risk trying to play upwards through Lava I’m

Out no idea where I am all I do know is that home is somewhere in this direction and it’ll probably be a wise idea for me to go into this shulker box grab myself the yellow one because I need another total I don’t want to be flying around

Without one because one wrong move and it could be 6514 days down the drain here we are home sweet home if you will be once I never get around all this junk I should probably just get rid of that old creep if I’m sure in there oh what a move that

Was beautiful let’s Chuck away all the nether Aqua we don’t need magma Blackstone gravel and I can split these into eight separate piles to fill up my six different blast furnaces yeah I’ve miscalculated that I thought I had eight but I’ve just got eight normal fences

Never mind I’ll just have to split these ones up as well gonna need at least three stacks of gold which means taking some gold blocks I’ll just craft ball got way more than I need there and I just have to wait for these to finish

And whilst I do guys if you’re new and you enjoyed the video don’t forget to subscribe now I’m going to keep my shovel in my hand as I do this because it’s going to get me a lot of XP which should hopefully repair it up a bit

Indeed it has have we got any other ones no we’ve got nothing else in there so let’s craft this how many gods is it it’s 48 okay that is quite a lot actually especially when you pair it with the 15 I already have I’m very pleased with that we’re going to turn

These extra bits of gold into blocks to go into here a one more piece of netherite scrap and I could get a 64 thing got I’ve gotta go for it it probably sent me loads loads of times strip mine to find it but even if it doesn’t I don’t care because I’m getting

Loads of extra gobble whilst I do it there it is just what I was looking for and there’s an extra one right here as well I’ve just got to make the long run all the way back on this one you know what forget it I’m just digging out

Hopefully without coming into lava this time no we didn’t perfect although I nearly did wow I got lucky there straight into an island from there these extra two pieces can be smelted I can make the 64th Ingot and then I need enough diamonds for the amount of armor

Sets I’m gonna be making so I’m gonna be making 16 armor sets oh look at this I’ve got so many damage look at all the odds as well so yeah 16 armor sets eight challenge set requires 24 diamonds so it’s 16 times 24 which is 394 I’m not

Gonna have enough inventory space today so tell what we’ve got to split it up I’ll first make all the netherite boots and I need armor stands I need somewhere to put them that should do it I have no idea where they’re all gonna go They’re gonna have to be somewhere kind of away

From my base because the 700 armor stands it’s gonna take are going to be very very laggy sorry I don’t want them to do it for now I suppose these ones can be near because I’m not placing down every single one in this episode so they

Could they could just go at the front of my house let’s get down every pair of boots I don’t have to keep going downstairs I could just craft all the leggings and grab the smithing table that I have in that shulker box I knew I had one somewhere we could just make

Them straight away here and place all of them down followed by chest plates and I would say I’ll finally craft the helmets but yeah we’ve only got four diamonds left not to worry though yeah you know we have too many maybe the floor’s gonna have to come up for this project at some

Point but yeah loads of loads in there I can make the 16 I need turn them to another right and add them on looking good that’s just save me 60 for netherite upgrade smithing templates and you have to find one of them or take seven diamonds to craft so that’s 500

Diamonds I’ve just saved and I could steal some blocks I could take blocks from the nether eye Beacon and then I could get all of them it would save me a lot of diamonds before I update yes I know these beacons are sacred things that should never be touched but you

Know what I’m doing it oh okay well I didn’t mean to break the thing but yes I’m doing it I’m telling you it’s 100 for the credit good it’s Gonna Save Me so so much time further down the line I also don’t actually know how much netherite I’m gonna need so I’ll first

See how many diamonds I have available for crafting so yeah we’ve got we’ve got a lot there I will mine up every or I think you know what every Diamond I own is gonna get put to use before I update my world yeah it’s not going to be

Pretty it’s gonna make things look bad thankless you Diamond Beacon but I’m telling you in the long run it is definitely going to be worth it just be doing a few quick calculations I need 3840 diamonds for all the netherite sets and 614 netherite ingots I’ll start with

Getting all the diamonds together I’ve got 54 Stacks remaining which is actually just two shulker boxes worth shouldn’t take me long at all especially when you consider I have a fortune three pickaxe I knew I was collecting all these diamonds for something just temporarily diamonds not for peasants

Okay they’re just for somebody who wants to get every single armor trim combination which is definitely not something that a peasant could manage you know what I’m starting to realize I have nowhere near enough Diamond Auto pull this off like I’ve not even filled this shulk box and I have used them all

Up nearly it’s very worrying indeed but thank goodness I’ve got a full diamond Beacon to go at and it’s still not enough so you know what this entire floor has got to go I was hoping he wouldn’t come to this but I have no choice ironically me using all these

Diamonds is actually going to save me loads of diamonds in the long run so just remember that that’s what I keep telling myself anyway before I mine anymore I’ll just see how close I am oh I’m still miles away this is a disaster I need five Stacks nearly six there’s no

Way I get it from it this has taken me 6 000 days to kill these diamonds and it’s still not enough for the project that to me is quite crazy to think about did that how much I didn’t even get a stack from that now guys is there anywhere

Else in my my world where I have diamonds there has to be I know there’s some spare ones in this shulker box so we can grab those another 64. okay that gets me a step closer we need three nearly four stacks and I just noticed there’s 11 deep slight in here don’t

Want to forget about them there has to be more somewhere there has to be some place that I’ve just pointlessly built out of diamonds that I didn’t need to but where where would it be it’s a shame it’s not emeralds that would be a lot easier yes where would it be there’s one

Place I can think possibly has some it’s not a guarantee but it’s definitely worth having a look oh this password I’ve completely forgot that I made a diamond or pathway okay that wasn’t what I was thinking of I was thinking of these diamond blocks here it’s good to

Know I’ve definitely got all the dimes I need I’ll just start with these blocks and then see how I get on because realistically you’d think that this is probably gonna be enough also do you like the Misty floor effect of this room it’s very very cool isn’t it so turning

Those blocks into Diamonds oh yeah we’ve got enough and now I have the fun project of crafting all of these into armor sets I still think doing in batches of 16 is probably my best bet then I could hopefully keep track of everything fairly easily now according

To my calculations that is every single pair of netherite boots and now to do a whole of that again for the leggings a Midway through doing this I have run out of netherite for the next batch of 16. not to worry though I could just go to

The infinite sources that hit the right Beacon and collect plenty more that way and now back to crafting leggings it is Operation get every single one of these it’s also done which means it’s on to the chest plates and once I finish upgrading these it’s also every chest

Plate obtained finally only got the helmets left to do is it’s taking so so long don’t know how this has happened but I’m 14 Diamond shot where did those diamonds go and you think I’ll have to fly all the way back to the other place I was at with the giant enchantment

Table to get the missing ones but don’t you worry there is one diamond block up here that I can grab that still doesn’t give me enough but don’t you worry still because down here look at that we’ve got a spare nether as well I can’t break a

Block next to the portal block otherwise the portal will break and I have to do update expression to get it back not doing that but I can safely break this one without any problems my goodness putting back every single one of these diamonds is gonna be such a nice but the

Helmets are crafted they can be turned to netherite and once in this chest I can safely upgrade to 1.20 and I’m gonna have to tweet a picture of all these netherite pieces to record just to flexing him that I’ve got him before him anyway enough of that I’m glad I won’t

Need to use the smithing table for any of these armor sets this is the last time my world will be 1.19 it’s time to get all the new features I cannot wait and in fact I’m so excited that I’m even gonna first go to bed all right perfect

Now I can update and here we are 1.20 I’m so excited all right sorry guys you’ve just been baited I was just about to upgrade then I remember that there’s something I’ve forgotten to do something that’s impossible in 1.20 but possible in 1.19 and I need to do it now it

Requires cursor binding which I can get from this fella here I’ve already got him lined up and ready to go so I’ll just grab some books and emeralds in fact I might just have one in this chest we’ll soon see and the answer is no I

Don’t okay and no emeralds up here what okay there’s Emma block you know what guys I know I’m blind or maybe if I put on my screen 737 sunglasses I’ll be able to see a bit better now we can buy that in fact combine four of them and the

Other thing that I need is a pumpkin but not just any kind of pumpkin a carved pumpkin but not just any kind of carved pumpkin a Jack-o-Lantern you see with these four right here I can go to an anvil and I can put cursive bind too

Expensive okay it’s just one at a time recipe you want it you know what go take these songs I stopped the design for the Sun not for playing games but yeah putting coaster vinyl jack-o-lantern is not possible in one point 20 but it is

In 1.19 so I thought I might as well do that now before losing my world okay you see they don’t really carried on do they get it back what a scam if you place them you lose it okay I’m glad I tested that and because of that I’m gonna fly

Back over here buy another bouquet we’ve got a discount and put it back on then I’m gonna put him in a special place in my house where they can stay on display forever although it doesn’t quite a lot random I would just just give me one second there we go that looks much

Better and now I can safely upgrade the world for real this time and we’re here for real this time I promise you and I can prove it because look at the smithing table it’s completely different now making nether armor wouldn’t be so easy also just realize I’ve gone below a

Thousand levels that’s not great but I’m sure I’ll get them back anyway what I want to do now is I want to go out I want to go out exploring I want to fix that some can’t be wrong but the website’s not working but yeah I reckon

The thing I should start with is getting every single new advancement there’s no new nether ones there’s a few new adventure ones though to do with okay let’s have a look at this basically got to find all the hard ones and apply them okay need to breed the sniffers and the

Camels and there’s a few more that I can’t see in that menu right now so first things first I’m gonna fly far far away in the nether then when I make a new portal not like that I’ll be far far away in brand new chunks now that I’m

Here I’m gonna keep my eyes peeled for a chicken there we go don’t mind me I just need one feather actually I’ve got two for good measure and then I need to just delve down here for copper man I’m really rolling Back The Years yet I’m

Gonna have to smelt it but I don’t have a furnace so that’s getting made can I be bothered again has some coal okay you know it’s right there I yes I can be bother then I’ll mine at one piece of that smell both of these I also require

One stick so the other three could just live in this chest for the rest of the days actually I’m gonna make get two sticks because I’m making two brushes then I can pick that up and craft the brush yes we have got it we’re ready for archeology and there’s no better place

To do that archeology than out in the ocean at the ruins although I have run out of five rockets so we better first Rectify that and I want to say I’ve got water breathing in there but they updated all the colors now that it’s well after 1.9.4 I have got some let’s

Do that yeah I don’t know what anything is other than fire resistance but you see there’s a new armor trim that comes from the Elder Guardian so I’ll break a hole here in fact can I break a few holes before I get mining fatigue one in

There and I’ve got it okay never mind I’ll just Chuck down the under chest there’s something else I needed I needed my sword that’s it now I’ll drink this see you later I’m going in all right give me the good stuff the Elder Guardians suddenly have more of a use

Than just sponge okay because that you know that’s not much is it defeated and did we get it did it it it did not well I guess it’s time for take two pretty sure I remember correctly it’s a one in five chance of the Elder Guardian dropping what I’m after so it’s entirely

Possible that I don’t get it from any of these three which would be very very sad indeed come on give it to me please uh nope we didn’t get it from you which means there’s just one chance left please don’t let me down and

We got it yes we did get it the tide armor trim now bear in mind for the project of getting an armor set for every single armor trim combination I need 250 of these I need 250 of all 16 armor trims which is kind of ridiculous

It makes it useful for me just go to Ocean Monuments and try and get one though because otherwise the duplicate 20 takes seven diamonds so hunting for them is kind of quicker when I’m in a place like this than going to mine diamonds that’s the way I look at it

Anyway down here we have a shipwreck which also has a chance not in that chest or any of the chests on the Shipwreck but it does have a chance to get you another type of trim but I think I was looking in the wrong place yeah

Let’s go down there is it the treasure chest that has it oh a diamond they’re gonna come in handy and I’m not gonna take the rest of the stuff I don’t really need it what about buried treasure no is the answer no they don’t this just

Does have a chance of having him as well but it wasn’t in there my goodness getting 250 of each is gonna be ridiculously hard ah okay we got two in this one that’s very nice I tell you what this is just made Minecraft so much more fun again I’m having to explore to

Find something I’ve got a massive project I can work towards there’s probably other projects I need to do this is what having a Minecraft update is great like I’ve got to repair an entire netherite Beacon a diamond Beacon loads of stuff in my house I mean oh

This should keep me busy for a good thousand days you think or at least I’m hoping that’s the case anyway oh a jungle if there’s a Jungle Pyramid around here I can find another Trim in there although they are very rare So spotting one is not gonna be easy yeah

No joy this time and I still haven’t really finished searching the ocean oh it doesn’t okay you know what maybe I have finished it was the world’s smallest one so yeah I’m going back to the ocean where I can continue searching shipwrecks and also ocean ruins because this is where suspicious Sundays and

Suspicious sand get your free loot like wheat yeah I really wanted that now but despite the rubbish stuff in there there is something really really good is this it no it was Cole I’m talking something way rare on that okay I don’t care about that and then it goes back in I don’t

Even know also don’t care about this can I just break it that’s it get out of it maybe I’ll care about this one although I I don’t think so it just looks like another ax that’s it get get broken looks like you have to wait a little bit

Longer before you find out what I want to get from the suspicious sun and I’m also struggling to find Ocean rooms they seem they seem quite rare at the moment look at that that must be the smallest desert in the world and look what’s bundled in the corner a desert pyramid

Now I remember when I used to have to search these all the time because they do have trail of ruins in one oh here we go we’ve got suspicious Sun now then I don’t think you can get what I want from the other place here but look at this is

This a pottery Shard oh yes a prize one nice don’t actually know exactly what’s down here but it’s definitely worth an Xbox you’ve got to be careful because if you go too fast you end up breaking it and breaking Pottery shards is not what I want okay I think all those all

Pottery shards here it looks like it doesn’t it pretty interesting place you know doing a bit of archeology okay they’re not all that I’ll just I’ll just get that we’ve got some emeralds and honestly when you’ve had a world this long anything is kind of useless to me but I guess

Still cool to find stuff anyway so here we can get another armor trim Diamonds though also kind of going to be useful too but we didn’t get anything good that’s a shame I’d love the June armor trim don’t worry though I’m sure I’ll come across another desert soon just

Like I’m sure I’ll come across more monuments and more ruins soon as well there’s another jungle here so it’s definitely worth a nosy and yes it was indeed fantastic so in I go now then I’m not entirely sure which chests I need to be looking in but I’m not going to do

Wait is it have to change the layouts oh it’s a mirror okay you know what I’ve never seen it that way around I don’t know which chests I’m meant to be looking in let’s just avoid that’s it you missed yeah rubbish the other one oh that misters yeah yeah it stuck anyway

Oh look at this two wild armor trims so that’s another one checked off the list out of the 16 that I need still 13 to go though what a mission just to find every single trim never mind getting 250 of them thankfully we have got another of

These here which is good nothing in this chest but two more in this one that was definitely a successful jungle Mission and I don’t know if I’ve been to this ocean before or not only one way to find out if there’s armor trims in the chest

Then I haven’t and there is which is great news I’ve got so many Coast armor trims already I’ve cut 12. now yes I know I need 250 but I’m definitely going in the right direction another desert and this is a big one plus an outpost

Now there is a Sentry armor Trim in some of these it’s a one in four chance are the odds in my favor no no they’re not and I’m now trying to use strip logs as a marker to say that have been somewhere just to stop my authority now this isn’t a particularly

Big desert so it’s unlikely I’ll find more desert pyramids here but yeah never know in reality I’m more bothered about finding ocean ruins because there’s something very special in those which I’m still waiting to show you aha now this is a bigger one here that hopefully has lots more suspicious and although I

Can’t see it here we go alrighty give me what I want or just keep giving me cold it’s up to you I’m in a minute here we go ladies and gentlemen we have got the sniffer egg which apparently smells interesting now I actually need to get

Two of these oh we’ve got a pottery Shard as well nice but yeah I need two of these because I want to breed them so I’m gonna keep searching for that second sniffer egg then I’ll be able to have an infinite amount of them and I’ve spotted something outside which is very useful

What is it okay it’s just more gold oh yeah there’s something over in that direction which I can’t wait to go over and see yes it’s a desert village and you know what you always find at Desert Villages at camel we ladies and gentlemen have now got a camel all right

Let’s tame him really don’t know how I’m gonna get you home because I haven’t got a saddle but yeah you just sit there maybe the odds can be my favorite and there’ll be one in this blacksmith no there isn’t sadly but I’ll take the opposite of I don’t think any of these

Buildings are the types to have saddles in if only I was a bit more forward thinking I might have brought one from hoax I’ve got loads there is always the last resort that a mine shaft chest has won yet you never know although you do know because according to the wiki they

Don’t spawn in mine shots anyway no need to worry there’s always time for Plan B which is not do I even have a saddle in that no but Plan B is to grab a lead then build a portal and destroy this one that it takes you to so that can go

Above the nether build another one that nicely connects back to this one and then drag this fella all the way through man there’s a lot of steps to this from there I don’t trust you not to do something stupid like attempt an escape so I will box in and I’ll be back for

You later because I still want to continue searching for that second sniffer egg I tell you what if I keep finding armor trims that’ll keep me happy too I’ve just turned up hitboxes and turned up the entity render distance so I can see the drown from miles away

That’s spawning when you go to an ocean ruins because that’s just going to make it a lot easier for me to find these although this is this is kind of a rubbish one it’s very suspicious that there’s no suspicious sand hopefully this one will be better instead and

There’s a monument no sand here okay I was wrong there’s loads of sand here that looks like a rubbish thing we’re breaking it this also looks removed so I’m breaking it yeah it’s a poor performance of that one maybe this one will be a little better coal and emerald

Another emerald and a gold nugget are you kidding me this is rubbish hopefully the monument will end up being a bit better so you didn’t drop anything you you didn’t drop anything and neither did you thankfully there’s an ocean ruins down here that I missed that can

Hopefully save the day it’s even gonna try them by look at him go no match for me I’m just here to do simple archeology still no sniffer but there is a mushroom Island they’re kind of rare which is nice completely useless to me but yeah still nice

There we go we got one finally it’s about time I got a second one of those and remember every time I get another trim it’s the equivalent of seven diamonds so they are well worth hunting down even if I’m getting duplicates of ones I’ve already got come on please be

Good to me give me the sniffer egg what better portray though I’ll take that and finally is that what I think it is yes sniffer egg number two which is fantastic it means I never have to worry about ocean viewings ever again instead I can focus on tracking down the other

New stuff such as those Pillager outposts which still has not given me the trim and other than the Outpost trim and the desert trim there’s no other ones in the overall that I need to get well there is some in ancient cities but you know we’re going to worry about that

Later and yes in the strongholds but I mean above ground anyway right here we have camel number two now if I can get that to be with the other one then I can breed him and if I can breed him I can get infinite camels and infinite snippers it’ll be fantastic first I’ll

Start with taming him and then I’ll do the exact same process as I did before that’s complete through you go and you can be safely boxed in another desert pyramid come on give me the armor trim I only technically need one I don’t need loads of them don’t let me down it’s

Going to no it’s done it fantastic cause it’s the last one I checked and I got two of them plus the cursor binding book that’s kind of cool although I I can get them from the Villager so I’m not gonna bother instead I will see if there’s

Anything nice down here oh like a diamond I didn’t even know that was possible very very cool indeed another one wow I really really like these places yes diamonds for peasants but I need all the diamonds I can get for this project and technically it was always Diamond armors for peasants and

Netherite isn’t the diamonds themselves are completely fine a desert well now these used to be the most useless thing ever but not anymore now there is a trail ruins beneath them with a loop below that is unique to this place so let us see what we get a stick well

Yeah that makes it all worth it glad they updated them it’s more the fact that you get exclusive Pottery shards here I’m hoping uh yeah another stick nice the desert well ladies and gentlemen I can see myself having to search quite a few of them if I want to

Get every single Pottery Shard so here’s the plan I’m Gonna Keep flying around searching the land until I find the Sentry armor trim template it’s only found at outposts which are very rare to find and when you look in the chest it has only a 25 chance of being in there

But once I find it everything else I need will either be underground or in another dimension although speaking of underground are these Jagged Peaks no they’re Stony Peaks now it’s a good chance there’s an ancient city that’s why I said speaking about underground so I reckon I dig down and just see if

There’s an ancient city down here when I want the silence armor trim I have to search an average of 12 of these ancient cities so there’s no time like the presence to begin the search nothing okay yes we’re in deep dark territory I need to be getting diamonds when I see

I’m completely ransacked with him as you’re well aware more importantly is there an ancient city anywhere that connects to all of this it doesn’t look like it but it was always worth having a look and it’s led to at least some diamonds which has made it worthwhile

Don’t just love it when you can fly all the way from down here out of the cave because it has a massive opening certainly makes life much much easier will it have it we’re about to find I’ve already been here before because why am I going around in circles and how am I

Going around in circles I think when eggs in that deep dark area I just went back in the direction I’d already come I suppose that’s one way to find an outpost but it’s not a way to find one you’ve already checked also I found out that jungles have Trail runes in them so

I should keep my eye out for that too because four of the armor trims are only found in suspicious gravel which is either found in Forest Trail ruins or cold ocean ruins a few more of these not bad an emerald I really struck to find them in the last

Episode and they’re not that common so I’ve grabbed it plus we are on more Stony pigs I’m gonna have another oh another one here I’m gonna have another go at trying to find an ancient city below because my Electro nearly broken so at the very least I could use all the

Skulk down here to repair them well I’ve made it to bedrock but I can hear lava near me so I’m gonna dig around I did find lava okay well do I want to find this lava let me just quickly block that up does it connect to a cave at all is

It just a bit of lava and that’s it oh it connects to skulk which means it must be near okay so if this is not an ancient city down here at the very least these will help repair the Electra should really get hot oh okay we have

Got an agency I wasn’t even paying attention and this trick is now do I just do this like the gun the whole way and just go for it I have no wool I’m not scared of the wardens I just need to find armor trainers let’s do it who

Cares okay nothing in that one I do need to try and clear some space though I have too much rubbish in here like okay let’s let’s go over here and do that basically because I’ve been doing so much treasure hunting I need a shulker box just for pottery and that’s straight

Away frees up plenty of room and I can continue I need to find the silence armor trim and the ward armor trim although before any of that I need lots of loads of scope to repair these electric so I’d better do that oh look at that revealed some diamonds too it’s

Actually a great way to find diamonds it is mine in the skull because diamonds have a higher chance to spawn when they’re not connected to Air and you just reveal a lot of blocks really fast with this anyway that’s that done now let’s get hunting and get spawning in

Those Wars there we go first Shrieker off don’t you worry about a thing nothing oh okay I didn’t expect him to come out this soon I had a few more activations before that would happen oh well not to worry oh wait we’ve got it

We’ve got the okay I need to keep my my eyes peeled for that but yeah we’ve got it for the first time still need to get the silence one but at least I’ve got the easy one this will be so much easier when I have the warden disabler on at

The moment I can’t see that just very well and just having loads of these roaming around is it’s probably not a good idea now bear in mind it’s about a one percent chance to get this silence armor trim which have to search a heck

Of a lot of Chess to find it oh there is I could hear him roaming about there be careful it doesn’t get too close oh yeah he’s getting close he looks angry too let’s let’s just keep moving I can’t say you know when I see some diamonds in the

Wall as risky as it may be thank you for me people when you hover a warden disabler and you also have survived over 6 000 days in hardcore and is not advised to let about 21 and spawn with you in an ancient city anyway the search is going well just suddenly no Notch

Apples but hey if this was going to be easy then everyone would do it at this point I’m fairly confident I’ve searched everywhere and the trick we spawn all the wards is just to keep moving don’t stay in the same place or when you’re trying to look at chess

That’s not easy he spawned right where that just was I think I’ve done it I think I’ve already searched a bit yeah I think it’s already looked probably seen what’s in these as well so it’s time to get out of here it’s okay that took me straight to the surface amazing oh yeah

That was a fun experience from now on I think I’m just going to stick to searching for that Outpost I’m sure it’ll be around here somewhere and I want to find a cherry blossom biome we haven’t come across one of them either or should I say Cherry Grove if I’m to

Call it by its official name I’ve just realized a suspicious gravel found in the ocean ruins does not have the armor trims in because it’s not as rare only the trail ruins on land have the good stuff finally another one that I haven’t searched before and nothing thankfully there is another one

That was pretty nearby hopefully it’s a bit better and it’s the fourth one I’m gonna search so statistically speaking it should have it and it does hey the statistics Never Lie thank goodness for that I thought I was gonna have to spend the whole video searching for outposts

So now that every single outdoor one has been found I’m just gonna search any Desert pyramids that I find in the area because you never know we could get more of these and we could get another Outpost pretty near to the last one and a pyramid right by it as well okay I’ll

Search this first I haven’t even been going to the trail rooms in the corner I’ve kind of had enough of them now other than the pottery shards there’s not much to them not much in this either and The Outpost was was not much better all right I’ve had enough I’m placing

The obsidian heading to the nether going back up above the Bedrock and then flying to where my camels are what on Earth is the Villager doing it okay you know I’m not gonna ask questions because these need walking all the way home come on hurry up and get up as I was saying

They’re gonna be walked all the way back the other one’s about 400 blocks in this direction there we go and then I’ve got the very very long walk in this direction ahead because I’m 10 000 blocks away from the home yeah better put my best foot forward welcome

Back to good couples now I’m just going to somehow safely get you down that yeah just don’t don’t follow me slime will be the best method but I can’t get them into this portal in the ground but maybe I could use this one I can’t remember

Where this actually goes to is it where I transported the mobs to the Mob collection who knows but it takes you to a portal was this portal always here has it just made a new portal in my world okay that works for me I just need to

Get the Slime now plenty of junk to be dropped off loads of sand also want to top up on the ladders and ender pearls that are in this chest because they are very handy when I need to get above another and look at this I can even

Repair some of my floor it’s not much but it’s a start the sugar box has all the new stuff the smithing templates and the pottery shards and I need to stop getting sidetracked and grab the Slime actually no I don’t what am I doing completely out of stupid moment the

Portal that I’m gonna be using is already above another so yeah we don’t need to do any leaps of Faith all right come on number one that’s you through and the same for that one as well alright guys welcome to your new home yeah it’s a lot colder than where you’re

All from makes me really sad to look at that they’re the right Beacon and realize it it’s not even close to a beacon anymore and then I’m oh well it saved me loads and loads of diamonds so I guess it was worth it and yeah sorry guys I don’t actually have

Anywhere for you to live so I’m just gonna put you in with the pigs for now I’ll play that’s that’s okay anyway it’s not gonna be okay because you guys could just walk on fence got you I’ve just realized look yeah that’s that’s you know what

There you go stay there oh my goodness there’s a lot of eggs here I wonder if I get another chicken whilst I’m in the vicinity baby chicken we’ve got one we got two we got three four five six seven wow we got loads from that now he’s very

Bored to me that I breed another camel can I really just leave this gate up in any villager just wandered out but yeah if I breathe the camel then it just means the only thing left to breed is a sniffer and speaking of sniffers I should probably go and grab a moss Block

In fact that’s a good question do I have a chest for Moss blocks apparently not I feel like this entire story just need to be expanded to have like another layer above it or sum up with loads and loads more chests because there’s so many items that don’t fit anyway do I have

Moss blocks yeah I knew I had a something somewhere with moss blocks so a couple of those the reason that I am getting myself Moss blocks is because when placed on those sniffer eggs hatch twice as fast and of course I want my sniffers as soon as possible so they’re

Gonna spawn in my house which I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not I don’t know where to put them otherwise and then I need a couple of cactus good thing there’s a chest for that two of them which will be fed to you guys

Getting me a baby come on look at you you’re so tired all right well you could go on to that part look you are so small wow family of camels fantastic all I need to do now is wait for the sniffer to grow up it’ll take about 10 minutes

On the muscle I’m pretty sure I’m just sitting here till the hatch they’ve already cracked a little bit so hopefully it will not be too long I’ve got bored away you know what I should do I should sort them out at home it’s not really space in the village for them is

There or maybe they could go here I could clear out this bit of land and believe it or not there is a pathway here you just can’t see it it’s either light this up or put string down or something to stop this from happening and wait they’ve hatched I heard him

Where are you there are you both oh yeah yeah you just Blended in with the surroundings we’ve got two little snifflets here all right guys you’re gonna take 40 minutes to grow okay just be careful all right don’t fall off and don’t die where are you going

What did I just say like whenever I had time to do they just do the opposite I’ll leave them to it as long as they don’t die and I’ve got to change your heart I think the sniffer home and the camera home should be next to the Frog’s

Place I’ve got all this space in the area so I might as well use it so here’s what I’m gonna do step one remove the snow step two grab a bunch of glass and Tower it really really high to Sky limit from there I build a glass platform that

You theoretically won’t be able to really see from down there but it’ll stop the snow from going onto that pathway I know it works intended and keep the snow off but I’m hoping it looks good and isn’t really noticeable as well there we go this pillar can be

Mined away and I think the plan has worked well I mean you can see if you know it’s there but really when you’re wandering around and you have no idea you don’t look that high but it’s gonna keep the snow off fantastic now I should focus on getting their home done I’m

Gonna make a bunch of spruce fence and then I’m gonna place it right here this creates the general pen that the snippers are gonna live in this right here can also be turned into grass path on the front I will have three gates but not yet because there’s actually no

Point you see these fencing are currently just a marker ever plan for a different block to be used but I have yet to come across it yes my plan is to make this sniffer home a nice Cherry Grove place so the expenses will be Cherry there’ll be trees there’ll be

Petals there’ll be all sorts of terrain I’m sure it’ll look amazing I also want snow to be underneath every single one of these grass blocks and they have quite a lot of layers because I cleared it all out so I’ll just place them like this and do that as much as she’s really

Really slow isn’t it I mean yes it works but there has to be a better way and I’ll tell you what that better way is it is to go down here drop a lot of these off and instead take the full blocks Yep this is definitely way way faster and I

Can’t do too much more in here but I don’t want it to just be flat terrain I want a little bit of a hill in here and maybe a nice water feature too the sniffers like swimming don’t they they must do to compliment that we’ll just

Have a bit of grass pass around the outside of it and I need mud I think mud could be useful I do have a mud Farm here is it full with it or not not really but that could all change I’ve completely forgot how I use this where’s

The lever I believe this is it and I just start it by placing mud oh look at this and it’s just a great little farm it’s way more complicated than it needs to be I’ve seen way more efficient designs but in my opinion it’s a farm that does very very well at converting

Dirt into mud and it’s completely renewable as well well other than that I have to use Viber dirt farm so that’s fine too I’m thinking in the floor around it maybe yeah just something like this yeah get the mud down around the outside too oh they’re gonna love it it

Does need some watering I’ll hunt the water later this also makes me feel bad for the pigs I get the feeling that they would love this yeah you’ve got no mud you’ve got the most generic pen ever what are you doing up there get down so

Let me just add some that there you go you’ve got one oh that looks nice you know maybe I should have that as the Border as well you know what forget it I’ve not got enough mud on me for that oh don’t look so sad it’s just gonna be

The cleanest pig pen in the world anyway don’t have much more to do when I’m waiting for those sniffers to grow up I’ve got 40 minutes of that so I need to go and find a Cherry Grove probably easier said than done and because it’s going to take a lot of searching and

Traveling around I might as well look for ancient cities as well at the same time so first things first get these Electra repaired at the simple pigment XP farm looking good then I’m gonna head to a machine Hub which I built that disables the warden from being able to

Spawn had to be a million miles away which is why I’ve got a blue ice Highway we have arrived there’s also a warden Farm up there as you can see works very well at getting me catalysts which I will put into this shulker box because

It’s free XP whilst I’m out and about if I never need to repair at all I just mine up them much better than having to trade for loads of bottles of XP and now if I go ahead and flick this it should oh no wait I need to do something else

Basically just need to break this block and shoot a load of arrows here this is going to make the game think that I am in the area well and then I’ll transport a warden at a skulk Shrieker located right about here but then I turn this on

Let’s see if it works yep the Streaker is Now setting off I should get Darkness I think yeah I do perfect and because it’s connected to a chunk loader it’s just going to keep working even when I’m not in the area and now I’ll be able to explore ancient cities very very easily

And hopefully find the silence armor trim I’ll make the new portal thousands of blocks away I’m in brand new chunks and so I’ll track down that Cherry Grove look at this not only is it a Cherry Grove but it’s also a bit of a mountain oh look at this we’ve been to every

Biome again wow brand new wood top oh I haven’t even done the bamboo one yet either have I haven’t made that anyway one thing at a time this Cherry Grove is gonna be completely deforested it’s not the biggest bomb in the world every time I’ve seen one it’s pretty small and I’ll

Probably just end up recreating a Cherry Grove biome closer to my house outside the sniffer one as well just because I do think they look quite cool I also do want to take some of these back with me you may think I have to grab loads and loads because there’s a limited Supply

But fear not because if I just craft a composter the only so I can get some bone meal you’ll see that if I place one of these down and bone meal it it grows so I can get infinite amount of them at home as long as I have one of them plus

If you didn’t know if you bow meal the ground in a Cherry Grove yeah get more of them as well so that’s another one you get a bit of grass too but yeah so they are very renewable with bone meal I don’t know why I’ve grabbed

So many a stack will do I’ve got loads of saplings which is also perfect and I think I’m happy with what I’ve got I don’t think I need to stay here any longer instead I’m gonna dig down right here and see if there’s an ancient city below I really hope so because I

Definitely need the silence armor trim that is what I’m putting on my armor so far no joy this one but I have mine down right on some diamonds can’t complain with that because you know just how many of them I need and with it Bedrock okay never mind I’ll just continue searching

In the area Outpost oh you never know we might get Sentry armor template again nope we didn’t not that it’s a big problem because I’ve already got it I’ve got a couple of I’ve got a load of big mountains let’s just Dig Down Under all of them starting with this one which was

Unsuccessful then this one which was also unsuccessful another Outpost and two more okay fantastic now it’s over to this mountain and we’re at least into a deep dark this time will there be an ancient city below time will tell well unfortunately from what I can tell it

Doesn’t look like it so back to the drawing board I go finally another Mountain please have an engine City below it’s taking me so long Diamond’s on the way down at the very least that’s nice and also a Bedrock although I can hear skunk oh okay is this is this word

Chicken because you just never know you just never know indeed this looks like what I think it is we’ve found it and as you can see the shriekers are completely harmless Let’s Get Busy searching the land and see what we can find I think the quickest way to do it will be I’ll

Look in the chest and then I’ll break it oh Diamond nice because then I know I’ve suggest and I don’t look in it twice another Ward template not bad and surprisingly not a single Notch Apple in this entire ancient another one’s been found fantastic well this one have Notch apples time will tell

It will fantastic now I’ve just got to focus on finding the armor trim and finding more Notch apples is always nice too I’ll tell you what it has been good for diamonds 23 oars even more make that 24 it’s just what the doctor ordered that’s another one searched and another

One without Silence of a search can continue oh nice there’s a few emeralds in here too and here’s ancient city number three ready to be explored two more I get the feeling that I’m gonna end up with a lot of nut chapels by the end of this takes an average of 12

Ancient cities to find silence and sadly there was no joy getting it in the third one nor did I find it in the fourth or the fifth the sixth the seventh eighth ninth how was that just a lightning strike in the daytime I can only guess it’s one of

Those skeleton horse traps but I have no idea where it must have been over here where the fire is it’s so bizarre it’s like Herobrine’s in the world or something what on Earth is going on you saw it here first ladies and gentlemen Herobrine in sp737’s world

Again what’s going on I am so so confused anyway I can’t worry about it too much because I found the 10th ancient city which also did not have silence in it same can be said about the 11th and the 12th I’ve got it I found it it was in the

13th ancient city which isn’t too far off the 12 average according to the wiki you have to search an average of 80 chests to find the silence trim there’s no way that can be true because I have searched 223 because I mined up every single one I looked in anyway it doesn’t

Matter okay it’s all done now I don’t have to worry about it anymore I can just search the rest of this place I got over a stack of deep slate diamond ore whilst doing this 33 Notch apples loads of diamond leggings because I thought they’d be useful for the collection even

Got 11 of the ward armor Trims and because I’ve actually been successful in the mission it just makes me feel like it was all worth it in fact I just found a 12th one in there and now I can fly my way out of here build a portal head to

The nether go above the Bedrock and fly all the way back home home sweet home I can safely put all these armor trims into here and before I give myself a full set of Silence armor trim netherite armor which is probably gonna look amazing I first want to get back above

Level a thousand because I dropped when I made all those cursive binding pumpkins I should say jack-o-lanterns yeah there were jack-o-lanterns weren’t they I’m gonna take a bunch of these shulker boxes and place them in the auto crafter machine so I can easily make more TNT from that I simply just go like

This which turns it on loads of items are getting dispensed including some uh some unfortunate glowing sacks let’s just Chuck those away but yeah the items come here oh I accidentally oh I made a mistake I I put the TNT one in no no no

No you’re not meant to be going in to stop the machine now yeah I was not very clever of me at all let me just get rid of all the TNT with the rest of the items that flow through I can easily craft up yeah this is the only way to

Craft your TNT it would take me so so much longer if I didn’t have this system then I can take that TNT and add it to the shulker boxes what will I then do with all this that will then go into the super fast ravager XP farm so that it

Can dispense me TNT whilst I get XP although to get it started I do need to take out one of these Pillager captains which shouldn’t be too difficult there we go then I start the farm put an arrow right there and simply start placing TNT and then separate ravages which drop

Higher amounts of experience and that comes flying up towards me from down there so now I’ve not got much else to do except get to a thousand levels well I have run out of TNT here so the machine can stop still got a lot of XP

Here though I should probably use it to repair my pickaxe repair my ax and my shovel yes I did get 1039 levels which is way more than I need and way more than the target of one thousand but I just felt like it’d be nice to have the

Extra ones so it is time it is time to get some very nice armor Trims on my armor it’ll Begin by duplicating silence such as will require quite a lot of diamonds which is why I’m gonna start mining up all of this deep slate Diamond door I reckon that should be enough then

I also need some Cobble deep slate and that’s that we just go like this craft another one we do it again and I want in total to have five I didn’t take quite as many times as I thought it would from there I’m gonna grab these different

Items because this is how I’m gonna colorize everything and the good thing is if I change my mind doesn’t really matter because you can you can just put a new trim on even though it’ll be a bit expensive we’re going to start with the element we’re going to put diamond on

That oh it looks nice and we got an advancement for that that’s cool next it’s gold on the chest plate redstone on the leggings and Diamond again on the boots let’s see how we’re looking this let’s have a say oh yes look at this

Nether eye armor I love it and if I turn down the glint strength you can see the colorization even better and I really really like it now I am going to duplicate the silence trim one more time and put one of them into this shulker

Box and the other one in my bedroom just in case something happens and I lose the other Silent Scream I never want to have to go searching for that again it’s too hard to get and on another note my slippers have grown hello there guys

Okay well this is great how am I gonna get you out of the house we’ll probably have to remove the window okay I need those guys to hang fire because I need the cherry blossom and the sticks because this home needs completely changing right away I’m also randomly

Breaking a bunch of grass blocks because I’m instead gonna change them to be Moss just to give it a bit of variation very nice now we can have a sapling on here another one there and one right here from there I’m gonna break every single one of these fences I didn’t even need

To place them really I don’t know why I did I guess it was handy as a marker if nothing else and I’ll tell you what Minecraft needs to add elytra trims I know technically if you wear a cape it affects your elytra but a trim to

Customize it will be so so much better also that tree is like the world’s fastest growing tree it’s amazing so I’m going to make these into the fences and add them all the way around then I want a few Gates I can’t leave another one’s grown yeah really quick followed by Pink

Petals just all over the floor if anything I didn’t break it off okay it’s time to dig out the bone meal every piece of bone meal I have equates to one petal so I want loads of it I don’t know how many petals I’m gonna need if I’m

Taking the whole shulker box this is gonna be great because you guys can sniff me up some torch flower seeds what are you doing in the corner oh yeah they can sniff me up torch flower seeds gets me new plants and I can also breed them for yet another advancement okay cherry

Tree grow they’re all nice then that’s good they all kind of merge together don’t they but anyway it’ll be fine then I’m just gonna go guys oh look at this it just all sprouting oh you could easily make a farm for this couldn’t you just put a hopper and put a dispenser

Not that I really need a farm for it anyway so I’m not gonna worry too much about that but yeah not not the entire floor but most of the floor does need to be covered up look at this speed with the Jitter clicking it’s so fast you

Know what I should do I should just go around bone mailing these rather than like getting more to sprout like that I should just go around yeah placing them okay well we don’t want do we want grass I don’t know maybe we do actually maybe

We we need a little bit of extra no you know what I think it ruins it for me for me it shouldn’t be here it’s a pink petal only Zone and I feel like all that’s missing is water I am a little bit worried that this is going to turn

To ice underneath and I could go and put more glass up there can’t be bothered though so it’s time for Plan B first get your buckets of water and then also seagrass yes you see water that has sea grass in it can’t turn into ice so all

Of these that are along here are getting it just so that doesn’t look too strange I’ll dot some more around as well in fact I’m gonna dig this down an extra block because yeah I don’t know I don’t know just having all that seagrass at that level although then it won’t work

Will it because it needs to be double tall seagrassing okay let’s go like that I think that works you wouldn’t even suspect a thing would you when you come in definitely got that Cherry Grove kind of a feeling so I say I should grab a couple of leads I touch you both up

Remove a window because I’ve kind of got no choice and then you can both come with me having a couple of prehistoric dinosaurs in the world is very very cool indeed I know you guys are snippers and you want to start sniffing for seeds so once you’re in here you can sniff to

Your heart’s content although I seem to have lost one on the way come on you’re going in there also what are you doing lying down oh wait you’ve sniffed oh wait is that how you dig I thought you’re going to sleep what did you get

Me you got me a picture pod okay I want torch flower seeds preferably guys if that’s if that’s not too much trouble maybe you could sniff instead hey what do you reckon is it going for it he’s digging come on what have you found what have you found boy come on another

Picture pod are you kidding me I want I want torch flowers anyway I guess we could plant these and my understanding that you need to till the ground which works fine put it in there oh look at this plant in the past I guess it’s like a prehistoric one should we have another

One I’ll tell I’ll have it I’ll have it over here can we can we till this bit of ground yeah nice and then can we just skip out the waiting Thing by phone mailing oh yes is it breakable what’s it get me a picture plan and then and it just plants down

Cool not the most useful thing but a nice new flower I’ll have to wait a little bit longer to get the torch blouse seeds to breed them to get that advancement I should also probably grab a shulker box say it pink and put all the cherry wood items inside of it now

To repair my house and wait for the eight minute cooldown of the snippers to end so that they will sniff up more seeds trust me I don’t mind waiting I really want to get that advancement although it feels I could still be doing other things whilst I’m waiting in the

Area so just grabbing some slabs and crafting the new chisel the bookshelves from there there is a minor advancement where you have to use a comparative coming out of it so there you go it’s it’s done all of that the power of the books and I just broke it with an ax

Wait are you kidding me is it just have salt touch to pick it up no way what I did not expect that it’s not too much to worry about but yeah I just didn’t think it would be the case anyway now I want to take these chisel

Bookshelves and put them in this room I think they’ll look good around the top but right now they look bad because they’re empty so I need a load of books to fill them also we might have the issue here of snow appearing on the sniffers area yeah like on the floor and

Stuff I could just put like more petals down on any blocks that need it so just right here or even easier I could just mind away and turn that one into a graspass as I’m a bit too lazy to go get some bone meal for more petals right now

So in this chest I’ve got loads of books now I’m pretty sure these are books that can go into a chisel bookshelf I’m hoping so otherwise they won’t be very good bookshelves and I guess this item or this block now means that we can sort out books as well like for example if

You have a fish farm so that’s a nice bonus oh yes it works look at this so it just goes into random bits so we’ll just kind of fill whatever we can in them look at that even goes to the exact part that you place it at so look at that I

Actually could do with more although you know what it kind of has that nice feel about it let’s just go and maybe take that one out and then that could just go up there yeah I like that I feel like saying put a single and I put one in the

Top left I was gonna say anything else I think this is nice just a nice little extra thing you know some sparse book cases not like that one then I can grab a few more of these to cover up the snow and they’re doing it he’s splitting

That’s what it’s called when they like lie down flat and stick their head in and we got a torch flower C fantastic I don’t know how this works I I well I know I can grow it what happens when I break it get a torch flower and then

Just craft into orange dark ways anyway turn that torch flower into a seed I take it no oh okay well we’ve just got a random torch blower nice maybe I shouldn’t have been so Hasty and planting and growing that one because now I have to wait for you guys to split

Me more of them up did you did you just do one where is it oh you did oh it’s another of these picture buds well we’re not interested in them I reckon a barrel placed into the tree it’s gonna be the best place to store the picture pods and

The petals and the bone meal so whilst I’m waiting for more torch flower seeds I’d like to get some clay smelt it then I’ll take said bricks and grab four of these Pottery shards now I’ve never craft this before so I’ve no idea what’s about to happen but I think I was at

Work I guess that’s not what you do to go like this where is it a full I don’t even need those bricks oh that’s I guess that’s if you just don’t have anything on it then can I just place it down and then I got an advancement for area

That’s the main thing then I reckon it would make good decoration in my house now where should it go I’ve got so much stuff in here haven’t I what record just just on top of an Ender chip okay that’s the worst place it could have gone let’s

Craft a flower pot place it in the corner of the snipper pen put that on top put a torch flower right there it’s interesting you can’t actually put picture plants in as well they must be too big so just just a nice little side point now other than getting a load of

The other armor Trims and applying them there’s no other advancements I need to get except breed sniffers and feed a baby sniffler so I shall stay and wait for torch flower seeds that’s one that has just got me fantastic and you must be ready to split as well yep I was

Right come on Torch flowers see torch flower stage please it was fantastic and I would breed you right now but I need to wait I need to wait to get one more so that I can definitely feed the sniffler alright here we go what did you

Get me Pitch upon not interested in that see if you’re any better or will I be waiting an entire another day I I am okay well there you go let’s go to sleep and I’ll be back to watch you guys sniff for ages in the morning in fact before I

Just sit there and wait whilst they’re cool down is ending I might as well Harvest some bamboo it’s all here right for the taken and they can all be crafted into bamboo blocks which can then be made into planks if I’d like look at this

Very they are very very nice I think the camel’s home should be made out of planks if I have time to do that in this hundred days I will and there’s also the raft which I love look at it does it just work it just works like a boat but

It looks really really cool because you sat on top of it instead anyway enough playing I can put all this in there and I need one of you to give me that Dodge flower seed here we go he’s looking for it he’s spluted and he has got me

The pitch pod seriously if you don’t give it to me I’m gonna be really really not happy did it oh thank God you you’re a hero yeah you can have a torch-power seed you can have a torch flower seed now get me the egg we can get it planted

And we’ve got the advancement two by two again that’s great there it is I’ll just Chuck it right there okay it will hatch soon it’ll hatch in 10 minutes to be exact we’re gonna hang around and wait for that as well because I definitely want the advancement so come on the leg

Do me proud look at you getting me another seed this egg is almost hatched you get me a torch flower now don’t you did you oh you did might as well plant it since he’s going to birth and then grow it up what a magical moment the egg has just

Hatched there you go little fella got your little torch flowers seed that’s another advancement which just leaves probably the hardest advancement of the update smithing with style because there are many armor trims that I have yet to obtain and I need to not only find them

But then also apply them to some armor so yes whilst I met I could just wait until I’ve got every single armor trim combination on all of those different armor pieces to get the advancement but no no I want to get that today I don’t

Want to get as many of these new trims anyway so I’ll put my best foot forward and go for it I’m just flying really really far away at the moment because I feel like all this area here I’ve probably already been to I need to get

To New jokes and who knows if I have to travel to find those said new chunks because yeah let’s see I’ve been here before because there’s a portal it and I’m already like 4 000 blocks away yeah when it comes to my hardcore world I have traveled far and I’ve traveled why

What do you reckon is this a new Fortress I doubt it but I’m gonna have a little look anyway just in case I mean I’ll find out pretty quickly if it is a new one because I’ll find a new armor Trim in here I’m pretty sure it’ll be

The rib one so far I’m just finding diamonds nothing else but you know what I can’t actually complain at that because they’re very very handy to have I’m also not feeling this place so I’m Gonna Fly even further now I don’t know for sure but there’s a chance that this

Bastion is a new chunk so I’m gonna have a little look see if there’s a snout trim knocking about there is oh nice and I’ve just been hitting lava perfect well that’s very good to find I will just check up there risking my life a little

Bit but let’s do it okay ancient debris nice give them the old run around that’s right you go around that way I’ll go around this way another one another right upgrade not bad well I’ve been completely finessed you’re now stuck oh no there’s one left Okay this is uh this is very very sticky indeed okay I was yeah what was I doing let’s just get another of them this time I’m swooping in putting on my thing look at that you can you can easily just switch oh not like that but you can either just

Switch and then you’re going down all right you think you can miss me I’ll come back stronger yeah goes for you too the rest of you are all trapped yeah that’s right anyway more engine to bring another you know I need it all now that my Beacon’s gone you see so that’s why

I’m kind of bothering about it and the golden carrots I just feel like they’re always always nice to get and now that I’m armed with the snout trip I know I’ve got the netherite one as well I hopefully never leave that to do it all before the updates let’s accidentally

Break my pickaxe sometime which is is entirely possible but yeah now I’m flying around and I’m searching for a fortress 40 percent of the Bastion I’ll go ahead and check that out as well mission to finder Fortress has been successful so now it’s time to search

These chests and I believe it’s the rib armor trim that you find here also is that a Bastion connected to the Fortress wow hi guys I have no idea if you’ve missed me I’m not even going to ask I’m just gonna battle you all and then steal

Your loot you know more snow armor trims It’s Gonna Save Me Diamonds I’ll tell you what is great being able to just swap now with the right click because let’s say I get into a battle I’m just like oh better swap round and then it’s straight away it should in theory really

Lower the chance to be dying let’s also take the loadstone another armor trim wow there’s loads of them it’s probably just at the bottom of this I just don’t think I’m going to find it never mind it was in here I just kept digging and other than the carrots there was nothing

Useful so I shall just make my way back into the Fortress I still need that new armatrick which is apparently nowhere to be found yeah more and more of this Fortress has been searched I’m not getting any closer I’m starting to think yeah there’s nothing left I’m gonna go

And have to find another one it’s Fortress number two which has the trim fantastic I was starting to think it wouldn’t I will scour the rest of this Fortress just in case there’s anything left like diamonds or more trims but no I’ve covered every single Corridor so I can start making my

Way back although I won’t be going all the way home you see I need to stop up somewhere on the way to collect another of the trims stopping at the Bastion was not what I intended but I’m here now so I might as well check and see if I can

Find a few extra trims okay this one’s maybe a bad idea it shouldn’t be here I mean it’s not too bad of an idea and I’m still confident that I’ll be all right but it’s kind of unnecessary at this point well you know what it was all worth it that saves me

Seven diamonds there’s a piece of engine will you leave me alone hopefully looting this side will be a little bit easier otherwise if there’s even anything for me to loot okay you know what it’s not too bad with that the journey home can continue another of those nether eye upgrades now this is

Actually one of the spots that I want to make a portal but there’s one already here which is possibly a good thing or not a good thing I say it does it must have been where it does it for a bit see at this point my plan is to grab a load

Of Eyes of Ender and find the nearest stronghold which is this way the reason behind this is there is a new armor Trim in the stronghold as well it’s not an easy one to find so whether I get it done before the end of today we will see

But if the mission fails then I can always try again at the start of the episode just throwing three eyes three of them have broke that’s what I’m saying on the positive note I did fly over the stronghold so it’s kind of near fact the now seems to be breaking every

Time is it 100 of the time your eye vendor breaks okay no that’s the first time it has a five in a row brought before about the sixth one so six out of seven have broken okay that’s that’s pretty steep where’s my I’ve run out of

Rockets but I haven’t run out of rockets can I have a sugar box absolutely full of them struggles pointing right down here which is fantastic so I’ll dig down and dig straight into it fantastic and I’ve just read the wiki and it turns out that these eye armor trims generate 100

Of the time in a library now there’s two libraries per stronghold each with two chests in which means also these chests here they’re the old chest they have a 10 chance about it but yeah this means that it’s guaranteed I get four from here assuming I find the library now

Then where is the well we found one Library I shouldn’t find the other one there we go there’s the first I armor trim and up here it’s the second time is kind of of the essence but I’m Gonna Keep Looking see if I can find the other

Library room but this place is so big that it’s not always easy to find it oh another one nice oh portal room very very good I will be using that to get back home but not before I’ve done just a little bit more searching and here it

Is the bookcase room so this has been pretty profitable because I’ve got five armor trims when I only really expected to get four the only can’t complain at that now I’m just gonna try and remember the way back to the bottle room I’m pretty sure he’s through here I go

Through this bit through the archway I marked and straight in now yeah the quickest way home is to go here there is an armor Trim in the end cities but we ain’t gonna have time for that wow look at this I forgot how cool my end looked

As well we’ve still got these Dragons I’m gonna try and work out what are you doing oh no don’t get out of it I’m Gonna Leave okay I didn’t expect this stopping a dragon is unfrozen may day may day this entire place is gonna get destroyed I don’t

Even want to watch happen I I’m just gonna leave we could worry about that in the next video when I go to the end again because ladies and gentlemen the sun has set and that was 6 600 days in Hardcore Minecraft and also please subscribe because this guy’s so cool he

Doesn’t even have to properly sit in his Minecraft

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in 1.20 HARDCORE Minecraft…’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2023-07-15 13:34:32. It has garnered 1411261 views and 50766 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:06 or 3546 seconds.

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6,500 DAYS HARDCORE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/hSwJrBfNyCs

MY NEW MAP: https://marketplace.minecraft.net/en-us/pdp?id=2f46d757-8e33-4c9e-80fb-1a018fb12767 —————————————————————- please follow these thanks ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/sb_737Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xjFUEuFnXB ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsb737 ►SB737 Merch: https://sb737.store —————————————————————-

In this Minecraft video I survive 6600 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

►Join My Minecraft Server! JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

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  • KapiCraft – Smp

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    Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie WhispersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-06-23 18:00:09. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Production I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before. Let’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

    Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live - Gather SpruceVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Mission to Gather Spruce | JB/drag 2 Live’, was uploaded by JB / dragmotoxboss 2 on 2024-08-08 05:31:24. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:15 or 17175 seconds. Starring JB / dragmotoxboss, minecraft Warning: There may be yelling in this livestream! Sorry, no links available for now! Tags: #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftjava I would appreciate if you would subscribe, it’s free, easy, and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

    UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 17 Hearts Left and Helping with V4 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-07-04 18:20:01. It has garnered 212 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:34 or 15214 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

    🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89's LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [Live] SLEBEW SMP – MINECRAFT SERVER’, was uploaded by Akidn89 on 2024-01-12 07:45:30. It has garnered 229 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:34 or 394 seconds. because of lag Move to Stream 1 again :v Yoo Welcome to this quiet channel :v help subscribe and like :V https://saweria.co/akidn89 Legion 5 Cross Minecraft Server device that allows Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock to play in the same world. Server Info? Java 🖥️ (1.17-1.20) IP: gpnode15.cchosting.my.id:19132 *enter all Bedrock 📱(Latest) IP: gpnode15.cchosting.my.id PORT: 25568 Join our Discord DC: discord.gg/gqt2xg93cB GC: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LozYIl47GuE1ddKEAs8fUa… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT mit BESTER GRAFIK😍’, was uploaded by benGx on 2024-05-19 13:42:13. It has garnered 28517 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:02 or 7862 seconds. 💸JOIN ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Ohv0u1O6Qz4nSdABvolyw/join 🗝️MMOGA ► https://www.mmoga.de/?ref=61457 ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ⚡ARGONPADS ► https://argonpads.com/products/topography?ref=bengx ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ —————————————– Socials: 🗨️Discord►https://discord.gg/UPAJt8eRc5 🎥Twitch►https://www.twitch.tv/bengxyt 🐦Twitter►https://twitter.com/FaZe_benGx 🎬Kick►https://kick.com/bengxyt ————————————– Setup: Mouse ► Roccat Kain 100 Aimo keyboard ► Rezon x Drexler mouse pad ► Ovenbird topographic map CPU ► AMD Ryzen 5 3600x GPU ► RTX 3070 ti —————————— ———– ⚠️My content is freely available, it just cannot be re-uploaded!⚠️ Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] https://twitter.com/s7umpi [Discord] https://discord.gg/WW7ayyUY [Twitter] https://twitter.com/luminisklio ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: torrentsmp.com Discord: discord.gg/torrent Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

I Survived 100 Days in 1.20 HARDCORE Minecraft…