I Survived 100 Days in an INFINITE VILLAGE World in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

In minecraft there are many types of mobs from long skinny dudes that enjoy stealing all of your hard work to these green glitches that revoke your license to live in the blink of an eye however out of all these mobs this game has to offer there’s one who’s bigger better

And squidwardier which is totally a word and i’m talking about the minecraft villager and today i’ll be surviving in a hardcore minecraft world where they outnumber me 286 to 1. but first i know you’re probably tired of seeing the typical graph that youtubers show you when asking you to subscribe and that’s

Why instead i’m only asking you one simple question if you do go on to enjoy the video then why not subscribe i really appreciate every one of you who is willing to join me for this journey and i would love to have you here also please don’t forget to leave a like if

We do get to 30 000 i will release another 100 days movie anyways today i survived for 100 days in a hardcore village only world so here i was on the first day freshly spawned in on a beach with a savannah nearby and this world was literally heaven to me there were

Villagers as far as the eye could see all of the opportunity and capitalism were flowing through my mind in a rush of euphoria so the first thing i did was make my way over to the first villages supply of wheat and being the good samaritan i was i began robbing them of

It shortly after stealing enough of their food since it was now everywhere i figured you know why not begin with some capitalism to kick-start my emerald empire i traded all of my wheat to this good surf for 12 emeralds and after that i began breaking down his neighbor’s

House for some easy wood so i could make tools i placed down a crafting bench made a pickaxe to get stone and boom this creeper kamikazed me out of nowhere and snap back to reality wow here i was in a fresh world full of villages i definitely didn’t just die and i was

Ready to begin my new journey but not before telling you about today’s quick sponsor apex gaming pcs because of all your continued support for my content i was able to partner with apex to bring you my very own line of three different gaming pcs for all of you to enjoy with

These bad boys you can turn minecraft into whatever you want it to be from beautiful shaders to high render distances to massive mod packs packed with content these pcs will let you take control of your gaming experience and make it into whatever you want if you are interested in checking out my page

The link is in the description or in the pinned comment down below thank you apex gaming pcs and thank you all again for supporting me it really means the world anyways back to the video so day one first day one definitely didn’t happen i now found myself inside of this spruce

Forest filled with villages i began breaking down the first tray i saw made myself an axe and a pickaxe and i began scouting out the place for things to borrow i broke into this first house to acquire some other cobble legally and while here and i took this man’s

Beautiful blue bed yup i just said that a couple of minutes in and i’m already making bad puns bad puns aside after taking the bed i spotted this amazing opportunity there were two armor stands nearby with an iron helmet and iron chest piece that i quickly yinked and i

Equipped both of them plus i also got this crazy blast furnace on sale for the huge price of free i found this house with a beautiful paint domination edition bed that i took and i kept running into chest after chest after chest with free wood food and even

Emeralds however a spruce village as nice as they can be was not where i wanted to be because there were no blacksmiths or wheat so i began venturing myself away into the nearby plains biome where i made a new stone hoe and i began harvesting as much wheat

As i could find to begin my selling operations just like that after trading with my first villager i was already up to 18 emeralds this world was going to be ggez so after trading with that villager i spent a lot of this day just collecting more wheat until i found my

Very first blacksmith inside the chest was absolute fire i found almost enough obsidian to go to the nether already a bunch of gold and iron and a pair of iron pants in only the first day i was already living large like larry by time

The sun began to set it was almost up to two stacks of hay bales along with all of my other loot as it became nighttime i broke into this house and i slept in some stranger’s bed waiting for the sun to come up the next day day number two

First thing i did today after leaving the house was notice the second blacksmith directly in front of the place that i stayed and the game was playing with my heart now because upon walking inside the chest was gone there was just no chest it was replaced by the

House next door’s roof so with a sad shuffle i left and to my surprise there was yet another second blacksmith right behind it i broke inside and in this chest i had found a nice iron sword and some pants after borrowing those i set off to continue my capitalistic rampage

I kept stealing any and all of the hay bales that i came across while also trading with all of the farmers for some more dank emeralds at this rate i was going to get some buff diamond armor and tools in absolutely no time i continued exploring until i came across blacksmith

Number four and inside of the chest was more iron gold in two iron pickaxes i left behind my old pickaxes in the chest and i kept moving on back towards another spruce forest while collecting more of the nearby wheat i kept up my mission to obtain that grain until my

Hoe broke and that’s when i decided why not an upgrade so i used the iron from the chest to make boots the last piece of armor i needed and my brand new iron hoe and i know what you’re thinking why not kill iron golems well for this world

I’m sticking away from that for now because villager trades are important in this entire world these villages not to mention the weird terrain which would make it even harder to hide from them they would probably eat me into oblivion and i’m not trying to die a second time

After day two at the beginning of day three i continued drinking things as i moved further from world spawn i kept stealing stuff from chests until i had almost a stack of bread without crafting any of it i also kept taking any hay bales i saw because i have an addiction

I need help in fact my iron hoe was already half broken at this point and i’ve only had the thing for literal minutes i kept on moving until i found back to back blacksmiths the first one mostly had iron gear that i didn’t need only because my inventory was full trust

Me if i could have stuffed it in there i would have and the second one pretty much had the same thing like i said i would love to take in these being the hoarder that i am but actually making a base store my loot in this world was

Going to be difficult because there’s buildings everywhere and to be honest my house would probably not stand out and it would be hard to find my way back home anyways though shortly after checking the blacksmiths i ran into this horse that gave me a great idea since i

Had already found several saddles i began taming this dude and he was truly the adonis of horses he had so much health and he was sonic fast after taming him i put on the saddle and we took off and while stopping here and there for more hay bales i thought of

The perfect name for him based off of the new pokemon for the new pokemon scarlet and violet games i was going to call this guy le chunk i spent the rest of this day exploring more terrain with le chunk you know and just getting to know him while also stopping at two more

Blacksmiths where i found my first three diamonds inside this world and once the sun began to set i found a nice home for me and le chong to sleep the night away overall day three had been a massive success i started off day four by

Leaving le chunk in the house for a bit while checking the next door blacksmith and there was three iron helmets very cool kanye after this i grabbed the trunk and we set back off in the hopes of maybe finding a new biome i was

Hoping to find a place like a lake or an ocean so that way i could use the extra space without all the houses to build my base in a place where i could actually find it however while heading through the increasingly difficult to navigate village scape that i had found myself in

Something began to feel a bit off there weren’t as many villagers as there used to be there weren’t many other passive mobs like cows or horses i mean i did find one farmer but he didn’t want any of my decadent hay so i spit on him and

I left after spitting on that farmer that definitely deserved it i continued on my journey while making a few stops here and there i stole a fletching table i stopped to trade this new farmer that i found and while at it i stole the composters so i could make my own

Farmers in the future as if they were hard to make in the first place anyways i spent the rest of this day trading with more farmers along with looting anything i found until finally as night was approaching i had found a new biome and it just so happens to be a gross

Icky swamp which i know what you’re thinking swamps are great now well this was not 1.19 so swamps were not great but i was just happy to know that i still wasn’t running in circles before going to bed for the night i checked this new blacksmith nearby that almost

Had an entire set of iron armor which is kind of wild if it were useful after that i slept out under the stars with my new horse friend for day 5 after waking up i was immediately back at gathering more wheat honestly not gathering it was

Going to take every ounce of my being at this point after gathering the hay i noticed a new blacksmith in the distance away from the swamp that i of course couldn’t resist there wasn’t much inside of the chest but upon leaving i noticed another one all the way in the distance

In a direction that i haven’t gone yet i made my way all the way over there and this place also ended up having ding ding nothing i swear at this point the few villages of my old super flat world had way more diamonds than this infinite

Village world but no matter that i now found myself in another new biome surrounded by dark oak trees wherever the villages weren’t at that is in fact this place had now become like an entirely new biome because there were so few trees spread out in between all of

The different houses while here i continued finding more villagers to milk for emeralds until i found myself being the proud owner of almost two stacks i kept heading through this biome until i found myself in the new area that now had sand villages it turns out this area

Was a beach and i had finally found an ocean the perfect place to build myself a base that could actually stand out from all of the uh you know the villages plus this place had access to a ton of different biomes with their resources and different villager types while here

Before actually choosing a spot to maybe set up my base i found back to back to back blacksmiths the first two had a couple of iron and gold ingots which wasn’t really that much and the second two in the nearby swamp biome were absolutely busted between the two of

Them i now had way more than enough obsidian to go to the nether plus i had gotten another two free real estate diamonds by time i was done looting this it was becoming nighttime again so i temporarily took shelter for the night in a nearby house that i might end up

Calling home in the future real quick before we get much further into the 100 days i have one more exciting new announcement starting today i now have a patreon where you can go to further support me by becoming a patreon you get access to my world downloads for each of

These videos i do you can get any custom mods that i have made and will make in the future you get your name at the end of each video you get a nice shiny role in my discord which you should totally join by the way and much more in the

Future also now for a limited time when signing up you will get access to a backup save of my original hardcore world from the channel that i was able to recover from my old computer that’s right you can play in my og hardcore world and even continue in my footsteps

The world save is only from around day 300 which means unfortunately it’s missing some things but i’m sure you won’t be disappointed the link to my patreon is in the description and if you think my voice sounds different during the segment it’s because my allergies are killing me and i am dying anyways

Now back to the video and boy did i find the perfect place to think about calling home on day six that place was right here at the end of the swamp area so to begin this day i was first going to need a place to keep my horse and since i

Didn’t have enough resources to make a ton of fence i just kind of blocked him in this wooden box like any civilized gamer giga chad would and now that my horse was secure it was time to set out and conquer the first goal for calling this place home i crafted myself a boat

So i could go back out to collect two villagers to begin breeding them before zombies get to all of them nearby first plus if i had my own village out in the water i could more heavily influence their trade prices and not have to worry about iron golems anyways today ended up

Being quite a rough process i managed to get the first villager into this point that i left near my house however the second guy he was not having any of it this man made me chase him further in further inland and after enough time i became desperate and i tried luring him

Out with a farmer job block but he just kept ignoring it to go for better jobs however after enough of this awful game we were playing i did manage to finally get him in a boat i delivered him back over near where i was going to build my

House and just like that i now had my two future breeders those poor souls i began collecting trees for wood so i could build them an area to begin reproducing on day seven before making my final decision to live right here by beginning my villager farm i decided to

Head over to the spruce village area nearby first just in case while here i ran into quite a few coal deposits in small sources of iron ore before running into two above water abandoned structures with chests the first one contained a nice fishing rod with mending on it along with two very brave

Dolphins who were attempting to grow legs and go on land and the second chest had a nice treasure map that wasn’t really that far away however i wasn’t going to be doing that today as this spot was even nicer than the last this place was where i was going to make my

New home so i dropped a crafting table to make a boat i traveled over to my old base area to begin moving my villagers i jumped in the first boat and was on my way until something under the water caught my eye swimming around below me was this adorable yellow axolotl and

I’ve never had one in hardcore yet so i quickly sprung into action by crafting another crafting bench and i began chasing these guys around like a rem cosplayer in an anime convention and these dudes were no joke i felt like lightning mcqueen in cars 3 because i

Could not catch one of them for the life of me until none of it even mattered because i had spotted my much more important target the ultra super rare exotic blue axolotl these boys have about a 1 in 1 1200 chance to spawn and

This one chose my world to spawn in so i was now on a mission i began chasing him down while occasionally stopping to the surface for air and i kid you not i was willing to almost die to catch this guy and that’s when i finally did i had

Caught my very first axolotl in hardcore minecraft and it was the rarest one you can be sure this guy was getting his own aquarium in my new base but for now i was running out of daylight so i returned to my first villager i delivered him to the new house location

Followed by making a nice little chest to dump all of my stuff off in and i went back to the old area full of swamp toilet water to gather my second villager before i slept away the night so they both didn’t become snacks the next day day eight i thought you know

Why not use the rest of my smelted iron to make two more buckets so i could catch some more axolotls i made the two buckets and i began swimming around without much luck at first it seemed like all of them had despawned at this point until i found these two at first i

Thought they were both pink and i have a pink pet axolotl in real life so i thought you know why not catch one so he could have a little bit of representation in game but as i got closer i realized something unreal i had found a second blue axolotl after

Realizing this i caught this little guy faster than lightning i’ve literally just started this world and i now had two blue pet axolotls after catching the second axolotl i went back to the first base to bring home my beautiful horse le chunk where i built him a temporary

Housing area but don’t worry le chunk will get much better once we begin really capitalizing on our villager empire for the rest of this day since i had wasted too much time with going for the axolotls i spent my time cleaning up all of the mess in front of where i

Wanted to build my villager breeder there weren’t many trees in this world since all the villager houses replaced them so i was going to cannibalize this place for its spare spruce wood roof so the next day day 9 that is exactly what i set out to do i climbed up to the roof

Of this house and i began demolishing everything i stole all of the wood and i cleaned up the rest of this mess so i could have a better path to travel through with my trusty steed serla chunk plus i now had a meager 50 spruce wood which to be honest wasn’t really much

But it was a beginning i began laying out the small wooden path and i measured and built out the box perimeter for the middle area where the villagers would stay after this i began laying out the dirt for the carrot farm until i ran out

Of supplies so i went over and crafted a stone shovel because i was still iron poor and i used it to collect what i thought was enough dirt for the farm before also stealing this entire coal vein i went back to the farm to finish

Off the dirt square until i ran out once again at this point the sun was going down and i still couldn’t really leave my villagers unprotected so i tilled what dirt i had to begin planting and fun fact out of all the farms i had passed to get here i didn’t collect any

Carrots whatsoever so today i was pretty much as far as i was gonna get day ten the first thing i did was smelt what little iron i had in one of the blast furnaces that i borrowed before heading back over to collect more dirt and while

Out in gathering mode i saw this creepy little guy just stalking me from the corner i ran up to him and began giving him the old razzle dazzle with my weak iron sword and while doing this i had realized what i was missing i’m already on day 10 without even making a shield

So after taking this dude down i went back home and did exactly that i made myself a brand new shiny shield i equipped it and i went back to the farm area to finish placing all of the dirt and tilling the soil after finishing the center area for the farm all i now

Needed was carrots and unfortunately since i was surrounded by spruce village i was not going to find many here i began running back towards the plains biome villages for those sweet sweet carrots until i ran into back-to-back distractions first i found these iron deposits that were being guarded by

Creeper number two i slowly took him out before mining both deposits for a shiny 12 iron chunks and after this i finally hit the plains village area where i immediately found a new blacksmith and inside of his chest was a gold mine there were three diamonds seven obsidian

And a whole bunch of iron tools and armor this blacksmith was correct after stuffing all of that loot into my inventory i kept moving on while gathering any carrots that i could from farms while also struggling to make room inside of my inventory by time i had finished this mini extended trip into

The plains biome i came back with two stacks of carrots and right in time too because the sun was pretty much gone i planted all of the carrots my new villager farm so they could begin repopulating and i went to sleep for the night honestly at this point the idea of

Not having to sleep to protect these guys was seeming better and better i spent all of day 11 finishing up this makeshift villager breeder i placed out the last perimeter of wooden planks until i once again ran out of wood so being the great neighbor that i still

Was i borrowed this neighbor’s entire roof i may have also borrowed his blast furnaces and anything else of value but just like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop the world will never know anyways now that i had what i needed i added the remaining

Perimeter and i added a second layer out of cobblestone which i then layered with more wooden planks so it didn’t look so plain and now that everything was pretty much in place all i had left was to get some beds lots of beds which i’m guessing wasn’t going to be an issue in

This world spent the rest of this day constantly breaking and entering to gather as many beds as i could and throughout this process i may have also been helping myself to the contents of any chests that i could find i was collecting some free spruce woods lots

Of saplings so i could make mega trees i got emeralds and lots of free food items also for some obvious reason most of these villagers had exquisite taste in bed choices with all of these purple paint nomination collectors edition ones i kept collecting more beds until the

Sun had gone down so i headed back home to free my villagers so they could go and trap themselves in their new forever home after that i built three fence gates to block them in and i made some torches to light the place up nice and

Safe and right in time too because a whole bunch of zombies were everywhere outside and the local iron golem was working overtime on the next day day 12 after waking up and leaving my house i was pretty much sure i was going crazy i looked underwater at an axolotl i saw

Swimming around and it was a third blue one i panicked and grabbed the bucket out of my chest as fast as i could before zooming down underwater and catching this dude at this point i’m pretty sure this plug-in is affecting their spawn rates or maybe they just

Aren’t as rare as we thought i don’t know but i now had three pet blue axolotls and i was pretty hyped anyways after that distraction i was back to my villagers one of the two had become a farmer and he had wheat trades today was a day full of capitalism i began mass

Crafting my hay bales into wheat and leveling this guy up until he was max level and offering me two emerald for three golden carrot trades not only did i now have my village or breeding farm but my farmer was also a food producing beast i kept trading with him until he

Went on strike by refusing to refresh his trades so in the meantime i figured i would go out in search of more carrots and some beds to speed this process up i spent the rest of this day rinsing and repeating the process minus this interesting encounter that i had with a

Local cave with a zombie farmer that i probably should have stayed for cures but i didn’t and a whole meeting of skeletons that i was obviously not welcomed at after leaving the cave area i made my way up to the top of the nearby hill full of fresh houses to

Borrow from however i was starting to become uneasy because of how chaotic the terrain was at this point creepers could be around at any corner with all these dark areas this place was not looking that safe while i was up here the sun had also began to set so i decided to

Head back home before having this near-death experience i fell off the side of this cliff right next to that cave entrance and this zombie began chasing me it wasn’t that close to a call however while this was happening i was starting to realize something about the spawns in this world still felt

Weird because there were villages everywhere with torches and path blocks everywhere land mobs had to get more creative about where they spawned and that was making things a lot more interesting for day 13 i started my day off with more checking on the villager

Farm i placed out all of the beds that i had gotten from yesterday and we were almost full on bed slots while i was here i also did some more beautiful capitalism i traded tons more wheat for emeralds and i bought a bunch more golden carrots after that i made it rain

Regular carrots all over their faces so they could start breeding they had a bunch of hearts but they didn’t end up doing anything because i think they were camera shy so i left them a little privacy and i cleaned out my inventory into my chest before setting out for

More beds carrots and maybe if i’m lucky some more blacksmith chests i ate some of the cakes off the ground and i traded with my farmer before getting on sir le chunk and taking off i headed back towards the plain biome where i stole more beds i robbed lots of chests i

Yinked every hay bale i saw you ever take a few hundred and i may have decimated each farm for its carrots and wheat once again you can’t prove anything while exploring i also stumbled upon two more blacksmiths where one had nine free iron and the other had a

Whopping nine obsidian in a gucci golden set of horse armor of course i gave to my king sir lechonk overall i was out here until the night of day 14. to begin the next day day 15 i was welcomed outside my humble abode by this pile of

Skeletons ready to attack my cheeks and boy did they do that these dudes hurt like a lot my iron armor definitely do be hidden different but nonetheless i had slain all three of them along with their backup zombie chump who ran to their rescue and now that all those kids

Were off my lawn and it was clear i went back to check on lay villagers in the hopes that they started making babies but alas their tier three subscriptions to pokemane were holding them back i gave them more carrots they started playing hot potato with and i placed out

All of my new beds at this point i was beginning to worry that all of the villagers nearby were counting as one village and it was stopping these guys from repopulating so i thought today maybe i could speed things up by traveling to nearby villagers on the

Other side of the water behind my house i grabbed some boats to borrow villagers and i set off and upon arriving over there i was met by this desolate ghostland with not a villager in sight i started looking around while you know helped myself to any free job blocks

Like lecterns blast furnaces you know whatever i borrowed things from chests and i figured while i was here i might as well grab more beds too because you know why not and while doing this i hit the absolute jackpot i stumbled upon yet another blacksmith and inside of the

Chest was five diamonds in five iron i had hit glorious riches enough to retire me from my entire career but anyways striking diamonds i decided to keep spending my time over here until my inventory was full of beds and some extra flowers for dye and after all this

I headed back home as the sun was going down and surprise surprise two villagers still did not have any kids things were not looking good for the domination empire day 16 and huge surprise after waking up villagers still won’t breathe i harvested all of their ready carrots

And i threw them at each of them just to see how full their inventories were and they still weren’t full they tried breeding again but i guess having a six foot eleven alpha gaming male giga chad standing across the room probably turned them off so i guess for today i was back

Out looking for more villagers i wanted to start doing things like going to the nether killing the dragon making my base but to make all of that way easier i was going to first need to get more villagers so once again i set back out

And let me tell you this entire day was a failure i ventured out into another direction and i kid you not throughout the entire day i saw a total of two mobs i saw one single cow in a wolf that i tried to make my friend but he took my

Bone and left kind of like my ex-girlfriend anyways i spent the rest of this day desperately searching with zero luck this world generation was my worst nightmare countless villages but no capitalism to be done in them as the sun went down once again i scoured all of the nearby shorelines for any signs

Of life with still zero luck not only was i missing out on capitalism but my second greatest fear had also come true i was in tennessee yeah it was a pretty good joke you have to admit for day 17 i woke up that’s pretty much it i woke up

No i’m just kidding i cleared out my inventory and i organized all of my high-end resources that were coming along nicely before setting out in yet another new direction at this point i was ascending into madness because this entire world was empty no animals in the pens no horses and most importantly

There were no villagers that is until finally i found this one guy out here just existing how relatable only one in the world apparently i quickly broke both of his job blocks lured him into the boat and i rode him all the way back home i make it sound like it’s a long

Trip but i mean it was like a couple hundred blocks if even anyways after getting him back home i scammed him into the villager pen and since i didn’t have enough daylight left to go back looking for more villagers i decided to spend the rest of the day doing some more

Sweet capitalism i traded a ton more wheat for emeralds and i placed a blast furnace down to turn one of them into an armorer an armorer that stole all of my emeralds was garbage iron armor trades until he unlocked a diamond pair of leggings in boots that were also both

Super garbage however i did have just enough emeralds to get them both and of course i you know had to so my drip-ometer had increased ten fold on day 18 i woke up to the most beautiful things my villagers were breeding with tons of hearts that is until they just

Didn’t these dudes were submissive but for whatever reason they were not readable so i once again dumped my inventory i crafted myself a new iron hoe for more wheat for capitalism and i set back off towards where i had found my new villager friend upon reaching

Land with my boat i was on a mission while searching for more friends grand theft wheat was a go i began drinking any and all of the wheat i could find until in the distance i saw a bit of movement my target had been acquired i quickly bolted over to see my

Brand new farmer friend and he wasn’t alone i scanned my first villager into the boat so i could take him back with me and i struggled to trap the second one to a building he was so desperately clinging to after that you basically know the drill i boated my way all the

Way off land to the ocean then back where i quickly skimmed the other villager into my housing area after that i traveled all the way back to get the second villager and this experience was awful he was trying to run like it was a zombie apocalypse he wouldn’t go towards

Any job blocks or beds and the stupid path blocks really make using boats impossible so because this guy really wanted to be so extra i blocked him off in a house with me where we spent the night cuddling i mean i mean he slept on

The floor i slept in the bed day 19. now that the sun was up it was time to get this jerk moving back towards my base because i was tired of dealing with catching villagers this dude once again gave me a ton of problems until i

Finally lured him over to the beach with cauldrons where i trapped him viciously with a boat and i began my journey back for the 800th time but before stopping i also you know attained some more grain like any mana culture would and after arriving home i attempted to put this

Guy in the pen with all the others until his stupid friend executed a perfect prison break gta style that even i could not counter with my lack of boats in my inventory i struggled searching my chest for wood to make another one and i pushed this guy back into his prison at

Home his home one big happy home full of villagers that won’t freaking breed anyways now that i had more villagers i spent the rest this day trying to train to level up my armor except my dumb farmer insisted on not working for the rest of this day so now they weren’t

Breeding or working and on top of that after the sun had gone down two of them also refused to sleep until i had to break the bed inside of my house no clue why they had chosen that bed but honestly villagers kind of suck that’s

Just how it is maybe the next day i could do something productive with them at least one could hope so for day 20 i woke up filled my inventory with more beautiful grains and i turned a second villager into a farmer so i could cycle through wheat trades much faster i began

Blitzing through trades making mad stonks along the way until i could max out my armor for the last two trades and overall his diamond armor was kind of like promised netherland if you know you know but yeah only piece of armor that even had protection was the chess piece

With pratt2 but either way i now had full diamond armor and i was feeling pretty good about myself even with this shiny ego boost none of the villagers wanted to cooperate any longer so i figured i might as well use my time to make this area a lot more safe i crafted

A bunch of torches and i spent the rest of this day and night out and about lighting up this whole area while also stealing all of the pumpkins because i mean why not i can sell them in the future maybe by time the sun was about

To come up i had made everything safe at least as safe as i could for now i’d gotten a free stack and a half of pumpkins and i found two nearby beds that may have been causing issues with the villagers on day 21 it was back to

My capitalistic grind i started off by doing more casual trading with the wheat villagers until i decided to switch it up and i began working on better tools i placed down a furnace so i could begin cooking stone for slabs and i made a grindstone for some weird reason because

I definitely had a bunch that i borrowed inside of one of my chests i don’t know why i did this anyways i placed it inside of the breeder and the sand village guy quickly snatched up that job and his trades were awful he started off

With a nice cheap iron axe that i bought an entire inventory of and after that he wanted tons of emeralds for bells or even more iron that i didn’t really have and after training him my only 22 iron i was now broke and in need of a classic

Mining trip i emptied my inventory and i made my way over to that nearby dark spooky cave from before after taking out a few of the mobs inside it ended up being nothing with not a single piece of war inside honestly finding caves with this data pack was way worse than before

I feel like there were far more cons than pros at this point so after cleaning out the cave i figured i should clean out any of the houses up here of their beds and job blocks to maybe fix some of the issues that my villagers had

With breeding back at my base for the next three days days 22 through 25 i continued searching everywhere in this biome for iron this data pack was in 1.17 so iron doesn’t really spawn that much this high up so i begin searching for deeper caves after traversing the

Villagey hilly mess near my base i actually started to find some caves the first cave system was full of a pile of stinky gamers for some reason because of all the villages nearby the only area that mobs could spawn in was caves and all the areas were stuffed with these

Mobs it was like i was playing in an ocean-only world or something anyways after pushing on through the first cave there ended up being a ton of coal only coal there was not a single piece of iron in sight so because i didn’t want to replace my pickaxe and i had enough

Coal i left for the next nearby area and this place was scary with all of the skeleton bone sounds and zombie moans nearby inside this cave there are also more piles of mobs i mean literally i used my shield to block all of the creeper explosions and i took this

Enderman out to a nice brunch only for him to pick up gravel last second and then drop it this guy scammed me out of his balls yes i wrote that in my script thank you anyways this cave had finally led me deep enough that i began to find

Hella iron i was mining vein after vein after vein in no time i already had half a stack at this point my inventory was also becoming quite full so while i was heading back home i stole as much hay and carrots as i could along the way and

I hit a few more iron ore caves before stumbling upon this massive beast of a cave full of mobs tons of coal and tons of iron and copper ore so instead of heading back home in classic distracted loot hungry pain domination fashion i continued exploring this place on day 26

And there was so much stuff i began by absolutely stripping each wall of all of the coal copper and iron and this stuff just kept coming and coming after cleaning up the first part of the cave i continued to the dark room full of more mobs because you know of course it was

And while cleaning out the horde i saw exactly what i was hoping for after hearing all the mobs i had discovered a dungeon i quickly lit up the room near the dungeon and i was becoming overwhelmed by all of the different deeper caves that had branched off from

This area but first i had to explore the dungeon i broke into the wall and this place had more skeletons than the shed behind my old house completely unrelated to me by the way anyways i cleared out all of the enemies and i lit up the spawner for safe keeping before looting

The pretty sad looking loot from the only chest that had spawned after this i kept exploring throughout this cave system and this place just never ended there were mobs everywhere along with tons more iron gold coal redstone even lapis pretty much everything but diamonds and as you know i am obsessed

With loot and i cannot pass up any chance to take anything and everything plus while down here i ran into yet another blue axolotl at this point i’m pretty sure they’re very common with this data pack or something because there’s no way i was having this kind of

Luck overall because of how obsessed i was with cleaning this place out i was down here until the end of day 30. i somehow spent almost two hours down here producing mad stunks so now that the cave was cleared and my inventory was thicker than a pixar mom i don’t even

Care that i use that joke a lot i made my way up and out of the cave only to be absolutely ambushed by all of these creepers in zombies when i was just trying to check out this ruined portal i built straight up so none of these peasants could touch me and before

Hopping down to find a bed i enjoyed the beautiful view this place had to offer while also realizing i now had zero clue where i was so on day 31 after sleeping that horde away i began looking around to try and get my bearings as to where i

Was now at and pro gamer move always take a picture of your coordinates for your base just in case it turns out i had ended up a whopping 700 blocks away from my house so i basically spent most of this day completing the long arduous journey of trying to walk straight also

Dodging hundreds of houses you can probably guess how successful i was at that and of course while making this mini journey i was stopping at any blacksmiths along the way that i could spot which just so happens to be only one but it did have enough obsidian to

Make like two nether portals i have never seen that many in one chest before anyways after the surprisingly short 700 block walk back home i could finally see my house in the distance and what was the first thing i did after getting back i made it rain carrots on those idiot

Villagers in the hopes that they would finally breed and there were more hearts but once again the spark had faded so i just left them there with their abundance of my hard-earned carrots because i had more important things to do it was time to assess everything that

We got from our road trip i placed out a whole wall of my borrowed blasphemy yes that is the plural for furnaces fight me and i began stuffing all of the stacks of iron copper gold and coal into them which ended up being a ton after this i

Afk for the night waiting for everything to cook so i could finally trade with the tool smith i mean i say finally but in reality i definitely got carried away in the mine mining for that long my ocd makes it really difficult to not fully strip every inch of minecraft caves i

Swear but the next day day 32 after waking up i collected all of my smelted metals and overall my mining trip had gotten me over four stacks of iron over three stacks of copper in 19 gold which wasn’t quite as much as i felt it was

But this was still perfect i grabbed a bunch of hay and wheat as well and i began commencing in some decadent capitalism with the boys i traded wheat for more emeralds i used the iron to finish leveling up my smith who gave me several unbreaking diamond axes which

Were kind of garbage and a pretty decent unbreaking 2 sharpness 2 diamond sword and after trading for these bad boys it dawned on me this guy was a weaponsmith i mean i needed him too but this whole time for some reason i had thought i was

Trading with a tool smith for a brand new pickaxe yikes but anyways all was still good because i had a few more villagers without jobs so i went over and crafted a new smithing table placed it down and i began mass trading with this guy until he unlocked his two

Diamond tools which were both pretty garbage he first had a fortune one axe that was ew in an ugg boot wearing basic af efficiency 2 on breaking two pickaxe i thought villagers in this world were going to give me everything and boy was i severely mistaken apparently anyways

Now that i had full diamond tools and armor i organized my values into my good loot chest and i grabbed the little more than a stack of obsidian that i had gotten so far so i could build a nether portal i built the frame over on this

Mini wooden dock i made a flint and steel i lit the portal and i went through only to be greeted by this trigger happy gas that would not stand still long enough for me to hit it with his own fireball during our battle i reflected a solid 10 or so shots with

Zero luck until he almost burned me alive so i decided to you know back off for now and just focus on why i was really here another fortress so it was now day 33 and i was beginning to check each area around my portal in the hopes

Of finding an easy nearby fortress i checked over near where the gas was and behind the portal with no luck so i began heading in the sulsan valley direction while stealing all of the bone blocks i could for bone meal to drown my villagers in more carrots and then i saw

It in the distance the love of my life an easy to access close nether fortress mostly located inside of a soul sand valley literally the perfect fortress i could get blaze rods netherwar and wither skulls here so i continued heading over towards the fortress while placing a path of torches for easy

Access back to the portal until i had the chance to bridge on over and the second i got into this place i was met with the cavalry of wither skeletons that after killing unfortunately did not drop me any skulls after taking them out i made my way over to the easy access

Netherwort staircase where i borrowed myself a lifetime supply and after that i continued on exploring the different hallways while looting each chest that i could find and these chests actually turned out pretty good i kept on finding more nether wart more saddles for horses and inside one of them was three fresh

And never frozen diamonds after i finished exploring most of the hallways i stumbled upon my first blaze spawner and even with diamond armor the burns from these guys were worse than some twitter comment sections by the way you should totally follow me on twitter i am super active over there link in the

Description anyways i built a nice little safe area where i could hide from the blaze and i prepared myself for the time of my life like it was a denny’s bathroom in between my shield sharpness 2 sword and diamond armor i was standing strong i kept playing fruit ninja with

These glorified glow sticks while slowly expanding their spawning area so i could be here for less time also as i was fighting these guys my shield was about to break so i quickly made a new one before killing just enough of them to get me a solid 25 blaze rods after this

I made my way back to the fortress while marking my way with random visible blocks because i may have ran at torches and i followed my torch pack all the way back to the portal by time i got home it had ended up being the night of day 34.

On the next day day 35 in celebration of the successful nether trip i used some of the excessive amount of bone blocks i had taken from the nether to make bone meal to begin mass farming carrots i sat here mast harvesting while dodging these thieving farmers honestly couldn’t

Relate until i had about three stacks of carrots and while i was tending to the crops i began noticing something there were other seeds mixed in here meaning that these farmers had messed up inventories from their previous farms i’m also pretty sure these jerk wads are composting half of the very carrots i

Keep working so hard to give them i feel very unappreciated after continuing to mess around with these guys something had changed and honestly i i have no clue how to explain it but i’m going to try i kept giving these guys carrots and their hearts would pop up except this

Time on two different occasions i swear i swear i saw a baby villager spawn in and instantly die i swear up until now this wasn’t happening and i had no clue why but suddenly they started to actually breed and just unalive just like captain sparkles would say and at

This point i’m kind of just at a loss how will i become rich and powerful without villagers to explo i mean befriend so i began trying to find solutions online and honestly i had some ideas this world was acting weird after i left the spawn area at first there

Were tons of villagers but now there’s none so i was thinking maybe the world’s friendly mob cap was full so they couldn’t keep breeding or the game rule for mob griefing was off which i kind of doubted because creepers were still destroying blocks but either way i

Didn’t know what to do and the sun was starting to set so just like the becky villagers that didn’t want to smash i went to sleep the next day day 36 i had a genius idea i emptied out my inventory and i began following my compass back to

Spawn because i wanted to test out my theory of what was going on with this world while heading there i stole any hay bales carrots etc that i could and of course i robbed each blacksmith of their worldly possessions before i started to see more villagers by time i

Was almost a spawn it had become night and everything made sense now there were animals including cows sheep horses everywhere along with tons of trapped step villagers and whatever was going on at this little rave right here while here i crafted some boats and i trapped some zombie villagers inside of them so

I could maybe cure them in the future until i was raided by this massive storm of zombies these guys were everywhere and they managed to get me super low on health before i pulled out my trusty uno reverse card i clapped all of their cheeks one crisis averted now i had to

Figure out what to do about this mess of villagers i was thinking about you know what if i just moved all of my things here to build a base here instead i kept wandering around and yeah there were villagers literally everywhere just look at all these piles of guys so after the

Sun rose on day 37 i had made my new decision i was going to move all the way back here to spawn but first i wanted to make sure that all these villagers were going to be safe except while i roamed around the area i was kind of struggling

To think of an efficient way to do that because these guys were everywhere i could trap them inside of houses which would be messy i could use boats which would take decades or i could steal their beds and lure them all to one area when the sun goes down either way each

Of these choices were going to take forever and be quite messy so instead i decided to locate the exact spawn chunk or it strangely didn’t end up being 0-0 and i built this weird tower of hay bales that i hit this sweet clutch hay bale mlg off of i crafted a nice chest

To dump my inventory in before stealing a bed to go to sleep i may have wasted today thinking about what to do but tomorrow i would be on a big mission day 38 after waking up i immediately booked it back towards my base to begin moving

Over all of my loot as long as i wasn’t near the spawn chunks at night no mobs were going to spawn to eat my villagers because mobs only spawned near the player anyways while on my way back i stopped to find out this iron golem had

Executed one of my zombie friends on the spawn walking dead daryl style what a giga chad move after witnessing that literal crime i kept on moving towards my house this process took most of the day and while at it i was thinking of this genius plan to make this one time

Trip by making a villager into an alchemist to trade with ender pearls so that way i can make eyes of ender and craft an ender chest for extra storage back in my base with this new plan in my head i kept moving on while of course stopping any new blacksmiths i found

Along the way and one of them ended up having a juicy two diamonds inside for me to borrow shortly after stuffing those diamonds into my grubby inventory i arrived back at the swamp biome near my base and while walking through here i stumbled upon the only villager left

Near my house that i had trapped a while ago and he just so happens to be the perfect candidate to become my alchemist but first i went back to my base to see exactly how many items i absolutely needed to bring with me it was safe to

Say that i was definitely going to need that ender chest because i’m a hoarder so i grabbed a brewing stand and i went back to that villager to begin doing capitalism with him i leveled him up until he no longer wanted to trade for emeralds and the sun had began to set so

Quickly i headed back home to sleep so i could finish trading with him and be on my way by the end of the next day i sound like dr seuss for day 39 after the sun came up i booked it for the alchemist and upon checking his trades

He still refused to refresh the only thing i could realistically trade with him at this point was glass bottles so i went back to my base again and made myself a shovel so i could begin gathering sand i grabbed about 48 sand and i popped it all into the furnace

Before heading back to check on him again and this time what do you know he actually decided to work i traded with him for more glowstone until he leveled up and he didn’t get ender pearl trades in java editions they have a two out of three chance to sell ender pearls and

This guy didn’t so at this point i was debating if it was even worth wasting my time or if i should just make more than one trip i began running around desperately looking for any signs of life while listening for any villagers going i could hear which of course i had no

Luck at so i guess it was on to plan c i went back to the alchemist and he magically disappeared i have no clue what happened i’m hoping that maybe with one less villager in the mob cap my villagers could make one baby was that

Too much to ask for at this point i went back home and they all had hearts but once again nothing so apparently yes i was asking for way too much but then i had yet another idea plan d at this point i should just get a fridge full of

Magnets of each letter of the alphabet and list a ton of plans because i was getting desperate i remember seeing an enderman and the nether the last time i was there so i thought you know why not go through the portal and see if i can

Kill him and the first thing that had greeted me on the other side was not only that enderman but also another massive gas jerk i played more ping pong with him just like his brother except this time i came out victorious by smashing his face in which is probably

Why people don’t like to play ping pong with me anyways after he was gone i picked up his guest here which was a pretty nice prize for that match of ping pong and i stared straight at the endermen so we could commence in the great battle which of course i won and

He had dropped me the gift from the gods it had taken this much effort to get a single ender pearl after this i went back home made the eye of ender and i crafted the ender chest and popped that bad boy down after this i spent the rest

Of the night organizing all of my crap that i wanted to take with me into both the chest and my inventory and i made sure that everything that went into the ender chest wasn’t needed right away because when i got there i was going to need another eye of ender to make

Another chest because without silk touch i could not take this one on day 40 i woke up hopped on good old lechonk the horse said goodbye to my admittedly pretty useless villagers and i took off following my compass back to what i would soon be calling my new home and i

Kid you not while on the way i ran into this farmer dude super close to my base just kind of chilling he would have made a perfect alchemist when i had needed it but that was in the past i hit him with my axe and i was back on my way until i

Reached my destination i had made my way back to spawn i had no time to spare so i immediately got to work i began by breaking part of this house where i could put le chunk inside where he would be nice and safe then i made extra

Chests where i completely dumped all of my inventory once again after that i began some classic mass deforestation my first set of goals for this place was to clean out all of the trees so that way it could be a lot safer with less mobs that would spawn and hopefully i could

Also use all of that wood to then build some kind of miniature kingdom i spent the rest of the day mining tree after tree until i got this great idea to make some fences so i could fence in the area under the nearby hill that i could use

To trap as many villagers as i could get i was going to grab tons of beds from each of the houses nearby place them in this little area and then each night they would all just kind of run in there and trap themselves i began by stealing

Two of the beds and i trapped one villager before going to sleep myself so no mobs could spawn in and surprise me the next day but the next days days 41 and 42 i stuck to my mission of making this place safer i spent the entirety of

These days chopping down more and more trees while also clearing random clutter off the ground and i broke into every house i could find nearby to steal the beds in the hopes that i could lure more villagers into the trap every time night had fallen which honestly didn’t work

Out that well because there were so many beds overall that the villagers just kept finding new ones and nobody really wanted to listen my other option at this point would be to use boats which would be very difficult with all of the terrain or to use workstations which

Probably still wouldn’t work with all the other workstations laying around as well either way by time it was the second night i didn’t have many trapped villagers to show for it this place is looking a lot more cleaned out without all the trees so i just kind of went to

Sleep for day 43 i was back to clearing this place out to make more space to make myself a base i started off by testing how long it would take to dismantle an entire house i chopped off all of the roof and i smashed through the cobblestone and other miscellaneous

Blocks and this took two and a half minutes literally one tenth of a minecraft day per house so i thought you know why not get a little quirky and relatable and try arson instead if you know anything about me i love arson in minecraft definitely in minecraft

Anyways i had left all of my flints and steel back at the old base so i was in need of gravel i checked out this small little cave system nearby the mountain i ran through and lit everything up just in case before gathering a bunch of

Gravel and one flint for flint and steel after that i crafted the bad boy and went on a burning montage i lit every roof house and tree on fire that was left near this area because honestly this was way more fun and it was a lot

Faster if i wanted to get more spruce wood in the future there’s more trees plus i could just plant spruce super trees it was way quicker than this so yeah spent the rest this day destroying anything these villagers loved while most of their houses went up in flames i

Began clearing out this awful looking farm area overall today wasn’t that constructive but technically i was making progress this however was exactly why i wanted to build in the ocean in the first place i would not have to play cleanup before i could build anything

For day 44 i was still on cleanup duty i began breaking a lot of the remaining houses now that most of the fires had settled and i began some mild landscaping with my shovel it is until i had a better idea to really speed up this process i was going to make some

New tool smiths to trade with and hopefully get better diamond tools so i began looking around for some free smithing tables because i was too lazy to craft them until i stumbled upon something that made no sense whatsoever a zombie villager that i had trapped in

The boat several days ago had cured all on his own i have no clue what happened and i’m pretty sure this isn’t normally a thing i was thinking maybe it had something to do with this data pack but i i didn’t really know anyway since this guy had technically been cured i was

Curious to see if he would have discounts so i went back to my loot stash to craft some smithing tables which i didn’t want to do in the first place and i placed one down near him and he just refused to take the job i went

Back to my stash to get supplies to trade in the meantime and the sun had began setting so i went to bed before he became a zombie’s lunch for the second time i guess so on the next day day 45 i went back and he had become a tool smith

I used the remaining emeralds and iron that i had to trade with him enough to unlock his first item in efficiency to diamond axe it wasn’t the best item but i mean efficiency 2 was far better than no efficiency at all so i used my last

Emeralds that i had to buy it and now i was having a new problem i was out of emeralds so instead of continuing to do super inefficient trades like i have been for the first 40 days today i was finally going to start infecting zombie villagers so i could truly exploit them

In the most capitalistic way possible and if i was going to do that i was going to need two things to make the splash potions a weakness that i was going to need i set out to find sugar cane first because up until now i haven’t grabbed any and boy was i

Regretting that because these villages made sugar cane spawn super sparse i finally ended up finding some by a small lake that i stole for the sugar i needed for the potions after this while heading back home to hunt for spiders my second ingredient i conveniently heard the

Sound of a bunch of them coming from underneath this small farm i dug down until i struck a cave system that only had one spider inside that did not drop his eye however while i was down here i did scoop up a nice 28 more iron since

Even iron was kind of rare in this world by time i left the cave it was now night so i ran around in hunt for spiders and with all of the torchlight these villages provided mobs were very uncommon i killed a few spiders and only one of them actually dropped the spider

Eye that i needed i kept hunting afterwards for more but i didn’t really have any luck until i gave up and went to sleep for the night on day 46 i woke up and began digging a small dark area into the side of the cliff near my

Villagers in the hopes that some zombies would spawn in here so i could trap them to infect new villagers i dug out the area while this one villager insisted he stayed inside after pushing him out i blocked off the entrance with kabul and not gonna lie i wasted today because

Nothing would spawn inside i kept running away from the area and waiting for stuff to spawn and going back and checking with zero luck not a single thing spawned in here so i was forced to wait for the night in the hopes of catching some without iron golems eating

Them into the stratosphere once the sun had gone down i was out searching for zombies with very little luck that is until i saw whatever this was happening somehow this pile of villagers all managed to trap themselves in a small fenced area with a couple of zombies i

Free these saucy vodkas from their hunters before trapping them all indefinitely maybe in the future i’ll come back and get them or more likely i’ll just let them suffer here instead for the rest of eternity anyways after they were taken care of i led one of

Their zombie friends all the way back to the area next to my villager pen and i trapped him in a boat before building a roof over him to protect him from the sun and more importantly iron golems after that i spent the rest of the night trapping a second zombie here in the

Second boat ready to infect some villagers the next day day 47 it was finally time to get the capitalism going i was originally going to boat out two regular villagers but instead i had a far better idea i began placing down two composters over and over until i had

Gotten my first farmer with both wheat and carrots as their main trades because i wanted these farmers to be as emerald efficient as possible they were going to be my emerald producing machines so now that the first farmer was ready i went out and searched to obtain more grain i

Gathered about a few stacks of wheat so i could desperately attempt to level this dude up and when i say desperate i mean it because he drained me of pretty much all of the resources i had left but now that he was master rank invalorent no clue that’s a thing i don’t play

Valrant i scammed him into a boat and rode him over to the zombie gang where i trapped one of the zombies in with him before extending my roof from the gaze of the wandering iron golems and just like that the plan was coming together and i could totally hear you in the

Comments saying something like 100 days of trading with villagers not gonna lie that’s kind of the point of the video isn’t it anyways now that he was trapped and being turned into an extra from the walking dead i set out to grab two buckets of water i made an infinite

Water pool filled up some glass bottles and i crafted the fermented spider eye so i could begin brewing potions of weakness however i had ran into another problem i no longer had any gunpowder so now i was forced to set out looking for creepers and normally that would be easy

In a regular world but in this world it really wasn’t i could not find a creeper anywhere that is until i finally saw this dude chilling on the roof who peaced out before my very eyes spent the rest of this night looking around more with little luck but i did find yet

Another weird fenced-in rave party full of villagers after that i kept up my search until i had found the next best thing i stumbled upon this iron golem who had just killed an enderman who dropped an ender pearl so i could now go back to my chests make an eye a vendor

Craft myself another ender chest and i was pretty sure that i had gunpowder in there for the potions after placing the chest and opening it inside there was two gunpowder but that was exactly enough also somehow a skeleton ended up in one of my boats and he turned her

Iron golem friend into some free iron thank you skeleton things were beginning to look up from here before the sun came up i brewed my splash potions i used the gold that i had to make five golden apples and i cured the farmer villager for the first time and i was really

Hoping the trades would bug out in this world and become perfect similar to my beach only world which if you haven’t checked out you should totally watch that video after this one on day 48 since i couldn’t go too far away and risk the farmer being reinfected before

I could check his trades i instead hung out here and tried to re-roll the second farmer while also trading with the newly made cleric so i could hopefully get a source of ender pearls and for some reason these farmers all wanted to compete with technoblade on hypixel because every single re-roll had

Potatoes and i didn’t want potatoes i needed these guys to have wheat and carrots for optimal efficiency and then after like the 20th re-roll he had gotten that exact trade so i traded some wheat to lock him in and right after i finished trading with him my farmer

Zombie had been cured or at least that’s what i thought because upon heading over to see his trades the dude was gone something in my brain just kind of clicked similar to how villagers can’t breed because of the mob cap i don’t think they can be cured either my farmer

Was literally just gone like i always joke about banishing people to the shadow realm but he was literally there now and more importantly than the fate of that dumb villager i realized that i was now stuck with only full price trades in this entire world honestly this data pack was kinda starting to

Suck so here i was on day 49 almost halfway to day 100 with no real start on a base and no op villagers to exploit it was safe to say i didn’t know what to do i took a break for the day and i went outside to touch some grass in real life

While experiencing that non-vr grass i had gotten a new idea i made a new creative world with the same plugin and i built another portal because today i was going to try to cure villagers in the nether so i built a small rail trapped some poor villagers and i

Shipped them off to his doom after getting into the nether an immediate problem had sprung up i still couldn’t spawn in villagers and i’m pretty sure it’s because world spawn was still loaded but still to test it i trapped another zombie infected this guy and i

Waited it out until he cured and he’s gone just like that classic south park meme my hope was now also gone at this point i had very few options i could continue the world with awful trades where i needed loads of hay just to scrape together some emeralds or so yeah

Being faced with my pretty unfavorable choices i continued messing around in the creative world for what felt like ages i found this mod called carpet that allowed me to fully modify the spawn mob caps of a world super amazing mod by the way and even after making my mob cap

1000 which i would highly not suggest because it lagged my game into oblivion i still couldn’t spawn any passive mobs with spawn eggs so after all this time testing there was only one more culprit to be found the data pack itself somewhere inside this data pack there

Must have been some code that limited these spawns to prevent massive lag which makes no sense because the spawn mob cap does that anyways but you know what you know it’s fine it’s fine so i tried removing this data pack and just like that i could now spawn mobs in also

Just for retrospect i went into spectator mode to go underground to show you all of the mobs and this is what your world would look like with a thousand mobs in it just just look at this pile of axolotls and look at all these squids anyways this mystery has

Now been solved and i am so sorry i went off on this massive tangent about it but for a while there i didn’t know what i was gonna do with this world not gonna lie so on day 49 for real this time i reloaded my hardcore world and now i was

Prepared with knowledge so before removing the data pack i spawned in and i cranked my render distance up to 64 so i could load in as many village chunks as possible and yeah with this many chunks loaded the fps in this world was awful but all was good because after

Moving around a little bit i lowered it again removed the data pack and now the world was finally fixed that is unless i ever get an elytra and try to travel anywhere that i previously haven’t been because then it won’t be village only but as long as i don’t you know what

We’re good don’t think about it it’s fine anyways the world had already began to fix itself because immediately this iron golem replacement had spawned in near my villagers staring down those zombies so now that my first farmer was gone i had to light speed level this

Other guy up before he could be infected i began trading with him for wheat and emeralds until i had barely gotten him to diamond tier i was already struggling for resources back then now i’m really struggling after that i scooped him up in a boat and i struggled to get him out

Without the rest of the domination nation following in his footsteps and after separating his boat i wrote him over to his doom and i released one of the zombies to let him bite those villager cheeks before i drink another potion at his face and stuffed him with

A golden apple and unfortunately i had to once again sit here and wait for him to cure so i could guarantee that his trades were good after all of the trouble these guys have given me i was really hoping for those instant trades i did not want to do this multiple times

But while waiting i noticed that more mobs were actually spawning in in the world including this creeper that was hiding in my dark chamber after killing the creeper my villager cured for the first time in this world’s history and he did not get instantly thanos snapped

I checked his trades and they were not one for one but they were also not bad i waited for him to get infected once more and i used my last brute potion to cure him yet again on the next day day 50 i set up another three potions of weakness

With my two new spider eyes and my remaining gunpowder while waiting for the villager to cure the second time and boom this man’s trades were just about there one more infection and we should be good i walked just far enough away for the zombie to smack him again except

For some reason even after i was well out of his radius zombie just didn’t care zombie wanted nothing to do with those villager cheeks so i went even further out on a short shopping trip for some more hay bales after coming home with the milk unlike dad they were both

Zombified so i administered code name cure number three and while waiting for the final cure i tore down the rest of this house that i had burned like a week ago and boom this man was now cured and his trades were almost perfect that is minus the two for one carrots but you

Know what i’m not gonna waste another golden apple for that it was not worth my time or stunks i traded a bunch of wheat and pumpkins for easy emeralds before i moved him into the pen with everyone else for the night on day 51 now that i could begin profiting today

Was a very eventful day i kept trading wheat and pumpkins for more and more emeralds until i had a stack while also tearing down any of the remaining bits of nearby houses that i could except doing so was still taking way too long i was going to need faster tools so as the

Sun began to set i placed down a smithing table to begin trading with a tool smith and this guy honestly wasn’t that bad i got a pile of hoes please don’t take that out of context or you know what actually do i also got him breaking to shovel which was not at all

What i wanted i got another diamond axe and i scored two efficiency three picks that i could combine for efficiency for however i wasn’t done there because i was going to make a second tool smith now that the data pack was technically gone i could actually trade with

Everyone much more efficiently and i was going to make so much progress day 52 after waking up i placed out a second smithing table did a whole bunch of capitalism with yet another 12 smith and this guy also gave me some pretty basic and unexciting trades the best i ended

Up with was efficiency one diamond shovels however luckily i had plenty of levels to burn through i crafted three iron blocks then an anvil and i began combining by time i was done i now had a fortune 2 efficiency 4 on breaking two pickaxe and a unbreaking 3 efficiency 3

Shovel which i could use to really speed up turning this dump into an actual base and the first step towards accomplishing that was a little bit of dirt landscaping and by a little bit i mean a ton for the next three days i was non-stop digging dirt placing dirt

Destroying the remainder of any random buildings in the way and struggling to figure out how i was going to build a safe wall around this place in this absolute mess of a terrain this ended up taking until the end of day 55 where i kind of had a set of cobblestone laid

Out where the wall would go in the future and i went around torch spamming everywhere so i could continue working on the area at night and i can already hear you in the comments in 1.17 you don’t need to spam torches and honestly i could care less anyways for day 56 now

That most of this place was a lot safer there was one important spot left before i could begin focusing on the walls and that area was this small hill above my villagers so today was right back to smashing houses in ruining villager lives my literal favorite thing to do i

Was going straight cell saga on everything that they had loved i spent all of the daylight deleting houses from existence and i moved good old le chong down to the hangout with the villagers before setting fire to the roofs of each remaining house because i was quickly growing tired of breaking everything at

This point it was now nighttime and i was not done because i decided i actually wanted nothing to do with this hill and instead i was going to entirely delete it doing this took what felt like forever i finished cleaning up the remainder of the houses and i continued

Leveling the dirt and stone layer by layer throughout the next two days and nights until the end of day 58 where it was mostly level with the final part of the outline of kabul for the great wall that i was going to build for maximum security this place took so much work

Just to even get the foundation down to build a real base day 59 today now that i had mostly cleared my way for the base it was going to begin construction of the great wall and i had something perfect in mind after gathering resources in my inventory i began adding

Spruce wood pillars to the cobblestone path in between every three blocks that were four blocks tall to act as the pillars for my brand new wall anyways i spent pretty much most of this day doing this nothing really special until i finished after the sun had gone down and

Now that the main skeleton of the wall was all laid out i made a new chest to store most of my inventory in so i could go out and collect more resources on the next day day 60 i used some of my iron to make several pairs of shears and i

Set out to gather two main things today one i was going to need dark oak wood saplings from the nearby dark oakwood forest for parts of the walls and two i was going to use those shears to clear a bunch of stacks of oak leaves for a more

Naturey look for the wall however in good me fashion while looking for dark oakwood forests i gathered any and all hay bales along the way systematically borrowing anything in sight to be traded to my new gucci farmers upon returning home after making it to the forest i

Chopped down two trees for some wood to hold me over for now and i used my trusty hoe to break enough leaves to guarantee i could plant more trees closer to home whenever i needed them after that i gathered tons of oak leaves while following my compass back home and

I stumbled upon the blacksmith of all blacksmiths inside of this chest was eight obsidian some iron in my very first set of diamond horse armor for surla chong soon my horse would be more decked out in london tipton herself anyways i spent the rest of this night heading home while of course yanking

More hay bales until i ended up back home with a whopping five stacks of the boys my wallet was eating good tonight on day 61 i was ready to begin construction of this feat of maximum perfection i crafted different stairs fences and walls out of all the wooden

Cobblestone to begin adding to each part of the wall the idea was to add leaves in the middle of each section with cobble walls on top with a center piece of wood where a lantern would go in sets of wood and cobble stairs surrounding the perimeter originally i built this as

A tester wall in a creative world but i didn’t take the different y levels of this world into account so things got interesting as i try to do my best to make it look uniform overall building this wall took a lot longer than i had anticipated after laying out all of the

Stairs and leaves around the perimeter i went around placing the cobblestone walls on the top followed by a spruce block in the center on top of those with fences on each side and sticking out so i could add lanterns and after that i crafted half of my iron into wendy’s

Spicy nuggies that i used to craft lanterns that i used to place in the center of each wall segment to add more light for an extra finishing touch and i added fences on top of all the spruce pillars so that way i could add purple and yellow banners to it in the future

After i get my sheep farm going by time all this was done it was now the end of day 64. i started off day 65 with some more good old-fashioned capitalism with my only good villager just look at how happy he is after earning some more bank

It was finally time to begin my farmer arc but first i needed a place to make some animal pens i grabbed two boats from a chest that i used to capture the step villager and step cow from the middle of my base entrance and i filled

In the area so i could turn it into a main road after this i began using spruce slabs to add a two wide walking area on the inside of the walls so i could use it to get a good look around for any mobs on the outside of my base

Since after all this area was still kind of a dangerous mess you know anyways after adding some of the path i also built more wood pillars on the inside with a nice ladder section that i could use to get up and some fence on the inside for aesthetics eventually i plan

On having this path go all around the inside of the base but for now i just wanted to build it to see how much space it was going to take behind the sheep and cow farm area and it turned out i had just about the perfect amount of

Space so after that i spent the night leveling more of the terrain and replacing any of the exposed stone with more dirt like the classy gamer that i am for day 66 i started off in the morning with yet more capitalism i traded with my op farmer first before i

Began leveling up a second guy so i could begin curing infecting him as well after a little bit of wolf on wall street action i got to the planning stage of my sheep and cow pens because i wanted everything to have a perfect aesthetic i know i keep saying that word

No basic fenced in areas were going to be allowed i began my planning by placing spruce logs to act as corners of the buildings and today i was really feeling the flow of building because everything just came to me nice and easy i made these three areas that were

Fenced in for three different colored sheep since i probably wouldn’t need any more than that and i added a bigger area next door that would act as a massive cow pen after adding fence gates and purple carpet to each of the three sheep hens everything was ready for the sheep

I went over to a nearby sheep pen where i lured the first two white sheep all the way around my wall and into the first of the three pens where i bred them to get my sheet production going at this point it was now night but i was

Feeling ballsy so i went out on two separate trips to lure two more sheep back in and everything was going to plan minus this gang of creepers that apparently declared war on all sheep anyways though after they were gone i had gotten four sheep into the pens and

Both pairs were bred to begin my beautiful flock of sheep to begin the next day day 67 i scrounged to my chest for red and blue flowers that i used to make purple dye after that i dyed two of my sheep purple in one of the pens and i

Lured the smaller gray sheep over to the third pen so i could begin breeding the two white sheep and transferring one of them to that very same pen after dealing with the sheep i went back to the villagers for some more beautiful capitalism i traded once again with my

Op villager and i finished off leveling the new farmer before trading with both of them for a beautiful stack of golden carrots and with that perfectly efficient food secured i then gathered some yellow flowers that i used to make yellow dye for my final sheet pen and

Just like that the domination nation of sheep were born maybe you should subscribe to join them wow that does not sound good anyways now that the sheep were done i moved on to make a cow pen except while planning i had an even better idea for this area i split up the

Pen area so i could have both the cow pen and i could add a new area next to it that would act as a horse stable for beautiful le chunk i began fencing in the cow area added a nice entrance and i lured over all three of my cows before

Breeding all the animals for the night on day 68 i began trading more with my alchemist friend here to level him up i bought redstone lapis and this time he was actually an ender pearl trader and he was offering one emerald each so i sat here buying as many as i could until

He stopped refreshing his trades and just like that i know had everything i needed to go to the end however i wasn’t quite ready to do that so instead i spent this day working on the horse stable i built up the remaining part of my animal building by turning it into a

Pretty cozy two-stalled mini stable complete with its own stylish cobble mossy cobble and dirt path floor along with lanterns for extra lighting i finished off this day by breeding all of the sheep and somehow this orphan had gotten out so in technoblade’s honor i banished it to the shadow realm where he

Belonged for day 69 nice i decided that now that the horse stable was here it was finally time to pimp out lechonk the horse with a name tag so i had to move our new villager friend over to the pen to begin rolling him as a librarian and

Wow was this experience awful i pretty much wasted an entire day to be honest the first guy wouldn’t cooperate and by time i got him kinda close he wouldn’t drop his random job for the lectern so it was on to plan b i went out to find a

Second new villager and i led him back with an allure of having a job it is until he became enamored with the barrels i had used for my animal pens and of course upon breaking one of those bad boys a baby sheep got out and i was

Not dealing with that so i executed the poor man on the spot after that travesty had gone down i moved this jerk villager over to the pen and at this point i was stuck waiting for the sun to go down to trap them because nobody wanted to

Cooperate today so while waiting i said screw it and i set out to gather more pumpkins for the rest of the day from nearby farms plus while out i also killed this trapped step enderman who forced me to touch grass walk see what he did there anyways after the sun had

Gone down i opened the gates and let the first villager in and of course the second one tried to run all the way back to his bed so i re-trapped him and went to destroy the very bed that he loved and even after that all he could think

About was escaping this man must have been a tier 3 sub to his bed because even after i did finally trap him in the pen all he wanted was out day 70 today i was going to make real progress hopefully i began rerolling one of the two villagers endlessly in the hopes of

Getting either mending or protection for during the process of rerolling him he ended up talking to my op farmer and after that all of his trades were discounted pretty well i kept re-rolling him while also stopping and trading with the farmer for more stonks and xp and this process took forever ended up

Passing a one emerald infinity book on breaking three and a super cheap fortune too but it was worth it in the long run when i ended up getting my pretty overpriced mending book i traded with him for way more mending books than i needed until i could keep leveling him

Up for cheap by buying lanterns in glass which conveniently were two things that i also really needed by the time he was maxed out his other two enchantments were now worthless but finally i could buy my name tag after buying it i used my anvil to name it serla chunk and i

Rode my trusty steed over to the new stable where i gave him his beautiful name and i let him don that gorgeous diamond armor after putting him in his stall he was truly living life like larry on day 71 now that lechonk was in his new home with all of the animals it

Was time to add a roof and honestly i’m just gonna save you the pain i felt for this day by making it short i worked on this really complicated roof using wooden slabs spruce wood and wooden trap doors that had two different heights for each segment of the building and after

Losing all of my light i finally finished the place and it turned out way better than i could have ever expected to finish off this day i cleared out the floor in front of the sheep area and i filled it in with cobblestone and mossy cobble dirt mixed in overall these pens

Were looking fantastic but the next day day 72 now that the barn area was complete i decided to continue rerolling more villagers for enchantments so i could begin fixing up my armor for the dragon fight i kept rerolling the book boy until he gave me an unbreaking free

Trade that i could not resist after buying a bunch of them i continued trading with him to level him up and his second enchantment was once again garbage so in order to start mass producing villagers i planted a bunch of carrots in the most scuffed looking way possible which will definitely not last

That long and i gave one of the farmers just enough carrots for them to make the first child but waiting for this child to grow up for more trades i continued terraforming the area behind the villagers and next to the horse stable so i could make a proper village farm

And maybe they could have a house if they behave on day 73 while waiting for that villager to grow up and in preparation of building a village or barn i added more finishing touches to the surrounding wall behind the animal pen i placed out more spruce wood pillars followed by another two wide

Slab floor and i finished it off by fencing it in and it was looking incredible obviously i could add more touches in the future but for now i was happy with the progress i was making even though it took half of the day but anyways i spent the rest of the night

Cleaning up a lot of the mess around my camp i climbed up and removed that original hay bale tower that has been there for way longer than it should have been and after that i broke the remainder of my sugar cane and i moved it over to the old wheat farm inside of

My walls and i tricked it out to be a pretty decently sized sugarcane farm so while i continued working on this kingdom i could also produce more sugarcane for more books on the back burner even though i could just buy books from librarians i didn’t really think that through after finishing the

Farm i spent the rest of this night moving my piles upon piles of loot from my crappy chest storage area over to a spot more out of the way for new construction on the next day day 74 i noticed how the baby villager still hadn’t grown up and i began becoming

Suspicious that is until i noticed another new fully grown villager it turns out my farmer baby factory was apparently in full swing and yes i know how not okay that sentence is please don’t tell me about it anyways now that i had more villagers it was back to

Re-rolling and honestly this was more brutal than elden ring all of the enchantment offers were terrible until i finally settled for a power three so i could make a pretty beefy bow to take on the ender dragoo you’re welcome for that after this i bought two power books

Before deciding to max this guy out in the hopes of him having some other good enchantments let’s just say his um his other enchantments were the minecraft equivalent of yamcha from dragon ball z by the time he was finished the sun was beginning to set and before everyone

Went to sleep i did some training with the op farmer once again to recoup those emeralds that i wasted before i trapped the second farmer in a boat that i used to deliver him over to his capitalistic doom i released the zombie once again into his boat and after watching this

Guy turn which may have given me more joy than i should have gotten you know i grabbed my last golden apple and i cured this man for the first time however i was running into a problem i was entirely out of gold for more golden

Apples and then it hit me my pickaxe had fortune 2 and i could trade for more pickaxes to get fortune 3 that i could then use to go to the nether and harvest as much gold as i could which isn’t as much a silk touch but it was better than

Nothing only problem now was no one would refresh their trades and i only had enough emeralds to get one pickaxe i went out to desperately scavenge around for more pumpkins so i could trade and while out here i heard my other farmer cure i quickly built up and jumped over

My wall to make a quick trade with him for emeralds but this still wasn’t going to be enough so unfortunately i had to wait until day 75 for the trades to refresh but finally i traded for enough emeralds for the second overpriced pickaxe that i needed i took them over

To my anvil where i combined the two before adding them to my main pickaxe for efficiency 5 fortune 3 which was going to cost me 25 more levels so to match how expensive this thing had been i named it unfortunate circumstances let me know in the comments how much you

Love the puns anyways when doing this i forgot to give it one of the mending books that i had so i quickly did some more capitalism for enough levels and i made it into an almost perfect fortune pickaxe only missing one level of unbreaking and now that i have my

Fortune pickaxe i grabbed flynn’s steel and obsidian from my chest and i made a brand new nether portal inside of my camp and after heading through this place really sucked in comparison to my last one there wasn’t that much gold and i was surrounded by a crimson forest

Full of dangerous piglens in hog riders sorry i had to i took on a couple of hog riders classic clash of clans style before i could safely go around collecting any gold that i had found and i actually ended up with a decent amount for barely stepping away from the portal

After killing more hog riders i went back to the portal where i crafted 18 gold ingots turned them into two golden apples and i cured my second farmer for the second time and while waiting for him to cure yet again i went out to chop some more random trees for extra wood

For projects since i was beginning to run pretty low at this point that is until i found this cave i figured maybe while exploring it i’d end up far down enough that i could find a ton of gold so i spent my night down in the mines yaw-cast style diggy ding any coal

Copper and iron ores i could find with the fortune 3 and i was making out like an nft scammer while down here i did end up going pretty deep and i found a nice geo that i stole a lot of blocks for and i ended up finding a whopping one

Diamond ore that dropped four entire diamonds which is some super cracked rng i’m just saying for day 76 after returning back to camp i had made bank from my trip i began organizing all of the loot into the last chest in the row and i began placing more blast furnaces

To mass smelt the one stack of iron in four stacks of copper that i had scored on my trip also i was now up to almost two full stacks of coal blocks which is actually pretty busted later this night i set back out so i could find some

Brown mushrooms to make more weakness potions to cure my farmer for his final time while out i gathered as many pumpkins and carrots with my fortune acts as i could and after returning home however i was still in need of those mushrooms so it was now on to plan b i

Went back out to my nether portal only to be ambushed by an army of piglens and this freshly spawned step gas that i got this sweet 360 no-scope kill on after picking up his guest here i began climbing up the crimson forest hills for the next two days straight i set out

For my base in search of the elusive mushrooms and this trip was ridiculous because i ended up traveling for i kid you not thousands of blocks without a single brown mushroom during this trip i figured i’d steal more carrots a fortune tons more hay bales more pumpkins and i

Would hit up every blacksmith i could which netted me a few iron ingots in a hefty five total diamonds fresh and never frozen of course by the time it was the next day day 78 i decided to call it quits and head home and conveniently i had a nearby horse to

Tame that i was prepared for with a saddle and some iron horse armor i spent the rest of the night heading home and overall i didn’t find what i needed but i did end up with almost five more stacks of hay bales and five diamonds however i was not ready to accept defeat

Yet so instead of sleeping the rest of this day away i step back out nearby to search for the 80th time with probably still no luck and yeah i did not find any mushrooms because of all the torches affecting the light levels and the path blocks blocking their spawns however i

Did stumble upon another villager chest with two more diamonds inside so you know what that is good enough for me however on the next day day 79 i was not messing around the words were my old base was to explore the swamp in dark oak forest biomes since they are the

Most common place to find mushrooms in the game i continued traveling until reaching a swamp biome for the first time and i may have not been finding brown mushrooms but my luck today was still immaculate i found so many blacksmiths that had a diamond diamond horse armor more iron and three gold

Ingots which i was still also desperate for after i finished looting the blacksmiths and basically exhausted this entire swamp with no luck i moved over to the nearby dark oak forest as plan b while here i could either find them on the forest floor or if i was lucky which

I’m definitely not i could find a giant mushroom to harvest and apparently all i had to do was think about it and write it in my notes because not long after entering the forest there she was the giant brown mushroom love of my life in fun life lesson love hurts so i chopped

Her down for a total of eight brown mushrooms that i could not only use to make more potions but i could also use to grow more giant ones to keep an infinite supply i was never going to have to do this again in celebration of

Me wasting like four days to do this i stole a ton of hay bales on the way home while running from the abnormally high number of monsters trying to play card games on motorcycles with me anyways after arriving home i was pretty much done for the day so unlike real life i

Went to sleep at a decent time day 80 today was a special day i now had the mushroom from my second farmer and i had a diamond horse armor for my new horse which i had the perfect name for i started off the day with some beautiful

Capitalism and i used one of the librarians to buy myself a new name tag i brought that name tag over to my anvil and i had named it markiplier i gave the horse’s new name and i swapped out that gross dirty iron armor for this decadent diamond set and if you’re wondering why

I named him markiplier it’s because i’ve always wanted to write anyways now that my new horse friend was in the stall probably smashing and passing different pokemon i crafted a fermented spider eye so i could begin brewing more potions of weakness and while waiting for it to

Brew i of course made more trades and ate bread in front of these peasant spaces after this i cured the farmer zombie for the second time and while waiting for him to cure again i simply enjoyed living in my new camp i collected and smelted ores from my

Furnaces for xp i organized my mineral chest and my farm trade chest i harvested all of my sugar cane just to have it and i continued doing more capitalism with the boys and midway through all of these profits he cured again with all of his gorgeous one for

One trades i traded with him a bunch before executing his zombie friend i moved his boat over near the fence gate and i spent until sundown rerolling another new villager with more lecterns in the hopes of getting protection for which was anything but easy because the iron golems no longer had that zombie

Baiting them over in the corner so they kept walking in my way anyways pretty soon through these rerolls he stopped taking the job and they all went to sleep i was about to join them until i saw the zombie piggling living his best life in the overworld so i don’t know

Why but i had the genius idea to make him my friend i bought a name tag and i named him mr worldwide before moving him over under the oak tree with a boat no clue why i did this will i eventually move him or give him some kind of home

In my base here probably not for day 81 to take a bit of a break from re-rolling villagers i decided it was time to build them a real place to live i grabbed two more diamond axes and i combined them all together to repair and upgrade my

Diamond axe to efficiency force so i could collect more spruce wood for more projects i then grabbed bone mail and spruce saplings so i could harvest more spruce wood in the most efficient way possible a good old spiral staircase i planted a couple of super trees and i

Harvested a few stacks from only two trees before grabbing dirt so i could start terraforming the area around the new villager hall this structure wasn’t going to be massive but i had already thought of an interesting design for the place however the pre-existing villager pen was directly where it was going to

Go so things had now become complicated i tried to finish all the landscaping without letting any of the villagers escape but ultimately i had to wait until night time so they would all go to sleep and stay inside of their beds after the sun had set i began building

The outline of the breeding chamber still a pretty weird sentence to say and i counted out the space for the center composter with water underneath so they could have carrots to re-breed i desperately rushed in an attempt to have everything done before the sun would

Rise and they would all wake up and go pretty much everywhere creating a huge mess but i failed it was now day 82 and they all spread out all over my campsite so i figured i could still finish up this area and put all their jaw blocks

Inside to help lure them in and then by time the sun had gone down again the basic part of their new chamber would be complete enough to trap them all so once the overall structure was done and my babysitting was finished i got to watch all of their wonky pathfinding struggle

To go inside and find their beds now that they were all snug in bed the first step of building this place was now complete except now that the box was here i was beginning to realize just how much space i was actually going to need to build this place i was probably going

To have to move the nether portal somewhere else inside of the camp but first instead of doing that i spent the rest of the night filling in more dirt around where the portal is to make the area level to build the villager trading hall that was going to connect with the

Villager breeding area while doing this i also extended the mini hill around the back area i would add more to the wall and i had to leave this corner as a weird little hole because i couldn’t feel the dirt in because it would bury part of the wall and end up looking kind

Of scuffed overall today was a pretty successful day however the notes that i wrote for this day were kind of terrible for day 83 after all the villagers woke up i tried to do some more quality capitalism with the two op farmers except for some odd reason almost like

They didn’t like being trapped or something no one wanted to work or refresh their trades strange anyways though i grabbed more obsidian to build a replacement portal i broke down the old portal and i built a new one over by the cows because to be honest i had no

Clue where this thing could go that wasn’t going to immediately be in my way again for a future building with without being the last preparation to begin building the new villager center out of the way i now started laying out the foundation for this mini trading hall

Section and to be honest for this build i was just going with the flow once again to try to build something new after laying out the wood pillars and adding some cobblestone i began building the individual villager stalls inside by using some more spruce wood with stairs

And fences in the front after adding those i placed sideways logs in between all of the fences above as an area where i could add item frames for show to indicate which villagers were in which stalls after mirroring everything on the opposite side i dug out the floor area

And i added glowstone blocks in between each stall for some added light while also filling in all of the other parts of the floor with spruce planks and finally after mostly finishing the stalls i did some more sweet capitalism with one of the op farmers before luring

Him out to become my first official trader inside of a stall except now i was going to need iron rails and mine carts to get the villagers into each area with the least amount of headaches possible and after arming myself with said rails i began using them to push

Each villager into place starting with my op farmers i struggled pushing the first guy in because he decided to be an absolute massive escape artist gigachad but by activating bounding boxes and a little bit of outsmarting he was once again trapped and i didn’t have to waste

Any items getting stuck inside of his little box after trapping the first farmer i used my pro boat placing skills to trap the second guy and as soon as he could say capitalism he now too was inside of his new home this tiny little box on day 86 i noticed how neither of

My newly moved farmers were updating their trades so i replaced all of the nearby composters until they finally began working after they refreshed their trades i continued making more of that sweet sweet profit after trading with the boys i then replaced the composter in the middle of the farm so a new

Farmer could be born and i traded with him to lock in his trades so he could begin reproducing villagers in retrospect i have no clue why i even bothered this at all because there’s basically no way i had enough time to fully organize all these villagers

Before these 100 days were over but who knows maybe i will continue this world for 200 days in the future anyways today’s goal was simple i wanted to add a roof to this place so it didn’t look so unfinished so for the next two days straight i began this great

Transformation i took inspiration from the roof i built over top my animal pens and i quickly filled this thing in normally building roofs is the death of this gamer but not apparently today it had become a simple rhythm to me that is until i ran out of wood i planted a

Couple of super spruce trees in between my work and i was back to it until day 87 after i finished the main portion of the roof it was time for the finishing touches on the inside of the villager trading area i filled in the left side

Wall gap up to the roof i added chains and lanterns all throughout and i filled in the gap between all the pillars inside up to the ceiling after that i added more decorative touches to the front porch area by using cobblestone walls barrels and more fence gates to

Match the animal pens and then i walled in the villager breeding area for maximum safety long story short this place was basically complete the outside was looking good and the inside was looking even better complete with a fully decked out villager trading area and villager breeding zone so before

Calling it for today i did some last second capitalism with the two farmers for even more stonks and after crafting all of my emeralds into blocks i was now up to a full stack plus 29 blocks of emeralds my stonks were finally rolling in i started off day 88 planting and

Harvesting a bunch more super spruce trees because i was once again out of wood and i was going to need a ton more for my next projects after harvesting a few i began laying out the wood path from the front of my horse table over to the entrance of the villager trading

Hall i then added some small spruce pillars along with fences surrounding each side with trapped doors underneath and i added a touch of cobble to the top of each pillar with more fence and lanterns hanging off the sides for more lighting and another quality touch of aesthetic and just like that this mini

Bridge was now complete and i’m sure you’re probably thinking why is he building a bridge if it’s like a two block drop off and that’s my cue to tell you my massive five head plan to dig this area deeper and turn it into a miniature lake to perfectly break up one

Side of my camp with the other let me tell you this process ended up being a lot i spent the rest of day 88 all the way until the end of day 89 filling in the area with buckets of water until they were all source blocks and then

Mining out all of the dirt blocks underneath also in the middle of this process i decided that things were taking too long and i wasted 15 levels of xp to fix my almost broken efficiency 3 diamond shovel overall by time day 89 was just about over a group of wild sky

Demons began harassing me so i went to sleep in the villager pen like the giga chat i was because i still didn’t have my own house also just look at how many of them there are now these farmers are reproducing on day 90 i started off the

Day with even more superb capitalism i kept trading more and more wheat and carrots to the farmers for bank and i began buying glowstone from the alchemist 12 at a time that i used to begin lighting up the river floor in the center of my camp so that way there were

No dark looking areas after finishing all the new lighting i created this makeshift little dirt island underneath the dark oak tree that had left in the center of the lake to give it that extra naturalistic touch because a little nature can make any build look better

Definitely quote me on that by the way anyways i spent the rest of this day messing around with the villagers some more i was going to start rerolling a librarian for protection for but apparently i forgot to finish patching up the inside walls of the breeder because like six villagers used my

Lectern as a freaking fire exit so i had to wait until the sun went down where everyone went to sleep except for this one guy that i trapped in a boat to re-roll before going to bed i crafted a bunch more fences that i used to patch

Up the remaining walls and i stole more of the fully grown carrots using my fortune 3 pickaxe i hope it hurts your soul seeing me harvest carrots with a pickaxe i really do but the next day day 91 i started off with more capitalism followed by a long day of me re-rolling

Librarians i started off by rerolling the first guy that i had trapped from the day before until he got a trade that i could not resist sharpness or and it wasn’t even that expensive so i bought two of them to lock the trade in after that i grabbed another villager who was

Ready to have his life transformed and i kid you not after one re-roll this man gave me a sharpness five he was clowning on me it wasn’t even that much more than the sharpness four book but it was too late for that so i was forced to keep

Re-rolling him until he gave me a one emerald silk touch trade which actually is pretty good at this point the sun was going down and the villagers were no longer accepting new jobs so i decided to dedicate this time to organizing all of my librarians into their stalls and

At first this process was held hank hill here kept escaping while trying to sell the others propane and propane accessories but i quickly put a stop to that as i got the hang of putting them all in their place one by one until all of the current librarians were now

Separate inside of their own little stalls on day 92 it was rinse and repeat i brought another villager over to the trading hall to begin re-rolling and after he was done fighting me and choosing the wrong lecterns i got him to give me a looting 2 trade for one

Emerald each that i could not resist i bought two books and i pushed him into a boat over in the corner to think about what he’s done while i moved on to villager number two and for some reason this guy ran straight over to that same corner and sat inside of the boat

However this ended up being a blessing in disguise because it streamlined this entire process this guy ended up being cracked he gave me a looting three trade that i now didn’t need happens every time i add he then gave me a fire protection for trade for one emerald

Efficiency three for one emerald and a whole bunch of other super cheap trades that i didn’t need however i was stuck waiting for one of two things i wanted protection for or efficiency five and i was not going to leave here without them ironically right after saying that i had

Gotten a trade for efficiency for and i know it’s more expensive to do it this way but trust me waiting for efficiency five might be just like waiting for your dad to come home with milk it may never come but anyways i was now on to the

Next villager friend and i rerolled him for what felt like forever and all he wanted to give me was mending or silk touch for one emerald each that is until i hit the jackpot for seven emeralds he offered me power five so i bought it in

A heartbeat and i figured why not level up each of these librarians to see what books they had after the first one not to mention i could use some good xp and what could go wrong besides going into a little bit of emerald bankruptcy i

Leveled up the power 5 guy and i kid you not his third trade ended up being infinity he was now the perfect bow making machine after him i kept leveling up the other villagers with cheap trades throughout the night with pretty much no luck all their trades were crap and i

Was still sitting here protection for less for day 93 i continued my excruciating journey for protection 4. my first villager of the day gave me feather falling 4 that i also couldn’t resist the second villager then immediately gave me sweeping edge 3 and i was like you know what why not because

At this point i have literally gotten every single enchantment including all other forms of protection except for regular protection 4. i began rerolling a third villager and after trade after trade after trade after trade after trade after trade i decided midway through to just leave that champ there

With the rest and try upgrading a few armorers instead in the hopes of maybe just getting good protection chance i fully upgraded the first armorer and his traits were the absolute bottom of the barrel but after getting enough pieces of each i combined two helmets together for protection three and breaking three

And two of the chess pieces for protection three only problem now was actually having enough xp to combine everything on day 94 i was back to the grind for good armor and things were becoming beyond messy i began leveling up two more armorers and there was iron and diamond gear scattered everywhere

Along the floor the first new armorer’s trades ended up being worse than the last guy and the third guy single-handedly had the worst trades ever to level him up at this point i had enough gear to create my prop 4 on breaking 3 helmet and prop 4 chest piece

On the anvil but at the cost of all of my xp after becoming xp broke i organized my gear into a new chest to see what i had and i was almost ready to create protection for boots but first i had to blitz through more trades with my

Farmers for xp at this point so many things were racing through my mind was i going to defeat the ender dragon in time could i possibly get all the armor and weapons where i wanted them in time and was i actually going to build myself a

House before time was up on top of all of that my new villager barn was now becoming a dumpster fire this place was a mess but i took a second to calm down and get back on task because i was after all making progress i bought more boots

And i used them to combine them all together to make protection for i then combine my leggings for protection 3 and while waiting to buy the last pair of leggings that i needed i grabbed a grindstone that i used to disenchant any of the pieces of armor that i no longer

Needed and enchanted books so that way i could get as much xp as possible unfortunately though at this point it was now nighttime again because time flies so no one was refreshing their trades so i decided to utilize this time instead to put as many villagers with

Jobs into their stalls as i could to get this place somewhat organized for day 95 i was entering speedrun mode the protection 2 legging guy still didn’t refresh his trades so in the meantime i began level i began leveraging my hordes of emeralds for quick xp i traded with

This alchemist for all of his redstone his lapis his ender pearls his glowstone literally everything that i could for xp then i disenchanted all of my power 5 books that i didn’t need followed by some more op farmer trades and just like that i had speed ran almost 30 levels i

Went back to the armor to finally buy those pants i combined them for protection 3 then protection 4 and i used up most of those new levels to give them unbreaking 3 and mending making them the exact pair of pants that i needed after that i went back to the

Alchemist to burn even more money for xp and i combined all of the books together with my boots to make a protection for feather falling 4 on breaking 3 mending pair of boots then rinse and repeat for a lot more xp and i combined more books together for my chest piece and lastly

The helmet and surprisingly taking the amount of time that it did i now had a full base set of armor which probably wouldn’t have taken this long if the plug-in had worked in the first place but you know what it’s fine i’m not mad you are anyways it was now time to don

My brand new set of armor and i guess begin preparing to go to the end to hunt the dragon so on day 96 i got back to work with more capitalism for xp while piece by piece i combined all of the enchantments and at this point it was

Going to cost me 23 more levels to put them on the sword which to be honest was nothing when you’re surrounded by loot loving villagers or i may have spoken too soon i noticed that i had forgotten to add sweeping edge 3. and after adding sweeping edge 3 to the other book full

Of enchantments it was now going to cost me a whopping 37 levels to make this sword so the rest of this day was spent mad grinding for this i was busting out my stack and a half of emerald blocks i was making trades left and right for xp

While filling my inventory and those chests up with crap and i finished grinding all of my unwanted enchanted books that i had traded for at this point i was so desperate that i even started mass buying armor that i could then use to also disenchant for any xp i

Could possibly get but still even after a full inventory later full of those enchanted pieces of armor i had only amassed 28 levels i was really starting to cut things close for day 97 i did more of the same and today my desperality level had increased to that

Of someone from r slash incels so i went up to the third farmer that i had and i bought him out of everything fully leveling him up in the process after that i did some more trades by op farmers and finally the alchemist had gotten me to level 39. enough to make my

God sword and give it a worthy name and i was going to call it simp excalibur the perfect name and finally with my sword done there was only one thing left that required xp and that would be my power 5 unbreaking 3 infinity bow and in the process of combining the 3 enchanted

Books i broke yet another anvil so with my dwindling iron supply i crafted another and now i only needed 15 more levels before my new bow could be completed so after a quick trip to the alchemist once again i enchanted the bow and i gave it the perfect name b movie

The bequeal i have no clue why i named it that but i was thinking it was a good name at the time it was like 6 a.m in the morning don’t judge me and now all i had left to do was craft the eyes of ender and gather any resources i could

Possibly need to take on the dragon i brewed three slow falling potions using the one phantom membrane i got from those sky demons i crafted the eyes of ender and i filled my inventory with all of the items i would need including the two more golden apples that i barely had

Enough gold left to make and now i was ready to start my journey on the morning of day 98 as soon as the sun was visible i was pretty much ready to go there was only one quick thing i needed to do first i made more shears using some of

The last iron and i very quickly sheared all of the purple and yellow sheep or some more wool to make those banners once i come home from the fight i did this now so that way the sheep could regrow their wool while i was gone so i

Could hopefully get some more upon my return after dumping those in a chest i set off in the direction of the eyes of ender i kept moving straight further and further and further until my worst fear had come true i reached the end of my loaded village only chunks so there was

A little bit of terrain without them that is if by little i meant almost the full distance between one stronghold and another at this point the path of the eyes of ender wasn’t changing in the slightest and i just kept moving on straight from one biome to the next to

The next this took so long that i was starting to think strongholds just didn’t spawn in the village terrain at all anyways at this point i found myself inside of a badlands biome that was full of mine carts i tried to resist the urge to loot them but i just i just couldn’t

I kid you not i loaded probably about 10 of these things just in this tiny little area alone i looted melon seeds that i didn’t have yet i got torches rails and a total of four golden apples plus a lucky two diamonds by the time i ran out

Of mine carts the eyes of ender had finally changed directions just as the sun began to set so much for building that house before the end of day 100. anyways i couldn’t sleep out here or it would mess up where i spawn after the fight so i pressed on through the mob

Filled badlands until finally my eyes of ender circled to this one location conveniently being guarded by an army of skeletons and zombies after fighting off enough of these simps with sims caliber i began digging straight down and i covered my hole no comment from all of the mobs i kept digging down until

Finally i hit stone bricks and this stronghold was a little um it was special it was one of those obnoxious ones that takes a full year and a youtube membership just to find it was now the middle of day 99 because i was searching this place for so long and i

May have been collecting most of the gold along the way but finally i had stumbled upon the end portal after defeating the noble creeper and silverfish from the spawner i went to put out all the lava underneath the portal until i noticed something a bit odd through the iron bars of the walls

To the left there was a skeleton spawner inside of a dungeon i have never seen this in my life and i was so excited i broke through the wall only to be greeted by this pile of skelly bros and then i realized this wasn’t just a

Single dungeon it was a double with two spawners just imagine the insane farm you can create by pushing all of the skeletons into the end portal this place was blowing my mind after cleaning out all of the mans and lighting it all up i looted the chests where i found a kid

You not a god apple this game was giving me a sign it was time to defeat the ender dragon and take back my domain i went back to the portal and plink plonked all of the eyes of ender into the portal and i jumped through and this

Battle was epic or at least as epic as i can make it seem because not gonna lie i haven’t used the bow in a while and i kept missing shots at first eventually though i did get the hang of things again as i begin executing each end crystal without missing a single time

Anyways after taking out all but one crystal i climbed to the top of the last pillar using water bucket and i broke it before ender pearling my way down to the center and this began my intense 1v1 with the dragon both of my weapons did absolutely nutty damage to her and she

Was constantly on the run she even tried eating me all the way to mars but to no avail i got her down to her final cycle and with a few swings of my diamond sword tobuscus style i had defeated the game for the very first time in the

World because nobody has ever defeated the ender dragon before yes that was sarcasm before the comment section starts exploding now that she was dead i joined all of the xp stole her egg and i jumped through the portal where i woke up all cozy in between my pile of

Villagers weird dream also somehow some of the dragons xp ended up going to the portal which i’ve never really seen before i thought that was kind of funny to include so here i was back on day 100 in my camp with no time to even imagine building a house on the remaining piece

Of land that i had inside of my camp i started today by dumping my inventory and gathering all of my colored wool together i went back to my sheep pen and only some of them were actually ready to be harvested but i did still gather

Their wool and i took it over to make the banners and that’s when i realized that banners cost six wool each that is so not worth it i crafted as many as i can and one by one i began adding them to the front side of the camp walls

Until i had one banner per every pillar post i made it so there was yellow and purple intertwined with each other to really wrap the domination nation i didn’t quite have enough to do the whole place but it’s not like the nearby areas were cleared out enough to see them

Anyways after i was finished with the banners i quickly broke down the two messed up houses right outside my base and i filled in any of the remaining dirt holes just to tidy up the place a bit because honestly gotta look good for a thumbnail in anyways at this point the

Sun was setting on the final day i kind of just watched it go down for a little bit but then i realized there are two more things i needed to do before i go i hopped into the boat over on this weird building that i kind of just left here

With mr worldwide the pigman and i brought him over to the waterfront to hang out i placed his boat in the center just so he can exist i guess i mean i don’t know what he’s gonna do in the water pretty sure he’ll die if he goes

In the water but after this i grabbed the four name tags that i had conveniently gotten from the mine shafts and i named them after two of my all-time favorite cartoons i named them dipper mabel starr and marco i grabbed my three axolotl friends from the

Beginning and one by one i placed them into the water and named them so they could all live free also i know this is kind of awkward but since there were only three axolotls and i didn’t want to leave marco out you got to be an iron

Golem so here is iron golem marco anyways i know the space isn’t fully finished but during these 100 days i feel like i made some insane progress with all this world has given me maybe in the future if i do go ahead and revisit this world i could add a lot

More touches to make things look nice like really decking out the water area in the center i can finish the walls around the edges get more banners build my house you know also if you’d like to play this data pack yourself the link will be down in the description below

Along with the credit for the plugins creator and i’m pretty sure paul gg did a beating minecraft video with it at some point i’m not really sure but credit to him as well i hope you all enjoyed this video because it was so much fun to make don’t forget to drop a

Like again as i might revisit it in the future for 200 days anyways thank you all for watching this has been pain domination and i will see you all in the next video peace also if you just sat here through this entire video and you still have your sanity in check then why

Not click one of the videos on your screen i’ve done plenty more videos just like this one that i’m sure you will love

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in an INFINITE VILLAGE World in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by PainDomination on 2022-06-30 14:00:30. It has garnered 3437758 views and 41843 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:09 or 6609 seconds.

In todays video I was tasked to survive in hardcore minecraft in a world FULL of villages! Will I rise to the top as a rich king among the villagers or will I be struck down by the challenges of a hardcore world?

✨SPONSORED by Apex Gaming PCs! https://apexpartner.app/redirect/PainDomination Use code “PAIN” for 5% off at checkout! ——————————————————————————————————————- Ways to support me! ✦*BRAND NEW LINKTREE LINK WITH ALL OF MY SOCIALS* – https://linktr.ee/PainDomination

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✦*Join my Discord!* – https://discord.gg/cVudFq8

✦*Follow me on Twitch!* – https://www.twitch.tv/paindomination

✦*Check out my Twitter!* – https://twitter.com/PainDomination

✦*Also check out my other 100 Days videos!* – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUXGtyuKEIVzYeGiYV18ldA5GL7U3OeJH ——————————————————————————————————————- LINK TO DATAPACK (Credit to the creator and PaulGG) – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/villages-world/ ——————————————————————————————————————- Hardcore Minecraft will flip any casual minecrafter upside-down with an onslaught of hostile mobs that do insane damage to you. In this video I spent 100 days surviving the harsh elements that hardcore minecraft has to offer and I thrived in it.

Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:51 “Day 1” 1:50 Apex Gaming PC’s 2:28 Day 1 For Real 18:15 Day 10 30:02 Day 20 34:40 Day 30 47:17 Day 40 1:01:50 Day 50 1:06:19 Day 60 1:14:07 Day 70 1:24:15 Day 80 1:33:27 Day 90 1:49:30 Day 100 1:49:31 What Will You Watch Next?

#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #100 Days

PainDomination – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWNH3vyDfAToVG8UVqewdjQ

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    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More

  • play.earthside.nl

    play.earthside.nlEarthside Network Survival Server Welkom bij Earthside Network, de ultieme survival server voor avonturiers en bouwers! Op onze server beleef je een unieke Minecraft-ervaring op een prachtige, uitgestrekte wereld. Of je nu een ervaren speler bent of net begint, bij Earthside vind je een gastvrije gemeenschap en eindeloze mogelijkheden om te verkennen, bouwen en overleven. Read More

  • Master Realm now live! PvE

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season – “The Corrupted Chunks”! Join us on our latest adventure as we explore a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, complex structures, and new mobs and items. Season Features: Explore a Corrupted World Experience Blood Moons and enemy swarms Engage in Economy & Trading with coins and exclusive items Discover new Slimefun Enhancements Conquer 100 new Dungeons & Bosses If you’re ready for a unique challenge and a diverse community, join us at Master Realm today! IP: mr.enviromc.net:25573 Discord: https://discord.gg/bwUwd9b6BS Read More

I Survived 100 Days in an INFINITE VILLAGE World in HARDCORE Minecraft!