I Survived 100 Days in DAWNCRAFT in Hardcore Minecraft!

Video Information

Don craft is a huge new mod pack that turns Minecraft into an RPG there’s a whole new combat system questline and 43 new bosses to defeat I have to collect the 12 eyes that are scattered throughout different bosses and structures to reach the end and defeat

The Ender Dragon and let me tell you this is not an easy task I mean look at this guy that is the fire giant I have to defeat this thing and look at that that’s a griffin okay in my encounters with these guys are not pleasant at all

That’s all I’m gonna say also villagers are much more lively in this mod pack they have quests to give you a reputation system and they also show their thoughts uh looks like these two are having a conversation about bricks and potatoes I don’t know I don’t know why they’re talking about bricks and

Potatoes a couple of these guys end up getting me mad but uh you’ll see you’ll see everything about that later if you guys end up enjoying this massive video and I want to part two consider subscribing it really helps out and you know maybe you could even leave a like

And comment and I’d appreciate it also a huge thank you to be still yeah and his team for this incredible mod pack that they made anyways I’m telling you this will be the best 100 days Adventure you’ve seen in a while I have not had

This much fun playing a mod pack in a long time so without further Ado everybody grab your favorite snacks relax and enjoy as I try to survive 100 days in hardcore Dawn craft all right here we are so starting out we already got a few items we have a

Village map which points us to the nearest Village uh compass and Mt Andy catless and bread with a leather tunic the atlas is just like a map and it lets me mark down things and see what’s nearby so that’s really useful and look at this third person perspective that it

Is a lot different than regular Minecraft and it is very very cool we also have stamina so I can’t just run infinitely oh and that is a dangerous animal now here we got a little guy called korok and he’s here to just introduce us to the world we are

Summoned to defeat the Ender Dragon fabled beasts like giants werewolves and even other dragons obtain at least 12 Mystic eyes and use them to locate and open the Gateway into the end yeah in this mod pack you have to get special Eyes of Ender which are quite difficult

To get treat the villagers well because uh if they see you steal stuff from them they will actually get mad and you’ll lose reputation with them anyways let’s say all right to that and oh we got an Airship over there oh and we got some Kingdom hours over there oh and we gotta

Okay we got a tiger I’m not going that way Source Berry that’s a lot of source berries I don’t know what way can I what what happens if I eat that Mana regeneration interesting and getting wood in this pack is a bit different it’s like a lumberjack effect

There we go and I am sorry little guy but oh that’s vitamin combat mode to do more damage yeah another thing to mention is that there’s a combat mode where you deal 100 of your damage but you have to attack like this if you’re a normal fight mode where you’re not in

That stance you deal 50 of normal damage okay we got a bunch of stuff going on around here holy moly look at that we have so many things just all in one area oh and oh okay what ah what is that the following me I swear okay oh my goodness

It’s a troll oh no got a ruined portal here which maybe we can find some some good stuff actually let’s check it out oh golden knife Windswept golden chest plate so items also have additional perks on them which is really nice like this one gives me additional speed oh we

Got a spell which will be useful Guardian gem yeah you can also socket gems into items just look at this this is insane let’s put these on let’s say that was a pretty good little loot rummage there what is over here barrels Moss blocks whoa what do we have inside

This because this is not this is different than that I think oh okay nope no illusioners are not some people that I’m able to fight yet carrots that’s good sugar cane I’m just stealing all their Farm Supplies while I can are there any items I can snag like look

There’s a couple of chests there maybe I can try to you know sneak up on okay oh man there’s a sack which is good so be it oh can’t have them see me excuse me guys I’m just trying to steal some of your loot that’s all oh there we

Go oh emeralds and that’s okay this is when we leave I continued on my way to find a village I ran into some sheep along the way which was good because that way I was able to make a bed and sleep off the first night

Upon waking up to the next morning I got attacked by some creature but soon my map started showing progress oh oh Maps moving what is this we have like a tower a castle I don’t know hold on cake there has to be some mobs here oh furnace yeah

I don’t know what’s going on here hold on oh oh chain mail boots okay destructive wooden pickaxe it’s a special wooden pickaxe hey it’s better than what I have right now so I’ll take it a rare item oh iron shovel with mending uncommon one there’s a regeneration potion that’ll be useful

And a bunch of building blocks now I think if I go down it’s just gonna be dangerous I don’t see it being like a safe thing yeah hold on hold on hold on I get greedy sometimes okay are there any free chests that I can pick up no

But you know what we can do is Mark this down on our map here we can put dungeon boom we can return here later now let’s go find that Village oh Sentinel night okay that’s a boss we’ll have to fight later but I will mark down that there’s

A boss here somewhere here we go here we go we’re going in the direction of the village finally ah here we go we made it oh man Yellowstone hello seems you found a village yes okay oh and here we have the Guild Master this is a very

Important guy seems like it’s your first time visiting the guild would you like to take on your first Quest yes I don’t think you’ll be able to find the eyes in your current conditions come back to me once you’ve defeated 10 pillagers okay let’s look around the village here and

Maybe we can snag a bit of loo this looks cool by the way villagers don’t take lightly to you taking their stuff so I can only take their stuff if they’re not looking like nobody’s looking at me while I’m looking at these barrels right oh food what happens if I break this

Do I get the food oh yes I do hello oh hey guys oh don’t mind me don’t just be going upstairs you know oh a Bookshop oh nobody’s nobody’s looking I don’t know they’re not looking technically right so let me just grab some books you guys see nothing right

Okay there’s a chest here but as as long as these guys are here I can’t really Elite these you know what I’ll I’ll maybe I’ll come back later oh there’s a chest hold on they they see nothing guys okay they saw nothing let me leave oh I just stripped their wood backs I’m

Sorry I’m sorry about that oh that doesn’t look friendly okay ow ow ow and the Knight is here so we will sleep off the second night rise and shine to the third day ow oh what’s going on here oh oh what is going on here did I see free loot thank you

Nobody sees me right I mean come on that’s nice wait are these These are diamonds hold on nobody sees me right okay diamonds thank you thank you for the diamonds and what do we have up here and how do I get up there block up hello

Oh that’s a bunch of campfire oh that’s just a chimney is there any loot here any secret loot no all that for nothing and we go what else do we got in this Village oh hello this guy has a quest for us hello good sir could you help me

With something all right he’s an ambitious farmer he needs pumpkin seeds okay all right Tegan we’ll work on that I then ran into another house and found this mining table which seemed pretty interesting I think it was just used to recruit villagers and after that I tried

To talk to a villager called Catherine The Village decided on the last second not to talk to you what wait what what are you talking about why are you not talking to me wait do they know that I stole something wait hold on let me check the Guild Master

This is not good check this neutral oh why did why didn’t he want to talk to me you know what I don’t appreciate you talking to me like that or not talking to me rather yeah I did not appreciate that and you know what you know what later on destruction

Destruction that’s all I’m gonna say for now though I continued my travels in the village and I I met a special friend oh hello hello hello wait can I tame this wolf oh come on best friends best friends forever hello wait look at it has this Taco it’s so

Cute I’ve never seen something so incredible in my life yeah I have a new pet I found this statue which essentially lets you trade in Essences which you can get from defeating powerful mobs for extra hearts or stamina so I’d have to keep that in mind

And after that I uh I began trying to borrow borrow loot from a villager is he keeping an eye on me is that what he’s doing okay I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving Nice we got an iron pickaxe wait is this another one of these oh more diamonds are you kidding me what is that what is that okay that doesn’t look friendly Barrel oh iron sword there is a lot of loot in villages oh my goodness look at these blocks of coal oh yes

That’s nice I think that is enough looting the village for now I feel like this is gonna be the best spot for our kingdom just because it’s at the top of the mountain and it’s next to the Village to chest there we go and I decided I would name our new dog newpy

And I was able to use the wheat from my chest to make a stack of bread I was set on food now I was ready to continue with my Adventures now let’s check out what’s over there ah jump yeah no I’m good I’m good I’m not jumping down there that’s not

Happening what do we got oh we got some type of Kingdom over there oh and we got angry little guys okay blocked take that I can try to fight this guy in combat mode got him oh he’s just okay all right sorry fellas oh and there’s nothing here

Okay what do we got over there what is that is that another Village we got a lot of these Goblin fellas Dodge okay I’m running away I hate fighting enemies in fight mode I swear it’s the most difficult thing ever got him whoa that was a cool water animation

Let’s head over here I this is a very interesting looking Castle oh Goblin King oh boy I don’t think I’m ready for a boss like that so you know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna mark this down there we go now what do we have over here oh I

Think this is a friendly guy hello one apple and four tropical fish maybe I can recruit them hold on are there any I doubt there’s any tropical fish in here right we need like a tropical ocean yeah I don’t see any tropical fish and it looks like here we have another Village

That does mean that I can snag a little bit more loot I started some quests around the village uh one of which wanted paper and the other wanted me to hunt down a shark which I wasn’t gonna do yet but I did uh gather some more

Loot around the village I was also given a quest to locate and retrieve a child that had been kidnapped by pillagers so we would get to doing that later and after all that Village lurking was done I got back to adventuring I ended up finding a ship which I swam towards but

It was filled with way too many villagers so I absolutely turned the other way and uh then found a cave which I headed into I found some zinc ore which seemed to be used for engineering type stuff but I wasn’t ready for that yet and I also got coal which I would

Definitely need as I rest further into the cave though I was met with some tough zombies hello uh we got we got some geared up zombies why can’t they just be normal zombies okay so two attacks on the Block okay oh he attacks twice okay hold on we gotta be careful

Fighting off these zombies is a lot harder than I would have liked to be oh I’m invisible to them Defenders vanish oh this enchantment makes it so that I I can be invisible when taking damage for a bit oh that’s really nice actually okay oh boy oh boy okay you know what uh

I’m gonna leave I don’t think this cave is the place for me right now so let’s continue adventuring instead soon after I found this Tower the top of it didn’t have anything but as I headed down the stairs I found a dungeon I made my way through its Halls looting some chests

And clearing out some spawners I was having a pretty good time down here actually uh gearing up with some rare loot and lots of oars I continued looting and progressing through the dungeon I finally ran into a mob here which which was a skeleton archer and by alternating between blocking and

Attacking I was able to successfully take it out I found a very interesting stone sword that had bonus fire damage on it and was actually better than my iron sword so I equipped it I also found a rare chest plate which gives you the resistance effect when attacked and it

Had some other nice traits on it I then progressed to the next floor and that is when things started getting more dangerous ah what is that thing let me shoot this thing down these guys are no good oh no oh look at my arrow did no damage to it whoa disappeared

Where’d it go oh there it is hiding I don’t know okay Okay I got it I think good I continued making my way through the dungeon but it only got more challenging the loot also got better though and I was getting a lot of upgrades for my gear I was definitely living life on the Edge by being down here but I was mostly fine

Until this happened oh my goodness oh my goodness foreign did you see how many silverfish there are there how is this possible trap them down there okay that’s not supposed to happen Oh my God oh my goodness this is insane this is insane okay I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done yeah that was definitely quite the experience after moving far from the silverfish I was able to get them to despawn and continued adventuring through the dungeon I shortly after

Found a boss down here with the name Claudius blood glare and while I thought that this guy would be easy to deal with he ended up being a whole lot harder to defeat than I thought he would be but after pecking at him for a few minutes

And taking tons of damage I was able to finally take him down right after that another boss spawn named Pilgrim the Sharpshooter who I was able to take down with much more ease and when I finally entered the room they were in I found a piercing four Quick Charge 3 power 5

Crossbow and on top of that a netherite chest plate I was swimming in Loot and that crossbow is especially important I was able to make it to the final layer of the dungeon which had another theme to it and the loot here was really really good especially this efficiency

Unbreaking Three diamond pickaxe I got that can break in a three by two area anyways with all of that loaded I finally headed out and found a village where things went uh a bit wrong hello Quest Master is that just I’m supposed to oh no they saw me open the barrel oh

No oh no I didn’t even get anything it wasn’t even worth it oh my goodness I’m unwelcomed in villages oh my goodness I need to make this bundled Emerald so I need one more emerald and a piece of leather and if I give that to them it’ll

Restore my reputation oh what is going on no no no no no hold on I think I might be able to defeat this guy oh my goodness Shouldn’t be doing a lot of damage to him did I just defeat a villager I just defeated a villager no I did not mean to do that oh my goodness things are going wrong okay I defeated this troll at least he didn’t even oh he did

Drop he dropped in essence well I just I just defeated a villager the that might make the guards kind of mad at me could I have a single Emerald please I want to replenish my reputation let’s sleep this night off it seems my reputation is bad and if my reputation drops lower they

Might start attacking me what is this thing dude dude what is this what is that dude dude get away Villagers do you not see what I’m doing for you over here I’m defeating all these weird dudes this looks like something that could have some emeralds in it if you know what I mean nothing to lose anyways oh yes yes yes that should mean I should be able to do this and

That boom bundled emeralds and now if I go to the Guild Master I should just have to put that in there and I think when I sleep my reputation will be restored let me see what the rest of this building has whoa that’s cool Belladonna crystal ball whoa whoa

People are doing some weird stuff here alter I don’t want to mess with the Villager that lives here oh my goodness look at this I have found a literal witch altar it’s kind of creepy let’s head back home hopefully please as I was heading back home I ran into the Sentinel night now

Given that it was a melee boss I figured I might be able to use my new crossbow to defeat it and uh well this this wasn’t exactly the smartest idea we should be good to go into the fight The Sentinel night land a shot on him while he’s not

Looking I can’t really do much damage to him can I melee hit this guy oh no ow I need to bait him out so he drops his shield oh he’s doing something ow I’m getting a lot of shots on him but I need to heal what is he doing okay

Let’s go go go oh boy oh boy oh boy I don’t think I can melee hit this guy oh boy okay blocked I’m doing no damage to this guy oh he dropped his shield spam shots come on got him got oh night robber hold on hold on hold on Knight Robert

Prime oh my goodness oh my God there’s a second boss oh boy what is he doing oh boy oh my goodness this boss is insane man shots wait what is this what is this oh I’m good I don’t know what he’s doing shots I almost got him I almost got him

I almost got him oh we got him with that we had defeated both night robber and the Sentinel knight from this we got the Rogue guy which is one of the 12 eyes needed for the end portal now let’s get back to our village which I believe should be this

Way oh feels good to have her first boss defeated that’s for sure and this is our village I believe I think we have returned we should now be good with villagers that’s awesome and a home sweet home I went around the villagers near me to check up on all of the quests

That I had available to me there was a villager named Gigi that wanted one of my spirit orbs and um doing this Quest later ends up uh it ends up being a mistake anyways I also got a quest to find a villager’s book in some kind of a

Temple which I also end up doing later and finally I handed in a quest that required five spider eyes and with that I got a trading contract for the cleric Guild I had to place down a lectern and right click it with the contract to sign

It and now I could trade with clerics in the Village yeah something I should mention is that until I complete all the Villager quests I can’t trade with any of them I wanted to get back on track with adventuring and completing the quests I got so that I could get closer

To entering into the end so I crafted a diamond helmet for myself and the first Quest I wanted to complete was retrieving The Lost Child from the pillagers because this would also give me a chance to complete my quest of defeating 10 pillagers whoa are these guys uh aggressive they fighting each other

No he wants to fight me oh my goodness hold on these guys are scary take that what were they guarding is there anything in here no okay back to the guards map oh yes yes yes yes oh is the kid there I definitely need arrows oh man oh man oh

Man no no no I’m not ready hold on oh one of the guys dropped his Scythe hold on that’s pretty cool look at this oh my goodness oh that’s a lot of damage no there’s no way I’m saving this kid this kid’s done for I’m sorry no way not yet I need I

Need to gear up some more then I was continuing adventuring minding my own business when this happened oh oh my goodness I just got attacked by a hippogriff wow it is diving for me look at that thing okay okay I need to go back eat come here come here come here

Wow it has a lot of Health okay I can take it out from here I got it oh my goodness wow Griffin feather it’s a looks like a legendary level item I had defeated a griffin that randomly attacked me I don’t know what its problem was but it

Did lead me to a castle which had a diamond pickaxe inside of it and another gem which I was getting a lot of but we can only use gems later on anyways I explored more of this castle and found a bedroom inside which looked very cozy

And had some good loot including a fire aspect one book there was also an Armory here which had some decent gear and I snapped it all up I then ended up running into this little ruin thing and it had some barrels with a bunch of feathers and emeralds both of which were

A good loot for me I gathered up some Flint after that and made myself a bunch of arrows and with that I was kind of confident in approaching the kidnappers here we are so these guys oh my goodness that it looks scary oh my goodness okay into the water I go

Wow there are a lot of them I hope they don’t have a spawner that’s three hello got him oh wow oh wow where are they coming from oh they can come down ladders this is an insane amount of these guys Oh boy run Got him piercing lets me get a lot of my arrows back and poster oh here’s the little guy here’s the little guy okay we’re gonna have to save him we have to save him let’s see what else we got going on here oh we got chess hello hello

Oh oh I just defeated a raid Captain I need milk iron hello chanting table what is going on in here Okay that’s not good that’s one down it’s two down that’s three some loot here let’s get this little guy out of here hey buddy he’s following follow me yeah oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy kid do not follow me got him I need to take the kid off

Follow mode and I need to get this bad Omen effect off of me before I do anything else okay I have a bucket which is perfect let’s find a cow ah cow yes yes yes hello wandering Trader whoa you got quite the sword there Phantom membrane 64 diamonds for Eternal

Vigilance we’re here we need to get to at least home or that Village let’s create a path for the kid to walk on now you can follow me let’s go I’m gonna have to build a staircase going down here we go come with me buddy perfect

I’m gonna go straight to home I don’t know what this guy’s name so we’ll just call him buddy come on buddy right this way oh don’t go in there buddy buddy not in these buddy you gotta get buddy to avoid these bushes I don’t know how buddy deals with water

So we’re gonna build another pathway for him okay there we go oh seems like he’s okay with water oh boy buddy you’re in the wrong spot okay hold on we’re gonna move buddy over here you’re gonna stay there okay good jakura Clark oh Quest completed nice okay wait we completed

The quest is the kid gonna go back to his his father no it doesn’t look like it okay well perfect we’ve done it we’ve done it we’ve done it okay now we just need to find that guard and collect our reward oh you actually did it to be honest I

Wasn’t optimistic about the kids survival here I’ll teach you a new skill swordmaster you gain a 30 attack speed bonus learn nice oh wow that’s awesome thank you so much sir I appreciate it yeah with that let’s return home and restock on food before doing another quest ah Snoopy’s

Such a good boy you know what let me just get a piece of mutton for you boom there we go you deserve it newbie with some food now and arrows left over I would like to try and defeat the Goblin King teleport over here and let’s approach his castle

Oh and one of his minions is already here attacking me oh my goodness he just spun me around got him I think this is supposed to be the entrance is that the Goblin King no that’s just a huge oh wow I’m taking that guy out from this little hole that

I have built myself and let me make my way inside take them out there’s so many of these little guys so far so good oh that’s the Goblin King oh boy he’s pretty fast okay oh my goodness okay he does damage pretty quick I’m gonna oh I got him

I got his crown whoa whoa whoa that was that was kind of close we got some gems here oh man that’s awesome and I got his crown Windswept Goblin crown of the defender here we have the throne the block of emerald I’ll take that you know

What let me put that back for a moment ah yes feels good I checked what loot was around the top of the castle and found this Windswept Ring Of Glory which had a really nice effect that heals you when you defeat enemies and it also gave

Me an additional speed boost when I wore it in my offhand I accidentally found this treasure room as well which had some blocks of ore and a chest in it now that we had defeated the Goblin King I wanted to return to our quest line and

The next Quest that I wanted to go on was finding the librarian’s book which had gotten lost somewhere apparently while following the map I found a horse and I took the chance to tame and gear it up so that I could travel faster oh and you can set it as your personal

Horse and now if I go here I can whistle it over to me which is perfect it looks like we have another Quest here two grown wheat from the farm sure I’ll bring you two grown wheat where’s the farm though oh hello oh hello another Quest Crimson wood stems I

Accept oh and here we have wheat hope you don’t mind me taking some of this no problem my friend do you accept this wool a trading contract to the shepherd Guild so this will let me trade with Shepherds now let’s head to this librarian’s ruin while traveling I

Encountered a moose and a polar bear which I unfortunately had to defeat for its hide as a part of a quest I then ran into more of these strange guys which I have no idea what the story is behind them but I took them out and they

Dropped a rare variant of the Scythe which I tested out and this thing was absolutely insane it had some kind of Spin Attack that lets you hit everything around you and I was doing a crazy amount of damage soon after I found this building which I approached and got the

Achievement Hunter’s cabin when I went inside Pillager started spawning here which I took out and realized that I was completing my 10 Pillager Quest I should also mention that this is a very important Quest and leads to the rest of the main storyline so doing this was

Crucial I looted the chest here which were actually filled with a decent amount of loot including a slingshot and then a raid leader spawned which was not amazing Muse because that would give me the bad Omen effect but I took him out and I opened the trap door to the second

Floor which had a bunch of pillagers with my ring though I healed whenever I defeated the pillagers and that let me take them all on with that I completed my quest the loot on the second layer was pretty mediocre so with everything explored I headed out right next to me

Was a dungeon Tower which I headed into and definitely needed to get some armor from because my boots had broken and I was not going to survive for long without armor I’ll tell you that much I’ve managed to find a pair of leggings right away which I needed and rare boots

Pretty soon after that which was perfect everything mostly went as usual and eventually I made it to the bottom floor where I got a bunch of golden apples ores and more Goodyear the that I made sure to take as backup for later with that loot collected I left the dungeon

And was returning home when this happened and I just started to read on accident that’s really bad I’m pretty sure that affects my reputation quite negatively um defending a raid right now is probably going to be extremely difficult if I’m honest like I can try you know I

Can try let me try because I feel bad you know supposed to be protecting the villagers here oh my goodness not the baby creepers man Oh man I was just looking for milk oh boy what have I gotten myself into villagers I swear I’m trying to protect you here oh my goodness this guy had a flamethrower got him where’s everybody else at look at him he has a massive sword

Oh my crossbow is about to break I’m not gonna be able to handle this brand am I might might just have to accept this loss I need a waste Stone and I’m leaving I don’t see a Way Stone here off we go uh I feel bad but you know that’s just

How it goes sometimes guys we got a couple signs here one of which could be a village nope that’s definitely not a village and we got him we got a little bit of loot steak that’s good a lot of apples which I will actually take oh my goodness

Oh hi hello villagers all right let’s head back home I was finally home but unfortunately my crossbow was now on the verge of breaking and to make things worse I wouldn’t be able to use an anvil until I got further in the quest line the good news was that we had completed

Our quest of defeating 10 pillagers so I talked to the Guild Master and in return got the ability to roll this ability is actually really useful and I was really happy to get it I spoke to the guildmaster once more to begin my next quest with him which ended up being

Defeating the Goblin King he also described that seven of the unique Eyes of Ender can be obtained through looting and crafting but five of them are held by Bosses now I had already defeated the Goblin King but it didn’t register since I hadn’t started this Quest yet so I

Would have to defeat him again but I didn’t have my crossbow anymore but in place of it I at least had a power 2 rare bow which actually turns out to be pretty good while on the search for another Goblin King I ran into one of these underground dungeons which I

Decided I would enter and try to quickly loot I made sure to grab extra pieces of gear and on the bottom floor got some highly Enchanted pieces of gear with the dungeon fully looted I headed back up and while exploring I found a mini Goblin Outpost which didn’t seem to have

Any goblins in it but it did have some decent loot that I collected and right next to that was a village which I hope to find a way Stone in I went around checking in on what quest the villagers had for me which there were a lot of

Actually and then I teleported home to drop off all of my loot I continued searching for the Goblin King and I found him but I also found someone else someone uh pretty dangerous Goblin King yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh it’s show time oh what is going on here whoa look

At that armor hold on what it was armor but it’s nothing good interesting I think The Illusionist boss is here I only have 23 arrows maybe we should go for it got him I don’t know if these oh I think I’ve engaged the fight let’s do this Is going invisible is this him yep he’s still here where is he I see his particles I don’t see a health bar so we’re just gonna have to pray that we’re doing good damage to him where’d he go I hear him oh here he is

Let’s get him he’s not hitting me at all where’d he go got his hat off we got him conjure oh it was the conjure not The Illusionist we got him though this decreases magic damage by 30 percent interesting well we got the conjure folks and we got throwing cards can I

Use that I don’t know look at that bouncy ball that was a nice little boss fight I’ll keep his hat oh this is a cool painting actually wow oh cool okey-dokey let’s go defeat the Goblin King seems that he is somewhere over this way oh here it is finally we

Found the Goblin King again defeating the Goblin King again went mostly as before its minions did a lot of damage to me actually but I got them down and then the king started running away from me which was pretty annoying but uh I was able to Corner him and take him down

I handed in The Quest To The Guild Master and he gave me a new quest to defeat a corrupted ogre he also gave me a map this time so that would make finding it a lot easier let’s follow it what is this some creepy old abandoned structure oh there’s a villager here

Oh uh he saw me leave his chest I’m sorry fella um that had some interesting alert oh my map is moving my map is moving night Rover again let’s mark that down in case we ever need it oh my God are you kidding me it’s a hippogriff got it

Nice I think we are very close actually and there’s a village here while I was in the village I decided I would uh you know borrow some food but uh unfortunately the villagers saw me loot one of their chests after that though adventuring started to go well and look

At that holy moly what’s going on here we have reached the destination on our map but before we go there let’s quickly see what we can find here we got a ruined portal here as well is there any loot oh Truth The Quirk is protecting it

Oh looks like this guy is protecting a chest oh yeah sure is the quick got it what did it drop lightning resistance let’s see if we got anything else and we got nothing amazing here it seems let’s see what’s over here oh it’s a little little village I guess shipwreck

Village and they got a bunch of quests oh I can’t I think they’re mad at me I think my reputation is low with them unfortunately and we’re finally showing on the map ow oh I just took a bunch of damage and this looks like it would be the ogre’s habitat dig in

Oh hello there’s guys in there too all right well corrupted ogre the eye holder can’t break through can he all right and we got him ah corrupted ogre down and we got the Lost eye it is so that it was forged by the first blacksmiths of time

We got these fellas here which I think are supposed to be mean but they’re kind of slow so we’ll just leave them in here with the ogre defeated and lost I collected I headed for home but along the way I ran into a few different structures there’s also this little

Mushroom Village here got mushroom guys here I’m running out of food but I’d like to quickly take a look at what’s here nothing here oh boy got him yeah I’m leaving I’m leaving hello can I tame that type of animal I don’t know oh don’t you dare they stole

Do not steal my food guys do not steal my food you’re gonna die soon after I found this Fisherman’s Lodge which contained quite a lot of barrels and sacks of loot around it I checked them all out and there was a lot of fishing supply for sure I went inside

And I found the interior to be quite beautiful actually this fisherman was uh he was living quite well I mean it kind of made me want to live like a fisherman the chests were full of different types of hunting supplies and having checked out what was here I decided I would

Venture onward and finally found a village I traded in a sack of emeralds and then slept off the night and now I was friendly with the Villagers once more the next Quest that the Guild Master gave me was to defeat the night robber once again uh some bad news was

That the village started burning down so I had to rush over and try to put the fire out before it caused any more damage I was able to stop it fairly early and patched up the lava that caused it in the first place as I prepared to take on night robber a

Wandering Trader approached me who was selling an acts called bone splitter that had an insane amount of enchantments on it I mean it had sharpness 10 and looting 5 which you can’t even normally get I decided I would pay the 45 emeralds and a diamond

Ax to buy it and uh yeah now I own this thing which it’s a crazy weapon with that I headed over to night Robert’s castle and I got ready to fight him let’s head in we should probably put a shield on and there are goblins here hello

Let’s see how well this ax works well can one shot the Goblins which is good oh okay I’m taking a lot of damage though right off the bat okay oh and it’s hard to oh yeah it’s very hard to hit these guys it might turn out that our Scythe is better

Yeah that’s that’s easier let’s do this and I’m getting shot at but we can take him out from range we’re doing a lot of damage to him and we got him that was uh that was surprisingly easy actually okay Quest completed I returned to the Guild Master

Who gave me my next quest in which I had to defeat a boss called Nine Tails as my reward from defeating Knight Rober I I said it correctly this time I think I unlocked a lot of things including the Anvil which was a big step forward it

Allowed me to repair my crossbow and make a power three flame one bow and I also found out that I could combine gear that had perks on it with Enchanted gear to make some very strong armor with my gear upgraded I felt confident in hunting down the next boss and this boss

Does not end up being what you expect it to be okay let me have ender pearls and golden apples ready oh here’s the house here it is let’s do this there he is he’s coming for me already okay oh my goodness did he just oh my goodness look at this guy

Holy smokes he’s redirecting my arrows Golden Apple oh my goodness He does a lot of damage oh no Golden Apple oh my God look at this guy wow he took out half my health oh we got him wow um our bow did a lot of damage exotic eye well we defeated nine tails that was a very quick fight at this

Point I’m not even surprised good job the nine tails but it’s a notoriously violent Spirit the next eye holder isn’t Undead and Undead with many tricks up its sleeves to be precise as a reward for defeating nine tails I unlocked the ability to use the enchanting table and

Smithing table both of which would allow me to significantly upgrade my gear before hunting the next boss I wanted to make ourselves a base it was kind of uh upsetting returning home to empty grass every time given the fact that we had defeated the Goblin King I figured it

Would be easier to set up in that Kingdom and then add a few additional details before doing that though I put silk touch on my pickaxe that can break a 3×2 area and I used it to mine up a bunch of stones so that I could craft

Stone bricks I also really wanted to get efficiency 4 on my shovels so that I would easily be able to clear out areas with it I would need 30 levels to enchant it though so I decided excited to head out to the orc encampment next

To me and invade it a little bit some of these guys were easy to take out but there was this orc leader who was really buffed up and I sat there for a long time trying to defeat him eventually I had to switch to melee attacks and then

I finally got him the chest here were basic with some torches ores and gems and I continued on after that to find a ship and I felt like now I could finally match the strength of these guys so I started going after them and you know

What I was hanging in there with the Pirates pretty well but I got a little bit dangerous when the melee guys started coming after me I ran to get some distance from them and took them out from range and I then blocked the existing melee guys and farmed them up

From here which was uh nice after a bit I saw this interesting structure in the distance I walked in and got the achievement the bear claw in which read uh in for a wary traveler I made my way in further and this place was decked out with furniture future and a lot of

Wandering Traders there were some bartenders here as well that I had some casual conversation with and I checked the trades of the wandering traders who had maps to mushroom Villages and a lot of farm supply stuff I also found a journal here that was titled the bear

Hunt and it told the story of how some people tried to trap a bear with honey but then the bear ate all the honey without getting caught in the Trap so yeah they lost on that one I explored the second layer of this place and with that checked out I headed outside there

Was a horse stable next to the Inn as well that ended up having some armored pigs inside of it which I thought was just hilarious I ended up finding a Coliseum but uh nothing nothing really happened here yeah I looked around but there there was just nothing anyways I

Ran into a battle tower after that and I didn’t want to fight the boss here yet although we do do that later and that’s that’s what that’s quite the experience yeah I don’t want to talk about it but this was a great place to farm experience so I just farmed up the mobs

For a while and got to level 31 before I decided to leave because my gear started to break pretty badly I ran over to the kingdom where we defeated the Goblin King the first time which was actually a really nice location because it was inside a village and on top of that the

Interior here was really really nice and ready to move into there were some half generated structures on the side of the castle which I spent some time removing and was able to remove them a lot faster by using my 3×2 pickaxe and once I was done with that things felt a lot cleaner

With that done I created an opening at the front and placed a Way Stone down so that I could easily teleport back here now that I had the bass move in ready I started working on a little storage and moving in all of my things it was not a

Slow process all right I mean I know there’s some people that love organizing but that’s not me but I it had to be done so I worked on sectioning out the items as well well and by day 43 I was done after that um I know that I plan on enchanting my

Shovel but my gear was so beaten down again that I had to spend my levels on repairing it I cleared out the rest of our first base and then I needed to transport newbie who I transported by boat and uh now he was here in our new

Home I also named newpy with a name tag but it didn’t show up for some reason but in our hearts we all know that that this is newpy so with our storage sorted and still still no efficiency for a shovel I set up a level 30 enchanting

Table in this room which literally had the perfect outline for this the first detail that I wanted to add to our new Castle was a staircase leading up to the entrance because as of now there was no easy way to walk into the base so I started by clearing out some dirt to

Create a walkway and I guess at this time I just I didn’t really care about efficiency 4 because it wouldn’t take that long to dig it out and once I finished the walkway I started working on the staircase which I made too wide and carved into the mountain with a

Curve going outwards it was really easy to walk down and up which I liked a lot and I added a supporting wall as well I then came to the idea of building a border around the castle because it was very unclear as to what was happening on

The outside this would require me to dig out a lot of grass so this time I actually set my mind on getting that efficiency for shovel I needed lapis so that I would be able to to enchant it so that’s when I came to the realization

That I had to go mining and Mining in this pack is it’s it’s very scary The Cave opening that I found just kind of dropped me down this interesting never-ending tunnel which now that I think of it I I put a lot of trust in

That tunnel uh but there was an array of wild mobs here I mean you got a glowing squid skeleton a Crystal Golem and a plethora of skeletons and zombies eventually I found lapis down here which I very quickly got to Mining and I got a stack just like that which was nice I

Then was looking at my inventory when I got set on fire by this pyromancer guy I had never seen him before but I quickly took him out and uh I ended up finding a mine shaft which I alluded a chest in that gave me this takeoff spell book and

This thing comes very very in handy later on I finally went back up to the surface and was attacked by this thing which looked freaky but my arrows were able to take it out and with lapis collected I continued my adventures in search of experience well we got one of

These dungeons this could give me a good amount of levels all right let’s have a look here’s the next layer already Farm up some of these mobs thank you for the levels my friend thank you for the levels yeah this definitely works for experience here we go layer down oh boy

That’s a boss that’s like a boss boss we are going to avoid any attacks from him oh my goodness okay we got him ow uh oh ow okay jumped at me out of nowhere chance has got an apple oh my goodness that’s a very nice chest plate better

Than mine it’s a good shovel that might be it for this place I returned home and using the efficiency 3 shovel I combined it with an efficiency book and got the efficiency for a shovel I had been working towards with that done I got to work I began working on digging out a

Border around our Castle then I filled in the border with stone bricks which wasn’t the same block type that the castle was made of but I figured that it would still look nice because it fit within the theme and it was easy to get once I was done with that the exterior

Of the base was looking a lot better I also added some stone brick walls around the edges and extended them down the staircase I finished things off by adding torches around the walls making our base mob proof and I added iron doors with buttons on the outside for

Additional protection with the levels we had left over from our travels I Enchanted some gear to try to upgrade it but I didn’t have any good luck it also turned out I couldn’t use a grindstone yet until I progressed for further in the quest line so why couldn’t

Re-enchant the pieces of gear I at least was able to put a gem onto my leggings called base overheel which makes it so your attacks give you a bit of Health absorption and in good news I managed to create a power for flame 1 infinity bow meaning I wouldn’t have to worry about

Arrows anymore and with those advancements made I felt prepared to take on the skeleton lord map to the skeleton lord we have to go north east let’s go on our way I soon approached this strange mushroom structure where I was attacked by a plague of mobs

Let me see if I can try to quickly loot a bit of this oh boy oh boy there’s a lot of these guys holy smokes look at this look at how many there are there’s no way that’s normal oh my goodness oh my goodness there was some decent

Loot I managed to find here but not without having to combat through hordes of creatures wow wow wow nothing eventually I made it to the top and continued onwards Lord of sorcery the skeleton Overlord he is showing up now oh boy oh yeah that’s probably it right

There we have found it I should grab this way Stone and there’s an ogre here which I’m actually gonna take out I think I got him yep he’s dead all right he dropped a giant eye fragment a fragment of the Giant’s eye useful for completing villager quests huh that

Comes in handy later on but it was time to move on to our boss fight I dug out some dirt and built up towards the skeleton Overlord and let me tell you this guy I can’t even call it a guy this evil spirit is no joke I do not like this okay

Here we are I see the boss oh boy what is that hey it’s this fire guy oh okay I’m just I’m like two shotting or one shotting these guys oh yeah that’s good yeah back away folks wow there are a lot of these guys that’s it I’ve cleared all the area

Around us out and uh okay let’s start this fight I’m just gonna bow with this guy oh yeah my heroes are doing a lot of damage Whoa okay I gotta Dodge that what is he doing now oh no oh no no no can I like shoot these skulls what is going on how do I break these oh my goodness taking shots at him let’s eat a golden apple in case oh boy oh my goodness oh my goodness

Oh my goodness Golden Apple okay take a shot at him oh my goodness ender pearl that’s good take one more shot we got him yeah we got him magical eye okay without this eye the evoker has no power nice that got a little bit close but we mostly stayed okay what is that

What is that what is that guy die oh my goodness I got it and a pearl down to that Village oh there’s a look at that it’s a rainbow Circle it’s not even just a regular Rainbow I don’t know what’s going on there the skeleton lord is

Probably the most powerful and dead I’ve ever seen I’m surprised you were able to take him down all right let’s see the next eye is guarded by a renowned Holy Knight map to the Sentinel night none of the adventures I know ever got past him I heard he’s holding the key that frees

The eye from its Dorman State let’s follow this map holy moly look at this what is this is this another boss or what is it uh hello this turned out to be a puzzle room and I was met with my first riddle three boxes one box has

Gold there is a message in each only one message is true B1 gold is not here B2 gold is not here V3 gold is in B2 let me know what answer you guys got to this I don’t remember exactly how but I came to the answer being box one uh something to

Do with it being the least probable that it was telling the truth it might be in B1 I don’t know guys I’m scared I think it’s in B1 oh boy oh I think I made it past to the next level the next one was a pattern type of

Question where it gives you five letters and you have to figure out what order they go in I ended up getting the answer c a b d e and I got it right the next riddle was a bit more complex and I ended up getting it wrong on the first

Try but was able to walk back through and get it right on the second try and the last riddle was just asking for the order of correct answers which I remembered and got dropped into a room where I got two spirit orbs as a reward which was really nice because I could

Use these for extra hearts with that done I headed back out to continue our journey of finding the Sentinel night soon enough I found his tree and this Castle which ends up being insane you’re you’re gonna want to see what happens in there trust me anyways I was now ready

To fight the Sentinel Knight once more I think I’m ready enter combat mode and let’s just start bowing them down we’re even doing a good amount of damage through the shield and honestly I don’t want to deal with anything so I’m just gonna deal damage right through the oh

Oh that thing is creepy oh man here we go primordial one oh okay going to under Purl out of that no thank you should be close to getting them here okay and we got him finally nice we did that so that Quest is complete now let’s

Check out this area here as I approach The Fortress it gave me the achievement Pillager Fortress I entered in on the inside found this room with a checkerboard floor and some recruits available for hire it’s like a big Pillager Castle it seems got some beetroot might need that Pumpkin we’re

Gonna need that look at these huh this looks really cool as I made my way up I started running into pillagers and I ran into an ultimate Pillager meaning that it was buffed up I carefully took shots at it and it ended up getting me really

Low before I was able to take it out I explored the second level and there was a lot of loot scattered around hearing oh look at this a little Armory as I went back to the main lobby I defeated a raid leader which ended up starting a raid I soon after found a

Room full of evokers and let me tell you these guys were not the typical kind okay hello we got a Brokers let’s take these guys out whoa oh boy oh wow what are they they got some Shields look at this they had like these shields around them which wouldn’t let me shoot them

With my bow so I had to go in with my sight I got some totems of undying from this which was nice but things did not get any safer where oh is this this guy I think it’s that guy what is he doing holy moly holy moly hold on the Vex is

Spawned by evokers we’re doing a lot of damage and I was having trouble fighting them off take him out nice take that out oh there’s another one somewhere oh my goodness oh my goodness these guys are doing crazy amounts of damage I was finally able to find where

One of the evokers was shooting me from and he got me to one heart so I had to use an enchanted golden apple when I went back to the little hidden area the evoker Was Defeated and I found a lot of blocks of ore here as well as oars in

The chests this was some of the best loot I had seen from any chest at all I made my way to the final layer and there were a lot of mobs here by continuing to move around I was able to avoid most of the attacks coming at me I defeated the

Last few mobs remaining here and only at this point realized that my helmet and leggings had broken the year I had worked so hard to upgrade was gone I then pulled this lever that said uh that said do not pull this lever and an array of animals dropped down on me but with

That we were done adventuring through this castle and as a reward we got a lot of totems of undying so it was definitely worth it I dropped off the crazy amount of loot we got at home I then went to the guildmaster to turn in the completion of my my quest but it

Turned out that I had to go back to the tree and use the key that the Sentinel Knight dropped on the tree eye and that gave me an eye and also the completion of the quest the next Quest I received was to defeat the Fire Giant and this boss

You’ll see this this boss is insane while I wanted to fight the fire giant right away I needed to make upgrades to my gear because I had broken my most powerful gear at the castle now fortunately for me I had a lot of gear lying around that I had looted over the

Past few days and I upgraded my chest plate after that I went out in the dark to test out this new Sentinel sword I got from defeating the Sentinel Knight I can block look at that Boom special ability whoo okay that’s a pretty cool sword actually yeah our new Sentinel sword was

Really exciting I also put sharpness for Smite and mending on it and now I did a lot of attack damage additionally I went to the Statue and used my Essences to get an additional heart and I now felt ready to take on the fire giant or at

Least as ready as I could be I set off on my way and I ran into various structures while searching I found this ocean Village which was very interesting it actually had a good amount of loot scattered around the outside and it had a bunch of oars stacked up as well but

The inside of the buildings here were very empty that is until this happened oh boy what is that what is that what is that whoa whoa whoa what is this thing okay that was not fun that was whatever that thing was that was not fun whoa look at that not this

But look at that got a big windmill that does not look very friendly if I’m completely honest wow they’re coming from all over they’re fats too hi there hi there see what’s oh yeah yup that’s slow juice all right use our ability here and continue just mowing them down

The sword’s uh a masterpiece what can I say barrels of lewd beer okay that’s not fun I’m getting poisoned catch you more emeralds okay I continued my travels uh but then I was met with a very very dangerous Beast oh my goodness no way oh I don’t know if

I want to fight it I kind of do though I want to see how powerful it is hey is it like running away oh wait there we go I’m hitting it oh yeah it’s approaching me oh there it is standing oh I just defeated it did I just defeat it it’s still taking

Damage oh wait wait I didn’t defeat it I think it’s trying to shoot fire on me but it’s not hitting me what did I defeat it oh I got it I defeated the fire dragon heart the dragon dropped its heart which could be eaten to gain a permanent attack speed boost or smelted

And used to make fire dragon armor since I wouldn’t have enough Hearts to make a full set of dragon armor anytime soon I decided I would eat the heart for its attack speed bonus and work towards getting the full set of armor from here on out whoa look at this holy moly

Jeez man I’ve never seen something like this ever wow wow is that water yeah that’s water wow what is that whoa oh I’m kind of scared skeleton statue okay I have it marked down wow that’s like that’s a fully illegitimate skeleton too what is the statue for things are just getting more

And more dangerous we got a bunch of horses here a chest we’ve made it onto the map and I see some crazy thing on the map right now yeah look at that get our helmets totems of undying and it’s time to fight the fire giant wow this place is insane looking

Time to take on the fire giant let’s do this giant not boom and golden apple oh my God oh my God okay the fight has officially started that’s for sure oh boy oh boy okay I’ll try to boy okay that’s not working very well I’m gonna end a pearl out of there oh boy okay swing at him a bit that’s good damage okay and a pearl okay wow wow I did not know that one hit from him takes out your whole Health okay wow

Good thing we have totally dying oh boy wow I’m not hitting melee at this guy I’m only bowing him that’s for sure keep running and Boeing look at this guy he’s insane looking oh he’s going down What is happening is he gonna summon something oh oh my God what this guy’s turning to yeah well now the fire giant tag makes sense now that whoa what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that can I put that oh I can’t

Even deflect it oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy dodge dodge I oh my goodness oh my goodness Okay I’m not even eating steak I’m eating golden apples continue taking shots at him I have to oh no no no no no no no no no no don’t let that hit me don’t let that hit me oh boy don’t let that hit me I think only a few shots unless he has

Another phase come on I think we got him he’s down we got the fire giant oh wow we got the fire giant wow wow wow wow wow we did it we did it what is this giant seal corrupted eye the eye of a greedy King that faded in solitude Legend says it

Will bring infinite Fortune to its wearer that was the craziest boss I have ever fought now I’m wondering if I’m actually able to attack with this thing oh my God wait I can use this check this out wow check that out oh my God as I was

Heading home on the next day I found this wizard tower which I entered and it seemed like a fairly normal building it had little journal entries hidden throughout it which described the inhabitants studies outside I have developed a rather nice Garden watching life Bloom is incredible it really makes this place feel alive

Hello crystallarium Journal corundrum crystals grow rather rapidly I brought in a fragment from within the caves and now they’re taking over this level of the tower Cube question mark he came to the conclusion that the Earth was a cube which well it made sense in his predicament at the top floor of this

Tower I was met with ghosts which I took out and I headed back down ready to leave but it turned out that there was a basement level here and I got a book from a chest in which the writer talked about how they were able to make a

Potion 10 times stronger than strength but when I opened the iron door here it unveiled a beast that I had to take out see it almost got me but I knew where it was going it seems like the wizard that lived here may have done too much

Testing with potions and may have turned himself into a monster with that explored I made my way back to the Guild Master who I turned my quest into and it turned out that I had defeated all five of the bosses holding eyes from here on

Out I would need to find the unique Eyes by adventuring and crafting them myself I had five eyes meaning I needed to collect seven more now I thought that doing some of the Villager quests could Aid Us in finding some of those eyes so I set out to do some good around the

Villages and complete the quest I was given I also used my spirit orbs at a statue to get an additional heart I paid Jimmy 18 Emerald so that he would teach me how to fish Laura Lee wanted me to bring her an iron hoe as well as two

Loaves of bread for which I got a farmer trading contract a guard wanted a Giant’s eye which we had collected previously and for this he gave me the skill guard which lets you block attacks with your sword Lorinda wanted me to bring her kangaroo meet and hide so I

Would work on that in the future and this old villager named Gigi wanted a spirit orb which I turned in but then they wanted another one which was getting a bit arrogant but I would return later to deal with this finally a villager named Tijuana wanted me to find

Her book which was somewhere in a ruined structure I decided I would head out to complete this Quest I combine my enchanted chest plate with an uncommon one to make it more powerful and with that done I followed the villagers map to the librarian’s ruin along the way

Though I found this massive Tower which I had never seen before yeah this place is looking crazy super creeps I’m ready to take this place on as I entered the structure I was met with a ton of different spider mobs ranging from spider skeletons to this Enchanted cave

Spider that popped my totem of undying I was not expecting this place to be so dangerous but I definitely needed to be very careful from here on out I went through and broke any spawners that I found and there were a lot of them that’s for sure after doing that I went

Back through and checked what was in the chests and there were a lot of oars and armor which was what I needed I was about to go to the next layer when I started getting shot at and found a skeleton walking on the ceiling this this place was cursed the mom definitely

Started getting stronger on the next floor worse yet mobs here seem to have double their normal health bar which made it hard to figure out how much damage I was doing to the spiders the next floor had even more of these ceiling Walker guys and it was not easy

To stay alive with them barraging me I got better at quickly breaking the spawners as I progressed through this Tower and tried to loot the chests while avoiding mobs as best as I could because when I didn’t this happened hold on use my sword ability swing at all of them oh my goodness

Oh my goodness Golden Apple okay we’re okay wow yeah I I had to make sure to keep a distance from all of these creatures adventuring through this dungeon was taking a while to the point where I had to start replacing my armor before it broke one thing that stayed

Consistent though was my sentient sword and I’ve gotta say using this thing was a lot of fun I went up floor after floor until I finally made it to the tippity top of the tower that took an immeasurable amount of time okay break okay boom we’ve made it to the top two

Pieces of gear almost broken almost died a few times but we made it the chest here gave me a lot of golden apples and diamonds even blocks of diamond I got some Diamond gear as well and overall fighting my way through this Tower was fairly worth it I enter Pearl down to

Continue my search for the Librarians ruin while running I saw a mini boss glowing in purple underground fighting it wasn’t much trouble other than the fact that it set me on fire with its bow repeatedly and I soon defeated it and collected my reward

No way no way no way no way no way we got we got an epic level item I was very excited to have found an epic level item because I had been adventuring for 71 days and had not found a single one up until now these boots had four armor

Toughness on them instead of the usual two which was a huge upgrade and they took 25 percent less durability damage it was my objective to at some point have a full set of Epic gear and I’ve got to say later on I get some pretty cool gear anyways I was then continuing

My search when this happened when we got over there whoa whoa whoa what do we have going on over here whoa wait it’s sucking me in wait it’s sucking me in wait what’s happening oh my goodness I need to go back up what is this what have we just found

What have we just found this is some type of new dungeon or something what is going on here it’s pulling me in again what is this depth dropper for mind your step fall into the Abyssal Trench it’s happening again oh boy this is crazy we will come back

Here at a later time no it’s pulling me in again there we go wow I was not ready to combat that Tower yet but don’t worry you’ll see how insane this place is later on I then boarded a pirate ship and things were going fine until they were

Oh my goodness oh my goodness okay we’re going in the water eating Golden Apple yeah that was that was not a good time but I came back up and broke the spawner I found another one of these ship Villages which I made my way up to and uh there were a few

Quests to collect here Sue wanted a new fishing rod Chang wanted a specific wood from the nether called it blighted Balsa and there were more quests here that we could do later on also look at this thing look at how cute that is I then ran out and found another Village and

Used the Waypoint here to return home and that way I was able to drop off all the loot I had gotten this was also when I decided to craft something very powerful I crafted a novice spell book which has an array of spells you can create starting out I only had the harm

Spell which I could deal damage to enemies with but it wasn’t really powerful however through my adventuring I had collected a variety of spells that are much stronger than the typical ones I had this spell called potentoxin which I tested out on a pig that was on a

Balcony and it worked but it didn’t take that much damage I then noticed that I also had this spell called takeoff and just just look at this and it lets me Glide for a minute holy moly look at this this is so good yeah I was really

Excited to have gotten this spell I mean it was basically a set of wings and now I could travel at a much quicker Pace I got protection 3 on a diamond helmet which I replaced my previous helmet with and I also repaired my armor now I was ready to continue searching for the

Librarian’s book we are getting there look at this tropical jungle how cool is that volcanic Peaks this is looking crazy I can’t see anything but we’re getting in there take that I was then continuing along with my travels when I got uh I got attacked by a familiar Beast

What’s going on let us just uh run a bit real quick and eat a golden apple okay oh yep that’s definitely a dragon come here you Dragon you big bully hello come here okay there we go we got it in fighting distance okay we gotta be careful though I don’t know what it’s

Doing but we’re I think we got it oh my goodness look at that holy moly oh my goodness it’s trying to Ram into me take shots at it from here this is good okay oh did we get it oh I think we actually got it wow after defeating the

Dragon I finally found the ruin that I had been searching for there was a creeper spawner below which was kind of strange but as I progressed up to the top I found a stack of books and chest with the book ancient knowledge in it which is the book we needed to return to

The Village after that I was returning home when I ran into a woodland Mansion this place was a lot more interesting than the typical Woodland Mansion there were these different artworks hanging around which were made out of tapestry so I snagged one of each picture there

Was also a room loaded with chests and barrels which I looked through but didn’t really find much loot after that I ran into invoker who I was easily able to take out and I found this altar right next to him which I wasn’t really sure what to do with anyways I progressed

Through the rest of this place and ran into a lot of evokers along the way who I was more than happy to fight because this gave me a lot of tones of undying and that would help me in the future I eventually finished clearing the mansion out and continued to search for a

Village when I found another puzzle room here is a puzzle room oh this one is different it’s like a parkour thing now unfortunately I can kind of cheat I can’t I yeah but I don’t really feel like cheating it you know hold on let me see if I can do this park really

Legitimately huh we’re doing pretty good oh okay oh okay you’re just supposed to bounce off I would be lying if I said that I didn’t fail more than a few times but in the end it turned out that I was going down the wrong pathway the whole time and

When I finally went through the correct one I was able to collect my reward of two spirit orbs oh this is a little Bandit Village let’s see what else we got going on around here hello we got these guys around defeat that and that what we got more iron

Gold more oars hello fellas oh boy they’re actually doing some damage to me oh hello are you having a party or what can I even trade this guy okay nothing good nothing good another puzzle wow we got going on parkour again this parkour is pretty strange I’m not sure um whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa what just happened okay I’m back in holy moly oh you know what I’m done I’m not doing this legitimately I’m sorry this one’s just a bit too confusing for me I found a village with a Way Stone which let me return home and hand in my quests I

Handed in the additional spirit orb to Gigi and it turned out that she scammed me and then explained to me that I can’t trust everyone in this village now she did uh she did return the spirit orbs to me but you know what she had a point and

You’ll see why very soon I also returned to Juana her book in return four which I got a cookie in the source gem yeah the the rewards weren’t that great I also gave pumpkin seeds to Tegan who was excited about starting his new pumpkin farm so that was nice but after that I

Ended up running into a familiar face oh hello you don’t want to give me a quest okay why are the people it’s so mean me in this Village it’s you isn’t it it’s you you’re the guy who won’t talk to me well you know what you don’t want to talk to me

Huh huh yeah what if I give this guy an emerald oh wow he’s taking emeralds from me wait what yeah the Villager just started taking the emeralds I offered on a whim and with all villagers they usually return something for payment but this guy this guy just didn’t learn his

Lesson let me go and grab my emeralds and if this guy pulls a quick one on me we’re gonna have a big problem okay emeralds I’m telling you man you’re not going to want to pull a fast one on me okay it’s not going to end up going well

For you okay and there we go Quest completed Okay he just took he just took 18 of my emeralds and gave me nothing back you know usually things don’t work that way I didn’t want to do it yeah this um this got me angry I just want you all to know what I’m about to do was completely out

Of my control okay okay I’m gonna sleep the night off first though actually no I’m not because you know what’s even more beautiful than a house burning down house burning down in the night you’re gonna sit right up on this cliff and we’re gonna watch it burn next time

You’ll think twice about scamming me okay how about that we’re not gonna be having that problem anymore are we I can cry how beautiful it is you know what I’m even gonna have a nice deep rest after that all right I think we’ve done uh enough damage to this house for now

We can we can save it for now I burned that villager’s house down and I don’t regret it so uh thanks Gigi I returned home and at this point came to the conclusion that doing villager quests likely wouldn’t lead me to any eyes directly so I decided I would start

Adventuring for the eyes and complete quests along the way so it’s time to head into The Nether and hopefully we can find some more eyes there uh now I’m gonna need obsidian which I have a little bit of but not enough so let’s grab a water bucket and head down and

I’d say our best strategy is just going to be digging down oh and I’ve dug it into a spawner room and nothing amazing in the chests is a way going down here but let us continue with trying to find lava okay really guys guys come on guys guys

You’re not supposed to be doing guys guys stop stop guys oh my goodness oh oh oh no not one of these guys get away from me no get this haunted thing away from me on a mine shaft yes it’s a lava pool yes I’ve been searching for you for

So long come here lava come here thank you okay we got it with the obsidian gathered I headed home and created another portal to enter into the new dimension the ancient spirits of light and dark have been released expert mode I don’t know what that meant I

Think the mobs are going to be stronger now or something what is hello oh I see a glowing mob over there what is this thing ew get away that’s not a good way to be welcomed here look at this thing oh my God the giant squids oh and look at that

Guy this guy’s like a boss oh yeah he’s a boss and we got him oh an epic item oh two empty sockets this is a really good chest plate okay let’s see what awaits us good thing we have this spell book this is gonna make exploring through the

Nether so much easier oh my goodness look at this why can’t things ever just be simple what do we got going on in here that’s a Sentry Blaze right there I guess I’m undying Barrel a lot of redstone here looks like we got a Bastion Remnant over here hello okay

These guys have like double health I think when it said expert mode it meant that these guys are much stronger oh oh my goodness oh my goodness they do a lot of damage oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh my goodness half a heart

Okay I’m not going in for melee hits anymore that is not the move okay you just splashed me with fire resistance I appreciate it man oh fire resistance potions nice get out of the way some decent stuff here oh an epic ax oh my goodness

Wow my gear is about broken I need a new helmet this guy just took out all of my health back away well I saw an epic ax here look at that oh my goodness and epic boots I guess uh epic items are more common in the nether but it’s only

The gold items that are epic it seems whoa whoa whoa toxic Heap wow this looks insane and this is another Fortress I started exploring the nether fortress and uh this is when some something uh really really bad happened oh my goodness oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God

Look at this thing holy moly I don’t think my shots are hitting it oh it’s this guy right here wait where’d he go where’d he go I think he’s gone okay wow yeah that was an insane mob I guess the little guy summons that Skeleton thing I did not

Expect that at all I continued on to find another eye in the Fortress which was exactly what I needed and then this Castle caught my eye this place was filled with wither skeletons but also good loot I got myself a new helmet which was nice and I also found some

Epic leggings here I also found an epic Trident here which was a very cool find and other than that scouted the bottom of the castle where I found some diamonds after that I headed over to the crater that was nearby this place had a pit of lava in the middle and a lone

Barrel on the top which I carefully approached and got this insane radiation Shield this thing inflicts bleeding releases some kind of radiation and gives you a lot of armor the only issue was that I couldn’t use it with a totem of undying at the same time and uh well

I accidentally dropped my totem while thinking about this which that was a terrible mistake because there was a monster awaiting me I would like to grab that back oh boy oh boy oh boy we’re Yep this is why we need the total dying on us can I oh my goodness okay hold on

Things are not going great at all definitely some kind of Beast here which has a lot of Health oh I got it I looted the rest of the barrels that were here I found this hazmatch has played which was made out of leather but had a

Lot of interesting perks on it I had it out and soon found this new building whoa look at this what is the nether doing to me man what is it doing to me I mean breaking here using this pickaxe there wasn’t really much here so I

Decided to return home but while I was doing that I found another cool building oh I think there’s a boss in here isn’t there alter nether statue to summon The Inferno first a warrior be worthy strong something Blaze we’re gonna mark down the coordinates and we’re gonna return

When we’re geared up ah and there’s our portal back home we go and we need to do something with our gear I then spent time upgrading and putting gems onto all of the new epic gear we had found because of the gem sockets I was able to

Add a lot of additional perks on the armor like attack range and additional armor points I also added two base over heel gems onto a new sword which it basically gives you life steal now I thought that this gear was going to be extremely powerful I mean I had a full

Set of Epic Level gear and so I headed into The Nether to find out I found a Bastion and got to testing my new sword out right away I attacked a very very quickly and because of the gems on sword I gained absorption Hearts along the way

It was pretty powerful I have got to say the chest in the middle had some decent Diamond gear which I picked up and as soon as I looted that I made sure to get out of here because I was getting attacked from a lot of different directions I ended up having to return

Home because I ran completely out of food and I took the chance to combine my epic Gear with gear that had enchantments on it to make it even stronger yeah my gear was looking really good I went out to search for food after that and this took me way too long using

My flame bow and looting 5 I was able to get a lot of cooked meat when I did find animals but I ended up just cooking some raw chicken because I didn’t find any any animals in my search anyways with all that cooked up I headed into The

Nether while adventuring I ran into a dangerous very dangerous boss okay let’s do this oh boy um okay holy moly these guys are not shootable they look crazy and the boss is already coming after me whoa this guy’s barely taking damage okay there we go got some damage on it wait I

Was not ready get some melee hits on it oh boy oh my road did not work got some melee hits on it oh roll away oh okay let’s shoot at it a bit ow oh boy oh boy I have no more totems when dying oh it’s healing how is it healing

Okay that’s really bad oh boy what is it doing we should be good oh my goodness okay we got it wait we didn’t get it wait what’s happening how is it not dead oh finally we got it wow what is this guy what what are you doing get away

From me jeez monstrous horn infernal Forge whoa look at this weapon look at this apparently this is a pickaxe wait hold on whoa um okay I’m gonna put it away for now as well as that while I had defeated the netherrate monstrosity I also ran out of

All of my totems of undying meaning that I had no Fail-Safe if anything went wrong with that being said adventuring in the nether without any totems would be extremely dangerous and not something that I could safely do so I decided I would return to the Overworld for now I

Wanted to find some more eyes in the Overworld and pick up some quests to do along the way I ended up finding a guard that had the same child the kidnapping Quest as before so I followed it but things did not go exactly to plan while searching I found this Pink Mansion

Which I was already familiar with and knew that invokers would be on the inside if I could defeat them I would be able to get their totem someone dying and that would let me continue my adventures in the nether with safety that gives us the total moment dying

I can quickly head in here maybe try to defeat the evoker we popped his sort of woman dying we got him there we go it’s another Total Woman dying that’s good wondering if I can get more tones I’m dying this way oh my goodness maybe I should be satisfied with two totems of

Undying I went inside to see what was in the chest and barrels here and it was actually working out all right because my gear made me invisible every so often so I could more so Glide past the mobs and with two tones of undying I headed out I continued following the guards map

And followed it to its end but when I reached the X there was nothing here I even checked to see if it spawned underground but instead of finding the pillager’s castle I found a Foundry and uh this place it it’s not a good place

To be I know for a fact this isn’t an easy structure to Adventure through well the kids aren’t here but I mean this could give us some good loot so let’s check it out I broke another spawner but within seconds of fighting these guys my total Mama dying got used

My curiosity unfortunately got the best of me because I continued adventuring through here even though I definitely shouldn’t have I soon found this opening to a lower level of The Foundry but when I headed down uh I think things just went bad there’s water here

Let that out let’s see what we can do oh my goodness oh my goodness okay yep I should have known yeah that was that was definitely my fault though uh I came back up to the Village to collect some requests and got this one from Anne that

Wanted another eight Ingot I decided I would complete this Quest even though it very well could be a scam but I only had two ancient debris so I went uh to why level 15 in another in mind with my insane 3×2 pickaxe so I was able to find

Two pieces of ancient debris and literally no time I crafted the nether rating yet I needed and gave it to Anne who gave me one Emerald but also a contract that lets me trade with toolsmiths so that could be useful in the future I had a lot more of these

Contracts just lying around so I finally decided to make a lectern and sign them so now I can actually trade with a good amount of villagers and then did a few more basic quests like learning how to use the Fletching table I gave this villager name conception 12 glowstone

Dust and then I found a villager named Marquita who had an interesting Quest she wanted an hourglass so I crafted that and gave it to her in return for which I got a trading contract for the fishing Guild I then went to another village where I did a few more quests uh

Odell wanted cheers and also emeralds to teach me how to use the loom and then I actually found a villager who taught me how to use the grindstone for 10 emeralds which was a it was a really nice deal I handed in the kangaroo Supply that Lorinda wanted for which I

Got raw beef uh yeah that was not a great reward and after all of that Village questing I decided that I would fight the Wither because that would give me another eye that I needed to reach the end fortunately for me I already had three wither skulls and was able to

Quickly get the Soul Sand I needed and now it was time to fight the Wither so I moved far away from our base and this fight ended up being a lot more challenging than I could have expected Golden Apple up let’s do it come at me man

Oh wow it’s like dashing is this oh my goodness it’s spawning minions whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this is not what I was expecting fight its minions a bit okay wow okay it’s another shot we have a whole Army of its minions following us oh my goodness okay

You know what let’s just use that for a moment I don’t know what it’s doing oh there we go it’s in melee mode okay let’s fight it at melee distance a bit the absorption’s really helping oh boy it just went invisible okay let’s get hits on it what is it doing

Come on come on we got it we got it that was definitely an upgraded version of the Wither I got uh the Wither eye and I also got an extra heart which was nice I was now up to three additional Hearts now at this point I finally decided that it would be

A good idea for me to start brewing potions so that I could be stronger going into fights with bosses however I didn’t have any nether words so I needed to head into the Dreadful nether the plus side was that there was supposedly another eye to be found in the nether so

This would be worth the trip potentially as I was searching I found another one of these pigling Villages and checked inside to see if I could find any another word here but after checking it it didn’t seem like there were any traces of any Netherwood so I continued

Along I then found another Fortress which was perfect because I would be able to collect nether Ward from here but right behind it was this oh my goodness what is over there holy moly look at this oh my goodness and villager Refuge the Elder sanctum wow this is so cool whoa

Holy moly what’s going on in here leering Banner what is that I got a bit sidetracked with a blaze mini boss that I defeated and got a very good epic helmet from and then defeated this Wither Skeleton mini boss who actually dropped netherwort so I was completely

Done with that objective with that I headed back to this insane structure I started adventuring through and in this room uh with a bunch of leaves I found this Hidden Staircase going into a basement I found some gold blocks as well as a chest that had a bunch of lewd

In it including a bunch of oars potions and Epic Level items I progressed through the halls and found more of these chests loaded with loot including an epic crossbow that had two empty sockets on it it inflicts poison and Deals magic damage this thing was insane I then progressed further seeing the

Sword Banner which uh you’ll see why this is very important soon this ended up being a maze which I navigated my way around and ran into a chest that also had a bunch of oars and crossbows again I found a barrel which had some upgraded armor which was decent and soon enough I

Ran up to this whoa is this a sword oh my goodness it was a trap it was a trap but we got the sword I think okay we’re okay I had gotten the legendary sword daybreaker which could make any mob drop gold as a consequence of me collecting the sword the whole

Floor had turned to Lava and I had to Edge my way out of the maze I finally made my way out and broke the banner as a trophy for the sword we found I then continued adventuring through the area and found this main lobby with a lava

Pit and I jumped down to see if there was anything hidden here and there did turn out to be a secret button that opened up the wall to a new hallway there was a lot of ground to cover here and I found more barrels loaded with

Loot and I’m talking a lot of these barrels still none of the eyes that I needed though I ran into some mobs here which gave me the perfect chance to test out the daybreaker and uh well the Wither Skeleton only dropped one Golden Nugget but I did figure out later that

Uh the amount of gold just kind of varies adventuring down here definitely felt like it was never ending because I just found more and more stuff to loot I then saw a mini boss that I mined down to and defeated and there ended up being a whole new underground area here there

Were more hallways here and more chests so one of which actually gave me a really really strong Diamond chest plate that I happily equipped I found out that this was just a section of the nether fortress when I came up some stairs and I then went back to the holy building to

Quickly see what was on the top floor and this place was quite the sight there was this little uh altar with some raw gold and then I adventured through the sides of the structures which had long staircases going up there was mostly just a lot of cool design here but there

Were some barrels and a lot of golden blocks too with that I was finally done adventuring through this huge structure that we had found on the hunt for more eyes I continued my search in the nether I saw a piglet Mansion which I checked out and there were a bunch of these guys

That attacked me right away I defeated the rest of the piglets from outside and then headed inside to see what loot was here it didn’t seem like there was a anything we needed here though so I moved on I then flew into this massive massive building it was full of some

Buffed up piglands and I knew that this place was very dangerous so I kind of ran around a little bit to see what I could find and found seven golden apples in one chest which was really good but I was getting chased down by piglens the whole time and decided that I would

Return here later when I would be better prepared I finally came back home and started preparing to take on the battle tower and its Guardian which uh this this battle tower is uh is is very difficult to defeat as you’ll see soon I started another work farm and brewed

Some strength and Fire Resistance potions and instead of using them normally I wanted to craft these charms which would allow me to activate or deactivate the potion effect whenever I’d want to and it stores it all into one item I needed blaze powder to make those so I headed to another Fortress

And farmed up some blazes with my looting five acts I was able to get 20 blaze rods in no time and with that I headed back home and crafted the strength in fire resistance charms I then also brewed some regeneration potions to craft a regeneration charm as

Well I made sure my gear was all well prepared and headed out in search of a battle tower I saw an ocean Monument while on the search which is definitely a structure we will need to take on in the future and we’ll probably have one

Of the eyes that we need only by day 100 was I able to find a battle tower and so I flew in now in this battle tower I had to collect a total of three keys to summon the guardian of the battle tower The entoned Watcher there are chests on

Each of the levels of the battle tower but to open them you need to break the spawners around them doing this was easy on the first floor but it just gets more and more challenging up until the final floor unfortunately I didn’t get a key from the first chest and on the second

Floor I didn’t get a key Either I got up to the next floor and took check out the spawners here with ease and to my great Fortune the chest here had one of the three keys but when I made my way up to the next four things started to get very

Very dangerous take them out take them out oh boy oh boy taking some damage oh my goodness I came back around to break it and the chest on this layer didn’t have any key unfortunately and remember what the floor we just did looked like um imagine that times five because the

Next floor was like an apocalypse of mobs it was extremely hard to reach the spawners and while trying to do so I got my last totem of undying use I had to be really careful from now on and I formulated a new plant I baited all of

The mobs to me and then broke the spawner that was on the complete opposite side okay and we batted them all down break this spawner okay that’s good as they were now there was just too many mobs to do anything safely I flew back and the room was

Empty which was perfect so I took out the spawner and looted the chest knocking out the first two spawners on the next floor was easy but uh turned out that there was a third spawner and I was struggling to find it big time where are you spawning where do you spawn from

Ah here’s one that’s that’s the one I finally figured it out which was ridiculously hard for me to do but it got the second key as my reward I then made my way up to an even more difficult layer in the mobs here where they were

Like at 10 times the spawn rate this was insane luckily I was able to break the first spawner right away and then bolted for the wall to break out and reset the mobs again so I would have a shot at breaking the other spawners no key here

Though which meant that I had to clear another floor and this was this was getting very dangerous gotta break these fast two boom three broken I was able to quickly take out all the spawners here but started taking massive amounts of damage as soon as I tried to clear the

Mobs out I took a break on the top of the tower and then started slowly bowing each creature down things got very close again so I flew out and in and got a third key it turns out the three keys was all I needed but I thought that I

Needed four and I knew that I had one in my castle so in a Race Against Time hoping to defeat the boss before the sunrise of day 101 I headed to the village that was near the battle tower and to my great great luck there was a

Wastestone here that meant that I was able to teleport back grab the key and zip right back up to the battle tower and fight the final monster guarding it okay we can start the fight let’s go for it four oh I only needed three keys apparently spawning let’s go

There he is there he is okay we just gotta straf away get some hits in oh yeah gotta be a little bit careful should be good to go though oh he’s turned red and let’s get some melee swings boom we got him ocean depths begin to stir oh

Yeah now the tower is breaking so we might want to get lost let’s just head to the bottom here this 100 day adventure was the craziest one I have ever been on but we are not done yet in the world of dawn craft we still have five eyes to collect and an

Ender Dragon to defeat we progressed really far in these 100 days collecting seven of the 12 eyes defeating all of the bosses in the main storyline in building up a full set of Epic gear I honestly just uh I can’t wait to see what we can do in the 200 days

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in DAWNCRAFT in Hardcore Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Suev on 2023-04-19 12:02:44. It has garnered 2050512 views and 51822 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:49 or 6169 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Dawncraft… Here’s What Happened

Dawncraft is a massive modpack that transforms Minecraft into an RPG. In this video I attempt to survive 100 days in this world as I fight through werewolves, ogres, and many other monsters. This is the most I’ve enjoyed a modpack in a while!

⚔ MODPACK (Dawncraft): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/dawn-craft

100 Days Inspiration: @ForgeLabs

🌎 PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/suevreal 👕 MERCH: https://www.suev.shop/

🎮 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/z7Zwdc9

🎃 MY SOCIAL MEDIA! ▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/suevreal ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suevreal ▶ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/suevreal

Business: suev.brand(at)gmail.com

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  • Unbelievable Spiderkloc ep. 6!! Minecraft edition #shizo #clickbait

    Unbelievable Spiderkloc ep. 6!! Minecraft edition #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spiderkloc odcinek 6!!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #spiderman #spiderkloc’, was uploaded by xDsQ on 2024-07-23 10:15:00. It has garnered 7727 views and 641 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. SPAJDER KLOC WOAH OMG ALE SPOKO JAPIDI ALE MEGA WOAH SPIDERRRRRRRRRRRRRKLOOOOOOOOOOOOC ODCINEK SZOSTY, TAK JEST! ALE MEGA GIGA SPOKO SPRAWA!!! #minecraft #minecraftmemes #modminecraft #memes #gaming #minecraftbuilding #mc #farmminecraft #gamingvideos #shorts #minecrafshorts #minecraft rap #minecraft 360 #minecraft 4k #minecraft 666 #minecraft 8k #minecraft enzzi #minecraft 0.0.0 #minecraft 2013 #minecraft bajka #minecraft quiz #minecraft 9/11 #minecraft dungeons #minecraft kingdom #minecraft legends #minecraft trailer #minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the INSANE mayhem when starting Minecraft Bedrock Edition! 😂🎮

    Experience the INSANE mayhem when starting Minecraft Bedrock Edition! 😂🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘POV you boot up Minecraft bedrock edition (funny short)’, was uploaded by MAGgamerz on 2024-05-05 18:42:41. It has garnered 417 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. POV you boot up Minecraft bedrock edition (funny short) #POV #you #boot #up #Minecraft #bedrock #edition (#funny #short) Welcome to my Minecraft channel! In this video, I’ll be sharing some incredible build hacks that will take your Minecraft creations to the next level. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, these tips and tricks will help you build jaw-dropping structures that… Read More

  • Gözlük LIVE: Minecraft LAVA RISES 😱

    Gözlük LIVE: Minecraft LAVA RISES 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘CANLI: Karışık Minecraft – LAV YÜKSELİYOR 😱’, was uploaded by Gözlük on 2024-07-23 07:33:32. It has garnered 8945 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:28 or 6388 seconds. Hello, I’m Gozluk, welcome to my gaming channel. We’re Playing Mixed Minecraft – Roblox Live Broadcast #roblox It was a surprisingly interesting, funny and entertaining gaming video. You can subscribe to my channel to support me. For job interviews ► Contact (Business): [email protected] Hello, I’m Gozluk. I’m here with fun-filled videos. I’m here with entertainment, challenge, comedy, joke, game, montage, reaction and similar… Read More

  • PolyCraft SMP 1.21 GreyList

    Poly-Craft Server Welcome to Poly-Craft, a semi-vanilla Minecraft server with a focus on community. Our map started on 6/26/2024 and we are looking for mature players to join our friendly and active community. Features: Waystone Double Shulker Shells Invisible Item Frames Structure packs Master Stonecutter recipes More Food data pack Chest/Shulker previews /trigger gotospawn Treefeller Graves Come fill out a quick application and get greylisted today! Join us at Polycraft.mcserver.us and chat with us on Discord at https://discord.gg/QVJkSc6R9W. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Americans fail to name country in Minecraft… Seriously, wrong sub?”

    Minecraft Memes - "Americans fail to name country in Minecraft... Seriously, wrong sub?"Well, looks like 90% of Americans aren’t well-versed in Minecraft geography! Maybe they should stick to building houses instead of trying to name countries. Read More

  • Survival Server Unveiled: Menje’s Followers Forge Ahead

    Survival Server Unveiled: Menje's Followers Forge Ahead In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Menje’s Followers Server is a gamer’s dream. Join the Discord, link up with the crew, Survival and fun, there’s so much to do. Menje’s the name, with skills to flaunt, Streaming on Twitch, every move on point. Instagram pics, showing off the game, With music by Kevin MacLeod, setting the frame. Sneaky Snitch playing, as the adventure unfolds, Fair use in action, as the story is told. Copyright claims, a hurdle to face, But Menje’s got it covered, with style and grace. So follow along, as the journey begins, In… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Unbelievable Mishap in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Mishap in Minecraft! The Latest in Minecraft: Exploring New Features and Updates As Minecraft continues to captivate gamers worldwide, the community eagerly anticipates new updates and features that enhance the gameplay experience. Let’s delve into some of the recent developments that have taken the Minecraft world by storm. Exciting New Builds and Art One of the most appealing aspects of Minecraft is the endless creativity it offers to players. From intricate castles to sprawling cities, the possibilities are truly limitless. The #minecraftbuild and #minecraftart communities showcase stunning creations that push the boundaries of imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or a newcomer,… Read More

  • Sneaky Prank on Friend Goes Wrong

    Sneaky Prank on Friend Goes Wrong Minecraft Adventures with Jack Murga Palk🤣 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft with Jack Murga Palk! Dive into the realm of #gamerfleet and #shorts as you embark on thrilling adventures in this popular sandbox game. Exploring FleetSMP Join Jackbhaiya and the FleetSMP crew as they navigate through the virtual landscapes of FleetSMP Sunday. From hilarious roasts to epic battles, every moment is filled with excitement and laughter. Witness the rivalry between Jack and Bob, the scams, the pranks, and the ultimate showdowns that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Meet the Characters From the mischievous Jackbhaiya… Read More

  • 3RICtion – DREAM RETURNS and TRANSFORMS Minecraft! (Manhunt 2 included)

    3RICtion - DREAM RETURNS and TRANSFORMS Minecraft! (Manhunt 2 included)Video Information This video, titled ‘DREAM IS BACK and Changed Minecraft FOREVER (also Manhunt 2)’, was uploaded by 3RICtion on 2024-07-30 09:22:10. It has garnered 4066 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:53 or 953 seconds. This video me and my friend jasper discuss, review, and reaction to dream’s new video after 7 month break and all the drama. Ty dream for commenting Manhunt 2 is coming as well. minecraft vr fusion humans dream is back I added humans to minecraft reaction TWITCH: https://twitch.tv/3rictionyt DISCORD: https://discord.gg/zGGutyWX4t TWITTER: https://twitter.com/3RICtion INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/3riction TICKETS: https://www.tiktok.com/@3riction Read More

  • Haunted Pizza Job Exposed!

    Haunted Pizza Job Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Working at a cursed pizza place 🙀’, was uploaded by @Bobby TV on 2024-09-11 11:01:24. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:19 or 739 seconds. #dankmemes #meme #memes #minecraft #roblox #robloxedits #robloxmemes #adoptme #bloxburg #dank Read More

  • Enderman DESTROYS my Minecraft World!!!

    Enderman DESTROYS my Minecraft World!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman Ruins my Minecraft World’, was uploaded by Clevooo on 2024-06-13 12:19:29. It has garnered 57924 views and 5076 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #shorts​ #Minecraft​ #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme Read More

  • “Aayan Ansarii mind-blowing Minecraft logic 💥” #trending

    "Aayan Ansarii mind-blowing Minecraft logic 💥" #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic💀 #youtubeshorts #shorts #trending #viral #logic @MrBeast’, was uploaded by Aayan Ansarii on 2024-01-10 03:16:24. It has garnered 7877 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Meets Elder Scrolls Online: Epic Fantasy Mashup!

    Minecraft Meets Elder Scrolls Online: Epic Fantasy Mashup!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Elder Scrolls Online Meets Minecraft: Shale Ahmad’s Journey Through Fantasy and Creativity’, was uploaded by Shale Ahmad on 2024-08-24 15:01:07. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:24 or 4944 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to Shale Ahmad’s Gaming World! 🌟 Dive into a dual adventure with Shale Ahmad as we explore the immersive realms of The Elder Scrolls Online and Minecraft. Whether you’re drawn to epic quests or imaginative building, this video has something exciting for every gamer. What’s Inside: The Elder Scrolls Online Adventures: Epic Quests &… Read More

  • Escape Fail: Trapped 4 Times in Minecraft Funland! 🤣🪤

    Escape Fail: Trapped 4 Times in Minecraft Funland! 🤣🪤Video Information This video, titled ‘I got trapped 4 times in minecraft😂🪤4️⃣’, was uploaded by Funland on 2024-08-02 20:51:00. It has garnered 37 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. In this video, I got pranked four times While playing Minecraft. Watch this video and see witch trap is your favourite! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our channel it would help a lot and we would appreciate it a lot. Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Hacks for Minecraft Action

    Ultimate Survival Hacks for Minecraft ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creative Solutions Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Enter Action gaming on 2024-05-09 09:52:06. It has garnered 51 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. In this intense episode of Minecraft Survival, join me as we face a critical challenge: NO FOOD in our castle! With hunger gripping our virtual world, we embark on a desperate quest to scavenge, farm, and cook whatever we can to survive. Will we conquer the hunger games or fall victim to the famine? Watch now to find out! Don’t forget to leave a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rocket Launch 😱

    Insane Minecraft Rocket Launch 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rocket 🚀’, was uploaded by Lolnz on 2024-07-23 03:27:23. It has garnered 10121 views and 330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #lolnz #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming #minecraftvideos #shorts #trending #viral #fypシ゚viral Read More

  • Epic Minecraft madness! Poi Poi gameplay 🔥

    Epic Minecraft madness! Poi Poi gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poi Poi #minecraft #uhuru #memes #trending #shortsfeed #gaming #daily #minecraftmemes #funny #edit’, was uploaded by Stenoky PlayzZ on 2024-08-08 09:35:55. It has garnered 13369 views and 1143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Poi Poi #minecraft #uhuru #memes #trending #shortsfeed #gaming #daily #minecraftmemes #funny #edit Your queries :- minecraft shorts,#minecraftshorts,minecraft sad shorts,minecraft story,minecraft gaming shorts,minecraft trending shorts,minecraft moments,minecraft but,minecraft sad,minecraft help,minecraft trend,yt shorts,minecraft,minecraft tiktok,sad shorts,#minecraft,minecraft funny moments,minecraft tiktoks,helping shorts,minecraftmemes,minecraft always help,emoz shorts,help shorts,trending shorts,#minecraftmemes,minecraft funny,#minecrafthacks,story shortsminecraft,minecraft mods,minecraft funny,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft aphmau,shorts minecraft,aphmau minecraft pranks,minecraft realistic physics,minecraft but i cant touch… Read More

  • Minesfera

    MinesferaServidor en Español Semi-Premium. Survival y Skyblock RPG con Misiones, Clases, Ciudades (Towny), Comercio, Arena y mucho más. ¿Minecraft Survival se te sabe a poco? ¡Prueba Minesfera con su Survival RPG! Grandes aventuras te esperan juega.minesfera.es Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.21 Discord DiscordSRV Bluemap Voice Plugin Coreprotect Age 16+ Crossplay

    Welcome to Our Community! Tired of your SMP dying off? Our community has stuck together because of our shared interest in Minecraft. Join our Discord server to play a variety of games with other members while keeping Minecraft at the center of it all. We welcome dedicated players who share similar gaming interests. Why Join Us? Major build projects are always underway and we have a friendly and mature community. We are light on rules but do not tolerate hackers or griefers. Respect other players and you will fit right in! Join Our Server All members must join our Discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine spotted in latest flick!!!

    I guess Herobrine finally landed his big break in Hollywood! Read More

  • Island Survival: Building Frenzy Unleashed!

    Island Survival: Building Frenzy Unleashed! In this Minecraft world, a small island to survive, Building structures, keeping creativity alive. From docks to mines, each task a delight, Crafting and creating, under the sun’s light. The island grows, with each block placed, A world of adventure, never to be erased. So join me on this journey, let’s explore and play, In this Minecraft world, where we’ll always stay. Read More

  • Minecraft Movie: Hot Mess 🤡

    Minecraft Movie: Hot Mess 🤡 Why did the creeper go to the movies? Because he heard it was a blast! 🤣 #minecraftmovie #creeperjokes Read More

  • Minecraft Goes Industrial

    Minecraft Goes Industrial The Industrial Revolution Comes to Minecraft Imagine a world where the industrial revolution has taken hold in the pixelated realm of Minecraft. Thanks to a new mod created for Minecraft 1.21 on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, players can experience a whole new level of technological advancement within the game. Features of the Mod This innovative mod brings a range of new features to Minecraft, inspired by the industrial revolution. Players can now explore new crafting recipes, machinery, and automation systems that revolutionize the way they interact with the game world. Key features of the mod include: New crafting… Read More

  • Unlock the Ultimate Cartoon World in Minecraft – Find the Perfect Size!

    Unlock the Ultimate Cartoon World in Minecraft - Find the Perfect Size!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-09-04 13:01:09. It has garnered 2520 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:36 or 1956 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Secretly Building Easy Item Sorter

    Secretly Building Easy Item SorterVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Long Will It Take Me To Build The Easiest Item Sorter?’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-05-26 07:43:14. It has garnered 16089 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 06:02:59 or 21779 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Making The Biggest Build EVER! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More

I Survived 100 Days in DAWNCRAFT in Hardcore Minecraft!