I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft… Here’s What Happened

Video Information

In this video i survived 100 days on hardcore minecraft i’m sure everybody here knows what hardcore minecraft is but basically if you die you die there are no respawns your entire world gets deleted which means so does all your hard work and all your happiness this is my first hardcore

World and actually got a lot of stuff done this is the hardest difficulty on minecraft and with all that being said this is my 100 days on hardcore minecraft and just one quick favor please subscribe and like this video i started off day one with you guessed

It fisting some wood we’re all familiar with the wood and especially us guys so i just decided to fast forward this entire part just to save you some time but i did make a axe to speed up the process and i mined a whole bunch of wood i then

Went exploring and i knew i would get hungry so i saw some cows and i just murdered all the animals i saw and when i mean all the animals i literally mean every single animal after killing the entire animal kingdom i saw some mushrooms and for some reason i decided

To get some to make mushroom stew even though it just killed all the animals in this world i then upgraded all my tools to stone and then i found this big ravine which i made my safe way down and i mined a whole bunch of iron

Once i mod enough iron i made my safe way up and for some reason i thought it’d be a good idea to fight this creeper it left me at one heart and i was super scared that a skeleton would shoot me with an arrow luckily they didn’t and i just killed

All these sheep i then climbed mount everest hoping there wasn’t any mobs up there i made a bed and went right to sleep on day two i decided to go mining early because i don’t really like mining so i made myself a shield some iron tools some iron armor and i went mining

I then found this abandoned mine shaft which led me to a pretty big ravine and actually found a lot of diamonds in this ravine i usually don’t find diamonds in ravines but today was my lucky day i then walked like 10 blocks to this lava pit

And i found diamonds right in front of me luckily i mined those two blocks of stone or wouldn’t have found it and i swear it wasn’t x-ray but i guess that’s something an x-ray would say here’s a quick montage of all the diamonds on mine this took like two hours

I finally made my way out and i spotted a village right beside me so day seven to eleven i went exploring i didn’t find anything good in the village but i did find two emeralds i also stole all their carrots and potatoes so i guess it was worth it as i

Ran around looking for a place to call home i found this cool little mob spawner in the side of a mountain i was thinking of setting up my home there but i knew i would find something better i then went to bed facing the sunset what a beautiful block game once i woke

Up on day 12 i was pretty determined to find myself a new home i’ve been living on the streets for way too long i then ran into a bind with a whole bunch of flowers i have no idea what the biome is called but i built up to take a good look from

Above and i really like this place i also found this cool little mountain area with like a whole bunch of floating islands and it seemed pretty cool but i liked my flower biome a little bit more now how many is that i then made my way

Up to where i wanted to build my house set down my crafting table i claimed my territory i cleared out the entire area got my trusty shovel and i started terraforming the mountains and this is what it looked like when it was all complete on day 13 of 14

I continued making my house i made some windows i then went to grab some sand so i can make some glass i mined a whole bunch of spruce wood for my floor and i kept working on my house with the sun setting i quickly finished the floor because i didn’t want to stay

The night once i finished the floor i plopped my bed down in front of the sunset and i went to bed again on day 15 i did the same exact thing i made my house how exciting i made my ceiling out of spruce wood and i just

Ran out of blocks so i had to place a full block i checked inside and it looked pretty ugly because i was using slabs but then i put these full blocks beside it and it looked like they were support pillars or something so i thought it was pretty cool

After 15 days of being homeless i finally moved in and had a place to stay the next day i found a cow roaming outside my house so i made some fences and i decided to put him in captivity from now on he is my dedicated meat producer the industrial revolution

Is coming soon enough i’m going to own the biggest burger business on minecraft even though i’m the only one living on this world i then spend the rest of my day adding some little details to my house and making it look a little bit more pretty after all

That boring building stuff is out the way i dedicated day 17 to 25 looking for a village to borrow some bookshelves i also collected a whole bunch of sugar cane i found just to make some paper if i wasn’t lucky enough to find a village

One jump cut later i did find a village but there wasn’t any bookshelves right before i went to bed i found another village right where the sun was setting unfortunately they literally had nothing it was a pretty big village but they had zero bookshelves you know when you just found a village

You got really excited well i’ve been getting scammed all the villages i find literally have nothing so for a desperate attempt for bookshelves i decide to kill some horses and cows for their leather hopefully no vegans are watching if you are vegan please close your eyes but it’s probably too late for that

And i totally regret killing this donkey because the noise it made when it died really hit me in the heart i then found my first nether portal ruin stole its gold blocks and actually found a super golden apple i think that’s what it’s called the next day i lured another cow

Into my burger factory then the two cows made love after that i dedicated the next two days working on my farm and this actually took a lot longer than i expected because i kept running out of resources and i had to clear all the trees and terraform the land

After this insane transition i used day 29-34 to build my bridge because i was so sick of jumping into the water every time i wanted to go to my farm i’m sorry for all the boring building but i decided to speed this process up for you guys

After the bridge i made a staircase up to my house and this took a really long time too because i really suck at building and i also made a second bridge that i didn’t show you guys but you’ll see later on in the video and try not to roast me like a grilled

Chicken for my uh crappy building it took me like three hours to do all this so hopefully you guys think it looks good too because i kind of like it on day 35 i wanted to make a full level 30 enchantment table it’s kind of sad i’m making it now

Because i’ve had diamonds since like the second day and now i’m making the enchantment table for some reason so i’m pretty late on that but at least the uh enchantment table area looks pretty nice the next couple of days i dedicated this time to get an enchantment table for some reason i

Could not find any lava pits underground so i had to take individual lavas to get the four obsidian and this entire process really pissed me off because it took way longer than it should have took me two full days to just find lava i probably could have just dug straight

Down and found enough lava but for some reason i just explored i finally made my way out of the cave and i started getting ganged by like 14 skeletons and i was actually getting kind of scared but i didn’t realize i had like nine and a half hearts

I then got my last piece of obsidian it took way too long to get that and the sun was rising so now it is day 39 i made my enchantment table and plopped it down i got some lapis and i got my first enchantment on my diamond pickaxe and i

Luckily got on breaking 3 efficiency 4. then i took a good look at my cow prison and i felt really bad for them so i decided to spend the next couple of days working on their new prison i gathered some resources i changed up the blocks i increased the size

And hopefully the cows feel better being my meat producers this way they will produce better meat and it tastes much better for my customers and then broke down their walls and let them free only to be stuck in a bigger jail and there we go their prison looks a lot

Better now and now i can start my mass production of burgers i then spent the next day playing with some enchantments to see what i can get and i ended up getting a silk touch book from a level 30 enchantment i also spent day 43 to 45 making a little mine shaft area

And i’m planning to make a bridge connecting it together but i didn’t record it on day 46 i spent the time making a staircase all the way down to my shirt mine and i spent some time mining for diamonds with enough levels i decided to make another diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword

I enchanted it and got efficiency for unbreaking three again which is awesome and i went mining once again my shirt mine then led to a little cave and i found a mop spawner here and it was a zombie spawner so i grabbed a whole bunch of blocks so i can make a grinder

And that’s what i did on day 48 to 51. i had them float above ground so i can have like a nice view of them going across this little glass area i thought it looked pretty cool i then mined a giant opening to my mob grinder

And a big staircase and once it was all finished and they were spawning i spent the entire day 52 just grinding xp so i can enchant some tools i then combine my pickaxe with my silk touch book and i named it the monkey maker 3.0 for some reason i’m not sure what

Happened to version 1 and 2 but that’s what i called it and i spent the rest of day 53 doing the same thing and grinding for xp mod spawner is a lot slower than i thought i thought it’d be a lot faster but it takes me a long time to get xp

I then spent the next two days just enchanting stuff and making some diamond armor for the first time i got a nice protection for unbreaking three chest plate and pants which are really nice i need a bit more got some boots protection for breaking three again which is amazing

And i wanted to head to the nether so i made myself a gold helmet and i enchanted it and also got protection for unbreaking three now that i’m all suited up to go to the nether i went to go grab some obsidian to make my nether portal

Which is what i did on day 56 i grabbed what i needed like gold to trade it with those piglins i started enchanting my bow on day 56 to 58 which took a really long time because i had an enchant like 15 different bows to get the bow i

Really wanted with with infinity power 4 punch and all that stuff i then crafted my nether portal in the middle of the water just so there’s some space for me to design it later now that i’m all suited up i have my bow my two pickaxes to get some nether right

That is my goal i have some gold ingots to traverse for some ender pearls uh super golden apple some water buckets and cauldron and the golden apple just like my plan b if i’m just about to die that’s like my last resort hopefully i can find another

Fortress and get some blazer rods but who knows how lucky i get once i spawned in i started panicking a little bit i didn’t want to die to those cake looking things with the horns and stuff because those things really scared me and i don’t like them at all so

I built it right up and covered my nether portal just so i don’t die if i spawn in and speaking about lucky right where my nether spawn there is a fortress right beside me how lucky is that and guess what like 10 blocks ahead there was a blaze spawner right there

I got so lucky so day 60 to 62 i spent killing blazes and collecting some blazer rods so i can make some eye of ender so i can head to the end and kill the ender dragon later in the video and hopefully get an elytra i was pretty scared killing these blazes

Because i really didn’t want to catch fire it’s because i played fundy’s nightmare challenge when you catch on fire you lose health so fast i’m so used to that but you don’t lose health that fast in vanilla after a really long time killing blazes i finally got enough blazes to leave and go

Find some piglets to trade with so i can get some ender pearls and once i left i found another blaze spawner close by this would be amazing place to start a grinder so i might do that in another episode and then i started throwing some gold at

Some piglets and i have a lot of experience with that in real life just throwing money out to people i’m not gonna say where and i just witnessed the baby piglet and steal my gold and run away i then mined this glowstone looking thing i have no idea what this is called

But it looks pretty cool and i started trading with some more piglets to try to get some more ender pearls i trapped them in a hole so i can just throw gold at them like it’s uh you know you know what i’m talking about you know the places with the polls

And like the businessmen that are like a really popular place to go to at night where you just have business meetings and they’re just like long poles everywhere and there’s just money being thrown around like it’s a stock market you don’t talk no or maybe i’m just the only one

Nevermind after throwing a stack and a half of gold and getting nothing in return just like in real life i decided to go mine for some nether right for the first time ever but then i hit a really big dry spot and this entire area is what i mined with a zero

Netherright found that was like an hour of mining i finally broke my dry spell and found some more netherrate and i found some more right after and i think i ended up with around 16 at the rate which was around like two and a half hours of mining so i decided to go

Back home oh it was so nice seeing the daylight again i don’t see red everywhere and devil i just see a beautiful skies and a lot of flowers this is what i got for mining i got a whole bunch of black stone whole bunch of nether quartz some netherright and some random stuff

From trading i actually got seven ender pearls from trading which isn’t too bad i think after two hours of mining i completely destroyed both my pickaxes so on day 71 i enchanted another pickaxe and luckily i got a feature z4 on breaking three once again i then started

To smelt my nether right that i mined in the nether i got another rice scraps and i combined it with some gold ingots to make the nether ingots i made my smithing table to combine my armor with another and then the first thing combined was my diamond pickaxe with netherright

And i made myself another right pickaxe my first one ever i was pretty excited about this i then made that the right leggings for some reason i chose pants out of everything else and then i actually started looking like a pro minecraft gamer i also made a

Method right chest plate so i’m fully decked out another right armor and soon i’ll be ready to fight the ender dragon then i gave all my cows a really good time until i slaughtered them all and eat them on day 72 to 75 i went mining and used my silk touch pickaxe

And i’m running under diamonds because the last of my mind was all the way back on day two as i was mining i found these three skeletons that were beefing with each other after one skeleton died one of the skeletons shot the other in the back of

The head and then i’d assert my dominance and kill them yeah sorry bro i’m the king here in the same exact cave where the skeletons were beefing i found some diamonds and then i found this ravine and then i saw this little slime just jumping around

I’m not sure where his parents are but i decided to kill him for his slime balls and obviously it dropped two my goal was also to find a horse and i brought a saddle with me so i found these patches of horses after mining and i finally tamed one

I put the saddle on him and the armor and he was decently fast but not the fastest horse i’ve ever had and then like a couple seconds later i jumped and my god this guy touched the moon i was so shocked on how high he could

Jump for my first horse i ever found as you can see i was pretty in shock i just stood in one spot and kept jumping so i had to do a test i put some blocks down i made it four blocks high i grabbed my horse and i tried jumping

To see how high he could jump and my god he could really jump four blocks his skin color does not lie i really like this horse and i got really overconfident so i started jumping over mobs and anything that came in my way i then jumped over a creeper and i was

Just overconfident i loved my guy so i first thought of the name michael and the last name jordan but i didn’t think that suited him enough so i decided to change his name to oswald and i think that’s a better name for my horse luckily i got the balls of

That slime i found when i was mining and i made a lead i then tied him up right beside my house and he just seemed so happy that his name is oswald and that i’m his owner now so lucky him i then start to enchant some iron

Pickaxes because i really want to get fortune 3. i didn’t have any diamonds left and all the diamonds i did get mining they’re in diamond ore and i didn’t want to mine them with a normal pickaxe so i tried getting fortune on a iron pickaxe and then this happened

Of course the creeper just had to sneak up on me don’t we all just hate creepers man they’re always so sneaky with their two little legs or whatever ugly looking legs they have but anyways i was too lazy to use my grinder because it was kind of slow so i

Decided to try to get some xp by minding some nether quartz and smelting stuff my zombie grinder was a little slower than i expected so i have to sit there and wait for like 20-30 minutes just to get level 30. so it takes me a while so i just decided to do

This because i had a whole bunch of ore laying around i didn’t use i then put my iron pickaxe in the champion table and i got fortune three let’s go i was so excited it took me so long to get this and i finally got it so i then

Put all my diamond ores down and i use my fortune three after that i decided to go on another big mining spree so i spent the next three days just straight up mining for diamonds all i was looking for was diamonds i was like the kid that got a new toy

And i just bring it everywhere i go and just really want to use that toy that was me with my fortune 3 iron pickaxe on day 77 and yes i know i’m pretty slow at everything but i decided to take my time on this world because i don’t usually play survival i

Then finished mining and came back with 49 diamonds on day 81 i decided to do a little bit of work all around my base so i just harvested all my wheat and harvested all my potatoes even though i don’t really use potatoes i harvested all my carrots and then this

Random piece of bacon kept following me around so i decided to feed them i forcefully made all my cows make love and reproduce and i finally started lighting up my area and all the islands surrounding me on day 81 i was lighting up places around me so no mobs spawn

I am so late to everything while i was lighting up the area i found these two endermen and then i politely stole their pearls i only got one but that’s all right whatever amount of enterprise will help me get to the end so i’m planning to kill the ender dragon very very soon

And this is what my area looks like all lit up it looks very beautiful i’m planning to set up a whole bunch of random stuff on these islands so each island serves a different function like one island will be villagers one would be like breeding or something but that’ll be another video

So let me know in the comments if you guys want to see a day 200 and i’ll do one for you guys on day 82 i decided to revamp my nether portal so i made this very cool area and i built a custom nether portal i also want to grab

Some lava to add to the cool effect of my nether portal make it look super nathery kinda hopefully the building doesn’t bore you guys too much this is what it looks like i think it looks really good it definitely looks way better than a regular nether portal

Just sitting in the corner of your base on day 84 i decided to grab some villagers luckily i had a village pretty close to me it was right across the water so i went to grab one with my boat we illegally crossed the border and i threw them into this glass

Containment center only for research purposes you know like not to sexually abuse them this is solely for research 100 i then grabbed another villager and this guy tried escaping my prison i mean my abuse i mean my uh research department yeah this is my research center but this guy this guy was smart

He knew what was up so we tried escaping but but with some kind words i politely talked him right back into the cell i definitely did not punch him if there were no cameras and no footage of it there’s no proof and then he manages to escape again i didn’t even realize

So i had to chase him down and i grabbed him into my police car and i drove him right back into the cell get back in there yeah all these guys trying to escape while i was clearing the area i heard some footsteps i was like oh no and

Both of them escaped i have no idea how so i had to chase them down again i had to call in some backup but i finally got them in and this time they were not going anywhere i had the place locked down and then day 85 guess what happened both

Of them turned into zombie villagers i have no idea how i didn’t see another zombie nearby to infect them but it just happened and i wasn’t mad about it because i didn’t like these two villagers so i went back to the village and grabbed two more villagers and i made the entire

Breeding area off-camera i didn’t want to bore you guys but then to finish off day 85 i decided to revamp my chest area i added more chests and i organized everything because i was a mess earlier the next day on day 86 i was feeling pretty good in the morning so i decided

To go crowd surfing on top of all my cows and wow i had way too many cows man i then quickly checked up on my villagers and they were making love pretty brave of them to make love right in front of me but they weren’t breeding at all

So i decided to trade a little bit with the farmer to see if it would convince him to breed with the other guy maybe the other guy was too ugly or something or i have no idea that’s their problem and on day 87 i decided to build

A bridge to connect my main island to the mob grinder island the bridge looks pretty sick in my eyes i’m not the best builder so don’t judge me but i think it looks pretty good and then there’s this area let’s just forget about that day 88 this

Was dedicated to practicing my aim i had to kill the ender dragon soon and i didn’t have much experience with the bow so i needed target practice and what better way to shoot an arrow in a big crowd of cows this way i’ll never miss and i took it a little

Too far by shooting it literally across the country look how far i was my arrow just went right at a render distance i couldn’t see if i hit any cows but let’s just say i did i then just went back and killed all the adult cows that is not cruel at all when

I was practicing aiming with my boat on those cows i unfortunately had to witness this tragedy yup you guys all witnessed it here first a bunny just jumped off a cliff a little too high snapped his ankles broke his legs and just disappeared and died how tragic

I decided to make an idol frame and put his remains in the item frame and made a little sign rest in peace the bunny i met for literally two and a half milliseconds but i had to move on with my date on day 89 i decided to enchant some boots and some helmets

I was planning to fight the enemy dragon soon so i had to get prepared as i was enchanting minding my own business i got attacked by two phantoms this was my first time ever encountering phantoms and it scared the pupa to me i then killed them with my trusty bow

And one of them dropped their membrane which was a very polite gift but this came in handy to make some slow falling potions for the ender dragon after fighting the phantoms i got pretty hungry and grabbed the nearest food source i could find let me tell you this

Was pretty good i’m not sure what i ate but it was pretty tasty and day 90 was my preparation day i tried to get feather fallen 4 i got myself another right helmet i made my eyes of ender and i really wanted to make some slow falling potions just to

Save me so i went to the nether to grab some nether words really quickly then this wither skeleton sneaked up on me i killed it and guess what it dropped that’s right he dropped his head i decapitated him i’m pretty sure that was my first or second wither skeleton i killed

In this world so i got pretty lucky i then killed two other ones hoping i’ll get just as lucky but i didn’t i then started to brew my slow falling potions and i was all set up by my nephrite armor my sword pickaxe i brought my trusty bow some golden

Apples i even brought a super golden apple and i hopped on oswald and i made my journey to the end and i was ready to kill the ender dragon i then made it up to the top of the mountain and threw another one and led me in the same direction once

Nightfall came i was having a lot of fun shooting all these mods with my arrows and then another tragedy happened I unfortunately aimed a little too low and shot oswald right in the back of the head this was the saddest moment of my life i made him a little grave i set my prayers and i went on about my journey to kill the ender dragon without oswald

About a thousand blocks later i shot my eye of ender and i went straight down so mine straight down and i found the first signs of the stronghold i went inside and it took me literally 35 minutes to find this thing it was a huge stronghold and i could not

Find it to save my life i then found this chest and had a saddle in it which unfortunately reminded me of the death of oswald on day 93 i finally found the end portal and i got so lucky there were only six empty end portals and i only had six

Eyes of ender i got so lucky i lit up the portal and the time has come guys it’s time to kill the ender dragon took the leap of faith in honor of oswald i spawned floating in the middle of nowhere so i quickly panicked and started bridging to the main island so i

Don’t get knocked off it’s always the scariest moments figuring out where you’re gonna spawn because sometimes you just spawn in the middle of nowhere like what happened to me i loaded up my boat took my first shot and bang i hit it right on the spot took my second shot and bang

I literally don’t miss took my third i hit it took my fourth i hit it and then i whipped on my fifth i dragged my slow falling potion so i can pillar up to the ones i can’t reach i then shot the remaining crystals that i could hit

There goes one there goes two and then there goes the third and this was a pillar that was way too high for me to hit i didn’t want to waste any time so i started pillaring up the dragon then flew by really close to me and i was so afraid

It’s gonna hit me off luckily i had slow falling i then took out the two remaining crystals and i was left with the very last one the dragon shot his stanky ass breath at me good thing i brought nose plugs so i built up he shot another one and he just missed

Me and then i took out the last crystal with all the crystals down in record time i could focus on killing the ender dragon i took the leap and i started to light the dragon up with my arrows i literally could not miss i then swung my sword into his butt a

Couple of times and i started to light his ass up one more time and at this point i literally could not miss i was so locked in this man had no idea what to do he was just flying in circles he had nowhere to go because my arrows would just find him

No matter where he was and no matter how far he was i literally could not miss look how oh my god and then he flew right by me and i missed the closest shot possible and then he came down to give me the throne i swung my sword a couple times

And i slayed the ender dragon let’s go it only took 93 days and then i tried getting his egg to claim his child i right clicked it and it fell right into the portal yep that is gone for good i have no idea where it went

I searched around i thought it would be like around but it wasn’t and then built up to the little end city portal thing i know what it was it called and shaman a pearl inside and i’m in the new end world i’ve only been here a couple of times so

It’s still pretty new to me i killed some endermen for some ender pearl so i can go across the islands and then i found my first little city or house or whatever it’s called i then fought these shulkers it took me a while to figure out why

They were teleporting as you can see i was so confused where he went i was then having an intense battle in like this column with a whole bunch of shulkers i was kind of panicking because there’s so many things shooting at you and so many noises

And i didn’t know they deflect the arrow so i was just shooting arrows at myself and catching myself on fire i had no idea what was going on there were just so many things happening at once it was pretty funny if you’re watching this and watching me panic i then got

The hang of it and started killing a whole bunch of shulkers found this chest with a decent sword and i killed some more shelters this was my second city i found and i turned left and guess what i found another one and keep in mind this is like an hour of

Footage as you know it takes you forever to find these cities through enderpearl and i got way too close to the edge than i liked and then killed more shulkers like usual literally an hour later i finally found the city i was looking for cleared out the entire city and then

Built up to the ship broke the blocks killed the shulker protecting the elytra and there it was the wings it took me literally two hours of just straight running to find these i grabbed it and i was so happy to have these oh my god it’s gonna

Make traveling so much easier and then i went to the front of the ship and stole the dragon head and i finally got the elytra and dragon head on day 98 99 i then put the dragon head on and i thought i looked pretty sick and right behind me i noticed something

I turned around and guess what i saw saw one of those portals to bring me back home i was so happy i’m so happy i didn’t have to run like a thousand more blocks to find one and there it is the iconic credits that nobody reads sorry not sorry mojang i actually didn’t

Use any of my god apples and i killed the ender dragon in less than four minutes like i still had my slow falling by the time i got into the end city so i killed the dragon pretty quick on my very last day of my hardcore world on day 100 i

Renamed my elytra to cookie wings i didn’t have a better name so that’s the first that came to mind i’m not that creative i then crafted some rockets and here’s my first flight hopefully don’t die and let’s go baby i feel like superman it took me like two

Hours to find these wings when i could have just bought red bull at my local convenience store but it was all worth it these 100 days were extremely fun i spent the rest of the day just flying around and i was super excited my electro was actually kind of

Damaged already and this is what i ended up with to finish off my 100d i had another right armor another pickaxe and my elytra wither head a whole bunch of diamonds whole bunch of tools i enchanted a lot of enchantment books 33 shulker shells i have no idea how many chests

That will make out the head and i’ll continue all my stuff and make my shoulder shells and everything on my next day 200 if you guys want to see that so comment that down below if you guys want to see a day 200 but i’m gonna give you guys one last

Walkthrough through my hardcore world before this video ends here’s my farm a couple of my bridges and my walkways across the water my little mine shaft where i do all my stripping i mean my shirt mining here’s the giant bridge i made is my nether portal that i spent way too long

Decorating i think it looks amazing i love this black stone and the details are added to this just to spice up my world a little bit more and on day 200 my plan is to conquer all these islands beside me i’m planning to make a whole bunch of bridges and like

Connect them all each island will serve its own function and that is my goal for the next day 200 if you guys want to see that but thank you guys so much for watching this video if you even made it here i appreciate you guys thank you so much

For watching this entire thing it was a really fun journey way too many hours of footage but i had fun if you guys are new here please subscribe to my channel i’ll be uploading more of the survival hardcore stuff i’ve been having a lot of fun i hope you guys enjoyed watching this

And let me know in the comments if you guys want to see more turn on post notifications like the video do all that stuff that would mean a lot to me thank you guys so much and yeah i hope you guys have a good day stay safe and i’ll see you guys on

Day 200.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft… Here’s What Happened’, was uploaded by aCookieGod on 2021-01-22 13:00:10. It has garnered 3995392 views and 121884 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:42 or 1722 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft

In this video, I survived 100 days in HARDCORE Minecraft on version 1.16.4. This was a big challenge for me because I don’t usually play vanilla survival. I mined a lot of Diamonds, Ancient Debris (Netherite), got an Elytra, and finally killed the Ender Dragon!

★ I hope you enjoyed the video, if you did please SUBSCRIBE! 🙂

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》 Music from Epidemic Sounds 》”100 Days” Inspired by @LukeTheNotable

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#minecrafthardcore #100days #hardcoremode

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

    Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Animation vs. Minecraft Exploring New Episodes Join Animation vs. Minecraft for 60 minutes of thrilling adventures in their latest episodes. From facing off against dragons to navigating through challenging landscapes, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Minecraft. Exciting Moments Experience the adrenaline rush as the characters dive into action-packed scenarios. From intense battles to unexpected discoveries, each moment is filled with suspense and excitement. Voices by Dippidd Listen to the talented voice acting by Dippidd, bringing the characters to life with their unique personalities and emotions. Each voice adds depth and authenticity to… Read More


Title: "BABY WORKER & HASAN MASTER CITY BUILD! - Minecraft Minecraft: Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi Develop a City! In a recent Minecraft video, Hasan Usta and his son Bebek İşçi are seen working together to develop a city. The duo transforms their city into a bustling metropolis, attracting a plethora of new residents and filling the city to the brim with life. City Development in Minecraft Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi’s city development project in Minecraft showcases the creative and strategic aspects of the game. From constructing buildings to managing resources, the duo’s efforts result in a vibrant and thriving cityscape. New Residents and City Expansion As Hasan… Read More

  • Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft

    Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft Minecraft: “Illager Castle Raid” The peaceful village’s old castle has fallen into the hands of the menacing Pillagers in Minecraft’s latest event, the “Illager Castle Raid.” Players must rise to the challenge and reclaim the castle from these hostile invaders to restore peace to the land. Music and Map To set the tone for this epic battle, players can immerse themselves in the original soundtrack “Teeth In” from Tower Defense X, composed by “The Gee J.” The intense music will keep players on the edge of their seats as they navigate through the Villager VS Illager Castle map created… Read More

  • Minecraft’s New Era Unveiled!

    Minecraft's New Era Unveiled! Minecraft Enters a New Era with Distant Horizons The latest Early Access version of Distant Horizons is revolutionizing the Minecraft experience. Players can now load an impressive number of chunks while using shaders, resulting in breathtaking visuals that are simply mind-blowing. What’s even more impressive is that this mod has minimal impact on performance, surprising many. Mods Enhancing the Experience Several mods are contributing to this new era of Minecraft: Tectonic: This mod can be found on Modrinth and offers unique features to enhance gameplay. Indium: Another mod available on Modrinth, Indium adds even more depth to the game…. Read More

  • Minecraft Mob Vote Fails

    Minecraft Mob Vote Fails Minecraft Mob Votes: A Look Into the Community’s Choices Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players have the opportunity to shape the game through mob votes. These events allow the community to decide which new creatures will be added to the game, creating excitement and anticipation among players. Community Engagement Minecraft mob votes are a way for players to actively participate in the game’s development. By voting for their favorite mobs, players feel a sense of ownership and connection to the game, making the experience more immersive and engaging. Key Points: The community’s voice is heard through mob… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the top 3 easy ways to add a mini-map in Minecraft PE. But before we dive into that, let’s take a moment to appreciate the endless possibilities and adventures that Minecraft has to offer. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, adding a mini-map to your Minecraft PE experience can take your gameplay to the next level. Imagine never getting lost again, always knowing where your friends are, and exploring new territories with… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of modded gameplay and hilarious moments, you won’t want to miss out on the action happening on Minewind server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. While watching the entertaining video “NEVER GOING OUTSIDE AGAIN!!! #short #minecraft #modded #funny #mod #gaming #fromthefog” by @TheMezzmoGuardian, you may have been inspired to dive into your own Minecraft adventures. And what better way to do that than by joining the Minewind server? With a variety of mods and a dedicated player… Read More

  • Discover Adventure: Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Adventure: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today we want to talk about the amazing experience of crossing an ocean by boat in Minecraft. If you’ve ever watched a video like the one by Neutral_Mob where they showcase this incredible feat, you know just how exhilarating it can be. But imagine taking that experience to the next level on a server like Minewind. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft experience like no other. From surviving the elements to building epic structures, there’s always something exciting to do on Minewind. So why not join us today? Dive… Read More

  • Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Server

    Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re looking for a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience, then Minewind is the place to be. Have you ever wanted to join a server where the possibilities are endless and the adventures are never-ending? Well, look no further than Minewind. With a vibrant community of players from all over the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and exciting challenges to conquer. But what sets Minewind apart from other… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Challenge! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. Have you ever watched a Minecraft challenge video and felt inspired to take on your own adventures in the game? The thrill of overcoming obstacles, exploring new landscapes, and building your own virtual world is what makes Minecraft so captivating. Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players looking to take their Minecraft gameplay to the next level. With a vibrant community… Read More


    MHA WORLDServidor de Minecraft My Hero Academia (Boku No Hero) El mejor servidor de BNHA para Minecraft, con addons, quirks, eventos semanales y todo lo que quieras encontrar. Toda información en discord. Te esperamos mhaworld.vultam.host Read More

  • LuxorMC: Semi-vanilla SMP, Active Hermitcraft-like server, Dynmap, whitelisted, Java 1.20.2+, Community events & Projects, Mature Community.

    Welcome to LuxorMC! Hello All!, Welcome to LuxorMC we are a relatively new network with many different game modes and more to come. We are an active community looking for new members to join us on our adventures. Game modes: Whitelisted SMP Hermitcraft style (More Info Below) Mass Survival (Public) Skyblock (Public) Prisons (Coming Soon) HCF (Coming Soon) PVP (Coming Soon) LuxorMC Whitelisted SMP: Discord: https://discord.gg/luxormc LuxorMC Whitelisted SMP is a Hermitcraft like Minecraft server experience with our own twist. Our community is focused on skilled and dedicated players who push the limits of survival Minecraft. Server Features: Proximity Chat… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List (pls don’t rage)

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Tier List (pls don't rage)Well, at least this meme is safe from being killed in the update tier list! It’s a solid 0, living its meme life in peace. Read More


    EU E MEU AMIGO NO MINECRAFT FAZENDO CHURRASCO DE OVELHAS “EU e meu amigo no Minecraft lá de ovelhar… espero que ele não me confunda com uma ovelha e tente me tosquiar!” 😂🐑 #minecraft #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: -100 IQ vs 200 IQ.” In this epic showdown, two players with vastly different approaches to the game go head-to-head in a battle of wits and skill. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but think about the diverse and exciting community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. Just like the players in the video, Minewind attracts individuals with a wide range of playing styles and strategies. Whether you consider yourself a quick-thinking 100… Read More

  • INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!

    INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!Video Information no way no way it’s me Moy Minecraft I’m Minecrafting actually not I I immediately logged on to the server and then it was it was dark and and scary outside and there was a creeper so I ran in to this uh circus Festival I don’t know freak you I don’t know what these are called met 64 meta 64 with the scallop meta 64 where is meta 64 meta 64 hi meta 64 you are not talking it was it was it just so silly so absolutely it was very funny Mo in Minecraft yeah there’s… Read More

  • Testing Insane Minecraft Tiktok Hack!

    Testing Insane Minecraft Tiktok Hack!Video Information secret chest bed in Minecraft love baby we buil this house on memories take my picture now search This video, titled ‘Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-02-26 02:30:01. It has garnered 8301 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral Minecraft Viral TikTok Hack #hindi #hackminecraft #minecraft #hacks #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Masterpiece – EPIC Build!

    Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Masterpiece - EPIC Build!Video Information aku viral karena menangis bukan kepengin jadi artis aku memang tak manis tapi ku tak egois Aku tidak romantis tapi banyak yang terhipnosis di jalanan ada lampu kerajaan ada ratu di kuburan ada hantu di hatiku ada kamu pusing pusing tujuh keliling jika ada lampu jangan cari lilin jika ada aku kau jangan This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art 9* #minecraftbuilding#minecraft#minecraftpixelart’, was uploaded by HAAs on 2024-04-29 01:01:55. It has garnered 9088 views and 305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. jangan lupa like share dan subscribe👍👍 #fypyoutube #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilding #fyp… Read More

  • Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!

    Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!Video Information [Music] she This video, titled ‘That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #real #karma’, was uploaded by Mr Thunder9 on 2023-12-04 04:00:22. It has garnered 12293 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #minecraft #gamerfleet #technogamerz #carryislive #dream #mcstan #instagram #reels #facebook #youtube #youtubeindonesia #greatyoutube #build #artwork #cool #trending #world #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimetion #pvp minecraft gaming gamer minecraft videos techno gamerz sourav joshi vlogs minecraft smp smp mr indian hacker yes smarty pie mythpat Wait for It Paise Ye Konsa Desh Hai Asa Dost Sabko Mile Ye Kya Hua… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor’s Unbelievable Luck!” #minecraft #hypixel #pvp

    "Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor's Unbelievable Luck!" #minecraft #hypixel #pvpVideo Information certified This video, titled ‘What are the chances? #minecraft #hypixal #bedwars #hypixel #bedwarsissofun #minemen #pvp #gaming’, was uploaded by Wiktor on 2024-03-16 14:00:22. It has garnered 617 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Minecraft Bedwars is a fast-paced multiplayer mini-game where teams compete to be the last ones standing. In this game, players are divided into teams and spawn on individual islands with a bed. The objective is to protect your bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. Once a team’s bed is destroyed, they can no… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!

    The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!Video Information huh hold up something’s wrong with the village The Village it’s been wrecked it’s all messed up what what happened here huh uh how wait Mikey what about the villagers let’s check to see if they’re safe yeah where is everyone oh hold on huh no one’s here or anywhere no way what happened like how what did this let’s check on the chief great let’s go Farms are all ruined huh huh there’s no one here either why the chief’s gone what happened huh how and why where is everyone let’s go back home Mikey is our… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY PARTY ENDING IN A SHIZO MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information どうじゃろ草くくおはようございます 誕生日おめでとうございますしりパパ いらっしゃい来てくれてありがとう誕生日 おめでとう ありがとうありがとうござい ますちょうどぐらい出てきたいい感じに なったわ ちょっとわあ12時間お城出来上がりまし た完成でございます どう みんな噴水付きた時によく使われるコップ そう なん噴水作る時に使われるコップてあ草が あるとなんかいい感じに見える からえんではないでしょうかおやちん いくらおやちんは え1 ヶ月 うヶ月250万でよろしくお願いします なぜ200なんか草がやだこここっち側草 がなんかもう美味しげっ てるなぜ250万かと言うと250万あれ ばなんと なく幸せに なれ慣れそうだから です ガラス草美味しいああ もう美味しぎり すぎ何が何やらわからない美味しぎりすぎ て [音楽] ねえ牛が返事してくれ たよしおらいいやなんでやいい やん内装は内そうですけどねがはは がはははがははは めっちゃ伸びてる伸びすぎなよね蔦 が 賃貸賃貸ですよこちらこちらのお家賃貸に なっておりまし て素敵なお城が出来上がりましたもりお めもりおハモりねむるちゃんいらっしゃい 来てくれてありがとうおハモにおメモも ありがとう ありがとう [音楽] ありがとうお城の案内が始まるお城1回 建てとなっておりましてこちらのお 城1回にしかいけないんですよねすげえ 作り終わってよお 城いい感じにできた大人のホテルって言わ れたみんなになんでやなんでやねん全然 大人のホテルちゃう やろ 近くで見るとこんな感じ とよしよし よし いやよく頑張りました と52分ですねそろそろ締めに入り ましょうか55分でちょっとアーカイブが 切れてしまいますの で皆様ついに12時間でござい ます いや誕生日一瞬で終わったね早かったね みんなお祝いしてくれてありがとう ね今年も今年 は言ったけどこの配信を始める前に言った けど今年はマイクラのをちょっと多めにし ていこう配信していこうかなと思っている のでマイクラが好きな人初めてマイクラ メモのマイクラを見る 人よかったらチャンネル登録してください さんよろしくお願いし ます1泊250万です横か後ろに パーキング違う違う ないおかげで作業も終わりました半分お えらいさ産業じゃない作業半分終わって 素晴らしいみんなも朝までね見てくれた方 ありがとうそして寝おちしている方 ゆっっくり休むんよでいっぱい寝る よメモはこれ から寝ようと思います一旦寝てから Twitterのねおめでとうお誕生日お めでとうリプにお返事をしたいと思います の でまだコメントしてないよ違う違う違う リプしてないよっていう方はしといて くださいよろしくお願いしますではではで はではではではではでは 次は日本の風景そうだね次は日本のお城を 作ろうかなと思い ます星星いりさんかな来てくれて ありがとうす最後に30秒秒だけえメモ お誕生日グッズを出したのでよかったら メンモのXを見て配信に配信じゃない グッズも買ってくれると嬉しいですブース ですよろしくお願いしますでは今日も配信 来てくれてありがとうございました誕生日 おめでいっぱいありがとうではあつまにゃ… Read More

  • Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!

    Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Karpuz Çiçek Bütçe 40M !ÇEKİLİŞ’, was uploaded by HzLowlers on 2024-02-21 04:39:45. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:40 or 340 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, yasintnc texture… Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969

    Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969Video Information tu es dit aime-moi prends-moi dans tes bras et je n’ai plus personne ne laisse pas ton odeur impréger mes draps et si tu m’abandones je suis pas celle que tu crois aucun cabron ne m’a touché à part toi cavaliero personne ne m’a touch la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une [Musique] clandestineine la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine la cocaïne cocaï ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine am am This video, titled ‘#minecraft #music #beats #herobrine #alx #song #bass #instrumental #beat #remix #comedy #lol’, was uploaded… Read More

  • Underworld Survival

    Underworld SurvivalDeutscher Minecraft Server von dem Discord Server Underworld, wir spielen lediglich aus Spaß auf diesem, jedoch könnt ihr unseren Discord Server, sowie Minecraft Server unterstützen, indem ihr diese aktiv besucht/nutzt. Wir haben etliche Plugins auf dem Server installiert, die das Spiel Geschehen um einiges besser machen, die meisten Befehle und Aktionen sind derzeit noch auf englisch, dies wird aber nach und nach ins deutsche übersetzt. Read More

  • Perfectum SMP | Hermitcraft-style | Java 1.20.1 | LGBTQ+ Friendly | PG-13 | Whitelist | Community | BlueMap

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla survival server designed for an authentic and enjoyable gaming experience. Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others. What you can expect: A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential. A simple Discord-based application process for quick access. A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard. A friendly and inclusive… Read More

  • Dutchy Middle School

    JOBS/DRUGS/SURVIVAL/DUTCH/ECONOMYPLASMOVOICE IS MANDATORY!Come join us now and we will have a great time.Every job has its own function as it should be! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “When you add shields to classic battle”

    Minecraft Memes - "When you add shields to classic battle"When you try to block out the haters but they just keep coming at you like a creeper in broad daylight. Read More

  • Minecraft meme #bootyshorts

    Minecraft meme #bootyshorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and always looking for new and exciting servers to join? Well, we have just the server for you – Minewind! While watching the latest video on 5 Minute Solution Channel about how to find the End Portal in Minecraft, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and constant updates, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling Minecraft experience like no other. Imagine embarking on a quest to find the End Portal with fellow players,… Read More

  • Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft

    Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft Minecraft Grindstone: Repair and Enchant Your Items One of the essential tools in Minecraft for repairing items and removing enchantments is the grindstone. This handy block allows players to keep their gear in top shape and customize their equipment to suit their needs. Here’s how you can make a grindstone in Minecraft. Materials Needed To craft a grindstone, you will need the following materials: Stone Slabs: Crafted from three stone blocks arranged in a horizontal row in a crafting table. Wood Planks: Obtainable by placing logs in a crafting table. Crafting the Grindstone Once you have gathered the necessary… Read More

  • 🔥UNLOCK Nether Secrets 🌋Minecraft Academy 1.20

    🔥UNLOCK Nether Secrets 🌋Minecraft Academy 1.20Video Information [Musique] salutations les gentlem on se retrouve pour l’académie Minecraft en multijoueur enfin pas encore tout à fait en multijoueur ça sera à partir de la leçon 11 qu’on sera en multijoueur et on est à la leçon 9 et oui déjà quand même la leçon 9 alors pour ceux qui parce que j’ai beaucoup de lapse de temps entre deux épisodes de cette série donc peut-être vous n’avez-vous pas compris le concept de l’Académie l’Académie c’est simple on essaie d’apprendre à jouer à Minecraft ensemble donc j’essaie de passer toutes les étapes les unes après les autres… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pickaxe Hunt for Diamonds!

    EPIC Minecraft Pickaxe Hunt for Diamonds!Video Information are you asleep wake up wake up [Music] JJ who’s yelling Mikey is that you I’ve been standing here for an hour what took you so long to sleep sorry I’ve been playing games all night shall we go of course I’ve waited too long to just give up where are we going now we’re going to compete in the same pageant what what contest you mean the one you told me about mhm I don’t know Mikey I don’t really like the man but if we can do that we get all the diamonds we can dig… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Extreme gamer builds EPIC house in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Extreme gamer builds EPIC house in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I make a house in the Minecraft survival series part 2’, was uploaded by extreme gamer on 2024-05-08 11:15:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Save Earth by Planting Trees in Minecraft! 🌍🌵| #shorts #aphmau

    Save Earth by Planting Trees in Minecraft! 🌍🌵| #shorts #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But, Plant 🌵 TREES Save Earth 🌍 | #shorts #minecraft #aphmau’, was uploaded by Irtaza Mc on 2023-12-07 01:57:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Tree-Planting Challenge! Save the Earth & Build Your World ” Description: Welcome to the ultimate … Read More

  • ROYAL HATES Doordash?! 💥 MINECRAFT EP. 4

    ROYAL HATES Doordash?! 💥 MINECRAFT EP. 4Video Information hey guys uh Royal here and welcome back to more Royal plays Minecraft uh in this episode I’m going to be finishing up house re Renovations and just talking about stuff that interests me so you know standard fair and oh I have enough diamonds to actually make a full suit of armor WoW that uh that’s crazy so I guess a good place to start for topics is first of all shadow of the UR tree finally got a Gameplay trailer and a release date comes out June 20th and I’m really excited I loved Elden ring… Read More

  • HEROBRINE vs MONSTER in Wild Minecraft Battle🔥🤯🔫 #shizo #epic

    HEROBRINE vs MONSTER in Wild Minecraft Battle🔥🤯🔫 #shizo #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP❤HEROBRINE Vs MONSTER Gegagedigedagedago Nugget Ft. Nikado Avocado🔥🤯 #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by LORD STARMrGODSE ANIMAT!ON on 2024-04-04 12:40:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • 💧 INSANE Aqua Thoughts?? Hololive Minecraft Event AFTERMATH! 💧

    💧 INSANE Aqua Thoughts?? Hololive Minecraft Event AFTERMATH! 💧Video Information いい良かった楽しかった色々あったなマジ で色々あったなまさかなんか個人的に1番 びっくりなのはまこんなにまペコちゃんと 近しく慣れた こと仲良くなれたことはなんか結構私の中 ではうんびっくりだなそれこそさあのカエ とかさ全然マイクラねフロサバでなんか 一緒にあのインしてるタイミング一緒の ことは結構あったんだけどそう全然あの家 が遠いからさ関わることなかったんだけど 最終日にねあの闇の取引で見ること見て 関わることができたり何何なんだってちら れたくなかったららなんかちょうだいて 言って [拍手] [音楽] seeSKY 空が怒ってるんだって あオオオオオウ フレフレフレフレンドオオフレンドイエス イエス熱がすごいだって熱がすげえ よありがとう にゃペコちゃん本物のアスナ見つけちゃっ た [音楽] なまさかペコちゃんが本物のアナだった なんてお This video, titled ‘Aqua Thought on the Hololive Minecraft Hardcore, Post Event…..’, was uploaded by Noises V on 2024-05-20 16:00:10. It has garnered 35274 views and 2164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:07 or 127 seconds. She finally found her Real Asuna Please support them by Like and Subscribe also watch their stream here: Minato Aqua https://www.youtube.com/@MinatoAqua #7[Minecraft]Hololive Server Hardcore Minecraft! Defeat the Wither!!![Minato Aqua/Hololive] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOFLSxRDReE #8[Minecraft]Hololive Server Hardcore… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Live Cracked SMP – Join Now! #live

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