I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE RLCraft

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All right so it is October at least that is when I hope that I’m uploading this and I decided to play a mod pack that is basically a horror game if you somehow haven’t heard of it this is one of the scariest most difficult mod packs out

There there’s dragons all kinds of other beasts and about a billion different ways to die very easily yeah this is 100 days in RL craft I I don’t know about the spawn y’all I hello this is 100 oh this is a hundred days RL craft

Look at me I don’t know about the spawn I’m already freezing to death and there’s a there’s a giant thing here there might be some nice warmth in here actually hold on no okay maybe not there okay let’s head on to this Forest I have

Not played RL craft in like a year all I know is these animations look at me these weren’t in here last time dude okay there’s some gravel here I can get this for uh I need a flint knife right how do I huh is it like oh there we go

Okay you just click on some box okay hatch it there we go now how do I get sticks okay what are yo what is this there’s quests now do I get rewards big bro yes that’s me yes that is me I am the big brain look at me all right give me some

Of those those fibers yes now I have to do this this this and this boom Flint Hatchet yo I am gaming right now I can get this tree right yes it falls over I know enough about some of these mods I’m just like the mod pack as a whole is so

Weird a bed oh I’m falling yes I got a red bed okay oh whoa whoa whoa oh there’s a dragon no no no I gotta avoid those at all costs what I need right now is some food look at the what’s wrong with this sheep

Dude I didn’t know they had the hats mod wait how do I get blanks I need a saw there’s a quest right oh I have to do this now I need another Flint knife I’m gonna try to complete my quest right now because if I do that I’ll make progress

Right yes dude I look awesome and I already have the bed so now I can get extra thonk dude let’s go all right now it wants me to get some more Oakwood oh it’s one of those trees nah I’m gonna grab my wooden Leaf I’m out so wait oh

That’s how you do it and then boom crafting table and I can get tiny head Tado from that but I like the big bro I don’t I mean I guess I gotta I don’t know man okay we’ll just do this look this is my little potato peeking out of

The the brain all right I need to get a pickaxe yeah let’s get a wooden pickaxe awesome complete that I get dumb way I’m not dumb no wait there’s a hat storage though we can store the other ones in here let’s get some more rock some

Cobblestone yo a beard I look Epic all right can I make a stone ax yes I can okay all right and then we should be able to get a stone pick as well okay I think now I’m meant to mine some iron yo I just got an upgraded hat wait instead

Of just the beard it’s helmet and beard and then I can take off the brain and then I can reclaim thunk these hats are the best thing ever let’s go ahead and make a furnace there we go and then we can pop this in there and cook our food

Let’s go progress I need a weapon am I able to make a stone weapon actually all right so if I do stick plus string I get a handle and then is it like this a saber there we go oh dude look at me all right there’s our food oh what is that

No no dude no I’m out oh but there’s there’s beasts in this Forest oh gosh but nothing is worse than that thing that that’s a dragon there’s fire die no no no oh my chest is broken oh no how do you heal I’m killing that thing hey get over here no what

Yeah so I died nothing that I really could have done this mod pack is just brutal but maybe it was a blessing in disguise because attempt number two had a god-like star okay this spawn is way better we already have food whatever that is Yo a village hello good sir

There’s free wood yo dude look how much wood we got this is a much better seed oh there’s free Iron and armor that I can’t wear because I don’t have Defense level eight three tools that I can’t use yet but I’ll take a pickaxe for sure hello Guardian friend they have an anvil

More tools Spears so many Spears I feel like these Quest rewards are only gonna give me irrelevant stuff like hats and as much as I love the hats I like this one wait I’m gonna keep this one on I don’t think they’re worth bothering with

These quests so I’m gonna do it my own way it’s getting a little hot in here huh I need to get in the water this is my life now all right we need to find a house to camp out in and we also need to

Get some uh some XP I guess all right so what do I need to get to use these tools Gathering mining I don’t have an iron ax yet I need defense for that where do I get the experience to do that is it just like levels like yeah just like basic

Exp okay hello Village in a much colder area you guys have furnaces oh yes oh I need a bed well found a bed okay this Village is kind of awesome I might just camp out here for a while it must be night time yeah okay I’m gonna sleep

Real quick I love how the F3 screen doesn’t show the day count so I have to just remember what day I’m on okay all of our food is cooked we have some bread right here there’s a dragon there’s a dragon right there in the distance you

Can see it gravel okay I need Flint there we go Flynn all right got some plant fiber ignore me I’m stupid I don’t need any of that I have a crafting table already and plenty of wood I can just make stuff that I need I’m an idiot

Ignore me I’m gonna gather my stone now all right now I can make a stone pickaxe go ahead and make a stone ax as well and I need a little bit more to get my saber or as a rape you’re better in our aircraft uh Rapier I think Rapier has a

Reach bonus so I’m gonna go for the Rapier all right Stone right here let’s go all right so I need to get levels how could I get levels all right what if I just kill this guy all right that’ll give me levels and food I’m just gonna hunt some of the

Local Wildlife real quick give me a moment oh no okay I got it I got a Wither Skull no there’s a tree Beast screw off tree Beast got him got him got him all right we’re level we’re level five now because I want to level up first let’s go ahead and do defense

Level three this is gonna be slow okay before I hunt any more things for XP I really need to just pick a house out and just live in it these houses are weird what if I made my own little Shack hold on yeah I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t

Know I’m I’m not gonna keep doing this I was trying to make it Fancy with my limited supplies no I’m good I’m just gonna give it a roof and call it a day okay now I just need like torches they have coal there we go

What do you mean what’s he know what do you mean unlit torch what do you mean what do you mean I don’t even have any more Flint what do you mean unlit torch no idea give me this boom levers yeah what now unlit torch nice try boom and there we go this is

Our Shack welcome this is the okay I’m gonna give you all tour okay this is the front door and this is the shack yeah oh let’s go okay okay inventory space we love to see that I need to go steal a furnace or I can craft one I guess I’m

Not that degenerate okay I need to get some sand real quick too hold on let me grab this I need to get some water because right now this water is becoming an issue all right or these Stacks sweet we love stacking water bottles the purified one stack too

That’s amazing all right six bottles of water we have plenty of food too now I’m gonna hit level five real quick because I remembered something uh I remember something very important that I want to do I guess this guy all right now if I click on this there

We go oh I wonder which is the best I’m gonna do a little bit of research yeah so I don’t know all I saw was a Reddit post of someone that destroyed their house by using the mining specialization so I’m not gonna do that but uh I don’t

Know what I’m gonna go with I guess combat yeah I’m gonna go combat we’re gonna lock it in okay uh the important part there is extra exp and it also didn’t consume my levels to do that which means I can now level up my defense again Sweet okay I’m gonna go

Form some stuff for XP right now chaos serpent well that just sounds awful dad scared me yeah come on come on let’s go back to the Village together where’s that nymph I need healing shoot at me I dare you oh you hit the nymph wow how dare you

I got it aha all right let me just heal up next to the my my boy and now I’m gonna go kill those giant dinosaurs because they give a really good source of food that Regens my health oh wait is the sun going down oh no go

Go go oh no there’s already a bird there and skeletons oh no okay well with a saver this time okay we’re sleeping okay okay okay that was that was scary I hate the night time in this mod pack dude oh the birds are out there no go home okay so there’s a bird

Outside of my door I don’t know what to do I need one more level of Defense before I can wear my armor all right the bird is like left so I’m also gonna leave okay okay I’m gonna go back to hunting passive animals for XP get my

Defense up and then we’re gonna be vibing okay no okay I think he lost tiger I’m out yes I’m level eight defense boom armor on that’s actually a huge accomplishment look at me I think my next goal has to be getting something either like a weapon or mining up probably mining okay

I can make these shields I can actually get an iron plated one and I can use it okay I want to get that oh there’s a way Stone I’m gonna grab that I didn’t even realize all right I’m gonna cook up all this mutton that I actually I’m gonna

Cook this aerosaur meat because this stuff gives you regen and it’s really good oh I don’t have enough iron never mind I can’t make that Shield I can make a stone one that’ll work and there we go Stone Shield okay all right I’m gonna sleep off the night because I hate the

Night so much and I’m gonna go get another furnace all right and there we go I’ll go ahead and cook some more of chicken in here actually I’ll do beef okay I’m gonna level my name next because I kind of have to because without mining I can’t get more iron

Yeah I’m also gonna smell a bunch of glass and I’m gonna get a bunch of water going and then whenever we have a bunch of stuff I don’t know what we’re gonna do next I just need to level up I need to get level so I can use better stuff

Because after I can do that I’m gonna be like super strong you know I’m gonna make these I didn’t even know I could do this I’m gonna make Bandit okay all right we’re really getting set up now this is actually really good I’m actually gonna do a quick level into

Agility because with agility I can use a bow and then I’m gonna make a bow and this is gonna help us a lot oh that’s a terrible bow I’m gonna make another bow all right good just the default bow that’s good enough for me these only stack to eight oh no okay I

Just made three flints with some gravel that I had and then we’re gonna do three sticks and Three Feathers boom sixteen arrows that’s nice oh it is it is nighttime good night day seven okay we are on day seven we have a bunch of water food bandages and armor how am I

Gonna find my house when I leave okay I need a what’s this thing called is it an atlas how do I make an atlas bulk and quill and a compass iron and Redstone okay this is interesting I really need uh to level up mining

I wonder if I can pick these locks I I don’t know what this mod is I’ve never seen these locks before it’s making an iron lock pick and I’m gonna try breaking into that diamond chest so what am I what am I doing okay so I’m like

Yeah I give up I don’t know what what’s happening I don’t know wait I can level up mining cool mining level four so now I can mine all this iron over here that is amazing oh no oh no no oh I have stone Now where’s that nymph I

Need to heal actually I have meat that can heal me right Rejuvenation it does not heal me it increases the healing I receive I think it doubles the amount that I heal from like regen that works just as well okay all right so my iron mining has gone very well so far

Oh wait I can go and wherever I want I don’t need the coordinates I have this thing oh I was so worried I was trying to level up mining so I can get the Redstone to make an atlas so I can find my way back home I don’t need to do that

In that case I want to make a backpack I don’t have enough I do have enough leather do I have enough wool I only need one piece of wool boom fact it place it down and you can store your stuffing it’s like a shulker box okay I’m gonna bring these feathers

Some string bring in all the things that I think I might need on this journey because we’re gonna go adventure for a bit so you I have to have it equipped okay whatever I’m going to sleep okay oh wait a second while I was writing my notes the world reloaded that happens

When the season changes is the temperature going up or down I don’t know I don’t know what season I started in to be honest scary though I’m gonna grab my bed and we are gonna go ahead and head out on a journey okay actually

Before I go I want to make a spear I was looking into the weapons in this mod pack because a lot has changed since they last played it and uh apparently the Sabers are bad now the Sabers got nerfed as well as the rapiers so I’m gonna make a spear because apparently

They’re decent grab some Cobblestone boom and there we go okay let’s make a speed let’s make two okay so we have a spear now we have two Spears and now I’m gonna what just look at me and now I’m gonna go out on an adventure let’s go oh

There’s a battle tower oh okay hold on we might be able to take on the first place floor let’s break these well that gives so much xp okay uh oh I’m out nope nope nope nope nope but there’s one thing you don’t mess with is skeletons in our lcraft they have head

Shots okay I got nothing out of that I got some XP actually hold on I can level up I guess it would be smart to get mining up let’s get mining up as much as we can Okay now what’s in this house hello oh warp scroll so we can go home

Easier okay I think that can take us to any Wasteland I don’t really know how that works some torches some non unlit torches love to see that there’s another battle tower I don’t really trust that though dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon okay I’m gonna head into the

First floor of this battle tower and just hope the dragon doesn’t come this way all right break a spawner one floor I only want one floor all right we get some bottles of enchanting and that’s it let’s level up our mining there we go mining eight we can use iron picks now

Okay let’s try the second floor so let’s just try it nope nope nope I have no chest piece so my chest takes a lot of damage okay good to know there’s a tent over here oh free Redstone yes oh healing items all right let’s store all the stuff that we can’t

Even use yet all right now let’s head over to that weird house that we saw there’s gotta be good loot here oh it’s just a village what yeah get him a just get him oh my gosh another you know it’s obsidian I’ll take that actually okay it’s hot here

It’s very hot I need to take my armor off it’s hot here I need to leave I need to get in the water yo I need to get a bucket all right I have a bucket of water okay I’m gonna go back in here and loot a

Saddle could be useful oh there’s so many books wait I didn’t even notice oh yeah we’re good we have enough books forever we’re good on books arrows whoa I didn’t even notice what is this it’s so hot in here what is this why is this carpet god dude what’s

Up with this that’s made of wood oh yo I found a secret what’s in here they got a whole dungeon down here what is this dude it’s so hot down here I hear mobs this is definitely a dungeon of some kind is there more secrets no over here that one’s weird oh

Bro I’m literally a God I promise you I have never played with whatever mod this is before I found an almond that I don’t know what that is how do you activate this I actually kind of want to know is it one of these I’m a God oh there’s an enchantment

Table you ah I found this place because I put a water bucket down so I wouldn’t overheat and now look at me I’m in the depths wait is it the classic movie thing of one of the books is a lever that opens another secret in the shot

What is that oh it’s an XP oh yo level 19. I’m dying hold on I can level up so much now um with a little attack level eight we’re level eight in attack already I could now use an iron spear I have to actually make one boom right there Iron

Spear I have to check every bookshelf now uh uh uh a Boss Bar appeared when I clicked on this one and I’m scared now I’m just gonna keep looting them and pretend that I don’t see it all right these ones are Just Books Okay I mean we

Got some XP we got what we wanted which was levels can I just take this I need a level 12 of magic well if I need level 12 magic to enchant I should probably level that up next all right let’s get out of here all right I think it’s time

To get out of here I haven’t done this area yet wait a minute Arrow yo there’s so many this is amazing okay I want to find a way back home to store some stuff now because my inventory is packed oh oh this person has so much stuff okay

Umbreon I don’t know what that is an almanac what is an almanac yeah I don’t care I want all of this stuff uh give give give yes I have it all okay I really need a Way Stone now well I guess I’m staying here for the night this

Feels like a bad idea but I’m sleeping here for the night why are these wooden slabs Made of Stone I feel like it’s gonna crash my game I’m not I’m good dragon dragon dragon oh but I need the water ice armor okay I can get ice armor

Apparently that would be nice dude I can’t see anything I don’t even know if this is safe I mean there’s no there’s no visible traps but this is the sketchiest thing I’ve seen in my life the coach free glowstone there is oh it’s it’s not trapped it’s just

Useless okay dude this I’m gonna get hypothermia is that a village oh I think it’s a village okay yes no hypothermia all right the situation I’m in right now a dragon’s right there in the village is right there I needed to get to their waist stone I have my scroll ready if I

Ever need to use it this might cost XP though I don’t really know I’m gonna kill this for some levels okay I’m level four I can use a waste it if I find one would they even have one dude this Village is awesome okay you know what

There’s no way Stone I’m just going home I’m out okay we’re home now we’re home all right let’s store a bunch of this stuff that we got I’m gonna make a quiver as well that seems like a good idea I first need to acquire some more leather oh yo half a battle tower

There’s chests here well I got this all right it’s five two one oh God three oh or four I’m so good I’m so good well that was worth it okay is there another one upstairs oh two diamonds too and a spawner for the XP cut this

I’m gonna take his hat okay so how do I do this you guys throw on the ground and then just no okay offhand there we go where’s our leather there it is all right I can make a light quiver and then I can make a moderate one and now I can

Put all my arrows in this and not have to have them fill my inventory yes and I look extra cool with it with the yeah okay everything’s pretty much sorted I’m just gonna destroy this wool as well because I don’t really need that okay we have a sleeping bag now so our spawn

Will always be set in our house because the sleeping bags don’t reset spawn so I can always use it like a recall potion and now the Sun is setting so I’m just gonna sleep and then tomorrow we’re gonna head out again to try and get some

More XP because right now our goal is level 12 magic so we’re getting a chance okay hold up quick change of plans I want to make a different weapon I’ve been doing a little bit of uh look into the changes made since I last played because there’s been a lot and uh this

One I haven’t really been liking it very much just because I I don’t know it’s just I just use a spear in my dinosaur video and I want something different uh and there’s an ax that I want to make it’s a battle ax right but it’s not a

Spartan Weaponry battle ax it looks like this and this weapons a lot better see if you look at the the damage it does nine damage versus this is 6.5 and it only has one attack speed which is pretty good all things considered and also my plans in general have kind of

Changed a little I’m not doing level 12 magic right now I’m doing level eight building because if you get level 8 building you can make reforging stations and these stations are really good like they like this uh this thing has a quality of long I could then put some

Iron ingots into this thing and get like masterful and it could be really good anyways I’m now gonna go look for some cool structures to get some XP from Hello spawn Village that I never got the way stone at I think this is the spawn Village and actually it might not be oh

Diamonds all right now I want to make boat because I need to sail somewhere because I much as I hate the ocean in this mod pack the area that I’m in is just too hot man I just need to find something so let’s go find stuff and not

That those things have like no glue actually it might have loot you know it sounds sketchy I’m out oh but I can have stuff I’ll do it all right oh the good chest is locked smelter yes that’s actually so good I wonder how good smelter is for XP ocean demon right

There there’s an ocean demon you know I can’t really use diamonds right now anyways you get so many in this mod pack let’s just make some diamond lock picks and try it out so does this this and there we go okay nothing I don’t even know why I bothered all right let’s

Open the diamond one and then two four there we go oh wait one oh that was so worth it two crafting rooms yo I can get a rune reader with that for those that don’t know Rune reader lets you make things like there’s recipes in this mod that you can’t know

The recipe of until you use the Rune reader so for example Golem armor you can craft this stuff but you won’t know the recipe until you find a rune that has it I just is it nighttime I can’t tell yeah it’s definitely night time let’s just take a little rest on this

Boat hello good sir you got any free stuff or oh 27 gold what a iron blocks my guy is so stacked got any sick loot plasters some more plastic what is that or buried treasure map all right so let’s see if I go this way I’m going

That way on the map so the treasure is that way big brain I’m gonna die of hypothermia or hypothermia I don’t really know I’ve probably been saying the wrong one this whole time I don’t actually know the difference to be honest one of them is hot one of them is

Called okay we have warmed up and let’s find this treasure see I don’t know how deep it would go oh I could cheat yo it’s right there I forgot about that with the way chunks load in our lcraft you can use f3a oh bro recall potions yo oh that was so worth it

And I have immunity to blindness I’m not gonna that would that actually Nerf my armor I could just wear that whatever is this where it was before no no this is different okay oh crafting room let’s go oh big tree is there stuff in big tree

No there’s not oh Ice Mountain hey yo give me some oh battle tower oh my God no my head my head oh no protect protect please don’t die I’m not going back over there I don’t care if there’s XP in there I don’t care I don’t want to

Play on Hardcore anymore why did I choose to do this on Hardcore I didn’t have to do it on Hardcore I didn’t have to but do they have to put blazes in these things dude break that from over here little sneaky snake not worth it at all I’m out I need

Some of these ice chunks these chunks can be turned into armor very good now what is this cool looking house over here another warts stew yeah okay I got some gold lock picks right here why me good Vines okay we got it all right and a stone shovel oh that’s a skeletons

Skeleton dragon yo let’s go dragon bones I still need witherbones to actually make anything but that’s like a good weapon tear to have oh and the level 15 so I can go ahead and get my building up to eight my magic up to seven I’m gonna do that at the eight oh

Battle tower potential loot hello break these real quick so much xp hello spawners have a limited amount of spawns in our elfcraft right to prevent like Farms if so I might be able to just wait this out what the group I’m done ender pearl I’m done I’m done

Feel my head no I’m grabbing all this XP and I’m dipping dude why was there a group with that crew dropped at the ender pearl yo that’s so good that’s so good the ender pearl is so powerful I can make a summoning staff I’m heading home I’m leaving I’m out this is not

Home where am I oh yes my humble abode right now we’re level 26. it’s pretty big we can get our level eight in Magic would I rather enchant or get diamond armor I’m gonna say I’d rather enchant so I should have been obsidian already I

Do I I got some from the group I’m pretty sure that’s perfect enchantment table all right let’s go ahead and get some basic enchantments on our stuff projectile and that wasn’t the helmet I would do it all skin protection sharpness one two as well okay now let’s

Grab a bone a gold dang it let’s go boom boom I’m summoning stab dude okay I need to wait what rank two of knowledge I can make one of those no I use my diamonds on block picks oh can I get the reforging stations now I don’t have

Enough iron for that right now I can smelt these down right yeah I have stuff I can smell down a nugget whatever yo okay we have enough now so let’s do that Anvil can I smelt this down as well seven diamonds yo there we go I’m gonna cool off out here

Real quick it’s a little bit hot in there seven diamonds from smelting that armor that’s so useful okay so now what I can do I can make a soul gazer which reforging station do I want I don’t have the obsidian right now so let’s go ahead

And make this one with the bucket of lava when I go get lava where can I get lava hey we got a blacksmith here oh while I’m here I need to get in ages with My Soul gazer come here must wait a moment well I got some

Knowledge on it I guess there’s a five minute cooldown on the soul gazer this is a little bit different than it used to work uh okay I guess I’ll go ahead and grab some more iron oh spawners don’t mind if I break those can I scan you

Learning I know where there was lava there was lava in the uh the Savannah Village okay I’m gonna head back home okay we found the village I just need to get the lava from the blacksmith yoink okay ooh magma block yo there’s magma blocks that I want to steal because

Magma can be used to make a ring of strength right right I’m gonna make a ring of strength do more damage no I fell in the lava oh my gosh it only gave me magma chunks though not blocks let’s go ahead and cook some of this

Iron that we got because I need it for something okay reforging station there we go this one can reforge bobbles so for example this Bobble gives me plus four percent speed right uh let’s go ahead and reforge this now it has fleeting jagged hard but that use all my experience okay

I will admit I didn’t know it was gonna go up in cost as I did it that’s annoying okay let’s do uh one run on let’s make an iron shield actually boom boom boom iron shield knock back resistance is what I got let’s do another one on that

I cannot why not okay well that’s useful for bobbles that I do get are there any bubbles that I can make go ahead and get a ring of speed I need to go find some sugar cane oh I can’t gather it huh well it jokes on you video game cause I can

Get dirt oh yeah there we go and now we can get a ring of speed ring of speed there we go and the modifier we get is nothing wait what oh half-hearted plus half a heart really I don’t get an extra half a heart what let me give me a new

One nine levels wait now it’s attack speed am I stupid um it’s getting really hot uh right now I need to use my ice chunks that I got and some pants okay there we go I Gotta Wear this stuff oh it looks pretty good too it helps it

Helps I need to go scan the guy again the ages because I want to get him up there all right I need a lot of scans I think okay so now next thing that I want is I want a uh the other reforging station I

Want this one but I need obsidian to get that one yes I gotta figure out a way to get some obsidian wow these have no durability 30 yikes okay all right so basically I want to kill like more of those Reapers for obsidian that’s the

Goal right but also I just want to get some more XP right now I really need to get some more XP I need to get some stuff like I need to get my building up to 12 so I can use an anvil I needed to

Get oh yeah I’ve seen my like my my combat stats up to like 16 so I can use diamond stuff and I forgot the NRL craft you can just Harvest Farms and you can get tons of like wait forming to two then you can Harvest Farms you get XP

For it so I’m just gonna Harvest this real quick and we’re gonna see what levels we can get okay that one field was level 18. that’s kind of crazy all right let’s get this form over here too okay level 22 off of just those two Fields that’s that’s kind of op let’s go

Ahead didn’t get let’s get defense to 16 burst and I’m gonna go kill some random animals hoping for a Reaper to spawn so I can get my obsidian for my uh my reforging station oh look a little lapis lazuli thingy give me your lapis oh actually I’m gonna head over to this

Village this way and see if they have any farms for me to harvest oh a Reaper I didn’t even see it obsidian no no oh therefore because I guess it hasn’t been loaded so it kind of makes sense but no Reaper unfortunate can I spam it

I can spam it I cheated let’s go and we got the obsidian all right let’s grab this Wither Skull we have one obsidian now okay yeah I’ve been killing animals all day not a single Reaper spawn so I am going to spam sleep and get one to spawn

And hopefully have a drop obsidian okay here we go that was first try no obsidian try again it must only happen like once per night oh whatever I’ll just leave it off whatever I tried oh what the look at this Village I might never gone this way I guess there’s a

Dragon so it would make sense to avoid it wait am I dumb I might be really stupid wait no way I’m out now I need to test my theory on if I’m like really stupid right I might be really stupid so I’m gonna go get some lava I think I can just make

Obsidian I’ll be honest I think I can just make it let me just grab this right okay oh I just found some Diamond pad armor I’m looking for a cauldron but I guess I don’t have one in this Village yeah I don’t see a cauldron and the Sun

Is setting so I’m just gonna make one all right let’s make a cauldron let’s let’s put it down right here right if I put some lava in it and then some water it gives it upstairs I didn’t I’m so stupid I don’t quite have enough iron I

Guess yeah I need to go grab some iron I also need to scan some more of these guys because I need to get their summoned soon okay now I can do this this this and this reforging station this is getting a little bit crowded but that’s okay I can

Put that right there so like what how what material does a bobble use probably spectral silt but anyways we now have the reforging station very big very cool so my leggings are pretty mid right they only have there’s no there’s no modifier so I can do this boom masterful that was

First try let’s get our helmet fixed up too Arcane sure a little bit of extra shielding why not okay let’s go ahead and make a new ax and I guess I’ll try reforging it more attack damage I’ll actually definitely take that okay we’re gonna enchant it real quick with level

One sharpness there we go okay all right we’re halfway to having the Aegis summon I think I hope I really don’t know how it works now but all right let’s go ahead and make some bandages and then we’re gonna head out which I’m kind of nervous about kind of

Excited about I I don’t really know how this is gonna go I’m gonna bring all of my materials that I need to make gear bring that too okay off we go I’m gonna go in this direction oh this leads to Ocean yeah yeah I’m gonna head this way

Oh that’s a mermaid I’m going this way oh wait earplugs boom earplugs that that’ll work okay now I can kill these things like if I wanted to oh my gosh this is the best day ever sees Urban run away I’m actually hey Mr sea serpent if you wanna beat yourself I’m not against

That okay maybe the serpent will come this way hello move move huh no no it’s a child and also a Caesar but mostly a child okay seven scales interesting if I can kill that big one I would get a bunch are they killing each other they did they fought each other

And one of them’s dead now I mean if he’s gonna go that way I mean I could just go lose his kill I’m gonna sleep and then go like take what he that he dropped maybe sea serpents don’t drop anything if they’re not killed by a

Player there’s no drops I can still lure this one out of the land though and kill it it should still be a red one because I think they were all red all right I hit it it should be mad at me now oh oh he only had two Health okay

It’s just ink sex where’s my Luke okay so let that be a lesson if you want to get sea serpent scales you cannot let them die in the water because water in our elk craft is insta death yeah I’m just gonna look for some more easily accessible sea serpents oh what is this

Oh it’s a village oh that means there’s gonna be a Way Stone Way Stone yes so much free Iron and another battle ax let’s go ahead and cook all their all this stuff that we just got Yo I love that that’s such a good mechanic all right well there’s nothing really here I

Have yet to find a village Library I think I’m pretty sure I haven’t found one oh okay destroyed battle tower have I been here before no wait maybe not oh Diamond yo oh I want that I think I have been here this is where I got my ice

Right now I don’t expect the loot here to be very good but I do want to pick all the locks anyways just in case and also level 16 defense let’s go so now I can use diamond armor that’s actually incredible I guess I should get attack up next nothing

I give up whatever’s in this chest is staying in this chest I do not care wait I should make my armor I forgot about that okay this is weird because in theory the first two pieces you want are your chest piece and your helmet but I’m wearing earplugs in in my backpack yeah

Well we’ll keep the Diamond Helmet ready if I could find any form of backpack that does not have to go on my back that would be incredible yeah so it seems like the ideal alternative to uh to a backpack is a Ender Chest which seems

Pretty easy to get I think I have a Blazer on back home that seems very doable but I don’t have silk touch and also with diamond pick hello fancy pirate ship what’s up with you actually I’m gonna wait for the sun to set and then I’m gonna sleep and we’re gonna do

The pirate ship tomorrow because doing it now means that birds are gonna spawn at night and pick me up and Fly Me Away to my deck kind of foggy guess we’re going over to the pirate ship in the fog you know thank you creeper actually I really didn’t want that oh that’s not

The skeleton that’s the skeleton a bronze long sword this is actually really good but I don’t have any bronze to reforge it okay yeah I get it you can shoot me in the face you’re so cool oh it’s just leather oh there’s a good stuff here okay some really cool shoes masterful

I’m actually gonna use these chain ones because they have protected for extra armor I’m also level 16 now I think I want to get mining up I want to get uh I want to be able to pick up an Ender Chest whenever I get one there’s Farms up there yeah and if

They’re fully grown by default I get a bunch of XP if they’re not that I wasted my time but whatever oh they’re not pre-grown wait is there a loot here oh brake spawners break are you kidding me what is that I’m out all right important parts are healed we’re going back up

Okay iron blocks are amazing as is a gold block are you kidding I’m tired of this I just want to open this chest okay a recall potion it was all worth it oh there is stuff up here spawner break these Okay I have no more reason to be here I am going to uh leave now um let’s get mining up to 16. almost there I’m about to kill this Cyclops ninja one up does that mean he can like teleport behind me and he has two lives I’m not fighting that never

Mind what if he has good wait he’s outside now because the whole issue is they don’t fit through their own doorways is he stuck the answer is no yo what about that pirate ship these ones are great that is not what I thought it was there’s dudes

On it oh they all have bows no but it might have good loot that’s an infernal well work and exhaust well I’m taking these guys out all right that’s most of them down I only have blow Oh my Jesus okay so now I have to kill that first there’s a sea

Monster what the heck with a bajillion health oh whoa look all the bronze stuff oh my his eyes oh that scared me I wasn’t ready for that dude I’m really hoping there’s like a true treasure room yeah there’s not this place is terrible vanilla jungle temple I wonder if these

Have different loot tables oh yes they do crafting room bunch of iron let’s go another crafting runes oh let’s go battle tower hello I hate the ones that go down but I I could maybe go down a couple floors okay that took way too long was it worth

It no yeah no I don’t want to I’m not I’m not doing it if it wasn’t one that went under like and there’s a web nah dude this sucks I’ll find another one oh no don’t lie no no no my God what the god I thought it was lagging because

Like my drive was full no it was just creating an entire RPG video game in my Minecraft world okay what kind of loot does this place have iron fishing rod yes okay let’s try out this fishing system that I’ve heard so much about I’m really feeling the gaming right now

So I either just keep it in this box oh and I got some clown fish and seaweed okay yeah that’s cool I don’t really yeah dude look how much iron what oh yeah yeah that’s mine am I the luckiest gamer okay 23 free iron blocks that’s

Amazing this place goes for soul oh my gosh this is gigantic what I thought it was over I don’t know where anything is does anything look super important that does gold hello let’s check out the boat this whole boat is empty okay no I’m not going down there stupid yeah get me

Out of here back to the land and I want to go look at that super impressive looking staircase that I saw I don’t know where that was though I lost it hold on wait mining almost 16 wait I’m close there it is okay let’s check out the castle I guess more oh there’s

Another thing leave the villagers alone well now I want their loot but I’m scared all right got some shiny scales not bad oh hello one more scan and then unlock their summon oh and I’m level 17 which means mining level 16. so now I need attack to hit level 16 in building

To hit Level 12. those are my next two goals if I can use a diamond pickaxe now let’s just do it you know oh that’s nice sweeping too that doesn’t help me at all actually I will take the reach distance it’s pretty good all right now let’s

Check out whatever this Castle is this is this is a pretty big thing here oh yo so many Emerald blocks I mean I think that’s it I didn’t get any enchanted books though I was kind of helping for a library but I couldn’t find one where is

The way Stone I can’t find it oh here’s the waist down okay all right well I think I’m gonna head home I mean might as well right and I am back home love that 32 blocks of iron that is so crazy look how many islands that is that’s so

Many irons all right is there bronze ingots I wanted to use this long sword for a bit I think it might be better than the the battle ax I don’t really know let’s go ahead and reforge it short and thin that’s okay well it didn’t turn

Out very good it’s still better than the ax though oh not with a shield oh whatever I don’t want it too much effort to figure out how to make it work properly all right while I’m waiting for some uh some water to cook I should now be able there we go

Let’s go I unlocked the Aegis as a summon all right summons are gonna make this game so much better my boat’s almost broken so I’m just gonna quickly reforge up another one legendary sounds really good I mean honestly oh is this the only modifier it can get well I’m an

Idiot I guess I’ll take that I I should have kept the legendary one okay and let’s go ahead and enchant it with level one power one there we go much better bow all right let’s make a couple things now let’s make a couple things let’s let’s

Let’s do shield made of uh diamonds and then let’s make some golden apples because golden apples can help me heal and not die which I think is very good I also need to remember um Maka meat this stuff gives you absorption and I’m gonna test it real

Quick it does give you an extra half heart to each body part that that’s useful and oh let’s enchant The Shield knockbacker protection hey imagine the protection might help now I’m gonna head out and I’m gonna go look for uh some Battle Towers I want to take on a battle

Tower as you can see I’m very stanced up and ready oh is this one of those things oh I know how to loot these oh there’s XP in here hello thank you for your arrows whoa whoa I did not loot this chest from the last one there was golden apples and

Enchanted books in there whoa efficiency two let’s go I’ll take all this and there is some diamond armor is that better than diamond leggings it’s the same okay cool cool oh it goes up even more okay wait protection four I definitely did not fully loot the first

One I I don’t remember anything like this on breaking three yo let’s store all of that that is awesome okay silver yo yo yo there’s silver bronze Redstone Glowstone silver is really useful right I needed it for glowing ingots oh no you need four silver for it though I’m so

Close to being able to make this ring that gives me night vision that’d be so useful and then we of course have the hidden room anyways xp’s home six diamonds with silver yo I don’t think the barrels had loot last time I love this structure so much oh

There was so much good stuff here so now I can already make diamond boots but I’m actually gonna make a diamond chest plate because the backpack is okay for storing stuff but it’s so bad defensively well that is this place looted I believe no way is that another

One it is it is the same thing it’s just a little bit different more diamonds that I can smell down and get three more there we go the secret oh there’s no silver this time diamond there we go oh that was so worth it I almost did not pick this that would have

Been sad we had depth Strider and efficiency four silver five yo that’s really good yo I’m hyped okay well let’s be smart though how many glowing angots can I make with that I’m not gonna lie repelling arrows is very tempting actually I have nine I can get both okay

Well we have some stuff we can do oh I didn’t even check for the XP there are some there’s a little bit all right attack up to 13 with that not bad all right we’re gonna continue going this way because this path seems to be very

Useful that’s a battle tower yes that is exactly what we want to see okay I’m gonna check this little thing out over here first then we’re gonna go over there that has to be trapped right no Mr Golden Apple that’s it I was really worried about this for no reason okay it

Is the time of of trying to beat a battle tower or I can cheese it I mean I’m not against it I’m gonna try and build up and kill the Golem with my summons that’s the goal let’s be a little bit smarter let’s let’s be smart about this okay there okay there’s some

Water and now I’m gonna go up get a man just get him oh yeah so you don’t want to fight him anymore is that um yeah get him get him get him wait he can’t see oh you know that works um one more ages for the road suddenly this is turned into

Bloons Tower Defense and I am the balloon he’s low he’s low he’s low come on Aegis pop off nah oh oh I’m gonna try and run very far away and then come back does he chill oh I unloaded and reloaded him so he’s not mad anymore okay both chests are

Intact too all right I need to break those two spawners before I do anything break yes uh iron oh an Aussie liner that is so good do I have a crafting table oh no my craft table’s not here either what did I do with it all right let’s store a

Little bit of stuff in the backpack and then go back up there do I want to use the Aussie liner now I’m just gonna try and do it and this will help me with temperature and stuff okay that’s awesome there we go boss chest yes dude oh my

God oh my gosh a magic mirror I need the magic level 32 for that I’m never getting that whatever a ravaging Ingot is Ender Pearl’s blaze powder glowstone diamonds diamond block oh my gosh and XP with that I can get attacked up to 14. okay spawners are broken I just need to

Pick this lock now to got it first try diamond sword I’ll take the golden apple and I’m going home goodbye let’s go ahead and make our diamond boots we should go ahead and get this stuff Enchanted too probably with level one just to have it I left my backpack there

Oh shoot I have to go back for that oh I can’t I can’t leave that there yo I’m so good at this all right let’s go ahead and enchant stuff with level one just just to be safer projectile protection two definitely reject that protection on the boots Protection One

On the leggings there we go and now I need to go back and get my stuff all right that was like near here I think it was this way that flapping sounds very close goodbye I just use both my recalls that’s so bad it wasted one because of a glitch oh no

Oh no I don’t know where my stuff was okay I can make a warp scroll or I can make return Scrolls which I think are cheaper yeah okay so let’s do paper paper gold nuggets nine return Scrolls okay so these work how I assume they do

I should be able to bind it to my way Stone over here and use it as like a bit of a recall Potion No no don’t how do I rebind it okay well I didn’t want it to be bound to this there’s a dragon there but a wavestone

Is better than none so I’m just gonna go back and look for my stuff okay this is the planes biome yes yes we’re almost there I think okay what the heck is that there’s the battle tower okay that is I am coming back to that okay yeah I

Didn’t want to lose any of this stuff this is pretty good I’m gonna go over to that kind looking Tower over here yeah no this had a wavestone this would be a pretty nice place to live I’m kind of outgrowing my current home I mean I I

Certainly could use the space it’s got a form I kind of like this but there’s no way Stone I can’t make one so unfortunately no please no Beasts of the ocean kill me I’m just trying to find a place to live from now on I don’t like

My current house hello Extreme Hills bio I am a humble gamer looking for a place to live do you have any way stones I think I’ve seen this before yeah there’s loot oh whoa whoa whoa what the what I don’t think the loot’s gonna be reflection good for a shield I assume oh

Now it’s suddenly night time how is there a savannah next to snow like how am I hot right now there’s snow right there the way Stone I’m going home now yes okay let’s get sorted no it’s my chest plate oh that was scary Jesus okay

So right now I really want silk touch I really like a silk touch pickaxe right I I I I wouldn’t need level 30 for that I don’t have level 30. for now though I think we’re pretty sorted my inventory is kind of cluttered because I there’s a

Lot of stuff in this mod pack a good goal right now is I’m gonna cut down some trees and make bookshelves and I’m gonna see I’m gonna see what kind of enchants I can get on the pick right now because if I can get silk touch I can

Work on an Ender Chest I guess for now I can do it out here versatility don’t care about that okay it’s gonna be harder than I thought I’m gonna try leveling up this librarian nine books for an emerald deal Advanced Protection One I mean that’s not a bad

Enchantment but come on man is that all you have man you suck let’s try here huh no what is that no the villagers I didn’t know okay I can never come back here again okay meow whatever this town’s called is off limits now if I go outside I will

Probably die I’m just gonna return scroll I’m Audi I’m gonna head to this ocean no I’m gonna look for librarians here see if they have any uh silk touch unreasonable that’s an awesome enchantment I love that no no yo a demon spawned from that plant that has somehow not happened yet oh no

It’s killing the villagers oh no I’m uh causing problems for those around me again oh hello yo this is good emeralds right here I can try this all the farmers oh you’re a farmer hello okay yeah I’ve decided there’s no silk touch here I spent all day trading wait

I got the level 18 from trades oh attack levels yo I could use Diamond strong what huh huh what just happened um so yeah I have these Scrolls I will see you later however before we go back to looking for silk touch because that’s my current goal let’s make a diamond

Weapon yeah I think for now we’re gonna do the battle ax because it doesn’t need it because I I like my shield it has kept me alive many of times and every other weapon you can’t use a shield so all right there we go Diamond battle ax

And also soon we can get a diamond Longbow now let’s enchant this thing and sharpness one there we go that’s an awesome weapon I’m actually gonna try and reforge it I I hate wasting some of my diamonds but I really want to get like a really good one yeah so I should

Have just stuck with the first one yeah please stop no shot why would I do that it was okay oh okay whatever it’s good enough I’m gonna go back to villager hunting and seeing if I can find some uh some silk touch there whoa these bookshelves had enchanted

Books in them they weren’t good this time but I have not been looking out for that I’m gonna continue on from this way which is my most recent Waypoint or raystone and I’m gonna look for just anything really I don’t know if I’m more Villages because more Villages means

More chances at uh not mending uh silk touch and then we can defeat a dragon oh shoot yes let’s get some wood let’s get a little bit of tree going I should make that a house my base of operations we’re gonna go over there okay we’re gonna store our backpack in here operation

Take on the battle tower is a go put on the chess piece we’re good to go let’s go oh can you not can you seriously not you were like uh-huh I’m in serious Danger so that went well okay so I need to get back up now

God let’s go oh there’s so many of them I don’t like that I could just try and fight him oh wait yeah so on a list of things that went well I wouldn’t really put that on it I have an idea now all right the plan is

To get that guy to fall down without him destroying the tower because then I can loot the entire Tower of no fear ah yes and now this Tower is ours let’s that was so easy and loot this chest all these diamonds are mine I got a free

Potion ring with nothing on it okay Blaze Rod blaze powder more blaze powder yo ender pearls look at all that XP dude how do I even do this I got some of my guys okay yeah that’s cool yeah go on guys go on go in there there you go go on I’m

Taking this one floor at a time I’ve made a mistake break that cool second glass floor got oh we got a Miner’s ring whatever that does I don’t really know some ender pearl diamond armor yes oh undying that’s a that’s like the best thing you

Can get on a bobble I’m pretty sure it’s so good wait bobble’s dropped over here potion rings and stuff where did those come from yo I got a bezel this is immunity to poison that’s so op okay summon I guess I don’t suppose I could sleep up here oh

I could sleep let’s go day 47 all right the spawners are broken but they’ve run out of mobs go on oh not a cobweb okay lifesteal okay that vengeance is annoying no I’m out yeah that happened Ender Pearl’s gold diamonds let’s go all right up we go

Oh my gosh it’s a blight you see how fast that thing was oh my gosh okay but this guy is just gonna keep coming back up and reflecting damage into me um let’s summon again come on go down there ages kill it it has like no HP left

Yes that’s a bunch of XP down there for me oh they’re back no way I’m out all right let’s sleep off the night they 48 oh this is a long thing we’re back up most mobs should have despawned by now oh it was only the ones holding stuff

That were still alive we’re glad we’re good we got the floor okay all right this floor is a little bit less good but we did get a recall potion which is really good um the next floor down is also pretty safe we hit Level 40. all right this is locked so we’re gonna

Unlock it and this is probably the last floor we’re gonna do Crazy Diamond picks Golden Apple these are so op all right and given the state of the loot I don’t think the other floors are worth doing at all so uh I’m done here almost

Um I really want to kill the Golem I think the Golem can drop a Nether Star not mistaken all right let’s attempt this Golem cheese dude oh no I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry Jesus I almost die after all that I really want

To kill him he’s such a valuable kill but I’m gonna be smart and I’m gonna Retreat I’m gonna go back home get stronger and then I can kill Golems that’s yes I’m gonna do that oh what is that I’m gonna check this out this is a village awesome if it’s not I’m running

Away this isn’t a village okay there doesn’t seem to be anything here except for some sick loot okay this is like a terrible idea foreign he broke my leg it’s dead holy hand grenade huh dude this place is stacked cross necklace a cross necklace is pretty good what a cool little

Dungeon I’m leaving Look Who’s home all right uh all right there we go that’s 30 levels in there I I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to just store all your XP in these books so slight issue I did not realize that I couldn’t disenchance my

Armor so I think I have to make a new diamond armor which sucks real bad but I do think it’s worth it so I’m gonna make some new diamond armor okay the goal right now is to be able to use an Ender Chest instead of this backpack that’s

Like the biggest thing I could possibly want right now so let’s grab some lapis and I suppose let’s enchant some stuff Unbreaking sharp shooter come on okay so the idea here is that I don’t want to have to use a shield anymore so I think

I want to use a diamond Halbert so I’m gonna make a diamond Albert it’s just really good that one isn’t good though we’ll fix that later all right I’m able to get protection 4 on a helmet so I’m actually gonna use my other book right now protection for Diamond Helmet

Burning thorns and respiration I will actually take that let’s go education is boosted XP that’s kind of good eh down grab it I’ll grab it I’m actually gonna get double jump boots I wonder that avoids fall damage oh it might that’s pretty good yeah I need to get an anvil swifter slashes

That’s really good I’ll grab it so yes oh my gosh that was that took so much lapis pickaxe boom silk touch let’s go and we got a really good helmet and really well we have double jump shoes now I want to use the rest of this XP to

Get up to building level 12. boom building level 12 so now I can use an anvil now can I get these masterful boots yes that’s awesome okay I was not able to get a good enchantment on the halberd which is really unfortunate can I get protection for on a chess piece though

Yeah I can afford that okay so we have a really good chess piece and helmet now which are the two most important armor pieces well I just got a sharpness one book that’s pretty convenient all right there we go sharpest one on that let’s get rid of the battle ax I’m not gonna

Be using a shield anymore hopefully I won’t need it now let’s reforge the Halbert as well oh oh okay well I’m out of diamonds now and it got I mean it’s pretty bad but it’s whatever now we make an Eye of Ender and an ender chest and

Now we can use this is our backpack instead of the actual backpack which was bad anyways okay now I want to make this ring glowing Ingot and we get the silver golden carrot boom ring of Enchanted eyes now I don’t have enough ring slots the undying one is too good I don’t

Really need the speed boost and now I have plenty of good gear and now I should be able to take on Battle Towers way easier and get a lot more XP so I can get other stuff because right now my next goal is probably to get higher

Stuff I have these dragon bones I don’t even remember when I got them but I have these dragon bones and I should try to get the stats to actually use the weapons because these are very strong so that’s the next goal yeah I guess I can smell these down now they’re not really

Useful anymore right oh and with these diamonds I can reforge this thing again yes 20 attack speed I’m actually down for that I think I want to get this too this ring of strength so I’m gonna bring this I would have to lose this ring which kind of sucks okay right now my

Goal is to get a strength ring I want to get a strength ring and also just get some more XP and stuff and I also want to get another bow real quick while I’m here there we go legendary it’s the best one and power one there we go legend

There you go now I want to get a strength ring so I just need some blaze powder and blaze powder I need some magma all right so I’m gonna head out to go find a blacksmith because there’s a magma on them oh there’s a blacksmith

Okay and there’s our magma now we can do this this and this strength right and now I need to go reforge it I should be able to reforge yes ideally we get undying there we go undying okay so now we no longer need this hay string and then we can have strength instead

Awesome okay I think that’s everything I really needed to do right now it’s a lot of progress I need water and we’ll just smell some water and tomorrow we’re gonna head out for a new adventure might not my goal right now is to get a better enchantment for this thing and also just

Get levels for like dragon bone stuff and I also want to get better bow levels because right now I only have agility too yeah it’s just gonna be uh more XP more dungeons more fun stuff like that oh hello desert village do these towers have loot oh Arrow yes there we go

That’s awesome okay there’s a library yes that’s a library right there efficiency for protection for an efficiency five Tome as well all right so we have one chest so far I’ve heard that there’s three and that’s the one that I heard about it’s a secret one

Under the the the the staircase wow it’s pretty bad though okay and I guess this is the final one and it’s of course locked so Arrow recovery that’s not bad silk touched that I spent so many levels getting silk touch that’s cool well okay then I got some good books out of that

Not a bad little stop another Ocean Adventure my least favorite sea servant is it purple though it’s red oh I wouldn’t mind some sea serpent scales come at me bro is he stuck I need him to get on land or I can’t really kill him oh no

Oh no no yeah so that happened oh oh oh he he just summoned a spriggan leave BB I almost lost the world that was so oh my God okay well I have 10 more Seas Urban scales now oh should I try this I always avoided these dungeons but I have

Actual armor now whatever I’ll do it all right this dungeon’s a little a little weird I don’t really know what’s going on oh go defend me what kind of room is this there is something invisible oh what’s happening so this is going well of course the chaotic energy a man

Invested into something beware ow stop stop stop oh my gosh why why why and this is why you don’t go into dungeons okay I want to leave I don’t want to be here anymore these gorgamites are the worst oh what is that if I don’t

Get out of this line of sight right now I’m gonna die yeah I’m leaving I don’t want to be here anymore I’m not going into one of these ever again mark my words what’s throwing me around now oh the zombies here let me leave I’m

Leaving let me leave just let me go oh there’s a shark there’s a shark what there’s a bird oh there’s what is that that’s a dragon oh what the bird can hit me thank you um yeah yeah that was certainly yeah first things first make more bandages please

So we hit level 31 in there which is pretty nice can I make a full set of Tide Guardian armor no I’m I’m a couple red scales short but I can get most of it which is pretty cool am I able to get my defense up to 20 right now I might be

Able to but I should get a better weapon first before I do that right let’s make another halberd as halberd by the way is really good it’s been going crazy now I want to try and get a level 30 enchantment on it lesser Smite no how

Hard is it to get sharpness oh I mean sure life steal two for a level 30 book yeah I’m Gonna Save that um also this halberd sucks and because I’m using books anyways let’s just go ahead and deck this one out so let’s do swifter slashes one two and the sharpness three

Costs 10 levels I can get that real quick and let’s go ahead and put uh let’s just do a little armor stand the thingy right here for this which I think is gonna be my next armor set I can smell these down yeah okay I hate doing

This but about that the kill mobs at night to get the level 10. I hate I hate night time in this mod pack I’ve been avoiding it this whole time yep there’s oh yeah here’s the suffering okay giant beasts of some kind okay we’re level 16. I only needed 10 so

I’m gonna sleep all right there we go we got the five agility real quick because I I do want to get my agility up and I’m gonna apply this to my halberd sharpness three that’s a pretty good halibut okay I want to see if I could find this

Nightshade dungeon and take it on I don’t think it’s gonna go very well in worst case scenario I have a return scroll that can hopefully get me out of there fast I’m actually going to use the recall potion the dungeon sounds like it’s this way oh no ow oh gosh

Oh God is this it I found it that is for sure and my game is lagging okay can I see the boss I see a zombie dude it’s getting so loud what it what is that I hate grooves oh the boss isn’t in this room oh never mind that was the boss

Um I thought it was gonna be a shade it was a Groove and it can fly I know I can kill this thing I I did a decent amount of damage to it already all right I’m gonna sleep it’ll heal me and then I’m gonna go back down there and just try

And beat it I think I can manage okay I’m gonna make golden apples first actually that’s a really good idea the a58 we have golden apples we’re healed up and I have no idea where that dungeon was okay is that it no that was just a

Grew and here it is okay I think aerosaur meets plus Golden Apple will keep me alive it’s right there it’s right there die die yes bro we killed it how many diamonds is this fifth fifth oh oh my God that was so worth it okay there’s chests that way let’s go loot them

Dude there’s a spawner Winter’s Grace Safeguard okay I don’t care about any of those more diamonds I’m looking for yeah recall Potions there we go recall potions everywhere yo this is so good let’s summon and break these spawners no other shade oh my gosh bro itaguru yo

I’m tired of this of course chaotic energy manifested as I’m going home I forgot that I had that choice I’m home now I need more chests I don’t have very much space do I okay actually though tomorrow I’m gonna expand my base a little bit this is this is too much

We’re gonna use stone bricks beautiful look at my new expanded house yes there we go this is the storage room oh yo I got enough of these shards for a heart container and now I have an extra heart let’s go yo we’re going places we’re we’re getting stronger wait do I

Have enough for another oh I do I can make another heart container any other horror let’s go okay what should I do now oh I want to make a rune reader all right I’m a block boom Rune reader and I want to make the advanced one too

Because it’s very easy to make so I might as well boom Advanced Rune reader there we go and now we can read our runes this one will make a obsidian Harvester which is meant for mining obsidian okay this one will make a water Talisman which makes water and this one

Makes a life spell I feel like we used the better ones because these are all terrible uh I want to reforge this to try my halberd to try and get uh legendary there we go this is the best possible one you can get I think the

Next logical step is to get levels in my stats again to be able to use dragon bone gear attack 24 agility 18. those are my next goals I’m gonna have to go travel for some more experience again but it’s worth it dragon skeleton give me these yes oh big Village yo

Where’s your library there’s the library yo strave draw speed that’s a good bow thingy Multi Shot yo protection four and another why are the books the same why did I get two of the same books anyways oh yes Unbreaking three amazing mending I’ll take it we

Got some good stuff there oh what is this this is fancy bro if this had a wavestone and was it in the middle of the desert I would live here immediately I found loot it’s only cobwebs course is a good block though I I want this okay

Actually a sick structure I just can’t really live in it because of the location it’s a little too hot for my liking and there’s a Village Library time feather falling four and I’m breaking three sure I’ll take it okay not bad yo is this one of the crates

That’s like a like a shulker box I think I just got an incredible item yo I can store all this stuff in here and then break it yes I can try whatever this is and I want to break that spawner but there’s so many mobs I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m

Leaving oh okay I can do this dungeon I mean there’s not be a coward kill the shambler I hate those things no I need to leave right now oh my God this is so much exp that this is exactly what I wanted go hang out with one of

These nymphs and I guess we go back down okay amazing we got all those spawners down this loot sucks there’s a layer up there is there where were those things spawning from I’m honestly not sure I’m not that worried though I think we cleared most of it and also the loot’s terrible so

I’m just gonna leave all right let’s continue on our journey I guess that was a good dungeon lots of XP I can actually level up my uh this two more times okay we’re almost at 20. hello box what have you a ladder like what’s the point in

This there’s nothing here dude it’s just a bajillion spawners I don’t want to be here anymore but that’s so much xp that I want to get oh there’s a chance wait is it good yes oh my gosh there’s actual Lou here Ender these I don’t like these

Infernals but the XP is so juicy oh are you kidding me dude the witch splashed me with a potion that reorganized my inventory and I almost died for it I want to go find a battle tower I’m gonna go find a battle tower okay day 64 it is Battle power

Time uh meaning I had to get to go search for a long time again no boy no Village Arrow house very important or Arrow Tower uh there’s no arrows here okay let’s go ahead and get some water going tonight hello there’s a full set of diamond armor oh

That’s a defiled Lance and that’s a battle tower but I heard a dragon oh this is suck I want to go into the defiled lands because like there’s these oars give me that okay I wanna take on this tower that was way up here that’s Dragon charred there’s a dragon what are

The odds it doesn’t come within range of the battle tower it’s within range of the battle tower yep okay this isn’t even a real Tower this is not worth my it’s a it’s a fake Tower it’s one of the fake broken ones never mind wait sir are

You a librarian I I must check just in case lucky throw don’t care oh look at that another dragon how peculiar another Village though was the library I see a library but this is the library right yeah luck of the scene Fortune I don’t know why though I guess it just

Prevents you from getting cursed oh education three yes yes okay that’s amazing education three means I get more XP per kill which means I have a plan now oh yeah I’m gonna get the level 30. I’m gonna enchant a dragon bone Halbert I’m gonna get a uh education three

Dragon bone Halbert and then I’m gonna form XP like that dude there’s another Dragon you can’t make this up there’s so many dragons battle tower it’s not a functional one but there will be spawners boom okay level 26 off of that that’s not bad it was like barely any mobs that

Actually spawned there I guess I’ll go into the ice biome I don’t I hate it there could be a battle tower though yes there is is there a dragon next to this one too no seems clear okay battle tower let’s go I can fight you I can buy basic mobs all day Spelled bad bad bad stuff I might be able to even fight the Golem this time I’m not sure Cobalt Shield I think that’s good okay we have finished the tower but the Golem is right above okay Arcane okay immunity to knock back uh sure okay let’s do it no I can’t

Yeah no I can’t do that um he wrecked me and I was doing no damage but we did get level 41. oh wait the dragon bone one requires level 24. okay the air is level 24 attack but now I can’t enchant let’s make a dragon bone halberd I guess I’ll go ahead and

Reforge it as well there we go legendary dragon bone halberd sharpness three I’m gonna get sharpness three that’s actually amazing that solves so many issues oh my gosh and I get education three yes I can sharpness 3 education three that is incredible we’re now retiring the old Diamond halberd all

Right swifter slashes two this is now just a straight upgrade to my old one day 70. I’m just gonna take a quick visit to the defiled lands give me a second look at that we have buckets of poison okay we’re gonna test out making a poison Farm because now that I have

Education three I should get a lot more XP from every mob uh I think this is good I think I think this is just like it to be honest then I just one two I got not enough poison or something I need more poison I need to I

Need two more buckets I’m gonna go get those all right all the poisons in place so mobs should spawn here and I should just be able to kill them I think I found this on Google Images it wasn’t oh there we go it wasn’t even a tutorial yo I’m

Getting so much xp I’m from level like three to 17 off of like four mobs I’m gonna form this for a little I’m gonna go get my other XP tomes and I’m gonna farm this for uh for a little bit yo this this Farm doubles as a slime

Farm so I’m able to get this heating goo right and then I can like get some string and do this oh this is really good yeah I can make this and then I can make some some heating liners for my gear the boom I can do that and then I

Can do that and it has warm lining cool okay okay so I’m gonna be honest outside of this form being safe it’s not very fast things don’t spawn very often it’s it’s not great I I’ll be real it’s not great I’d be much better off going and finding

A dungeon with like spawners and that’s also just what I want to go do so I’m actually gonna make a bow real quick too and restring okay there we go dragon bone strengthened long bow there we go legendary all right agility 18. there we go and I guess I’ll go ahead and enchant

It wherever it is there it is with multi-shot can’t really go wrong there hold up we’ll enchant this one advanced advanced into advanced punch I I don’t want that okay hold on I need I need a little bit of experience I need a little bit more I’m gonna do one more

Round on the thing I hear a crab again where are you coming from I found a crab spawner yo they tame with aquatic treats I want a friend okay any cooked fish can make aquatic treats oh not any cooked fish never mind I I don’t know how to

Get this anyways I’m gonna get this bow unfortunately for now we’re not able to get the the crab all right let’s go ahead and build our bow let’s get our multi-shot book our strafe and range book there we go power two Multi Shot and strafing range okay this should be

Really good now now I just need to get it legendary there we go that took almost all of my dragon bones but whatever that depth which gives it even more XP can I put that on here Adept that’s even more experience I’ll do it it’s definitely winter now there’s now

Snow everywhere okay with all our stuff I’m now gonna go look for anything that I can kill a lot of mobs at any kind of dungeon really so well I guess mobs can spawn in these quite frequently see I know I’m not supposed to be breaking spawners can I get better loot

Otherwise but I am scared I need to leave I’m actually fine it just doesn’t I feel like I’m getting hit a ton and I’m just not nine ender pearls geez Supreme sharpness all right I’ve honestly done enough I’m out now I’m level 50. that’s pretty insane I could probably fill up both my

Books and still yeah that’s only five of my levels okay my goal I don’t have any dragon bones do I no don’t tell me I can still do what I was gonna do it’s just a lot lot harder I also need to know how good is supreme sharpness so let’s see a

Diamond halberd with sharp three has 14 attack damage huh let’s try a diamond halberd with one supreme sharpness 17. okay Supreme sharpness is crazy anyways for now I want to try and get lifestyle I want to get lifesteal or vampirism on my halibird because keeping

Me alive that’d be so good for it it’d be so good for it okay my goal vampirism or lifesteal I have hyperthermia I’m too cold maybe I should move that enchantment setup inside wouldn’t that be good all right let’s make a quick little area for the uh table all right

We’re out of stone bricks on the Birchwood we’re gonna make this look really good okay I’ll have to stay there aesthetic right I need to make the bookshelves and they’re not going to be the same color yeah that’s very good and then we just plop some torches around here and look

At that we have an enchanting room now on the inside of our house unlike before where it was on the outside Infinity okay I know what I said I want Infinity um this bow I cannot do pull speed or oh I can’t use the Anvil on it anymore man

I need like upgraded potential for that it’s an enchantment that lets you do more enchantments oh it’s only vampirism one but I I do see the enchantment I’ll grab it I’ll grab it let’s throw the vampirism on it’s it’s still good to have it’ll give me a little bit of

Lifesteal however that used all the XP that I just got all 50 levels of it I’m also gonna go ahead and make more golden apples all right now I’m gonna try and get able to be able to use this stuff this this armor my serpent armor I might

Also just be able to fight a dragon already I am gonna try in fights a dragon okay this is a bad idea I think it was So we’re gonna go to Zar joyr Tron oh yep there it is okay ice dragon it’s fighting a polar bear awesome just die just die just die you’re so slow just die yes bro that was easy I killed an ice dragon that was anticlimactic but I did it how much xp you give

All right don’t mind if I take a little bit of blood and then we get a bunch of Bones and stuff like that all right the nest is right over here even in our L craft there’s nothing dude this is useless so we actually almost got enough

Scales for a full set of armor off that which is pretty impressive I don’t think we need to even use this armor that I made earlier so that’s nice do I keep my enchantments I can’t even do it yeah it has to be full durability dragon bone

Halberd okay well let’s go ahead and do that real quick let’s go ahead and do this and throw some blood on there this thing is way better than my current one but the only thing is I need to enchant it okay now what I want to do I want to

Get more XP so I think we’re gonna go out and explore I want to get enough stuff for dragon armor I also would like to find an upgraded potentials book and also I need to get more books in general although real quick I’m gonna go see if

I can get level 16 on like Gathering because or level eight even I just want to not have a stone ax I’m so tired of using a stone ax wait is winter over it’s warm now dude I spent most of the day waiting this is spawn nothing okay

I’m sure gonna make an iron ax you just take it with me then get Gathering while I’m out there I guess all right okay cool iron ax sure what whatever right I can’t actually use the item yet wait okay Gathering level eight now I’m gonna go grab those bookshelves and I’m gonna

Go over to that little house with the lapis roof that’s somewhere around here get all the lapis and now we’re gonna go find another dungeon for XP and also heal some dragons if we happen to see them okay there we go 40 blocks of lapis

There’s still some here if we need it in the future Amway 41 okay we have all the blocks of lapis all the books now I’m gonna go look for a good dungeon to fight or something I want a lot of XP hello little village do you have a

Library hey don’t worry I’ll take care of it for you I got this God got him oh got him oh got him oh got him I killed it give me your scales yes thank you oh wow there’s a library they’re gonna reward me I’ll take looting too sharp

Four oh okay so we can test if sharp four Supreme sharpness one is better no maybe that’s the 13 that’s the 39 wool house yeah yeah this is the 39 wool house 39 will love to see it when the day count hits uh hits 80 you really

Start to get anxious about finishing it like my end goal is to kill a tier five Dragon I haven’t really mentioned it yet I want to kill a tier 5 Dragon but now it’s day 80. I don’t even have my dragon gear yet and I have to enchant it like

Oh yes all right I can kill the dragon you know Mr Dragon I’ll get back to you on that I’ll get back to you on that hold on oh look another battle tower much much safer to get to okay let’s stick on this battle tower right now some feathers okay that’s awesome yeah

These towers are so easy now I’m such a god gamer see I was able to kill a dragon I’m a little nervous about the Battle power Golem though I’m gonna have my recall at the ready golden that full mission to go in I got him

I got him okay we got out of there I don’t know how fast the tower Falls I didn’t get any loot though I only got this XP Tome yeah I wouldn’t have survived that oh yeah everything survived okay dude how do I even begin to sort through this what I really want

Though is I want the blaze powder and the glowstone well I think we’re good here I mean there this loot’s not amazing we did Kill the Golem though all right Dragon there we go we killed it okay cool don’t land on the volcano don’t land on the volcano

What’s here was that three okay now my ender chest is full there’s an entire battle tower to take on okay okay next floor is the thing is the boss I need to empty my inventory a little bit though got him got him got him got him got him

Uh XP Tome ender pearls diamonds balloon Golden Apple I’m out okay we survived that was a terrifying scenario but there was a full XP tome in there all right we got pretty much everything and we got a lot of Veggie out of that so I’m actually gonna head home real quick all

Right let’s see what’s stronger Supreme sharpness or sharp four Supreme goes to 21 and sharp four goes to 18. yeah it’s definitely a win for Supreme sharpness geez um I’m now gonna try and get some more enchantments going okay well there’s vampirism one which is really good I’m

Gonna take it vampirism one looting one I’ll take it that was a low level enchant too and I could make another one of these real quick I don’t see the harm in doing so all right and let’s keep trying to get good stuff on it education three let’s do that education three on

The uh diamond or the on the iced dragon bone halberd all right let’s take this halberd with vampirism give it Supreme sharpness and then combine it with this one I can’t dang it okay am I able to reform oh I can reforge with bones thank

You I was so worried there we go that took almost all of my dragon bones that sucked very bad and boom Defense level 24 because now I can use dragon scale gear and was I able to put roon of Pearson capabilities on this I was okay so that goes through armor which is

Really nice I’m gonna go see there’s a villager over here that sells Advanced protection books I’m gonna see how many of those I can buy I was able to get uh seven all right you are the goat Mike I appreciate that I have enough emeralds for another okay well I’m gonna go buy

That real quick and then we’re gonna sleep okay let’s go find some arrows and Hunt some dragons I probably have at least one Village that I can get arrows from wait hold on I forgot I got those plants earlier and boom that should be enough arrows for at least one Dragon oh

Crafting Rune oh come on there’s always a dragon in these biomes show me one come on Dragon yo there we go yo I love that they just can’t see me actually I think it’s coming towards me you just can’t get to me because he’s only walking and not flying he’s out let’s go

Oh we got him oh you’re in like a little like little tier two baby yo I was just thinking that I wanted to find one of these because these things they have crafting runes oh charged emeralds are kind of they’re kind of cool they’re a lightning grenade basically you just

That’s kind of neat yeah there’s without a doubt no crafting runes in this place another desert with an ice in the ocean meaning I’ve probably been here before how do I keep do huh no bro where did that come from yo what is this oh what

What it was a it was a trap of some like like the lava was meant to fall but what’s with the Netherrack yo what check this place out that’s kind of cool and I leave yo look at this hello six golden apples and third what what kind of random well this is cool

All right well that was an interesting little place I now leave I don’t have enough arrows all right they’re whoa and they’re Landing I almost just died that was I didn’t realize I wouldn’t be able to see while it was attacking me I am now very damaged it’s my favorite structure give

Me Malu yes let’s go look arrows you know I guess this place isn’t as good anymore now that I have much better ways to get experience there’s nothing this place can really offer me it was really good early game all right let’s go on to the secret room now

There we go these ones are just full of normal books right yeah all right let’s leave oh strength and vitality is good I’ll grab this one what is that oh new structure yo it’s a dragon I’ll deal with that in a minute oh that goes straight down to

Lava okay I’m gonna head over to this colder biome and sleep while I kill these oh check this place out like one more time but I don’t think there’s any chests in here which is the only reason I’d even bother really some iron blocks

Oh yeah these are bad so I found it oh God yeah the dragon just doesn’t fight back we win oh my God I’m still here I’m still in the area it’s not a fireball I didn’t know he had explosives the dragon should be like like very low

Almost died am I I might still okay that was really close why is there another Nest over there all right I still want to kill the one over here and then we’ll look at the other one we’ll see what the other one has going on

I killed it oh I killed it listen buddy you don’t gotta be so crazy we did get some gray dragon scales though which is the color we already had so I think we should only focus on gray ones are you joking I’m definitely not killing these there there’s two of them there’s no

Reason to risk my life uh I think that one’s gray and it sees me okay if it stays right there and I can hit it I can kill it did that have to happen just say it’s done spawning mob please I can’t handle it we’re home wow we can now make our

Armor full dragon scale armor that one is default that one’s pretty bad that’s good and that’s bad okay all right what I’m gonna do I’m gonna get my level 30. I like the sound of Unbreaking and I got protection for it I’ll actually take it now let’s get our Advanced protection

Stuff going that costs an insane amount of levels okay now I need to get a little bit more XP AKA a lot more XP I’m gonna go do my poison Farm a little bit yo I just got a vampirism book oh that’s so good now let’s get the chest plate

With Advanced protection too and now I need more levels again yeah I kind of forgot stuff doesn’t Spawn from this so uh what are we gonna do about that my armor is not gonna last long enough I can’t I really I can’t really do that

Man this was supposed to be an XP form it sucked okay I’m gonna go find a dungeon of some kind any kind honestly oh large worm in the water oh my oh my oh my oh my yo my life flashed before my eyes yo battle tower I mean that has spawners it’s kind

Of what I want okay we can do this an Ender Queen’s Crown oh hold the phone yeah that’s a really good item that’s very expensive also it makes you immune to hypothermia apparently okay well given the current state of my armor I don’t think I can fight the

Golem but I really don’t yeah the loot’s not worth it I’m gonna head home hey by the way have you made it this far in the video go down there and comment telling me how pretty my house is so I definitely want to use ender Queen’s Crown I can’t touch water but like

That’s fine I can just take them off whenever I need to do that what enchantments are we able to get going let’s try the boots all right I don’t need depth try that’s fine I actually can’t even touch water anyways so our boots are good helmets Advanced

Protection three let’s see if we can get this strengthened Vitality we can alright so now I can put on my full dragon scale armor and there’s my new weapon right there I have zero levels left we have a full set of gear I actually want to test this real quick

Can I actually not get hypothermia hyperthermia is the one that I have all the issues with which is you know let’s just try to freeze to death you know um oh oh I have a little thing in the bottom left showing how long I’m allowed

To touch water before I just die yeah I don’t know why it was standing in water it wasn’t that was pretty dumb yeah I can’t get cold that’s crazy okay anyways as much as I hate the idea I need to go to the nether the last two items that I

Really really need and want are in well I need stuff from another I have enough glowstone I need some more silver I need some more blaze powder especially I need 45 more blaze powder and I guess I’m gonna go get one more piece of obsidian

I need one more to be able to get out of the nether I also need a flint and steel wait let me just boom there we go all right full pickaxe I did want to make a canteen actually I want to make two yeah I’ll make two how do I purify it yo

These canteens are automatically purified that is so overpowered oh my gosh all right now I want to go to the nether okay okay the night vision helps okay Fortress we’re here fortresses if I remember correctly are better like they’re a little bit safer an Aussie liner I’ll put that on obsidian skull

Immunity to burning and it can go anywhere sure is that a battle tower y’all check that out is there a blaze spawner there we go do I have a looting I do cool all right the spawner broke we do have 12 rods now we need like 20 something there’s more

Up here oh my God yeah so I don’t really want to be here I I didn’t expect the tower to take me to the nether roof that’s kind of cool though that was worth it so I forgot my Ender Chest I guess I’m not picking this lock then okay yo my portal

I’m gonna head back real quick to get my under chest currently we have almost enough blaze powder we need like a couple more and we have enough silver oh wow okay okay nice and chill now I have all the materials three I forgot the dragon’s

I need a dragon skull all right grab a dragon skull dragon skull 3 gem wait five oh I’m gonna make a new bow I won’t own one with infinity I don’t like Multi Shot I would rather have infinity and also any power higher than two Advanced power

Three amazing now Sun’s about to set I’m not sleeping I’m not gonna sleep unless I absolutely have to I need to find a dragon skeleton I need to find a tier 5 dragon skeleton that could spawn in deserts okay it is day 95 and I have a

Plan I have a plan of action for the rest of this to get everything I need done done before day 100 and it’s gonna be a lot of work all right we have to kill the Ender Dragon I need to kill the Ender Dragon for my plan but first I

Need to head home real quick so I can do the step one of my plan which is a little bit you know different there’s a dungeon this way with a shadow serpent I think it’s called or uh yeah chaos Serpent and that chaos serpent drops a soul stone that has a two-thirds chance

To give me a flying Mount And if I can fly I can easily get I can easily go and get the dragon head in the end and we can get the the dragon eye that I want is that it that has to be it right

Let’s just take it out I I can’t even reach me bro that was so easy okay okay this is a flying mouth this is a flying mouth but it needs an aberration saddle to fly on and an aberration saddle requires Ender biotypes we need to go to the end

Anyways but we got him okay I should go ahead and get everything I need for this saddle which I think is just a blaze rod guys you know Blaze Rod to make this thing and I guess I need a furnace oh I got hard crystal shards from the boss

Wait a minute two more hearts easy let’s go to the nether again I guess there’s a blaze over there I can see it all right uh five blaze rods six gas tears we’re good I’m out okay okay I have to very quickly run back to the nether for some nether

Warrior this is very sketchy let’s grab four Soul Sand as well y’all could probably guess what that’s for okay we should be able to make a bunch of Med kits now you can get better ones oh I didn’t know that and we conveniently got enough gas tears let’s upgrade all these

Medicates now I did see a Reddit post someone Enchanted it within breaking so enchanted Medi kit we’re gonna do this one with them breaking uh and I guess I’ll slap mending on it as well so now I have a med kit that can repair itself I’m gonna make 24 Diamond arrows now I

Want to make oh there we go TNC arrows I want to make some TNT arrows okay now I need to kill the Wither and it is a little bit scary actually is the sun rising okay the sun’s Rising I think so we’re kind of safe now I need to kill

The weather for a ring of regeneration which is a very good item these things are gonna do some very stupid right now I can guarantee it but I’m hoping they just don’t I’m hoping they just don’t do what I think they’re gonna do don’t do

It don’t do it you’re doing it get it get away well that one’s gonna die okay all things considered that was pretty easy boom boom then you just pop it in here give it another star four gas tears and you get the ring of regeneration okay now I need to reforge

It until it’s a undying quality because undying is very good there we go I’m dying okay well we have no shortage of ability to heal now that’s for darn sure no time to waste let’s head to the end portal where are you taking this there that way okay

Should just be down here oh we’re here we’re here okay oh there that was so easy okay into the end we go all right we’re underground that’s probably the best case scenario all right break that nope there we go all right now I need to get to that side

Of the end and build up without the dragon knocking me off so I could break all the crystals oh my hello phew pew pew pew I froze him with my Albert thank you I did not mean to throw the ender pearl I’m lagging so bad my FPS is like so low

Right now I got them I got both of them dude this is too much what is wrong with that Enderman oh you look excellent I’ve never been so stressed out about Minecraft in my life okay break that thank you okay the dragon can no longer heal that only took my like like seven

Years off my life of stress die die you are so done get it I don’t care die let’s go let’s go oh that was so stressful y’all have no idea all right cable down furnace this furnace can pop this chorus fruit I’m also going to go ahead and mine

Three more of this Blaze Rod popped chorus fruit End Rod boom anyways boom aberration saddle that was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life uh aberration saddle where’d it go okay we need to go find an End City right now get the dragon head that’s all

We need right now oh oh there we go okay Bo yo let’s go all right let’s clear out all the shulkers and we’ll grab some more crafting I mean you can’t really go wrong all right huge I got it let’s go okay we have our

Dragon head okay I no no this is a different one and there’s of course crafting rooms you can never go wrong with crafting runs oh there’s a Gateway right here okay oh my go let’s go I want to check out my crafting rooms real quick that I got I got so many Ender

Talisman that would have been amazing there water Talisman Hasty pickaxe I didn’t get a single piece of Golem armor though those sword sword sword sword dragon head dragon’s eye night vision fire resistance and it can search for oars which is why I wanted it in the

First place because now I can use it to track down a Dragon’s Nest let’s go oh now we are really stacked I need more Emerald for my treasury I set it to that and now or let me just like show it off with something else hold on so I need

More coal for my Treasury and now cold does that it’s literally an X-Ray Mod yeah we’re just gonna do that for emeralds and we’re going to use this to hunt down a Dragon’s Nest so let’s go Infinity bow with power or and let’s go my halbern with in venomed and I might

As well use the rest of my XP because it could you know give me good stuff all right tons of arrows well we have 30. hey look like almost a stack of diamond that I just oh on a list of things you’re not supposed to do with your

Diamonds okay it is time to hunt the tier V Dragon I guess all right I’m gonna look for a cave and we’re gonna go look for a tier 5 Dragon Nest I’m excited I’ve turned subtitles on now there should be a sound called coins clink I use this in my Archer video wait

Wait oh I forgot I could cheat yo yo yo yo I am a genius where it’s right there there’s one right there I am incredibly nervous it’s night time it’s night 100 I have to go I can’t see it’s destroying everything I need to get up to the surface I think it

Broke through was it actually oh hi yeah it is is it dead a dude oh who’s the best gamer in the world that me Yo I’m hyped I’m so hyped right now like you don’t understand the adrenaline going through me there’s a dragon egg like that that’s so good let’s go I have defeated a tier five dragon that was day 100 I defeated my dragon the sun is rising on day 101 and I have a dragon

Egg but unfortunately there’s no time to hatch it right now but maybe we can you know maybe we can do something maybe we can do another maybe you know maybe 200 days action maybe a little 200 days you only do 200 days action I don’t know ever everyone always comments that I I

Don’t know I never do it I think that is where 100 days in RL craft comes to an end I will see you all and potentially the 200 days later

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE RLCraft’, was uploaded by Speshel on 2022-10-28 20:07:15. It has garnered 1558147 views and 19574 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:21 or 6021 seconds.

RLCraft had a HUGE 2.9 update recently, so I decided to try to survive 100 days in this INCREDIBLY difficult modpack…

200 DAYS: https://youtu.be/2h7ldxD_qlw

Modpack Used: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/rlcraft

Check out my TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/Speshel_

Join my discord! https://discord.gg/aam5Stw

Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgjzL8xzdYGrR4rcfqxXxeA?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Speshel_

Thumbnail created by: https://twitter.com/zyfixgfx


All music by Kevin Macleod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.Link: https://incompetech.com/music/

Music provided by Epidemic Sounds, sign up here: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/a4vqag

#100Days #Minecraft #Hardcore

  • Conquering BedWars with Technoblade

    Conquering BedWars with Technoblade Conquering BedWars with Technoblade: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exhilarating journey through the world of Minecraft Bedwars alongside the legendary Technoblade! Witness the strategic gameplay, intense battles, and incredible teamwork as players strive for victory in this challenging game mode. The Epic Battle Unfolds As the match begins, players strategize, build defenses, and gear up for the impending clashes. With Technoblade leading the charge, the team navigates the map, secures valuable resources, and prepares for the ultimate showdown. Key Moments: Technoception: Experience the thrill of watching Technoblade in action, showcasing his unparalleled skills and expertise. Upgrade and Defend:… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Fright: The Monster’s Delight

    Minecraft's Fright: The Monster's Delight In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a monster lurking, a player’s worst dream. With eyes glowing red, and teeth sharp as a knife, This creature will haunt you, it’s the Enderman’s life. It teleports swiftly, with a menacing stare, Leaving players trembling, filled with despair. But fear not, brave players, for there’s a way to fight, With armor and weapons, you’ll survive the night. So beware of the Enderman, in the shadows it hides, But with courage and skill, you’ll conquer its tides. Stay tuned for more Minecraft news, in rhymes we will share, For… Read More

  • Crafty Convict: Minecraft’s Strange Man in Prison

    Crafty Convict: Minecraft's Strange Man in Prison In Minecraft, a strange man did appear, Kidnapped and taken to a prison so near. Can he escape this crazy place, Or will he be stuck in this confined space? VABLOCK brings the story to life, With twists and turns, causing some strife. But with creativity and skill in hand, Our hero may find a way to expand. Watch the shorts, see the tale unfold, In Minecraft, where adventures are bold. Leave a comment, share your thoughts, As we journey through these virtual plots. VABLOCK, the master of Minecraft art, Bringing joy and fun from the start. Subscribe to… Read More

  • City Turns Everyone into Cats! – Minecraft

    City Turns Everyone into Cats! - Minecraft Exploring the Whimsical World of Minecraft Parodies Step into a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary in the latest Minecraft parody video titled “ลžEHฤฐRDEKฤฐ HERKES KEDฤฐYE Dร–NรœลžTรœ! ๐Ÿ˜‚”. In this whimsical adventure, city dwellers transform into cats, climb trees, rummage through trash, and encounter unexpected events that will keep you entertained from start to finish. Unexpected Transformations and Hilarious Mishaps As the city residents undergo a feline metamorphosis, chaos ensues as they navigate their new cat-like abilities. From climbing trees with agility to causing mischief around town, the antics of these transformed characters will leave you in stitches. Watch… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Demons & Magicians – Minecraft Ep 1

    Crafting Chaos: Demons & Magicians - Minecraft Ep 1 In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of demons and magicians, secrets untold. Leo and Lira, a duo so brave, Facing dangers, their lives to save. Karirad, a friend, with a heart so true, Guiding them through, with a plan to pursue. The Fiery Mansion, a place of mystery, Where magic and danger intertwine in history. Lira’s scythe, a powerful tool, But using it risks making her drool. The guards of the treasury, on a mission so dire, To retrieve the scythe, set their hearts on fire. But Leo and Lira, with courage so bright, Stand together, ready… Read More

  • Top Minecraft Mods for Instant Fun

    Top Minecraft Mods for Instant Fun The Exciting World of Minecraft Mods Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the availability of mods, which are modifications that enhance and expand the game in various ways. From new items and creatures to gameplay mechanics and challenges, mods add a whole new dimension to the Minecraft experience. Exploring the Best Mods With a plethora of mods available for download, it can be overwhelming to choose which ones to try. However, some mods stand out for their creativity, innovation, and overall impact… Read More

  • Minecraft Scam Exposed!

    Minecraft Scam Exposed! Exploring Minecraft Community Controversies Introduction The Minecraft community has recently been abuzz with a controversial topic involving some players who purchased the game only to request an immediate refund. These players then took to the internet to mock those who had legitimately purchased the game, sparking heated debates within the community. Refund Controversy Some players who bought Minecraft decided to quickly request a refund, a move that raised eyebrows among other members of the community. These players not only returned the game but also took to online platforms to ridicule those who had paid for the full version. This… Read More

  • Ultimate Inside Out Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Inside Out Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Inside Out 2 Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious Inside Out 2 portal. Join the excitement as you navigate through this unique world filled with surprises and challenges. Discovering the Inside Out 2 Portal Step into the world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of the Inside Out 2 portal. This portal offers a gateway to a realm unlike any other, where creativity and imagination collide. Features of Inside Out 2 Inside Out 2 is brimming with exciting features that will keep you engaged for hours on end…. Read More

  • Crafty Pranks: Beehive Decor in Minecraft

    Crafty Pranks: Beehive Decor in Minecraft Welcome to the Minecraft Beehive Decoration Tutorial! In the vast world of Minecraft, players have the opportunity to create unique and intricate structures to enhance their gameplay experience. One such feature that adds a touch of nature and beauty to your world is the beehive decoration. Let’s dive into how you can build your very own beehive in Minecraft! Materials Needed: Honeycomb: Gathered from bee nests or crafted from honey bottles. Wooden Planks: Choose your favorite wood type for the beehive structure. Glass Panes: For the windows of the beehive. Torch: To keep the area well-lit and prevent hostile… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Crafting Made Easy in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Crafting Made Easy in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Autocrafting the worst thing to craft in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where you can put your crafting skills to the test in a whole new way? Minewind Minecraft Server offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will challenge even the most seasoned Minecraft players. With a dedicated community of players and a… Read More

  • Spicy Apples Network

    Spicy Apples NetworkWelcome to the Spicy Apples NetworkSurvival+ our own custom version of Minecraft survival custom built with mobs,weapons, armor, and moreOntop of this there is tons more planned for the future including but not limited to:KitPVPParkour and more!!!! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Chaos: Think Fast”

    Wow, this meme must have some serious block-appeal to score that high! Read More

  • Vanilla Mines: Stripping Underground for the Perfect Cave

    Vanilla Mines: Stripping Underground for the Perfect Cave In the depths of Minecraft, I delve, Stripping mining, cobblestone I shelve. Diamonds found, a treasure to behold, In this vanilla world, stories unfold. Loading into the game, ready to explore, Harvesting crops, customizing galore. Cosmetica glitch, a minor setback, But down in the caves, no time to fret. Strip mining at y-level fifty-seven, Uncovering secrets, like finding heaven. New caves discovered, materials in hand, In the underground, where mysteries expand. From harvesting to exploring deep, Every moment in Minecraft, a memory to keep. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fun, In this world of blocks, under the… Read More

  • Villager be like “Oi oi oi!”

    Villager be like "Oi oi oi!" Why did the Villager start a band? Because he heard they were looking for someone with good “oi oi oi” vocals! Read More

  • Fantasy Style Enchantment Room on Sky Island! Minecraft Build

    Fantasy Style Enchantment Room on Sky Island! Minecraft Build Minecraft: Building a Fantasy Enchantment Room with Prison Blocks In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. In the latest video, a player showcases their skills by constructing a stunning fantasy-style enchantment room on a floating island using prison blocks. Let’s delve into the details of this mesmerizing build! Creating a Magical Space The player starts by carefully placing each prison block to form the foundation of the enchantment room. These unique blocks add a touch of mystery and intrigue to the overall design, setting the stage for a truly enchanting space. With meticulous attention to detail, the… Read More

  • Blind Survival in Poisonous Potato Update?! Day 1 Live!

    Blind Survival in Poisonous Potato Update?! Day 1 Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘BLIND SURVIVAL of NEW April Fools POISONOUS POTATO UPDATE?! Day 1๐Ÿ”ด Live’, was uploaded by GoGoggles on 2024-04-02 04:25:21. It has garnered 52 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:41:50 or 13310 seconds. Hey I’m GoGoggles! Today I’m Live streaming and blind reacting to the NEW Minecraft 2024 April Fools Poisonous Potato Update! I have no idea what is going to happen… ENJOY!!! ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿฅ” My Email for any questions: [email protected] Read More

  • Heart Transformation & RAFTing in Minecraft

    Heart Transformation & RAFTing in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Turning Myself into Hearts in Minecraft RAFT in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-15 21:15:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Caught Real Scary Myths in Minecraft Minecraft but I search for a PARKOUR LEGEND Get Minecraft for Free Here If You Scream … Read More

  • ALLAY 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft: EPIC Survival Story

    ALLAY 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft: EPIC Survival StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as ALLAY in Hardcore Minecraft (The Movie)’, was uploaded by Cobra Crafter on 2024-07-03 22:00:09. It has garnered 390 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:03 or 3663 seconds. Get ready for a wild Minecraft adventure where our plucky ally takes on the Charged Core for a whopping 100 days! From escaping a stone mansion to crafting the first tools, this journey is packed with mobs, secret passages, and a stone mansion to demolish. Watch as we collect resources, rescue friends, and prepare for the ultimate showdown… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Quiz ๐Ÿ’Ž Prove Your Block-Busting Skills #viral

    Insane Minecraft Quiz ๐Ÿ’Ž Prove Your Block-Busting Skills #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿง Minecraft Mastermind Quiz! Test Your Block-Busting Knowledge๐Ÿ’Ž#minecraft #viral #fyp #gaming’, was uploaded by Minecraft Trivia on 2024-01-12 08:50:01. It has garnered 33 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ๐ŸŒ Embark on a Minecraft journey like never before with our thrilling Minecraft Quiz Adventure! ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ” Dive into the pixelated universe and challenge your knowledge of crafting, mobs, and all things blocks! ๐Ÿงฑ๐Ÿ’ก โš”๏ธ Think you’re a Minecraft maestro? Prove it by conquering our epic quiz that spans the Overworld, Nether, and End dimensions! ๐ŸŒ‹๐Ÿ”ฎ ๐Ÿš€ Gather your fellow… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server in Spanish

    Insane Minecraft Server in SpanishVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftespaรฑol #minecraftserver #minecraftshorts #game #vugx’, was uploaded by Vugx on 2024-05-27 18:27:24. It has garnered 5565 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • Granny Found in BIGGEST Minecraft Door- INSANE!

    Granny Found in BIGGEST Minecraft Door- INSANE!Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey Family Found Granny Inside This BIGGEST DOOR in Minecraft’, was uploaded by JayJay & Mikey – Minecraft on 2024-06-22 00:00:31. It has garnered 25275 views and 163 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Minecraft JJ and Mikey NOOB vs PRO: How JJ and Mikey Family Found Granny We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day. Watch a new video #maizen #minecraft Original Maizen channel @maizenofficial Read More

  • EPIC Redstone Rescue in Hololive-EN Minecraft ๐Ÿพ

    EPIC Redstone Rescue in Hololive-EN Minecraft ๐ŸพVideo Information This video, titled ‘ใ€FWMC MINECRAFT JOURNEYใ€‘fluffy redstone rescue mission ๐Ÿพใ€FUWAWA POVใ€‘’, was uploaded by FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-07-07 03:08:37. It has garnered 61410 views and 7235 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:07 or 6007 seconds. help us learn how to minecraft โœจ lovely illustration by @_hinatahirune ๐Ÿ’• Minecraft skins by @aozane ๐Ÿ’• This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms). (โˆช๏ฝฅฯ‰๏ฝฅโˆช โ™ก:::::::::::::::::โ™ก โˆช๏ฝฅฯ‰๏ฝฅโˆช) #FUWAMOCO (Streams) #FWMCpix (Fanart) #helpFWMC (Requests, Assets, Q&A) #lilFWMC (Clips) #FWMCbeats (Music) #FWMCwww (Memes) #FWMCMORNING (Variety Show) โ‰ชTWITTERโ‰ซ https://twitter.com/fuwamoco_en @FUWAMOCOch โ‰ช(โˆช๏ฝฅฯ‰๏ฝฅโˆชไธ‰โˆช๏ฝฅฯ‰๏ฝฅโˆช)โ‰ซ… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Montage – Pedro Pedro vs KZA

    Insane Bedwars Montage - Pedro Pedro vs KZAVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pedro Pedro #minecraft #hypixel #kza #shorts #shortvideo #bedwars’, was uploaded by Ploww on 2024-06-01 19:01:24. It has garnered 6005 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. ๐—ถ๐—ณ ๐˜‚ ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ท๐—ผ๐˜†๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐˜€๐—ผ, ๐—ฆ๐˜‚๐—ฏ๐˜€๐—ฐ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ ๐—Ÿ๐—ถ๐—ธ๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐˜ƒ๐—ถ๐—ฑ! ๐—™๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฑ ๐—บ๐—ฒ ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ ๐Ÿค– ๐——๐—œ๐—ฆ๐—–๐—ข๐—ฅ๐—— โžฅ https://discord.gg/64eSXZHqpK Minemanner pack Like the video and subscribe ๐Ÿ˜€ โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•โ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•— โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•šโ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•โ•ฃ โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•โ•‘โ•‘โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•โ•ฃ โ•šโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•šโ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ• Thanks for watching! โœ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โœ• Ign: ploww Edited by: @rxmper Editing software: idk Recorded with: OBS Studios idk setup: Keyboard: Redragon k580 vata Mouse: Glorious Model O Wired Microphone: fiffine k669 ๐ŸŒ ๐—œ๐—ฃ : minemen.club… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Dance Moves & Gameplay | STARโ˜…LOUISE

    INSANE Minecraft Dance Moves & Gameplay | STARโ˜…LOUISEVideo Information This video, titled ‘chipi chipi chapa chapa x minecraft #minecraft #youtubeshorts #trending #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by STARโ˜…LOUISE GAMING on 2024-03-22 08:00:12. It has garnered 42 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Track: METR & Adrian Benson – Broken Love (feat. Ima Sobรฉ) [Arcade Release] Music from Arcade by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: https://youtu.be/M8WBlb4C4qo Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/BrokenLoveI hope you enjoyed this video ๐Ÿ’žโ˜บ๏ธโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ž hit likes comment And do subscribe to my channel ๐Ÿ’žโ˜บ๏ธโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ž Thank you so much for watching ๐Ÿ’žโ˜บ๏ธโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ž god bless you all. ๐Ÿ’žโ˜บ๏ธโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ž thank you friends ๐Ÿ’žโ˜บ๏ธโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ž #minecraftย #minecrafthindi https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086547904686… Read More

  • Avalon Nations SMP – PvP, Semi-Vanilla, SMP

    Avalon Nations SMP Avalon Nations SMP aims to create a fresh experience by combining the concept of nations/civilizations with intense PVP aspects like Life Steal. Join Us If you’re interested in joining, please visit our Discord: Click here to join Features: Auto-assignment of Nation members to avoid skill gaps Each Nation gets a portion of the map and biome to represent their territory Teaming up with other Nations is allowed, but beware of potential betrayal Regular world border shrinking to keep gameplay dynamic Cracked server, allowing everyone to join regardless of financial conditions Join our Discord server for detailed explanations… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “smh costin ruins everything”

    Looks like this meme is not only funny, but it’s also racking up some serious points! Maybe it’s time to invest in meme stocks. Read More

  • UpgradeCraft: The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure

    UpgradeCraft: The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, I bring you news, in rhymes so bold. Better Minecraft, a modpack so grand, With new biomes and creatures, across the land. Join me on this journey, as we explore and play, In a world where creativity holds sway. Forge or Fabric, the choice is yours, To enhance your gameplay, open new doors. Subscribe and follow, don’t miss a beat, As we dive into this narrative treat. Like, comment, and share with glee, Support the channel, for all to see. Tune in to Twitch, for a live stream delight, Where my… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Firestorm!

    Minecraft Meme Firestorm! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Yammy’s Top 3 Adorable Minecraft Mods

    Yammy's Top 3 Adorable Minecraft Mods Exploring the Top 3 Cute Minecraft Mods Embark on a whimsical journey in the world of Minecraft with these top 3 adorable mods that will add a touch of charm to your gameplay. From transforming into a mermaid to trading with cute mushroom people and soaring through the skies in hot air balloons, these mods are a must-try for any Minecraft enthusiast. Become a Mermaid ๐Ÿงœโ€โ™€๏ธ One of the most enchanting mods allows players to transform into a mystical mermaid, exploring the depths of the ocean in a whole new way. Swim gracefully through underwater landscapes, interact with marine… Read More

  • Out of Redstone! Witch Farm Build – Minecraft Hardcore S07 E43

    Out of Redstone! Witch Farm Build - Minecraft Hardcore S07 E43 Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 43: Building a Witch Farm In the latest episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, our intrepid player embarked on the challenging task of building a Witch Farm. With resources running low, the need for redstone became a pressing issue. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and see how our player tackled this obstacle! Running Low on Redstone As the episode begins, our player finds themselves in a precarious situation – they are completely out of redstone. Redstone is a crucial resource in Minecraft, used for creating various contraptions and mechanisms. Without it,… Read More

  • Ultimate Rainbow Portal Survival in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Rainbow Portal Survival in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN RAINBOW PORTALS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Slowin on 2024-06-13 11:00:23. It has garnered 2480 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:42 or 2202 seconds. SURVIVAL IN RAINBOW PORTALS IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • April Fool’s Day Restart in Hawkeye M Minecraft

    April Fool's Day Restart in Hawkeye M MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.2.4 Single Player #3 – April Fool’s Day Forced a Restart!’, was uploaded by Hawkeye M on 2024-04-10 07:34:19. It has garnered 87 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:57 or 2757 seconds. Minecraft 1.2.4 Single Player #3 – April Fool’s Day Forced a Restart! On August 17, 2014, I uploaded my FIRST video to Youtube with “Hawk’s Quest – A Noob Beginning!” While I have been mostly known for my fishing simulator videos, everything started with Minecraft and my love of open-world survival games! Even though my many Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Sniper Kills on Dust2 | CS:GO Montage 2021

    Insane Sniper Kills on Dust2 | CS:GO Montage 2021Video Information This video, titled ‘DogDay ๐Ÿถ Dream on ๐Ÿ”ฎ Never give up โœจ #roblox #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ะ”ั€ะพะฝะธะพ on 2024-07-22 09:31:45. It has garnered 4632 views and 210 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #ะผะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚ Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: โžœ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com โžœ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN โžœ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images โžœ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Uncover The Silence: Shocking Minecraft Mod

    Uncover The Silence: Shocking Minecraft ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Silence: Minecraft’s Most Horrifying Mod…’, was uploaded by IcyHarry on 2024-03-23 14:00:47. It has garnered 1201112 views and 37895 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:12 or 3132 seconds. The Silence: Minecraft’s Most Horrifying Mod… The Silence is INSANE… genuinely one of the scarier mods out there. From the Fog doesn’t even match up to it, No dweller in the universe can compete not the cave dweller not the night dweller not the man from the fog not even the manbear… EP 2: https://youtu.be/Bmjg8fD6fIU mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-silence Read More

  • Unbelievable! Super fast Auto-Crafter in Minecraft! ๐Ÿš€ #shorts

    Unbelievable! Super fast Auto-Crafter in Minecraft! ๐Ÿš€ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿค“ AUTO-CRAFTER FรœR JEDES ITEM (2/2)! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by ErikOnHisPeriod on 2024-06-23 12:00:56. It has garnered 21653 views and 1204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. ๐Ÿ”ฅ Subscribe to me or a creeper will explode in your camp! https://bit.ly/3wSWETe โ–บ ๐Ÿ‘• Merch: https://streamlabs.com/erikonhisperiod/merch (Advertising) โ–บ ๐Ÿ’ฌ Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/Bk8bcmbXKA โ–บ ๐Ÿ’ฅ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@erikonhisperiodyt โ–บ ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erikfkingone/ โ–บ ๐Ÿ‘‘ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/erikonhisperiod โ–บ ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ YouTube: @ErikOnHisPeriod โ˜…โ˜†โ˜… More info & links โ˜…โ˜†โ˜… โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ ยทู โ€ขโ— ๐ŸŽง Background music ๐ŸŽง โ—โ€ขู ยท โ–บ ๐ŸŽถ EpidemicSound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/6eh1kw * โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ ยทู โ€ขโ— Minecraft โ—โ€ขู ยท… Read More

  • Unlocking Cubecraft’s Elite Youtube Rank!

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I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE RLCraft