I Survived 100 days in HARDCORE RLCraft EXTREME MODE.. Here’s What Happened

Video Information

All rel craft insane mode no human in their right mind would want to attempt this so i did it this modpack features new bosses crazy new battle towers and then their dragon from the deepest depths of the end and a new dimension and we start with five hearts

This means if we take one heart of damage on our body or our head we die and the world is deleted can we survive these next 100 days let’s find out also subscribe or this dude will be under your bed day one i knew with only one heart on

Each of my limbs i was easy pickings for anything that wanted to kill me so i needed to find stuff i needed to find it fast i saw this really cool tower thing and then i thought to myself i should probably not go near that or i’m gonna

Die so then i ran off and i found this shack i found some basic tools in there enough to get me started and then i went around slaying chickens because chickens are the most essential part of a railcraft you want a flying mount early in the game because it’s essential to

Stay off the ground where everything can shoot you when you have no armor especially when you only have one heart so i crafted my avian treats and i wanted on my search for a rock rocks only spawned at night time and they only spawn in forest biomes so i climbed to

The top of a tree found my first rock tamed him and slept the night off day two i began the day by looking for more dungeons to loot i knew with the new mods added in there’d be a lot more loot a lot more dungeons to find i

Started out the day by finding a normal battle tower i fishing rod of the golem then attacked him with a bow and arrow this makes him go flying off and lets you loot the top chest while flying around i found another one of these new battle towers with the guardian eva on

It i decided to cheese the tower and just grab the top chest the loot was absolutely amazing day three i knew if i wanted to fight a dragon soon i needed more hearts i started out the day looking for more things to loot i found this epic village

But then started taking take damage because it was cold outside i then realized i only had one heart and i should probably run away before i die i spent the rest of the day looking for battle towers to loot and to take everything they had for my own

Day four i knew if i wanted to take on these insane bosses i added to the game i needed to get there quick if i wanted to do it in 100 days so i crafted a staff of summoning this was for a new technique i wanted to try for the

Looting i spent the day adventuring i found some good books inside of this library in a village one of them was mending i then flew over this tower this tower is such a lackluster thing it should be way cooler and it’s just not the chests are horrible and it’s just

Sad while flying through the desert i found this epic temple but i knew there was a lot of danger that awaited me inside and i just didn’t have enough hearts to take anything on yet day 5 i wanted to absolutely destroy this game so i spawned some agencies with my new

Staff of summoning and i held my axe the aegis is reflect the damage of the item that you’re holding so holding an axe attributes more damage and they were able to take care of this battle golem with ease i finally crafted my first set of diamond armor after procrastinating

It for a while you don’t really need it while you’re flying around but i figured i should be safe than sorry i finished off the day by looting some more towers i knew the dragon was coming and he was coming soon so i had to be ready day six

I finished looting up the tower that i’d taken down on day five and then i moved on i found an underwater house that immediately jumped off my rock without thinking that there was a sea dragon only a few blocks ahead of me i quickly broke in and thankfully was safe while

Exploring i found this multi-colored dungeon i swear a five-year-old is using crayons in this world i spent some more time heating some golems off with my aegis and then i found another library and began splashing experience points on myself to flex on the villagers day seven i wanted

One of the new battle towers loot and i wanted it now so i made a diamond pickaxe and then realized i didn’t have enough experience to be able to use the diamond pickaxe so i spent the rest of the day looting battle towers to gain some more experience so i could open up

One of these dungeon towers as all the chests were hidden behind obsidian day eight with five hearts i decided it’d be a great idea to take on one of these dungeons so i spent the first part of the day killing some more battle towers get enough experience to use my diamond

Pickaxe i was ready i went to the closest battle tower and then i realized the boss wasn’t there but that did not make this tower a cakewalk as i’d seen before the bottom layers of this tower held anywhere from 20 to 35 spawners you heard me right 20 to 35 spawners so to

Protect myself i clogged up both entrance points before i tried taking the chest out behind the obsidian when i was finally able to take the chest out it had epic loot in it and i knew these towers were going to be golden i knew from this point on i was going to

Be unstoppable day 9 i began the day by looting another one of these new towers while i was looking around for more things to loot i saw an insane lycanite dungeon i knew what creatures dwelled behind there and i was not looking forward to facing them i went on with

Looting for the rest of the day and found another battle tower this one had a tome in it the tome contains 30 xp and is great for leveling up your skills i knew the dragon was soon and i knew i had to be ready the end of the day

Brought a blood moon a blood moon is where you cannot sleep mobs spawn more dangerous and in more quantities so i spent the night raiding battle towers to get more epic loot to prepare for the dragon fight day 10 when i woke up a horse’s buttocks

Struck me in the face it was a great way to start the day i decided to put off fighting the dragon for a bit longer because i wanted to explore a new dimension so i began preparing i crafted hearts with all of my heart shards and started splashing

Experience points all over my face to prepare for the dangers that would lurk inside of this new dimension i crafted the portal for the dimension and then i jumped right in ready to slay the monsters that would await me little did they know that i was the one they should fear

Upon entering the dimension i hopped on my rock and i began scouting to see what loot and bosses awaited me the first loot i found was in this maze-like thing every time you hit the grass blocks it causes you damage some dogs attacked me but i took care of them with ease and

Then some bugs attacked me not quite sure what they were thinking while flying around i noticed the top of a dragon lair these are tier six dragons and they will absolutely pummel me if i try and take them on now but i’m going to mark it down for later when i come

Back to absolutely decimate them and take their eggs while looking for more dungeons i stumbled upon this absolutely massive mansion i thought it was a normal mansion at first until i took a bigger look around and i realized how huge it was when i went inside to see if i could

See if there’s any good loot a witch caught me with poison but before i left i went inside this chest and i found eight gas tiers this means i can now craft regeneration rings which were going to be insane for this early in the game i barely survived the dungeon with

My life and i had to craft some golden apples to stay alive i realized that before i wanted to take on the bosses inside this dimension i wanted dragon armor so i returned to the overworld and continued looting i began day 12 by looting some more of these amazing

Towers and avoiding the bosses i realized that this tower actually spawned vexes had any of them hit me directly in the head i probably would have died i decided it was finally time to bunker down and start storing my loot i found this cool house below a mountain

And decided i would claim it as my own i spent the rest of the day retrofitting the house and putting my stuff in chests and sorting them and deciding on what would be the next move day 13 i began the day by looking through my battle

Tower book this gives me a synopsis of every battle tower that’s been added into the game some of these towers look insane i wanted to try taking on one of the bosses and to see if i could defeat him later that day i approached the night only defined when i got into the

Basement multiple spawners i quickly killed him and then ran away from my life i knew the dragon fight was going to be soon i needed some more enchanted books so i went off the day and looted a little bit more day 14 i started off the day making

Myself more powerful i added some more experience bottles i leveled up some skills and i made two regen rings regen rings are used with gas tears and nether stars since i found the gas tears in that one mansion and i had found another stars from the battle tower i was able

To craft them this was going to make me powerful i knew by day 15 i wanted to fight the dragon i didn’t want to be a peasant and wait all the way until day 20 or something like that so i spent the rest of the day doing the final preparations

And collecting the final amount of loot before i would take on what used to be the beast of a railcraft the sunset the day before the first dragon fight in this 100 days as i looked at the sun setting i realized this could be my last evening

And i could die with this first dragon fight but at least it was a beautiful sunset day 15 it was time so i prepared a bow and i prepared a sword to go and fight the beast that was roaming my lands and to take his blood and his scales to craft

Some of the most powerful armor and tools inside of the game dusk i found the dragon i wanted and i attacked with vengeance i shot 20 30 times with my bow and i attacked him and i tried to hang on with my life eventually he fell and i took his blood

From him unfortunately because i took his blood from him i wasn’t able to take any scales so i had to go and find another dragon it was quite anti-climatic day 16 i began the day by casually killing another dragon and taking his scales i wanted to prepare to

Go back into that dimension and start taking on some insane bosses i then recalled back home and used my experience to start crafting an armor set that would rival these bosses damage and i could take them down in this new dimension i then hopped back in the portal and

Began my search for the naga the first boss i would take on day 17 i found the serpent this would be the first of many bosses i needed to kill to dominate this dimension and to become their overlord to kill the serpent you can only hit it

In the head the more damage you do the more of a tail it loses till eventually you strike him down and you take his head day 18 i knew with the first boss out of the way it was time to take on the lich king the lich king resides at the top of

A tower that he is the overlord of on my way up i found these mini spiders which are quite cute but i did slay because i hate spiders i also found this secret room there was no loot in it but i broke the spawner and stole the experience

Points finally i made it up to the top and i faced the lich king you can only actually kill him by shooting his ender pearls back at him similar to a gas when a gas shoots with a fireball after a certain point in time you’ll disable his

Shields and you’ll be able to melee him he spawns duplicates of himself to confuse you and he also spawned zombies at the end to try and grasp for his life but i took his life from him and i beat the tower day 19 to 22 the next dungeon

Was a maze underground filled with many floors and many different mobs that wanted to consume your soul upon entering the dungeon i found a trapped chest i knew there would be some sort of damage done to me if i opened it so i scouted around trying to see if i could

Find some redstone but you can’t actually break any blocks in here so i just took a risk opened it grabbed the loot and ran back and sure enough explosions followed the boss of this dungeon is a minotaur for those of you who don’t know what that is it’s a half

Human half horse in this case it’s more of like a half goat and a half mushroom but you know what we’ll go with it he wields an axe and he’s very very hard to kill and he’s at the bottom of this dungeon so i spent a long time trying to

Find him i also found this weird creepy thing that attacked me it didn’t didn’t really like it finally after what seemed what forever i found his lair i broke through the fences and he spawned and the battle begun it was a furious battle but i took care of business and i ended

His life i then looted his dungeon there wasn’t that much cool stuff in it but i did find some cool mushroom stuff um it did give me no perks not exactly sure why this stuff exists but it looked kind of cool i also got his axe it does pretty

Pitiful damage but it doubles as it acts to chop down trees so i mean not a complete failure the next boss on the list didn’t hide behind his subjects didn’t even hide in the world for that matter he hid under a giant mound of dirt and when i approached him

Well he didn’t spawn he’s supposed to spawn in there but he didn’t so i had to go and find another one day 24 whilst looking for the boss i found one of these giant towers for those of you who don’t know you can cheese this shower by

Doing what i call the four corner strategy simply take out the top tower first with the vexes and then climb down on all four corners and delete the spawners when i went in to try and take care of the mobs that were in there i realized i did not have strong enough

Gear but i was not going to let that stop me so i just landed on top of all the areas with the chests grabbed the loot and made my way out of there without even taking damage day 25 i was still searching for the next boss while searching for him though

I found one of these four tower dungeons these dungeons are amazing because the top loot has anything from mending to advanced protection to advanced power books it is absolutely insane tomes of xp two to three in a chest sometimes so i quickly went in looting it

Later in the day i found another one of the towers and i eluded it i still could not find the next boss though at the end of the day while flying around i noticed a dragon lair for ice dragons these are my favorite dragons inside of the game

So i made sure to mark it so i know where it is later when i was able to actually take it on there was no day 26 i continued my quest looking for the next boss without looking for him i stumbled upon another mansion mansions are great for enchanted books so i

Immediately went in and stole i mean borrowed i mean um i okay well i took all of their stuff day 27 i found the next boss the three-headed hydra i began attacking only to realize that my bows did no damage and i had to melee him this is great because the hydra can

One shot you no matter what you’re wearing so at this point the game might have been over but you know what we pulled it through and we attacked and attacked until eventually we brought down the beast and we stole his goods days 28 to 32

The next boss on the list was the night phantom he resides you guessed it at the end of another maze these mazes are incredibly complex and generally have no way of really finding a good way around them so i just aimlessly ran around killing these dudes with spears that had

No legs and really enjoying myself and gathering pretty much no loot but eventually i found the night phantoms finally after what seemed like forever i found the boss room and six of them spawned i only needed to kill one to unlock the next dungeon so i quickly

Disposed of him and then made my way out i ended off day 32 by flying around searching for the next dungeon to fight day 33 i decided i would do some retrofitting around the house i discovered i had friends i mean enemies upstairs that i wanted to eradicate but

Before that i decided to do a little design in the front door by placing some skulls for everybody to see so that anybody who came over would know i would be about to take their head i then introduced myself to my upstairs neighbors and began viciously attacking

Them until they had no more life left in them when leaving my house to go explore i found a jankyu i quickly eradicated him not quite sure what he was thinking near the end of the day i found this really cool floating chunk jungle thingymabobber i decided i would

Assimilate all the citizens and take it over from my own day 34 i began the day by looting some more battle towers nearby i then decided sooner than later i should probably get a dragon egg so i can start hatching my dragon and he can start growing up to become a big massive

Beast so i went and i attacked a tier 5 dragon the dragon was very upset when i poked him with my aegis and he began breathing fire everywhere but in the end we were able to take him out unfortunately he was a male dragon they did not drop any eggs quite unfortunate

So we had to go and find some more to kill i went back into the other dimension as i had a few dragons marked in there well in there i found an alpha yeti i didn’t really know what he did but i decided it’d be a good idea to kill him and see

What he dropped nothing that useful though day 35 i attacked another tier 5 dragon unfortunately it decided it would be a good idea to fly away instead of fight me after chasing it for a while i gave up and went in to find another dragon eventually i found another dragon and i

Began attacking him unfortunately it was a green one and i wasn’t exactly excited to get a green dragon but nonetheless a dragon is a dragon once i gathered her egg i traveled back to the mainland and waited for my new dragon to spawn day 36 as the amazing parent i am my

Dragon hatched and i didn’t notice and it began to wander off confused and bewildered i looked around for my dragon but i found him no problem no problem here i spent the rest of the day starting to transfer my items from my old house to my new house as i wanted

Everything in one place and it was annoying going back and forth i spent the rest of the day looking for some enchanted books to finish up my armor set before i could take on asmodius and ravard days 37 and 38. i began day 37 by attacking eustis eustis is a battle

Tower guardian he’s part of a new mod i added the problem with eustis is that if he touches you well you die no matter what you’re wearing so make sure to bring a bow with you otherwise you will most likely be eradicated i actually fell into the tower after defeating eustace and was

Quickly like oh this is a horrible spot to be and left the tower i then decided i wanted more enchanted books from one of the roguelike dungeons so i went right down to another floor right into the room with all the chests and i began smacking everyone around

Day 39 we added a mod that would make the ender dragon a little bit more difficult and before fighting his modius revert i felt like i needed to kill him so my next quest was to the end and to fight the ender dragon after finding the

Portal i hopped right in and began the battle unfortunately i don’t have the first half of the battle i’m not quite sure what happened there but i have the last half where we defeated the ender dragon and we stole all of his experience points and his egg or her egg Day 40. to fight his murders in rehoboth you need to take on some lycanite dungeons the end dimension is the easiest place to find them so after killing the ender dragon i began my questing i found one plunged right in and began looking for the bosses i was

Able to kill the first boss inside of this day and steal all of his soul stones and his other loot day 41 i finished up the next floor and i killed the anarchical hound for the second boss inside the lycan knight dungeon day 42 i cleaned up the last boss inside of the

Dungeon and then i realized oh i don’t need to do the whole dungeon to kill these bosses i can just fly to the top mine right down and slay the bosses right there that’s gonna save some time i managed to kill two more bosses in a very quick amount of time and steal

Their soul stones i was this much closer to spawning asmodius and brahavart and a new boss that i never fought before day 43 after collecting all the soul stones that i needed i headed back to the oval world and i began some more looting to get some more enchanted books day 44 i

Swung back to the new dimension as it was a bit easier to find loot there while looking around i found these giants that wielded these enormous weapons i thought it would be cool if i’d try and kill one and take their weapon so i did i definitely was not

Supposed to be allowed to do this yet but i did it anyway and i stole their weapons unfortunately they don’t do an immense amount of damage but they look kind of wicked day 45 and 46 i began the prep work to fight asmodius and rahavart there’s another boss that i want to

Fight as well but i’m going to fight these guys first so i began crafting my golden apples the soul cubes required to spawn them the soul keys and getting everything in order before the biggest fight of the series yet before fighting asmodius and ralvard there was another

Boss i wanted to fight i’d never faced him before and apparently if he touches you you die instantly but he cannot be spawned in the nether i found out so i decided to fight him later day 47 to it was time to fight these two bosses

Roll the time-lapse also if you see me trying to zoom in on my fov and stand there while i’m getting shot that’s because i’m taking screenshots for the thumbnail Oh i just wanna feel free Man i gotta be the kid i could be the guy thanking you wild You don’t know what i’m gonna do y’all know what is next and i’m loving the fact truly is making me blessed cause i work on my team no snakes in the grass and we have the choice in the wind because of the work that we did in the past

Because of the work that we did in the past when we went to hours you barely got breath so i get the so i got the feelings that we might be next cause when we go in we’re winning the match so when we going we’re winning the match You never really thought that it just happened but already come on So Day 49 the final leica knight boss i can’t exactly say his name but it looks like that and he’s quite scary so the thing with this boss is is that he’s going to draw you in forcibly and if he touches you you will die instantly regardless if you’re wearing pratt

Infinity or prod one so you have to be a little bit cautious when fighting him a tip that i learned is if you place a water bucket down and you go to the farthest point possible he’s still going to drag you towards him but it will

Eventually let you go and you can run towards the edge again be patient with this guy because if he does draw you in and he touches you you will die instantly after an epic battle i put him down and i claimed victory over the leica knight mod but this was just the beginning

They were much more powerful bosses yet to be fought in this extra modded auro-craft series let’s get into that day 50 with the leica knight bosses out of the way i turned my attention to the bosses from the alternate dimension and i began preparing to go and take them on

Day 51 i arrived in the alternate dimension i got on my rock and i began looking for the next dungeon to face the next boss day 52 i found the next boss’s castle and i began my invasion to take down the ice queen day 52 the tower was intricate there

Were four different towers and you had to find the right one to find the ice queen so i spent a lot of time exploring and collecting some of the unique items this dungeon had to offer day 54 i found some of the queen’s minions and i disposed of them

Thankfully they weren’t too difficult but they looked kind of freaky day 55 i somehow managed to take on all four towers without taking on the one with the queen in it so at the top of this tower i removed the loot and then went for the queen’s tower

Day 56 on my way up there i found some new mobs not quite sure what that thing is but i did not want it around me it spawned all the blocks to glass and it tried to make me fall into the abyss but i took care of it before it could do

That day 57 i finally found the snow queen i enjoyed going through all these dungeons thoroughly before i attacked the boss to see what extra treasures might lie within the snow queen is an intricate boss that does a decent amount of damage to actually do damage to her

She needs to be on your level and you need to hit her on the head her ice blocks reflect damage and you’re not able to hit her while you’re attacking them but i eventually was able to take her down and i stole her tower which

Allowed me to move on to the next boss day 58 the gas tower this menacing beast resides at the top of this intricate tower that’s full of mazes traps and spawners that can ultimately lead you to your doom so i made sure to be very careful while traversing this tower day

59 i decided for a little bit of an extra challenge i would use the sword i found in the ice queen’s dungeon on some of these mobs it wasn’t quite that as effective as mine but it did the job still and added a bit more difficulty to it

Day 60 i was still looting this tower it had multiple towers and multiple iterations that you had to climb up rather than flying to the top i decided i would take on the entire thing there were different chests throughout it that had some different loot in it mainly it

Was just unique loot it wasn’t anything too powerful but i wanted to grab it all up for a shrine i could make later day 61 i arrived at the top of the tower ready to take on the you are ghast i shot him with the bow that i received

From the ice queen’s dungeon and began to take him down but he threw me off of the tower and i barely survived so i traveled back up on my rock and then i attacked him again until ultimately i defeated him and i stole his tears it’s

Quite an odd item but i stole them anyway day 62 i began preparing for the final dungeon inside of this dimension the palace to unlock the palace you need a special item that you can only find in troll caves so i immersed myself inside of the cave and started searching for

The item the lamp of cinders this would allow me to enter the palace and traverse the terrain to get there to actually defeat the final boss inside of this dimension day 63 i spent the day traversing through the actual palace itself this is a gorgeous place i really wish i could

Live in it but it was just not functional enough for that day 64. while traversing through the actual palace i found these runes on the walls i wonder what civilization left these behind day 65 i encountered some unique mobs but still looking for that main palisade that i would find the boss in

Day 66 i found the final boss room but it wasn’t unlocked so i went questing to see if i could find a way to unlock it day 67 after i heard thumping around the palace i went to investigate and i found giants residing inside i took them on

Hoping they would unlock the final chamber to bring down the palace that had held many nightmares inside of it for me to beat the dimension day 68 it was time to take on the final boss of the dimension as the unleashed itself i i it was a

Golem it was a there’s all gnome golem guy they died i attacked and yeah um yeah i killed him um i was expecting a five-headed dragon or a giant man with a sword or a beast with ten fangs or something um but nope nope it was it was

A goblin um i don’t even think it did damage it just kind of existed yeah um okay well uh we win next next task day 60 day 69 it was time to take on the bosses that resided in some of the most powerful battle towers inside of the

Game so i began preparing for what that might bring there are boss battle towers instead of the end the nether and the overworld and i wanted to take on the toughest ones and see what loot they had to offer day 70 i took on one of the

Easier battle towers if you want to call it that that was guarded by the old knight inside this battle tower i found way too many spawners that should not have existed and some pretty epic loot i battled my way through the hundreds of mobs that spawned gathering up their xp

Their souls and their items j71 i entered the next hardest dungeon guarded by the knight who wields a sword that does 22 damage per attack hit inside of the dungeon there were multiple spawners again multiple iterations of chests and a lot of loot to be had and a lot of experience to be

Had these are much better than rogue-like dungeons but they’re also much more difficult and concentrated day 72 the sea guardian battle tower inside of this battle tower we found a lot of silverfish spawners i gotta say these have got to be the most annoying mobs

Inside of the game but also a lot of valuable blocks this seemed like a pretty much of a cakewalk until i got to the very top and the sea guardians kept pushing me back down and it was really difficult because i couldn’t mine the spawner underwater however eventually

The spawner actually expired there was no boss atop this tower but there was some pretty good loot day 73 i began my quest to kill eva eva is the most powerful overworld boss inside of this hardcore dungeon modpack expansion it was time to take her on and i took on

Her tower however whoever built this tower really didn’t plan things out because it lit on fire and burned down the entire thing but eva would not escape me i found her in the wild and i slayed her with my dragon saber she was dead and it was time to enter the next

Dimension to kill the next battle tower bosses day 74 there’s apparently an end tower with a boss that is more powerful than the ender dragon as it commands him so i went searching for it apparently it is ultra rare on day 75 i continued my quest to find this battle tower but with

No luck day 76 i spent the rest of the day also looking for this battle tower but again with no luck i figured at this point with only this many days left i should probably abandon this quest for now and hunt for the ones inside of the nether

The nether battle tower although no boss to top this tower is a menacing foe in and of itself it has the most spawners i had seen yet it was incredibly difficult but i fought my way through it gaining all the experience points it’s quite annoying because when you use your sword

Instead of a bow your water goes down incredibly fast i only brought so many water bottles with me so a lot of the time i was fighting in sort of a great atmosphere but that was okay because we were still able to kill everything inside of the tower day 78 i wanted to

Build the biggest kingdom that had ever been known to our railcraft mine colonies was the way i was going to achieve this but i knew i needed a lot more supplies so i went on my way to find villages to steal their wood day 79-84 i pillaged and pillaged and i

Stole all the wood i could find i brought my shulker with me so i could store even more of it mine colonies requires a lot of wood to actually build the kingdom that you want so i knew i’d better get it all in one go so i didn’t

Have to come back every single time i wanted to build a new fortress when i had gathered the supplies that i needed i went back home to start building i started clearing an area to put the main town hall that would be needed to start the colony day 85 i cleared enough brush

And that man’s house over there to actually place the town hall now i needed to wait for citizens to arrive not sure how they’re going to climb their way up here but i’m sure they’d make their way meanwhile i wanted to go on a side quest and accomplish something

Else inside of o’reillycraft there are runes that hide in shipwrecks and in different dungeons throughout the game i wanted to gather these runes so i could make some of the most powerful items inside of the game you can make explosion pickaxes that do three by three areas or you can make armor that

Is makes you more killable than dragon armor i wanted these runes and i wanted them now so i began my questing to find them day 91 after questing for runes i arrived back home to find that my first settler had arrived with enthusiasm i ran over to greet him and i accidentally

Killed him i’m sure more will spawn right to read the runes i needed what’s called a rune reader to get that i needed a bit more nether quartz so i headed back into the nether that was my mistake well i was in the nether money for quartz some

Mobs shook fireballs at me this wouldn’t have been a big deal except they hit my portal i had no way to get back home i spent a 92 looking for another fortress as i knew i could find obsidian but i needed a flint and steel to

Actually light a portal day 93 i finally found another fortress and i began looking for some iron i found some in a chest ran back outside and got some gravel to make some flint while doing this mobs kept shooting at me i was almost running out of thirst so i could

Barely see i was just able to construct it in time light a portal that i’d found nearby and i arrived back home i found this cool little dungeon thing right as i arrived home and you know me so i took it out just to see what loot it had inside

Day 94 i started unlocking my runes to see what items they held behind their cascade day 95 i knew inside of the other dimension there was an ice dragon and i really wanted a nice dragon as a pet so i began my quest to go back and

Find it it was quite a ways away from my portal but i really wanted an ice dragon well on my way i found one of these four tower dungeons i made sure to steal all the loot and just passively walk by all these mobs that were attacking me with

Their weak stone swords ha what noobs day 96 i stumbled upon the ice dragon cave and i plunged right in here is the entire fight Uh Unfortunately it was a guy and he didn’t drop an egg what a sad sorry excuse for dragon life day 97 i decided to visit another dimension this dimension is actually in the base game of our all craft as well i have never gone to it because well it’s

Not that exciting but i decided to try and go to it anyway and see what bosses or dangerous mobs awaited to make the portal simply place a bed on top of two emerald blocks and surrounded by an assortment of skulls not quite sure who came up with this idea but it works

Nonetheless once i was in the dimension i began scouting around to see if i could see anything cool just a lot of buildings in a post-apocalyptic world a lot of weird mobs hanging around i jumped down to one of the buildings to see if there’s any loot but at last the

Chests were empty quite lackluster day 98 i had one more big thing i wanted to accomplish inside of a real craft but i needed sea serpent armor to craft the armor i already had the caesar prince scaled but i needed mermaid scales so i went out and attacked mermaids with full

Vengeance to steal their scales the first one only dropped one not quite sure what her deal was the second one dropped four yeah take a lesson from that karen day 99 i began the day by putting some enchants on my new sea serpent armor that i just crafted i crafted the purple

Kind because purple is a cool color and i like being cool once i crafted the armor i went to do the ultimate task as you will now see Oh yes day 100 we still had one more big thing to do as per tradition we watched the sunset at the end of the day one of my friends is posting an insane 100 days challenge that will knock your socks off like it’s never been knocked

Off before make sure to stick around for that here’s the clip minecraft has dominated the video game industry because it keeps releasing new and exciting content that changes how people play the game so today we’re going to explore all those amazing updates by trying to survive 100 days in

Hardcore while updating the game every single day this challenge is not going to be easy because if i die even once my world will disappear forever thank you all for watching the rel craft finale for 100 days the next video we are going to be releasing depends on you yes you go into

My community section and vote whichever one gets the most votes is going to be the next video on the channel we’re going to absolutely obliterate it and survive 100 days with that being said though thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next video

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 days in HARDCORE RLCraft EXTREME MODE.. Here’s What Happened’, was uploaded by Mud Flaps on 2021-03-10 18:35:52. It has garnered 494611 views and 19858 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:22 or 2362 seconds.

Hardcore Rlcraft is an insane challenge, especially surviving the first 100 days. Hardcore is the most difficult mode inside the game. If you die in hardcore mode, your world is deleted FOREVER.

My Discord : https://discord.gg/bHnkfXE5EM My Friends Channel (go sub for an epic 100 days vid) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE5O8eaYF-YWNPm37sVLHug

This idea is inspired by Lukethenotable and Cxlvxn who produced way better videos then this so make sure to check them out too.

I have always loved playing minecraft modpacks and pushing the difficulties as high as possible — this is truly an opportunity to play out one of my passions. If you enjoyed this video, please leave a like and subscribe to support the new direction of the channel!

Credits :


Music : Jorge Quintero – 300 Violin Orchestra (Fast Version) [NCS Fanmade] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsOPg…

Some info :

minecraft and minecraft hardcore and minecraft I survived 100 days and I survived 100 days in hardcore rlcraft and surviving 100 days in hardcore rlcraft and minecraft survival and minecraft hardcore survival and surviving 100 days in minecraft and minecraft hardcore 100 days and minecraft hardcore mode and 100 days and 100 days hardcore and minecraft 100 days challenge and hardcore minecraft challenge and and this is what happened and minecraft survival hardcore mode and hardcore minecraft 100 days and 100 days modded minecraft Minecraft and 100 Days and luke thenotable and minecraft hardcore and hardcore mode and minecraft hardcore mode and hardcore mode minecraft and hardcore minecraft survival and hardcore survival minecraft and minecraft hardcore survival mode and Forrestbono and Forrest and I Survived 100 Days in Modded Hardcore Minecraft.. Here’s What Happened and hardcore modded minecraft and modded hardcore minecraft

#100days​ #MinecraftHardcore​ #100DaysHardcore​ Hardcore minecraft funny moments and I survived 100 days on Modded hardcore minecraft and 100 days hardcore and 100 days modded hardcore minecraft and minecraft hardcore and luke thenotable 2000 days hardcore minecraft and minecraft 100 days and 100 days in modded minecraft and i survived modded hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened and how to survive in hardcore minecraft and minecraft i survived 100 days and i survived 100 days in minecraft hardcore and minecraft i survived 100 days and surviving 100 days in minecraft and surviving 100 days in minecraft hardcore and minecraft 100 days hardcore and 100 days and rlcraft 100 days and rlcraft hardcore

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  • Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!

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  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T Pros

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  • Insane mods dominate Minecraft game

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  • Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE – Battle Commands!

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  • “Friend saves my life in Minecraft!” 😱 #shorts

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  • “Unleashing Gods with Bread in Minecraft” #CrazyAdventure

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!

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  • GoatZone Reborn Modded Super Powers SMP Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – Today’s Minecraft Live: Thoughts on Upcoming Updates?

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  • Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed!

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience

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  • Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & Rusherhack

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  • 100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!

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    M3rc - INSANE MINING UPDATE REACTION!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW MINING UPDATE W OR L | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by M3rc on 2024-09-25 05:33:46. It has garnered 171 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:33 or 6933 seconds. Lets Grind out this New Mining Update! And Get Some Growth on this Profile | Hypixel Skyblock | Minecraft | mods | Gaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!

    Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted’, was uploaded by RocketF on 2024-04-05 19:00:30. It has garnered 1151 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:54 or 954 seconds. I try to beat SKYGRID on HARDCORE! Playing SKYGRID Minecraft! I hope you enjoyed. Please like and subscribe! SkyGrid Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/skygrid-minecraft-1-20/ RocketF – Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted Previous Video: https://youtu.be/Dg3mnrH9cUQ?si=NlXpHC3ehwsPBb7p MINECRAFT VIDEO: https://youtu.be/jvHi2iAcG3k?si=MZr7FGDnZTeEQ4ey #minecraft #minecraftharcore #minecraftbut #minecraft100days Read More

  • 🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine – Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shorts

    🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine - Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-16 13:00:50. It has garnered 5369 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding Tags:- minecraft poi poi poi, minecraft poi poi poi mod, minecraft poison horror map part 2, poison map for mcpe, poi poi poi shorts, r minecraft, potion counter mcpe, poi poi poi popoi poi po pi minecraft, poi poi poi po pi trend minecraft, poi poi poi meme minecraft, poi… Read More


    UNLOCK VIP FOR FREE on MANOV FACTIONS SERVER 🚀🔥 MineCraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔥 SERVIDOR DE FACTIONS VIP FREE – MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-07-06 17:07:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ ········· READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois Podcast

    Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘BrokeN Bois ep. 184 | MiNecraft Movie’, was uploaded by BrokeN Bois Podcast on 2024-09-09 17:00:00. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:15 or 4395 seconds. Sit back as Mike and Colin relax and talk about whatever is on their minds, usually leading back to music in some way or another! This week, Colin and Mike discuss the Minecraft Movie teaser, the Linkin Park return, and other news from throughout the week. Links to Song of Week playlists: Mike’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2qHnCpMr9EFV8LpDxl2ALz?si=Papz11C4Q5CwKuKbcNc6FA Colin’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OqA9mgAaFd3Coi3HjYvAE?si=Y-ipjPLOQh2eF20nsHk21w Combined Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64NaXkzBSNjMCYNKKW07yX?si=Ytqa2q5kTPa6NytTG9k6WA… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp Mostly-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you would like to be part of our growing community and help us with builds and shops on our mostly-vanilla 1.21 server, feel free to join us on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join Here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Catastrophe

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CatastropheWell, I guess you could say it’s not just a meme, it’s a high-scoring tragedy in the world of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters Series

    Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-10-05 01:01:04. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥

    Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! 🔥 Why do girls always build cute little houses with flower gardens in Minecraft, while boys just dig straight down and end up in a pit of lava? 🤣 #genderdifferences #minecraftstruggles #boysvsgirls Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Block Party Fail!

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Block Party Fail! Minecraft Bedrock: Block Party B12 – A Gaming Adventure! Welcome, gamers! Dive into the world of Minecraft Bedrock with Block Party B12! This gaming channel is a hub for exciting gameplay videos that will keep you on the edge of your seat. From Minecraft to Brawl Stars and beyond, get ready for a diverse range of gaming experiences that will leave you wanting more. Channel Rules and Etiquette At Block Party B12, respect is key. The channel’s most important rule is to maintain a respectful and positive atmosphere in the comments section. Whether you’re engaging with the content creator… Read More

  • Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr!

    Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr! New IRON Farm In Minecraft – A Must-Have Addition to Your Survival World! Looking to boost your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further than this new iron farm design that promises an impressive yield of 1300 iron per hour! This fully automatic farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, taking under 15 minutes to complete. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is a game-changer for your survival world or server. Farm Details Farm Performance: +400 to +450 iron per hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java… Read More

  • 🦖 Jurassic Fossils Madness in Shizaradise! Ep. 18

    🦖 Jurassic Fossils Madness in Shizaradise! Ep. 18Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded SMP2 Ep. 18 | 1.12.2 | Obtaining jurassic fossils’, was uploaded by Sharadise on 2024-05-15 16:25:51. It has garnered 27 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:10 or 7570 seconds. Yay for the Prehistoric Nature mod! This is an archived ‘Minecraft: Prehistoric Nature & Thaumcraft’ modded SMP stream. It was streamed live over on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sharadise Featuring: CangoFango, Emichu, Willys1961, mr_w_l, Albastru916 & RealHansWasser Cango’s POV: helping with organism pronunciations. Mod list: https://www.sharadise.com/streaming/Sharadise%20-%20Prehistoric%20Nature%20and%20Thaumcraft%20mod%20list.pdf Game: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/store/minecraft-java-edition Seed (1.12.2): I have no idea actually, I may update this later. In case… Read More

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