I Survived 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft… Here’s What Happened

Video Information

Today i’m gonna survive 100 days in medieval minecraft now while the name only says medieval it’s a lot more more like dragons monsters spirits literally anything and everything medieval and magical it’s up to us to survive 100 days in this world and along the way i have to complete three objectives first

Of all survive which is gonna be difficult with the amount of monsters in this world second of all adventure as much as i can and i mean enter into every dungeon i see and lastly defeat all four dragon types the ice dragon the fire dragon the lightning dragon and the

Ender dragon which won’t be as easy because to enter into the end i’ll have to collect all 12 unique eyes of ender hidden in different parts of the world if you’ve ever wanted to be on a dragon slang medieval dangerous adventure that’s exactly what we’re gonna go on

Today as a side note i wanna say thank you to dragon city for sponsoring this video quite on topic and also thank you to sharkey for making this amazing amazing mod pack he really deserves more credit other than that grab your favorite snacks relax and enjoy as i try to survive 100 days

In medieval minecraft Starting out on day one i spawn in this desert village way up on a mountain i love this place wow i can’t believe i just spawned in right here i looked around some more and then i realized that i already had a stone sword and the stone shield equipped i also got this

Quest book which i opened up and i got some starter loot from it which was a water canteen that would replenish my hydration and a little spawn bag that gave me some wood food and torches after checking out my starter loot i got to looking around the village whoa

Look it’s a turtle hi star tour toys whoa i can place it down and take it with me nice i’m taking you with me buddy you’re really cool oh chest golden ingot everything looks different because there’s a special medieval look to everything there’s a lot of

Bookshelves i do want those let me get them all i mine up a lot of bookshelves and then i found this statue thing which scared me at first because i thought it would come to life and jump out at me or something but fortunately it didn’t and

I actually got a diamond from the chest beneath it and also some gear from the statue itself i made some basic tools chop down this really interesting new tree called palo verde to get some wood and then started exploring more of the village that’s is that a fairy oh man just cartographer harness

Whoa nice i already got two pieces of that stuff oh yeah i’m gearing up here night was approaching so i found a bed in the village and i headed to sleep but at the start of day two something horrible happened all right whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that oh my god

That is not good ah what oh my god they’re invaded no they’re killing all the villagers oh my god i’m leaving i’m sorry villagers oh that’s so bad no i love that village the village was done for and there was no way that me or any of the guardian villagers would be

Able to protect it so i unfortunately had to leave it behind and go searching for a new place to call home while running around i found this little structure with a pot inside and the pot gave me a couple of golden apples which hey i mean that’s awesome after that i

Found a little house strangely made out of end stone and what was even stranger was that it had a little burning enderman on the inside the enderman scared me okay it looked like it was from the slender man or something so i dug into the house

And i attacked it and this thing has red eyes which made it even creepier but i was able to take it down i found another house while out exploring and this one had some iron gear in it which was really useful right now so i put all of

It on and i continued my adventures i found a huge volcano which was really cool some scorpions and some harpies which uh they are not friendly so i ran away from them i slept out in the open at the end of the day which is probably

That’s probably not the best idea but i managed to make it to day three and upon awakening i saw this interesting structure that does not look safe at all like not at all safe that looks so cool though what is going on here whoa ritual alter ah

Right this is not good spawn point linked wait what a vase do i get something if i break that whoa moon steel nugget euro fire moon steel ingot moon steel sword whoa afterlife what is this wow okay okay this is some cool stuff that wasn’t all because

Right next to the ritual altar there was a really tall tower that i just i had to approach i think this is safe to enter right whoa it’s a book tome of boots ah so you can put boot enchantments on this but then i don’t know what you do with it well what

Is this common affix home can remove affixes taking some of them as its own oh i knew i heard tnt i was so confused though oh my god that exploded right under my feet i have i have no idea how i stayed alive no clue

I went to the bottom of the tower and the items from the chest were scattered all over the place i mean literally everywhere so you know what while i collect all that stuff i think it’s a good time for me to tell you about the sponsor of today’s video dragon city

Dragon city is a free-to-play game where you can collect hundreds of dragons with different elements and rarities and build your own dragon empire you’ll need to collect things like food gold and gems in order to expand your city and then you’ll be able to unlock new levels

You can also breed two dragons to get new ones and then hatch them and feed them to evolve and you can train your dragons and take them to battle in order to make them more powerful there are several events every week and a brand new battle pass where you can unlock new

Rewards and dragons every day you can also find the dragons of your favorite youtubers this month they partnered up with unspeakable and created the unspeakable dragon so right now what you can do is you can click the link in the description and get a special free

Reward to get you started 15 000 food 30 000 gold and the scout dragon thanks again to dragon city for sponsoring today’s video okay so getting back to it the the tower just exploded and then i started picking up all the stuff off the ground so i got this new enchantment called smelting

Touch i also got a bunch of these affix tomes which i think basically let you put special traits onto items which could come in handy later on after that i found this like minotaur thing or something which reminded me a lot of narnia but i couldn’t talk to him or

Anything so i left his camp behind my inventory was stuffed by this time so i figured it was time to start setting up a base and i actually really liked the sand biome that i was in which i usually wouldn’t and i figured i would set up in

It so i placed down some chests put all of my stuff in them and uh then um then then this happened i dropped my bed somewhere that’s that’s really bad that’s really bad oh what what just happened what just happened what just happened what just happened no no no What yep it was at this point that i realized i’m just gonna do this in survival there was no way i was gonna play this in hardcore especially counting the other previous like 20 deaths that i had so i went into the config and made a copy of the world

That’s in survival and i don’t want to hear it okay i don’t want to hear that it was a bad idea to change this to survival i would like to keep my brain cells so this was a smart decision let’s just say that the the the gods of this

World gave me eternal life so that i could defeat all the invading monsters and dragons anyways i returned and got my loot back and i saw a village in the distance so i headed over there and i slept off the third night on the next day i found this thing called a bestiary

On a lectern and i was able to learn about lightning dragons from it which was actually pretty cool and i decided that i wanted to tame one in the future if i could and then i went outside and um and and this happened ah no no no no no ah ah please no

Oh okay wait it didn’t transfer items give me please don’t chase me please don’t chase me why can you not do that ow just another thing chasing me dragon please kill it dragon dragon are they fighting i don’t know what they’re doing oh no i’m not going to get that i um

And so i kept dying to the dragon again and again and eventually i lost my spawn point and i spawned all the way back where i started that’s that’s really fun that’s really that is awesome i decided i would just leave my items behind because i did not have

Anything that great on me when i died and i did not want to keep dealing with this dragon so i mined up some bookshelves again and i started looting what was left in the village i went to bed and on the next day i actually ended

Up finding this holy locket which is a relic that gives you some special perks against undead enemies like zombies and stuff which is actually pretty good i equipped it and after that i ventured out and searched for a new home and along the way i chopped down some trees

And found a ruined portal that had a chest on top of it there was a chest here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa golden leggings with unbreaking eight oh frost chest plate this legendary armor forged from ice that never melts makes the wearer feel as if they are one with winter

And it’s a chilling aura whoa that’s so cool oh look at that nice oh my god i cannot believe i found this i got some really really good items from that chest and i also got some gauntlets from the other chest which are dual wheeled weapons i slept off the night

And on day six i continued my search for a good place to set up a home i found a lot more unique gear along the way as well but no matter how long i looked it seemed like i could not get out of the desert i could not do it and after my

Encounters with dragons i was not gonna build a base in the desert anymore on the following day i ran into some desert bandits while running and i i figured i could take them on with the little bit of new gear that i had gotten nope nope the bandit just one shot me

One shot me and and you know what you know what the best part is i did not have my spawn point set so i had to run all the way back to where i died unfortunately the bandits despawned by the time that i got there after that

Death i was done with exploring okay and i and i settled on this mountain area that i found i dug into the corner set up a little chest area and i went to sleep on the next day i used my skill points to increase my health which is

Something you can do in medieval minecraft so that’s pretty cool and then i cut down this huge beautiful beautiful tree which gave me a lot of logs and it also dropped this fade dust stuff which i checked out and it was pretty interesting

But i had no idea how to use it so uh no no thank you after that i did some more work on my base i cleared out a pathway and made a room that i figured would be the main lobby for all the other rooms

In my base i don’t know why the main lobby room wasn’t just the room that you walk right into but that’s just that’s what i did i also finally walked up to the house that was right next to my base and there was some free iron pickaxes which

I snagged and there was also a dwarven traitor in the house which was really cool i mean come on we got we got lord of the rings going on here i then walked around some more and i found this mob called a rammer which i i found out i

Could tame with golden apples so that was pretty cool but i didn’t have any on me at the moment i figured it was a good time to go mine and gear up so i dug a tunnel down in search of a cave and i ended up finding an amethyst cluster

That was in a cave i quickly headed home to sort out my inventory and sleep off the night and on the next day i wanted to go back to the tunnel that i made but i literally could not find it for like five minutes like what am i doing

Thankfully thankfully i found it and i made sure to mark it so that that wouldn’t happen again i went down into the cave and i found this cool xp orb or stuff and it could be used to make an eternal stella which makes items indestructible yeah so i’d want to make

That for sure if i could i found platinum as well which just lets you make some base gear and lead in silver which could also make gear and they could probably make some other stuff as well but i just i didn’t know how to use that stuff i also

Found this purple ore which turned out to be amethyst and this could be used to make a lightning dragon summoning crystal i got a bunch of the basic ores as well as some new ones and then i headed home to drop off my loot and

Sleep off the night on day 11 i started working somewhere on my base i cleared out the main room evenly and then i created an entrance to my first actual room in the base i started mining out the room and i ended up mining to the outside and i saw this horrifying hydra

Thing just sitting outside on my base so i blocked myself in and did not go anywhere near that thing wait nope actually no i just i went straight for it well i don’t i don’t know what i was thinking oh my god it’s not even mean

Wait did i hit it by accident oh no i did not mean to hit you whoa okay i think i’ve taken out one head no never mind this thing takes a lot of damage and does not die i kept trying for a while and then i finally gave up

After a day and a half of trying and i let this thing away from my base and got back home i went strip mining on the next day and i was finding a lot of these fae gems which i kept thinking were diamonds i mean why do they have to

Look so similar and i also found this blue geode aura that you can make pretty good gear with i didn’t find any caves or diamonds for a very long time while strip mining i seriously thought that there were not any in this mod pack i did end up finding a cave eventually and

There was an elite witch in there which i was able to defeat and it dropped two enchanted books with some new enchantments on them i finally found some diamonds after that but the diamonds they were not free wow whoa you look nasty ah what is this thing oh my god it’s

Disgusting this thing is disgusting ew how is it taking damage oh it just died ew i returned home with six diamonds and a bunch of other oars and i made an enchanting table but as i was collecting wood for bookshelves a dragon snuck up

On me again i dug away from it and then it was stuck in a tree so i thought i could fight it but that was that was a horrible idea and i got absolutely demolished by it i spent the rest of the day just trying to lead the

Dragon away from my base so it would stop killing me and luckily i was able to get it far enough to where i could get my stuff back and go safely back to my base day 16 i chopped down more trees because i wanted to have a lot of wood

And i found a desert temple while doing so which i looted and it gave me the old eye which is the first out of the 12 ender eyes i needed to activate the ender portal so that that was a great and it also gave me this double axe

Weapon which i replaced my old weapon with while running back home i found this dungeon entrance which i skeptically entered and there were a lot of zombies coming from the inside which i was able to fight off but then when i went inside further an enderman started attacking me and i

Got out of there before i died nighttime came so i made my way back home and throughout days 17 to 19 i worked on my base somewhere i finished the level 30 enchanting table which i i couldn’t actually enchant anything yet because i kept losing my levels to dragons but i

Hope that i would be able to soon i cleared out another room and i decided that it would be my chest room so i placed down some double chests and i figured that they would do for the time being i made the floor of the lobby room

Out of cobblestone and oak planks the good old design and i also placed slabs on the pathway so that i wouldn’t have to keep jumping up the steps after that i did the walls with a stone brick and oak plank design and then i made the ceiling out of polished marble that was

It for the lobby room and i also did a bit more building in the enchanting room with a more unique design i finally finished with all the building stuff for the time being so i made some gear using this blue geode stuff that i’d mined up

Earlier and it was better than iron so that was pretty good and then i went out to do my favorite thing adventuring as soon as i went out i got attacked by this bat person thing which it’s just creepy and then i looted this chest on the top of a ruined portal that

Had a relic called magma boots and these give you lava walking and they don’t even replace your actual boots so they are awesome i went into another village after that and just some some really creepy stuff happened ow ow get away what was that stop those noises please stop those

Sounds please please stop those sounds where where’d it go where’d it go i don’t like this it’s going to jump at me again oh man whoa whoa what What i can’t handle this world i i can’t do it i returned to my loot but when i did i got ambushed by a leopard i was able to shield bash it to death which it was kind of sad but it was all i could do and it attacked me first okay i

Literally had no choice and then i made this bedroll thing which let me sleep off the night without setting my spawn point i used all of the new skill points i’d gotten to increase my health even more which as you can see gave me three and a half extra hearts so that was

Really nice i then looted a couple more desert temples and on the next day i approached some kind of a ruined temple what’s going on here oh wait there’s a lover here press that just moved something i think interesting there more lovers there’s another lover here’s another lover

And another one oh here’s one more and here’s one more okay i pressed every lever i think let’s see what’s going on what is going on here what is that oh what yep real nice real nice uh apparently i was supposed to make a blindfold otherwise medusa one shots you by

Turning you into stone good to know i spent the next day looking for leather and string to make a blindfold but i ended up getting turned into kfc by uh by a dragon as my death message always says anyways i did end up making the blindfold and on the next day i headed

Into medusa’s lair for a second time and let’s go Where is she where is she Got her legendary item medusa head i think i can turn things into stone nice i teleported back to my base using a way stone that i’d brought over earlier and then i was just moving my bed when this happened and i mean what are you doing why have you done this

Why have you done this you really need to stop he’s gonna start picking up blocks from my house i gotta get him out of here dude dude whoa whoa whoa i did not mean to look at you my friend i did not mean to look at you i did not

Mean to look at you i didn’t mean to look at you i don’t know i mean look at you i just removed my bed oh my why does everything why why why i spent the next two days trying to get back home and uh this is how it went there’s a night down

There no no i really hope it out it can’t outrun me stop what it just okay there’s water it’s fine unless she can walk on water somehow wait he’s still following me wait what wait what what stop stop following me please oh my god what stop

I think i got away oh my god it’s a dragon nice nice nice [Applause] nice okay all right no it’s a dragon again oh it’s a dragon again yeah every oh my god why am i doing this no oh my god oh my god oh my god please please man please why

Do you exist it’s still following me no i mean there’s just no way there’s honestly i think there’s actually just no way there’s no way eventually i did get back home and and i got my stuff back i decided to go mining again because after

Dying so much i wanted to get a full set of diamond armor i ended up finding this huge lava cave it is just insane and there were a lot of diamonds here too so this was a really good find when i just about returned home though the dragon

Attacked me again i used my enchanted golden apple and tried to fend it off but there was just no way i let the dragon away from my base and then returned for my loot and again i was practically down to no levels i mean come on i just gotten so many from

Monica and i lost them all at this point i figured that i should probably use a bow to defend myself better so i started farming gravel for flint and then i went out searching for feathers and when i was doing that uh an old friend approached no no

Let’s go buddy you know what let’s go oh it’s on the ground now that’s good Take that ah well knuckle okay into the water i go Die come on come on running out of golden apples yes yes i got it i got it i got it i got it yes yes oh yes give me all of that 16 dragon scales too i finally defeated the fire dragon it wouldn’t be terrorizing me anymore this

Was a good day it was a good day i made some dragon scale armor and a bone bow and i headed out in search of more adventure i found a cyclops and i thought that i could outsmart him by fighting him in this castle and using my new gear

But nope he uh he ate me yeah the next couple of days i didn’t find much i just found some structures here and there and on day 33 i went on a ship and it had some skeleton pirates on it but i was able to take them out pretty easily the

Chest had some oars and a skilled skeleton dropped an unbreaking eight book which would definitely come in handy later so i’d kept that i also found out that i actually couldn’t use the dragonbone bow that i made with regular arrows and i needed to get dragon bone arrows so for the time being

I would just have to use another bow which was a bummer i did get a lot of feathers from defeating the pirates though so i could make a good amount of arrows i finished my pillage by the next day and actually it’s it’s really fun

Being a pirate i i kind of wish i wasn’t part anyways after that this happened ow am i dying why am i dying why am i dying why am i dying why am i dying how do i replenish what overworked themselves to death are you kidding me what this is so what

Because my energy bar went fully down i don’t even know how to replenish that yeah so that was the first time i i realized that i had an energy bar that actually loses energy as i run and do things when i returned home i made a new

Sword and crafted some arrows and the first thing that i wanted to do is get revenge on the cyclops that killed me earlier so i headed back over to where i saw him before take that buddy oh wait this boat pulls enemies in oh my god wait this is the worst boat

Ever this is the worst bow i should this i should not have used it it brings enemies closer to me i did not think about that wait this is a terrible bow okay let me just finish defeating the cyclops with it but this is a horrible bow oh my god

I’ve never had a worse bone in my life ah you’re creepy i cannot believe it oh nice snake’s killing it oh and it’s really close to me okay run oh boy home okay okay that was a convenient teleportation that’s good okay let me at least use these huh

Oh oh oh that’s bad he’s so close oh i’m over the water now this is not the cyclops forte wait he didn’t take wait he doesn’t take he didn’t take damage oh oh no can he walk in the water He can’t get to me here oh i got him Oh that was that took so much oh man i got him okay all i got is mutton and leather from this guy oh my god i wanted to finally get experience for a level 30 enchantment so i went out and farm mobs in the night which is

Something that i hadn’t done before and it ended up being really good i got a helmet that gives you three additional hearts when you put it on so that was pretty cool and after that i found a zombie in full diamond armor and he ended up being a boss by the name of

Father tabitha this guy was a complete tank but i was able to get him down and he ended up dropping a rare pickaxe that mines in a 1×2 area and has diamond effectiveness against all blocks which means it’s just as fast as an axe and shovel and it also had mending it was

Just an absolutely godly pickaxe i kept farming mobs into the night and then i overworked myself again and i ended up losing all of the levels that i’d grinded for i just i i kept forgetting about the stamina bar i i i don’t know why nevertheless i i continued on with

My adventures okay and shortly after i found this hidden dungeon and it had spawners which i broke for spawner shards which i could then use to make my own spawners and i found a guardian bow in this dungeon which is a really powerful bow and it’s exactly what i

Needed it also had some diamond gear in it which i definitely needed and it had the lost eye the second eye a vendor out of the 12 that i needed to collect so that was great and the night i found mobs again and i ended up finding a boss

Named wenwyn the wise i almost ran out of stamina while fighting him but this time i noticed before it was too late and i was very careful he dropped some leggings with indestructible on them which meant that i could put that on another item and it would never break

And he also dropped a nice chestplate i slept off the night and i finally made a backpack on the next day which i upgraded to diamond and it has a crazy amount of storage like wow i continued adventuring around and farming experience and on the next day i was looting a building

When this happened oh no oh no oh no there’s a dragon oh not this again i can’t i don’t have the armor for this right now okay wait wait wait maybe i can shoot at it nobody buddy buddy uh okay i’m running i’m just gonna shoot at it from here

I’m just shooting at it this might work this might work this might actually work hold on i got a good bow now that’s good this is good this is good okay gonna golden apple up my armor is definitely going to break come on come on come on did i get it yes yes

With that i defeated another fire dragon i picked up some of its fire blood and i got back home and on day 40 i made a special friend hi here we go get up whoa what just happened um do i need to feed you another one oh whoa nice

I named it rumble just because that’s what came to mind and i was pretty happy with the name i made rumble a little pen next to my base and the next thing that i wanted to do is head into the nether whoa that is a cool looking nether portal wow okay

Let’s do it whoa whoa whoa all right wow this is quite crazy i found this temple in the nether and i had those magma boots on so i could walk right over lava to get to it that’s so useful oh man what is this what oh

I think i can fight these i can take them on right okay i need to break all these spawners all right Nether eye nice my third eye okay here’s another spawner oh Okay this is a bit more dangerous break the spawner break that spawner i also got a wither helmet and chest plate which both give life stealing so i put those on and on the top floor there was some really good loot i got leggings that gave me speed six whenever i jumped

I mean these things were crazy and i got even more gear and oars as well i just zoomed right on back home using the new speedy pants that i had and i dropped off my stuff and hydrated and then headed back into the nether to try to

Find a bastion which i did and it was all going well okay before i got one-shotted by a minotaur randomly i i don’t know on the next day i got my stuff back and i was adventuring around some more when my energy dropped to zero again somehow this time it actually went

Back up and i survived and i had to wait for it to regenerate so that i could go over to this lava ship and on the inside of it it had some netherrite boots with a bunch of enchantments on them and also the fourth eye vendor i needed the black

Eye i ended up getting carried away adventuring in the nether and i completely ran out of food i i was literally barely hanging on by eating rotten flesh uh but eventually the dehydration got me and i lost everything all my levels i lost all my levels i got my stuff back

Though returned home and i had gotten a lot of wither bones from the nether so i was able to make a dragon bone sword and i combined it with the fire dragon blood that i had to make it a flame sword i was i was looking good i went out in the

Night again to collect loot and experience as usual but i also wanted to get souls from ghosts because you can use those to make spawners and i wanted to make my own spawner room but while i was out farming mobs my energy bar went to one again and honestly i did not want

To sit and wait for it to regenerate again okay i mean come on i’m walking around with the flame sword but then here i am pausing to have a little breather no no okay so i i removed my stamina from the world and i do not regret it and then after things were

Back to how they should be i fought this mutant enderman i mean this this thing was crazy oh it does a lot of damage can i hit it with my bow nope are they fighting each other they’re fighting each other or something i don’t know what it’s doing

Wow it has a lot of help though okay i got it on the next day i found this huge dungeon structure i went in and it was pretty empty as i made my way up but once i got to the top it got a lot more dangerous oh boy

I don’t know where so many things are spawning from oh man oh man oh man i don’t know what’s going on they have a lot of help too and i’m telling you these chests better have some good stuff okay that’s all i’m trying to say emerald door that’s not bad name tag okay

I looted some more of the chest on the top of the tower and then i left the building and went back home by this time i had three souls from all of the mob farming i’d been doing so i turned them all into zombie essences and now all

That i had to do is make a room to put my spawners into i worked on the spawner room from day 49 to day 55. the first thing i did is i dug a staircase down and there was a cave which i made sure to light up so it wouldn’t mess up the

Spawners and i started digging out a room which was a tedious process but in the night i also got another soul to add to my spawner room so i would have four spawners now i finished mining everything out by day 52 and then it

Took me a bit of time to figure out the watering system but i did and the spawner worked well i decided to change it so that the zombies would fall into the middle of the room instead of to the side so that i could activate all of the

Spawners while at the bottom and with that the experience farm was finished i spent the next few days enchanting i got health steal on my sword which was great i mean this thing’s going to save me a lot i got efficiency 4 on my pickaxe and it took a while but i got

Protection on most of my gear it wasn’t anything perfect but it was good enough for the time being after all the adventuring and enchanting that i’d been doing i decided i would take a little break from all that and switch things up to building for a bit i went out to get

Wood and then dug out one in each direction of the chest room and filled in the walls and floor of the chest room with the same design that i had in the lobby area i also changed up the design on the ceiling and i made this marble

And diorite mix which i think fit pretty nicely next i started working on the enchanting room so i dug out one in each direction and then changed up the design for this room and used these new cherry wood planks for the walls i had to go

Out to get some more cherry wood and i also got a lot of sand while i was getting sand and unfortunately uh rumble just kind of ran off somewhere and i couldn’t find him uh i was i was pretty sad about losing him rumble buddy where are you did he really leave me

Oh no i lost him i can’t find him rumble you know what i’m sure that he’s gonna be very happy out in the wild i made a sandstone border around the walls and i still had the ceiling to finish but a blood moon occurred and i wanted to test

Out my new sword i put sharpness and sweeping edge on it renamed it to aragon and tested it out and the sword was really good and i was pretty much staying at full health while fighting all the time but then a new dragon approached whoa

Oh no no this is really bad timing no this is extremely bad timing for this i don’t have my bow i don’t have any golden apples oh man dude dude dude get away get away oh man no no i can’t fight a dragon right now fortunately i

Was able to make my way back home through underground tunnels and i got away from the lightning dragon which i i just i couldn’t defeat yet but don’t worry that time would come soon i got to work i grinded the mob farm and enchanted my gear again and i realized

That i had gotten a sharpness 7 book from one of the upgraded mobs that i fought earlier which that was a crazy upgrade i also upgraded all of my gear to netherright and i was becoming very very solid i kept enchanting over the next couple of days

Until i had a very good set of gear i didn’t wait to make it perfect or anything because looking at the amount of days i had left i realized i did not have much more time to get all of the eyes for the portal the next size i

Wanted to get were the snow and jungle eyes and i wanted to look for them now because i wasn’t sure how long it would take me to find a snow and jungle buy them while exploring i found a sea serpent and this was the perfect time to test my dragon bone bow

And i i literally one shot yeah crazy boat seriously crazy but that victory did not last long because i was fighting a boss and it literally one shot me yeah i i i couldn’t believe it even with all my stuff it just it wrecked me there wasn’t

A way stone anywhere near where i died either so i spent a whole day getting back to my stuff now i was really starting to test my luck on getting to the ender dragon in time i defeated more sea serpents and i also found this huge structure while adventuring i mean

This thing was massive whoa okay enter sandman whoa okay hold on this is crazy okay there’s mobs already barrel arrow hoarder horsefire protection eight oh wow okay this is actually pretty dangerous okay okay this is crazy it had a lot of mobs in it which i was

Able to get through but my gear was definitely losing its durability and it was it was losing it really fast at the top of the building i came to this treasure room which had a bunch of blocks of ore and some good gear as well i also got this arrow quiver relic that

Makes you charge your bow twice as fast so that was a really cool find my another right gear was now very low on durability but i had been collecting protection and unbreaking books over the past days and i was prepared to enchant a full new set of sea serpent armor i

Grinded mobs enchanted grinded mobs enchanted and everything was going well i was making a super set of armor until i put an enchantment called reckless on my boots which they they had my best enchantments on them at the time protection and unbreaking eight but the reckless enchantment that i put on them

Put me down to eight hearts and in return it gave me fifty percent more damage but that trade was not worth 12 hearts for me not not in a world of dragons and other mythical creatures i tried to find ways to take only the reckless enchantment off but i couldn’t

Do so without losing all of my other enchantments too so i had to make a choice either make new boots or try to carry the ones i had and i chose to stick with the ones i had i went out to test my new health situation

And it wasn’t too bad it seemed like i wasn’t taking that much damage and i was staying alive so for now it would do i also started searching for an ocean monument alongside with the snow and jungle biomes because it also had an eye that i needed the guardian eye i was

Really fast underwater with the sea serpent gear and everything so after some time i was able to find one and i made my way inside and after looking around for an elder guardian i defeated him and he dropped the guardian eye and when i returned home with the eye

A familiar creature awaited me oh it’s a dragon hi dragon welcome to my bow this thing is pretty strong just so uh oh just so you know that rhymed well i have minor fatigue this is not very fair dragon okay and you’re dead and you’re dead okay

All right buddy i know i know i know i know i continued my search for jungle and snow biomes over the next couple of days and there was no luck and to make things worse i was out collecting sea serpent skills to repair my armor when the strongest sea serpent i have

Ever seen approached me that thing just absolutely destroyed me and my helmet in the process i got back to my gear and i had to make an enchant a new helmet in boots because i was done having eight hearts and my helmet broke i got back to

Searching for a snow or jungle buy them after that again and while searching for those i figured i could also find some of the other places where eyes drop and i did just that i found a pillager outpost and on the top chest i found the corrupted eye the sixth eye that i

Needed and on the next day i found this pink mansion and i knew that there would be evokers on the inside which meant that if i would be lucky one of them could drop the magical eye check this place out oh for you oh got you oh boy

Here we go again with a bunch of things oh boy Can’t see a thing okay dice head gloves dice hit gloves okay oh boy hi everyone hello alrighty then how do i hit this guy there we go wow there were a lot of them oh magical eye yes i got the evoker eye nice that’s what i came here for i have cyclops area

Of effect weapon inflicts weakness on to all nearby hostiles when held whoa i headed out with my seventh eye and some totems of undying so i would say that that was really successful as i was running i ran into this sleeping ice dragon which was the third dragon i

Needed to defeat i didn’t want to risk fighting it yet because my helmet was just about broken so i quickly returned home repaired my helmet and i headed back to the sleeping ice dragon to fight it i started firing at it and my bow did massive damage this dragon didn’t even

Have a chance to touch me with that i had defeated three of the dragons in this world but i still needed to defeat the ender dragon and i honestly was not sure if i would be able to get all of the isa vendor in time while searching

On day 83 i found a very dangerous dungeon but i didn’t know that yet and here’s some underwater thing oh it’s some kind of a cool dungeon whoa debris miner oh man he’s strong that’s my bow whoa there’s rotten ones right there i can fight the ferris rotnot right now

All right let’s go we can do it one more hit oh there we go got him got um what is going on here whoa okay a lot of ghosts whoa first of all i need to break the spawner heal me up please okay let me use my bow because my bow is overpowered Oh boy oh boy Wow these are very powerful okay chests diamond block that’s all right really cool cave here wow look at that whoa Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa get me away well an apple and fire this is the first time i’ve actually had to use my bow in a dungeon am i out of arrows i’m out of arrows no way that is not good So much going on boundary guardian ah oh man wow wow wow that’s so they’re so strong they are so powerful i got absolutely wrecked i did not think that anything could damage me like that with all the gear that i had but apparently it could i got my

Stuff back and i got out of that place i did not want to venture any further into there i again didn’t find anything on the next day but then on day 87 i came to a revelation i remembered that there was something called the nature’s compass and when i

Checked to see if it was in this world it was this thing lets you find any biome you want i mean i i really wish that i had this at the start but at least now is good enough so i selected the jungle biome on it and it located

One six thousand six hundred six blocks away not a good number to my enormous benefit though i had waypoints that helped me get there and just on the peak of the sunrise of day 88 i found a jungle and better than that i found a jungle temple right away

I went through this place careful of traps looting all of the chests that i saw but to my disappointment no i was there i found another temple of the same design and i went around looting all of it as well but i didn’t find any eyes

There either then i found a new type of jungle temple i carefully dug down into it and it was definitely trapped because there was tnt all over the place but i made sure not to press any buttons or activate any redstone and when i got to looting the chests

Boom there it was the rogue eye i also got a cool relic called the fragrant flower which it gave you some benefits to do with bees and i didn’t have any bees or anything but you know what i loved having a flower on my head boom

Equipped oh look i have a flower on my head now i like it i like flowers carrying over my momentum for my success in finding a jungle i set the nature’s compass to a snowy tundra biome next and it was 3 000 blocks away as i was going there though

I got ambushed and it wasn’t just by one enemy it was by a lot and i didn’t have any more dragon bone arrows to defend myself with dude no no no no not right now man not right now man ah dragon dragon are you serious right now dragon my helmet’s gonna break

Dragon please yes i returned home to make some new gear and then after following the nature’s compass for over 3 000 blocks i made it to a snowy biome it was a really interesting place actually it had these swirls on the ground and in general it

Was almost like a maze i saw a polar bear while out exploring and i love polar bears so i stopped and i admired it for a moment i kept seeing these ice islands up high as i was running around so i decided that i would check one out

And when i got to the top it had pretty much nothing other than some raw fish so that was pretty disappointing i found a village as well which i thought might have the eye i was looking for but unfortunately it just didn’t have any chest in it and then i found this

Ice pyramid which had strays on the inside but i was able to take them out fairly easily i loaded the first chest but it didn’t have anything good and as i made my way to the top neither did any of the other chests that was pretty unfortunate and

Now it was the night of day 92 so i was really cutting it close and i had four more eyes to get i then found this golden moth which i killed and that was not a good idea whoa a moth just dropped gold that’s cool retribution harmful uh-oh what does that

Mean should i not have killed the golden moth what is this oh i think i might be about to die but there’s no cows here for me to take off this effect so retribution oh wow yep that just about one-shot me good thing i had the totem of undying in

My relic’s law otherwise karma would have killed me i continued searching into the next day and eventually i ran into a snowy tiger biome and in this biome i found this big dark building with skulls around it and the blocks on the outside were unbreakable i carefully

Made my way inside and the skeletons had glowing blue eyes okay this is pretty cool but i don’t have much time to look at places like this i really need that other eye please no no oh boy a lot of mobs a lot of mobs oh boy

Oh wow that’s a big thing whatever that is oh wow this place is crazy i looted all of the chests that i found but none of them ended up having the eye in them so i got out of there soon after that as i was running around i found a

Shipwreck there were some illagers there so i fought them off and one of them dropped an item called the shellhorn this horn was supposed to summon someone called captain cornelia but when i tried nothing happened so i was probably supposed to use it somewhere else or something like that the chest on the

Ship actually had some really good enchantments as well like i wish that i could have gotten these earlier but unfortunately i just got them now anyways i left that ship eyeless and i continued on i kept searching and i was still finding nothing i was getting

Unlucky and now it was already day 95 i would like i like the 100 days were almost over so i decided i would at least test my luck with finding the other eyes for the time being and the hardest one to get was the wither eye because i would need to defeat the

Wither for it so that’s the first thing i wanted to get i headed into the nether and i searched for another fortress on day 96 i found a medium-sized fortress and i started farming wither skeletons right away but while i was doing that this happened whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s going on there what is that whoa what what what what what what is that what is this thing oh my god oh my god what is this thing i can’t even hit it ah did i kill it oh what was that mutant blaze core that was

Crazy and if i would have died there i probably would have no chance of getting to the ender dragon anyways i sat farming with her skeletons for a while longer and after quite a lot of wither skeleton kills i finally got my hands on three wither skeleton skulls i

Wasn’t quite done in the nether yet though because i still needed to get one more eye here which was the end crystal eye i basically needed end crystal fragments to craft one and these fragments can only be found in bastions so i headed back to a bastion that i found

A while back and i found two ores of this and crystal stuff and that’s all i needed because i already had two fragments from before i returned home in the night quickly crafted the end crystal eye and then headed to summon and fight the weather right away but after i summoned it

This happened yeah it it it just blew me up i did not expect that worse yet it glitched out and it just disappeared it was i don’t know it was a houdini wither or something so i had to back up my inventory and summon it again and this

Time i made sure to stay away when it was forming itself so i wouldn’t just get blown up and from there i was easily able to take it down using my insane bow i got the wither eye and now i needed two more eyes one of them was actually

Really easy to get it was the witch eye and all i had to do was use a witch pupil that dropped from a witch with an under eye and boom i had the wish eye now i just needed to get the cold eye that’s all i just i needed that eye that

I had already spent so much time trying to get and all i could do is head back to the snow biome and pray that i could find it somewhere but i was having no luck anywhere i walked everywhere i could entered every structure i saw but

I wasn’t getting it i realized that this was almost all for nothing that all the building that i did all the adventuring i did i wasn’t going to be able to complete my objective i found another one of the ice pyramids that i’d been to before and i figured it wouldn’t have anything

But you know what you know what it did it had the coal dive right there just looking at me just a frozen eye just looking at me i grabbed that thing and i went right back cold i started bolting for the end gate following my row guys i didn’t manage to

Find it on day 98 though i had two more days two more days to get to the end and defeat the end of dragon i ran for my life seriously not nothing else in existence mattered to me in that moment i was i was just full-on sprinting and with all of that dedication

In the night time i found the end city yes yes yes yes yes it’s right here i found it i found it i found it yes i headed down as fast as possible and there it was there it was the end gate this place was a maze but after a

While i managed to find a puzzle room so this meant that i was on the right track i did not do any puzzle though no no way no way what i did is break right through the walls that was my puzzle and you know what i did that for the next

Puzzle and the puzzle right after that because i did not have any time to do them at all and after i broke through that third puzzle room there it was there it was in all of its glory the ender portal right away i placed down each of the 12 eyes i had found

Throughout the last 100 days of searching and with that i instantly entered into the end okay i made it to the end come on please please hey enter dragon ender dragon where are you at under dragon come on okay let me just break this stuff i don’t even need to

Break this stuff let me just shoot at the ender dragon i do so much damage um okay i might need to break the crystals actually oh oh oh that that does a lot of damage where are my golden apples come on come on yes is that it okay shooting at the ender

Dragon come on is it coming down it’s coming down okay i gotta do a lot of damage to it right now let’s go oh it’s a mutant enderman it’s a mutant enderman oh what’s going on there okay i better not look at that thing okay i’m hitting it come on oh oh

What’s going on it’s a mutant enemy it’s immune animation oh no oh no oh no get away it’s dying whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa stop stop stop stop stop that that is that is crazy yes oh i did it that mutant enderman could have killed me i don’t know what oh my

Oh man yes oh yes i did it i i did it i i barely did it i defeated the ender dragon which completed my final objective and and now the world was safe from all four invading dragons and the other creatures thanks again to dragon city for sponsoring this video if you

Want to try it out for free you can click on the link in the description and get some special rewards as well other than that thank you all for watching and i’ll see you all in the next video peace out everyone you

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft… Here’s What Happened’, was uploaded by Suev on 2021-12-14 14:56:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft… Here’s What Happened Download Dragon City to claim your special limited time …

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  • Off The Block – Semi-vanilla SMP with Jobs & Skyblock 1.20.4+

    Welcome to Off The Block! Welcome to your next Minecraft server! Off The Block is a small but growing community of mature players. We have custom enchantments and custom-made plugins. We focus primarily on economy survival but also have skyblock and creative. Besides the game modes, we offer a balanced economy/shop, vote crates, and awesome time-based ranks. Ranking up unlocks awesome perks like /treefeller, /god, /glow, and /skull. What are you waiting for? Join today! IP: play.offtheblock.lol WEBSITE: www.offtheblock.lol Read More


    Hello PlanetMinecraft,My name is VkzoI am founder and lead developer of Dream World RPG! I want to personally welcome all of you into our new project.The server will be Vanilla for the time being as we work on building the server. Be sure to hop in for early access gameplay, and to stay up to date with our latest server updates! I am proud to be apart of something new and I hope to see some of the talented players of PlanetMinecraft around the world!If you are interested in helping out be sure to apply for staff through our Discord!… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blocky Bants: Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Blocky Bants: Minecraft Edition"Looks like this meme needs some mining for more laughs! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery

    Crafty Clues: Minecraft Mystery In the town of Minecraft, a man did see, An odd creature walking, what could it be? He reported to the police, they thought it was a joke, But footage on a camera made them choke. A special group of cops went to investigate, And what they found was truly great. The town was infested with strange beings, The SWAT team was in for some serious cleanings. As one creature got too close, they couldn’t wait, They opened fire, sealing their fate. None survived, it was a tragic sight, Reported on the news, causing a fright. What will happen… Read More

  • Tiny Tower, Big Mood: Minecraft Edition

    Tiny Tower, Big Mood: Minecraft Edition “Me playing the world’s smallest violin for all the times I’ve died in Minecraft because I couldn’t find my way out of a tower. #struggleisreal” Read More

  • Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250

    Redstone Farm Mastery with EpicAlyssa1250 Mastering the Redstone Farm in Minecraft! Join EpicAlyssa1250 and Andrew in their exciting Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series as they delve into the world of redstone farming. In this episode, they tackle the challenges of creating an efficient redstone farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Exploring Redstone Farming Redstone is a valuable resource in Minecraft known for its ability to power various mechanisms and devices. By mastering redstone farming, players can automate processes, create intricate contraptions, and improve their overall gameplay. Key Elements of Redstone Farming: Redstone Dust: The foundation of redstone farming, used to transmit power. Redstone… Read More

  • Can a Home Still Be a Home with Too Many Openings? | Minecraft Ep6

    Can a Home Still Be a Home with Too Many Openings? | Minecraft Ep6 Minecraft Original Survival 3 Ep6: The Beauty of Cherry Blossom Trees In the latest episode of Minecraft Original Survival 3, the player embarks on a quest to transform their home into a true sanctuary. With a plethora of transparent passageways, the question arises – can a home still be called a home if it’s so open? The player decides to elevate the aesthetics by planting cherry blossom trees, aiming for the highest level of sophistication. Planting Cherry Blossom Trees The player showcases their creativity by planting cherry blossom trees in their Minecraft world. These trees add a touch of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!

    Unbelievable Adventure with Lux And Tux: Join Us Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms: Join Me On My Quest! [EP. 1]’, was uploaded by Lux And Tux Live on 2024-05-26 03:12:04. It has garnered 317 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:22 or 5602 seconds. Support the channel: https://ko-fi.com/luxandtuxlive Discord: https://discord.gg/eMNVXfAa 🏮 Catch Me Live!!! 🏮 Mon – Wed – Fri 5:30pm EST Livestream Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgbo80SKvq4GF__yUGVCF6b9vVL31joYA Equipment: [Affiliate Links – TY if you use the links] GPU: https://amzn.to/3OUGMf5 CPU+MOBO Combo: https://amzn.to/3DTPRy9 RAM: https://amzn.to/3OTTtqi Watercooler: https://amzn.to/3QwbqfS Case: https://amzn.to/3DUkung Keyboard: https://amzn.to/3QDF3Ms Mouse: https://amzn.to/3qxDgh2 Monitor: https://amzn.to/3QBJeYV PS5: https://amzn.to/444mynq TOTK Switch: https://amzn.to/4546hQI Gaming Chair: https://amzn.to/456VCVa Contact for… Read More

  • Top 20 Spooky Minecraft Secrets

    Top 20 Spooky Minecraft SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Account 671 Creepy Pasta’, was uploaded by Minecraft Creepy Facts on 2024-05-18 04:06:36. It has garnered 490 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. 🔍 Uncover the Mystery: The Haunting of Minecraft’s Account 671 🔍 Have you heard the chilling legend of Account 671 in Minecraft? Join us as we delve into the eerie tale of Ethan Greene, a brilliant developer who mysteriously vanished, leaving behind only his active Minecraft account. What secrets lie within the worlds generated by Account 671? 👻 What You’ll Discover: Strange biomes… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay – Custom Servers and Survival Challenges!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay - Custom Servers and Survival Challenges!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live🔴 – Hive – Bedwars – Skywars – Custom Servers – Minecraft 1.21 Survival Realm’, was uploaded by Raptor Gamez on 2024-05-20 00:04:10. It has garnered 159 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:54 or 12774 seconds. Minecraft Hive with Viewers | Join Now Thanks for watching, stay epic gamers. Bedwars – Skywars – Treasure Wars – Survival Games – Custom Servers Discord: https://discord.gg/xCzr7MZAyV Thank You for 3000 Subscribers! please subscribe I do use Horion, I use it for utility purposes, I have not and will never condone hacking or… Read More

  • ZonaiBoy – SHOCKING twist in Minecraft run! 😱

    ZonaiBoy - SHOCKING twist in Minecraft run! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Es geht weiter mit ner Runne Minecraft! 😍’, was uploaded by ZonaiBoy on 2024-03-22 23:19:11. It has garnered 282 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:23 or 15203 seconds. I love this game! Discord: https://linktr.ee/zonaiboy #minecraft #Stream #Christmas #Realtalk #New Years Eve #Chill #Zelda #nintendo #gaming am Read More

  • Insane Neudex Montage: Unbelievable Pump Plays!

    Insane Neudex Montage: Unbelievable Pump Plays!Video Information This video, titled ‘i like to pump it | Hive Montage’, was uploaded by Neudex on 2024-06-03 12:42:41. It has garnered 28 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. what the sigma tags texture packs,minecraft bedrock texture packs,mcbe texture packs,minecraft bedrock edition texture pack,mcpe texture pack,minecraft pocket edition texture pack,texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate client,anarchy client,ascendency,atani,atani client,coffee client,cnd client,cnd,eclipse client,eternium,eternium client,infernus client,moon client,nitr0,nitr0 client,quadrix,quadrix client,strike client,zoomx,zoomx client,horion,horion client,chron,chron client,sova,sova… Read More

  • Steve outruns death to Heaven, now chased by 1000 wardens!

    Steve outruns death to Heaven, now chased by 1000 wardens!Video Information This video, titled ‘WAIT WHAT STEVE OVER POWER LARI MENUJU SURGA DALAM 1 DETIK TAPI DI KEJAR 1000 WARDEN !’, was uploaded by Azuya Family on 2024-03-13 11:39:37. It has garnered 7211620 views and 158852 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Hello guys, this is a minecraft reaction! I hope you like it, don’t forget to like and share, thnkyuuuu Original video: https://www.youtube.com/@Alexa_Real Join the Azuya Surya membership so that your skin can be animated, join here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUEgIDXk_ZuimcU1DMU9wqg/join -Follow first, friend, the link is: www.tiktok.com/@azuyasurya01 or just look for the photo where I… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Challenge LIVE – Yahiamice vs. the HARDEST

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Challenge LIVE - Yahiamice vs. the HARDESTVideo Information This video, titled ‘facing the HARDEST minecraft modpack… BETTER THAN WOLVES’, was uploaded by Yahiamice LIVE vods on 2024-02-07 23:58:37. It has garnered 13187 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:56 or 8156 seconds. February 7, 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/yahiamice Read More

  • EPIC Build Battle Team Strategies with Alexander Bono

    EPIC Build Battle Team Strategies with Alexander BonoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battles Teams Hypixel’, was uploaded by Alexander Bono on 2024-04-14 17:32:36. It has garnered 279 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:58 or 898 seconds. #buildbattle #buildbattles #buildbattleminecraft #hypixel #minecraft #tryhard #proplayer #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable! Hacker Abdullah Drops Insane New Remix

    Unbelievable! Hacker Abdullah Drops Insane New RemixVideo Information This video, titled ‘#music #rap #hiphop #phonk #song #instrumental #remix #edit #minecraft #memes #roblox’, was uploaded by HACKER ABDULLAH on 2024-05-21 16:10:53. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • ArisMC

    ArisMCWelcome to ArisMC, the ultimate Minecraft server for players who seek a peaceful survival experience! Our server provides a serene gameplay environment where players can explore, build, and thrive without the need for conflict. Join us today and embark on an adventure of tranquility and resourcefulness. Our dedicated team of moderators ensures a fair and harmonious experience for all players, fostering a friendly and supportive community. With custom plugins and a variety of game modes, ArisMC offers a diverse range of activities suitable for both Minecraft veterans and newcomers. But that’s not all! We also provide rewards for participating in… Read More

  • Waychest SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.6 Custom Plugins

    Server Information Server Name: Waychest Server IP: waychest.com Server Location: United States West Coast Website: https://waychest.com/ Wiki: https://waychest.com/info Version: 1.20.6 (Java; Vanilla client) Gameplay Types: [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] [PVE] About Waychest Waychest is a custom-built Minecraft experience that extends vanilla survival mode with an emphasis on exploration and building. It is a hybrid of a public multiplayer server and a private Realm: a world where you (and friends) start your journey with a server-like feel. Discover custom items and blocks left behind by previous explorers as you journey through the shared world. Encounter other players along the way for a unique… Read More

I Survived 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft… Here’s What Happened