I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft SKYBLOCK Hardcore!!

Video Information

All right here we go again i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft skyblock but real quick before we get into the days of this video i just want to say i’m sorry about the sound of my voice in this video i’m recovering from actually getting it back from having a really bad

Cold so yeah if i sound weird that’s the reason why and also if you enjoyed the video at any point then please consider dropping a like and subscribing because it’s greatly appreciated and it really goes a long way anyways on with the video alrighty so on day one on my first

Day on this tiny island suspended above a never-ending void considering i didn’t have many options of things to do i started digging up the top two layers of dirt to have everything nice and flat and once all that was done i chopped down the tree and patiently waited for a

Sapling and once i had acquired said sapling i planted it down and got to work on building a cobblestone generator but whilst working on it i must have decided to myself that hardcore skyblock wasn’t going to be challenging enough and threw myself into lava accidentally and well things were almost over on day

One and to top it all off i was starting to get hungry so i couldn’t regen anyways after that incident i got to work on mining some cobble so that i can actually expand out the island a little bit now i’ll explain to you my idea for

This island is i wanted to make an area kind of look like a main square in the middle okay surrounded by staircases in a square like fashion all around it kind of like a big square bowl and then on those staircases there’ll be little platforms that have farms and

Tree farms and whatever the hell in them and i’m 100 sure that i’ll stick with that idea and never change it after my little expansion i replaced all the dirt around the cobblestone generator with stone and started on a little wheat farm that would hopefully grow quickly

Because i did not want to stay as vulnerable as i am right now after getting my one seed planted it was getting dark so i got to work on mining cobble all night because i mean what else is there to do there’s nothing here by the morning of day two i’d mind quite

A bit of cobble so i got to work on making it into slabs and placing it all down until i was satisfied on how big our main island was and then i started work on mapping out the staircases leading to the upper layer and oof this

Was gonna take a lot of cobble after placing the slabs down as high as i needed them to be i moved the sapling to a better place and then secured a small area around my cobblestone generator so that i would be protected somewhat when night came if things decided to spawn on

The island because it’s slightly bigger now but uh yeah i know it looks really bad for the minute but don’t worry it’s temporary oh and i also made myself a glowberry farm and chopped a bit of wood down from my newly grown tree but then

It began getting dark so i went and hid inside my little bunker mining cobbler all night again and hoping to have a skeleton spawn so that in the morning it’ll burn up and i can use this remains for bone meal so that i can feed myself

But well i didn’t really have any luck with that however when i left my hidey hole in the morning i saw one glowberry had grown overnight i was extremely happy to see it because now that meant that i was one step closer to full health so i harvested it and ate it and

Then chopped down the last piece of wood from the tree hoping to get an apple whilst waiting for the tree to decay i expanded the staircase a little bit but uh when i went back to the tree all i got was a load of saplings so i planted

Them down and got back to work on the stairs i ended up making a lot of progress on them and then started to realize how big this build was actually gonna be however i might not even make it to finishing the first layer of stairs if i don’t get some food soon

Because well i can’t even sprint anymore and had no way of getting food except waiting around so with that in mind i returned to my cobblestone box and mine couple for the rest of the day hoping that tonight a skelly would spawn and burn in the morning so i could finally

Get some bone meal for my farm and finally at some point during the night a skelly boy came up to my box and i quickly dispatched it getting one bone for all my troubles on the morning of day four i cautiously left my house to find an enderman a spider and the

Remains of two skellies now i had three bones that i made into bone meal and used on the farm after growing some crops i went out and made myself an infinite water source because i could and they’re very useful anyways after that i went and made my wheat into bread

And ate it but i was still a little bit off of healing so i also chopped down a tree in hopes of apples and finished off the first layer of the staircase and i’m not gonna lie he was looking pretty good so far after the layer was done i made a

Furnace and smelted down some wood that i could use to make some torches to help the tree grow at night okay so we’re four days in and we really don’t have much stuff that we can do right now except mine cobble so listen up my first

Goal in this 100 days is to make a mob grinder to help speed up the process of well basically everything but first to do that we need a lot of cobble so i spent the rest of day four and the entirety of day five mining this godforsaken block so that i had enough

To make the mob farm finally by the morning of day 6 i gathered enough cobble to start on the farm now i just went for the basic standard layout design of a mob farm because i don’t need anything fancy this would work perfectly because there’s no

Other land around for mobs to spawn on anyways by day seven the structure of the farm was built but i still needed a lot of wood for the trapdoors inside and also on day seven i grew my wheat and finally regen after almost a week on two

Hearts i felt strong again so strong in fact that i attacked a skelly but it’s all good he was one hit anyway after dealing with a skelly boy i used his remains to grow a tree and chopped it down and whilst waiting for more trees

To grow i got to work on removing the awful looking structure that i’ve been carrying in night previous and i also moved the cobblestone generator to a new place temporarily so that things weren’t just cluttered and when it got dark i built myself a tiny little hut next to

It and mined the night away again in hopes that some trees would grow by morning and on the morning of day eight no trees had grown even after i killed a skelly and got six bone mill still no trees and then to top it all

Off i went to try and go up my mob spawner and ended up breaking half my farm so i was really not having a good day anyways i went up and placed down all the trapdoors that i had that wasn’t many but hey it’s a start i also went

And placed water in all the spaces that pushed mobs down but ended up messing up and water logging a slab that then caused my farm to be ruined again so i just added enough wood enough i went down and removed all of the dirt so that i could make a better little farm

Without losing my crops every two seconds and now yet again i know this looks bad don’t worry it’s temporary until i can expand some more but to do that i kind of need wood but i’m using wood for trap doors and i barely have any wood in the first place you see the

Dilemma here also a tree grew and ended up with eight more trapdoors so that was that was pretty good i then went round and planted a few more saplings because this wood thing was taking way too long i then decided to spend the night in my little hut just afk because i really

Didn’t feel like mining any more cobble right now and i really just wanted these saplings to grow and well day nine was a much better day there was immediately already one tree grown so i chopped that down and made it into trapdoors and then decided to go around scavenging the

Sides of my island to see if any bones have been dropped there wasn’t any so i decided to head up and place my trap doors and by the time i came back down there was another fully grown tree for me i really think that my luck started

To come back here anyways i chopped the tree down and decided to work on the second layer of staircase whilst waiting for more trees to grow and sure enough after doing the staircase for a little while two more trees are grown then i then promptly chop down and now we only

Need 14 more trapdoors after a while of waiting around for more trees to grow i decided to make myself a fishing rod but i don’t really think i had a big enough body of water to catch anything so i kind of just put it in the chest to use

Later and then i realized that there was four more islands surrounding my main island there was one with a jungle tree on there’s one with a spruce tree there was a mushroom one and i think there was a swampy one but i couldn’t really make it out anyways i decided that i’d bridge

Over to the swampy one first thing in the morning so i spent all night mining again and in the morning i set out carefully bridging my way over the never-ending void to our first new island and well when i got over there it really didn’t have anything in fact the

Only things that i didn’t have that were on this island were vines and lily pads so not really anything i need right now so that was kind of disappointing anyways i returned back to my island and grabbed the last piece of wood that i needed to make the final trapdoors for the mob

Farm and boom just like that we now have a fully working mob farm so at least one good thing came out of this day and i actually ended up spending most of the night just camping out the farm on the morning of day 11 i tended to my farm

Made myself some food and then went around chopping down all the trees so that i could start work on the second layer of our island right here oh and i also took a couple swings at the mob farm because why not anyways i worked on building out the island for the rest of

The day so while this cinematic shot is playing let me tell you my plan for this first wooden lair you see it’s five blocks wide so in the middle of that all the way around all four sides of the island i can plant trees that will then

Become my tree farm and i’ve not seen many tree farms that are built in like a square form of this i don’t know if anybody’s doing it probably not it’s kind of stupid but either way that’s what we’re doing but yeah that’s my plan for the second layer and then the third

Of the layer will have something else on it i’m not too sure what it is yet but anyways after burning through all my wood i spent most of the night growing and chopping trees so that i could finish the expansion tomorrow but then the phantoms came so i went and hit in

My little hole again until i realized that i had enough strength to make a bed and finally on night 11 i went to sleep the first time as soon as i woke up on day 12 i got straight back to finishing off the second layer and after all the

Wood was placed i went round strategically and precisely placing the dirt perfectly spaced out so that it would look even on all sides and finally by the morning of day 13 the second layer of the island was done and we finally have a nice looking tree farm

And also now the middle area of the island was no longer overcrowded with trees and dirt after all that was done i smelted down some wooden to coal and went round placing torch everywhere so that no mobs were spawn outside of my spawner after placing down a load of

Torches i went and killed all the mobs in the grinder when i noticed that i had two witches in there and you see i need one of these to get a villager later down the line so i began the tedious process of capturing one and well it was extremely annoying and scary

At the same time but eventually i managed to separate one from the rest of the mobs in the spawner and now all i needed was a zombie villager and a golden apple but poppers i hear you ask how will you get such an item in skyblock some off-camera technique maybe

Some secret nobody knows about no i’m just gonna go in the nether and make a gold farm it’s that simple but that job’s for later because right now i just want to farm out this spawner and try and get some better armor to drop oh and

I also had an iron sword drop whilst getting the witch separated so uh yeah that was pretty nice anyways some mob killing later and i didn’t really get any better armor however i did find a potato that i then made into a lot more potatoes which would now become my main

Source of food and after i harvested them i went to bed and on day 14 i woke up and i made myself a smoker to help the cooking part of these potatoes go a lot smoother after cooking a few of them i got to work on sorting out and

Organizing all my storage because everything was just crammed into one chest and it was really triggering me because i am a neat freak when it comes to storage in this game anyways after my super tidy i got to work on expanding the island a bit more because well i had

Some leftover cobble and well i may as well use it now i didn’t get too much progress done because this place is getting kind of big now but hey progress is progress at the end of the day and on that topic by the time i was done

Expanding it was the end of the day so i went to bed okay now you remember as i mentioned that i wanted to make a gold farm earlier and well i was planning on making it later down the line but i realized that gapples could possibly save my life if something goes really

Bad so i decided to start gathering all the resources i would need to make a somewhat fast and efficient rudimentary gold farm so for the next three days i mined cobble and chopped trees non-stop until the end of day 17 when i had enough resources to start work on the

Farm oh and i also got my first eininger from a zombie as well so that was quite cool so on days 1822 i made myself a nether portal and now you may be wondering how i lit the damn thing but that’s okay let me explain i used my

Humongous brain that we all know i have obviously a joke but i used lava and wood to light it and then boom we were now in the nether but there was also a second portal in here which i’ve never seen before but i guess it’s just part of the map

Anyways the chest down here had a fire charge in it so i used it to light the second portal and learned that you cannot mine a gold block with a stone pick i don’t know why i thought you could uh but anyways after that incident i made myself a little platform and

Started work on the gold farm that would hopefully work first try and well they took a little bit of encouragement to jump off but oh boy was this thing efficient however it was very scary having like 30 pigmen to try and kill you anyways after having a few of them

Commit no longer part of the living realm i collected their remains and returned home to make myself a shield and then headed back into the nether to secure a little base around my portal just so that if some did survive the fall then they couldn’t get to me as

Easily oh and i also lowered the platform in which the pigs drop onto and die by two blocks just to make sure that as many died as possible even if they were wearing armor and well this just made the farm even better i mean just look at this thing now the odd pikmin

Can hit me if i’m not careful but if i like keep my distance and stuff like that this is the easiest source of gold ever i mean especially if there was a hopper system underneath as well but unfortunately we don’t have that luxury right now so uh yeah after a while of

Looting them i went home and it was night so i went to bed and on day 23 i woke up feeling very very good about things i mean we now had a mob farm and a gold farm and it felt pretty good to finally start getting

Some good materials and when i say good materials i mean good for skyblock anyways i start to smell down my golden swords into noogies and then crafted the noogies into ingots which i then used to make myself some golden apples now i know there aren’t many of them but don’t

Worry i’ll spend a while in the gold farm later to make more but for now my objective is to get a zombie villager and another witch because mine despawned sadly so i spent the rest of the day just swinging at the mobs in the spawner

Hoping to get one of the two spawn and well after a while of killing things i did indeed get another witch to spawn that i then quickly trapped again and now all i needed was a zombie villager in the process of waiting for one to spawn though i ended up finding a second

Witch and got two more iron drops from zombies but finally there he was my zombie villager i quickly freed him from the death pit and then trapped him in a boat built a roof over his head and got to work on making the witch throw a

Potion of weakness but that was a lot easier said than done you see they don’t throw them that often and when they do throw them you need to be less than three blocks away from the witch when they throw them but here’s the kicker they can also throw potions of harming

That will deal three hearts of damage so it’s very very risky but it is really worth it so i sat there and i tanked potion after potion after potion until finally i got hit with a potion of weakness and gave the zombie a golden apple and then i went to bed because

This man’s gonna need a while to cook before he turns back into a normal villager again so whilst waiting for that i took a few swings at the mob grinder and well i saw this skelly boy with diamond booties this man had hella drip and i didn’t actually know they

Could spawn with them on so i killed him but sadly no diamond boots for me so i decided whilst i’m waiting for mr villager over there to cook i may as well be productive so i decided to make some more progress on expanding the island some more until finally i got the

Achievement for curing a villager so i rushed over to see him and just look at this beautiful specimen i love him and therefore his name shall be the great he shall become my armorer from here on out but the the only problem with that is i need a blast

Furnace and well i only have two of the five iron needed so you know what that means right mindlessly slaughtering hordes and hordes of defenseless mobs until they drop me the loot that i’m looking for oh but wait there’s another zombie villager let me just put him in a

Boat oh wait no i can’t because sweeping edge has done what it does best absolutely nothing anyways it’s fine because i got another one to spawn and trapped it in the nether accidentally so i i don’t know what is going to happen with that one but yeah i chilled at that

Grinder all day and night and i didn’t get one single iron ingot so then i started thinking is there any other way to get them in skyblock and the only way i could remember was piglins piglens can trade them so all i need to do is stack

Up on gold and i literally have a farm for that so the iron problem is solved right so i rushed to the nether with two goals in mind i wanted to collect as much gold as possible and trade for as much iron as possible also when i got there i killed

The zombie villager because it wasn’t worth my time trying to cure him and bring him back but anyways my goal was to get a load of gold and to catch a piglet in a boat and then use them to trade with but well that was easier said

Than done so after about 20 minutes of piglins dying for random reasons when they hit the boat i realized that you can’t actually get in a boat by falling i’m pretty sure so i decided to go and make some hay bales instead and well would you look at that they worked first

Try and i got started with trading straight away and after trading like 40 something gold i actually ended up with 65 iron noogies that got made into seven iron ingots so that’s two more than i need anyway so overall this plan worked out pretty successfully anyways i headed

Back home to start smelting down some of the stone to craft my blast furnace that i then crafted and placed down to give this man a job and then i realized that i’d forgotten the biggest thing when it comes to trading with villagers i’d forgotten about emeralds the literal

Only currency in the game just slipped my mind you see i’d need emeralds to trade for armor so the entire point of the blast furnace was pointless right now so i just really quickly made a composter and made him a farmer so that i could actually get some emeralds so

Poppers was that entire time in the nether a big waste of time well no because i still need a blast furnace for the second villager so don’t worry we will get use out of it yet anyways after harvesting some crops and training with the villager it was getting dark so i

Called it a day on days 29 to 30 i worked on grabbing more cobblestone to expand the island a little bit more so that things were a little more open and by the end of day 30 all the stairs were finished and i had now made a start on

One of the sides of our new livable area okay so next up i wanted to branch out to some of the other islands to see if they had anything of use on them so i started out by heading over to the sprucy snowy island and decided to make

My bridge out of wood because then when i’m done i can just burn it down afterwards and it wouldn’t just chill there being a cobblestone like i saw forever and i mean if you ask me that’s a pretty genius idea however i never burnt them down anyways i got over to

The island and well it had a pumpkin and some snow on it so i decided to gather up all the snow and maybe make a snow golem later so i could have like an army of them to defend my island and i also noticed that there’s an amethyst cluster

Or geode or whatever they’re called just chilling at the side of the island but i really wasn’t interested in getting anything that he had to offer me so instead of going and looting that i patiently waited for a sapling from the spruce tree and well i never got one so

I headed back home put all the stuff from the island in a chest and then headed over to the mushroom island next but before setting off i grabbed my bed to take with me because it was starting to get dark and i really did not want to

Get stranded over there with phantoms or something attacking me anyways i got over to the island and it was just covered in mushrooms so i placed my bed down and went to sleep and on day 31 i harvested the mushrooms and some dirt and then i returned home to store some

Stuff away and to get to work on some other things like tidying up the center of the island because it was a mess and it was really starting to bother me so i moved a few things around and boom look at this look at how much better this

Looks and yeah the villager hut thingy’s still there but it’s just another one of those temporary structures that’s going to be there for a while and you also may be wondering what happened to the cobblestone generator and to that i say i built an underground platform to store the cobblestone generator storage and

Water source on so yeah it keeps the top pretty tidy and it’s pretty cozy down there and now with all that being done i took a few swings at the mob farm and ended up getting attacked by a zombie and then went to bed okay now these are

Some busy days coming up you see i decided to go into the nether and have a look around because my render distance was now higher than it was earlier and i could see all of the extra nether islands all around me so i thought it’d

Be a good idea and worth my while to head over to the fortress to see if there’s any cool stuff over there and when i finally got there i was expecting like a blaze spawner but actually all i got was glowstone and netherwar there really wasn’t much else here it was

Quite disappointing actually so i took all the stuff headed back home and put it all in a chest now i got to work on getting the second villager so i’d need a second witch and a second zombie villager so after a while of killing at

The spawner i got a witch and a zombie villager to spawn at the same time but unfortunately i had to kill the zombie but it’s fine though because i eventually trapped the witch whilst almost dying to it and after that i went to bed because i didn’t really want to

Risk losing my current like villager villager to a zombie to then end up being a zombie villager again but in the morning it was straight back to bonking the mobs at the spawner until finally i got a zombie villager to spawn so i broke him out trapped him in a boat and

Started the process of curing him when i realized that i didn’t have any gapples left so i headed another to grab some and then almost died to this pig man right here which very very scary anyways i found some gold and now we can finally cure him and after literally all

Day of trying to get a weakness potion and failing miserably i went to bed and continued on in the morning when finally i cured the villager and now i just have to kill some time so i harvested and cooked up some more of my potatoes and

Then went to bed so for the next few days i got up and i checked my villager who is now completely cured and ready to start work so i quickly made him an armorer and started the long and tedious process of leveling up both the villagers and collecting as many animals

As possible so i got to work on harvesting and growing crops for the next few days whilst trading with the villagers at any given opportunity and i also expanded the temporary farm a little bit too oh and wondering trader spawn so that was kind of cool i guess

He really didn’t have anything i wanted but hey it gets lonely up here in this like harsh void you know it’s nice to have a friend every so often anyways by day 40 i got some insane trades for diamond armor for one emerald i couldn’t

Believe it so i snatched it all up and boom we’re now fully kitted out i mean just look at this man right here you can’t even touch me look at this anyways after purchasing my extreme drip i uh dug up all the dirt and i went to

Bed because on the following days i work more on the expansion because well i really wanted to get these villagers at home so that i could breed them some more and get more trades for diamond tools and weapons so uh yeah all i did for two days was break wood and place

Wood and well looked damn good whilst doing it and by the middle of day 43 the third layer was finally finished and the island was starting to get pretty big anyways i got to work on replanting some of the trees and planning out where i wanted to put these villages

And on day 44 i got to work on building them their home which isn’t really a home it’s kind of like an area that turned out to look like a prison cell but it’ll do for now okay it’ll do for now anyways now i need to go and grab these annoying

Boys and bring them to a new house which is well a lot easier said than done because for some reason they don’t like to move in a matter of fact they didn’t move at all i had to forcefully push them all the way there eventually by the

End of the day i had both of them in there and then i went and made three beds one for each of the two villagers and one for my soon-to-be third villager if they even decided to move anyways i spent the night with them in the prison

So on day 45 when i woke up i noticed that my chest were extremely messy again so i just had to spend all day just tidying them up and organizing everything properly because there was a lot of stuff just all over so yeah it

Was kind of a boring day but i think now is the correct time to tell you about this video sponsor it’s it’s you you know you you there just sat there watching this video laid there watching this video it’s you uh if you enjoy it please drop a like and subscribe i’d

Greatly greatly appreciate it and it really goes a long way anyways back to day like 40 ticks anyways back on track on day 46 i got to work on breeding the villagers by giving them food and a little farm so hopefully the next time i come over here there’s three villagers

Not two anyways after that i bridged over to another nether island to see if there was anything of interest over there and whilst i was bridging over i spotted a chest on the island but when i got there it was just another version of the skyblock island so where i stole the

Lava bucket and left varying never to return to another of these islands ever again then i decided to farm some gold for some gapples that i could actually use instead of having to be used to cure villages and everything was going good until i got bonked a couple times and

Got a little bit scared but other than the bonks i was just kind of sat here chilling out just farming gold for 20 minutes and on day 47 i returned to the overworld and crafted myself a load of gapples that i could actually use on myself like i said instead of curing

Villagers and well on that topic of villagers let’s go check on them ah still no child but that’s okay i spent the rest of the day smelting down all my iron armor and stuff to make into nuggies that i then made into a pickaxe and mined cobble all night because well

Here’s a pretty big time jump you see i really wasn’t happy with how the island looked and i really wanted to expand it some more so that i could build some actual structures on it so i got to work on doing some massive expansions for five days i worked tirelessly mining and

Placing cobblestone and wood and gradually making the island bigger and bigger until now i present to you the newly improved island just just look how massive this thing is now all i need to do is just add builds and farms and stuff that’s it it’s too big now and on

Day 54 i got to work on building my farm again and this time i separated my carrots and potatoes into their own section so that i didn’t get any mixed up and i don’t really need to plant any wheat because well i can’t farm it with the villages anyways so

There’s really no point to it anyways after the farms were done i got to work on a villager trading hall and well it was kind of more of like a hut area thing than a hall but uh yeah i just wanted to give them a better place to live

But i also wanted to build it out of dark oak so i made my way over to the dark oak island but by the time i got over there it was already getting pretty dark so i quickly grabbed the wood and a few saplings and cautiously headed back

Home and went to bed and on day 55 i got to work on building the village as their new home and well i didn’t have a clear design in mind so it was kind of just all over the place and i kept removing and replacing loads of blocks and it was

Just kind of messed up until the morning of the next day when i had a basic design of the place laid out but to continue on any more work with it i needed some glass and i knew there was a wandering trader selling some red sand

But i think he despawned now because i can’t find him anywhere so i didn’t really know what to do about the glass situation until i remembered the librarians can trade glass for emeralds so i went to check on the villagers to see if i could actually you know do this

And well they still hadn’t bred so i gave them more food and took my anger out on the mob farm and kind of just waited around for the rest of the day just hoping for them to breed and well after waiting out most of the day i went

Back to check on them before going to bed and they had finally bred but now i had to wait for it to grow up so i headed to bed and spent the next couple of days farming again to stack up on some emeralds so that i can get the

Trades flowing and hopefully get some glass soon and well i did some trading whilst waiting too because it’d be a waste of my time considering that they can only refresh up to twice a day and on the morning of day 59 i went to check

On the villagers as soon as i got up and the child was now a fully grown adult all i needed now was a bookshelf and the only way to get one of those is through sugarcane and leather so i went and planted some sugar cane down and then

Went to the gold farm trying to get some trades going with a piglet in hopes of getting some so after a while of farming out these poor piggy boys i ended up with enough gold to start trading with these two lovely fellows right here who would happily supply me with a fire

Resistance potion and five leather so we had just enough for a bookshelf so after my success in the nether i once again returned home when i realized that i already had 17 leather in my farming chest dear god i’m so blind on day 61 we were

Still waiting for the sugar cane to grow and sadly you can’t bone meal it so i guess we just wait but no i was actually quite productive and built myself a house while waiting for the sugar cane to grow but i couldn’t finish it again because well i needed glass but uh yeah

Even without the glass you can kind of see the design close enough and it still looks kind of cool but it is a very basic house but eh what can you really expect it’s skyblock anyways by the morning of day 64 i finally had enough sugarcane to make the paper to make the

Books to make the bookshelf to make the lectern to then finally make my third villager a librarian and then it was time for me to start trading to get my sand but after most of the days trading i ran out of emeralds but i actually did end up getting a mending trade

Completely by accident so that was pretty cool anyways i continued trading on the following day because i really needed this glass and i know you could say hey papa’s just go to the island with the glass on it with the cacti and stuff well i i’d love to but it won’t be

Enough glass all right i need a lot of this stuff anyways more trading later and well i maxed him out and guess what he didn’t trade glass for anything so i openly admit the fee and went to bed very upset though on day 66 i got up and

Immediately headed over to the sand island and grabbed every single grain of sand that there was and then i took it back home and smelted it down when i got the achievement for smelting it that made me go and check the achievement book and well would you look at that

Husks drop sand do they okay after reading that i went to bed and on day 67 i ran over to the desert island to start expanding it out to try and get some husks spawning tonight because well i’ve never farmed these things before so i don’t really know what to expect so i

Sat in a little shed until nightfall and well not a single husk spawned all night so at this point i was feeling pretty defeated so i just headed home now on the morning of day 68 i wasn’t giving up and i was determined to get sand by

Trading again so i went over to the villagers i gave them another bed and i gave them more food when i realized that my island was actually way too big to build stuff on i really don’t know why i wanted it this big but it was starting to become a problem

Because things started looking very desolate and empty but anyways i ended up seeing in the achievement that you could actually go to the end so i went back into the nether and had a look around the fortress area again for no reason other than a little birdie aka

The site of the map told me that there was a portal on top of it and well would you look at that there was a portal on top of it and after finding the end poll i returned home and threw away a billion gold tours that were in my inventory and

Then went and checked on the villages that hadn’t bred just yet so i decided to spend the rest of the day replacing the cobblestone in the centre of my island with wood because it fit the kind of theme that i was going for better so

On the next day i went and checked on the villagers and hey would you look at that we have another one now all we need to do is have it grow anyways after the villager visit i noticed that my island was now burning so i went and put it

Stop to it before things got really out of hand and well why is the cobblestone generator always the thing that sets everything on fire i i awful contraption anyways after the fire incident this is when i realized that i really did not like how my island looked at all and i

Wanted to completely redo the whole entire thing from start all of it just gone all right gone so after waiting for my villagers to grow and making him a toolboy i traded for some diamond tools and got to work on tearing down all of my hard work up to this point just to

Rebuild it better and well i’ll let the footage roll for you now but in the last 100 days video 100 days in one block skyblock i built everything in a square modular kind of island design and so i thought this time instead of doing it in

Squares i’ll do it in circles instead so uh yeah by the time everything was torn down i started a circle around my mob grinder and that became my main circular island that was then very quickly followed by a tree farm island and then a nether portal island and then finally

A villager island that was actually very easy to keep them from getting out and from things going it was just easy to keep them in there okay and also i kind of like how it came out it’s a little bit square but it looks pretty good anyways after the success of the

Villager island i went and made the cobblestone generator its own island that way you wouldn’t be burning anything down anytime soon after the cobble island was done i made a storage slash base of operations island and then after that i made a mushroom island because why not they look cool and why

Would i not want giant mushrooms oh would you look at that it’s another island what will it be that’s right it’s pond island why because it looks cool and well i’m trying to make up for how bad the last build was anyways next up is possible enchantment table island but i don’t

Know if i’m gonna be able to get an enchantment table because of just a lack of obsidian so it’s kind of just an island with bookshelves on it for now anyways now that everything was finally torn down and rebuilt i removed the platform from underneath and got to work

On bridging over to the jungle island to grab the saplings to then add to the tree farm and then i did the exact same thing for the birch island i went and grabbed the saplings brought them back home planted them down and yeah there we

Go i went to bed now on the next couple days i headed back into the nether because i decided it was time to start work on getting potions and well to do that i’d need blaze rods and blaze powder so i ran over to nether fortress

Chunk and set up a little blaze spawning platform and well it really didn’t take long for our first place to spawn however i had to kill it over the void so no rod for me but that’s okay though because two spawned shortly afterwards and now we

Have our first blaze rod after a while of farming blaze later i finally had enough rods to head home and start brewing but not really because i still needed the netherwall farm so i grabbed some food and i headed back into the nether to start farming some gold to

Trade with the piglens to get some soul sand which made me realize that i probably shouldn’t have thrown away the stuff that i got traded to me earlier but hey it is what it is anyways i traded with the piggies until i got a decent amount of soul sand and i

Also got a few water bottles which were obviously going to be very useful for me to make potions in them because well i have a very little amount of sand anyways then i returned home and sorted out my stuff and now on day 88 i made my netherwar farm island and don’t worry

I’m not copying the exact same builds i did last time i made two nether biome islands last time so i’m not doing that again anyways the fun was done so while i waited for them to grow i made a brewing stand and set everything else up now all i needed was slow falling

Instant health and maybe swiftness but that’s not necessary for the fight so i decided to stay up all night because i needed phantoms to start coming after me so that i could actually get a phantom membrane for slow falling potions so after staying up all night on day 89

I built myself a melon farm because i would really need glistening melons to make instant health potions so one very useless melon farm later and now we only needed the phantom membranes and the nether warp so it was basically just a waiting game so i kind of just

Decided to set my mob grinder for a day whilst waiting for the phantoms to spawn to try and get some enchanted bows to combine into an even better bow you kind of know how this goes at this point and i also may or may not have killed a load

Of iron golems to get in a fight to make an anvil you know that’s up for debate whether i did whether i didn’t there’s no proof anyways by this point i was literally like four iron off of getting the anvil so i grabbed all my gold and headed back

Into the nether to try and trade with piglins to uh to get some but apparently this piglet was done with my business and tried scamming me by running away with my gold and then all of a sudden he just disappeared how how strange anyways uh more trading later and i

Finally had enough noogies to make the final ingot i needed so i headed home i grabbed all my bows i crafted my anvil i then combined all my bows into an even stronger bow and then went and traded for some more armor from the villagers

Which i then combined until i ran out of xp to do so so then i headed back to the gold farm to get more xp because it was faster than farming out the grinder and then almost died to this guy right here that was very very scary so i just kind

Of panicked and kept slapping him until he died but anyways after repeating the process of just going to the gold farmer and chanting my armor it was finally all upgraded and now all i needed to do was make the potions so i went and harvested my netherwart starts cooking up some awkward potions

And then i harvested my melon to make some glistening melon to then make my instant health potions which are then immediately upgraded and made into splash potions and now all i was waiting for was phantoms that should come tonight and well they did so i killed

Them i took the membranes and then i went to bed and on day 94 i woke up i brewed my final potions and now it was time for me to fight the dragon so without any further ado let’s go so we getting to the end and i

Immediately make a run for the middle sniping out one or maybe two towers in the process then i head over and start towering up the biggest pillar and from there i took out all but two of the crystals and then pretty to tower up and destroy the last two now it’s time for

The dragon so i sniped at him for a while with the bow until he came into perch and i gave him a good old bonking with my axe but he wasn’t happy about it because he ended up throwing me halfway across the end and then flew away a few

More bow shots later and he came into perch for the last time and well just like that the dragon was dead easy clap once again anyways now you know what time it is that’s right it’s time to go and get the elytra and oh my god i hope

It doesn’t take 10 years like it did last time whoop and now we’re in the end cities and well i searched for a whole maybe two minutes before i found a city and well it had a ship so i was extremely relieved that i wouldn’t have

To spend like hours in here again so uh yeah i ran straight up to it getting beaten left right center upwards downwards backwards everywhere by shulkers until i reach the stairs to the ship and then once again using the shulker levitation i jumped over ran under the deck and grabbed my elytra as

Well as some pretty good rolled tools there was some pretty good stuff down there anyways after the final achievement of this journey was made i quickly made myself out of the end cities back to the main island grab the dragon egg and jump back through the

Portal to get back home once i was back to my home islands i sorted out my inventory and gave the dragon egg to the villagers because i was feeling quite generous and then on day 97 i headed back into the end to grab some obsidian to finish upgrading the nether portal island but

Uh well it didn’t really get upgraded that much in a matter of fact i thought it looked quite weird but then finally on the final two days you remember all that time ago when i tried fishing in the little two by two area and i couldn’t well i decided to spend my

Final two days doing something that i couldn’t do before i ended up just fishing for the final two days that’s all i did i had no reason to or i had no gold to get anything out of it i just wanted to use the fishing rod that i

Made all that time ago and finally on day 100 we’ve done it again we’ve survived another 100 days in hardcore minecraft and i also want to apologize for this video being a little bit shorter than my normal 100 days videos i’ve been quite ill while working on it

And i’m also working on a second project alongside it so stay tuned for updates from that anyways thank you all so very much for watching if you want more content from me between 100 days videos i stream quite regularly over on twitch and if you want any updates on that then

Follow me on twitter both are linked down in the description below and on screen now but anyways i love and appreciate you all stay safe till next time and i’ll see you all in the next video adios

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft SKYBLOCK Hardcore!!’, was uploaded by IT’S POPPERS on 2022-03-05 20:49:00. It has garnered 2905175 views and 68333 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:46 or 2266 seconds.

In this video I attempt to survive 100 days in Minercaft Skyblock.

I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft SKYBLOCK Hardcore!!

Please subscribe, like and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video! Support the channel futher to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC52AgUzQc8mQh9Jx9a3MS0Q/join ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ I Stream on Twitch! https://Twitch.tv/ITSPOPPERS Shaders – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders Map- – https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/skyblock-4/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Socials Twitter: https://twitter.com/PoppersYa Discord: https://discord.gg/ASyMrDwvc3 Instagram: Ya_Boi_poppers Twitch: https://Twitch.tv/ITSPOPPERS Business enquiries: [email protected] Skin by: https://twitter.com/BananBlocks ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🖥McProHosting – https://mcph.to/poppers Use Code Poppers at checkout for 15% off! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ This series is influenced by other Minecraft creators such as Luke TheNoteable ,Wadzee and Philza. In this series I try my best to challenge myself survive 100 days in diffrent situations

Not 100 Days in RLCraft in Minecraft Hardcore – RLCraft Version 2.9 or I Survived 100 Days in ONE BLOCK SKYBLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore! or any other I survived 100 days in minecraft video but me surviving 100 days in Minecraft skyblock hardcore

#minecraft #hardcore #100days :))

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    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/dynastycraft-official-modpack.1982222/aboutDiscord Server: https://discord.gg/fRKxthEv32View our Dynasty Tree: https://app.mural.co/t/dynastycraft4614/m/dynastycraft4614/1703342169285/7d3e8296da894640518ff985c62981ae56bd74bb?sender=u4466355caa360503a5113250 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft SKYBLOCK Hardcore!!